Eastern reflector, 2 September 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have Ton Forgot
Advice to the Aged.
bowel., weak and
Tint's Pills
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
Jas. White.
effect on these owns,
stimulating the . i-l-.
to perform their natural functions at
In and
to the bladder and LIVER
They arc adapted to old and young.
Washington, D. Aug.
The echoes of the Phil-
transport scandal have
hardly died away, but another is
read to take its place. This time
it concerns the lighter system at
As may be shown, it is
necessary to go-ids for
Manila lo lighters which, in turn,
land them at the wharves and
warehouses. These lighters are
employed by the in
charge and paid at a given
rate per Hip; the rate based
on their tonnage capacity. When
the situation first became known,
the of the Treasury depart
Cunt Capital at
The steamer Compton w ill today
bring up from Fort two
big guns which the war depart-
has donated to Governor
cock to be placed the capitol
grounds. These belonged to
Confederate armament at Fort
well, and when the emplacements
were made for the modern guns
the old were dug from their
resting place feet the
sand. They will weigh 7.500
pounds each and will be delivered
at th Seaboard Air Line depot for
shipment to
To My
It is with joy loll
did for mo. troubled with
stomach for several mouths.
advised to use I did
and word cm. not nil the good it has
done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia
sci that he had tried must everything.
i him lo use Words of
gratitude have come to mo from him
because I recommended
Pry, Viola. Iowa. Health and strength
of mind body depend on
and normal activity of the
the great
ionic chits alt and
bowel . Indigestion,
any good food
yon cat. Take a dose after meals.
John L. Woolen.
For Locks, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Shovels Car- The wan. of money is the
Tools, lo
Next door to Ricks Wilkinson. I to Ormond i.
Thai the place to get the best
Fruit Jars
i out ore. have them in
different styles and prices
a- low as the lowest Then as
usual we the
Best of Everything;
in the Grocery Line
Get your table supplies from u-
and v on arc sure so have the bed .
furnished them showing the names,
speeds and capacity of the lighters.
Since then the Treasury official
have apparently paid no
to the disbursement made for
lightering purposes by the army
quartermasters, and no more than
was necessary as revealed by the
Wat department. how-
ever, Treasury department,
availing it-ell of the figure already
furnished it and the
much evil.
The person who with
the world gets soundly whipped.
i In Justice's court
I. A. Maw-.
Th. n Dry floods, Groceries, Confections,
Company. etc. go to
frank i . trading as
. o. and
Tin- A. 1- Hall. Co.
defendant I rank . Di n
above named lake
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
action c a- has U i
d before I. A. Mayo a
of the Peace in and Pitt count,
Greenville, N. lo recover um
for breach of i
part said I noon in . nm
in had condition, mid
. i lint I
required ups before it. id
A. Mil, ii, court In
i , N. at I- o'clock m. on
21st, and
to the .
. or the prayer of the pain-
ml Ill I. grant, d.
This July, Use.
Summons for Relief.
North Carolina In
Mai j Eliza Patrick
Charles Patrick.
i harlot Patrick, i are
in ii Hat rife, Mar; Pal-
rick, has brought suit you for
from Ha- bonds
the Ii Pill
Ci int. which convenes on the
1st day of September at which
term you will answer,
plead or demur to which
the will tile during i -i
three of the Ii on
to make your a- herein re-
quired, plaintiff will
court for the relief demanded in
complaint. I.
Clerk I
Black X. C.
S i line . Land. low
Country produce bought for cash or in
I I r
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
n. c.
Hire and Iron Fence Sold.
wort and
bi i .- -i on ration.
Notice to Creditors.
i In ii. o Ion . I
i ii.- Superior Pill us
i . tor ill- will l- eminent
ad, . aim
all, i . . i n duly
to me. I all per-
claims the estate
-am an. lo
la, tin in for
. on or fore the
July, or this will Is plead
in liar ii I-, i. All I- i
bled in -aid estate arc d
make pay mi at to It,
This 21st of July,
K. J. i HUB,
t a r Chart.
Pill County
Ha. defendant above named trill
an action a- above
been In of
Pin county l y said plaintiff lo obtain a
divorce from said defendant upon
mentioned in the
the said defendant
he is I., appear ill the next
of said
North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
THE the
news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special ice is
ever handled by a Caro-
held on th Ant Monday la THE SUNDAY cm.
at ; of or more pages, and is
to a large extent up of
original matter.
In N. answer or
complaint in said action, or
a In the art
la -aid
This the of July,
I t.
printed and
per year.
in North Carolina.
Sample sent on application.
Charlotte, N.
Norfolk. Va.
While last my
was some
tn- W. H. Dibble.
Iowa. rubbed
poison off his into bis
for u while we writ afraid
low bit a neigh-
. recommended DeWitt a Witch
reports Salve. The application
I he quartermasters a filed monthly I -J
the auditor for the War de- burns, wounds. Insect
has been making bite.,
which have John I., woolen.
the old adage
arc The amounts paid j Alcohol is used to c near-
out freight far exceed the everything but
lighter, tonnage and ;
carpenter ought to be known
by his claw hammer coat,
how he isn't.
S. M.
Wholesale and retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg. etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits. Ba
by Carriages, do Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail ft Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Matt, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Beet Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash.
to see me.
S. M.
One Farm. 1-2 miles from
here. acres, lo cleared.
Good land for tobacco, corn,
cotton, etc. Splendid dwell-
two tobacco barns and
tenant houses.
Second Farm, miles
front here, acres, mostly
cleared, with tobacco barns
and tenant houses.
Third Farm, acres, about
half cleared, with good tenant
houses, tobacco barns and
orchards. About half this farm
is low ground, which is good
corn land, and suitable for
pasturage. Fine place for man
wanting to raise beef, cotton,
or run a dairy, as well as for
general farming.
Apply to
N. C.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at o A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Quarter, Ocracoke and tor
all for West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line Chesapeake
8.8. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
a. in. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
for Belhaven,
and and will leave
coke at a. m. for
Belhaven Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
steamer Hatteras will leave
Washington Saturday nights at
o'clock, during July and August,
for Ocracoke.
Greenville, N.
J. E. District
Washington, N. C
v Necessary Precaution.
neglect u cold. It is won
He the most noted
using One Minute l
can cure it at once. Always
clears the head, soothe and
strengthens the mucus membrane.
Cures throat and lung
troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts
mediately. Children like it. Jno. L.
speed taken into consideration,
and the auditor ho demanded an
explanation of the discrepancy.
Secretary Boot is Europe in
blissful ignorance of the
the auditor and until he
it I probable Unit any
of bit subordinate will dare
make a statement, but ill
meantime a secret Investigation
will be mode and possibly
goal will be selected.
I he determination of the Grand
Army of the Republic to invite
General Mile to head their grand
parade at the encampment to be
held In Washington nest October,
is a source of serious annoyance to
friend of the President, Of
General Mile I
distinguished member the A.
of Civil war, since Grant,
Sherman, Sheridan and a camber
others have away,
from people, without the
aid of a West Point education,
General Miles has attained the
highest tank in that.
together the fact that lie
served shoulder to shoulder with
the men of makes him
dear to G. A. R. but he is
disgrace with the administration.
