Eastern reflector, 16 December 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

it. It L
her the queen of spices
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
heater Pumps, f
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line. j
Your friend.
H. L,. CARR j
spec i n L-
In eluding Ribbons in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern Hats.
s -win
two have BERN paid in
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance.
. Insurance that work-, automatically,
a .
A ill lie reinstated be paid within on month while you
or within three afar
was spending first mouth In
the quarter Paris. She ape
with a
also G fount a
fair -it Italian and knew a few
words of but f Preens
nut n v liable.
One herself a
with a of
all . peak hot- I
with an Urn, up
cork had do of
own did not knew how to for
our. if aha her
door in-
of luxury. The Una her pet fork
aha bad bent mi the pine,
point of her aha had
off abort, and nothing remained
,.,., to throw t a
to art contents o-
a. n to try breaking
,,. oil the bottle With a
in in; r
cautious tan In the of
of neck. ,
Then she harder Mill,
and tin Martina All
ii mine, all bar
en and of the Boor and
She d.-i to ha if the
and. II Into bundle tripped
off in where
not question Final-
sot lbs- drift tin-
Tb wanted know what
had the
of blacking
by, and aha pointed n and
and left in
rite, aha was
not and that she bad made th
cleaner- understand When
was duly following week.
It New York Tribune.
Dr. asked
how be not on with
at replied
me i Impossible.
be is u very clever man. be
too fast one cannot get a word
Some time after, In an interview
, which had with
I made to Schumann.
I said Wagner,
la to arrive an under-
tending. Ha say. nothing.
years ago on return from I
called upon bun talk of operas, con- I
and other
with I had
lintel. Schumann looked at me
.- WOO
The It. r-
Ma I
la which it la
Cinnamon la In
the moat of nil i--m
unary Well n aromatic pun
gent. Many thousands of pounds are
consumed annually In every
country, and It els.,
by even lair-
where culinary art and
have as yet mad.-
us.-s cookery
an very few
which an- not in
and by the of
more or less of this delicate bark. It la
mi essential Savoring m all
and many van. n.-of plea and
dings In chocolate,
cordials and
i an
Us medicinal la weal known
a. an and
ionic. use I-
a preventive and f.-r Cholera,
and seasons when stomach
prevail cinnamon drop, arc
mended the wholesome form
of candy for children.
The of prop.
of cinnamon rec
n it mentioned In the Bible,
In the book of as one of
of the
which th- were BO
by the that even a email
., a It gift for a king. I
s always mentioned
to the
tint the Arab trader,
brought to Egypt and
.,., e
Hal Pee
It la within memory of many
th.- of
era boarding the
thing In country Although
a which liked.
It la doubtful If man of bad
hard a time a. a
who his
New for
article written bi
then an of Bow
lo receive M a mouth I
From day I that
I at board and at
the a calculation, be
write., line day the whole dinner con-
of a dumpling, which
they called a pudding, and live
which la cooking shrunk to th
of live of
u. at table,
A few days afterward, on my return
from my wen-
by the of n I had never
it a which
had killed
home In triumph. When
earned lo one entire
ml of a delicate
and went
to dream of
the morrow would bring.
before daylight heard the
It to Dr.
ANY other,
j Pills
Take No Substitute.
Richmond, Va.
The Stock of Fine
and Medium
in the South.
stirring, and the alacrity
and the
inn and abutting all gave
the coming holiday.
, for fast, and
when table I
the place of Jonathan vacant.
. a a asked.
it I
of v payment of arrears with interest.
the beginning of the of
the premium for the current year be paid.
They may he To or
To the
To make policy payable an an the lifetime
J L.
or rather be look. into
without n word. Faith. look
leave of him Immediately.
surrounded It. and
with special
is a member of
th.-laurel family, which In the
I, by a Urge
aromatic medicinal tree.
There are several allied
bat lineal bark is pro-
eared from a native to the to-
tend of by
, nature grow, to be a
tree from W
height, with rather
brown bark m
color, which c
S. T.
Greenville, N C.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third
wanted in ail
Wilson Co.
WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
I kl.; SO I
Do you mean lo any ion don't
a railway through crimson
Thais exactly I mean to
young Bob.
got a railroad, didn't it
And Ii two weeks before a
couple of half money In
camp, cold feel, took th
Quirk ain't aw I
Washington star.
train and
When Alfred In
the rd In n
I. d it i an hi. d
bar generally negligent pro-
. .; cling
cull u early, call you early, Al
feet In
urge, oval, entire
mall, brown drupe, re-
. In shape The grayish
Internally an orange
upon drying to
the brown which is
name of a particular shade.
Almost every pan of the tree yield.
ohm choice and Is especial-
rich In oil. The yield camphor
and the an all resembling the
v. ii of and often substituted for
It while from the fruit n substance
called cinnamon and is manufactured.
Which Is highly fragrant and from
Which In former times candles for the
of king were made.
In the part of eighteenth
while England was for a time
tn possession of
plain, were among
product, that were Imported
on. other tropical regions.
the tulles,
in, .
-none to they.
What market, I
did not know there any market i
. about thirty to the
ward of
what In. called him up -o
early to go to
-lie Is Mo tile
The ear made for the
Bad habits are that would
a to effeminacy.
Money buys and love
power ink.-.
For n
la what we think about when
or arc reminded of by
When a man to make love to
hi. wife name other man
People whose live, ate anything but
with the
Thai r.-
The beginning of the
lug machine In country
Sept. Kilns Howe.
obtained a patent for what grew
into the really poetical i
machine, only three of the
machine, were made, however, and,
one of than in pt
in a model.
It nut until after 1860 a
for the making of mi
chine, built, so bat.
of today grown up In a short
half century
While Invention marked the
beginning of I successful he
by no mean, the pioneer In
fort, lo substitute mechanical for hand
lowing As far back a.
patented In a machine
for Another machine
for embroidering In n loom Invent-
ed by John In and
five year, later another
named another
embroidering machine.
The attempt me-
the Invention of
Thoma. Saint, who took out n patent
In England In 1790 for a machine which
old It
not n but some of the
feature, of Saint machine
In the perfected machine of today.
patented In
France the sewing ma
chin,, put to practical ate, Eighty of
hi. were In for
clothing In when n mob de-
i them convinced they
would drive out of em-
built new
better machines, bat all hi. work
by angry In
John J. took out the
patent for a sewing machine Issued In
the stales In 1843. It m-
leather, but of no
709-711-713 E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
Steamer Mere leave
dally at A. M. for
Greenville daily at It
M. for
at with
i Philadelphia, Hew York
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Ocracoke and l
loll for Weal with rail-
at Norfolk.
order freight by
the Old Dominion . frog
New York; Clyde Una from
Bay Line and
Co. from Baltimore Mar-
and Line from
J. Aft.,
J. K
Wellington. N.
Norfolk, Va.
Bagging, and Dag.
n Joke are i ,,,.,, ,
Mothers personify to ,,, f New York built a
children. We symbol, to them or In 1884, bet failed to
baffling, b, After
a woman l like onto a volcano, plenum Hunt declared
which, even when Inactive, I. i the of hi. of
lag to spit forth Us lire which. , be unable to
A small army Of Inventor, appeared
Daily Except
New York
p m
p in
p m
p m
a m
a in
p B
p m
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
p m
3-no a m
a m
a m
p m
Line of Hardware.
Pullman Sleeping and Dining Car.
on No. and to Tampa and Jack-
II. M. W. J.
Mgr. Gen.
T. M. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C.
. choice
In Cuba and
islands it has become a
of commerce.
I non
grow Into a Ire
taken from sin.
I I had a
would never paint again.
. . Brother Jove.
old aura. I wish I had I'd give It
Oh. Isn't there one perfect worm on,
of all the millions. Just one. where
everything right and addles never
get out of
It is not allowed to
as richest bark la
l from two to four
The young I.
therefore, and from the root
r,. en. lo grow The majority
f cut lien ten In
and the bark is In ten
twelve Inch After lying In
for a few the bark I.
scraped I I both outside and In.
until reduced to a thin
is are then made up Into
Special offerings in every department of our store.
ping off
n well the has been too mild
.,, i special m tin
i is
f clip
on of the price.
,, fully money.
silk, every
cm I any
In Her ii -ilk. mi
matter I be pride
n-leek silk. ire
making a
yon to compel ii with
silks; will find ii as
good and
yard wide Heavy
wool, in and light gray;
we have very bean
can he had
tan. mode, gray, in fact all
We take pains In
I lice and give you great
values in every pair
inch linen full bleached
Table tine and heavy and
heavy and fully worth SOC
cents, price
gray, blue mid cream
a piece Bee la-fore
tine lot la
former price, each
and now
One lot of
I go
. lop Shirts,
full size,
hey are the very
lent to lie
Ladies Wool Vol.,
and if you looking
good mid I'M
cheap it at
seamless, sold
for our price now
all fall to
One lot of Mi
win I h and some i
just an mill lot and Mull
lie sold. The price is
We have the Hue Li-
and Men's Sh,. In be
anywhere. Our is made
of high grade and is
to be the for Ike
that can be had.
Our 2.00 and can't lie
beaten Be sure to
Lot of
1.50; lo close out
Our line of Shoes is
prices are
Hals A lug line of mil
hats in all the
i I suit you.
lie by placing narrower
and pieces Inside and rolling
lightly, forming which
I farther drying are made late bundles I
I weighing about eighty pound, .
wrapped for shipping, divide.
