Eastern reflector, 13 March 1889

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The Eastern Reflector.
The cross mark name or
margin o. is a request
for the payment of what owe it.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
The Eastern Reflector,
Subscription Price. W per
democratic, bit
not to Democratic
. am and that air not consistent
the true principles party.
If want a a
of the State for the
I wanted something. O so much
So Dear it came. I'd almost touch
heart's faraway
drawn, and seemed ; voice to say
let in
Like children crying for the moon.
I longed for this one priceless boon,
I wanted it within my hand
E'en then. How could I patient stand
And let it rest
Data know best
Then he who calmed the stormy sea
Came near to sooth and me.
And to my longing, restless
lie whispered. be
I let it rest-
God doth lest
For the Relied or.
A Deer in Hyde Co.
Park, in Hyde it
famous fur the deer to be found
there. Reports of the fine apart to
most every four or live
fine ones, on n recent visit, we wore
induced to try our luck.
Late one Friday we
wended way to the of Joe
the champion deer
for of all that region. We were
received with a welcome,
and told to make ourselves at home. as as a
A sumptuous Mapper of stewed and I off. at lull
venison soon prepared.
Marvelous deer stories
While intensely gazing off in the
distance, we were startled by the
sudden of a beautiful
doe which had leaped out of the
undergrowth in ten steps of us. Em-
bosomed by the foliage, we had not
observed its approach. The figure
of doe was light, fairy-like
graceful, so meek,
did it appear that our first
impression was that it must be a
tame one coming to us protection
its cruel pursuers and we did
not have the heart to upon it.
were convinced
The An Habit of Treat-
A Call to the Convention.
; CHAPEL N. C, FEB. 1889.
,. What is happening around us.
G. Fowle. of Wake.
M. Holt,
W. Wake.
of Wayne.
Public Instruction
Sidney M. of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
n. at
Chit Justice N. H. Smith,
Justices A. s- or
Wake- J- of
turn- B. Shepherd, of and
C. of Burke.
A. f
Sixth I. of
A. of
F. Grave, of
Tenth .
M. Shipp. of
Twelfth j.
of Buncombe.
B. Vance,
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
Thomas G. -skinner, of
P. col.
at Vance. . ,
Third W, o.
Fourth H of
Fifth W. Brower, of
Sixth Rowland of
rents B.
-W. H. A. Co if
G. of
Clerk -K. A.
Register of H.
B. Cherry.
W. A. Jr. T. E.
Board of Hording
Chairman i. and J. a.
of F. W. Brown
M. Bernard.
Ward. T. A.
J. P 2nd Ward. O. Boat.
r and R. Williams Jr.; 3rd Ward, J. J.
A. F.
other adventures were told,
tin we reminded our host, that as
What makes in her cheek that beautiful would have to be up early nest
lovely in her eye. morning, we had better retire.
What makes her neck as white as the early breakfast we to
to her lips that dye ions the
What gives hat that graceful and
That hand so shapely and s.
These graces of they
Oil, docs she inherit them all t
pi urns
The cap buses, powder flasks
and shot pouches were examined
and supplied.
Joe swung a around
our neck and you
her father was homely, her mother shoot one down, must blow this
Her came not that way ;
She diets, lakes exercise and wear We had to con less our inability
miles every day. . bUt
that we must place the
she's more lovely the older she o-
And never knows illness ache ; of our mouth, instead of the
She's making trying to e wt., a
speed, in an oblique In
of raised our
gun and with deadly aim, as
thought, tired. We shot it in
the midst a clump of
bushes, and so sure of our game
we that remembering
lions we ran our hand in our pocket
for the jack knife to cut its throat.
While in this act we observed the
deer fifty yards away and again
our gun with some feelings of
malice and blood-curd-
ling revenge, we took deliberate aim
and our gun snapped. Kind reader
did you ever a large plump
What i commonly called d the Gen-
at a hotel is of Hot
an Ann system- It is The Executive Committee f
in conn- Men's Christian Associations
tries. M a dozen friends may of North send greeting,
meet at th bar or eat that the Thirteenth
and drink and none would General Convention of delegates
think it st breach courtesy ; from the Associations our State
each pay his own bill in presence w; M the city of
of the others. There, the law of tori March to 24th,
common sense prevail, and it is on-
America I hat a man is accused
Of if he alone in
These for my
Horrible Blunder f a and
As Gleaned from the State Press.
presence others.
It i feature
can ill has a
took fire from her pipe.
The of the exercises Tarboro A
of the Convent ion is printed and is week has established
distributed with call amongst a, and will
the Its topics This
attract the thoughtful interest he furnished Scotland
all ho have tit moral and
Major Dull-
According to the New York Bo
Edenton all Washington
in the Is f a of
we ever saw, were sold in and
Edenton Saturday last. B-Bi out. Mr.
A colored woman years old
was burned to in Monroe last been sufficiently
week. She was smoking and her beautiful
western hen who has turned all
Washington heads this winter. Mr.
I is the
who won lame money
measure of the abuse of spiritual welfare our young men.
Thousand are com. i The Committee refer, with grate-
to drink they don't pleasure, to the steady, progress who was well
Rt the Knickerbocker Club in New
York by backing himself to drive
to the Hotel, dress for
dinner, and return inside of
I minutes. He did actually
can G. a prominent citizen i H
want to drink, and to pay for the of our work for the past three years.; , Wilmington, died last
others when they can't and especially to the improved Saturday, aged
ford it, simply because it is a methods of organization that have ,.
American custom to treat been carried into successful action L , .
seven min-
to be treated as evidence of so- under the auspices of our
point of fact it is State Secretary, Mr. L. A.
It is undoubtedly owing to
this hasty abnormally de-
in an otherwise rather slow
Tom nature that Mr. Hart-lay has now to
Its killed a hawk Saturday that accept his present mortification.
as white as snow. It had a black It seems that
on Wednesday
double it compels men to and of General felt the approach
drink often when they shouldn't, now on duty in several to,, Q-r- . purchased
and it compels to pay when j towns. We anticipate Two pi is- woolen gar-
t hey must rob themselves or their j delightful and profitable re in one white and one colored,
and have a. tumble off just Hut it is American to do j the hospitable city which is giving j escaped from the jail at ll BOW mans legs The
you drew it to the side of I hr boat t so; it IS the way to he social; it is so generous a support to its young, day and up to box of
Did you ever arrive at a depot just the open path to the, title of good well manned and prosperous late hour lust night had not been iV.
Heredity's all a mistake.
Bottom Courier.
It isn't Hie thing you do. dear,
It's the thin you leave undone
Which gives yon a bit of heartache
At the of the sun
The tender word forgotten.
The letter you did not write.
The flowers you might have sent, dear,
Are your haunting ghosts
The stone you have lifted
Out of the brother's way.
One bit of hearthstone counsel
You were too much to say ;
The loving touch of the hand, dear.
The gentle and winsome tone
M hat had no time or thought for.
He then armed us with a
genuine Joseph Roger's knife as
sharp as razor.
; is this we asked.
always cut their
said Joe, soon as we shoot them
, down to let the blood run
The earnest man-
in winch he spoke amazed us,
in time to see the train you wished
to take speeding off down the rail
road track We felt blank for
lorn, and the following hues some
old poet through our be-
and thousands of drunk-j Association. We urge that-the As-1 recaptured,
aids go down to untimely graves associations everywhere Concord
the victims American system
of treating.
promptly, the i bes men as j place Ca harms county
gates, forward contributions years as
j Late for dinner, as usual, he rushed
j home, dashed off a pretty note to
-Wear these
this evening for
Especially is the system of treat for the State work to Mr. E. L.
part of our political Harris, Treasurer of the Executive
system. As a rule every candidate Committee, Winston, N. C. Hep
The lo-
is my lot.
Oh that I could pass away and be for-
Be lore we could our gun J treat in the saloons Men's Christian
cation is a beautiful one, but as jet
no town has been built, It. has its
origin in the old time sport of
evening my and
handed the note ho box coils
laming the woolen goods to his
servant, while the box roses re-
upon Mr. table.
The note and box were duly de-
Mr. W . S. and upon opening the note
the dogs came bounding upon the; tels of his district. It. is expected especially interested are in-
. . , . , . , . I . last Thursday, measuring lour feet
trail, the deer had leaped Hie canal, him not only by the saloon-keep-1 to attend.
for public office, excepting a few j from places that
j whose official position it, must j looking to the of Young j p
and the thought of a deer's the dogs close behind were soon who are usually potential in pol
out of our for the lilies, but It fa expected of him by
throat when we had never even seen
a wild one, somewhat upset our
nerves. W
Early after sunrise of a bright I with something swung candidates have beaten
balmy day, we found ourselves across his broad shoulders. solely- because their
artful in
sluggish waters river.
In a short time we saw Joe
heelers of all parties and even
by many respectable voters. Many
upon the hunting grounds, proved to be a half grown buck, j competitors were more
With troubles enough of your own. The dogs, well trained and trusty ; He said he did not blow his horn for handling the bars and playing votes
fellows, blown up and seemed the shot was not the one with free drinks; as all
to know what was of them dogs were trailing, they would j dates want to win, all must, a a
and anxious for the chase. j have left the nail gone to bin, rule, bow to the American lad of
Joe, casting eye to the wind-i Thus ended our first deer hunt.; treating all around as often as poss j
is blowing We miserable lack
the wrong direction this morning, to relate it, but we There exceptions to the
we will have to cross the canal, -consoled by the reflection that our candidates treating at the
A deer depends more upon Ins nose I identity will be to but saloons and hotels, and ex-;
than he does upon his j let us will
how are we us misfortune
j we asked, see no boat, bridge us for not knowing
or of the I one.
These little kindness.