Colonel has
had lo scold him and
would have retired him had not
an Influential delegation of Man-
ton and representatives to
the While House and threatened
lo blockade all legislation
mended by President if he did;
and being In the black books of
Colonel-President Roosevelt, he
has right to occupy a position
of honor or importance in the G.
A. R. parade, and especially
Washington. It is hinted
if the General accepts the in-
the Colonel
in Chief will prolong his stay in
the west so that he will be in
Washington on the day of the
great procession, but the time
still distant and it is probable that
his hotter advised friends n ill not
allow lo so seriously
during the time they
are guest lb capital.
It Needs a Tonic.
There ace times when your live
needs n ionic. Don't give
. and weaken.
lo I Little Riser expel all poison
from tin- system and el tonic to
the liver. W. Highland
Milton. Pa., hove
carried Little Early Riser
with me for years and would
not he without and
easy to lake. Purely vegetable. They
never gripe or distress. John L.
you'll be hap-
seen to be motto of the
Summer gill at the seashore.
The Baptist
Female University
In of
two block
T y I If M Officer- Tew h
ts men
well Inimical
logical Kc-
of men four
for by
ail fee
per Session
For be
morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
a. in. M. A. Allen
every Ban
lay, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening.
H. M. Eure, pastor. school
a. m. L. H. Pender,
Sunday, Bar
J. B. Morton, Sunday-
school a. m. E. B. u-
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every lot
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. in., W. B.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m.
Christan Preaching second,
and fourth Sunday In each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day school P. M., W. R. Par-
regular service
A. F. A.
Lodge. No. meet first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Reuse, Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening.
W. H. C. C. L T. M.
Hooker, K. of R.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. W. N. G.,
D. D. Overton. See.
R. A. Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellow
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S.
O. Conclave
No. hi, meets every and
fourth Monday night in
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith Sec.
T El I
SM St t
in pi AH Pi
n it
Manufacturer of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, and work.
send your orders to
tub Greenville Co.
mil. Pox Epidemic at
K. Aug.
Smallpox it epidemic among the
white people of this
county. it has been
almost exclusively lo
colored people. The Is
said to be of a very
in i IN
Is supply of
Buyers Brokers getting low It ll, lend us
Stock. Cotton, Grain and order. JOB PRINTING of all
Wires to New in latest deceased
Chicago and New Orleans. I workmanship. due form law.
A who was determined I
to get the estate
N. C.
Bagging and Ties alway
on 11.1. i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
A trial will you.
D. W.
Has a large
school building, well
two large
on the school
ground.-. of in-
Music and Art. Thorough
teaching every Dept.
Faculty of six teachers.
Health and morals of the
place Board
per month. Tuition
rates reasonable. for
Offers graduate
courses of
study, new library
laboratory equip-
and gymnasium.
bled in b years. Large
number of scholarships
awarded annually. Loans
made to worthy students.
Expenses very moderate.
For address
Notice to Creditors.
before the
Superior Court Clerk of county
u-. of last will and
John no-
ts given to
lo the make Immediate
persona claim
are to them for
pa or the of
July, or i plead
u of
This of
of of
Q snared
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low a the
lowest. Highest market
paid for country produce.
Industrial Education
A combination of Theory
and Practice, of Book
Study and Manual Work
in Engineering,
Chemistry, Electric-
Mechanic Arts, and
Cotton Manufacturing.
Full courses
short courses
special courses
Tuition room, a
term; hoard, a month,
teachers. students.
New buildings for
for Booklet Day
at the A. M.
Lt Hock; Mont
l H
tIt mini
I ii i a id
r ii
W II .
m a at r
m ft
am rat
I II lo I, M It
The Head of the St a
System . .
One inn i in lit
i to
for the
New Water
All term
F. P. President
Chapel Hilt, N Carolina
a I ram
g r m
to ii k i, i
Main leans
lea mi v i n m, Baa-
ford B.
p arrive i m leave
i p
a Of, a m, lied
a, Parkton ll a. m.
Ar atonal
am, arrive
Sm, Maxton p n
Hope Mill, p a Bed
. .
at with train Ne
at Caroline
lied with the Bad
ft railroad, at
with the Seaboard Air Line and
at with Durham and
Charlotte Railroad
Train Ike Wept
pm. no p m.
Neck I i
pm, pm.
e in, I e a,
l II M em. deny
Ion h e m and I p m, arrive II
a m end a p m. leave III
m end Mai p m, arrive M e
Train Tarboro dally
it n a, as p m, Ply-
mouth Ply.
Train on Mid lend N O
ore dally, I e a
I a
hero . .
too a m.
Branch leave
et am. p at, arrive N
in. pm. Dope l
leave spring Hope II to a
a at Tea. B
Mount II e m. I o p m. dally
J. via
I All News
F r-
The Eastern Reflector
a Year
D. J.
Twice a Week
Train on Clinton
in. T
Train .
don ell North all
We are anxious to sell-yea. but we are not
so anxious for money that we will jeopardize
our by offering stuff we cannot stand
back of. We are as jealous of our good name
as we ore proud of our business. Come this
week and see how far a dollar bill will travel.
Mr. Wilkinson is in the northern mar-
buying Fall and Winter goods, and
all summer goods must suffer great
cuts. We mean carry over.
Bethel High
A strictly first class Fitting School
for young Men and Young Women.
Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non-
Denominational, and Coeducational.
Prepares for College, for
Business, and for Life.
Between pupils this year.
Hook-Keeping, Commercial Law,
Typewriting and Music,
teach course is under experienced
, 8-00
per month.
J- W. SHERRILL, Principal.
B. Bro.
Prices to Astonish You.
call and be convinced that we can save money.
B. Bro.
i in
J. ff. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bag.
N. f V
Greenville Male Academy
The Fall term of this School will
on ,
Only a of boys
having boys which they
wish to to this school would
do well to set me.
The work of the
school will as it has been
heretofore under
For apply to
W. II.
I'm in
-i .,.
end us your orders for Job
I Unlink, nest of work.
For County Officer
Tho Democratic county
met the court house Ibis
morning at o'clock to nominate
candidates for the Legislature and
the county The
convention was called to order by
w, L. Brown, secretary of the
county executive committee, who
named H. W. Whedbee as tempo-
The roll of delegates from the
several townships was called there
being almost a full delegation
The house was crowded
showing inter-
est felt among Democrats through-
out the county in the work of the
D. J. H. T. King
T. J. Moore were requested to
act as assistant
The roll of townships was call-
ed for for permanent
Chairman, and the names of If.
Whedbee and W. n.
were The ballot re
suited as follows-
Whedbee Upon inking the
chair brief
remarks, urging the co operation of
delegates the
business of
W. L. Brown was elected per
and D. J,
H. T. King and T. J.
then declared
organized mid
ready for business. If. It
then moved that convention
proceed to Domination,
with Senator.
The names of J, I,. A.
L. Blow J. j.
were presented. The first ballot
was Fleming I 881-10,
ballot, Fleming Blow
Third ballot,
Blow Fleming Laughing,
housed. A. L. Blow was de
tared nominee of the
Nominations then declared
order for The
decided to select
one candidate from north side
of the river, then one from the
south side. The names of A.
Gainer and J. IS Little were
from I lie north side. First
ballot, and
J. B. Little was declared the
of the side of the river.