; very neatly combine
of these Into small
for the convenience of their
The oil cinnamon is made by
grinding the coarser of balk
soaking them for two or three
days in sea water, followed by t
process of distilling. Two oils, one
heavier and the other lighter than
the product, both
similar The
from cherry red to pal yellow, the
bitter being preferred by most
The work of distilling I. light, and
nil equal to the la
in Trinidad various
localities in Cob and other West
India Islands.
As i commands a price
Its uses continually multiply-
there i. every tor ex-
tending the of its cultivation,
In the eastern and western
A Crisis in afar.
war Uriel order in th
regarding and one day
a were amused
by a private whom he saw peering ea-
under the of a house on
outskirts Of Manila, write. Dill
in Harper
are ion doing he d
la hi. loin.
said the minting,
only trying to a chicken
which I've Just
Lieutenant K and caught
light of a One pair of fowls.
There are two chicken, under
he exclaimed
bought the other one Caleb
when it doe vent Its fury, burnt.
bound, of it. late enforced
Wooing of
Help lo Cheat.
Among hotel employees doe. not
appear lo make any difference so far
as I. says the
Brooklyn Bail. Certain young women
h. act as checker. In hotels work
with certain Whenever one of
the girls obtains a the men
soon follow and hotel
tor is accordingly. The wait-
who Is in league with checker
makes a small private mark on tho
Check with which he desires to cheat.
She sec. It. and lust, ml of stamping
the price against articles ordered
put- hi r linger, over the on
die . that a slight I.
that Is In the place for figures.
The waiter rest, she keep.
her account her confederate,
and they up liter on outside.
Mar patent had proved sue
and their genius devoted
to perfecting every part of the ma-
chine How well they have succeeded
I. shown In patents for sew-
machines and attachments
by the United states since 1880 and In
the fact that the American sewing ma-
chine lends all others In every country
in the world -New York Herald.
Thai Holds
upon a time there a man
who n chronic borrower of money,
and he never known tn on
acquaintance through neglect lie
extremely well known by a large circle
of which he was
to enlarge.
i The members of this growing circle
never forgot him. and even after
death he remained green In their
man lo Insure being
moat keep touch with his
i Tort Herald.
Care In Gin.
A In optical Instruments do-
glared that II gave real pain to;
note the careless manner In which half j
the person In New York wear .
is n to he
they bring on In the j
first place, the frame, should Hugging
la- fitted to Individual face, instead of
being picked up Indiscriminately
out regard for facial peculiarities. The
size of Hie another Important
Most of I
see on are small. They
should b us large face of the
wearer will permit, for a lens of good
else not only afford, totter protection
to the eye, but more becoming than
a smaller one. Another tribulation of
the weak eyed I. due to reflection
from the edges of glasses.
The should intended to In
order get the results from a
of spectacle Many are
worn long that they brush
the This Is decidedly
New York Times.
day, morning and evening. Pray
j Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
BI. A. Allen
every Bun
lay, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Bee.
H. M. pastor. Sunday
a. m. L. H. Pender,
Sunday, evening. Sun
day school a. m. E. B.
, an
W. E. Cox,
Minister. Horning and evening
with sermon every lei
and 3rd Sunday. Lay
I every 2nd and Sunday.
school a. m., W. B
J Brown, Litany
every Wednesday a. in
Christian Preaching second,
Fresh goods kepi constantly on fourth Sunday in each month
hand. Country produce and Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
.,,,. A trial will convince you.
D. W. superintendent.
regular service
S. C.
I that Sunshine club
Which Deify
It's under n cloud. After the
first annul of officer, it was
Impossible to get a owing to
the fact that no two members of the
club were on speaking
spoke of as
Is to mentally
exactly that. merely
peculiar, In
to the at the same
. It
go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black N. C.
What H.
Judge-You do not seem to the
enormity of the charge against you.
got my lawyer's
hill yet. but I'm the charge
be enormous, all right Philadelphia
Don't worry If your push
you to the wall. You will Dud the wall
handy a brace when you get ready
to push Herald.
A I In
A carton instance of provincial boa-1
In a small Tuscan town Is re-
corded by In
In Town
A lady very noble birth of
ruble was giving s mu-
natty It was the first time sh
Invited friends lo her that
season The entertainment at
p. m. and lasted till Me
were provided for the
but half past a appeared
and solemnly presented a cup of
late to the hostess and to bar moth-
This, of only be
in n very provincial town. In the
more spot, excellent refresh-
arc offered to guest
n bang
Forest covers per cent of
total or. In all. acre.
In other words, four seres of
forest to every Inhabitant of
Hen's and
We have u Inn
lo the entire are off
it at per lower than pr
we mil the Clothing
We to the beat rather than i it
a groat deal know that whatever you buy here will be lo you for just n really ml
th- kind of people we arc. and that is the kind of atom we are beeping Come lo see
examine our
Thoroughly the Uric sod Acid. Iron
start, the
km cores sod
win or
S. M. Schultz.
BIS. i en
Doe. sol
Do so. be failed
in by casts.
injure the
K. Co sag. a.
sea I
It did work.
. -.-
in- f--r it u b U
V A.
Dealer. Cash id fin
Hides, Fur, Bead, Oil Bar
Turkeys. etc. Bed
steads, Oak
by Carriages,
suits, Tallies, Safes, P. I
A Ai Va
High Key West Che Va.
roots Henry Can Buyers and Brokers Id
Peaches, Apple Blocks, Cotton, Grain and
Pine Hymn, Jelly, Milk, on. Private Wires to New York,
Floor Coffee, Meat, Chicago and New Orleans.
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Heel Meal and Hull, Oar j
den Heeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples,
China Ware, Tin and
Ware, and Crackers,
Best New
Hewing and m.
A. A. M
meet and
third Monday evening. H.
llama J. M. Bee.
K. P. -Tar River Lodge, No.
every Wednesday evening,
, f on Sand. I low . . U
for cash or Hi W, B. Dall,
Hods. K. of B. sod B.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets every
evening. W. B. N. O.,
D. D.
K. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B Wilson, I.
O. Council,
No. meet every and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Gardner, Worthy
belt, D. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. every
Monday in Odd
low Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. Smith See.
Clerk Superior Court, D.
Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
Register of Deeds, R.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
Commissioners, J. J. W.
W. R. Home, J. R. J.
I W. Page and J. Spier.
Boar meets every drat Monday.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete In every
and prices as low
lowest. Highest market
paid for country produce.
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Pone
work prices
., ,, i on
to see me
S. M.
a I
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, H. L.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Tax Collector, Bounties.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and B. I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D.
Charles Pat-
rick, K B. R. L.
and B. F.
Hoard meet every diet Thursday
Dr. D James,
You Write
a ; letter to every
member the best
lies in Pitt County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
The Eastern Reflector.
Manufacturing Stationer
Commercial Printers
Books, f Office Etc
Kicks Wilkinson
On January 1st, 1903, will dissolve co-
partnership, and from now until then we will
offer our entire stock of high grade
at greatly reduced prices. Our stock of
Men's, and Clothing. Hats, etc.,
will be sold at and below cost. We have on
hand a large stock of Fine Clothing that must
suffer the severest cuts. Thanking all our friends
and customers for their most liberal patronage
in the past, we are, yours respectfully,
Ricks Wilkinson
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
Packing; for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing; of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
makes no is not out by facts. An average
of for everything sold on floor during the month
August it own talking about what Mini
the rest of do for those who sell at the Greenville
Warehouse. You only to try us to be convinced that w,
will get you prices every time.
o. r. Proprietor Warehouse.
News and Opinions.
X. C, Dec.
K. A. who
his third sheriff ibis
in looking over hi- ac-
count seek, found Mr.
Bryan Martin. in
Creek township.
of one rent on tuxes. He
promptly made n
for the amount mailed him,
which of comae, h
stamp, paper and envelope. Mr.
Martin upon of Hie state-
mi-Hi. a in
a letter, registered It, mailed
to sheriff, demand receipt
by return mail, which the sheriff
promptly him.
Sheriff Martin in trans
three cents, laxities paper
Mr. Martin
besides the taper and
envelopes News Observer
Steel and Iron Isa
buy man today final
arrangements for the
work at In
the northern part of the oily. The
the furnace an- engaged in
filling with coke and Mr.
will the lire tomorrow
Mr. says they have on
1,800 tons of coke and admit
that much me and plenty of lime-
atone. Including the I
night and
men will be employed.
Mr, J. P. who Is be
the night overseer, arrived today
from Alabama with two keepers.
What Kin
l. i-
a woman with two children,
she having been married twice and
from both In
I he same is a man, also will,
two sets of children, he having
been twice married divorced
This couple is lo married as
soon as the statutory limitation of
six has expired. Now I fie
question is what relation will these
lour sets of children lie lo each
other to following
this marriage if there should is
A Good Suggestion.
The game laws of the stale
should lie amended by
general assembly. A mouth
should lie deducted from the sea
son and greater protection thrown
about birds during closed sea-
son. A mole stringent trespass;
law should also emu-led. North
Carolina is a natural paradise fur
hunters, and it will remain so for
years if reasonable precaution is
A met Little
Mr. Carnegie's Christmas
to his daughter will he
i he palatial residence New YorK
Which he has spent four years in
I mi Id i at a cost of ion.
On that day deed for the
house and i lie bills of sale for Its
contents will ha turned over to her
and she will
owner of residence
with her father as trustee.
