Eastern reflector, 2 December 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
A Desperate
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
j H. L,.
Something Nice
to go your
you want To go t
Johnston Bros.
it In all seasons you will
the best and freshest
at our store, -lust now wears
well-supplied In fruits of all
kind, i Pickles. Macs-
Good, Smoked
Meat, Lard and Mo-
lasses to be
In fact anything yon
the way of
i ft II
Loan Value.
Cash Value.
PaM-Up Insurance.
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
i. Will lie re-Instated If arrears I within month
are living or within three jean after lapse upon satisfactory evidence
of and of arrears interest.
latter second year. Bo Incontestable.
Ult are payable the of the and cl each
succeeding year, provided the premium the current year tie paid,
They may be To reduce Premiums,
To Increase the Insurance, or ,
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J L. At
N C.
Ribbons in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Patten Hats,
l; .; r .--
It happened I was
medical one day I wan
from a clinic to room, In my
a pipe I ex-
pay coming to
town, ill
my came n clear, mo
whistle. The air nil,
Mil to the and
Chorus came U excellent imitation of
the When It was
t feminine voice Midi
don't you do your part, Billy
My not Hilly, and I
did any part In the sou of Mock
What my mind was
Lad taken of my
to give a concert. up from
and proceeded to out.
The door the two rooms
ed, and then- mood a girl.
We stood looking at one another IV r
a Mien
he the
en doubtless from the which bur
lea Its head the to avoid
of bar to her
you get Into
thought was
brother, Billy
he's my chum. His rooms me
next to
u knock m Bitting
room dour. The girl shrank back In
to my bedroom, and l door
that a head looking In
Oh, If there were only n door open
ion from n. bedroom into the ball
But nob door. The
could not leave room except by the
one ire were In.
are tired, mother. Climbing
th- Bit in chair and
put her in cm listened to
usual attar a
haven't any refreshment offer
you, mother, dear, hut If you'll Just step
next to the rooms of friend
Billy Fanning I dare say can
want anything. I have only
an hour to spend with you must
to work your linen
not n break In It. I
over carefully but
-And look over care-
fully this
She and going to bed-
room. Indeed had her hand on
doorknob when stopped
l said, with u
my boy. what's the
before you no In there
nave something of Importance to com
Ho tell me.
and without
your Oh. Boger, how
mother, my is In that
now attending to my
In Then I'll
never -peak to
mother, It's worse yet I haven't
told you all I'm married- It's my wife
who is in
mother Bank Into my arm and
when you ate her you'll i--
delighted. She's lovely. Bill.
i don't care who she is. I'll have
nothing to do with
Sow, l bad purposely talked
loud tor the girl in the next
room to bear she did bear and lent
herself to my desperate makeshift
She opened the dour and stepped hold
mean my
wife. know you will love her
she Will love
The girl up to mother, kissed
and In a voice into which
aha contrived lo throw a tremolo.
you forgive
a very sweet looking
my mother, somewhat appeased
Yes. mother, and when you're
known her long as I have you'll ad-
as lively She
The girl away suddenly
Bother it was to hide her
at my encomium. I caught a
of her face In a mirror and
that i to laughter.
you've been a very
bad ho- do clandestinely, but I
dare when l hear the explanation
understand it all not blame
Then I said to
wife, who was making for
the Bitting room you go
Yen but I've nit touched your
Your mother WOn't to give
up for tuns y
When I got mother off. I went
door, I found Mi
is a I to
her I see hut one way out Of It
I offal you my heart and hand and
you to my proposition as
as we can m mother. Then
we married or suffer the con
., i
We kepi for thirty
days Bud told several lies each day.
Then was an gags
followed by a public wadding.
Billy Fanning and wife often
whistle The Blocking together
to piano accompaniment but my wife
i Invariably fall lo keen the required
by A. B.
Miss Patricia Douglas to
friend. Miss Nellie
think just one lest
ago and having
her together and now v u ate actually
working in York Per-
haps you somewhat consoled by the
that every one thick you
clover and to help fa-
In his hour of trouble, but I should
dear, business all that
cf thing would be such a bore to a
course you to know about
everybody. Web. it's the
old and nearly tho
old the men. who art
few and far between. You
remember little Jimmy Bar-
on we snubbing last season
quits the go this Even the
naps of hi a bit, and
, a of
. him
so glad I bought that red coat it
makes a stunning to dark
It lucky I brought my
for the ore in ii
Jack Ferris, the crack goiter,
He my shots are very
woman. I am not sure about th
but know that sun-
is so becoming And Jack
baa for something above s
I found out last night when we
sat out two Id tho turret
of the porch. the turret
Nell I thought you would You've
often enough, dear knows. I
were my crape. It have beep
green against my white
moonlight on the or
Mexican m titles the orchestra played.
hut Jack did lose his I
was so for of tours he knows
Of my engagement to Ned- But. then,
who are sane In town
winter will do things
under n summer moon. if
moon a
ins way. his Had
says that hi- cannot his this
Ha bad planned on being here
with me. don t you know. Well h
lo N I, as j rm n, be at
sols bin la mi n- I bias
;.; all occasions.
Taylor to dearest
nut Building, Wall sir- I
My I r ram Tour newsy letter did
ti ink at old times for
j l but, after all. New
s not halt ad In summer. Fur ins
it Is like looking at a new aids of
The offices during the day are
and at mother baa all sorts of
ridiculous surprises for me.
She bus turned root into a miniature
r garden th household col
an I Is There
easy chair- tables, shadowy
, . I I an
plants I am becoming i
sin. e i cams down on th street. We
spend most evenings on Ills
the soft
Ned h. i
like him lb
i i.-
.-. i
brings never
what his
singing tho popular song
r gardens and mother mis-
punch we imagine w- are
In th
easily con
of the
Ned took mother I ms
th i . . h n u
And i are to M in-
II is great fun. all,
to feel that you a part of th great
a it
not town the summer long
Of I will do my l i
Ned while you are away. you must
this Is not Longhurst-on-the-
Sea. I
and Sunday at my
Write me all news i do en. ind
so does m. lovingly NELL
Miss Patricia to her
Mr. Neil
Mr if M-w l am sending you
j letters ring and
I . i our baa
take have always bald
married must have
st must be
i. you and l do m
. . You believe lb
,. . . ,
,,. well m is n There
an-i men are so
Yours sincerely.
Bent by messenger from Mr. Ned
to Mies Nellie Taylor.
it. m Howling
M Darling Nell How jolly
good that I'm sending you a few
. on your desk, where
they will remind of me minute
In the I be up fatly this even-
bring --an you It's a
best I to buy.
but nut hair good for the
. . the world and over
I .-Men wondering how could
ever think any other girls worth n
Bless this happy summer Id town It
me lbs greatest treasure in
the world, mi imagine
ones in Wall How
hOW Yours always.
Special to the Comet
The golf links are responsible for the
r I seas st this popular re-
sort. Today one l- talking t the
engagement Jack Ferris, the
golfer, to Patty Douglas, who for two
seasons has been a bells at
Jack holds not only enviable
golf and trophies, but has
. track for the millions
on his mother's
though an enthusiastic goiter has muds
no particularly until she ea-
this little
game commonly called
To make
water until soften
preserve the
thoroughly To
pour water
soak It ill
thoroughly, but
then mix
-k and let it
remain Sight, then slowly melt
add white lead to make the right
This will withstand lire,
but not boiling water. To fasten in-
to tin. take good yellow glut,
break It Into small pieces, cover with
water leave three or four hours.
off the Water, place the glue
wide bottle or pint can
cover with acetic add Set tn warm
until dissolved and incorporate
the bl stirring
by T C.
mule la a clear gift of
sold Aunt Rachel stoutly, her
eyes twinkling.
The children by common consent I
turned their faces toward the open
kitchen window, through which a doc-
lie looking mule had his head.
watching the breakfast table erect-
a brother Jonas an-
gloomily, to some
of the neighbors. We'll have to feed
him several days and out that
be don't to any of
Aunt Rachel disputed emphatically.
we know the stock for miles
around There's Smith's blaze face
man. speckled ox and old man
mule, besides
you Just wait till In
the county In the
Medium sized dark hay
mule, with black ear- and mane a
OH his left
brand Is
This being n Sash of almost
lino bar brother was silenced
for the time.
If the mule wax not a Clear favor of
Providence, least he such to
this humble family. It was Just at
cotton time tint their only ox
died, that standby of UM poor farmer
of sooth gentle, patient, long en-
during, poorly fed and yet re-
laying down the yoke worn
n lung. This was a very serious mat-
to them, for on their cotton crop
depended I heir
the darkest hour, which la said to
precede dawn, the mule had come.
Aunt Rachel saw him for the time
at the kitchen window, blandly looking
In, and. as yard gale was shut
the palings were it seemed to
simple soul Hint he bad beta
from the clouds.
Aunt Rachel and the children stood
around while the mole was being put
Into the shabby lie seemed to
take It all U a and he started off
toward the field at a guy, gait
that kept the farmer sawing at the
lines, and when he reached the end of
the row he shook off the frail
and vaulted neatly over the fence.
Then, with a grill at farmer,
he knelt slowly, rented his bead
the ground turned a complete
Suddenly the mule vaulted back Into
the Held and. rising later on his hind
feet, advanced on the farmer, and
when he defensively raised his whip
with a bright look of relief tho mule
still Upright, began cir-
cling around In excellent waltz time.