For the south side of the river
L. J. D.
and H. T. King were present
ed. First ballot, Barrett Cox
King Second ballot, Bar
Cox King T.
was declared
from south side of liver.
ticket was then
en up, beginning with Clerk of
Superior Court. Moore
nominated for Clerk by
O. W. was
for Sheriff by acclamation.
For Register of names
L. Sugg, Williams,
T. B. Moore J. C. and D. H.
James were First
lot, Sugg Williams B
Moore James I
25-100, II
Second Sugg U, Williams
Lanier Richard
William was declared the
of the convention.
For Treasurer names of J.
II Cherry S. T. While. First
ballot, Cherry 3-10, White 07-
7-10. Second ballot, Cherry
While J. B. Cherry mis de-
For C. Laughing-
house was by
For Surveyor J. D. Cox was
nominated by
For County
and Friday
a Year
After the Battle-----roll call,
After heavy Lots.
And broken lots mean broken prices,
and that is why we are having a
Great Reduction Sale
All Summer Goods arc marked
down at prices for
special selling.
Lawns, Dimities, Shirt-
waists, Parasols, Fans, etc.
Special lot Slippers and
and Children's.
Some of these are
We give you your choice for
A word lo the wise is
than a Webster's
to the otherwise.
Attend this
Sale today and get your
of bargains
Half Gallon, per dozen,
Quarts, per dozen,
was decided two be select ed
from north side of the river
and three from the south side, the
ballot to be for one at the time.
following name-, were present-
ed from the north R. A.
W. Page, J. R. Barn
bill, J. J. and W.
Little. First ballot,
Page Little
Holland Sec-
ball,. Parker I, Page
W. Page declared one of the
nominees side.
lie ballot tor second com-
on north side Parker
Holland sec-
ballot in, Hatter
lit, Parker
Holland J. was
declared the other nominee for the
1-or Harrington.
For of
For Treasurer-J. B. Cherry.
For Laugh-
For Commissioners-J. W. Page
J. B. J. J. Elks, Jr., J.
B. Spier . Home.
convention was most
did its work well.
Prof. made a most excel-
lent presiding officer. He was
highly complimented by the
gates, many had
never a convention managed
so well.
Hon. B. R. Lacy, State Treas-
Hon. J. Bryan Grimes,
Secretary of the Stale, being pres-
were invited to address the
convention and both
following different town-
Ki, I committee held
Bike, Jr.,
Spier, W. R. Horn,., u-
H. Harding. and L , D-
Fir, ballot,
Can,,,,,, Spier it. was
Smith is,
i, Chapman Second S
ballot, King Cannon
I, Smith Home
Decision in Wilcox Cut.
J. B. Co.
The Only Department Store in
i. j. j. Elk was de-
one of the Aug. appeal
Pint ballot for second In which a new
on Spier for
Smith Home to hanged for
Chapman de at
nominee, City, was heard
We have just Steam Supply ,,, ,. and
sell line very low, in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard
Angle Valves, Cheek Water
Oil Air Cooks, Blown ,,,,;
U. S.
Pipe sues, Pips Fitting all sizes.
LINK OF Packing, Rubber ,,,,
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks,
. i
for third I Court.
side, King endeavored to have the court
Smith mi, Hauling , an affidavit made by
Chapman II. Home was father that son did not
declared the nominee. have n fair trial and that
completing the nomination of
following were jury. This
by Alston Crimes and Wu The of
, peal are the plaintiffs did not
Res died, we favor evidence to goto
chain or road a conviction;
gang for and that om j was not in prop-
convicts be kept home to work were
our own roads. in I he judge's charge.
That Magistrates jurisdiction , pleaded as lads lo
gem rally enlarged, thereby saving had been
to the county and that be I there was no water in the
empowered to or cavities
the load. of dead body of Nellie
We enactment Of such heart, little or no
Garland Cook Stoves.
better limber and
property from Ore and prevent
use of spring
I lug.
Thin the school fund be upper
Honed according to proportion
paid i each race.
The convention also adopted the
following resolution.
convention being of the
opinion that in the Selection of M
I important officer as
Senator, the Democrat of
of expressing their
cine for said office, therefore
lot, That the Dem.
Executive Committee of
Ibis county empowered
and ordered to arrange In wine
equitable manner
meeting of the
Legislature to give
t the
lo give t,,
for said Sena.
2nd, Thai when
Ion have been taken our Sen
mill in
are In
vote for person
shall e receive I the largest
j number of voles nM
The candidate
came for
making short addresses
The ticket nominated la as ii
i,. Blow.
For l; Lit-
and T. King.
I'm I clerk i
froth in lb lungs, that was
a bruise on the head, the
brain were decayed, the rest of
the bod Intact and the membrane
of Hie skull discolored. To show
guilt they pleased the
opportunity, time, place, min-
unaccounted for mid his
about the matter. It will
be several weeks before a
is handed down.
Suit on Account Bitten
by a Do,.
A. Shuford as at-
for J. It. has instituted
in the Superior Court proceedings
M. Hear,,. Mr. Hear.,
the, of the dog which
bit the I Ii i children of Mr.
some necks who, it will
remembered, to Pasteur
for treatment. Thee m
plaint was tiled Wednesday.
that damages to
of will be asked
Mr. who was bitten by
will also, it
Liver Pills
That's what you some-
thing to cure your bilious-
and give you a good
digestion. Avers Pills arc
liver pills. They cure con-
st i pa I ion and biliousness.
Gently laxative.

D. I. Editor and tan
the K.
C, u class mail
lone, heavy speech. The
endorsed T. X Kill, of Bali-
independent, for Chief Justice of
the court, and
nomination tat Associate Justices.
D. A. Loot; was nominated for
Superintendent of Public
and D. H. Abbott for
ration Commissioner, Tire con-
was bossed by Senator
Pritchard what he said
The adopted by the con-
was made tip largely of
of the democratic
The Governor of Massachusetts
The almost unanimous vote by
which the resolution declaring for
the of the public
school money according to the
taxes paid by the two races was
adopted by the county convention
Thursday, shows
how this sentiment is
spreading Many men are
I of the Governor of North Carolina
the Rogers, a
wanted in Durham tor
son. Rogers was arrested In Mas-
and prominent
in tint petitioned
the Governor of Massachusetts not
to permit to be returned to
North Carolina, chiming that he
could not get a fair trial and that
there was danger of his being
lynched. The case has attracted
of a law that will permit them
to tax themselves for the education
of their own children without
to pay an equal sum for the
of an inferior race that has
so with here there
exceptions, proven
worthy and unappreciative of
what the white people have done
toward educating them. There is
a general tax levied by the Stale.
the arising from which considerable attention, much on-
between the races, necessary ado being made over it.
Rogers will gel a lair trial when
he gets lo and
will be sud about lynching
If we could as much
est in out fellow man the time
as when we rote for
us, now much better world
Half- Sick
I first used Avers
in the fill of 1848. Since I
have taken it every a
blood purify i n and nerve-
S. T. Jones, Kant.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves arc weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand-
ard family medicine,
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
Ha in
. n,
her that. have wait
ed honey, waited long
As a reward for his patience he
was allowed the privilege of
her with a share of the dainty
collection which the hostess have
abundantly provide.
a supper, by special request,
Miss Cotten and Mr. Preston
Gotten entertained the company
with a vivid reproduction of the
Fresh Gossip From Vicinities
by Our Correspondents and
Reported REFLECTOR Readers
X. C, Aug.
Misses Nannie Nichols,
of Standard, spent Thursday with
Misses and
Miss Battle returned home with
them to several days.
