Eastern reflector, 13 February 1889

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The cross mail. -ft. r name .
o if request
the of you owe U.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
FEBRUARY 13.1889.
The Eastern Reflector,
Publisher Every Wednesday
rice. par yes,
With all her
A food
scenery to fire sos-
I Bays that person uses
p hit rain faster be make
it he soon becomes and
We to the
tow propriety of amending
the a to allow moor.
Too laugh how eagerly
Yon sad sky
Hi, a. the line I
l -It mag be mine
Have I a ship the sea
T wait to ray argosy.
With treasure trove far a way
the wonders of Cathay
Deep land of and pearl.
And so sails yonder shine.
Instead of yours, may all be mine
not to
see and measures that not consistent
with the trot principles of the I
If a paper from a flutters peek
set inn of the State send for T
G. Fowle
Secretary of L Seen-
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
of Wayne,
of Public Instruction
M. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
an, of Buncombe.
Chief N. n. Smith, of
Associate S. of
Wake; Joseph J. Davis, of
James S. Shepherd, of Beaufort end
Alfonso C. Avery. of Burke.
First H. Brown, of
Second Philips, of
Third G. Connor, of
Clark, of
Fifth A. of
Sixth T. of
Seventh C. of
Eighth A. of
F. Grave, of
Tenth G.
The for yon wait
Bath passed, you say, .
. K elite of Worth
the toss food to supply it. demands j Carolina to exempt from taxation
white awn trimmed tot. h is sere to weak the prow
i should not a Gar
or of meat than of nm
as moat. If m
of the
and are not
Yet. in the army, we used to think
better for property
bacon. a ante, salt
adapted to the j baa met of
the barrow individual, M; at the people.
to a extent; We not
or expedient .
wild more tender a than
than that of do-. power of rte town and
j Thin is accounted for
a, at i be inn. .
and of oar
happily, have always opposed the
creation of
and proposition
to a in the
of the
exempting the
Bath the
You away
Shut the sight of sea and sky.
There waft with me the hosted bliss
Of hope returns with stolen kiss ;
Hail we ship that's crossed the line,
It may be yours; it may be mine I
If your, I will rejoice to know
That homeward gently blow
If mine, my hands will baste to share
Its treasures, rich and rare ;
Love, let us watch strand,
The hopeful breezes blow to land ;
There will be love and bliss
Whether the ship be yours or mine.
will of.
factors. It
the twelfth of we
the by
the combination,
with several of the
that or
ring Ca., expired on Ian
they attempted to die
more favorable terms to the
which formed the
of the combination. In con
The Son.
die manning is
from de tax In which
man bad two.,
Now de youngest son was a berry
man was
no wise to de will ob
fattier. And be was a prod-
son, and de last state ob
man was de fast state I
De Bible say dis man
coll father and
me my share ob de and
I v.-ill it and go to a far
What is happening around up,
As Gleaned, from the State Press.
Fowle will attend tho New
Fair. Many members the
will also attend.
Nothing Worse for a
Than Coughing.
a. n.
If throe little houses stood in a row,
With never a fence to
And If each little house had three little
At play in the garden wide,
And if each maid had throe little
times three times
And if each little eat had three little
How many kits would there be
And If each little had three little
With whom she loved to play.
And if each little friend had little
In dresses and gay,
And if friends and dolls and cats and
Were all invited to tea
And if none of them all should send re-
How many there be
M. Ships, of
Twelfth n- Merrimon, J
f Buncombe.
B. Vance, of
W. Ransom, of North-
House of Representatives First District
Thomas G. Perquimans.
j There little girl don't err
They have broken your doll, I know
And roar tea set blue.
And year play house, too,
Are things of the long ago ;
But childish troubles will soon pass by.
Then little girl cry I
There little girl cry
by the amount of exercise
they take there, thereby renewing
their flesh more rapidly and making
than that of birds which
lead a more life. This is a
suggestion that might be of
fit to women of sedentary habits,
who are desirous prolonging an
appearance of Fish of all
kind is a good food for the
inclined. Raw eggs, con-
to the general opinion, are
not as digestible as those that
have been cooked. A notion has
boon prevalent that many people
injure their digestion by eating too
much. The fact is that most people
don't eat enough. There are more
people killed every year by
of nourishment than by over
loading their stomach. Many of
those who do eat a
are prevented by disease from
digesting enough for the economy
of systems. The very first
thing for any one to do who has ex-
himself by mortal work or
who has been born weak and
is to furnish his brain with
either to repair
the damage it ban sustained, or to
build it into a strong, healthy con-
People in this condition
usually suffer from nervous
Their stomachs are to
perform the labor of assimilation.
Owing to the deficient nerve power
of the individual the food lies in the
stomach by the gastric
because there is none or the
is insufficient to have any
power. Food, instead of helping to
the body, and the nervous
system with th rest, undergoes
fermentation, and the body and
brain it nourish may starve.
Are tilings of long ago ;
eat,, lite and love soon come by,
l is In
Of roar school-girl days
f Vance.
Third W.
Fourth H. Bunn, of
Fifth W. Brower, of
Sixth Rowland of
Seventh Henderson.
Eighth H. A. Cowles id
Court A. Boys.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of H. James.
B. Cherry.
Surveyor Manning.
man, Mooring,
A. James, Jr., T. E. Keel.
There I little girl don't cry I
There little girl don't cry
They have broken your heart I know ;
And the rainbow gleams
Of your youthful dreams
Are of long ago;
But heaven holds all for which you sigh.
There girl don't cry
The School Fund.
Durham Tobacco Plant.
desire to
call to the attention of those inter-
i. e. the white men of the
and probabilities mar
misappropriation of the school
II i lie. m,,
the fermentation generates acids
and gas. Nervous individuals may
dative all the fat they need from
to grant exemption from municipal
taxes for such periods of time, not
exceeding ten tears any
grant, as people of such
should decide to be for the
best interests of respective lo-
But any general
ion in State ex-
property devoted -to man-
from all taxation.
throughout the Mate, we do not
State county taxes in
North Carolina are not onerous; but
in some of towns and cities
they are so. In snob
communities manufacturing
is often seriously hindered, to
great detriment of
thereof, and more
the laboring It would be
wise and expedient to allow such
communities to say that
enterprises therein located
should go free the town tax, for
a limited number years. This
would create no privileged class,
but would rather tend to
burdens borne by the
people in town and-country, for
the most of oar important
in North Carolina is oat
side corporate limits of the
towns and cities.
The object of snob
would, of course, be the promotion
manufacturing progress in
State, through the inducements
offered to to invest in
undertakings. There are a
great many manufacturing
at the North that would
move their machinery into North
Carolina, but for the municipal tax-
es at some of the most desirable
points of location. Permit
points to relieve the manufacturing
industries of town tax, and i profit to manufacturer.
toe combination quietly
eight Arms in question have
since been quietly purchasing the
entire of jute
afloat in Calcutta. In this
Awe the entire World's
If is now owned by
m.; The mtg. Co., the
only large mill that baa never join-
ed combination, is fully
ed with material, but the mills that
broke the combination have
then choice between entering it
again on the terms eight choose
to give them and ceasing to
for lack of material. At., ,
tho close of tho year the V rend
had about yards or
bagging on hand. Having now
secured control the total
supply of material, the
eight are in a position to
terms almost if not quite as
as old combination.
railroad facilities in India are
so much improved that the entire
jute crop gets to market before
March instead of slowly dragging
along till summer. September is
earliest date of the
crop from Calcutta. The first
rival of butts from the new crop of
1889 will not take place till
1890. Until next January, there-
fore, the smaller combination of
1889 is likely to be able to control
the market bagging quite
as the larger combination
As incoming Congress
is not likely to destroy the jute butts
manufacture of this country by
i to band over cover-
of the crop to the Indian
Jute Manufacturing Association it
i probable that cotton bagging will
be sold tear at a low flume,
the manufacturers being no longer
forced to get back their out-
lay in a year. Last year the
combination charged as high us
thirteen cents a yard for two pound
bagging. This price has already
declined from two to three cents a
yard. Bagging made from jute
butts can lie sold from eight to
nine cents a yard and show a fair
fitted. increase in population
and value of taxable
in each towns would very much
sugar and starch. It is batter, how- than compensate for loss
Board of Harding fund as it is at prevent drawn from
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
Public School
of F. W. Brown.
B. Bernard.
C. Forbes.
J. Perkins.
B. Cherry
Ward, T. A.
and J. P. 2nd Ward, O. Hook-
and B. Williams 3rd Ward, J. J.
Perkins and A. F.
and Third
morning and night.
D. D. Rector.
every Sunday, morn-
lag and night. Trevor Meeting every
Wednesday Rev. B. B. John,
an- Prayer Meeting every
Greenville Lodge. No. A. F. A. I
BL, every 1st Thursday and
after the 1st and 3rd at
M. King, W. B.
Greenville K. A. Chapter. SO
very aid 4th Monday nights
Hali, F. W. Brown, H. P.
Covenant O. O. F-
Tuesday night. D. I.
N. G.
Lodge. No. K. of H.,
first and third Friday night.
D. D.
Pitt No. A. L. of H.
Bight C. A. White, C
T hi
Or a., v- v r. at.
will be from Mi to I r. K.
from to T. at.
Bethe, maP
at W A. at., and at T bu
Tar arrives
. and depart- at J
at IS U. a P.
H. X. B.
our excellent Treasurer by col
Happening in
his office the other day when
Treasurer was porting his books, I
picked up two following orders
bad been
Co. N. Jan.
District No. col from
treasurer for of table
Committee Rogers Kit X
King X
This order was payable to Kit
Rogers and written by a
teacher who holds a first grade ear-
the Treasurer or Durham
yon will Pleas Pay to Barrow out
of Public School fund District
No for School
house one Dollar and com
Washington Gobs, Will
This wan paid to Will
and before any. repairs had been
made. that is to
draw from our school fond is to get
marks, of two
ant and the
In almost every instance or
tiers from the schools
payable and paid to a member of
committee. No later than this
morning I beard a teacher,
was at having bees
displaced fur by out of
his patting in another
says that tat was
new teaching was to pay the
a part rd
ever, for those with weak digestive
organs, or whose nerves are in a
highly sensitive state, to get it from
th- animal kingdom than compel
their stomachs, intestines
and pancreas to create out of these
articles. Good bread, sweet butter
and meat are best foods for the
nerves. troubled with in-
nervous starting from sleep,
and of falling can often
be cured by themselves to
a diet milk alone for a time. An
take a pint for a meal,
and take four meals daily.
weekend nerves require, usually
a larger quantity of water than those
whose brains and nerves are strong.
It aids in digestion of by
making it and seems to
have a direct tonic effect.
proper eating and drinking we
should have fewer broken-down
nervous wrecks, and far more vigor-
intellects. The present human
species cannot eliminate flesh from
its food and amount to a row of
pins. fancy that nothing but
vegetables should be eaten is apt
to overtake every one some-
where in life. It is due to some
disorganization and usually passes
away with the disturbance that
created it.
of revenue on the factories, to say
nothing of the other ways
In which communities would
be idle populations set
to work, large of money paid
out weekly to employee, and the
of general business.
ting on
School Ho-,
Sparta, at
Shady Grove, Sid
S at
Mid prove H
la this way b poor,
who. although
their race do not pay one
part of the. fax, a
the whites per and
a K Of
of own It is
the above
What f
And at
U. it
Let Her Go, Gallagher.
The tooth that means to come
has conquered all men and
women. It has been soothed
coaxed. It baa been bald near fires
until the cheek abutting it
nearly roasted. It bat keen
It has been fed essence
of juniper and of pepper-
mint essence of dove. It has
bean filled. It miserable owner has
been immured from fresh air like a
prisoner. Thai teeth
sleeps, it never forgets. It is
moat it seems
It ulcerate ax the when
its to indite a
em, take or get married.
It Huge far and hungers tor
It mag seem to
retired. If the
ground is with
Our Colored Exodus.
Durham Plant
During the past three weeks
some colored
men and left Dur-
ham for Mississippi. Louisiana and
Arkansas-, going mainly to
A of the Plant
sought out Major Richardson, yes-
evening, the gentleman who
is carrying colored people Booth
and learned a few facts from him.
Maj. is a son of
Ed. Richardson, of New Orleans,
rained a North oilman
and has a mother living now at
At bis death, Col. Rich
the largest sot ton plan-
tar in the world. Maj. Richardson
says that he and bis brother had
some acres in
last year, and this year they are
to increase their acreage
acres, and it is for this reason
he desires mere field hands. Most
people who have left
Durham have gone to Allen,
Washington county. Mis., between
Memphis Mai.
