Eastern reflector, 15 May 1889

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J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor. TRUTH IN TO FICTION.
TERMS Per Year, in
Eastern Reflector,
Editor and
S Price. per year.
BY H. C.
all the where you will
find another
IV stick to you through good or ill
And love you liken mother.
be very much impaired. This gen- offending substance to be removed
idea of the ear is about the driven farther In be-
best one can without con-
come packed against the dram.
study and the aid of Then there ore other things to be
charts. At any rate it is quite considered in this connection. In
sufficient for the purpose of this dis- DinS a syringe, if a stream of water
the drum of the ear
and a quarter within
is thrown against the dram with too
great a force, injury is sure to re-
In way it is possible to
In all e'er you roam . . rupture the drum, but if that is not
With sister, rife or brother, it n often injured,, . .,.
will hesitate to Democratic
and measures that are not consistent
with the true principles of the party
and. in fact, destroyed by the wan- inflammation will very likely
ton carelessness in picking the ears. I Again, water
all the wealth com- Au instrument quite often used for
that purpose is hairpin. Never
put anything into your oars but
You'll never know so sweet a home
As that one made by mother.
r or you the work others
find a pair of hands
To toil for you
your elbow, is sound advice, and if
in all the you should followed there would
In riches nearly .
You'll taste no cooking half so good be decidedly cases of deafness.
As that prepared by-mother. I picking the ears, possible
If a a wide-a-wake In all the ; to the is by no means the
section of the State send for the
And more to yon than brothers
You'll never for a moment hear
A voice so kind
In all the world- although you break
The tender hearts of others.
There is no heart can eve ache
For you as much
too hot or too cold may set op an
inflammation. Therefore, all things
considered, the rule is fixed that
syringing the ear should never be
done unless a physician has advised
it and given ample as
to all its details.
is Bachelorhood a Success
I all the -though you create
G. Fowle. of Wake. A. pleasure for another,
Secretary of
of Wake.
W. Rain, of Wake.
of Wayne.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
eon, of Buncombe.
Chief Justice William N. H. Smith, of
Associate S. of
Wake; Joseph J. Davis, of
James E. Shepherd, of and
Alfonso C. Avery, of Burke.
You can give none a joy so great
As you give
In all the a wife
yon in goodness smother.
There's none who'll sacrifice a life
For you as quick
In all this world- where you in bliss
Stay soon forget another.
There is no one whom you will miss
When she is gone,
danger to be apprehended.
The lining of the ear passage is
quite sensitive to irritation. It re- Detroit Free Press.
quires very little rubbing or the that one
scratching to inflame it, and even P, t least, of moot-
l if that irritation be to not received the at-
outermost part of the passage, as it deserves. In con-
is where only the finger is now
there is a decided tendency for the a a
trouble caused extend up to T
involve the drum. Many people
must have noticed that alter even
gently picking the ear soon
was an uncomfortable sense of
fullness deep within, giving
that the answer, be affirmative or
negative, must result by ad
in determining the success
or failure of celibacy. This is an
others have gone to
t places, and still others have
a longer or more hopeless
of indifference or alienation.
Men have too much to do that con-
corn themselves to meet friendship
mat i more than half way, and per-
old bachelor did not do all
might, when time and he
younger acquaintances, to
those friends whom
sen ban.
Y u all know how it goes on. A
comfortable room slippers
for feet that will again shine
in patent leather; a dressing gown
on the back, while moths riddle the
useless meals that
are better than appetite or
service in sickness or health
that meets all needs except
hungry longing for sympathy
is perfunctory as are all
things bought and paid for. Most
people looking from without think
and say that the man is
because his stomach is filled, his
head sheltered and his back
If they could but know it,
he would give the food for a crust
and an ideal; he would barter the
raiment for rags and one illusion;
he would exchange bis luxurious
rooms for a hovel word of
How To Kill a Town.
and as
Alas, by dying
First H.
Second Philips, of I
i lips too chary of their praise
Third G. Connor, of Will tell our merits over,
eon. I And eves too swift our faults to see
Clark, of Shall no discover.
Wake. . I Then hands that would not lift a stone
Fifth A. oft Where stones were thick to cumber
an of the in Ra-
Picking the ear, even it
. , ,, ,. I to the outer part of it, also gives
Sweet friend, when thou I are gone , .
Beyond earth's weary labor, to small abscesses, which many
j When small shall be our need of are exceedingly painful
From comrade or from
Passed all the strife, the toil, the care, and slow to disappear.
There is naturally always a small
I And done with all the sighing,
shall we have gained.
and predict a general crash in the
Patronize outside newspapers to
the exclusion of your own and then
denounce them for not as
cheap is a city paper.
When you have anything to say
about town say it such a way as
to leave the impression that yon
have no faith in it.
Never on an any speak a
good word for your banks, mer
are greater, loneliness is more
of as often
much as possible.
Never pay local paper a
cent Tor advertisements.
Denounce be-
cause they have a profit on their
Glory it the fall of a man who
has done much to a town.
Make town out the worst
moral place and stab it every chance
you get.
Send away letter heads, blanks
statements, etc., because they are
five cents cheaper alter express is
Refuse to in every scheme
for the betterment of the material
interest of people.
If a stranger come to town tell
him that everything is
What is Happening Around Us.
As Reflected from the State Press.
for Bonn.
j Flowers bloom along the way that Duty
And as thou on thy stern high path.
Glimpses will come to thee of heavenly
, by.
Transcending all the base world
ons of. Margaret
Graham Gleaner.- Hardly a day
passes that we do not hear some
one from the country speaking most I .,.
hopefully of the fine prospects for J
small grain crop. storm. Beauteous soul, when a
There is not a whiskey shop in tr
, . . , ., , as a flower.
comity, X C. prison , jean
of county is empty, and there
was not a State case on the docket peace be in the heart,
wildest winter scene Is full of sol-
at the last court.
From the Stanley Observer we
learn the facts of death of a lit
tie child of Mt. Adam Treece. The
child got hoW of n vessel containing
a pint of liquor and drank it. In a
short time the child died from the
overdone effects, of the liquor.
The midnight lightning Hash but shows
the path of duty;
Each living creature tells some new and
joyous story
It peace be in the heart.
G. V. Richard,,
unwarrantable assumption. Even disinterested pres-
marriage to be a failure,; sure of a child's arm about his neck,
it does not follow that the condition j Age increases, infirmity
of sere yellow maidenhood is
happy nor, with marriage a demons- when, after mouths or I
The older I I now
stand the brink of
more come back to me that sentence
Washington The saw I
mills of Geo. A. Bros., deeper its meaning
located on river were burned is the end of man To glorify
Wednesday afternoon last. They
caught from a spark. One million
feet of lumber was lost. The loss is
estimated at No
God enjoy
Thomas Carlyle.
success is the condition of
the bachelor one with the worse.
This should be clear enough, for the
essence of the celibate's claim
T. of
Our path, will scatter flowers
Above our pillowed slumber.
Ere love is past forgiving
Should take the earnest lessen home;
Gull ford
Seventh C. of
Eighth a. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth G. of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
Twelfth H- Merrimon.
of Buncombe.
Representatives in Congress.
Yance, of Meek-;
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-j
House of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans.
Second P. Cheat ham col.
Third W. of
Fourth II. of
Fifth W. of disease, especially in life, that
Sixth Rowland of
amount of wax in the ears People to in Ma
generally think that they should re- of marriage. How then
move that from time to time, and
can a mere logical quibble make
him dependent for happiness or I
upon a contract to which be is
nut a party, from which he draws
i no part without necessarily
Sweet friend, perchance, both thou and I. such an extent it threatens to fill up, ,
for the purpose a of ear
spoons have been constructed. It
is true that are occasional
cases where the wax accumulates to
years of mere existence, some
one tells you, casually, that
---------is you are sorry for a
moment and then forget. Let
hope that he himself is glad, for
there is due him some-
Does Farming Pay
. the passage, lint that condition of
patient with the living.
To-day's repressed rebuke may save
Our blinding tears to-morrow;
Then patience, e'en when keenest edge
May whet a nameless sorrow
easy to be gentle when
Death's silence shames our
And easy to discern the bent,
Through memory's mystic glamor;
Be wise it were for thee and me,
Ere love is past forgiving.
To take the tender lesson
Re patient with the living.
S. Henderson.
Eighth A.
Ninth G. E wait of
Superior Court A.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of II. James.
B. Cherry.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
is scarcely ever noted in a
healthy ear. Nature has made such
provisions that the wax is properly
disposed of if it is not meddled
with. The glands which secrete it
arc the upper wall of the pas-
sage, which has just sufficient
I to let it roll out. If one
this tact he need not try to
j aid nature in removing the wax, for
I in doing so be will most probably
V defeat her plans by pushing It far
Ears. the J
Cost, the opposite direction.
often subject That done, wax is liable to re-
main there until picked out or in
some other way removed. It is
the rule that where one is
careful to keep the car free of wax
its secretion Is very greatly increased
consequence of the set
After what has it will
be seen that all interference with
the outer passage of ear is
and Farm.
see, by reading and Farm
some people think farming
It is just, then to claim that the
consideration of the success of j
is an independent one, tho I permission I will toll why I
Free Press will so consider it. It think so. My came homo
will confine itself, too, to the mas- ; at tho end of the war with nothing
or tho question. and a to work.
may be divided into three v be did
schools, newspapers, or anybody or
anything else.
If you are a don't ad-
in your home paper, but buy
a rubber stamp use
may save you a few dimes and
make tho paper look as if it was
published in a horse town,
give the place a black eye.
On the contrary if you want to
have a good, lively and pleasant
place to live in, patronize homo
don't merchants, printers, manufacturers,
Keep a watch on your words, darling,
t or words are wonderful things-
They are sweet like the honey,
Like the bees they have terrible stings,
. , , n , hey can bless like the warm clad sun-
A gentleman shine,
who bad been out to Major Emmy's I brighten a lonely life.
Pierce farm about live miles l
with a double luster
when it is set in humility. An able
and yet humble man is a jewel
worth a kingdom William Penn.
