Eastern reflector, 14 March 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me or your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
II III ill
Loan Value,
J. Cash Value.
Paid up
I. that
ts. Will be re -instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears with Interest.
second No Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
j. To the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
the one the prettiest
marriage ceremonies ever witness-
ed took place St.
Bar. E. W. Gamble,
The contracting parties were
William Oaten and Miss
Selma Louis
Into the church filled with
friends and relatives the lovely
bride in a light brown tailor made
suit, with hat to match, entered
upon the arm of her brother, J. K.
Satterthwaite. At the chancel
she was nut by the groom and by
I he grand ceremony the church
the twain were made one.
The maid of honor was the
brides Miss Mollie
No sweeter or prettier
maid ever walked up
in the regulation dress
of hour was best man.
The ushers were J. L. Cherry
and Felix both handsome
and the personification of urban-
Immediately after the ceremony
i he bride and groom for their
home in 1-aim ville.
Presents numerous and
useful were sent them
the estimation In which each and
both were South
The man who Insurer hi Mi Is
wise for his family.
The who Insures Ms health
is wise both for his family and
You may by grave,
It. It Is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the and
itself in Innumerable
Ms Pills
And save your health.
IS 1666.
J. ff. PERRY k CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and of
Bagging, Ties Bags.
and shipments
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line cf goods on hand. Prices low
Country produce for cash or in
exchange goods.
Advertising Growth.
It is reasonable that the
should expect immediate re-
turns from his announcements.
In the case of a permanent business
however, future also is worth
considering. An establishment
which is expected to grow can well
afford lo bear the cost of
which will give to it an
place in the public memory.
The small merchant who Is
to become a large merchant
must begin his growth in the ad-
Greenville, N. C.
Dr. D James,
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington. meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
Steamer J. Sunday school
Mondays, Wednesday .
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school It. A. Allen
M every Sun
lay, morning and evening.
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
WORRY a small
thing like that, but come to
you can supply a dinner without
the aid of the I tar excellent
Hi of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
table. We also Veep the beat
lush. And m we Have
the be.-I lo be had. In fact
I he plan- lo call
Why Easter a Feast.
During all of March the sun is
coming farther north. About Ike
twentieth it shines directly on the
Equator, day is just as
long as the night. The time of
old Jewish and hence
of our Enter, depends on this
dale. This batter always comes
following the first full
moon after the sun crosses the line.
This accounts tor its so
Home Journal.
l in t
he way of
re I
For Nails,
Collars, PI
Lochs, Doors,
Paints, Rope, flames,
Shovels Cur-
A Advertising.
The advertising of a New York
savings bank the newspapers
consists of a daily ct
from the simple proverbs of
Franklin knew from
experience the wisdom saving,
and these quotation are likely to
impress readers who have
the rules of economy and
thrill. Naturally the advertising
bank will be the choice of these
readers in the selection of a
The winter been long and
cold in Chicago, the power of
endurance of its people has been
almost exhausted To save them-
selves from the necessity of
the members a German
society devised a scheme for a
night's festival in a summer gar-
A large hall was transformed
into a garden, huge trees being
placed here there and covered
with artificial leaves The walls
were painted lo represent long
country in summer. There
were tables under the trees and
a band of music. In short, every-
thing was especially
after the heat was turned on
the mercury marked eighty de-
Then came the people, the
women dressed iii white summer
garment and the men in while
duck trousers, while the children
ran about barefoot. The whole
was realistic, and at
midnight the people dispersed
they were fortified for another
three mouths of winter.
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice for per
Half Cabinets per dozen.
All oilier lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to
ample and answer questions. Tho very
best work guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a. m., to C p. m. Yours to please.
p. m. L. II. Pender,
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday
a. m. E. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. m., W. B.
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
Preaching second,
and fourth Sundays in each
month Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.
Sunday school P. M., W. R.
Parker, superintendent.
regular services
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Tile Co.
N. C.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on ha ml
Fresh goods kept es
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low an the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
A. F. ct A. M.
No. meets first and
hied Monday evening. E. E.
fin, W. M. J. M. Reuse, Sec.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. H. G. W. S. Atkins,
K. of River Lodge, St.
every Friday evening,
C. Forbes, L.
son, K. of R.
R. Vance Council, No
1696, every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith -lee
William Morgan, HO year
was found dead in a ditch
afternoon o'clock on
Mr. Button's farm, about
six miles from Last
Saturday he was known to have
had between and on his
person -when found there was
only in his It is
thought by several who knew the
old man that there has been foul
play, that he was murdered for a
few Free Press
A young in
Leaven worth, Kansas, is
for WOW congenial masculine who
would love her herself
As she incidentally remarks that
In addition lo her good points she
Is worth in cash
probabilities are that she will find
some sympathetic fellow- who will
Low to vis
Atlantic Coast Line.
The Atlantic Coast Line Rail-
way Company announces fol-
lowing low rates to Charleston
O., on account of the South Caro-
inter state and West Indian
exposition. Charleston, C.
1st, 1901 to June 1st 1902.
The following apply from
Tickets to sold daily
until including 1902.
continuous passage Una I limit ten
j in addition to date of
116.40 Tickets to be sold daily
until and including May Slat 1902.
continuum passage limit June
For tickets, Pullman reservation
any further particulars write
or call on
II. M.
Gen Pass. Wilmington, N. C.
N. C.
Pass Tarboro.
Last Call For Taxes.
Marti Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
OBSERVER Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro
Una paper.
of Hi more pages, and is
to a large extent up of
original mailer.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The largest paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Line of Hardware.
em as St, .
a m a w
AH fl M a M
i mat I
its sis is
i u u in ibis
l IS
sir is
lo tat
et ti
sat m
Ar Saul
Lt Rock;
II you lour
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney trouble-., loss
cl insomnia, lick of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin.
or any and which tell the story of bad bowel, an
system, Will Cure
It will out the bowels, cumulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the membranes tho purify your blood and put you
your again. Your will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidney to trouble you, your skin will and
freshen and you will feel the old time and buoyancy.
inking . l on, i n
. i polo rat
nature. l-m . t.
i rod
a ff It
I ill at the following
times and plane, tor Ike
taxes due for year
on and Braver
Alton railroad was agreeably at
prised a few days ago not Ice in,
In- had lain left by an Monday. Mar. at
old as a of , .
. V Mar.
while on that toad. Mar. at
pays. There is n u. t.
lost it,
S. M.
i Slur.
to i a r-
A purse Is a good thing to
lean on.
Tin- hands a clock always
on front, and they may lie
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, B
by Carriages, Carts,
Thur-day, Mar. at lunges, Safes, P.
ItS o'clock.
I a
i-t good lo- n for
day, Mm I.
Friday, Mar.
Johnson's Mil's,
Friday, Mar.
Cutler the law this is last
rail for taxes before adding cost.
Ill who fail to pay by March
will levied on and tho cost add-
ed to their laves.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
and Gall Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che
roots, Henry George
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers, Mace
torn, Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
The Commoner
in Advance.
One Year II, Months
Three Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em.
ployed. Subscriptions
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 93.50 payable In ad-
i n ii n
I MUM id
M I ft
For Sale by
The Constitutional other goods.
-i. provides that no one can tote who
I ,, is only
fa to lay
t a sail; J
, , J. a
I Ai
l t Mr, all
in the lo bis poll
wet internally will
., , , It lie
I in warm
i ii but one Perry
in u
coats and to your vote.
to see inc.