Richardson says the colored people
have gone out to raise cotton ea
share, that he advances the
i amount of their fare out, then finds
them, and the crop is
, ed he gets all the advance bask.
The Major himself lives, since
death bis father,
Be impress you being in-
honest and fair-minded
If the colored pie migrate
we hope they will, at
well as they were doing
Many of them have done bet
tor here by odds, than they did do,
and community Is better by the
loss tout have
Maj. has ale gotten
colored people at
Dallas ac ether points in
the mate.
five thousand tons yearly of jute
butt to cover the cotton crop of
this country.
country, and shall not see my
face no Now, I reckon the
man war tired dis
and was will in to let
him hoe own row. For we read
in de Bible dot de young man
de gone
into a for country, and dare be
high and sin An- niter
money trow away war re-
to a great necessity.
great war de war reduced
to, bad to hire out to
rich man to mine hog I
Now, de Bible don't say lint if is
supposed, mean
full de de husks war
feed de hog And when
come to be say, berry
servant in my father's house bah
bread fur to eat and I ain't bah
none. I'm to old
man and ax Mm to me as a I
hired And so be de
pearl ring off be finger and trow urn
to de hog. And de hog run at um,
you read in de book, you
cast before swine will turn
round and you
Now, when do young man was
yet a long way off, de see
am, be run to meet am, and
he ketch um two ban
neck and kiss am, and
ring on and um one wife
shirt, in
and tell de hired servant to kill de
fat calf make a great feast I An
to way be say it war
when de feast wan ready he
round to all de rich and
invite um all to de supper. And
all one consent begin to
make excuse One man says he
buy a yoke ob oxen, and got to go
look i he purchase.
says taking in a piece ob new
In comity a crop of
co on ac-es sold for
more the cotton raised
Washington There are
fifty counties m State that pro-
as as which
is called the v State.
AT us and j Mr.
J. K. of
has to a fortune of
through the recent death of a
sister in
Baltimore News.
who is
an institution which
nothing irritating to a
than to cough. For some time
l bad been so fully assured of Ibis
that I recently mined, if
for one minute, at least, to
sen the number of coughs heard in
a certain ward in a hospital
By the promise of rewards
and punishment I in in-
them to hold their breath
.-when tempted to cough, and in a
little while I was my self surprised
to ace how some of the children en-
recovered from their disease.
coughing is precisely
I like scratching a wound
Already some i of the body, so it is
are complain- the wound will not heal. Let
while yet others are in nigh person, when to
over their ; long breath and hold it
a crop of peas. I it and soothes every air
cell, and some benefits will soon be
received from the process. The
Boom ft; Town on
its Own
wind at A is
T yea is said a en
Tow ban to keep she bean a Talk
St I or Cog at
A and drummer to play
march intellect.
A pair of snuffers to trim
light of other days.
A ring to fit the finger of scorn.
A new cushion for the seat of
A mathematical problem per-
formed by figure of speech.
Some snow gathered in win
of oar discontent.
A tooth from the of death.
Thread used in making
es sorrow.
A bottle of mist of ages.
Some cement for the crack of
A lock of hair for the headless
A chip from post of honor.
Some earth from the field fan-
A shoe made en last of
A ray of light of other days.
A plank from the ship of State.
Some mud from the slough of
Some hair from the head of a dis-
A view top of the morn-
A the of scorn.
A aw of Cave Cork.
A soar from the Bight of Benin.
Some dust from road of ruin.
A note iron music of the
A for the carpenter of ac-
A needle for I lie thread of
A drop iron the tide of years.
autograph of daughter of
Faith. .
A taken from airy
A true lover's knot tied with
twine the bands of
A of Phantom Ship.
A rung the ladder of lane.
A spark from the of for-
new t
and V got time.
man says married to a
nice young be can't come.
Well, wen do man see how
body discount him e git hex,
and pay to de hired
into de highway, and by
and gadder all ye find, for de loss
was dead am alive So de
hired man went and be gadder de
and de lame, and de halt and
and all de people in
he fetch and set um
down, and make a great
An after dun eat, de fragment
gadder up full
and five small fishes
We close do by singing
de him found on de first page ob de
ye and
Weak and wounded, sick and
Mr. J. A. of Wilmington
X. C, i bin Its In- has found a sure
remedy bog cholera, and offers
semi it to anyone free who
sires to try it. Address, him at
J. A.
has an handle that has Ix-en hi
bis ever 1863. It
was brought from
Sound in the year, and
been in use ever
Salisbury is seriously
ting a proposition to bonds to
the amount to improve
town by putting in an
light paving the streets, and
introducing a system of sewerage.
A Post of the Grand Army of the
nitrogen, which is thus refined, acts
as mi to tho irritated
membrane, allaying the do
sue to cough and giving the throat
lung a chance to heal. A
the same lime a suitable medicine
will aid nature in to
the Liquor Business
Hickory Press.
It is a business which every mer-
and hates
It is a business which is the
dread every mother.
It is a business which is a
as unreasonable it may fear lo
seem, has been organized in North It is a business which is
The Story of
The famous song that is song by
all singers of the present day, I am
informed, says a writer of the
go Herald, is a mystery to the
author. was raised on the next
farm to James Laurie's, Annie
Laurie's and was personally
with her and her
and also with the author of the
song. Knowing these facts I have
requested by my friends to
give i he public the benefit of ac-
knowledge, which I
to. Laurie was born in 1873,
and was about seventeen years old
when the incident occurred which
gave rise to the song bearing her
name. James Laurie, Annie Laurie,
was a farmer, who lived
and owned a very large farm called
in Scot-
land. He hired a great deal of help,
and among those that he employed
was by name of Wallace
to act as foreman, and while in
hit- employ Mr. Wallace fell in love
with Annie Laurie, which fact her
father soon learned and forthwith
him. He went to his borne
which and
taken the very night he reach-
ed the next morning when
Annie Laurie of it she came
and Meed
cry to up t expanse
Carolina, a with
members. It is k town as Phil
Sheridan Post, No.
We beard a
man say that not very long since
over wagons, loaded with
and all from Nash and Franklin,
passed his house In two successive
days way to Henderson and
other markets.
Concord Mr. John Cook,
Sr., South Rowan fell dead Tues-
day evening while cutting wood a
mile and a half from home. He
died without a struggle in the pres-
of his son. Mi. Frank Cook.
Mr. Cook was about years old,
and leaves a family.
Durham Arrangements
have for opening
Farmer's Alliance warehouse
and h first sale, will i.
this aha ware-
house bids to have a good send
Tarboro Work on
the cotton factory is now confined
to putting the machinery. Near-
half is in the building, but
not in place. By the cud of the
week the engine will be up, and
next week if steam is started, no
one need be surprised.
City A A gentle-
man from told the.
reporter Wednesday that on
day last week an old col-
man named wandered
from hi that county, it
was not until the following
he was dead tho woods.
A fatal ac-
in the upper part of
his county a days ago. While
Mr. was
along the road his horse became
frightened and began to run throw-
Mr. against a tree and
killing him instantly.
Nashville Good reports
continue to come in from the
gold mine- A new vein
has been showing a
rich and continuous body of ore.
All i be openings are showing well,
the mill running steadily on a
very fair-grade of ore.
The barn and
Stables Mr. W. R. of
this city were burned at his plant
over the river, Saturday
night, and all his year's supply of
corn and feed stuff with then. It
is thought to have been the work of
an There was no
on the property and the loss
ill segregate
He Up to this
date I nave been bales
of cotton weigh at our cotton
yards, this season, which is
every wile.
It is a business which makes nine-
pr cent, of the criminal courts.
It is a business makes
ninety per cent, of tho
which the lax-payer has to pay.
It is a business winch keeps em-
ployed an army policemen in our
It is a business which puts out
tho nae on the hearth, and cons
to hunger and rugs.
It is a business which fosters
Tor profit, and educates in wicked.
en gram.
Drunkenness sows the seed of
other vice, for it includes vice.
Drunkenness means
theft, arson forgery it
leads to all these crimes.
A Tl A W,
N. C.
Practice la the State and Federal C
he died and On bis death bed
he composed the song entitled
Te Three great of-the
pass an genital
is a
That to say, be has Iron a worker
a brick-yard got to be a great
merchant, and as capstone to bis
monument has brought himself into
Cabinet. He owns the
retail store in America, is
of a Sunday school
with scholars, the thing
America, has sever been to a
or dope or
has honor of having
raised Boodle with
bribe than Other
ea a Be
gave and that
ought dean She game. John is
He new happy.
J. Re.
Greenville, N. C.
N. C.
all the court. Coll
Greenville, N. C.
to bis bedside and waited on number of bale., up to
this date season.
Mi. J. W. Taylor who lives near
In Green county, lost three
bales of cotton o it of his yard last j
There is cine
to j
For I
members of the Roman Catholic
church at Halifax have work-
to get funds with which to
a church. With the success
lad in such matters they haw
at teat a sufficient for
Civil Engineers, Surveyor
and Architects.
their purpose, Tuesday work
began on the building will con-
until it is completed
for worship.
Elisabeth City m Our
former townsman,
Dr. H. K. now residing at
Manteo, Dare County, very
escaped a sad death from drowning
near two weeks ago. He had walk
the narrow pier extending
into bay toil the mo.
The will his nils tor beta ware
N. C.
new Hot sad
cold water baths. Good rooms at-
servants. Table
ed with the bust of the market. Food
stables in connection.
m id
the market affords.

file Eastern Reflector,
N. C
u mm
r re f
per year.
as to
and measures that are not consistent
the true principle of the parry.
If yea want a paper from a wide-s-wake
Ion of the State end for the
Mail Matter.
The Wilson is almost
grown, having recently
its year. It
hat long been a grown paper in
is and ability, as it is seldom
by a weekly. May it
live leaf and prosper every year
Ha existence.
Manning of the
son Gold Leaf is always
and well he ought to be.
This time some appreciative
friends him and
donned his graceful form in a
brand new suit of tailor-made
If laboring earnestly
and unceasingly for a town and
makes one deserving
that man is Thad Manning.
The bill to amend the charter
of the town of Green has
its third reading before
the General Assembly and be
tame a law. The
change in the plan of the town
i the making of a new ward
f a portion of the old third
ward. The new ward will take
in the portion of
town known as
tad will be entitled to one
Councilman. This makes seven
Councilmen from the
the town, of which
be will be and
Republicans. A Democratic
government is therefore insured
fat Greenville after the firs;
Monday in next May.
Occasionally when soliciting
to a paper a man
Bawl. we u
i. . r-------
plea f
Nth leaves of
mg was a
Tea lady of WU-
M to tank Mm tor his wit-
Bo the far Sea
at be greater
of wore team
tor no
or store earnest sop
of what be believes to be
right and be than
r Senator from Pitt, who to BOW
his seat for the fourth
Pitt county has every
to be proud of her able Senator.
We last th
the tr on
the to the
be built. For a hang time the
has beta arguing
that the roadway should he con
so that people might get
over at any time, and has work-
ed to accomplish that end- It is
gratifying to see good results
growing oat of these labors
to know the object oped for will
soon be attained. Our editorial
two weeks ago stirred some of
people to action and now the
movement will not cease until
the dam is built Mr. J H. Tucker
took the matter in hand and
pushed it forward. He went
to the men with a list
o which a tar of them sub-
scribed in all making about
On the Friday night following
he before the meeting of
the Town Councilmen and they
agreed to appropriate as
he town's part of the fund. A
petition was then drawn to
before the Board of County
Commissioners the next Monday
asking to appropriate half
enough to do the work, it being
ascertained that the whole
would cost On that day
it was ascertained that Mr. S.
H. Spain also had a petition
from the people north of the
river looking to the same end
The petitions were consolidated
and taken before the Board by
Mr. J. H. Tucker and at the
Tuesday session the
them a hearing with
the result as stated in their pro-
published elsewhere.
Thus the success of the move-
is assured and as soon as
all plans are perfected the work
of construction will begin. It
is a cause for general
that the roadway is to be
built, for two reasons. First it
is a forward to Greenville's
prosperity and will be the means
of bringing many hundreds of
dollars to the town. Second,
because of the great
to the people of the county
who have to pass this most
thoroughfare within
our borders. The done in
this respect will be incalculable,
as the county seat will now be
accessible to every section of the
county with no barrier in the
way. let the spirit of
progress be kept up. It is
among the business men
people generally and should. law, I mentioned
carried on ward and upward, i seas passed
a .
to a a has tarn
Me peat real
pot wheat to
Special to
N. C, Feb., 8th,
have been busy the
week closed. In the be-
; six and seven hundred bill
nave been introduced, and in the
Senate more than hundred.
