Eastern reflector, 11 March 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see for your next Barn of Flour
Yours to
las. B. White.
I II lift
Loan Value.
Cash Value,
;. Paid up Insurance.
I. Insurance work automatically,
Will lie reinstated if arrears lie i . i. t month
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears with Interest.
second No
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
J. To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Is by in
others If fin I
In the actual from conflicting rep tn the
in their just proportion.
from All men and women
MM to what the world n it an
to from the received from hundreds Its editorial are
and labor to busy men woman Its
on Important topics ate the
writers Its reviews of the test of then test
work It j profusely
These letters will alt men to
of its to them
that through i. c.
I an, a . lei
Review of R and
views have presented to
me that t could not otherwise a very
bad a because all c library, and pi .
; ; men, one In
r m widely their Ideas diverge, an V, i .
given utterance in Its cg
; i
t I
v.- t ;
day . .
Senator, u
I lei a e
n ; my
It a p it very great
have so me limes U I
lb n otherwise I ave l
I do r. i .
time t re . . . .
Mr particular I t how it t-
i cents a month
n . . . e
If you have indigestion, biliousness,
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and which tel the of bad and an
impaired system, I ax n kola Mill Cum
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the membranes of tho purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your akin will clear
and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
inking to i C
u i
It pin,
n . dean the
ill, ad art I
he ll for
For Sale by
Hy its adherence to the
its logical
lion of the law, as voiced by Sena
tor of Texas, the democratic
minority in the Senate scored a
victory hist week and forced
protein to recede
from the autocratic position which
he had assumed. Following the
personal Sena-
tors I ma n and which
had occurred last Saturday, and to
which only the action
of Senator Fry leads me to refer,
the President protein caused to be
erased from the rolls the
the names of the two senators from
For the reason
named, when the Philippine bill
was passed on Monday
How to nit Rid of a Cold.
I cm to rid
to Ins
ii cheer up met take Lung
nil Tin remedy merely
Date, bat It ii
Advice to the Aged.
Ac. brine,
weak and
and LIVER.
have a effect on these organ,
the bowels,
to perform their natural functions as
In and
to the bladder aid LIVE.
They are to old and
neither senator was an op
to vote. Senator
however an ably presented the no-
constitutionality of the action of
the that their names were
restored on I he following day and
ate adjournment of Tuesday's
Wednesday's sessions because
they feared to the matter
until the Committee on
and Elections had re-
ported. Thursday the Senate met
in joint session with the House to
participate In the memorial
vices held tor President
and on Friday
reported, both
for baying violated
the Senate removing from
the Stigma Of contempt
which had In in placed upon I hem
the whole Senate executive
There is a further report due
from the above named
It has been Instructed to
gate the charges Tillman
that Mr. was bribed
with promise of the federal pat-
of the slate, to vote for I he
rail Deal Ion of the treaty of Paris.
As well known, the junior Sena-
tor from South Carolina had made
a speech in the Senate denouncing
the treaty, and later, after a call
at the White House, he voted for
lie has since
adopted the republican caucus
and has dictated the up
in his slate. The
democratic ah r-
the due got pursue
the Investigation of Mr. Tillman's
and say that no furl her re-
port will la- brought in.
On the S. the
I census bill. It was
pasted by the House the same
day and tin- President will have
nun an opportunity of
how sincere he is his pro
of regard for civil
vice reform, m the bill is the
Mow to the reform and
the aims of the Commission which
has struck by Congress in
years, By Its provisions it gives
precedent In the line of appoint
mint, to about 1500 of
the Census office who were appoint-
ed by I over a
equal who have
civil examinations
and are eligible to appointment as
soon as vacancies occur.
The memorial exercises of the
late held on
elaborate and impressive.
The hall masted playing
favorite hymns
Hand, and the en
log Sicilian Hay, which was
remarkable for I he f its
die Inn in d beauty its nets
nil ed to e an
if s that
look one latch last sad
the in
lulu-I. Henry of Pius
was preserved
a of
decorum from an
Ann in an standpoint.
I him closely, I
Hull lie never moved an inch
the hour and a half
which was for Mr. Hay
to deliver his address.
i not n. ,
i i. i.
. HO I
IV- I, II,
U. i
i i. mum
Low Rates to Charleston via
toast Line.
The Atlantic Coast Line Ball-
way Company announces the fol-
lowing low rates to Charleston
C, on account of South Caro
Una inter state West Indian
exposition. Charleston, C.
Dec. 1st, to June 1st
The following apply from
Greenville, N. C.
Tickets to be sold daily
until and including 1902.
continuous passage final limit ten
days In addition to date of
Tickets to be sold daily
until including May
passage limit June
For tickets. Pullman reservation
and any farther particulars write
or call on
II. M.
Gen Pass. Ant. Wilmington, N. C.
J, It. Mi mil t;,
Tarboro. y. C.
American Climate.
tin the Ins U u day comet
a next thing
know I Ii- weather is again.
No wonder people have and son
stoat and Luckily, Perry
is to give relief.
Take it internally and rub it into
sail it. There iI but
one Painkiller, Perry
An anxious enquirer asks the
New York Sim why a dog wags
his tail. That's what the dog's
tail is for, to wag, and the dog has
to wag himself because if he
wanted to he couldn't get any
dog lo wag iI for him. Some
people such foolish questions.
Wilmington Star.
The Heat Prescription Malaria
Chills and Fever is of
Tonic. It ii simply iron
a cure,
List Call For Taxes.
I will attend the following
limes and places the purpose
of collecting taxes due for year
C. II. lb aver Dam
Township, Monday, March at
III a. in.
Monday, Mar. at
at o'clock,
Falkland, Wednesday, IS.
Hum Swamp church,
township, Thursday, Mar. at
a. m.
Bethel, Thursday, Mar. at
Stokes, Carolina Fri-
day, Mar.
Friday, Mar.
Friday, Mar. it.
Johnson's Mills, Creek
township, Friday Mar.
Friday, Mar. II.
the law this is the last
call fir taxis adding cost.
All who tail In pay by March 1.1,
will U levied on and the cost add-
ed to ii . i .
Tin- Amendment
provide, that no one can vole who
tails to pay his pull
Pay join taxes in lime lo save
costs aid to save your vote.
I'm, Slop Tickling,
quickly la
Wood's Seeds
BEST i -iv i SOUTH.
out of
We have ill
mill Vi Second Crop Seed.
sand Maine-
Brown aced. It
mill valuable Information
Write for
S,.,,., potato
for I up lo
I null- till
, . i- .-. --t i I crops
I a way at row-
I . i i, i r in r an d
lo for
IN 1866.
J. ff. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Fae-tors and handlers of
Bagging, lies and Bags.
and shipments
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line on low
Country Tor cash or In
tor gos.
Dr. D James,
N. C.
leader in good work low prices
Nice per dozen,
per dozen.
All other lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
picture cheap.
on hand all tho time. Come
t-i work. No lo show
answer very
gild ran teed to Office hours
a to a. I. to p. m. please,
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please scud your outers to
tub Greenville Co.
N. c.
Carolina's Foremost
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington Atlanta,
its special service is the greatest
ever handled a North Caro-
of Hi or more pages, and is
to a large i made of
original mutter.
ER printed Tuesday Friday
I per year. The largest paper
in North
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
. M.
retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Col ton Meed, Oil liar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. lied
steads, Oak Suits,
Carriages, Go Carts, I'm lo.
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
High West Che-
roots, Henry Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Matches, Oil,
i Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
toot, Rest New
Machines, and mi
melons i goods. Duality and
Quantity. fur cash. Com
to see me.
