Eastern reflector, 8 May 1889

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i i ii m nip
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in
Eastern Reflector,
per year.
the wretched prisoners,
In their cells to-day
Whatever the sin that tripped them,
God pity them still I say.
Only a of sunshine,
by rusty
Only a patch of azure.
Only a cluster of stars.
Only a barren future,
To starve their hope upon;
Only stinging memories
Of a past better gone.
Only scorn from women,
hate from men,
Only remorse to whisper
a life that might have been.
Husbands, Up
Amber, in Chicago Tribune.
is so much excellent advice
given to wives, a change,
we turn around and read the
In the same way one might
drink soda water by the pailful, or
consume caramels by ton
Newspapers, read by husbands in
selfish solitude, are answerable for
many wifely heartaches, flow
democratic, rut ;
-ill not to Democratic j
men and measures that are not consistent
the true principles of the party.
. u . ,;. perhaps their unstained feet
f MM I m mother
Toward the golden street.
Once they were little children.
bands a little correct good stories and racy
behavior. It is high some dotes do Ton tell our wife to make
one took them in hand;
though I have had my eye upon
them for a good while, I have been
bothered to find a ripe
the first place, to plunge right
into the midst of things without
further waiting, how do you go
home to you wife at night Chap-
have been written as to how
she ought to receive you; now let
her laugh How many roses do
pin on your coat and how care-
are yon of your appearance in
the Ion ; evenings, there is no-
body by but her to be captivated by
your charms and bewildered by
your manly beauty There is just
exactly as excuse for her
a little more, it may if her dross
is slatternly and hair untidy as
there is for you, and there is
section of the State send for the
Therefore, if in life's forest
They since have lost their way,
For the sake of her who loved them,
God pity them still I say.
O. mothers gone to heaven
With earnest heart I ask
That your eyes may not look earthward
On the failure of your task
For even in those mansions
The choking tears would rise.
Though the fairest hand in heaven
Would wipe them from your eyes
G. Fowle. of Wake,
M. Holt.
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
of j And you who judge so harshly.
Superintendent of Public Instruction Are yon sure the
Sidney M. Finger of Thai tripped feet of others
Attorney F. David- Might not bruised your own i
Are you sure the sad-faced angel
Who writes our errors down
Will ascribe to you more honor
me say a word the other side ; little either of you.
of the question. When find You excuse your indifference and
tired little woman who has been so j neglect and the withdrawal of fond
hard at work all day with five and foolish attentions, just as dear
and an girl, her forty at twenty, with
callers, and miscellaneous jobs of j the well, she knows I
mending, pastry making and pick- love her; what's of
ling, that she has found no time to j our By and by there
cm her hair and put on her best come a time when you shall see
gown to meet you, what do you do j her in her coffin, perhaps, and
Do you, like dear old
This and be Surprised.
The who see elaborate
tides every day on the vast miner-
wealth of Georgia, Alabama and
and have doubtless
looked upon North Carolina as a
poor relation of the more prosperous
sisters, will read statement
with surprise probably with in-
credulity, that North Carolina is
equal to, and doubtless develop-
will prove her greatly the
of either of the States men-
She has gold in paying
quantities in counties
and silver in five. She furnishes all
the and nearly all the mica
in United States. lier
supply of the finest quality of
is inexhaustible, and she has be-
sides more important and useful
mineral, and rare gems than can be
found in any other State in the
Union- She has copper mines that
have paid millions of dollars,
coal mines furnished the sooth in
What is Happening Around Us.
As Reflected from the State
I stood on the bridge at midnight
as drunk as a son-of-a-gun, two
moons rose o'er the city, when there
ought to have been one. I could see
their bright reflection, in the waters
under me, and I experienced a feel-
of wonder and great curiosity.
If one bad been there, would
not have been in doubt, but what Salisbury Steam was
two moons were I could not j turned on the new engine at
Burton, aged
only son of It. C. Burton, of Durham,
was drowned while bathing on
I Knitting factory Monday and it
work smoothly and well.
Twenty-two thousand dollars
have been subscribed to build a
Young Men's Association
son, of Buncombe.
Chief N. II. Smith, of
Associate S. Merrimon. of
Joseph J. Davis, of
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonzo C. Avery. of Burke.
Than him on whom yon frown V
Or, if a steadier pose
Unto your life is given ;
A stronger will to conquer.
A smoother path heaven
If. when temptations meet you.
You crush them with a smile ;
If you can chain pale Marian
And keep your lips from guile
fellow, take her worn face
into a worm embrace and whisper j
in her I
have got home, and we'll share the
cares for the rest of the day. Yon
her hour of need. She has mines
j you would sell your soul that day to of the best quality of iron ore ex-
be able to shine away long years of; tending through the state for a dis-
neglect with the manifestation of three and lour
of the love that was always in your j hundred miles, many of which will
heart, certainly, but carefully kept I compare favorably with any in our
on ice. Call it if you i neighboring States, in one case ed me to Tide.
like, or any other name of contempt, at least, that of the celebrated i
but tell you there is nothing so Cranberry mine, is incomparably Wide for May brings to a
well make out. The tide was slowly
ebbing, I could hear the waters roll,
as I stood in the wavering shadows
to hide from the patrol. How
often, oh how often in the days of
long I have tried to cross J in of Washington
at midnight, got left every time.
I was hot and restless j Clark instructed the grand
mind was full of and Jury of Cleveland county to indict
walk that lay before me, was more Commissioners for fail
than I could bear. I had no to do their duty in building
key with me, and locked would be
the door, and would have to sit There are only persons in the
in the door-way as oft have done State all except these
before. I'd have to sit in the door- being out out on contracts. There
way in agony and fear, till a voice are two babies, one lour years old
said from the the window, the and the other an in the pen
lodge hold late, my dear So to now.
I stood there dreaming, and; The ex Confederate veterans of
watched the restless tide, till a cop good county of Sampson have
decided to erect a monument to the
memory of their dead Confederates
at Clinton.
Coal Production.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The total production of coal in the
world during the year 1889 is put
by a high authority at
tons, of which the United States
produced Of the home
product is
with or more than one.
half Little coal is exported from
the United States except to Canada,
which took from us last
tons. The Dominion levies
tax of cents per ton on
coal, while anthracite, under a
new regulation, is admitted free.
Phil. Record, Dem.
appointment of Pat to
the mission was a master
stroke, don't you think so,
remarked the President
as he gazed at a calendar
marked 1892.
tautly; so; but have you
enough foreign missions left to
hold the, German, French, Scotch,
English, Welch, Italian, Swedish,
Norwegian, Danish, Hun-
Australian, Grecian,
and Arabian vote T That's
what worries
i came along with a wagon, and
go rest yourself while put
; and Trot and to history as the van- , superior to any in the States men-1 close popular serial
Do you see that she sits to manifest a love or as to matter, on the.
Mount A
was appointment Postmaster
for which some
First II. Brown, of
Second Philips, of Then bless the hand that crowned you
Remembering as you go.
Third G. Connor, of not your own endeavor
Sixth T.
Seventh District
Weldon News.
. o . These are three towns on the
Team n. Merrimon,; Scotland Neck extension. They
j have all been laid off and
Eighth a. Armfield, of,
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth C. of
Twelfth District
of Buncombe.
. , ., . it maps made them. In a short
Sena K. of Meek-1
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-1, time an auction of lots will take
i place, due notice of which will be
Hoc of District . ,, ,
Thomas G. Skinner, of i is eight miles from
Second col. Neck and five miles from
at of the
Pender. Greenville and Norfolk and
II- Bunn, of
Fifth w. Braver, of
minister to
keep silent while she reads the
evening paper and are
yon mindful of and slam-
I ming doors while she takes her
ease in slippered content Do the
stars dance the Newport, and docs
the moon sing psalm times Just
i about as much as yon do all
i You expect the hushed home, and
the siesta with the paper, and the
slippers for yourself, to be sure, and
and if you them you think
you're terribly abused, and ten to
; The David Vane
. friend went hungry; American continent, if not in David to give place who
eat chair while you skip around and ,,, , ., pan write his name in
i through slow years world. As regards quantity, this Charles II. Talbot's story of I
has an outcrop about Fair to competent and first-
her wants Do
That shaped your nature so
of. And sneer not at the weakness
Which made a brother fall,
of For the hand that lifts the fallen
God loves the best of all
i And pray for the prisoners
C. of All over the land to-day,
j That a holy hand in pity
May wipe their guilt away.
and stupid reserve.
Canada no Refuge-
Goldsboro Argus.
So, it seems, Canada is to no
longer a of
feet, and the breadth 1.00 to
feet. The ore is pure magnetite
its tensile strength as tested by
it in to a
pause, too, Margaret Sidney's
i ,, t-. ,. . not give the required bond, and the
Little Peppers Midway to go . ;,,,,,.;.
with them next
one off to the to escape
waited a long time in says
the Baltimore for the consent i
of our Senate to a treaty securing
the States and Canada re i
expedition agreements
Canadians have to give
back whenever we
I the U. S. Ordinance Department
ranks with that of the best iron
known. The blooms from the
berry forges a ton
above the market for boiler Its
quality is unsurpassed by any iron
the world. Tins property itself
would make our State an important
producer, and with her other
was withdrawn.
Free The truck
planted around this season
is six or eight times as great as any
previous year. Mr. Jno. C. Woolen,
Sr., will require about barrels
the noise and confusion, but you ask for them, ever if we arc resolved
never take it into your Mad to con-
sider that the day has been just as
busy, and a thousand times more
lull of petty cares for her as for you-
You bolt the and the
; railroads. is IS miles
from Scotland Neck and miles
of j Hamilton at junction of the
S. Henderson.
first thing say isn't
supper ready I'm as hungry as a
keep that child quiet or,
the use of but so coal
Turn off damper You are
enough to a
and of the
ad dread.
Court A. Move.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of II. James.
B. Cherry.
Commissioners-Council Dawson, Chair-
man. Guilford Mooring.
W. A. James, Jr. T. K. Keel.
Board of
Chairman J. and J. D.
Public School
of F. W. Brow n.
M. Bernard.
J. Fe
The warehouse at Coop- i
is in course of erection and the
lumber for that at has
been put on the ground and this
will be completed within two weeks.
The town of is high and
healthy and the water excellent. A
contract has been made for brick
with which to build an oil mill and
pine, straw at by a
join stock company. Five acres of
laud have been purchased by North-
lumbermen, saw mills of
the bleat of a lamb.
Suppose you had been a hansom
cab driver, a board of trade
cook in a cash boy for
a dry goods house, a kindergarten
teacher and a hospital nurse all
combined for the whole day long,
wouldn't you be more tired,
wouldn't there be more for
your irritability than .-hen you
have simply attended to a single
systematized branch of business.
