Eastern reflector, 28 November 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Advice to the Aged.
t bring Mu
J r I iv i w
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to s-e me fur your next Barrel Flour or Pork.
Yours lo
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
I Guns. Shells, Stoves
Heater, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in tin- hardware Line.
Your friend,
Something Nice
in go on tut.,
yoU HI
Johnston Bros.
for i In seasons
the I-- t and freshes ., win
cur -1 . j t
supplied in fruit of nil
kind, Pickles, Ma i
Meat, Lard the M
c m on these off
;. the bowel-. I
in and
U the Madder and II
The are U old sad
r A, I I
lass- to
In fart an
III lift
Loan Value,
up Insurance,
In lb table,
it. Will re-Instated If arrears be Mid with
or within three altar lapse,
of of at rear- with
Dividend are payable the
tin- for
may need -i. To Premium
To tin or
. payable during the lifetime
u month while you
and of
be paid,
a a
I i r i, W
Jennie II.
v m t v,. . i n
i id. Kb r
over i.
of men
t- h of
-i- .;. and .
i -i
Ber i U
f . i. i
r i , i in
i i Prank
W ;. .
c . i lit i , i it; i i.
Hut I
ti b
. m
tori M I if I
I beta
. .; mil III- I IN
. I, HI M
. I I the
An-t. I
. . . i i -1 x
I ,
It i- i luted Ho D b
At i
n . ti
i i
Mil ii I
i . i f r
h a
, i wail I if and t
n i lit I -i. r l
; n
., .
o; ; w .
t-i and
i. u really I .--t told I be
and i It were n
i In
if I- h r a ill would
a hum
i to be b n
be latter
i,. -I I ti. fair
k , , new found I
-u i r
I I II h
pert wilt, a
Isa bar tin
with it a
lag u m. i r
ad us
tad ti- ,
ran i ll of
which am st
good II
a advance
now hi a ab bad
i- g it up
before r, tad
bad beta
had awn tax Ir I
women l
front row
of lac Between lb Beta
f mi bad leaned
o--r to an nib age
When bet room,
turned lb on full b ii. and,
r be it
nut mi Indeed
walker I de bad
f i friend,
little girl a, i
l re
In and Huh-Ii
. ii plat. fob
an mg from In . -I real
i u
i. lo Frank bu
g I
in keen blue area
. i, i wonderful
without fan
. . . . . j .
i got
en you I
I of lb
lug f l it
, you i i tin
. And i Bin at.
. lo ; of
C lo j week gel
I ugly, too, u , .- i
-1 , . buck
j is.-. J .
, i aunt
. l i I
mid lb
. .
. rued
i .
., . be at tin
H i ii I- i r
g, It a h I
i l like
I very for
In ; old i II In i be
i i
in r mi re
a I
. in km r i t
i. . a ,. i ,
the a lb
In . . . i .
. I H J
h- r arrival I
;. . tied n I
. ii-
i j i I
i . ii.
., i . ii and then i
; k to -ii. Bill a I B
gain ii
hi . it me .
I i i i my I n
l new
I ; i ;
. . .
; I- .
t row
. know h i i
t. .; i, i r i
. r .
. I
i. a to
J. L. At
spec i a l i e
including Ribbons in Latest
widths shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
i . i .
do i bi ii a month biter a
f n i i p
T b M I
g i
bi i ii. J . Idly
B great n i. i . . u. . at
did n-i .
on Prank face when -in- offered
Rod told Ibo
V i went with lo
train, tan her
the ii i. to look
I Into Mo- i face, fair
bluing now with
Hi. ii ha Went bark lo Pi i
en clerk n in II
Dot Hi. mi Ira, lull -r
I, had r l
and more.
i be id a w
m id and n lb n l even
more lb a h b had
i b mils and ii mi
i, bet -I- not and piloted to
i. bud,
a d I ball
water and
i t . h ball
I'll ground In
ii ii. you to tore My
ii. ml be i in.; you, of
but my you iii make i
Then l
foe a wet u ii I'm going out
M. Bad i K a But
ll o you
ii have known i
. i ill -hi.
U re J . in lea
; . i i b
. ,. . h.
, I I
i rot half
U ,;
i i-
I In i.
i ill.
The Para.
A pi ml to
b and ant I
known at
by name The
from and strewn
bit ii.-. or endive g
I-, no
will In mate
tie-b lusts led Id
one of it- t
. i. r a n i Hut n
i i rod dwelling upon.
fin it o to I,, Run t
for i i id an
la . the
ii. . eel d I In
Ho heal lime, I ml
lag, el b nu u toll
hi n . . n re i to
a la
r i II may
be ; . milk for
la t New V-
move id the of and real-
that a fortune be moat
be able to Bank return foe
for a method of
w. lie could not sing or play on
any musical lie could not
lend the thing lie could
do-be could work trick n of sleight of
band. this means be gradually got
Invited to tin- and soon
found demand.
One attended a Urge
ball given ls one of magnates.
lie was standing a room
with people be a
a from It
a fold Of t Judy's dress, w formed
a sort of The lady who
the of Ike
bar of a r.
Now. of air
s with an
Ly lo who on. Io
a he bad formal a plan to
turn what lie had mt-u
a bad
and fr bad
to rM of
soon Hearing a
In the weal
and found one of Bob-
art a man of
a tit.
bad boon laid off
room bad
bad reported
a man robing room v In n DO
answering t.
of l course
not found
Tb-- in
Boon and found
In a
Dean and said
to In r;
you permit mg In entertain
your by s few
of baud i I add to
the of your
rut Mr I would
have but did not
like to on
Ten minutes later g r
were room.
Edgar i for
iii Bugle,
in die and
next said call
la- you do
not all know Mrs. Worth has lost
n pearl this even-
a painful tell
am a
u if it can't
stolen property. In other word, this
m is it of a
but of an lady
u unquestioned.
J . into a
ma forehead
and bin four
eight. Which, divided by two.
tour. In W-M the dress of
lb.- In the eighth
of chairs will be
1.1-.,. lo
and. baud tho fold,
took out h. held It aloft.
handed I ho lady who bod
lost l.
There was it of
of appreciation of
but of dig-
the a
trick. Nevertheless Edgar o blamed.
will stop at
go ill one.
In J
u his said
ii. bad pa a third, j
your said
fa r.
of and ways of b
Mr. In Lift
In Town and re a curl
stale of affairs. In Italian
there are no alum districts. The poor
oat of the nag be lodged In tea
same palace with
runs over Tb poof
are packed sway or bi
cells rs. to be sure, and their
be rendered all
Steamer leave
daily at A.
i m
h , m
, m
M. fur Green
cut. Greenville dally at U
M. for
L. Ar
Ar L
p m
p m
p B
En p m
p m
p m
no Connecting at with p L, m
Km bin
twenty today.
Mi. n Lat
You old
Life a M
for u , Ar L-v
New York a m n
Richmond, Va.
The Greatest Stock of Fine
and Medium
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, and
all t for
Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Co, from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
gt. J Aft.
. B.
S. V.
New York
p m
Ar t pm
a a m
p M a m
. a m
a m
and Car.
on No. and to and Jack-
II. M. W.
Ana. Pa.
t. M. t. m.
in the South.
E. Broad
. M.
Fur, Oil
Bat, He.
Bail. It,
Balsa, P.
. 1111.1 Ax
I Raj
root,, Henry tun
Jelly, Milk
I Flour toll.
Magic Food,
Meal and Hull,.
Dried Apple,,
j Ola
; ind China Ware. Tin and
Ware, fake
Bet Ne
Hewing Machines, and
I Quality awl
Quantity, for On.
ea me
S. M.
a H
J, W. CD.
Manufacturer,, of
Jay, nun me and evening.
,, kW,. J
for Fine Modem and heap
every Hun
and evening.
II. M. Eure,
a. L. II. Ponder,
tan lent
day a. K. II. Kick lei
W. E-
Morning evening
prayer with
and Sunday. Lay
every and 4th
a. in., W. II.
Brown, Litany
every a.
fourth in mouth
Rev. W. dun-
day school P. M., W. K. Par-
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
your and
la give satisfaction in
prices, and work.
Please send your older, to
Greenville Co.
J. B.
Norfolk, Va.
and handlers of
. I,
New York Pattern Hats,
lOCK B i
the ii of bar
of bar new
TH.- -i in
glad well in
taring u
k from
I i with a
I Is
mm sin- was
of its
Three Times
the of
Any Other.
On bird Racier,
A con
Wilson Co.
S. T. WHITE, N. C.
ii fit day found tier in I
of the big
store. The rush of
rods, bargain
bar and Um . of
new i In r
if unspoken of
former I she
walked only mo to
tar tor Um though of
a crowd baleful to bar bow,
this, so h
, dragged Into gad
that racking boon
In Hi bargain and grim, silent
in I ha ball bedroom
lo i ii.-r
appeared twice in
and lbs i
Um mm
log ago . .
i.- bad i red Ike
of i M
cams to town m I i
Um u i la
remind of n, bag did
and in.
wag iii
mill g u Hi., win
rater leak i i
i. Have Been
The world, we ken i
Um.- again, not
st men n is i-
teal hooks Are
sure Um in our lit
of i.
who as-
lime in. Um Anal Hut,
nil. we certain Hint nay
Bat notable ling
and a raid Ike
wrecks rivet of
f. r H.
it In b Hi beaut go
In liar. m ii bare
been in of die
iii-i Indeed
garred or bars to Um world
its now
in.- .-a-
In total haw
imp id
i. i lab world for
ii of it- rs
d i
i u King
ts In Ike old
ten In i when
ha i ii of Us
with Barer n of tn
. , f Hi. k-r f ii was
i-ii dipped
Ml , tho ii l j
a h
Ham b W, i M
Miss granted the par-
don, but with no good gruff.
mi r.-l as though In
different to bu hod
hut as soon out of the room
her to In-
In u room. When
the hostess together,
l t closed door
matter of the necklace
more serious than Is supposed, bud
I not acted I did It have re-
very The neck-
lace was undoubtedly stolen, and I Maw
a hand drop It In Miss
dress Had revealed fact there
some who would fancied
to screen bar and have
ed so a as she. You,
too. Mr. would have re-
under suspicion. Hy leading
Die It a
mere trick both these disagreeable
have avoided, our hostess la
pared having u cloud cast over
her ball, while Mrs. Worth Is
of property. I alone
suffer with the guests for perpetrating
in.-i. n
Every present looked at Edgar
i i.--. with ad-
When Hit- affair to the ears of
be deter-
mined at once to avail of
services of a with such
great ability
not only eventually bis
partner, but married bis daughter.
W. J.
Banal train, and boat, and
anywhere In town.
Any or-
lam for of Lo.
t No. is, will
Sick Headache
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
It's your liver Pills
arc liver pills; they cure
A. F. A.
U., J. H. Renae. See.
K. River Lodge, No.
every Wednesday evening,
W. II. DU, C. T. M. Book-
K. of R. andS.
O. Lodge,
I No. every Tuesday
evening. W. . f. q.,
, U. D. BaT
R. A Zeb
every Thursday
W. fl ,
aV. O, Council,
No. meet every and third
Thursday in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. Smith
I. O.
No. el. every
Monday In Odd
lows Hall. W. II. Wilson
Clerk Superior Court, D.
O. W. Harrington.
T. K,
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry,
Coroner, Laughing,
Fresh kepi constantly en I Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
K,, . , . . i R. L. Davis, C.
band. Country produce , w j. j, a,,.
rid. A trial will convince you.
O. W. meets every Brat
on hand-
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
i.-, as low the
lowest. Highest market price,
paid for country
Clerk, J. C.
Collector, C. O. Rountree.
J. T. Smith chief, W II.
and I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. Spain, L.
Arthur, Charles B P.
rick, K. B. ft I,, liar.,
W. B. Parker and B. F. Tyson,
Board meets every first Thursday
Norfolk, Vs.
Cotton Buyers and Broken la
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
SI cow, solid
color, slightly darker on nose
I horns rut oft I hue inches of head
when left, inch strap Chicago and New
around neck. Will calve about
Sept. 28th. Any said .
cow will in I.,,,,,,,,,,
Sept. I, .
The great remedy not only every
farm of but makes radical
Contagious Blood Poison,
Sores, Boils, Catarrh,
all arising Iron. Impurities In the blood.
by physicians and prominent people every-
where after thorough trial.
All are
to hunt or in any way upon
an, of In Heaver
J. .
, . I
. .
Ma, Ma It
w. ii mini, a
la I
TWO Bit fa
I in
ill or an
American and Italian Marble
N, C.
Wire Iron Sale.
work and prior,
deal ii mt on
vs. I I.
Dry Goods,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
of goods lo,
i ht or
a m
a m
a m
u m
Strange bill true that
worry, sad
You Write
a If to every
member of the best
in County when
Eastern Reflector
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
Commercial Printers f School
Books. , Office Supplies, Etc.
Ricks Wilkinson
Only the Host
Dependable Fabrics
Are utilized in making the gar-
that we sell for both men
and boys-nothing is allowed to
pass that does not certain
high standards of durability and
fast color, and we guarantee
every garment sold. Therefore
you do not rake risk when
buying here.