S. M.
for Art and
Main LI
vat 1842. t
ford p m.
S M p m, Mp in
m, Bad
a m, lion. Mill. H a tn,
it p m, Hop. Mill. p m
Red p m, II f at
with train N-.
it with Carolina
at Bad with the
Spring. railroad, at
the Seaboard Air and
Railway at with
Charlotte Railroad
Train on Boas
s p at, I at
at i p m. II
r. M a a.
Train, c lain
a m and . p m, I r.
. in n
list an
Train Tarboro daily
t v. i. m. l p. r f-
C mm
dally, Ill a
T m a I a m.
,. w-
Mount a m, I So p m. Sand r.
Clinton at a III
om, Clinton at a m tat
Train So Tl Bake. lot f-tr
don for all point north all
H. M.
Pass. Agent
J. K. Manager.
T. M. Manager
The Reflector
I Tuesday
MM Wilkinson
The We Ever Didn't Say.
Not sore we told yon after inventory that
stocks were then In record condition, by which we mean
Clearest of clinkers. If we didn't was the truest tiling
we ever didn't say.
Of all the hard lessons a merchant to learn
battles is NEVER CARRY OVER.
goods lately bought, and still
it's mighty bard to plunge the knife. But do it he
often or softer later. It's due to you. as well as us,
that we start new season light. DO.
VALIANT WHITE QUILT that was never sold for less than
1.26 have to go in this sale at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that you can't match st less than
this at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that has been the talk of
county could sell It at now bas to go this
IMPORTED CHOICE PATTERNS in Marseilles Patten Finish
Quilt that are sold over fur in this sale at q
Blackjack, N. C, Mar.
Mrs. Sue and children,
little Ruth and Jessie, are visiting
Mrs. f H. Mills.
Abram Dixon accompanied by
his mot her, left Friday for Snow
Hill, to be gone several days.
W. H. Wynne and B. L. Clark
left Friday evening for
lo spend several days.
We were glad to have J. W Elks
in midst a while last Sunday.
Miss Annie White spent several
days last week with sister,
F. Evans left for up
road Friday to see hit best girl.
Ed. Arnold, who has been sick
for some lime, was last
Monday by L. A. Burroughs. Mr.
also conducted
services at Hr. Arnold's home
Monday night.
Mrs. J. II. Mills baa been very
sick for lite past few days, but is
Bob. Faithful, of Com
a .,,. Sunday.
Mrs. came
Contribution School Children
As a teacher it gives me great
pleasure to know an effort is
being made to a statue in
Raleigh to the memory Sir
Allow me to offer
that school of Pitt force January 1902,
county make a contribution Paid claims caused
to fund being raised for this death of policy endow
purpose. annuities, He, last year
I am sure if each teacher will lay here is no sound-
the matter before his or her pupils, M or better company the world
It would be but a pleasure to our the Old Mutual Benefit,
Special of In tr.
Raleigh, N. C, March
There will be no bill passed
this Congress designed to red I
Southern representation in Con-
press. Senator Pritchard writes
to a Republican paper,
Times, to that effect, bod
among other things,
measure is only
one now pending before Congress,
I am opposed to that. I shall
be able tn deal with other
as they arise. You may say
to all that I am unalterably op-
posed to a force bill or anything
akin to it. I think we are capable
of working own destiny if let
Pritchard, it
granted, defeat such
lion if he so and now it is
settled that he has already
done his credit be it
Apropos of the vigorous efforts
which Commissioner of Insurance
Young been making to protect
the insurable public of this State
from the illegal machinations of
unsound insurance companies,
which operate through methods
that cheat the State of
also, it Is encouraging to note that
our people are waking up to the
injury they are doing themselves
and the irreparable injustice done
their families by patronizing such
frauds and are patronizing only
the best companies. By the
he company that probably
largest business in North Caro-
st this time, tho Old
or Newark, K. J., bas sent
out it annual statement for last
year, and figures presented
must make a man feel secure if be
is insured In a company like that.
For instance, the company's assets
amount to 976,839,027.69. Re-
from premiums in 1901, over
Number of policies
written last year, insuring
policy-holders to amount of
Total amount of
m mm
This depart j added to ill the lime. Nearly every day
there is new. We will only call your attention to a
few specialties
Plated Ware.
This Is the lost serviceable ware you cm get. It is a heavy
plate copper body, so it it almost We
have this coffee and tea pots different sizes, butter and
sugar dishes, and water pitchers serving dishes, syrup pots,
cuspidors, If you use this ware once you will
want any for it is tie best.
and China Ware.
It is no use to about this depart for everybody
knows we are tie crockery people In this part of the world.
always carry stock and you ran select the pieces for h
and if a Set
to suit yourself, much better than having to buy what
you do not want, ill I you ever use any of new in
Anti-Rust Ware.
It is guaranteed never to rust. Goats in and ask for it. In fact
we carry almost everything needed lo lit up your bed-
room, or parlor. All we want you to do is to conic
in and call for whit you We try to keep the very best in
each of departments and think we can please you price
and All ask is a trial.
Reaping the Harvest.
Sin or shame in young or old is
j always, to lie deplored. it is
. especially sad to sec a young per-
son's life ruined by a sinful act,
and sad to see a young being reap-
a h that has sown
in a moment, but when that being
old gray haired mother who
must go out her loved one
into harvest field under the
scorching sun and with him reap
the harvest, or alone, in the bitter-
of sit at her fireside
while the darkness gathers all mt
her and winds her of the
sins her child.
week a young of good family,
just entering manhood who
bat; sown his seed in a moment,
crossed the threshold of our State
for a long term,
an mother at home, who
him good-bye with a broken
he as she wailed, baby,
my baby bow can you leave
your poor old mother, so lonely,
my poor baby To her he
was same little fellow that had
gone to sleep in her arms just a
few years ago, but to the world be
was the young man, who n
moment of drunken auger had
murdered his friend. Lung after her
dear old back shall have become
bent with reaping, the harvest will
still Ii.-
J. B. Co.
The Only Department in
school to contribute some-
thing for this worthy work.
I feel sure the editor of The Re-
who already has boxes
in charge to receive contributions
for the statue, would also receive
and forward a special donation
coming from the schools of, he
W. F.
It will give The Reflector
pleasure such
donations as the
school children
to visit parents here, amount to
He I
and returned Friday. Little Ml
Becca Mills
ed borne.
Mrs. is visiting
Booklet and Newspaper.
For a business enterprise
requires to be introduced to the
i long explanations and
probably be as f
to increase taxation in order . ft
build good roads as
borrow money on a issue
but people will agree to borrow
money when they will not go down
Into their pockets and pay
A Trust is en-
lo secure an option o.
leading factories St
booklet be
form of It is
however, to reach everybody
a publication without a
liberal use of newspaper space to
call lo It, and even then
there will be very largo proportion
of the people who will never send
for the booklet, and among them
may be many of the particular
persons It is most desirable to
reach. The newspaper, the
into the bands of
virtually everybody and the ex
a sum equal to the
i i lie booklets fir newspaper
I ea Street Camera
,,, more than
g I
good old i
but Record.
which has been doing business for
fifty seven years. The new
dent, Hon. Frederick
sen, Is one of a greatest
most successful
men In United States.