A woman is required to be every.
feet capacity will be thing from a reception committee
erected as as Norfolk and j receive calls in parlor, to a
. railroad i- completed to that in the and a chief
These same gentlemen will executive in the kitchen, while a
large general store in; business man devotes himself to a
in the near future. trade or profession.
Perkins and A. F.
street through which the railroad
and Third feet wide, the principal
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. N. c. business street is feet wide and
Hushes, D. D., Rector. ., . , , ., ,. .
Methodist-Sen Sunday, feet
and night. Prayer Meeting is destined to lie a place of largo
Wednesday night. Rev. R. R. John,
And next, how- do entertain
your wife evenings f If you were
invited into a neighbor's house, to
u ii of with
every Sunday, morn-
and Meeting every
Wednesday night.
places of considerable
The men who are interest
ed in their growth are men of brain
energy judgment, and have the
money to carry out to the utmost
Greenville Lodge. No. A. F. A. , .
M. meet every 1-t Thursday and
day night after the at i
Lodge, n m King, w. m. The Vanity of Men.
R. A. No. meets ,
even- Ind and nights at Ma-i i. w. . , .,
sonic Hall. F. W. It been charged that
would a perfectly
D- H b I what
insurance No. K. of that the lair sex demonstrates this
meet, eve and third Friday night. I fact by with
D. D. Haskett, D. . I Now let us see. sir, how you
Pitt Council, No. 2.16, a. L. of H., meets at every turn. May be the. . . . v .
C. A. White, c. .- wife. You stand in
wile and daughter, bow would you
them. I wonder Why,
you would put a posy
and slick up your hair, and
blow a little perfume out of the
atomizer all over yourself, and
throughout, the evening you would
overflow with bright anecdotes and
be so racy and charming that after
you had gone away everybody
not but be painful reading to such
of our intending as have
been looking to Canada as a place
of refuge from the indignation of
their victims.
however in
the fresh tale of Little Pep
Father Mrs. General
Fremont has a long story this
number, entitled a tale
of wild mining of in
California; a breathless tale j to puck his crop of Irish potatoes,
oilier experiences. is Scotland Neck Mr. J.
a by B. S. Thornton of two Y. Savage is now shipping
beautiful dogs, real dogs, known to, from bis ti tick garden lettuce and
large deposits of rich iron ore, and j many Boston young people. asparagus to the Hotel Farrar at
her other vast mineral resources, i Downer's is a swinging Tarboro, besides supplying many
she ought to and will be in the ballad of a brave little chap customers at home. lie finds sale
of the great mineral by Mrs. Clara Hates. for ail be can raise. This shows
May by Mrs. Frances j what trucking would do in our sec-
A. gives an account of j if we would pay attention to it.
last year's May Dy celebration j A
which the author enjoyed with the j ,,, m. what . to ft
j children of a little English village., ant
I A chapter of the Children of the ; k pounds, passed
The only men who are worth white House series, Mrs Harriet
ton town or community, says Taylor Upton is House j
exchange, those who can forget of Andrew and is
is a growing sentiment all
over the country that the President
should represent the
other words, that he should be
by popular, not the
vote. Mr. Cleveland, at the
last election, received one
hundred thousand more votes than
did Mr. Harrison, yet the latter was
elected. The people will demand,
we believe, that highest office In
the land shall be filled by the man
preferred by the majority not
the minority, as is at present the
There are now the State seven-
teen hundred and Farm-
Alliances, they are doing
good work the cause of
C. C.
W ion. N. C
to cling still to
This is forcibly , ,
. , ,. . . States of the South.
ed in Weldon Extradition bill j .
passed Canadian of to a Town
on measure which
Statesville Landmark.
This bill, as the Philadelphia. ,.,,,
resets forth, adds to the list own ends long enough j anecdotes and pictures,
offenses already under ex- are nitrations being t
embezzlement, ob- i encourage every public and firelight glow over the grim
I far m calculated to build up anecdotes; notable this week a from
them in the He has been
i i A town might as well House Kitchen shad u
. ,, arc ready
tan or goods or valuable . . . .
r , , , to forward ; is y readable,
securities under false and I
agent or public
or other corporation, made criminal
by any law in force in the country j
in which the crime is committed.
If this bill becomes a law,
bank embezzlers and
will need to seek some other refuge
than Canada.
through this city yesterday en route
for the national museum at Wash-.
It was caught at one of the
life saving stations on our coast
below is a wonder to
all fishermen.
La Grange Spectator We saw
this week a from the
Id us
that he has sold buck shad this seas-
on at apiece, and row shad at
cents apiece. In the beginning
of the season the highest price re-
was cents for row,
cents for bucks.
Goldsboro While coupling
Strike While the Iron is Hot-
, the appreciation of their own
New Bern JoannA. property are to be pitied. They are
while the iron is is a not the men who put own
good maxim, applicable to all shoulder to the wheel and help build
and among all people. j town. They belong to a class
Improve the present who to take all they
for the present moment is all that j of some building and
man can claim as his own. To-1 enterprise, but are not willing to do
morrow may be too late
This is a favorable time for the
development of North Car.
Attention has been called to-
vast resources and incomparable
advantages, and the people of other
communities are turning their steps
hither to a land of promise.
We invite and char-
to come and share with us our
pare for its as to become in-; .;, G. little dog
different to the industries en- j
in its m who There is a by
come to town to make it their future j Mrs a
home, who see enough j Song by an art-
before them to see that money placed by Louise
judiciously in public enterprises of j rt noted
their own will bear a hundred fl train with many other cars on the local W. W. freight at
stories poems. j depot yesterday morning
We notice that Wide Shepard Hill, a colored train
children who have undertaken to who has bis home, we learn, in this
build the dining-room in Ram- city, was over and killed in-
School Helen Memo- -----There is a young hen
have received a gilt of in this city, the of. Mr.
to their fund from Mr. Mrs. on Widow's Hill, that
Bradbury of Ohio. is undoubtedly entitled the
Wide is a year. D. Although only ten months
Company, Publishers, old this hen has already raised one
Boston. i brood of chickens and is now cluck-
to her second, which were
How many churches do you suppose batched out last week.
would be built this Christian land ,,.,, , ,,
Concord Timid ones
n. c
Any to will he
Promptly Attended to.
A W,
N. C.
in the State Federal Courts
anything. It is the town that has
most enterprising citizens it
that grows most
Wilson Mirror.
Never suspect a friend of doing
you a until the truth of it is
as plain and as clear as the at
noon on a cloudless day, and then.
ladies do have many looking glasses,
Order hours
be from to P. n. and
from to p. w.
front of the fire and pick teeth
but what men . , , , , , ,
. , . , with a wooden toothpick until she
,, M cigar store does not have its cigar L , . . . ,
In . ii i. iv . .-f the children to bed,
a. n. to p. m. No or-1 lighter hung before a mirror What , . .
and every now and then yon make
a few cheerful remarks the
bar-room does not flank its gorgeous
daily Sun- bar with a big What bar-, , ,
at 9--30 A. M., and depart., at p u. is , i, a mirror of the general
far om mail arrives . cussedness of children who run
at U M. depart at p. m. I What elevator is not furnished with
Washington mail mirrors What
at M. and P. M. .
J J PERKINS P I store cannot boast of a
i Is there a tailor shop or a hat
Appointments I store without one Who says that
For on Mission, i are coo fronted with
1st at II than women f Watch them
School House, 1-t at and you II see that they
o'clock I always look into them, too.
Sparta. 2nd Sunday at
Shady Grove. 3rd Sunday it efforts be, not
but ,
K p. c.
through shoes and clothes so fast.
When the time comes that all is
goodly heritage But we must show even do accuse or
our appreciation of our j from
before we can make them attractive j own version expiation
of the supposed wrong. If you were
ever a friend to him he is certainly
to others. Nothing valuable will
ever come to a people who do not go
resolutely to work to build up their I entitled to that much forbearance
own fortunes. Fortunately our If this role were
people have put their shoulders to
the w heel and are pushing on
car of progress Let their be no
relaxation of effort.
We the East must strike while
iron is hot, and in so doing we
may shape destinies of our
for ages to come
Whether the wilt ever be
intelligent factor in American
politics is very much to be doubted.
still and everything nicely adapted j The problem in the South is
for a chat or a game, you draw graver many in the South
your miserable newspaper and be-; are willing to admit. The
gin to read. And yon read that shows aptitude culture, re blocked up with the ice or estrange-
or higher and and current is checked in
us far as the writer has- observed in flowing. Sad, sad, very but
North Carolina, there is no promise is one of mournful evidences
for o human frailty and the
a misunderstanding
would be advert and many a
heart-ache spared.
And it very frequently happens
that friendships of years existence,
in Inch mutual confidences have
poured their strongest cement, and
brought about-a union so close and
so perfect a pang to one
pain the. yield to the fir; t,
touch of frozen breath of a mis
understanding and a
and in twinkling of an eye,
the warm channel feeling is
of ours if it were not the women ,
,. . i. , i have trying to make
How many missionaries would be I . .
. ., ,. . ., it appear that
sent to preach the. gospel to heathen i
I n n. i. a good State to be born in, but a
nations Shall they then sow the, . ,.
. Door to live
seed have no part in the
vest Shall they bear beat
of the day and have no re-
ward or credit for their labor
What Banner of is woman
anyway What is her mission
J. E. M BE. J. H. J. D.
Greenville, N. C.
N. C.
Practice In all the Collection
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
ton Star in a long editorial shows
this to be false. Just put it down as
a The true, the manly, the I
right succeed
right at home. Here in North Car-
Where is her sphere We, door to
discoursed on the for B i and political relations are open to
whole half hour Sunday morning to as as am.,
a class of small boys who insisted
P. C. F
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
N. C
upon chewing gum between
and bad solved the problem of
perpetual Orphan's
If the men who till e soil, who
sell the goods or who heal the sick
blood and reputation have nothing
to do with it.
Wilson Advance The affliction
that has befallen Mr.
Love, an honest, hard working man,
of Cross township, is enough
to touch the heart, of the most call-
He has lost three children
paper all to yourself, word
word, and line for line, straight
through from editorial to market
report, as if it contained secret
youth, wealth and eternal
of all things earthly.
worked as hard and untiringly as j typhoid pneumonia, and
women, the State would with, three more of
The way some are are dangerously ill. Oar
permitted and encouraged to k WIth
themselves to death is a disgrace Cut,; ran from
Hf n
Greenville, N.
Under new management. Hot and
cold water Good rooms and at-
servants. always
ed with tho . f the market. Feed
stables in
upon their thoughtless
Marriage be a success for
women otherwise than being made
beasts of burden as is often the
to Wilson, Tuesday
morning, ran over and
killed a colored woman, at
, She attempted to cross tho track
E front of tho coming train and paid
the penalty of her folly.
Polite waiters. Good Rooms Best
table the market When in
city st the
to save money your Boots, Hats, Gaps, Dross at tho
, next door to Rawls, the Jeweler. B

Eastern Reflector,
Editor and Prop
Subscription Price.