So easily out of
These chances to angels
Which even mortals find
in and silence.
Each child reproachful wraith,
When hope is faint and Bagging.
And a blight has dropped on faith.
For life is all too short, deal,
And sorrow is all too great.
To sutler our slow commission
That tarries until too late
And it's not the thing you do. dear,
It's the thing you leave undone
Which gives the bitter heartache
Al the setting of the sun.
Rail Road rates can be ascertain-
ed by applying to the Agent at
your Station w o has been
Christian fellowship,
HUME, Chairman,
Chapel Hill.
W. M.
Chapel Hill.
E. L. Treasurer,
Geo. B. Charlotte.
A. O.
W. It. Atkinson,
II. L. Smith, Davidson College.
A. M. Maker, New
and five inches from tip to tip and
pleasure as she read I hope
that yon will wear these for my
weighing four pounds. He shot it With eager hands she
at a distance of yards. tied the fastenings of the box
Professor W. G. Simmons, the when la, to her as-
. . r. . n . gaze, was revealed, not
; Wake Forest College, died last Mm-. but a complete
morning. For more than thirty set of men's underwear I
ye., is he been at his post of do as to the of the valet
The sustains a loss Valuing he boxes have proved
. , . . , , The winged cod had
replaced. ., . b ,
, and diplomat,
was a; hue and has been dropped
strange sight on the street tins from the list of guests at the lie use
week in the shape of a run-mad where formerly he was made
I mule. This mule was bitten a few
days ago by a dog in the
; lower part of the count; .
I. H.
School., died last week.
Jas. H. Durham. twelve years old and for
Street Cars for Concord.
Concord Times.
said Joe, I'll set
you across all
At his command we followed him Verdict Against States
Concord now has electric lights, of ville.
telephone, and other modern his our arms
citizens will never rest on their oars waist supported by his;
until it ranks second to no town brawny arms he lauded sale
in the State the opposite shore. He
West and
and Rev.
T. Rector.
lag and night. Prayer Meeting
Wednesday nigh,. Rev. K. B.
tag and Meeting
We are dad to lie able to slate then recrossed and brought over the g,
that a street line is considered
an assured fact. It is to midst
establish a line from depot to we
Odell factory, via old Nat- A tor upon
road and Main street. It . lately
proposed to haul both overlooking a large scope of
and freight. or prairie laud with
The sum of is now a scrubby tree.
to form the company. All but had observed in going up the bank
of this has been secured, a us
any effort, twice the i . ,
sum can be raised business streets dark i, ill
wanted. deer will cross at one
Co; cord Times.
In the Superior court of Iredell
county last Saturday a verdict was
rendered giving G. W. Jones, a cit-
of Catawba county, judgment
Ml damages against
The circumstances of the case
were as
Soon after the election of Grover
Cleveland in 1834, the Democrats
had a big torchlight procession,
speaking general
A great many Catawba people were
among them the plaintiff
Jones. In walking along one of the
should teach the wrong
the system. a c. for
I were to resort to treating
the bars it would defeat him in j B. MANNING. Wilmington. twelve mouths
this city and in the most of State Executive Committee of the blind, making it
counties of State. many j Young Men's Christian Associations with the hand in order
themselves, who are ever of North Carolina.
ready for a treat from the
candidate, would vote against The
Wilson h. JAMBS,
nary belonging to Mrs. E. M.
He was
the last;
has been totally
necessary to feed A
murk, N .
a candidate for Judge who did
it they always expect from J in this Conn-
men seeking their votes; j, the current year will be over
Judicial candidates can't treat with- j
disgrace, how I This 21.000,000 more the
or can- j entire net ordinary expenses the
treat honor f In point
of fact, exception proves the
of the rules, and common
sense demands that rule be
It is idle to assume that cat
can be abolished by law. All
Government in year before the
war. It is more
the cost of thirteen years
after the close of the war, when
the operation of natural laws,
the list would have begun to
The increase in pensions
The Johnnie;
a lad years of age,
resides Salem, tips I lie beam at
pounds, solid He
is well developed and shows but. lit-;
tie excess in surplus flesh. We would
like to know it there is another
of the same age that weighs as
much Who lives in our Stale.
A W,
Practice the Suite and Federal Courts
Kinston Five Truck farm
is on the increase around Kins
There is six or eight times
the quantity planted this over last
year. We hope that it w ill turn
G R E E A E, A. V.
N. C.
within i larger
these said Joe. see
making for the lower one slip
Lodge. No. A. F. A.
M meets 1st Thursday and HaW-
night after the 1st and 3rd at
B M. King. W. M.
A. Chapter. meets
and 4th nights at Ma-
Hall, F. W. Brown, P.
Covenant No. I. K.
meets every Tuesday night. D. L.
No. K. of H.
first and third Friday night.
D. D. V.
Conned, No. A. L. of II. meet
every Thursday C. A. White. C.
A. M. to r. w.
Order hoar A. M. to P. M. No or-
will be from to
from to F. H.
daily Sun-
i. i at A M. and at S. P Bi
Tar mail arrives Sun-
at n. and at F. M.
Washington mail
at n. and at P. K.
II. A. M.
Far Bethlehem Mission.
Bethlehem. 1st. Sunday at k.
School House, 1st Sunday at
Sparta. 2nd at o cluck.
Chapel. 4th Sundays o'clock.
r; P. C.
We believe that our people will
be riding to and from the depot in
streetcars before they are much ., , ,,,,., ,
older. Men are the back of this i the and
project who don't talk Oaf fun, and The dogs will
who have t lie spirit and en
to carry it out.
probably out your hearing,
an open cellar and dislocated
bis hip. The next year he brought
suit against Hie town for
The case has con-
from one court to
I such legislation since the close of the war is
of the yearly track when seasons are good but
on interest upon the there are also greater risks -o J RT,
lie debt within that time ; so that, j We glad to see a movement in
as a charge upon taxpayers, the
enormous war debt has for the most
to contempt. the
law, it would be disregarded with
impunity as as there are bars
to gather drinkers, or political con-
tests to make candidates who want;
The Two Cabinets.
but keep a the deer will j
come back. I have killed over two
thousand know something of
N. Y. World. i their habits. When you hear the
How do the Cabinets of grands dogs open, you may know it is a
father and grandson compare j Here
they are as far as the Cabinet
Grandfather Harrison Grandson Harri-
Secretary of State,
Webster, Mass. James
Secretary of Treasury.
Thus, twine, Ohio,
only came to trial la
The town gave notice of appeal.
A Doable Headed Negro.
votes, or social circles bent on en- j changed its form. Vs
T but the common sense of j in
o pp- -w-fl As represented by pensions, it will
weeK. to on indefinitely.
deer for they never anything
else. They will have one up in
These were our leader's parting
this elating assurance, be
j and his trusty were soon lost
; to sight in the prairie grass.
I II but a short time after they
j before we beard the
Secretary of War. i dogs yelping as if in full pursuit.
John Bell. Tenn., Proctor We crouched behind a pine, and
strained our eyes in the direction of
A Charlotte paper says that last
Saturday a double headed
woman passed through Charlotte on j
train. Her name is f and
up because it is fruitful only
profligacy intemperance. Oil
com.-e, it is bard to break op an
custom; but
there is one that treaters and
candidates and voters,
should want broken up. it is
Secretary of the Navy.
G. E. Badger. F. Tracy,
N. Y.
M Y Wanamaker
Jno J W. H. H. Miller
Is this an advance of Cabinet ma-
or a retrogression Compare
1840 1889.
One of meanest men in the
is the one who will change bis
residence and say nothing to the
editor about changing his post
office, though he may owe several
dollars on bis paper.
and she carries on two co versa-
or drinks two cups of coffee at
the tame time. She has two heads,
one body and four legs. The two
heads have minds of their own, for
j what one month gets the other
claims also. She can accept an
offer with one reject it
with the other. She is a
A perfect town is that which
you see
home merchants, the laborers spend-
the expecting every moment
to see a flue, noble stag leaping
over the bushes in front of
when, to our dismay, we beard a gun money they earn with their
fire. We thought that
companion bad floored his game
and that of getting a
shot was gone. We however
that he did not. blow bis born and
were en con raged to hope that be
had missed his mark and that it
would he turn steady
tradesmen, and all animated by
a spirit that will not purchase
abroad if they can be bought
home. The spirit of reciprocity
between and me.
tradesmen and laborers,
and manufacturers, results
every time in making a town a
American system of testing at
the bar.
Breathing and Thinking.
The pension list for the United
States costs this year within
as much as the annual cost of
the standing army of Great
and as much as
the enormous standing army of Ger-
many. And there will be no halt
in piling it on so long as
plus holds pension agents
can make fortunes and demagogues
gain votes by the discriminate
away of the people's money.
yelping of the dogs continued, feet one to do business in.
gradually becoming more distinct, News.
and it was evident they were rap. j .
;. American export of apples in
idly j WM of Mt
Let any reader think for a mo-
of what he when
be breathes, and attends to the act.
He will find that his whole frame
heaves and subsides at the time;
face, chest, stomach limbs are
all actuated by bis respiration.
Now let In in hit and
he will see that they, too, heave
with mass. When he entertains
a long thought, he draws a
breath; be thinks quickly,
bis breath alternates with rapid
the tempest of an-
shakes his his breath and
tumultuous; when his soul is deep
and tranquil, so is his respiration ;
when success inflates him, his lungs
are as timid as his conceits. Let
him make trial of contrary let
endeavor to think in long
stretches at the time he
breathes in fits, and he will find
that it is impossible ; that in this
the lungs will mince
bit thoughts
Can't Raise Too Much Hay
and Grass.
Monroe Planter.