II. Manning Co. have just
received a car load of lime.
Mrs. A. Fair and Muster Ed-
gar, who have been visiting
for the past months up
Maryland and
came home Thursday. Little Miss
who has been away for quite
a year came with them we are
all glad, for she is a sweet little
pet with everyone.
R. V. Manning Co. had a car
b ad cotton lies to arrive
The of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Harrington died Tues-
day and was buried Thursday.
The parents have the deepest
arising from tines, penalties, for-
licenses such
being distributed iii the same way,
yet if the white people, who pay
about percent of the taxes, wish
in any town, or dis-
district to levy a special tax upon
themselves to make longer and bet-
schools their own children,
they are not permitted lo do SO
less the special taxes pay are i
divided between the races as convention or THE sans sold.
are the general taxes. People are
beginning to look upon such a u
m this unjust, and tendency Of aggregation, the
J , still lives and
is toward a i , , .
is moves and has its being, was most
amendment that will change it. clearly, evidenced last
The recent decision of the Thursday night when sound of
upon the Greenville by most dis
graded school bill hugely n- audible from beauty
, ,. , -r,,,,, i. and which gathered
creased this sentiment, there has
i at the home of Miss
been a practice among county ,,, to
school boards to apportion article of the club's
school money between the races which
as to keep the for each monthly, the club shall be enter-
open the tame length of time, and one of its
. . members.
a-it cos to conduct
At nine sharp by the town hall
white schools they received dock, the curtain rose and
larger portion of the money than; open-
t-,. colored schools. enter f the tag In an
court says this is
to the law and that the money must
, . with the
capita. Such ,,,.,,,,., Th,
a distribution of the funds would though elaborate was
keep the schools open twice appropriate and consisted a
at long as white schools and handsome bowl of ample
unjust Ailed to the brim, and well
latter. Yet this is the law. a.- by silver ladle, and a
, . choice chorus of small glasses,
to the the oil-
Miss Whedbee performed
with a grave and elegance born of
and experience,
to many encores dining the
scene from a popular opera of .,
during Me dusty
and other selections which were Helen of Grimes-
responded to as encores. j , night with
The festivities of Mil, Cox
were interspersed and
by the i
the ping balls, the
movement of which went far to-
a aid showing off the relieving
of sterner seas,
ii is meet iii
Mrs. Gertrude Bland, of
and Mrs. J. Rhodes, of New
Bern, spent Monday evening with
J E. Green.
Miss Rosa Tucker was visiting
the Misses Kittrell Wednesday
A. G. Co. is still buying all the
milch cows and he can
Bet good prices too.
different pastures for turn-
in your this fall you ill
find nothing so cheap or so easily
moved as our wire fencing We
make any style you G.
Cox Mfg. Co.
U. H. to Kins-
ton Thursday evening and return-
ed morning.
new nothing old,
Some sleek, bu. most all sold,
Order now and order quick
Would hate to see you sick
Because you failed to get
in time,
Yours in the business,
and Miss Bennett, art teacher,
arrived yesterday and will
assume their several duties next
Monday the Winterville High
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
Fruit Jars.
First Bale.
I want several good tenants for; Green Hooker ginned a bale
next year preferably large of new to-day at their gin-
I families. To industrious sober here. It was brought in by
of the Sans I unsurpassed Mr. and was the first
a good . , .
club, has perhaps none I desirably located comfortable of new cotton in Greenville
more enjoyable, or which was good water and splendid this season. It was purchased by
clearer or more liberal translation I free school, laud is in firm tilth Cherry Co. at cents,
of its little. abundantly any cotton was raised by Stephen
Among the members of the club
present were Misses Winnie Skin-
Cherry. Blow, Bet-
tie Tyson. Cotten. Miss
Skinner also as her invited
Misses Bessie Henderson,
Jayne and Man Boy den. of
bury, Miss I. Blow, Mrs. G
Ii. Hughes, Miss Nell Skinner
and Mess;., Tyack, R.
Harry Skinner, Jr.
Louis Skinner, J. D. Garden,
R. I. Can. C. s. Can.
. Tom Will Hook-
et. Preston Cotten and J. B. Light-
fa it, Receiving with Miss
Skinner was her guest
grown in this section.
O. L.
Tuft, colored, a tenant of Mr.
House.- Daily Reflector,
Some people blow their
horns because no one else is
in in undertake work.
will-1 Send your orders for Job
Printing. Best quality of work.
court, and it Is no wonder
there is a desire to change it.
We heard a prominent Judge of
Slide say a few days ago that
from the standpoint of an invest-
bad never made a
poorer one than money put into
schools. He said
Carolina had
spent for the education
of the yet every court
docket in the State
criminal cases and
these criminals are upon
whom this money bus been spent,
the old lime laboring form-
but a small percent of
criminal class.
met in Greensboro Thursday a
large attendance is reported,
convention was composed of none
but while men, being
ruled out entirely. It is the find
strictly while Ki publican
held in State the
civil war. former Populists
were ii part in the
proceedings, having become
out This is
just us wan predicted of them,
Harry was there and it is
said he bored everybody with a
course of the evening.
Mi-s Skinner had also arranged
many novel and delightful special
lies for the further entertainment
of her guests, the first being the
presentation to each lady of a in i ii
fan, on the folds of which
was the familiar words
of a popular opera. take a
little walk with The little
walk with was taken by the
gentleman whose name endorsed
the and although
shone lo prove it, it is
true that eyes looked
love tn eyes spake
again as the couple wandered
over the beautiful
surrounds the home.
The of a bell recalled I be
wanderers, and that act had its
vis in presentation lo
each gentleman a
of a which
he was privileged lo smoke in
company of the lady whose name
made valuable a slip of paper in
In the bowl. Again they
vanished, and. as blue
ed up lo time the twinkling stars,
soft songs were sung lo love
which lies beauty's
lies, and lies, When
pipes were out and the stars
emerged from smoke, lady
received silver salves the an-
via perfumed note,
Ti Shows Prom The Golden West.
tor YOU bring luck the stuff and get your dollar.
A dollar with Mi a
dollar's worth of
every time. If It
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Faster.
Agents wanted in all
Wheeler Wilson Mfg Co.
Atlanta, Ga
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Big Shows.
Cash Value,
S. Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of second and cf each
succeeding year, provided premium for current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an daring the lifetime
Greenville, N. C.
The On- Great
Amusement Enterprise That Fulfills
ii l recent address at the Far
Congress Mr. Oswald
on, Statistical
for Texas,
ire ; richer
because of the of the es
for past three of
cotton The speculators
foreign spinners are inclined
always to give out estimates of an
Immense crop, and if their
mates govern prices the
can get less than their cotton is
Worth during the Fall mouths when
most of their cotton most lie sold.
The reports of the Agricultural
Department, though persistently
discredited by of
foreign spinners, have come to be
regarded as more accurate
any other estimate sent out.
