Eastern reflector, 19 August 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

r up-to-date op
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
door to Hicks Wilkinson. to Ormond Cut. I
Lag. ;
Then is more than the
of I smile playing the
features of the Democratic
politicians in Washington when
any is to the House
veil boom and of lute
I here has been a suggest ton of a
similar expression on the
of certain Republican
while others regard
nation with an anxiety which
would hardly seem warranted by
the As a matter of
I there is a suspicion that
the Roosevelt boom has been pie
I maturely launched is
tined to an early grave. It
has long been an axiom with
that a boom, like good let-
must be grown rapidly, that
from its first appearance as a tiny
leaflet it must grow and wax
Strong without a single cheek as
otherwise it become stale
unpalatable would be
eventually rejected as too an-
Of course, be said that
Mr. Roosevelt has the
of such powerful leaders of his
as Quay and so he
has now, but that he has it now is
no guarantee that he will have it
in Both of these gentlemen
dad re, and before all else,
the defeat of Senator Hanna and to
cud they are ready to make
many sacrifices but that will not
prevent either the nor
the from changing his
mind, entirely, for the of
the course, when the
convention two years
hence to be hold, fan the
is at our store. We have them in ,,,., the public.
-Ivies and at mice- , ,, ., .,,.
as low a the lowed Then as
usual are headquarter for the I lust. which
Best of Every th in
, J . . I answer in the negative, all
It will wear out the
Get table supplies from n-ambitious young man who now
you are sure so have tho best. . . while House will find
Tints Pills
will save the dyspeptic from
days of misery, and enable to eat
whatever be wishes. They prevent
cause the food to assimilate and
the body, appetite.
mottle. I
Take No Substitute.
Poultry Fancier
The Dixie Fancier, published by I
j. B. at Go., is
a page monthly journal devoted
exclusively to poultry, a subject
in people are
g more profit interest.
We will scud the Fancier free fir
a year to any subscriber to
who pays
a subscription advance
daring this mouth.
First Church to
For Locks, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Hope,
Collars, Pious, Shovels and Car-
Tools, to
t e r i a u
Church, in Sassafras Fork town-
ship, county, is the old-
est Presbyterian church in the
State. The records show that in
the first celebration of the
supper in North Carolina
was celebrated in this church.
Efforts are now being made the
earnest Christian ladies of Ibis
church to raise funds with which
to repair and preserve this old his-
building which should be
held in sacred remembrance by
well as by all
Christians. May they be success
fill may this grand old church
stand ever as a beacon light to
point the people
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line Chesapeake
3.8. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
Line from
July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
Thursday and Sat-
The Legislature will next year
have to face the problem of en-
the accommodation for the
S. M. Schultz.
Wholesale and retail Grover and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
heads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor for Belhaven,
suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safe-. Ocracoke and will leave
the best
That the place lo gel
Fruit Jars
To My friend.
ii la with Jo; I you
did tor inc. I was troubled with my
or months.
advised to did so,
and word can not II the good it has
done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia
no that he had most everything.
I told him lo use Words of
have coins t from him
because I it- W. .
Viola, Iowa. Health
of mind boil send on
and normal a
live organ. the great
tonic, cure all and I
. a, dim good food
eat. dose after meats.
John I.
Gail Ax Shaft,
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Bead Meal Hulls, Gar-
Beads. Oranges, Apples, Note,
dandles, Dried Apples, Peaches.
Prunes, Raisins,
and China Ware, and Wooden
Ware. Cakes Crackers, Mac
Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
morons other goods. Quality
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
at a. m. for
Belhaven and Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday Friday.
The steamer will leave
Washington Saturday nights at
during July and August,
for Ocracoke.
N. C.
J. i;. District
Washington, N. C
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Hun
lay, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
M. pastor. Sunday school
L. H. Fender,
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and Sunday.
Sunday school a. in., W. B.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m.
Preaching second,
fourth Sunday in each month
meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day school P. M., W. R.
regular service
S. M. Schultz
The Baptist
Female University
.- i
. . . i. .
M M.
i . . . ion u
. . a- .
. . . . i .
. f.
. . a .
v. n , ill
r ti j
. . the sum
. . .
Dry Goods,
ate., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Hack Jack. X. c.
line go on bands Prices I
. ;. A, ii i bought for cash or
for i
.-. in
t i. n
-i .-. n-
; . j- l
., . or Li I .-
ill In . i . i.
tin July. i-.
L. A. I.
T. G.
i American and Italian Marble
We have heretofore remarked
many extraordinary things
arc happening this year.
happened last week in
when the
a man for Congress who
i looking for it and didn't
himself abandoned by the public,
which is fickle in us favor, and by
the politicians who hive been his
friends only as a matter of
ency, when the crucial hour
The proposed loan which Cubs
Intends negotiate and which ill
result in the Cuban
bonds lo the amount of
i- causing considerable
to the administration and it is
even President Palms
h, or is to make appeal
to the President to call an extra ,.
session Congress to ratify a re
plant, II. Dibble,
Iowa. rubbed
bandit Into j
for a while we afraid be
would ii sight.
DeWitt a
Salve. application
in him and in u he
u- a For a-.-.
burns, wound. Insect
S w
th-i Teach
welt cl i lilt.
. mm
l lad
Prim in.
Matron Poll
t all Ice
per Session
R. T. V ANN, Raleigh,
m mi
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
A. F. A.
Lodge. No. -M, meets first
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening.
W. H. C. 0.1 C. L T. M.
Hooker. K. of R. and S.
I. O. O.
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, N. G.,
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hail. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. MO, meets every second and
Monday night in
lows W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith Sec.
Mar Kb.
s Beware
ire end Iron Sold
work and priors
p on
Summons for Relief.
Notice to Creditors.
, Ink
. . . i
. I
4- r
. it.
I .
1st ill Si
. for
III-. . I
Hi l ell
i . i ill
ii I . Pitt county u
. . u- I.
I- I ;. i-
to . i nil
. . I .
I be William head.
in m in. ill.-,
i, . lore
notice ii I. plead
I. i . All pi
ll ;. Ill Kl u
mi to me
. ill -I
l. . l
II .; ,;. . . ill
i.-. .
. . n
. . i ; ii I
. .-. w
i .
with Cuba. The
Senator of
went over Oyster one
day last week and spent some
hours with the President would fur the
Indicate the bag
and whatever lie the facts ii
known that the ,,.,
with States
. . . . a I I
as their only hope for unsocial I
In of such an
appeal will Mr. yield
t President
.-., i
i- i
M. . I Us
i. ii ml
i i i i above baa
. in r r
. paid to obtain
Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
Put ,. I y
i i,., ill lbs
. . in and
. . . I II lb
ii C mi i
i ,. i. n i v n
l in Urn In aid mi s
N. r. . i -r
i in i . aM r
I I, . i I I ha
1.1. i. r i n I
Clerk r i
II ill the
largest telegraphic news
delivered to any paper between
Washington and
lit service i-
ever bandied n North Corn
Hi more m i
to large extent up of
a ml
per The largest ; .;. i
in north lien.
I Sample sent
Charlotte, N. O.
A cotton ling has mule its
in Mississippi and is
said lo lie doing much damage.
The planter.- are greatly alarm-
safety of cotton crop
not destroyed.