The Wilmington Messenger, a
that has many good deeds
to its credit, has taken it-
self the task of raising
for the establishment of Sol-
flier's Home in this State. An
appeal goes out to every lover of
the for aid in this
enterprise that looks to the es-
of a suitable Home
for the disabled soldiers who
j fought so heroically for our
We hone the Mes-
will succeed in the under
taking. Speaking of a suitable
name for such an institution, the
The name of Wyatt Home would
be good and appropriate
not to Democratic
men and measure that are not consistent
the true principles of the party.
If want a a
of the State send for the or Pitt count v, member of
tor. W SAMPLE COPY FREE the Edgecombe Guards, was the
; first North Carolina soldier who was
Entered at the Post at
c ,
WEDNESDAY. MAY 8th. 188.1.
A fearful wind and hail storm
at Warsaw, that completely de-
the Presbyterian
Church and damaged many
buildings ; a fire that destroy-
ed several thousand dollars
worth of property in Shelby ;
and the of Deputy Col-
Bouldin by a moonshiner
in Johnston county, are among
some of the State happenings of
the last few days.
The Washington Centennial
in New York, last week, was a
big thing, sure enough, but the
first few minutes reading about
it was all we wanted to see. In
the outline of the Wilmington
Stir it told of the President's
. , , . j . for the Association,
arrival and reception, and that previous meeting w
when the hall was reached
the passage way was lined with
killed in the war. and it is claimed
that he was the first enlist
ed man killed on the Southern side.
At all events he was and is our first
hero, and a good Home
would be none too grand a
for we are quite willing
it should be called the Home
and in that event we should look to
see Pitt and Edgecombe, the Guards
and the entire First North Carolina
survivors, bestir them-
selves as a matter of local, personal
and pride of direct interest
to them, each and all. This is not
however, independent movement.
Oar Washington letter this
week gets off a good one about
Jim Blaine seeking notoriety.
The Bachelors.
of the the A I W.
As our reporter has been very
busy of late, be has failed to keep
up the meetings of the A. I-
O. bat having learned last
week that a meeting had been called
to consider a matter that might
prove interesting to some member
of the Reflector force, he made
arrangement to be on and ob.
mined the following
A. I. O. W.,
Hall No.
The meeting was called to order
at P. M. Supreme Chin
Worker Hopeful
siding. After the Grand
had successfully wrestled
with the grid iron can can the
Chair the brethren that
the meeting had been called at the
request of brother Nor-
who would now proceed with
a statement his woes. Mr. Nor-
took the floor, and a chew of
fine cut tobacco, and delivered the
following Mr. Chin Work-
and Brethren of the Most Noble
Order, I from a position in the
pits of misery as deep as the holes
tooled in the sidewalks of our city
by Uncle Mark Cherry's
to call upon this
order for My heart has
been torn and I have been sat
even as the Republican party
of Greenville hast been sat
this day, so have I, and I
am the sole owner and proprietor of
as fresh varied assortment
of anguish as can be found on the
face of the earth and my heart
Business Association.
Blaine was envious
of the noise created and the
enjoyed by the great
celebration in New York of
Washington's inauguration.
he did not the
Presidential party when it here
Monday morning. He bad a good
excuse in the attack of lumbago
from which he has been
for some days, and several of bis
friends, knowing that a little
would have a wonderful effect
on his drooping spirits proceeded to
drop mysterious hints about Blaine
and paralysis the hearing of
correspondents of New York
papers. That was enough for the
enterprising manipulators of Wash-
news. Vivid imaginations
supplied what was lacking, and
Wednesday morning's papers con-
a highly sensational account
of Secretary Blaine's having a stroke
of paralysis and of the attempt of
his family and friends to keep it
The evening papers of the
same day had denials of the story
from Blame's family and friends
and the Secretary was happy to
of the space given him the
newspapers notwithstanding the
pressure of centennial news and
the friends that started the whole
story rejoiced at the effect it had
had. Blaine is by no means the
first man to encourage newspapers
to print reports in order that they
may for notoriety.
officials are disappoint-
ed because the Mail
vice passed under the control of the
May 1st, putting a stop to the
wholesale removals they were en-
gaged in. By working after hours
they succeeded in changing about
one third of the of
that branch of the Government
Are headquarters for all needed in the
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot, be
but if you want anything- in
Hardware, Agricultural Stoves
and Cooking I tonsils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which we will sell at Prices.
The association met in the Opera
House last Thursday, a good attend-
being present.
In calling the meeting to order
President Jarvis thanked the body
tor having elected him as its head
officer, and spoke a few words of en-
for revenge.
Mr. Trustfulness Whilom arose at
this point and asked permission to I d consented
. I .- Hie .
to give the twenty day
previous meeting were
read and opportunity given to
those desiring to become members
two school j . com.
in white, who strewed flowers of three was appointed to
a Board of Directors. The com
consisted of J. U. Murphy, J.
J. Cherry C. A. White, who re
tired reported the names of J.
B. Cherry, John Flanagan, John
Duckett, A. L. Blow, T. B. Cherry.
C. D. S. Bawls, C. A.
White and J. D. Murphy. The re
port was adopted.
While committee was prepare
this report. B. C. Pearce made
some remarks upon the establish-,
of a pants factory, gave
which showed that such an
enterprise could be engaged in with
along the President's path, two
of the number being colored
girls This was as much as we
wanted to see of the Centennial
proceedings, and we expect if
the Father of our Country could
have looked on it would have
been enough for him, too, and
he would not have felt much
The old Board of
of the town held a meeting one
night last week for the purpose
of levying taxes for the coming
year. Their decision in one in-
stance is a regular memory but-
ton, as It no doubt strikes the
softest spot the bar keepers
and calls for their highest en-
Not so, however,
with the people, for of
the masses will be raised in
sure that the bar rooms, so far as IA committee on Cotton Factory,
tax is concerned, are placed l ;
on an equality with every other
interrupt the speaker. request
being granted he said if
Normal desired the assistance
of the order he had best confine
himself to the cause leave the
effect for some occasion w hen his
heart should long for sympathy.
Bro. Normal said he would accept
the brother's advice and state the
cause of his misery in as few words
as possible. Ho said that all the
wealth of his young affections and
pocket book likewise had been
poured out at the of a beau-
girl and though ho was sorely
beset by rivals, he had, by the
of great diplomatic ability
succeeded in making an engage
to take the fair one to church,
at least twice per week, and while
he was floating around in the cloud-1
lauds of ecstatic bliss j
his triumph over;
his rivals, individual familiarly
known M the Billie;
had kicked the corner store out of
this, the fairest of all bis air
by causing the fair one to break all .
that was asked for they would
not have a single Democrat, but
having already extended the time
once, Harrison the cheek to
do it again without any other ex-
than the replacing of Demo-
clerks by Republicans.
Hamilton, of the
Marine Hospital Service thinks that
yellow fever is brought into Florida
by small smuggling vessels. An
extra revenue cutter has been or-
to cruise off the Florida coast
to look out for the smugglers.
Department is to be utilized in
statistics for the census. A
circular has been sent out by
department to each of the
post instructing them to
all the assistance possible to
the census bureau. As there will
be no pay tor this work the post-
masters are not likely to take to it
very enthusiastically.
of Mississippi, is
re to see He is not
Mere to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
that are not to be excelled in this market. And all guaranteed to be and
pure straight good. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN-
kinds, Gm and Hay, Rock of and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and Saddles.
Agent Clark O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I ofter to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, H cents per dozen, less per cent for Oath. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a and I guarantee satisfaction.
WE are now fitted up in first-class order are prepared to man-
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
I will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest and freshest
Fruits Confections.
I keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment
All your wants in the above goods can be supplied by
after office himself but would prob-
ably like to have something to say
E. A. Move offered the following u c of of
solutions which wire adopted and would
I. That until other-
wise ordered the following shall be
of the
A committee Banks and Bank
A oil
A committee on Advertising.
A committee on Clothing Factory,
i committee on Trucking Interests.
A committee on Tobacco Industry.
If the bar rooms
caused no more expense to the
town than do other business es-
this might be well
enough, but as they are the
places from whence the
bulk of disorders and
A committee on Schools
A committee on Streets and High-
ways near Town.
A committee on Sanitation and
Public Health.
II. That each of said committees
shall be composed of five members.
III. That said committees shall
be by the President and
that occur, they should be Board of Directors of the
made to bear the burden of
Instead of reducing the standing committees for
license tax to one-fifth of the i year for which they are appointed.
former cost it would have been I m f
, , . I President and Board of Directors to
better for the town the price committees provided
been increased live fold. j for these at as early
day as practicable, and cause the
The Building Association same to be published in the Greens
now organized, and its force,
character and usefulness can V That said committees are re-
, , quested and directed when so an-
judged by the class of men to take charge of the sub-
for its specially assigned them and to
Jarvis, President ; E. A. to e any
, . . . . ; or information they may
and Harry Skinner, ice j the Board of Directors or to
dents; Alfred Forbes, Treasurer, the Association.
and the Board of Association shall
, , . , meet the first Thursday night
whose names are elsewhere pub r
future and
leaving him the
The Ohio Worker said be bad h f , , of
heard some of l attacks g
of as a citizen.
Hear him on the
is not a white man with a black
skin. He is a different race. He
is n barbarian, and barbarians can-
rule civilized people. His head
is covered with wool, he is a sheep.
The white man has straight hair
like a lion. The is an infant.
He has the flat nose, the retreating
any motion for the
of the aforesaid William that
might be offered. Mr.
Sunbeam arose to move that a com-
three be appointed to
formulate resolutions to what
should be taken by the order.
The motion being duly seconded
was carried the following com- . , lips of an in-
Sun-; , de-
thoroughly fit him for
Proboscis B The commit-; g
tee retired and remember, it comes
mg preamble and . ,.
It has come to the
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE, N. C, Mar. 1887.
Spring Display
Fran and
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
We yield the palm to none.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
in this paper.
The united of these men
together with efforts of
various committees to be an-
each month at S o'clock, until other-
wise ordered.
J. D. Murphy offered motion that
committee which should be
pointed for clothing factory
should at once investigate ob-
can and will, doubtless all information
accomplish ranch of good for W factory, and if found that it
. ,, , . ; be profitably operated be
Greenville. Already the boom authorized to books and take
Is started and the spirit of enter-
prise is taking possession of the
people. Merchants from the
stock for such a factory. Adopted.
Harry Skinner that the
committee to be appointed ad
be instructed to confer
country are engaging stores for. with Mr. Walters, of the W
another year, and it is clearly
Been that the trade of the county
will be concentrated here.