The past three years particularly
they have had an el-
led upon cotton, lo the
advantage of the
Thin- is no money appropriated
Congress that is of such value
to tin Southern farmers. That
ought lobe strength-
to end Its estimates
shall Ix as nearly accurate
best men every cotton
growing Motion can make. The
appointment special agents
every by De-
In locate the gins
get number of bales of
cotton is step by
information as to pro-
Raleigh News and Observer.
There will be R reunion
old soldiers at the
grove, Hep
18th. Dinner will lie
served the
Will Exhibit in Greenville.
Performances at and o'clock f. m. Don't Miss
The New Novel Street at a. in. A Marvel of Pro-
The Great Triple Bate Elephant
Toe School Educated Heals
Inly Performing Camels
The Wonderful Trained Buffaloes
The Dogs Ponies
i c A L
Farmers of Pitt and
Surrounding Counties.
Let me have your attention a
moment I have purchased the
Planters Warehouse
and will have charge of ii this season. I
have been identified with the Greenville
Tobacco market almost from its start, and
am familiar with every detail of the
Tobacco business.
It is my purpose in conducting the
to run it in the interest of those who sell
their tobacco on my floor, knowing that
the more I help farmer the more I
help myself.
No effort will be spared to make every pile sold
at the PLANTERS bring the highest price.
Knowing the value of Tobacco, having
ample capital to carry on the. business,
assisted by the host helpers that can be
procured, I can make it to your interest
to sell at the PLANTERS.
Plenty of room to take care of your
team, and all the farmers who some to
stay over night will find ample
Bring me your tobacco if you want beat prices.
The King Clothier
Is now in New York buying
his Fall Stock. Wait for his
return before your
Fall Clothing.
If a CROSS MARK in the
margin of paper it to remind you
that yon owe
Air and we you to
early as need what
YOU owe us and hope will not keep
waiting for it.
notice la for those who the
mark on their paper.
Cox returned Friday from
L. I. Moore went over to
this morning.
Howard Moore returned Friday
from Scotland Neck.
Miss Bettie returned this
J. E. Hughes, of Danville, left
Miss Tessie left
morning fur
Miss Harding came home
Friday from
Howell left this
morning for Norfolk.
Miss Swindell left this
morning for
II. Ellison went over lo
this morning.
Adrian went lo Kin-
Mon Friday afternoon.
W. W. Perkins left mis morn-
for Greene.
W. It. Smith son, left
morning for
Mrs. M. J. Jackson returned to
i Friday
Mi.-s Sophia Jams left this
I morning for Scotland Neck.
Mrs. M. Flanagan returned
morning from
Miss Bessie Jarvis left this
I morning for New York
Miss Harper, of Norfolk,
I arrived Friday to visit Mrs. E. A.
, Move.
Miss Martha Tripp, of Wash-
, is visiting Mrs. F. G,
,, ,. Miss Fannie Moore left this
. r. of morning for Baltimore and New
pent the day here. York City.
Brief Mention People Met
In the Social World
Thursday, 1902.
Snap Shots at Home News Put
n Few Word tor Busy Readers
The are unite and
fall like.
There are no capital cases for the
September term of
Turnip seed. S. M.
For a good try the
Book Store.
There will I. basket picnic at
Yankee Hall, next I Wednesday from
4th. land Norfolk.
Hons. J. H. Small and W. T.
Dortch will speak in
next Thursday, Sept. 4th.
The T. J. Jarvis Chapter of the
of Confederacy got
through their lawn party Friday
night without rain.
you come to pay
subscription lo
and get a for sew.
machine prize.
Rev. J. T. of
will preach at Home
on night,
at o'clock.
The ladies base ball team, of
Chicago, passed through this
from Kinston. They
travel in a special car.
Hon. B. B. Lacy, State
here today.
Hon. J. Bryan Grime,
spent the day here.
W. H. of
Friday here and returned
this morning.
Mrs. E, I. Moore and sou
rived Friday afternoon lo visit her
lather Allen Warren.
Mils Pearl Campbell, who has
been idling Mis. I., re-
turned this morning lo
Miss Culler, Washing-
Mabry Edwards, of Danville, to
tame evening.
A. F. Thomas, of Richmond,
came Wednesday
R. B. Jarvis veil Wednesday
night from Point,
day e veiling from Springs,
Miss Jennie and Addie Mies Delia
left this morning for Raleigh lug for New York and Baltimore
M . . . , lo purchase -fill stock of
Cobb returned pry.
Virginia Beach I
Mrs. M. Ibis
, . , . morning for the northern markets
and left
morning for Va. i
i u . w Battle, who has
V Mrs. It King
here and returned, left fol.
home the evening train. j Mount.
m, it n returned
Mm. . . . . n
Everybody about the tobacco
market likes the double sales that
run every day. It makes every-
thing move along smoothly.
Almost Urns for schools to begin
the fall session. Pupils should
gel their tablets and other supplies
Reflector Book Store.
The excursion train returning
from Norfolk. night,
killed two horses belonging to Mr.
Asa Garris, near
C. T. placed
one of tho show windows to his
big store, a large, life size wax
figure of a dressed in the
very latest style.
The tobacco buyers of Green-
ville market had their
graphs taken in a group Thursday
at the request of the Southern To
Journal, for that magazine
To Th Public
Before buying your lumber,
shingles and lathes see me. I can
furnish you almost anything you
may want in this lino.
O. Ii.
Mrs. J. N. Booth, returned home
this morning.
Benjamin of
Norfolk, who used to lie kid
cigar drummer, was here
day for first lime in about
three years.
H. A. White went up road
this morning.
B. F. Sugg returned this morn-
to Washington.
Rev. F. A. Bishop left this
morning for Nashville.
ii, Miss Arlene
Miss Lawrence, of
who has been visiting her brother,
L. W. Lawrence returned home
Tuesday afternoon.
Misses Marv I Nannie White-
head, Neck, who have
been Mrs. J. It. re-
turned home this morning.
Strong Tut.
Frank Wilson has a very novel
way of advertising The Dutches
Trousers. In bis show window be
-s lieu mill
N celling and to the other leg ,, .,.
pent a keg of nails weighing
i. n, . ,., in ins snow wind
left tins morn- , , ,,
for Rapids. N one dollar
. one leg of which Is lied
We heard a remark
Wednesday that he never aw so
few sweet potatoes coming to mar-
for time of year as this
season. There are and
the are missing a chance
to get a good price for them by
not bringing some to market early.
People are anxious for them now.
Thursday from Baltimore.
It. B. Jarvis returned to
Point, Va., Ibis morning.
Dr. Ii. C. came over
from Parmele Thursday and re
turned this morning.
Misses Pearl of Golds-
and Bettie Darden, of Greene
county, are visiting Mrs. I,.
Mrs. Mary Flanagan
Miss Blanch and Miss
left Thursday
Rev. H. M. Eure and W. F.
Harding went to Hill this morning
attend a Sunday School picnic
Misses Mary and
have been visiting at T. R. Moore's
left this morning for their home at
Roanoke Rapids.
C. S. Wilkinson returned Thurs
day night from the northern mark-
pounds. This in done lo show
the will rip.
M. Dickens, Chief of Police
of Weldon, Was Greenville
Thursday with his blood hound.
He came here to run his dog
one of W. C. Hines for practice.