Small-pox is reported by the
State Board of Health to exist in
twenty-five counties of the State,
and there are over
cases, but only one death, so
would strike off cents
of the tax on whiskey has
pared to change the revenue lax
from to cents. But there's
little prospect it becoming a
It having been
that Senator Simmons favored
Locke Craig's candidacy for the
United States Mr.
desires it to be Hated
that he Is not taking sides in the
fight this year and will net exert
himself for or against of the
candidates-1 there
seven or eight at the last
The State Board of Pharmacy
meets hero April and a State
Convention of the King's
ten, is to be held in
Jury Held Prayer.
is an almost unheard of thing
for a jury to hold prayer before
returning a verdict, lint this is
what happened in the jury room
and what was done by the twelve
men just I hey returned
Hint gave Miss Mat tie
i Baker for having her baud
mangled in one of the machines of
Raleigh Colton Mills. It will
i be recalled that the jury was lock-
ed up this case Thursday
. from half past Ti in the afternoon
I half-past at night, and
DON'T W a small difficulty was
bill in reaching a verdict. When
you tan supply a dinner without all had finally Foreman
aid of Our Thompson
line of CANNED GOODS furnish , lead in prayer, which
a variety of desirable things with much earnestness and
your table. We also I reverent attention from all present.
VERMONT jury filed into the court
Happenings In North Carolina.
The Mormons are holding a con-
A girl years of age a
were married in Mon-
A 13-year-old girl of China
Grove, in county, died
day of small pox.
Ex-Congressman T. O. Skinner
in a card advocates the election of
Judge A. Hoke to succeed Sen-
Free Press tells of
a run away couple getting married
in road near LaGrange
The couple were C. B. and
Miss Willie Smith.
A new cutler, to cost
will be placed at New
Bern. The bill was by
Congressman Thomas and has been
W. B. claiming to be a
Confederate Veteran from
was dead in a boarding
in Raleigh Monday morning. He
bad on the reels for
several days.
A Salisbury man home
the and went
in his latch key.
over a scree- the hall and Just
as be was picking himself up pistol
balls came flying around him. His
wife thought . burglar bad come
and used her pistol.
North Carolina week st
Charleston will be April
to l Wednesday, Sib,
ill be Charlotte day, Thursday,
h, editor's day and Friday,
Wilmington day. Doubtless the
Old North State will be well rep-
resented all through the week.
And FLOUR have
the best brands to be had. In fact
our store is the place lo call
anything wanted way of
Nice Groceries.
room and rendered verdict.
Raleigh New sand Observer, Bib.
The United Wales senate has
passed a bill to pay Flora Hailing
for damages on account of
illegal arrest imprison-
at Ne in January
Which reminds us Hint
Uncle Sain i sometimes a
slow paying claims against
him. If Flout isn't dead
she has probably forgotten all
alum I the anguish she for
come bandy to somebody.
Twice the
The manager of a life insurance
company who Is a striking ad-
every day in the news-
papers within bis territory has
reached this prop-
advertised insurance company
doing business through well In-
formed agents will sell twice
number policies that a non ad-
company, equally reliable
and with
dispose By
he menus companies which
not advertise regularly in
Miss Margaret Carpenter who re-
died in New Jersey at
age of years, promised her
lover who died years ago that
would marry and
kept word, she bad
numerous . n.- I
For Nails Lochs, a contemporary propounds
Windows, Paints, Hope , submit Mi u-n
Collars, Plows, Shovels and .
Tools, go to
Next door to Ricks to
I people of l lie counties of
dare say a reasonable
lion would IN unanimously
in every county not already
levying such a lax, and once es
laid sled people themselves
would never let loose until
road- wen
the same
Why of course. What is
to prevent her from rolling goo goo
eyes at one fellow being
to another fellow
ton Star.
the family can't
always raise the dough.
long marriage is
indeed a slow match.
We see Confederate
has returned bis war-
rant lo Auditor Dixon saying Unit
he did nut S pension.
would seem that his conscience
came into rower about the lime
warrant OHM. That man's
to In Mime pub-
It bas been
men ore partial lo rocking chairs
because have arm.
Richard a Klondike gold
humor, bad given
bunt in despair, when he struck a
in of a creek which
was stuffed with gold. He got out
one day of yellow
Look the Pact la the Pace.
The progress S toward
i ugly fact ,, but
,, In ii vim in lake
last slops the by ms
merely the for s times. There
is no in
Sold by ll

N. C.
Entered at the Post Office at
Greenville, K. C, as
Mail Matter.
Friday, March U, 1902.
Congressman ha-
ed an order establish
of rural free delivery routes
Greene county. Heretofore they
have only been established at rail
road points.
Secretary of the Navy Long has
resigned as a of
Roosevelt's to take effect
May 1st. Congressman W, U.
Moody, of Massachusetts, has been
chosen as his successor.
Prince Henry, of Prussia, has
finished his visit to America,
is now on his way back home. He
was given a most cordial reception
by Americans and expressed
as highly pleased.
pictures in red of two horses
and twelve mules, the horses
diagonal corners while the
mules are scattered about in every
shape. Across the center are two
questions in black the
to hear from the people
Will the people Nobody
yet has explained what the card
menus, possibly it is only a
crank amusing himself spending
some fur
Congress did not classify the
rural free delivery service and
place the carriers the con
tract system. On the the
salary to carriers was
and the amount raised from
The Norfolk street ear strike is
still on with no immediate pros-
of adjustment. cars
arc mooing but it requires
military police force to guard
them. Several small riots have
The grand jury of
county Superior court, on Tuesday
found a true bill against James
fur the murder of Mis-
Ella The case set
for trial Thursday Mid a of
To a man a long ways off there
are things about these war
stories. England has several
times declared that the war in
South Africa has ended, yet no
longer than last Friday the
gave the the set
back have received
the entire Lord
and taken
prisoner, men kill
officers and men
and missing. That is as bad
as our Philippine war which ha
ended so times.
We Bee it stated that lieu. W.
Roberts, of Gate, has declared
a candidate for the
nation for Congress by the next
Democratic convention of this dis-
end Roberts is a man
much admired all the district
and the people would them-
selves honoring him. Rut The
REFLECTOR thinks mistakes are
made in changing our Congress
men when we have a good
tentative. It seems to have been
a custom to every two or
three terms, so by the lime a
Congressman gets so he is familiar
with the run of in
to be really useful to his
he is set aside a near
put up his place. The first
district has had no better
Hon. John Small,
it would not be the wisest
thing to change now. The districts
that derive the greatest benefit are
the ones that a useful
and keep him there,
not by
Much said in the papers
about abandonment of the pro
posed trip of Miss Alice Rouse-
Mr. and Mr, F. Twentieth Mac
Williams with Mi Leila Cherry
Mrs. Cleve
Miss served salads, sand-
cheese olives and
biscuits. Ices were served by O.
It is not of occurrence Jones with Sties Clara
North that a paper prints Forbes, T. M. I looker with Miss
the marriage of a couple, then i Pat tie W. H.
years later the same paper with Miss Louise Latham.
gives account of the anniversary of There was a attendance window up and himself
the same couple. But Tin Re the reception, it was about a bad night's airing, is it We
N. C, March
a fellow's best girl
fit out riding with another
is no reason be should leave
has that privilege today.
handsomest assemblage ever see
in Greenville.