There are steps being taken
to advertise the town and
; to establish a cotton seed oil
mill, b cotton factory, a pants
factory, a shoe factory;
is to be given to the tobacco
interest; the trucking
to be encouraged ; and the
W. railroad, relative to co-op-
us in advertising Ibis
section through Frank Leslie's
and the
motion J. D. Murphy the
Secretary was instructed to procure
stationary for the correspondence of
the Association.
The meeting then adjourned.
Marlboro Replies.
ed thought of the community
May 4th, 1889.
to be directed to the advance-
James his visual must
be too or that he bas not
of the town and vicinity j enough to see all that,
socially, industrially and every For even bis sister
other way.
Let everybody hold up the
bands the officers and give
their support to every move-
that shall be inaugurated
through the Association. The
time for action is here. The in-
is taken in right
direction and with the full A
and of t All O. K. lets
people we big things ac have it have as good mat-
village, pugnacious little
can produce some cereals eight
inches corn with four blades
and cabbage plants eighteen inches
in diameter. Cold wave here. Frost
this morning. The looks
as if it might bare had an
of Enamel.
in Greenville at an
early day.
in as you will And
the Stale.
knowledge of this club that an
as the
Billie has and with ma
ice interfered with
the affections of one of our
brethren, therefore, be it
1st. That each and every
member this order be and is
hereby commanded to use all means .
in his power to demolish the afore-;
2nd. Should member learn of
method by which the united
action of the order can made
effective in disposing of this destroy-
of a brother's happiness it shall
the duty of each member to com-
at once with the Supreme
Worker and have a meeting
called to consider plan of ac-
3rd. That any member who shall
fail to take advantage of an
to carry out part of these
resolutions shall be fined and
expelled from order.
4th. That the Supreme Chin
Worker be requested to provide a
suitable epitaph for the aforesaid
Billie to be kept for time when
he shall it.
Stranger, pause, here
Once as fair as a water-lily;
His head was right, but his heart was
And love took root where it did be-
The A. I. O. W.
Then marked him and his days were
For soon death claimed him for her own,
Aided that's best unknown.
Chief Explosive Manipulator
Whilom, then recited
a poem It is better to have
never loved to eat be-
fore you go to see your sweetheart.
Alter which meeting adjourned.
not from a Democrat but from a
who was a Whig before the
war a Republican since.
Washington Letter.
our regular
Washington, N.
Senator Arthur P. I
man who won the only Democratic
national victory for more than
thirty rears, is the that
out of every Democrats
Washington has referred to by
name as the only proper successor
to the late ex Senator H. Bar-
chairman of National
Democratic Committee, whose death
occurred in the early part of the
week. Among email minority
woo object to Senator Gorman be-,
cause he is not regarded as
in the cause of tariff
reform is Senator of Alabama,
who thinks the should
go to some tariff ideas
are in exact accordance with those
ex-President Cleveland. There
Is little doubt, however, that Sena-
tor Gorman -rill have the refusal of
position. Some of bis friends
here that he will refuse to ac-
it. It be party
tone f
We are adding to our stock such goods as our customers and the public
need. Hardware, Mechanics tools. Stoves and Tinware. Sash. Doors.
and putty. Axes, Shovels and flakes. Plow of every kind. Wheel
Barrows. Barbed Fencing. Cooking and Heating Stoves and Stove pipe of every
Sails and Iron. Cucumber and Iron Drill pumps, Sc,
We are agents for the best cook stove now in use. The is our
leader and gives entire satisfaction. Our cheaper grades arc good well worth
the money asked tor them.
One year ago started in business and had for our motto e sell for cash.
still our motto, realizing the that it is best for merchant
and customer. By close attention to business we have been rewarded by increased
success. .
We thank the public and our customers especially for and ask a
larger share in the future.
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North Court House.
My Factory Is well equipped with the best Mechanics,
but We keep up the times and
Best material used in all Work, All style- Springs u-i
put up nothing
-i Improved styles,
foil i in t from
Storm, Coil, Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full e of ready
the year round, which we will sell as low as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
J. G.
The following extract, which was
taken from a recent issue of
Elizabeth City Economist, may apply
very well to Greenville just at this
time. It contains some good advice,
How to boom a town is contained
in kernel of one or two words
advertise by that we do not
mean, at so much a line a -news-
paper, that is a means to
be But we
it live men, by
live associations of every
by clubs, by fairs, by picnics,
by circulars, hospitality to
stranger's, by good hotels, by good
newspapers, by shows, by entertain-
by cheap prices, by horse
races, by lectures, by conventions
and by a respectable dog fight.
Let every body bustle, let every-
body he a special committee to talk
up the town. Let every attraction
that the possesses be made
to an astonished public, from
a big to a barrel of juniper
Of these agencies of progress the
chief agency, we think is a live news-
paper. A live newspaper builds up
a town more than any other agency
therefore a newspaper should
reflect business of ;. town, as
well as the who conduct the
business of a town. It is the duty of
the business men of a town to
the best paper in their town by
advertising, by will, by
kindly word, which costs nothing,
and by all the thousand ways by
which newspaper is made to pros
per. It is the duty of a live news-
paper to aid all the business
town, to study the whole subject of
progress its agencies, to keep
every enterprising business man.
every good man, every intellectual
man and every public spirited man
before world, to up his
bands, and cheer him on in bis good
work, it is its duty also to de-
the the
right every where.
Corrected weekly by S. M.
Wholesale and Grocer.
Mess Pork
Bulk Sides
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulder
Pitt County
Cured Hams
Granulated Sugar
far bestowed upon us and beg for a continuation of the same, we offer
you to-day a line of goods that cannot be excelled in this market for durability and
worth. We have now in stock a nice line of Ladies embracing the
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly.
Dress Linen and Piece Linens. A line Piece Goods and that
will astonish you in quality and price. Notions in endless variety embracing a
line too numerous to mention. Hats for Men, and Children. Gent's fur-
Goods, Shirts, Cuffs and Collars, Hosiery and a nice line
Scarfs. Shoes, to fit all who us with their patronage, we special care, to
this line and our Shoes both In quality and price.
Slippers from cents tin. We especially call the attention of the Ladles to our
of Slippers and think they will not do justice
A large lot of I.
f the Ladles
if they buy before
Hardware. Nails. Cutlery,
Hoes. Plows, Shovels, Trace Chains.
Grindstones and Fixtures,
Crockery. Glassware,
Wood and Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whips.
Gail Ax and Rail Road Mills Snuff, Chewing Tobacco, Groceries
and Provisions, this line we carry Tea, Coffee. Sugar. Molasses, Rice, Lard
the very best we can buy. Pepper, Spice, Soap, both laundry and toilet. Star
Lye, Matches, Candles, Starch, best
kinds. Flour which we buy low sell low for the cash.
of Oil. Meats of
If you need a bar-
rel of good Flour come to see us, we are rock bottom on it.
and Ball Lye, Matches, Candles, Starch, best
. l and Mattresses, Bureaus, Ch
. not in line we have
to To
for these Plows In stock.
CS to
carry Window Sash and different sizes in stock. Also the lamest
stock Furniture of any house in embracing Bedsteads,
both double and single. Lounges, Chairs of different kinds. Tables. Cots, Bed Springs
Cribs and Beds and Cradles. What we have
not got in line we have from several of ill- best houses in this
country will order anything yon wish at moderate prices,
celebrated Climax and Stonewall PLOWS when r-u want OM,
Don't forget our
We carry Castings
TO US when yon come to town. We guarantee fair and honorable
treatment, and w ill appreciate your and patronage. We can will
eh as low as any one who sells good goods as we do.
Yours truly,
My Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
mer, Mi-- arrived and I am
prepared to execute in the latest styles
and fashions any work to my
the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
them to you. My price are the lowest
and guarantee not to be undersold by no
Mrs. L. C. King,
Watch-Maker Jeweler.
If you something nice the way
Sowing Machines,
collie to the OLD A
large new block received.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sewing
Machines repaired and warranted.
Pitt Co N C.
We are no W receiving Spring and
Summer Hoods, hope that
you will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
at cents per yard, which you
will find to be equal lo any
yon will find at SB cents.
A line of
at cents. And
many other things that we
will offer at special prices
We call especial attention to our
Cobb Bros.,
Cotton Buyers,
We have had several years ex-
i parlance at the are
prepared to Cotton to
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
The and
plow, and the
cotton plows. We will
also offer the trade
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
I have line
That the very
The bad health of Mr. I.
has compelled him to discontinue the
management the carriage for
me, which left a nice stock good
material cheap for cash, on my
hand. I will clone out the at a
liberal discount, or will make easy terms
with the purchaser, or will make
terms with any good reliable man to
carry on the carriage for me.
There is better opening for a carriage
business In the county than at this pi ice.
I have also a large stock of general
merchandise sale cheap for cash or on
time, such us Meats, Flour, Corn, Ac,
bought in large Ion also a nice lot of
New Orleans Molasses, nice
selected stock of Shoes. straw
Goods, nice lot of Clothing, ladies Dress
Goods, in tact everything that be
found In iV Store.
J. K.
May 6th, M. N.
On Monday the day of June, A. D.
1889, I will sell at. the Court House door
In the tow,, of Greenville, to the highest
bidder, for ca.- h. one tract land In
can be suited. My long
In the business the
patrons have served, to my
ability to give to all.
fashion. My goods ore new i
a complete stock. A
has been secured and all t, place, being inherited
from his father by J. to
sundry bands
against . II. and
have I-vied on said land as
the property of B.
J. A. K.
May W-. Bf ff. D.

M. R. Lang's Column.
n a few weeks the store which
I now occupy will have to
extensive repairs. In
order to enable the work-
men to work with more
rapidity, I shall have
to reduce my
Loco Spares.
To do this I shall offer
to those who can avail them
selves of the opportunity.
I shall offer fox the
entire stock of-------
is no nap for the
wary, but a
It is getting dusty.
Tis election.
forgot again.
Its May lime now sine.
were market Sat-
The election was very quiet on
The nights were somewhat cool
last week.
Seed Teas at the Old
brick Store.
Partake but sparingly of the early
The leaves on the trees are
most grown.
Marbles tops fill in tho
; with the
Fulton Market Pickled at
the Old Store.
J. P. Davenport, has an advertise-
, in tins paper.
We hear praise the O.
Laid those who are using it.
A good horse for sale for cash or
j on time by
be sure to read Mun-
; lord's new advertisement today
This season has been an
one for the frequency of freshets.
shipment of bananas to
j rive this morning at V. L. Stephen's
I will be sold cheap.
The papers in the trucking see-
are reporting large shipments.
With no disaster from now out
the fruit will be large this sea-
Cabbage plants for sale, both
early late, apply to Alien War-
and must both
ditto the coon and
Every man in the community
should belong to the Business
Sheriff Tucker keeps the Court
House locked up at night to prevent
We have on hand Doors and;
Windows which we will sell very
low. d. Baskets Co.
There is a general scarcity of every
thing in the line about
Market House.