Both dogs Were taken across tho
county bridge and put the track
of a boy who had gone on ahead
some lime before. They
the boy and finally found him up
Barn Burned.
Mr. J. M. Hester, who lives a
short distance from town, lost
tobacco barn and contents by fire
Friday afternoon. The loss on
building and tobacco is alone
Look at the BIG WINDOW at
from New York. Everything bright
and new and up-to-date.
If you know Malaria, you certainly don't
like it. If you know Malaria and
Ague Cure, you certainly do like it.
old b

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
For Nails, Locks, Binges, Doors,
Windows, Faints, Rope, Homes,
Collars, Plows, Shovels arid Car-
Tools, to
A months old boy living in i
Mass., has developed .
into a regular He has a
name as substantial as his
He has John
COD I Mexican Mat.
rUn what n.--l.
t you will be to M bow It
Next door lo Ricks Wilkinson.
Successor to Ormond CUT. i
That place to gel the
Fruit Jars
i- at our We have thorn iii i
different styles and sizes at price
as lo m the lowest Then as
usual we arc headquarters for the
Best of Everything
in the Grocery Line
Get your table supplies from u-
yon are sure BO have the
coll and has u
pair of arms attached to a thirty
pound body that are marvelous
His strength is He
can from the top of a door,
trapeze, fact anything
on which he can with
his tiny hands. A feat performed
by him not long ago was hanging
from the of a wagon
while the horses moved M a brisk
trot. He swung back and forth
perfectly and
feeling that he was in no
of falling.
The baby goes through a regular
course of training, with
his father as trainer. Every morn-
he takes nil exercise, going
through the test with wonderful
enthusiasm. The began to
exhibit Strength he
was three months old, and since
that rime hie muscles have
oped until he i a wonder.
Wilmington. N. C, Aug.
two thousand bales of crop
cotton have already come on the
market here this season. Last
year the bale was not received
until August 31st. Cotton men
say toe crop is at least two weeks
in advance of last
A safe the ticket office the
Seacoast Railroad was opened Sun-
day afternoon by some clever man-
of combination locks and
stolen therefrom. About WHO
in another drawer in the safe was
left untouched.
Green Me,
You want Following the prediction of Wm.
Goods, Groceries, Confections, that the United Slates is
heading for a smash-up like Baby-
old cornea theorist from New
a ho have us believe
go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Blackjack, V. C.
i r cash r In
j. a t,
American and Italian Marble
end Iron Fence Sold.
work sod
c -1 on
Notice to Creditors.
I ll
count a-
executor Of B I
Whit, head. , and
s l . I ht-
in. William . .
in.-, then for ii . n-
or tin day
or notice will ht-plead
in liar Hi. ii . All
Indebted -aid rotate an lo
make payment to
Till- the .
North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
THE OBSERVER Receives the
largest telegraphic news
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta,
its special service is the greatest
ever handled a Caro-
of Hi or more pages, is
to a extent made up of
original matter.
EB primed Tuesday and Friday
l per year. The paper
in north
Sample i n on
Charlotte, C,
that before the event predicted by
Mr. Bryan will have a chance to
manifest itself, a bigger
is on the cards. This per
Is nothing less than the
end of the world itself The world,
says, is going to be destroyed
by electricity, Bis theory is that
the immense number of dynamos
now lo use are generating a Hood
of is soon to wind
up all earthly affairs. Nobody
has yet been scared to death by
predictions of these alarmists.
and the probabilities are that tin
lint, lies will continue to turn out
I s and that in Mi.
Bryan will -nil be that
j he is a candidate tot the
There ll in Pa, a pin-
who is in year, and
till practices his profession. For
he works hi- garden,
moves around as nimbly as
most men at do. the most re-
markable thing in his case is that
as a boy be was puny and at
a hopeless victim
of consumption. He picked up his
health and has never sick
since. With him the rule for
health and longevity is in
nothing, moderation in ail
Wilmington Star.
You can burn yourself with Fire,
Powder, etc. or you can scald yourself
with Steam or Hot Water, but there is
one proper way to a burn or .
scald and that Is by using
Mexican . ,
Mustang Liniment.
It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old
, linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind
loosely upon the wound. can have no adequate
idea What an excellent remedy this U for a bum until
you have, tried it.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New Boston,
Aurora, South Creek,
Swan Quarter, and tor
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
in. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
and will leave
coke at a. for
and Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
The steamer Hatteras will leave
Washington Saturday nights at
o'clock, during July and August,
for Ocracoke.
Greenville, N. C.
J. E. District Supt.
Washington, N. C
L Horn I
ii ii ill it
If you ft or
me Mexican
.-1 u poultry
It Needs a Tonic.
There are times your liver
that weaken. H. Witt's
Little expel
from tin- m act u tonic to
the liver. W. Scott. Ml Highland
Milton. I have
carried Little lier
. and would
easy to i. ;
ti or John L.
The Malaria
and r is a bottle of
Ta-ii. it Iron
in a No
cure no Price
For Printing in all the latest
send your orders.
Know What You
When you take Grove's Tasteless I
Tonic because the formula la plainly
printed on bottle
it i-. in a
tasteless form. No core, no pay. flOe.
Notice to Creditors.
Court Clerk Pitt
a-. of last and
ii of John deceased, no
tie. I- In to all
ii iii the to make Immediate
payment to the and nil
having claims again
are for
,.; or i fore the -1-t
or will u- plead
n of
s the f John
ll, us
order. JOB of oil
km Is styles best
m mi
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Broken iii
Grain and
ons. Private New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Eight Box Car
Mount, X. C, Aug.
a freight train was wrecked this
him four o'clock be
hue and Kim City, caused
draw bead out and
railing across the track. Eight
cars loaded with furniture and
lumber, were completely
lives were lost. Three
tramps, who were on the
injured but not seriously.
They were brought to the Atlantic
Line Hospital here for treat-
The man who Insures his lite
his family.
The man who Insures his
is wise both for his family and
In sure hearth by guard-
it. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the
Itself in Innumerable
And save your health.
What is the sense of a woman
having her dress ten inches longer
than it ought to be and holding it
up fifteen inches higher than is
The Baptist
Female University
in tit. bean r within jg
,. I ,, r, .- , Urdu
A Twenty
well ad Ho
g M.
a if
Full Literary
g nil
J per Session
For lit r
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
To my
It i with joy I tell what
for I troubled toy
for Upon
In aw I .,
-an not tell it has
done me. A neighbor had
that he had tried
I told him to um
gratitude have come u me from bin
I ll. w.
of and body depend on the Interior Exterior Finishings
and normal of the . n . .
live owns. the recoil- for Flue and Build
cure alt
. . . .
lift. any your patronage and
you eat. Take a attar guarantee to give in
John I. . . , .
styles work.
A trait's own good is
the security other
pie's ill manners.
A Necessary
i cold.
than It
By One Minute t
ugh Cure you
ran it at
clean the head, and
Cum coughs, croups, throat and
troubles, Absolutely Acts
mediately. Children like it. Jno. L.
Orders JOB are
While list mouth my
boy u-
reed or say W. II. Dibble,
of Iowa. rubbed j
the hand- into his I
and for u while we were afraid he I
lose hi tight. Finally n
recommended DeWItt s
salve. The application
helped him and in a few days he
II a For j
outs, burns, scalds, wounds,
bites, Witch Salve l,
cure. piles at
of John I.