Flowers are tho smiles of God's
town, informed us a day or two ago
that he saw fifteen acres of clover
which averaged from to inch-
es in height. He also had a
of cotton up and grow-
Rocky We re-1 Wilberforce.
to learn that I J. A. Leslie
pay, but I think it does, and with colleges, banks and talk
of your surroundings.
The Next
I has tendered his resignation as pas- i , a miss owns Daisy
tor of the Baptist at Tar I to
. , be called Miss Smith. If she is
Mr. Leslie was for several rears married at thirty she prefers to be
pastor of the in this, place
and is much beloved by our people
hero. We learn that ho has accept-
ed a call in Virginia.
three chronological classes,
tho young bachelor, the bachelor
and the old bachelor. Tho
bachelor is a thing of mint sauce
a joy forever. He is a
he lost, as the man be worked for
died insolvent. He worked
In an officer of Federal
,,,.,, Government will call upon every
T got farmer m this State, and expect to
provisions to keep two a year,
persuaded me to help eat propounded in regard to
people should know more of them
they now generally do. A
little, but not much, can be j
about tho care they need. The real j
apparatus of hearing is fortunately i
so well constructed and so well pro- j
in its situation, it does very
well, as a rule, under the alone j
There is much, how-i
ever, to be said what ought
The State
owns a large body of land in
and Jones The Governor i
I is very in advocacy of the
j Penitentiary making a State
; farm on part of this land, thus
I utilizing some the
making bread and meat. Last
Faison. Director
j Clark and Lewis inspected
these lands. matter is under
N. C
The death
Hading not to be done to the ears, for habits fraught with danger, even in
s. and J. D. I which tend to injure them ex-1 using towel after the
I common. Again, people j face, the part about the ear should
of F. W. Brown.
M. Bernard.
C. Forbes.
simply because he says so and by the way. I was not hard; and
. proclaiming I had a little arc very
one to excite the of a cow and pig, j and a are in them
young women for we cast our lot together and L, almost exclusively the estimable wife of J.
He lives with his parents, enjoys all went work. We bought a
comforts of home life, his father ; on and routed a farm, and by
contributes regularly to his support bard and using economy I
usually by the he helping me in the j w by m
and morning and I helping him in
the field during the day, we man-
aged to make a good living and acres in crops,
pay the rent. I aggregate in cultivation ; value of
After a while we bought a and also of live
not a large one, but large enough ; used .
to make plenty to keep the family i of a productions
We have done j th resent number
fashionable boarding or at a oar ourselves, but very
good hotel; be is often at the little help. We made our
I Any Entrusted to us will
Promptly Attended to-
Greenville, N
he is years old. If he does not,
he to a young
until the clock strikes his natal
hour on the thirtieth anniversary of
his birth. Then he becomes a
should served with caper
sauce. He is yet fine
be has the best
i to the crops the year, Brogden, of this city, occurred sud-
It behooves every farmer, j of rheumatism of the heart
therefore, to make correct answers, yesterday while the fire
was being sounded. What
I officers. Among many I makes her death the more sad was
asked will be the of the absence of her husband, who
went down to Lenoir county
day evening to officiate at a funeral
on Sunday.
should be touched with gentleness. he has ceased to be an object of at home and then what cot-
diseases of these important organs, j And it is well to say that many j for he is not i we could, have not bought I
not only for the reason that many j people make nor has two or three times and then
of them may be prevented, but be- selves deaf by using a towel possibility of a bushels when we had a
cause, as a general thing, they arc rolled in tho shape of dry season, but would have
improperly treated. Considering j a wedge, to out the ear. at him they pass. Ho some to sell most every year,
these facts, it is assumed that a dis-1 occasional itching of the ear is doesn't half a bad time
of horses, oxen, milch cows,
and other cattle, sheep, swine; wool
milk, butter, cheese, etc.
one should feel an interest
in statistics, and endeavor to
have them correct and full, so as to
make a creditable showing for our
As j
A n T-LA W,
Practice in the State and Federal
. . . U grew UP , j
few. O Hoot Le m b i mOSt at them to work, not bard work, but
near the in front Measures of youth and i enough make healthy and
Perkins and A. F , have divided the is ties of middle age. He will go to a keep out of ,
HES. Parts- A description j a diseased condition of
First and two is comparatively easy, but of the, lining of the passage will be found,
Sundays, morning and night. x. C. j too difficult to undertake. to effect a cure the services of
Hughes. D. D., Hector.
, , . J commonwealth, well as to furnish
the children up tau-ht ,.,, for
information of
keep them out of mischief.
ball or dinner now have farm paid and
but he makes his call of owe but a
Concord Simon Barn-
killed a hawk last Saturday
morning, before he came to town,
that measured feet from tip to tip.
The gun with which it was brought
down was bought May 1850,
and has been use ever since.
Our county Treasurer tells us that
the first thing he ever shot was a
sap and he used this same
old gnu and that a part of was at
that time tied together with strings
N. C.
by card, not in person;
Sunday, morn- j The drum of the is dividing j will be needed. itch-; he performs all social that
and Prayer Meeting every j between the external and be temporarily relieved are in fact pleasures, but shrinks
called middle car. drum lies with warm, weak water, so faintly suggest
iv Sunday, an inch and a quarter within dropped into the passage. I ennui, saying, always, dear
y passage- Beyond the dram is. It is a common practice such Mrs.------, you most excuse me. Con-
Pastor, actual hearing apparatus. The cases and many others to drop into aider my age and long social service.
T ; outermost part of the external ear the ear sweet oil or age what nonsense she
Greenville No A. F. ft A. as ever-v one of ; Their nae ever be says, thinking of her own. Then
M., wefts even and Mob- trumpet as to receive and and in some j they both
quarters.; of the it is absolutely The time when our the
R. A. No. The middle ear, back of the bidden as harmful. Not only is itch- caper the uneatable
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-; a cavity, which com when severe evidence of of old bachelorhood, with
Lodge, I. O. O. with deep caverns, the ear, but ail such sen- i man. We have all seen giddy
Tuesday night, p. L. j are also a part of the hearing as of of burning youths of and w s lean
No. K. of H., i i or of pain, also indicate that there slippered pantaloons of It
x. .
middle ear also a physician should a man no.
Thursday night. O. A. White, t consulted. For these symptoms and
Money ; passage called the tube.
j,. n. to p. M.
noun. A. W. to p. M.
bf to ,.,
I p. m. j the drum the
Bethel mall arrives daily Sun-
i--i at A. M-, and departs at p
Tat mail arrives Sun-
at m. and depart- at P. M.
is some disease going on therein, is safe to say, however, that the
in eyes of
he ladles are arbiters, a
hopeless before be re-
brought service. i aches the Ones tailor
with upper part of the threat
properly the a narrow for the is.
K I Hence it will be seen that tor I bat is a small j barbel can do so much for him
ear would be
from j for to-which it is
cuter ear to the To out the ears is a
who have of W d one can
mail daily , . . do it property be
For b; on V
1st Sunday at
House, 1st at
2nd at
at i
at k.
-w S u -j t
E P- C-
fact, for in Moving the nose
I the the ear
I with a whistling Bound. The
plays several
Were i; b it for that
by a physician.
Where there is deposit in i he
of hardened wax, etc., a con
of must
. it in to do any
The time comes, however as- time
always to the patient. There
are of rheumatism in the
Joints and of sorrow at the
heart. The phi hums that was open
to him for so an
of tho do-
which tie baa denied
lb dear ones are
dead or of
the owing to moat ha. on thug and
air w. not vibrate, j properly directed or liar roar t
hewing while U pitiably
I wholly-
few dollars. Nothing we have has
any mortgage on it, as we have
never given one on anything. We
have partly raised seven
and send them to school more or
less every year until the older ones
a very good education.
And we have lost a good deal in
present is very inadequate.
A Joke on Jarvis.
New York Star.
A good story is told of ox-G
Jarvis while he was our
in South America. The em-
La- a the dignitaries were invited.
good milk cows and a valuable;
horse, besides other smaller stock.
Some times, money is not very
The other foreign ministers in
their carriages, clad the
but we always manage to
such occasions-
um o w r A in
save cants to pay for Home f of Albemarle Sound. It is
every year. It has been a
regular visitor at our house about
twelve years, and I expect it to be
as long as we are able to raise fifty
cents. I a kind husband and
sweet children to love mo,
and a kind Heavenly Father to
over, us all and direct our
affairs, therefore I am happy
and eon ten as a .
N, O.
em walked to the
When you pass
through the east gate of the capitol
square look at the foliage of tic beau
sycamore trees and you will see
something which you will, perhaps,
be trouble to explain. Many of
the leaves arc withered and dead;
but the singular feature will be
found fact that, with
regularity, about every
loaf is green and vigorous,
and those of the half of the
trees are Dot affected.
City Dr.
has an relic
which be found in the sand
an old
. C.
Practice in all the courts. Collection
a Specialty.
Greenville, N.
palace on foot in his ordinary every
day He threaded
way among the many carriages
tint were on. toward the fest-
scene. Ho made under-
stood as being the Min-
He paid bis of France HaW
respects to the Emperor and then
ship's bell, without date, but
at some time in the dim
belonged to a French ship which
was probably wrecked at head-
waters of Albemarle It baa
carved on it emblematic
When a young man proposes and
is accepted Cue girl's
if be is w rings his own
out to the took a
seat in a where he
began quietly to a
Two of tho of pal-
ace came noon aim and rattled him
off, and might have
him had not the sec- tar. or the
American Legation, could speak,
language, come upon the scene.
at tins moment;,
natives to understand that was
I a hole through j
the where I come . ., .,,., , a
t the m
Hew York World. with many
which was evidently name
p. c r
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
N. C
Under new management. Hot and
cold water baths. Good room and at-
servants. Table always
with the beat of the market. Feed
stables In
TOUtS 11.50 m SAT
E. Manatee.
the ship to which bell belonged
The sea and inland waters are a vast
treasure house of relics.
Lieut. A on j a
day an old, rusted musket, taken , lO
be supposed, from the wreck
the which
wrecked off some years THE HOME
bat we lo opinion SAMPLE ROOMS
that It t. of re. and
to the f
or two Spanish oar--
; Good
table the
st the
When la

Eastern Reflector,
t TO
Price. per year.
j Mi not Hesitate to Democratic
I and measures that arc not consistent
ft with the true principles of the party.