The of these are of local
as many rejected a
are adopted. There is no end to
t be ions coming, in all
the State. They are
In quantities
to repeal of stock
laws, local option, repeal of
tax, requests for con for
draining lands, requests
etc. Owing
to the petitions praying a
repeal of tax
hove expressed
being favor of re
pealing the law.
A bill postponing sale of land fur
taxes b advertised tor
in until
Monday in May, passed both Bone
mediately enrolled. I that
the Sheriffs in the State beard
of it until too late. In the remote
it was hardly possible
the information to reach them, con-
the sales went on and
much bard tax money collected.
The pen i bill that passed
the House the first the week will
no doubt pass the Senate and be-
come a law. It is wisely framed
reflects credit its author, it
will stop the old and bad custom
-f giving convict to
and corporations. The of
the State to have to-ac-
pay in keeping them in
the treasury, when the
completed to re
those bonds. bill pro-
the State must hereafter
hare value convicts,
and it- merit is to make
i be almost
Some such legislation wan
needed, the
baa been tor a long t me a
the tax
The amendments to the school
last week,
That part
reviewed with the
Astra was
t Ma w
arks to greet 00-
of this
at the of
in with A
era said a few words
after it by a
Smith, the
has been fa
this week. He is an Indian of
Cherokee county Be is very tall
baa long early hair tail-
anon bis she alder, looks
much like sow boy of
Bis bare was to a bill
through to bis hand, which
of about people.
Wilmington j
ii. It is the duty of every
loves his county to pays this compliment to
take his county paper and of
promote its interests. Now Carolina has every
there are any in Pitt county
who desire to read the the list m
and are really to -pa-i fur branches or science and art, pot be able to the
it, come o see us in person and ; i .,
, . . Women's Medical College, of Ibis legislature so far is
shall have the paper. This Mrs. B. hue rigid economy. On
article is not intended to re- Greenville, X. O, has made a one questions it has been
man on account of j M or by achieving the
day the Governor to
are poor from actual necessity, j pointed as assistanT
and rather than see such barred of This lady is young
from the privileges of A brilliant future is
was stricken oat and the school
a lady law in that remains the
same. The did right.
A man may a good treasurer
to be her talented not food
scattered over the United And
the best might
in the
Our stock cannot be
went In
1-I-. ON
We you money on any of
which we will sell at Factory Prices.
to the counties, a line of the following
that are set to he excelled In this market. . And all guaranteed to be First-class
Knight food, DRY of all NOTIONS.
kinds, and Rat, Rock Lime. and
-B are now in m
W notice any kind or style of
G rover s
tern win last bit
weeks longer. He goes re
cord as being among our.
and greatest
and are prepared to man-
i or style of
We keep a nice line of
Come and . . Flanagan's old stand
; her, and all who know Mr.
paper they desire to Thompson will feel of her
it and are actually unable
to pay for it, we will send it to
free of charge.
The of Lenoir suffered
last week. It was the
for holding the Superior
Court of that county, and Judge
who was to have
ed, was taken sick in
ton and could not get to Kins ton.
Ills county incurred an expense
or more in getting ready
a Court that con Id not be
held. Certainly no blame at-
to the Judge, as he could
sickness, but the
law in that respect is defective.
When a Judge is prevented by
sickness or any cause, as
the case, from get-
ting to his appointment, there
be a provision to supply
the place. Belays In the laws
frequently prove expensive and
The law makers
look into this matter.
If we quote Scripture correct-
question was asked in
any good
thin come out of Nazareth
This cane to oar mind
we were thinking about Weldon.
So people wonder if
is anything good in
don or if good comes
Oat Of Weldon, if they take
what the have to say,
fr- it seems that most of those
who com and go fell called
to something against
the But we have
something good that conies out
a the
of which we have ea-
I writing and hope to
Mrs. Thompson is a sister of
our townsman, Mr. S A. Red
ding, and a daughter of
oner, Dr. J. P. Redding, living
at the Cross Roads two miles
North of Greenville. It
indeed be gratifying to them
that she has taken such a rank
in college as to this high
honor. The Reflector looks
with pride upon this daughter
Carolina, and hopes that this
is but the beginning of honors
she is to reap.
State Senator W. R.
ranks among the most in-
members of the
Assembly. He is winning
many honors and bringing
upon himself and
his county. his bill to
reduce rate of interest from
to per cent came up last w -k
fur second reading he deliver-
ed one of his crowning speeches,
lull of wisdom and earnest
The Sewn and Observer of
Id Senate yesterday, during
the consideration of a bill to fix the
legal rate of interest at per cent,
the lobbies were crowded
Wall street kings and
cash leaders, while the galleries
ere fair faces of the
sex, whose tears to freely
in sympathy tor the poor, bard
working borrower. The
not exceeding
in attending and having North Car-
at New
York next on the occasion
of the Washington
It met with strong
An amendment was offered
reducing the to The
resolution and amendment both
were defeated.
The defeat in the House of the
measures to promote the efficiency
of the Guard has called forth
much from different sources.
is not in accord with
the House in its action on bill,
and an effort will be made to
the matter reconsidered.
hopes that this Legislature will
yet see importance of helping
the State Guard and not tail to
do the right thing. Go v. Fowle
last few has com-
a special message to
both bodies urging importance
of improving and the
State militia.
Bills have passed preventing em-
from paying off in
non-transferable tickets or check ;
allowing sheriffs to administer oat
in certain oases
lees of clerks for
judgment to eta
lee repealing a sec-
of the code in regard to wood
in incorporated towns. This last
bill repeals I be law -it says wood
be -oM by Hie
that the seller
coal the same. It strange
that such an unjust law should ever
have made, one that baa
been enforced, and Its repeal was
very necessary. A bill
hucksters and butchers to keep a
registration of the mark, etc.,
stanch a mi male, baa been faro,
ably reported. It is probable that
several conn ties will be exempt
ed from the operations of bill
some has manifests
ed already.
a bill a few days ago to remove the
disabilities of ax-Governor W. W.
this at acted
merits or the bill ware most ably
presented by Senator of .
Pitt and the earnestness of Words
m its th l against the
north end of the The for past
that then was interest In in-1 week the
and the was of
right, for any a of rail beta
hat had
ear. to
D. O, lab, 9th,
Rot. B. torn
the lion of Washington
weak. He ever to attend
a grand dinner by Whit-
in honor at Mr. sad If
and remained days as s
Secretary a
special was given by
democratic and it
by nearly every man sf
tn the party.
Got. Bill called on
Representative J. Randall, who
be calls Democrat,
and other friends. Gov. Hill
did net meet Mr. Cleveland except at
dinner at Secretary Whitney's, and s
great w by lbs
fact that the day the n dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland late train for
New York. Probably Mr.
had been made to go to
Hew York before be even that
Gov. Hill coming hers, but
does not people from that
he went away to keep from meeting that
gentleman. I do not pretend to that
relations be i wee a these two
men are not perfectly dial, but if
is the case, then public opinion hare, m
expressed on is dead wrong.
Mr. vela, id ha announced that
after the 4th March he become a
member a famous law arm Hew
York reside there. He
and Mrs. Cleveland went over ts Hew
this perfect
that city.-
who been the moat
woman ever tn White House.
the crowd
this a s day or
two ago that art to
with blanched faces. The
shock was caused by s telegram from
Indianapolis saying that had de-
to gs into the cabinet. It was
really to see
several hours in the gang, but it was
not long before official news from the
head center passed around among
the faithful which caused them to re-
the manner
which they have since it known
that was to he Secretary of Stats,
Mr. la evidently not
as be baa leased residence
in the attempt made to
Lincoln's Secretary of State, W.
H. Seward.
Marrying an English wife to
have t confused
mind to kind of government
under be to living. He has of-
an amendment to the Sundry c
appropriation bill, providing tor a gift
to the widow of Gen. Sheridan of too,
of his eminent
extraordinary to his
This is truly a remarkable proposition,
should it be adopted
a precedent would be
dangerous. It baa been referred to
the Se Com mitt as en Military AT
fairs, and it members that com-
have good sense with which
they are gen. rally credited, that will be
the last of it. Sheridan was a great
soldier, that everybody will admit, and
that his widow should a
for of bee U no
more than right; hut that la addition
of the people's money be
given to her, top. much
of royalty for this Gen. Sheri-
services to the United ware
great, and I would be the last one to de-
his memory of iota of the
it one him, but on the other hand, were
not the lbs United
great to
the poor. Irish bey; ever
have to had ha net
to West Point sad
the of people of the
The Has must be drawn
where la of the
it seem at
absurd as this cf
a good abet to draW If
A wast has boss
formed by t m sf
the Senate, -arty every of be-
The of
rust hi is so that
be a
tor the the
to make
to with U.
was that
It. Manager.
p AN NOT BK but the man who keep a fresh supply of
Groceries, Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can be found whenever wanted. Ton only have to look for
And all your wants tn above goods can be supplied.
Luther Sheldon,
i Colors In Japan. Plain Papers, Cathedral Newels,
Dry Paints, Plaster or Wall Papers, Venetian Glass, Wood Mantels,
Brushes, Wire Cloth Window Rubber Rooting Paint,
. Slate
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Nos. West Side Market Roanoke Ave.
We are adding to our stork gangs as customers and the public gen-
need. Hardware. Mechanics tools. Stove and T Sash, Doors, Glass
and Axes, Boas. Shovels and Rakes, Plow every kind. Wheel
Barbed and Heating Stove and Stove pipe of every
Bails and Iron. and Iron Drill pomps, Ac. Ac, .
We are agents for the bat cook stove now tn use. The is our
leader sod entire Ion. Our cheaper grades are good and well worth
the money ashed for them.
One year ago started in business and had for our motto sell for
We still cling to that as ear motto, the fact that is best merchant
and customer. By close attention to business we have been rewarded by Increased
especially for and ask
J. B.
Having just received a fresh line of the following goods, we are now
r adj to offer to public what they stand in goods
at priors that will please the purchaser.
Dry Goods,
To fit all who favor with their patronage.
Hardware, Guns, Shot, Powder,
Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Willow
ware, Furniture, Harness, Whips,
Gail Ax and Railroad Mills Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco.
Agent tot Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which offer to trade at Wholesale
prices, H cents per per cent for ash. Bread
Hall's Lye at Jobbers White Lead and pure
and Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt W
seed OILS
Nails a
Pumps, Salt Wood
dive me a call and guarantee satisfaction.
Our line is so large and complete and varied
that it allows our customers to please
as to prices. The garments-offered are made on
the premises with the intention of furnishing
best material, perfect in finish and workmanship,
at prices which compare favorably with goods
of inferior quality, and to suit the most
or economical taste.
N. C
All hinds Risks placed strictly
At lowest rates
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door If noun.
r or
My Factory Is well equipped with the best put up
but We keep with the and latest improved style
Bast material used all All styles Springs used, you can select tress
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full II. e of ready made
the year round, which we will sell AS LOW AS the
Special Attention to REPAIRING.
Thanking people of this and surrounding counties for past favor
merit s continuance of the same.
Wagons, for sale.
GREEN VILLE. N. C. Mar. 1887.
Rail Road.
The railroad company
grading in my Nursery
and will take op
apple A pear tree,
a following varieties Via. war
Favorite, Winter
Yellow May, Spice,
Jone and
Winter. These will sell at
ten cents each. I also or
five pear trees that I will
sell for twenty five cents each.
These are all first class, and
good varieties. is time to
get cheap t at
at tarn w
Tea, Rice,
of different very beat Lard we
Day, Batter, Spice, Peeper.
both toilet and
best trade of White
Oil, Oil, c.
Having duly qualified as of
the Last Will and Testament of Amos
deceased, on the 2nd of
notice la hereby given to all
persona Indebted the estate of said
decedent, to make Immediate payment
to the and to all creditors of
said estate to present their claims prop-
to the undersigned on
or before 2nd of January. 1890.
or will be plead In bar of their
recover. K.
Eats, of Amos
If you want something nice in the ways
Sewing; Machines,
come to the old A
large new stock Just received.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
Machines repaired and warranted
C. B.
. Dealer Ir Hay, Corn, Meal,
and Mill Feed. .
win cash fa
Corn and Peas.