It look the
only I en to read
pass the pensions appropriation
lull sailing for f
passed without discussion
pensions are smile
things the salesman don't
these days. They an- privileged
nation as he expresses It, to
point lit to in the
south is Die in- old republican
idea cropping out again. Could lie
to appoint to office thus equal
thing the way of fail
Thankful People in
Another real thankful Thanks-
giving has come to the
of the people of met-
great Slate of Pill,
and more people are rejoicing than
happiness, smiles Hull
are real and genuine.
The handsome, ponderous
active mayor was his
corporeally in
day and today, giving mil checks
to alum. everyone he met, and
those be did not meet be
up. Genuine cash- checks upon
the Rink of These
checks were from one cent to
hundred dollars ninety two
cents, making a sum total of more
than forty-five hundred
What town in the whole
of slates has such a mayor, and
coming just at
Ibis particular time, just before
Christmas beats old Santa
Clans. Truly, this is greatest
t this side of
And now, next Our name
mayor is turning bis eye
and attention toward the beautiful
Dickinson avenue,
as another of and
to the many
this metropolis, and
some sweet day the people will
wake up ml Dickinson a-e
line light where where
has In en since the of
not to the contrary, and
where will ever remain ad
nil further
than Ibis deponent not,
The electric lights, graded -I
id waterworks, to say nothing i
a el market and lire de
are sharing
a in special attention,
but all are not at
thaw things ill call forth after
holidays are over and the pop
cracker is heard no the
mall boy tin- me
settled the harmony of
the town is again
the turkey bones and the
ml lie on shelf side by side
when the girls and boys have
to the
of 1803 will begin lo
whoop the
will be accomplished ere clods
fall upon Its grave at birth of
Now, all you
souls win, have witnessed
of 1908, slop your croaking
sniveling and wake up to
greatness f your
give your aid and assistance to any-
thing that helps to make ii
and All
you can't he mayor or alderman,
nor are you all eligible to attend
bill by
energy and skill and patience you
may lie rewarded according to your
merit, much
is given much is
Let all join in a re
of the
and with a
bail to the prosperity
meats to In 1808.
the of Jane I Insured
my crop, lift acres, the
Park Hail Insurance Co ,
damage by hall, tin Au
4th my crop was
damaged by bail. The agent at
Raleigh was right away
and in a day or so on spot
We agreed upon ad
the damages,
am in
company's cheek for full amount.
was in policy
all would be paid
it m a pleasure to do
a is
like the Par Region Hall
of re
lief to feel you ire protected
by a policy in a
when ugly hail storm
us. I lake great
lo all farm,
who want to
crops from bail.
I in I show that pea
nut has the
amendment the
Unusual Caw in Court
Some Suits.
During D, John
son for distilling in
an unusual d rather sensational
Another man by the
In-line of G. T. came int., open
as h witness
in in ill of defend ml. and
lull g the witness
swore Hun -ii an
ii. I be
man who ran blockade SI ill oil
I said Johnson's laud, When
as to his be slated
he did mil lo see an in-
man tn punished for
his v law. course
a verdict of mil guilty was entered
the of Johnson.
A Today.
Once upon a I line I boys,. I
and William, applied a man for
said the min,
pointing lo some parcel.
The hoy-, eager prove
fell work. John nulled
the string, rolled it into a nice
he it. and folded u
the suing,
piper, and threw both the
waste basket.
While John was opening one
parcel, William was opening
The man hired John.
is I said he tin
age of small economies is past,
fact remains every little
makes a and a is all
I'm no
This fable leaches some
fables are mole than
Strong efforts are being put forth
to rid our country of the to
alcohol If legislature is
like the lust one we bad, we may
look for a in
cause of temperance. Hy
people who love cause of right
urging their efforts, gel-
ling the people in general to sign
petition to have
slopped and presenting the same
the law making powers of
land and asking God of
to light our battles for us,
will be ours. When asked to sign
for removal of traffic, lei
us generation
and the good of our laud Refuse
lo aid the cause
and you only have Io look about
you and See that ate aiding
the powers of disease
and death land.
A into a store the
day and looked for it
Herald, He In a hurry,
was no clerk insight.
a while some one called up from
and I'm in a hurry,
he called back
we'll In a little
while We're catching
And waited a
minutes and then walked to
merchants In other
are mice while com
advertising and
In business in a modem
way, and gelling it.
letting your neighbor know what
you hive lo sell and what ash
Good Firming
Mi M, P i.
farms He
this of
Button on I bit acres. On
acres of land he six
of seed
H like his land inches deep
tun bis row. four led
He put in the lows a
Illy and
pounds of per
ere. used hundred
as a top
about July
I- Ii
i been
hey built
Ami which has
bronchi t-ii a
t. -u ii
Ami i el unit tins regular-
ii in h
in-ii.,. m ii
value it.
The value of publicity is
an an asset the merchant,
wanted N
which appears illy,
u is mm n a few weeks,
disappears, leaving it a
with public
-till in
r has away.
The every merchant,
baa an hour for opening,
usually for iii- more,
so know
chase can mode
in a in
daily in the
hours when air in be shown
All of i- j
Its very
i- trade
that I he t ire i open,
A ml in. who thus
regular in opening,
to often in
Thy few weeks
in year lo lei the
public are in
The result may appeal
so directly in their own business,
but by
to advertise is lo
be in the building up
rival who is tin-
regular newspaper
t burn Journal.
in North Carolina.
Tin whole number
In is Slate
in rank of in hi- respect.
Die i I post.
in are
average expended per
capita in use the mails
Tin Heels is whereas
of average
1.1 per capita. New YorK
and Nevada 92.51.
forty among the
State in expenditure per capita.
Tins condensed by the
department is a flue Index of
business of a
Raleigh Post.
meets in Greene ills .
A inn will be held in court
house tomorrow The
of the are
invited lo I. mid will Is
in pi j repaid so doing,
In ill read by the
The meeting a month
a well attended and
ill I e equally good.
Mountain h to
Mr. W ti owner,
ass goal much, Last Saturday
load Angora goals
here were
sent lo where
were liberated. The
will in- watched a deal
of High Point
pi lee.
is Drawing Near,
And lie has conn- for you to think
yon shall give your loved ones.
We ink we help you if yon are
in doubt, for we have n beautiful lot of
goods for you to select
are pretty and practical,
mental showing distinct
unrivaled. Now is the opportune
time to soled your Christmas gift.
They are here today but may be gone
Special Term i i
ordered a special
term of
h to
ill ease will pie
will In case
Nellie i
to i- Hi.
modern of Kansas,
u ii i- been in the
live veins and p.
in in i- for sale. Mai
ii ill . Kan i
of Fanny Booking Chain, all
oilier Furniture, is com-
Our Fancy and
Novel ties in price from to
We think we have the largest
stock Hulls town, and we
our pi ices are low.
Oh Mr. Santa Claus-
dial hare Candies, Oranges, Nuts,
Apples, Raisins, Figs, Etc.
Have you made that Cake We all
the ingredients, all new and fresh. Our Nuts and
Fruits are nil this year's crop. We carry nothing
in ibis line very best we can get. Our On-
furl In-
i is tilled with everything needed
Greenville's Great
Department Store.
This winter air
Is a reminder that holiday
season is here. I am ready fur it
with an attractive line of
The very handsomest assortment to be
found has been selected especially for
my holiday trade.
P fr I than ever and I
VS have an almost endless as-
of them, suitable for parlor, bedroom,
dining room, hull, library or corner.
China and Bisque Ware
r new
bulb ornamental and serviceable- You will like
Cut Glass, Silver and Jewelry,
Our magnificent line from II.
Raleigh, whose fume for Glass, Silver-
ware Jewelry extends throughout the
Stale. will sit- nothing
Taken all I have never had
a better that ran be
found my store season.
Come and make your
The frail egotism
water hi.
In, , pit
Goes up or
According to
you iv your
new. Keep It to
and goes down. Keep
it before the public
climbs up.
Never triad HI Well, it's you
and let the people know you
want their trade. The advertising
farmer will
k u p

D. I. d
t U N.
ft, a dais mail
M. 1902.
There is a growing conviction in an oh- la
of the be bf a u
. . . ,, . . and n- la
the democrat have allowed . .
, , , in M
to work a very practical w or
joke into that Vick It T-g-
quite plain, but the part of atones
barest of the thin is mt
knocks enough dignity out of the by pie-
, . , . ,, , I he people from eating I lie
a at .;. have , ,.
but he gotten hit name up. Senator -------1 ft.
The IN not
get excited. The Now thing you know juries common, and when they do occur
re as secure from taxation on important cases that have to be they will do
together through Sunday will
urn no
j. not be allowed to attend church
. , the no
If States a job It been the practice that juries gm ,.
a serviceable so held were permitted to attend
hand it might pay church in a body by called cabbage
, British allies.
r ass
a year a . i
coming out
a of Ai .
the m
hair grow . I now it
la Mr. A.
. K
There's another hunger
than that of the
Hair hunger, for Instance.
needs hair
This is why we say that
Hair Vigor always
restores color, and makes
the hair grow long and
the German and when they
It couldn't be a Last Thursday the
case started at
completed Tues-
day when a verdict of guilty
returned and the prisoner sen
fenced to be banged. Not ice
appeal was given, the principal
MM for motion being
on the fact that the jury
church on Sunday and heard a
sermon which the
to the laxity of the court
in dealing criminals.