If a a wide-a-wake
f the State send for the
at the office at
, as Second-Claps
The Atlantic Hotel at
heal City, will be a
great attraction the coming sea-
son. The recent purchasers of
the property, Messrs. J. S.
W. W. Fuller, G. W.
A. A. Branch, and F. W.
Barnes, have determined that it
shall be run as a first-class hotel
in every particular and at prices
in keeping with the times. Mr.
R. B. Raney, proprietor of the
House, Raleigh, has
been placed in charge of the At-
Hotel for the season,
which will open about the mid-
of June.
Elsewhere in this paper is a
call for a meeting of the
Association to be held in
the Opera House Thursday even-
at which time the
will be addressed by Col.
B. S. of York,
We earnestly every
man of the community, and
The Concord Times announces all in the of
not of the
up to that tune and Dim to I
name ft good wan for office.
Palmer was named, rind fur-
investigation the was
tendered to him, and he accepted it.
the appointment was made
it was really to see
the members of the
trying to find
to introduce them to the new Pub
lie Printer so they could got in their
applications for the positions
tinder him. It is thought that one
of these nominally
of Pennsylvania, really of the Dis-
or Columbia, may lose
mind, so great has the disappoint-
been at not made Pub-
lie in tor. was so certain that
he was to get the appointment that
he had already given away several
of moat important places in the
Government Printing office.
It is evidently the purpose of the
Republican politicians to make the
census bureau an asylum for their
political The Interior De-
has decided that the
this bureau are not
tinder the civil service rules. The
bureau will have net year when it
gets regularly to work, over 1,500
clerks, besides an array of
agents, the most of these will
be kept for two years or longer.
of file fore-arm.
The of Mrs. James
from near Fountain Bill, Le
county, but formerly of Pitt,
was interred at Hancock's cemetery
last afternoon, May 9th. Sac.
lied N. C, May
on or about the r j Greenville and surrounding, lie a great convenience to prom
June it. will begin the
of a monthly journal to be
known as The Piedmont Farmer. It
will be an eight page, thirty-two
column paper, will cost
only cents a year
Here is another little item
that shows how the North and
West, the great moral
do things. A jury in Ohio were
sitting on a murder case and I
could not agree. They the Record Boston
heads and tails to decide what I New Haven Palladium and
country will b- present. Col.
has come by invitation
of the Association, and he a
man in a position to do our sec-
vast good. Besides being
an able and influential man. he
is connected v a number of
the largest and most widely cir-
journals in oar country,
among them being Frank
and other publications,
the verdict should be, and hang-1 others Besides giving us much ,
Court advice and information that will i The new Secretary of Agriculture
Times dull, news scarce.
Considerable visitation of drum-
mere and agents last week.
crowd in town Saturday
Work has commenced on the
streets for I he first time in about a
Mr. It. A. has the best
looking clerk in town,
Mrs, Nelson still holds on the Post
office and the aspirants wonder
what's the matter.
The Alliance through
their agent, W. A- James, Jr., had
about seventy-five her-
rings besides a large quantity of
other fish slapped here last week at
greatly reduced prices, so that they
realized a saving of not less
one hundred, that deal.
The Alliance here could be strong if
they they have of brains
and means might use them
greatly to their own benefit and
that of the community in which
tin. live. If this Alliance had so
willed might have put their
together and built and owned
a cotton seed oil mill here, sq that
they have used their own seed
of shipping them out of the
country and then t hem back
in the shape of meal and hulls
large profits to the mill owner,
yet the ct them have seen
fit to go abroad and invest their
funds in the same kind of property
to build up other places to the
of home. would like to
brother to one of the most lucrative f
officers in Washington- we never were very
on the fellow that loved
in the
for needed
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if you want anything- in
Hardware, Implements, Stoves
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of
which we will sell at Factory Prices.
to use these
to pay off their political debts,
and if the appointments were made
civil that
be impossible.
The first of the fifteen
election cases which are to come be-
fore the Fifty-first Congress was
opened by the of House
this week. It was Chalmers vs.
Morgan, of the second Mississippi
Harrison waving provided a snug
place for his of the gentleman if they
said, about to appoint
great admirers
of p. H. Hill, but bis remarks
cot it. The Supreme
of the State granted a new trial-
Hon. Davis will be
present at the centennial
of the adoption of the
Federal Constitution by the
State of North Carolina,
takes place in the town of
Nov. That will
be a grand day for North
thousands of her people
will be present, to ml a
help the advancement of our
ii order to prove his familiarity
fanning and may-
developments, he will make j gel farmers of
known the advantages our; the country, put i-j a half an hour
section to the outside world. cutting grass with a the
.,, j j i. grounds surrounding department
He will spend a few days here to; op week of course
make himself thoroughly entirely ignorant of the fact
with the community j that several newspaper men had
their eyes on him
are already begin-
to compare Harrison with Hay-
e is
and our people should give him
all information possible and
show him every courtesy. This
is a good opportunity for Green-f
. , . t i i I timid almost to the extent
ville and her citizens should
come to this great man who is so; active to embrace it. Let the it that the Post office
dear to all our hearts.
According to the laws of 1885,
chapter appointments
of Justices of the Peace by the
General Assembly shall be void
unless the person so appointed
ball qualify within three months
The appointments
of the last Legislature were
made on the 11th of
according to the above provision
they must qualify by
of June. No doubt there are
who nave
and they should do so
fore i he lime expires.
Opera House be tilled to-morrow
is clerks in
the Railway Moil Service
their appointments April
order to avoid compliance with
service rules under all such
. , . m r ft appointments should have been
to A. L W.
Senator Gorman thinks that Cal-
S. will be elected chair-
man of the National Democratic
V. C, May
Mu. Editor
I see in your last issue where a;
society for the prevention of cruelty
to goes for me with gloves
off. It seems as if one of their
valuable members has- had his
shoulder galled. I'm very sorry, j
brush away these j
tears of sympathy.;
be- of V. O. W., presume it
if I presume too much, beg
., . . , and what I can learn is a very ex-
That is an ugly affair reported a
from Raleigh, and the pa of j of a vast
that city say it created a As to the resolutions passed by
I them I have this comment to make,
hoping it may be fully understood
some other fellow's home and
neighborhood more than his own,
was not from the truth.
Bethel is badly need of two
objects just now, is an earnest,
faithful Baptist preacher, and the
other is
male school teacher. II you see any
of that sort this way.
,, Several little recruits to the
of the town last week,
Daddies in fine spirits.
The town election the 8th pass-
ed off quietly. No opposition ex-
the ghost of
appeared in the shape of Mr. S. T-
as an Independent candidate
for Mayor, against W. the
nominee. He is a Democrat of
course, as Republicans never run
but when the votes were
counted, of course lie found himself
in a hopeless
A young woman who married a
little more than a dozen years
Martin made a wish on
the of her marriage that she
might be the mother of five boys
and five girls. She has her wish,
and they arc all living.
Bethel and were visit
WE are now fitted up in first-class are prepared to man-
upon notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. GREENE JR. Manager.
Offers to the of Pitt and surrounding; comities, a line of the following good,
mat are not to be excelled in this market. And all guaranteed to be and
kinds. Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Lime, Plaster of Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and Saddles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which f offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash, Bread Prep-
and Hull's Star Lye at Jobbers Prices. White Lead and pure Lin-
Oil,, and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Sail and Wood and
Willow are. Nails a specialty. Give me a call guarantee satisfaction.
Spring Display
I will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest and freshest
f keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of
All your wants In the above goods can be supplied by
committee w succeed the late ex
This is taken
to mean that Senator
j a
say it created a
sensation. Rev.
J. J. Boyle, church appreciated, as
of the Sacred Heart, of that city, j
was a charge of
m .
criminal assault and rape on a p saw;
lady who was a
and organist of the church of
which he was pastor. There
was sufficient evidence against
him to his being placed in
prison to await trial If his guilt j
is established he be
en the full penalty of the law.
all O. K.,
Come off the perch,
Capt. John T. Patrick, who
has so served the w
i o. i ; mow,
pie of this State as Commission- j w do a
of Immigration for many years Mr. Normal,
past, has that
o enter a larger field. He will j
., . . .
become General Commissioner of
Immigration of the Southern lee
States. The appointment was
a i It t o.
made by the Southern Inter
Immigration Association, which
convened in Ala.,
last December, and which pro-
and is to hold,
the great permanent exposition
of Southern products at the I
in the fall.
mu MM.
vs just been appointed as ever
Civil Service
. o , free n here tho
trader. Funny isn't it that a man it th had
elected President solely because he ones largest we oversaw,
was a protectionist give the of them would have
such a prominent appointment to many larger,
tree trader i Most of fruit is knocked on the
man's luck has trees and great damage is done to
yet deserted him. The e f the say they
a member of the
Public Printer is
st r
and r inn
tin, nil
No storm this week is the cry on
every corner.
Farmers are busy plowing coin.
Cotton is not coming up well so far,
but hope these few warm days will
start it from beneath the clods. Mr. j
Caleb has an excellent j
patch of wheat. It is now in lull
bloom. Mr. Josiah Cox has four
acres of high land wheat, which j
will excel any seen by the reporter.;
There are three maiden j
sisters near Fork the
east side, who deserve mention.
They have over their com
the first time, finished chopping
cotton and almost through siding
It up. They keep horse, make
their own corn, pork and flour.
They hire no to do anything for I
them except splitting rails and ditch j
And it is a singular
there are four j
by the above named, who do every- j
thing to the
ting rails and ditching not exempt-
ed. They cut enough
last winter, hauled and it to
run fifteen barrels tar, split
rails and put them on the fence,
will have to plow up and
their crops. The wheat crops
are nearly ruined. Ir. covered a sec
about ten miles square but did
not do much damage except in an
area of about three miles square.
Hogs other stock were seriously
injured in some sections.
About two miles i rack has been
laid the Greenville railroad.
A good looking crowd
mighty poor music at the
calico ball held at James Hall last
Friday night.
