Eastern reflector, 28 February 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to gee me for your next Bane of Flour
Yours to
Jas. E, White.
Loan Value.
Cash Value.
Paid-OP Insurance.
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears lie pail within month while you
are living, or within three after lapse,
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second j Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends arc payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime with the inauguration of this
There met in Raleigh last week
a small body of earnest men. They
had been called together for the
purpose of devising measures for
abolishing the saloon. A
organization was effected, a
platform and constitution adopted,
plans wen laid for an
and relentless light against the
loon, and arrangements made for
the calling of a great
convention, which will be
the final on all questions
in connection with the prosecution
of the work to its consummation,
namely, the wiping of the
loon in North Carolina. The
Carolina Liquor
i Association is warned that
it will be opposed by an
The Carolina Anti
League. In this particular
j the of light will emulate
l in their generation the wisdom of
the other kind.
Times have changed since the
overwhelming defeat of the last
general anti saloon in
this slate a score of years ago The
cause, defeated in through
unwisdom of its friends and
the of its foes,
j baa yet gone steadily forward, in
local contests in our and
counties, until has been
I banished from half the counties
North Carolina. In many other
counties the saloon exists only in
one incorporated town. And now
of insured.
Greenville, X. C.
Alter eating, person of
will derive great benefit by taking one
of these pills. If have been
they oil promptly relieve the
and which follows, restore
the appetite and remove gloom ate.
Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
by Statesmen. mer.
Other prominent worlds its i
In gifting actual news report an the
ration of events in their Just proportion. The comment en ill
freedom from sensationalism AD men and women
to know the world i doing find it an necessity
from the received from hundreds Its editorial are
and labor saving to busy man or It
timely contributions on important topics are the
writers Its of other give the best of their best
it is profusely illustrated
letters will enable all men and women
cf its
PRESIDENT arr a the
through its col- Review of ind a re
KM view hate been presented to It very indeed I ll
I could no otherwise have It a very part el n
i ii to. cause alt library, and practically a i
thoughtful men. no matter for in put lie J b
. their Ideas diverge, are IS. S. c .-.
v utterance in is col-
I ii Sta,. Mum
ti my
Co not i real ,
II It a publication err Hint to road I lake
stills I have sometimes pleasure In the
Important matter indeed of an ill
hub I not otherwise have J
Send for particulars as ho It can
i month
i has .-. .
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, lots
f I appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell tho story of bad bowel, an
impaired system, Will Cure Yon.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and strengthen
the membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
. your liver and kidneys to trouble you. your skin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers seeking proper to ii, fur in
diarrhea, and similar Mil find Meal
It keeps their regular without or nets a general
aids digestion, fin
deep ant i
U for
interest of honorable
were it to
world, would damn politician
and smash into
if then, the saloon is the worst
possible medium of a which
is by law as the fertile
breeder of disorder and crime, it is
reasonable to hope that a union
can be affected of all who are
opposed to the worst and in favor
of a better solution of a confessedly
difficult problem. And this move-
proposes to unite all these.
It welcomes to its ranks not only
the Christian men of all
but the decent, sober, moral
men community who arc
in favor of decency sobriety
morally. Those who believe
that total abstinence and temper-
are one and same
those Who make distinction be-
tween them, those who in
prohibit ion as the correct solution
of the those who are fa-
to dispensary system
and who will accept the dis-
as a stepping atone to pro
can all stand together in
lo the saloon
is it the intention of the
of the
to determine what form
sit ion to the saloon shall take.
Local questions should be settled
in view of local us
by the on the ground.
It ii not a church movement,
though it should
peal to all it is not
woman's movement, though the
aid of the women will be
us we bless them
that their prayers will be
for theirs is the
the shame of innocence, hound by-
ties of blood affection, to vice.
It is not a political movement,
though it is not going to lie content
with conventions and resolutions
while semis its creatures
to represent its interest in the
halls of And we hope
to keep the fanatics, their
lighting in their own way
the ranks, because they are too
valuable as soldiers to
waste any merely cap-
As thus the platform and
of this movement are set
forth, any man who loves the
Kingdom of Christ, withhold his
influence and aid Can any man
loves his
As a member of the executive
the undersigned will be
glad to receive and forward to the
committee the names of any who
can give their time labor to
the cause their localities.
A committee of One Hundred,
from every section of the stale will
loon be selected and will be called
to where
headquarters of the movement
have been established.
we are in it to slay.
Those who are in favor of fewer
drunkards, fewer wives
homes and drunk-
j will please help us.
I We are not expecting the milieu
; ilium immediately in North Caro-
neither we in favor
I of hell
A. J.
For Sale by
l ii i only .-1
ill ad
, . Cl U.
. bee, ll com.
Al M
i IS. of your
I Al
movement, wisdom not
the reins,
and while the of
I a bad may b expected to
to full, a large part of the vote
that invariably controlled
natural hint inward
assimilation, has been eliminated.
The better class of voters
lean no longer lie depended upon
the saloon. Ami the
, d education of the white
their progress in culture and
i Christianity, has as we
firmly turned the minority
i into a majority, a majority not
of number but of and
I capacity and and
I hat ha- always had its way,
an din this instance and for this
cause i- only waiting leadership to
organize to con
We call special attention to
platform sod principles
led The foundation principles is
that saloon is the worst
solution of the liquor problem,
is fact no solution, is the abject
-in render of the light for temper
to the devil devil's
own. prospective,
bu never been In the bis-
of world such a
of deadly influences as go to
make up the
saloon. There dote not exist any
eke In the world today such
an of forbidden abhor-
rent forces us And free play in the
saloon. Sell interest,
the for money making,
business energy that is character-
of Americans, devoted to at
and holding customers,
Instinct, the notorious
alliance between the saloon and
brothel the gambling den,
all for the devilish
task of exciting passions that need
restraining rather than
and which once waked are
desperate in power
over If there was any
thing, one.- a time, lo add to
the power of the
it has been long ago dis
Covered and adopted. As a com
anti perfected institution,
adapted with precision to I
tusk, the saloon is a work of I
genius and art. We challenge any i tells of the
answer to the proposition Of N in
loon cannot be improved upon M who
an engine for creating and p t hundred gland and fifty
mating and children. Another
all the lower passions. ,, caps h a story a Welch
Elixir of Life Dis-
covered by Famous Doctor-
Scientist That Cures Every
Wonderful Cures Are Effected
That Seem Like Miracle
Performed The Secret of
Long Life of Olden Times
I he Remedy la To All Who
Send Name Address.
After years of patient study,
delving into the dusty record of
he pant, as well as following mod-
experiments in the realms of
medical science, Dr. James W.
Kidd. First National Bank
building. Fort Wayne, Ind., makes
the startling announcement that he
Of 1866.
J. W. a.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handler of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
has surely discovered the elixir of
life. That he is able with the aid
of a mysterious known
only to himself, as a re-
of years he has spent in
searching for this life
boon, to cure any and every
disease that is known to the human
body. There is no doubt of the
doctor's earnestness making bis
claim and the remarkable cures
that he is daily seems to
bear him out very strongly. His
theory which he advances is one of
reason and based oil sound
in a medical practice of many
years. It costs lo try bis
remarkable of
he calls it. fir he sends it free, to
anyone who is a sufferer,
dent quantities to convince of its
ability to cure, so there is
no risk to inn. S of the
cures cited are very
but for reliable witnesses
would hardly be credited. The
lame have thrown away crutches
and walked about alter two or
three trials of the remedy. The
sick, given up by home doctors,
have been restored to their
and friends perfect health.
Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach,
heart, liver, kidney, blood and
skin diseases bladder troubles
-us magic. Headaches,
backaches, nervousness, fevers,
consumption, coughs, colds,
ma, catarrh, bronchitis and all
ions of the throat, lungs or any
vital organs are easily overcome in
a space of time that is simply mar-
Partial paralysis, locomotor
ataxia, dropsy, gout, scrofula and
piles are quickly and permanently
removed. It the
system, blood tissues, restores
normal nerve power, circulation
and a stale of perfect health is
produced at once. To doctor
all systems are alike and equally
affected by great of
Semi lo- remedy today.