Let us show you how we can
save you money on your business
or dress clothing, and on your
Ricks Wilkinson
. sizes.
a to
I Se
m r ,
v .
a V-. Ii
Hie ,.
. -j- a written guarantee.
. Paris Exposition
. .
-tali in
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything; you may expect to in a hard-
ware store.
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The Proof of Doing is We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
no claim that is not out by facts. An
of 11.70 for our during the month of
its own talking about what Man
the rent of do for those who sell at the Greenville
You only have to try to be convinced
will get you the highest prices every time.
k. h asS; Proprietor Greenville Warehouse.
Pill County Teach-
Then- is probably no profession
in the world are
i tin teacher.
There is an end t. anal
there i none. In
I lie many the teacher,
we the to
and all this when
himself herself
well. the duties
the owes to are
culture, dig-
and yet ease. He
at the same I
in be endowed with I
and work bearing
mind bis
Then he i ha duties to
his pupils, not only in
room and on the play ground, hut
in the world large. Ah
lion is the development of the
whole these duties must
include the i
moral duties also.
teacher owes to own em-
loyalty, patriotism
t law. Me most be, as
well as these. The school
Is no . ii will as the
tale. The school to the child is
really what man
It In the child
Males his Ural duty, loyalty
he owes own slate
and country.
Not only has the
moral and religious duties to lie
parents, but there are certain
Other relation- duties due the i
pa re it an to whom the
children are committed live
sevenths of the time during school
Puff it every
duty not only to teacher, but
example, guide even parent fur
the time
And hut, by means least,
he duties to parents what
is nominated in our mil
Teacher It is this
feature of the
if the teacher
today, and which arc
Time a fuller of
the Subject than under the follow-
1st. His duty to know the
2nd, His duty in the home
His duly in the home
ex unit I i nary
1st. Bis duly to know the
home. Many not the
faintest conception of the homes
whoso children they are teaching
Under conditions their
must be a complete failure. The
one foundation object teacher
be lo lead the child oat of
Ignorance into knowledge, and this
cannot he done it one be
of home life of the child
of the home life is total
the child itself. A
thorough knowledge of home
is for the proper manage-
of the child. A thorough
with the child's pie
riots, his
and will enable one
to understand explain
acts and motives of
life which mil in-
or understand without this
shall we know
the homed
By going into them, thereby
com inn hi personal contact with
each and member of lain
It is quite true their homes
may not he like yours, but font
duty is to o no matter bow hum
hie the home or how
the duty -and duties arc
burdensome. Many
children come to us from homes
which the riling principles
low, Perhaps the teacher is
the and only person, with
comes in contact,
who characteristics and
qualities lead him to
Mi than
of his home. By
to father and mother. It
takes much time and more
to learn pies
the home, bat It mast be done.
The teacher who in this
will undoubtedly
in most others.
Secondly, in the home
under ordinary
Be clever in the
A frank is needed for
the sake of the child.
your school room work let
parent know you are in
the child. Be frank, he honest.
if unpleasant facts have lo be
Stated so in a pleasant manner.
; Be exemplar in character,
word, and manner, thereby
and even love.
Never fail to lie with a kind
word and to praise when
can be honestly e. Em-
brace -very opportunity i. Inspire
ambition in the home for
of the and thus
the parent t- help correct
mend then children propel
and or
contrary, bet the parents know
yon need and want their
co-operation. Also impress upon
; In in the fact that it will be a
great help t both you and
Thirdly, also extra-
ordinary conditions In
such as sickness of children
parent What are the duties
then I Always u-
r a
every way pol
hie. and in such a manner
will not hesitate to call yon
is needed.
visits. Be sympathetic l.
not hesitate to this
people need more than for
feel sympathetic,
lo talk and act thus. Make
your visits to afflicted ones so
cheerful and bright that will
look forward lo your coming with
an expectant pleasure.
These duties m seem to
many some of them onerous,
but to succeed in the fullest sense
the teacher needs to thus be and
act. The farther you are removed
from culture and good social con-
the more you need to ex-
yourself in these things,
without which a teacher never
reaches the possibilities which lie
before him in his profession.
Let me not only ask hut urge all
teachers present, that they
these graces and qualities
more fully in the than they
have in the past, making
daily programs let us include
sometime to used visiting
the homes, even if the amount
time be very short each day, we
may accomplish a great deal if this
amount be rightly used. .
those who have tried plan can
estimate Its worth, Nut only
It prove a help to the teacher and
child, hut the world demands
is look for the teacher
power is shown in and
love. This sympathy must In
elude parents as
Let each not be
in any of the qualities and
that are for the furtherance and
betterment of our
the advancement of our
has advancement of state,
county all man kind.
J Washington Letter
Special Iron the
Capital of the
la probably no more per-
man in Washington
than President After
hi own com lotions, that
the tariff ought to revised, and
accept lug the dictum of Senator
his s. politicians,
I hat the policy for re-
was lo pat,
that if lie want
ed to in he must
not Pus.
is now receiving the
several days a woman and
a little have been soliciting
alms on the street here. They are
members of the Prank
and have been occupying
s house on Washington street,
between and third. A
In quarter,
night attracted attention
Smith and
who found Lewis and drunk
Mrs. Lewis being down and
husband beating her,
for being i
He is not known lo have
any Tb man
woman are be able t.
would Is- an act to --t
their girl into
if that can be done.
tor the
On Tuesday, the the Sans
flub the Mi--
Jones the
very all
the members were present and
were given most welcome
by the hostess, who received her
friends in her most cordial man-
Tin parlor was most daintily
decorated the invasion with
masses of and shad
which cast a mellow
glow n all around.
The being railed to or-
the discussion the
we were treated to
a most fill
by Miss on
Marshall, of the days of
X sketch Mrs. OhM.
Dam was also read
After the business of the Club
delicious refresh-
were served, consisting -d
cakes and other and a
lute hour we bade hostess a
reluctant The Club
will hold its next meeting with
the western and
act st r- the hope of
in tin section of the
Hy. lies in making good the
of the last campaign, that
the ii if would lie it
In of a
clearer into
he has appealed the,
of ins Cabinet and lo the
republican leaders. There is
d n tin n
Ah all I w . but
s- en fur
wants revision,
Babcock ex-
Ira that pin j.
exclusively and Mi line la
any Hie
ii a reform platform.
is tr e Idaho other
states which were carried
ho the republican part only lo, ;
personal popularity of
President and the assurance
he would Insist on a revision of the j
tariff which would curtail
profits of the trusts.
Tho argument advanced by
i that the present
prosperity cannot last, that tariff
revision will t no reversal
present conditions and that If
the republican party is caught in
the of an attempt to revue,
the tariff, which will he inevitably,
attended by endless personal
strife, country will,
administer a prompt rebuke by
Voting for their opponents. As a
sample of the kind of advice prof-l
feted the President by his friends I
was recent.
Lodge and Burrows. The former
his willingness to
the Cuban treaty because it would
tot injure his constituents who
raise tobacco nor beet
sugar, but be protested vigorously
against the New
because might hurl some of
n of section the
other hand, Senator Burrows pi
pressed his to vote for
the new Pound land
protested against the Cuban
treaty. The that the taint
is a local Issue is again luring de-
with fact
that no republican t willing to
of protection to
Interests of bis own section I
benefit of the at large. I
The has held open his
message, hoping lobe able judge
which will be more politic
course for him to pursue, after be
has with senators
who have been
lied to on him this week.
h o e I
r w Longer
The s, ,., i h mil and i i
can go living .- if I id-
die had never been naked
No, it can't, either.
is not p. t. b.- a hat it was be-
fore, are going to lei
i; i a little morel
are g lo have
s of ll l I Sell lo
The answer lo the e i
cm a building with
ii gallons of Lead and .
Zinc ,. s lib i d punt.
and it will several a
mg i-.;
lead and nil mixed hand,
In re's i ml mil
the Slates will
soon be proof abundant
What will do with then
II. L. t sells tin- paint
I r. of most of comfort was tho
only requisite in a Shoe, bat today this must be com-
artistic attractiveness in harmony
the node of the season. We know you will be glad to learn
that a shoe ha- last been produced, strong in every
part, graceful in every line, easy and comfortable in way,
at the extremely low price of 18.00 per pair. We are solo
for the Shoe In this city, and we your
careful Inspection of excellent Shoes at our store.
we also carry a full line of Shoes of
makes all the popular leathers at popular prices.
There will lie man In-
dependent voters in tin stale,
if democrats would resort to
argument instead of appealing t.
prejudice there is no reason why
vote he to
the party. To it straight,
many of these people have nothing
against the party hut have become
tired listening to the dished
up a- democratic duct Hue Dur-
ham Herald.
. building
In great rep-
make your
fed look well, no
what wear, and
perfection of
Look for the sign
the Popular Dealer.
Bell III, soil Children
of Is
man should be interested in our popular
We will be glad have you cull and sec them. II you
looking fur cheaper or some other kind, we
Yours truly,
J. B. Cherry Co.
Special offerings in every department of our store.
mill I,
i ii to. stock is larger than It
i i- u in substantial form
of our if for any reason your
I i your money.
old holly Iran
on in
i.-r i- no
to be valuable turn.
to a
loaded red and
are off
ear loud lo northern and
old at a good
lot an
people now in cutting
in making
in tn the
ear have
been from
lion new are being
added lo number In
No one will suffer
bully trees
the bled
ma upon holly
Silk, ever yard
Von gel any.
. -ilk.
in ii i silk. We are
making a this, and want
you other
silks; will i; i-
I ll.
wool, In
we vi 1.-1 I
can be hail to sell
in i ml all shades.
take pains In selecting
these give you i
v aim pail
i i h ii i linen full bleached
Table flue and heavy and
Vest, lull sine, ail seam,
covered; are very
I., be had
Ladles Wool
ii you are
cheap ii .- bate
One lot las, I
all to
Vests, One
1.85 pair
extra heavy Lined
gray, and cream
a before
On,, let to close
and now
price, I lo
One Top
some worth and
an odd must
The la
have the nicest La-
Men's to he found
anywhere. Out shoe is made
grade and i,
to he for the price
can he had.
Our 2.00 can't be
beaten He sure to see
our Shoe- yon buy.
Button Shoes, .
i to out
the latest
pi lies are right,
Hals. A hi line of men's and
hats in all tho latest shapes.
Prices that suit you.
Hen's and
have, a in order to the entire stock of Clothing out we are offer-
par cent. runner prices, as an- out the Clothing business.
We have always to sell the rather than the cheapest. Isn't It
a great deal to that you here ill Is, sold to yon for lust what it really i,
, s kind of arc and that is the kind of store we keeping. Come to see
I examine our stuck. r B

Have You Forgot
Advice to the Aged.
bowels, weak and
am in
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Huts, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
specific effect on
U l he th i
ii their natural M
in and
bladder and LIVER.
to the
art to old and
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Shells, S
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
Something; Nice
In go your table,
you to go to
Johnston Bros.
ill-- -iT.-it-i
Grafton am bad
g ; . ; . . k
. n I
over r
Bled no
at The Mm tn
, the tow f
l r and
Win. t i
i. flour
b turn t.-r
whole town and
U was all duo to
baring attended n
colics in the city for
la or
toward Jennie.
. an for colon and know
bow mm II
Ant tin or M Jape,
fur- rM I I too
I to
bf wives homo. TImi
and at
lore, and J threw In a
of for the . to
nothing of and friendly
y net
And. tho f all. the did not
pill nor drop lb cracker
n her bad
told. Into
on two
., Ill salary.
Ai f
In fact
for it In all Will
I he beat and
now wt are -0
supplied in fruits of nil
kinds, lies.
Canned Goods. Smoked plan, and the woo from room hat
Meat, and nest Mo-
in the way of
the a v
n Inn -f farm-
era up
en lined baked a
very long and very
pointed in in-1 front, high t
up a,
Will rS If aliens U- w Mb i ii on month
are living, or within three ; upon evidence
and of arrears Interest.
A after No S.
payable the the and each
year, the premium for the year be paid.
They may
To Increase the or
To payable as an during the lifetime
J. L. it i, At
N C.
including in latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern
the Value of
Any Other.
On bird
i Third
M l I. , ii n I
I I i i 1.1 . i
W Wilson
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
collar very to
had n pretty arm and silk lined
akin up the
on Prank floor
patronized and
ii really liked Jennie. She lob tho
hull- clerk
wore a
row aha really in
the i would com-
a and aim
In l- bead u de-
won not quite -tin-
latter but
i-i- fair
of her now found
bud a
Jennie won gr u.