I pay cash for my goods and
ford to sell st bottom pricks.
Call on me at the store of a. Seats
. j. cos;. c c. cots,
c. n. c. Ca,
V. M.
Cobb Gilliam,
Commission Merchants,
Lira had years a
at are
to Dandle bottom t
, AB to ow
Stores for
The store formerly
Moore st the corner
the store
occupied by Mrs. A. ,
stole will tie far on
after January 1st. Terms
Apply to, T
feud, brother, with care,
to of
And In quick trip time get
there ,
A book of planes as rats.
Send, brother, send with cars,
For Guide from
V a eat
good for cams worth
Notice to Creditors.
Clerk st
of December,
st Pitt ea
of the
the are hereby to
immediate payment to the
and having
before the of
s thin he plead bar
T. W

The Eastern Reflector,
N. C
Editor and Prop.
We announced last week that of Pitt, upon bill to regulate the
per year.
sot to Democratic
and measures that arc not consistent
the true principles of the
If want a paper from a
of the State for the
The Wilson Advance is almost
grown, having recently entered
its nineteenth year. It
log been a grown paper in
and ability, as it is seldom
by a weekly. May it
lire and prosper every year
Manning of the
gOB Gold Leaf is always
and well he ought to be.
This time some appreciative
friends have him and
his graceful form in a
brand new snit of tailor-made
If laboring earnestly
and unceasingly for a town and
makes one deserving
that is Thad Manning.
The bill to amend the charter
the town of Greenville has
passed its third reading before
the General Assembly and be
Hue a law. The
change in the plan of the town
the making of a new ward out
f a portion of the old third
Ward. The new ward will take
in the South-western portion of
the dam from the North end of
the bridge out to the hill would
be built. For a long time the
has been arguing
that the roadway should be con
so might get
over at any time, and has work-
ed to that end- It is
gratifying to see good results
growing out of these labors
to know the object hoped for will
soon be attained. Our editorial
two weeks ago stirred some of
people to action and now the
movement will not cease until
the dam is built. Mr. J H. Tucker
took the matter in hand and
pushed it forward. He went
to the business men with a list
o which a number of them sub-
scribed in all making about
On the Friday night following
he went before the meeting of
the Town Councilmen and they
agreed to appropriate as
he town's part of the fund. A
petition was then drawn to take
before the Board of
Commissioners the next Monday
asking them to appropriate half
enough to do the work, it being
ascertained that the whole
would cost On that day
it was ascertained that Mr. S.
H. Spain also had a petition
from the people north of the
river looking to the same end
The petitions were consolidated
and taken before the Board by
Mr. J. H. Tucker and at the
Tuesday session the
them a hearing with
the result as stated in their pro-
published elsewhere.
Thus the success of the move-
is assured and as soon as
all plans are perfected the
of construction will begin. It
is a cause for general
that the roadway is to be
built, for two reasons. First it
is a step forward to
prosperity and will be the means
of bringing many hundreds of
dollars to the town. Second,
because of great
the town known as fence to the people of the county
tad will be entitled to one
Councilman. This makes seven
Councilmen from the four wards
f the town, four of which
will be Democrats and three
Republicans. A Democratic
government is therefore insured
fer Greenville after the firs,
Monday in next May.
who have to pass this most
thoroughfare within
our borders. The rood done in
this will be incalculable,
as the will now be
accessible to every section of the
county with no barrier in the
way. let the spirit of
progress be kept up. It is
among the business men
Occasionally when soliciting
subscriptions to a paper a man
it. It is the of every i
who loves his county to j pays this compliment to a lady
his county paper and help; of
promote its Now if Carolina has every
there are any in Pitt talented
, . . , .- , tern, Mattered over the united
who daft to read the the in all
toe and are really unable to pan for branches of science and art,
it, come o see us in person and Amen medical student.- at the
ml . Women's statical College, of
yon shall have the paper. This j,, T,;,,,
article is not intended to re- Greenville, C, has made a
man on account of j by achieving the
poverty, for there are those being he best anatomist
in the college, and having
legal rate interest, be was the re-
of a handsome of the
American species of the
flowery plants of the order
which were intermingled
leaven of the
which was a neatly written
note in these
lady friends of Senator
wish to thank him for bis wit-
and eloquent
No man the floor of the Sen
is i he recipient of greater court-
of room than Sen
Williams, and no more faithful
representative, or more earnest sop
porter of what be to be
right and be found then
the Senator from Pitt, who now
occupying his seat for the fourth
Pitt county every reason
to be proud of her able Senator.
Our Letter.
the State Capital,
cf Legislature, etc
Special to Reflector.
N. C, Feb., 9th, 1839.
The have been the
week closed. In the House be-
tween six and seven hundred bills
have been introduced, in the
Semite more than hundred.
The most of are of local
and as rejected as
are adopted. There is no end to
be petitions coming in all
parts of the State. They are
In large it h-b every
day, relating lo repeal of
laws, local option, repeal of
chase tax, requests for convicts for
draining lands, requests
rum alliances, etc. Owing
to the numerous praying a
repeal of merchants tax
several legislators have expressed
themselves as being in favor of re
pealing the law.
A bill sale of land for
taxes Sheriff, advertised ft r.-t
Monday in February, until first
m May, passed both
es on Saturday last
mediately I doubt
half the Sheriffs in the Stare beard
of it until too late. In the remote
counties it was hardly possible
the information to reach them, con
the sales went on and
much hard tax money collected.
The bill that passed
the House the first the week will
no doubt pass the Senate and be
come a law. It is widely framed and
reflects credit upon its author. It
will stop lira old and bad custom
f giving convict to railway
corporations. The policy of
the State seem have been to ac-
pay in bonds, keeping them in
the and when the railway
enterprise was completed to re-
those This bill pro-
I bat the State must
value received its convict,
it-- principal merit is to make
i be
Some such legislation was
been a long t me a ten
lo the lax
North Carolina.
The amendments to the School
to pay for it, we will send
them free of charge.
. , . in the college, and having been
are poor from actual necessity,, as assistant demonstrator
and rather than see such barred id This lady is
from the privileges of , A brilliant
. v j her, and all who know Mi.
paper when they desire to; Thompson will feel proud of
are actually
it to Thompson is a sister of
j our townsman, Mr. S A. Red
ding, and a daughter of
The county of Lenoir suffered Dr. J. P. Redding, living
a loss last week. If was the at the Cross Roads two miles
time for holding the Superior North of It must
Court of that county, and Judge be gratifying to them
Shipp, who was to have i that has taken such a rank
ed, was taken sick in j fa, college as to this high
ton and could not get to Kinston.; honor. The Reflector looks
The county incurred an expense j with pride upon this daughter
f or more in getting ready Carolina, and hopes that this
for a Court that could not Delia but the beginning of honors
held. Certainly no blame she is to reap,
to the Judge, as he could
sot prevent sickness, but the; Our State Senator W. R.
ls w in that respect is defective.
When a Judge is prevented by
sickness or her cause, as
is sometimes the case, from get-
ting to his appointment, there
should be a provision to supply
the place. Delays In the laws
frequently prove expensive and
The law makers
might look into this matter.
If we quote Scripture correct-
the question was in
olden any good
thing come out of Nazareth
This came to our mind
we were thinking about Weldon.
doubt people wonder ii
there is anything good in
don or if anything good comes
out Weldon, if they take
what the have to say.
for it seems that most of those
who come and go fell called
upon to say something
the town. we have found
something good that comes out
of Weldon. It is the Noes
two copies of we have en-
Joyed at this writing and hope to
enjoy many more. It is a clean
printed and
and people generally and should which mentioned last week,
carried onward and upward. That part
The superintendent and t
liner, was stricken out and the
law in that particular remains the
same. The did right.
A man may a good treasurer
land not be a good
and vie-- And some
of the best might
not be able to the
This Legislature so far is
a line of rigid economy.
some questions it has been
ed as being niggardly.
came up in Senate the
day authorizing the Governor to
expend a sum not exceeding
in attending and having North Car-
properly represented at New
York in April next on the occasion
of the Washington
It met with strong
An amendment was offered
reducing the amount, to The
resolution and amendment both
were defeated.
The defeat in the House of the
measures to promote the efficiency
of the State Guard has culled forth
much from different sources.
The Senate is not in accord with
the House in it action on this bill,
and an effort will lie made to
the matter reconsidered. Thia
hopes that this Legislature will
yet see the importance of helping
the State Guard and not to
do the right thing. Fowle
within the last few days has com-
a special message to
both bodies urging the importance
of improving and strengthening
State militia.
Bills have passed em-
from paying off m
non-transferable tickets or checks;
sheriffs to administer oaths
in certain cases
reducing lees of clerks for
ring judgment to
oat fur
t ion the code in regard to wood
sol, in orated towns. This last
bill repents the law that says wood
by the cord in in-
towns and that the seller
Mall the same. It is strange
that, such unjust law ever
have been made, one that has
been enforced, its repeal was
very necessary. A bill compelling
hucksters and butchers to keep a
registration of the mark, etc. or
slaughtered baa been favor-
ably reported. It is probable
several counties will be exempt
ed from the operations of the bill
some been manifest-.
ed already.
A Republican member
a bill a few ago to remove the
disabilities of ex-Governor W.
When is acted
some plain and words
be spoken against the bill.
The Republican for the past
week have been attacking the
pointed and
marks fell very flat not
the members beard him. Bat when
he had finished of Franklin,
with a smiling countenance, pro-
ceded to reply to what he bad beard.
His to Amis com-
upon political
put the whole laugh-
the included. Tery
soon news reached the Senate
some fun was going on in the
and several harried over
to hear the discussion. Mr.
reviewed with telling effect the on-
tenable taken b Amis and
continued bis witty and pleasing re
for to the great en-
of the Democratic aide and
at the expense of Amis and those
in sympathy with A few
said a few the
alter it was tabled by a
party vote.
Smith, of the
been in Raleigh
this week. He is an Indian of
Cherokee county. He is very tall
baa long early hair tail-
bis shoulders, looks
much like a sow boy of the wet.
His visit here was to get a bill
to hand, which
is composed of about people.
Grover Cleveland's Presided
term hurt three
weeks longer. He goes re
cord as being among ban
and greatest Presidents.
ranks the most in-
members of the
Assembly. He is winning
many honors and bringing much
upon himself and
bis county. When his bill to
reduce rats of interest from
to per cent came up last
tor it second reading he deliver-
ed one of his crowning speeches,
full of wisdom earnest
The says of
In the Senate yesterday, during
the consideration of a bill to fix the.
legal rate of interest at per cent,
lobbies were crowded
Wall street money kings and
cash leaders, while the galleries
thronged fair of the
sex, whose tears
flaw in sympathy for the poor, hard
working per cent borrower. The
merits of the bill were moat ably
by Senator of
Pitt mid the of
In its support convinced the
north end of the General
there a much interest in
; -rest, and the measure was and system of county government w compelled Allison
right, for a call of the roll the both Booties. They call for being Secretary of the
passed second aM noes, bat find even Dem- will prevent
noes j member recording bis rote member from accepting a position
In another article the same B cabinet. The of
i system. Amis, on will be watched
Special to
D. C, Feb. 9th, 1880.
Got. Dana B, of Raw York,
the lion of Washington politically
week. He to attend
a grand dinner by Secretary Whit-
in honor of Mr. and Mm. Cleveland,
and remained two a guest of
Secretary Whitney. Wednesday
special reception given by him to
democratic Congress, and it
was by nearly every nun of
prominence In the party.
Got. Hill on Secretary Fairchild,
Samuel J. Randall, who
he calls greatest
and other friends. Got. Hill
did net meet Mr. Cleveland except at
the dinner t Secretary Whitney's, and a
great deal of started by the
fact that the day of the Whitney dinner
Cleveland look late train for
Probably Mr. Cleveland's
had been made to go to
New York before he even knew that
Gov. Hill coining here, but that
does not pr rent from saying
he went away to keep from meeting that
gentleman. do not pretend to that
the relations between these gentle-
men ore not perfectly co dial, but If such
is the then public opinion here, as
expressed on every hand, dead wrong.
Mr. Cleveland has announced
after the 4th t March he will become a
member of a famous law Una in Raw
York City, and will there, lie
and Mrs. Cleveland went over New
this weak perfect arrangements
for residence that city. Society
land, who has been the most popular
woman the White House.
