Eastern reflector, 23 December 1902

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mi. i in mi mM
You Write
a letter to every
member of the best
in County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
U 1902.
Commercial Printers
Books. t Office
Ricks Wilkinson
North State News
Bad Negro Scrapper
Resisted Arrest.
near and young and old rejoice. There
are many things in our store most suitable for
Christmas gifts, because the useful gift is always
the most welcome.
If it's a nice Umbrella that you would like
to give your girl, sister or wife, we have the
finest line in town, We. are offering these at
cost. Come early and get the pick. Prices
ranging from to
We are offering our entire stock of Clothing
and Overcoats at cost.
There will be a change in our business Jan.
1st, so now is the time to get a cheap suit or
Ricks I Wilkinson
The arrival of a to
tied bloody
afternoon is one de-
of a not at lie
Ibis morning.
Geo. colored, had en-
gaged in an affray wit Tug-
officer Belcher attempted to
arrest the the latter milted,
fired once at Belcher, hitting him
with two shot in the leg. Belcher
returned the lire with a revolver,
striking the in the thigh.
was arrested, hied, and
bound over lot be Superior
He was kept in the lockup Tues-
day night This just as
a guard were about leave for
for to turn Joyner over
the a brother of George
up and interfered the
proceedings, declaring I hat Ilia
brother go The
the blacks, involving about
body it it Mid that had been at-
to that part of town. No
shots mm bill such
Hal arguments as were
appropriate i be soon
and I lie two wire
here and jailed about
The North Carolina
of Academies will meet
Dee, 26th and
The Blades Lumber
New Bern, has been chartered by
the state, capital
The state the eat Gut I
can pant
thousand, eight
and sixty Confederate veterans In
North Carolina have pen-
amounting in Hie In
this year.
The Proximity Mills of Greens
have reduced the number
hours to constitute a weeks work
to This is virtually an i
of per cent, in wages.
Only of the money
by the Amos Owens
Tree Co. has refunded, and
unless the remaining b
forthcoming this week the de-
will go to jail. It in said
the balance due is not in
If North Carolina elect
legislators she will
to lie known elsewhere us the
Van State. Her rank II
cultural products has given In
an excellent reputation. She
men; lei liar Hale
men prove
r a brilliant holiday store
in., and
. ., with
, and
mid engines and and
skates and l-ls. and hobbyhorses
galloped, nail owe mooed,
mica that ran. tad and every-
thing, everything, ever
enters Hie most Christmas
B the center the large show win-
dons, fronting the guy street,
stood two soldiers. They were by
odds the the store,
much superior to the com-1
posing the different troops and rap- I
meats and companies stationed here
and there along the aisles. The pair
were mad,, of tin, to be but they
were of heroic stature, eight Indus
tali richly uniformed In black and
yellow, and he wound up
they would present arms several
III succession.
The other soldiers, poor things, were
compelled to remain lido at
u or a with-
out relief.
Naturally these two soldiers were
proud and Of aspirations reaching la-
of a little hoy, sure
he wasn't lo burl b
,,.,, i u wart And be ex
True, be was ,
and chuckled the
look in me you mean
to that you never stepped
replied lb second. t
didn't He around on the BOOT. was
put away Just as soon in be was done
Saying with me. Ills mother bad
ill tin
aid the Hi
out all night
ck and sol-
at you with his
the. end -pan
An innovation recently
in public
which proved i
New Hymnal Method. Church of H
December I. . Cruel pupils in v.
time in the history of music l of
K. civil employed a Mall Mini
war, important from recall
the church, north have satisfactory in a Dumber as
arranged lo hold meeting j I but County Assn
interests of like elation board lo
both branches This will occur. continue bis a the lull
the tenth of next womb, when a length of the lam which has be,.
commission of north, I done. The vocal instructor
of eleven member., who have III each in at stall
of i new cell week
for will
I with a similar of eleven
men from th-
of considering adoption
same b fol both branches of
The general is a
compromise will be made and some
of the best hymns of the two
branches be placed in the i
AKin Better Service.
Mining petitions from Greenville,
have been sent to the officials of
the Coast Line asking for
an Improvement
facilities on this of
road, as suggested in
a weeks The
is made trains
mi, having to come
down from in
has been not training
of the pupil-, hut it bu
the of the chi i-
In and ha-
We arc always glad to m
peace in I In family, and is
pleasure to
the by
has ad-
justed. V A.
Bishop tells us the
Washington acquiesced la
work i lie conference and Bishop
Unit all up
will Bland as ill
made. The brethren
have former
action, taken no on spin
to this
rand their present narrow quarter
They pined tar n wider sphere. M
and with Used
gage plain glass Into lbs
guy street they talked In toy
language, mid none, not even the must
linguists among the people
passing mill recessing, knew that they
lib, gel sway from
guard mount over a lot
Sighed one.
With nil my agreed the
other. monotony i
give ball my to receive
orders i. report to sums boy,
continued for u
III.- of mile are
o rough and responded
second. Hay
vii and bend you otherwise null-
treat and
you're for. I prefer duty of n
more quiet, Instructive nature, where
l may hi means my
man by violent
w.-ii. i should a hard
and ii I asserted the
our Is ton Ana tor such
active Ice. no
the second.
and i me a
mere where m uniform Will
muted as u d.
in the
And he you ace now
son you
said the and .-pan
, , ,
in drag you about
will, a
said and sol
in- terrier on you;
ii, you bed with him
roll y.
-Never. I n
in Hi.
-in kick or you or throw
Never. I can present
us well as
kiss you and you Witt nil
his and cry f you
was through eating too much
lie Used
for days and I'd
really do all lo
all that and
Lain red soldier sail.
And did lie you, y-u any
i and span soldier a j
kicked me and be
the Aral.
did yOU the
bud the time of my declared
the other. did And things
up to your
The mid span soldier
then lie
I can't complain. Hut
hut somehow l grew dreadfully en
i longed at
more excitement, more energy.
got tired one another, after a day
or we exhausted all our
of pr-per and he s. can
of wearing me out was
laid aide, and and. dually, here
am. suppose he even knows
-Dear unwed the other. I m
glad my little boy was like yours
curse are the knocks; lint.
N .
Drawing Near,
And i- come for you to think
what shall loved
.- think we can help you if you are
in fol we have a beautiful lot
goods for you to select
ant and
showing distinct
unrivaled. Now is the opportune
time to Christmas
They are here but may go
our line of Fancy Booking all
sizes, and Furniture, co-
Our Fancy Brie
Novelties range in from to
We think we have the large
stock f in the town,
know our pi ires, are low.
n i urn ea I a i T
Oh Mr. Santa
forget We
Fruit fake yell We hare all
ingredients, all new and Our Nu
an-nil this year's We carry
in line hut the best we can get. On Use
Department is
for the
tilled with everything needs
Greenville's Great
Department Store.
than Rev. Mi-
ll, addition to the beat in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
-.- m
Packing Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
and return in evening , M.
The is informed ,.,
that over Hales of cotton has
changed Greene Pitt
during the last three days
and above algal
lay been ever
when after their
f the moment, in refusing . iV. . m
gone a
lion two
letter to Kev. Mr.
Whom the appointed In
that h.
shall receive Ike m l and
Ala., December
W. Giles,
today d in the supreme court, a
p. lo
hard lo
issue place
his name of l N
voters. The wit brought
the of OW u
of Two suits of
The have i.
l Mayor
I it report.
lined and
drank and
lined and
A. and
have been tiled tides, i and Main---1
both Of which were decided against Forbes,
where the man had
thrown them out. .