It Needs n Tonic.
limes when your liver
In. Don't purgatives
in set in Ionic to
I have
little Karly Risers
with me several years and
Will be receive the support i
i does yield to take. Purely
action in regard lo loan re
as n and be me-
with resistance by the
Republican who it it be
stood back of the opposition
to reciprocity Strength
to secure the defeat of that policy
These are all questions which are
being Washington
and the answers to which
with interest.
Alabama, was In one
day this week. Speaking the.
campaign, be said he did not;
take view that tome of
hit colleagues did, The
bad to much more money tori
their interest,
d it
. l In i I
i , . . i i.
In 1801 n-
He when people,
bad to tee
i Ill i. fill
i. n ii- a protection
lira the
will then torn In i
the only of
Rani has I ii p
Us may be passed by
next n law
.; I. well i n paper, which
. r or distress.
The thirteen veer
Mr. William
i land
township, recently killed a high-
land snake,
snakes mil of
A Necessary Precaution.
Don't old. It la worse
i- dangerous.
ran cure It at Always
-in lbs membrane.
i mi. . i throat lung
I ,. Ala safe. A. Is
i. . i I . iron like It. Jno. L.
H i .
courses of
study, new library
laboratory equip-
in ii years Large
awarded annually. Loom
made to worthy students.
very moderate.
For address
Dental Surgeon,
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and rices as low at the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
For free book,
u s
Slow Starvation
i the fate of from
If your It can't up the
v. In dots actual by decay tug la the
Industrial Education
A of Theory
and Practice, of Book
Study and Manual Work
in Engineering,
Chemistry, Electric-
Mechanic Arts, and
Cotton Manufacturing.
Full courses
short courses
special courses
Tuition and room, HO a
board, a month.
New buildings for BOO.
Write for Booklet. Day
at the A. If.
N. C.
IS a
BO -1
Lt Rocky Mount
AM PM am r
i M r u t ii n
I at
I Bi
is l i
t IS
a to
ea s i
is n ii
if a I
i ti in
What You Eat.
Norfolk, Va. , y m of
and Broken In ls H Is, sand as your
Cotton, Grain and JOB of all will not lie but
York, in the bathe
lbs sensible remedy.
eat body and time Ml
the stomach. This rest restores health,
only the
cures, Is Nature's tonic,
fir. ii i, ii i w an.-u
I mi-.
I fill an
i . j-ii s, w. ii s.
ll M It till C. ii,
It can't help but do you good
n lit i tin.- a f
E C.
n tin-
. .
j. Lew,
. .
one hundred tad
and r. Lina
New Water Works,
A- Rocky
n m, oat-
j. m San ford
p m, SO p m lean
p m,
am, a m,
Springs a m, Parkton a. m.
Returning p
m, Hope Hills p Red Spring
. m,
at with train Ma
at with the Carolina Central
Railroad, at Red with the Hal
A railroad, at
with the Seaboard Air Una and
at with the Durham and
Charlotte Railroad
Train on Road
pa, I a p
m. i
kl a n am.
I II a m, II W am. daily
b no m and n I ll
am and pm. III
m and lit lot, a m
Train lea Tan Tarboro dally
St p m. l
Train Midland N O
dot. Its a ,
a a a
Train on Branch
Mount all am. p
a in. IS p a m. lie
i. a m. at B
Mount ll a a, I Jo ii m. dally
oh, Private W Ires to
Chicago New Orleans.
for . -J
l II lo am,
. arrive at
Train on Clinton Iron roe
Union am and
at am tat
all rel. Tia
don for all point North dally.
Fats. Agent
J. It.
T. M.
High Grade JOB
I Chapel Hill, North Caroline done here, us
All the News
a Year
The Eastern Reflector
and Friday
a Year
Ricks Wilkinson
The Announcement
great reductions in every
department of store
created and
out the week. it not
fur the fact that out original
stock was so enormous, we
should have entirely clean-
tad out by as it is, we
still have a good stock of sizes
and styles, and can lit and
please every man and boy who
is in search of fine apparel.
We cannot promise you, how-
ever, that this very important
sale will be of long duration;
ill fuel, of the best lots
likely to be closed out
Men's Sack Suits, originally priced and now
Men's Sack Suits, originally priced now
Men's Sack Suits, originally priced and now
Men's Sack Suits, originally priced C and now
Every Straw Hat in Stock is Marked Down One Half.
You will find in our Haberdashery Department rare bar-
gains to match our suit prices.
Rich j Wilkinson
Bethel High School
A strictly first class Fitting School
for young Men and Young Women.
Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non-
and Co-educational.
Prepares for College, for
Business, and for Life.
Between and pupils this year.
Book-Keeping, Commercial Law,
Shorthand, Typewriting and Music.
course is under experienced
and fully competent teachers.
Board at 18.00 to -7.00 per month.
BETHEL SCHOOL is situated in one of
the most beautiful and healthful locations in Pill
county. Fall session opens September I. For cat-
and full information, address
J. W. SHERRILL, Principal.
Two Measuring
A farmer of county,
conversation in Journal of-
one recently, remarked
that while he looked back over the
fifty years of his life
plated his present age and his
standing he was inclined to
be ashamed of himself, but upon
further bis shame would
rather into pride.
at his lite from the standpoint of
those who count only
as success, he could but
admit that it had been a failure,
to give a moderate amount of com-
fort, he had neither made nor
saved money. lint the other side
of the calculated to
stimulate a of
that be bad made his home
he had educated his large family
of girls and trained them
to useful men and women
of them who were grown, the
were yet being trained while
living for himself he bad veil also
for others and hail wielded an in
for good in bis community
and county. These thoughts came
to him in no spirit of vanity or self
they were merely the
reflections of a sensible man who
could look at things as they are.
There in Union
county who has attained success.
He has worked and late
worked himself family.
He got all he could in his fifty
years and kept all lie got. His
of each year put into
lauds, improved machinery and
better stock. When hour
glass of his life to the half
century mark, spoke him
as well to do. Hut had
grown up as the weeds about
and none of them read or write,
in an age of which education and
the spread of intelligence are the
most marked features, this man
has reared his children as he might
have done before the invention
printing; his sleek and
fat, bis barns are full, but bis
are and era
brightness and happiness,
the world is getting better, they
are shut out from light and
will pass their days expatiated,
birthright sold for a mess of pot-
which they themselves did not
even receive.
Which has ban
Fewer and fewer grow the eases of
success like the latter, those
like former daily multiply.
Monroe Journal.
After Battle--------roll call,
After heavy selling Lots.
And broken broken prices.
and that is why we are a
Great Reduction Sale
All Summer Goods are marked
down at special prices for
special selling.
Lawns, Dimities, Shirt-
waists, Parasols, Fans, etc.
Special lot Slippers and
and Children's.
Some of these are worth
We give you your choice for
A word to the wise is
better than a Webster's
lo the otherwise.
Attend this End-of Season
Sale today and get your share
of the bargains
Too Many Pardons.
The Governor a ill do well to
slower in the matter of pardons.
a row at a primary, a
of the
Journal says among the
pants, was who bad only
lately escaped from the roads by
pardon from the
There has been much criticism
of Governor tor pardon-
log and of Solicitor Brooks for
recommending the pardon of one
of gold brick swindlers. It is
claimed that lie was the
two and was not
at heart his previous
ll If had been good, that be
ready been la jail two
that he ought not to for the
same punishment administered to
the two men who an- principals In
gold brick deviltry. As a
matter he was twenty seven
old was convicted of an in-
famous crime, sentenced to
seven years Imprisonment. He
ought to have been compelled to
sci out bis full
New s and Observer.
The Gold Production.