S. M.
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. O.
. W.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on hand
Fresh goods kepi constantly en
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
par and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
-------DEALER IN
Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain
one. Private York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year II, Months tide,
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly Reflector and
will be sent together
one year for or The
one year for 13.60 payable in ad-
e i .
wash, ,.
every San-
morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
lay, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday Rev.
H. M. Eure, pastor. Sunday school
p. in. L. H. Pander,
J. B Morton, pastor
a. m. E. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. m., W. B.
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
Christian Preaching second,
and fourth Sundays In each
month. Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.
Sunday school P. M., W. R.
Parker, superintendent.
A. F. A A. M.
No. meets first and
bird Monday evening. E. K.
fin, W. M. Rents, Bee.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. O. W. Atkins,
K. of River Lodge, He.
us every Friday evening,
C. S. Forbes, L.
son, K. of R.
R. Vance Council, No
1696, meets every Thursday even-
lug. W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall, Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every and third
nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, See
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights In Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith lee-
Jan. IS.
I. v
a ill
la aS
m I k
OS c
I ll It
l IS
I. W
Lt ll
a ii lit
is a a
Tarboro IS
Lt Roar I I SI ISM
ton p m
I Up m.
p m. arrive p m
SO pm, arrives
Branch-Train Ben-
am, a Red
S m, Hop. Mills a m,
p m, Bone Mills
It.-1 p m. s p
t in. at with train I.
with Carolina
at Red with the Red
railroad, at
Railway at with in.
Train on tea
p I fl p m.
at p et
pm. did
I St a .
at ll , . W
I OS a and I a at, I ft
a aM s M
. m and ft at p m, as.
Ian, Tarboro Salty
at ill p IS
t M . a. at .
Train c Mar. Soils
p .
I t- n Sprint Hope II H, ll
a in I's a m
l is p a. a m. at lo. if
It at. I So p . dally y.
Train Vim
dally, a I II
, in.
Train No make, el.
Sea all potato North dally, all tie Slob
Pass. Agent
J. R. Manager.
T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
i Ricks Wilkinson
The Truest Thing We Ever Didn't Say.
Not sore whether we you after inventory that our
stocks were then in record condition, which we mean
Clearest of clinkers. If we didn't was truest thing
we ever didn't say.
Of all the hard lessons r merchant has to learn the
hardest is NEVER CARRY OVER.
Into goods lately bought, light and still in
fashion, it's mighty bard to plunge knife. But do it be
often must, or suffer later. It's due to you. as well as us,
that we start the new season light. WE DO.
VALIANT WHITE QUILT that was never sold for lees
have to go in this sale at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT you match at less than
after this sale at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that has been the talk of the
county how we could sell it at 2.00 now has to go in this
Quilt that are sold the world over for in this sale at
N. C, Mar.
R. L. Davis Bros., have
erected a large warehouse the
depot for the storing of guano
other freights. W. J.
Turnage are also building one for
a similar
Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
spent Sunday in Greenville at
his mother's home.
Mrs. Martha E. Belcher baa
been very sick, but we are glad
she Is now improving.
Norris Jones have had the
blacksmith shop on the Pollard
lot moved in the rear of their
Miss who
has been visiting Mrs. W. C.
Dancey, returned to her home at
A. S. J. Co., are
turning out an immense quantity
of wire fencing.
Mrs. D. W. Arnold returned
from Plymouth where
she had been visiting her mother.
There are a few new buggies
for the road at carriage
factory now, and though its a stir-
place never employing lees
than seven workmen, this is
first time In quite that
output has been In excess of tho
orders, but it few dry days will
Mist Pearl Moore lo
Crisp to spend
The Baal Carolina railway Is the
beat pacing line the State to its
length, though only a few mouths
old. Isn't it the wide
awake people with money to in-
vest had never conceived this
telephone Hue between
and down.
It is hoped u new will soon be
The heavy toads are beginning
to tell on the livery teams.
R. L. Davis spent yesterday in
Greenville business.
W. B. Pollard has gone up
road on business today.
Voting Away the People's Money.
The extravagance of the United
States government is now old,
well worn theme. The trend is all
the time towards heavier burdens
on people, burden bearer,
and toilers. The new river and
harbor bill reaches the great sum
of over which is but
under total
of the Buchanan
for all purposes in 1860. A
million of dollars is but a ex-
as it appeared to Na-
Macon and other
economists in past. This new
congress actually passed a larger
hill of expenditure was found
in the bill defeated in the last con-
which was the moat waste-
and foolhardy of all other
congresses. It is pleasant to know
that while the extravagance rages
and public moneys are voted away
as it they grew on trees that
was not forgotten. It
gets over 60,000.-
little but better than none.
A half loaf is better than no bread.
If democrats in the congress
favor republican extravagance t hey
will all be deprived of
The Way to Victory.
Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson in a
strong letter printed in The New I
York Journal, March points
way to a new Democratic victory
by recalling how all the later
triumphs of the party have
won. He cites the platform
of 1876 as a suitable model to
build upon in
We denounce present tariff
levied upon nearly four thousand
articles as a masterpiece of
inequality and false
It yields a not a yearly
rising, It has
many industries to subsidize
a few. It prohibits imports
might purchase the products of
American labor. It promotes
fosters smuggling, enriches
dishonest officials
honest merchants. We
that all custom taxation
shall be oily for revenue.
In repealing taxes that put
in Treasury and retaining
taxes that put money into
pockets of favored monopolists
Republican party is again, as after
the civil war, preparing the way
for its downfall. The Democratic
party needs only faith with
itself and abandon its wanderings
alter strange gods order to
cure the control of the government
return it to its moor-
Give Them a
It is astonishing how the
public looks upon newspaper
m a to be ridden to
death. People will pay money
for a band, lights, janitor, or
go to a job printing office and buy
thousands of pay boys to
deliver them, pay performers in
the entertainment, if they are pro
ion or pay some manager j
to get up the affair and give him a
large percentage of the receipts,
pay all their fact, pay for
everything except that is
most valuable to
newspaper advertising, says the
And if
is unwilling to devote
more notice to such entertainment
than liberal news it comes
in for much abuse. Ami yet
should not the newspaper charge
for its advertising space just as the
owner of halt charges for its
rent, the billboard, the
charge furnishing
posters, printing office
charges for lodgers, and
outside parties charge for their
services The newspaper
two sources of revenue. One is
subscription, the other advertising.
The to newspapers
are so cheap that they little more
than pay the cost of white
This is milled t.
there is new. W i
II time. Nearly every day
only call your attention to a
Plated Ware.
This is most serviceable ware you can get. ll is a heavy
platoon a copper body, so it is almost We
have this wan In Coffee and tea poll different sizes, and
dishes, milk water pitchers serving dishes, nip pots,
cuspidors, wailers, eke. If you use this ware ones you will never
any oilier kind for it is ll e best.
and Ware.
It is no use to say anything about this for everybody
knows we are the crockery people in this part of the world. We
always carry a large stock you can select the pieces for a
and Set
to suit yourself, is much better than having to buy what
you do not want. Did you ever use any of these new goods in
It is guaranteed never to rust. Goose In and ask for it. In fact
we carry almost everything needed to lit up your kitchen,
room, sitting-room, or parlor. All we want you to do is to come
in and call for what you want. We try to keep the very la-st in
each of our departments and think we can please you both in price
quality. All we ask is a trial.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department in
The Best Prescription Malaria
and la a of
Chill Tonic. It la
and quinine In a cure,
BO toe
Uncle had to shell out
for the shells shot at
Spanish by Dewey, and
for those shot at
ships. It was a cracking
while it lasted, but we know
yet bow it will out, whether it
will pay or
Frank P. Jacobs, aged shot
killed his wile, aged and
then cut his own throat with a
at miles
Houston, Texas. The bodies
were found lying side by side.