Hello, chap
Hie With
more reserve. Keen
i -in
I Well he Ibis query.
other a He
. had l-t mi arm awl a fool, his bead
,,.,, forward upon Mi
cheat he hail one .-. hie
i Ida bro-
ken cap in hi-
were and tot
his in. f Li. i. and there
II l Of i ml
I having no
Brat, with a cracked tough.
-lint why. i found
just what were
explain. I second.
Into poet, U the
Goes up or
According, to the
you give your
Keep it to yourself
and it goes down. Keen
it before the public and It
climbs up.
Never tried it Well, it's time you
tried it and let the people know you
want their trade. The advertising
need regularly and persistently, will
make grow. Are you
your If nut, ad-
you will be satisfied
with the You will find
Interested in what you say if you
talk to them
int. MEET.
oh. was I
he's crying for me at Instant
,, . chum u is well i
in cartel la damp I am
a hack and I
i logo before he would H
.-Hi , ., i. lite ran
i sigh with at
., , on hi-1 I'm
i in n n i aye. it
,.,, i have had time i
n i f.
his one eye he
a In the up at lbs
Push your business
up by advertising
A R R P U I. attention to in our Job Depart-
is in of work we
turning out. We have the best equipped
do a class of printing hardly in
If you are particular as to the quality of your
printing, we want work. We give you the
his contentious.
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
THE -v
Greenville Warehouse .
makes no claim that is not borne out by fuels. An average ,,. years ago.
of 111.70 for everything sold on our floor during the tomorrow,
talking about what nut , ,,
Che re-of do who ell at the ,,,, .
Warehouse. You only have be convinced
has on trial in the
N. V.,
late cashier of
in- Ural B uh
vine. N
and co-l. ea. Ii
and Lather N
Seal lined and
Will vulgar
I penny and
got you the highest every time.
at r. Proprietors Warehouse.
tor about a week.
will I
the in Ike
Buggy fa . iii
led lo a. arc to
My doing you will
as trouble and
I Sept
In I i W
In China and Japan are
meal remarkable
flawing in world, all
drawn with lie- thumb Ike
thumbs left hands
of the -in H U are allowed
tn mi en. length,
tun.-. to ii fool or u inches, and
then oared down a u d
point tapping oddly on
mo hi beautiful or blue
sin la el Ink In
h I a a
i in s i
ON life alee
are sketched by e of the
artist's mid
of the orient, to I
nail pictures are mounted
hi l de a.
n. g lo English cur.
u la Id. with
the , i meaning
-l baa
ii- m n i In Beg
l , ,,,;. rib i U
America where native
i eh Q hi more or leas
i T ere on i i
other . i. of that have
and I . kith and
ii ii and
A San and two little
. in a window
m i. give the
. Ike lo em
including Ribbons in
widths and shades,
Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern Hats.

t r
the S.
destruction may well
fatal tickets now.
II begins to took like
Is to be one of those
trench after all.
future o
or an educated ac. of
As the
rue first five year., of ft
by life and you hate
before the Pitt County The same rule holds
Association. with the primary teacher. In
i bands of of
. work lies the key of
M s ,,,,.,
of If km been drilled i.
a ,.
thinks Bishop
i woeful lack of in
away from Charlotte to get
was not
In primary and secondly school. ,
it MU a calling; was an ,
avocation- , the d. r will be opened.
Young men who were obliged to n
work their way through fur I
omen in search of temporary and
occupation with moderate,
f IT. The open, can
I have kepi Cherry
in my for peel Busy
years. It is best medicine Is
J. C. Williams,
A grasshopper bung on a
And shivered one winter day;
song that be sing
Ti not always
or less scholarship, who
were out of a job, frequently
In more years the rapid
advance of education in all parts of
our laud, and the development
improved educational method.,
have rained the teacher's calling in
whatever grade he or she
wall ii with the light
receives by its guider day by day
along interesting path
knowledge. The teacher must
in each pupil,
make each child an individual
study and adapt the teaching to
their need. I he ways of MM
All serious lung
troubles with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
, II las. I.
a. law DO
-o M ,.
pupil ha. so much talent some secure enough Io uphold It.
articular direction as to To aim of
age bur. to cultivate that to the should lie to give to the body
neglect of thereat. beauty,
if pupil possess some of which
particular which it is they at capable; fitting the
able to cultivate to hi.
new welfare for good of
others, let there rise above the
broad foundation, a graceful
dome, nil airy pinnacle but resting
; on a base bread enough and
for the duties and pleasure
as well a. for the hindrance of
this life, and for the enjoyment of
that life I his is, or should
be, school of
Fresh Gossip From Near-by Vicinities
Winterville Department
by Our sad
Reported for REFLECTOR Reader.
attitude of Judge Boyd
Ike cherry tree case has all along
appealed to the sense of right and
He is eminently fitted
the high office.
the dignity of a true profession of are
It U undeniable, however, and
not all so-called teacher, are com-
for that task, L Variety i. the
wires us that ram
las been so scarce this season his
re too poor to travel and
ks will have to get hi.
I f the laundry in order to e
usual trip.
To to boot. .
f b
there are pettifoggers in u
id churches,
knave- in politics and impostors
here, so long we shall find
development the part of flow
pupils in her class. If all
were well behaved quick to
learn, for some of us people all the
A noted once
M all people a part the
time and a part of the people all
the time. you cannot fool all
would be paradise.
But there is a cheerful side even
the dull pupil question, for
motto i. not to fool any of the
any of the time. Keel proud
of this word in the past are
j women upon the teacher's
rm who are in nature,
la . morals both unfit and
for the noble calling which
they profess. I have called the
the teacher's profession a noble
one. This is the case, not merely L.,.,
are slow development, I demonstrating the same every day
or even are Dot c are
a wort of the following con
fitly spoken will change Heel and
a lifetime. wagons, cart, of all
The ability Io leach any subject jail the wire fencing our machines
j real to them a. ours well presupposes the pail the running steadily,
The true teacher a I borough knowledge hack bands, Improved
to out all that is the subject. To leach well what saddles, coffin. Besides the
good in a pupil, not merely to she teaches H the planters, tobacco
hi. mind of a teacher. But flues and Handy truck, are an
into this is not item their season,
to know bow to Fertilizer When
matter bow crude, hat she knows so skillfully as to selling you an not
make of it an instrument of we tell you the plain facts
culture the case. When we guarantee an
On the other hand, great article we do it a vim and
being, to every
he may happen to possess it.
a it.
because the mass of those who
, V. The it are noble men and women; cold
folks de- j rather ll it the nobility of the pro and u says; the two never to up same
noble men and every u
with the there comes at
By paying one which attracts
do likewise, thus creating I
i, .,
endless chain of earth,
good will to
and regret.
soul. these object, .
at the most interesting
count the cos.
bending there will career, a. U if to M
going to war with a king who had
We think it doubtful if
. I prefer activity of mind inter- called on.
. in the work lather than high . A. Cox
. I It is certainly true A. Kittrell left for Buffalo,
; while possession of X. Y., this morning on business.
I edge is desirable i. doe. not always Mr. Fanny Tyson ha. several
One teacher floe plants for
succeed, where another fails, not sale.
because more or bet ; A certain party in town had a
lei prepared, but because she has ,. t get on hi. yard picket
cultivated the ability to impart walling the other day. When re
and with this the occurrence he remarked
is must always lie the ability that he could not see what in the
In adapt the knowledge which the world the cow wanted in hi. yard
he as there was no green stuff it.
Because a He was promptly reminded that
teacher know, a certain point and here might have beta in the house.
sees it clearly herself, I. not a He declared he was not home
say that the last one was the
best we had ever had in Winter-
Messrs. W. H. and D.
Whichard spent Thursday night
in town.