Half Gallon, per dozen,
Quarts, per dozen,
The statistics of gold production
show that of the whole output of
the yellow metal in the last
over cent has
mined 1880. With the re-
To People Pitt County,
The people of county know
my position public matters and
their interests, bin view of the
fact that easy Of my friends have
a desire that be a can-
for the
like lo see me the
Legislature, I make the following
statement. I favor
The distribution of school money
according to taxes paid by the
Just economy, in-
stead of a special tax.
Better that will re-
the people of many of the
hardens that oppress them. Las
that can lie understood.
A reform of the jury system
better pay jurors.
Relief for court witnesses.
A labor contract law for
of farmers.
Better disposition of our
A constitutional convention, if
remedies be bad otherwise.
Now if the people of county
sec lit to nominate and elect me, I
will serve them as best can, in
the Lower of our
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
Cotton Bagging and Ties
on ban d
Fresh goods kept mi
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Notice to Creditors.
duly UM
of Tit
km Executrix of will
of John
lO fill in
tin- lo
to the
person hit id
notified to present them for
on or the day of
illy, It. this will
In bar of
ThU day of July, 1902.
of the of John
, of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap
We solicit your and
lo give satisfaction
prices, and work.
Please send your to
Tile Po. Co.
in 1806.
J. I. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties Bags.
Correspondence and shipment
A Court Room.
At the the weather for
some weeks has been of the
kind calculated to cause a to
wear under clothing or
overcoat. It has bees Irksome lo
attend any kind of a public
indoors, where it has been
hot to eggs the
most favorable yet last
week Judge Shaw held
in n tobacco barn. The
court house being
ed and could not be
Judge Shaw ban more
ranee, pluck
the average man, yet got next
to he said he could
most feel his cooking
that great big old barn. However,
he put the wheels of in mo-
and made a bole in dock-
et, the to lie completed
the last of this week.
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will fell anything in this line very low. See us when in want of
and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam Hancock
U, S. Injectors, Gangs Cooks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Fitting all sizes.
LINE OF Packing, Rubber Belt,
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Bell Hooks,
to in Surgery.
Train of North-
of mining in the Trans-1 western road are to receive
the methods t ion In medicine and surgery,
production are now employ-1 they shall be able to set a
throughout the broken leg bind up
of gold territory being I of the injured.
carried on great combination of I Hallway surgeons have estimated
is sure to be that to per cent, the deaths
vastly increased. The of which now occur from injuries re-
n new adjustment of rel veil in railway wrecks would
lie to in not provided injured re-
undertakings, higher skillful and aid
prices and greater apparent pros-at once. The value of the theory
The production of gold bat appealed to the officials of the
the States is now about, Northwestern.
one third of the total product and I It is proposed to establish a
of lute years a larger and larger , school of instruction, where train
proportion has been retained in be taught rudimentary
the country, greatly strengthening surgery, become with
our position among the of the remedial used for the
purpose of temporary relief and
. learn what materials arc used
Parson Could Shoot. lo use them. this
every passenger and freight
Aug. I .,, . ,,.
. . ,, , will a medicine chest
double at ,, . , , . ,, ,.
r j well with all the materials
county, reached here tonight. Two
brothers, John William Tram-
well were killed by Kev. Whig
Duncan, a Baptist minister, whom
they assaulted, following a quarrel
in which John charged
the clergyman with being too Inti-
mate with Ma wife. Duncan de-
the but the
repeated and then assaulted the
minister With clubs, beating him
merely about the bead. He man
aged lo gel away, warning both
men mil to continue their assault.
Both followed however,
started to renew the assault when
Duncan drew his revolver and
Bred, killing both.
Which physicians and surgeons
thick essential for the purpose.
Chicago Dispatch.
The life companies
have policies force in this
State, covering
issued policies during
the year for
of premiums and paid
Harvesting- Pip and Farm Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
Why b
is noticeable arc
left standing hitched to vehicle
now than formerly. We
asked a the day
why this was. good reason
could be given. It might be
vehicles are nut prised now as the
I Here formerly and cost less
replace. reason given i.
I homes me driven lo vehicles
than tiny used lo he and are
driven In company more. The
I man who driven to town once a
month usually takes his horse
loose from the baggy before hitch-
but man who comes
day go to
trouble. the bridle
reins over a and goes away.
Lynched on General Principles.
New Orleans, Aug
named John was lynch-
ed at county,
Mississippi, near the Louisiana
line, by a mob of unknown white
men for various robberies and
crimes. The lynching occurred
in a backwoods district, and there
are few particulars. The coroner
was body
rat twinging from a tree by the
roadside. The body was taken
down buried, but nothing
could be learned of the
a Li-publican candidate for
in Kansas charges
admission to bis meetings. Hut
the people in his bailiwick don't
have much fun they enjoy
I his Star.
I hr it. -i ii. i Malaria
i Ki v i I- n lit
Chill Tunic, la iron
in a tailless form. No
i Pi
V t
When you t hill
Tonic ii
printed on
it Iron mi
DO n.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach,
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Pills will clean,
your tongue, cure your
make your liver
Easy to take, easy to operate.
AU .
I it I a I

He Fell Five Stone and Lives.
Entered at the it N.
C, as second moll
Observe Labor Day.
patriotic sentiments
and calling upon all people the
State to fully observe a day set
apart by the General Assembly of
North Carolina a Labor Day, Gov-
Aycock bad issued the fol-
Labor Day, A
Whereas, The Legislature of
A Judge fell
down a few steps and PM killed.
Lute yesterday afternoon John V .
of of
the Richmond Supply Company,
having the contract for doing the
Fainting for the American Cigar,
Company factory here, fell M feet I
from the to the basement of
the live story building, and was
not killed, and so far as
see has not sustained
injury. He is resting
at the hospital this j
expecting to go home tomorrow. I
Mr. escape from instant
death was almost miraculous. He
was standing on a plank the
ceiling joists, when it broke
him to a small scaffold-
beside a shaft for a
Lost Hair
Mr hair came by hand-
and the gray hairs began
creep in. tried Hair Vigor,
and it stopped the from com-
out and restored
D Gray. No. Salem,
There's a pleasure in
offering such a
as Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable
II M tank. All
Carolina has appointed the
first Monday in September of each stairway reaching from firs
year Labor Day, and a general, Hour, falling the distance of lite,
holiday, the said Monday in stories into the basement.
being the same day set was picked up and be i
aside by the statute of the complaining of a pain in his
State and of the back, seems all morning,
States in the Union. still In bed.
It your
If Tour can
on and
a bottle, be sure and
Fresh Gossip From Vicinities
Blood Hound a
Suffolk, Va., Aug. U.-Special.
Mr. Roberts j Tiger. Hurricane
X. C, today,
stairs William
therefore, I, Charles B. his escape from death
Aycock, Governor of the State of unusual fact. A spiral
North in recognition of being built and every or joist i of wrecking a passenger train,
said legislative acts and views a- lag near by, the partial i It through the dog's
view to the . and flooring alternating on each side, that was arrested some days
of the good will stair shaft Mr. Roberts is j ago. Hie trail having led to his
which exists between all the fat, weighing home was held under
pie of this State, do all of he struck the floor bond,
the of North Carolina to right he bounded struck
observe. of the left below, etc.,
Monday, 1903, bounding right each time and
as a holiday, , that in every j breaking bit fall, the
way possible employer operate fact of a superabundance
with employee iii
Negro Preacher Sentenced.