There is not of any
farmer raising too much hay. Clover
and grass can be grown with
less expense than cotton, if yon
cannot find a ready market for
hay yon convert it beef,
any direction to diversify our pro-
Scotland Neck On
last Harry Jones and,
Carter Powell who had been in some
way interested in a crop together,
got into a difficulty about it, near
town, when Jones shot Powell, the
ball taking effect some where near
the heart. Jones made bis escape
and Powell died Sunday night.
Both colored.
Scotland Neck One
day last Week some colored boys on
Capt. White's farm near town were
experimenting with some of
steam fixtures had improvised,
for They made a boil-j
of a small keg, and
said One
the boys was seriously burned j
we learn not fatally. ought j j SM
be a law against such
It Is reported
that I here is an organized band of
robbers to the number of
in the vicinity of Snow Hill.
Mi. G- W. wagon was stop-
on the road one night last week,
but the highwaymen failing to
cover any money or meat, the
was allowed to proceed. Night
before last store of Josiah
Co. in Snow Hill was entered
and goods to the amount of
G RE EN V L E, N. V.
Practice all the courts.
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
P. C F
Civil Engineers,
and Architects.
and N. C.
Great Questions of the Day.
N. C.
liquor question is one of the
greatest questions that can engage j
Greenville, N. C.
Under new Hot
cold water baths. rooms and a
servants. Table always
ed with the best of the market.
stables connection.
11-50 PER
thoughts of man. Let every-
body study it, and find right
side of it.
there really is
be broken up, nth its lawless
brought to justice.
Polite waiters. Good rooms.
the market affords. in
to save money Boots, Shoos, HAts, Gates, Dross Goods Domestics at J Store, next door to the Jeweler. BAWLS TYSON.

Eastern Reflector,
The Railroad.
The Rail Road will be soon
completed. By July the loco
motive whistle will be heard in
Greenville. It bring with
it new life and if the of
Greenville, will throw them-
selves into the grand work of
I advancing the natural interest of
our much naturally favored
town, we will make Greenville a
booming place. Situated as it
Subscription Trice. per year.; is at the head of navigation on
the River, we can never be
bit j placed at the mercy of the Rail-
. Road. Our Steam Boats will
Democratic k competition,
en and measures that are not consistent J v i
true principles of the party. sharp and secure low freights.
It yon want a a wide-n-n ts -particular Greenville tins
of the State send for the
re. SAMPLE COPY I i the advantage over I
and other neigh-
MARCH 13th,
G N. C., as
Under of the
Cherry writes us from M-
Me. take
paper to inform
the citizens of and
rounding county, that according to
the request of petitioners I nave
bad a law enacted, prohibiting the
ponding of stock in the town of
Greenville i; baa passed both
es and is
M. C. S.
Two new papers have re
been started in this State.
One is a weekly
boring towns, beside the larger
portion of and Beau-
fort will seek the outside world
at this point.
We have got a great big conn
in the of to give the
1889, and 1890, for the
Western Asylum ; mid
1889. and for col-
Asylum at.
The of directors of
State Penitentiary been re-
from nine to at a
of thus decreasing the an
costs in from
to The law provide
i hut only one director shall
in the same
The pension bill, as amended and
as passed both Houses, provides
a lax cents cm properly and i
on the poll. This levy will raise, n
is said, much mine than
double I be amount now paid to tin-
disabled soldiers.
An important measure
in the of a railroad
bill Legislature
this week. Its chief points were to
give the Bureau of Labor Statistics
the authority to compel the railroad
lo all
desired as to I heir opera
lions, earnings, etc. the roads In
make replies Io all and the
Bureau to furnish the nest
with a full report the
received and results
Its invest t ions. The object of the
lull was to increase me
and usefulness of the Labor
its soil and in industry and
integrity f its citizens, and an
effort should be made to
the trade this
at its at its county
site. With this trade alone
Greenville would soon outstrip
Wilson Outside of
enlarging our mercantile business
our citizens should begin to real
to make our growth sure
and steadfast, ire must have
some industries to give employ-
at Plymouth by to our citizens-
L. The other is the S-n, is setting an example worthy of
a daily at Durham with J. A. imitation We
at the editorial helm. the advantage of
Brother Robinson is an old hand en connected with blanches it bum
with the and one the world for a
with one most every u-
best newspaper writers in ears, if we can ad to cm it beam
State. We wish both the once we can at least I I quote from the Green-
rate positive
as to the workings of
d the state. It went through tin
House, but the Senate tabled
hill the same vole as ii r
teated t lie commission bill.
This Legislature has decided
sell the Governor's Mansion.
Ten days ago It was thought this
MM would be
a bill providing its
I explained last
it failed in the House. Since
a resolution carried directing
the remaining proceeds from the
-ale lots lie applied towards
the Mansion, and also
that convict la be used a Inn
necessary. This means the build-
is to finished sooner or
This Legislature has added an-
other cause for divorce. The bill
i make a beginning, and that be
. . plain. In Turkey a
j ginning is the formation of
There might have been some j business organization shall led to the closed door of his wife's
just legislation in the take such steps as is necessary r be
the line of equalizing the to what can be done to pro- l
mote and advance material
interest of our town, and we call
our enterprising citizens
call a meeting of the business
taxes and removing certain sec-
by which the same prop-
is taxed twice. Too much
taxation is a great The
Wilmington very
principle of taxation in
North Carolina is unsound. For
yon A
you build a house with it. Yon
required to pay tax on the house
and the lender must pay tax on
This is an outrage. It is
but little better than a and . Commerce in has
perpetrated by State city an industrial
The last issue of the
son Gold
m twelve
mouths in Carol ma is cause
divorce u
have passed enlarging m
of of
, There ate many woo
truly of town to that end a magistrate In given
W need an organization that m number of case-
, , ., , , triable now in
shall forget and remember looking to
the poor and rich alike and i that end an- g in
bring close to their hearts the Legislatures. A how
and advancement of
Greenville. The of
so has a similar
gone throng I. nun-. Telegraph
operators are hereafter exempt from
serving lull .
the MM Bell's
, IO
in, , for the van.
given new life to that counties were the
and no can Ml Committee or. were
, elected in both Houses
The the Legislature max
the effort and Jet that effort be i he considered at an end.
ed audit not in faith and our labors i
That is too bad. e bad U-l act a little business M
looking with success. formally adjourn.
of each House to-day and to-night
marked by a spirited and live-
in the
alias William
Secretary of the Treasury.
This is man Illume
in the field wreck. been
by the of
Minnesota, lie went to New York and
became a MM t of stool pigeon for
star route -Are headquarters for all needed
ill tin- ti a . a.
HARDWARE hue. Our stock cannot
schemes, a years ago but if want anything in
had be
buzzing his hut a terrific rate
an i ii would lie surprising if lie , n
into political i
to boom himself for the Presidency. I T-X-i ON
Whether tins would interfere with We can save you money on any of these goods.
which we will sell at Prices.
Cooking I tonsils. Male
and House Cutlery
ft Carriage Wits,
WE are fitted in FIRST-i and are to man
short any kind or of
We keep a nice of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. GREENE, J i. Manager.
Our line is so large and complete varied
that it allows our customers to please themselves
as to The garments offered arc made on
the premises with the intention of furnishing the
best material, perfect in finish and workmanship,
at prices which compare favorably with goods
of inferior quality, and to suit the most
or economical taste.
X. C.
N .
All kinds in
At lowest current rate
SASHES, DOORS AND BLINDS, am agent for a first-class fire proof safe.
Mm i . . .
future of Harrison or
Blaine I say.
Proctor, Secretary War, is a man
that few people of Vermont
ever heard the lust
weeks. all of the mar
in Vermont and haw
become but nobody
MM able to discover any
reason why he should have
been made a Cabinet officer.
alias Benjamin F.
Tracy, Secretary of the
unsavory record.
He was colonel of a
a while during the war and was
in command of the
prison New York.
lined. He gained more notoriety j
lawyers in
great scandal. He
has a chronic candidate for
office in Brooklyn, but has always
laded election, even when he
succeeded in getting
He knows lung about the
Navy and why he should have been
selected is a ion that is
everybody, New
John . Noble, of i the
of He is
known Si. Louis, where he
iced law, nut in
i his ion ever heard of him
id he as mentioned a weeks
ago his position.
Me alias W. H. U.
is Attorney General.
only for Ma
is he is Harrison's law
alias John
i AX NOT DAY, bin the who keeps a fresh supply of
Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can be found whenever wanted. Yon only have to look for
Ami all your in the goods c.-tn
i PIT To
In the tun Ii,. . V Hue of the following good
are inn be In And o to be I t and
pan- DRY of ill kin.-. NOTIONS,
N- II H s. x . Ml S.
II l. Rf I MM I-. I
W SASH and Kim nun
ARK. s r IN. of
.-mil Mil. ROCK . .
-i-i-. s. M ins , r -n, hit. l r . I
Star at . pure
Varnishes mini i r Win Pump slid Wool
Willow me. a specialty. a call I
ii will do f
the proposed illustrated edition M Greenville.
had been to
made in faith and
Capital, T
cf etc
ready c
that paper with anticipations of-
much pleasure. The editor says
the decision is prompted
good reasons, bu they are not
We wonder if a lack of;
enterprise in Henderson's
circles is the that , j,
praiseworthy The Legislature will adjourn
and one that would have at noon. Mot of
, , , . . . . the look tiled and worn
such lasting d w
through necessity be the State Legislature
If so it is a have la-en ten hour-, a
business. The galleries
were tilled ti
on a town to
eyes turned.
which many
While the emigration of the
from North Carolina is a
question that has, to no great
extent, agitated this immediate
section, it is one that has caused
considerable comment over the
State. It is our opinion.
the pressure is telling on
Tl e election bill created, in-
and excitement than any-
thing el.-e the past week. Ever
since the Senate passed a lull
ever, that more importance has
been attached to it in some in-
stances is warranted.
amending the election laws of
State the Republican in the House
have been themselves to
make a thunder attack when it
came in the House. The Senate
bill was referred to the
how- committee and committee
made no report upon until Mon-
day last. They a
I tote which changes the old law in
very respects except as
fail to how of to It differs from
least Senate bill in that it requires the
, , . . ; judges election to lie of
who leave-is to
the State or prove any deposit the ballot of the voter
If a white m if requested bx
. . turn books to be closed ten
State, or any section thereof, he the election unless
is free to come and go as he a voter Incomes age after that
ah. The same privilege be- when registering is
I , , . to give fan name, age, place of
to the going; of
of the latter class in large caused a pretty lively breeze m
only stands as evidence House on Tuesday Wed
their roving, unstable
The fired
; away at it and some of them were
shows how easily bitter. The fact is that they
can be led about by any flowery prepared for bill.