If it were not for the thought
that it was Christmas times how i i making his
lonesome it would be with all the I u i r
students pine.
Mr. of Goldsboro,
father of Miss Hattie
who has in school here, came
up his daughter yesterday
morning spent the day in
Thursday nigh, being the last
night the would be to-
were turned loose
allowed Io have a big time.
Whether the boys succeeded in
having a big time or not they
had a long time and a loud
lime. The last we heard of them
they were going house to
house with a couple of drums
milking all the fuss they knew
bow, beating the singing
and yelling.
We notice that Mayor J. M.
J. P. work is increasing
considerably. People far and near
have the test confidence in him
that he is well posted I
oh legal matters they come to him ,
for advice as well as to get out
papers. A private office would be
a great convenience for him.
Santa Claus
They have a full supply of everything in line
for the little folks and the large ones, too. The
largest assortment of Candies in town Nuts,
Raisins, Cakes, Apples, Oranges,
They also have everything nice in the way of
for your ChristMas Goods,
Jellies, Pickles, Cranberries, Prunes, the best of
Flour, the finest Butler, in fact anything usually
found in a class grocery. You only hare to
call or ring phone and your wants will be
promptly supplied.
Have You
i link of
hardship la merely a synonym lot
But lo her
office of teacher
; and one
some respects the primary
p for Harper's Weekly. For nM
year that paper has vilified and the position n
Insulted the beat southern thought is like a man with a to
No lie against standing at the source of a of the pupil.
Booth has been too low find an great river and Um out school
into column. It has, h- Z sign that the pupil .,, the time and turned on.
pictured as to . always I a a fine bus
and traitors and . nu, upward -till to leach-sue v once asked, shipping holly be
women Who would keep of fit a. I he Mart. of , a week or two prior to
Greek M ,, WM deemed and to her I . the . F. is now occupying
to tench a primary J , The wise answer Mack Bryan house, Mr. Bryan
the north-i school. Happily that day i long however, the s in.,
re- past. Broad learning, the without attempting to draw up a
spirit of culture may brood over complete list,
The av-
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
All the horrors
to it that you do not I De Co dwelling, J. A-
your pupils on cold
i to child labor in
are nothing in
victuals. I
years of age arc forced to
work o'clock in the evening
U o'clock next morning,
their feet the entire hours
Take lesson into your own ,,,
mind anew, re-think it and then ,
serve it hot and steaming comer. Mr. Edwards
pupil, will have an moved his family here to get
for your instruction, and you will the High School.
quicken made two or
n with; . , , i, The firs, is discipline.
expanding intellect; r.
the proven of mine own- a that cage doe. not enjoy I.
Pennsylvania, where tots enable the teacher to view oh July, J
from the of discipline their attention. J. B. Carlyle, of
point, and a ready . Her pupils There la no subject la college, will in the
rare patience, a . w protest, , High
and an hope-- u more fa. reaching in its Thursday night.
, , , , u. than that physical
which they i area
Black Jack, N. t;., Dec.
Adams and Abram Dixon
left Thursday for Greene county on j
a hooting tour.
E. L. Clark J. H. Mills
went to Washington Wednesday
Little Miss Dixon who
ha. away on a visit, returned
Friday to the delight of
her many friends.
Miss Lucy Frank White, was I
visiting friend, at Chocowinity
last week.
E. L. Clark, is spending a few
day. in Washington under treat-
M . . ., , , l ma, vi .,.
and Mr. Edwards, of Dr. eye special- with two in
I right ear and swallow fork In left.
. I Tip. of horn, white some white In
Walter of j tail. Owner notified to call tor
was here tat Saturday. , pay
Come to sec me for next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
to please-
las. B. White.
. A black yearling been my
stock sine the first of May, last. The
and never of disobeying
Perhaps it is unconscious
But with most person.
Through ounce of
The pub
lie cordially invited. Those who
bin, before know
men, whether their are In
the or in the College
their and
their opportunities are de.
k. H in Baltimore
la the Baltimore correspondence perhaps j j of ,,,
Of the Charlotte we Hull nation.
A certain philosopher
the following reference to a
man who formerly served St.
Paul's church In
celebration of the
of Episcopal
ships In a handsome brown
Structure on Monument street, and
includes many of wealthiest
It was founded, in
me make the song, of a
try and I care not who
What he mean., obvious
If, was he would wings
of purity and
and lie sung
by and in the home,
shop and held and street.
The should lie imbued
Saturday to attend the
W. H. Wynne, went to Wash-
Mis. Annie White was visiting
to her
lat week.
Death the home of Mr.
Mrs. C. Dixon the 15th of
November, and took from them
heir darling baby,
a j
of th class two or . n or t;
room The less order the less i. which to work off their surplus ,,, and sec I hem. N
like heaven; scholarship, -that as Miss Bessie Moore, of Mr. Mrs. C. H.
the case be in ,., , Misses Hattie and daughter, Miss Eva, spent Sat-
alike up i in Greenville.
who bee.-, e more alert their bodies; Mr G. Cox's Mrs., Jerome to Win-
not to an- correspondingly at Susan has Buffering Saturday.
bad better resign. It is a great thing for boy. and Thursday from ft
the disciplinarian girls to feel that they can stroke of paralysis.
With be drilled non H. Worth, ex State Ruined Monday.
thoroughly that drill Treasurer, also formerly state bus
Some of our people went to i miles
from Greenville, north side of river.
la always In
take, a real in
all little Hie Interests, not
only Hi room but
where. Such a
fail-. exact obedience.
If sympathy L a native
a large degree, through the effort,
of the late Bishop of the
Carolina. memory is
treasured here u the
State where he served during hi-
prelacy. From small
Grace ha. grown Into a great
with it chapel,
rector assistants and
Dr. Arthur Clinton
and one of the
rectors is Rev, F. B. Harding,
spirit and have -hem tartar tty, It to largely
like iron and when scene, events
of today
Exum sister Mis. Allie
went to Vanceboro Friday and re-
Treasurer, also formerly state bus- j Lorenzo la on the sick
Lei if also consider ,,. for the
receives any j,,,, little time here, Misses Mamie and Vesta Worth-
for extra labor which went to Greenville
bring to lecture Thurs- day.
I about the only way to Induce day over the
as well as a large and Mon .
Notice Is hereby given I will
make before the Board of
County Commissioners, at their meet,
on first Monday in
licenses to retail liquor at Cobb's
tore. In Beaver Dam township.
This Nov.
Dec. at the John
Proctor Place, mile, north Green-
ville, will sell st auction to
highest bidder, several head of
tram, earls, utensils,
fodder, several hog. cattle,
Ac. Term, of sale
There will soon change In
the firm of the Flanagan
Buggy Co., and all persons
to ii. are requested to settle
once. By so doing you will save
us trouble and yourself cost.
Sept 1902.
Hoard op
of Pitt
The following is a of
of meetings of lbs Board of
of Pill County;
of day. each member
ed; number of miles traveled and
amounts allowed for service as com-
missioners for the fiscal year ending
December 1st, 1902.
U. L. Davis hath attended. days
Jesse Cannon day
W. G. Little days
L. J. . days
J. J. . days
For days as com.
For mils, traveled
For days as com.
For day
For miles traveled
For days com. a
For as .
For miles M
L. I.
For days as com.
For miles traveled
For days com.
For a
they enacted would uphold
patriotism and
The country rot- in
the of teachers. The In
that they both eon
II is the widespread, more than
of any other class. The element. I
angel of mercy, but they that a., credit for. Io
The short u. of
Io v
an item of considerable
Teach large or
life and saying. . make gestures where I hey come
iii, reading great and light. Mutton song- are helpful
Letters from
I cured by dally.