Charlotte. N. C. Aug. 12.-
Robinson, a coined preacher, has
I been sentenced by Judge Coble in
protecting his bones and giving to fifteen
of the dignity of and in elasticity to his body to prevent its j in for a
the dignity of labor and
becoming observance of
years in
he. mussing alternate and assault on an eight-year
labor going crashing down to inevitable own race. Robin-
Day. Let be as fir as poi- d es t r u a was he of a
cessation of labor chariot to Observer. respected The evidence
bowed the assault was
successful the fight sentence.
by Our ant
Reported I Reader.
Kt of Lynching.
the State. I request that all
of of character
where labor Is employed shall be
closed to the cad that those
may enjoy a day of real
thanksgiving. The day ought lo
tie by all people
expression of appreciation of
who toil, for them
happiness f tie
exist between all cm
that attention
Which The i in
had a letter today from j Hi. ate.
governor of Sort b Carol H. C,
denying the Moore and
friends of Monroe Roger-. at Camp Number
wanted a
N. C, Aug.
oil cows and goats,
all by A. G.
for which he wilt pay the highest
each price. Bring them
along and get your
Misses Mabel and Julia Von-
Miss Tripp, of Washing-
ton, who has been visiting Mis,
J. I. Cox, loft last Tuesday
of Miss Minnie
from the country,
Thursday night with Miss
Miss after
several days most pleas-
visit Miss Lydia
non, of returned
home Thursday evening.
Mrs. J.
are visiting friends in
the Gardner Cross Roads section.
J. L. Sugg and Will Harding
passed and stopped a short
while with us Thursday
a of inspection
Mr. New ton, of Barn
well, spent the day here
day, and while here entered his
daughter u a pupil in the Winter-
High for next session.
We lip our hat and politely bow-
to our friend K. who
us a most delicious
in Wednesday, if you be
it was good ask Bill
and Charlie Fair, they arc
of the best part of it and
they surely know. you
con a visit to her
little Georgie is all alone.
Those two charming young la- t
dies Miss Kittrell Mellie
Bryan yesterday
ville visiting at Mr. W. O.
If of our merchants would
be a little more cleanly front of
their stores there might possibly
be a better prospect for an increase
of patronage.
Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
a trivial matter
young at dispute over
and abated with arson, that if j
State. Let returned to lib Car- j iron bar
he not be given a his skull
The ease has at places.
in a f
gad these w
. peace of
sad the best of all
lit ample.
in whereof, I have
set my hand caused
the Great Bil of the State to be
This the day of
A. and lo the
year of our
B; the
P. If,
The Girl
The great thing far a young girl
to is that know
anything. All which life teaches
is She has heard touch
talk, read a few books, looked out
of w eyes upon the great
wend, she baa net bod a chance
to do anything, and until one ac-
enters into the activities of
life can know realities,
It is true that girl has
beta Into lei
young and
teachers and She is
teaming something about human
el forces good and bad so-
she happens to be a put
bat usable lo compare, to Judge,
to reason closely, of sh
lb real, living
a the SCUM lo
exactly the. place she
the social order she is a
most happy Content to lie
bi i. leaving the management
of things lo older and wiser per-
sons, looking and learning as
joyous, hopeful, helpful
and is nothing in nil
beautiful and sweet
this kind girl fifteen, While
she defers to the will and advice
of her parents in all things,
girl begins to reflect, to reason and
compare, and learn-
she goes on her way. Later
experience becomes her
hI now will
b i info what she
c. the Woman's Home
if seat bock to the
Aycock bis letter
tinted the most ample
would be to
The of North
Carolina, also, written lo At- J
General Barker, of
riving assurances similar
to those of Governor
Dynamite a Failure.
Aug. ca-
of as a dynamite
is to be ended. Acting
I of Navy, ling,
gathered about today
members of the naval board on
construction aid after
with themselves for a while.
was decided that the and
rakish which was supposed
be capable of belching forth
death and destruction like her
of Italy should de-
to he unsuitable for the
r which she was built. A
mid of Will be appointed
to determine whether she shall lie
sold or it is worth while
to lake out her big pneumatic guns
and her into a
or dispatch vessel.
It Is very wrong to tell false-
said bis mother to little
who had him in
we're both
ain't we, queried
What do you
yon told. Missus Smith
yesterday that you hoped she'd
will again, alter she gone
you said you wished she'd never
come again Ohio Slate Journal.
A Boy Drowned.
Wilmington, V, O, Aug. II.
Andrew Cowan, the six year old
sou of a widow of this city, was
drowned In Cape Fear river tn
day while playing on raft of
at a dock the water front.
The boy was with brother two
years In- senior when he fell over-
board. Workmen on
tubed lo the lad's rescue, but he
was carried under the raft by the
disappeared. Au
expert diver recovered the not
nearly an hour afterwards, Efforts
were made at resuscitation but
they proved fruitless.
Recovery Complete.
London, Aug. British
Medical Journal says the king's
recovery is complete, The
nation ceremony and the reviews
Of the Colonial ind Indian troops
have not been detrimental to his
health. The
wound is infinitesimal and
healing is practically completed.
There is no truth whatever in
rumors which have cur
rent that second operation is
Excursion lo Norfolk.
Hatch will run another
for white people from
hi Norfolk return
One days
fare for round
tr i Train will paw
for JOB A- for
Negro id for
Philadelphia, Aug.
colored, confess
Cd to police he Is wanted
in ton, for the
In November, of
also colored
was employed by a
here and be boasted to
do other of bU alleged
in the The police
informed sod was
and crime.
w .
come from Maryland of
the curing of two vi of
madam bee sting remedy,
One of by surprise
a Of mad beat, Which slung
of him, ant
loafing twenty
two places and way It must
be B Wry robust case of
in a very robust
I. i stand that kind of
Fruit Jars.
A dollar spent with a
dollar's worth of
every time. If It
tor YOU bring back the stuff and got your dollar.
N. C. August 1902.
Miss Lillian Fields, of
is visiting Mrs. J. It. Harvey
Mr. trip north
Miss Bright,
visiting sister Mrs. J. L.
Mr. R. B. Lane, of Newborn,
was here Sunday for his
home Monday.
Miss Nora Sutton, of
is visiting the near here.
Messrs L. A. Cobb, J. R.
and C. II. arc north
their fall stock. Mr.
is selecting a nice Hue of
X ma- goods.
Rev. Mr. Hoyle closed his meet-
at the Methodist church Sun-
day evening. While here he made
many Meads that would glad
to have here the
Messrs K. C. R. A.
and Judge David Gard-
left Wednesday on a fishing
trip down at Creek. They
will camp out and be gone
Miss Bailie Tucker
day for where she will
lake A. N. C. R. It. for
western part of the State lo teach
air. Eddie.
and Nye have Bobtail,
out soliciting the Interest Ben Beat returned from
of the School for villa Wednesday where be has
he pat ten days and the visiting his brother W, h.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Faster.
Agents wanted in
unoccupied territory.
Wheeler Wilson Mfg Co.
t Atlanta, Ga-
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
wit which they have met has far
exceeded their brightest
Miss Why of Ridge
Spring, was visiting friends here
Mrs. G. A. Kittrell Is in
Be I.
J. Keen, Jr., a
nets to Greensboro Saturday
and returned Monday.
The farmers are aim at through
curing tobacco, next week will lip-
up with most of them.