It is The their
, ., . hardly applied to the
shiftless, do-nothing class that consideration.
down were equally a.
much All the lay
there has been a spun of
and lit-ling a
and fun-
ii x
forth a
To night were several
lulls to i of
and House. In Sen-
ate sergeant
sergeant at were
ed with gold beaded Speak
through Mr CoKe, was
a silver
set d a gold headed
cane. These gilts the
of the as
of their regard tor
their able, courteous impartial
presiding officer. Mr. Sutton,
man on u.-
grievances, was by
his committee with a milk
pitcher and tea pot. Mr.
here as
was presented with at pall
gold spectacles, a
some of bin special lends.
The citizens have lit
the to
city upon A large
the legislators,
eastern men, decided to go
u ill leave here Monday
to a days in the
pie have made prep
tor mil
hi style
make their stay most pleasant
t-u joy able.
knows xx he is ill the
net. lie bought place us
would any in
xx Inch lie
ill. price he
tug one, it is in- hoped
he to realize a
on ion.
Wisconsin, Is
i be new
His in i prominence was oil
by ion
out the militia
in his is
got his
He Will
no n. bis
in w however, and no
troops hi disposal.
Now, is the whole lot.
do you of
The office seekers have jumped on
r.-on lee I, not x it
In- pal bet appeal
in bis inaugural to give
nun a nine.
it is opened in
it is closed at
night, here to stay
their money gives out, or they
get The new Cab-
arc all going
the tame experience.
I i ii, Plain I Newels,
Plaster W -in is-. Mantels,
XX ii-i I xx
l Mantel,
Hardware, Pan Oils Glass, Patty,
K- K; V
Nos. Market Si Ave.
N I V--V.
We are to our such en-to and die
need. Doors,
Hoes, mi ii s. every kind Wheel
Barrow. n . S pipe every
ail- and C c . Del c.
Ho agents stove -low ii use. The is our
and gives i are p
, the f r
One year ago in an had fir oar mot o iV e m-II for cash,
j We still motto, She ilia h tot
and customer. close lo have by
We thank the oar M and ask a
linger share the till
J. D. Williamson,
X. C.
Has Moved to One Door or court House.
My well with the best Me. put up nothing
tun work. We p up hi I
Brad Material med in all All re -.-1- t from
Coil, Horn, King.
Alan keep on a full Ii c of ready made
the year round, we as as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
people of lids and for fax-or
a of the same.
but I a ninny
tale that is presented.
class I new administration
do the running about, and if There was much laughter and foully down to
to so give them the I the The address fa
. . T, ,, bad no
liberty to do so If a few of , to ,
should find labor scarce it la-cause they bail
for awhile it would prove; do o.
. . . , . . After a
a blessing in the end by auk
reduce their acreage.; , a adopt.
Carolina dots more for the id the way to the ails
than the will ever.
. I heard to remark
do the State. So don t raise
so fuss about some of them
afford- the Gold
more pleasure i success and
we men
are a Horn
There is truer
of the
of a community its news
In ibis
pleasure the fact that the
tor J. made one
very best weekly papers
Stale, has just upon Its
auspices. A years
became sole
He WM a
mail both years
as a publisher, but he
bad brain.-,
Si mi, ibis eon i acted
a heavy debt a country editor
l. a cylinder prim press.
a few wee-ks last
this was pant
oil am is sole
of bis entire fact
upon he is to
Continued success to
tin- editor M
We only say Hunk-,
tor and good
Mess Fork
Bulk Side
Bacon Shoulder
County Hams
j shall be obstructed, be
bill all
i ; it is a good He didn't
vote either way. Tie bill pas-ed
was over to
Semite where it passed also by a
. . .- ti -i a net part v vote.
The Atlantic Coast Railroad , Tl e
Williamston to Plymouth, j tax a
la being rapidly. The received an overwhelming
been as j n-o. It was tabled, only eight
a where work is
row on. In about
Washington, S. c., Mar.
ll re
It excited no
the and
geared Ham.
He to make no prom J
himself with gen
The Cabinet is a queer sort of a
when yon take
trouble to
carefully noting the personal char
of its members. Like
this instance
otherwise known as
James Q. Blaine, Secretary of State.
Corrected by xV
LU, K lull i. i .-,
they to have it
Hie l
in order to off an old mt
and who was
wrecked in 1884. If be not
have new President in a bard
J place new President
I will himself to b the
es cast for it.
I appropriation bills for the In
Irish Potatoes
O. A. Salt
Liverpool Salt
I Oil
1.75 to a
II to
i to
IS to
Cf to
to to
to SO
to M
CO to
in to I
Having just a tine the goods, we an- now
ready to the public just anal they in need goods
at prices that will please the pun-baser.
Dry Goods,
Km. -ft
To fit nil who favor with
Nails, Cutlery, Shift, Powder.
Glass-ware. Wood and
ware, Furniture, Harness, Whips,
Gail Ax and Railroad Mills Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco.
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Rice, Meats
of different kinds, very best Lard can
buy, Butter, Cheese, Spice, Pepper.
Soap both toilet and Laundry,
Star Lye, Ball Lye,
Matches, Starch, best grade of White
Kerosene Oil, Machine Oil,
We are a New Firm, but not new men to the public
All who in need of our tine lo come to Us.
OW will m arc i at
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
N. C. Mar. Md, 1887.
Monday the day of March. A.
D. I the court House
door In the f lo the
highest bidder for ash one of
land in Pitt containing
unit bounded n follows
following hind In
vision of the hunts . Manning.
Nancy Manning laid n Manning
Si to wit. tot No. T
rah Dall. He shake So.
to a Hake,
K stake at ditch, thence
s w pole to corner of
polos to tho beginning
t a Veil Ex in my
for collection against Sarah Dall.
and been on laid
M property of said Sarah Had. This
A. K Tr
W. D. .
I would respectfully call your
to Hie and ask
you to remember that can buy a
home than any in the
That it is the most
heal known having been represented
for over forty years In
Thai i second to none
and baa for lining or-
Refer to V. W. BATES,
Nor walk, Conn.
II. .
Or write direct for
On M the lath day of March, a
town of
bidder Cam one tract of land
n i.
Ami us
lot of land in
ion of Manning,
Nancy Manning and H. Manning
lie tO II. ,, slump,
corner ditch, s w to
I dividing line, line K
to I'll of M w lo
Notice to Creditors.
qualified as of
the Will and
Evans, on the 2nd day
is hereby given to all
Indebted to the estate l .
to make dine mint
to their claims
to tin undersigned on
before the of January,
or Ibis Will he plead in of their
.,. II X ill. R.
of AMI .
Pitt Co.
i o
Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
have had several ex-
the and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of
will receive prompt and
to stake thence f M ; ton
poles to the beginning
aces. to a In ml
for Man
and which have been levied on
land an said
Manning. J. A. K.
l. U. Kin. D, S.
W. S. R A
Watch Jeweler.
If you wan in
Sewing Machines,
to A
i locks, Jewelry and Sewing
Machine repelled and Warranted.
Ii Hay. Torn. Meal. Oat I
and Mill
Will pay for
Corn and
I pay ash tor nix and can t-
ford sell at
t all me at store cf J. Smith

II. R. Lang's Column.
Park. Seat.
The night ere h nun-Hi.
Superior next week.
lie rivet is lull n
L Mi Its.
Can't have a Y. M. C.
forget the
I week.
Is now in Northern markets Electric lights did yon say f not
Mill for Hie by D.
ken Co.
is truly not a
In this winter.
Work on the park progresses. It
been laid
We have Keen no kites far.
r in boys.
Pillow Sham Holders or Adjuster
of Basket Co.
are very
Spring Summer
Mm Mettle of Wilson, is
netting Nannie
Mi A. If. left Sunday for
Washington look into
Miss Ins returned
a v. -11 ill i hi threw week
tin and It Mount.
We wen- pleased to meet Mr. W.
, S. of Friday.
r.- traveling to
Mi. W. Perk rein, in- I
Baltimore where e
bet n attending medical lectures.
Miss Maggie
day to spend a few days with
sister, Mrs. Clark, in Washington.
Miss Ida Rogers, Hamilton,
and L. of
Ins, spent Monday in town visiting
the editor and wife.
W. H. Smith, contractor of
tin railroad work, attended Court
in Halifax lee neck- Mrs. Smith
is visiting id Scotland Neck
The has in appearance ear
this rear. In the army of
with which Is
the fly should Ix- placed in
lb.- rank.
nut mi the streets most any
after the
bran carried,
tun can see a dozen men. or
reading papers that somebody
else has paid This i- taking
an undue advantage of Hie
W Mills.
e a
statistics -a- In
. . lib-
ladies in mimes
three four that number can-
celled for removal Iron the
list. The boys must either
grate or the next set of girls hurry
on carpet.