C. H. Langston apt Sunday on,
For I
who have
The personal appear
an.-.- Is no small In
Scat, well
lilting more potent
f discipline than
in a drill In
ea variety lo the
Dot to put
a great on
i such
Bud will lie faithful lo
If there be
j III give bin. a
four pool to till dining the
audience was most highly
of by every one, in fact
, haven't quit it. , -j,
I. . thought and body av
Smith attended the Teacher. by
inform nut Merit prop-
not but have heard in Greenville Saturday.
Total amount allowed Board,
ST North I
I, T. R. Moore, of
the Board of for
county aforesaid, do
foregoing Is a correct as
appear of record In my
Tills day of November, Hat;
T- It.
Clerk Board for Pill Ce.
A Will.
A forecast of a sudden change
mil ice
voice and a heavy cough
To Extend lo New
The Washington
I Co. is negotiating for an I dud
extension from Washing- doctor.
Why r II Is so
see trouble Is
pie a M One The from Washington to New;
Into blood.
ts of , North Carolina I In Court
amount of required to keep up county I
the mull Is ens Armstrong, A Co.
more of the row. vs.
weak, then weaker, until Is Mary U Hellen, now
Here s ires, mistake la made. Mr, L.
The above named will
lake notice so action entitled as
,,,.,,,. may invade the sanctity of heal b , ion to New thirty live miles
in your own home. Cautious may a
digestive .
w u
and makes rich red blood, health true u
and strength.
tissues, purities, strength-
and sweetens the stomach.
O. W. Atkinson, of W. V.,
I have used a
bottles of Rod I
be ft very I.
I . .
as young .-.
be killed any I.
be lain
bill a plant lo
be trained and brought
. Is win. may
heals, and
and tin
This remedy
In s condition so
rich, red blood Is through
. . the veins of every muscle, tissue
I sod fiber every of the SB-
,; lire body, by of health, full
of Superior of
on tr. nib u of .-
lice la hereby given lo all persons
holding claim to
bands of patient of hi. year's
of Me who did recover, the high. of
N of H k capable.
of i. . for.
end vigor Is soon restored to
cures Indigestion,
I have taken for nearly two months
alter meal end II Is only remedy
pave relief from the terrible I
I present to mo payment on or ,,, from pm,
I MOTS the- 22nd day , time I would less l
Many smokers are saying they
B any recovery
gel no
. and or now. walls I s
this notice will he plead r , n, , cured me.
at fur tea-
wit or W lack
. Th Is day of
. I lie-
J-w- N. Y.
What Tan Eat.
, Beam lib. i
Haddock, B. o.
above been commenced before lbs
Clerk the Superior Court of PM
county lo revive a dormant
which the
you at Dec. term Pill Superior
court and Interest
and to issue execution on said
said defendant will fur-
lake notice ens ii required
to appear st office lbs
the Superior court el Pitt county at
lbs court house In Greenville, H. On
on the null January, 1903, at
o'clock a. m. show If any
she have, why execution should
issue on said judgment for amount
due thereon, or the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the rebel demanded.
This Dec. 8th,
Will soon to usual problem con-
old trouble as last year.
hard to And things to give
If you And it so a visit here will help yon
to decide and afford yon relief. store
fall of articles for a man's Christmas.
Run down this will
strike something he would be, de-
lighted to have.
Overcoat Night Robe Shirts Hosiery
Muffler Raincoat Shirt Hand-
kerchiefs Suit Sus-
Collars Cuffs
Cap Umbrella
While Vest
When Christmas. Shopping we would be
leased have you come here your
troubles and fix out.
Tom Hooker PROF. AT
evening from Wilson.
W. H. Harrington i-
strip lo veil evil , , ,
Prof. y
Mills, .,
Mrs. J. R. and children Thursday night. Though the
left this for Raleigh. train him was two hours
Miss Elise Vincent returned the audience, an
Monday evening from Norfolk. feast was in store for
J. K. Warren returned from theta awaited hi. arrival
they were more i
Monday evening.
D. i ,., , . a a than repaid for waiting,
r. Major is from . , , .
the holidays. opened with we
-in. Mrs. Harris, of ,,, ,, , an a,
Falkland, were b Ho
The King Clothier.
I Monday from ft visit to
I Aurora.
Mayor H. W. and wife
and Miss left
this morning for Norfolk.
C. S. Can- a guest Cut ton
Dale His name
omitted in Monday's per
margin of paper lo remind you
that you owe tub
for we you to
an We what
owe and hope you will not keep
waiting for it.
Tail notice la for who find the
mark on their paper.
Snap at Home News Put
la Pew Words for Busy Readers
If its groceries you'd better
ii ear Co.
cards, and
lets at Mrs.
The not
are found.
Ton should see the display of
china, and
at Mrs.
Anything you want to chew
or smoke at Beam Co, and toys
for Santa Claus.
Nice Hue of dolls, wagons and
other toys for Christmas at Savage
railroad stores.
Remember Savage
railroad store is the place for
Christmas goods. Cheapest store
in town.
The same money gets more goods
at Savage railroad stores
than elsewhere. Go there and
save money.
Fruits, nuts, raisins, candies,
toys, wagons, guns, dolls, and
other Xmas specialties cheap at
Samuel M. Schultz's.
Just anything Santa Claus wants
the way of fruits and
can be found at Savage
railroad store.
All are cordially invited to ex-
Mrs. holiday-display.
Be sure to call before making your
Xmas purchases. Store open at
presents galore in a
Hue of jewelry just Mrs,
on purchases
Brief Mention of People net
With In the World
Julius Sugg returned to
J. F. King left Saturday even-
for Atlanta.
J, K. Warren left this morning
W. B. Burnett,
was in the city today.
B. T. Bailey returned from Goose
Nest Saturday evening.
left this
for his home in
W. E. returned from
Saturday evening.
Captain Williams is on
the sick list since
Misses and Belle
spent in country.
District Attorney Harry Skinner
returned Saturday evening from
Misses and Ethel Skin-
returned Parmele
day evening.
Cox to Kin-ton
Saturday evening lo accept o
Superintendent W. II.
is the public schools the
this week.
Misses Lizzie and Sarah Harding
spent Saturday with their sister,
Mrs. F. C.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. King, of
Farmville, spent with rel
in Greenville.
Miss Mattie Grimes and Judson
Blount, of Bethel, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Moore
Mr and Mrs. J. T. Howard, of
Conetoe, who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. returned
home Sunday.
music pupil, of the school.
Prof. Carlyle was
Superintendent W. H.
who to the
speaker's of eloquence and
oratory, spoke of
that followed address delivered
by him before
at the summer
or 1901.
In the opening of hi. address
Prof. Carlyle of the
city, i, gave him again be in
ville expressed his
Of Pitt county and interest of
Henry T. is on the in He said
-sick list. he attended an
J. A. Iv. Tucker was
here today. live county were
Mrs. L. WM and he
re r these, H well an oilier
men, our
of was bu, ,.
summing up it was the
W. M. Moore of that the Super-
n town today. of county had
F. T. of Willow Green, surpassed them all, his speech
was in the city today. f He
J. J. Nobles son, were he learned something
in the city today. else that gave him great pleasure
Mr. Abe Joyner were of Slate
shopping here today. beloved of Pitt county, to
Clarence Jones went to Goose had
Nest this morning. offered a medal lo the boy or girl
., ., . , of his county who would write the
that this medal was won by
Mies Sallie Cotton left for Ball- , f Winterville
more this , , , ., .