A convention of the Democratic
party of is hereby call-
ad to meet in the House
Greenville on Thursday, August
28th, at o'clock A. M. for
the purpose of
dates for the Legislature and the
Township primaries will be held
at the usual meeting places the
August 23rd,
; o'clock P. M. for par
pose of appointing delegates and
alternates to said county
the nomination of candidates
for c- of Peace Con-
stables and also to elect a Town-
ship Committee. The
of delegates and alternates
each will be entitled to
is its
Beaver Dam
Content net
By order of tic Democratic Ex-
Co of Pitt
A i EX. L. BLOW Ch'in.
W. L. Sec'y.
Killed by Lightning.
A girl was killed at Ever-
green, Columbus county by
lightning on Wednesday night of
but week. The bolt came
and stunned several
members of the The girl
was a bed, and after the
others had recovered from the
shock they went to look alter
and found dead. It is said
that a bed is safest place
to be dining a thunder storm, but
this is second case of the kind
we have heard of in the past few
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
It. Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears lie paid within on while yon
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable endow the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
a i lit i
To the voters of Pitt
I lake this method of
my candidacy for the
for Register of Deeds of Pitt
county subject of course to the ac-
of the County Convention
when it meets.
have been a voter since 1871
always tried to do my
whole duly as a good and loyal
Democrat and if nominated and
elected I will try to preform the
duties of the office to the utmost of
my ability. my friends
in for their support, and
i awaiting the action of the
I I am for the best interest of
the Democratic party.
Very truly,
J. L. Hi
. Peace.
The to hip primaries to be
next will
follow number of those boys
Justices the Peace, to will
Beaver Dam
Farm ville
own t
Male Academy.
The Fall term of this School will
begin on Monday, September
Only a limited number of boys
will be taken this Fall, therefore
which they
wish to -i to this school would
do well lo see me.
The work and discipline of the
school will continue as It has been
heretofore under prevent man-
For particulars apply lo
W. H.
It is the biggest kind of
to offer a money
Farmers of Pitt and
Surrounding Counties.
Let me have your attention a
moment. I have purchased the
Planters Warehouse
and will have charge of It this season. I
have been identified with the
Tobacco market almost from Kb start, and
am familiar with every detail the
Tobacco business.
It is my purpose in the
to run it in interest of those who sell
their tobacco on my floor, knowing that
the more I help the farmer the more I
help myself.
No effort will be spared to make every pile sold
at the PLANTERS bring the highest price.
Knowing the value of Tobacco, having
ample capital to carry on the business,
assisted by the best helpers that can be
procured, I it to your interest
to sell at the PLANTERS.
Plenty of room to take care of your t
team, and all Ilia who to
stay over night will find ample
Bring your tobacco if you want beat prices.
Would your suit look any cool-
if you saved a few dollar on
It If so, look at th suits we
are selling for and
In weather like this vim want
everything to count for cool
fit is an important
part. Von can't very keep
when you're raging Bad at
that had-fitting coat that pulls
down on favorite shoulder
Flannel nod trousers.
Oxford mixed Hound, just tin
tiling for mi who wont to lie
in fashion, tint not way in it.
If you bare, take the risk.
back if you wont it.
Frank Wilson,
Daring the past A. H. wife and little
Brief People
la World
Moore went to Rocky Mount
Mrs. Alice Harper E.
M. to
Miss Ida of Hooker-
ton, came over Ibis morning to
visit Brown.
C. J. of Raleigh
and Observer, spent
day here and left Ibis morning.
Little Misses Gertrude and
Isabel of
tin- morning to visit
little Miss Wooten.
John M. this morning
for Baltimore.
J. H. Higgs returned Thursday
night from
Miss Hill, is
visiting Mrs. Dixon.
Miss Olive Morrill, of
Hill is visiting Miss Janie Brown.
Prof, II. returned
this morning from Seven Springs,
Miss Myra Moore left tin's
to visit friends Rocky Mount
Miss arrived
Thursday afternoon to visit her
brother, II. W.
Today at the Big Store-Cash House of Greenville
Millinery Goods.
Our Millinery in charge of Mrs. M
i- Lowell must be closed out with
Summer at a sacrifice to make room
I all floods. Come get some
If la a
margin of paper it lo remind
you owe
for you to
u early as We. We what
YOU owe and Lope you will not
waiting for It.
notice la for those who find the
mark on their
j , . . r,,, ill tIC
of Deeds, T. R. Moore, issued on- Adelaide, left Ibis morn
in the one marriage license, mid for
Summer Underwear
Prices cut the whole line. dozen
Men's colored Sea Island Shirts,
cuffs, worth clear-
sale price,
Snap Hume News Put
In Few Word for Busy
to Philip Lancaster
Mullen, colored.
Annie I Miss who bus
. been White, re-
I turned this morning
wood. Dresden and Con crook
handles, fast black, worth -y
Special price.
and We put them in at
the one juice. Celebrated mikes.
Sizes to
Large Amount Paid Out.
R. C. Flanagan, after spending
The Bank of
Banking Trust
Mrs. II. B. of Rocky
; Mount, who has visiting re
Fruit Jars M.
The cost of living is said In In
higher it has been since 1863.
Mies will open
her Music School. H ember 8th,
in Mrs.
on Pitt street.
J. B. ; Co. making
further grocery
department of their store to make
room for a large stock of fancy
News is name
of a new daily paper at Kinston,
edited by and
Beasley. It has a neat appearance
and makes u good
Big Sale.
The largest of
that has been sold tobacco
here one day this sea-
son was sold here today. They began
having double sales today order
to finish selling before night
fr in now there will be double sales
every day. sales began at
and Liberty, both
full, about 60.000 on
the door of Star and
pounds of the Liberty.
Then followed sales at Farmers
with 60.000, the Planters with
the with 25.000, and
with 40.000. These
figures are as as could
get. prices were high the
farmers all seemed pleased with
their sales.
paid out Friday lo for
tobacco sold that on ware- morning for
house floors here over
banks P. ,. .,.,. . ,,.,,
M and did not
their checks cashed until been visiting Mrs. F C.
This is it large amount to be returned to Ayden
out for one days sale. Thursday afternoon,
Iii, 1902.
J. Stokes, left this morning
Mm. J. T. Matthews Friday
for Kinston.
Mamie went to
this morning.
W. R. this
to bis home at
Mrs. Carolina Cherry returned
Friday from
Mrs. Brown and children
left Friday afternoon for Kinston.
J. left Friday
afternoon for and
Mrs. R. J. Cobb and daughter
returned Friday from
Rocky Mount.
Mrs. B. Wilson Miss
Myrtle returned this morning
All gnat one price.
The Greenville Mile Academy.
today's paper appears a not ice
of the of the
Male Academy. Prof.
has here too long and is
well to make it
for us to say anything
this school. Fourteen years the
same building with a full school
nil of lime is
enough for any man.
to. Married.
On Tuesday at o'clock a. m.,
Aug. the brides homo in
Norfolk, Va., Miss Lillian Motel
was married to Mr. A. W.
bridge, of Scot laud Neck. They
left for and will spend
about ten days in western
part of State when they will
return to Scotland
Man Charged With Altering t Bill
Dawson, n former
dent of Shelby, was yesterday
rested at King's Mountain by
Chas. E. Wright, agent for the
United Slates secret service. Haw-
me price,
per yard
i-3 per cent off
on all Spring and Sum-
mer Clothing. Extra
good values in Serges,
Mohair, Sicilians and
Alpacas. Come
while they list.
Bed Spreads.
per cent cut on all
what we advertise
We advertise what we do
These prices are for Spot
over the counter.