Which are arriving on every,
boat On bis counters will
be found a collection
The days and nights
Deal of equal length.
Greenville is not represented in
Harrison's Cabinet, Too had
Nice weather to catch
Be careful with
This has been a winter, much
p like weather all through.
Seine changes in the roof be-
i made to the Baptist
In department, including A brilliant marriage at
Church n.-morrow evening.
of ail descriptions, both
and Domestic Fabrics,
with the latest style of
Such as the prevailing fashions
of the season will demand.
Special attention will
be paid to our
It has been conceded by the
ladies of Greenville that
have the nicest and cheapest line
of these goods to be found in the
The Weather has been clear,
and bracing during l lie hist
Jan received Buss Fa-
Lunch Milk Biscuit at the Old
Bi Store.
We heard a man bragging
four large re shad at one haul
with a dip net.
The stairway entrance to the
Conn room in the Court House has
just been newly carpeted.
Ml. J. Murphy is having
street extended acnes bi
nut to I he
Barrels Karly and Peer-
less seed Potatoes, cheap at the
Old Store.
The small were out on the
reels the oilier
created Iota of mirth.
getting their work
II advanced. Much the land
is ready for earn planting.
Bring some money for the RB-
when you come to town
to attend Court next week.
Will anybody put a forward
to beautify Hill
Citizens, where is you pride J
If yen fail to see the
man on the street next week slop
in at the and he
Democrats holding office under
the late Presidential administration
now await orders to step down and
We hope to get rid the rat- j
after awhile. Some days as many
s three or four are killed about the
Money try sail
liberal terms than heretofore
Apply to J. B. Green-
ville, K. C.
Brown Hooker had a grand
their stock last Thurs-
day afternoon. Their store had
many visitors.
What has become of the recently
talked of canning factory t Some
body make money by establish-
one here.
Don't forget that you can get
tines at reduced price- for the next
two weeks at Gallery he-
fore he leaves.
Greenville is to have some
kind of manufacturing enterprises
and the sooner they are instituted
the better it will be.
In two and a half days last week
Mr. H. F. Keel Hole horses and
traded six time-. Pretty ft
changing of stock.
There he a willingness on
I the purl of every citizen of
ville to help the town grow if they
wish to see it
j The steamer laded to
I come up on regular trip Monday,
owing to some tumble with h-r ma-
She was yesterday.
We heir numerous aspirants
among the Republicans for
Greenville There wont
Mr. A. Forties baa gone North to
make his purchases. The
all the merchants,
be never gets in anything.
Minister J. Jarvis has ten-
his resignation as S. Minis-
to which was accepted,
will open a law office in Green-
Messrs. J. J. Jr., and
Frank hist Wednesday
for Fortress Monroe, to apply
admission into the United States
Miss Funk
county, lat week with Mrs.
at the Institute. She was
a pupil at the first of the
Rev. C. M. Anderson and wife,
have been spending the winter
with their daughter, Mrs. Has
left yesterday for their home
Miss Carrie James a pupil of the
Institute, thrust a in
one of her eyes while visiting her
home in Bethel last y. It
caused her much pain.
Kev. L. Finch will preach at
Allen's School near Green-
prevented him his
at place.
Mrs. Cotton, mother of Mrs.
Charles Skinner, has been sick some
Ii-r Dr. Joseph
j and his daughter. Mrs. Gil-
n. Of Coleraine. were visiting her
Tue omit-
name of Mrs. F. O. James
in report of the mask party pub
last week. -She represented
a Nun in a manner and in
her appropriate costume was much
lion. I,. C. Latham and
Mi-s have returned
home Maj.
in as in
the First North
District expired the 4th
He resumes his practice of
law here.
Mr. M. returned Fri-
day from Washington City where
he been to attend the
and size up the new
Nation. He says President Harri-
son is about two inane taller
he, ha- a pale, muddy
complexion, and does not impress
one as a man physical
Mr. Willie of
township, a son of Mr. It. Which
aid, was into me us Saturday and
aid he had just sold a fox -km
which was off of the fox he
bad caught in steel traps I his win-
under one persimmon tree.
lie is getting to be champion
fox catcher The REFLECTOR would
like to know any other one per-
son in the county lies caught a-
many as nine foxes winter.
The mill in charge of Mr. Jack
White, just above the railroad, is
assuming large It
of lumber mill, plaining
mill, shingle mill and grist mill, it
is already doing much work
will have all its departments com-
in a few days.
The cutting of the railroad grade
through the large hill this side of
the river has completed.
There is comparatively but In tie.
more work the grading force to
do. Conn acts for the timber need-
ed in the trestles each side of the
river have been put out.
The Reflector has prom-
the pen an able
a series of articles on Greenville,
what the town has, what it needs,
the unities otters for
t see other of
public interest. business men
should look to the circulation
large numbers of papers
s j g
u i in hi
The having
mill- for iii in and pill them
In a-, i h to Inform
i v tin lie i- prepared d
i id i . Hi l . i
fuel -.- .-. III I
I ; rm in in I am
in furnish diem water
mill meal m prices
i buy retail
lay Kara in
winch will i
Sold l I e-
mm tell
Jo. j;
oat ;
an. p
. i. .
Net . y,
N. March
The Board of Commissioners of
Pitt county met this day in regular
session. Members present, C.
son. Chairman, G. M. Mooring, W.
A. James. Jr , T. K Keel and C. V.
Newton. Minutes meeting
Andrew Joy nor sweet note read and approved
to slips sale. See The following pa orders were
Dr. J. N offers valuable
proper at Center Bluff sale on
John Stocks
. James Margaret
easy term-. See advertisement. i g, p, smith
A of the Board John Baker 1.5 i
,. . i I Adams 2.00 Daniel Webster
County will be ; Nelson Albeit
held next lath, to eke I ;
concerning the Poor The general were ;
House See nor ice elsewhere.
Just look at If. R. L column I Henry Brown 16.00 John S. Smith 2.00 i
fat something attractive J. H.
what is tar greater to be ad- i g
, . b , . W Cox
aired is his superb stock, ion weeks ll. dark 2.02 Lev Harris
have not seen all Greenville if j B. S. O. I
you to town leave without I J. It. Cherry J. B. Cherry j
visiting bi-s store. i s- A- 2.10 J. J. 183.00 i
W. J. Page W. J. Page
don't lie. People may j . A. Laura Wilson
look with wonder at the price 1.30 Blow
Mitten be Hun ford in W-u.
new this week.
While they turned j . s. Holiday ii
side down there is no catch . B. 1.85 U. C.
it and can bay goods at the J- 1.00 M Z Moore I
very figures they quo e. And what I 1.27
At Falkland. Pitt county.
daughter of John s. and Bert;
ten year. She was sick
days and the of her Ii
made It more crushing t. her bereaved
parents. Kind, loving, and con-
tented the was the idol of a fond home,
and a favorite in her little circle of friend.
What I gone and gone
Why. only late I heard her clear voice
has come and then her little
Around my neck, a golden clasp, would
souls, and heart and heart.
Which only death purl.
received a nice
Which I can sell very cheap. Violin
Gutter and Banjo Strings also for wile
Special attention paid to all watch, clock
Greenville, N. C.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly before
Court Clerk of Pitt county on
day of Ki as
tor Of C. Davenport, deceased,
is hereby given to all person- In
to the to pay-
to the and to all
of said estate to present their
authenticated to the
on or before the h of by
or this notice Will be plead in
their recover;. ThU of
Bettie gone
no more
me do that
For loved self
Our hearts, to lose I lie life in
She's pone our lives are
We'll go; brief life, he glad.
and I hear
Wild an-
For Sale.
Twenty-live Bushels Potato
left with K. c. Glenn will be mini in
is more, they do not keep just
a few cheap goods to use as
leaders bur have, every thing mark-
ed light down. They have a big
-lock and see am money
In- made I'm
The goods are bound to go. The
res tell what they are doing.
is truly the most or
town in the Stale at
remarked a stranger
the other night. Thank-, day
time too, ii lend.
Of all kinds to suit the most fas-
tastes are to be
found in endless
with us.
and have some
about and send your to
job priming, no
work turned out. satisfaction
Greenville's h are nu-
bur it requires
activity accomplish much. If the
people only unite in one
spirit for and
The would like to
haw a department of items from
every in the county. Who
be near enough offices to go around. I the county paper not
thief Send the items
A choice assortments suitable for
dress ind business
at prices that will be
by all
In fact a complete assortment
in every Department. An in-
is invited.
Jan 15- MB lbs more P. i
Co's Sweet Scotch which
has proven to be the healthiest and
He per at the
Old Hi Stoic.
The men Greenville
need not expect trade they
eek it. Leave nothing undone
that will and to
the town.
Rev. A. a converted
showman, who is now an
list, arrived in yesterday
and in the Court House
last night.
Artist, will he in
j Greenville only two weeks more.
All want good Pictures at res
prices should come in now
fore he leaves.
A library room is being nicely
at the Institute and will
soon be ready opening. art
studio Is also well ranged. Miss
Rouse is doing some good work with
her pupils in ibis department.
bow long the
trains will running here f We
give it up Brothel, but you must
with that question, and
is- it we will be it
angel jump be track. Rats
will have
What's with I
I A hue the Railroad
up Evans to the
I would we a good
has a number of wide-i u l
awake merchants and business men.