All wish Vs.
James y more happy
In The on
the of March, was
article from which we now- take
the following mar- of marriage.
of our talented young towns
man, James, Esq., to
Miss Mangle, eldest daughter of
our esteemed Treasurer,
James B. Cherry, Esq., took place
the Methodist church in this
place. Wednesday, March
at o'clock promote f Private Bruce
The bridal party, consisting Gotten, of
couples, tile, up each this county, to
aisle, keeping perfect time to the of Coast in the
wedding march skillfully played Army, as last week in
by Mr,. Ada If. Cherry.
were as Chas. to his feuds. Mr. Cot-
with Miss Button, of world
I. V. Morrill, of since leaving lour years
with Miss Van Jenkins, ago -he
Richard Williams. M
Jr., with Miss Lelia Cherry, both of party,
Of Greenville; CM. Bernard, of with all of
Greenville, with Miss Carrie
J . . in
Two Brothers in the l
well, of Andrew Joy-
with Miss Maggie Cherry, both
Greenville; W. L. Brown, of
Greenville, with Miss Annie Jones,
San in the
V. Artillery.
In a short was ordered
to China and in the
He was
of Greensboro; W. It. Wilson with around Tin
Mia. Dancy, both of Green- one soldiers
W. B. Brown, of Greenville, Von
with Mis, Lulu of Golds. on the command
Pearce, of Greenville, of the allied fores in China.
with Miss Langley, of From w
Thomas of Clinton, Maude, where
with Miss Bettie Dancy, of brother, Lyman A.
Ville; L. James with Miss of v-s- for
Cherry, both of
The bride entered with her homestead,
father, and the groom will, his Both bud Mo much service
beat man, Col. I. A. Sugg. The here Sunday.
i lemony was
must admit love is a funny thing,
but it never t reeled us that way.
There is a constant rolling away
of the buggies. Every
day almost as they leave in the
glistening the common ex-
heard is
and those who use them declare
arc just as
The purchaser is sure of a bargain
when he owns one of them.
Oscar Rollins, of Bethel, is visit-
the family of his M. G.
Elder W. L. of
spent the day here yesterday.
A. G. Cox and Mrs. Cox went to
Greenville, Tuesday.
The Truck seems to be
the need of every tobacco
Farmers are manifesting their
of its merits by daily
placing orders for coming sea-
son with the A. G. Cox. Mfg. Co.
R. H. is to lo
He went to Bethel jester
The addition to the Missionary
Baptist church will be a decided
improvement. It is expected to
be complete by the fourth Sunday
readiness services, when
will be used for first
If you need tobacco flues place
your order now when you call
for them will be ready and
you will lo.-e no lime waiting.
Make tobacco while the sun shines
Mfg. Co.
Capt. little sou, of
were visiting friends
followed by a re- We Mrs. J. W. Sparks and Miss
at the cf
Thursday Of last week lion.
John Basil, representative
from this district, made a strong
speech Congress against the bill
proposing to change the of
appointing mail carriers fur
rural free delivery routes, and let
are let. Congress Small
has seen of the evils of
tying mails over star mules by
contract lo knew that rural free
livery service will be very poor if j Ills oiler-
placed on same basis This is an opportunity
brothers if taking in the U,
pines.- and prosperity, bringing to
honors in life, and the in
teem of a wide circle of favored of
the travels of Ensign
eat cs
On Saturday evening,
were greatly enjoyed
veil, daughter of the .
Twenty years is a long lime, vet
to attend coronation of, Pill s glad to see
King Edward In Jone. The Phil h.-,,, .,. Mrs. P. G. James high rank as these
Record Mark have full nap
is for breaking op the
lady, the brought to bear
on the being for his
daughter to go as his
on an occasion and re
the courtesies that would
lie accorded her by the crowned
Europe, would not be good
polities, and besides lessening his
for re election to the Pres-
would also Injure the Re
publican Thereupon the
President had a London paper lo
declare the
do not know the true in-
of all this, but it looks
like a Injustice baa been done
the young . and a father might
well afford In oven sacrifice some
his i ambition older that
bis daughter might receive such
high honor, an honor she is no
as worthy to receive as any
young in world, and
an honor that would have been
her pride through life. President
has been and can go m,
higher. He is not specially in need
money another would
mail by contrail is just
to give somebody a Job speculating
in the routes, and such a system
has caused the star routes to be
poorly carried. If the rural
free delivery should be put on such
a basis it would greatly lower the
efficiency of the service.
can never come lo her again,
II looks like for her sake lie could
hive allowed her Ibis honor, even
I hough it him a second term
as President.
Some fellow Chicago is
amusing himself by sending out
postal cards with nothing to
meaning or they
came from, only the postmark
that they arc mailed at
one last week, and by The
just receiving , we
President Will Goto
Washington, March was
officially announced today that the
President will visit Charleston
exposition during second week
of April.
Two lawyers who
hi a Police Court
Charleston, S, C . ,
were by Magistrate
for their use of strong
,. it it a
we suppose they are now to from which
celebrated the twentieth V readers. We have been
of their marriage. more of his letters.
They had with I hem several of
those who participated at their The Rue of North Carolina.
marriage, as those of our readers When portrait were
familiar with the names and last week in Richmond of Governor
changes wrought by marriage can Gen. other no-
sec, and of North
The elegant home of Mr. Carolina, one's thoughts went
Mrs. James, on Fifth street, was a over the of that Hue
scene of beauty this occasion. State many ways. The daring
Approaching the house the front in the has followed by
was brilliantly illuminated with daring in commerce and
Japanese lanterns. The in education
and color effects the parlor suggesting the question
were of the library red, and whet her all modern North
of the dining pink not descended from
At the dour Hie guests were Dire, the first white child
welcomed by W. D. Wilson with on tin Booth Atlantis. Then
Mrs. M. M. Nelson, ho directed prompt line reply of
I hem lo the parlor, in the west B North Carolina woman, that they
of which Stood Senator and Mrs. would not forget that her was
James under a canopy Presbyterian,
white their faces Richmond, Vs.
as happy as twenty years ago. In I
by Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mrs. j,
Hits Bettie of for five months,
phis. live year old daughter of Mr.
Returning lo the hall from the no near
the guests were served with coughed it out.
by Hurt James with lit by eight
lie Miss Mary of u X ray machine
dolphin and III mm Pearce with not be lo-
Mary James.
At the entrance to A whiskey
R. L. with Miss Bessie Jarvis child to
greeted the guests and directed spit out seed,
them to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Little
J. B. Cherry, Jr., with
Ada Woolen who served out
oysters. Ii this same room were came
also displayed gifts to Mr.
James their host of
friends. These gifts were all in
china, than a hundred and
twenty live in number, re-
B. Mayo with Miss Nina
James next took charge of the
guests and ushered into the
room. Mere was a large
with twenty lights
underneath which was a hand-
A Blonde's
show more plainly than a brunette,
but discolored spots greatly mar
the beauty of either.
will effectually remove Freckles,
Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness,
and all other
to beauty.
for the face, neck, arms and hands.
Can be easily and quickly applied.
Others cannot detect its use.
It leaves no sticky
Harmless as water.
At all druggists.
Register of Deeds, T. B. Moore,
Issued the following marriage
Jacob and Lena
D. L. and Cora L. Smith.
Jell Missouri Moore.