Prof. Carlyle then staled that
K. R. Carr, of Wilson, spent the subject upon which be would
Tuesday night Greenville. was Secret of
W. H. Harrington returned He said things
Fayetteville Tuesday evening. were to success in
Misses Ada Patrick Minnie
here today.
W. M. Harris
in town .
Packed, Jammed, Crowded. High Class Novelties, not the one day kind, but Up-to-date
The kind that makes and Old
forget their troubles.
Under he
hi. subject us minister logician. Al
lime, he gave of eloquence
A. B. whom
extra cost. de-
sired not in stock can lie bad by
order in or days.
The Book Store has
lot nice cigars put up express-
for Christmas sale and will make
special on them
Tuesday Wednesday. Boxes
of at boxes of at cents.
Get a box for your self or friend
the Methodist church line Sun-
Thomas returned So
Goldsboro Saturday evening,
Sunday at home, and
riving Greenville again
Hardy were in city today.
Tom Blow left morning for
Baltimore to have his eyes treated.
John Loose, of took ,,
the morning train for Washington.,
frequent bursts of applause.
Taylor and Roderick ; was all
of Lizzie, were in town to- L u
,, every hearer with
B. B. nursery man life
from Ibis He used these
for home. He says he will re by way of Gould,
turn the spring. j who the golden calf
FRIDAY, DECEMBER and made money the
C. M. Jones went up the life, Robert G. Ingersoll, who
this morning. at of fame
Col. Harry Skinner left Pr-l
day for Raleigh. and Phillip Brooks, the preacher,
.,,.,, . ho God
A. M. Mosely returned ,. ,
I. , . the winning of the love sous
Ayden Thursday evening. ., . . . , . . ,
of his highest ambition, tad
W. A. B. of The Re- urged emulating latter, whoso
is on the sick list. ; on on
Miss Eva Allen came home j the others are
Thursday evening from school at He up that preparation
is to success of
Edward Greene came undertaking, but preparation i
Thursday evening to spent the t worthless unless by a
holiday. purpose, and preparation
purpose are of no value with,
Miss Hart, of perseverance. He closed
came in Thursday evening to visit earnest appeal to all, as true North
her brother, J. N. Hart. to give their best
S. one of the A. L.
employees, came in Thursday even
Lace Curtains
One third off regular prices.
Curtains, Christmas price,
Dress Goods
Nothing More Suitable or serviceable
for Christmas Gifts.
Newest Latest ,
Novelties k
Men's and to per ct.
to spend
John Kph who
have visit lug their uncle J, I,
Wooten, left fur
Rev. and Mrs. A. Ii.
who have been Halting Rev. and
Mrs. H. M. Eure, let.
this, for
Andrews, of spent
May, of Kin-ton. spin.
Don Little was here today.
Dr. President of the
Christian College at Wilson,
preached at the church
accomplished divine, and is always here.
R , , . .
To, are He fill
the prosperity of your and Misses Lizzie
every dollar adds and Jack
to the wealth of the county. Frank Wilson, J.
save half their money K.
, . . ,. . James, T. D. Tyack,
on paint-more than half. I Dr. u c. were
Lead and Zinc takes fewer gallons j of Miss Cotton, of Cotton
than mixed Dale, Sunday.
and lasts twice or three
long as lead and oil.
Paint is saved; labor is saved
and J-L. Smith was in town today,
made frequent. i R. L. Smith to Norfolk
Lead Zinc is
established in Pitt county, Paul is back from Rich-
will get more of it than
we shall.
F. W. Co.,
New York.
P. B. H. L. Carr sells our paint.
Some children will be lucky to
get stockings to put their feet in.
Some people like holiday
are evergreen.
Atkins went to Washing-
ton today.
R. M. to
H. A. White went road
this morning.
J. Harris, Falkland, was in
town today.
A. L.
evening for Danville.
Clarence lo
this morning
L. I. Moore returned Friday
evening from New York.
Dr. L. C. Skinner, of I'm mole,
came In Friday evening.
Miss Peebles returned
Ibis morning from
B. Mayo came borne Friday
evening from school at
Patrick Cobb, of came
up this to visit relatives.
Rev. J N. Booth returned Fri-
day evening fro. Durham and
Misses Alice Lang and Rosa
Tucker returned Friday evening
Iron, school at Wilson.
Bert James and
son came home Friday evening
the union Of state
After the Line
made f
r. marks in i of h i
e hi II
Willie I be it
with an
Prof. Q. K. his
excellent an- to
upon so able a
ii speaker them, .
of the people
of Winterville and for
providing such
la i
i in the ah. .
I. Milch
K. c. in S On., .
ii from II
is a for piles For
Blind, itching pro-
Piles, cuts, bums, I
and nil skin diseases
Salve hits no equal. This
hits given rise to numerous worth-1
loss counterfeits. Ask for De-
genuine. J. L.
Attention called lo the notice
creditors by Cannon, pub-
The Big Store, Greenville, N. C.
A lie
here today.
of Farmville, was
quickly destroys malarial germs,
Gives prompt relief in all forms of
Malarial malaria. Sure preventive for those
A P U e Cure in malarial districts.
from school at Oxford.
Arthur mine home Fri
day from where
be had at school.
Miss Nannie Johnson, one our
compositors, is sick and we greatly
i her from the case.
V. W. Long, Lake City, Flu.,
came in Friday evening to visit bis
I sister, Mrs. W. f, Harding.
A Blind
Pitt has one totally blind
pensioner, K. for
whom Clerk of Court, C. Moore,
Baa received check of from
Auditor, to lie paid to
Mr. monthly install-
Docs your head ache Pain
back of your eyes
liver s rill .
liver pills. They cure
headache, dyspepsia.
I .
The Printing House is talking to YOU-
S your orders for Printing of any
Largest Print Shop in Pitt

offerings in every department of our store.
Tho season is well way the has Wen too Our stock is larger than it
be, and to relieve we offering special inducements In tin- substantial form of clip
ping off a nice portion of the selling price. Remember our guarantee -if any reason your par
chase don't suit, we cheerfully refund your money.
36-inch Taffeta Silk, every
guaranteed. You can't pet any-
thing; better in silk, no
matter what the price
Taffeta Silk. We are
making a leader of this, want
you to compare it with other
silks; yon will find it as
good and the price only I
U yard wide Heavy
wool, in and light gray;
we have the very best that A A
can be had to sell at
tan, mode, gray, in fact all shades.
We take special pains in selecting
these give you great I A A
values in every pair at
61-inch all linen full bleached
Table line heavy
heavy fully worth
cents, om price
Ladies Vest, full size, all seams
covered; they are the very
best to be had at
Ladies Wool White Vests, line
and if you are looking for
something good
cheap it is at
One lot of
Bow, seamless,
our pi now
1.85 pair
fas; black
Fie. e-Lined Undershirts,
all fail to
Woolen from Me,
Men's extra heavy Lined
gray, blue and cream
at a piece. , Item before
One lot Linen close
out; former price. Cr
and now V.
One lot of Lad i is ton
prices to fir
close out at
One lot of Men's lop Shirts,
some worth seine
just an odd let and must
lie sold. The pi ice is
We Lave the nicest line of La-
and Men's Shoes lo lie found
Our 1.50 shoe is made
of high grade and is
to be the lies for the price
that can be had.
Our 2.00 can't be
beaten anywhere. Be sure to see
our Shoes before you buy.
Lot of Children's and
Button Shoes, north A A
to close out
Oar line of Children Shoes is
attractive and the latest designs
prices are right.
Hats. A big line of men's
hats all the latest shapes.
Prices that will suit you.