-OF A-
which must be done to
We carry ft full line of Earle
Wilson's Collars and Cuffs.
be treated alike and no
goods will be reserved. We
cordially invite those
In the above lines to examine
our prices and see that we
mean business.
CM ct r
w mm of m
Of all kinds and styles.
Will be sold proportionately
low. Don't miss s
name in this column
is sufficient guarantee that all
promises made above will be
Buy Point Lace Flour. It is;
guaranteed to be the best
toned, at the Old Prick Store.
Mr. Keel has sent his line
horse to Goldsboro to be trained on
the track.
Sheriff Tucker advertises a laud j
sale this week to satisfy executions
against J. b. Harden,
We bet a dollar a nigger will not
be clerk of the of Greenville
for the next two years.
Bead the notice to creditors by
E. T. administrator of
Lydia A. Babel son, deceased.
Washington had a local option
on Monday. The town
went wet by majority.
On yesterday Mr. W. It. Which- j
aid brought us some of the largest I
we have seen this
will deliver seasoned
pine wood any where in town
reasonable prices. Will
No very important business
pied the attention of the County
Commissioners at their meeting
Good work done by the Business
Association last lit.
The membership much en-.
German Pearl Millet,
Timothy and Clover
Seed for sale, by E. C. Glenn
The Goldsboro Mercury the
Raleigh Visitor have recently had a
birthday celebration. May they
have more.
The meeting in the Methodist
church closed Sunday night. There
were three conversions and
to the church.
Just Boss Famous
Milk Biscuit. The most pal-
at the Old Brick Store.
Some bachelor are trying
to impress it upon the public mind
that the old advice, learn to say
does not apply to girls.
A line of the best harness,
whips at low prices at
J. Williamson's Carnage
If some enterprising trucker in
this section would plant an
be would reap a
therefrom in a years.
; per lb for Sweet Scotch
lb sold in Pitt Co., which
j a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
Miss Lula Fleming is visiting rel-
Mr. Willie Bernard was home a
few days lost week.
Mr. G. R. Little spent Sunday at
his homo near Bethel.
Master Hermon Wilson has been
A for two weeks with m umps.
Rev. G. L. Finch has returned
from a two weeks to Halifax.
are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Docket was quite sick last week.
We were glad to sec Mr. P. G.
town Sunday.
Mrs. J. B of Aurora, is
tho family of Mrs. B. F.
Mr. J. Tucker left yesterday
for to bring bis family
Misses Cannon and
a few days last week with Mr. J. J.
Messrs. D. Blount and J. T.
Ward of Bethel spent last Sunday
Mr. D. Preston Pair and wife, of
Tarboro, were at Hotel Macon early
last week.
Dr. and Mrs. J. of
Farmville, have
here this week.
Miss Maggie Langley returned last
week from a visit to her brother in
Richmond. Va.
Messrs. Willie, Louis and Abra-
ham spent a few days
with Mrs. If. Lang last week.
M. K- Lang with Larry
from a visit to friends
in Tarboro last week.
Miss Bettie Hart of Oxford is vis-
the family Mr. E. A.
Superior Court Clerk.
If. A. w. of Cary, returned
home Monday after having spent a
few days with relatives here. .
Prof. school at
ville closes Friday. We learn that-
several of our people will attend.
Presiding Elder returned
from Friday where he
had been assisting Bar. Nelson
in a
Our foreman, Mr. W. F. Burch,
and Mr. J. S. C. Benjamin spent last
Sunday in the country. Billie says
they had a very nice time.
Mr. J. W. Goodwin returned
Monday from a tour of
several weeks, and will take a
at bone his family.
J. W. left last Fri-
day for Virginia, from whence he
will attend the Baptist
Convention at Memphis,
Mr. John Moore is spending this
his father Carolina
ship. We learn that he will go to
Kinston next week to sell books.
Mr. Harry Walters, of tho
railroad, and
Mr. G. M. of the Norfolk
Carolina in town last week
Leo Bishop of the
Catholic will preach at the
Opera House to-morrow
night at o'clock. Public
Married on the 25th of April
by J. E. Thompson, Mr. L. A.
Cobb, of Pitt county, and Miss
Patrick, of Green county X. C.
Show Hill
year Greenville celebrated
the 4th of July in a grand and be
coming style. What is to done
tills year Begin the matter in time
and a celebration surpassing even
the former one can be held.
Some of the young ladies of this
town, Misses James, Eliza
Ward, Julia Foley, Lillie Cherry J
and Lizzie Foley are preparing to
hold a festival next Friday night
the proceeds of which shall apply
to the improvement of Cherry Hill
Cemetery. A most praiseworthy
step, and so in accord with
their generous, lovely
should have a liberal patronage from
every citizen the town.
Caught Up-
Mr. D. H. James, the Register of
l us that he has com-
all the work of Ins office
to date. In the few months of his
term, besides keeping up with all
current work, which is very large
about the beginning of the year, he
indexed six books of
names that were left
by Mr. Wilson, the former Register
This speaks well for the new officer
and bis management.
Last his
There Is a grocer in town who
keeps fruit for sale. A
drummer, who was making the
rounds, saw a sign before the door
bearing those words, assuming
an I'd
he waked in and extended his
hand with this Mr. f I
hope you are well to-day, The
grocer explained the sign and his
name, but said he could not risk an
order with as green a drummer as
that fellow was.
Shoot Somebody.
Our Bad Boy was scared out of
nearly a years growth last
day night. He says when he got
home he found the front door open,
He went in shut it, and pro-
through the dark to his
room. Just before he reached it he
ran against hands that shoved him
against the door and hurried out
the way he came found
that these hands belonged to one of
his room-mates who was trying to
scare him. He warns every body
But a Stubborn Fact
Combination Worsteds In all styles
which we will close out at cents
We have several pieces of White
at cents. Only a few pieces
of Seersucker left which we will close
out at cents per yard. yards fig-
Lawns at cents per yard.
yards new at cents per
yard. yards Hushing and Gilt In
colors from to per yard.
Over yards Flouncing from to
cents yard. more of those cheap
at lo cents. MM. Cleveland
in society society some time
since without her bustle has not put any
change on the sale of our rent Hustles.
All Of will be sold at cents
strictly. A big lot of Miss-Pit Clothing
which will be sold at panic prices. BOO
pairs of Sample Shoes to be closed out.
These goods will be sold exactly as
advertised, our stock Straw Halt
will be sold at price.
Greenville, N.
not to be with him like that
as he to use of deadly John Vines and George Ann Nettle,
During the month of April were
issued to the following
William Mercer nod Elizabeth
W. H. Trip and Catherine
E. Benny, Albert House and Emma
Staton, James and Alice Rich-
Henry Spell and Peyton,
Charlie Cooper and Nannie Williams
Benjamin Mary Moore,
John. H. Tyson and Mary
Samuel Jenkins and Phillis Harris,
for the Future.
A good one has leaked out on a
certain law Arm in town, Both
members of the firm are married
married two ago,
the other a few since
a shipment of seven cribs arrived for
them by one of the steamers.
When the agent sent to their office
to where the furniture should
Should a man get married with
license that was purchased by a
friend and never repaid by
be delivered both members assumed I groom. Such a case has occurred
an innocent air and disavowed all laud now the undersigned wishes to
Shade Cox and Cox, Oliver
Williams and Walter
Hattie Pagans, Spencer
and Catherine Tart, David
Bridgers and Henrietta
Charlie Atkinson and Martha Ami
knowledge of the whole transaction.
One member has since said that
each of them was in need of one
and the others were to be turn-
ed over to some of their friends.
So liberal.
will run you a race for that
pair of said man to an-
wager will you put against
it f said the other.
suit of
State your time and
we'll run from the Court
House to the Jail
in tempted the second.
might steal a chicken, and
you would travel from the
of Justice to the domicile of in-
at such a rate that
lightning couldn't catch up with
you. won't
afternoon and was attended by
many people of Greenville. Mr.
was a brother of Messrs. J.
B. and J. G. of the firm of
J. B. Cherry Co., and of Mr. A.
W. of Cary, who was private
Secretary to ex-Governor Jarvis,
A telegram was sent him in the
morning announcing the sad
dent, but ho could not reach here in
for the We deeply
sympathize with these brothers in
the sad affliction which has befallen
Hamilton Items.
Mrs. Eva Swell, of Williamston,
spent a few days town last week.
Dr. Long, who attended the
New York, returned home
Friday night.
Miss Smith, of Williamston,
who has been visiting relatives in
Scotland Neck, spent a day or two
bore on her return home.
Mr. D. F. Davenport, one of our
the traveling salesmen, left last
week, to the regret of bis many
friends, for a trip of several weeks.
Mr Tom Staton, Postmaster at
was at the Jarvis House
night last week.
Miss Nellie Bryan, who has been
visiting relatives Saturday
morning for her homo near Battle-
Her sister, Mrs. J. H. Slier-
rod, accompanied her.
Mr. formerly it Bertie
she v to if we look at that county, but who been residing
side of the question, while, if we here for more a year, died last
look at the other side, course the Wednesday, after a painful illness
man who bought her is entitled to of a month.
her. If we had to decide the case hear that the Baptists have
we decide in favor of both,. ordered a now for their
with a suggestion that they settle j church. Think it a bright idea, as
the matter before court so that the i more needed. But perhaps
wife, let her be whose she may, will young people will not like it so
be out of danger of being the preacher can see better
C. O. P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
sale nil Grocers. Band for Illus-
or how to provide a good dinner for Four
Persons for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Book of MS pages
containing one hundred Dinner
Hills of Fare, with Instructions bow to
prepare each one, go that the cost for
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable book will given free
to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty pounds C. COTTON
at our Store, No.
W. 42nd St X. V.
pall our Lard contains a ticket,
the number on which corresponds to the
number of pounds In the pail.
The Cotton Product Company, N. Y.
Broker, Greenville, N. C.
Can now be seen at my store. I have
the latest styles and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at the
business qualities me for doing ail work
satisfactory well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you call and examine my stock.
E. A.
Cox Cotton Planter
Has been reduced from
And not depend on borrowing nor
trying to make one Planter do
tho work of two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
and the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may cost yon
more than
know to whom the wife belongs
James in New
This is a badly mixed affair, and
reminds us of the old hen query as to
which is tho anther of the chicken
tho hen that lays the egg or tho one
that hatches it. It seems to that
the man who married her is the one
for having two
Bad Boy.
how the behave.
Broad Branch Items.
. B. Lang's Column.
We heard one of the newly
say yesterday, that
one act of the new board would be to j
see that the town is kept clean.
I Good
Ir. D. L James goes to Fayette-
ville next Monday will return
the following Friday night.
that time bis office will be closed.
A line of Pique, Swiss and
tor com to
rive by express to-day at
We will thank the Postmasters
throughout the county if will
send us on a postal card the names
of a few good men in their section
who do not subscribe to the Re
We wish to send them j
j a sample copy and see if they can j
; be induced to become subscribers.