The preacher
If the beautiful of to make
that cropped out relative to reference of
the could ,
together bound in
mi. color the amateur j The territories of Arizona, Xe
politician no text book Mexico and Oklahoma should
that Mid
a lave
en profession
worse than the twenty
million we paid Spain for the
la other day a
who about to be buried
turned over in her coffin and asked
for a She
whether she wanted it for
ate or thought It might come
in when she woke up in the
other world.
so desired. is a Blander I
a while bodied worn,, fem tour to I
At I am of I will,
for all
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
; Alan a lot of Staple that will at reduced
This is a chance for if you cine before good are
S bi
SB Hi lit
All parties to are to at
not by Jan. lat will be in hand of an allot
Groceries, Provisions, Country
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigar.
for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
Fruit Jars.
A dollar with a
worth of
lion every time. If
for YOU bring back the stuff and get dollar.
thick as an ordinary knitting
ii hoped that those in.--
paper have published
misleading tins
worm, will re publish this
lion, thus help to prevent
one of Hie mills her got Up
a a young
a Matrimonial
in Chicago. Photo-
., be admitted as stales for any con warn exchanged and
They are not entitled ,,.,.,. an
hat u, be Dy population, wealth, ,., , ,,,
i or importance in any re-
an admitted, would bean
The monthly meeting of
the A el-
was to order at
this court
house, by t
Devotional exercises c
dueled by T. B. followed
by reading of the minutes of
Dec. Some time by the
woman operative Mattie
I Harrington,
Barber Co.
Santa Claus
He came From Nebraska to Wed an
Girl, but Didn't
ate nature
Yet, if they are admitted,
not regard the act as a baud. Accordingly the man in
Sam Vick, the postmaster political our view, the ,.,,,. an appointment
of Wilson, appears to be the big- S
get pebble on the beach communities. never He arrived here last
Washington just now. A stir had experience of admitting Z
J territories and seeing M-l to lake place did not
the way from the While House f,,, , careering off after ,,., The arriving here
the Senate i being kicked up tic political phantoms. r many girl be
over him and the seems , .
to elephant his hands cannot strengthen their hold b than he had been
whose disposition is giving him admitting any with that he
New. his ml. And a yet no marriage
This is a fair sample of the ha-taken place. Tile would lie
that eastern papers have been groom i stopping at the
much unrest.
T K. made for
the committee on constitution and
by law. The report of the
On motion a question box
added to program, giving each
teacher lo ask qua
lion on any particular Una of work
program for
taken Up, as
of papers u
The read
were and
all of at
Intervals daring the next four
weeks, us did these lead at II
i meeting.
those assigned place on
the program today,
made by W.
II K. Harding
Holland others.
Everything you want in
Confectioneries. Also Toys
and Fireworks. Come to
see us. We will be pleased
to serve you at prices as
low as the lowest.
Yours to please,
Winterville, N. C.
I Fresh Gossip From Near-by Vicinities
is making his
headquarters for
Confectioneries Fruits
They have a full supply of everything in this line
for the little folks and the large ones, too.
largest assortment of Candies in town Nuts,
Cakes, Apples, Oranges,
They also have even thing nice in way of
fixings for Goods,
Jellies, Pickles, Prunes, the best of
Flour, the finest Butter, in fact anything usually
found in a first class grocery. You only have to
call or rim; phone and your wants will he
promptly supplied.
fathered by Our and
Reported for
f groceries at W. K. Hamilton's
old stand. You will always find
bis store headquarters for lies
S. Dec of everything, Prices very reason-
la loam that able.
lions are going up from Greenville, D. and It. Mien
this place and went to today.
others asking the Atlantic Coast The mast have de
Have You Forgot
,,,., they would no.
delegation who asked I a have several . f, , fire works enough left for
named to years, it is . bot u m ., , ,. , ,
Vick as postmaster one would expect from a occur. The ,. , ,, came down Anyway the has
were perhaps within their eve. seen 1- , good appearance , , , , ,,,.,.
rights in doing so, but ,., h ,.,.,, a farm
developments have doubtless made
them like a man who attempts
the border of ten- claims to own
acre farm. There is as much
i quarrel in his neighbor's honesty
I the Charlotte Ob- m some parts of the territories
Wonder if man who at-
tempted o settle a in his
neighbor's isn't
fellow the calf ran
mentioned than can In- found among
test in education,
miles from Lincoln, Neb. He i- lb Inclement
still here and hi ticket bold there a large
re of teacher others present
until I lie my be
expects to . here
lime, viewing
the .
It is to be that no one
has failed to notice the recent
in condition of
Main street. A few loads of dirt
and ashes where the ponds used to
be and a little leveling gives
city a real thoroughfare from
Fourth Street to and
affords admirable hist rat ion of
the benefits to be derived through
the good roads sentiment. A
more auspicious
magnificent future has man-
itself since railroad
w-r- between
capital and Parmele.
the society of the four hundred in never law a cotton stalk or
the east. Especially is true tree until be came to faro
of Oklahoma, where, as
and well-informed are aware,
he found a
The Charlotte
does not employ child labor, does
Much Property in
Sara V Club.
i Hi ft i i I
The Sans Club met
day afternoon at the Mia
the regular
club and proved a most enjoy-
aide The meeting was
I to order rice
dent. Mi-- bed bee,
art destroyed dent, Miss Louise Latham, being
absent. After regular
its slander mill and stop lying in. on third I t-s a a- M's- Winnie
about We are willing to . of L. A. Vaughn knitting read, in her usual
null, in sired, and tractive at J a selection from
the wall, wen-falling alien the J Lane Mien, which
arrived and by
. three other three all. Then followed the daintiest
many people in sage bush .; were burned of n a most
and who can j,, unique
wear an evening suit and silk hat Vaughn's loss is 110.000 fol and tasteful-
that would make the insurance on
etc. The building beaut t
owned by K. L. and
cost insured
Hoard ;,,.,,
heard It whispered however A. Mfg. have started
he hail i II I bum is. up on cotton planters for
Al a that the wire 1st shipment Orders already re-
manufactured by A. a.
i- a Co. have
one , about half a men I out horses.
lining last two or three weeks
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
not starve to death, and N. , Dec
does not engage in wholesale Special. was visited
purchase of pure for by a fire this
. . than Isn't The alien i I on the prop-
purpose of debauching mil i
it about time for the east to close
credit the esteemed
New- with honest intentions, but
hasten assure it that there are
, , scene.
bush .
brick buildings
have bought over a mile each of
making mom than enough lo
from here to
all the small lots have
been sold lime named
Sonic of then men had made a
thorough having
correspondence from several large
concern, la-fore purchasing
lore. will
John Noble, Jr., who
baa been away a year or so,
Ins moved back o his
on Main street.
Did you know that Q. A Kit
keep almost any kind
of grain you w tut lo so,
all of Their Grey
N. Die. lOW.
Mrs. K. K. and Miss
spent Sunday a. Standard.
went to Green-
ville Monday.
went to Winter-
and Delia Smith
services at
Miss L. -sir came out
front Winterville Friday and spent
till Monday her sister, Mt,
M id and brothels,
All forbidden
to in any way upon
of in-
All who are lo lb
are re-
quested to come forward and at
once and save cost of
Winter Turf o is the very thing George and
look like
mummy of II.
in a way
average easterner
The . Superintendent of
Pub.,, instruction has made up
the figures for the distribution of The Bulletin of the State
appropriated by Agriculture for October affords
state direct to the public the following valuable addition to buildings, On Lip-
schools, based on the number of the literature of Cabbage
children of school age in each
county. The number of children The of mendacious
reported for the entire state is renown seems to have
a,,,. . out of business by a
semen, which has located
western pan of North Carolina,
about cents to each child.
County has children MM ,,
will get Greene f the cabbage patch
will get Lenoir Ml Many have been published
Craven concerning the deadly
Marti u
fin. Scale or
Insured for 0-10,000, the
lot very The tobacco
was iii Alt-iii. Furrow S
Go which cost
Insurance There
Insurance on tobacco
bad mi
one pound- of and
leaf stored a brick f,
owned by J. II. Moseley,
auk holly
Helps; darkened, wax
hut a charming
one a lovely of
I In the shape
meeting will t held
ii ii Mi-- It Patrick,
Mis was
tie evening.
All led Hie pleasant
Mi s a
to SOW at I Ilia of the
A car load of b ids just arrive I.
J. K. went lo
Thursday night and returned I'll
speaking v a very -u-
joyed night and
tan high
Mi. A. II. la ml e sick
opened a stock
ll III
I. J. Chapman, of
cob Brooks.
Spencer Brooks, William Brooks,
Bland, Catherine Jane
Council Mary
Smith, Martha
Brooks, Fred
The defendants above named will
take notice that an action entitled as
above commenced in the Nu-
of county lo sell for
a small of in Swift
Creek Township, PIN county, N. C,
which owned by the late Jacob
pleased with the rural free his death. The
defendant will further take no-
they are required W
Miss Stokes, of Superior court
. ., county at court House in
i- Halting Miss I nth day
, or demur to the
I said action, apply
lid in
II. and family wen.
and returned
Our people seem very much
or tub
Bo ABO or
The following la a of th
numbs of the Board of
Commissioners of County;
bar of days each member
of miles traveled and
amounts allowed for services as com-
missioners for the fiscal year ending
It. I. Ha. i- hath day
W. G. Little day
J. Chapman IT days
J. J. day
R. L
For as com. 12.00.