No goods sent out, but
your money back if they
are not O. K- i
Colored Lawn, Dimities
new neat figures
good values at
Sheer Dimity
Exquisite new patterns,
and floral pat-
terns Good values at
Bo F.
sale price,
India Linen
lie. Can't be
In any city for
less than above prices.
Special wile price, 111-
Men's Shirts
Detached Cuffs, clear-
Calico, Yard.
yards Calico, only ten yards to the
was brought to Charlotte yes
evening, and alter a of County
To Organize Executive Committee.
The Township Executive Com-
of several townships to
be elected Saturday next will
meet by electing a
and Secretary, and
different are
to meet in on the
inst., immediately after the ad
Low Cut Shoes
All caught in this mammoth slaughter
sale. Profits not thought of. They must
go while hot weather lasts. f
and line, all styles, warrant
solid leather,
Undershirts Drawers
Egyptian Combed yarns French woven
neck, double breasted drawers.
Clearance sale price,
The lax books for
for the your 1902, which have just
completed are
possession of the of Deeds
waiting to be accepted by the
Board of
again over last year prop-
el The total value
of all properly subject lo
in the county this year is
Of this amount
Is listed by white people and
it listed by The
amount listed corporations is
and banks In-
There it a better school its
grade In North Carolina than Win
ville High The lucidly
for neat will consist of
have In en built so a larger
number of pupils can be
dated. See announcement in
hearing was committed to Jill
default of u for be-
fore United States Commissioner
D. O. Maxwell, this morning
is charged with
altering a II bill to a bill and
attempting to pass bill contrary
to ions of
of United Slates.
Dawson is a
years of
Governor Aycock refuses lo grunt
application of n convict for u
pardon, of the
people because of of
the gold brick swindler must
reached hit ears. The News
Observer, of adversely
the of
done hero. Send us
for the purpose of organizing
an Committee for
county and a chairman
No Court Monday, III.
Monday, September 1st, being
a legal holiday, and the Governor
having issued it proclamation that
it be observed as rest and
thanksgiving and requesting that
all places of business be closed,
the Superior Court of
will not be session
Jurors and need not at-
tend will not allowed to
prove tickets for that day. The
Court will convene on
order of Honorable
II. Jr., Judge Presiding.
D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
Malaria trim. A never-failing remedy for
r e diseases.
o ha remarkable tonic proper-
ties for all who live in malarial
Lace Curtains.
Worth and extra length,
ft. long, very surely worth 13,96 J tn
and 18.78. Special sale price,
Hamburg Edging, Big Reductions.
Spool Cotton.
J. Clark's Spool Cotton, per spool.
The Most Sweeping of Keen Prices
Get in the Main Squeeze. Come Early
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville. N C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware, l aM
Come to m me for next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
What is known a the
is seldom occasioned by actual exist
external conditions, but In
treat maturity of cases by a disorder
which may be
by try In j course of
Ms Pills
They control and regulate the LIVER.
They bring hope and to the
mind. They bring health and elastic-
to the body.
Par Mails, Lucks, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope, Hume,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
H. L
Next to Ricks A Successor U A I
His Opportunity Came.
A gust of blew
hat from the head of the gray
haired passenger the hindmost
seat of the street car carried it
Marrying over the muddy road
Cat in the rear.
He raw to grasp the bell rope,
but a prosperous looking nun sit
ting next lo him grasped by
the coat tail.
slid the prosper
look log man. Let it go. It
a- i bat, wasn't
Keep this
always fresh in your
For Mashes and all Open Sores, ya
need only to apply
a few the soreness inflammation will
he conquered and the wounded healed.
To the best you should saturate a piece
Thai place o git best
Fruit Jars
i. out store. We have I hem in
style and sizes prices
us low a- the lowest Then u
usual we the
Best of
in the Grocery Line
from U.
ye. have
said the gray haired
passenger, grail snakes, it's J
all I've got What will I
other. whipping a small bundle
from a side pocket and proceeding
o open it, this
It's a twenty dollar
hat. HOW docs it
it well enough,
Then keep it sir. keep It Ever
since my began to wear one
like it I've been trying to give this.
one away, but nobody will have
It'll do to wear till yon get down,
town, where yon can buy a
straw bat. No. don't want any.
thanks. I regard this as u .
opportunity lo gel rid of i
the thing. All right, j am
have done me a great
And oar speed on Chicago
with the liniment and bind k upon tho
., as yon would a poultice.
n bottle.
fiN vow
KEEP AN tic ON i .-. .
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek.
Ocracoke and
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
8.8. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
Thursday Sat
and and will leave
coke at a. m. for
and Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
The steamer will leave
Washington Saturday nights at
o'clock, during July and August,
for Ocracoke.
Greenville, N. C.
J B. District But
Washington, N. C
every Bun-
day, morning and Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Sun
lay, morning and evening. Prayer
Wednesday evening. Rev.
II. M En re, pastor. Sunday school
a. m. L. H. Pender,
A in Arithmetic.
Borne time last week while Mrs. j
Hell, of Goose Nest township, was , .,
at church, Joseph Lynch, a man j you your gains,
who was living on the place broke Subtract from those who do not
o the house and stole
watch and In money. Lynch I .,,.,
was Thursday and hundred thousand people,
watch found his person. of goods ho baa to sell.
i-Will Enterprise.
I V.
fa x . ,. Milling
. e-
I . Ind ,
The I
A. a
. tr a a. Pin at
if. . v
. . c .
etc., to
Mrs. L. M. WHITE,
Black Jack. N. C.
f low
fr of la
i- o I lull what
for me. was with
for mouths.
inc l I so.,
no tell the it has
A neighbor had
no be had moat everything.
I told him to Words of j
gratitude have to me
I w.
Viola, Iowa. Health and strength
body depend on
and normal activity of
the great
was found dead III his stomach and I
u v indigestion,
v Saturday morning. . . lUll anT
. I
,, . red
A. I . i.
i vi. . h
., A , i
., t
action, or tin i-i r pa
I, ,
t, I.
Summons fr Relief.
;, , In
I M I . I
i. I
, I'll
I at
I. I . .
, .
ml- W.
l-i f
term yen will
plead or at
the plaintiff will during
of on
r. appearance a w in
for b- In
American and Italian Marble;
. ire ad Iron Fence
to Creditors.
i. . us
. in; and h
d eased, mill
litters u having been dull
.-, 111-, I
-aid ad, lo
for pay
. , ore tin- SHh
. n notice be
. Alt
-i. . urged to
to mi immediately.
This tn ll-i . July,
J. i
tn tin
M I.
F, P. Pollard.
Tin named will
that n n u lit
i. . I riot tun
pill t v laid
., hi . in
,. will further ti .
i repaired to
of aid
In N r
lbs las
II in ml n
This t day , .
II. I, .
i lark
Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
largest news service
delivered to any paper
Washington and Atlanta, mid
apt vice is
ever bandied by n
of or mote pages, end is
a large extent made of
ER Tuesday
per paper
in X Mb
sent on application.
X. U.
bug. .
A revolver in his band told
sitting in a wagon
Beat reclining against the wall of
the building. The muzzle of the
revolver pressed against the
side of head, and ball hid
entirely through. He had
missing since Friday. Mr.
was man of peculiar j
position and had twice been in
Insane asylum. He was especially
were in
sending him lo the
asylum. He had much trouble
with his neighbors. About a year
ago some waylaid and snot
him from the bushes while he was
passing along the highway. He
of age. His;
mother committed suicide last
summer by jumping Into a well.