The fry crowd
in this a a day or
two ago that to
with wild eyes blanched faces. The
shock was caused by a telegram from
Indianapolis sating had de-
to Into the cabinet. It was
really to see the consternation
for several hours in the gang, hut it was
not long before news from the
head center was among
the faithful which caused them to re-
the manner
which they have worn since it was known
that Blame to be Secretary of Mate.
Mr. Blaine Is evidently not
ha has leased the residence
in the attempt made to
Lincoln's Secretary of State, W.
H. Seward.
Harrying an English wife seems to
have somewhat confused Senator Haw
mine as to the kind of government
under which he is living. He of-
amendment to the Sundry civil
appropriation bill, providing tor a gift
to the widow of Gen. Sheridan of
OnO, if of eminent and
extraordinary services to his
This is a remarkable proposition,
and should it be adopted
a precedent which would be decided-
dangerous. It has been referred to
the Senate Committee on Military
fairs, and If the members of that com-
have the sense with which
they are generally credited, that will be
the last of it. Gen. was a great
soldier, that everybody will admit, and
his widow should have a liberal pen.
ion for the remainder of her life is no
more than right; but that addition
of the people's money should be
given to her, smacks a little top much
of royalty for this country. Gen. Sheri-
services to the United States were
great, and I would be the last one to de-
his memory of one iota of the
its one him, but the other hand, were
not the services of the United States
equally great to Sheridan Y What
the poor Irish boy, Phil Sheridan,
have amounted to had ha not been
to West Point and
the expense of the people of the United
States The line must be drawn some-
where la disposing of the people's
money, and it . seem that at each
absurd propositions as this of Senator
Hawley a is a good place to draw If
A remarkable political trust has
formed by the Republican members of
the Senate, nearly every one of hem be-
candidates for
nomination. The purpose of this
trust Is to serve notice on Harrison
unless be agrees m a second
for the presidency, the Senator
propose to make his administration a
failure by refusing to co-operate with
for all needed in the
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if you want anything in
and House Material, Cutlery
We you money on any of goods.
which we will sell at Factory Prices.
K are now fitted up in and are prepared to man-
abort notice any kind or style of
We keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. M. Manager.
but the who keeps a fresh supply of
Groceries, Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can be whenever wanted. Yon only have lo look for
And all your wants In the above goods can be supplied.
Offers to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following goods
that are not to be excelled in this market. And to be First-class
E straight goods. GOODS of all kinds, I
and and
and Mill Hat, Bock Lime. Paris, and
Harness, Bridles saddles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, per cent for Bread Prep-
and Haifa Star Lye at lubbers Prices. White Lead pure Lia-
seed OH, Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. a call and guarantee satisfaction.
Luther Sheldon,
t Colors In Japan. Plain Papers, Cathedral Glass Newels,
Dry Paints, Piaster or Wall Papers. Venetian Glass, Wood Mantels,
Brushes, Wire Cloth Window Screens. Rooting Paint,
Slate Mantels,
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Nos. West Site Market Roanoke Ave.
We are adding to stock such goods as our customers and the public gen-
need. Hardware. Mechanics tools. Stove- and Tinware. Sash, Doors.
and putty. Axes. Rises, Shovels and Rakes. Plow Casting of every kind. Wheel
Barrows. Barbed Cooking and Heating Stoves and Stove pipe of every
size. Sails and Cucumber and Iron Drill pumps, Ac. Ac,
We are agents for the best conk stove now In use. The is our
leader and gives entire ion. Our cheaper grades are good and well
asked for them.
One year ago w started in business and had for our motto sell for cash.
We still cling to that as our motto, realizing fact that It is best for
and customer. By close attention to business we have been rewarded by Increased
especially for and ask a
Our line is so large and complete and varied
that it allows our customers to please
as to prices. The garments-offered are made on
the premises with the intention of furnishing th
best material, perfect in finish and workmanship,
at prices which compare favorably with
of inferior quality, and to suit the most
or economical taste.
N. C
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to Ono Door
My Factory is well equipped with the best put up nothing
but work. We keep up with the tines and the latest improved stylos.
Best material used ail week. All styles of Springs are used, you can select I
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on band a full e of ready made
the year round, which we will sell as low ab the lowest.
Special Attention to REPAIRING
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor
merit a continuance of the same.
Having received a fresh line the following goods, we are now
r to offer to the public what I hey in need, good
at prices that will please the
Dry Goods,
i for
To fit all who favor us with their patronage.
Hardware, Nails, Guns, Shot, Powder,
Crockery, Glass-ware, Wood and Willow
ware, Furniture, Harness, Whips,
Gail Ax and Railroad Mills Snuff, Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco.
Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE. . C. Mar. 1887.
Rail Road.
The railroad company com, W . O.
grading in my Nursery this ,,,.
If you want nice in the
Sewing Machines,
come to the old A
new block Just received.
Watches, Clock, Jewelry and
Machines repaired and warranted;
grading in my Nursery
week will take up about
five hundred apple pear trees,
the following varieties Wars
Favorite, winter
Yellow May, Spice,
Jane and
Winter. trees I will at
ton cents each. I also have four or
fire pear trees that I will
sell for twenty five cents each.
These are all first class, and
good varieties. Now the time to
get cheap Come at once.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Executrix of
the Last Will and Testament A
Evans, deceased, on the 2nd day of
notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted the estate sold
decedent, to make Immediate payment
to the and to all creditors of
said to present their prop-
authenticated to the undersigned on
or before the 2nd of January,
or this notice will be plead In bar of their
of Evans.
W. S.
Pitt Co. H. C
C. B.
Will pay cash
Corn and Peat.
I pay for my foods and aft
ford to sell at bottom tricks.
Call on t the store of J. g.
paper has the following;
lead speech off half hours; Interest by the people who
last Wednesday against make a Ike
tried e k.
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Rice, Meats
of different kinds, very best Lard we can
buy, Butter, Cheese, Spice, Pepper.
Soap both toilet and Laundry,
Star Lye, Bail Lye,
Matches, Starch, best grade of White
Kerosene Oil, Machine Oil, Ac.
We are a New Firm, but not new men. to the public
All who in need of Rood in our tine are invited to come to see an.
We as es sells as
Cobb Gilliam,
Gotten Buyers,
Commission Merchants,
We have had several ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of snippers.
All entrusted
bands will receive prompt and
Stores for
The store formerly occupied by
Moore at the corner
and the flora
occupied by Mrs. E. A. Sheppard
Millinery for
after January 1st. Terms
Apply to,
J. P.
brother, With cart,
Three to of
And quick trip time you'll
A book of seeds and plants Be I
brother, with
For the Fiend Guide from
Vick's Floral I. contains a
for cents worth of
o Rochester, N. Y.
Notice to Creditors.
duly qualified before the ts-
Court Clerk Pitt
the 3rd of December, a,
of the of La
the estate are hereby notified meat
immediate payment the
and all persons claims
estate must present the on be-
before the 3rd day of December,
or this notice will be plead in bar or.
their recovery.

M. B. Lang's Column.
W take the lead In the
display of
Early Spring
Wedding bells.
its brand to fit. matter not
whether you stand or whether you
fit. the Peerless Shirt kept by
population grow.
Lime ready for de-
by E. O. Glenn.
Tomorrow is Valentine's
For boa.
for sale by A.
We now on
Of rare novelties in
The styles
for the season are the
In which we are show-
quite a varied
assortment both in
and Colors
also have a com-
Victoria Lawns
for the coming season
Our stock of
never more replete
with novelties.
We have
and Insertion,
Revere, French Work,
Swiss Edging and In-
and many
other novelties.
Call early and secure
your choice,
M. R. m
vent op little last week.
early all white Spring
Oats, Cheap at Old Store
Gardening will begin in
earnest- ,
Good dwelling house for rent.
Apply to V. Glenn.
If you haven't already given a
mortgage, don't.
of western Seed
for by A.
Lana for baa been
getting in of her beat
New Home and sewing ma-
chines sale by J C. Lamer.
A band organ tramp, in
s, Greenville last week.
Car load of corn re-
ceded C. Glenn.
Church held a festival last Friday
Now in stock all kinds of D. If.
Ferry Garden Seed, at
Old Brick Store.
The weather last week
the co-i and wood thieves out in
Jan received Boas Fa-
Biscuit at OM
Brick Store.
It- is time for kite flying but
boys here do not indulge m
liberal terms
to J. B. Green-
ville, k. a
Better your chimney
flues are all right before March
winds get here.
Jan Ins more P.
Go's Sweat Scotch
has pi oven to and
per at
Old Buck Store.
Harry with the
at Opera in
Five thousand Mink skins and
an number of Fox and Goon
skins wanted at M.
Graham Gleaner, a good pa-
per commenced fifteenth
volume. Succeed to it.
When yon need any thing in the
wan- line forget the Cash
Hardware Store D. O. -o
Farmers make plenty of
More money in home
manures than any other kind.
Mrs. L. C- King has opened her
millinery in old
Delaney, store, near the Court
Dress making will ad
Watch the blacks from now until
election and see where they
live and which wards they rote in.
Atlas. Boss, B Watt, Far-
mer Friend. Granger, Clipper,
i and Plow Castings at
D. D. Haskett
office is r-
ed to out job printing promptly
and there is no shabby work done
Fob party haying
team a one or two crop farm,
situated on Sooth aide Tar river
miles from Green ville. Good
and healthy location. Permanent
home to right party. to
office or to J. Brooks,
is making efforts to get.
Evangelist. Pearson to that
town. We hope our neighbors will
Attention is called to the notice
to creditors by I. ad-
of G. C. Davenport, in
this paper.
Freights are reported heavy
Large West
mi Hyde county corn bare
been coming in.
Truck farming pays and we
the assertion there wilt t wavy
in this section to try it after the
railroad is built.
Mr. W. K. of
township large wild turkey
last Friday. The beard mean
nine inches.
We bare seen samples for
spring and summer clothing. He
has designs and can
do yon first class work.
Live within your income and you
are on road to wet Reverse
the order of living and you are steer-
for the poor
Mr. Bryant Tripp
township, killed a pig a few days
since which weighed pounds net,
and supplied callous of lard.
The Bern fair begins next
Tuesday. Preparation its
eclipsing one of last year. The
coming fair will be simply immense.
beautiful camel
in Mrs. V. H yard are
blooming. They take lead of
floral beauties whee the plants are
D. D. Co., keep a com-
line . f hardware and
in be-. their new
Mr. F. G. James is nailing in
has moved his is mi
to Marlboro.
Miss Sallie Pender. Tarboro, is
visiting Mrs. W. L. Brown.
Mrs. Biggs bas opened
la Tarboro,
Mr. J. D. Murphy spent part or
last week in Baltimore on business.
Mrs. H. B. Clark, of Washington,
is visiting her mother Mrs. J. L.
. Mr. Abe of Wilson
spent Sunday and Monday with Mr.
M. B. Lang.
Miss Jamie Grist, of
has been visiting Mrs. J. B. Cherry
a week or. two
Mr. B. M. has purchased
Moore bone in
and moved into it.
More, of is
the family of Mr B. A.
Clerk Superior Court.
Miss Ada Greene
spent a days last week with
Miss Jennie Savage.
Mrs. J. M. and Master
G. Skinner, Jr., are visiting
Mr. Charles Skinner.
Misses Pink Adams and Carrie
Jones, of Washington are visiting
Miss Maggie Langley.
Mr. E. C. Glenn has purchased
on Plank Bead
Street and moved there.
Mrs. Warren, of Penny Hill,
is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
in Greenville this week.
Mrs, Clave, who has been
visiting relatives here, returned
Saturday to her In New
Several drummers the past
week. We war glad to have calls
from C. W. Ryan. G. A.
and H. E W bite, all elev-
knights of the sample case.
Rev. G. L- Finch will preach at
School House, in Farmville
township next Sunday morning at
o'clock, at Allen's
near Greenville, in the
at o'clock.
The sermons preached O. J.
the Baptist
Sunday were practical, clear and
forcible, and very pleasing to his
bearers. Large audiences were
st both services.
Mr. W. H.
day night from New Tors. He said
w- snowing hard that city
when ha left there Friday night. He
beat the snow traveling thirty
hours, a that did not get here until
Monday morning.
Advertisers are learning that -the
is newt medium
through which to people.
large circulation insures
returns for the investment. Every
business man keep his name
constantly before the politic.
roads are getting in bet-
condition. But it is
that is in their favor, and no
special work upon them that
the improvement. A little change in
weather for the worse and the
roads will take a big in
same direction.
The snow of the season came
down this way morning.