For mile- traveled
For days as com.
For day
For traveled of
For days corn. Hi
For traveled
r. w
t Coll Witt.
V of a change The express purse a
in the a t,, while was
hoarse voice and a beefy cough the Friday
may of heal h . , . , , . ,
your own home. and a bucket of
pie have a of One Minute in the reel.
tough Cure alway- band. K
II. Wise, ,
lain lo One Minute, la-a change in white and some while in
Cough for my i Him of the John Flanagan tail. Owner la notified to call for
same and pay expenses Incurred.
At the Johnson place, I
from Greenville, north aide of river.
Total, in.
amount l. i.
For days com.
For says a
For traveled
amt. . I. I.
For days com. e
For days as
For traveled
Total, to
Total amount allowed Board,
st of North I
County of
I, T. Moore, Clark of
the Board of for i
county aforesaid, do certify that
A black yearling been my I foregoing la s correct
, the Court for the relief
raid complaint.
This Nov.
ii. c.
Clerk Superior court.
stock since Brat of May, The
yearling Is marked with two slits In
ear and fork lo left.
are op
j the removal by recent confer- nave proved to be common and
fence in Wilmington of their former harmless water worm, or
b M- c and
of lodge are
W ad
Rev. B. C. he Md , They his salary two year. ed to . eel
having been sent to eh of ago last May, night for aid walk
of which W. C. Nor- j, worm The said increase amounting In first degree
man, who died in n m the
Sunday morning, pastor, things. It has a soil,
The Wilmington says, boneless body, with only
that when the news of Rev. Mr. organs
great depend
bill a
I et
North t a
I A Co.
Iii Superior Court
Letters of administration upon the
estate Williams,
tins day been Issued lo the
by the Clerk of Superior
of Pitt County, is hereby
I to all having claims
; against said lo present them to
the duly and
will authenticated, for payment on or before
doth appear of record In my
This day of November, Hot-
K, Mi x
Clerk Board for Ce.
North I
Pitt County. I
M. ii. Blount,
Charlotte K. Mi
In Superior
lie In re lbs
It doe not bite
Haw but its food
form any and every part
of its body. It is
Internal parasite of
they would receive and other insects. Its presence
a pastor It be B. O. cabbage heads II rare and
The due to the previous abundance He- paying he the
saved raise, paid
town Board of Stewards i
church held a meeting and
the bishop and elder that
cents a day.
Since pi ice
and of beets,
Of and of
Of corn and and
potatoes, milk and
Of the product of I law- beta,
Of hats and socks and coat-,
Of all sinks
The Money
all of lours
time is being wean
n- , in a adopted organs. Cures
a. their lo
,, . still Slakes rub red health
t . ware rebuilds .,,,.,, the clerk of
collected last year. Mayor strength court el I'm county at
law has been busy and the U
on ill orders lo . Atkinson.
for each
have it
Marv I,. Hellen, DOW
The above named
lake e as the day of l, or this
ha been commenced the plead In bar re-
clerk of the Court of to
to revive a dormant judgment estate make to
plaintiff a obtained against t om-r.
at Dec term , This tee o. November.
for and interest and coats I
and to issue execution on said I-
and the said will fur- Williams, d
lake notice that she Is required j
stomach, the house in C.
. r w V. on the January.
n, , , ,,,. f u-
she I,
Is hereby that I will
make application before the Board of
lag on Drat Monday In January, Court for lbs relief
on said for amount County Commissioners, at their meet
or the will apply
Fannie Badger, J, P. Caraway,
Green, F. Jr., J.
G. Mrs. Johnson,
S. V. W,
K. Mrs. J. C.
Mrs. J. K. Caraway,
J. O, It. I,. Brown,
The defendants above named will
take that an action entitled a
shove has in the
Court of I'll County,
for assets r certain lot lo In town
N. . that was
and by K
And said
ill further take notice that are
required lo appear
In N. C, on the day
for licenses to retail liquor st said petition
of answer or
demur to the petition Had la
action, will apply to
store. In Dam township.
E. a.
This Nov.
Will be out of doors this Winter-
why not get him good warm Winter
Clothes and let him go it There's
lob of fun for him out of doors
don't keep him in.
We have Overcoats, Reefers, Caps, Mittens and everything
he'll want to keep him comfortable. All the styles and
kinks in children's wear are here. Come in and see how
nicely we can fit the boy out and how little we'll charge you
for doing it All sizes from to years.
The King Clothier.
If there it a CROSS In
of it in l. you
for n you to
fettle m M hi We MM I ml
YOU M and Will Dot keep
waiting for it.
Tab la for who the
n their
I shots at home News Put
H In Few Words for Busy Readers
ii tern any not many part
ridges found.
N. C.
a lo give. Hie
I a new
It i- n Quasi
Ilia, the on long
lOll. II.
We paint the that burn
Ibo new one lo . What
j is better, petal the
dost down.
,. You insure tin Ii.;
Von have the and
all are
Hi We Li-ad
M paint to painters
i and oil is the fashion
the lead and the
paint and
cheapest, it taken fewer
than and
wear as lone M bad
oil. poof
I lots of it,
I world.
A. M. J.,
Mr. Aaron of
always used IS gallons of
mixed petal for
spring he bought gallons of
had gallons left.
K. W. ,
New York.
There are going to lie
i In i-I in.-
For red a
pies, M.
You should see display of
and a brae
f nearly everybody don't get
will not he i In- fault
w eat her.
If a for a
you find
The fun of Kirks Wilkinson
will dissolve Jan.
lat. of la given in
you out fur your
shopping look over
will tell you who
has the goo. s you wan. lb OS
save you lime.
All are invited lo ex-
II.- -me lo your
open at
Brief Mention of People Met
With In the .-Social World
B, R, Cotton was here
Dr. Bryan went to Plymouth
W. Laos, of was
here today,
John of Ayden. was In
town lo day.
Thomas of Is
in the
Dr. K. Warren, of
John of
was in today,
Mrs. J. from
Mrs II. B, left
lo Visit her parent, ii.
If you feel ill and need it pill
Why purchase the la-sit
do rest.
W. K Houston,
miles- I have u-ed
Wiser in my family for
use I am for
health of
A Parker Fountain makes
an ideal present. The
are Bold -ill.
lot lo
at Book
II. K. C
and V
Mis- Jones, of Durban,
who has been visiting Mrs II. E
borne today.
J. returned h
went to
J spent Thursday
sight Greenville,
W. F Harding Thursday
night in Winterville
Xmas galore In a nice
Hue of jewelry just Mrs,
cost. Anything
sired no in can he had by
order in or days.
Many smokers are saving they
get no Ii Aral cigar any
where than
for a twofer just
leads lbs procession. These brands
found only at Hook Store
A few day ago Register of
Deed, B. Williams slaughtered it
month -old calf
some over pounds lo
do grow
User that for the age.
rs. H. T.
were in town
Mrs. J. F. Kemp, of Jamesville,
Who has i visiting Mrs. Ed
Tuft, returned home
Mum Alice i- home for a
few days.
Miss ROM Erwin is visiting Mis-
A. Ii, Friday night
J. N. left Friday even
A dog lax simply a a means of
railing revenue would be
taxation any other form, if
it should lie means of
aging it would
prove a Messing. trouble, as
we -ii- ii, is ,
Biking for the measure are not
likely to engage latter
Everything is iii a
It comes to Witch
R. C. to., of Chicago,
discovered, some ago, h. w
to make a from Witch
that is a specific for piles For
Blind, bleeding, itching pro-
Piles, cuts, burns,
bruises all skin diseases
Salve has no equal.
has rise to numerous worth-
less counterfeits. Ask for De
genuine. J. L.
J. T. Pitt, returned
home evening.
Hon. L. I. It-It
evening for New York.
Chas. from
weighed Danville Friday livening.
Dr. returned Friday
from Plymouth.
Mrs. R. R. Cotton returned Fri
day evening from
Thus. of is
spending a few days here.
guest of N. Fulford and wife,
Mrs. Allen and Annie Mr
of shop
ping here
Mia I ii Mm. of Ayden, who bus
j been visiting Mr. II. White,
returned borne Friday evening.
Frank has accepted a
with the Miles Corey
of Washington, N. C.
J. W. Brown ban moved his fain-
family lo town and occupies the
B. W. Matthew, of Durham,
who baa been visiting his son, E.
C. Matthews, home to-
Miss Nancy Coward, of Green
county, is brother,
H. Coward, South
You have it. You don't want It. Then
why keep it Drive it out with
Malaria and Ague Cure,
or A
to I mu-w
f It n
hr. hr ban
without a
too hod. Why didn't you
think Of It went
didn't know going no
I fur you to do
but without the
make mother
I for u whole
you a whipping ft
your never
to anything properly. our
mother or be looking
out for
You look out for
do you mean by
must mother the for
will her u for you, but
It will no food. You should
attended to the yourself and
her the
go. You will mis-, your
you haven't
told you I would give a
of your own. i want you to
give her one of
can I do that.
will give it to you and you
It on to
i declarer
Tummy went up to her. put bis arm
gently her drew her to-
ward him Tommy
was and vim
She bad adopted by Tommy
. b hum bud no other
I. H. h. Ah so.,, Tommy had given
I kiss he ran for bit bat and and
left Ten later his
she asked.