A Pleasing health j
; and strength renewed of ease
i and comfort follows the
of Figs, as it acts in harmony with j
to effectually cleanse the
system when costive or billions.;
For in and 91.00 bottles by
ail leading druggist.
Your attention is directed to the
advertisement J. L. Woolen Drug-
gist in this paper. He is prepared to
serve the pubic with all goods in
his line. Prescriptions carefully com
The Guard, strong,
were out on drill Friday evening.
They made some hue
If the attendance had only been
larger the display would have been
so much better.
There, are very stubborn
facts in new ad-
to-day. There is no
mistake about their having the
goods and they will
sell them at prices advertised.
Our got in a the
other day. The new druggist had
some prepared chalk
with it on the face of b.
b. He came back to see bow his
lace looked and it was a picture you
Mr. G. W. Venters, of Calico Hill,
told us Monday that he bad
eight acres planted in cotton which
he expected it would be necessary
to plow up plant over.
cotton would turn white and die
most as fast as it came op.
We heard a nice one on a certain
married man last week. The rats
were playing havoc with the things
in the garret, and he jumped
with the tongs, boot-jack, told
his wife to go stairs and run the
robbers out he would bit as
they passed by him. This is an ac
The colored people of Tarboro bad
an excursion to Washington last
Thursday. On their return Friday
the band accompanying them
marched in Greenville and
played a few airs. The band was a
very good and made nice
music. In an overture the baritone
rendered a part.
Of Greenville Institute in Skin-
Opera House, Tuesday night,
On Wednesday, at o'clock, A.
M., Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President
of the University of N. C, will
the Literary Address at the same
afternoon at
o'clock, Art Exhibit at the Institute.
Wednesday night general
at the Institute. The public
cordially invited to all these
Tho Election,
All passed off quietly at the mu-
election Monday, resulting
in a general walk over the Dem-
the First Ward the
had their own way without I ask space a few dots from
and elected Boston Boyd. i old Broad Branch section.
Having recently enjoyed reading
several letters various parts
the county published your
newsy paper, we hope it will not
meet with your disappointment to
the j
John L
Greenville, N. C.
Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, Per-
Pure Drugs,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
no mi nm on sun
For we have free Boggle now. Ah
you ere tree to buy where you please, but
If you want to money you come to
Factory on 4th street, rear of J. B.
Cherry Co's. For
bare also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. I can give
but you over had your life
to 815.00 less money than any one
else in the county can give you. Why
for my expenses are lets and I pay the
spot cash for and save tho dis-
counts, and it you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had IS years
experience the business guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge,
a specialty. Don't forget the
place on 4th street rear J. Cherry
Tell not to delay examine
now and see if his old planter
needs any repaint, and if so
order them at once or send
the Planter to me or leave
if with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with full particulars
and it will taken
to factory, re-
paired, and re-
turned at a
Builder's Material.
Tell him that I can furnish him
Timbers that he may need, either
or undressed. Also I
can furnish him with build-
Brackets and
for porches
and piazzas, in fact any
or trim-
that he may
need to build a
nice house.
Will Grind Your Corn.
And further that I can hi
com into good Meal and that
I will convince of
tho same if he will
bring me his corn
to grind.
The experience which Mrs. E. A.
has had in millinery
recommends her as one who
can give satisfaction in every in-
stance. Her new spring stock em-,
braces the .-i. latest patterns and
styles and she does all work in
best manner. She is also prepared
to do either wet or dry stamping.
See new advertisement.
Our Foreman was the recipient of
a collection of rare and
flowers recently from Mr.
Mrs. V. L. Stephens, for which
he ex tends hearty thanks. They had
to be seen to be appreciated. It
contained varieties of every flower
Stately calla
to modest violet. Again we
say thanks, awfully.
Mr. Harry Walters, of the W W
railroad, said other day that this
is one of the finest trucking sections
he knows. Mr. Walters is a man
well informed in this direction and
knows what ho is talking
The Reflector has argued that
this is a good trucking section and
that Greenville is to have a good
and direct railroad we hope in an-
other year to see the farmers en
gaging largely this industry.
The trucking interest is among the
topics I Business Association has
taken into consideration and
are looked for.
The old Board of for
the town have made the following
levy for the coming
On valuation, cents.
On each poll, cents-
Liquor license, per annum.
Goods, wares and merchandise,
on cents.
Livery stables,
per annum
of Medicines,
per day.
per day.
per day.
I tables, per aim am.
Hotels, per annum.
Drovers, per annum.
Opera House. per
Shooting per annum.
We have a rival in Greenville of
one that will put
most cf us to shame. Mr.
F. Keel, our clever livery man, can
put up just as good a shot as we
want to look at. On last
day evening was passing
bis stables we heard the crack of a
rifle. On investigating we found
Mr. Keel target practicing. He
bad just placed an empty cartridge
shell in a email hole in a plank and
said he intended to shoot a bullet
in it. We doubted of course,
but he put up and fired and
put the ball in the shell with ease.
our pencil in the board
told him to bit it on the head,
which he did without any trouble,
it to pieces. He also
placed a small pebble on a stick and
broke it. He can snuff a cigarette.
Dr. Carver and
we will give a round.
In the Second Ward there was
an Independent combination
tried to defeat the Democratic
and though they made a big
blow a few days prior to the election
the Democrats were victorious by
large odds. The Independents run
Tyson and S. T. Hooker,
against R. Williams, Jr., and Alfred
Forbes, the Democratic nominees,
and the vote
Nowhere in the county can a body
of more energetic, prosperous
successful farmers found than j
those with us. They not made
up of individuals who have their
smoke houses in Chicago and corn
barns m the far west, but on the
contrary they believe and practice
that necessaries, at least, should i
be raised at home. It would
course gratifying to the people
Williams Forbes Tyson generally to know that the
Hooker , circumstances of the land
In the Third Ward M. R. Lang
and T- J- Jarvis, Democrats, were
elected with but one opposing vote.
The Fourth Ward was given
up to without
an-1 they elected Rev. W. U.
The next Board of
will consist of four Democrats and
owners at large were of such a
nature as would permit them to pay
the cash for what they buy. To
their credit lam proud to say the
majority them this community
have reached that degree.
Two charming Misses, Lena King
sud Lillie Peebles, recently favored
our neighborhood with their pres-
two Republicans. The people can was tho guest of
now expect a wise Democratic ad- Pattie Joyner, the latter of
Fatal Accident.
This community was painfully
shocked on last Thursday morning
to that an accident had
curred, two miles above Greenville,
that cost a worthy young his
Miss Ada Hearne. Treat us that
way again.
told you to go but yon needn't,
if you don't want
Miss Lucy Tyson is visiting Miss
Pattie May Greene county.
Capt. It. W. Joyner, who has just
life. Messrs. A. D. U. A. i quit teaching school near Bell's
and William Hemby were j Ferry, is spending some time at Mr.
in a row boat in the river low I Joyner's.
cutting wood. It seems I , The Sunday-school convenes reg-
their custom bad been, as was at Bethlehem every Sunday
quint in the neighborhood, to go in , morning, but I am sorry to say the
low while the freshet j attendance is not as large as the
was up and cut such trees as work deserves. Why is
wanted wood and float them out people will not turn out nod
to the high land so as to reach them
with a cart. These men were out
for that purpose and were cutting an
ash tree that had blown r against
another tree. Mr. was in
the stern of the boat held while
the others were cutting. it
began falling the weight pressing
upon the top, which bad decayed,
broke off the upper body of
and it came down boat.
have just re-
turned from New York
City with a full line of
White Goods, Laces
Embroideries, Swiss
Flouncing a Specialty,
Fine Clothing the
firm patron-
by H. Morris
Shoes, Hats, j
We bought low for
cash and will sell at
panic prices.
Be sure to call.
By complying with the above you
will greatly oblige
Yours truly,
Or- COX,
Greenville, N. C.
The Tar River Company.
; J.
, Greenville,
N. XI. Tarboro, Gen
Capt R. f- Jones,
The People's Line for travel on
Steamer is Hie
and quickest boat on the river. She
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
fitted specially for the comfort, Ac-
and convenience of
A Table furnished with the
best the market affords.
A trip on the G been l
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock, a. m.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
G N. C.
M m
make the school more interesting
and instructive
Pew. B. C Glenn, pastor of Beth-
church is on a series
of meetings at the place. May he
the instrument through which
many sinners will enabled to
see the straight and narrow
w to Christ ere this revival will
The many friends of Mr.
Mr. was in the bow and the .
piece struck him on the head, crush-
in his skull to atoms scatter- Mr Howell Cobb, earnestly hope
his skull to atoms scatter-
his brains. It also broke his
right arm and shoulder left
thigh. Death was instantaneous-
Mr. Hemby was knocked down but
not hurt. Mr.
all bad no warning of the limb fall-
and when it came down be was
just in act of push the boat
on. Had he moved it piece
would have fallen
boat and, doubt, killed all three
of occupants. Mr. re-
mains were out to the
they will soon be restored from their
present illness to perfect
To the agreeable surprise of
most every one the cold have
no; as yet killed all the fruit,
trees promise eM above an
J. E. T. O.
Notice to Creditors.
duly a.
tor of tho estate of A.
deceased, notice is hereby, given to all
persons Indebted to to make
payment to the
it was examined by Dr. J. to all creditors of said cute to
who advised early burial, be-
cause of its mangled braised
condition. The interment took
place at ground, one
mile from town, at o'clock in the
sent their claims, properly a
to V twelve months
date at this notice or It will be
bar of This
of May, E. T.
A. HI.
ii. h most form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It U the MM excellent remedy known to
u Bilious or Constipated
one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
mm mm, . r
The classes will be arranged that
new pupils can enter the week in
John Principal,
C. O. Associate Principal
Miss Primary De-
Miss M. S. Cannon, Vocal and
mental Music.
Miss Bonn, Painting and
Mrs. K. W. Book Keeping
Primary- Academic.
Classical and Mathematical. Mu-
sic. Pointing and Drawing.
Comfortable Buildings.
i i Healthy Location and
Plenty of Well Prepared for
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of first
Music Department equal
in work to any College in the State.
New Pianos and Organs.
A of nearly volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Moderate, from to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Term
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
in Pupils who do not board
with the Principal should consult bin.
before engaging board elsewhere. For
fur. her particular. Address,
The undersigned having leased these
mills for number of
In thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that he Is prepared to grind
Corn and wheat in a first-class manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill meal at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be supplied at my store in
where the v will also rind a select stock
General Merchandise which will
sold at lowest prices
Robt. R. Fleming.
Of Interest to Ladle

Eastern reflector.
Now is the time Cleaning
Pearline is the means.
Why takes the drudgery right
out of the work
and with less labor than anything known. Besides it saves
the worst of the wear by doing away with the rubbing.