It is free to c. Slate
what you want l- be cured of and
the sure remedy it will be sent
you free by return mail.
Plant Trees
I hare on band a few thousand of Fruit
and Ornamental Trees, Greenhouse Plants.
Rose Bushes, ate., for sale cheap. I am
also preparing to put a very large stock of
Trees for the fall trade. Glee me
your orders and save money.
Proprietor Nursery,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. O.
Nice line cf goods on hand. Prices low
produce bought for cash or In
exchange for
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
I Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk Baltimore,
Phi label New York and
ton, and for all points for
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J.
Greenville, N. O.
Dr. D James,
Denial Surgeon,
died at age
years, Ira , beta married three
times, the father of forty-
four children, and whose funeral
was attended by of hi de
is a perfect drunkard with
harlotry gambling annexes.
Moreover, through the natural law
of self preservation, its
conspicuous place in business
world, social
encouraging association in a com
cause, through the too Do Not B Afraid
degradation of politics, the to the facts squarely In the face. Thai
saloon is the standing menace to
good government, in this laud of of sticky mucus, Is n sign of
the free. And politician, fA
commit themselves to its contains no an efficient remedy,
r. . since it heals the Irritated, Inflamed throat
lion and often commit party, d ,,, , .
such an with any cold from running Into forms of
t consumption.
Even cold cash is apt to burn a
bole pocket.
of women marry tho
man who propose; but they won't
One way to keep your promises
is not lo give them.
. M.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
Mattresses, Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Gail Ax
High Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Macs
Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M Schultz
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs fur per
Half Cabinets per dozen
All other line very cheap. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the time. and
examine my work. No trouble to show
and answer The very
best work guaranteed lo all. Office
a to a. m., lo Ii p Yours to please,
D. W.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction In
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Mr. John C. General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Welt-
and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and to public
generally, of North this com-
will now Resume In this
state and from this dale will issue
splendid and desirable policies, to all de-
airing the very best insurance in best
life insurance company in world.
If the local agent In your town ha not
yet completed address
State Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once lo wort for lbs
Old Benefit.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly en
band. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
in cut and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for produce.
The Charlotte Observer.
I. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE Receives
telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. largest paper
North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
N. C.
Also a nice Hardware.
J. B.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Months Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken .
office. The Berni
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or THE Daily
one year for payable in ad-
t wash . i,
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
The Most Offering
We Ever Made.
There yon hive it. Let the bargains do talking. No need
of a word if you see I hem. Say what we might in the papers,
cold type can never rise lo the of perfectly g these
Great us. At the yon get a half a notion of a
few of them as they appear, but it is Store that hold
real court, Here it is that you cm sec and sense their
value. What we arc shewing there is without exception
greatest, grandest gathering of Bargains we have ever Offered.
Underwear Department.
Kid Gloves.
Kid Gloves in ail colors A Offering of La-
white at dies Gents underwear still
C. B. Corsets I bat were sold
for 91.26 at
It is up to you not to let Ibis
bargain pass unnoticed.
Boys Girls Heavy Bibbed
Hose, a good value at
Ladies Extra Heavy Bibbed
Hose are sold at now
Half Hose be
for less than now
Yon can still find some great
bargains in this lot of remnants
We have some good lengths for
skirt and waist patterns.
Ladies Heavy Bibbed Vests at
Extra Heavy Bibbed Pauls
Suits. arc real values at
and Vests at
Ladies Suits
Ladies Extra Heavy
. S now
Ladies All Wool Bibbed Pants
and never sold for less
than 11.00, now
Mens Extra Heavy Fleeced
Shirts and Drawers, finished
with silk tape and pearl buttons
regular grade now marked
Wright's Health
the kind, marked in this
e at
For Nails, Locks, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Next door to Wilkinson. to Ormond
N. C.
DON'T over a small
thing like come to us and
you can supply a dinner without
the aid of the cook. excellent
line of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
your We also keep
FLOUR hi- have
the best brands lo lie had. fact
store is place to call
anything wanted in tho way of
Nice Groceries.
Times The Value
Agents wanted in all unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta. Ga.
For sale by
Special Correspondent of
Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 24.1
Raleigh has at last
whereby a combined
will be pro
amply sufficient to
any crowd that is like
to gather on one occasion in
Raleigh for many years to cone-
end especially with the view of
furnishing a ball large enough to
comfortably care for the great
other State conventions.
WORK and
funeral of General Toon,
Superintendent of Public
last was largely at-
tended by the State local
of Masonic and other orders, de
spite the particularly bad weather.
While General Toon had been
dangerously ill for two or three
months, he bad improved so rapid-
late his complete
cry was expected, and he bad
stated his intention to go to his
office this week. When he sud-
expired last Wednesday
heart the sad event
was as surprising as deplorable.
He had exceeded the expectations
of bis best friends the successful
performance of bis new duties and
had be lived to complete tin-
expired term of three years yet
remaining his record would have
been an especially line one. The
Interment was in Oakwood
tery, this city. His death leaves
only two surviving ex Brigadier
Generals of the
Carolina. General Win. It
Cox General W. P. Roberts-
all of them their
when commissioned as such, Gen-
being twenty four years
age, only.
Among the other valuable
it is now learned that
have now been raised to
wards the erection of new
at the State
Normal the
students of college subscribing
last week, the corner-
stone will be laid during the com-
exercises in May.
There will celebration at
Island the coming sum-
mer, as it has been found
to secure an appropriation
from session
now drawing to a close. After
conferring with Senators Simmons
and and the North Caro-
Congressmen the promoters
of the plan have decided to post-
pone it as least for one year.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N. Duke
celebrated their
t Durham last Friday evening
tendered a reception to
I heir friends.
The older received here
day, effect once, in-
creasing lite insurance rates per
cent., effective over entire
territory east of Rocky Mountains,
unwelcome lo property
owners, merchants,
etc. But they must pay it or go
without insurance.
engagement of lion. J. B.
Young, Insurance Commissioner,
to Miss Virginia, daughter of Ex-
Governor Nichols of Louisiana, is
announced. The wedding will
cur in April.
was requested to
contribute to
monument fund. Only about half
of it has so far been subscribed.
Any postmaster will receive sub-
Small amounts
many people are most desirable.
Our Grocery Department
of the very best quality at the lowest
pries for first goods. Try our
Edge Flour
if you wish nicest, whitest and best broad it i- by
any anti equaled by none we have ever It saves you
money by less lard lo shorten it. If you wish an
EX ISA GOOD cup of COFFEE buy the
Hunter brand Mocha and Java
in pound cans, per pound. Try Teas of One quality
green, black and We keep best we can
buy. If you to get sweet ask for our
Fancy Ponce Molasses.
We also carry Lemon, Vanilla,
and oilier goods that we have room to mention,
Al the leading brands in stock, Call
on us if you arc hungry and be led
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
End of Century Club.
for The tor.
Regardless of the inclemency of
the weather, Club spent a most
pleasant evening Mrs. Julian
Jordan Friday, Feb. The
President beam absent the Vice-
President tilled the chair.
The program consisted
of the of the
by Mrs. Arthur, followed
by general discussion of the
To add to the
pleasure of her guests the hostess
famished an interesting contest on
the heroes and heroines of noted
Hughes lied, the draw-
the prise.
being so thoroughly enter-
as well as having the
sumptuously fed, the Club
adjourned to meet Mrs.
Washington's Birthday
Reported The Reflector
On February 22nd, Mrs. i.
Chapter Daughters of the
in a most charming manner.
Despite the inclemency of the
weather there was a good attend-
In absence of the Pres-
the Vice President, Mis. F.