Bo when a lain i wived a
few In a at
tempt at
that an awaited
her iii city Jennie w b w
go groat her
did notice ii-
on face offered Bit
and told good
STet ho went with her to the
saw comfortably for
the Journey tried to look
into the far., fairly
now with
ho back to the tho
Bow clerk and a Clint it
ant inn gentle per
Bonn I iv, which bad Interest
In a new
a u. -I
re -U-. than the one had
In general,
met bet el d.,. depot and piloted to
boarding n hero bad, a
all a ball
room with dear,
yoU dual g t that in a hull
u- In m
dear, and lake you to Mr
will you, of
but my with you will make
Thou i shun nut hot- yon
fur a week or tan days. I'm going out
on II. and t. It. for a nip. But
you'll lie no you won't be
Oh, no. not
Baa from
tip of bar bow tan to
of her new hat with a
vague which i de
in She
whoa wall but chat-
next day found bar In a
of big
hi on-. bar
head the redo,
the thick air
ll-d bat and wary of
Boor walker, always of
made in r I Hie
If unspoken Of brr
for on r That int
Walked BUB only lad to
avoid for the thought of
hateful to now. sir.
if day be
tint. long, dreary.
i that dragged Into
Unit only
in th and grim, i
in the I
many No one
to her a the
twice In front of
hat and actually
ilia Bight of.
Hie sound of a familiar
. i if r
bag what on hi
,. t ii -1 i a had Bared the place
or red cloth
i i ho town on. . a
t n
u bun of it. baa aha did
and lea drifted
iii.- latter her
hi tow ii luting
I in.-
and a tie vole-
i., ,
to bar
Home m
came I
with It a j
n-pr-- m
-d from hall
and tin- horror cheap
house faro. For tHo of
took and cooked
things a a
some and of If not
prepared ha a
now in a had
lead of a up
her, and
bad to b
tar, Lail worn
women, and had treat
ad to tin row
of Beta from
point of ram J bad
aver to watch the
When reached her room, she
turned the on full bead, tilting
bar aha face, ii
not an Indeed
In department bad
t. o i I ft that tho
; girl pretty,
She as
in words and bin foppish
peal to the f-t which
. from bU
went back to frank with bis
g, face, bis square, deter-
i bit keen blue
i wonderfully friendly
gleam impertinence In
you're a
that when you to town
you'd be a of of
great, boat lug part the
you at the theater to
. night And a pretty you cat
In a of
. other Bi i a week get
and ugly, too, and I have a
good mind to Bend you bark to
day, only two aunt's
little from room with
now, and ti;. d
ribbon hi ;
;. by And her
I at the
l re the drat lime b ft
writing, It a little j
; Frank that did not like j
her work Baking for
old if up. r be I
Tho came by
The trio In re-
m ed Into a duet other
were to wee bright
., her fur
They an
safe arrival
ensued a long
found as
had I
picture up
of And .
back Bach bar
And nest day . in.- the
I nut my oil I
; I will th. on jut
s . . even r prank ind i
HI i can
come up will b . I of-
, love m have a If
. .;. . om
tin .-. .- my to ilia I
. know win. h I I
am to mi Pi
come If .
Die I looked h
put I their b.
ml have known
. it I II ll I I
. linen l f which
i 1- phi
. I
-I ton half
much be p.
to u-
And Hi re hi r
. I in for a
bun dollar ill.
; a valuable, little gore to .
and is
pods know by everybody t Bight
though not by name.
from the and
over or are n I
addition to of no
win need to twice t he .
. Tho mate In
j one of it
vet m Mm
a need dwelling upon
for it 1- said to i-v of I be
remedied for a
la green I e the
lower are I hi p
Rower is time, ll la
time I In warm
charing, purifying is fell at
nine. only are n
rut -is and as much l
I I'm- it may
be boiled milk hut for elderly per
Now fork
Whit Have
Ha He i
The world, we have been
time again, known nothing of its
nun It
its Are
we quite sure the In our III
on am arrayed la their
due ardor The rules of
precedence change, who
sort prevalent at any given
time are the Baal But, above
nil, me we quite certain that there may
not n notable work of lying
unnoticed and
of the river f lime, waiting
only for
reveal it in ail to nu
. w Hi results have
bean frequent In the history of the
post. hate
or t the world
no proportion of its now
. acknowledged
The of the
have tin- narrowest SB-
capes from What have
in their total The aw I
i of
fr m the world fur
over a century. The of its re
high priest
d King
la In Old Testament.
are forgot-
ten in wrote
hi of the
with m-v.-r a of I
name of yet it
afterward Shakespeare
and .
dropped ,
from pi- and later won
a popularity by I
Ham n
Edgar desiring to
move lo swim of and real-
that without a fortune be moat
be able to make some return for
east about for a method of
doing He not sing or play
musical instrument lie could not
lead One thing be could
could work tricks of of
hand. By be gradually got
Invited to the t and soon
greet demand.
One Edgar a large
ball given by one magnates,
lie was a room crowded
with when be
two and
a n into
a fold of a lady's dress, formed
a sort of pocket The lady who
involuntary of the Jewels
of a rich banker.
Now. as of those
contained fellows an
to who always get in
a twinkling be bad for n plan to
turn What he bad seen to great
A thief had purloined
the necklace and for some bad
to get rid of It. This
son was soon explained. Hearing a
commotion the hall. went
there and found one of the guest a. Hob-
art a man of
by a private detective for the
had boon momentarily laid off
the robing room and bad
appeared. A bad r- seeing
man robing room when no
else there answering to the
of Chum her I in. of course
Jewels were not found.
The detective retired In confusion.
Nevertheless the new- of the
BOOB found
In n very position.
sought hostess and
if yon will permit to entertain
some of your by h tow
of hand tricks. I think I can add to
the of your
Mr. I would
have but did
like to trespass
Ten minutes later a number of
were Hie room.
Edgar a platform used for
with his Mia
In the room, and
looking very
next said Edgar, call
lost you do
all know that Worth has loot
a valuable even-
A fell the
Magic la if It can't restore
properly. In other words,
lie. Is not of a
bat of an lady whose
Integrity U
The was turned Into a
mo tapping forehead
closing his eyes. four are
eight, which, being divided by two,
gives four. In a fold of dress of
fourth lady sitting the eighth
row of the necklace will be
Stopping down from the platform,
Edgar to Miss
and. putting bis band Into fold,
look out held It aloft
banded It to lady who had
loot II
a chipping or not
very of of Rd-
skill, hut of rejoicing at the
that whole affair a
trick. Nevertheless Edgar was blamed.
fellow will atop at
BO id one
day he'll get
Iris with said
bad no a third,
use of
your Edgar to
alias placing tho
necklace with
granted the par-
don, but with good grace.
Edgar sauntered away, though In-
different to effect ho bad produced,
but got out of the room
hastened tn the hostess begged
to assemble the three persons In-
In a private room. When they,
Included, came together,
closed the door and
matter of tho necklace
more serious than la supposed, had
not acted us I did It might have
The neck-
lace was undoubtedly stolen, and
a band drop It In
dress. Had I revealed the fact there
are some who would have
wished to screen her have
rd even pure a You,
too, Mr. would have re-
under leading
tho audience to believe that It a
mere trick both these disagreeable
have in n avoided, our hostess la
hating a cloud over
her ball, while Mm Worth la
of property. will
Buffer for
present looked at Edgar
with mingled with ad-
When the affair came to tho ears of
father, he deter-
mined at once to avail
of a young man with
great ability
Edgar not only eventually became
partner, but married daughter.
Speaking of homes and Of h
Ice Mr. to Ufa
Id and reveals a
of affairs. Id Italian
there art do slum poor
est of p. r may be lodged in the
same palace with people
runs over annually. poof
are packed away Id the garrets or
cellars, to be sure, and their
at must be rendered all man
by the and of
lavish class
no objections whatever to
a or place of business.
Mrs. We bin married
twenty years today,
a Yea,
years we've fought
Mrs. Henpeck
old wretch
Hiram Lattice b
Richmond, Va.
The of Fine
and Medium
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave ill,
M. for
at with
Steamer, for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South
Swan Quarter, and
all for t with rail-
at Norfolk.
Shippers order freight
Old Dominion S. Co. front
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and
S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line
J. Aft.,
J. B.
Washington, N. C
t m
a in
In i Ml
a m
s m
Ar l.
Ar Norfolk L,
New York
p i
p m
. p
a m
a m
p p m
Ar p in
s pm
s s
kin p s in
f s in
a m
p in
in the South.
on to and
II. M. iv W. J.
, Aunt. Mgr. lien.
t. M. t. m.
N. C.
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
E. Broad Street, work-
send your tiers to
Richmond, Va.
j Co.
. M.
Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil
Turkeys. Bed
Oak Suits, B
by Carts,
Tallies, Safes, P.
and Ax
West Che
roots, Henry Can
nod cherries, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk
Flour Coffee, Meal, Soap,
Lye, Magic Oil.
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Oar
den Beads. Oranges, Apples, Mill,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches.
Prunes, Current,
China Ware, Tin and
Ware. and
. Best Butter,
Sawing Machines, and
other Quality
Cheap for cash. Con.
tee me
S. M. Schultz
Ph. -e SB
Norfolk, Va.
I Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties Bag,.
, shipments
W. J.
nu. t and boat, and
In town.
freight Any or-
for me left of Co.
r No.
Sick Headache
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
It's your liver Pills
arc liver pills; cure
, i
------DEALER IN------
J. R.
day, evening.
r meeting
J. N. Booth,
a. M. A. Allen
every Sun
lay, mm mug and evening.
meeting evening. Rev.
H. M. Eure,
-i. L. II. Pander,
ten lent
Sunday, Sou
day a. in. E. B.
W. V- Co,
Minister. Morning and evening
prayer with sermon every let
and Sunday. Lay
every 2nd and 4th
Sunday a. m., W. II.
every Wednesday a. in.
i n Preaching
and fourth Sunday in each month
W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day P. M., W. R. Par.
No regular service
N. C.
A. F. e M.
meets and
third Monday evening. H.
H., J. M. See.
K. River No.
every Wednesday evening,
W. H. C. T. M. Hook-
K. of R. and S.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. W. AWn., If.
D. D.
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No,.
meets every Thursday
W. B. Wilson. J,
IS. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
j Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z- Gardner, Worthy
heir; D. Smith
I. O.
No. meets
Monday night lo Odd
lows Hall. W, B. Wilson
D. S. Smith
Clerk Superior Court, D. C.
Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
Register of Deeds, T- R.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry,
Coroner, C. Laughing,
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
Commissioners, R. L. C.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and, j. j. g.,
sold. A trial will convince you. and Cannon.
n H A R D E E
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
prices as low the
lowest. market price,
paid for country produce,
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, H. L.
Collector, C. D.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W.
and I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. Spain, L. C.
Arthur. Charles B P. Pat-
rick, E. B. B. L.
W. and B. F. Tyson.
Board meets every first Thursday
The rheumatic remedy not only curt, every
term makes radical cures
Contagious Blood Poison,
Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh,
and all diseases arising from Impurities In Mood.
by and prominent people every-
where after thorough trial.
H. C
n -I In
st Two a,, a
light red cow, solid
color, slightly darker on note
j horns cut oft three of head
when left, inch strap
around Will calve about
Sept. 25th. Any finding said
cow will notify. D.
Sept. I, 1902
All are
to In any way upon
any my In Heaver
J. II.
i H-ii In
r. II. KIND.
All Di on; fie
But Co.,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers la
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wire, to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
American and Italian Marble
v Ire Said.
work and
ti pea eat on
.-l photo
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. B. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice tins cf goods on
Country bought for
Strange but true Rm
makes worry, sad o,
You Write
a personal letter to every
member of the best
lies in Pitt County when
you advertise in
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
I Eastern Reflector
I Commercial f School
Books, f Office Supplies, Etc
Ricks Wilkinson
Only the Host
Dependable Fabrics
Are utilized in making the gar-
that we sell for both men
and is allowed to
pass that does not certain
high standards of durability and
fast color, and we guarantee
by Mies Annie Per-
kin the Pill County Teach-
There i probably no
in the world duties are .
manifold as of the teacher.
There is an end t., mint
his there is none. In
the of the teacher,
we first the duties to himself
all through this paper when
himself herself
well. the many duties
the to himself are
thorough dig-
and yet ease. He must also
polecat tact, talent, j
at the same
The teacher who in
will undoubtedly sue.
in most others.
Secondly, in the home
under ordinary
Be clever in the home.
A frank i- Deeded for
the sake of the child. Explain
your school mom work and let
parent know you are in
child. Be bank, honest,
if unpleasant facts have to lie
do so in a pleasant manner.
; Be exemplar in character,
word, and manner, thereby
respect and even love.
Never tail to be ready with a kind
and to give praise when it
lie honestly Km-
brace opportunity lo Inspire
in the home for
of I be Child, thus incite
the patent to and com.
their proper
and or the
impress upon
He I
mast be endowed with to,
please work always bearing in ti the parents know
mind his own preservation.
, . , , Then the teacher has duties to
every garment sold. Therefore j his ,,,,,. , Iv ,. .,,,,
room and on the play ground,
in the world at large, As
is the development of the
whole these duties must
necessarily include the
moral religious duties
Then conies the duties which the
teacher owes to hi, own state, em-
loyally, patriotism
you do not rake risk when
buying here.