He seamed to become excited with the
motion indulged In polkas and
two stop- of all kinds wound up
with a Spirited gallop twice the
field, then came cantering up to the
farmer looked trust-
Into his face. But, finding he
was only wanted as a plowing
he turned about and loped to
the Arriving at the closed gate,
be stretched bis neck and. nosing up
the latch, saunter.-d in. Bo When Aunt
Rachel, washing dishes. looked up she
tho providential mule smirking
amicably at the window.
Though InT brother Jonas bad com-
soured on him that first day.
with n woman's persistence Aunt Ra-
still looked on the mule as a gift.
On succeeding days mat ten were no
better. The mule did everything
that was useless and very lit-
that useful. The children,
with the pathetic of
were delighted at bis tricks.
lie a constant source of amuse-
to the poor little chaps. Living
as they always had lived In a small,
dull never having seen
a circus deprived by poverty of
the visual childish playthings, they soon
learned lo love the good natured.
Joe toddled
fearlessly at his heels, though the mule
had nearly frightened out of
senses the first day by picking him up
by his dress and seating him on bis
broad back. Rut was now under-
stood to he mark of special favor,
limited only to the baby, and with the
little fellow his back the mule
would trot around the yard while Joe
Shrieked with delight.
Their father, with the rancor of
endured impatiently the added
expense. Certainly the mule,
materially, was no profit. He
would not work. This had been proved
beyond a doubt. Hie favorite trick
when harnessed the plow was to
pick the harness to at the knots,
then It oft playfully, looking
around for the approval which never
He was eating up the fodder
ed for his predecessor, the ox, and
there would M cotton crop for want
of proper attention. The mule had
been n week with family when the
county paper came. The farmer looked
eagerly for the notices, but
found this
One hundred dollars reward for
leading to the recovery dark bay
mule, medium else, curiously branded
left Bide, black ears and mane. Fifty
dollars more will be added If this
able trick mule Is returned by the finders
In good condition
manager circus
And when the mule had been turned
over excellent condition to prop
owners and the money promptly
paid to the farmer Aunt Rachel
told you so. Jonas Now, wasn't
that n char gift of
But the children, little Impractical
mites that they were, wept at the
of the providential mule.
And save your health.
. F. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
Whichard, N. C.
The in every Is
price its low as tin
lowest. market
J. W. k CD.
Norfolk, Va.
and of
Buying. Tics
Dental Surgeon,
Tiling on
He HaS lib. w . .
the of the
That to Death.
Is a curious said a
of Company A, Third Maryland,
execution peculiar
for men who were dally
to ace hundreds slain In
battle. Men shovel n
In on a full of comrades
and chew off eat suit pork
while at the Job with
Which only such scenes or
would make In the
human heart
and to the solemn
and formalities of a military execution.
our regiment we had a private
soldier sentenced to be shot
Ins; to the enemy. Ills name
Thompson, and he belonged to Com-
K. This man Thompson had de-
off post one night
some two months afterward
our lines, where of his own
company happened to picket
duty. Thompson did not calculate in
this. Ills Idea coming was
render as a Confederate soldier and be
sent north. It near to th
Weldon railroad, where our division of
the Ninth corps then posted, of
course, on being he was
taken lo and s court
martial Immediately convened. It
leaked out somehow Thompson
was not the humble soldier he termed,
but and spy. He
been In Culled States
nary before the war. He resigned and
went smith, where he the com- .
mission of colonel of Infantry.
n of family,
forts wore made tn save his life, but
n quiet way, as his feared lo
disclose bis real Identity for fear he
lo hanged n Instead of
Bind as n deserter. the day
set fur execution in the Army of the j
Potomac, cams around too soon for
Thompson mid his relatives. The night
previous he had been informed that all
efforts had failed at Washington. I
was on guard duty over him. my
brother one of the detail of twelve
men selected the tiring squad. My
brother didn't like the Job,
to the tent I was on guard to
consult With me how to get out of It. I
Thompson overheard our conversation, j
and. knowing my brother by name, ho I
broke Tip, you must back
I want you In the squad, as I
know you are n dead shot will ,
save mo from the
wan the practice for the sergeant
If the Bring squad fulled to kill
doomed man with a volley to place the
muzzle of his rifle against the temple
of the prisoner blow out his brains.
Tip had consented the officer
of the guard to play cards
With the prisoner. He had a roll of
bills, we were in u
game. Two guards. Including myself,
my brother Tip com-
posed the quartet. We ployed
gray daylight, and Thompson
the of every dollar. Ho had
phenomenal luck and watched the
game closely.
the afternoon he to die, and
about noon he asked to see
ant of the tiring squad. Handing the
officer to divide It
equally among the men detailed to
shoot him.
division was drawn up and
formed three sides of a square, the
fourth aide being open, where the
of Thompson was freshly dug.
band played the dead march In
Thompson, at the head of the
squad, marched around the Hires
aides of the square, with the coffin In
which he was to be carried
mediately behind Reaching
open space, coffin was set down.
Thompson seated himself on the end of
It, tiring squad, twelve
paces distant. The death warrant
read, and chaplain tied bis hand-
kerchief the prisoner's
watched Thompson, curious to If
would hear reports of the mus-
that killed lam. beard q
tho lieutenant's low
the next top- and Hoe always
back Into big n dead man. e
reports of the musket he never on hand
heard, as I saw swiftly fall over
before heard the guns crack, y fa , k t
I settled tins disputed point to my own v
satisfaction, and to extent ex- Country produce
of Thompson Interested me sold. A trial will convince you.
Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars
on and to Tampa and Jack-
II. M. W. J.
Asst. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass.
T. M. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C.
Steamer leave
ton daily at I A. M. for Green-
ville, leave daily VI
for Washington.
I Connecting at Washington v,
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
; Philadelphia, New York
Aurora, South Creek,
Quarter, Ocracoke
all poll u for West with rail-
road, st Norfolk.
should order freight by
Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Kay Chesapeake
S. Co. from Baltimore.
sud Line from
N. V.
A a nice Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Broken In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Manufacturers of
Boors, Sash and Blinds,
i Interior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage sud
guarantee to give satisfaction In
prices, styles work.
, Please send orders to
Tile Millie Co.
M. Schultz.
D. W.
Throe Times,
the Value of
Any Other.
One Easier,
o Third Batter.
. pen
wonted in all
i m i. i t.
V Wilson Mfg Co.
The great remedy not only
form of rheumatism, but radical cures
Contagious Blood Poison,
Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh,
and nil diseases from Impurities In blood.
Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every-
where niter thorough trial.
i. i s. c
I In r
of Two m-l my ., a art If
of to you to us you use II.
A man his summer
to a Wisconsin lake resort
and one became
with tin- Ho com-
on the of
and ho-
tel how many acres there were
In the property.
the proprietor.
see there Is another resort a short
distance north of you. Who
and shy Join, do
The face turned
a shade or two redder.
to next
ho said, I think
found It out
To Thread Hair o
To pass u hair a walnut
without boring a hole seems an
the feat Una been
done. The hull of the walnut when
examined with a strong glass Is sees
to small
of which lead entirely through
the out. Tho trick consists In using a
very line hair and an Infinite amount
of the hair Into of
these minute crevices sud urge It
other side
It comes out at the and Oral
you will be very lucky.
ml row, solid
color, darker on nose
horns rut oft three of head
limbed when inch
Will calve
Sept. 25th. Any one said
Wholesale and retail and
Furniture Dealer. -aid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil liar
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
steads, Snits, Ba
by Parlor
Tables, lounges, Safes, P.
High Key
ninth. Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee,
Magic Food, Matches,
f it to ii Meal and Hulls, Gar-
Heeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples,
Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes Crackers, Mat
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and
other Quality and
for cash. Com
see me.
S. M.
it win on
at in trial, but It i N. I.
Savor all Ira
In of
that country In got It la by the
Of n 1,1111.7 and
la In melting
a coat-
i lust, i and con
Mr II.
beard n good the other
began the grocery a
will dis-
place, there are no certain
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
All arc forbidden
t bunt or In any way upon
of my land in Heaver
W, r
To every
pounds berries a ts- headache.
sac of butter and pow- r r
report on p
M. u. -v f
i i
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Said.
work and
t pea on lion.
etc., go to
Mrs. L. It WHITE,
You Write
member of the best
I Eastern Reflector I
D. J.
k mm
Ricks Wilkinson
S , ,,,
Only the Host
Dependable Fabrics
o and more time to
mads read; for
Are utilized in nuking gar-
we sell for both men
and boys-nothing i, allowed to
Pm that does not certain
standards of durability and
fast color, and we guarantee
every garment sold,
you do not rake any risk when
buying here.
Let us show you how we can
save you money on your business
or dress clothing, and on your
Busy read
Teachers Association
lime when
i,,,,,,,. .,,,
Hod. In N.,
ill prove
I Commercial f School
looks, f Office Supplies. Etc
r u.
town together in
,,.,, a,,
mall i,.,., or
,,,,,.,. f
can he done
small import;,,,,.,. ,.,,, I . be done
Km l---,.
Suppose I'm
was the All,,.
school lies u. reading. ,.,.,,,, ,,,,
a feeling .
Is springing up there , which may follow.,
in which , r N
one capable of ,,,, ,,. by Beading- iv.
house, a
being present,
better Held
eared om
lea show
in the ,.,.
schools of the are en-
country ,
in K,,
fun., .