Run your eyes over the advertising
columns of
who they are.
and see
We doubt any town in
being ahead of in the
way of carriage act ones. Three
interested in having factories, and every one of
hen Clothing made will do well to work. Pitt
county buggies have been sent near-
all Eastern Carolina.
examine line of sample on ex-
at M. R. Lang's
Founded 1824. L little books we
lately seen is Stem ill
P. North by Mrs
from N. C, may be Cora P. Spent- which
at the King Greenville, Tor has la-en received from the b-
month, longer if era, Messrs Alfred Williams Co;
V. S. Lang's Column
to do prepared to perform
in most careful manner any
operations pertaining to his pro
in. has re-
siding in Ha I. over years
Raleigh. Mrs. is a Nor h
Carolina woman and her book s
compiled from the best historical re-
cords. It is in convenient form
he of service the
give best of
stop he Cholera
Mr. S. V. Jay of Beaver Dam
township, was telling us a few days
since how he of cholera
among his hogs. He says when the
disease appears he kills the sick
hogs and has them buried, thus
venting a spread of the disease.
Three different tunes he has tried
this with good results, every trace
the disease disappearing when
the sick hogs are put out of the way.
He says it always pays to
this plan and check the disease.
The sick bogs running at
spread the disease, and the effort
to cure the sick animals and get
them if it succeeds
always costs more they are
worth. dispose the sick
bogs save the well ones.
If an
One of the meanest men in the
world is one who will change his
residence and say to
editor about changing his post of-
he may owe several
on hi-
We have names of several
these thieves and think of offer-
a reward information of
their hereabouts. They are doubt
less now cheating some news
paper wood
Such a man i- a fit com pan of
who to take In-
paper the office be has
been reading it one or two years
without paying it causes the
to publisher
that it remains uncalled for,
Henderson GM
The above about covers
ground without anything
being added to it. man who
It. T. Tyson J. A.
S. S. LOU C. j.
J. Cox
i. W. L. Reason
II. . J. S. Eason I.
G. v II. K. Ellis 1.40
NIB. C A. p.
O, w. Morgan SO
D. 1.00 Ashley I
Noah W. Tyson 1.60 Caesar 81.00
J. A. K. 157.82 C. Dawson 7.60
J. A. K. Tucker 13.85 W M. King
W. A James Jr. 7.20 Daniel 3.75
A Move 1.28 O. M. 0-701
T. E. Kc-i 11.85 C. V. 8.00 I
P. M. W. M. King
C. i
On petition Samuel Johnson and
John Ben Johnson were exempted i
poll tax.
J. F. Smith robe re-1
Ii -veil id laud valued at
and it appeal to the Board be
no laud the lime of Ha-1
ting and he having paid ;
said tax tor year it was
ordered that Tax Collector re
fund to Smith amount of
-aid lax and take credit tor the
L. W. Reason, Constable elect in
township, having tailed to
quality, the office was declared
cant the Board proceeded to
an elect ion in till the vacancy. W.
L. Pollard receiving a majority of
the vote- was deal red elected.
Chas. Patrick. Brown Smith, O.
F. Williams, Louisa Nichols and
Waller While were allowed to list
taxes for the year as per all-
U hereby given a
of Board of of
county will be held at the Court House
on day of
March. for the taking
some action concerning the Poor House.
X. C . March I--8.
C. n
Board of Coin Commissioners.
D, II. .
For Sale.
I win sell my Center Bluff property
consisting of two acres of land
store house, large warehouse end tenant
house on reasonable terms. Property
localed at Center Bluff on Tar
very desirable location for
power saw grist mill that I
will at a
Farmville, X. C.
General Items.
have just re-
turned from New York
City with a full line of
Goods. Laces
Embroideries, Swiss on tin- 20th j is
I l to all in
a Specialty, to the estate to make
Fine Clothing the
tin- cap tits ought to butt bin brains i Jas. Whichard who had his
out tin- wall and thereby do j sometime ago is
the coo a good service.
Mr. W. F. Keel, or Carolina
I ship sprained his ankle very badly
week while helping a neighbor
roil logs.
Ml s Ida Rogers of Hamilton is
visiting in White
Leroy is teaching
a school near her
Nearly everybody in our section
is wearing a cold. They
quite fashionable since the firm patron-
in and cold u cat her.
There have la-en several eases of
measles in Carolina
We are glad to know that Mr.
For your, liberal patronage in
the pant
And Cordially Solicit
A continuance of t he same-
When You to
Do not to examine our
-------stock of-------
Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, Hardware
And Crockery.
We keep a complete line of
Staple Groceries.
We call especial attention to our
The and
-GIRL torn
plow, the
cotton plows. We will
also offer t trade -WOO
has mere merit than anything
the kind ever put on tin-
Greenville, N. C.
no on room
we have tree now. Ah
yon to mi
If yO to to
y on Uh rear of II.
Cherry Co's. For convenience we
also entrance II.
Kiel's on street. lean Rive
That ever In roar life tor
to less anyone
else iii tin- cm you. V by r
for my expense are less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and rave dis-
count-, slid if you don t believe ll you
come and Having bad is years
in the business I guarantee
or no charge. Hi-
a Specialty large
on sin-et rear J. It. Cherry
Greenville, N. C.
Notice to
The duly
lied HI lo the Last Will
I Testament Jam- E. de-
Has been reduced from
And not depend on nor
trying make one Planter do
the two Plan tare, but
buy a this season
save the
a of cotton
which may cost y oil
more ban see
Tell not to delay hot examine
now and sec Ins old planter
needs and if SO
order once or send
the Planter to me or leave
it with Mi. Allied
with full
and it be taken
to factory, re-
ed, and
Builder's Material.
or i
can him any
may need, either
Also I
and Bel-
piazzas, in fact any
mi i or trim-
he may
need lo in, l, u
Will Your Corn.
And fun her that I can bis
corn into mi I Meal that
I m ill in ii him of
the lie will
hi me his cm d
his the you
Union to lie held
in N. March
by H. Morris
Bros Shoes, Hats,
We bought low for
cash and will sell at
panic prices
Be sure to call.
The place
of Bible in the Home and
the School, Reva. J. W. Powell,
I see in some of Hie State
that birthday was
not Ii in
K. B. The the
Old. re- in the Work of Sal
vat ion, Revs. C. L G.
L. Finch; The of the
to the Moral
movements of Times, Revs.
J. D O. L.
Saturday. Law
and Unlawful. Revs. J. A.
Leslie, J. F. Method-,
and Unlawful,
money for Religions Ob-
E. E. Milliard; Are
list principles of sufficient value
and importance to justify
separate Revs. Gee.
J. Don ell, J. A. Leslie;
Box; Progress of Missions
during the Century, C.
Durham, J.
Sunday Sermon Rev.
J. Miss
meeting, Society;
by Rev. J. W. Powell.
There are few Dentists that have
more conveniently arranged
or better dental appliances,
or i better to please
than Dr. D. It-
ion. i In
It was too rainy to
are lo lean that Ed-
gar Whichard who has been down
at Ins sisters near
is well and is his
in township.
The fishermen are getting their
boats and nets ready for catching
shad. We they will soon be
enough for us all to pick a
shad lame.
We learn that Homo of i men
who took the out of jail the
Monday in Fe are getting
id their I
some like
they were paid for
Carolina township the
This time it's a lady whoso
garden peas were coming op, and
New Firm I
But same reliable Barbers can be
found st the Plan Hone Barber Shoo,
Which is presided ever A.
Smith and Hubert G. They
need no before the
People of and comity as
their y in Hie
has been fully proven. have pint
added one of latest
proved and we intend giving our
customers u good u shave and Hair Cut
r any thing In the line a
fun be had Ladies can In-
waited on kt their residences.
clothes a
On the day of March
A D. 1880. I will sell Mouse
door In Town Greenville the
bidder cash of laud
in county about
and us
One treat of land containing
eight eight seres the
land- of Mrs. M. J. Dennis. Peyton Al
the May ml and others
one other tract, in
Beaver Dan
she not knowing that the pea
of eon-
eluded that Charles Harris. H. and the
latch and palled I hem up and homestead et for Alfred
in my
. . on
intended said land as the property of said Alfred
hi last col; hut reached us too late. f. A. K.
tile in the ground leaving others to Mm Ir
I- t the hands for A
. . . . . Nichols nod which ha-
payment, and to all creditors of mid
to present their properly nu-
to oil or
before the day of January. 1801.
this will plead in bar of their
recovery. This of
i a mis I.
of E
The firm of
this day dissolved by mutual con-
sent, the entire Interests of the Is
by M Schultz. ho
will continue the business at the old
stand. All the business of the old firm
will he Mr Sell ind all
monies due are to he paid to Tills
day of
Having entire of the
Furniture of
with which I have
been connected since 1875. I wish to in-
form all friends and that they
continue to find me at the Old Brick
store to suit their wants in
Returning sincere
thanks for the very generous patronage
upon I he old solicit a
continuance of their favors, which every
endeavor will be to
another pew discovery by
in the Way of helping the afflict-
ed. By calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of Preparation that is
for eradicating dandruff and the
kinkiest hair to be soft and
only two three a
week necessary, and a common
brush is all to Is used after rubbing the
vigorously for a few with
Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, only cents.
Greenville, N. c.
On the 20th of March
A. D. i will at the Court ll.
d in ii. town to the
for each tracts of
laud it. e about
i an i I minded as
One tract in Beaver Dam township
containing seres, adjoining
the land- William Job
Tyson and others, and being the tract
Bold to John by Nelson Nichols.
One cl containing one acre ad
of Ii Willoughby.
T. A. and
known as also ten acres
id w. H.
William mid the land
and hi i- i it executions
In hand for collection against
on which have been levied
land property of
ii N A. K. T
This h. 1880. Sheriff.
By u. v. l. s.
Tar Transportation
J. It.
J. S.
N. M. Tarboro, Gen
The Line for travel on Tut
Tin Steamer Is the finest
and boat on I he river. She has
been thoroughly repaired,
and painted.
Kitted for the aC-
i of Ladies.
A Table furnished with the
best the
Steamer Ii
not only Inn attractive.
and at o'clock. A M.
and at ; o'clock, a. m.
daily and through
Bills Lading to point.