Ham Jr., and Nellie
George Perkins and Ty-
went to Ayden Saturday
and returned Monday morning.
Wire fencing is greatly de
good old bard
horse sense farmers be
excelled are proving it by
replacing mil fence with
wire fencing manufactured by the
A. O. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mrs. Zeb of
Saturday evening and will
spend some time with the family
of father, Capt. H. M. Dixon.
Josh Manning and Sim Chap-
man attended at Red Banks
pulling and another pushing is
evidence we live in an advanced
age. The patent is not yet applied
Sumatra Tobacco For N. C.
Commissioner S. L. Patterson
and Slate Chemist B. W.
have been in Washington for the
past two days, trying to interest
Secretary Wilson, of the Depart-
Agriculture, in the
of and fine to
government undertaken
experiment of tie cultivation of
Sumatra tobacco in Connecticut,
Pennsylvania and other States.
These experiments have been
eminently successful. The soil
year show that the western
eastern sections the soil is of
character of that which ex
were successfully made
lo Connecticut The department
baa four experts in that State show-
the people how to cultivate
Sumatra tobacco. Dr. be.
it can be grown equally as
successfully in North Carolina and
will begin on the
test farm. Mr. is
to get expert from the
government to superintend the
cultivation, but It is very doubt-
if this can be done unless the
bill giving the department an in-
creased appropriation is passed by
News and Ob-
A Georgia paper tells of a re-
meeting at which a man arose
and said be was the wickedest
wretch in the town. to
perdition if I should die
he Immediately an
old started hymn,
you get there before I do, look out
for me, I'm coming, And
wondered why
How to Grow
for Profit
Prepare your land well, manure well plant a variety that
command a better price when you offer it the marker.
Two years ago I a peck of seed, planted them on half an
acre of land and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. H. J. Cobb together with several
other hales of good variety and this bale sold for three eights of a cent
more per pound lot. The is far superior to any
sold on this market and the yield is far ahead of soy thing we have la
this country. Numbers of the beat farmers in the county saw my
crop growing in the field and pronounced it as fine as they ever saw.
I am now offering these seed for sale at 91.00 a bushel. Parties
wanting any of seed will send me their order at once as I
only a limited quantity for sale.
O. L.
Greenville, N. C.
A Southern Enter or For The South.
Noe. TOO, E. Broad St., Richmond, Va.
In south the ides has prevailed la the past that la seed of
, one must lake trip North lo
one must lake an trip North to
then most pay use
ones, carrying a of lo
Grades of Furniture, sad coupled with LACE CURTAINS.
AND department, established la Um Soul a
If la two, and as-
of North
k is now complete to overflowing;,
where Cheap be obtained and a lout; journey cot half la and as-
a today in I n
and Virginia and near-by to visit in MODERN
Stock is now
recently been made. All marked In
MS. f A
plain flumes am o cull discount ten 1-r cent
allowed. THE LEADERS
All Kinds at The Reflector
John and Mary laughed.
Writ At
Tell the good people that the
is now in Northern Markets
making for
Spring Summer
and as his store will be
headquarters for the finest
and best of. SB
Hen's Wear.
Always keep on
If there is a GROSS MARK
in margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that owe
Tint for
and we request
yon to s tile as early as
We need YOU
owe us and hop you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
rind the cross mark on their
work now.
able to do some
dropped lo
Northern Bliss tor Seed at
Humor says there will be
wedding soon.
The trees generally are showing
signs of now.
You hear the birds sing if
this weather
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and lb gross,
T. R. Moore is having bis
In South Greenville made larger.
W. C. baa received a large
St. Bernard dog to add to ken-
Borne people commenced to
feel the approach of tired
The Sheriff and Town Tax Col
making last
for taxes tins week.
The March civil of Pitt
court will begin Mon-
day, Judge F. D. Winston
The catch of shad is increasing
sod prices correspondingly
lower, the Ash still demand
good figures.
Eggs taken s big decline in
northern markets
being about half what did two
or three weeks ago.
The telephone Hue bas been
completed for Grifton and
put In
The line being extended lo
W. II. Long has disposed
of the following cases in court
colored, selling
fresh fish in town, places other
than market, fined one penny
and coal,
Both Dead.
A telegram received from Jones-
today brings the
that both lather and
mother are
dead and both were hurried to
had pneumonia Mr.
who is The excel-
lent foreman, left last week to be
St their bedside. His host of
friends in Greenville deeply
with him in this
Changes in Transportation.
The Old Dominion
baa withdrawn
on Tar river between Green-
ville and Tarboro, and will
hereafter only do business
here and Washington.
ere hi d belonging
lo Tarboro Oil Mills, will do
the for nil points above
Attacked by Bull.
Mr. who lives
a few miles from some
i with a bull, Monday,
t he will not He
went out in a lot where the animal
was tied with a small lope intend-
to take away to work. The
boll made a rush at Mr. Daven-
port, breaking rope. He threw
Mr. Davenport several feel in the
sir and when he fell to the
rushed on him again. He grabbed
animal by and as he
lay on ground held bull's
bead until help could reach bun.
One of Mr. Davenport's ribs was
broken in the encounter.
A Beautiful
Reported for The
On afternoon Mrs. J. B.
Cherry gave s joint reception lo
her visitors sod
M. M. Nelson, of Scot-
land Neck, and Mrs. John W.
Goodwin, of to
End of Book Club.
Io addition to men-
there were also present
visitors Mrs. Davis,
wife of Col. A. C. Davis,
of Goldsboro, a guest of Mrs. F.
G. James; Mrs. how. also
of Goldsboro, a guest of Mrs.
Alfred Forbes ill Miss of
Danville; Mrs. Joseph Mrs.
Cleve and Mrs. P. C. Mon-
of Greenville.
Owing lo some
the literary I the
evening not carried out, but
pending of several
questions there was more than
Him ii- alter another
drawn, and good In-
humor Hashed
from all sides of room
bad been tastefully
with violets sud potted
The exercises the closed
with a prise for person who
could note down largest
of words lo be formed from
letters of the in the
space of eight minutes, two min-
being alloted for each letter.
Mrs. W. It. Grimes won prise,
s pretty gold filigree almond spoon.
Cherry then
elaborate luncheon to which every
one present did as full justice us
season of denial or of
gastronomy will allow.
Club will meet with Mrs.
L. Little on Tuesday, 1st of
difference between failure
and success is that one la due to
bald luck and to genius.
Some Speak to Me. Some to Yes.
J. S. came borne
day evening.
R. O. left this morning
Mrs. H. T. Daniel went to Dunn
this morning to visit
Mrs. Ola Forbes left Sunday to
visit father country.
F. M. Whichard left today for
Charleston to
Charlie of Bethel,
spent Sunday here and returned
home today.
Mis. Cornelius of
is visiting her daughter
Mrs. It. M.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
little son returned Saturday even-
from Washington City.
Miss Wooten, of Kin-
who is teaching at Ayden,
pent Saturday here with friends.
Mrs. R. J. Cherry, of
who bas been visiting eon. M.
Cherry, returned home Saturday
Miss Mary Lou Tucker, of
ville, is assisting Miss Thornton
at Masonic Hall School
during the absence Miss
Capt. Z. T. Vincent has moved
bis family here from Portsmouth
will live in Greenville.
He will be a conductor on log
train from Greenville to
March 1902.