G. James, with becoming dignity
opened and presided over I he
meeting. There being no business
of Importance, the hostess pro-
u very entertainment
for her guests. Mrs. E. B. Kick-
and Mis. L. Woolen tied
for the prize, while Mrs.
ti. James, bore off laurels
the head prize.
Alter the meeting delightful re-
were served. The
Chapter will with Mrs. Harry
last Thursday in
Soon the candidates, from town-
Made By The Orange. Virginia. Observer
The girl who elopes with a coach
man is always sure a bridle
If a man who takes a mortgage
is a mortgagee, is man who
takes a goat a goatee
The man who likes whiskey bet-
than beef walks not after the
flesh but the spirit.
A man in Kentucky died recent-
while faking a bath. It is no
use for a to fool with
never gets used to it.
Many a player gets a
larger salary governor of
Island, but the ball player
has a bigger field lo work in.
If the law carrying con-
weapons was rigidly en-
forced, many people would have to
carry their tongues outside of their
Tribute to Edmund Chesson
dead, but gone to a sweeter,
brighter world above, where only
pine in heart can see God.
Little Edmund is nut dead. His
spirit is rejoicing in Lord, for
he is of His brightest jewels,
only wait resurrection
morn, when Ibis clay that's
sleeping shall rise and be clothed
its beauty of form, which
of heaven will then grant him
to adorn.
He was bis mother's idol, bis
lather's joy, but greater far was
he Hod's own.
Why weep then mother Why
-thy soul so sorrowful Lit-
lie Edmund is waiting and watch
to welcome you home, where he
is helping lo prepare a bright
mansion, like those he left of your
My suffering is all over my
i mother, father. path you
tried to help me along, the
was made smooth for me, for
I bad to go it alone. There was a
ship constable up, will be going j crown for mother, and
mound with campaign my joy has just begun. And
shaking bands kissing the it and truth
molly faced babies, telling ,., together. Righteousness
What pretty little darlings have each
are, so much like their moth- A True Sympathizer, Q.
will drop in to offer the
business a good cigar and
they will chat with the farmers
about the stock, crops and
proved methods of farming. Every
tiller of the soil will be made to
believe Ilia he is just the best
in the county and the shop
keeper will be patted upon
back and congratulated upon the
neat and tidy appearance of his
place business. Oh, these can
At home of the
mother, Mrs. A. V. was a
scene of a beautiful marriage Wed-
Feb. at o'clock p.
in. Miss Lydia Newton, of
Falkland's most attractive young
ladies, was married to Mr. Robert
Fountain, a popular young
y to our business and
Sec us when want of
We just lidded Steam
will sell anything in this line very low,
Globe Valves, Standard Globe
Angle Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Ganges,
S. Injectors, Cocks. Steam
Pipe all Pipe Filling all sizes.
COMPLETE LINE OF Packing, Rubber Belt, Sandy
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks,
are great people. We love j by Rev. J. B. Morton of
to have I hem around, make Tarboro.
us feel so grand and tail The attendants were Miss Alice
strong, every editor learns Fountain with J. E. King, Miss
Sue with Jenkins, Miss
what a I he is gel-
ling out. says the
dale, paper is best that
comes lo our house. The old lady
Says it is her morning Ionic, while
the children for Yes, we
are truly glad it is a
year, for now we may expect calls
some of our dear friends who
have not remembered us since the
leering- Harvesting machine, Pip- and Farm Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
crank may take a
All may be lair in love or war,
but not a church lair.
man is apt to take affront
if people talk behind bis back.
The crust society is formed of
people who have the
The III Wind
Hat tie Smith with Weeks,
Mis Maggie Fountain of
groom w it Ii W. S. broth-
of the bride. Little Miss Lil-
Fountain ii white satin
cushion which held the
ring. The bride and groom enter-
ed while Miss Fannie Eagles play-
ed the wedding march.
After the ceremony bridal
patty went to the home
of groom's parents, where an
elegant reel lion was held. Next
lay Mr. and Mrs. Fountain re-
turned lo Reba where they will
make home. They were the
recipients of many handsome and
valuable presents.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. Fountain
a happy future.
J. K. K.
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills Fever is a of Grove's
Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron I
and quinine In a cure, I
Unit blows nobody i bent on errands
of ti.- fall sad winter, U pm
Your will not
bronchitis, nor consumption U you
make Allen's Lung
until the rough as the
lopped I. the are gone.
opium ml will sot
Booker Washington says there
is an opportunity for every
to a in south.
still we sometimes wonder
bow many farmers lie has turned
out his Her

N. C.
D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
at the Office at
ab Second -Claw
Mail Hatter.
Friday, 1902.,
Roads in terrible condition,
the verdict of all who travel
Talk up having better ones and
the interest will spread.
Prince Henry, of Prussia, is now
on American soil. He arrived in
New York Monday and there was
much display honor of the
event and a cordial reception given
States District Attorney
Harry Skinner has appointed
Oscar J. Spears as first assistant
district attorney and K. A. John-
son, the as
These are the same assistants that
served with Bernard,
Advertising Car Here Billing the Great
The Atlantic Coast Line
Using car, charge W.
E. special agent the A.
L , came to Greenville this
to advertise the
toil and West Indies
now in Mr
Harry expert
man who has had experience
in all pails of the world, is
assault of Till-
on bis colleague, Senator
the open Senate there
ran be no palliation, and no
amount of verbal apology or ab-
atone for the offense,
as was the insult, the
ate was the last place for resenting
it by brute force. The most
punishment of the offender
would be for the Senators to put
bin in Coventry as for
with them; but the is
that on both sides they have of the advertising crew
his escapades until at last i with the car. They have put up
bis linoleum culminated in this, handsome posters lithographs
Scandal. over town, showing the
There is one aspect of the I lions of the exposition.
however, which is of con- Kyle tells us the exhibits arc now
to the public. It is a fact, us all place and the exposition is
asserted Senator that very complete. He added that
us opposed to North Carolinians are especially
the Treaty, that when a proud of the from this
vole was badly needed by the Ad- Stale is unsurpassed,
ministration he was suddenly and The midway attractions at the
converted its favor, exposition are of a high and select
It is also a fact that immediately class, Hie objectionable features
after miraculous conversion usually allowed at big shows be-
Senator M. became the log ruled out. Anyone
patronage pleasant and
in South Carolina. He had the the exposition,
run of the departments; and w M ,
A twenty two loot cut a
tree nearly eighteen feet
diameter will be sent to the St.
Louis Fair by the Tacoma
Chamber of Commerce as
part of Washington's exhibit. A
fund of has been raised to pay
cost of removing it from the
forest to St. Louis.
The Slates Sena e
orated Washington's with
a fight between the two Senators
from South Carolina. Senator
in a speech made the
charge that a vote cast by Senator
had been the
exercise of improper Influence.
denounced this charge
as a malicious and
when Tillman made for
meeting him half
way. got a heavy blow
on the forehead and got
punch on the nose that brought
blood. They had a general mix up
before being separated.
vote both were declared to
be in contempt of the Senate, but
were later to make
apologies. It was a disgraceful
scene. Their Mate the
try might both lie better off with-
out men in
offices and revenue
In the State were at his exclusive
disposal. It is not jet forgotten
how he Undertook as one of his
first to the
venerable Wade Hampton with the
Columbia S. post office, and
how his base attempt was repulsed
I v i vi v C, Feb. SB.
Miss Vivian Parker returned
from Snow Hill Sunday.
Winston came to Farm
the U. B. Saturday
evening and went to Snow Hill
There be some who are disposed
lo sneer at The because
it announced after the 2nd of Feb-
that the hog, being
an early riser, had not seen his
shadow fit cloudy until the
ninth hour that and had
not gone back into his hole, and
therefore winter was at end.
We say. on account of this state-
and the snow which now
the earth, there be those
who sneer. they sneer as I hose
who have no knowledge.