Therefore, then, that
training l-
In every
The ruction given u
ii desultory
ease, Inn in a M.
pile a
laud more learning.
sides, educational mill-
have ,,.,,
are more n a u
years the
has beau .
Is still of ma
,,, ,,
beat to and gratis
has been solved to some bi
of graded schools,
according ability,
knowledge them
or more children, all of the
grade, are placed, the
one A, ,,
forty children all u.
and name branches
S each day and
M used very successfully in
bare the schools have least
a of a down r ,.
But schools aw
order. Bare we each count,
or wore being in each
Swan and ages, only e
employed. Can ,. ,.
surprised , .
in u,., ,
be gotten in one, or even
pupils, Is even v.
alumni for college
.,., .
l.,,. , .,
Ibis lesson j a.
he ready for
he class becomes dull, the
I do
b folios
full,,.,,,,. ,,.
. .,
h i s
Question and Answer.,.
I were given In pupil, .
. ,
., , ,, .
. editorial
We did not
we were forestalling
of The u,,,
7- for
hi, editorial sill,
a. i, ;,.,
a fair-minded ,
I.- ,,,,
i try ,,, .
Mi--. ,.,
tads, this must b. co-
extremely price of T
f rending .,. u.,
render claws l. ,,.,
read inch
Old Greek
c. These
in M.
, .- M, .
K l,,,, i-,,
-sir Waller Hal-
Vie. Wow.
and n,.
In addition to the best stoves In the world we
and ,
M ,.
studying the four
secondly those who
those .,,
studying ,
teacher will be well re-
will be s
the teacher will i
to give his
recitation, and and
will be Interested i
and by .,,,.
pupils i. i,., ,
thoughts of which
Judged capable.
of grading
Me, Mere
J advanced
who seem
necessary pan ,., u iN-
mental Ami
wed with i ,.
l ,.
do.,,. ,.
,.,,,, .
o studies
Blow, Agues
by I I. A. Sugg,
The was all ,
.,. ,.,
and gallant.
i- ,.,.
very much,
lunch, evidence.
Mi j,
. v,.,
of .,,.

Plea.,,,,. ,.,,
, . b
Ml Mt.
the .
In five great
pair of
Look for of ,,
Men, w-om,, d
man should be interested in our popular
she Ham-.
, A id.
J. B. Cherry Co.
hen snail f he is lacking
set to work about uniformity u, hi.
,,, n tern,,, ,., ,
system or order be ill the evils, cannot
good idea. keep , M hi,
Ito. y k and strive
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled.
I without gross Injustice to
majority of ,,
lime f,
who have had ox.
in cum,,
cm boa hard ll
get a of la
blanch. PM
there will primary geog-
self, me the
Siring, grander
The Proof of
is We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
Warehouse. only
will go, you the
a. W
mil be
better way,
given ii,
,., .-,
shall have
place, when ever, ,
. ,.,,
teachers, .,,,, ,
be earner. I ,. ,,
hue , Mb, w
. . win geog-1 our
tall and examine it., elementary knowing
geography, In a are
will be in
,,, ,,.,,,,
o through all n. ,,,,,.
am, ,. Mu . ,
The North
-lib ., .,.
can be
brought to look at thing.
of the
i;,, ,.,,. ,,.
k ,,, ,
opera i. ,.,,
of ,,
to for the very
u, the
before audience, to the or
whose service It
appreciated, ,., m,.
, u
Hadley, Mr. York, Mrs. J.
he has
chair, la presiding
This ,,. ,
high I sacred office he
but to deep ,.,.
i is held
ii I -I
I off ii
chase a
M . any p.
;,; i ever,
.,. i
thing .
-Ilk-; , m, ,
yard wide ii. ,, ;,,,,. .,
can be had ,;
I've you j
J as
Little Karl,
going to bad.
will II.,
of Sorrow-.
enough said.
famous pill., ,
the liver. Their
Inch linen full bleached
Vest, foil size, all
are the very
t be bad
Wool Whit, ,;.,.
i I
Is hate W pair
Om , ,
seamless, j
i .; oar price
foil to
see thaw
from aw.
lo dost
out price, e. .
Button Shoes,
Iron, i go i,, n-
close om pair
of Men. Ion
The price
W have nicest line of iv
H-ale,. anywhere. Be i,
of .,,,
worth ,
Our line of
Hals. big line f d

In with V
at Mm of tho I r
D. t. ,,., Slat.-
News and Opinions.
in House U
C. a. class mail ,,,. goo of Hi.- V
name ,, , . . ,
I It t. n lie
respect than la p,,.,.,,.,,,
l HOB. It is
They are fa, America.,
ways in far off TUe
over there is cat and dog sausage.
postmaster for the regularity
the words N.
appears as date hues.
the of view. Hint the latter will demand the N
of the
simply lie ll a
in line mill I In- III limn-
Mi. I.-
The resolution adopted by that the ester of bas
of the to d. with . appoint.
If his an
of my daughters bad a
of asthma. tried
almost re
lief. then tried Cherry
Pectoral, and three and one-half
Emma Jane
of this town, published in this pa-
up to the i-
In M r. ease a pretty Pr. Hives a text ., ,,,,.,,.
Then- may be
fail sort of police a little
was spoiled to make a those who differ us,
president. The former job was may think a newspaper has
about his size. no to speak re up u
but an observant secular big problem, the greatest
Now that we have all told paper can possibly see the drift of the middle
Mantis pat.
you tackle the
Cherry Pectoral
certainly cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping-cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
If . u,
I h. If B -I
Fresh Gossip From Nearby Vicinities
by Our and
I N. Nov.
Jack, N. Mr. Tingle Idled bis reg-
a of our here Sunday.
, yesterday for, W S. and Mis. J.
Mason to Washington
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
by Ber, Mr
Mr Sin ll at s,
having and fevers.
T. Cordon, of Washington,
Dr. M. Jon en to
Tom of Wm blot too,
Fruit Jars.
A dollar with u a
dollar's worth of
lion every lime, if it doesn't
for TOO
the your dollar.
Mr. and Mr. Henry While left
today for Dover to visit Mrs. W. B.
White's parents. Washington today.
Cleveland and the Trust Live.
I H b I The ladies of this town are , .
K. l- a r North I In Superior Court,
dwelling erected, paring for the union meeting which put County, t Before the Clerk.
Mr. Saturday and lasts M ,,.
Weekly an was here Tuesday, doing
excellently analytical work for Calvin Mills.
On no subject baa nor cant review Little Miss
what we have bad be things us quickly as the
,.,,,,., titan at Pat
thankful for, we should be able press, and the former can help P ,,,, to . , nude near
pick out a few things to latter advancing the cause of , evil effect
about next time. Christ by speaking out on such but, far as destroying
matters when opportunity presents, concerned, we are afraid that it
If you your lot is panic believes would he to
haul, just that the resolution above referred to is
the proof reader in the a step that should bare been taken
printing will have to read long ago Christ
every word of the president's the Church b
which is well worth reading Miss Mills lost in r
that H has heard ex or cloak at last
into the degraded legislation a
to change the of
by law.
Raleigh Tunes.
The Gold Leaf has
recently put on a new dress
type, ll was already a handsome
paper, one the neatest beat
the State, but ibis new
gives it a appearance
bi itself as hi succeed to
Col. has
a warm place In the heart of
time was ripe for bis candidacy
twelve mouths from now
we'll have another one. If those
lights and graded schools should
get this side of the by
lime, lunch gratitude as well as
turkey would mark the
carry on His work until He
again to receive it. going
baud baud the and
the world, the Church recoiling line Carolinian, I hough
of Is he was defeated in the last
I not honoring We believe
that the raising of money by man, M .,
I methods resorted to in this age to Helsa great man and his
further the work of the Church Is 1- bis
I not an acceptable offering to God. native heath
The Scripture teaches prise,
loves a giver, and He Th
, would have us of our means
The Bryson says
to carry on His work mM w ., ,.
with the prosperity He has given marriage a- of Mr, a H,
us. The gift that carries Welch, and Mr
the most of is the one of Car
God. When K-f-
Hill ml It 1-
ii took boggy.
When now to Mr. Alice
Bud Mill-, an-
lie u a Mills.
Hie Mn. White worn to
Mill Sum .
large crowd it
A. of
here Monday.
Mm Moore, of Trinity I
school, here Sunday.
lacing it all the go
V. f Norfolk, was here
would be hi
the protective tariff, be
M.-, and replace it a
and you will
tracts. tar power tor
went to Sun-
day. Ask I hem who drove a span.
Mollie Bryan and
were in the
Smith, littles Myrtle
hon, and
J. K.
JanitH K. Jr. J.
;. Mrs. Gilbert
S. K.
K. Mr. J.
Mr-. B.
J. It. L.
and Laura Brown.
The defendant above named will
lake notice that an entitled at
above la the
Court of County, to call
a certain lot In the town of
Bethel. that formerly owned
and occupied l laid B.
And the
will take notice they arc
required to appear at the l Home
n. on the
of December, Vic and answer or
demur to the petition Bled in
action, or the plaintiff will apply t
tor the relief In
the petition.
I. V,
Clerk Court.