Let us show you how we can
save you money on your business
or dress clothing, and on your
I you need and want
talon. Also
. the fact that will hi
help to both you and the
Thirdly, there. also
such as sickness of children . I
parent hat ate the dunes
teacher Always en-
quire after the sick ones, in
assistance In every way
Washington Letter
Special from the
Capital the Nation,
in Trouble.
days woman
s little girl hare been soliciting
alms Inn-. They are
of the family Frank
and have Ween occupying
a house on Washington street.
1902. second and third, A lively
, in that quarter,
here no more per- ;., ,,. ;.,, ,
man in Washington today
than President Roosevelt,
j his own convictions,
the tariff ought to lie revised, and
Opt Smith policeman Dudley
who round Lewis and wife
Mrs. Lewis being down and her
husband beating her. Lewis
for and
He is not known to
any The man sod the
are said to be aide to work.
Would be an of charily to gel
their little girl into better
if can be done.
accepting the dictum Senator
hi--, p
the Winning policy the re-
patty was to pat,
after if he want-
id to lie elected in he mi
not countenance revision, the Pres-
is now receiving the
of the western and
the hope of the
party in their section of the conn
try, lies in making good the Tho secret Is
pledges of the last campaign, on living as if the rid-
tar ff would lie by it- die had never been naked,
hope of a it can't, either, Greenville
clearer into is not going In be what was
the President la
h o el
IN the recollection of most of comfort was that
billed wit
in a shoe, but today this must be com-
an artistic attractiveness in harmony with
season. We know you will be glad to learn
r Longer.
that a Shoe ha- at last been produced, strong in every
part, in every line, easy and comfortable in way,
st the extremely low of per pair. We are
agents for the Shoe in this city, and we you
inspection of these excellent Shoes at our store.
Remember we also carry a full line of Shoes
makes In the popular leathers at prices.
Ricks Wilkinson
. i-- and sizes.
j.-. to
V-i. it
He must be, as
as teach, these. T., H
assistance Is needed.
your visits. Be sympathetic, n.
not lo express
path; people need mote I bun for
you to feel sympathetic, they need
you to talk and ad thus. Hake
visits to the ones so
is Institution us well as
stale. school to the child is
really what the stale is to man I
ft Is often school the child
bis first duty, loyalty and
he owes his own stale
bright that Will
only ha. the teacher ,
moral and religions duties to the pleasure.
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The Proof of Doing is We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
makes no claim that is not borne out facts. An average
of 111.70 for everything sold on our during the month of
August does its own about what Man
tho of do for those who sell at the Greenville
Warehouse. You only have to try us to be convinced that we
will get you the highest prices every time.
r. a. Proprietor Warehouse.
parents, there are certain
other relations duties due the
parents, as those to whom
children are committed lot live
of the time during school
sessions. For it is every teacher's
duty not only to be teacher, but
example, guide and even parent for
the lime
And hist, by no means least,
he has duties to parents in what
is nominated in our subject, -The
Teacher the It is this
special feature of the many duties
today, and which
Time forbids fuller discussion of
the subject than the follow-
1st. His duly to know the
2nd. His duly in the home
ordinary circumstances.
3rd, His duly in the home
extraordinary circumstances,
1st. His duty to know the
home. Many teachers have not the
faintest conception of the homes
abase children they are teaching
Under these conditions their
must be a complete The
one foundation object of the teacher
should be to lead the child out of
Ignorance into knowledge, this
cannot be done one lie
of home life of Total
ignorance of home life is total
ignorance of the child Itself, A
thorough knowledge of home
is necessary for the manage-
of the child. A thorough
acquaintance with the child's
training, his temperament,
peculiarities, will enable one
to understand and explain many
questionable act, motives
life which we could not in-
or understand without this
shall we know
the homes
By going into them, thereby
coming in personal contact with
MI and every of the lam
II is quite true their homes
may not he like yours, but your
duty is to go no mailer how hum
the home or how
the Lhasa duties are
sometime burdensome. Many
children come to us from homes
which the ruling are
very low. Perhaps the teacher is
the first and only person, with
whom child comes in contact,
possesses characteristics and
qualities that lead him to realize
there are higher ideals than those
of his home. By
to father and mother.
lakes much lime and much mine
tact to ruling pies
of the home, but it must be
These duties may seem to be
many some of them onerous,
but to succeed in the fullest sense
the teacher needs to thus be and
act. The further you are removed
from culture and good social con-
the more you need to ex-
yourself in these things,
without a teacher never
reaches the possibilities which lie
out before him in his profession,
not only ask hut urge nil
teachers f resent, that they
these graces qualities
more fully in future than Kiev
have in the past. In making our
daily programs let us include
sometime to be used in visiting
the homes, even if the amount
time lie very short each day, we
may accomplish a great deal if this
amount be rightly used.
those who have tried this can
estimate its worth. Nut only
It prove a help to the teacher and
child, but the world demands and
is looking for the teacher whose
power is shown and
love. This sympathy must in
elude the parent as well
child. Let us each not be wanting
In Of the qualities and
are for the furtherance
betterment of our profession. Pol
ill the advancement of our
has the advancement of Mate,
count and all mail kind.
members of his Cabinet lo tin
republican lenders. There
doubt amongst the eastern
who all say
wants revision.
an ex-
11.1 called fur purpose
are going to be
its people a little mote
in, I prosperous- are going to bare
of the money I. it to buy
other with.
The answer lo the c is this;
ran paint a building with
gallons of Lead
Min with
exclusively and the ii will wear
the were elected
on a platform. Tho
same i- true of Idaho and other
western states which were carried
for republican party only by
the personal popularity of the
President and the assurance
he would a revision of the
tariff which would curtail the In-
ordinate profits of the trusts.
long a- a
lead and
several times a.
painted with
d by hand.
of ii till
the United Slates There will
soon proof abundant of it
What will people do with their
money II.
There will hereafter be many in-
advanced by voters in this stale, yet
is that the present the democrats would resort to
prosperity cannot last, that instead of appealing to
tale the reversal Prejudice there Is no reason why
tin Tuesday, the 18th, the Bans
Bond Club metal the
Lizzie Jones. Although the
was very nil
member, were present
were given a most cordial welcome
by the hostess, who received her
friends in her man-
The parlor was most daintily
decorated for the with
turns and shad-
ed which cast a mellow
glow on all around.
The meet being called to or
and after the discussion no-
books, were treated lo
a most Interesting
paper by Miss on
Marshall, the of tho days of
1813. A sketch Mrs. Chas.
Dana was read by
Miss Louise Latham.
After business of tho Club
being delicious refresh-
were served, consisting
cakes sad other and at a
bate hour we bade our hostess a
reluctant good-evening. The Club
will hold next uncling with
Miss Whedbee.
ill p
I present conditions and that if
the republican party is caught in
tho midst of anal to revise
which will he inevitably
this vote should be lost entirely to
patty. To put it straight,
many of those people have nothing
against the but have become
In groat rep-
resents to
million, of
Every pair of Sell Man's
Shoes illustrate
this tact. make your
feel look well, no matter
what size you wear, and
the extreme of
with perfection of
comfort sad
Look the sign of
marks the Popular Dealer.
shoos f Men, Children
SCHWAB CO. Chicago,
Sill Boon Ska, la
Every man should be interested in our popular
We will be glad to have you call and sec them. If yon
looking for something cheaper or some other kind, we hare
Yours truly,
J. B. Cherry Co.
attended personal luck- tired listening to the stuff
strife, the country
administer a prompt rebuke Herald.
voting for their opponents. As
sample of tho kind of advice prof-
President by hi- friends
recent afforded Senators
Lodge former
signified bis willingness to ratify
the Cuban treaty because it would
not injure his constituents who
nor it i
sugar, but be protested vigorously I
Special offerings in every department of our store
because might Inn i
of In- On tho The is well way the weather has been too mild.
other baud, Burrow, ex be, to relieve fins we arc offering special inducements in
pressed his vote ping u nice portion tho selling price, Remember our guarantee
the New treaty
but protested against the Cuban
treaty. The tact that
is a local Issue i- again being de-
together the fuel
that no republican i- willing to
sacrifice one cent of protection to
the interests of bis own section for
the at large.
The President has held open his
hoping lobe able to judge
will be the more politic
for to pursue, after be
has conferred with the senator,
and have been
invited t. call on him tin- week.
old tic- are so
mi in this
section, lot which there is no
use except for Christmas trees
the holidays, have turned out
to be valuable property that furn-
employment to ti number of
people. The branches of the trees,
loaded with red berries sod green
leaves, me cut off and shipped by
the car load to u cities
sold a good price decoration
purposes, for which are
splendidly adapted, Numbers
people SIS now engaged in culling
these blanches limn while
others employment in making
boxes iii which to pack
Several oil loads have
ahead boon shipped this sec.
lion and new recruits ate
r added lo the Dumber already in
the business, Ho one will suffer
from the slaughter of holly trees
except the which bird
depends in.,, upon holly berries
lot winter 1-1. i. At
It is mil. we cheerfully refund your money.
36-Inch Taffeta Silk, every yard
guaranteed. Von can I get any-
thing silk, no I
matter what the price
Taffeta Silk. We arc
making a leader of this, and want
yon com par.-i I with other s-1 on
you will find it as
good and
yard wide Heavy
wool, in light gray;
we have heal that I
be had
tap, in fuel all -hades.
We lake special pal is in selecting
these and give you great i
value-in pail
inch all linen full bleached
Due heavy and
heavy and fully worth ca.
cuts, inn price
Vest, full rise, nil
covered; they ale very Or.
bast in be had tit
Ladies Wool Vests, line
and if you are Looking for
something good and
it is hole at
One lot of
Hose, seamless, -old
for out
all sizes, don't fail lo
stock is than it
substantial form of
if for any reason
Shirt, from
Button Shoes,
1.85 pair
Men's extra heavy Lined
Undershirts, gray, and cream
id IV. a piece. See them before
One lot Linen Collars to close
out; former price, C
and I.-. cents; now
One lot of Ladies
prices Iron to
I close out at
One lot of Men's Top Shirts,
sonic worth and some
just an odd lot and must
sold. The price is
We have the La-
and Men's Shoes to be found
anywhere. Our 1.80 shoe is made
high grade and is
to be tho best for the price
that can lie had.
Our can't be
beaten anywhere. He sure lo see
our Shoos you buy.
Lot of Children's
Button Shoes, worth i
to close out
Outline of Children's Shoes is
attractive and the latest designs;
arc right.
Hals. A big lino of men's and
hats in all the latest shapes.
will suit you.
Hen's and
it To, in Clothing out are
Do cent, lower than pine,, as we are going out of the Clothing business
We haw always to sell the best goods, rather than the cheapest.
a great know that whatever you buy here will be sold to yon for just
Isn't It worth
It really
Come to
1st i
see us v

News Opinions.
D. I.
bland at S.
C, u mail
A new unusual law i.
M V. Nu
who tired In
oil f Lake
Michigan north of came
late one after in
the on He was
their what to And the front door
would do ell see A.
Ibis He Mp t
nod aright
turvy and tho butler and gag-
Relenting him. darted
to go into effect in New York, the
from editorial working of which it will lie
to eating After the fa
orthodox democracy, a e o ,.,.,, j, lie and. no
republican grew plenty .
j house to be and M he went again and to the
a devoutly to lie firm will lie subject of the The
be wished for. Many unprejudiced to arrest. The fire of w i ,,
sober mind, would j ha. that mote than in i.-b Sunday
s thing as one of the bet 1,300 were caused by
of the Amendment. It would give . . year and, as his d-
w has authority to regulate
lie questions that would seriously the
affect future legislation the State,. Hereafter the use old
for the public good. It is certain i fashioned matches at
that many who gave strenuous; will be The danger
. . , , I mm a match is reduced
to the Amendment . , ,
r to a . as it can only
such a result in mind. They re
of Xe i . i. j content had
down here t dog la that moaning In the
will, the He is a,.;.,
Torn at a
A fl Col Mfg. Co. B dog to get out.
shipped one to that th. basal
hundred Baud, wit and m
their to they i-hut off
only I
struck a prepared
a possibility will bear Larder on
but a logical but will In easier on
To the orthodox, however, how property owners
much more up
sort of thing than HOB. A. M. chairman of
Mr. and Mr. a
couple. Edward I
was a man. and ;
wife, was In .-very
One trait .
r- -1 to a could
learn nothing about the practice of
One Mr. called I
way m Unit
be bad time to for
during bin
to the be get
what you want. name to the
They will It.
are not very whit they
know ail about the
Snatching a hasty nod i
ho to a trolley car.
Too that Mamie bad on band
UM and w ;
Taking out hT checkbook,
he drew a check for a hundred
She did to to the bank
the day and Intend-
ed Bending her coachman. Not know-
what to write In the sluice left for
My wife hid a led cough
for three two
of Cherry Pectoral,
large and it cured her com-
J. H. Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re-
little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones I
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Cherry
It. Ail
I II. H. a.
of i
mi waking, right
ml,, hen. imagine
Joseph Harden,
merely to the nod. And Creek, and Harden,
ere In town e
when that
in today
party to the f
of these present well -wisher. results of the operations of I hat
there are grave that some
of them will it if they
meet it on the road.
North Carolina Crop Report.