It has for all line been an
settled question when the ground
bog appeared, and whether if the
bud shined on any portion of Feb-
he saw his shadow and
There be who
have held that if it lie cloudy at
sunrise the hog came forth
and remained, but ii there was
sunshine In- retired. The Land
mark adopted this view purely to
settle a vexed the
2nd of Ibis mouth it was cloudy
until the ninth hour but there was
sunshine the remainder of the day.
We announced that the ground
hog was out to stay, but as much
winter weather has followed we
think he went bank. So,
if the sun shines at any time
on February 2nd we will know that
the winter is not ended. That
much is settled and admiring
constituency thank The Laud
mark for solving the problem.
state.-, Landmark.
Oh, no, Bub, you can't nave the
credit for solving that problem.
The i i. was just days
ahead of you i-t that
whole of February Is ground
hog day, and if be sees his shadow
time the day he slips
back in bis bole for forty days.
You can go way back and sit down
until the next of the com-
by order of the
This did not seriously discourage Sunday where he is holding
him, as it would have discouraged, Work baa begun on the Chris
any man possessed of a lingering personage, which is located
sense of political decency. near the church on street.
is still making his proffer Harvey Greene and J. P. King,
of Federal office and to every of Greenville, came here Saturday
Democrat in South Carolina horn a visit and Monday,
he can thus into a tool of Mrs. W. I. Burnett and
his the Administration. Sunday in the conn
all be Still keeps up the try with her mother,
impudent pretense of being a Deni Miss Pearl Moore and Mrs. M.
while supporting by yesterday the
and vote every measure of country at A.
power. Mis. Askew
Senator provocation is from a to Green-
that Senator in
Government patronage Bay West, of was in
South Carolina, has sought out town Sunday visiting friends.
I man's personal enemies the W. B. Pollard went up the road
special objects of his I when . today,
they could lie converted at the Miss Set ha Burnett is in the
same time into political tools of the country visiting her grandmother.
Administration. This is the mere kilts Ruth is in town
personal phase of the scandal with visiting Miss Vivian
which the public has little concern, T. B, is quite sick from
There is another feature of the vaccination, liming his sickness
affair that is of great interest to T. It. King has taken his place as
the American people. This is the clerk,
attempt, in which is the Will Home Askew is quite sick,
chief agent, to corrupt a Stale Mi-s Sue Hardy, from near Snow
by the industrious of office and Hill, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
then it. u John J. Halter.
on for be Miss Alice s in town
his party in South faro Sunday.
Una, and in lustily denouncing Willie to Speed
Tillman for his the Ail- Saturday morning,
organs may still be . . .
expected to decorously keep this
of I he scandal out of
public view. Hit this is what
i-l highly concerns the whole
American people iii I be quarrel be- Philadelphia
tween the two South Carolina Sen-
By Student of Winterville High School.
On Friday night Feb. the
Vance Literary Society gave a pub-
debate which was decidedly one
the best ever beard in
The debate was called to order
at 7.15 P. M. A. Cox,
of Bridge
was President and L. A. Perry, of
I,., acted his part well in
conducting debate.
The query for
Resolved, the signs of
times indicate the overthrow of
our H. L. of
Staley, county, was
first speaker on the
He said it was more pleasant to
Hatter than lo censure but
compelled the latter. Our first
settlement was lo escape
lion. Then came the Federal party
with its principles of tyranny only
to be crushed by the people, but
when the civil war came, north
placed a yoke on the south to crush
her and our present policy of treat-
conquered foes is clearly shown
in Cuba and the Islands.
To crush these people requires a
great standing army which surely
means decay. Once this was
law makers and executive officers
we yield obedience to the same
trust. Such trusts
the Standard Oil Co., and the
Carnegie steel trust control the
It bas placed its vile
clutches our sys-
and the great scholar,
President Andrews, of Brown
versify was asked to resign because
his views were not favorable to
trusts. In the U. there are
millionaires, one of the
most prominent wall street brokers
says money rules and will ruin.
We have the poor here but we
should not make slaves of them.
year at the gates of rich
thousands die of cold
ad hunger.
S. Chapman of
was the next speaker the
He said he was proud to
look the folds of our
Hag it flouted over I lie best
government world bas ever
known. All evil prophecies have
failed. Monroe and Jefferson with
no histories lo read were not sole
to see as far ahead as our states-
men do now. While everything
else is improving our statesmen are
also We live in an age of
Who can estimate what our gov-
has done for Immunity f
times of famine, war or
and the pal Mot ism of she bas always the cry
people the army needed ,., ,, and
lo protect our flag. This to those in She has
mats half a million dollars per day. , cry
Already compulsory military liberty, bless her
vice is being discussed in for and
and we clearly see that fob were
lowing in the footsteps of foreign I of government
despots. England, the
France control that way and we Our dark days came
nail It Imperialism. H is the same deliverance,
as it was, came we remedied
our week point, and today are a
free people. When fell,
C. J. Jackson, of Pitt county,
was the first speaker on neg-
He Mid our government her population
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds, T. It. Moore
the following marriage
Mills Smith and Joyner.
Hail and Bed
It. A. Fountain and Lydia New-
Maud L.
Jr., Annie
I towns.
Jake and Virginia Mills.
F. A. Bryan and Daisy
a day just for advertising his
store. He uses a
page a day in live daily
in that city. They are as
follows. Pie, Ledger,
Times. North
American, and Evening
Telegraph. Up to a few
mouths ago Mr. was
using a page in the at the
rate of a year, which
Would have made annual
of When
wanted to renew his advertising
contract with the the pub-
asked more, or a
total of Mr.
refused to pay the amount, think-
that no one else would pay
sum the page. The
was made to Lit Brothers,
who accepted the contract without
John and White. hesitation, and they
are now paying the sum
Fernando Harris
Forbes and Cindy
Will Brown Emma
James and Lena Worth
Amos Barrett
and -W
for one J
William Wood Mary Stan
A lull now the
setts legislature requires
of cats. The fee is fixed
at cents, and it is provided
Caroline any one who shall keep a cat con-
it to the provisions of the act
shall be fined to, one half to go
lo the informer and one-half to the
city or town treasury.
July of each year the
i chief executive of each city or
The worst thing about hope is required to issue warrants
that we always it to be for execution of all unlicensed
i felines.
was once an experiment, but in if
of a great nation.
fell only contempt for our
liberty loving people, but when
aroused such men as Patrick
Henry, it was no sugar coated
dose I bat England received, and
slaves. We have none.
only power, not the will of
the people and crushed out the
middle class. can't be com-
pared to stands
against all opposition, although
small and hemmed because
Mexican Liniment
law ca Mar Baa, bat la thrash ha and
to tea sad an oat U
For a Lame Back,
Sore Muscles,
or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore-
of your body there is nothing
that will drive out the pain and in-
so quickly as
If you cannot reach the spot your-
self get some one to assist you, for
it is essential that the liniment be
rubbed in most thoroughly.
Mexican Liniment
sad all animal. In fart.
It la a Utah healer and pain killer matter who or what toe la.
the wisdom of Washington, .- ,.
X T . . . . . . t t . l f . . T
son, Madison and Franklin found-
government. We know j , ,.,.
we are following path spoke for the He
marked because we have he
in the constitution which trampled upon but July 4th,
every voter swears to protect. ,
Usability has not only revolution brought freedom. Our
been Shown by her soldiers on weak republic plunged into
many battle fields but by her only to come forth
power to meet the traitors to her so M
own cause Benedict Arnold was WM but when
but for power, but his is he craze of our were
treachery failed lo our doomed. We gain per
hopes. Then people de- , ,,.,
fended our cause, now
defend and our govern
The wars of 1813 1845
are monument lo our ability lo
meet outside foes.
but men. Home was in many ways
our superior but corrupted by
wealth her statesmen were
pated and she fell. Greece, the
home of poets, artists and
our government world's greatest orators, fell
but it come forth stronger than man could save for wealth bad
ever. Our Hag floats over a
enjoy lug greatest freedom,
her people.