The papers out Indiana have u, Cits
human editors, alter all. They S the III.
say the lately an out- gO down In and , ,.,,,,,. u,
rage a disgrace to the State, it is boo- having lot the
that the be pro- God doing Id first time months .
and victim a Z n
brute of doe for Hie of ,,,
who think otherwise, we believe town selling hi.,
and for h v., ,., i.
The attendant lug books town. The He
Hyde tin-.
my III less a
lit. man and wife. Tm
N. c , Nov. 1902.
and Maine
of foreign the
Hon. manufacturer, and of Grimes Annie attended
fuel and week. res Sunday.
. . nil no be aid.- Miss Bailie of i Mrs. Travis
Bands with Saturday night
the of life, and Sunday at C, II.
Mi i not pretend V. E. and H. H Taylor t has. went over on
the protective Sunday ill
1,1.11 would be four of his
nil of the with typhoid lever
did he will
was desirable B. L. Mayo,
industry trade Sunday with girl
i, . He is aware place.
exist, even in free trade John of Ml
i; I but they are needed , here,
deserved his lute.
pat net of the administration at
ready with ha, beard
advice whenever President
for it u the nave y ,,.
man that the hie in our midst had n. g,., wore c
might learn much reached a low stage, BE- shoes
feet of the sage I, frank -a, that it hi. which
a prime cause for this is .-ma which
,,,,.,. ,
The follow who Mopped with that the . i. engage. . too f. ,,.,
head a ball his wiles pm- nut. h The line of de performed
the Church in
nun I. line of de
the between Church the
day because she ins-.-led, contrary has become repaired to their the whole
on and until tins i, lawn was aroused from
then peaceful slumbers hi a sere
party with old 1--l--d by Mr. would
as his wife, may be there la- great spirit
from any future
obstacle, to woman's
. s only obtainable
manufacturing a He
however, that free
while are
ii good, are Imp.-
evil, ti .- in possible in
Ki i mil
h r c
Ho- in. of life. In ii
la tub Ml.
. Iceland anus about In
C lied
l trade, at
. in ,. for lit-, country,
by means of a tariff
polls, I a lib -logic eye to
me production the
We I Said that
Ye win, pine for roast dock read
i. . Rot, ha.
mi ti.- death f mil
V . i . ,. in tins
to angina a- given
out. ptomaine poisoning
duck had bee
progress. Hie altars Haul
should is- broken
fore come out from among them,
and lie c separate, Lord.
and touch not unclean
and I will
I,, palls, lire
Sew, and Observer.
the advice John B W i-.,
in In
ate to bring suits
each for damage- the
me Li
, he no
i right
name purpose.
i- observing
by this Ml.
hind retail -I free
tut m for damages the as
s. c Nov. it.-
dynamite the sale la the their .
In of were registration,
at miles will also bring out against the price any of the
Now will you In- with an the board.
morning, and judges
In addition the -ale in the all the
lucid and
cold storage.
Which .-
the of
and i- i. preferred before
which was same are of having Ml.
North news- hi deprive them of their i.,
then, a- I
N. C.
has th fortune In stamps and money
,. , ,, , . ., The nun authorities oiler a re
of own ,,,. ,,,. ,
The Tunes, ably edited ,,.,.,. ,,,,,, the sail Co,,
by J. B. Sherill, who for in their line.
has been the lent for this morning Hear Bin have
of Slate ml are on the trail of As counsel for Mi agency for Lead
announces of Wise and Mr. ale p. gallons;
went to to suit in the Federal paint.
day. a received l to eat aside the Mr to tell yon
This winter air
I- a reminder holiday
season is here, am ready fur it
line of
The very handsomest assortment to be
found bean selected for
my holiday
j,. J-11 prettier than ever I
I I have an endless us-
for parlor, bedroom,
dining room, bull, library or oozy corner.
China and Bisque Ware
both ornamental You will like
Cut Glass, Silver and Jewelry,
line from B.
wheat fame for Silver-
ware and Jewelry
Slate. You will see nothing prettier.
Taken all through I have never had
a heller steak can tie
found at my this
Come make your
virtue of power conferred
upon m u Decree of the Superior
f Court of
n.- a
to m the of the
J, I offer
for hi the
Door in
her then
. . n . . ,.
B. will cum the
duel into on the 13th of
Mi. and Al Can.
Or I Sun- at tin- Court Poor in
t Bethany 1ST,
Mike u cotton of the lite Thomas J.
. . , . . in or lot a- follows,
of K was . w
That certain or parcel
on the south tide of Die Mill Pond
hove mark,
It. II. Firm mix. J. II. Little. J. II.
of Hill
Of I
The following i of the
number of f the of
bee of rat-h hath attend
of and
amount allowed for m
rear ending
K. I. Davis hath
w. Q. Little
L. J. Chapman
J. Hay
K. I.
For IT as com. O
For lift traveled
For days as torn. W
For l
For miles traveled f
For day I . 12.00,., 10.00
For miles traveled
Total 071.30
For as torn.
POT ea s as i .
For traveled Be. 15.80
amt. J. J.
i For days an com.
For -days as 4.00
For miles traveled
Total amount Hoard,
T. U. Moon-. Clerk of
the Hoard of for
do that
Is a correct us
doth appear of record In my
This of
T- It.
Clerk Board for Pitt Co.
of M. A
Frank Pollard and
the live pa
. Sim and
parcel ii tenner sale then
sold t. in one hid
by Whichard and Co. This body
laud wall ottered as a Whole
The tract on
side of the
water mark
W H. Keel
virtue of an
undesigned the
Court of County en
I will i
o'clock M-, at the Court
door of said comity sell to the
bidder for to satisfy said
all the right, title and
lbs l w- R. Keel
ii. ti.
Kin., W, II.
,. a purl
Tin- ll.-
it ,. -I Crisp,
heirs James w. am.
ii. or
I.-, known a.
The the
n- r, ., more
or lea, the K.
The Mill Mill Seat, known
OS the
It. ll. b. the II.--
the Mill and Mill
tin- lint all
arc forbidden to
tin-in. will take pleasure in
I,, t. any
after it
rejoices with the
well prosperity
The Phi very
of he for those now
the party Ml it
age a healthy or permanent
The republican party is
is one
of To
is be Buoyant against i.
iniquity, well II
tune of any Yet how
mothers t
that It Is r t the of
yet in it depute J ; are The divine
money . a f the vole. . is to . f which
were from These two act have deep hue taught our children.
the mill -wife. fr II fit r
. to his we and they I prepared to
more Jobs with a pure
may en
lead rag make M
idea the ideal the
ea. temple where
n Mm-. ought Brother a hiding
out lean thing, We
of I b .
ll Yuri. Y, Mi-r and plainly but
em State-will distorted. b-1 warn, instruct and ad
M.-. c. of Ohio, n
day been to the under
hi of Superior
of I notice i-.
given to all
-aid to them Io
on or
of November.
notice will be plead in bar f then- re-
All indebted to said
estate will make to the
at once.
This the of Not ember.
It. L.
of Williams,
in all arc Io be Ma DO U
. . . the lot suspicion- will ft I
We I
Z I. would back MI J , f open which
will make ,,,, ,. u-l the wheel,
who is willing to do anything to . . ,. ,
keep on right of the ad are two a kind that
Ibis make a pan. V.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
There will soon in
, . , . , . . the Urn. of the John
Interior and all persons
for Fine and Cheap , , to settle at
once. By so you will save
We your trouble yourself coat.
to sat
prices, Myles work.
send your orders
The Green, ll Co.
N. C.
Williams, defendant, ha In the
loving to
That or of land In Car
adjoining the
if Henry Taylor, Keel
and known as the Keel
land, containing or
lea. O. w.
Land Sale.
Hy virtue of a of
court of county made
the of Hen S, Heat vs. T
Hist Winter L. Heat, net It Ion to
sell land for partition. The under-
aimed will tell for cash
before the court house door in Green
ville Monday, the 1st day of Dec-
ember the following
tracts of land situated in the county
of and In Swift Creek township.
One piece known as the home of
late Dr. W. L. at In
the lands of
and J. P.
acres. One other piece
known as the place Center-
ville, n- the lands pf Spencer
K A. Johnson and L. J.
Chapman, containing acres. One
other AU-n
Johnson's heirs, the lands
and others, containing acres, more
or less, purchased from
Isaac Joyner, also one other piece
as the place adjoin-
lands of J. L. Tucker, S.
others, con-
acre-., or less.
This Oct.
F. O.
from any for MR, lo
tore and dollar could do no
other long h Ha
U Inspired by Northern el Halve cure. him j
. . ,. . Invaluable for
by h,,
an- in touch In wit rheum all other skin ills- idea of I of town.
the . ii of i
whether open I
; Writ, to
The nest y,,,, , too ,
, that's Increase it
like do much
I rill
i. the
I m-l-
I in
All are hereby forbidden
to In any way
any of land. In
J. II.
i. i . i guard i liquor Vol.
id ham
This No. -Nth.
All p. who are lo
local la the
for the name
I , . i-t he. treat
she ail mi re
North i In
11.1 County.
I. J. .
William Brook.,
Council Brook., Mary
Smith, Martha
The shove will
an entitled
above Id the
Court of lo for
a small piece of land In
Township, county, S. C
owned Jacob
hi. death.
defendant, will lake no-
that they are required to
before the . court of
at tin- court House in Green-
ville . the of December,
and or demur to the petition In
for the relief Id
I'm inn. Company re- A black bean my
. come forward and settle stock the Aral of May. last The
ones coal collection
T is that It i, easier lo see way
. W. A In, ll are still they sentiment we should go than is lo go
we eta
yearling la with two la
right ear and fork Is left.
of horn, white sod whit, lo
tail Owner la notified . call for
and pay expense. Incurred.