We were tho other day
to hear a mail giving as a
why the people in his were
to having the dam built
this side of Tar river that the
would the horses off the
dam and it is so that they could
have the to run in when
they get seared. Well they will learn
better when they get more used to
it. J.
May 13th 1889.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
GREENVILLE, N. C, Mar. 1887.
arc adding to our stock such good U our customers and the public gen-
need. Hardware, Mechanics tools Stoves Tinware. Sash. Doors,
and putty. Axes, Shovels and Hakes, Plow Casting of every kind. Wheel
Barrows, Barbed Fencing. Cooking and Heating Stoves and Stove pipe of every
size. Sails and Iron. Cucumber and Iron Drill pumps,
We are agents for the cook stove now in use. The is our
leader gives entire satisfaction. Our cheaper grades are good and well
the money asked for them.
One year ago we started in business and had for our motto sell for
We still cling to that as our motto, realizing the fact that it is best for merchant
and customer. By close attention to business we have rewarded by Increased
We thank the public and our customers especially for patronage and ask a
larger share in the future.
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
We yield the palm to none.
All placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory Is well equipped with the best Mechanic. put
bat FIRST-CLASS WORK. keep up With the limes and , I style-
Best material used all work. All styles of Spring are use . you call , I horn
Storm, Coil, Ran, Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full of ready ma, o
the year round, which will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor to Ma tor-
a of the same.
j. n.
J. It.
J. O.
Dress Maker and Trim-
mer, Miss has arrived I am
prepared to execute In the latest styles
; and fashions any work listed to
j the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
them to yon. My price are the lowest
and guarantee not to be undersold by no
Mrs. L. C King,
Board of Agriculture.
Raleigh Chronicle.
Tho Agriculture is
session. Messrs. Green, Leazar,
U Smith, Payne,
Stevens, and Blanton are
in attendance. Col. F- Green
It is no wonder that every- j
Is so much in love with ex-
t Jarvis. It matters not
in what position he is placed
by people, h serves with
fidelity and ability for
which the and noble
b noted. He refuge not to
the cull of his
whenever his services are
d as of the Councilmen of
and Board held
meeting w Monday
and when expressing
n he
point i remarks
general welfare
still lives.
shall hear more
this subject from
carted their manure a i was elected Chairman of the Board.
farm. do
horse but do work with an oz.
You, doubt, will be surprised
when I tell you that is
Mr. J. T. Patrick tendered his
nation as Immigration Agent. He
is succeeded by Mr. P. M.
The Board of Trustees the Ag-
with them and is an bod- College with tho
man, but does not help them in i Board of held a meet-
the least. Shame him- He I on Thursday and elected Mr. W.
is not worthy the epithet of man.
lie might to be run out of the com
S. Primrose President of the Board.
The College will open September 1st.
A President of the College will be
our regular
Harrison made best appoint-
that be has yet made when be
selected ex-Gov. Thompson, of
South Carolina, as the
was member of the Civil Service Com-
mission. Gov- Thompson was As-
under Cleveland's
was during the last days of
Congress appointed by Mr. Cleve-
land to the same position he has
just from a
President, but the Senate did not
ct his
of i
the; little crowd of late applicants
tin position of Printer, fire
of whom are understood to have
a each
t. give the
meats lA the If
bet the
has to Frink W.
at Obi-
There is a fine fruit crop this sea j elected in June. Mr. A. Leazar and
son. Mr, John H. Smith says he Ex-Gov. Jarvis are mentioned in
will have poaches to ripen the last with the Presidency of
week in May. Gardens are now; College,
furnishing plenty of
for table use. Notice to Creditors.
Mr. Win. has fin Baying duly qualified as
laying by his I tor of the estate of A.
crop for this They are , deceased, notice is hereby given to nil
of the foil heir bloom I Persons Indebted to the estate to make
i . j . . immediate payment to
i administration. Misses Ann Moore and creditors of to
Brown from north Tar river, are sent their claims, properly
the families of L. PaL to the within twelve
Worth ton re
close r n
rick and William
Mr. C C. the
bee man of Pitt, is shipping
from the date of this notice or It will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
, day of May. E. T.
of Roberson,
m weeping and wailing, j rats north and other If you
. Mr. Kirkman is with the i
far bestowed upon its and for a continuation of the same, offer
you to-day a line of goods that cannot be excelled In this market for durability and
worth. We have now in stock a nice Hue of Ladies Dress Goods, embracing the
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly.
Dress Linen and Piece Linens. A line of Piece Goods and Pants that
will astonish you in quality and price. Notions endless variety embracing a
line too numerous to mention. Hats for Men, and Children. Gent's fur-
Goods, Shirts, and Collars. Suspenders. Hosiery an a nice lino of
Scarfs. Shoes, to fit all us with their patronage, we pay special care to
this line and our Shoos both in quality and price. A lot of Ladies
Slippers from cents up. We tall the attention of the Ladles to our
line of Slippers and think they will not do themselves justice if they buy before
examining them.
Hardware. Cutlery,
Hoes, Plows, Chains.
Grindstones and Fixtures,
Crockery. Glassware, Lamps,
Wood and Willow wire,
Harness, Bridles and Whips.
I Watch-Maker Jeweler.
If want something in the way of
Sewing- Machines,
; tO the A
large new just received.
Watches. Clock, and
Machine repaired and warranted.
N C. Co. N C.
Cobb Bros., GilHam,
Cotton Buyers,
Commission Merchants,
We are no receiving Spring
Summer and hope that
yon will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
O A I IN E S We have had several ex-
. at the business and are
, Prepaid to handle
will to be equal to any . , . .
yon will find at cents. M shippers.
A line of
at cents. And
many oilier things that we
will offer at special prices
We call especial attention to our
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive and
times, he is to make a
success at whatever ha attempts if
any one does.
Out more and
mill in this section. Ibis time n
C C. of
mu Ices sixth.
a discharge from the nose.
. otherwise, partial the
of smell, taste or hearing, eve
or weak, feel dull or debilitated,
pain or in the head, take cold
easily, yon may rest assured that you
tune the Catarrh. Thousand eases
. without of the
i above symptoms, m
and and the grave.
no common, more deceptive, ms
of good Flour come to see us, we are rock bottom on it.
We carry Window Sash Doors of different sizes in stock. Also the
Stock Of Furniture Of in Greenville Knit ,.
Mr. D. to a of Vt-
j for
not got in line we have from several of the best houses in this
country and will order anything you wish at moderate prices. Don't our
celebrated Stout wall when you want We
far these in stock.
US when you come to town, we fair and honorable i
and your sad Te can will
as low one sells a good as we do.
The and
plow, and the
cotton plows. We will
also offer the trade
LARI'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Yours truly,
N. C.
I have elegant hue S
J J i
That em brace the very latest styles i
My new aid I
complete stock, a as-i
has been all
can he salted. Sty King
I tr
to give to I.
The health of Mr. D. Gardner
has him to discontinue the
management of the carriage for
me, which has left a nice stock good
material bought cheap for cash, on my
hand. I will close out the at a
liberal discount, or will make easy terms
with purchaser, or will make
easy terms any Rood reliable man to
carry on the business for me.
is better opening for s
in tho than at this
I have also a large stock of
for sale cheap for
time, such as Moats, Flour, Corn, to,
bought in large also a lot Jes
I Orleans Molasses,
selected stock of Shoes, Hals and Straw
Goods, nice lot of Clothing, ladles Dress
Goods, In fact everything that can he-
found In a Store.
May N, o.
Monday the day of June. A. D.
-v ,, will sell at tho House door
the low of the
u, r cash, one tract -it laud in Pitt
I containing a acres,
m Situated
lands John Brooks,
I Edwards other, known as
the place, Inherited
by J. B. to
execution in hands for
collections against B. and
which been levied on land
the Of said J. B

M. R- Lang's Column.
n a few the store which
I now occupy will have to
extensive repairs. In
order to enable the work-
men to work with more
rapidity, I shall have
to reduce my
To do this I shall offer
to who can avail them
selves of the opportunity.
I shall offer for the
entire stock of------
The middle of -May.
The fly is a numerous nuisance.
The days are fourteen hours long.
The is getting in bis
Seed at the Old
I hick Store.
Parasols are to be carried
this season.
Hammocks and leaf fans
are in order.
The small boy is happy, honey-
suckles are ripe.
The flower yards our town are
wealthy in roses.
; Commercial were nu-
last week.
Mayor F. G. James.
Master Eugene Wilson is quit
Mr. J. A. has a very sick
Miss Fannie Green is visiting Mrs.
A. M. Moore.
Miss Daisy Vick, of is vis-
Miss Lillie Cherry.
vans gets there again as city
Clerk and Tax Collector.
Smith looks natural
swinging a Policeman's billet.
The little child of Mr. J. D.
Spring chickens are
by their absence. One month age
we offered to take twenty-five in
exchange for subscriptions to the
but there has not so
much as a feather come in yet.
The entertainment consisting of
of music, recitations,
of Greenville Institute be in
night, 11th. Exercises
at o'clock.
evening last week a young
gentleman in company with a young
lady, were for a walk when they
discovered a cow laying down a
vacant lot, the young lady exclaimed
sick several days. I a beautiful tombstone, no it
. . . , Tableaux.
Mrs. I. Abram and child,
Mount, are visiting Mrs. S. Mr. F. M. James, of
M. Schultz. township, killed a large rattle snake
last week. He says he thinks from
parents I
Mr. J. W. Higgs left Sunday to
a few days with his
near Scotland Neck.
; the size it have bad twenty
rattles but he tell as he shot
it in its coil and tore the rattles to
Mis. Dr. G C. Edwards, of Hook- pieces.
has been visiting relatives j
here the past week. . Any wanting to engage in
. . ; the business buggy
Tommy Moore knows how read the
swing a too. He is short and , advertisement of J. It. Davenport,
thick but gets I here. It is a good location
We hear that Judge George H. for an enterprise and he has a
The barbers are putting heads
shape for summer.
The boys are taking themselves to Tune term I shop already fitted up.
of Pitt Superior Court.