The North Carolina Department
the following
crop report for
the basin of per-
crops being per
cent for average clop. In
case- of cotton then-port is
that lbs average this year is above
of year, while the quality
Of is pot as being
The report
each being With the
average except M
in la-half of the
trial of the colored young
men of the Sate. Thin statement
will the
able and
criticism which the public
in report In the
Governor this
man from
here earl load.
he had over a mile and I
another half mile in to
f was
visiting Hattie and
C. W. filled hi.
n u-
and Mr from
we arc having services all
In- week, A
Yield of cotton
Yield of cotton with
Yield of tobacco
Quality of tobacco
Yield of corn
Yield peanuts
Yield of sweet potatoes
Yield cow peas
Raleigh Observer.
the coining North Carolina
the upper house will
have fifty members; one
dent democrat of at night. Already
tour republicans and a is Al
forty-five The lower invited to out
house has one
I pendent democrat to u of
nineteen ,.
democrats. It I.
claimed by the friends of
Craig in the
there will to vote
for railed s. u
till-. of Hi
Field a
lb- Baptist
held at Chicago in 1893
.-a telegraph, the auto-
wire telephoning from railway
trains and trolley cars in motion
have been invented, All of these
will lie on exhibition at Louis
If you could increase your hap-
prolong your life, for-
get your neighbor's faults For-
get all the you have ever
heard. Forget the temptations, little
Forget the and give i
for Stale,
and preached at
The more merrier Thai
who had the pluck to liberal mm led man who
the company of bandits round- g. M
mg ear, the valuable hi. friend, hear of same get.
j fact that in reality, the to take advantage of the p
are just as big coward, as,
the rest is due not
to the large crowd all going one
Still to the World.
St. Louis,
special from Mo.
Dora Meek, who after a
with her sweetheart day.
ago. immediately fell
lent trance, has not that lime
evinced or
a Ill
the hands of physicians have fail-
ed her.
ed to ammonia fame, she
coughed, halt from
bled a and
then relapsed. The farther
ammonia was from
fear of suffocation. She a
apparently doe.
Beery effort is
hi. exit. If h. were
to go lie would follow them, At
the was worth trying.
Went t lie-
out a hone,
. then released the
which ran off toward the
sad followed.
The dog Mon into a
n lea aha
to the north of Get-
ting las park appealed
to than a
hot Si the end
an after that learned
knew route perfectly.
the river, he to lb.
a f.-w block. a
had picked up
. mounted In the
north, part of the , t Whom .
Ibex be what tie
was about The r
to the of tin-
tare tin lb. dog enter. a tenement
nous, which had for been
held Throwing
their hone. a. it et aid
be done, followed the into th-
hut were too lute. Their
guide had a
rickety a .
treads, they every
binding, On coming t tho top story
and of their guide they
that they had their
pains for and were to
up chase when they heard the
of a harking If in great
delight It
the dog had found its friends
at meeting.
he said. shall
r- my
said the cop,
What help do you
Aren't w. two armed men While you
the name f the payee, much d.-
to on the
aide hat Inn It Then
her name to It
told him to go to the
hank and draw the money. Patrick
did as he was told, hut returned with-
out funds.
The man M the winder, ma'am, say.
my name toll. If . do
have be
think, ma'am, some on.
will have to tell that
How I don't know any-
body do that
be ray. if jell write
In It he'll
This t l- the way
out It. Mrs.
no no none
low love not
In tin-
thou art to
But n
ways low, wicked
in wan a
who In
who her on thin de
an- of n a
Other to lb lank
with the
It mi h that
while noticed
o in ho to n pair
of very on HO followed
her from t when
got found him there waiting
for her
he tell by
doom of the of aw
don't care to my
The and In
end th t net rid of ,
her handwriting. M
After he did not ea-
anxious t tell her fortune,
and M not him he retired,
., .- that would the
The m-it day
the following
at Am In trouble.
An noon Mr. could r
from the be took a
from the be
would home the day. When
be drove to bit at a rapid
throw the door and
not less If She
nae from
fact Ml a la,
wan n till It wan I the Court for the relief
North Carolina, In Sup. rim- Court,
Pitt County. Before the Clerk.
M. O. Administrator of
. Charlotte K.
J. r,
William Mrs.
K. Jr., J.
S. K.
K. Mm, J. C.
J, K.
J. O, It. L.
The named will
take that an action entitled
has boon in the
Court of Tilt County, to nil
for u lot in the town of
N. C, that wt formerly owned
and K.
. And the defendants
will further take that are
at tin-Court
In N. C. on the day
of and or
demur to the petition died in
or will to
way, Mini
ire bought
mil bettor A
S b re have not
their supply f
s. i i f wood
mi hi an much while
the r ii 1- In
in K to tin in.
Mutt Go
are v take It Into their i Into h-me. be found bis wife
a primmer charge of the man who
had on her for a of her
bond wilting,
throwing hoc about
cried Edward, aghast
Ibo to the man who
stood by
am to Inform yon. sir, that
I felt it my duty to arrest your
wife for forgery. I, however, permit-
her to remain here till your
has forged name of Edward
to a the
nu Edward
Ton l
didn't know that you were man
whose name was Then, air,
your wife your
you the with
The a bundle of
beads to move on.
knocked. a
about inside, and after
delay the door was opened. Pacing
three revolver a mite of a girl
Within a woman with n bob
her The dog the tut-u had fol-
lowed the middle of the Hour
The told by the woman
that she had boon up with her baby,
who was ill. and on hearing the knock
bad d hived order to huddle on
clothe Ai the dog, part of
tin- family. When told of bis having
In company of bur-
Information could
give he bad
been off with n man who
bad rented a room on the op-
I U lido the hall.
Turning their attention to the door
knocked, but. receiving
do broke it open. Striking a
a little thought to the which to restore hot i eon
Forget the but no
Hen of your friends, god remember affect,
nil the good points, that make you
load of them. all me per- Wrote . Boo for Hi.
or a I ave In a on i
heard by and which If
repeated would seem a thousand observing
they are. Hint mat hie wife always delayed ten or
the iii-- twelve minutes, the came
,,,, they will come, down to
., .-I when time began the
and wort be
of the act of mean- only while kept
lies., or Will At the end of
mi-, ling of
ii held
-i, p- should now
ml Pat county of
in In- -in
mum of the fur
tin- door bad been only Injured
that not nadir but they close It
n. Having done ,. lbs took
position in iii- room f lbs op.
before w a In
th. hall below, some one
toe door took out n tin-
locked door
t, r to
below wait,
to if coast
the but no one
another move.
only m you inure
start mil a
year., . in three
which ran
through three and
iii high repute, Madame de
for today, mill upon it for example.
sweet mike, only
are lovely and
pie and d
thine Having wall dinner hour
love- in the hull Royal for Madame de
who fifteen
the by copy lug a select of
A hint given the ,,, from
other day by a whore , of u German critic
moved a piece of grit from a repeat the entire of
eye. The accident hail with an error,
occurred the of a rail- How many year., think van,
it lie unlawful Io
or sell In North
a iii town, j
then ii reg-
p., lent tin- in-
Hie evil of
and in communities whore
there i. no police protection are an
bundled fold In large
The a law would
relieve I'm and all other
of the saloon the rural
Under the present local
option lawn then each town
made a
com that the took
bad not been In. The lock ,, . . .,, . .
the the
didn't you sign It In your own hand-
thought make It .
much like your signature n.
The two men looked at other.
on the pan of the detective
kept hi feature. hut when
tho broke Into a
Bed he Jollied. The of
both n broad laugh.
think can bill c till, to
you from
the to o
the k came to Drake a
hank place, nil
criminal civil. In the hand.
of Perkins A Lamb, attorney. am
their detective. They gave tho
; cheek, with direction, to hunt up th.
I who drew It. t traced It to
your wife, not knowing her to your
. wife. got n specimen of her hand-
compared it with the
of the check and knew It to lie
The of the bank as yet know
the matter.
, lady. I give her
to at homo till your
return Fortunately no charge
been made against her. and the matter
may dropped without
Mr. received . polite
the president of
hank, giving the Mine explanation .
the detective had Mr
f that he could not go Into
the bash without seeing a on
the face of every employee, finally d.-
and now uses a for
ville Reflector.
o , of the the
I do and one that
will do mine credit than a J
other act it possibly
i,, p, la I l thought you'd been
inn again held
not bare the
and w i have a
him. Let dog go
Opening door, they pal the dog in
the ball, h at
the door On being
the could he plainly
led tin
which effected without
In room, and
without of tho
would bare been little chance of con
They, made the
that the man
promise f a re
tin Of the
don for Mm and
on the whom he
In now the of
h once Implicated In
Mi and In the
Never In the mom-
n could them log
way journey MOM ht. in tho . ah tho
time when are turn epic in drain Years he ,. th . .- If and drink In
policy that make for i
me and will To rapidly, eon
the doctor, attempt to ft he ,;
In milk.
for he
it out, but just cover the eye with a in full tide of
wherever public.
it and ,
; Inn he to store
your hand to keep it .-.
away hard you can with memory the
tho other till the of the old bard of
hint to me by in tho brief,
commercial traveler how of lime while
goto ii more I can tell you, tying from one patient to another, a
but is all that a celebrated Book Store.
matter to the
If in one I were .
quired to what I to
the moot valuable
I w
performed a
similar feat, having to
translate the whole of
in London
In December
light red cow,
Color. -1 darker 0.1 DOM
oft three
. . w hen h
Short fatten
Long I- are hard to fatten.
In a
of milk. They
may rat grain or meat.
milk In any la and
mating be on a
with Other, Thin will
vent the nil trying to on
the top perch.
A fowl or In
i i apt trans-
nil th.- in all tho do-
power and to n
In for breeding pullet I
r than
. a . IO the
a id Hid of the off-
With I f r I. I . .
Man; of th- loading people In
with a fooling a I moat akin to
delight whoa in like
an Ignorant In their drawing
rooms, even taking his Kent, It Id said,
Iii of
Thin however, hit little pa-
with men
It an who, when
worn out
Iii- with his Intro-
to n waiting n-
thO that ad-
of our
at, h,
Cold water Ice In It Um thing
to when an from
acids or I- Nitric
may, a I
be In and kept
tin , ,.
the trace of t
murk n- W b l
injury, tin M
alkaline by adding to
that she mil's girl
told to move on.
It was In IAN, I that I took
command of u party of man Orange
business was to hunt down
That winter we ordered to find
Bloody Bill and get rid of him. which
meant if didn't him In go
to him we were to hang
him to a tree. We -pent a long time
track, hot when did
get on It were
One evening man whose brother
bad been by Bill rode
Into town. distance of twenty in lies.
to tell that In a deserted
log cabin not from bis ranch, lie
had passed the outlaw the road.
without being
what bad about tho ha
Judged that would the night
there, but he was not to be depended
on for any time.
t ordered the men to saddle up. and
before at the
eating at the railroad for
a supper. There being n dozen of
us and only one waitress for the party,
we wen- being called
upon the proprietor for attend-
a girl sent in
from I bad beard of
Sal In the world
would have expected to her In the
person of this young woman.
neat drew and had a very
attractive and a pretty face,
though there wan not much Intelligence
In It she but
appeared not to take any
anything her work.
The men good deal Bill,
though nu one spoke of going to cap-
him, and one man told how Bill
need k beating bis girl and bow
patiently she bore brutal treat-
I had my eye on the kitchen- ;
maid while be was speaking and fan-
I BOW bet contract,
but the next moment she me
a voice If she should fill my cup
with coffee, and I thought no
about It.
That night we rode a
wind unchecked by woods, driving
before It R sleet our face
like shot. At dawn we reached the
cabin and It. Then when
It was light enough for us to bog clear-
nay. come of that and
give yourself
There no answer, so I called
got you cornered,
Still no answer.
a dozen
Not hearing the slightest In
the cabin. I ordered the men to close
In slowly and We had
begun our advance when
s puff of smoke from a win-
In the cabin, one of my best
men fell on bU face. Not considering
any further waste of life
posted my men behind trees, and
kept up n steady fire. An
In reply Informed us that the In-
mate still alive. This was not
surprising, for our bullets could only
penetrate between the logs, and
did not know what further protection
was Inside.
Finally I ordered the men to collect
and. advancing to a tree
quite near, set Arc to It and threw It
against the cabin. I was In
arm for my and a few min-
later another of my men was bad-
wounded. However. I persisted and
at last rewarded by seeing a
crawling up a corner of
building. It was still half
an hour before names ware well start-
ed By this time I was much
at having lost one man killed,
besides the wounded, on so worthless a
and ordered two of my beat men to
outlaw the moment he
pended. Suddenly the door opened, nod
back of tho smoke flames stood a
figure. One of the two men I had
to do tired. The drop-
butt of his rifle on tho ground.
figure down, a heap In the
cabin door.
killed a
who had not
I. being nearer than the rest, ran to
the cabin, and, true enough, there,
on her face, was a woman. I
turned over and was thunderstruck
to girl who had
welled on st table be-
was not long In framing a theory
of explanation which proved to be
The girl Sal. She
must have Inferred from our talk that
were going to capture her
had ridden through the storm to warn
Clerk Superior Court.