R. S. Evans up the road
E. II. went to Durham
J. G. of Wilson, came
of Goldsboro, ii
in town.
Rev. F. II. returned
from Grifton today.
Charles Skinner returner
day Baltimore
II. W. returned Monday
from a trip up the road.
Mrs. W. T. Hunter little
eon returned this morning from
S. Spain went to Kinston
Monday evening and returned this
Tom of Oxford came
down Monday evening to visit his
father, H. A. Blow.
Mis. E. A. Jr. Mrs. W.
M. Brown, and Mrs. W. H. White
left morning for Baltimore.
J. R. of Aim of J. B.
Cherry ft Co., left Ibis morning
markets to buy
new goods.
Mrs. M. this morn
for Baltimore to buy
goods. Tom
her and will have eyes
Miss Mattie of
baa visit-
her sister, Mrs. K. Walter,
returned home taking a lit-
daughter of Mm. Walker with
Wednesday, March 1902.
D. C. Moore went to Bethel to-
Jesse went up road
Ibis morning.
Mrs. to
Scotland Neck today.
Mrs. D. Gardner left this
ruing Nest.
O. Hooker M. II.
went to Tuesday and re-
turned tin- morning.
K. A. been
away for a mouth bit
health, Tuesday.
desire to return thanks to
the members and friends of
Methodist church for the very lib
donation given to the
last Friday We now have
an of eatables. Paul
said he knew what it was to
abound. So do we.
II. M. ft Mas. H. M. Knit.
The meeting which bas been
progress in the Methodist church
for the four weeks closed Sun-
day night. Notwithstanding the
snow and rain the
were good, manifested
all it. Visible
Six professions and five accessions.
Rev. Mr. greatly endeared
himself the people by
and Interest in their
I of T. Lee New York Cost.
Shoes, Dress Goods, fact
in a first-class up-to-date store, will begin sale
Tuesday, Feb. 11th, a. m.
at W. T. Lee Co's old stand. No goods
charged or sent without the cash.
Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes.
and Shoes.
t Ladies, Misses Children and Baby Shoes.
pair war anted Solid Leather
ill reduced prices.
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.

Have You Forgot
Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
in war , WHICH, AM to mention
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
Juvenile Pilferer Made
Terms With His
A gentleman v. best fruit orchards
hid Mas very often robbed caught
a boy up one trees one day
last autumn.
down, you rascal,
shouted the
fear and you replied
the urchin.
I'll wait till you
said the lad.
They had waited about an hour
when an idea occurred to the boy.
Snatching an apple, he took a steady
aim and hit the old fellow on the
head with it.
What's up
fast I'm to keep
till every apple's oil the tree
unless promise not to lick
if I'm to pet a I'm nun
to me sport for it. What
old fellow had to agree.
London Answers.
M Ms t
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
h easy t
lake No Substitute.
in 1666.
J. W. CO.
Norfolk. Va,
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging. Ties and Nags.
and shipments
Cash Value.
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
Will be reinstated If arrears be paid wit bin on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
are payable the beginning of the and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an daring the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Never Hit Him at All.
The Judge What did you hit
this man with anyway J
yet honor.
The But look him.
He's in a horrible condition. Surely
you didn't do that with your fists.
J be the heels and bumped
a brick wall a few times. Hut
I didn't hit
How It Seemed to the Pup.
it comments by Statesmen, Professional and
other, In the activities, for its outrun-
In sifting actual from conflicting and
of current events in their proportion, on
freedom from All women who
rant to know what the world is rind it an Intellectual necessity,
Judge from the letters received from hundreds Its editorial are
comprehensive, and labor saving to the busy mar. woman Its
contributions on Important topics are by the best-informed
It, review, of other magazines give the of best
work It Is profusely illustrated
These letters will enable
of value to them
PRESIDENT a constant let the
know that through Its Review of apple.
views have been presented date ll vary highly Indeed I
m I could not otherwise have It a very part I
has to i all library, and practical is
men. no matter one In We
widely their Ideas diverge, are V. Hi
giver, tree utterance In
ts col.
It Is tel
I Ii ; nil
I consider s very valuable Indiana
edition u my
I do Have a C
time read i i
It is a publication very
value I have sometime, found P , am
there very matter Indeed , on I
which I should nm otherwise have Bed. S , . on m i
fend particulars as how ii M baa -r. In-a i lei
books cents a month
Che of Company
If you have stomach, biliousness, constipation, bod
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backs-he. loss
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or ohm,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell tho story of bad bowels en
Impaired digestive system, Will Cure ion.
It will the bowels, stimulate tho liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys to trouble you, your skin will
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers papas I on .
It or i j
i ,. I.
U for U,
For Salt by
is not I I I
W- -.-. la any .
C, of
i , In
. t I I . I
Last Cat For Taxes.
I will attend at the following
limes places the purpose
of collecting taxes due for the year
C. I. Smith's Store, Heaver Dam
Township, Monday. March at
a. m.
Mar. at
at o'clock.
Falkland, Wednesday, Mar.
Gum Swamp church,
township, Thursday, Mar. at
a. in.
Mar. IS, at
Carolina township, Fri-
day, Mar.
Factoids. Friday, Mar.
Ayden, township,
Friday, Mar.
Johnson's Mills. Creek
township, Friday Mar.
Friday. Mar.
the law ibis is the last
call for adding cost.
All Who mil to pay by
will levied on and the cost add-
ed to their r-s.
The Constitutional Amendment
provides that vote
fails to pay his poll tax.
Fay your taxes in lime to save
coals and to save your vote.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, X. C.
Nice line goods hand. Prices low
produce bought for cash or in
for goods.
There was. only one
can that Tommy tied on to the
pup's tail, but after
Dr. D James,
day, Pray
Rev. Booth, pastor.
Steamer My res leave
ton daily at A. M. for Greet.-
II, for Washington. St.
raves u v
school a. M.
M or
A. Allen
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday .
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Boy from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. Aft.,
Greenville, N. C.
L. II.
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs for Si par
Half Sago par
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the time. and
examine my work. No trouble Io show
and answer questions. The very
best work guaranteed Io all. hours
s to s. m, to p. m. Yours to
-that nun run n mile it
teemed in i like this.
Low Rates to Charleston Exposition via
Atlantic Coast Line.
The toast Line
way Company the fol-
lowing low rates to Charleston s.
on of the
Una and West
S. C.
Dee. 1st, to June 1st 1802.
The following lilies apply from
111.30 Tickets to be oM dally
until and May 31st
final limit ten
days in addition to dale of
115.45 to he sold daily
until and including May 1902.
For Pullman
and any write
or call
II. M.
Pass. N.
J. K.
Greenville, N.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly an
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your onion to
Greenville Co.
N. C.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete In every
payment and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market
paid produce.
Sunday, Bar
i. B.
school a. m. a. B.
P. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday, far services
every 2nd 4th Sunday.
a. an., W. B.
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a.
and fourth Sundays in each
month Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. D. W. Davis, pastor.
Sunday school P. M., W. B.
A. F. A A. M.
No. meets first and
Monday evening. K. B.
W. M. J. B.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
IT. Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. H. O. W.
K. of Lodge,
OS, meets every Friday evening,
C. Forbes, L.
son, K. of B. and
B. Vance No
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Secretary, J.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
nights in Odd Fellow
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. Smith, See
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
f Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
And the run half tin
i- I --1 from
that can
what of It-
Sweet Things.