Please lead your orders to
Tile Greenville Co.
N. C.
II so u
m o is
is m . n
r if
am m
n w
ii run
as if n I
I It
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
LaTe Tarboro
Lt Rook
Ion ll p
ford m.
pm, p m lea.
p m,
a t a m, rM
Parkton a.
Hop. Hill. U am,
m, Hop. t U p Red Springs If,
n m, p n
Connections at with train N.
at with the Carolina Central
Railroad, at Red with the Red
with the Seaboard Air Line and
at with the Durham and
Charlotte Railroad
Train on tee Mask
is p m, Halifax a. a m,
p m. I H
f m S
. a,
at II i a a. i m.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Here is something fin the teach-
Two dollars is cents, isn't it I
Well, multiply cents by
cents and you CM have tho differ-
if you find
Save the Children
All stomach troubles In child or adult
due to a single
Flux, colic, cholera morons, and
all like nature, arc the undigested
foods fermenting In the stomach, way to
to cure such troubles without Injury
to the membrane, lining the Is to
perfect digestion.
What You Eat
I. the discovery which
remedy checks cleanses, purities and
digests all food and gives to the
allot the and It contains.
Kr-p. I I. thin. pl l It ha.
In In,.; case u catarrh
i all.-y, pi. V.
ENS, ll MS
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on ban
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
Hold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Has a large
school building, well
equipped; two large
grounds. Courses of in-
. Literary,
Music and Art. Thorough
leaching in every
of teachers.
Health morals of
place Hoard
per month, Tuition
rates reasonable. for
O. E.
Industrial Education
A combination of Theory
and Practice, of Book
Study and Manual Work
in Engineering,
Chemistry, Electric-
Mechanic Arts, and
Cotton Manufacturing.
Full courses
short courses
special courses
Tuition and room, a
board, a month.
teachers, students.
New buildings for BOO.
Write for Booklet Day
the A. M.
Pres. GEO.
The Head of the Stag's
Educational System . .
Free tuition to
and Loan,
fur the
Water Works,
All term I
F. P. VENABLE, President
Chapel Hill, Carolina
a m and
Train Breach leave
rt Band m. H
i m, I Cl
n a- F arm ale
rind d m, i-n
Train Tarboro dull
U p m, K pm, Ply
p f P m, PIt-
dally, Sunday, a and
B S in.
Train on c
a ill
a a a at.
Train on
Mount am. p b,
a n d p m. am.
p m, II a m. at
Mount It a, Bo p at. dally
Train on Clinton
Clinton a m and ill
a m, Clinton at T a
Train Val
for all North dally, all
J. B. Manager.
T. M.
S. M. Schultz.
Wholesale and retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Far, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Jelly, Milk,
Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Macs
Cheese, Beat Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and no-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
M. Schultz
One Farm, 1-2 miles, from
here, acres, cleared,
land for tobacco, corn,
cotton, etc. Splendid dwell-
two tobacco barns and
Second Farm, miles
from here, acres, mostly
cleared, with barns
and tenant houses.
Third Farm,
half cleared, with good tenant
houses, tobacco barns and
orchards. About half this farm
is low ground, which is good
corn land, and suitable for
Fine place for man
wanting to raise beef, cotton,
or run a dairy, as well as for
general farming.
Apply to
N. C.
Cases of typhoid in W
City have recently multi-
plied so rapidly that the local
have become alarmed and
a sanitary expert has bean
appointed to Investigate the cause
or cause, of typhoid la Wash
ton, and the disease i son the
All the News
Twice a Week
-F r-
a Year
The Eastern
Twice a Week
T-. r
N y
D. J.
Ricks Wilkinson
We are anxious to but we are not
so anxious for money that ire will jeopardize
our business by offering stuff we cannot stand
back of. We are as jealous of our good name
as we are proud of our business. Come this
week and see how far a dollar bill will travel.
Mr. Wilkinson Is in the northern mar-
buying Fall and Winter goods, and
all summer goods must suffer great
cuts. We mean carry over.
Ms Wilkinson
Bethel High School
A strictly first class Fitting School
young Men and Young Women.
Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non-
and Coeducational.
for College, for
and for Life.
Between this year
Book Keeping, Commercial Law,
Shorthand, Typewriting and Music.
a experienced
Tuition, 1.00 to
Hoard to per month
in W
For oat-
and full information, address
J. W. SHERRILL. Principal.
Having recently visited the
Eastern markets, we feel confident
that cot-
ton both for mill and export trade
will be much better this year
ever before, and as heretofore hope
to share your patronage in the dis
position of the new crop.
Now the coming season is near
at hand, we desire to call you at-
to a Jew facts that will
prove both to planters
and buyers, have cotton
picked out as free from trash and
as clear front dirt and dust as
avoid packing bales;
every bale should weigh
pounds; never false pack a bale
cotton by putting low grade
middle and better on each side;
never use side strips or use over
six yards of bagging to the Dale as
every Exchange docks two
where over six yards of bagging is
used; never let your cotton stand
out the weather if you wish to
hold it any length of lime, but
shelter it carefully as it needs pro-
as much us any crop.
It is necessary to look after your
gins keep them in good order
and gin while cotton is thoroughly
dry to avoid gin cut cotton.
As to the future market no one
car now tell what crop will
sell for, hut judging from nil re-
we think will
range from to cents. Export
era are now paying in the
interior for new cotton, while old
is selling at a premium,
from to
ii re contracts for October and
January sold in New York
day as October 8.30, Jan-
nary 8-28.
If you will call your neighbor's
attention to these important facts
and carry them out yourselves you
will appreciate the advice herein
given at the the season.
Below we give present con-
of the crops in the
Slates from I ho official ad-
says, a deterioration conditions
is reported gem ally; in Texas it
is very owing to dry
and hot weather; but good
even now would greatly
prove conditions, although with
most favorable sons an average
yield is The most
favorable are report
and South
is hot and dry and claims
serious damage. Alabama's poor
est in years. Mississippi
reports outlook poor from
Our Grocery
September Term in Progress.
We have been carrying a line of Heavy Groceries ever
since we have been in business now we have added a
Fancy Groceries
which we expect to add to from to lime as the
seasons justify We now have in our Mammoth Stock
Chipped Beef,
Conned Beef,
Lunch Tongue.
Potted Han,
tied i ix Tongue.
i Soups,
Ox Toll,
Sauce. .-, ,
i .
I I Tapioca,
Sweet and Pick
i . n,
Silo d Pineapple,
California I
Maple Syrup,
i lots
These ore some of the things you will
of others we have not mentioned.
Be sine t, remember we have the Bat-
and Cheese we can get. We cater only to best
so if you want the best call on as. We expect
to receive in a short Candies, Fruits, Nuts,
in fuel every thing kept in a first cl family
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department
of careful
and should be I he key note of pros
of cotton. The Infer
above given may be re
correct m worthy ,.,
the of thoughtful
The o
Ii is a of time
when domestic trill be put
other be-
man shall have so simplified
We have recently moved our the housework that the dill es will
to the new brick building now not vary us to-day in
on beginning lo her,
and better prepared than ever her of COO-
you highest prices equality with man who is
your cotton. In addition we doing so much for
buy cotton seed give in ex i hen, woman is in a fair to
change cotton seed meal at all ,,,.,, , , ,.
limes keep on band a supply of ,, p which
cotton seed meal hulls. will set the ponder
We appreciate your former pat- anew upon problems, which
and desire it may con not long lo be entirely in the
B. Bro.
Baker Hart formerly with a full line of Clothing Dry
Goods, Shoes, Hats. Furnishings, Notions, etc
Everything in stock is brand new and we are selling at
Prices to Astonish You.
us a call and be that we can save money.