Solomon w lib all his wisdom
both religions and that error and today the
the world ever saw. Our courts re ,, ,, ,
are forms of justice that we are
proud to compare with that of any u M
more rapidly so
other the world. All colors and
classes alike receive justice. The
dream of Democracy stirred the
hearts of soldiers and
but it tool the
broad minded American citizen to
develop it.
J. of
Pitt county, spoke next for the
affirmative. He said all life is
marked by changes. There is no
flower too beaut mil lo fade, no
government too strong to fall.
just laws undermine government.
tariff laws are. of this kind.
It makes a and millions
poor. The pay s all tariff
duties. The discussions in
days of Andrew
in as
alike failed to stop rob-
and l day per cent, is the
duly pan i u some goods. A suit
I lot In .- I o ,,. hi tO COSt
But often none of
this high price benefits gov-
The foreign
can pay a reasonable price,
but such high rates prevent their
at all and we only make
millionaires of our own
I believe the hog
or policy . give everybody an
chance. Let us go back to
our first of government.
Trusts are sapping out our free
fall will lie more sudden. I love
to sec the bright side but when
wealth accumulates men decay
land is surely a prey to hasten-
ills. amusements,
working on the Sabbath, and
arc common, while obscene
literature Hoods laud. Men
Bell themselves election day for
a drink whiskey. Lib- of the
government is not but
Our today is of
wealth. Millionaires beggars
are multiplying and will leave
only two courses open. One build
a monarchy like the the
other revolution other
the overthrow of
II. of spoke
next for the negative. He said
Martin Luther received
from the started a work
which we arc carrying out. We
stand upon five distinct principles
which will ever us. Do
the signs indicate that wrong will
triumph over right t The
can people have always shown
themselves of controlling
their affairs. Today the rich are
spending their on schools to
educate the poor,
as as schools are put in the
reach of the poor so that all may
learn lo think for themselves.
life and while may change our Wireless telegraphy free rural
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit,
Prepare your laud well, manure and plant a variety that
command a better price when yon offer it on the market.
Two years ago I a peck of seed, planted them on half an
acre of laud and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. R. J. together with several
other bales of good variety this bale sold for three eights of a rent
more per pun ml than the lot. The lint is far superior to cotton
sold Ibis market and the yield is far ahead of anything we have
this country. Numbers of the best farmers in the county saw my
crop growing in the field sud pronounced it as Sue they ever saw.
I am now offering these seed for sale at Si a bushel. Parties
any of the seed will please send me their order at once as I
have a limited quantity for sale.
Greenville, N. V.
delivery of mail puts us in close
touch with the world. Our out-
posts today are in sight of Asia as
march around the
world civilizing and evangelizing
it. We bear lo all the
precious trophy of liberty. Shall
we cry overthrow and stop helping
helpless The Spanish war
bas unit all sections and there is
no North, South, no East, no
West, but one united people. We
will still keep truth for anchor,
demagogues and bold to
principle and forever.
Kai.-h speaker had a five min
reply and the young
men showed themselves to be fa
with subject and made
it lively with keen wit and telling
points scored.
Although it was very bad
yet a good crowd was present
and all went home lo praise the
speakers who acquitted themselves
so well.
The in Rates.
Atlanta, Feb. South-
eastern Tariff Association today-
decided that a increase
in insurance rates be made on all
merchandise without ex-
on frame store build-
also on all manufacturing risks
and other special hazards which
has not been rated under revised
schedules a year. This
action went effect today and
was caused by the extraordinary
fire losses which they have been
called upon to bear during the last
three years especially since the
beginning of the present year.
This morning, with the
of Zeno Moore Bros., Tan
run received a beautiful
dish from a lot of ware they
have Just received. The one sent
us it an oyster dish of handsome
design and artistic finish. We
very much appreciate it.
Your advertisement in The
goes right along with
advertisements work
all the time building business for
the wise advertisers.
If yon want people to visit your
store put your advertisement where
it will be read, that is in
People read this paper for what
there is in it, and they will see
what you have to say.
If you have not time to write
the advertisement yourself or
don't know just what yon want
to say, let us know and we will
help you get it up.
We have bright and attractive
outs to illustrate ad-
which yon can use
for the asking.
Masonic Hall School, mouth and
Feb. 31st, 1902.
Irma Allen,
Agues Spain,
Una Smith.
The people who always promise
to pay sometime lad that it
doesn't pay to promise.
On street, at social gatherings, anywhere, where a
lier of good and clothes question i the
topic of conversation, you will hum, you lend an attentive ear,
that are quoted as being the store that always bus snappy
for the up man. The store that he looks to
for new things; the store to which be first turns for a new cut a
suit, a shape in a bat or lie short, lb store where the
good dresser always the thing he without paying an
extra price for style. If you are interested and
character, come in.
If there is a CROSS MA
in the margin of this paper it
so to you that yon owe
Tun for
subscription and we request
you ill- in early as pis-
We need what YOU
owe us hope you will not
keen us waiting for it.
U notice is for those who
And the cross murk on
February nearly gone and
White Seed at
S. M. Schultz.
There was some and
lightning Tuesday evening.
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
Sand pet lb gross,
The moderate weather bas
brought a few loads of tobacco to
market this week.
When you engraving
cards or at Be
Hector Book Store.
We hear that some new cases of
smallpox have developed in the
vicinity of
The Standard Oil Go's, lank de
livery wagon has been stuck
mud at the big hill, three miles
from town, the last few days.
When you wish to subscribe or
renew subscription for
you can save something by
through The
Book Store.
forget that at Tub Bk-
business office and at
Hotel are contribution
boxes to receive donations to help
erect a monument to Sir Waller
Raleigh. In a contribution.
Ankle Sprained.
While out walking the rail-
road, Miss Georgia
sou made a misstep a severe
sprain of the ankle. She has since
been confined to her room unable
lo walk.
Nearly Always Late.
Wet soggy wood
an antiquated breaks up
the schedule f the passenger
But the officials cannot see the
putting on a coal limn-
Small Engine.
L. H. Ponder completed
a novel engine, built by himself
his shop here. It is small,
being only one horse power, but
works perfectly. This Is the first
engine ever built in
Nobody Shot.
Some was caused on
the street about o'clock
day night, by pistol reports. The
ting was done by Charles Bog-
who was
no damage done.
Mayor W. H. Long bus
of the following cases In his court
since last
Joseph and Fred Cox
fray lined each and costs,
Moses King and Daniel
bound over lo Superior
More Wanted.
Since the death of Miss Jessie
Holliday, at same
weeks ago, TUB Ida bas
bad a at that
place. Will not some one
and send us the news We
would also like to have a regular
correspondent at Falkland.
Evening Mail North.
J. J. us has re
from the postal
that mail from the
now lie sent on the evening
train via Hail dropped
in the before o'clock,
P. M. will leave on the train,
and going via and Golds-
will reach Northern and Wes-
tern points hours sooner
than if for the morning
Survey Being Made.
At the hearing of the Greenville
bond case in the Supreme court,
last week, the court ordered that a
map the proposed graded school
district of the town, which was in-
the bond bill, be
to court days.
Former Surveyor J. It.
Jenkins, is now making a sum-.-,
of the for the purpose of
paring the map.
Moses, father of our
colored barber here, W. II. Dew,
while in a demented stale, left
borne of bis sou Tuesday night
of last week wandered off.
Great was felt for him
until Thursday when his son
and brought
back to his home. He suffered
very much from cold, but people
cared fur him sod he on
Run In a Wire.
Tuesday, morning about ten miles
south of Greenville the passenger
train, while rounding a curve run
into the telegraph line that bud
fallen across the track. pole
was pulled down, but the was
stopped so quickly that damage
was done to the headlight
and smokestack of the
Prof. J. Y. Joyner Appointed.