Al tbs Johnson place, mi-
or Short,
Men of all Sites,
Are filled We have suits will fit the
largest or the smallest man in town. We re-
quest the men who are under size or over
size lo come here before they conclude that
there is no clothing made that is their
shape. We have Overcoats, Suits and
made lo fit men who think they cannot be
fitted. Our and are a
special feature of our business. So, we say,
come along, you men of abnormal sizes. Here
are clothes for you, made in every good
style of right fabrics, and no extra charge on
account of your size. Glad you read this ad.
aren't you
ham. Ah,.;
Minim, Wilson, x. c i;.
Bawl., V t t i;,
aw, Dr. B. L.
f, ii. Kraut
The King Clothier.
than alt
If a in the
margin of imp., i I., v.
ran. owe
for sad yon u.
rally as We what
YOU owe us and hope Too will keen
us vi ii It.
Till, notice for those who find
mark on their puce,
Brief Mention of People Met
With In the Social World
Tom spent
Hold. Rawls, of
W. T. Burton left
Or. J. Perkins left
day tor
V. I,. over Kill
Miss Lucy of is
friends here today,
Mollie Cairo, of
Annie of Hill,
is visiting S. T Hooker.
Mis. K. C.
from even-
if Washington,
Johnson land sis-
Mis, Marv Smith, left
Mi. of Kin. who
his visiting Mead, here, re-
turned bone
If. L. Wood, Bertie,
who h is been her sitter,
Bar, Monroe, of Wei-
don, will preach In
church here Sunday
J. H. Latham, of Washington
came In Friday evening and left
morning. Be made Tag Be
Mr. and H. Hadley,
with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Forbes, re-
turned home Friday evening.
P, ti. James,
Skinner, F. Q. Whaley, M.
Though lull of rare
I I tend lite round
to I which rage
is hound,
the load I
grievous though the burden
onetime lie,
dream of thee
And when,
I lie
The darkness, kindlier than light,
Shuts mil world awhile,
mid lice,
I dream of I lice
Like to a breath
Of blown
some sh bidden
Redeeming frost death,
Bo ever cine., bloom to .
U dream of thee
Like lo a star
the clouds
When angry hurtles I.
And. dill's
all i
Ho, shadow, be-
came . toe
dream f
J B. ha iii,
Hoover, of Washington
is visiting his sister, Mrs
A. L. Tuft,
flat of
ville, spent with her
sister, Mrs K. C.
evening to spend Thanks,
giving with Miss Skinner.
Barnes Hugh
ray, of Wilson, came in
day evening with J. It. Jarvis.
Mr. and Mm.
of Kinston, came over Thursday
morning to spend
M. M. of Scotland
tame la evening
with her
mother, Mrs. P. E.
Ai Quarterly Conference
the Greenville m. B. South
Friday night following
that this
the M. I-;. Church
Booth, of . ,.
some features of the enter
given the opera house
Thanksgiving night, and
no part of Hit- proceeds there
if be applied in any way to the
of the M. K. Church South,
d Greenville, X. f . and that these
resolutions be published in
Daily King's
Week I v.
One Minute Cough
Is the only harmless cough
gives relief. Cure-
Coughs, Croup. Bronchitis,
all Throat,
Lung got
soaked by says Gertrude K
traded a cold. I
failed rapidly; lost Is pounds.
t.-c One Mill-1
Cough Cure. The
several cured
I am hack I. my old weight, I IS I
pounds. Due Minute Cough Cure I
cuts relieves the I
at once, draws
cure, croup. An Ideal reload for
L Woolen.
Ne Goods, Rn-
sirs, Almond-. Chest-
Pulverized Sugar,
desire a few c
Daily hi
Nov. complete
lie please us
of Tin
on. Some
A Dinner.
What MM Th.- Arr
Tin- of am the at
must i- by the
ball way the h
a sure Indication i vice
or lying
,, . action is taken in
Heavy eating is , B
.-use of indigestion. on at half
lacks inflame nut in respect of son,
lining the expos- prominent of the
nerves of stomach, pro-, passed away.
during a swelling after eating, at of the
heartburn, headache, risings of
and finally catarrh of
. . i h. one,
the gag. over the
protects the and cures
dyspepsia, all stomach troubles b.
sweetening the
glands the stomach, L.
gave in
the kins opera house Thursday
night with music by
Hand, if Washington, c. t,.
log the of the
Mr. aid Mrs. W. J-. White f S
to with
the family K- L and following
returned home this morning. Miss with C. S.
Rev. N. a Skinner with
gram Iron Merry Oaks, talker. Miss Louise Latham
announcing that bis . Waller Mi-
father, . years, was dying. Blow with W II I,
Mr. has of, Mi . would h, t n.,,
Miss Mary of Helena, Ark., Bast While hi
in bis sorrow.
Frank Can, of Willow
was In town today,
Misses Mary and Sallie Creigh-
ton today.
Hun. L. I. Moore left
for Jones county.
son of Wyatt Brown, re,
turned from even-
Mr. and Mrs. II J. Whichard
leave Ibis afternoon
lo spend hi .
Mary and Ida
of Virginia, are visiting
Mrs. Molly Taylor,
Nest, is her
Mrs. Herbert Hardy.
with It. P. Mis.
Skinner will. V. Miss
Mary Lou Tucker with J. II.
Cherry, Jr., Mis. Julia Barring
of Wilson, SI unit Can;
Bertha Patrick with Claude
King, Miss. Patrick
Webb, Mr,. X.
of X. C, with J.
with Gotten,
Mi-s Ada with C
Mis. i Danville,
Va., with Miss Kim
i. W.
Rosalind with
, ,.,., without
Woodward, Alice Blow with ,.; I,,,,,,,
Ban Clark, of Mr. far a. lbs
B. W. Hadley.
ll. Galloway, of
ville; Kin.-,
or hall of Is.
misted. This is often done before
the houses of
, the death. A
of discretion Is ll the
manner of new. of death
of this kind officially before the senate
j or the such an
I is f.-r the to
I In respect t. the sen.
or I.
In tin- the
is mads lbs
house, or., ready lo their
day's work
j Hie house
Hi.-y II half mast in
response lo ii pi, s-
Idem retard as on, of
i courtesy, . they the
power of the -i . order row,
to d. anything .
tie in n.-y
have responded to lbs
of such It would b, a
nice If one could
ever be to know to
what silent
not over in,
tbs senate and
tho for
Ii. controlled him
far Hi,, air. Of Hi.- Is
and the
Is today
without on the
of lbs mate.
As a mailer of net, has
for the direct
the on of I
house, but I
has I . , the I
lbs president t-. any or
I., the architect or mar. lately to
th.- lbs capital. If
Hun i,,
em the , it mast the
i.- he would
el lo
c. i threw. a i
It was only I ;
he had asked, half In
whether company, and
sh- granted n certain
to the for
on the as
also It was ills, of
the and s
on the cost of been men
than the
capacity In no way In
So. this manifestation of
a of her month-
old it was pined over,
was very She
was sorry her i
and. with ii pat the told
sin- Would try lo furore mare closely.
But thin naming they had eaten In
She ,.,
was on th.- eerie of tears Neither did
be speak, that nut
would When she
it over,
Now she had It over and
derided she u. In Hie
two of their known
real John, sin- reached the
conclusion he hail her,
that I.- was not th.- sunny, open faced
boy I.- but a I ruts who could
not his own temper mil who
took pleasure In coldly and
showing It to her.
Bo cried In little front
mum tbs little . tho suburbs,
the torn collar on the dresser la
their room was lo her mule
Ids If,
The truth was
he tried I., put that
morning was frayed saw toothed,
and He had rah lied b s
neck, and be bad not
it should bar,
the laundry, then, ,
lively, she he
ton ii in two.
All It in. ant to her in. Hi,, km f
Ideal and that . everything. And
then he had s e she
Tl.- words iii her mind were.
i. never could
and never could
looked way, and helplessly
ho ids., it. though It
should bar, been, not under-
lie had line, himself as,
be left her, but he quoted them ;
with proper pronouns, and
then was sorry they come t., his i
All the way t lb,, city worried I
him. Why had she not answered
when he bad spoken lo her
after the collar episode It
ways Is-ought an answer hearty.
; kindly. tho trouble, Mrs
; his pet name these
J Then be she's going to get
I huffy and quiet shout nothing, nil
Hut as he thought It over
he had not been exactly affable at
table. He had her
however, and her response was of th,
passive, dutiful variety, made him
blue I., think of
At the he found he to
all his additions, s.
bookkeeper spared the usual
By o'clock he found
he was ever made.
Then, was page In year's
book similarly tbs after
she bad accepted him s. ho Mopped
work and sharpened in. pencil. the
thin- he up in,, inches of It
th.- or red shillings
grown lo proportions his
brow less and he reached
to Ins side of his desk mid runs- a me
It was o'clock when the door
of certain little in the
u tearful little housewife took a pack
from the
pence. The flowers war, her
favorites, and this was the not, with
Mis. I am a
probably I bu.
anyway t warn la. you know am
sorry, t i had grew,
mind el.- yon Bad II
I let J
know I
v. i up
is. any angrier nay ma,
la puts saw
A,, I If j.,,, ,.,. ,,.
with l. I , J
bu. thank
u r. i,. i lo run to
Ill-Ill .
my in- .