B. Bro.
J. ff. Fall CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factor and handlers of
Ties and
and shipments
Male Academy
The Tall term of this School will
begin on Monday, September
dry an aver
age. Tennessee claims to be In-
by and shedding, in fad
all tho stales complain of
Cotton State-
the world's visible sup-
ply bales
bales last year, a decrease of
American do
is bales. Tho total
port receipts since September
up to the of August,
.,. bales against
bales fur the same
in a since Hep
lumber 1901, of bales.
point on con-
is Northern spin-
have to September 1st,
bales more than last
or by used a our es
Fours to serve,
X. c , Aug.
are bad and is a
pity they ever occur, but the no-
Seven Springs
came as near gelling what he de-
served as ever did a criminal.
As rule the victims of nob
may be raid to actually re
only the they
deserve. The manner of its
MM, however, dues violence So the
law of the land and therefore
months the
a series of
articles on pearls and how to
I hem In mussel shells
a pearl in a mussel shell and doubt-
less by continuing his reared he
would others. Mr. II.
found a pearl in an oyster
shell a year or two ago. He
away it safe place recent-
when he opened ii he found
Hi had grown to
ll it was it away
and there were other mull
lo all good In package Scotland I
The September term
court opened this morning
Judge George II. Brown, Jr.,
Solicitor L. I. Moore
representing the State. The fol
lowing were selected as Hie grand
W . It. Home, Foreman, W. J.
A. C. W.
Crawford, J. T. W.
h. K. J, M.
Nelson Thomas,
Henry Dixon, It.
Franklin Inwards, T
s. J. S. Moor-
log, T. u.
The charge of Judge Brown to
the grand jury was very able and
unusual Interest. He began by
saying it gave him pleasure lo be
again PHI with whose
people he had been closely asset b
for years, No county la
lo it, is the
cultural county ii. the State.
The county sect being so the
is advantage to all sec-
PHI has i, population of
natural intelligence,
Independence of character and
thought. It is something to be
proud of to be a citizen of such
a county.
Vet, he said, it i a lamentable
fact the county ha.- it
lion crime Ilia is not n, keep
its Intelligence. Pitt
county la noted criminal
dockets. An
holding a court in
shows i bat instead of u decrease
there has been an increase in the
the of Criminal
However, Pill county Is not
alone in this, for throughout the
United States tbS increase of crime
has largely exceeded the growth of
population. This may in a
the large influx of
foreign population who arc imbued
with the idea liberty means h
While have settled
iii States,
North the
of the
shows ii large increase
Take the of
the year there were in
North Carolina, in
over in New Ken-
in Texas,
above in the entire United
States, making a larger of
deaths by violence than those
killed in the Spanish Amer-
and Philippine war
A failure lo enforce law ha.
tendency lo crime Tin
enforce itself re
quires human agency. There i- no
fault In law, for have the
best code known In the history
the world. men shirk dis
charge of their duty and allow cum
go unpunished,
The remedy crime hi
to enforce t be law, for respect of I he
law is beginning of
We reaped morality and religion,
of the law is the corner
stone of
Judge gave some
boa- the law miscarries
la responsibility
upon jurors, He also pointed out
To the People of
Four years ago by your votes
you made me of
Heeds. I have tried as best I
could lo serve you faithfully. If
I have not as you desired
been a of the head
not of the heart. By your will
am to retire from the
I accept your verdict as willingly
as I gladly obeyed your call to the
I want to assure you all
has been a great pleasure
as well as a privilege to be
and to with the people
of county. I desire
ard lo all of you heartily
for support gave me
pulling in the the
kind and courteous treatment you
have given me while serving you,
for the good will which I be-
you bear me as leave the
office. wish also to express my
appreciation of courtesies ex-
tended me by the members of the
bar, my associates in
the Court House the most ex-
Board of County Commit-
whom have served as
Clerk. fact my association and
work has been pleasant with all
whom I have come in contact
to one and to all my thanks
arc heartily tendered.
have selected as my
i a in every respect.
well qualified to fill and
worthy of heartiest support.
He all the Democratic ticket
will receive active support
I myself and all of friends. In
as in the past, In or
of I am ready to serve
i Democratic party and my
friend- in any capacity.
Again with due appreciation
and thanks all every act of
kindness shown me while I have
been serving you,
T. It. Moose.
Aug. 1902.
The Landmark has little
thy with many of the damage suits
brought in courts. There are
States, cases of course In which the claims
I for damages are just, the
bringing damage suits pure-
to get has grown until
damage suits are brought on all
coils of pretexts and many cases
amount to little less than down-
right robbery under the form of
law. is one damage
soil now pending in in
which The Landmark is pleated to
appear for the prosecution. It is
against a man whose dog bit sever-
little children and the amount
asked for is We don't care
if plaintiff recovers
He should at gel the full
amount asked for. we hope
every person hereafter bitten
by a dog will bring a suit for dam-
ages and
Dr. D James,
-in of Is the natural enforce the el
win taken this therefore capital's confidence in the
. .
those boys which they
wish to send to this school would
do well to sec mo.
The work and discipline of the
school will continue as it has been
heretofore under tho man-
For part ion hire apply to
W, H.
lure and the expectation a
and his been
fully bales
will be required lo meet con-
Tho crop IMP- and was
bales last years crop
has ban estimated at about
bales, and and
For Job Printing all the latest bales,
send us your orders, Fourth. These
statistics are
tend create a feeling
of contempt law, which in
worse the Slate than failure
that a criminal's art justifies his
punishment has nothing to do kith
the question. A legal execution,
which is absolutely certain to fol-
low such in es as that in Wayne
county neck leaves the mob
without a semblance of an excuse
for its Observer.
Send us your orders for Job
Best quality Of work,
Neck Common
Livid in Three
an ;. colored
man, died Thursday
lie claimed lo be
years old. There are menus to
verify Undoubtedly he
very man. Orren
who know him well, says
if he is not a centenarian he is
very near he has known
him over He belonged
lo the Robert
duty of the grand in look
after reports of of
roads and of
the records of the county
officers and of inspecting the jail
and home.
lie paid a high I
coin pi I to Solicit Moore In
Spying he was an officer who per
formed his duly conscientiously
without fear of consequences.
Is your mi of Stationery
gelling low t ll ll is, send us your
order. PRINTING of all
kinds in tho latest es and beet
It la the pianist who always
plays his work.
A woman's will is one even
the lawyers can't break.
Nothing is wholly bad.
dark lantern has a bright side.
A young man must himself
to business with of in-
differ in every
try, politeness is ever tho
The poorest way to gel up in
world i to be continually down in
If it's coated, your
Is bad, your liver is out of
your tongue, your
make your liver right
Easy to take, easy to operate.
k Then

Eastern reflector, 2 September 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 02, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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