This Gov.
pointed Prof. J. Y. Joyner, of the
Normal and College,
as State Superintend
of Instruction to
late Gen. Toon. The
appointment is an excellent one and
will give
throughout State. Prof. Joy-
is every way qualified to
take up and carry the work
laid down by able
G. H. went to Ayden Sat
Dr. L. C. went up the
road this morning.
Mrs. A. from
W. E. returned
day evening from Tarboro.
H. W. who bas been
sick some days, is out
Mrs. J. G. returned today
from u visit to Wilson.
Carl Wilson returned Saturday
evening from a visit to relatives at
W. H. Harrington left
morning for Fortress Monroe and
District Attorney Hairy Skin-
came home Saturday
Mrs. D. E. House has returned
from a visit to her parents in
Mi- Wilson returned
Saturday evening a visit to
her sister at Hill.
J. M. Moore came Saturday
evening from Tarboro to visit bis
father, J. B. Moore.
Miss Lizzie Blow, of Greensboro,
who bas been visiting Mrs. If, D
returned Ibis morning.
Robert Abbott, of Clifton, win
was visiting bis sister, Mrs. L. H.
home Saturday
Miss Martha V. Harding, who
bas been spending
her Mrs. F. C. Harding,
Saturday evening for Her home
II. P. Hill went up the road
this morning.
Jarvis Sugg, of Washington,
His Carrie Andrews left
morning for Tarboro.
Mis. J. A. Dudley went to
den Monday evening.
G. B. W. left Monday
evening for
Rev. . of Kin-
spent today here.
Mrs. Annie Evans returned this
morning from Goldsboro.
Sheriff O. W.
to Durham this morning.
Rev. F. A. Bishop returned
borne Monday cuing.
B. II. Blackburn, of
came evening.
Mi and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis re
turned Monday evening from
Miss Maggie re-
turned to Monday
Joe of Tarboro, who
has been visiting A. A. Andrews,
returned home today.
Rev. Wafers, of Washing
editor the Watch Tower,
came this morning.
Mr. Mrs. It. and
little sou, left this morning
for D. C.
Miss Lola of Ayden, who
was Mrs Alice Harper,
returned home evening.
of Norfolk, who has
been spending a few days here, left
Monday Mis.
also passed through to go with him
In visit relatives in Greene county.
R. II. Blackburn to
Tuesday evening.
Miss returned Tues-
day evening from
W. Harrington
Tuesday evening from Norfolk.
Mrs. J. L. Hug returned Tues-
day from Washington, D.
Dr. re-
turned Tuesday evening from
apt. George Smith,
the passenger train, is at his
home Jen-
kins is the run in bis place.
of W, T. Lee Co, at New York Cost.
I Shoes, Dress C Clothing, Shirts, in fact everything
in a first-class up-to-date store, will begin sale
Tuesday, Feb. 11th, a. m.
at W. T. Lee Co's old stand. No goods
charged or sent out without the cash.
Taken to Durham.
Sheriff O. W.
Tuesday for Durham lo
take Mrs. Vance-, who is
properly a charge of Durham
count. She to this
several mouths ago and had to lie
cared for by The
Board Commissioners lust fuel-
ed that she lie taken back to Dur-
One first-class fire and burglar
Safe at less than factory price
Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes.
and Shoes.
f HE E. G.
Ladies, Misses Children and Baby Shoes.
ill reduced prices.
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.
i -j

Have You Forgot
Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
v thing
Come to tee me for your next of float
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Raleigh. N. Feb
To Honorable Hoard of
campaign for Good
in North Carolina has reached the
stage where we either go
forward or backward. The recent -of
A Bit of Experience.
BY W. . E.
I swan They say
the folks air
vote out in exclaimed
Zeke Homestead to the
tor, as be at the columns
Convention of Good
eaten at Raleigh brought together
men from every
part of the Slate, who with one ac
cord agree that Roads in
North Carolina are a vital
The great con-
fronting us is to discover the
Zeke always called at the
office for bis paper, and as the
editor and be were on very fa
terms, when no
one and the editor was at
ease, they generally in
Zeke well post-
Lou Value
Cash Value.
Paid up Insurance,
I. Extended that work
t. Will reinstated if aliens be paid within month while you
are living, or three years after lapse, u.
of and payment with interest.
second Incontestable.
payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may in- To reduce Premium,
To Increase Hie or
It. To make policy payable as an during the
of insured.
Greenville, X. C.
is by Provisional and thousand
others in world's activities, fer ill n i
nation In sifting news from upon
of current events in Just proportion comment on hi
from All
want lo know what the world is doing Una II an Intellectual necessity
from the received from hundreds Its are
labor lo ID mar. or Ill
on Important topics are by the
Wetter III reviews other give best their
II Is profusely illustrated.
These letters will enable all lo lades
of value
, ,, ., .,.,,.,., ,
I knew in eel. Review cf j- I a-
views nave been presented to elate it Highly I
me I could not otherwise nave t a very Important part
ad access , Decants all tamest library, and ;.
no matter Id ; He .
their an V.
In Its col.
l -f
ex president .,. ; ,
.,,,. , ,. day W,
lo my
do n. t i
a publication very I I call
I nave found I the R
there In-.; matter I .- .
I h .,.; otherwise h a ; . n my I
I -if t. s a J
. .,
lead lot particulars as lo how It .
for cents a month
t c at
If you have stomach, indigestion, biliousness,
breath, liver, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, Insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy
any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
Impaired digestive Will Cure
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and strengthen
Ilia mucous of stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your akin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
seeking tho fr i
ideal I I
It It i its . t. o
aids Has rate . , i,.
II fur it
For by
I II tn, a
. ; . ml i
sir w. , a.
sue ii
means whereby they may be on all the reported in the
cured. The object of the of Paper, a
Association from away and a
to the interests of of domestic relations; in all
lei public mads every county in j he showed intense interest
North and in this he always took
of every economy to
public spirited citizen in folk air
I he i fur effort, be continued, as he held
however, ii obvious to the success paper in one hand, and the
of movement, and we hope leaned tack bis office
in Association to band
together the forces iii every know it all,
in the to the common end of c
every public
in I ii apples, lie they
At a recent of the kin take an
Turn eaten apple an lead the
hole ll-K-k mi us Red
Sea A flaky or them
parts I lien when
I go I hey
pick mil two the
men they kin find
Com mi l if this
lion the be pursued was
carefully and we realize
that the first important step to
raise I fund for the purpose
in the of work.
The are, samples.
of course, their time and lives
freely, but in the road who
correspondence distribution of he chance;
literature there are some small Joe Rogers
items which must be paid for , his
the way of
tic, in I samples manhood in my
an office headquarters
will to make ain't nary one
small cash stumpy tail mule, they
As yet our plans are not fully
and in this preliminary the
we hope In have we men folks; I
lion every county in the ye, corker,
that wants to improve its public
mid join the in- the
dust rial, agricultural and she's
activity no through
this entire section. The j I ever
live Committee believe thing
ions arc going to be l out in
urns supporters, to fer UP
count its we appeal through petticoat on,
Commissioners, in this talk sum little
The movement of course sense inter head, but
is purely one of public interest and el I lied it chock
there ii do provision iron
u ye. bat.,
they . t h c
Ho Substitute.