The couple bad married a
A German water-walker has re
unique feat of walking
miles Danube and tow
his wife n boat. He wore
water five yards
How to Be a Gentleman.
tH no boy think he can he made
a gentleman by the clothes he
wears, the horse he rides, the stick
he carries, the dog that trots alter
him, the house that he lives in, or
money be Not one, nor
all of these do it, and yet every
may lie a gentleman. He may
wear an old hat, cheap clothes,
live a pool spend but
little money. But By
true, manly honorable. By
keeping himself neat
By being civil and courteous.
By himself and
others. doing the best he knows
how. And above all,
y fearing God keeping His
N. Mar. i,
Several mouths ago the writer of
Ibis received a lei lei- from
Hon. Bryan Grimes Secretary of
proposing to donate ten
to supplement a like sum to
be by the of
and vicinity for a
of a fund to establish a public
library this place. Colonel
Grimes proposed also to donate an
additional lea dollars, or if the
would a like
he would give twenty
in to first donation.
When the writer made known to
our people terms of Col,
liberal oiler and
the interest be always manifests
in the educational advancement
of our children the general
and of
morals of our community, they
readily subscribed about twenty
five dollars, and Col. Grimes cheer-
fully his check for
and, Ibis together
the appropriation
and Slate amounts to nearly sixty
dollars. Ho much for our
and now a word about our library.
This wilier, having secured
funds in hand both the public and
private donation, was appointed
to books. Alter much
delay we have purchased and now
have in our library both
regular and supplemental lists of
in pamphlet issued
by State Superintendent of
Instinct ion. We ordered both
lists entire, but these three books,
noted as exceptions above, could
not be had at Ibis time.
tin February 6th, we opened out
library lo the use and benefit
public under the rules and
regulations sent out by the state
and it is remark-
able with what
and adults began to read,
and I bey keep it up.
Our Librarian, Mr. John W.
Mayo, reports many books being
; taken out and we fear there will be
need more books, but we hope
will, increasing necessity
for books funds be forth
, . ., in an had, milking some
and we will, in near
Its quality influences
the selling price.
growing insured w
when enough actual
Potash I
is in the fertilizer.
Neither quantity nor
good quality possible
without Potash.
book, I
f detail.
. -St. I
A Pat Corn Crib Makes the Farmer
What part of my crop shall be
Station is a in the minds
of the farmers. It is an important
it is not an easy-
one lo answer satisfactorily. It
will not do to stake all on cotton.
All are agreed this. That
I here is no danger ahead to risk
overmuch on it is likewise gen
oral Few feel
so safe as those who have planted
com to make their own
bread and meat. Most of our
have had occasion to know
something of this sweet conscious-
by experience. It makes the
sleep of tho who has plant-
ed corn fur bread sweeter as be
reads of promise of an average
or full crop of cotton in Texas. A
sense of independence is always
delightful. Thoughts of the
of buying corn and meat
the sale of cotton when the
air thick with reports of a big
crop and a low for the staple
brings P. R. Law
ill r; I,, i ton
Put Out Fire With Milk.
Derby, Conn., March cow
hooked a out of hand
Hie sired man farm of
last night the set fire
to a lot of hay . and
Whits Doctors
thoughtful laymen that a cold
accompanied by sure and
cheat Is too a
matter for delay or experiment.
also tint
a common cold a day or two.
more lime, of course.
We have just added Steam Supply our business and
ill roil anything in this line very low. Sec us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Ganges, Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Kitting all sizes.
LINK OP Plaiting, Bolt, Gaudy
Belt, Belt, Belt Lining, Belt Hooks, he.
Ham Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
comply further with Col.
offer and call on him for another
ten dollars.
The establishment this library
tills along fell want this
have a handsome
which our hooks do not till
entirely. There Is space remaining
unfilled for about one hundred
mine books. Our present
of books is an admirable n
are well bound
volumes dare dare say
tome of these books will be
for years lo come which together
with pages laded with age and
their Influence wrought for good lo
this community will be aptly
of all those who eon.
and worked for the
of our library.
cows and there were two
forty quart cans of milk at band.
well was so far away that to
have gone after water have
given the to
and bis man each
seized one of the forty quart cans
began pouring the milk on the
dames at the same time giving the
alarm. members of
family, seeing the danger of the
spreading, set to work milking
the remaining cows, soon with
the additional milk I he were
quenched, but until tell of the
cows had been badly burned about
heads. The bun was saved.
Some of the cows will die.
Pull Out the State
At a uncling of the numbers
the of
the Partners Mutual rue
ante elation, held the Opera
House on Monday of lust
ii was unanimously decided
tile county would i Its
-l Slide
lion and an
county step was
taken the ll is be
tiered a county association
alone can be in less ex
faction I ha u hen combined with
the Slate Association.
A man makes u i when
he mimics a widow .
Tenn., March
Official reports received at
headquarters here show
that situation In flooded dis-
is Improved, The Sou I
loss last ween
pills will aggregate from
road bed and bridges
alone. The loss by delayed and
annulled trains and cutting of
all passenger and height
sum- last will be
large. About men are repair-
load budges on the
Asheville branch. There is still
a gap of two miles between
Marshall, N. and Del HI.,,
railroad service.
You Know You
Win ii ii lake Grove's Chill
I formula la plainly
t a. hail, last It Is
a i, a,
nil in n
No I'm .

N. C.
D. J. Ed. Owner
Washington letter.
Entered at the Post Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second Class
April 10th is a
day at the to expo
and J. B.
of the Slate Press Association,
is arranging an excursion for I lie
embers. Lei all go.
V O. v. Mar.
If we don't revise the tariff
will; and afraid
that many members
will not be here to
supervise the remarked a
republican member of the House,
one day recently hearing,
and to the of the re
Harvard University at Cam
bridge, Mass., the highest
of learning in the country, on
Thursday conferred
degree of Doctor of La-
Henry, of Prussia.
of Board of Aldermen.
The Board of Aldermen met
Thursday night in regular
V. C March S all bot two members
F Manning Co. have just being present.
received one car load of Lee's The street committee reported
prepared lime and it II highly do surveyor hid yet been
for cotter. MM M cured for the proposed work on
peanut,. Dickinson Neither had
Maiming left any decision been reached relative
lag war revenue taxes. At the near lure, who reported that new had been
hut moment the Michigan L his home for ordered for street lamps,
on which Mr. Manet had I y that much j The market was reported fair
u an ally, declined to vote consumption, condition.
. ho de- . . i .-. .; i i. v
as the ticket of
Southern Railway, at Durham, was
going from the depot to his home
he was waylaid and sand-bag
into unconsciousness. Hi
assailants took his and going
back to the depot rubbed
safe of about MM. The railroad
authorities asked the agent to
make good the loss, which he re-
fused to do.