J. If eat
N. C.
The classes will be arranged
new enter the first week In
John Dick kit. Principal,
I'm st. Principal
Primary De-
Miss M. s. Vocal and
mental Mum. .
Miss Painting
Mrs. K. Book
and Mu-
sic. I hawing.-
Large. Comfortable Buildings.
Healthy Location and Good
I of W II Prepared Food for
A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates first
Department equal
in work to any in State.
New Piano and Organs.
A of nearly volumes,
purchased recently for School.
Kate- Moderate, from to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
la Pupils who do not board
With the should consult
before engaging board elsewhere. For
fur her particulars. Address,
Of Interest to
r RE C . v

your Clothing, Mm, or
washed i-i t . old
twisting, wrecking
large of sensible,
people. from experience have
used as directed on
package, cues robbing, wear tear.
Your Clothes are worn out more by washing
wearing. It i; to to
I reamed that I was young
It seemed that merry springtime hours;
And I was wandering, flow-
With one I loved across the plain.
We heard the skylark sing above,
We to the cuckoo's cry
And thought the could never
All seemed so full of life and love. ;
The flocks were feeding on the hill.
The milkmaid upon the plain ;
The cattle lowed a soft refrain
I woke, and it was Winter still.
Twas Summer
wandered hand-in-
far Cutting and Dressing Hair.
in all its branches.
in ray line
Again I dreamed.
Once more we
hand ;
The grain was rich upon the loud,
And were far and wide.
We rested on a gentle hill,
And gazed across the fields of wheat.
While poppies clustered at
woke and a was Winter still.
And now I wander through the cold ;
The trees arc dark, and and bare ;
A bitter frost is in the air ;
, There is no sunshine in the world.
gentle hill and sloping lea
Are dim with vapors damp and chill;
The birds have ceased their happy
And I no roam with thee.
Hut the silent dusk and cold,
stand within churchyard drear
For thou, my love, art sleeping there.
And i am weary, sad. and old
aS improved appliances; new
sharpened at reasonable figure
for work outside of my shop
executed. Very respectfully.
. H.
HI mi mow
Lowest Market Trices.
we direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
There was a man in our town.
Whose name was Reuben Ree,
Hut why he could not get along
man could never see.
, Hut when he lo look around,
i And think, and rub his eyes.
He saw at once the why
He die not advertise.
Now Reuben Ree is doing well.
So all the people say,
He advertises by the year.
And mouth, and week, and day.
Train up a
Tarboro Banner.
No wonder the man of this day
and age so poorly developed, so
weekly constituted, so given to dis-
ease and at last so short lived, when
as it is now, they are allowed lo go
wherever they please, at the age of
five, six on up, as would really
be prudent for a grown man to
do. We say that it is no
we have developed men
when from the cradle
they are allowed so many
We were shocked the other
as we were going the street, to
see two little boys ages about live
and six, walking
puffing away at the horrid
little cigarette as if they were men
of forty.
Of course, they were innocent of
the harm that they were bringing
to their childish frames, but they
were trying to
and at a price.
This is lint one ; there are
others equally as bad. Parents, in
the of humanity, persuade
your the men the rising
in, to Horn this
foolish and damaging habit of
-molting. Keep
. MM night, and filially, try to
do anything that
would not be willing for your
children to imitate. Think of these
These twin disease cause untold suffering.
o cure
tn-. I It.
Celery Compound has pop- J n lot r or I he
cases of Md I
those v.
have MM H.
n i . . .
almost i i , . i.
v ; Mi
be r W . . , .-s
i .- wash rt lit k
J Celery Compound
o l II I
; -v. j .
11.00. Six for
Mammoth testimonial paper Cr--.
a child can take It. the
; of longer with rheumatism or
find I are Healthy,
V than my other BABIES Happy, Hearty. It U
s. M.
Greenville. N. C
pm pm
. pm . am
A Lady's Invention.
Wilmington Star.
Mrs. L. Bridget-, of this city,
invented and applied for a ca-
upon an unique fire and
smoke protector for mantle lumber-
and other ornaments.
A model of the appliance is now on
exhibition at Flanner
It consists a metal brim
and aiding tn he supported and held
in position ornamental re.-ts, and
may lie itself made a very
ornament to
whilst at the same time it is a sure
safeguard against injury by smoke
of its
The best in the world for
Bruises. Ulcers, Salt
Sores, Chapped Hands,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions
and cures Piles, or no re-
quired It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded.
cents per box. For
E in
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt. who is
a descendant of the Revolutionary
hero, Gen. Francis Marion, who was
buried near Charleston, S. has
determined to put his burial place
in proper condition and erect a suit
able monument.
We all have our preferences ; but no
one prefers to hear a crying baby when
the fact is so well known that Dr. Hull's
Baby Syrup would at once quiet it.
It frequently happens that severe pain
Thin Elegant
containing t
For only
to your
from any bank-
will be promptly on
teat trial.
free to
It be taken off and replaced in i is very greatly relieved by thorough
. . . Use for this purpose.
ex Sun.
, Wilmington l
Wilson am pm . H pm
Mount g
A Tarboro 5-
Tarboro am
Daily except Sunday. pm
n Scotland Neck Branch
Halifax for Scotland Neck at
and now for
A ear load Just arrived
at Keel A- old stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable term on time. I
U. arrive Tarboro,
on Midland N C Branch leave
daily except Sunday. DO AM,
H C. S a M. Be-
leave N A M.
Goldsboro, X f. A M.
Train on Nashville Brunch leave Rocky
Vaunt at P M, arrive
P M, Spring Hope P M.
Hope A M.
A M. arrives Rocky Mount lo A
V except
on Clinton Branch leaves saw
daily, except Sunday, at COO
P I. and A M Returning leave
at A M, I W P. M. connect
lac Warsaw B . H
on Wilson Fayette-
iD Branch Is No. North hound is
H. S. except Sunday.
MM K. South will stop only at
and Magnolia.
Expensive Justice.
Tarboro Banner.
The casual observer in
our court., cannot but be struck
with I he expense
usually results from trying
matters. the parties
j though known to be guilty, through
some little technicality, go free, out
perhaps this is better than further
the costs on the county,
by sending the prisoners to jail,
and alter clothing them well and
fattening them up, allow them to
swear out in thirty or sixty days, as
the case may be. What is the
; to the county where for a small
a party i. sentenced to thirty
of cost.
An immediate repetition the
fence shows it effects the per
son. Au or or to
county, will no return, shows i.
does benefit the county. Then
what should be done Give us the
best men for justices of the peace.
Give them jurisdiction in me-
require good bond for
appearance at court, and for costs
when an appeal M taken, or it is tie
the justice's jurisdiction. En
cases no cost can be
out of the convicted,
the law should it imperative,
that should be hired out,
when possible, or worked on the
public roads at reasonable wages
till their penalty is paid lull.
A dead expense on county to
keep in every
those to whom comfort
bas been a stranger, may be
but is pun
to say least. lawyer
who hinders justice by
Dainty little
Fine, and white, and sweet.
Easy to be ;
In their work complete.
No discomfort waking-
Inner gripes, or aching.
What are V Why, Pleas-
ant Purgative perfection of
laxatives. Not an of mineral
poison ; are especially appreciated
those whose taste revolts from the
course, violent pills, which tear their
way through the system like steam cars,
actually doing harm, instead of good.
Of druggists.
Dr. Pierce Favorite prescription
cures and
Supporting Local Papers
a is altogether a very
happily conceived and con
A f Paper Her Life
It Ml just an ordinary scrap of wrap-
ping paper, but it saved her life. She
was in the last stages of Ion.
told its physicians that she was
and could live only a short time she
weighed less than seventy pounds. On
a piece of wrapping paper she read of
Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a
sample bottle ; it helped her. she bought
a larger it her more,
bought another and grew letter fast,
use and is now strong,
healthy, rosy, plump, weighing
pound. particulars scud
stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort
Smith. Trial of this wonderful
Discovery Free at G. Drug
Price only cents.
Bible says, God saw
everything that he had made, and
it very The
would like some wise
theologian to explain what lie rat
and English sparrow are good for
D. J. WHICH Proprietor.
Be to writ me. money,
cation Piper tab k .
Re-elected Mayor April 1868, by
H. W.
Warren New Jersey,
or America. f
and all business ii the I . S.
in tIn- attended to
iv .
We are opposite the S. P ii t Of-
ran patent- time than
icon from
the mode in d, iv i u i- en we
us id
and we we ob-
refer, here, ti the Pol
Supt. of the id I. mid to
of the S. Patent For
advise term and to
clients in your own m conn-
A. i o.,
Baltimore Manufacturer's Record.
Some business men seem to be m
capable or appreciating the fact
that every good local paper does its
town times as much good as it
s ever paid Men having large
interests in a town and deeply con-
as to its progress, often try
to see bow little they can do for
their own local papers. The papers Mr. Sugg, and is a
of I he South are today doing man, says that
Attempted Highway
Snow Hill Free Will Baptist.
An attempt was made on Tuesday
night last, to rob Mr. Geo. w.
which be uses in
hauling goods from and
other points on the railroad. Thorn
as who drives the wagon
reliable cob
when about
guns, who inquired if he bad any
associated B. S.
with the business we
are ready to serve the people in that
All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in i
the hand of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
keep on hand at all times a nice
stock or Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Train. makes connection at pm county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
for all points North daily. All Up with all conveniences and can render
Richmond, and daily except Mm- satisfactory services nil who patronize
B Bay us FLANAGAN SHEPPARD. appealing, getting new trials or
make close connection for all Feb. 22nd.
.,,. . for all
pits North via Richmond and
run solid between
M and Washington, and have Pullman
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
HP A. M. A Dec. i
19th, 1886.