By virtue of the power conferred
upon me by a Decree of the Superior
of County, made at March
term 1902, appointing me a
to sell the land of the late
Thomas J, I offer the
king In Pitt County, for sale at the. Total amount
Court Mouse Door In .
13th. and the bids then
omen or tho
The following is a statement of the
number of meetings the
Commissioners Tilt
of days each member hath attend-
ed; number of miles traveled and
amounts allowed for service com-
missioners for the ear
December 1st, 1902.
It. L. Davis hath attended . IT
Cannon days
W. O.
L. Chapman
J. J. days
K. I.
days as com. C
miles traveled
n as com. 02.00.
For miles
W. O.
For IT as com.
For days as 3.00.
For miles traveled
For days as com.
For cays
For miles traveled 36.50
Total, 076.60
For days as com.
For t days as 4.00
For traveled
Mowed board,
having been raised, a decree was made
T. U. Moore, Clerk of
the Hoard of for tho
county aforesaid, do certify that the
foregoing is a correct statement,
doth of record In my
This of November,
Clerk for Pitt Co.
October Term, aside the
-ale on the of October and direct-
log me t sell said lands.
Now by virtue of the power
upon mo by tho said two decrees will
Offer sale to the highest bidder tor
cash at the Court Door in
the lands of the late Thomas J.
in parcels or lots as follows.
i-t. That certain tract or parcel
on the south side of the Mill Pond j North Carolina
above high water mark, containing county
about 1.326 acres, adjoining the lands
of U. II. Fleming, J. H. Little, J. II.
In Superior Court.
W. II. Harrington
heirs Daniel Hill,
the of Alfred Jenkins, M. A.
Frank and others
and containing the separate pan
cow or low and
sold in separate
at the former sale and
W. It. Keel alias Williams
Hy virtue of an execution directed to
the from the Superior
Court of Pitt County in the above en-
titled action, will on
clock M., at the Court House
. . said county sell to the highest
2nd. The tract lying on the south for cash, to satisfy said
of the Mill Pond above all the right, title and interest
water mark, adjoining the lands U. keel alias
W, B. the heirs of G. G. Per- I J defendant, has in the fol-
W. II. and others, eon- described estate, to
tabling more or lens, j That piece or tract of land In Car-
known as a part of the Home place. Township, the
3rd. The tract adjoining the lands I of Henry Taylor, Keel
d Joseph crisp, Redding as the Seth Keel
-old together in one body and bid off
Whichard Co. body of I at o clue
land will be offered as a whole. I door of eel
the heir's James w. and
containing acres, more or
known as the
The tract adjoining the lands
of Stanley Warren, Hansom Mobley
and containing acres, more
less, and known as the E.
6th. The Mill and Mill known
i- the including
be land covered by the pond to the
high water mark, the Mill and Mill
race to the county road and all the
privileges belonging thereto.
Prospective bidders ore invited to
examine the valuable lands but all
persons are forbidden to trespass
upon them. will take pleasure in
giving to inquirer information
that i may
Letters of upon the
estate of Eli Williams,
this day been issued to the under-
signed, the Clerk of the Superior
Court of County, notice is hereby
given to all persons having claims
against said estate to present them to
the undersigned, duly itemized and
on or before
of November, 1903, or this
notice will plead in bar of their re-
All Indebted to said
estate will make payment to the
at once.
Thin the day of November, 1902.
administrators of Eli Williams,
land, containing acres, more or
leas. o. w.
There will noon change in
the firm of the John Flanagan
Buggy Co., and all persona
to are requested to settle at
once. By doing you will save
us trouble yourself cost.
Sept 1902.
All persons are hereby forbidden
to hunt or trespass in any way upon
any of my lands in Heaver Dam Town-
J. H.
Indebted to
him n few minutes be-
fore us and remaining In the All per-mis who an
to delay as while he rod away ribs j Pitt county Buggy Company
x had Bared life, though ah. hod per-
Oaf dilute lied own In doing She not
as load, nod we removed tier
our guide. I
learned many years Hint she and
had left the conn try
once and save cost of collection.
I High Grade JOB
Land Sale.
virtue of a Decree of the Pitt
Superior court of Pitt county made In
the case of Rest vs. W. L.
Rest and Winter L. Best, petition to
sell land for partition. under-
signed Commissioner will sell for cash
before the court door Green-
ville on Monday, 1st day of Dec-
ember the following described
tracts of land situated in county
of Pitt and in Swift Creek
One piece known as the homo of the
Dr. W. L. Beat at In
said county, adjoining the lands of
Spencer Brooks and J. P.
containing acres. One other
known as the Harper place at
ville, adjoining the lauds of Spencer
Brooks, E. A. Johnson and L. J.
Chapman, containing acres. One
other piece of Allen
Johnson's heirs, the lauds
and others, containing acres, more
or less, being same purchased from
Isaac Joyner. also one other piece
known as place adjoin-
of J. L. Tucker, S.
deceased and others, con-
acres, more or less.
This Out.
Pill County. Before the Clerk-
la. J. Chapman, administrator of
cob Brooks.
Spencer Brooks, William
Bland, Catherine Jana
Brooks, Council Brooks,
Martha Brooks, Richard
Fred Brooks,
John Jana
The defendants above named will
take notice that an action entitled
above baa been commenced In
Court of Pitt county to for
a piece of land in Swift
Creek Township, Pitt county, N. C,
which was owned by the late Jacob
Brooks at the time sf his death. The
said defendants will further take no-
that they are required to appear
before clerk Superior court of said
county at the court House in Green-
ville on the 27th day of December,
and answer or demur to petition in
said action, apply
to the Court for the relief demand In
said complaint.
This Nov.
Clerk Superior court.
A black yearling has been with my
stock since the of May, last. Tho
yearling is marked with two slits in
right ear and swallow fork In loft.
Tips of horns white and some white In
tail. Owner Is notified to call for
same and pay incurred.
I Long; or Short,
Men of all Sizes,
Are filled We have suits that will fit the
largest the smallest man in town. We re-
quart the men who are under size or over
coma here before they conclude that
there it clothing made that is just their
have Overcoats, Suits and
made to fit men who think they cannot be
fitted. Our and are a
special our business. So, we say.
come along, you men of abnormal sizes. Here
are clothes for you, made in every
style of right fabrics, and no extra charge on
account of your size. Glad you read this ad,
aren't you
The King Clothier
If is a MARK hi the
margin toil paper it La to remind
that owe TUB I-i n r n
for ,. -p;, -n. and we
settle as as We what
YOU and hope will not keep
us wilting fur It.
is Tor iii who find th
on their
Mention of People net
With In Social World
It. II. Li-p went lo Dunn today.
Of j. in
H K. Smith. r
la her K. I. Smith.
A not
of Mr. and Ufa.
with which
have to
them. However, there art many
who hare not responded
and they not keep us wait
iii. Let reminder be the last
in Public School
in Virginia ha.
been school.
of both by the discus
action of
and by the
work of the Southern
Hoard. Mr. Harry St.
George Prof.
with ability
and at main
plans the slate. There are
evidences of awakened
and some Improvement, are
ready on foot. In a of
counties school, haw cam-
bland fr
better wanes, and improved build
have lo a new era
the the
schools, and it will be well u even
county ever, will
share in We
our country to give the
their sympathy en-
Show your interest
by Intelligent of
and by kindly
to the
What it Means.
W. II. Cox,
Walker is back from Dan
F. L
Neck today.
Henry Wilson returned II
We're tired
Gallon.; Wears
mean, that you don't have to paint
your house so often, and you don't
have to use so much paint. Costs
less for the job, and you don't
have to do the job so often.
The new paint is not new at all.
It's the biggest selling the
United Slates, am the firm that
makes it is years old.
Devon Lead and
gallons Una mixed paint., wears
twice as lung as lead and oil. II.
L. Can-sell. it.
The following case, have been
I f by II.
since lust report
John Collins, drunk down,
fl cost, 8.80.
affray, bound over to Superior
Bud carrying concealed
weapons, over to Superior
l and cost, 63.30,
R. L. Smith
Mrs. Harry Skinner
E. B. is hack from a
Virginia trip.
W. K. is back from
J. S on the road
Monday morning.
left morning
for Wilmington
Sugg returned to Kin-
Monday night,
B. F. Bit aid returned from
Boa, of Washington,
was Greenville Monday.
Saturday evening from Norfolk.
Colonel I. A. Hung is out of
city for u day or two
Herbert of Book
here to establish n
Mrs. M. L. Wood, of Bertie, is
visiting her sister, Mrs.
T. A. Hudson, of
has a position with J. C.
Lanier the marble yard.
Mis. J N Hut
Monday o
relative, in Virginia.
R. C. Palmer, who ha. been here
day., delivering nursery force is indebted
stock, went to Tarboro today. Nichols for a tray of
B . their new and popular
left this He made the I to take the lend
trip on a wheel.
Mrs. L. C. Terrell, f Tarboro, ,
Mia, M. V. Cook, of Frank ad-
home to before going
You will find on the morrow
. rid of your sorrow-.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER all; enough said.
These famous pills do not gripe.
but move the gently
liver. Then
lo to the
glands, preventing a return of the
disorder. L. Woolen.
Pays for
In Switzerland, the ideal
world, the school
is an st of nil the build-
the perfection of
mechanical genius without of
artistic talent within. The sight
of the building is an Inspiration,
It la the town's pride Pupils are
taught good manners. go, morale,
patriotism, love respect
the home, fur parents, for all in
authority, cleanliness of person,
proper reaped for
The love for the true
beautiful is Inculcated. Ideals
The end the year approach
mg and Toll,, bookkeeper tor
maker Bro.
evening over boot, preparatory a
. the one
after ant just before
lag be remembered that
a paper In vault b.
bars a
die for u, , ,.
be unlocked door cut. red Tb.
door so on it. It
would close of It. own weight
It on But l I.
. hurry to home and .
the paper time to cute
the before it dosed, Th.
was where he It . .,
and lie elsewhere. Suddenly h.
click. Be lacked la
however, be
his to think
The result of w.
blow OBI candle, that
It was on the In
Mat this wan us fur a. he could
go. for then was left for bin
to do except wall to see If l. could
on the atmosphere be breathed. I.
course of half mi be felt u-
he could. Is explained
by the fact that the building
hod opened n crack In
through could
baring been without
Seep for several Anally
He was awakened by n
was like u drill. It
drill. Thank baa ran, ho had been
amid, they had com. to it
It would well to let then
know he so b.
They could not have him, for
drilling went without any reply.
Then be Wondered why they didn't
open vault by
Hon. so be called out again, louder;
fellows out there you
know the for opening
sound suddenly Mopped.
perfectly quiet Could be hare
the gnawing of n nit or a
mouse for n drill
any. you fellow.,
la 7-15- g tr
Still nil quiet but once or twice
be thought he could hear voices In con-
Then there was n cull.
you. Inside
Again quiet, which
you give to get
Who are
armed men who ore after
What's the
the size of
This put an entirely different on
the matter, from thinking of own
began to think of
the contents of the
not this an opportunity lie
worked ten year, for the concern a
meager salary and might ten
the longer under the same conditions.
Ho resolved lo Stand bis ground If
be must time. Ha
. .
regretted that be bad given
are The school is
greatest uplifting force .
republic. A Swiss slates
.,.,,,, , . , H. ,,, to
Visiting America observed ii very help
high fence around a farmer's or- It
chard. Me asked as to the purpose; K I
be beard trying the lo.-k. The. ,
of the fence. He was told that it either had not beard all the number.
was to keep out I he boys. or forgotten them.
-aid he. vol. no schools in I r ,
that was always kept In a
twice I. Parker in to. woodwork inside toe
for the especial purpose of de-
Oil Minute Cough
Is the only harmless cure
gives quick relief. Cure.
Coughs, Golds, Croup, Bronchitis,
Cough, Pneumonia,
Asthma, all Throat,
and Lung troubles. got
soaked by says Gel I nine K.
Ind., con
i a cough and cold. I
failed rapidly; lost My
druggist recommended One Min-
Cough Cure. The first bottle
brought relief; several cured inc.
I am back to my old weight,
pounds. Minute Cough Cure
cut. the phlegm, relieves the
at once, draws out .
Croup, An ideal remedy f
L. Woolen.
North Carolina.
As is iii teacher, so is the
A. is
so are all leach, rs all the
W. II. of
A Dinner.
Heavy eating Is usually I III
cause of indigestion.
lining the . Than it was
es the nerves of pro- i out, John, placing his eye to the
IV I j tiller n n
fending the funds In case of
tempt at burglary during
This gave new hope. He opened
drawer, took out revolver, felt
to determine If the Cartridges were In
place found everything hi order.
Then he waited while
drilling went on. There were several
layers to be pierced,
. Ware n getting through.
presently, however. John beard
thing give way. along the
us surface, he struck his
headache, sour risings
aid of the stomach.
relieves the
the and cures the
all stomach troubles b
cleansing sweetening the
glands of the stomach, L.
wire hi Drill
Norfolk Cotton Peanuts
I. W A
i Factors, Norfolk,
i at all soda fountains.