It. B- John has gone to as
Kev. Mr.
meeting in Tarboro.
We see from the that our
the river for a swim.
Bananas were plentiful and
the last few days.
Fulton Market Pickled
the Old Store.
Greenville was the hottest place
last. Saturday.
Now look out for the old
typed question it hot
Miss Novella Higgs of Scotland
Neck, will open a dancing school in
a I Greenville in a few days. Miss
Higgs taught a large class here last
summer, and though quite young
Mr. John H. Small, is remembered as a beautiful
, be made Maj or of Washington.
doubt secure a large attendance tor
the class.
Dr. Lb James and Mr. J. White
attending the meeting of the
The thermometer has ranged Grand
P. Kin
d i
is no nap for the
-OF A-
must be done to
into the nineties the past week.
Liars, and are
citizens in any community.
Was a soldier's in
on Memorial Day
The Sunday School Conference at
Bethel will begin Friday next.
. Cabbage plants for sale, both
early and late, apply to Allen War-
The hammer and paint brush are
getting improvements all around
The new board Town
took charge affairs
The residence Mr. A.
, Matt is receiving a new
A dress of paint just been
given the residence of Mr. Alfred
J- C. Lanier wants
;. strayed flow. See ad-
Our fashion editor says overcoats
and heavy will not lie worn
. this summer.
The folks of the town had
a dance in Hall last
Thursday night.
The exterior of the carriage shop
of Mr. J. D. Williamson has just I
been nicely painted.
Buy Point Lace It is j
guaranteed to be the best
at the Old Store.
Lodge of Odd Fellows at
C. J requests us
to announce cemetery at o'clock Sunday after-
next Sunday. 19th, , ,,
But a Stubborn Fact
Combination Worsteds in all styles
which we will close out at to cents per
yard. We have several pieces of White
Lawn at cents. Only a few pieces
of Seersucker left which we will close
at cents per yard. yards fig-
Lawns at cents per yard.
yards new style at cents per
yard. yards Bushing and Gilt in
colors from to cents per yard.
Over yards Flouncing from to
cents yard. more of those cheap
Corsets at cents. Mrs. Cleveland
in society society tonic time
since without her bustle has not put any
change the sale of our cent Bustles.
All of our Calico will be sold at cents
strictly. A big lot Miss-Fit Clothing
which will be sod at panic prices.
pairs of Sample Shoes to be closed out.
These goods will be sold exactly as
advertised. Our stock of Straw Hats
will be sold at half price.
Greenville, N. C.
C. O. P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
For sale by all Grocers. Send for Illus-
or how to provide a good dinner for Four
Persons for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Book of MO pages i
containing one hundred Dinner
Bills of Fare, with instructions how to I
prepare each one, so that the cost for
tour persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable book will be given fine
to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty C. O.
LARD, at our Branch Store, No.
W. 42nd St., N. Y.
Each pail of our Lard contains a ticket,
the number on which corresponds to the
number of pounds In the pail.
The Cotton Oil Product N. Y.
Broker, Greenville, N. C.
A six year old daughter of Mr-
Jess Moore, of this town, died of.
measles on last Saturday. The re- week near Aurora in
mains were Cherry
lug and night-
Messrs. Frank Wilson and Hugh
Tarboro, spent Sunday in
town. Frank's
delighted to see him.
noon, services conducted by
It. B. John. learn that Mr.
Moore has four other children sick
with measles.
young ladies held a festival
the Opera House last Friday
L. L. ash a former pastor . cherry Hill
of the Methodist church here, will It seems that all who
i preach in that church on Sunday j
night nest at So clock. should have this festival their She had started o-i foot to
Col B S. of New York, I patronage, but it was not so. We preaching at Bad Hanks church,
armed Green vile yesterday and were to note the absence about two miles from her home-
will a days. He is the or many citizens who should have On the way she was overtaken by a
guest Col. Harry Skinner, been there. who was riding, and he
offered to assist her the remainder
We were glad to see Mr. John Fired of her journey.
Fleming has recovered The bridge across creek him to within a
Ins recent sickness as to be near was the church, and being ahead of
able to come to town Saturday. and fired on Saturday night 4th preaching time stopped at the
At the recent election in The fire was stopped before Mr. Jesse Cherry to wait until
Scotland Neck friend Mr. E. K. damage w is done. We hear j time. While there she was taken
Hilliard of the Democrat was elect- similar attempt was made sick and before medical assistance
ed Mayor. Our congratulations. to bum the across
It is Mr. K. B. Shaw, of Wash-
who has the alligator on ex-
It is a large fellow, too,
measuring ten feet length. Mr.
Shaw tells was caught
Commissioner's Meeting.
May 6th,
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
county met in regular session,
present Chairman, G. M.
Mooring, T. K. Keel, W. A. James,
Jr., and C. V. Newton.
read, corrected and
county. Four large hooks were fas-
together on a plow line baited
with a and set for him. He last meeting
was captured. Mr. Shaw i approved.
says he is going to take the. ; as
tor on exhibition tour through I
to the western part of the State. Susan Turner S John Stocks SO
Winifred Taylor i
Sudden Death. James Masters Ivy Mayo
Miss Nettie aged II. D. Smith
lady, living a few miles south of Moore
town, died very suddenly last Sat- j
to burn the bridge across the same
between and Wash-
Mr. H. G- Joins, wile and sou, at the same time.
Tarboro, bare been in some;
days, Mr. Jones is doing the work Want-ad to
on Mr. T. It. Cherry's residence. A named John Moore was
hi i . i . . ii I wrought up from Swift Creek
use there was
near Falkland about first
John Baker
Dan Webster Nelson
Lydia Bryant
ft Adams CO
General orders were issued as
W. IS Henry Brown
She rode with i
short distance L. B. Barnhill
Tom Moore
Ed Cox
W Gainer l
Jesse Cannon
B l
C Gaskins
W E Hammond IS,
could be she was dead.
Mr. J. L. Kitchen, of
Neck, was our office Saturday.
He IS going through Pitt comity
talking factories, repairing clocks,
selling books, mending serving ma-
chines, and selling pianos;
and organs, entertaining the girls
We a full line of
Wilson's Collars and
Will be treated alike and J
goods will be reserved. We
cordially invite those
n necessary
well regulated
engage him.
to examine
e that we
mean business.
In die above lines
our prices and s
j seersucker coat and vest, but no go.
I At last lie tried him on an overcoat
man from Washington brought j and after a good deal of
to Greenville, succeeded selling it Oh, the
a large it persistence a dry goods clerk.
day, p. .
Kev. G. L.
. , meeting A meeting of the Business As-
ave Greenville will be held
in the Opera House to-morrow
at o'clock, for
at Allen's three mi
The new police
good service by looking
Cue sanitary condition of New York,
town. Have the kept clean.
We heard B. S. say
yesterday, that last Thursday and
man IS requester.
Friday the weather was as intensely arc invited to be present,
hot New York as he had ever i a of the preSident and
Of all kinds and styles.
Will be proportionately
law. miss s
My iii this column
is guarantee that all
promises made ill be
The chestnut bell ought to be re-
and rung on the inquirers
after the hot weather.
Some of the larger folks, as well
as the boys have- some marble
playing late in th- afternoon.
A steam pile driver for use on the
railroad trestles has been fitted up
at the Greenville Iron
Three the most prominent
candidates were on hand
Saturday afternoon at a
doff our hot to the new town
May their
Sheriff g
he now has
jail, there white and W
will deliver
wood any where in
reasonable prices. Will
I Stamps gave out in the Green-
ville last week and there
; was some trouble about mailing let-
Hirer bank, pile of clothes, naked
mother, slipper,
German and Pearl Millet, Or-
chard Timothy and Clover
Seed for sale by B. C. Glenn.
Mr. Carlos Harriss is building a
paint shop on street. He
is among the best painters of the
Just Boss Famous
Lunch Milk The most pal-
at the Old Brick Store.
The river has been in line
ion for angling and the fishermen
have made some nice catches of
A fight on the street late
day afternoon caught up the crowd.
The police appealed alter the tight
was over.
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb sold Pitt Co., which
a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
If this warm weather is the style
we to have people will want
Spencer Bros to and get
Ocracoke open.
This must be the spell
M Wilton Advance, 9th.
that day the mercury stood at
The teachers and most of the
of Greenville Institute
the Commencement of
Academy last
A good Black smith wanted at the
Low Tariff Carriage Factory.
ply to O. or H. F. Keel.
good workmen need apply.
O. Manager.
bear the of Bishop Leo
of the Church.
to the
are entitled to the best that their
i key had better done like some folks
Mr. T. H. son, j do that we his old
from near New breeches patched.
part last week with the family
Mr. T. B. Chen v. Mr. has i Too Yet.
friends here who were glad to j On Monday a letter a a genuine,
sec hi in. laud, Ohio, reached Greenville ad
, . ,, , dressed to the Greenville Oil Co.
Mr. A j, mM for
f was in see us last j
had begun on the site
the cotton seed oil mill and too soon as Greenville
erection the building would soon j M .
i we hope to
that such letters as the above
in order and that the mill is ready
for business.
More Than We Can Stand.
A long, lean, lank, slab-sided
his hair standing on his
head like the back of a I
fretful his eyes are John Flanagan US,
the gigantic order and reminds V
of two burnt holes in a blanket; J M
his nose is of the gaudy hue, and w A Jr.,
looks as if it had been knocked K. W. receiver of Fannie
and put back when it was and W. S. and
for it run all over his face; his lit. T. allowed to
BF Manning
W L Pollard SO
K T Hodges
J A K Tucker SO
E Nobles
II G Nobles
W L Best M
II James
T E Keel
C Dawson
A L Blow
Can now be seen at my store. I have
the latest styles and newest patterns, and
an experience several years at the
business qualifies me for doing all work
satisfactory well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you call and examine my
K- A.
Front Reflector
Has been reduced from
And not depend borrowing nor
trying to make one Planter do
the work of two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
and save the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may
more than
mouth looked like a slice cot out of
a Springfield ham, or the port hole
jot an ocean steamer; his ears like
cellar doors; his general
old tramp, came in the office
and asked us if we thought it was
Bats Honey.