Early risers found snowing bard
and it kept coming down until about
nine o'clock, covering the ground .
nearly an inch in By mid-
day snow bad disappeared, and
all was as bright as be wish-
Have yon ever noticed how a man
tries to dodge and keep oat of our
way he yon Thinks yon
are going to dun him con-
Never call a dollar your own if
yon owe it to somebody else. We
meet men every day with in
their pocket justly belong to the
h hear with regret that, the
dwelling of Mr. J. B. near
Hamilton, was burned Tuesday
night of last week. Dwelling and
contents a total loss-
Mr. E. B. Moore, manager of
Hotel Macon, lost one of his livery
horses last Friday. The animal died
in a few minutes after returning
from a trip to Kins ton.
We recently took a trip through
the country and find many of the
farmers are getting their work well
advanced. Compost heaps are
very small however.
The feels
to i he brethren of press, a clever
set they are. for very kind men
they have given of the new vol-
it recently begun.
Severs railroad disputes last
week that canned to have
to work in spots. Friends
yon had better try to encourage
the road and speed its progress in-
stead of putting impediments-iii the
way. If will pay yon better in i he
long run. railroad is going to
help every one of yon.
If meetings hare not been held
in the townships to select
names to be forwarded to our Leg-
tor appointments
of Peace matter should
Do attended to at data
of the Legislature are limited and
our law makers should not be over-
crowded in last of the
goods for our new store. Will have
the best selected stock ever brought to Green-
ville and prices to
Suit the Rich and the Poor,
The High and the Low,
f The Large and the Small,
We can suit them all.
The cold beginning last
night bas been the longest and most
severe of the winter. With all that,
we bad but little ice.
climate here is seldom
has just
ed a lot of new jewelry, clocks, Ac,
also violin, guitar banjo strings,
on when anything in that
line is needed. See advertisement.
to the Forth
West of us, and blight
days right here around
Come down this way it you want
to find the in land.
Our Raleigh letter to-day gives
some information concerning the
selling of wood which we ban
a editorial last week. en
tire letter is extremely
Mr. J. D. Williamson took us
through his new carriage shop, the
ether day. to see under new
arrangement. His are the roost con-
and best arranged shops in
The boys go on-a lark tonight
the comic valentines.
lie accent about the matter. Have
all fun wish, but don't he
boisterous or damage
or throw dirt at
We tried to get the purchase tax
list on Monday to publish in
paper, the Register of Deeds
told that so many dealers bad
failed to give in their purchases
that the list is . no means com
Mr. James also told
from the number of mortgages
liens have far come in for
registration the
given year is far short of last
It almost makes a body sick to
see the farmers paying money
at of the year for such
things as be to raise plenty
of and have a surplus to sell. We
believe last six
weeks that every grain of
Western corn has been
shipped to Greenville, and ton
ton of hay. Farmers must raise
these articles and their barns
and at home if they
to be
Mr. Gilbert Davenport, a young
man of who Worked
Fleming Co., died of
on Friday night of lat week.
His remains were to Green
ville and interred in Cherry Hill
Cemetery afternoon. He
a very exemplary young man.
having worked his way along in the
world and his betokened a life
of i But untimely death
takes him to the silent tomb whence
all must sooner or later go.
Sate .
Ah This looks like the nays we
have that have
happened out. one
would take a rifle by bis desk for
prof he penned his
graphs to go out the world.
We have been writing in just such
a a rifle in elbow reach
though one much smaller
and briefer report than in
days of yore. For protection yes
Why, bless your soul, since brother
Glenn moved and took away all bis
corn and oats and stuff
are to take us. And we are
trying to learn how to get in a little
sharp shooting at them.
There was some little excitement
in legal circles Monday over the
formation that Mr. William White
head, Pitt county's largest
owner, had brought suit against
Hon. Louis Billiard of Norfolk for
defamation credit. Mr.
Hilliard has been in Greenville a
lays a summons was served
him to appear at March term
g Pitt Superior Court and
the com pin i n t to be filed. ablest
counsel will be to prosecute
to the fullest extent. Later in the
day it was that two similar
soils were to be instituted by other
parties but no developments as
them have yet reached public.
owe an to some of
our readers for the appearance
the first papers printed of last
week's issue. While it was purely
accidental, no special blame could
attach any of the force. The
forms were corrected for printing
early Wednesday morning and the
X-. started to In some way
one of the rollers got out of place
which prevented sufficient ink be-
placed the c. About
forty were printed m
way hi fore pressman discover-
ed that they were not being inked,
and his hurry to get around-the
carrier folded the pale with-
out noticing them. We are sorry
these badly printed went in
to our hands, and will try
to guard such
If w Jewel j
I have Just received i. nice line of
. ------the latest of------
mm m
Which I can sell very Violin
Guitar and Banjo Strings for sale
Special attention paid to all watch, clock
and repairing.
Greenville, N. C
On second Thursday. Friday and Sat-
of February, April. July,
October and December, Should
any persons desire to lie examined at
other times, board has that
the examined must pay for It.
Regular office days Sat. before every M
Sunday. J. Latham Supt.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
Court Clerk of Pitt county on the
12th day of 1889, as
tor of G. Davenport, deceased, notice
is hereby Riven to all persons Indebted
to the estate to make pay-
to the and to all
of said estate to present their
claims duly authenticated to the
on or before the 15th day Ft by
1890, or this notice will he plead in
their recovery. This of
of G c Davenport.
Cotton Planter
Has been reduced from
And not depend on borrowing nor
trying to make Planter do
the work of two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
and save the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may
more than
Given the
The social season in Greenville is
perennial and all seasons are social
Memories of other days ore always
pleasant if revived by an agreeable
event calls them to mind. Such
an-event was of the
Club at Skinners Opera House
recalled a similar happy
ion some twelve months ago. and
many of present Monday even.
were participants in the
There is something peculiarly at-
tractive in a masque. The question
Is sure to arouse curiosity
and curiosity always begets interest
and interest is forerunner and
accompaniment of pleasure.
The officers and managers of the
deserve great credit for their
Latham On Wednesday
morning, February 6th, at Bethany
church, near Mr.
Joseph B. Latham of this county, led to
the altar Miss the
charming and lovely daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James S. Dixon, of Edgecombe,
Rev. M. T. of Wilson, officiating.
They were attended by the following
H. A. Latham with Miss Susie
W. M. Brown with
D. with Miss Lillian Pitt-
man, II. Harris with
Granger. with Miss
Evans, O. W. Harrington with Miss
Verna Dixon, S. A Bedding with Miss
Nannie King. D. W. Dixon with Miss
Spain. After the solemnization
of the ceremony and the congratulations
of many friends, the bridal party drove
to the home of the groom, near Green-
ville, a distance of forty miles. At eight
an elegant supper was served,
after which the ladies dressed for the
and diamond ornaments, other s
were dressed tastefully and appropriate-
for the Many of the groom's
friends and associates attended
the reception during the evening
expressed many good wishes for Mr. and
Mrs. future.
As the of their lives
down the tide of time no clouds ob-
their sun of happiness, and may
they at last cast anchor in the haven of
rest, is the fond wish of D.
After getting the lull proceedings
of the last meeting of the County
Commissioners in this pa-
per it had to be left over next
because being over crowd-
The Mutual
For the year ending Dec. 31st,
Total Assets.
7.276.301 GR
1,645.6-22 II
I- 8.360
Mr. W. A. Manning, who lives
about one mile South-West of
Greenville, died on Tuesday of last
week of apoplexy. He was
years old and before war did
a large mercantile business in a
store on bis place.
turn backward, oh,
time in your for a hand or
gen was in Greenville on
day night. Yes, the tramp and the
organ both we could see; but the
monkey accompaniment, oh, where
was he
. paper and see
X. . Luff's Column , r they err.
Talk about new clothes, we doubt
there being a person prouder of a
suit than the man is of
one he wears. It is a Pitt
county oat of Pitt
county wool and a part of
work done by a Pitt county woman
They off-Fit-like the a
is as warm a buffalo robe
aid as pretty as any store clothes
to be bad anywhere. No place like
Since year come in a large
number of have been
more prompt to come in and p
their to the We
thank all are prompt in their
payments. There are vet
whose names we would like to get
square on our books. revision
of our mailing list bas
a while because we wanted to cut off
as few names tor non-payment as
possible. But there are some who
will not be waited for longer to
settle their accounts. Th-y will Unit
a blue cross mark after their name
on this paper. accounts
not settled or some satisfactory
made with the editor the
names of those who have the blue
mark will be left, from our list after
the close Of February after which
names or will be publish
ed and their accounts offered for
sale. W cannot afford to the
paper for nothing, nor do we propose
to take pay in promises that are
only u be So look
untiring efforts to make every evening, the bride wearing white satin
off as pleasantly as
The masques were various and be
and the hall was an affair
which will be most
pleasantly, and the large crowd
sent could not fail to be impressed
with the many happy incidents
which will he long remembered.
At in o'clock when all unmasked
here were many surprises.
The ball was a genuine
in every particular and the
soon to have the pleasure
of chronicling another such happy
The following were
and their
Miss Sugg, Dahlia.
Wyatt L. Ancient
Miss Li I lie Mayo, of Falkland.
Miss Carrie Cobb, Re-
Miss Lee Foley, Pink of
Miss Jennie Williams,
Ml-s Purvis, of Hamilton
Flower Girl.
Miss Annie Sheppard,
Peebles, Butterfly.
-Mies Estelle Williams, Guard.
Miss Lillie Cherry,
Mis Pink Adams, of Washing-
ton, Folly.
Carrie Jones, of Washing-
Bessie Jarvis, Prisoner.
Miss Belle Greene, Mary Queen
Miss Sallie Pender, Tarboro,
Miss Bagley, Mrs. Win-
Mrs. A. H. Ryan, Market
. Mrs. B- A. Sheppard, Shepherd-
Miss Nannie King, Lady.
F. L. Gallagher, of Washington,
John Randolph, Colored Dude.
J. Frank Martin, Tarboro,
T-E. Randolph, Mike Kelly of the
Boston B. B. Mme
Marion Cobb, of Baltimore, Md.,
W. B. Marine.
Geo. of Baltimore,
S- A- Redding, Knight.
Dr. L. James, University Stu
dent of
Jeff Fountain, of Falkland,
French Knight.
R. W. King, Humpty
Double Clown.
W. If. White, Irish Laborer.
Will James, Tramp.
Ola Page.
L. Brown, Uncle Sam.
Sam Jockey.
s lie. of
Grace Darling.
B. Williams, Jr., Sioux
After the ball company ad-
t o German Hall where the
German was indulged in led by
Messrs S. T- Hooker and R. D.
Cherry, eon mined until a late
hour at night, or rather an early
hour morning.
The committee in charge consist-
ed in R. W. Williams Jr.
Hooker R. D. Cherry.
Increase in Assets.
Surplus at four
Increase in Surplus, .
Policies in force.
Increase during year,
Increase during year,
Risks assumed.
Increase during year
Risks in force, 482,125.184
Increase during year. 54.406.251
Receipts from all sources,
Increase year, 3,006.010
Bonds and Mortgages,
United States and other
Real Estate and Loans on col-
Cash in Banks and Trust
at interest,
accrued. Premiums
deferred and in
sit, Etc.,
For your liberal patronage
And Cordially Solicit
A continuance of the same-.
When You to Town
Do not fail to examine our
------stock of-------
Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, Hardware
And Crockery.
keep a complete line of
Staple Groceries.
We call especial attention to our
The and
plow, and the
cotton We will
also offer to the trade
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
Tell bin to delay hut
now if his old planter
needs any and if so
order them at or send
the Planter to me or
it with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with full particulars
cud it he taken
to factory, re-
tailed, and re-
turned at a
Builder's Material.
Ml that I can furnish him
Timbers he may need, either
dressed r undressed. Also I
can furnish him with build-
log Brackets and
for roar porches
in fact any
he may
need to a
nice boost.
Will Grind Your Cora.
no m
And further I can his
corn into Rood Meal and that
will him of
Hie same if he will
bring me his corn
to grind.
1884 34,181.43-1
69.457.468 427.628,933
1888 482,15.184
F. 2nd Vice-Pres.
General Agents. Baltimore, Md.
For we have free new; Ah
you to buy where please, but
if want to save money you to
on street, rear of M.
Cherry For convenience we
have also entrance through H. F.