And without a
troubled him very but
wall. Why you take,
your kiss before you
expected to back before be left.
mother said no more. The
her gave her on Monday morning
when be departed usually kept her up
till Saturday evening, when re-
turned, endeavored to tell her
that Tommy had left With
but she teas unable to screw up
I courage to do so. Several Limes
the opened her red lips to speak about
it, but face grew so and
I tongue no rebellion that gave It
, up. pasted, she had not
given up her e in mission. Monday
night when went lo bed she firmly
that she do mi the next
morning, but the next
mother very Holly
didn't like Interrupt bar Bo Twos
day went by, and Molly had not acted
la matter,
fOOd half the week having
elapsed, the only
three to wait for h kiss direct
Consequently when Tommy arrived on
the had not been
delivered. Tommy gave hit, mother n
good Without mentioning
be bad left for her he sat
down to supper. Al ti o'clock hi- moth
went to lied hit him Molly
sitting by table. Tommy was nod.
log; was sewing. Molly's head
i in low over work,
being heavy on mind,
or, rather, on lips.
Tommy, laying down ,
bl book.
replied col-
you Mother
you mean you have kept what
doesn't belong you
could I do
fa but one thing you CM Jo
it back to
wouldn't be
you think It would b right to
There was a long silence, at the end
of Which till to-
morrow. I'll If I give to
her after
would have only been of use to
gar before
if worthless it doesn't -lead
to be
you salt It
mother. you not de-
liver It I must have It
Another end of which
link what lo do
The evening mother
went upstairs to bed Tommy said
when went away last
Monday I left a kins with Molly for
you. didn't give It to you. Now
we like to have you tell what
he shall
The mother looked from one to the
other. She was greatly pleased, for
she wish. both when they grew older
to be children, will take the
she said to herself, keep it
till It Is time to bring them together.
Then I ill give It back to Molly, and
she can it lo
A year later, seeing that it would not
best wall longer, mother gave
kits to Molly told her to give
it to Tommy. Molly con- I
During the year she bad re-
by Ml additional
kisses, nil needed to be re
turned. K. A.
Row the i In th
Middle- of lit.
In the of Colorado desert,
a little to the north of
border and feel below level of
the sen, lies a Held of salt
more than a thousand acres In extent,
presenting n surface white as snow
beneath the noonday glare of
sun ho the naked eye
cannot stand its radiance. It stretches
away for miles and miles about
Colo., an ocean of bulging, blistering
Here dally throughout the year men
are at work overturning the great de-
posit with plows and
getting It Into great piles preliminary
to putting it through the refining
The salt plows used to secure the
harvest are great four Wheeled
driven by steam managed
by two men. The salt cruel is thrown
up in parallel ridges;
with boa work It to and fro In thy
water, washing out the ii
to It iii mounds to be
taken to mill.
Halt springs in foothills are
constantly contributing to Hid deposit.
and so heavily are they with
most pure that the has hardly
passed on before a new baa
formed Iii the furrow hit. This fact
render it to operate more
than a small portion of the vast de-
As may be supposed, work In
is performed under most try-
conditions. No white man can
stand the Int.-use beat, and for this
reason the work Is done wholly by
Japanese and by Indiana. Of
these Indians are by far better
adapted to the work, the Japanese per-
forming only one portion, sewing the
sacks In Which salt Is The
laden as It is with
of sail, gives rise to a painful
thirst, the only available drinking
water cornea from a single well, it u
warm and III Mating,
Beautiful frequently appear
above the great salt Id In the day-
time, sky of
Sower dotted, tree haded
Tho moonlight, too, won
beautiful effects upon the
great Held of gleaming salt.
weeks In the
on the salt Held no de-
green, and the resection of the ran
a glare like that from a fur-
mice. The deposits In
from ten to twenty form ;
a over gnat marsh.
Is estimated that about are
now plowed up dally. New York
Little Mabel, Woman's
been pill to bed alone.
he in her nightgown
at the bead of the a saying plain-
Her mother
gave a favorite rubber doll named
Happy to to bad with her and for
o few minutes was Then
she with her plaint of lone-
This time her mother re-
minded her that Cod was with
lent her to bed with n reproof.
Soon she was heard weeping bitterly,
and when her mother went to her little
Mabel summed up of misery
by exclaiming, i don't want Happy,
and don't want I want Home-
body u skin
did JOg do i r.; .
Mike Oh. he an O
l If wan stab
um could afford loss, to o
t. .
la be so very Ignorant
Ignorant I Why.
he doesn't, even know a cure for colds
A Bad Breath
A bail breath means a bad
stomach, a b I a
bad liver. Aye's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
tick headache.
wad with do be
la a
Bald tier
know you are any
hi in BOW worn whisk
era. all
fifty coma a box for
I'd to Bill It
C. T Big Store,
and W. Main St., Greenville, N. C.
.-. .
Children's p,
Win Slight
hence low bat they
will wear well. Fine one-end
one ribbed hosiery, made of
fa-, black cotton.
Men's Heavy Op
Good Toilet Soap,
worth box, c.
Good VA I
II,.,,,,.,,,,,,, f
Trimming, One stylish thing the
ridiculous prices you heard of, the sort that
and reputation foe these many th.
are and Bonnet, and t
run something like Pattern Hats
I for and so on. the show mob
on the first floor and see for yourself what lowly st lea
showing 1.50, 2.50, 3.06, and 5.50.
kinds, only
Fl nil
also Size
x inches, in I inch
flumes, large
corners, Second floor.
Women's Fleeced Lilted ii
Coats, Suits, Skirts
and Furs,
Handsomest, Newest, and Best Made.
Special Attractions for
x inches,
Extra I I lie hit.-
Weight, extra
All Linen l
hemstitched I Inn link
worth in
A page like this will suffice to give you an idea
of the wonderful values in this great sale. Every
aisle, every counter, every foot of space crowded
with astonishing values. Reliable Merchandise
in every case. Nowhere will you find such
goods at such low prices.
C. T.
The Big
and W. Main St., Greenville, N. C.
p I
mo hi
he a
The Printing blouse talking to YOU
us your orders for Printing any description
When goes i
largest Print Shop in Pitt

n l
including Ribbons in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern Hats.
I M tr
One of the Mont kn
of Boo stall
aboard, for lug
the manner of l
. bound tor eat
A Arm
that trip Is an
grunt of class up
, i i
Brat, be
than I
It. Ill CO be-
, lag what k la, to
protect picture
I up by to- term In
the of who their care
I en route i Bat l j
vision that la-fore us with in. I
word. Bare America We
. . . .,, . . ,.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Shells, Stoves
I eaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
H. L.
notion of a band of earnest II may ;
. . .
I c . a
Any man can in.
. I MM Oat expert.
tub a
ii Hi.- Berth of
a l.-.-r win a wife
i after proposal he was
and in a
. of
a of
a on
bf iii
i of Mr.
-t I
lion, tin r-
nM M now
a Baa. ff
tin- l.
nu a of
no I ,, I
be will It'll may well in
fain PI
Hi tin- and tin- b I MID. Ibo lire of I
Ins n-ally fr I by
bard life
labor. op
on to
they must to a land
of or would not
bore; a
all Dan fr-
all that of Hut
who baa to we that
are Riven food and bunk and
do not fall below
fancies. Hi-
a fatal
low was WalD
you. is for but
the country
in of
from that; took an
he is not a They
Dave many, ninny thousands
they should of Balk,
The company lo brilliant
but i.-i and Hi lady
win of
of his kind, they
of him now.
him. It Is true
, he la lo. win bl an army of
The would many of I.
If M than
be were paid. y.-s. II called for and de-
u, a lark-. In a Hod. u-
to immigrant oh. yea but a. a K
low la well
or in -1 111.-1 formidable
Jam.-- B I In took
with Mi-- and
. ion French nunnery, where
. V-
I. V ,; .,
Paid op
I tint
be paid within on while yon
are . ,, or within three after lapse, upon evidence
of payment of interest.
Rest lie loin, s. Incontestable.
are payable the of the of each
year, ill.- premium fur the current year lie
They may lie To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the or
make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L. At
Greenville, X
Three Times,
the Value of j
Any Other.
One Third Patter
Agents Hunted in all
Wheeler A Wilson
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
it t-t
in the
S the of health
lo the and
Ink and
does the the
or ran are to
and heal. It cures
of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
a I -s t
cleansing, and
membranes the
and digestive organs.
Dyspepsia Cure
Hi. trial which sec
rimes. H L CO.
In until,
to b.-r lovers and
cure, to marry in
and characteristic story
1- la the
when be was Mrs.
to whom in rears of married lire
was so devoted.
One day Mrs Lewis, who was then
In retirement at her scat In
up drive. she
. to an I really
that horrid limn u
K up Hie drive Do. run tin
Boor and say I'm Dot Jane
the to the caller
and gravely her
-bill take m bag to a mid
prepare will wait until
1.1111. Is ready lo come down
which, of course. Mrs
to do a few
widow ashed
answer, a
and in
do with such
later in the
bowed . of
Marry him I -UP
. world knows
had hi- v.
in the
Special offerings in every department of our store.
not long deceased. u-d to
t.-ii a diverting of ins wooing, in ;
these days be was a straggling and ob
lawyer Without even prospect ,
of an and woman
he had s.-l hi- the
of a proud man lib a
opposed to giving daughter a
the father
when he was for
hand you know. sir.
that have nil
noblemen and that
a minister of Queen
y.-s, know all
rand d- you know that Queen
once your face.
and mil you are more civil I
lira, C It.