Th. fat. Is In my
i always up a .-
It of a. Lilt I
haven't a i paid
at I cent. per. on collar,
hasp in toaster .
C. T. tarn's Big Store,
and W. Main St., Greenville, N. C.
In-life price,
will wear well
Men's Heavy Op
In IS, ,,,
Good Toilet Soap,
worth Sac. box,
its Trimming, line stylish thing for th
Mi.-.-- .-v.-i heard of, the tort that
Trimmed i
for lo
and mm and the
run Pattern om
Go the Millinery show room
l.,. f,,.
1.50, 2.50. 3.00, and
kinds, only
i x in
if all tin-
Coats, Suits, Skirts
and Furs,
Handsomest, Newest, and Best Made.
Suits, extra
Lined I
All I.
Special Attractions for
Christmas Week.
weight, extra
. . j tag,
All knotted,
Size I . I
lion tbs -liar,
iii.,. in,.
t ,
f,. Hi.
ball in
to Walks
Muscles aching, bones breaking, strength
failing. That's Malaria The remedy
Malaria and Ague
; Xi mm
Bo t
V B. I , lo writ.
ti m in
Well, in catch up m
mini will
Hop you like Hi. Will bf t, me
b t . JOHN.
Al OB Um of
booM In Um n
in ii fifth lawn
it .-tin
it, to I at
ll-lINt U lilt
favorite gOB D,
wore at at her
Mt. Will. ROt lit-
hull With the Mint
The 1-
can havoc m a
may a only to
, trip over mule hill.
wall other
I limit
Joy, lay wry
you know, are
the of a In
In a
I. like at-
awl little ind, unlike
Br-- P to
I like the gout It
In Ilk f I , v. ml
U a genera
A page like this will suffice to give you an idea
of the wonderful values in this great sale. Every
aisle, every counter, every foot of space crowded
with astonishing values. Reliable Merchandise
in every case. Nowhere you find such
goods at such low prices.
C. T.
The Big
and Main St., Greenville, N. C.
. y-T .
The or Printing House is talking to YOU-
u- your orders for Printing of any description

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to s-e me for your next Barrel of Flour or Fork.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
Something Nice
you want go
Johnston Bros.
fur it In all seasons will
the and freshes goods
at our store, now we are
well-supplied in all
kinds, randies, Pickles, Mara-
Canned Hoods, Smoked
Meat, Lard and best Mo-
in tin- of
lasses to be ti
Groceries at
i, j. M
and ll
i .,., To rule I ills
The As Indiana of fulled
for on India
him new trim
up UM
him one.
tared sod
arrested th.
civil and Immured in dun-
arbitrary and
volcano which
death boor.
m i .-
.-5.-H. plot, sod
rekindling or fame of den-
err lo Hi-
b. the nun
there will Ir
Of Kill killed Slid lb-
rebellion, but Hi-
In, toe
loss i
Prophet ml
his win it, III he
have I ml
i. I'S
.,. ,. III bin 11-i V II- I.-1
for mi lb. .; ins. to
mid I of Ms tarns id
Ion, I i. ms
in of V
ml In i
with Hi. II
In, it i II
,., ,, . i
lien far ll i II
In ii ; r
i I
be ft
I has
found t.
I- u venerable mid look-
Ins man II lie beau
. and yet an
left to It and for-
bid lb- to talk.
bad Of native who ,
a-, it no .
drawn ha.-L and
mid I
and by. Tb.-n
bout III- . Ills
f,. like Hun of u monkey
n tint. A went
forward to
inn las Idler
and In a Jargon
forced out words
lo the
win. in-w-d lo III- Now
tn-ii a casK In with re-1
sorts I
a lo be the bearer
Hi- raw-
n-l. he stuttered and mend aid
. fool f.-w words
ii did
The colonel lot and spoke to
Idol sharply, mid lb.-
b f.
cane Mm, said the
, .-I a who
drawn by
him replied
the captain ti the
down over the
i .,. . two
then, out
you know in.- am
set n
t test
i am I sin. i you, i
lain lo
II . . ,. i,. looked
to Bl
Hull's, and
the yon n-out
I.-H. it ion don't want in, I win
,., i. k
And an
and wonder
and .
Id . ll.- wan
bill in
kept for bias, bat
ii. vi-r n d.
Loan Value.
Cali Value.
, up
;. Insurance that
Is Null
. Will In- if arrears
ire living, or within three years i lapse, upon
of with Interest.
N. S.
are payable the of the -i
year, provided Hi- premium for the year he paid.
They may be l. reduce or
Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable r the
J. L.
ii i i.-l l-rood run
Ml the room,
t pi
including in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern Hats.
a lie mi. a
t. full of up
pool and was i noting n f
goal every village hi paused
Mr refused cash
what the would
hardly eat and
of . ll-
of and
i- km
the shoulder, than
month t lb
rel i
When I tenant to
face the prophet, he resolved t
try and argument.
could but did de
Ire ace dragged
and degraded
for at
nil be h enough adherents
train to have eaten Hi- ten
tin on after an Interview
1.1 for
that . return mountain
The prophet h
word, but return flow ThU
aria caused the crowd
blocking and exhorting him
to defy I--- He bad i.
v. t made tulles on backward
k . a . urn
with The Hi I
from duly under a
I order were to
i -f
the of
; bat D . I I I .
mi Impostor a charlatan,
, . . ;. .;. I .
pulled by i.- and
pat on bin raiment.
i In ii-
in of and the full
offended of cast and re
and Instead of raising
Indignation the
in horror, It con
Captain clad In full
forward and
gathered iii- long white beard in in
clutch. It faced,
and cringing native who fin
back before the band -f
Captain bad
the face earth while
of that l a era full
upon b m . look
ed upon the it range scene, of
them wire A
men it. and It
talked wherever
met in India Hut dared not
refer t u fear the
The lieutenant, now
I -t the troop rode through crowd
a score but captain
not be id. lie beat up
try ground, he coaxed and threatened,
with hi face to the and
followers were dumb.
bad t- turn back. No bad
I report rent colonel
, than purl
man la the
command t t above
it against common
to batter Hie but tiny
that u men had
lie They bad t accept their lean
Clear Hie tin only
r tea bet lo a
,. , If I
if cutting
wall all
A certain
of t
peaking in n ,,,
the f nth
go ll With a
, Kb
fixed id
i- d It
per I the
V irk IN at that little
after arrival laud
the matter,
their in are yon
with the
n.-ti- said
one ; a Made biting the end
of It.
lady could only is
your Idea of aha at last.
Little by came
To begin with,
the height of a man.
if this were taller, would It be like
l- it
-Why. i- out
and other
Then explanation
par They had drawn their Idea
of from the black
prints of and look.
Dealer Ball ken i mum.
Mr-. V, v
In Wot,
to know what
it it which
beautiful In mania known n
Borne people think they
Come from the hundreds of little
which out over the
trunk of tree p m a clearing
i made around it
say that la not only
t a tree la to cut
Then no by
which can Judge,
a of
II. Many ago he
offered a log for to
w cm Into it
in Una
could only by cut-
it. He declined th bat
agreed the log col Into
what u worth. owner
sawed and wan paid for
h.- k; one who can dis-
Corer of in-
1.1 lot i lure of wood from the outside
Will have n
The old maid
to the they re-
turn.-d to take their place at Vet
be today in pot
trail-, by which darn the
of palace where they
their futile, often lives
The jovially
laminate the and the
of the royal
and were
by which the food father ad
not quite but they
Rag, Piggy, Tat ten None
a trait of beauty, nose
bad Intellectual resources above
ordinary Bare
Mine Adelaide, who had
to make in and
of the Era.
I the only American of my time
at the of Bonn who Joined
the the
beat at the
Toward the end of the term I had
go-l link lo be pitted against Baron
when he and
got the better of him. This gave me
and my hit
did not a
at the and
taking my degree I went to Vienna to
tea little of life at that capital hod
letters t of the there,
and my were
or One
evening after attending the open with
o party gentlemen
then to sup with me at a
While we were who
h bat He paused close
to me, not to me. but
at me, and be walked behind
Chair be purposely ran it. I
was at raising a of
wine lips, and n part of the wins
on my shirt front. I
and, on n foolish but
impulse, threw what remained
in the in his face.
The I hod done to I
that likely my own death
warrant. would
me, as l bad not touched
s sword In two years and he bad l
come In Its use, well u
merciless opponent, must either
the white feather and i-e
among m Vienna friend
rat my
chair, that it was
and. raising his hat. politely
pa Bend on. Not one of my friends but
what would follow, slid the
party up limned lately. I went
to my with a young Dr
with whom I was intimate
The challenge came before we
rated, and I was thrown Into
a serious mental condition Since lent
ins bad
or more duels and had never
man. me lo
think no more about the or I
would until if take advantage
of what alight chance there was f.
me; that be had eared friend of his
once under similar and
he would try his plan with I placed
my ens, in hi turned and
hour or to fall
The evening after dark Dr.