A meeting will held in Tar-
the 18th to form goad
roads association for
county. Here in Pitt the time is
much consumed in complaining
had roads, but nothing is done to
improve them. It would be Wise
step and a in the right
it the County
would provide for having
turned out at Pitt courts
work our own roads instead of
sending them off to work m other
counties. And it would not In-
bad to follow example Edge-
and have a d roads M
The w Time reports the
going V. K. Dawson of
town. been book
keeper and trusted of
Hackney Buggy Company for two
prior to January alien
he resigned and went in business
for When the went
to balance up I
and a subsequent Investigation
has disclosed Dawson
the to an amount exceeding
5.900, has made an as-
his assets will not cover the
consequently he de- was buried j The white cemetery committee
to abandon In- , day. reported that a new fence was need
for the time bat since devoted q around the cemetery.
to make the best tilling safest The
tobacco Hue the market. They , hands of Treasurer and
are receiving lots of orders and hands of Tax Collector.
had decide on what you The Tax Collector. Chief and
of the party and lei them have your or Assistant Police Chief of Fire
will be to the j Department made their monthly
The Missionary Baptist reports. The report of the latter
are building two large class showed there was not a fire
rooms and a as an alarm or tire during the month of
lion to their of worship February. caps, coats and
Our friends of Episcopal boots for the department had
church are making preparation to purchased.
erect a house of worship and an-, A deed a lot cemetery to
hiving it complete at a T. B. Cherry in which an error
early day. had been Bade ordered or-
SOW your guano from a, reeled. A deed was also ordered
bucket. It tires your arm and executed X. Hart for a lot
your guano blows away. Buy a purchased by him for which he
guano Bower from Mfg. had no deal.
C. and all ill be avoided. King, who went as a
A. who has delegate lo good roads
for several weeks in at read an essay on
interest of the A. O. Cox Mfg. Co., good roads.
the Charleston Exposition B. L. appeared
and all the leading commercial the Board stating Dickinson
Cities of Georgia, returned home avenue crossed his properly
Thursday, be reports not he desired pay the The
Bi ard look no action in the mat-
Miss Manning, after was made the
visiting Miss Debbie Manning for teamster was derelict in his
himself to the organization of those
republicans who desire a revision
the tariffs this
the of the Bead rules
I the .
schism. H it is called gentle-
men Of the
school remains to 1-e seen, but
less subject of reciprocity with
tuba of it ii safe
lo my that will not.
The Senate has sent to Pres
bill for a per
bot Mr.
has expressed
of section which In-
eludes service all of the
clerks now employed by the bureau
not more than one third of which
Will retained in the permanent
organization. He ha- so far re
fused to sign the measure and has
even stated be fell inclined
to veto it, although it is not be-
he will yield to the In-
Monday Senator com
In favor
In Nor
John J. Chalmers, D. D.,
died Thursday.
There is more snow in Asheville
and vicinity, but it melted almost
as fast as it fell.
Sheriff George A. Burns, of
Cumberland county, died in Fay-
The grand stand and other
the Stale fair grounds
at are to lie improved.
The trial of James the
suspected of Miss Ella
will Is held at Elizabeth
City next ween.
Durham has a new city
which shows the present
to be a gain of
since the taking of the 1900
A lot of cotton the A. X.
C. railroad platform, at Goldsboro,
caught fire Thursday by sparks
from a shifting engine. Many
bales were damaged.
The two-year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. Fulcher, of
picked up placed it in
his mouth and it slipped into his
windpipe. He strangled to death
before a physician arrived.
our new invention. Only those deaf are
P. A. OP
Md . if.
Brine r lo I will
. .
L be
my cam. lo be r . M . , um
five ago el lo Min I Km
in me. ere. bead
bill . the l
I n an. roar d. . a New York j.
I Alie. owl.
V, ,.,,. ,,.
not interfere your
. pleasant trip, bat a
the bill and the incl-
is still under
Several democratic senators will
democratic senators to her homo at duly, not getting to work
present the that them , j,.,,.,;,.,, late in the morning and
the measure but . to swell, many hours rest for dinner.
Oar school continues to swell, too many hours rest for dinner,
new are coming almost The Chief of Police was ordered to
every week.
will not adopt obstructive tactics
mid there i little doubt that it
will pa upper chamber. The the to the street committee who
has also passed the ,.,. f n. u we arc were authorized to act in the mat-
ha seal the wire fencing
House where it may not receive at A The Mayor appointed a com.
favorable consideration. . v of Kinston, consisting of Aldermen
The House Committee on Poet- King. Coward Cobb lo take
and has reported u pictures of bond mailer when
a bill that hereafter the ,.,,,,,.,,, the Supreme court shall hand
mutes of the delivery ,,,,.,,,,,,,, its decision in
shall lie let I mm
Mr. of Wichita, who
fast celebrated his
birthday, was a neighbor of Martin
Van whom lie disliked. He
aw and talked with a man who wit-
netted the ride of General
Putnam and who that Putnam
did not ride down the bat de-
a hill beside them, lie
knew Aaron Bun, Admiral
President Jackson and Santa Anna.
boyhood chum was a cabin boy
to John Jones, the famous
last time I took a
said Green, day Frank-
Pierce elected. Myself and
three others went into a
I up. The round en-l me
cent. In those days
mod, find it didn't much. Aft-
drank my jigger I turned
to the boys and laid,
Is my last They laughed,
but I kept the pledge ever
to his of an
he it is because
I knew Mm so familiarly. lie look-
ed much like a wolf to
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit.
Prepare your land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a better price when yon it on the market.
Two years ago I a peck of seed, planted them on half an
acre of land and picked a bale of cotton weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. B. J. Cobb together with several
other bales of good variety and this sold for three eights of a cent
more per than the lot, The. lint is far superior to any cotton
sold on this market and the yield is far ahead of anything we have In
this country. Numbers of the best farmers in the county saw my
crop growing in the field and pronounced it as fine as they ever
I am now offering these seed for sale at 11.00 a bushel. Parties
wanting any of the seed will please tend me order at once as I
only have a limited quantity for sale.
O. L.
N C.
bring salaried carriers
was voted for
l i of HI
prepared by Mr. V
received considerable
Ki iii the House. Mr.
told me yesterday he cm
passage -i the bill
would lie ii grave
,,. ,.,. ease now pending.
Gardner, of W. presented a petition
all around here; for a -ill poster's license, there
Thursday. being no In charier
Jake of your was; under which such license could be
around yesterday In granted it was withdrawn.
the interest of the Accounts were allowed
Jessie of i n
market yesterday and made quite
Charles Routs,
died New York a ago,
the battle of life by working
Ma boy for a week, lie left
as estate worth over
Switzerland isn't such t large
country, but there I- plenty of
room in it fol people grow iii
ward. The late-t reported
Is a fellow who is loci inches
tall, and is getting a
for exhibiting
ton Star.
matter of great Importance to
i. of the
district-. In the Oral place, the
would result so-
class of men
and equipment, price- bid
would too low secure men
high grade. the provision-of
bill I here would lie no
. i as either the govern
or carrier could camel
on thirty day's notice.
This would, of militate
Again, ii i-1 unreasonable to
while Thursday on
Judge Winston and i,. , money will
left Sunday morning fol
their respective homes. Tiny have
made of Wends among
citizens, and yon can hear u
everywhere on OUT
they an the beat that hive held
court here in a lime. -Snow
Hill Standard.
vice. I-.-. . Dane Cooper
expert ,
i, lo do certain work for
here a short
R. II.
Hill Friday.
for him a Fairy we
Bessie and
have bough a half Interest n the
Millinery of C.