Mr C. C. prominently
known in the section of the county
South of Greenville as the bee
was in town Monday with twenty- Miring to be
one queen bees prepared for ship-1 -0 W of
meet. Part of them went to Iowa, j twice on the same land
part to Illinois and sonic to other
list taxes.
petition of J. A.
for relief from the of
tax property in town-
it appearing to the Hoard
that said bad been
Charged twice on the tax list
1888 on the same property, it was
ordered that he be relieved one
of said taxes and the same be
the tax list.
Clem my A. Cherry made petition
relieved of tax on
being charged
the tax
and it was ordered
John L. Wooten,
Greenville, N. C.
Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, Per-1
Proscriptions Carefully Compounded.
NO m miFF ON
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you are free to buy where you but
if you want to save money you come to
my factory on 4th street, rear of B. ;
Cherry A Co's. For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. V.
Keel's Stables on street. I can give
That you ever had in your life tori
to less money than any one
else in the county can give you. Why
for my expenses are less I pay the I
spot cash for goods and save the dis-j
counts, and if yon don't believe it you
come and see. Having had IS years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget the
place on 4th street rear J. Cherry
Tell him not to delay but examine
now and see if bis old planter
needs any repairs, and if so
order them at once or send
the Planter to me or leave
if with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with full particulars
and it will be taken
to factory, re-
paired, and re-
turned at a
Builder's Material.
Tell him that I can furnish him
Timbers that he may need, either
dressed or undressed. Also I
can furnish him with build-
Brackets and
for your porches
and piazzas, in fact any
or trim-
that he may
need to build a
nice house.
Will Grind Your Corn.
And further that I can grind hi
corn into good Meal that
will convince him of
the same if lie will
bring me his corn
to grind.
complying with the above you
will greatly oblige
Yours truly,
A., COX,
Greenville. N. C.
i The Tar Kim Transportation Company.
sections of the west. Mr. Kirkman she be relived of one tax and the.
gets ell each for these bees and he corrected tho tax list
he has order tor fifty. year.
A petition showed
that the year 1887 he listed a
The thermometer was up the
nineties. A customer came in bees are shipped in a novel way.
and prospecting matrimonially. This The ever gallant Gus came ; The be is placed in a
is a fine county for of Ilia call-1 forward and asked in his most be box one of M
We heard of his telling coming style, serve you to- ; n slightly raised wood- j
lady that a good was I en coyer that permits the air to pass
attachment to every ; suit summer clothing, but it will freely. Only one queen is
household, but she worK- He tried a straw hat, a placed in each of these little boxes
at the bearing an address
i and consult upon matters of in-
to Association com
inanity. A full attendance of the
members is requested. Citizens
There were indications of rain
Sunday. Heavy passed on
each side of and there was
considerable thundering but we got
no rain
By order
; Hoard of Directors.
D. J.
Always look at the best side of
everything. Alex came
in the office, Saturday, and asked if
we thought it was going to snow
The question now arises, when is
that dam from the loot of the bridge
out to the high land to be construct-
ed f It is time work had
The ladies of the Methodist
Church will give a Lawn Party at
Academy Friday night,
fit Ice Cream and
will be served.
Our congratulations to the
New Era. It has just begun a new
volume, its fifth. It is an interest-
weekly and we wish it a
The has
invitation to the ball complimentary
to the class of 1889 of the
which will be at chapel
Hill on Thursday, Juno
lie assisted in a big sheep shearing
j while there and has been telling
the boys what. Inn there is in
Thirty Years a fin
Occupants of the
were somewhat startled Dy a crash
Saturday. An investigation
proved that it was a very heavy
panel which had fallen from a space
just over the front door. The pan-
el was in two sections and of very
heavy with deep
portions of the front. The panel
was was the place
which it fell, and strange to say it
had never been nailed in position.
The building was erected nearly
thirty years, the wonder is that
the panel, not being nailed bad not
fallen sooner.
At the residence of the bride's
mother, en the 8th inst., Mr. W. J.
Manning and Miss Mamie Nichols
marriage vows. The
and with her are placed a half dozen
or so working bees and some sugar
in one end of the box for them
feed upon. They are shipped by
mail without the slightest
difficulty. Mr. Kirkman also says
will make four barrels of honey
year. Who says that bee col-
tare does not pay T
New Town Government.
All the newly elected j
of the town were present at the j
meeting on Monday night duly j
qualified. Their select-
the officers who came
tract township containing
acres and paid the taxes the
same; that for the same year
Shade Adams listed the same laud
and not paid the taxes; that
Shade Adams is not the owners of
said laud; asked that the tax
list be corrected. It was ordered
that the tax charged on the list of
1887 against Shade Adams
acres of laud iii township
be corrected and the Tax Collector
; have credit for the same.
Petition to change public road
at the north end of bridge
across Tar River at Greenville,
i lowed; provided all cost of laying
i said road and any damages the
jury may give B. J. Wilson shall be
paid out of the money heretofore
. to said road or dam
their appointment seems to give i county Commissioners,
general satisfaction and with the j Ordered that the Magistrates be
requirements made of these officers notified to meet at the Court
the town promised a better gov-1 m on the first
; Greenville, President
I. cherry,
, J. S. Greenville,
; N. M. Tarboro, Gen
Capt It. F. Washington, Gen
, People's Line for travel on ll
I River.
The Steamer Greenville i. the
and quickest bout on the river. She ha
been thoroughly repaired,
and painted.
Fitted up for the comfort, e-
and of Ladles.
A Table furnished with th
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville U
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock, A. U.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
J. f
Greenville. X, C.
it has had some
years, and perhaps better than it
ever had. The Board held a
previous to the meeting and
agreed a plan of action, so
that the meeting passed off smooth-
and rapidly, The result of their
G. James, Mayor.
Alfred Forbes, Treasurer.
W. P. Clerk and Tax Col.
J. T. Smith Chief of Police.
T. B. Moore, Assistant Police.
Upon being brought the
Board Mr. James made a very beau-
appropriate speech of ac-
and was conducted to the
chair. He was formerly Mayor of j
the town for several terms and j put County llama
ed the people well.
Mr. Evans has served as Clerk be-
fore and was an efficient officer.
Mr. Smith has also served as
Monday in June, 1889, to levy taxes
for. the year 1889.
Ordered that J. B. Cherry have
the Court House insured
John Flanagan, Tax Collector,
submitted bis insolvent tax list for
the year 1888, to
which was allowed final
account filed.
Corrected weekly by M-
and Retail Grocer.
Mess Pork
Bulk Sides
Bulk shining i
Bacon Sides
have just re-
turned from New York
City with a full line of
White Goods, Laces
Embroideries, Swiss
Flouncing a Specialty,
Fine Clothing the
firm patron-
by H. MorriS The classes will be so arranged that
r. x i i o new pupils can enter the first week in
Shoes, HatS, January.
We bought low
cash and will sell at
panic prices.
Be sure to call.
Chief of Police before, and while be
made some errors that were not j Tobacco
Sugar Hams
couple were attended by W. T. A. j proved, he made the best officer the
Nichols Miss Emma Briley, has had the recollection
S. and Miss Maggie Kit- the writer, Mr. Moore, we
a new of the but
J. A- Manning and Miss Ma
Nichols, Jerry Nichols and
Miss Tyson. After the
which was performed by
J. W. Smith, bridal party
left residence of the groom
father, where a was held.
The were most agreeably en-
an elegant sap-
per had been served the party
amused themselves by admiring the
j money will buy, so every family
i should ha.-e, at a bottle cf
j best family , of Figs
, the costive or
tor sale in nod II bot
, by nil
he to make a good Meal
The Board passed a resolution Corn
that the salaries of Police
should be per month for
and per month for the As-
and right was reserved
to call them up and remove them
office at any. time if their
ties were not faithfully Strayed.
Let the of the town co-; ram
O, A, Salt
; to
i to so
O-I to
The editor tiled hand at a
game of marbles. Monday, and
so good in hand-
ling be
Work the office bat tar
many presents received, operate fully with the cow, with white hips and
writer wishes them a long and I and helping them to , crooked tall- Wm In
wedded life an I the, sustain a of X when
happy wedded
death shall clasp them mid the
near them away from nil earthly toil
and cure, wafted
into bin,
of we are now en
taring an
will be owner last d of her
Any knotting the
w cow will confer a
tat Or to
TEEM M, 12th, 1883.
O. Foist. Associate
Miss De-
Miss M. S. Cannon, Vocal and
mental Music.
Miss Painting and
Mrs. E. W. Book
ii. most form
or THE
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to he
most to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or Inactive
condition of the ,
It i . h i known to
one is using it all are
delighted with it.
Primary. Academic.
and Mathematical. Mu-
sic. and
Location and
Plenty of Wall Prepared Food for
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
. all of first class
Music Department equal
in work to any College the State.
New Pianos Organs.
A nearly volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Moderate, from to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
in Poplin who do not board
I with the Principal should consult
before engaging board elsewhere. For
j fur. her particular. Address,
Water Mills.
The undersigned having leased these
mills for p number of years and put them
I n thorough order, begs leave to inform
j that he is prepared to grind
Corp and wheat in a first-class manner.
I Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
; mill at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be supplied at my store in
where they will also And a select stock
lot General which will
Robt. R. Fleming.

Great Strength
I.; net required to do
and n it is
With a
can do this
. ;,, . r her
i ibis
.; v i hi these
i i y j and
will con-
you in
hare found the most
means and
method for all washing
cleaning. Millions
and some unscrupulous grocers are
claim lo be
they are not. and beside, art PEARLINE is now but
sold by good grocers. only by IAMBS LB. Hew
Can be found a fresh of
Light Canned Hoods, Trails,
Confections, Tobacco,
which will be sold at very cash
prices. Give me a call.
and branches-
-Condensed Schedule.
trains MOM SOUTH.
No No
their year's supplies will find it to
their interest to get our prices before
chasing elsewhere. is complete
in all its brandies.
always at Lowest Market Trues.