Keel's Stables On 3rd street. I can give
That you ever had in your life tor
i to less than anyone
else in can give yon. Why
for my expenses are lee and par the
cash for good and save the dis-
counts, and if yon don't it you
Come and see. Raving I years
experience In the I guarantee
or no charge.
forget the
rear J. B.
mi i i-i perfect satisfaction
. place OH
Greenville, N. C.
The firm of H. K. Keel A Co haw this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons Indebted to said firm will
with II. F. Keel, and persona bottling
claims said will present
them to him for settlement.
19th II.
Hereafter I will continue the business,
will soon have a large lot stock Io
arrive. Give men call.
By with the abort yon
will greatly oblige
It; Transportation
Alfred Greenville,
J. r.
S. Greenville, Sec A
N. M. Tarboro. Gen
Cant. It. K. Jones, Washington. Gen Aft
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnishes
and painted.
Killed specially for I he comfort,
and convenience of Ladies.
A Table furnished with Ike
best the market
A trip on the Steamer
not only comfortable bin attractive.
Leave- Washington Monday,
and Friday at o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday,
and Saturday at o'clock, a. M.
Freights received daily and
Bills Lading riven to ell
J. J. id if
Greenville, X. C.
urn teem m m, mi.
Corrected weekly by
SCHULTZ, Wholesale and Retail
Can Smith, the con-
tractor, tells as that the who
go out to look at the work Sundays
do him much damage by running op
and down the embank-
menu, causing the dirt to cave. He
m sore this injury is done thought-
end intent, bat visit-
Bulk Sides
Bulk r
Bacon Shoulder
Pitt County Hams
Sugar Cured Hams
Granulated Sugar
O. A. Salt
Liverpool Salt
Star Lye
Kerosene Oil
,, . the works should be careful to
the Moe if one is keep off the side of
S to
ST to
Co to
The partnership Heretofore existing
between K. Fleming and Fleming
the firm name of A. S. Fleming
bas this day dissolved by mutual consent,
all persons holding claims against
firm present them to F. Fleming for
payment, all persons in i the
come settle with Dim. Jan 17th
I shall business at. the old
Parker's Cross Roads with a full
line of and will lake pleasure in
my old customers and friends.
With litany thanks for past patronage
continuance of the same.
am yours,
arranged that
the Hist weak
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly
tied Executor to the Last Will and
Testament of James B. Edwards, de-
ceased, on the 28th day of January, 1889,
notice Is hereby to all person in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment, and to all creditors of said es-
to present their claims properly
to the undersigned on or
before the 28th day of January, 1890. or
this notice will lie plead in bar of their
recovery. This of January, 1889.
James T.
of James E Edwards.
The will be
new pupils can enter
Mm meta
Urns M. S. Vocal end
mental Music
Miss Roi -r. Painting
Mis ;. Doctor Book
Classical and M-
Painting if
and Good
of Well Prepared Food fat
A Corps of
all being graduates of first class
lions. Music
in work to any In the
New Hanoi and Organs.
A of nearly
purchased recently for the School.
Rates from to las far
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day the same as
Pupils who do not
with the should consult
before engaging board elsewhere.
fur her particulars. Address.
The Is your county pa-
it. 1.50
Lost sometime during the year 1888
five Notes Lorenzo
for Two Hundred due as
One en the 1st day of January 1800.
One on the let day of January 1891.
One on the 1st of January 1892.
One on the 1st. day of January 1898.
One on the 1st day o January
All parties ire hereby warned not to
buy or trade for said notes. This 26th
day of January W. B.
Of Interest to ladies.
North Carolina, . Q n
Pitt County.
above named
lake notice that action, entitle
as has been commenced by
the Superior
of Put county to obtain a divorce a
from the said Pen-
his wile; and the Mid
I will take so
that he is required to appear at
he next term of the Superior
of said to beheld on the
second Monday after 1st Mon
day in March, 1889, at the
House In Greenville, and answer
in said petition, or
will apply to to
relief demanded In his MB-
plaint. , .
This 3rd day of January,
B. A.

From Garret to Cellar, in the
dry, Kitchen, Butler's Pantry, and
has its place. There's
nothing too
too fine for it
With the aid cf ARLINE
a delicate woman can clean
house and wash clothes. It
takes the place cf work, and
is perfectly harmless ; in fact, your things
last longer, because you do not have to
rub them to pieces to get them clean.
PEARLINE is for sale everywhere, but
beware of the numerous imitations which arc peddled
from door to ere dangerous.
Be on r guard for kindred ties
By f be broken ;
bean wear a deep disguise,
friendship be its
lie smile grace
Perchance steal your sorrow ;
For Us clear lo trace
TUe of row.
be aim loon
in-. ere not all ,
loon a, arc
Hum o ,
. a .
l . i
ii j
. .
This is a pertinent temperance
lesson Id the following anecdote. A
farmer once employed young man
to labor his farm
knowing anything bis habits. All
to soon the that his
new hand was addicted to drink-
ins; alcohol and this habit inter-
with his
farmer the
man, give w our my
if up
ye work for
I man.
A th- over-
not limited up
give or
a p I-m, I
i ink
It Makes You Hungry
Celery Compound and it
has a salutary ins-Ma
It ,; cat Tbs be
e-; r, I m-, th blood sad
Me of all MM.
as Bottling else can. n-riM-n,
by f t,
by th S
like a new
man. It Improves
J. T.
a C.
Celery Compound
M a unique tonic and to
the taste, In Its action, and any
effect. It gives that health
which makes everything taste cures
dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians
It Six tor
The Best
the of I was all I
wools get up in the m wits so tired a
feeling, and was so weak that I could get
a lie of Celery com-
pound, and I had taken It m week I felt
very I can recommend
It to ail who need a
. Dow
Co. Burlington, Vt Mrs. B. A. Dow, Vt.
Cutting Hal
the Opera at which place
Bare and where I
in line
With all the imp-overt new
tad chairs.
work of my shop
Very respectfully,
i m,
r-ti. N .
i s mil,
ii-K their supplies will dud In
Internal to KM our before
ii ill its branches.
always at Lowest
b o ,
ft to love,
v i j music i
on i guard. let lift- may end
as . o are ;
. t e . ., .
. f .-.,.,,
i turn
and Schedule.
So IS,
daily Fast Mail, daily
ex Sun.
Weldon pin
At Rocky Mount
Tarboro SO an
pin pm am
Lt S
TiT fl
No No
daily daily
, we buy direct from Manufacturers,
buy at one profit. A
stock of
always on hand sold at prices salt
times. arc all
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run. we sell it a close margin.
N. V.
ex Sun.
i -2 pm
laT Magnolia I
II fed
LT Fare t;
r 4-1
Ar Rocky Mount
Ar W
Lt Tarboro SO am
Ar i
Daily except f pm
Train an Scotland Branch
Halifax for at .
I. M. leaves
8.2 A. M. daily Holiday.
Train leaves X via All
aria R. R. except Sou
P H. Similar P M.
N C, P M. P M.
leaves William-ton, s- C. dally
except Sunday. HI A M, Sunday A
H. an ire Tarboro. N t . A M. V
Train on Midland X r leaves
except M,
arrive N . a M. Re-
leaves Id. .
arrive N A M.
Train on leave-
Haunt st P M. Nashville .;
Hope P M. Returning
I I A M,
A M. arrives Mount II A
If daily, except
Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
bar Clinton, daily. Sunday, at
f II l A M leave
at GO A H, awl K, connect
las st Warsaw fit and 7-1
train on
is No. is
. except Sunday.
Train South will Stop only at
Goldsboro and Magnolia.
tor all points daily. All
fail via and daily except Sun-
Kay via Bay
Trains make for all
points Tia and
II trains run solid between
and Washington, and have
Palace Steepen attached.
i. R. I
T. M.
A ear lead fuel
and now for
II them
i on time. F
mt for b ran to -ell
cheap us one. tile a call.
Have Jim several
ink- to
i -ii. rate.
Tin- outlook in far as
t mi an
nu are i-ii
Farmers ate the mum
There really no murk-
improvement here.
year was in part , North Carolina
progress in
many ways. It is pleasant to read
the following in Augusta
a recent date
in a position to
know, whose is to note
carefully what i going in the
Month, informs ii, the
that la taking place.
The returns or new eve-
in the South show great
activity. Out at ate that
it looks now like 1889 will
anything yet dreamed of in South-
is general. It is no longer
centered in Alabama
e, and to Iron and coal,
bin Maryland to the
good work goes rapidly
before were there so many-
new enterprises on foot in the
covering Much a wide range of
and no Iron,
With a better stem of farming,
improved lauds,
and doing lees of the
with nine m n,,.
I .-m. less pen -lie.-.-
We era
and with
-I Northern nulls; with
et their
i -d truck t-
in. rate
s d larger hanking
C pi
make in
. none Mia
Will try to
a sheep,
Alter a moment's the lit
tie boy turned to his father an
lake .
. I ;.
try It and
Id i, i ,
rial he
he ever made in his lift.
of an actress.
R. e Esq., Count-
Atty. Tex Bed
My brother was very low Malaria
and Jaundice but bi
timely use of medicine. Am
Electric Hitters saved his lite
Mr. I. Cave
Ky. adds a like
He post he would have diet
had It not bin for electric Bitters.
This will ward off, a-
c ii re all Malarial Diseases and for all
Kidney, Liver and Mt
Price and at
Ii. ore.
die ,
1877 land value-, have no e
than trebled. The
land and town that r
was the last
that was
lo Pi. Cast.,
utensils other
in to
it- in-
in value to
In these ten yearn the
. million- to seven
The best in world for
Chapped Hands. Cu
and all Eruptions
and cure- Piles, or no re
quired, it is guaranteed to give
refunded. Price
per tot sale
Hi II.
H d-a-
Having as-,
with me in the
are ready to
elated H. .
business we
serve the people In that
notes and accounts due
for past have been placed in
the Mr. for collection.
keep on at all times a nice
stock Oases and Caskets of all
and can furnish anything desired
from the Case down to a
county Coffin. We me fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd. 1888.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In A. it- A
East. . GOING
Pets.-.- No.
p m
p iii
No .
a m VI
H j
a tn
Pas i
; p m I
, r,
Established In la 1870.
Will open a
. ft f.-r the
giving mil
.-ii. ice -i i no markets.
In Grange i
i ,
Ki.-ion a
H Dover
3-1-V for Cue. .
To- I l
New i 21-
. Si
IN Newport s i
Atlantic -i
pm in On
and Saturday
and Friday-.
Train f-0 with V.
Weldon Train bound North,
Goldsboro r.
Train West.
p. tn.
Train M
Train. at
at., and
Train North at p. in
Train with mid
Weldon Through Train, leaving
Goldsboro at p i and with R eh-
Through Freight Train.
Goldsboro at p. m.
S. L.
your county
r to take it.
u repaired and tip
-m- ii.
. -I . ii. .
ft. Up yo
her yon need .
system five
I Ins advice be wise heed
Take the ,. M. D. m d live.
Those letter stand for Medical
the great
purifying, and disease-ex-
of the age.
Don i hawk, spit, and disgust
with your breath,
but use Dr. Sage i Catarrh Remedy and
The Homestead.
Progressive Farmer.
We are In of resolution;,
several Alliance
n number of calling
for a the law.
The views of the Form r
this question are well to
its readers. For three rears this
paper has said that the Homestead
law in its present a curse to
the people, especially to the poor
people of tins State. We believe
it has done store, directly
directly impair and tn
confidence between man and
than law ever enacted in our
Slate. We believe that the lien
mortgage law winch are
so lo Impoverish
our people are the
this mother
evil. not it should
be repealed
would be violent
would In- followed by
Milt. we do t see
with it is to it
make u a in
Tin ii he away
u- the
n ii
i Presbyterian,
In to tin- Sunday news-
paper, and in answer to m n
he any one who
the as
to show teas on
shy any e in ploy met
-i k
HI.-- allowed lo s.
, or
o their or any
i to be can led
in i
rail i in.
i i
f gr m
t an be a
u it .,
J. C.
. d i.-ii i law-
i , absorb l
long prof-
I ii II .- He
t ho;,. lean
ii i an., not n
Lie . in, g He
mm no hang
is ran.
ii a of
made by Pie
and the.
Se , no
the Some
I t were
no by eland; there
n,, the
he This
i coot rant to the manner in
a the an
g. are now
the and of the j
n. now kept in stock by Mrs, Senate and it m i hat
paid with lo h that
you her J to keep them i here
Ed- line of i of March in
Hat. The latest
Over indulgence of is
mistaken kindness. A child
to obey until it five years
knows nothing else. It so
easy to begin i he lesson at
age, Harder and
most of at twelve.