---.------ . . u, t
who have visiting. Wants,
their lister, Mrs. C. C. Little Early His
last Saturday, returned home to going to bad,
was into
H. A. White went
J. J.
town today.
was in
Rev. F. A. Bishop went to Bob-
P. returned this
lug from New Berti.
Newman sou of Rev. II.
M. 1.-1 the end of a Queer
gelling it caught in ,
bicycle chain.
Aver s
Malaria , prompt in form of
malaria and Sure preventive for those
malarial districts.
it. Low
-v.- BY
bolt-, could ii of a
or bis face art the owner moved
close before It. now
It was time to begin a
so. the muzzle of bis revolver
to bole, be
It seemed to him for a moment
drums of bis ear bad been broken
down, but without to con-
sider he put bis eye to the drilled
hole. The men were farther
he could see them plainly,
at least one of them, for the other
bis companion his
a dark lantern ti his face.
Evidently one of them had been hit.
The other drew bis out of
John's eye range, John substituted
his ear for his eye at the hole.
he heard the door shut, and
all slid it. They had none.
The next when the Janitor
came John was liberated and went
home to breakfast. At o'clock he
tin members of the firm at the of-
told story showed
the bolt In the vault door. At
. the affair r trick to
5-16 rover up some deficiency, but fund
were found to be Intact, and later,
when John Identified a man that had
MM arrested as the burglar, they
In. The firm was made a stock com-
and and
treasurer. Ho la rich.
liar Call.
ran into town to do
hopping, Mrs.
husband's office,
sassy he Interrupted, you Just
van In lure because you
New York
May 8.29
A 1.42
Dec. Cora
s.; to
There I
aw anybody who could stand the
of ho can. a
man of Iron.
for It I
thought he looked rather
ton Transcript.
The fool alts down and about
the living the world owes bin., but the
wise guy hustles around and collects
the interest on tho
One of tho hard thing to under.
stand how such
everybody- have
men like
them tea them
T. Big Store,
and W. Main St., Greenville, N. C.
. i t
wear Fine one-and
hosiery, made f
In only s
Good Toilet Soap,
worth box,
Trimmed II.-in and Trimming, Una and stylish things for the
ridiculous heard the sort that
and Mud ford's for lo these many month,
There are , bonnets, and the reductions
run something like Pattern Hats can
be hail for and on. Go Millinery showroom
on the door and see for yourself what lovely styles we are
showing 1.50, 2.50, 3.00, 4.50 and 5.50.
kinds, only
also fruits,
i x inches,
gill frames, with large
corners. Second flour.
f all de.
Women's Fleeced Line
Suits, extra
I ion
Coats, Suits, Skirts
and Furs,
Handsomest, Newest, and Best Made.
Special Attractions for
Christmas Week.
x inches,
Extra Large Double White
Extra weight, size tied
All Linen and
hemstitched Damask Towels,
our price, .
Large Size Absorbent Bath
Towels, bleaches,
A page like tHis will suffice to give you an idea
of the wonderful values in this great sale. Every
aisle, every counter, every foot of space crowded
with astonishing values. Reliable Merchandise
in every case. Nowhere you find such
goods at such low prices.
C. T.
and W. Main St., Greenville, N. C.
The Printing House is talking to YOU-
u orders for Printing of any description.
Largest Print in Pitt County.

Have You Forgot
A Desperate
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
j H. L,.
Something Nice
to go your
you want To go t
Johnston Bros.
it In all seasons you will
the best and freshest
at our store, -lust now wears
well-supplied In fruits of all
kind, i Pickles. Macs-
Good, Smoked
Meat, Lard and Mo-
lasses to be
In fact anything yon
the way of
i ft II
Loan Value.
Cash Value.
PaM-Up Insurance.
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
i. Will lie re-Instated If arrears I within month
are living or within three jean after lapse upon satisfactory evidence
of and of arrears interest.
latter second year. Bo Incontestable.
Ult are payable the of the and cl each
succeeding year, provided the premium the current year tie paid,
They may be To reduce Premiums,
To Increase the Insurance, or ,
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J L. At
N C.
Ribbons in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Patten Hats,
l; .; r .--
It happened I was
medical one day I wan
from a clinic to room, In my
a pipe I ex-
pay coming to
town, ill
my came n clear, mo
whistle. The air nil,
Mil to the and
Chorus came U excellent imitation of
the When It was
t feminine voice Midi
don't you do your part, Billy
My not Hilly, and I
did any part In the sou of Mock
What my mind was
Lad taken of my
to give a concert. up from
and proceeded to out.
The door the two rooms
ed, and then- mood a girl.
We stood looking at one another IV r
a Mien
he the
en doubtless from the which bur
lea Its head the to avoid
of bar to her
you get Into
thought was
brother, Billy
he's my chum. His rooms me
next to
u knock m Bitting
room dour. The girl shrank back In
to my bedroom, and l door
that a head looking In
Oh, If there were only n door open
ion from n. bedroom into the ball
But nob door. The
could not leave room except by the
one ire were In.
are tired, mother. Climbing
th- Bit in chair and
put her in cm listened to
usual attar a
haven't any refreshment offer
you, mother, dear, hut If you'll Just step
next to the rooms of friend
Billy Fanning I dare say can
want anything. I have only
an hour to spend with you must
to work your linen
not n break In It. I
over carefully but
-And look over care-
fully this
She and going to bed-
room. Indeed had her hand on
doorknob when stopped
l said, with u
my boy. what's the
before you no In there
nave something of Importance to com
Ho tell me.
and without
your Oh. Boger, how
mother, my is In that
now attending to my
In Then I'll
never -peak to
mother, It's worse yet I haven't
told you all I'm married- It's my wife
who is in
mother Bank Into my arm and
when you ate her you'll i--
delighted. She's lovely. Bill.
i don't care who she is. I'll have
nothing to do with
Sow, l bad purposely talked
loud tor the girl in the next
room to bear she did bear and lent
herself to my desperate makeshift
She opened the dour and stepped hold
mean my
wife. know you will love her
she Will love
The girl up to mother, kissed
and In a voice into which
aha contrived lo throw a tremolo.
you forgive
a very sweet looking
my mother, somewhat appeased
Yes. mother, and when you're
known her long as I have you'll ad-
as lively She
The girl away suddenly
Bother it was to hide her
at my encomium. I caught a
of her face In a mirror and
that i to laughter.
you've been a very
bad ho- do clandestinely, but I
dare when l hear the explanation
understand it all not blame
Then I said to
wife, who was making for
the Bitting room you go
Yen but I've nit touched your
Your mother WOn't to give
up for tuns y
When I got mother off. I went
door, I found Mi
is a I to
her I see hut one way out Of It
I offal you my heart and hand and
you to my proposition as
as we can m mother. Then
we married or suffer the con
., i
We kepi for thirty
days Bud told several lies each day.
Then was an gags
followed by a public wadding.
Billy Fanning and wife often
whistle The Blocking together
to piano accompaniment but my wife
i Invariably fall lo keen the required
by A. B.
Miss Patricia Douglas to
friend. Miss Nellie
think just one lest
ago and having
her together and now v u ate actually
working in York Per-
haps you somewhat consoled by the
that every one thick you
clover and to help fa-
In his hour of trouble, but I should
dear, business all that
cf thing would be such a bore to a
course you to know about
everybody. Web. it's the
old and nearly tho
old the men. who art
few and far between. You
remember little Jimmy Bar-
on we snubbing last season
quits the go this Even the
naps of hi a bit, and
, a of
. him
so glad I bought that red coat it
makes a stunning to dark
It lucky I brought my
for the ore in ii
Jack Ferris, the crack goiter,
He my shots are very
woman. I am not sure about th
but know that sun-
is so becoming And Jack
baa for something above s
I found out last night when we
sat out two Id tho turret
of the porch. the turret
Nell I thought you would You've
often enough, dear knows. I
were my crape. It have beep
green against my white
moonlight on the or
Mexican m titles the orchestra played.
hut Jack did lose his I
was so for of tours he knows
Of my engagement to Ned- But. then,
who are sane In town
winter will do things
under n summer moon. if
moon a
ins way. his Had
says that hi- cannot his this
Ha bad planned on being here
with me. don t you know. Well h
lo N I, as j rm n, be at
sols bin la mi n- I bias
;.; all occasions.
Taylor to dearest
nut Building, Wall sir- I
My I r ram Tour newsy letter did
ti ink at old times for
j l but, after all. New
s not halt ad In summer. Fur ins
it Is like looking at a new aids of
The offices during the day are
and at mother baa all sorts of
ridiculous surprises for me.
She bus turned root into a miniature
r garden th household col
an I Is There
easy chair- tables, shadowy
, . I I an
plants I am becoming i
sin. e i cams down on th street. We
spend most evenings on Ills
the soft
Ned h. i
like him lb
i i.-
.-. i
brings never
what his
singing tho popular song
r gardens and mother mis-
punch we imagine w- are
In th
easily con
of the
Ned took mother I ms
th i . . h n u
And i are to M in-
II is great fun. all,
to feel that you a part of th great
a it
not town the summer long
Of I will do my l i
Ned while you are away. you must
this Is not Longhurst-on-the-
Sea. I
and Sunday at my
Write me all news i do en. ind
so does m. lovingly NELL
Miss Patricia to her
Mr. Neil
Mr if M-w l am sending you
j letters ring and
I . i our baa
take have always bald
married must have
st must be
i. you and l do m
. . You believe lb
,. . . ,
,,. well m is n There
an-i men are so
Yours sincerely.
Bent by messenger from Mr. Ned
to Mies Nellie Taylor.
it. m Howling
M Darling Nell How jolly
good that I'm sending you a few
. on your desk, where
they will remind of me minute
In the I be up fatly this even-
bring --an you It's a
best I to buy.
but nut hair good for the
. . the world and over
I .-Men wondering how could
ever think any other girls worth n
Bless this happy summer Id town It
me lbs greatest treasure in
the world, mi imagine
ones in Wall How
hOW Yours always.
Special to the Comet
The golf links are responsible for the
r I seas st this popular re-
sort. Today one l- talking t the
engagement Jack Ferris, the
golfer, to Patty Douglas, who for two
seasons has been a bells at
Jack holds not only enviable
golf and trophies, but has
. track for the millions
on his mother's
though an enthusiastic goiter has muds
no particularly until she ea-
this little
game commonly called
To make
water until soften
preserve the
thoroughly To
pour water
soak It ill
thoroughly, but
then mix
-k and let it
remain Sight, then slowly melt
add white lead to make the right
This will withstand lire,
but not boiling water. To fasten in-
to tin. take good yellow glut,
break It Into small pieces, cover with
water leave three or four hours.
off the Water, place the glue
wide bottle or pint can
cover with acetic add Set tn warm
until dissolved and incorporate
the bl stirring
by T C.
mule la a clear gift of
sold Aunt Rachel stoutly, her
eyes twinkling.
The children by common consent I
turned their faces toward the open
kitchen window, through which a doc-
lie looking mule had his head.
watching the breakfast table erect-
a brother Jonas an-
gloomily, to some
of the neighbors. We'll have to feed
him several days and out that
be don't to any of
Aunt Rachel disputed emphatically.
we know the stock for miles
around There's Smith's blaze face
man. speckled ox and old man
mule, besides
you Just wait till In
the county In the
Medium sized dark hay
mule, with black ear- and mane a
OH his left
brand Is
This being n Sash of almost
lino bar brother was silenced
for the time.
If the mule wax not a Clear favor of
Providence, least he such to
this humble family. It was Just at
cotton time tint their only ox
died, that standby of UM poor farmer
of sooth gentle, patient, long en-
during, poorly fed and yet re-
laying down the yoke worn
n lung. This was a very serious mat-
to them, for on their cotton crop
depended I heir
the darkest hour, which la said to
precede dawn, the mule had come.
Aunt Rachel saw him for the time
at the kitchen window, blandly looking
In, and. as yard gale was shut
the palings were it seemed to
simple soul Hint he bad beta
from the clouds.
Aunt Rachel and the children stood
around while the mole was being put
Into the shabby lie seemed to
take It all U a and he started off
toward the field at a guy, gait
that kept the farmer sawing at the
lines, and when he reached the end of
the row he shook off the frail
and vaulted neatly over the fence.
Then, with a grill at farmer,
he knelt slowly, rented his bead
the ground turned a complete
Suddenly the mule vaulted back Into
the Held and. rising later on his hind
feet, advanced on the farmer, and
when he defensively raised his whip
with a bright look of relief tho mule
still Upright, began cir-
cling around In excellent waltz time.
He seamed to become excited with the
motion indulged In polkas and
two stop- of all kinds wound up
with a Spirited gallop twice the
field, then came cantering up to the
farmer looked trust-
Into his face. But, finding he
was only wanted as a plowing
he turned about and loped to
the Arriving at the closed gate,
be stretched bis neck and. nosing up
the latch, saunter.-d in. Bo When Aunt
Rachel, washing dishes. looked up she
tho providential mule smirking
amicably at the window.
Though InT brother Jonas bad com-
soured on him that first day.
with n woman's persistence Aunt Ra-
still looked on the mule as a gift.