Mia gel wed-
ding ll i- morning which
team quite now.
aren't they just
swell Do know, I'm going
mine like that when I'm
Miss my dear,
will be dais by that
cm tinder land
I said Mrs.
it's n- said Mr
I m tin
i lion
i I In air
Hall I
A He
A f II m till e ll i i one
the in ll ho n hold, and
hi o v ii- i
lie n ii all lite
tho an
upper . ., or
Thou i i
loss of hi lbs i n
where i
about on i
Tin- c i hi I ill
contain n of camphor, some
Inn i. ii few of
nine in i
oil, . ii . i, i-
things have been triad
and found good.
Should r of the family
be burned cover the
portion linseed oil
Ho ii it with cotton
WOOL Allow it Io remain twenty-
hours. .
The bill deferred u
drivel a to burrow,
Adam belonged to the
very and yet they
were never to of their
game of
Garden will soon be want-
Hie get it.
Many it cuts an old
when he tries to stave him
it deaf can get a heal-
in court.
Life i but it one
another goes down.
The who
art demanding in rail
road rates ought to be
are two
cents mile In Minnesota, while
in this part of country they
almost charge a man for looking at
lime Journal.
North Foremost
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
v AR.
largest news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
special service is tho greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of Hi r more pages, and is
to a client made up of
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
l per year. The largest paper
in North
Sample copies sent on application.
Add ran
. i
Also a nice Line of Hard
Wood's Seeds
We have In
VI Second Crop Seed.
Wood gives
v as
to with Maine-
n It
mesh other useful
Write for
Potato Price List.
I r-l MIS.
not only but
l. sort In-
r -I
Wood Son,
for prices.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
Stocks, Cotton, and
ons. Private Wires to New York
Chicago and New Orleans.
n ii
am pm rat
it as lea
II is SI
I Mil IS
s i n a
. I.
and and
Dealer. paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Oak Salts, Ba
by Go Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
lard and Gail ft Ax
High Key West Che-
roots, Henry Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candles, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware. Tin and Wooden
Ware, and Crackers,
Beet New
Mat-blues, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
S. M.
The Commoner
IV .
in Advance.
One Year It, Six Months
Three Bing. Copy
No traveling canvassers em
ployed. taken
Tub The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or
one year for 13.60 payable in ad-
Ar .
Main leaves
US, a
ford n m.
arrive p m leers
SO p arrives
S am, Of, a as, Red
m, Hope Mills H a
m, Hops Mills a p
pm, m.
T Up as
Connections at with train M.
at with the Carolina
at Bed Springs with the Re
railroad, at
Seaboard Air Line
Railway at with the
ea see
rives at IS . s
fill s m, I a as,
at m. SI
. . v-v
for free
WASH. s,
Trains ob I
in and pin,
and I
p m. I a
. -in SIB
a leave
IN p .
Mosul lions, dell;
Train leaves
a a III
p a. at SB
la pa.
No Hashes
all rotate all BE
J. B. Manager.
T. M.
The Eastern Reflector.
The Truest Thing We Ever Didn't Say.
Not whether total you after inventory that
stocks were then in record condition, which we mean
C lea re at clinkers. If we didn't it was the truest tiling
we aver didn't say.
Of all the hard lessons a merchant has to learn the
is OVER.
Into goods lately bought, light and still Io
fashion, It's mighty bard to knife. But do it ho
often must, or suffer later. due to you. well as us,
that we start new season WE DO.
VALIANT WHITE QUILT that was never sold for less
have to go In this sale at
WHITE QUILT that yon can't match at less than
after this sale at
WHITE QUILT that has been the talk of the
county sell It at now has to go in this
IMPORTED CHOICE PATTERNS in Marseilles Batten Finish
Quilt that are the world over for l, In this sale at
N. O, Feb.
Sherrod of Hamil-
ton spent Sunday In town.
B. W. Mosley and W. R.
spent In
H. L. Salisbury, of
spent Sunday in this place.
Mr. sod Mrs. James Bryant, of
spent Saturday and
day with Mrs. M. O.
James Andrews, A. C. L. agent,
at spent
J. W. Thomas spent Tuesday in
Miss Bella is visiting Miss
Pearlie of Parmele,
this week.
Miss Essie of this
place, left Wednesday for
J. W. Rose spent Monday
and Tuesday In Tarboro and re-
turned Wednesday.
Mrs M. . Blount left
for Baltimore to purchase a spring
line of millinery.
J. J. Barker spent Tuesday
night Tarboro.
Miss Sadie Beverly, of Edge
spent Sunday with Misses
Balls and Bose.
D. C. Moore, of Greenville, spent
Wednesday In business.
M. Cherry, of Mount Olive
Is visiting relatives here.
Tom Howard, of Tarboro,
Monday Tuesday here.
Miss Harrell, of Tarboro,
spent Sunday with Miss
Misses and Grimes
spent with Miss
Mrs. S. A. and children
are Mrs. Frank
C. H. James spent Wednesday
In Tarboro.
Mrs. D. S. Harper spent
In Conetoe.
Harry Whedbee, of Greenville,
spent Wednesday in town on bus-
J. W. of Greenville,
drummer the Sup-
ply Co., is In
Spring seems to have sprung.
Blackjack, N. C, Mar.
Mis. Louisa Dixon Abram
Dillon returned from a
visit to Snow Hill and
Mrs. Sue and children,
Mamie Ruth Jesse, Sat-
and with Mrs.
Cox at Calico.
W. H. Wynne and Elder Clark
retained front.
W. F. Evans returned
Miss is spending
some time with her brother, Jesse
Misses Annie White
Wednesday with
Miss Nannie
W. H. Wynne and W. F. Evans
have announced that they will
meet at school house Friday
night for the purpose of organic
a debating society.
Misses Nannie Annie
White spent Wednesday afternoon
visiting at W. H. Wynne school.
Mrs. J. H. Mills and Mrs. Sue
made a visit Io New
Town one day last week.
Mar. b.
Capt. W. J. Pope went on a bus- j
trip to Monday.
Geo. Dixon, of Maple Cypress, I
paid town a visit Sunday.
L. O. Cox went Io Greenville
Mrs. W. Blount returned to
New Bern Monday after
visit here.
P. of New Bern, arrived
in the city Tuesday.
Mr. representing
Goldsboro Drug Co., was here
Vance Wall arrived Saturday
from High where he has
been to recuperate his health after
a severe attack of typhoid fever.
W. H. Patrick baa opened a
livery business here We
are glad to know when we want a
class horse and we can
get it.
Mrs. C. J. Rivenbark, of Golds
spent I he day here Monday
with her sou, Karl.
The river is falling very slow
here, not even as fast as it rose.
The fishermen are looking for lot
of shad and other fish this season.
Some are already being caught near
here in skim nets. The water is
too high for
J. P. and Fred
went to Kinston Tuesday.
Earl Rivenbark left for
Tuesday, where he thinks of
There was a and
magic lantern show up in Lang's
hall Tuesday night with a very
small crowd.
Mrs. O. Bland is now at
more buying spring millinery
Miss of
has been visiting Mrs. Kittrell n
few days.
of Craven,
was here Thursday soliciting or-
for a drug firm of Norfolk.