Koch came me and told me that he
had arranged everything and if I won d
keep my head all would no well a
me. l the Ho
right to choose the and tin
time place of the A
for me, Dr. Koch
in n dark room. The duel to
place Immediately In a room of a third
party, Without giving me time
ii ell horrible conditions lit
b hurried me to the meeting place,
but before entering the u
be took to another where a
gentleman was walling, lo whom
Am Introduced- forth,
most noted The
two once begun to
my a camel's hair brush that
dipped lo tome As
as bad bandage
was over ml and kept
there for tome twenty minutes, when
it was taken off, and we went
to rooms in the same building
when the was to take place.
A few moments late, and I
were thrust Into the dark room,
door was Cloned and locked.
Now. It is t exclude pi r
either light or heat from an
apartment One might as well attempt
to form a perfect vacuum. Scientific
ally there is no such thing as
a absence of everything from
any given The treatment of the
bud enabled me to lake ad
vantage of what light there was tin
room, nearly all of Which through
an Imperfectly titled door, under which
there was a strip unprotected, lb this
as It may. could distinguish the
In the room. Including my
enemy. I could make out his
but bis was guile per-
especially bis face and hand.
.- lighter than the rest, lie
remained perfectly for awhile,
when and. hearing the
lug of my boots, he came toward DO.
I gilded this time without
any sound, another
him a cut on the hand which
totted no hi word. Before
he could it i pruned from
side, drew from
where the word bad fatten, and then
I took it up myself.
said, are at my
mercy. I lime your agreed
Finish the murder. what is
it certainly Is
have no for your life.
it to you.
The opened, party
the adjoining room entered. bud
given an ugly cut the hand
and a slight the fleshy part
of his back. These the doctors
on a renewal of the
circumstance that
would enable is
but my declared that would
nut be to longer
in the dark
sulkily declared himself satisfied,
the party
A non as alone With ,
charged me, both on my
own and theirs, to keep
in n secret, If It
became would be
socially and I had no
to it.
This teas to
Dyspepsia. Constipation, Ski
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The result Is good
i . to
No Substitute---------
Richmond, Va.
The Greatest Stock of Fine
and Medium
It Is
. i .
If young in Id small
towns, would form
this upon existing
It would result great
not only to the young people be-
longing to but
to the towns themselves.
We o grant many men and
men side trucked all along the
ways of life because they wen not
taught the value of good manners and
of a tine, gracious courtesy their
youth. The result Is that tiny have
grown up hard and course and
manners have been
to win favor or attract trade or
In words, their bad
and repulsive ways have kept
them handicapped their ca-
It Is astonishing how tine manners
and In children develop into
ease and manhood
womanhood. Other things
the employee who I selected for
advancement Is the one with good man-
a flue, gracious demeanor, a good
presence. These are the lest
kind of capital, even better than
we see young men and
young women drawing big salaries
largely of their polite
tine are
everywhere as as I
n. as traveling
M clerks, private or
credit men. In fact, agreeable deport
I Indispensable
sought after everywhere.
There Is nothing else which will so
quickly open the to opportunities.
to society, to the bean of nil
Courtesy is to business and society
what oil I to machinery, it makes
thing run smoothly, for It eliminates
the Jar and friction and the nerve rock
in the South.
E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily A. M fur Him.
ville, leave daily
M. for
i at Washington with
fin Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek.
all for Weal with rail
Shippers should freight
I In Old S. Co. n
New York; Clyde Line
Bay Mat
SB. from
and Line from
N. C.
J. K. Hunt.
j. ff. k
Norfolk, Va.
Bagging, Tie and Bags. J m
I- and u
II n i He Hadn't the to
A bachelor of Baltimore,
known In educational
circlet, the truth of the
following He was driving with
a very pretty and attractive young
man when on the outskirts of the city
they met a hid of about twelve year
leading by a chain a singularly ugly
; but finely bred terrier. The pretty
girl went Into raptures over the dog.
her escort determined the animal
should be hers.
he called, will
you take fur your
replied lad.
cried Mr. Blank,
I won't here dog for
said sir. Blank, and then,
growing fifteen,
the owner still refused.
All the time conversation go-
lug the youth, although talking to
the man In the buggy, kept Ida
fixed on the other occupant of the
and at last be said
don't want money, but If you'll
Just give that lady there a kiss
may have the
Mr. Blank was speechless, lie stared
at the boy n and then put the
whip to his horse, stalling off
story goes Hint a mile gone
over without n word being spoken,
when a the horse's rapid
slower It turned down a country
lane the pretty girl turned ever
slightly and said shyly. Mr
why didn't you buy that
, HIT,
nine Hardware.
J. K.
p in
p m
T p m
s in
Daily I-
B in
p Bl
p id
a m
a m
p m
p in
s pm
s a
p a in
p a in
V iii
to .
in. iron, Didn't
for Is .
V, but you
an- worst I t
. A
Three Times Slow Starvation
the Value of
Any Other.
la fate of sufferers from ape pal a and
If your food It up
I I , .
n are belittled and made of
no account In every ex
the Indignant head of the
deliberately slight her flow malty
really tn towns In country
are named lo of n
Bald her husband,
you Chicago
married on
you know.
mauls kepi n
ha ml. Country product t-mM an
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Dry Groceries, Confections,
etc., lo
The only that a map
cannot life la the one
of least, Influence.
Influence k If
on parade, when he posing la
I. woefully
small, but Influence,
radiation of Ida per-,
effect of Iii. words and ,
acts, tho trifles be never Is
tremendous ., of life I
la to a the life of b, I
whole world. Every man
which every I
lo and Is . , ,
this that may . I U I I I I I l I J
SI, . and Mining- I ill
on No., and to Tampa
II. m. w. j.
Asst, Urn. Pass, Aft.
T. If. T. M,
N. C,
day, and
in-,. ,
I Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
school M. A. Allen
; lay. and evening. Stay
i steeling Rev.
II M. Bare, school
in. I. H.
day a. m K. B.
W. B. Cox,
Minister. Morning and evening
prayer with every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay service
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday a. in . W. II.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m
C ii u urn as Preaching
and fourth Sunday in each month
Player night.
Saw. D. W. Davis, Sun-
P. M., B. Par-
, ; regular service
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
luck, N. C.
BO hand. low
forget that It O. Jordan.
For a
thought what
you would the literary for-
as hi. train entered the
tunnel, thin cave
In when you about half way
replied the Chicago
demand the rel urn of my
And literary foreigner a
memorandum notebook, lie had
another peculiar-
Chicago Record.
In of the girls
haw a pretty In which
ii of flower, a part. If s
girl ha, several and to
know which of would be true to
her. and drop,
a of waler. giving
the of one of her The
leaf that remain, floating
the man
may rely on and ab. would
therefore do well to
A. F. A. M
meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M . J. M. Bee.
K. River Lodge, No.
every evening.
W. H. C.
K. of R. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, O.,
D. I.
R. A- el
meets every Thursday even-
W. B Wilson, Secretary, J.
A. O.
No. meet every first third
Thursday night in Odd Fellow
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
The Stuck every I. O.
and j as low the Nd. MU, second
lowest. Highest market price, Monday in
W, B.
D. B.
Whichard, N. C.
paid for produce.
J. C. I
American and Italian Marble
II 1.1 . N. C.
sad Iron Pence sold.
Clerk Superior Court, P. C.
Sheriff, W. Harrington.
of T. R. Moore.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
It true that men of genius do
know the value of V a.
afraid It Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
men of Stocks, Cotton, and
little of It that they never Private Wires. New York,
have a chance to form any New Orleans.
on the
II ll I fl A Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
I j R. L. Davis, C.
fin J Tucker, W Little, J. J. Sat-
u Cannon.
ll. I meet, every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, H. L. Carr.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and I. Dudley.
Aldermen, l. L.
Charles B F. Pat
rick, E B. B. L. Carr,
W. R. Parker B, F. Tyson.
Hoard meet, every first Thursday
You Write
a personal letter to every
member of the best
lies in Pitt County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
The Eastern Reflector
Commercial Printers , School
Books, , Office Supplies. Etc.
Ricks a Wilkinson;
Washington Letter I
Only the Host
Dependable Fabrics
Capital the Nation.
, Dee. I, 1903.
It i
hie, for many years enlivened
a which attended
tin- opening if the session
of to-
day. With ample ma-
in both chamber and
republican in White
there i widest
of opinion to prospective
legislation and even old-time
leaden arc divided on Rome of the
most Important questions. Tariff
revision, of course, lakes lead.
Senators and Representatives from
western slate there
I must be taken In
Therefore i lo redeem
mi republican victory in
I heir slates achieved. The
eastern men, tin- oilier
there shall be no tariff re-
vision now and I hey expect
prevent calling of
for t hut
Are utilized in making the gar-
we sell both men
and is allowed to
pass that does not certain
high standards durability and
fast color, and we guarantee
every garment sold,
you do not rake any risk when
buying here.
Let us show you how we can
save you money on your business
regard lo trust legislation,
or dress clothing, and on your iii
be none others, among
Missouri Leads in Production
of a Million
Pounds Sold Last Week.
Winston Journal,
Notwithstanding fad
I hill
Ricks A Wilkinson
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The Proof Doing is We Do.
among them
in, less Influential a man than Sen-
president of the senate,
that law in
he amended In with
The of
republics,, s outlined for your
by a well posted
will to
legislation a Mr.
requested and as President will
urge, in Hie Min time assuring
the trust so longs have
a republican administration
Will have nothing to four the
Attorney General,
nit the democrat to win there is
mi knowing extent a
attorney general will go
order to destroy the in this
way, says referred lo,
republicans hope to make
the trust law u club with which to
extort campaign fund from
trust iii mm.