5th, daily Fast Mail, daily j
daily ex Sun. j we buy direct from Manufacturers,
Lt Weldon U -10 pm pin you to buy at one profit. A com-
Ar Rocky Mount K , stock of
It was the beautiful exclamation of a
dying child, as the golden rays of the
streamed on him through the win-
bye good bye
Don't cry. We'll all meet
again Id the
Oh the tempest and dark is the
But, soon will the daybreak be dawn-
Then the friendships of yore shall
once more;
And all meet again in the morn
Art doomed in a far distant region
to roam,
To meet the cold gaze of the stranger
Dost thou yearn for the. smiles of the
loved ones at home,
thou God to shield them
from danger
Ah the night of the waters may shadow
thy form,
Yet soon the daybreak be dawn-
Then, mingle once more with the
loved ones on shore
For all meet again In the Morn-
Dost thou miss the sweet voice of a fond,
loving wife,
Whose music brought balm to thy
Didst thou see her decline in the sunset
of life,
Nor felt one bright hope for the
Despair not, oh mourner, the night
may be dark
Yet soon will the daybreak be dawn-
Of all ties bereft, one hope is still left
For all meet again In the Morn-
Art thou weary, oh Pilgrim, on life's
desert waste
Dost thou sigh for the shade of the
Have Earth's choicest fruits proven bit-
to taste,
And mocked all the dreams of thy
There is rest for the Pilgrim faint not
on the way.
Too soon will the daybreak be dawn-
Then the dreams which have tied shall
arise from the dead,
And all will be right in the morning-
Ar Wilson
Ar Selma
Ar Wilmington
pm pm am always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are MI Bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, sell at a close margin.
Greenville. N. C
No No
daily daily
3- am
Ar Selma
ex Sun. i
I am
r. ;
Wilson am pm
Ar Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pin pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train en Scotland Neck Branch i
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at j
Returning, leaves Scotland ;
8.20 A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves N C, via
Mill Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
lay, S P M. arrive
Williamston, N C. P M, V M.
Returning leaves Williamston, I C, daily i
except Sunday. A M, Sunday A
M. arrive Tarboro, N C, A M, i
AM. ,
Train on Midland N C Branch leaves ;
Goldsboro daily except Sunday. A M,
arrive N C, A M. Re-
turning leaves X C A M.
arrive N C, A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
at P M, arrives Nashville
P M, Spring Hope P M. Returning ;
A M. Nashville
3.1 A M, arrives Rocky Mount A
daily, except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
P AM Returning leave
ten A VI, and P. M. connect
trig at Warsaw with He. n .
Southbound train on Wilson Fayette-
Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rill via- and daily except Sun-
slay Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for
points North via and Wash
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
J. R. Transportation
A car load
sale by.
arrived and now for
at Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on time. I bought
my stock for Cash and can afford to sell
as cheap as anyone. Give me a call.
Have just procured several first-class
Vehicles and will take passengers to any
at reason rate.
Sale, M and Sticks,
Having associated B. S. Sheppard
with me in the Undertaking business we
arc ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past, services have been placed In
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt enmity Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd. 1888.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
in Effect A. M. A
Schedule. Going West
No. Si. No.
p m
p m
La grange
a in
a our Learned in one
Mind cared.
T i- .;
.- -wit to Correspondence
-7. with of A,
City m
Going East. Schedule. Going
-j i
A. Fifth Arc., K. T.
No l.
Mixed Ft. A
No. t
Pass Train.
p m
i 1210
La Grange
SI Kinston
Dover f
Core Creel j
at Croatan
IS Hotel OR
p in Depot am
Th and
and Friday.
Shaving, and Dressing Hair.
m top
Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything in my line
the Improved appliances; new
Jo and
W H t figures
W j work outside of my shop
i promptly executed. Very respectfully.
For Sale.
I will my Center property
connect with Wilmington of two acres of land with
North, house, warehouse Rod tenant
a. m., And with Rich-
Train connects with Richmond ft
house on terms. Property,
located at Center on Tar Rives, a
very desirable location fr mercantile
i I
Th la
The first prayer in of
the United States made in this
A convention from all the states
in Union, except Island,
met in pursuance of a resolution
posited in congress recommending that
course,, in the state house at
in May, 1787. Washington was
elected to preside. It was the
at first to amend the articles of
confederation under which until then
the national government had ad-
ministered. But after consultation
and debate it decided to throw
over the old system and pro-
to form a new constitution. This
convention embraced almost every
really great man in the nation.
We, in our piping days of peace,
have no conception of the obstacles the
f miners of the constitution had to con-
tend with. At one time any chance of
union and unanimity seemed so small
that several members proposed a final
adjournment. At this momentous
crisis Dr. Franklin arose and, securing
recognition from the presiding officer,
has it happened, sir, that
while groping so long in the dark,
in our opinions, and now ready
to separate without accomplishing the
great object of our meeting together,
we have not thought of humbly
applying to the Father of Lights to
our understandings In the
beginning of the contest with Great
Britain, when were sensible
had daily prayers in this room
for divine protection. Our prayers,
were graciously heard and an-
Dr. Franklin then moved
that prayers, imploring
the assistance of heaven, and its bless-
on our deliberations, be held in
this assembly every morning before
proceed to
This resolution was at once adopted
The historian harmony
in the convention, and so vis-
was the guidance of Divine Wis-
from that time, that tho most
skeptical were confounded The
founders went straight forward
glorious termination of their
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Has thy trust in the
In doubt and In darkness thy faith
been lost.
And God, I'm for-
Bat cheer up, dear the night
cannot last,
For soon will the daybreak be dawn-
Then the crosses of earth we have borne
from our birth.
Will all be made crowns In the morn-
Christ too heavy th
Master been
The Way the Money Goes.
Weldon News.
Towels are used for holders.
Napkins are used for dish wipers.
Soap is left to soak in the water.
are whipped to pieces in
the wind. Hams cheese get
and full skippers. Tea
coffee spices open
lose their strength. Coal s wasted.
Vegetables away that
warm over nicely.
are left to warp water.
Bits of meat are throwing away
that would a good or
hash. A pint more or less, of dough
is left to the pan.
The cork is left out of the molasses
flies take possession. The
extravagant use of and
eggs in cookery. Pails are allowed
to sundry and fall apart. Bread is
wasted. Tea and coffee made too
strong. Careless breakage of
New French Nobility.
Alexandre Dumas has written an
open letter to a friend in which he
gives an amusing illustration of the
way in which the humble French
seeks to attach to himself a title of
nobility. Ho had a friend by the
of Bernard, who of a sudden
appeared under tho of M. de
sent me an invitation to a hunt-
party on his estate and appended
a must not be
prised, nor indulge in too much laugh-
if you hear me addressed at M. de
Ho explained to mo that,
as ho was the only landed proprietor
within twenty miles who did not
fix a to name, he had
found himself compelled to assume a
mask of nobility in order to be able to
associate with his neighbors, the titles
of most of whom had probably
in just this way. my
simple name of he said,
game beaters would have taken me
for one of themselves, and even the
hound servants would not have
why the name of
I inquired. discovered in the
papers of my ancestors that my pater-
grandmother was to have married
M. de The marriage
never took place owing to the death of
tho suitor. Had he survived, my
grandmother would have wedded him,
my father would have borne the name
of De and so should L
I revive this name to which no one
can lay claim, and I really bear it
Tho explanation was sat-
When my friend died, the
family retained the name of De Chan-
and tho -was
Are Diamond They excel all other
in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others
are just s good. Beware of
are made of cheap and inferior materials and
give poor, weak, crock j- colors.
colors; cents each.
Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, direction.
for coloring- Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluing
a etc. Sold by or by
For Gilding or Fancy Articles, USE
Silver. Bronze, Copper. Only la Cents.
Strictly Business.
What is the Swift's- Specific Com-
t Who compose the
Is it a clap-trap patent med-
humbug, gotten up to deceive
and make money out of the people t
These questions are ans-
by the officials and citizens
of our city and State.
Atlanta. Ga., Nov.
know tho gentlemen
the Swift's Specific Company.
They are permanent citizens of our
State, men of means and of high
character and standing.
W. A. Hemphill, Pros. Capital,
City Bank.
J. H. Porter, Pres.
Paul Vice-Pres Atlanta
Nat. Bank,
Hill, Pros. Gate City Nat.
Jno. B. Gordon, Governor of
Alfred II. U. S. Senator.
J. T. Cooper, Mayor of Atlanta.
H. W. Grady, Editor Atlanta
Tho Best in the World.
I think Swift's Specific is the best
blood remedy in the world. I have
it to make some wonderful
cures of patients who were consider-
ed incurable.
D. Grayson, La.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis-
eases mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co.
Drawer Atlanta Ga.
Neuralgia Celery Compound cured my nervous tick Mrs. L. A. San Cal.
Nervous ,
using six of Paine s Celery Compound I am cured of rheumatism. -South Cornish. N. H.
Kidney has done more good for kidney disease than any other Geo. Sioux City, Iowa.
ADD All Liver hat been of treat benefit for torpid liver, indigestion, and Elizabeth C
Eastern Reflector,
FROM lo .-,;.
I would respectfully your
to the following address and ask
to remember that you can a
this house cheaper Hum any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
best known having represented
for over years in this
That the is second to none
and has unusual facilities for Idling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. W. BATES.
J. Norwalk, Conn.
B. C.
Or write direct for prices.
New Jewelry Sew tatty Stan
have just receive
have just received a nice
------the latest styles of
line of
m mil
slops, Stool
Book For only
With left
It is only to send
references as to
from any bank-
postmaster, or
promptly on
i lent
to all.
Be sure lo me, and money. Solid
cation Taper where this A D Is
Re Mayor April 1866, by a
H. W.
Warren Jersey,
United or
obtained, and all n the r.
tent e in in the i- attended to
are opposite the S. Patent Of-
engaged in
can obtain patent- in time than those
more remote from Washington.
W . the drawing i- we
u to patent free of
make no unless we
refer, here, lo the
the Order and to
of the C S. Patent
terms and reference to
actual clients your own State,
address, C. A. Straw A Co.,
ll. C.
Which can sell very cheap. Violin
I Guitar and Banjo Strings also for sale
Special attention paid to all watch, clock
j repairing.