Hen's and Clothing.
have a very strong line and in order to close the entire stock of Clothing out we are offer-
lug it at per cent, lower than former price, as we are going out of the Clothing business.
we, have always endeavored to sell the best goods, rather than the cheapest Isn't it worth
a great deal to know that whatever you buy here will be sold to for just what It isl
That's he kind of people we arc. and that is the kind of store wear-keeping. Come to sec us
and examine our stock.
For we are on our way to
Christmas Store.
There is no other
place like it.
There you get all your wants
supplied, no matter how large or
small. Come early and avoid the
Ed. H.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
eaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
H. L.
Cotton Buyers,
selling or
COTTONSEED. They are prepare
lo pay highest market price or
meal in exchange, and will
at Greenville a full supply i.
Meal for the trade.
Dr. D James
Like its name,
in good,
Book Mot.
l one here health
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
Tan's Pills
re. the torpid LIVER aid restore
Its natural action.
A healthy means pare
Pure blood mean health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggists
The Persistent
One In ill
of and
conductor had
car begin to q
tickets. Coining to a
a and
his ticket,
It back With the
Hop lit
the nil a ticket this
The paused on without
reply, clicking his from
right to left and left to like the
president bowing to n crowd.
here, Mr. Conductor. If you
don't put me off at I'll malt
it hot for
if you don't shut up I'll put
you off In a
The wan very
to himself the tyranny of
railroad men, When the tram ranched
he pulled tho
math- the door. The
who happened to he In the seeing
the net. a to pi on, hut not
before the train slowed down mid
the had Jumped, Then the
conductor a terrific pull on
the and made for the door him-
self. In a few minutes the train
were the body of the
passenger the baggage ear, where
It till the train reached its
Brat regular atop.
months after I his event the night
express carried who pie-
a ticket to and was
only Mopped
at that When the train reached
the went to the
. and gave a leap In the dark. A
who saw him gave a
signal, and the remains of the
lint rd beyond recognition, were
found lying track.
next day the conductor f the
lightning made to
he train
do want that for,
asked the superintendent.
Will cut a month Of your
I know It replied the con-
I'm nervous
fast trains, I don't think I'm
conductor of the local ran his
train a new
time was off Its
stop at When the train
had that station, a
d train. d lo the coll
and announced that a
hail Jumped had I
killed. The Mink Into n seat
and directed the to go hack
and and body. A search was
with but the remains were not
found. Nome said the had
been mistaken, others the
Kt-r hail been killed. This was not
likely, as the train was moving at the
of forty miles an hour.
said the superintendent
morning, is in bod
mid yon must take the lightning ex-
turned pale. rather not
if get any one
no chM to he
can put mi inferior man on
train, bill needs
one of our l.-st
knew that to decline
would he to lose his position
and assented. It was fully fifteen nun-
after tin- train moved out of the
station before be mustered courage
go the ears for tickets.
ever, occupation is good for the nerves,
and he was forgetting his
dread when a ticket was handed
for Starting, be looked up.
Tier. s;, man with red hail
and wearing gold rimmed spectacles,
with his punch In one
hand and the ticket In the other star-
the pa-, lie tried lo speak
the words, Tins train doesn't stop hi
hot tongue would not
tie in. a who was
following up as assistant saw him
Stagger, caught him in hit and
lo baggage ear. After
the train had passed n pas
cams hurrying into the baggage
car that a man hail
jumped f i the train. The conductor
ground and In a faint
that the train he not Mopped.
Conductor bad
who on off
HIS health falling, and
he had the easiest Job
on mad, local that stopped I
st station. The hours.
Were One night j
VII sitting In a car a Single
lie had been ring all
day if spirits
upon and sank Into
a troubled lie wax dream ,
lug over a time which did
as one of
yet he was BUT that he stopped at all j
points, lie heard the train to a
when it moved on a brake-
man his head In at the door
The next station i.
half asleep, was of
Some one sitting In the seat
lo Die window, how this could
lie lint tell, for III
-ore there noon. In
an he his eyes
side wise
They fell full Upon I infill with a
face, red
are said
the man. when we reach want
yon to get cut with
The nest It wan st
the main
found dead In nil empty r
when his train left
of the mi .
The sense most early exercised by
the Infant Is the sense of
but at It has the power only
to light from darkness
Is in comparison with Its later
blind, while In of the
lower the senses are at birth
What a there Is
dull eye of the newborn Infant and
the sharp vision of the young chick,
which Is able to pick up with precision
a grain of corn or snap up a fly
while the eggshell tie still stick
to Its back The eye of the Infant,
however. Is developed very gradually,
and during infancy and childhood It
learns bow In the first few days
It notices the difference In-tween light
and darkness when the light is
intense, and It may even knit its brow
In sleep if a bright light ha brought
close to Its face.
On the MUM a striking
bright color will be noticed when
held close to the face.
in all these cases, however, the In-
follows the Object by turning Its
head and not by the movement of the
The eyelids and shut from birth.
but they are not always moved at the
same time with the movements of the
eyeballs until the Infant has
the second or third month. two
or three months of age do not
wink when the or an object Is
waved lie fore the face, they
do not see the hand distinctly.
One of the of In-
In the development of tho In-
power of vision Is the way In
which It learns to appreciate the ob-
seen. It has to learn to discover
tho distance of objects, their shape,
size, character, etc., mid this It dot's
with the assistance of the sens of
The face of the mother or nurse Is
made familiar in that it Is brought so
close to the infant's face.
After the Infant has learned to see
objects distinctly at the distance of
several feet It begins to use both eyes
In common. At the eyes net
of each other, so that It
double vision and sees
everything double. This double vision
can be produced by many at will by
The infant having reached the point
When it sees an object clearly, it must
also begin to understand objects of
three Is, to find out
the difference between a Hat surface
and n solid body. Here the sense of
touch also assists The Infant
object and. putting it to Its lips and
satisfies itself as to the shape,
character, etc.
It is Interesting In this connection to
note some cases In which a person born
blind recovers sight when grown.
In one case a young man who had
lost his sight in early infancy was so
completely blinded that he could not
distinguish even the strongest light
from darkness.
After on operation on one eye had
been successfully performed he began
to see objects without understanding
being able to Judge their
distances from bis he felt
If everything was touching his eye, so
that to touch an object be first
Would put one finger or the hand up
before his face, the object
and reach forward until his
finger In contact with the ob-
After he had recovered the use of
both eyes he began to find out that
everything was not flat, but that
things had a certain thickness as well
as length and breadth, and In this way
be began to see solid objects.
Put even fur a year or two after com-
recovery he was to decide
whether n certain figure was a flat
face, In n painting, or a solid body.
He was also obliged to learn the
animals mid objects, not know-
the difference between a cat and a
dog until he had touched them.
go through Just the same
of learning bow to see In
The child may be two or three years,
or even older, before it has control over
Its eyes and can Judge of the distance
of objects in the room, etc.
The cure of the eye is a of
great importance for mothers and
nurses. The eyes of newborn Infants
should be carefully washed with fresh.
clear water, and If anything unusual
Is noticed the physician should be seen.
The Infant's eyes specially to be
protected against too bright a light. It
Is by no means an uncommon thing to
see a nurse Wheeling a young Infant In
carriage While the bright sun Is
pouring child's eyes. This does
not argue against taking Infants
the sun when weather Is not too
warm, but the eyes should always be
protected against the bright glare,
whether direct or reflected.
US Max. or
mi t Ob
wouldn't attempt to Judge a
by his aha said gravely, -but I
would not hesitate two minutes to
Judge him by his necktie It Is an
most Infallible guide. Of course there
are exceptions, but the character and
Intellect or most men can be told by
the way In which they tie their ties.