The Secretary f War
that Miss J. Taylor, die-1
missed because she wrote a
of the administration's Phil-
policy, was dismissed be-
her conduct was
Insubordinate, disrespectful, and
prejudicial to order and the
of public It
is a piece of business lo be
persecuting a woman who has to
earn her living because she is
a News Ob-
any good
It, a dose
Some mothers spare the j
spoil the slipper.
The Baptist
Female University
la lbs
mun-i-n. Capitol
M and New
j-, Teach.
I fin
by and
fur bf
Matron Full
all fee
Ills Sighs Strengthened.
While month my
tun was poisoned by some
weed or says w. nibble-1
City, Iowa.
the poison off his hands into his
and for while we were afraid he
would lose his sight. neigh-
recommended Witch,
Salve. The application
helped him in a days he was
as mil as For skin
cuts, burns, scalds, wound., insist
bites. Mi Witt's Witch Halve Is
mm. piles at once. Beware
id counterfeits. John I.,
Woman is apple of man's
the apple of discord.
per Session
R. T. VANN, Raleigh. N. C.
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday-
school a. m. E. B. en-
F. H. Hard-
Minuter. Morning even-
e prayer with sermon every 1st
Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m., W. It.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m.
Christian Preaching second,
and fourth Sunday in each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day school P. M., W. R. Par-
regular service
A. F. A.
Lodge. No. meets Bret and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening.
W. H. C. C. L T. M.
Hooker. andS.
I. O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, N. G.,
D. D. Overton, Sec
B. A. Mb Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
Tunstall. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
night lo Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
S. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. meets second and
Monday night In
lows nail. W. B. Wilson
D. Smith Sec.
The Head of the State's
Educational System
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
Department, Law,
. Pharmacy.
It Need a Tools.
There are times when liver
s tonic, limit give purgatives
gripe and weaken.
Little Karly Risers expel nil poison
from the system and act tonic to
the W. Highland
av. . Milton, I have
carried Little Karly
with me for several years and would
he without mid
take. vegetable. They
never gripe or distress. John L.
One hundred and eight scholar-
ships. Free to teachers
mid the sons of ministers. Loans
for the needy.
i Lilies. Water Works,
Mar a
LT s
t as
lit i a
All term Septembers,
F. P. VENABLE. President
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
The man in the moon
red because he sees
queer things
A Necessary
Don't neglect a I
Id. It Is worse
Fire in
burning tin stables and barn of K can cure it at once. Always
,, , , ,,. I clears the head, soothes
P. i ,.
mi is only in- i coughs,
Ii is alleged that the Bra j like it. C
win. origin,
Don't Treat Symptoms
. , ,. will
Has a largo
school building, well
tones on the school
grounds. Courses of In-
Music and Art. Thorough
teaching In every
Faculty of six teachers.
Health morals of the
place Board
per month.
rates reasonable. for
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers In
Stock. Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
New Orleans.
Is your supply
getting low II is, send us
order. JOB of all
In the rarest stylos and
I. Stimulants and cathartics will E. LINEBERRY,
meal rings again.
m rt . . .,
mar temporarily system not than-
food should lie digested. The nourishment- H contains
should lie by the system.
Industrial Education
A combination of Theory
and Practice, of Book
and Manual Work
Chemistry, Electric-
Mechanic Arts, and
Cotton Manufacturing.
Full courses
short courses
special courses
Tuition and room, a
term; board, a month.
teachers, students.
New buildings for
Write for Booklet Day
at the A. ft M.
AM Fat
P. ft
Ill IS
rat AM FM
S it
II f
it to
I II s
in no ins if I
it a
leave. 1242, o Baa-
ford p m. Returning leaves
p m, arrive leave
p m,
leaves Ben
a D,
Springs a m, Parkton a. Mb
M a m,
It S
m, p n- Bed M.
,, m, S IS p a arrives
st Ms
with the
at Red the Bad
Mum Seaboard Air Line and
at Gulf with the
Charlotte Railroad
reals las
U ass. a as-,
This new discovery digest s all classes of food assists .
and digestive organs and
into the kind Of Is L
taken fed to
the various organs the, body. tn
and dyspepsia, thus removing
troubles. gives such to toe
Is Invaluable all wasting .
in I i lolled. I tried ma
What Y
Vis lam-sit mile
Offer graduate
undergraduate courses of
study, new library
laboratory equip-
and gymnasium.
Number students
bled . Largo
made to worthy students.
very moderate.
School Announcement.
On Monday, Sept. nth,
and Mi
will u
select school in Mrs. school
on street.
from 1.50 per month
up, according to grade. Languages
extra. Thorough, faithful work
is promised and your patronage is
I a m and
, Ml in. W
WOOTEN 0- w-
Dr. James,
i c m. HI r j-
ii bi Fir
,, Midland N c
on Warsaw
for Sort all
H. M. EM
Pass. Agent
J. H.
, High Grade JOB
here. Send us your
ill the News
Twice. Week
a Year
The Eastern Reflector
Twice a Week
e a y
and Friday
a Year
Ricks Wilkinson
We anxious to but we are not
so noxious for money we will jeopardize
our business by offering stuff we cannot stand
back of. We are as jealous of our good name
as we are proud of our business. Come this
week and see how far a dollar will travel.
Mr. is in the northern mar-
buying Fall and Winter goods, and
all summer goods must suffer great
cuts. We mean carry over.
In looking over some of the old
records in the register's
found the following inscription
corded the first page of nook no.
by Mr. Joseph B. who
was register in 1800. book
belongs to the register's of
and is dedicated
to that purpose by Joseph II. Bin-
ton, the present register,
to the town, clerk to the
judge advocate, paymaster,
mute, lieutenant the
second brigade of the militia of
North Carolina. But imperfect
he is, that first dash at
should prove bis
consume bis youth with uneasiness
and involve his properly
But let this book
ate his memorable and
memory, as this is his
on Signed, J. It.
M, Mr.
was in his time one the
most of conn
and was grand her of
Mrs. Opt. W. T- of Ibis
City. His old home is present
county home, which he built, and
at that time wag considered the
most beautiful residence
county it is now of the
oldest still standing in part of
the State. Before Mr.
death be moved to and be-
came one of the leading to
Ricks Wilkinson
Bethel High School
A strictly first class Fitting School
for young Men and Young Women.
Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non-
Denominational, and Co educational.
Prepares for College, for
Business, and for Life.
Between and this year.
Book-Keeping, Commercial Law,
Shorthand, Typewriting and Music.
course is under experienced
Hoard at to 7.00 per month.
BETHEL HIGH SCHOOL is situated in one of
the most beautiful and healthful locations in Pitt
county. Fall session opens September For cat-
and full information, address
J. W. SHERRILL, Principal.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on hand-
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly before the
Superior court Clerk of I'm count
as of last will
John Flanagan, deceased, no-
is hereby given to persona In-
tut he estate to make
undersigned, and ail
persons having claims
estate are notified to present hi
In oar of recovery.
This day of July, Hut
. W,
of the of John
Into Canada.
While the emigration from the
eastern and central states lo those
further west is remarkable for its
volume, that from the
tern territory of the United Stales
across line into the British
Northwest territory still more
so. Statistics show that last year
of our citizens found homes
in this section of Canada for
the year the number is es-
In the last
year citizens of the United States
have purchased of
land in Manitoba and the North-
west What is this but
laying the foundation, for the an
at someday far in the
future of this portion of the
ion of Canada to the United Slates,
As Canada now French and
its British it will soon
have one called the American,
where all the and
favor American rule. This
emigration across the border is but
the leaven that will soon permeate
the entire Northwest territory
result making it a part of the
great American
Rocky Mount.