It cleans without taking them
too coarse nothing too fine for
PEARLINE. You'll appreciate this fact best by giving
it a fair trial. House-cleaning time will pass so smoothly
the men folks will not suspect its presence.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are
offering imitations which they claim to be Pearl-
they are not. and besides are dangerous. PEARLINE is never peddled, but
old by all good grocers. only by JAMES N-- York.
Can be found a fresh of
Light . Goods, fruits,
Confections, Tobacco,
which will be sold very CASH
prices. Give me cull.
and Schedule.
No No No
March daily Fast Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
Weldon pm pm
Ar Rocky Mount
Ly Tarboro
At Wilson
Ev Wilson
Ar Selma
Ly Goldsboro
Ly Warsaw
Ly Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
pm pm am
their year's supplies will rind it to
i their interest to get our before
i chasing elsewhere. Our stock is complete
in its branches.
always at Lowest Market
buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville. N. C
Where did he get her
Who was brother
Had she a sister
Had she a mother
Was she
Born before history
With her identity
Shrouded in mystery
Maid of Phoenicia,
Africa, India,
Or sun-kissed
Who was her father
Was he a viking,
Just to his
Out of the
Over the water,
I the where.
Bringing his daughter
Native of Norway,
Denmark or Sweden
Lured the charms
Of the garden of Eden
or Brunette
Rounded or slender
or frigid
Haughty or tender
Why are her graces
Unknown to fame
Where did Cain meet her
What was her name
Whisper it softly
Say, can it be
The lady we seek
Was R.
Tell me, ye sages.
Students of life.
Answer my query;
Who was Cain's wife.
Be Sore and Let the Editor
Know About It
Don't forget the poor editor when
you have a news item. wife
hips you, let us know of it tin I we
will set it light before public.
If you have company tell yon
are ashamed of the visitors. If
a arrives at your borne
for raiment, buy a quarter's
worth of cigars and come around,
and if yon are a cash subscriber we
will famish a name for
or her, as the circumstances
will ; and you e a
social gathering of a few of your
friends, around a big cake,
seven or eight pins and a ham,
necessarily to eat, but as a
tee of good faith. We mention
these little things, for we want news
and will have it.
Judge Not.
Dress, or a Coat, Color
Ribbons, Feathers,
Yarns, Rags, etc. ten cents
ad In other ways SAVE Money, and make
things look NEW, by using DIAMOND
DYES. The work U easy, simple, quick; the
colon the BEST and FASTEST known. far
DIAMOND DYES and take no other.
Toe or Fancy USE
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only to Cents.
by Portraits
A Portfolio of beautiful baby t
tares life,
plate paper by patent photo
process, sent free to Mother of
any Baby born within a year.
Every Mother wants those
; send at once. Giro
name and age.
EllS, ft. CO.,
the System
With that moat
blood, cures Constipation,
and regulates river and,
the system of all waste
and dead
Celery Compound
true tonic and
qualities, reviving the energies end spirits.
have troubled for some years with a
complication of After
remedies, and not finding relief. I tried
Pal Celery Compound. Before taking one
full bottle the long troublesome symptoms
to subside, and I con truly say now, that I
l a new man. Digestion
and I nave gained ten pounds in weight since I
have commenced taking the
six tor At Druggists.
Eastern M
Plain History.
going north
No No No
daily daily
ex Sun.
Wilmington I
Magnolia am
pm I
Ar Goldsboro
Ar Selma
ax Wilson
Wilson am pm
Ar Rocky Haunt
Ar Tarboro
. Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Branch Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30
P. M. Returning, leaves Scotland Neck
8.20 A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train N C, via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day. P M. Sunday PM. arrive
N C. S P M, P M.
Returning leave Williamston, C. daily
except A M, Sunday A
M, arrive Tarboro, N C, AM,
Train on Midland N C Branch leaves
Goldsboro daily except Sunday. A M,
arrive N C, SO A M. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield, X C A M,
arrive X A M.
Train on Nashville leaves Rocky
Mount at no P M, arrives Nashville
P M, Spring Hope M. Returning
Spring Hope A M, Nashville
S A M. arrives Mount A
M dally, except
Trillion Branch leaves Warsaw
for except Sunday, at GOO
P M. and II M Returning leave Clio
Ton at S A M, and I P. M. connect-
Warsaw with Nos. ind
Southbound train on Wilson
ville Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for
North via Richmond and
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
J. R. Transportation
T M.
A car load list arrived and now
sale by.
at Keel King's old stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on time. I bought
my stock for Cash and can afford to sell
as anyone. Give me a call.
Have just procured several first-class
Vehicles and will take passengers to any
reasonable rate.
Sale, feed d Livery St.
There's Many a Slip.
Lexington Dispatch.
It was rumored in town last
day afternoon that Joshua
and Miss Bettie Carry were
married at the residence of the
bride's lather near here that morn-
at nine o'clock, and that the
bridal party had proceeded to the
home of Mr. Underwood, where
another took place, with
various other interesting details.
It is sad to relate that Mr. Under-
wood the bride elect are still
living in single blessedness. Every-
thing was lovely when he called on
his intended the Sunday night
to the day set for the wedding
and he of nothing to the con-
until he called with a justice
of the peace to claim his bride.
the meantime sue had changed her
mind, and when her lover arrived,
she point blank to marry
him. were in vain. She
wouldn't marry, that was the
end it.
A reliable woman wanted to introduce
direct to ladies in this comity. Dr.
Nichols, celebrated Spiral Boring Clasp
Corsets retailing at Si and upwards.
No more broken Steels ; warranted
or money refunded. The
greatest invention of the age. Sells on
sight. No experience required; sample
and outfit absolutely free. Agents
average to weekly. Send
postage for sample, and terms.
West 14th Street. NEW YORK.
Wilson Advance.
How hard is it for the great body
of mankind to keep the injunction
of the Bible, not, lest be
judged with the same
Yet how many there of us who
would have done better then those
whom we pronounce such
harsh judgments r Only the God
who made us. and who knows the
intricate and complicated machinery
of each individual ; who knows
the peculiar traits of character, and
the passions and appetites inherited
from ancestry to the third
a just upon our
act. him that is without sin
cast the first at those who do
Let us, one and all, throw
the broad mantle of charity over the
faults of our fellow and
endeavor, by living better lives our
selves, to the
Iron Mines.
Mr. J. L. Shaw owns a large tract
of land just outside the town of Lit-
which is thought to contain
iron ore paying quantities. A
Pennsylvania gentleman who spent
some time in Littleton last winter
who had had experience iron
mining offered to lease the land
the purpose of the ore, but
his offer was declined. There is a
fortune for Mr. Shaw this proper-
as there is doubt that it con-
a large quantity of ore good
Swift's Specific is n simple
table prepared from
roots gathered freshly from the for-
est, and nothing of the
mineral kingdom, or any poisonous
substance, or any article at all
which come from the chemist's la-
The formula of the remedy was
obtained from the Creek Indians in
Middle Georgia, by reliable white
who bad witnessed the won-
cures made by that tribe of
Indians, of blood disease. Mr.
Hugh L. of Houston
Ga., began using Swift's
in 1829, and its use all
of bis life, and asserted that he had
never known contagious blood pois-
on. This testimony has
every day for years. The
present Company was formed in
1879, and have made
to the world the virtues Swift's
Specific, and to-day it is sold in
city, town and country store all
over America, Great Britain,
other portions of the world.
I have seen Swift's Specific used,
of many cases of the
worst form of blood diseases which
have cured by it. I know the
proprietors to gentlemen of the
highest type and utmost reliability.
I recommend it as a great blood re-
by any thing that
I of. If. B.
Pastor 1st Baptist Church, Mont-
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis-
eases mailed free.
Swift Specific Co.
Drawer Ga.
I would respectfully call your
to the following ask
to remember that yon can buy a
this house cheaper than any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and best known having been represented
for over forty years this vicinity.
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual facilities for filling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. W. BATES,
J. J. Dancy, Nor walk, Conn.
Or write direct for prices.
New Saw Jewelry Store
I have just received a nice line
------the latest of------
M mini
Which I can sell very cheap. Violin
Guitar and Banjo Strings also lorn sale
Special attention paid
and jewelry repairing.
Greenville. N. C.
m rim is
Book tree. For only
f 53.00. With left
coupler. Warranted
Ill only
to your re-
from any bank-
agent and
will be promptly on
ten gait trial.
Circular free to all.
Bo to write mo, money. Solid
Paper thin i icon.
Rt erected Mayor April 1668, by a large
i majority.
H, W.
Washington, Warren Now Jersey,
States or America
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. M. A Dec.
east, schedule, doom west
No. No.
Having associated B. S.
with me in the Undertaking we
are ready to serve the people In that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past sen-ices have been placed in
the of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds call furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd. 1888.
p in
p m
a m
e u
--t canine of
i j-T in one
Mind cured.
.-At . to
with of Dr. A.
i . t. w d In Mind
I i-.; I C.
;, J. Christian
. A. It
. A . P.
i An .- fro. by
A. Si J Are., N. T.
Morehead City am
East. Going West
No t
Mixed Ft. Mixed Ft.
Stations. Pass Train.
M B p m
La Grange
Falling Creek
Kinston Q
j Caswell
Core Creek
Atlantic Hotel
p m Morehead Depot a m
Thursday and Saturday,
f Monday, Wednesday and Friday.;
Train connects with Wilmington A
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
m., and with Rich-
Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair,
a m
the Opera House, at which place
recently located, and where I have
everything In my line
with all the improved appliances; new
j comfortable chairs.
I sharpened at reasonable figures
tor work outside of my shop
executed. Very
For Sale.
I will sell my Center Bluff property
consisting of two acres of land with
store house, large warehouse and tenant
house on reasonable terms. Property
located at Center Bluff on Tar a
The Concord Tones, a good North
Carolina weekly,
emphatically agree with the
Wilson Advance that there are too
papers North Carolina.
There are too many everywhere else
that matter. Every town that
has anything else has its
per, and the most of them two.
The consequence is, the latter
case, both papers are found
an existence. Some
merely spite wink, the fact
being that they are losing money all
North Carolina has a population
of a million and a half or more,
scattered over a territory that is
five hundred miles in length.
The people read newspapers a great
deal more now than they did before
the war or the one hundred and six-
or seventy newspapers in the
State would soon cease. But
point fact North Carolina is not
a good newspaper State. The best
and most newspapers
cannot obtain a large circulation.
A few thousands are all. The
of papers is alarming.