Now, take the for ax-
tie of the genius afforded
for the pea of satirist
and pencil of caricaturist, but
In reality any little peculiarity or
dressing is generally the
outward and of vanity
rather of personal untidiness.
with an share
of intellect, seldom knows how to tie
a tie as It can be tied and Is tied by
men with no intellect at nil. He may
possess s selection of
best ties which Broadway can supply
and does not In the least took eccentric
he often wants to as
smart In appearance as possible, but
somehow he rarely achieves his object.
Directly you see a really beautifully
tied tie in the cases of military
men and actors, with whom it la a
part of the training which never
moves out of following faithfully
the little Idiosyncrasies of
may be fairly certain
that you are not face to face with an
or em-
Of com-. In the case
of s rich and Important personage, the
lesser details of the toilet usually
left to the valet, but even then I defy
a man of brains to keep his tie at
angle for any considerable
time. At dinner you will generally And
that by time the soup has arrived
evening tie has shifted Its position
or become obliquely set. This could
probably be easily avoided, only It J
pens that the way In which n man
bis tie Indicates pretty
the wearer's intellectual
of Blade.
Richmond, Va.
The Stock of Fine
and Medium
in the South.
m III E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
sis tries
R. L. .,
in f
I a fur W
Philadelphia, He York
Aurora, South Creak.
Swan Quarter,
all for rail-
road, at Norfolk.
Shipper should order by
the Old Dominion B. S. Go.
New York; Clyde Lin
Bay Line
U. Co. from Baltimore. Mar
and Lin Iron
Greenville f.
J. E.
M. C
N. C.
Chase That
Learn to A good laugh Is bet
than medicine. Learn bow to tell a
story. A well told story Is as
as a sunbeam in a sickroom. Learn to
keep your own troubles to yourself.
The world is too busy to care for your
III and sorrows.
Learn to atop croaking If you can-
not see any good the world, keep the
bad to yourself. Learn to hide your
pains and aches under pleasant smiles.
No one cares to hear whether you hare
the earache, or rheumatism.
Cotton Bugging and always
goods kepi o
baud. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince
D. W.
wondrous Is sighed
the dreamy eyed person.
answered the
man. you know how little love
Is lost between the Hibernians and
Africans, just look how nature has
arranged things so to prevent
Irish potato from coming contact
with the
and woman
remarked the young man who gets quo-
replied the beautiful blond on
the other end of the sofa, disposed
to do my part If some man will do
Three minutes later she bad him
population of reputed
the oldest city In the world. Is c
la at 225.000 souls.
. Ht I- II
. ML.
a Hobgood
p m p Norfolk a
a New
every Mm.
day, morning and evening.
I Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
SI. A. Alien
; every Sun
lay, morning and evening. Pray
meeting evening.
H. H. Eure, pastor. Sunday
a. m. L. H. Pender,
day school a. m. KB.
n ,
and retail i i, W. E. Cox,
Dealer. Cash paid for W K W It A K Morning and evening
b I prayer sermon every In
A nice Hardware.
J. B.
Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cara
I on Nos. and to Tampa and Jack-
i Fla.
I H M. Emerson, W. J. Chad,
Traffic Mgr.
T. M. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C.
Wholesale retail
Hide. Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
rate, Turkeys, Egg, Bed
Mattresses, Oak Suits,
Ira Carriages, Go Carts,
-nils, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P
. Gail Ax
High Key West Che-
Henry George I
Cherries, Peaches, Apple-
Syrup, Jelly,
Sugar, Meat, Soap, i
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Sec-1 Meal and Hulls,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut.
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
and Ware, and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New i
Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
S. M. Schultz-
N. C.
two years premiums have been paid in the
, IN
j. w. a.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
. Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-Instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon j
re living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest. .
second No Restriction. Incontestable. m a
Dividends are payable at of the second each w
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid, i i Italian
They may be To reduce Premiums, or Mil
To the Insurance, or n. C.
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
3rd Sunday. Lay
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m., W. B.
Brown, Litany
every Wednesday a. at.
-Preaching second,
mil Sunday In month
Prayer Wednesday night.
i D. W. Davis, pastor.
The Stock complete in every day P. M., W. B. Par
and prices as low the superintendent,
lowest. Highest market priced regular
paid e produce.
A. F. A A. It Greenville
Lodge. No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. Lodge, No.
meet every Wednesday
W. H. T. M. Boot.
K. of R. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. every
evening. W. S. Atkins, N. O.,
D. D. Ba.
It. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
1698, meets every Thursday
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
B. Tunstall. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellow
Hall. J. Z, Worthy
D. B. Smith
I. O.
No. meat every
fourth Monday in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. Smith Sec,
Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Mrs. I. H. WHITE,
Black Jack. N. G.
Nice Hoe cf goods hand. Prices low
Country bought for cash or la
exchange for goods.
N V,
priors reason
i on Hod.
A Man's Tribal.
or for bis pr
.-I in-r. For his In
n a
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other, j
One Third Easier,
One Third
Agents wanted in all
i ll
Wheeler Wilton Mfg Co.
S. T. WHITE, N. C,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wire to New York,
Chicago New Orleans.
fa or of toe
Clerk Superior
Sheriff, O. W.
of Deeds, B. Williams
Treasurer, J, B. Cherry.
Coroner, C. tangoing,
Surveyor, J. D.
J. J. W.
W. B. Home, J. B. J.
W. Page and J. Spier.
Boar J meets every Monday.
Mayor, H. W. W lied bee,
H. L.
Ta Bounties.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and B. Dudley.
Aldermen, L. O.
Arthur, Charles Cobb, B F. Pat-
rick, K B. B. L.
W. B. Parker and B. F. Tyson.
Board meets every Thursday
Grad JOB
You Write
member of the best
lies in Pitt County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice Week.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
i PB
Ricks Wilkinson
Commercial Print f
Books. I Office
near and young and old rejoice. There
are many things in our store most suitable for
Christmas gifts, because the useful gift is always
the most welcome.
If it's a nice Umbrella that you would like
to give your girl, sister or wife, we the
finest line in town, We are offering these at
cost. Come early and get the pick. Prices
ranging from to
We are offering our entire stock of Clothing
and Overcoats at cost.
There will be a change in our business Jan.
1st, so now is the time to get a cheap suit or
Ricks Wilkinson
Motion of United
Slates there are numbers of
hut misguided
sensitive, merciful
natures me
and report of
have wasted
hit lime t
the child the
and air upon
these people seem to thrive
best it that New which
Is best known m history as
where the good pilgrim
used to eccentric
called witches for love and
glory of God. Whether these
have inherited the habit of
meddling with the affairs of
South, or these file of
are the results of a
moving spirit, is r us to say,
no is lo
keep the cons, of another
But to judge from the thundered
classics that find way down
South from other
sea purls, tin- chief re
of the New
today has not changed iota
from that of their
That these people haven't the
of an excuse for
with the Social or economic affairs
of South people
must adroit. I he last doesn't
ply to New themselves,
however. That's not way of
For more than
since Columbus
America, in fact, New England
been regulating its own affairs
without the slightest
from the South. When New
wanted to hum witches
we didn't -i-nil old
and bespectacled old maids
there to investigate
mend to
When New i bought it
best for advancement of
soul's salvation lo
Operate mills and shoe
with foreign labor, often
poorly paid housed, we didn't
think it was of our business lo
Things have changed up there,
however. The South baa beau
doing on its own ac-
count, New is no
longer gelling the world a
It's a dull day when North Car
figure in the news of
The dog's side of tax.
is yet to lie
the legislature will furnish
The Charlotte police
will never Bishop for pal-
Petersburg police de
When a woman marries a man
to reform him she is generally
sorry that some didn't
take the job.