We bad ft To
u on our m the
irk t
on watch,
lo of both
that bad
Is-cu b.-ard in he
the and tut it
the belief bad a
I off at I and at a
n.-it The died
out. and we were on even keel and
not over two an hour. It
,. t. ., do. k The
some In
the men were SI on Job-, and
,,. the and
era on a of sail Just
windward when a about of terror rang
through the -h-p
A hand had
sea Into Hie
on deck, and It be who
rolled out a be tumbled up and
for moment contemplate
Holm- overboard. rail the
captain on deck, then be told
of the of the
Paras declared that a voice
had called out to while he
other, then declared they
had heard a bat the
old was mad enough to kill
II the watch
held by the first mate from midnight
to o'clock next momma- It bad be-
come almost a calm I left
the deck man of the first
males watch was up before him. and
noticed that be-
low. happened an hour
after I bad turned In --.- captain
. of 1.1 life Mr.
male n lacing the
.;,. a lo-
gagged and a voice, which
, d a-
him lo Is- or bed
id All are light sleepers.
p. that the nor
woke up during event,
has always been a matter of
The men bars
to wind, got tackle, aloft and bore
the and we slept
along with, id bearing a sound. They .
nil, breaker, of water, took
provisions as cook, who was In j
wilt them, could lay hand. on. and by
o'clock Hoy were away. The stew-
ard one left behind with
Hi. After the men left Mr.
made effort to free himself, but
without avail lie could not even roll
the a. he bud been
a At wt
the captain awoke and Went deck,
and when the whole affair
plain lo be nearly fell down In s
We were the mutter
the captain WM cursing and lining
when u figure from
tin- forecastle came aft us far u
lb-- It was figure of a
woman, but her face was so white and
pinched, bar eye. o large and glassy
and -he reeled III such a r
that who was nearest her. I. n
rounds in making be
I caught
in to the
cuttle butt got her a of
water. It only a drop to h r. and
he had swallowed fully two
before I art Then I
steward, who was now get.
lug as cook, he brought a big bunk
. meat and couple of biscuits. She
like n wolf, and It n good half
By and by we had her
was an Irish widow who had gone out
lo the lo marry again, but her
lover had gone back on his word
l.-rt h.-r among stranger. In
tin-, emergency she
tow herself away o
bound ship and had el
captain did not
Ike bowS, are
Richmond, Va.
I The Stock of Fine
and Medium
H I P a
I ,, ,
in the South.
I la
a f
to your In hank of
your It may which j
you n In I
and power, I
H may t to I
and little j
to it from dwindling out j
and j
into million. It the way
the capital la You may
think you have no much that there la
do net, to economical. You c t up
Id the and feel
your veins like
you think you can
turn the mill of the world.
You work day and or you pl-7
day and night, which la sometime
more and k at the limit of
your all the time. You r
your account of
and that for you
enough to n long and
It pays to alt down and
en your and It add cent per rent
to your body bank deposit.
Another with not your
or will get ahead of you In the
end. for he make every net. every
thought, to the mark lie
waft- no effort. Everything be
mean It help toward
end. Y-u i-pond a great deal of
ammunition on
you He keeps cool.
aim Ula bird.
You get and front tippet
temples and ; In vi-
when yon W In your
prime You have overdrawn the I-eat
and no-1 valuable bank
Lord ever on Hie of life
the ability to work and to
play to look up at the
Steamer leave
daily at C A. U. In
ville, daily la
M for
at with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York
I Aurora, South Creek.
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke
for lbs West with rail
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line end
Co. from Baltimore. Mar
and Line
Wm-m E. Broad Street, Ag,.,
Richmond, Va.
J. K. Diet let
Ar Norfolk Lt
p m
Ml p m
B m
Ml p
p m
a in
p a m
p m
a m
a m
MB p m
kept Mount
hand. Country
A trial will convince you.
D. W.
as In other things In human The
I Una I
BUS Tell -t
All gambler, and I
game of their is-t are now
so old us to have I
of The
croupier, of Monte have an In-
act of ,
of their own. most of which are
lo many thou-
of ratters who toy with the
In curt of chance.
The most striking of these I. the
of the Wandering Jew. which the
believe n fervently they
do that bunk will down any
that ever win Invented. Than
la one day. and one day only. In the
year on which of the
at Monte t arc clewed on
Friday When room, are
opened on the following day, they My.
the to enter the
Nouvelle de I. an old man
of venerable appearance He
no but. walking lo one
of he place, with the
of extreme old age a
piece of money upon a certain number-
Tho wheel I. turned, the
m in
a nice Hart war.
J. B.
p m
V. p III
ltd pm
a m
a m
t. m
a m
Ml p m
Pullman Sleeping and Dining Car.
on Mas. and to Tampa and Jack-
II. M. W.
Traffic Mgr.
T. M. T. II.
do I a, t
fl, . ,., s well and the baa been too mild. i i
, we an- offering special the f
off selling price. Remember oar for any
i refund your money.
on you
Silk, every yard
I. net any-
-ilk, I
III.- pi
in. Ii I Silk. BIB
Ii i-l-r
I with other 1.00
. d it
ii. only
we the West I it I
mm lo-ell
tan, gray, in hades.
lake special palm .
these Bad give I
values in every pal
inch all linen Full bU I
tine at. heavy
heavy fully worth
Ladies Veal, full
are the -11 y Sf
to he ill
you are
it Hi
1.85 pair
Woolen Sun I ft. Hoc.
Men's extra heavy Fleece Lined
Undershirts, gray, blue cream
piece. them Before
One lot Collars lo
former pi ice. Cr parK
c, now
One of Ladles
I lo
One lot Top Shirt.,
some v. . mine rents;
just an must
lie sold. The price in
We have the nicest line of
mid Men's lo I found
anywhere. Our 1.50 shot in made
of high grade
lo he the for price
Hint he had.
Our 9.00 can't he
. anywhere. In see
before yon
Shoes, worth I III
i in i f is
ii he
p. ii cs
II it . of
a all
i sun hi.
It l scarcely
bold and daring a lover
had his way the end, even In the
of such a barrier of ghostly
The late Prates it i
bis Wife In roach the same way.
Although be had not known the lady of
bis love more than a few days bar
parents were not even aware of bis es-
presented himself one day be-
fore mid boldly asked
to marry their daughter. In vain
father fumed and Muttered and threat.
to lime the young man forcibly
ejected from for id. in
hence am sorry lo annoy you.
young soldier mild, I must re-
decline lo leave
I have Nor did
although the consent was given in than
ungracious I suppose
must have your way. but I cannot com-
my daughter on her choke of a get
mule for a husband
cry falls upon the ear,
the number by the old , sir A D H
man ha. won. With a bitterly savage . T- . I V I Mini
She the aged man bis
winnings, throws him and
hurries from the room to disappear, no
one knows where.
lie la the Wandering Jew. and until
he can a bet Monte Carlo ho
must continue his wandering. Get on
blind of of the old
piers of Monte Carlo, and will tell
you this legend. Have they seen
Of course they have and are fully per-
that the aged and mysterious
stranger Is none than man
condemned to perpetual earthly wan-
nearly MOO years ago.
her, as
lie seal her to the galley to
and I don't think be was
Hen's and Clothing.
ii at pr cent, lower than an I
to mI
u de. know that
v here
will be h, m
r .,
a .
inn; nut arc
II it i-f
Their All
Next In tin of
tin l
that f In
the TOW
r l n
to in- tor a for,
you I
for In tin woods you
. of n
much has, only a rt of
shoulder, or only tin over or n
ion utter It of
a bull or n hit of UM
tip for The
of lit up of
and hush tin
the wild hop la yd
over thorn
half it D ruffed
Um pool
ti nit the
water oral tin la
or Binds- here
the petal- at UM wit
the t the year
would all for
Mil Split III
boor H-
Del Hie ti
or eM
rump with full of
ore not at toO Int-
When lull old out Of
bed mid get twisted U to
T. Van Dyke
put out an he pretended to he.
bod boll
u M nil day far
Into UM were under very
abort Mil, hut the bark swarmed
a rule of speed. The
meant to our and
the W met. for two or
three men and Sierra
At sunrise of I third day I went
aloft to v u sea. the
object lo eye was our
Mm i lo
of and down
our she over
t away, and my
I identify every man.
Upon the to the cap-
he swore tho horn
that bOd not take a man hut
when the boat bad within hall
he his mind, and her crew was
over the rail and glad to
They had gone oft Intend-
lo make the forgot-
ten lo take a and had
stilling almost random. Tho
to v on board,
and when got real-
lied how Idiotic bad been their action,
no Ml of men were ever more
ed with or anxious to
atone for their doings. Molly
landed In Liverpool,
we made up a for her that
might have time tn turn around I
believe the captain put much
all the rest of us. though ho waved
bar and called after her that
bed law on her If wasn't
out of Liverpool of an hour.
A to It.
Norah Murphy,
from Kills had oat to make
their on their cousins,
the at In an arts-
part of the city,
log at the Instead of being con-
fronted by the usual bell knob, nothing
but a moan apology of a knob
In the shape of a black button
met them, midget got hold of the but-
ton gate It a pull, but her
before there was any
ring from within. Again and lain
tried with the result, until
turn I the Job to Then
the I tier yanked and twisted with nit
. until OB the bind-
come unto
toil petrel it
Joke on fir
lb devils
day, and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening
i Kev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
school A. Allen
every Hue
I lay, morning and evening. el
meeting Wednesday evening.