East. West
a m
City am W
East. Wei
p m
Mixed Ft. A
NO. t
Mixed Ft.
Pass Train. .
p m . THE NEW
Established in Baltimore 1870
Will a in
in September, 1887, the handling and
sale of cotton, thus giving our
choice of the two markets.
. AX.
any their methods of
shielding their guilty clients, but
adding lo the taxes of people,
though receive a sum in
of the same, care little for
the welfare of their country; but
they do some credit tor
their perseverance.
The moral responsibility in steak
a is as great as in larger
things, but law does not inflict
the same punishment. This is no
that costs of conviction
should lie as much small cases as
in important ones.
Le the House.
Fayetteville Observer,
The editor of The Harnett
has been to Raleigh, sized
Legislature, and says
members of the House are,
1244 Hats, Ornaments and general
goods, she has the prettiest
stock of shaded Rib- of Means, of Ca
Gauzes, etc., in the market. Give . Williams of Pitt of
her a call Old Stand.
i and
sides her usual line of trimmed and i Cook, of Franklin. The. leading
members of the Senate are, Messrs.
more for the good of their seven miles from Goldsboro, be was
than they receive credit for. Day accosted by seven or eight men with
after day and week after week
telling of its ail vantages of soil
climate of its
progress. The facts which
give are widely published M other
thus the good is
carried far immediate
c of readers.
II the and other
men tin
. s pi
it- k.- i
l l an
.- I to p
. a Hr. A.
. I l-i M i-
. . . f,
Per Year,
The is the only New York news-
paper possessing the fullest confidence
of the National Administration and the
Democracy of New York, the
political battle ground of the Republic.
Jeffersonian Democracy, pure and
simple, is good enough for the Stab.
Single handed among the metropolitan
press, it has stood by the men called by
the great Democracy to redeem the gov-
from twenty-live years of Re-
publican wastefulness and corruption
and despotism to the South. For these
four years past it has been unswerving
in its fidelity to the administration et
Cleveland. It is for him now
for Cleveland four
more of Democratic honesty
national affairs, and of continued nation-
For people who like that sort of De-
the is the paper to read.
The TAR stands squarely on the
National Democratic platform. It be-
that any tribute exacted from the
people excess of the demands of a
government administered
essentially oppressive and dishonest. I The B variety
The scheme fostered and championed o NATIONAL, STATE
Newspaper ever published in
Greenville. It the
v I
A Agents
a. um
v. . .
Reading Matter for
the money than any oilier paper
published in North
meat or money on o h,.,,,,,,,,,, making the
he replied that he had a load of. government a miser, wringing millions
, , i from the people and locking
plow casting; but not satisfied with ; in lo ,.,,,,.
Tom's version, they boarded the but invite wastefulness and dishonesty,
. f,. it regards as a monstrous crime against
wagon and for them He-
selves, and not fluting anything ; publican political jugglers may call it
that they Tom was
to drive though they Through the is a
said something about foul play for Urea Its tone is pure and
. c , wholesome, its news service
a do the publishers, how ; Fortunately Mr. Sugg the Each issue presents an
the of their i wagon was loaded as the driver tome of best knowing of
I the world s history yesterday. Its
stated stories are told good, quick,
j English, and mighty
Cease enjoy refresh- ; they are.
slumber, which Dr. Bull's Cough The Star is as good as the
Syrup will insure you. best class magazine, and prints the
you the same amount of matter Besides the
ad bet on the wining day's news it is rich in special
th handsome he is lame.
Didn't whisper
your ear. he'll win. They're using Sal-
cat papers were it to
great from taking
credit to themselves in patron-
age which they extend as if they
making a they
would gladly double and
their support in all cases
they w-re getting a handsome
for the money expended.
Capes .
This is what yon ought to have, in fact,
yon must have it, to fully enjoy life.
Thousands are searching for It daily, and
mourning because they find it not.
Thousands upon thousand of dollars are
spent annually by our in hope
that they may attain boon. And
vet it be ha I by all. We guarantee
that Electric Bitters, is used according
to directions and the use persisted in
will you Good and oust
the demon and install instead
We Electric
Bitters, for and all diseases of
Liver. Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at
and SI per bottle by G.
Good Counsel.
live articles, stories, snatches of current
literature, reviews, art criticism, etc.
inimitable humor sparkles
letters are of its choice offerings.
Many of the best known men and women
in literature and art are represented in
The is a large paper
the cream of the news the world
over, with special features which make
and LOCAL, and will it-
to the material advancement
of in which It
Send and get
tap of
is called to Ki as its;
huge and circulation
makes it an excellent
through which to reach I lie people
Never Fe Orel
. l r ulna-
l. Z.
free. Mention Paper.
w. T.
How file it is, as the Practical
well, but never finish one at a i H the most complete family newspaper
time They have a dozen things on i published. The farmer, the mechanic
Aft I. l. w
band aim no one completed, lime
is wasted on unfinished work. Al-
ways finish what you begin. One
thing finished in worth a hundred
hall done. completion of an
undertaking yields more pleasure
and profit than dozens of plans.
The man who is always planning
scheming is rarely ever Sunday, one real
He often ideas day. six month's
the business man too much occupied to
read a daily paper, will get more for his
dollar invested in the Star
than from any other It will be
especially alert during the campaign,
will print the freshest and most re-
political news.
E day for one year
La Grange
Core Creek
Depot am
Thursday and Saturday.
f Mi -day. Wednesday and Friday.
connect with Wilmington
Train North, leaving
m. and with
Danville Train West, leaving
p. m i which be sold m per gallon. We see by our Al-
connects with Richmond ;
The members of Alliances in
Can be found a supply of j Greene county have resolved to
mid make their own
Confections, Tobacco,
op this year. One man. we are m-
I mode gallons last year,
which he retailed readily at to
More Banks, More Money.
North is depressed to-
day the want of capital. Mon-
is too high the people can
not afford to use it at from to
per There is in fact, but lit-
to use at those enormous prices
for interest. bill before the
Legislature to reduce CM legal rate
per cent, will do good.
What is is to increase the
of money. There is
it at Mat and it an be had
cheap with good collateral. Every
village or that does
worth of business needs a at
which I he business
can get The people
l; live at buying
merchants at to lei cent,
will do more to relieve
the financial than the multi-
plication of banks through which
money can be obtained from the
great trade The
pie every little town ought to set
about to a private bank
and thereby open the to
receive Northern capital.
era, who go or work Daily, without Sunday, six months
finish what his ideas suggested, i Sunday edition, one year .
. m Star, one year 1.00
was my plan, we Star to
Train connects with ; Give me u call.
arriving at , ,
n., with Wilmington and J. l. U .
North a. p.
Train with and a D
Through Train, leaving i A
m and with Rich-
Danville Through Freight Train,
leaves at p. m.
convince yon a of pounds of nice.
exchanges that it is a
table crop in Georgia. One man
gallons on one a
quarter, and left stalks for
I Of quality and prices of Hit Milli- ; Rt cents per gallon
goods now kept hi stock Mrs. ,, i .
E. with to had make 1220. Another
hear some say, I of a ten.
the man who carried it out was the i Address. STAR
who benefited himself and and Pan Place New York.
era. Do begin what you cannot
finish. What you undertake to do, j i i u i
do, reap the of your
ideas skill. This is good
both in and out of the shop.
. Ellison's Fluid
removes superfluous Hair m Two
Edwards N,
Printers and Binders,
N. O-
We have the largest and most complete
; establishment of the kind tn be found in
st ck can in no he surpassed, j h of
of and ; brown
to lake The one acre, besides saving reed
complexion. Edison's Electric
Balm makes the Hair
circulars for -J cent stamp.
West MM St., N V.
College has an honor-
able record. First started as Ruth
Academy about 1834, it has
In 1871 it was
incorporated h a College. During
its cue. i ii has bad students.
This is a work for thirty-five
years and Rev. Dr. has
been a blessing to North Carolina.
Wilmington Star.
1st t Owner.
Edison's Electric Spavin Cure
lively removes Spavin.
a lint, or Curb hours without pain. I
circulars and
sent on emit stamp.
Ni CO.
West 14th St., N. Y.
A German
ea between ridicule, wit, irony and
is the wit of a
stupid or vulgar wit the rid
of a superior intellect or a
of world ; irony the wt of a
thinker, and humor the irony a
sight I Ridicule is like the Wow
outfit absolutely tree, i;,,. the prick of a
Send cu liRe the sting of a
Went MEW I these
Of Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
your orders.
and Bin-pens,
n. c.
A reliable woman wanted to introduce
direct to ladies his Dr.
Nichols, celebrated Spiral Soring Clasp
Corsets mailing at and
No more Steels ;
or money The
greatest invention of the age. Hells on
la . r the world. WM for r . .
A r mi MM an o American. O r i ti ii . tire of . ii in 1811 ma.
I j Mesa i a., wee . . . Fer.
If. T
I man mm
r that
ii i t
. .
i i a good
of can be made
the all months. men.
We free
cm, eta
Chest, Mm. Cough Cold.,
and nil Muscular Pains,
ed in one minute the
mm mm mm
Tin- and only pain
killing strengthening ft
for M or of
and oily
cured Soap.
r .- . s . I
ad, I
. At P-
r. fl I I
r, r r
Not ice
for baldness
out of end eradication of
la before the public.
the many who have i with
A end Polar on
of w
i and of Blood.
Horn or
ind the
named gentlemen who will testily . i, r
ind I
the or Relation.
mall, pa
Maine Son royal o. Be
full flit. Price, only
If apply now. The
to the truth of
O. M
the named can ;
It from w st Place for of may he
Greenville, March C .
r to perm,
N r.

Eastern reflector, 13 March 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 13, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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