Every time a North Carolina re-
lands in Washington
pie begin to wonder just what of-
be wants.
says war with
was a mistake. Can it be
possible that the general failed to
get anything out
The Hon. David Hill
how it feels to bit toe
toboggan at a lively pace and slide
away out of public eye.
man, go l work. Why
Bland ye idle all This i-
BOt the day and generation
due, Neither shall a man
heller I ban be has town. to
thing. lie in wait for your
haul join life.
Don't rob of
vantages which she should
consuming your father's
while you aloe I,
growl like a hungry
became your mother keep
warm for you. God
the family. But He bas given you
health and strength. fresh,
swift-running blood of youth
courses through your veins. There
is a place for y. for
you to do. Find it, and when you
find it, with all your might.
Make your life worth, something to
yourself and world. Scorn lo
be a drone, an idler,
upon society. Have you
care and pains which
were used to rear you to man's
Could you count the
No, dear reader, The ,., ,, ,
does not intend to adopt ,,. ,, f
methyls Germany L ,. ,,. ,,.,. u
u ., ,,., ,. ,,.
Venezuela may lie but
she is causing a big tn
the other nations of globe
Princeton has decided not
its any more.
They prefer genteel, lady-like
game of football.
More money is in
in North Carolina i than ever
at time of year
Argentina and Chile are extend-
. all the available assets
Argentina and Chile have, any
The death of Mad Mullah is
reported but Great is too
busy abiding by Monroe doc-
to give the old a
Hope Fire Company Watches Retiring
ever thought
these IT yon have, how can
The Virginia woman who mar you continue lo by
the lawyer who won her the day. with
for divorce and alimony probably and growing older day by
thought it was the only way to din general worth-
keep the money in family. i,,,., ,
and head, hands and brain,
excellent journal, the Con laud will, steady purpose
cord Times, appears this week a I shaken faith mil your own
new dress, which is truly a niche the gallery of
f beauty. We extend
lo Editor
It is claimed that ex-
of the defunct
Bank of Asheville, is
Of course he is crazy, or he would
lid's triumphant endeavor
have stolen enough money
considered a financiers.
Gen. of Virginia,
w in New York other day,
Was reported a saying he
predict a war within u year.
Perhaps J. Morgan is
waiting for the Venezuelans to see
that they can't do without him be-
fore stepping in straightening
out the the tangle there.
lie but that it night come at any time,
and that be considered it was tin
duly of the country to maintain a
strong navy lo be ready for am
The trouble.
In Venezuela may bring on
General Lee's
On December 9th Mr Wm.
Harding who had been of
Hope Co. for more five
years resigned. Wednesday night
in a called meeting of the company
in It. gallery, the com-
through Mr. K. lie
presented Mr.
ding, a handsome, open face, gold
The watch bad the follow-
engraving on
to Win. F. Harding by Hope
Fire Company of Greenville, N
C, Dec. Mb,
Mr. Griffin, in presenting the
watch to Mr. Harding,
Chairman and members Hope
Fire At our last meet-
it became to make
some change in officer of our
company, owing lo resignation
of our distinguished foreman and
Unman, Mr. Win. V. Harding,
who has every way been true
and faithful to Hope Fire Com-
For five years and mare
he served position and
I will say without hesitation
peaking every member of the
that we could Ml have
found a better man
II- always looked out for well
fare of his men, not shirking duty,
whatever the danger might lie.
This special meeting
is Drawing Near,
A in the time bas come tor yo to
you shall give your loved an.
U .- think can help you if you at
in doubt, are have u beautiful lot of
for you to select
are and practical,
mental and showing
unrivaled Now is
time to git.
They are here k but may b
Mr. has gone to Mexico
and people down there are
Our line of Fan Rocking
sizes, and Furniture, mm
Our Uric a Bra and
Novelties range in price from It
5.00. We think we . the
stock of Dolls in the tow a,
know our pi ices are low.
Oh Mr. Santa Claus-
forget that we have Candies, Orange,
Apple, Raisins, Fig,
Have you that Fruit Cake W have all
the ingredient, all new and fresh. Oar
t nuts are all this year's crop. We
in this line but the very best we can get Oar See
Department is filled with needed
for the table.
Greenville's Great
Department Store.
Barber Co.
. is called for
purpose i to i- IX r o
If Mr.
He republican
of leaving their
In addition to the best stoves In the world we
carry you may expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
the rock ribbed fauns of New
England, and a great and mighty
howl goes up to high heaven be-
cause I are children employed
factories of the South.
The souls of the dead and gone
abolitionists writhe and groan
in paradise, chant
it be to lie
so colonel Ban eon
carry away the
some stuff.
Ella Heeler
poetess of passion and chief high
priestess of the tribe of purple and
gold Psychic
broken out another place.
worse than measles.
who has never held
doe not want one, a man
could be Herald.
use having u dead
man for
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
no claim that is not borne out by An average.
Of for everything sold on our floor during the month
,. I. . . i . r. .
,. .
August does own talking about Man Tedd,
the at the Greenville
W You have U, It
A the genius
President takes the
bit in sometimes.
and a master painting
Watts which was exhibited at the
World's Fair and excited great ad-
was at the close o the
fair presented to the government
consigned to While House.
The Christian
made such criticism on
the picture because of ll. de When the coroner ,
Preside,,. Cleveland. scene of a supposed ll.
in deference to the lb.
it removed to Corcoran date for .,
will invent for .
gun win indicate to a foe
that it is Hera d
The advantage of this
would that fool would kill
himself sonic other way thus
lava good load of
If any oilier country holds
II might as well
ii voice howl
They'll never get anything any-
way, since there are not even lames
to pick after John Hull has taken
appreciation his
vices during Unit time. Mr.
ding, you remember on
meeting you were made
honorary member of Hope
Company, why because we
listen lo roll it will be
pleasure hi hear your mime ring
out, the one whom
are proud.
While in future you will u
be present with still
Everything you want in
Confectioneries. Also Toys
and Fireworks. Come to
see us. We will be pleased
to serve you at prices
low as the lowest.
Yours to please,
linger with us, and now that y.,.
are about to leave us, to
assure you you have
wishes of each and every member
of the company. It , r
tint you climb round round
the ladder leads to success.
We hope that Hie over which
you and may travel
and easy, and Unit some
day that road may turn you
to home sweet home.
Senator has Mail of Hope Fire
i , this
you are held In
V For Ca,
A I am going out of business,
next weeks
k of
I Will,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hat, Ac.
1890. But President
decided to have the painting
tour to the New Jerusalem bud
no man could say
Warehouse, only try U to be convinced that
will get you the highest price every tint.
Proprietors Greenville Warehouse.
coroner ever gels another
has given at the who cruelly
the place of honor the State raised his hopes only lo
dining Teddy has a will of them, will hardly alt easily on
O f.
How lei bowl about child
labor in lb- north.
Many who pretend to be
filled with haven't got
enough to All
Southern representation
us it would not
h f gone, a ON
time each of
your life be brighter and brighter. fl
again wishing you everything .
good can come lo yon in your; ,
m r
a, , I now
The coming Mr. Harding accepted the watch
d a
legislature will no and feelingly of hi
the boy, and this
for making an
for stale.
to a,
j surprise, jet he found words to
tho watch thank tho
HI who discovered company for evidence of its
even new poisons is a and H.
old egrets to lose its
foreman and will
bid him speed his new
hardly create any commotion in home ,, rejoice in every
that may come to him.
If he tried all
A B K K L attention to detail In om Job
is shown in the high of work j r
taming out. We have the beat equipped a
do class of printing hardly in
If you are particular a to the aft
printing, we want your work.

Eastern reflector, 23 December 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 23, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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