On succeeding days mat ten were no
better. The mule did everything
that was useless and very lit-
that useful. The children,
with the pathetic of
were delighted at bis tricks.
lie a constant source of amuse-
to the poor little chaps. Living
as they always had lived In a small,
dull never having seen
a circus deprived by poverty of
the visual childish playthings, they soon
learned lo love the good natured.
Joe toddled
fearlessly at his heels, though the mule
had nearly frightened out of
senses the first day by picking him up
by his dress and seating him on bis
broad back. Rut was now under-
stood to he mark of special favor,
limited only to the baby, and with the
little fellow his back the mule
would trot around the yard while Joe
Shrieked with delight.
Their father, with the rancor of
endured impatiently the added
expense. Certainly the mule,
materially, was no profit. He
would not work. This had been proved
beyond a doubt. Hie favorite trick
when harnessed the plow was to
pick the harness to at the knots,
then It oft playfully, looking
around for the approval which never
He was eating up the fodder
ed for his predecessor, the ox, and
there would M cotton crop for want
of proper attention. The mule had
been n week with family when the
county paper came. The farmer looked
eagerly for the notices, but
found this
One hundred dollars reward for
leading to the recovery dark bay
mule, medium else, curiously branded
left Bide, black ears and mane. Fifty
dollars more will be added If this
able trick mule Is returned by the finders
In good condition
manager circus
And when the mule had been turned
over excellent condition to prop
owners and the money promptly
paid to the farmer Aunt Rachel
told you so. Jonas Now, wasn't
that n char gift of
But the children, little Impractical
mites that they were, wept at the
of the providential mule.
And save your health.
. F. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
Whichard, N. C.
The in every Is
price its low as tin
lowest. market
J. W. k CD.
Norfolk, Va.
and of
Buying. Tics
Dental Surgeon,
Tiling on
He HaS lib. w . .
the of the
That to Death.
Is a curious said a
of Company A, Third Maryland,
execution peculiar
for men who were dally
to ace hundreds slain In
battle. Men shovel n
In on a full of comrades
and chew off eat suit pork
while at the Job with
Which only such scenes or
would make In the
human heart
and to the solemn
and formalities of a military execution.
our regiment we had a private
soldier sentenced to be shot
Ins; to the enemy. Ills name
Thompson, and he belonged to Com-
K. This man Thompson had de-
off post one night
some two months afterward
our lines, where of his own
company happened to picket
duty. Thompson did not calculate in
this. Ills Idea coming was
render as a Confederate soldier and be
sent north. It near to th
Weldon railroad, where our division of
the Ninth corps then posted, of
course, on being he was
taken lo and s court
martial Immediately convened. It
leaked out somehow Thompson
was not the humble soldier he termed,
but and spy. He
been In Culled States
nary before the war. He resigned and
went smith, where he the com- .
mission of colonel of Infantry.
n of family,
forts wore made tn save his life, but
n quiet way, as his feared lo
disclose bis real Identity for fear he
lo hanged n Instead of
Bind as n deserter. the day
set fur execution in the Army of the j
Potomac, cams around too soon for
Thompson mid his relatives. The night
previous he had been informed that all
efforts had failed at Washington. I
was on guard duty over him. my
brother one of the detail of twelve
men selected the tiring squad. My
brother didn't like the Job,
to the tent I was on guard to
consult With me how to get out of It. I
Thompson overheard our conversation, j
and. knowing my brother by name, ho I
broke Tip, you must back
I want you In the squad, as I
know you are n dead shot will ,
save mo from the
wan the practice for the sergeant
If the Bring squad fulled to kill
doomed man with a volley to place the
muzzle of his rifle against the temple
of the prisoner blow out his brains.
Tip had consented the officer
of the guard to play cards
With the prisoner. He had a roll of
bills, we were in u
game. Two guards. Including myself,
my brother Tip com-
posed the quartet. We ployed
gray daylight, and Thompson
the of every dollar. Ho had
phenomenal luck and watched the
game closely.
the afternoon he to die, and
about noon he asked to see
ant of the tiring squad. Handing the
officer to divide It
equally among the men detailed to
shoot him.
division was drawn up and
formed three sides of a square, the
fourth aide being open, where the
of Thompson was freshly dug.
band played the dead march In
Thompson, at the head of the
squad, marched around the Hires
aides of the square, with the coffin In
which he was to be carried
mediately behind Reaching
open space, coffin was set down.
Thompson seated himself on the end of
It, tiring squad, twelve
paces distant. The death warrant
read, and chaplain tied bis hand-
kerchief the prisoner's
watched Thompson, curious to If
would hear reports of the mus-
that killed lam. beard q
tho lieutenant's low
the next top- and Hoe always
back Into big n dead man. e
reports of the musket he never on hand
heard, as I saw swiftly fall over
before heard the guns crack, y fa , k t
I settled tins disputed point to my own v
satisfaction, and to extent ex- Country produce
of Thompson Interested me sold. A trial will convince you.
Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars
on and to Tampa and Jack-
II. M. W. J.
Asst. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass.
T. M. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C.
Steamer leave
ton daily at I A. M. for Green-
ville, leave daily VI
for Washington.
I Connecting at Washington v,
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
; Philadelphia, New York
Aurora, South Creek,
Quarter, Ocracoke
all poll u for West with rail-
road, st Norfolk.
should order freight by
Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Kay Chesapeake
S. Co. from Baltimore.
sud Line from
N. V.
A a nice Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Broken In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Manufacturers of
Boors, Sash and Blinds,
i Interior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage sud
guarantee to give satisfaction In
prices, styles work.
, Please send orders to
Tile Millie Co.
M. Schultz.
D. W.
Throe Times,
the Value of
Any Other.
One Easier,
o Third Batter.
. pen
wonted in all
i m i. i t.
V Wilson Mfg Co.
The great remedy not only
form of rheumatism, but radical cures
Contagious Blood Poison,
Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh,
and nil diseases from Impurities In blood.
Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every-
where niter thorough trial.
i. i s. c
I In r
of Two m-l my ., a art If
of to you to us you use II.
A man his summer
to a Wisconsin lake resort
and one became
with tin- Ho com-
on the of
and ho-
tel how many acres there were
In the property.
the proprietor.
see there Is another resort a short
distance north of you. Who
and shy Join, do
The face turned
a shade or two redder.
to next
ho said, I think
found It out
To Thread Hair o
To pass u hair a walnut
without boring a hole seems an
the feat Una been
done. The hull of the walnut when
examined with a strong glass Is sees
to small
of which lead entirely through
the out. Tho trick consists In using a
very line hair and an Infinite amount
of the hair Into of
these minute crevices sud urge It
other side
It comes out at the and Oral
you will be very lucky.
ml row, solid
color, darker on nose
horns rut oft three of head
limbed when inch
Will calve
Sept. 25th. Any one said
Wholesale and retail and
Furniture Dealer. -aid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil liar
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
steads, Snits, Ba
by Parlor
Tables, lounges, Safes, P.
High Key
ninth. Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee,
Magic Food, Matches,
f it to ii Meal and Hulls, Gar-
Heeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples,
Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes Crackers, Mat
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and
other Quality and
for cash. Com
see me.
S. M.
it win on
at in trial, but It i N. I.
Savor all Ira
In of
that country In got It la by the
Of n 1,1111.7 and
la In melting
a coat-
i lust, i and con
Mr II.
beard n good the other
began the grocery a
will dis-
place, there are no certain
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
All arc forbidden
t bunt or In any way upon
of my land in Heaver
W, r
To every
pounds berries a ts- headache.
sac of butter and pow- r r
report on p
M. u. -v f
i i
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Said.
work and
t pea on lion.
etc., go to
Mrs. L. It WHITE,
You Write
member of the best
I Eastern Reflector I
D. J.
k mm
Ricks Wilkinson
S , ,,,
Only the Host
Dependable Fabrics
o and more time to
mads read; for
Are utilized in nuking gar-
we sell for both men
and boys-nothing i, allowed to
Pm that does not certain
standards of durability and
fast color, and we guarantee
every garment sold,
you do not rake any risk when
buying here.
Let us show you how we can
save you money on your business
or dress clothing, and on your
Busy read
Teachers Association
lime when
i,,,,,,,. .,,,
Hod. In N.,
ill prove
I Commercial f School
looks, f Office Supplies. Etc
r u.
town together in
,,.,, a,,
mall i,.,., or
,,,,,.,. f
can he done
small import;,,,,.,. ,.,,, I . be done
Km l---,.
Suppose I'm
was the All,,.
school lies u. reading. ,.,.,,,, ,,,,
a feeling .
Is springing up there , which may follow.,
in which , r N
one capable of ,,,, ,,. by Beading- iv.
house, a
being present,
better Held
eared om
lea show
in the ,.,.
schools of the are en-
country ,
in K,,
fun., .
Therefore, then, that
training l-
In every
The ruction given u
ii desultory
ease, Inn in a M.
pile a
laud more learning.
sides, educational mill-
have ,,.,,
are more n a u
years the
has beau .
Is still of ma
,,, ,,
beat to and gratis
has been solved to some bi
of graded schools,
according ability,
knowledge them
or more children, all of the
grade, are placed, the
one A, ,,
forty children all u.
and name branches
S each day and
M used very successfully in
bare the schools have least
a of a down r ,.
But schools aw
order. Bare we each count,
or wore being in each
Swan and ages, only e
employed. Can ,. ,.
surprised , .
in u,., ,
be gotten in one, or even
pupils, Is even v.
alumni for college
.,., .
l.,,. , .,
Ibis lesson j a.
he ready for
he class becomes dull, the
I do
b folios
full,,.,,,,. ,,.
. .,
h i s
Question and Answer.,.
I were given In pupil, .
. ,
., , ,, .
. editorial
We did not
we were forestalling
of The u,,,
7- for
hi, editorial sill,
a. i, ;,.,
a fair-minded ,
I.- ,,,,
i try ,,, .
Mi--. ,.,
tads, this must b. co-
extremely price of T
f rending .,. u.,
render claws l. ,,.,
read inch
Old Greek
c. These
in M.
, .- M, .
K l,,,, i-,,
-sir Waller Hal-
Vie. Wow.
and n,.
In addition to the best stoves In the world we
and ,
M ,.
studying the four
secondly those who
those .,,
studying ,
teacher will be well re-
will be s
the teacher will i
to give his
recitation, and and
will be Interested i
and by .,,,.
pupils i. i,., ,
thoughts of which
Judged capable.
of grading
Me, Mere
J advanced
who seem
necessary pan ,., u iN-
mental Ami
wed with i ,.
l ,.
do.,,. ,.
,.,,,, .
o studies
Blow, Agues
by I I. A. Sugg,
The was all ,
.,. ,.,
and gallant.
i- ,.,.
very much,
lunch, evidence.
Mi j,
. v,.,
of .,,.

Plea.,,,,. ,.,,
, . b
Ml Mt.
the .
In five great
pair of
Look for of ,,
Men, w-om,, d
man should be interested in our popular
she Ham-.
, A id.
J. B. Cherry Co.
hen snail f he is lacking
set to work about uniformity u, hi.
,,, n tern,,, ,., ,
system or order be ill the evils, cannot
good idea. keep , M hi,
Ito. y k and strive
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled.
I without gross Injustice to
majority of ,,
lime f,
who have had ox.
in cum,,
cm boa hard ll
get a of la
blanch. PM
there will primary geog-
self, me the
Siring, grander
The Proof of
is We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
Warehouse. only
will go, you the
a. W
mil be
better way,
given ii,
,., .-,
shall have
place, when ever, ,
. ,.,,
teachers, .,,,, ,
be earner. I ,. ,,
hue , Mb, w
. . win geog-1 our
tall and examine it., elementary knowing
geography, In a are
will be in
,,, ,,.,,,,
o through all n. ,,,,,.
am, ,. Mu . ,
The North
-lib ., .,.
can be
brought to look at thing.
of the
i;,, ,.,,. ,,.
k ,,, ,
opera i. ,.,,
of ,,
to for the very
u, the
before audience, to the or
whose service It
appreciated, ,., m,.
, u
Hadley, Mr. York, Mrs. J.
he has
chair, la presiding
This ,,. ,
high I sacred office he
but to deep ,.,.
i is held
ii I -I
I off ii
chase a
M . any p.
;,; i ever,
.,. i
thing .
-Ilk-; , m, ,
yard wide ii. ,, ;,,,,. .,
can be had ,;
I've you j
J as
Little Karl,
going to bad.
will II.,
of Sorrow-.
enough said.
famous pill., ,
the liver. Their
Inch linen full bleached
Vest, foil size, all
are the very
t be bad
Wool Whit, ,;.,.
i I
Is hate W pair
Om , ,
seamless, j
i .; oar price
foil to
see thaw
from aw.
lo dost
out price, e. .
Button Shoes,
Iron, i go i,, n-
close om pair
of Men. Ion
The price
W have nicest line of iv
H-ale,. anywhere. Be i,
of .,,,
worth ,
Our line of
Hals. big line f d

Eastern reflector, 28 November 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 28, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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