A. fair. The firm name and style
will be Mr-. C. A- Co
They propose to keep an up to
jute establishment and everything
that goes to make the ladies more
beautiful be found at their
Dane Cooper went lo Greenville
The youngest bride in
try is Mrs. Irwin, in
aged ten She bad
lovers. While one was away get-
ting the marriage license she mar-
Mr. Irwin, who
and BO years old. When the
fellow got back and found her
married he went
married girl to whom he
was engaged when ho was smitten
by the charms of year old
lie as ac-
ready an seldom
,, register mail and in chance lo real on bis laurels.
their work No, Maude, dear; drum
,,. who are paid is not told pound.
their positions are depends upon
permanent so long a- they perform thing- we don t do.
satisfaction of lo expect the
their patrons and of the It will never happen,
These are but a few The cornet player is scarcely a
handed son of toil.
lull a few
objections to the measure
but I feel confident that, ; j,,,.,
tree .
ex-J mud, about of society.
they would be music to the ego
in their to I tint la he blows bis own
Prom what I
learn from Senate
The about justice is
very often we don't like It when
as its predict f, who
that the Senate lakes i p . of
The young man who bis
wild oats depends upon irrigation.
end of the Capitol it seems hardly
likely that bill will receive a
favorable vote in that body, par
for consideration the will
he overwhelmed protests from
residents of their several states.
N. C, Mar.
Hay West, of went
Wednesday and return-
Mi.-s of Snow Hill,
who has been visiting Mrs. A. I
Hill, for Baltimore this morn
where she will purchase her
If our commissioners would place
an annual lax of on the worth-
less, vagabond that trace
over town and run after the
buggies, many of them would be
killed, the from those
remaining, if used to level the
rough bridges, and till around
the would add greatly to
the comfort of all.
Jesse and II. W. Mose-
of were in town
A. j III I recent-
visiting here, said, is the
place I could mention
a line, Own-
elsewhere, he said,
was nil kept him from coming
Miss Moore and Mrs. W.
B. Home arc visiting friends and
relatives Greenville.
The college is not operation
now. other schools arc full.
The facilities are very in-
adequate and many children are
staying at home there Is
no where to go.
B. M. Pollard spent yesterday
In on business.
Full Blooded Indian
The present general ion of full
blooded Indian babies is interesting
from many points of view. In the
first place, there ill no more
full blooded Indians born, n- men
end women of pure Indian blood arc
marrying either white per-
sons Indians whose blood is large-
mixed with that of the whites.
Moreover, these pure blooded
inherit in many case large
sums from the sale of lands to the
government or own valuable
property, f t many of
them have more suitors than
ope. . ,
It is on the reservations of
the for southwest that the curious
little Indian babies are to be found.
There are now among the twenty
tribes only 3.000 full In-
children. I n these same tribes
there are more than children
through Whose reins courses a strain
of white blood. are
fat end, despite their
rough usage, grow up to be strong
men and
The business methods of pub-
came up for discussion at a
recent literary gathering. William
Dean and Mark Twain
were present.
spirit of the age i-
said Mr. in
order not to lie behind the times
the publishers modify the verbiage
of the circus potter with
assented humor-
publisher speaks of d-
my next look as a story
by Mark Twain with BO further
comment. Hut lie shan't make a
holy show of mo with hi- vulgar ad-
simplicity. I shall insist
upon a street parade at very
least, because I am n modest man
ind dislike to be made
ml eat r
A Law For
At in the
have n law which is
more with the fair than the
sterner must be
home by o'clock. A fine equal
to rs is the penalty for In-
fringing regulation, hall of
which goes lo
the brings and proves
the accusation.
make of always
I . . ,., . the i-
i I
Young Thing I
Mrs. eightieth birthday,
Which was celebrated recently at
with l hung dress-
room and n serenade by the or-
which ployed
on the after the per-
occurred before an
illness which necessitated a short
rest. When she returned to the ca-t
at the Lyceum theater in New York,
one reason after another was ad-
as to the cause of hot India-
In vibrant voice of
that has retained mellow-
through I hi many years, she
denied in tun one of causes
tell ran what it was,
she said finally and with a twinkle
in her eye, had much birth-
For Lift.
will ever gel a chance
it the of with a razor,
at least in the of a barber,
The has his beard carefully
trimmed, but with
this is treated as I responsible and
important function, and of the four
grand masters of court, as they
arc called, one always attends the,
czar when hit majesty is under the
barber's care. Not that any doubt
is felt as lo the fidelity of the ton-1
artist. The family of the
have been to
the imperial house of
from the time of Czar
Miller's Thumb.
It i, by the thumb the miller tests
the character and of the
grain ho grinds. Spreading tho
sample over the lingers by a peculiar
movement of thumb, he
its value by the thumb itself. Con-
action in way makes the
thumb assume n shape resembling
the wide flattened head of the bull-
head, or Tommy a fish
in mill stream-, which in con-
sequence is popularly known as the
Your advertisement in B
goes right along with its
advertisements work
all the time building business for
the wise advertisers.
If you want people to visit your
store put your advertisement where
it will be read, that it in
People read this paper for what
there la in it, and they will see
what you have to say.
If you have not time to write
the advertisement yourself or
don't know just what you want
to say, let us know and we will
help you get it up.
We have bright and attractive
cuts to illustrate ad-
which yon can
for the asking.
the noted Eng-
war correspondent, reports a
between a
British officer and a Boer field
net under a flag of
Tho former do you
think the war will
replied the oilier,
you people arc able lo catch a horse
with ox
Many a fellow who thinks he It
the light of a lite gets turned
A Hour combination,
to control the Oriental trade, it
on the Pacific coast.
Mo matter how much money you
may have, if you are poor in char-
means poverty forever
Home Journal.
Tell the good people that the
King Clothier
is now in Northern Markets
making purchases for
Spring Summer
and as his store will he
headquarters for the finest
and host of
Hen's Wear.
Always keep your on
Some Me. Some to Yea.
Thursday, 1902.
Cox, of Kinston,
today here.
B. F. Bernard went up road
this morning.
W. M. came in Wed
Snugs returned
day evening from
J. W. returned
day from a trip up the
J. M. Moore came from
Tarboro Wednesday evening
this morning.
Mrs. J. M. of Her
ford, who has visiting here,
returned home Ibis morning.
T. W. foreman of
received a telegram
this morning stating that bis father
and unit her. who live at
arc both very sick with pneumonia.
He leaves on this evening's train
for we hope will find
his parents much better.
Friday, March
is quite
is a CROSS
in the margin of I Ma it.
so t remind yon I
and we request;
you Hie as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
went up the
Intended Robbery Supposed the
On Mr. Jim Bills, near-
Kai me lo Wilson fell
When lo- reached home
early in night he was
nu I died during I lie night
Mr. Ellis seen Hi pass
on his way home. Somewhere
Mrs. A. F.
road today.
V. B. Staton, of Bethel, spent
the day here.
J. of Hill,
Harvey Washington,
T. left this nun mug
for Va.
Mr. mid Mrs. J. re
turned evening.
K. A. went to
Mount I 111-
Mo came
ft in
of W. Lee Co. at New Cost.
Dress Goods, Clothing, Shirts, in fact everything
in a first-class store, will sale
Tuesday, Feb. 11th, a. m.
at W. T. Lee Co's old stand. No goods
charged or sent without the cash.
Maj. II.
keep us waiting for it. , . u
This notice is for those who between and bit home b
find mark on their, ha was waylaid and what by
paper lo have intended
robbery. It it aha, . . i
when fired bis
frightened by the gun and run
White Heed
S. II. The horse kept on home and stop-
Pill county sent S the
Good house the wagon come up to
, , . J the gate and went out Mr.
Almost every is taking
if nothing
iii. nines
Mia. K. of
unhitching, when be was
found as above stated. When taken
in the house and examined It was
found that he was shot in the head.
. He also bad his the run-
of the horse no doubt prevent-
Children's Sailors and this being taken. There is no
New Sailors ready-to wear
Hats for Spring. Mrs. L.
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and lb gross
Hack Hats for Spring.
Mb. L. O
The wind and sun together are
some fast drying of the face
of earth.