J. W. i a.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
sou ice for the life of our
Association, It is Imped, there-
fore, your board
will at your next
meeting to appropriate the sum of
Ten dollars toward a general
fund for
lion for purpose of defraying
small incidental expenses in
order I hat we may proceed with
the Work in a methodical
manner. The lime to
advance is now, while the move-
i before the people, and with
concerted cannot fail tn
accomplish a wonderful work for
the of State. At
the forthcoming session of Leg- We
through the efforts of trodden Upon,
full, bust, it all be gone
I could ketch me I
got more sense
she With,
no longer lot her
we bed the
Won a
in Betsy, but it cum
up night afore I
the paper
an all in she tea,
I'm New
she got it out good
I, think it's
she Sen she,
start none yet
have bin
As-,,, to rights We never bed what
shape to present a practical end I yon
desirable Law will
i Iii township in got bit re
in in tho of wife You
public roads. think I'm I
I hope you Board sill
tins mailer at its continued
any delay moans an bin slaves you
I el raw
i step
abatement of interest will
from the Hit
The may be
lo our Treasurer, Joseph
Hi own, the President of
who will be tho
in I all the
and a ho will give yon
Association's fur . re
Professor A. Chapel
Hill, N is the Secretary
of the and whom
all correspondence relating lo those
mailers should be conducted
Yours very truly,
P. II.
men folks, but right here now
we ON show ye
I begin wonder of
. M seen. But
on, now, we're
fer very
with emphasis
on ;, is nut fur dis
she dun I up her list
her arm i I moved
Inter the comer, day is not
v In i, in shall lam-
i tho ballot
boxes shall purge the ways
she brought her list down
on the table with momentum
tin i j red the chimney off
lamp. chimney back
on the lamp, she sol down
Then we're the
in m i she nodded her
schools fer the
Why there air gals
never book
ever seen the likes
on, I
say word. I up
tree know what do. I
couldn't say I didn't
feel inclined home
so I leaned back in my
with all meekness.
Betsy on, I thought I'd
sum off sleep, it won't long
afore I blow-
steam engine.
Betsy hilt up, she
thought I sleep, she pro-
with her
I thought
bed time cool off, fell
my woke up
Zeke, smile, fer I be dust
it don't take jugglery oat
The editor threw his head back
gave a hearty
to plant any tobacco Ibis
year, Uncle asked the
tor by way of breaking h's silence.
I kin I shall plant
little, I git it re-
plied Uncle Zeke. loggers
air so drolled Betsy's
I hire one fer
length time.
Zeke plodded towards the door.
replied the editor,
and Uncle
closed the door behind him, while
the editor up his nod
lo write
Plant Trees
I hare on hand a few of
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at IS
for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
I A- at. for Tar-
it for I am I leave Tarboro for Greenville
also preparing lo put a large of, Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
and are money
Proprietor Riverside Nursery.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. I. WHITE,
Black Jack, N.
Nice cf goods on hand. Prices low
produce bought for cash or hi
exchange for goods.
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photograph for par dozen.
Half Cabinets per
All oilier lines very Crayon
made any small picture Nice
Frames on hand all the lime. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to
and answer questions. Tho
best work guaranteed to all. hours
to II a. m, to p. m. Yours lo
A Hurry Up
Every housekeeper the
f effect I to be in t-mer-
When must be
right away. Such s is Perry
for and bruises, for
for the and
pains resulting from blows and falls.
of mercy began sixty years ago It
used in all countries. There is hut one
Hit Own Experience.
years of bitter
including I
the value of
Mr. C. Shayne, the largest
fur merchant of New York.
discovered that road to success
is through judicious advertising. I
believe in and I think
that if worth of newspaper
space pays ltd will pay bet-
win pays worth
will pay on
your business reaches such a mag-
that supply the
demand. Even then it is not good
policy to quit advertising. The
best medium, of course, is the daily
mi Know What arc
When take Chill ,
formula plainly head motioned her at me,
, , we're pees good
laws than you men folks ever
snowing mat it
Iron and Quinine in s
One, No ray.
I Know
S. M.
retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash.
to see me.
S. M.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Green-We Co.
Mr. John C. General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desire, to announce lo its largo number of
policy holder., and tn the Insurable public
generally, of North com-
will now In this
mi I from tin. dale will issue lie
splendid and desirable policies, to all de-
siring the very beat insurance in the beet
life insurance company la the world.
If the local agent In your town has not
yet address
Stale Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Lire, reliable energetic wanted st
once to work for the
Old Benefit.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on head
goods kept en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
r t and prices low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid produce.
The Charlotte Observer.
Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
n-c red to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
it special service Is lbs
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more and
to a large extent made of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The largest paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
------DEALER IN------
Also a Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year fl, Biz Months
Three Months Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken .
Th e The Bern
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 03.50 payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
fl TO
Twice a M
The Most able Offering
We Ever Made.
There j on hive it. It I talking.
of a word if yon see Say what we the papers,
type can never rise lo point of perfectly picturing these
Great At the you can get a half a ion of a
few of them as they appear, but it la in the Store that they bold
real court, and Here it is you can their
real values. What we arc there is without exception the
great cat, grandest gathering of we have ever Offered.
Kid Gloves.
Kid Gloves in all colors
and white ,
B. Corsets that were sold
for It and 01.25 at
It Is op to yon not to let Ibis
Boys and Girls Heavy Ribbed
Hose, a good value at
Ladies Extra Heavy Ribbed
Hose that are sold at now
Half Hose be
bought for less than now
Yon can still find some great
bargains in this lot of remnants
We have some good lengths for
and waist patterns.
Underwear Department.
A Sensational Offering of La-
dies and Gents underwear still
going on.
Ladies Heavy Ribbed Vests at
Extra Heavy Ribbed Pauls
and Vests at
Ladies Union Suits
Indies Heavy I'm inn
Suits. They are real values at
Ladies AU Wool Ribbed Pants
and Vests, never sold for less
than now
Mens Extra Heavy Fleeced
Shirts Drawers, finished
with silk tape pearl buttons
regular grade now marked
Wright's Health
the 01.25 kind, market this
sale at
N. C, Feb.
Mies Lula Council and sister,
of spent Sunday with rel-
Rev. J. W. Rose held
in Hamilton Sunday morning and
night returned Monday.
George Wells, of Goldsboro, will
spend a week here on business.
J. R. Jenkins left Tuesday even-
for Greenville.
We are sorry to say that Miss
Grimes Is m the sick
glad to say that she is improving.
J. L. Smith V. E. Staton
spent Sunday in the country.
Mint Edmondson spent
Sunday with Miss Nannie Moore
near here.
During the thunder Tues
day evening the lightning burnt
out the relay in the telegraph
and we have not been able to get
any message here today.
Miss Rose, by
L. L. Johnson, Sunday near
Rowland James, of I'm lo-
ins, who has been visiting the
Misses Manning, returned homo
W. R. sewing machine
of this place, Saturday
and Sunday in Ayden.
On Wednesday evening at
o'clock at the home of bride,
Miss Daisy Hailey, one Pitt
county's charming young ladies,
was united in wedlock Mr.
James of Rev.
Mr. Hunter, of Parmele, officiating.
After the ceremony the bride and
groom left for home Mr. V.
H. P. Bryan, father of the groom,
where they with a host
of friends to partake of
wedding supper prepared
for the occasion.
A very remarkable discovery
has been made the
month. In 1880 Congress passed
an act, was much discussed
by the press and the, people at
time and been since, providing
for the succession to the
in the event of the or
disability of both the President
and Vice President. It put the
Secretary of Slate next in line and
after him one member of the
net after another until all are
named. Now, alter sixteen years,
it is ascertained that this act con-
the constitution, which
provides that after the Vice
dent the Speaker of the House
shall succeed to the presidency.
The act of 1886 this officer.
Such an oversight on the part of
the gentlemen who are supposed
lo be students find custodians of
the constitution is
But Don't Shove.
The advertising merchant
one who docs the business in
days of push enterprise. There
are more newspaper readers today
the history of
the world. The newspaper places
your business under the eye of the
buyer. He sees what he wants
and, knowing where to it,
looks up the wide awake
who asked him to come and
him. Success in these days of
competition calls for eternal
vigilance. You can't keep a
down Push, but don't shove.
Get a move on you, but don't kick.