Indulge say three Ion
yens old, all the little whim
and give it thing i
if it for i
make your and
your household us slave, allow,
to kick
these are wonderful
in a baby; you might
a show of bu give n.
always the tell
of all the child's little
sayings and doings in it present-,
talk over
it little things which it is to.,
young to it
are not going on and then
off-practice all
before a little chili
and ii may be
With intelligence a natural.
disposition, it does n-i.
grow a f.-iii.-h and
in a and overbear-
son, n not be your
You have heard am.
about it. You may
many who
experience how
.- thing it is. It you have ever it,
of h
thing It
alien a trial Dr king s
ever after
now used a
should he id
an; Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, i-e-
a give It a fan
refunded. Ti Free at
awl. nu. .- Drugstore.
OM Mad Hr
fa may of the pride and joy
war horse when he
from I tell yon his
bigs are tarns compared to tor
when I signed that contract,
p was my first engagement. That rs
ft my first Teal
I had gone on and said. My
the carriage gen-
to you, my before,
I had never had a chance to play
O good part, and now I not only
but half a good parts, for,
must know, were going to
a At last I could
out my pent feelings in an
My friends had never shown that
for my talents
which I felt was my due. Now I
Would shew them that I not what
were pleased to call stags
but a
want us When I applied for my
I was deeply incensed
When I found what my part was. I
mean the
but I reflected that all
wars sup to be snubbed. would
I would bide my
I saw Miss G------, the
I sure she
the part. Bo laid my plan.
True, I only had two lines to speak.
Vat I deliver them with such
force as to astonish on,
the meantime I would learn the
jading part by to rehearsal.
would be apparent to every one th
night that the leading
was miscast They would want a
Change. I would play the part, make
a hit, and then any for tun would
mads. felt sorry for th leading
woman, for she was always
hot I reflected that ah was M yeses
Old sad if ah was ever going to
she ought to b on by this
. So th sooner ah found
ah could not act the better for
Th first night earn. I at th
at o clock making up. I wan
dressed by I walked up and
dressing room, thinking
what I would say to the manager when
k offered me the leading part As
last curtain rang up. I did not g
en until th third act, but I want up
stage and watched play.
my the leading woman got
a great deal of applause. At the end
second act celled before
she curtain. must bar a great
many injudicious in front,
tn a Fin City.
is one of the principal
Persia, and is a bustling.
Mao of people, rapidly
rag out in all directions, and destined
soon to outgrow th limits now
scribed by extensive earthworks
and laid out in modern of
fortification by the hat Gen. Butler,
who captured under
Shah. The nucleus or center of th
is composed of th Ark. or th
vast embraces the
now occupied by shah
and the foreign offices, with the
arsenal barracks. Adjoining
Si Ark are the extensive covered
the finest in the east after
those of Constantinople, less
cent perhaps, in the external display
of goods, out more solidly and
constructed. From the center
radiate in all directions,
the space of a European city
f thrice population, owing to
and extensive gardens it In-
and the barge ground plan
the dwellings.
It is now divided into the so called
and new parts, the Utter being
out with considerable regularity,
With brow streets
walks. Public baths abound, bat
Christians are not allowed to enter
those called public. Everything
open to the public. The carpenter
finds his shop too small for the win-
sash he is framing; the good
low takes it out to th shady side of
the street and shapes it on the pave-
regardless of passers by. Ins
are a curiously Independent
set, who require so little to live on
that they spend half the time in sleep-
and smoking; this habit is
aged by the fact that custom
them to have an advance en what
they arc to receive for a Job. ostensibly
to buy the but, if they
spend it in smoking, then hare to
resort to shift to get their
and Louts Glob-
Costly Credit,
can in u be
nu J, ,,, ; .
in Harrison ration bail- His
Raleigh Visitor.
The rep the
agriculture i he State of
shows that average cash
price bacon in that State for 1888
9.71 a credit
price 12.3 average credit
was four months. Corn, cash
price credit cents.
advance is about per cent
tour credit or per
or per annum. The com
farmer on having induced the rate
per last year to per com
this year. He
to effort
of the Alliance.
is said that Walker
will load the cotillion
Germane Inter
I. third act went
on I was at my place. When my cue
I went on tn the I had
practiced. With a stately tread I ad-
to the center of the stag.
ford, the said I, in my
Best The leading man,
to whom I addressed my
at me in dumb amazement.
leading woman turned scarlet under
all her thought
I sees s When I went off
the stag my to
her in spasms of laughter. Ins leading
man seemed angry about something.
I thought he was indignant
laughed. the I
said to him. How dare yon
some on and ruin my best
put you up to that will an-
to ms for it It that
Jones that did it Just because
h knew I would a hat fas the
part. teach him
What on earth did h meant X wan
done this a plot against met I
had heard of such things. O
ailed m to her. hare, my
she said; bad;
he be,
Tea. assent all
right, hut where on earth did you get
that walk and that tragic
She nearly burst out laughing
but her cue came. rare m a
kindly little pat on the cheek with he
fen and went on. Dear, kind hearted.
fan loving Annie G------. How many
sine hare laughed that
I want down i i a
Where were all my plans, my dream
Vanished, as many a poor girl's
vanished on the first night a now
I learned afterward that stage
manager was to take me out
the part, but Miss interfered and
begged them to let me keep the two
lines and she would coach ms in them.
did, too, and then began long
of I hare to thank to.
But, goodness, how I hare wandered
from my subject I going to
you of my first good part, but this let-
tor has grown so long I am to
write more, so I'll leers that until an-
other in
A Ore As
art schools are, as they
serve to be, increasingly popular. In
the four schools there about six
students, many of them really
fine professional artists, feel the
ed and refreshment of study in such
a course, under the four
of the world. Of the
and most
for, as they are the strong men
the arts Ins work dons
them is truthful earnest.
The models pose st o'clock In
morning, and study lasts from then,
with an IS to o'clock-co
S o'clock in the
There are no holidays the
Sunday and the 14th or
In the men's schools the sours at
Try much th as at the
Arts. Th of women's
Is not quits so but mush,
ah and the present ; f
much nearer it than
Th American women are reckoned
among the stronger workers. It is a
for those who lore art, fox
ha own sake, to linger here studying
and working in this fall
of the beautiful, gaining that strength,
she hack of which is so often felt in
Baltimore Amer-
A by Josiah
of Vermont, in his Christ-
sans stocking, sixty-four years ago, In
now on exhibition in Bennington.
Coal Ska
throwing of fuel upon the fir
is generally considered as a means of
augmenting the amount of beat pro-
and taken a a whole ft
bare that effect. But for th
of a steady fir and an Tea
hat, only a small amount of fuel
should be thrown upon fir st a
time. Th reason for this rs, that
is dependent upon two
for its heat giving Ons of
these, the remains fa a
solid state, while other,
is As th latter
process must be accomplished
to first will be ready for burning, th
first effect, of throwing fuel upon
is that of cooling. Not must
the solid coal b raised to th
but the
must be earned cm. Bar th
laws come into play in
ion of water.
The and
more heat that a
counted for in th teat
and is therefor
latent hi
taken to burn these as as
given off, it would be bettor that they
did not exist. For ft will b readily
understood that if the fire,
due to the combustion solid carbon.
did not hare to heat these gases, it
would give out just that
beat, that would be for
steam making. It Is to aha fas
that coke ha been accredited
greater heating properties then
been and sot
burned. But am
a that these am
fees ugh It th
of the coal will be found to to
by just th amount heat
out by the of the
gases in excess of what
to distill of
In general cows t la
rather wanting m
why do they th road
in front of a But
The Pall Mall cite
of what looks like
sagacity and a true neighborly
The other morning, a.
one, two cows came to our gate,
On the lookout for
and after being at first
by their pleading look I he-
myself that they might b m
want of water. No sooner lad
idea occurred to ms I had
water brought in a large Teasel which
the poor animals at one sucked up
with the greatest Th
then sauntered contentedly away to a
field near at hand.
In about an hour were
and not a little amused by see-
our two friends marching to
the accompanied by three other
The water tap was again celled ism
new comers
tn like helped
with and repeated
s rot of
visitors slowly off to shoes
It suite clear to us that the two
first callers, pleased with their
reception, had strolled to
sister gossips and dairy
and boa informed I
not my, can you their liberal
and then had taken she
liberty of moat
Eastern R
A of
to your r
r, -hint
will prompt
ton trig,.
Circa to
tali u
by a p
Ht Mayor
In and
of any a i In
i-s Wood
r. i fir
a f Hat. B.
Edition f O m
A groat
fall and for
a v.
k CO.,
mark la not t
r Year,
ever in
It th
and gives Mora Matter for
any other paper
in North Carolina.
The gives a variety
and LOCAL, and will it-
self to material advancement
of t he section in which it
your and get a
is called to the a its
large and growing circulation
it excellent
through which to reach the people
i Ml
obtained, and all ii. V. M
Patent office or in Courts attended tn
for Moderate Fees.
We arc the S. Patent
flee engaged in Patents
can patents less time than
more remote from Washington.
model or drawing is
as to free of .
we no w
We refer, here, to the Ms
of the Money Order Did.
official-, of the S.
terms rel
act mi I clients your State,
C. A. Snow A to.,
Wellington, D, so
. . . a
mom done.
been ran on
this For by s
Pries only cents,
Mothers all crow weary and
remarked Oregon
pinion o- on f
questions of day.
tn tn
milks six
bread- starts four to
three, the for
Notice I
hens, likewise the hogs,
sheep, twenty
milk, washes the cloths, din-
I could hire anybody to do
ft she Not much Mar-
a success, sir; a frost
. i.- b. rheum rt ism
sin Is Salvation to
out of hair, and f
is before the
the many who have with
wonderful success, I refer you to
named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth my assertion
Mr. O.
Any one wishing to it s for
I the named complaints can procure
over baby's to Bull's
The from the seat of art m Own at my place of business,
but not m with
Hull s Cough ; re
ind J concerning It proves it to tie th
Only M f
. m
The Star is the New York i
paper possessing the fullest
of the National Administration and
United Democracy of New York,
political battle ground -if
Jeffersonian Democracy, pure
simple is Rood enough for the
handed the
press, it has stood by called
the great Democracy to redeem I lie g
eminent from twenty-live rears of
publican wastefulness and
and despotism to the South. For ill
four years past it has been
in its fidelity to the administration
drover Cleveland. It is for him n
for Cleveland and
more of Democratic honesty in t
national affairs, and of continued
and prosperity.
For who like sort of
the Stab is the paper to read.
The .-TAR stands squarely on th
National Democratic It ids
that any tribute exact, d from
people in excess of I lie demands of
government economically
is essentially oppressive and
The scheme fostered and
the Republican
government a miser, wringing
annually from the people and
them up in vaults to serve no
Invite wastefulness and
it regards as a
the rights of American citizenship.
publican political jugglers may call
taxation the
for it is robbery.
Through and through the Star
great newspaper. Its lone la pure
wholesome, its news service
Each issue presents an
tome of what is best worth
world's history of yesterday,
stories are told in good, quick,
and mighty
leaning they are.
The star i; as as j
best class magazine, and
same amount of matter i
day's news it is rich in d
articles. of cum
literature, reviews, criticism, l
in its columns
fill letters are its choice
of the best known men and won
in literature and art are represented
its columns.
The Weekly Star is a huge
giving he cream of I lie the worn
over, with special features which
the most complete family
published. The farmer, the
the business man too much occupied S
read a daily paper, will gel more for MB
dollar invested in the
than from any in r paper, n ha
especially alert during Hie
will print the freshest and i
political news.
, i m, i;
day for one year
Daily, without Sunday, one year
day. six months
Daily, without Sunday, six month
Sunday edition, one year
one year
A free of the Stab
the sender of a club of ten.
Address, STAR
Broadway and Park Place, New
B. K. B.
Printers and Binders,
We have largest and must
of the kind i be found hi
Mate, and solicit orders for all
road or School
or Binding.
us your orders.
New Firm
But the same Barbers cut
found at the Club House Barb, r
Which is presided by
Smith and rt G, Hedges
need no before
People and Pitt conn
their competency i.
has been fully prove.
added in our shop one of th I a rest
proved chairs and we intend giving
customers as good a shave Hail
r thing in the Tonsorial II
n be had anywhere. Ladies
waited on st their residences.

Eastern reflector, 13 February 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 13, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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