Two or three a week seem to be the
output. Where Is this to stop
There are not many papers that can
be said to be making money. North
Carolina has many papers that
do credit to much larger
towns. Some of the weeklies are
decidedly good and deserve a largo
The dailies are all that
the population could require.
whites and three
dailies. These give as much news
as the dailies of towns the North
with but
A in Charlotte
ed a letter from Vance
which he The statement
which has been going the rounds
that my remaining eye is danger,
lam happy to you, is
founded. So tar as I can now judge,
its sight has been strengthened by
the remove of the other. I sup-
pose that the care which I have
taken to put no strain upon it that
could be avoided gave rise to the
rumor. If I can get a complete rest
until next December, I have every
reason to believe that shall be
completely restored in bodily health.
D. J. Editor Proprietor.
fads is hf pi on file at at-
CHIT Dweller.
One of the most attractive portions
of Colorado, if not in the entire west,
Edison's Fluid
removes superfluous Hair Two
minutes, permanently without pain or
injury to the skin. Cupids Gift
fies the complexion. Edison's Electric
Balm makes the Hair grew.
circulars for cent stamp,
West 14th St. X. Y.
The Philadelphia giantess is dead-
She was called Hannah
was over six feet high and
weighed COO pounds. It took a
feet long, feet wide and
feet deep to hold her
York City
C -U
Cleanses and the hair.
a growth.
i- lo Bettor
hair railing;
I-v. Mat
, Sent on trial.
paid. Fully Warren
low. Agata well paid.
free. Mention this Paper.
C U. T.
v. I, I. u. -I tor all
f 10.-1 defective lo time. too. and six.
The Sew
You have heard your friends and neigh-
talking about It. You may yourself
be one of the many who know from per-
just how good a thing
is. if you have ever tried it. you are
of its staunch because the
wonderful thing It is, that when
wry desirable location for mercantile
K-Mt n I . ,. . . .
p. m.
Train connects with Richmond
Train, at Goldsboro
m., with Wilmington
Train front North at p. m
Wilmington and
Freight f rain. leaving
p. in with
a Train
at p.
a. u
I have also a
power steam saw and grist mill that
will at a sacrifice.
J. N.
K. C
The labors every
week to bring trade to the merchants
of Do the mi
to Arm
A Greene County Case.
Harper was Sheriff of
county from 1880 to 1880.
At I of his last term
a Republican Board of County
Commissioners declared him
behind bis accounts with the
county. Judgment was had against
him for that amount, and be paid
of it. He demanded another
investigation of his books and ac-
count. The Democratic
appointed a committed for
that purpose. Their investigation
showed that lie was only
behind, mat the county now
owes him he having paid
lie county that amount above bis
Electric Spavin Cure
removes Bone Spavin-
In hours without pain.
Particulars. Must, circulars and tea
on cant stamp.
. co.
race. district in which
these ruins are located covers an area
of nearly square miles, chiefly
in Colorado, but which includes
row belts in the adjacent territories of
New Mexico, Utah and Arizona.
The ruins of this region, like most
others of the extreme west and south,
are the remnants in a great measure
of stone structures. It is evident,
however, that a great portion of the
villages and dwellings the lowlands
which comprise this district have been
of material other than stone,
doubtless, of rubble and
adobe combined.
The cliff houses conform in shape to
the floor of the niche or shell on
which they are built They are of
firm, neat masonry, and tho manner
in which they are attached or cemented
to the cliffs is simply marvelous. Their
construction has cost a great deal of
labor, the rock and mortar of which
they are built having been brought
hundreds of feet up the most
places. They have a much more
modern look than the valley and cave
remains, and are probably in general
more recent, belonging rather to the
close than to tho earlier parts of a long
period of occupation.
It seems probable that a rich reward
awaits the fortunate archaeologist who
shall be able to thoroughly
gate the historical records that lie
buried in the masses of ruins, tho
explored caves and the still m
burial places of the northwest But it
is quite improbable that any certain
light will ever be thrown on the origin
of this curious race which has just
been described, or their history.
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.
It Was a Joke.
Saloon Keeper Michael of
Washington avenue, Brooklyn,
received a small package from a boy,
who said he was asked to deliver it to
him by a man who met him near the
saloon. On opening the package Mr.
discovered a cigar box with
a sliding lid. Suspecting that it was
an infernal machine, he laid the box
aside without attempting to move the
lid. Francis Stone, a customer,
however, picked up the box and gent-
moved tho lid. As he did so there
was a sputtering of exploding matches
in the interior, but nothing more
than this occurred. There
pieces of broken glass, cotton waste
and what seemed to be powder in the
box, and also a small vial filled with
some black substance, having a mys
wire attachment, Cap-
Kenny became the custodian of
the mysterious box for the night, and
next morning it was in the
of Dr. Kent, the chemist of the
board of health. An examination
showed that the black stuff it the vial
was tincture of iodine, and the sap-
posed powder the scrapings from
emery The machine was en-
harmless. A note to Mr. Mo-
Hugh, which accompanied the box,
ever after holds a place the
If you have never used it and
should be afflicted with cough, cold or
any Throat, Lang or Chest trouble,
cure a bottle at and give it a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every tune, or
money refunded. Trial bottles free at
Drug store.
At a
man died, leaving a property valued
at This was partly
gaged- The mortgage and costs in-
amounted to thus
but to be divided among
the widow and fourteen heirs.
The widow will, however, have only
the use this collar during her
lifetime must leave it to the
heirs at her death.
A Legal Opinion.
E. Munday County
Atty., Clay Co., Tex. used
Electric Bitters with happy results.
My brother also was very low with Mala-
rial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured
by timely use this medicine. Am sat-
Electric Bitters saved his
Mr. D. I. of Horse Cave,
a like testimony, He
believes he would have died,
it not been Electric Bitters.
This great remedy will ward off, as
well as cure all Diseases, and for
all Kidney, Liver and
stands Price and
ft. at Drug store.
Rheumatic Sciatic, Sharp and
Pains and Buck
Ache, Uterine Chest
ed in one minute by the
mm mm
The first and only instantaneous pain
killing strengthening plaster, r
for SI. At druggists, or of
Pimples, blackheads, DI CC
I chapped and oily
cured by
The following is the
Landmark's definition of the
The dude is a small
found in ion.-, parts of Amer-
England and They
generally make their haunts in the
large cities and towns, but some-
times are seen hopping around in
small villages. They are quite
harmless, but a great nuisance.
People no doubt exterminate
them as fast as they appear but for
the of a game law.
It you have a from the nose-
offensive or otherwise, partial loss of the
sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes
or weak, feel dull or debilitated,
pain or in the head, take cold
easily, you may rest that
have the Catarrh. Thousands cases
annually, without . i half of the
above symptoms, terminate in
and end the grave. No disease
so common, more deceptive, less under-
stood, or more treated
Tho manufactures of Dr.
Catarrh have, many
years offered a of
for a case of no matter
how bad or of how long
they ear not cure. Remedy by
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical on
tie Errors of Premature Decline,
and U Blood.
Untold Miseries
from Folly, Vice, Ignorance. or
and unfitting the victim
for Work, Married or Social
Avoid unskilful great
work. It contain. royal
full gilt. Price, only by
nail, concealed In plain wrapper.
apply Toe
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, M. p. re-
from the National Medical
for the PRIZE on NERVOUS and
of may be consulted,
by mall or In person, at the office of
St., Mass.,
orders for books or letters lot advice should be
a whom all
GULLETS for baldness,
fit Hi out of hair, end eradication of
dandruff Is before the public.
Among the many who have it with
wonderful success, I refer you to fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
-11 C ville.
Mr. O.
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints can procure
It from roe. at my place of business, for
per bottle.
Greenville, 14th, C ,
We have the easiest
ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp rigors, and satisfaction guaranteed
In every instance. Call be con-
Ladles waited on at rest-
clothes s
obtained, mid all business In the S.
u in the Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
are opposite the T. S. Patent Of-
engaged hi Patents Exclusively,
can obtain patents In less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing i- we
advise as to free of
and we make no change unless we ob-
We refer, here, lo the Port Master, Hie
Supt. of Money Order Did., and to
Is of tho U. Patent
terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
C. a. Show ft Co.,
Washington, C.
Per Year,
Newspaper ever
Greenville. It furnishes the
and gives More Heading Matter for
the money than any other paper
published in North Carolina.
The gives a variety
and LOCAL, and will devote it-
self to the material advancement
of the section in which it
Bond your name and get a
is called to tho as its
large and growing circulation
makes it an excellent medium
through which to reach the people
SAG l i CB V
v pa ran .
The St is the only New York news-
paper possessing the fullest i
of the National Administration and the
United Democracy of New York, the
political battle ground of the
Democracy, pure and
simple, is mod enough for the Stab.
Single handed among the metropolitan
press, it has Stood by the men called by
the great Democracy to redeem the guy-
eminent from twenty-live years of e-
publican wastefulness corruption
despotism to the South. For the
four years past it has been
in its to the administration
Cleveland, it is for him now
for Cleveland four
years more of Democratic honesty in our
national affairs, of continued nation-
For people who like that sort of De-
the is the paper to
The Star stands on lite
National Democratic It lie-
that any from the
people in excess of the demands of a
government economically administered
IS essentially oppressive dishonest.
The scheme fostered championed by
the Republican making the
government a mist r. u millions
from the people and lot-king
them up ill Vaults to serve no purpose
hut invite wastefulness dishonesty,
regards as a against
the citizenship.
publican political jugglers may call it
taxation the name
for it is robbery.
Through through is a
great newspaper. Its tone i- pure and
wholesome, its news service
Each issue an
tome of what is hist worth knowing of
the world's history Its
stories ale told in good,
reading they are.
The St a u is as goo. as the
best class magazine, the
same amount of r s the
day's news it is rich in special
articles, stories, snatches current
literature, reviews, criticism,
inimitable humor
in Its columns Will
letters arc of its choice
Many of the best know n men won
in literature and art are represented
Its columns.
The is a large
giving the of the news the
over, with special features which
it the most complete family
published. The farmer, the
the man too much
read a daily will get more for
dollar invested in the
than from any other It will
especially alert during the
mil will print the freshest and most
political news.
R day for one year
Daily, without Sunday, one year
day. six months
Daily, without Sunday, six months
Sunday edition, one year
one year
A free copy of the to
the sender of a club of ten.
Address, STAR
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. My culling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of Preparation that is invaluable
for eradicating dandruff causing the
kinkiest hair to he perfectly soft and
glossy, only two or application a
week is necessary, a common heir
brush is all to used after the
scalp vigorously font few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, only cents.
lies ally,
J, N. it.
Printers and Binders,
have most ,
of the kind to tie found I
State, and solicit lei- for
Of Rail
road or School Print-
or Binding.
Send us yo tr Orders,
It the i f.
ii ; i r I l In i
run n
i for l
v. . Ml
Edition of
nil i nil I Mi
l I I i I
In J
. In
. A I Still
. t. J
. .
C. D.
Dealer Hay, C. I
Will pay cash
Corn and
I pay cash my Roods and
me t the store J. I

Eastern reflector, 8 May 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 08, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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