Tell truth, be and use
Ink, success will
make your habitat ion its abiding
place Times.
N. C, Feb.
If admittance be found in
the col u in us of your valuable pa-
per we will give la few items
from this part of
prospective village
bears the memory and name of
John the great author of
located thickly settled com
notable fur It healthful
It most elevated
between Washington and the his-
town of H . We are in
three miles of the broad Pamlico
river where sail arc daily
caught in
For a country village we
church advantages seldom
in the country. We claim the
of four different
all harmoniously tolerated
our midst.
Episcopal a distance of
two miles with a neat Rectory
by its Lay Reader, Mr.
D. Malone, who also assists Miss
Lucy Joyner conducting a
Parish school at the church for
months the year, also services
once a month by Rev. X. Harding,
of Washington.
M. E. church,
one mile, has a
by Rev. D. A.
who preaches once a mouth with
good attendance and Sunday-
Disciple church dis
one fourth mile, service
once a mouth, by Rev. W. O.
of Bath, who is beard by
large and appreciative audiences.
At the Charitable
Lodge one half mile once
a month tho Missionary
have service by Rev. Mr.
of Washington.
Our Postmaster iV, S. D.
has a good line cf dry and
groceries, furnishes us good
meal at his water mill, saws our
and gins our cot-
ton, lie is a hustler right, a
good farmer. As an
of his last year's work on acres
he made sold worth of
tobacco. We have the of
tobacco and trucking land.
So prospective village bids
fair to development, considering its
natural advantages combined with
additional now presented
by the Plymouth
railroad which is nearly completed
and making our an
depot. This awakens enter-
prise and gives
We all are pleased at the coming
of this road and believe much good
attends it. It manager
Parker, of la a
of zeal and energy, who
brought to light many avenues of
industry. With public spirit mid
heart, he
respect of ill who
know him.
his success,
Our Grocery Department
of quality the lowest
for goods. Try
Gilt Edge Flour
if you wish nicest, whitest and best bread ii i- it us in passed by
any and equaled by none we have ever bundled. It saves you
money by lard lo shorten it. If you wish an
BX I'll A cup of buy the
Hunter brand Mocha and Java
in pound cans, per pound. Try Teas of fine finality
green, black mid mixed. keep BUTTER we can
buy. If you in get sweet ask for cur
Fancy Molasses.
We carry EXTRA Lemon, Vanilla, Chocolate,
and other staple goods that have no room lo mention.
Al of the leading brands in stuck, Call
on us if you arc hungry and be led
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
of self
e are accustomed lo think,
if think at all, that e
pay leached the public schools
a nun ti as their services are worth.
Teaching, we may say, like any
other commodity, brings what the
condition of the market determines.
If any teacher gives up his place a
dozen others quickly apply for it.
The salary, enough;
else there not such an
eager demand fur places. And
this is sound. Teachers
are pot d i that
are now paid. Teachers could In-
got for half these salaries. How-
ever low the salary, it could be
cut in two still could
lie got.
But this purely stale
not touch the most
question, Many public
school teachers do not till
the are u mill-many, no doubt,
receive more than they are worth.
question is not what a teacher
can lie got for, but what lies
can lie got How good
do propose to have
There no doubt that by doubling
salaries now paid any
could Improve its school beyond
easy computation for higher
grade of efficiency would go Into
the profession.
is Hint many, perhaps
communities are really
yet in earnest about public
They have provided schools
mid and there they arc
real lug. The next great movement
forward must lie to build up the
profession lo the degree
of dignity that cm responds with an
enlightened view of It
arc made rich-
and more
productive and
rich soils retain
their crop-pro-
by the use of
fertilizers with
a liberal percentage of
Write for our
which give all details.
N. O, Fell.
John Fields, of is
here visiting his father in-law,
went lo Ayden
L. A. returned from Nor-
Four Philadelphia sportsmen
arc belt-stopping at Hotel
and bagging tuts quail.
Win. man, of New York, left
for Wednesday he
will take the cars for his home.
Mr. has been here about
two months shooting quail.
Brooks sold the J. Patrick
ft Co. stock of merchandise Wed-
to Arthur
W. took a prisoner
to jail at Greenville Monday lo
slay thirty days for a bill of cost,
also one Tuesday for same offense.
J. C, put seine in yes
is to try it, and see if there
least mercenary of all failings, but any shad moving up this way.
because the f. Is print-
ed on every that It la
Iron and in a No
Cure, No
We have just added Steam Supply to business and
will .-ell anything in this line very low. See us when in want of
Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Celts, Steam Granges, Hancock
aspirator, U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Kitting all sizes.
We hail with delight i l
and more LINE OP Parking, Robber Belt, dandy
it can never be as or as
efficient as it ought to lie and as it
must become, except on con-
so admirably lined by-
Mr. Mo Andrew his article in
Ibis magazine. Mr.
bus given years of patient labor
and an invincible moral earnest
Den to the agitation for higher
unit, so far as influence
of Ibis goes, it will stand
with him and with those of like
mind and purpose till public school clever O. W.
education to have a new lust week.
meaning. To Insist on proper
methods and on the prop
co-ordination of studies is well
enough, and is well to build bet
school and lo equip
better; but the foremost need
is of more capable men and women
in the schoolroom. A great teach-
makes it school; but most
min and women who might become
really great are not the I ham Herald.
public schools because they can That is one of the
not afford lo be. We entrust
our children to less training
than any other highly bred
in February mini
her of the World's Work.
Rev. . Waters, of Washing-
ton, exchanged pulpits with
Mr. Harper, the pastor of the
Christian church here,
and all who attended heard two
splendid sermons.
The county bridge here is torn
up repairs, something that has
been needed quite a while.
Miss Julia went lo
We enjoyed the presence of our
This thing of railroads
corporations when there is
little no cause for complaint is
is u liking the people tired In some
communities and the time may vet
conic when the mar. who is really
entitled damages cannot get them.
There is such a thing us pushing
a good thing to the
mu-Ii material to awaken our
try from lethargy.
A co-operative enterprise is on
foot and will soon start up
Good churches, good schools
good health inducement for
those who would wish to locate
Lots OH be bought on
terms. J. M.
Hell, Mather Belt, Belt Lacing, Ball
Mother Knows
how it Is U. keep the children
up night. Flu y will kick the nil
take Do nut give
containing Allen's
from narcotic drags, is
mere useful than when It rids the
of It
makes a friend who uses it.
Not a Minute to Lose
f you wet fee to bone,
after a through a storm. Into
dry at once warm
n of
In hut a little sugar
Thus will avoid a cold,
a long sickness. The precaution is
while. There Is hut one Painkiller,
It's funny that a
taken in he feels put out.
leering Harvesting and Drain file
Garland Cook Stoves
Blackjack, n. it., Feb.
Miss Annie who has
been visiting relatives Oil
returned home yesterday.
W. be-
teaching school near here
M-. and Mi-s Virgin-
Mills were married the home
the father on last Sun-
day afternoon,
Miss Back, of in
was guest of Miss Maggie
Smith last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Love Smith and little
daughter, Hula, were visiting at
Lion last week.
A sweet made her
iii home of John Mills
a few day ago No wonder h
all. smiles.
The f.-o lawyers
have worked the prejudice against
railroads and other corporations to
such an extorting money
from the people are be-
ginning to be and the
danger i as the Herald says, that
when the reaction sets in it will
run to I lie oilier extreme, so that
those who are really entitled to
damages from corporations cannot
get Landmark.
The States government
Mild lo Hie people the year
stage stamps, stamped envelopes
cards to value of
In 1800 the amount
off If periodical post-
age ho added, the amount of last
vein's receipts comes up to
Ii is n remarkable
that ten ago tho postal re-
of the government were only
a little mow as mm It
they arc row.
The Beet Prescription Malaria
i bill i is
Tasteless It la simply iron
. . . -.-

Eastern reflector, 28 February 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 28, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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