J. C. and O. W. Gaskins
gave a shad stew and fry on Tin-
beach Wednesday.
This I Hug milled In
new, ml
few specialties.
I lie lime. day
only cull your attention to a
Plated Ware.
This la the MM serviceable ware you can get. It is a heavy
plain on a copper body, so it is almost We
have I It Is are in coffee lea poll different butler and
sugar and water pitchers serving dishes, syrup pots,
cuspidors, waiters, fee. If you use Ibis ware once you will never
want other kind for it is c belt.
and China Ware.
It is no use to say anything this department for everybody
knows are the crockery people in this par of the world.
always carry a large Mock and you ran select I he pieces for
Dinner and T a Set
Io suit yourself,
you do not Did
i is much better having to what
yon over use any of these new goods in
Anti-Bust Ware.
It is guaranteed never to rust. Conic and ask for In fact
we carry almost everything needed to Hi up your kitchen.
sitting-room, or parlor. All we you is Io conic
in and call for what you Want, try to keep the very best in
each departments think em please you both in price
quality. All we ask is a trial.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department in
The Republican is certain I
doing C. logs these days which
lie the cause of losing fr
lull claim ever had of promoting
the business interests of
Tie most recent display of
weakness is action of the
S mile committee on immigration,
which bus decided in favor of the
bill Including the from
Slates and also from
Philippines, a further
provision Chinese sailors
lie employed on ships of
American register except In cases
of only until
oilier can lie secured. In
forecasting a report on
measure sonic days ago, out
Washington correspondent pointed
mil Strong arguments brought
to bear against too rigid Chinese
exclusion by Southern
interest, which
necessarily look to the Orient for
sale of a great part of
goods tine of Hie strongest point
made by the Republicans when the
relent inn of the Philippines Was
first broached Was it would
help keep Hie policy
in China in working older and
give American a
basis from which to sell millions
worth of goods to
Chinese, and yet lit
they take steps to enact a
law not only entirely Io exclude
these people from our shores, but
from islands in their own part of
world, in the work of develop-
which they have been one of
the factors. The China-
limn is not a fool when it comes to
trade matters, sod be will doubt-
less take measures in retaliation
and cause Io have Io threaten
The Republican party
wains to maintain
kind of an open door to China
is used iii a rat trap, the open part
being all on the outer
Small crops, unsalable I m
result from want of
Vegetables are especially
fond of Potash.
our free pamphlets.
It is supposed tho
gentleman who foil out of a
wagon cracked his skull
against the brick will
sue the town
ham Herald.
Why certainly. Didn't the
town have placed, or permitted to
be placed, the brick Just exactly
where the head of the gentleman
could or did strike
This reminds us of another case
of equal dignity which occurred
recently. A little girl boarded a
street railway, and soon discover-
ed seated, front of her an
the circumstance she declared with
feeling she never so
cared in life. Her little broth
who listened with i
concern much mixed w,
promptly said, you
ought to sue that railroad company
lie had been reading recent court
decisions as to
no Post.
The Vila of
A forcible of the
of intensified farming comes
from southern G nil ford. A young
man we withhold
planted two acres of tobacco in the
spring of Concentrating his
energies on a small crop be brought
It Io a high stale i f cultivation,
more than usual.
His father planted a crop of
acres on the same farm from which
he less money than the I
eon. The labor expense at-
to the crop six acres
would, had they been expended on
third acreage, brought
more clean cash to farmer,
honestly believe. of
ii Strength could have been
used at it less cost those em-
ployed on six acres. Double
the of cultivation would
have emailed less work on the
smaller crop. In curing and hand
Hug the work would have
less, and in returns there would
nave been a decided advantage.
Greensboro Patriot.
f PB
When Arc Lite.
The court judges of
forth Carolina are fast falling into
a elision of recent origin which is
as senseless as it is unjust. We
refer to the failure of judges to
rive at the points where courts are
to be held promptly at opening
hour of court on the first day.
This week Judge Coble is hold-
court in Winston. He was
due in Winston Monday morn-
but failed to arrive before
Tuesday. The loss of an entire
day work, a positive injustice Io
county, but Judge Coble
cannot be ill contempt of his own
court people of will
have to grin and bear It. We do
lint single OUt Coble, for
instance is only an illustration
Souvenirs of Prince
visit to Washington command
high prices. Andres, head
winter at the New Willard, has a
was presented to him
by Deny. He has been of-
large sums for the which
is an Imperial gold with the
princes initial in diamonds above
A white house who
in securing an autograph
from the prince has offered
it, but he more.
The embassy and the
while home have been by
people seek some little article
with the prince was
Bits of towels used by
prince at the arc eagerly
sought by those who have
Guests at the state dinner to the
prince at the white house can com-
their own prices for a menu
card. There were but printed
consequently, they are scarce.
hangs over a bar a local
The proprietor says he has refused
for it. The chair in which
the prince rode the electric
road to Mount Vernon is displayed
in a furniture show window,
elaborately decorated with German
and American Hags, and has a big
price Free Press.
It to overestimate the
the value a good superintendent
r done by an
tent one, says the Atlantic
Journal. Just us the teach-
is school, the
dent is the school system, which
regardless of statutes and legal re-
strict inns, will seldom be either
or worse than it is made by
the ability care of super-
We have just added Steam Supply to our business
will -ell in this line vary low. See us in ant of of In.
will . en any j e say it is In Hie
Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all Pipe Pitting all sixes.
LINE OF Parking, Robber Bolt,
Belt, Belt, Belt Luring;, Belt Hooks, Ac.
The new York bankers favor
the bill before Congress to make
silver dollars exchangeable for
gold. The alleged reason for this
Is to the parity. All
Congress would have to do Io
cure would be to give silver
same legal standing that gold
has, then let the
pay it out and otherwise treat it as
ins in which courts are held for
judges to delay these courts.
Witnesses jurors are required
to In. hand promptly at
opening hour of court every
Should they absent
elves they in contempt and
Iii the payment of a
line or Imprisonment This is good
and well, for wheels justice
Should not lie clogged to soil the
convenience of any Individual.
Hut law that governs absentees
should apply with equal force
and witness.
bury Sun.
Least the Past la the Face.
progress of a bed mid toward
consumption lie terrible sudden.
Don't let this ugly fact you, but
you begin to cough take Alien's Lung
Balsam, that atop, the by curing
merely th. cough for a There
is no narcotic drug la Allen's Lung Bel
saw. Bold by all
machine. Sewer lip and Farm Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
The Prosecuting Attorney of
con Wyoming has en
suit against
Casper, that state,
and signed a petition
asking that he an assistant
In a murder trial, and he alleges
that his i reputation was
thereby its -inn
Chamber of Commerce of
Tenn., has unanimous-
passed resolutions urging the
Io the
school of State on and
personal properly from to US
Ina lengthy discussion of
subject was brought out that the
average school term for the state
them- only ninety six days and the
average salary of school teachers
only thirty-one dollars per month.
Doe of the members in a vigorous
speech advocated the resolutions
ft out commercial standpoint
atone, declaring eight or
nine school term in the
1.1 of Immense financial val-
to as education not
increases earning capacity
people, but also increases ill like
manner their desire to purchase
more goods of every
lay at Asheville.
died Tues.
The Best for Malaria
i bills is a of
It is simply
I cure,
Pay. Ma
f .

Eastern reflector, 14 March 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 14, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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