Whether it is or winter
is not easy to determine by out
side appearances.
clue as to who did the shooting.
The Sun It Seldom on
sun docs not keep good
time. He is almost always too
slow. about middle of
April he is just time, then not
again before middle of June.
The mills may complain, but the of September he
man with cotton to sell is not kick- e
about the price being higher, joins clock a third time, and
lastly once more late in
For rapid changes from
to and sunshine to clouds
recent days have been strict-
in it.
The of
Methodist church the
pastor, H. M. a liberal
pounding Friday afternoon.
Mayor W. H. Long has paid to
Treasurer J. B. Cherry, for
public school
collected in Mayor's court for
of February.
stray red and
white steer, marked with crop and
bait moon right ear split
and half moon in left, has been
with our cattle for the last three
years. Owner Is hereby
to call for same and pay charges.
W. B.
Stokes, N. C.
fire at
The Commercial Hotel, formerly
known as the Bailey House, at
was destroyed by fire this
morning, the lire starting about
one o'clock. All occupants of the
building escaped and most of the
furniture was saved.
B. K. Patrick and J. Q. Smith
have purchased a boat to
ran between and Wash
The boat II HO long
by feet wide, has a capacity for
twenty-five passengers will
make a speed of seven miles an
II They
If sonic appreciated
the of advertising as much
tome politicians do, their
would prosper according.
Ml. Louis Ad-Writer.
Now it would seem as if be were
startled at way be bad
ed us. February he fell back
until be was fifteen minutes late.
By the of March be bad
made up live minutes of bis lo--,
and before the month is over
he will have caught up to within
live minutes of the schedule.
meanwhile days have been
growing longer very rapidly. We
begin March with our nights lung-
than our days. We
with our
In one mouth
have added I i the length our
day an hour and twenty
B bigger gain than any other month
show. Professor
in the March
Home Journal.
who was here a visit
X Booth has off
his recent attack rheumatism
to get out a little. We
hope be will soon lie entirely well.
I. A. Cobb, of
today here. His friends arc glad j
to note his improved condition
u recent visit to hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. left
this morning for Plymouth, where
they were called to the burial of,
Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Bowen's father,
who died
Jesse up road
L. went to Bethel
W. returned lo
Friday evening.
W. II. Cox to Kinston
Friday evening.
L. A. Cobb returned to
Friday evening.
W. M. Bagwell left Friday even-
Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes.
and Shoes.
Ladies, Misses Children and Shoes.
Fin; Showing.
The Bank of Greenville pub-
a statement today giving;
its business on
It makes an show-
speaks of the
institution. bank is
conducted and bus plenty of
capital at its command.
Monument Fund.
many coins have been drop-
contribution boxes
and at Hotel Bertha to re-
to the Sir Walter
monument fund.
fund ought to grow faster a
town like
j. Jordan retained Friday
F. H. Harding
Friday evening.
Mrs. is
Mrs. Swindell.
Ufa, A. f. Perry and child
this morning for her home.
Mrs. A. J. returned
day evening from Washington.
Miss Bessie Patrick Friday
evening for a visit in the country.
of Dr. W.
id Leather
All reduced prices.
is ISm.
The youngest child
II. Bagwell is very
Mrs. Thomas and little
sou, of Goldsboro, are visiting Mrs.
Alfred Forties.
Miss L. to
this morning in response to n
telegram the critical
illness of a niece.
Pitt More Honors.
The President has appointed
Private Bruce Gotten, Twenty I
Fifth Company Coast
a Second Lieutenant of Artillery
commencing May 8th, and
the 4th confirm-
ed the nomination. This young
man is a son Mr. B. B. Gotten,
of Pitt
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me or your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
II III ill
Loan Value,
J. Cash Value.
Paid up
I. that
ts. Will be re -instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears with Interest.
second No Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
j. To the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
the one the prettiest
marriage ceremonies ever witness-
ed took place St.
Bar. E. W. Gamble,
The contracting parties were
William Oaten and Miss
Selma Louis
Into the church filled with
friends and relatives the lovely
bride in a light brown tailor made
suit, with hat to match, entered
upon the arm of her brother, J. K.
Satterthwaite. At the chancel
she was nut by the groom and by
I he grand ceremony the church
the twain were made one.
The maid of honor was the
brides Miss Mollie
No sweeter or prettier
maid ever walked up
in the regulation dress
of hour was best man.
The ushers were J. L. Cherry
and Felix both handsome
and the personification of urban-
Immediately after the ceremony
i he bride and groom for their
home in 1-aim ville.
Presents numerous and
useful were sent them
the estimation In which each and
both were South
The man who Insurer hi Mi Is
wise for his family.
The who Insures Ms health
is wise both for his family and
You may by grave,
It. It Is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the and
itself in Innumerable
Ms Pills
And save your health.
IS 1666.
J. ff. PERRY k CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and of
Bagging, Ties Bags.
and shipments
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line cf goods on hand. Prices low
Country produce for cash or in
exchange goods.
Advertising Growth.
It is reasonable that the
should expect immediate re-
turns from his announcements.
In the case of a permanent business
however, future also is worth
considering. An establishment
which is expected to grow can well
afford lo bear the cost of
which will give to it an
place in the public memory.
The small merchant who Is
to become a large merchant
must begin his growth in the ad-
Greenville, N. C.
Dr. D James,
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington. meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
Steamer J. Sunday school
Mondays, Wednesday .
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school It. A. Allen
M every Sun
lay, morning and evening.
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
WORRY a small
thing like that, but come to
you can supply a dinner without
the aid of the I tar excellent
Hi of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
table. We also Veep the beat
lush. And m we Have
the be.-I lo be had. In fact
I he plan- lo call
Why Easter a Feast.
During all of March the sun is
coming farther north. About Ike
twentieth it shines directly on the
Equator, day is just as
long as the night. The time of
old Jewish and hence
of our Enter, depends on this
dale. This batter always comes
following the first full
moon after the sun crosses the line.
This accounts tor its so
Home Journal.
l in t
he way of
re I
For Nails,
Collars, PI
Lochs, Doors,
Paints, Rope, flames,
Shovels Cur-
A Advertising.
The advertising of a New York
savings bank the newspapers
consists of a daily ct
from the simple proverbs of
Franklin knew from
experience the wisdom saving,
and these quotation are likely to
impress readers who have
the rules of economy and
thrill. Naturally the advertising
bank will be the choice of these
readers in the selection of a
The winter been long and
cold in Chicago, the power of
endurance of its people has been
almost exhausted To save them-
selves from the necessity of
the members a German
society devised a scheme for a
night's festival in a summer gar-
A large hall was transformed
into a garden, huge trees being
placed here there and covered
with artificial leaves The walls
were painted lo represent long
country in summer. There
were tables under the trees and
a band of music. In short, every-
thing was especially
after the heat was turned on
the mercury marked eighty de-
Then came the people, the
women dressed iii white summer
garment and the men in while
duck trousers, while the children
ran about barefoot. The whole
was realistic, and at
midnight the people dispersed
they were fortified for another
three mouths of winter.
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice for per
Half Cabinets per dozen.
All oilier lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to
ample and answer questions. Tho very
best work guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a. m., to C p. m. Yours to please.
p. m. L. II. Pender,
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday
a. m. E. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. m., W. B.
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
Preaching second,
and fourth Sundays in each
month Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.
Sunday school P. M., W. R.
Parker, superintendent.
regular services
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Tile Co.