After the Battle------roll call,
After heavy Lots.
And broken lots mean broken prices,
and that is why we are having a
Great Reduction Sale
All Summer Goods arc marked
down at special prices for
special selling.
Lawns, Dimities, Shirt-
waists, Parasols, Fans, etc.
Special lot Slippers and
and Children's.
Some of these worth
We give you your choice for
A word to the wise is
better than a Webster's
to the otherwise.
Attend this End-of-the-Season
Bale today and get your share
bargains at
Fruit Jars.
D. O. Aug.
The report that the President
expects to call a special session of
Senate early November fol
, purpose of securing the
cation of a treaty which he has
negotiated with Cuba is regarded
by lending Democrats as
evidence of the autocratic attitude
of the President. Mr.
ever since bis accession to the
presidency, has shown a
to regard of an
warranted by
and to eliminate
greet in every instance possible.
Now he proposes to eliminate the
Of from
In legislation which
is clearly its prerogative, The
Constitution states
In all revenue producing measures
House must take the initiative
and a reciprocity treaty is only a
revenue measure in a different
form, However, the re-
fused to yield to the of
Executive dining last
and now that President
be can control sufficient votes
in the Senate to out his
pose, be proposes In ignore
entirely, His belief is like-
Half Gallon, per dozen,
ever, say certain prominent
Democrats. It will be necessary
Quarts, per dozen,
J. B. Cherry Co.
for him lo secure support
Democratic senators to
the ratification of the Cuban
treaty and it is mil likely that
Democrats, regardless of their
views regard to the merits of
To the White People of Pitt County.
The people of Pill county know
my position public mailers and
their interests, but view of the
fact that of my friends have
expressed a desire that I be a can-
for the
like to see in the
Legislature, I make the following
I favor
The distribution of school money
according to paid by the
Just taxation economy, in-
stead of a special tax.
that will re-
people of many of tho
burdens that oppress them. Laws
that can be understood.
A reform of the jury system and
tier pay jurors.
Belief for court witnesses.
A labor contract law for
of farmers.
Better disposition of our con.
A constitutional if
remedies be had otherwise.
Now If people of Pin county
see lit lo nominate and elect I
will serve them as best I can,
Lower House of our
a deal of curiosity has
been aroused in Washington by
of a statement of
General Wood's administration of
which it is
that when the General
turned of the island
over to the present administration,
there the Cuban treasury a
balance while re-
The Only Department
Steve in
Agent Robbed of I
Louisville, Aug.
to The Times from I
Ky., agent the
In Cold
Alvin X. Jack, who was eye
witness of the execution of thirty
Turin, Stale of
ii-elf can lie persuaded I ports from Havana indicated at the
vole fur Us ratification when lime Unit the treasury balance to
so doing would be which President fell heir
the express provisions of the fun was approximately What
In words of a became of the difference is the em-
prominent Democrat, who is j question that is
President has leaked. Did it disappear as did
calculated without hie that famous handsome furniture
There is reason to believe that j which was from pal-
the long anticipated Havana. is every
in the Treasury about the report of the
about to take place. Is claimed, Insular bureau of a desire to make
by those a position lo j best possible the
it Assistant Secretary Spaulding I administration of General Wood
but when it comes to the actual
.------- w. . u .
payment on or la-fore the day of
or this notice will be plead
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles work.
Please send your orders to
his name as V.
of Memphis, Tenn., appeared at
the of the American Express
Company, at five miles
from wanted lo ex-
press to the latter point.
Indians were marched two miles
lo Turin where every one of
was executed. Toe Indians were
placed Within a huge Adobe build
and one by one were marched
out, placed against Adobe wall
J. ff. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
A monstrosity of the
or Siamese Twins was
brought to Rocky Mount today
Dr. W. P. Mercer, of
It, or they was the dead body or
bodies of a baby or babies,
a whose
color is between ginger cake
black, while her husband Is a mu-
The had one
two heads, four arms and four legs.
OM pair of arms came from the
shoulders, the other pair behind
them, while extra pair of
were to the side of the ordinary
position first pair.
The faces were fully developed,
each head was covered with
hair. Cue face was of the pro-
type, while
was a bright mulatto,
It was examined with great in
by the physicians, each of
whom declared that there was
other specimen of Human anatomy
like Mount News
and Observer.
High tirade JOB PRINTING
done here. Send us your
n . , , , , against the Ado
look a for It, .,,.,, ,,,, ,
,. , . . , shot don n ii; told
then the remembered that . ,
. . . . detachment six soldiers
be was allowed to ship only . , ,
a. time and made hi. lake the of
back. kept ST
las. night, when it
sent lo by where
it arrived late last night. The ex-
press agent, it is said, in formed a
number of people the money
bud lived. It was put a
as Mr. sent word
he would be this
This morning,
turned of Rough,
miles away. He Said ho was held
up, robbed and kidnapped during
the night. He decided lo
stay at the depot all night, be says,
but finally gut nervous and
to the hotel, which is only one
square away Between the
places he was set upon and rubbed
by I in en.
express people the officers be
that whole was a
conspiracy lo defraud the
can Express Company out of
is now under arrest
of the
The execution was in compliance
with a general Issued by
General Ten is which in dint
means the extermination
in There are
now only about or a
and they arc being rapidly
lated. The bucks lire being
wherever captured and
The en ill is bill the sea is
The Law of Slate
makes II imperative on all public
school to attend Teacher's
Failure to do s for-
the in teacher for one
year. One teacher in Wake
failed to attend
held Raleigh last
pealed others
of the educational Department lo
help him out, but be was told that
it was a law and he would have to
comply with
hint position within the Depart-
A new appraiser is to be
appointed for port of New
York, and the
appointment will go to William
l. Bynum, of Indiana. The minor
clerks of the Treasury
have received a severe shaking
of late by Inauguration
new methods by Secretary and
are bewailing that
ibis is a strenuous
Under the new
tin work of the
be Kept up to date, letters must
be answered same day
an- received, and work inn-t
In- done a manner
and not tin old gossipy, get
done convenient
which has characterized De
in the past. The change
is appalling to many of ancient
employees the Department who
foresee doom for ban-
long followed the oil way to he
capable of adapting themselves
to the new. and ill be
obliged recommend them
dismissal because
keep up with the pace set by
man from
If these jealous fellows who
murder sweet heard
will marry
then kill hi would be
content k themselves,
It would all practical
poses, and would lie less ob
touch upon any of the details
which were asked for by Congress.
No statement of expenses of
the palace is to be found its
pages. Neither is there any state-
of amount spent by the
tie for the of pub-
sentiment in the amount
Of course it is
Inconceivable these figures
will Absolutely suppressed
lace of a demand for them by
Congress, but will, In all
probability, be withheld from pub
lie scrutiny until alter the
and will then In unearthed
at ii lime when public attention
will occupied with watching the
Rev. Smith, pastor of
Street Methodist
who is quite sick, was reported
heller yesterday. He had just re-
from his vacation
he sick. Mrs.
Smith and children arrived
day night from near In
response a and
Sick Headache
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
It's your liver I Pills
arc liver pills; they cure
r s

Eastern reflector, 19 August 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 19, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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