As it to the evil
trust system, the news has
reached Washington to
Morgan, in
connection with the Barring
Brothers of under-
to to
Of for newly or-
of lay
that the democrat the Boom
ready to assist I heir
effort to con-
the trusts and Unit will
give republicans no ground lo
charge with obstructive pro-
in ease the latter make an
honest attempt to tin
present law or enact a new
more effectual one.
There was Intermingling of
congratulations and condolence
the Capitol today. Twenty live
representatives have failed of re-
the ex
them numerous as
were the offered
the successful candidates. On
side of the two
desks stood out prominently. Rich
was draped with crepe covered
with honor of
both of Texas, who lave
since Congress adjourned
July On republican tide one
desk was similarly II III
that occupied by
I lint. Out of respect to the
Thursday was Thanksgiving
and a holiday, there were some-
thing over a million pounds I,,
sold on the local marks
during the past week. The
was very good and
weather early lo
week quantity is
High prices prevailed the
farmer are very well d it la
season generally, ll I.
that about per cent, of the en
lire crop will lie in helm,
The for week are
a follow
Pounds. Price.
l 1,527
Tuesday 20.140.07
The of
I'm month will
pound and
sale amounted
354.82, divided
On cigars,
According the annual report
the of Internal
Revenue the stales of
Ohio, New and New
York, order named, were
last year producers of
chewing and smoking l.
News and Opinions.
time of i-
when matter toad improve-
would lie ii question
ii the wasn't too
a match.
Tin. man who . on his
mi n section always proves the
ii reel roe. we have John .
Wise, a Virginian, John
a attempt-
lo the new
lion of Virginia restore I lie
lo hands of ignorance,
Al the same time Bullock, a
State r the carpel hag regime,
declare Republicans if they
do mil in restore
,,,; ii- iii the South
will lose Hie close
ex Southerners
a iii lake the
dial he
now has and the time fas-
ten a yoke on I hill will
forever ii e
action Southern politics.
Rah s.
II had
less lime In learning lo lead
more lime in g result
read Mi-
ll I- I l III I IV
u y ii
m an ideal school
ground should be, for,
o e I
W-w York
in tin- pm
of law leaf tobacco,
more than 805,000.000
were exported. During tin yea
The total
wen BU,
There were
out the country
which Include.
The total of cigar nun
for whom iv
tor the year 1901
wan which
of cigarette.
The total number of made
weighing more than three
per thousand WM 6,391,390,776,
of when
compared with production of
The total of l-
v. Hot than
compared with pro-
duct for the year.
The total of
made 8,736,153,697,
a of from
election have In
and have the
sort of lite
politico arc f Be-
will some excuse
for not rampant,
If is n good
of p feel
moan when
Durham Herald.
Washington, S
Last while
at his store and In-- wife was
Simmons, a young
employee of Pamlico lion
Works, broke a window of the
over a
succeeded in
64.00 in money. Several
heard the window break
with lights. Th
broke out and got away.
the trail,
practically going over hi- trail
twice. The dog went
home and then followed him down
town to where be had
baa retained a lawyer
one town A
preliminary hearing will be held
tomorrow mid will be
1st, will come
in federal people
have they want,
t-. not want
be n I
be t It, If North
wants let North have
and will look upon ii
none of lie
The expense of i lie state are
a will not
the . Now is the time ti
took this
Mil ham Herald,
Greenville Warehouse
makes no claim that is not out facts. An
of for everything on our during the month of
August its own talking about what Man and
the rest of do for those who sell at the
Warehouse. You only have to try us to be convinced that m
will get you the highest prices every time.
Proprietors Greenville Warehouse.
Fame is a glorious but u
small regular
satisfactory lo
It happens that a pol
is never out
as is in one.
ll stands to reason that any man
who would hook a would lie
about it.
What women like about a sad
play is that cry
of com pan J.
less a man to I is
own more some women
I ill lei him know he not to
say it.
women are so deceptive
when are sweating they MO
make think the ate
Widows urea dial
Hat 5000.000.000 In Gold.
No. -Tin gold
has reached the emu
total 1600.000,000, the
largest sum In gold ever held in
any nation. Prosperity
deuce have brought forth
gold from hiding.
i present conditions people
paper The
of trade with foreign countries
has been largely in
is heavy lit gold pro
duct Ion.
More pieces
I tho laud year la than
tore, their was
your It the
do any and I year's owing to a
lakes up the other the mailer m
who wants to tell his.
em n ally and
endeavor to make teal
i ideal our would en
in vain so
are. truth, public grounds,
passer by lo mar with
by-path and free for
lo range upon and hogs
to up-root. if you will,
grassy plots gravel
grounds and tennis
U free such intruders,
to discourage
Truly, amid
which u spends ah ml one
half of his should
a we ran
in s .
K, i i- o
h , r . ii nun e
i run inputs of
Seed ion I hen lasting
II. file hi
school d
in In
and in ail Gal
in the growth
How pi -i. if w ill lie
iii mi one -i I its tie-
A fro
school then a ill one of great
They will be on
the early, eager to see
what have place
. not
I tardy then.
Vi a a w beau
in w be i-
id, and for lie love
care, watch how steadily is
weakened that spirit of destruction
we are prone to believe is
in all children, u
a; The ll
pride the
ground, love
s w ill
in- worth a thousand
Do you e in school pale
I girls and dull Who,
cannot do
work, do not even feel
playing at if they do no
, . . sort Place
grounds, tennis courts,
i-I games, and
the C i I lit eel-
In I hut dull mi ml.
Verily, I believe there is not a
more say lug than
w ind no play make Jack ;
dull Hi-ill Mill and
in those games i.
not roses to cheek
to will
also i a -t mental .
and there will be no
a recess
Aside from and
mental such
there i- a moral
in will make lights and
quarrels frequent,
and will in-
of will
create In children a love
the beautiful which is an
of tine culture
ml refinement. Surely we warn
pupils in become
non and women
More than that, will nut eon-
slant in budding trees,
blooming Dower, and works
nature lead them to think of
causes results, make them
nature sail laws,
the laws l f
Do punctuality
regularity In attendance
lo loyalty to
school f
ho you mint care conduct,
work, and personal appearance
Do want hearty,
HIS recollection of most of us comfort was the
only requisite in a Shoe, but today this
with an artistic in harmony with
the mode of season. We know you will be glad to learn
a Shoe has last produced, strong in every
part, graceful in easy and comfortable in every way,
at the extremely low price of 19.00 per pair. We are sole
agents for tho slim in this city, and we
Inspection of these excellent Shoes at our store.
Remember we also carry a full line of Shoes of
other makes in the popular leathers at popular
years of
hoe building
In five great rep-
resent to
Every pair of
lock well, cu
what ails you wear, and
combine the of
with of
wearing value
Look for the sign
marks the Popular Dealer.
Sell tor Men, Woman Children
, .
livery man should be Interested in our popular
We will be glad lo you cull mm If
looking for something or other kind, we
Yours truly.
J. B. Cherry Co.
for nature may
love God
County Board of New c
ground enable as
in i our from which
of county,
view with condemnation
Mr. i to Wed Pretty
continue our steady lo- of for conducting
ward the desired goal gambling devices known as sloe
machines. We learn that such
machine are licensed to do bust-
The de-
upon the youth of our
city, is manifest we ask the
granting said
U going to join the arm hens- revoke the same and we invoke
He fulled his friend the strong arm of the
about it, that was press the crime.
hardly to be expected.
However, the engagement of i
who has mads
Mr. famous, Hies Mar-I
Abbott, of Mrs.
has been announced.;
the stories
forth the to his friends
from New York. The bride i n
resident of Chicago, has
her home Paris for
pa-i years, is described
i typical American
achieved lame winning the
handicap golf
some time ago
Mr who now calls New
bis home, has leased n
West street.
Here he will make his home after
hi- man it is
will take plate during the winter.
Mr. has become
throughout tin- and
witter of humor, lie
. m life Chicago as a
and made his as a
time be as in editorial charge of
the Chicago Journal. Dunne
wrote the for The
and only treated local
When he branched out
national hi,
Do want mi
Do you. i ll
lbs i and i
I Do you to create sud
A i
Chicago, Nov.
report, u in A
exploded shortly
ten o-clock
Thirteen lives vats sacrificed
of visitors and
others were injured. Huge boilers
through the roof of
structure and hurled hundred of
feet, Nobody within the boiler
room survived to tell the story of
it may never be
Known the expiation,
a careful today,
however, convinced the experts
the explosion the result
of on the part of an
whose own life also was
nothing of the building
ii of twisted Iron, brick
mortar remained.
of Maine sprang from
ruins the spectators
that would be to save
the lives those who were caught
in wreck. The explosion
of lurch force adjoining bull-
ding, were wrecked, torn
twisted like toys. Men,
and at work subjoin-
mi. were hurled
through window,, to the ground
below. Many of them escaped
with slight bruise, but
of the victims were hull
that It was necessary lo
men an-great indeed tint I remove them to hospitals.
get with them were taken to

Eastern reflector, 2 December 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 02, 1902
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Joyner NC Microforms
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