N. C.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on ha ml
Fresh goods kept es
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low an the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
A. F. ct A. M.
No. meets first and
hied Monday evening. E. E.
fin, W. M. J. M. Reuse, Sec.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. H. G. W. S. Atkins,
K. of River Lodge, St.
every Friday evening,
C. Forbes, L.
son, K. of R.
R. Vance Council, No
1696, every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith -lee
William Morgan, HO year
was found dead in a ditch
afternoon o'clock on
Mr. Button's farm, about
six miles from Last
Saturday he was known to have
had between and on his
person -when found there was
only in his It is
thought by several who knew the
old man that there has been foul
play, that he was murdered for a
few Free Press
A young in
Leaven worth, Kansas, is
for WOW congenial masculine who
would love her herself
As she incidentally remarks that
In addition lo her good points she
Is worth in cash
probabilities are that she will find
some sympathetic fellow- who will
Low to vis
Atlantic Coast Line.
The Atlantic Coast Line Rail-
way Company announces fol-
lowing low rates to Charleston
O., on account of the South Caro-
inter state and West Indian
exposition. Charleston, C.
1st, 1901 to June 1st 1902.
The following apply from
Tickets to sold daily
until including 1902.
continuous passage Una I limit ten
j in addition to date of
116.40 Tickets to be sold daily
until and including May Slat 1902.
continuum passage limit June
For tickets, Pullman reservation
any further particulars write
or call on
II. M.
Gen Pass. Wilmington, N. C.
N. C.
Pass Tarboro.
Last Call For Taxes.
Marti Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
OBSERVER Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro
Una paper.
of Hi more pages, and is
to a large extent up of
original mailer.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The largest paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Line of Hardware.
em as St, .
a m a w
AH fl M a M
i mat I
its sis is
i u u in ibis
l IS
sir is
lo tat
et ti
sat m
Ar Saul
Lt Rock;
II you lour
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney trouble-., loss
cl insomnia, lick of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin.
or any and which tell the story of bad bowel, an
system, Will Cure
It will out the bowels, cumulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the membranes tho purify your blood and put you
your again. Your will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidney to trouble you, your skin will and
freshen and you will feel the old time and buoyancy.
inking . l on, i n
. i polo rat
nature. l-m . t.
i rod
a ff It
I ill at the following
times and plane, tor Ike
taxes due for year
on and Braver
Alton railroad was agreeably at
prised a few days ago not Ice in,
In- had lain left by an Monday. Mar. at
old as a of , .
. V Mar.
while on that toad. Mar. at
pays. There is n u. t.
lost it,
S. M.
i Slur.
to i a r-
A purse Is a good thing to
lean on.
Tin- hands a clock always
on front, and they may lie
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, B
by Carriages, Carts,
Thur-day, Mar. at lunges, Safes, P.
ItS o'clock.
I a
i-t good lo- n for
day, Mm I.
Friday, Mar.
Johnson's Mil's,
Friday, Mar.
Cutler the law this is last
rail for taxes before adding cost.
Ill who fail to pay by March
will levied on and tho cost add-
ed to their laves.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
and Gall Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che
roots, Henry George
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers, Mace
torn, Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
The Commoner
in Advance.
One Year II, Months
Three Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em.
ployed. Subscriptions
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 93.50 payable In ad-
i n ii n
I MUM id
M I ft
For Sale by
The Constitutional other goods.
-i. provides that no one can tote who
I ,, is only
fa to lay
t a sail; J
, , J. a
I Ai
l t Mr, all
in the lo bis poll
wet internally will
., , , It lie
I in warm
i ii but one Perry
in u
coats and to your vote.
to see inc.
S. M.
for Art and
Main LI
vat 1842. t
ford p m.
S M p m, Mp in
m, Bad
a m, lion. Mill. H a tn,
it p m, Hop. Mill. p m
Red p m, II f at
with train N-.
it with Carolina
at Bad with the
Spring. railroad, at
the Seaboard Air and
Railway at with
Charlotte Railroad
Train on Boas
s p at, I at
at i p m. II
r. M a a.
Train, c lain
a m and . p m, I r.
. in n
list an
Train Tarboro daily
t v. i. m. l p. r f-
C mm
dally, Ill a
T m a I a m.
,. w-
Mount a m, I So p m. Sand r.
Clinton at a III
om, Clinton at a m tat
Train So Tl Bake. lot f-tr
don for all point north all
H. M.
Pass. Agent
J. K. Manager.
T. M. Manager
The Reflector
I Tuesday
MM Wilkinson
The We Ever Didn't Say.
Not sore we told yon after inventory that
stocks were then In record condition, by which we mean
Clearest of clinkers. If we didn't was the truest tiling
we ever didn't say.
Of all the hard lessons a merchant to learn
battles is NEVER CARRY OVER.
goods lately bought, and still
it's mighty bard to plunge the knife. But do it he
often or softer later. It's due to you. as well as us,
that we start new season light. DO.
VALIANT WHITE QUILT that was never sold for less than
1.26 have to go in this sale at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that you can't match st less than
this at
CROCHET WHITE QUILT that has been the talk of
county could sell It at now bas to go this
IMPORTED CHOICE PATTERNS in Marseilles Patten Finish
Quilt that are sold over fur in this sale at q
Blackjack, N. C, Mar.
Mrs. Sue and children,
little Ruth and Jessie, are visiting
Mrs. f H. Mills.
Abram Dixon accompanied by
his mot her, left Friday for Snow
Hill, to be gone several days.
W. H. Wynne and B. L. Clark
left Friday evening for
lo spend several days.
We were glad to have J. W Elks
in midst a while last Sunday.
Miss Annie White spent several
days last week with sister,
F. Evans left for up
road Friday to see hit best girl.
Ed. Arnold, who has been sick
for some lime, was last
Monday by L. A. Burroughs. Mr.
also conducted
services at Hr. Arnold's home
Monday night.
Mrs. J. II. Mills baa been very
sick for lite past few days, but is
Bob. Faithful, of Com
a .,,. Sunday.
Mrs. came
Contribution School Children
As a teacher it gives me great
pleasure to know an effort is
being made to a statue in
Raleigh to the memory Sir
Allow me to offer
that school of Pitt force January 1902,
county make a contribution Paid claims caused
to fund being raised for this death of policy endow
purpose. annuities, He, last year
I am sure if each teacher will lay here is no sound-
the matter before his or her pupils, M or better company the world
It would be but a pleasure to our the Old Mutual Benefit,
Special of In tr.
Raleigh, N. C, March
There will be no bill passed
this Congress designed to red I
Southern representation in Con-
press. Senator Pritchard writes
to a Republican paper,
Times, to that effect, bod
among other things,
measure is only
one now pending before Congress,
I am opposed to that. I shall
be able tn deal with other
as they arise. You may say
to all that I am unalterably op-
posed to a force bill or anything
akin to it. I think we are capable
of working own destiny if let
Pritchard, it
granted, defeat such
lion if he so and now it is
settled that he has already
done his credit be it
Apropos of the vigorous efforts
which Commissioner of Insurance
Young been making to protect
the insurable public of this State
from the illegal machinations of
unsound insurance companies,
which operate through methods
that cheat the State of
also, it Is encouraging to note that
our people are waking up to the
injury they are doing themselves
and the irreparable injustice done
their families by patronizing such
frauds and are patronizing only
the best companies. By the
he company that probably
largest business in North Caro-
st this time, tho Old
or Newark, K. J., bas sent
out it annual statement for last
year, and figures presented
must make a man feel secure if be
is insured In a company like that.
For instance, the company's assets
amount to 976,839,027.69. Re-
from premiums in 1901, over
Number of policies
written last year, insuring
policy-holders to amount of
Total amount of
m mm
This depart j added to ill the lime. Nearly every day
there is new. We will only call your attention to a
few specialties
Plated Ware.