H. M. Kure, pastor.
a. L. H.
I Sunday, evening. Sun
a. K. B.
W. E
Horning and evening
; prayer with sermon every 1st
3rd services
every 2nd
a. m., W. B.
every Wednesday a. m.
and fourth la each month
meeting Wednesday night.
D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun
Whichard. N. C.
The Stock complete in every la d u , p w B p.,.
and prices M low the J,
A story told a western congress-
man Is about two brothers. Ed and
Jim. who dealt In wool at their
In Iowa. Jim went to a meet-
and In his Brat
burst of be told bis brother
how much better be felt since hi.
conversion and urged to come Into
the fold. The latter pondered gravely
for a time any
doubt hut what religion's a good thing,
and I'm glad you've got Jim. but I
you better let me alone Just
be continued reflectively.
gee, Jim, one of us got to weigh tbs
Is the day the world has
k Tomorrow will be
Highest market
paid for country produce.
regular service
I lint's tho kind Of we are, that is kind of store
are Conic to sen
Allan In.
had no friends come i
him how he to
I., HI.
i el much
the. Jinn good a chance s.
to he lb.
bis neighbor,
lie can sigh. th.
tag , W. so
alone tea. me the
. M. Schultz
Wholesale and retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid lb
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go
suits, Tables, Lounge., Safes, P
and Gail A Ai Rung,
High Life Tobacco, Key Weal
Henry Clear, o
Bed Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Apples, Jelly, Milk
Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Snap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil.
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Reeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples,
Currents, Glass
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handler of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc., go U
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N.
Nice line good, on hand. Price, low
Country bought for or In
tor good.
American and Italian Marble
Wire Iron Pastas Bald.
work and prior,
i. pea eat
A. F. A A.
Lodge. No. meets Brat
third Monday evening. B.
W. M., J. M. Brass, Bee.
K. Lodge, No.
meet every Wednesday evening.
W. H. C. T. If.
K. of B. and
I. O. Lodge,
No. every Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, N.
D. D. Overton, Ber.
B. A. Zeb Vance Council, Ho.
1606, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
Is. Tunstall.
A. O. Council.
No. meet every Bret and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S. Smith
I. O.
No. MO, meets every second and
fourth Monday night in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers In I
Clerk Superior Court, D.
Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
of Deeds, B. Williams.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Surveyor, J. D.
Commissioners, J. J. W.
W. B. Home, J. B. J.
W. Page and J. Spier.
Best Butler, K.-w Chicago and New Orleans.
Hewing Machines, and
other goods. Quality h i
Cheap i-ash. a
. see me
S. M. Schultz
Ph -e
a . IN ll
Mayor, W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, II. L. I'm r.
Clerk, Tyson.
Tax D.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. II.
and S. I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. S. L. C.
Arthur, Charles Cobb, B F. Pat
rick, K. B. B. L. Can,
W. B. Parker and B. F. Tyson.
Hoard meets every Brit Thursday
D. J. Owner.
hi i
Review of Trade
in Greenville.
Business in the Business Town
in North Carolina for its Size
Has Increased Rapidly.
The question of progress appeal
to every individual, to every for the year.
, and to every community. He moat successful business unit,
I-a Vi., .
increase in deposits of per
The Bank of de
ad to for
average fur
three tbs of
per month The estimate made by
one of the bunk's
thirty three a third per cent
as the increase over last year's
volume of business through Ibis
There arc more promising
features of Greenville's
progress that would
but these are deemed as
a bases for some intelligent con-
The inferences lo lie drawn
foregoing may lie safely left
with the reader. With the read
art judgment may lie left any
. r-
j I BO A
i era i i-
Jul .
l i u
. ., .
Some Facts and
, I rum i.
About the Product.
i very careless of his own interests
who doe. not occasionally consider
such a question from each of these
of view. fact that
men frequently prosper under ail-
versa conditions may lie conceded.
this fact is the one
the warmest admirer of
will probably ad in the town
from a business will
criticism. He a ill say, truth-
fully in the opinion of Ibis wilier,
business is in need
of The la
the goods
nigh . I b
s Bait
I on all
worth Baring,
BIB do
state of
to last.
down, down, do ,
L. Joyner Again I
Daily H fir. t.-
are it .
la ISM 1897 h ii ,,.
ii boon n.
I have written i. ,,
.,.,., g
, , ,
. . . i- m.
some individual, f n, u,
prosperity at the expense of , who ,, ,.,
th. It is plain, how- , ,,, , ,
ever, that the condition of the, detriment of hi. smoke I,. and
enterprises a can-
affect, the , h, me, . , , . ;.
a. well a. the of such a need a rip.
greatest; and the conditions that ,,. f
in the community at large and it, bank
reaches bark to institutions
With these suggestions importance
appropriate at season,
. . .
promise more
and nasal .,, i, .
and preparations begun
forth, new to
review of
present condition, and
to If possible, an answer
lo that introduces
article. does not involve
enormous task or the consideration
of a bewildering number of minute
details still, the answers afforded
by observation In a general way
need lo supplemented th rough
reference to certain responsible In-
. The Bret effort of the
was to a personal state-
from the heads of the town's
various enterprises.
From fact that these
in reference to private bus-
were given confidentially.
be seen that facts were secured
otherwise would have been
withheld. In those cases we may
give only statement, and the
opinion expressed as to general
without giving the
manager of a mer-
business of comparatively
recent establishment judged the
volume of
his for the current
year iii be GS per over last
year. A gentleman who been
la here for a generation
to an increase of per
earn, over last year, expressed
opinion volume of
for the town would show
average of per cent. Increase
over last year.
is in possession
of a very important indication
an entirely different
give, a very conservative
to an estimate of per
increase It worthy
note that do one gave a lower
than the lowest already
This article would be far from
without reference
the bank. Green-
ville A Co. opened
far business April 1901. The
published statement con-
earn at the close of business No-
Includes a
with the figures for
year, showing an
new industries to this
than any factor.
Reason Dawning.
The Biblical Recorder
that Carolina is coining into
her own. It Muds the Stale
growing in a ways, mid
mentions particularly the
cities the
movement, and it
Hack of all is the industrial
movement. There is new life in
North Carolina because is
new business. The nulls nave
stirred the State from
border to its very heart In
back county not only mills
but all manner of Woodworking
establishments. of
gives work to men who found it
bard to live the country
rented land; each bring, new
from the backwoods, where J
t was mostly useless, it
place and power for sad
makes a new market for the bl mer
and merchant; each increases
income Slate by multi-
plying upon the value of the new
product, both material;
each brings new into contact
with each and into the
of pi ogress.
mill, hare stirred the
Slate from border to border, and
to Its very heart in the lack
Yet efforts of cool
thinkers to stem agitation
would check stirring
of the State by the null, has only
recently led the Biblical Recorder
to blindfold its brain and
Its tongue in
of them. But it is begin-
to see the
. can b
iii be no
a. over year and I am
II be .
mi that mil
Dot suns i. , ,,
of baa i best
naked i rites
the growth
of this market, In n. Mr i
win. did s , ,,,, , ,. , , , .
win a. , i, i,,.,., ,,,. ,,,
the market tad
I fee. I p .
the tale baa be
guilty .,
in the height n . ,
lo is- silk lam
a if I i I hi
Bad ll not i.
Ill .,.,,,.,,.,. fl,.
ago, was not . posed t,,
n, all
i . ,
of ft l; In, ,
sad Virginia It.
ail the
began ll In
s-a. In.
That., ,,, ,.,.,. lite
two hundred puns
were real .
II I .
run from ;., em ,,,
,. in the u,
in id.
I here i-
a paid of say I Si
ll ii, a
Baa Hi. hardest ti .
n a .
re, average
himself i.
Id in
ti. mi
i t. be a
star, i ii I km
during h
Ii i. so
With ,
I baa than
-ii i
lea . a living ,
eve, . . I-
Bill a t,.
weal up and ,
it a million were
It might In- a, n is old
the average the total
the year a
We have a ton of best candies,
to be distributed among our
You can't afford to miss seeing
the rich display
and ostrich goods at the
For pocket table
doors, and blinds, gar
den wire, nails, ropes, harness,
price little Bad lbs aver-
age shoal ii stall
from year to the in
a-, d an I pi ice Bat
when market -old
something over and
average price pound a.-,
year, quite .
thirteen million
and price fell -nil b
a a a
price would go up, but then
acre in vain, so in MM the
as cut down the sail
sold eleven million p.
The price a a only a little better,
bin the crop was mi
down, market that year g
only nine million
hilt new lo
price that year nine
cent. The a as la
something over pi.
year. The demand a a.
heavier, an.
-i . i . . tilt-
visit J. It. Corey. with a large
whole crop made an
ten , a en
coinages by delusive of
, ,,
anyone had any idea, the
N. f.
ville, N t., .,.
that a
Me a ill
his ,.
appeal lo the Coil W
has .
I Sited ills i
a week.
. , ,,,.
In -i
the board of I
him a
111- name -a of
The suit is ;
i . .
-I Two ill
bate I
I . .
Ii looks like IS
plum and a ill
I.-I . s I
I In. I
ill do same
la ii keep b
SM and
a- .

Eastern reflector, 16 December 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 16, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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