Greenville. N. C.
c a tits
II . -.- moot
--w. W
A Safe
is one which is guaranteed to
you results, or in failure a
return of purchase price. On this safe
plan you can buy from our advertised
Druggist bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. It is
to bring relief in every case,
when used for any affection of the
Throat, Lungs such
of Lungs. Bronchitis,
Asthma, Whooping Cough, etc., etc.
It is pleasant and to taste, per-
safe, add always be depended
upon. Trial Bottles free at Me. O. Er-
important lo Ladles.
A reliable woman wanted to introduce
direct to ladies in this county. Dr.
Nichols, celebrated Spiral Boring Clasp
Corsets retailing at and upwards.
No more broken Steels ; warranted
or money refunded. The
greatest invention of the age. Sells on
sight. No experience required ; sample
absolutely tree. Agents
average to weekly. Send
postage for sample, and terms.
O. CO.
West 14th Street. NEW
The Gazette makes the
following thought observation
about men.
When it is remembered
newspaper editors have no
of rewriting their articles, and
frequently have not even time to
read them over alter writing them,
it's astonishing that they make so
few grammatical or other mistakes
and that their style is often so clear
correct. Those who write
books often spend mouths and
sometimes years in rewriting them,
and yet sees a news-
paper article written in the Larry
of the moment and under pressure,
which, in brilliancy of diction, cog-
ency of nod elegance of
style, is the equal,
superior, to any thing we
most books. Indeed, tho Press is
all powerful Sat good when the
hands of intelligent
gentlemen, and is doing much
good, and the wonder that-
man who can read, or who has
read, will go without it.
-i arriving at
J-J H Hell at a ,,
North at p. m ,
H. C.
The Age
People are of saying Mat
kind is growing wiser and
But b it really so Y Let H at the
e. ding
there are more now
than at previous time in
medical science h afford
mankind. Greater all is
Lr. Pierces Golden
and of
age. fever-sores, a, on-
and e
like beneath Its
Fall to Smile.
Mr. Firth, tho author of a new Eng-
book on- America, says in effect
that as long as you Americans
you are declared to be tho most
of men, and altogether an Eng-
of great common sense.
should you, as the result of much pa-
investigation mildly
express your opinion that Americans
drink too much iced water, that their
politics are not quite so pure as they
might be, that their railway system is
monopoly under whose iron
; .-,.
fa, I.
t lo A Co. j. .
all ills
D. J. Editor Proprietor.
1.50 Per Year,
C and the hair.
at Broad- ;
way, New York City, is now editing j
and publishing the liveliest and
Hip, and
Uterine Sciatic, Sharp
and Weakening Fains, relieved in one
minute by the
The first and only instantaneous pain
descriptions of the
of New York, and his vivid chapters
of Experience in La
during the war, are each worth
more than the price of his paper,
which bears the title of I
Advance Thought. is a
year old volume of National his- ;
and he is letting it out
cured by
rule people ore helpless, that the,
hoop iron table knives they use, though hot.
well adapted for cutting butter, are
not exactly suited for cutting beef, I was the matter with you
that their laws are not always well ad- at dinner, Brownie You didn't
. . . .-
ministered, that they often neglect
their political duties and abandon the
field to charlatans and rogues, that
Americans work too hard, disregard
tho laws of health and the require-
of a healthy pleased
expression leaves the face of your
friend, and you immediately told
that you have not devoted sufficient
say a bright thing from oysters to
replied the humorist,
sadly never talk shop when I'm
Edison's Electro-Chemical Fluid
removes superfluous Hair in Two
time to make tho necessary inquiries permanently without pain or
on these points, and it may be j to the skin. Cupids
hinted you not nearly so sen- complexion.
as you were considered to be half
an hour before. In all this Americans
only show how extremely English they
The Taster of Paris.
Paris keeps ahead the invention
of employments. The pitch of ma-
civilization to which they have
attained has now blossomed in a
is only one of him.
He drives rapidly from one house to
another tasting the dinner and
improvements and-corrections,
adding a touch of oil here, advising
the passing of this carving knife
through garlic, correcting flatness by
a of lemon, etc. He is a chef
of the first and having made a
great deal of money contemplated re-
tiring, but his artistic nature revolted,
so he explains to a newspaper man
over there, against total- divorce from.
the congenial sympathetic
of a lifetime; and lie invented for
himself the occupation of dinner taster,
many people being delighted to have
the benefit of tho criticism of such a
master who could not afford to employ
such a York
Edison's Electric
Balm grow.
circulars for cent stamp,
West 14th St. N. Y.
A That Was
of said a gentle-
man the other day, had a
which, while not curious in itself, re-
vealed a singular of thought,
The industrial development of
North Carolina is being achieved at
a more satisfactory rate now than
has ever the case.
part of the State appears to have
put on new life and energy.
tones are springing up with a rap-
that is perfectly astonishing.
We hope in the not tar distant,
to see the time when almost
everything used by our people shall
be raised and manufactured in the
confines of our own
Merit Wins
desire to say to our that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
Discovery for Consumption. Dr.
King's New Life Pills, Arni-
ca Salve and Electric Bitters, have
never handled remedies that sell as well
or that have given such universal
faction. We do not hesitate to
tee them every time, aim we stand ready
to refund the purchase price if
results do not follow their use.
These remedies have won their great
popularity purely on their merits at
G. Drug store.
la n l .
Ask your
Standard Treatise
Newspaper ever published in
Greenville. It tarnishes the
and gives More Beading Matter for
the money than any other paper
published in North
The gives a variety
and LOCAL, and will devote it-
self to the material advancement
of the section in which it
Send your name and get a
to tho as its
large and growing circulation
makes it an excellent medium
through which to reach the people
ii i .
V l-A
The is the only New Fork news-
paper possessing the fullest
of the National Administration and the
United Democracy of New York, the
political battle ground of the
Democracy, pure and
simple, is good enough for the Stab.
Single handed among the metropolitan
press, it has stood by the men called by
the great Democracy to redeem the gov-
from twenty-live yens of He-
publican wastefulness and corruption
and despotism to the South. For these
four years past it has been unswerving
its fidelity to the administration
Cleveland. It is for him now
for Cleveland and four
years more of Democratic honesty in our
national attain, and of continued nation-
tranquility and art
For people who like that sort of De-
the Stab Is the paper to reed.
The STAB stands squarely on the
National Democratic platform. It be-
that any tribute exacted from the
people in of I lie demands of a
government administered
is essentially oppressive and dish OB int.
The scheme fostered and championed by
the Republican making the
government a miser, wringing
annually from the people locking
them tin in vaults to serve no purpose
but Invite wastefulness and dishonesty,
it regards as a monstrous crime against
the rights of citizenship. Re-
publican political jugglers may it
taxation , the
for it is robbery.
and through the St An is a
great new -paper. Is tone i pure and
wholesome, its news service
Each issue presents an
tome of what Is best worth knowing of
the Worlds history yesterday. Its
stories are in l-. quick,
English, and mighty interesting
reading they arc
The Stab is as good as tin-
best class and prints about the
same amount of matter Besides the
day's news it is rich in
articles, stork b, snatches of current
literature, reviews, criticism, etc.
humor sparkles
in its columns Will Carleton's delight-
letters are of its choice offerings.
Many of the best known men and women
in literature and art are represented in
its columns.
The is a large paper
giving the cream of the news the world
over, with special features which make
P the most complete family newspaper
published. The farmer, the mechanic,
the business man too much occupied to
read a daily paper, will more for bis
dollar invested in the
than from any other paper. It will be
especially alert during the campaign,
mil ill print the freshest and most
political news.
B, day for one year
Daily, Without Sunday, one year
t day, six months
without Sunday, six months
Sunday edition, one year
one year
A free copy of STAB to
the sender of a club of ten.
Address, THE STAB
Broadway and Park Place New York.
C. B.
The Von Medical Company,
if I rosy I York in
I dreamed I took my watch out
of pocket to look at and
found that it had I exam-
it and discovered that the in
spring was
There v hi
the but there was in the
In the when I
looked at my watch on the dressing
it stopped at the of
I had retired and the main spring
I hod wound By watch
i am a teetotaler and my
steady. was no
or to me dream of as.
that was and
how the hap-
s. at the
made seventy-eight per cent,
if cure of various diseases of men
chronic and otherwise, the
time for treatment, The
record of cores of diseases of
men as large. This is
the highest record ever achieved in
this country by hospitals or private
practice, the treatment and
of diseases, science, skill and
discovery keep with
in other directions. Tho new
issued by the Von
Company, full or valuable
hints and information to young or
old ire to ail who call for it or or-
it by
tot, or hi -W pair.
A Standard
I Youth,
Debility, of U Blood,
. Miseries
Folly, Vice,
thy Ml
for Worst, tho Married or Social
Avoid pretenders. mg
work. It contains
mail, In plain wrapper. Illus-
of Physicians may b consulted, eon--
by mall or In person, at
No St. Boston. Mas.,
for books letters for
directed at
for baldness,
falling out of hair, eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among the many who have with
wonderful success, I refer to fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Latham, Greenville.
Mr, O.
Any one wishing to give It a trial for
the above named complaints can procure
II from ire, at place of business, for
per bottle. Respectfully,
March 14th, 1888. C ,
H. B.
Printers and Binders,
have the and most complete
kind to be In
the State, and solicit orders for all
Of Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding;.
Send us your order-.
and Binders,
la tho
n ,
Fully . I. i
K r
and the
1.1 in world.
s. for
r I rial, L
, I
Edition cf American,
Greenville. N. C.
We tic
Chair ever in the art. clean is,
t H r
A contain
and full for the i
a j
ma be
o haT had over
U For-
In is no in rat-
ant . .
i . send tor
charts, maps.
If. Y
Why another new discovery by Alfred
In the way of helping the afflict-
ed, calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
of Preparation that is invaluable
for eradicating and the
kinkiest hair to lie perfectly and
glossy, two or three application a
week i necessary, and a column
brush is all to be used after the
vigorously for a few mine with v,
the Try a and
Will pay cash
Corn and Peas.
I pay cash for my goods and
to sell at bottom run m.
n st J. S.

Eastern reflector, 15 May 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 15, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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