This Is the lost serviceable ware you cm get. It is a heavy
plate copper body, so it it almost We
have this coffee and tea pots different sizes, butter and
sugar dishes, and water pitchers serving dishes, syrup pots,
cuspidors, If you use this ware once you will
want any for it is tie best.
and China Ware.
It is no use to about this depart for everybody
knows we are tie crockery people In this part of the world.
always carry stock and you ran select the pieces for h
and if a Set
to suit yourself, much better than having to buy what
you do not want, ill I you ever use any of new in
Anti-Rust Ware.
It is guaranteed never to rust. Goats in and ask for it. In fact
we carry almost everything needed lo lit up your bed-
room, or parlor. All we want you to do is to conic
in and call for whit you We try to keep the very best in
each of departments and think we can please you price
and All ask is a trial.
Reaping the Harvest.
Sin or shame in young or old is
j always, to lie deplored. it is
. especially sad to sec a young per-
son's life ruined by a sinful act,
and sad to see a young being reap-
a h that has sown
in a moment, but when that being
old gray haired mother who
must go out her loved one
into harvest field under the
scorching sun and with him reap
the harvest, or alone, in the bitter-
of sit at her fireside
while the darkness gathers all mt
her and winds her of the
sins her child.
week a young of good family,
just entering manhood who
bat; sown his seed in a moment,
crossed the threshold of our State
for a long term,
an mother at home, who
him good-bye with a broken
he as she wailed, baby,
my baby bow can you leave
your poor old mother, so lonely,
my poor baby To her he
was same little fellow that had
gone to sleep in her arms just a
few years ago, but to the world be
was the young man, who n
moment of drunken auger had
murdered his friend. Lung after her
dear old back shall have become
bent with reaping, the harvest will
still Ii.-
J. B. Co.
The Only Department in
school to contribute some-
thing for this worthy work.
I feel sure the editor of The Re-
who already has boxes
in charge to receive contributions
for the statue, would also receive
and forward a special donation
coming from the schools of, he
W. F.
It will give The Reflector
pleasure such
donations as the
school children
to visit parents here, amount to
He I
and returned Friday. Little Ml
Becca Mills
ed borne.
Mrs. is visiting
Booklet and Newspaper.
For a business enterprise
requires to be introduced to the
i long explanations and
probably be as f
to increase taxation in order . ft
build good roads as
borrow money on a issue
but people will agree to borrow
money when they will not go down
Into their pockets and pay
A Trust is en-
lo secure an option o.
leading factories St
booklet be
form of It is
however, to reach everybody
a publication without a
liberal use of newspaper space to
call lo It, and even then
there will be very largo proportion
of the people who will never send
for the booklet, and among them
may be many of the particular
persons It is most desirable to
reach. The newspaper, the
into the bands of
virtually everybody and the ex
a sum equal to the
i i lie booklets fir newspaper
I ea Street Camera
,,, more than
g I
good old i
but Record.
which has been doing business for
fifty seven years. The new
dent, Hon. Frederick
sen, Is one of a greatest
most successful
men In United States.
Small-pox is reported by the
State Board of Health to exist in
twenty-five counties of the State,
and there are over
cases, but only one death, so
would strike off cents
of the tax on whiskey has
pared to change the revenue lax
from to cents. But there's
little prospect it becoming a
It having been
that Senator Simmons favored
Locke Craig's candidacy for the
United States Mr.
desires it to be Hated
that he Is not taking sides in the
fight this year and will net exert
himself for or against of the
candidates-1 there
seven or eight at the last
The State Board of Pharmacy
meets hero April and a State
Convention of the King's
ten, is to be held in
Jury Held Prayer.
is an almost unheard of thing
for a jury to hold prayer before
returning a verdict, lint this is
what happened in the jury room
and what was done by the twelve
men just I hey returned
Hint gave Miss Mat tie
i Baker for having her baud
mangled in one of the machines of
Raleigh Colton Mills. It will
i be recalled that the jury was lock-
ed up this case Thursday
. from half past Ti in the afternoon
I half-past at night, and
DON'T W a small difficulty was
bill in reaching a verdict. When
you tan supply a dinner without all had finally Foreman
aid of Our Thompson
line of CANNED GOODS furnish , lead in prayer, which
a variety of desirable things with much earnestness and
your table. We also I reverent attention from all present.
VERMONT jury filed into the court
Happenings In North Carolina.
The Mormons are holding a con-
A girl years of age a
were married in Mon-
A 13-year-old girl of China
Grove, in county, died
day of small pox.
Ex-Congressman T. O. Skinner
in a card advocates the election of
Judge A. Hoke to succeed Sen-
Free Press tells of
a run away couple getting married
in road near LaGrange
The couple were C. B. and
Miss Willie Smith.
A new cutler, to cost
will be placed at New
Bern. The bill was by
Congressman Thomas and has been
W. B. claiming to be a
Confederate Veteran from
was dead in a boarding
in Raleigh Monday morning. He
bad on the reels for
several days.
A Salisbury man home
the and went
in his latch key.
over a scree- the hall and Just
as be was picking himself up pistol
balls came flying around him. His
wife thought . burglar bad come
and used her pistol.
North Carolina week st
Charleston will be April
to l Wednesday, Sib,
ill be Charlotte day, Thursday,
h, editor's day and Friday,
Wilmington day. Doubtless the
Old North State will be well rep-
resented all through the week.
And FLOUR have
the best brands to be had. In fact
our store is the place lo call
anything wanted way of
Nice Groceries.
room and rendered verdict.
Raleigh New sand Observer, Bib.
The United Wales senate has
passed a bill to pay Flora Hailing
for damages on account of
illegal arrest imprison-
at Ne in January
Which reminds us Hint
Uncle Sain i sometimes a
slow paying claims against
him. If Flout isn't dead
she has probably forgotten all
alum I the anguish she for
come bandy to somebody.
Twice the
The manager of a life insurance
company who Is a striking ad-
every day in the news-
papers within bis territory has
reached this prop-
advertised insurance company
doing business through well In-
formed agents will sell twice
number policies that a non ad-
company, equally reliable
and with
dispose By
he menus companies which
not advertise regularly in
Miss Margaret Carpenter who re-
died in New Jersey at
age of years, promised her
lover who died years ago that
would marry and
kept word, she bad
numerous . n.- I
For Nails Lochs, a contemporary propounds
Windows, Paints, Hope , submit Mi u-n
Collars, Plows, Shovels and .
Tools, go to
Next door to Ricks to
I people of l lie counties of
dare say a reasonable
lion would IN unanimously
in every county not already
levying such a lax, and once es
laid sled people themselves
would never let loose until
road- wen
the same
Why of course. What is
to prevent her from rolling goo goo
eyes at one fellow being
to another fellow
ton Star.
the family can't
always raise the dough.
long marriage is
indeed a slow match.
We see Confederate
has returned bis war-
rant lo Auditor Dixon saying Unit
he did nut S pension.
would seem that his conscience
came into rower about the lime
warrant OHM. That man's
to In Mime pub-
It bas been
men ore partial lo rocking chairs
because have arm.
Richard a Klondike gold
humor, bad given
bunt in despair, when he struck a
in of a creek which
was stuffed with gold. He got out
one day of yellow
Look the Pact la the Pace.
The progress S toward
i ugly fact ,, but
,, In ii vim in lake
last slops the by ms
merely the for s times. There
is no in
Sold by ll

Eastern reflector, 11 March 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 11, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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