Eastern reflector, 25 February 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for your next of Flour
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
Loan Value,
Cash Value.
S. Paid-up
Extended that works automatically.
ti. Will if arrears be paid within on while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividend arc payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To the or
To make policy payable as an daring the lifetime
of insured.
There i; baby kangaroo,
born, hi the zoological park upon
which are fastened the hope and
ambitions of oven one connected
with the big animal place. He came
into existence only a few days ago
and marks a new in the history
of the zoo, for he is the first infant
kangaroo to show his tiny head at
the zoo and one of the few ever born
in captivity. So far his head is tho
only part of his small body that has
been seen. He has not yet left his
mother's pouch, but is content and
will be for some time to view the
world from between his
The day he was born his mother
immediately placed him in tho
made for that purpose nature,
whence he has not yet issued.
cry now and then ho
formed head into the open
air and surveys tho surrounding.
Each appearance is hailed with de-
light by tho animal men.
The of the baby resembles
that of a black and tan puppy. The
eves arc bright and clear, nearly,
black in color, tho
ears are a delicate
ton Times.
For Mails, Locks, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope, Homes,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car
pi Tools, to
P assays .-
Next door to Wilkinson. Successor to Ormond Carr.
like but come to Bland
you supply dinner without
the aid of the Our excellent
line of furnish
a variety of desirable for
table. i p Hie best
And In FLOOR we nave
the heel brands to be had. In fact
our store la the place to cull tor
any thing wanted the w of
Nice Groceries.
Fountain Ben
All at The Reflector
What U known as the
seldom occasioned by actual exist-
-i external conditions, but la the
treat majority of cases by a disorder-
which may be
by trying a coarse of
They control and regulate the
They bring hope and to the
mind. They bring health elastic-
to the body.
His Calculation Was Correct.
Professor Truman Henry
is one of the most remarkable light-
calculators now living.
One day a gentleman who had
heard of bis powers and wished to
make a lest said to
have a little problem for you,
Professor I was born
Aug. 1870, at o'clock in the
afternoon. This is June 1901,
and it is just o'clock. Now. can
you tell me my age in
The great man frowned, bent his
head and began to walk rapidly up
and down, twisting his mustache
and and unclasping his
hands in his nervous way. After a
moment or so he returned the an-
which was somewhere near
three billions.
The gentleman produced a paper
containing the problem worked out
and said, with a superior
professor. I'll give you
credit for great genius, but you're
several thousands
The professor stretched out his
hands for the paper and, running
over the calculation, said contempt-
you are. You've left out
the leap
Von Snubbed Bismarck.
Field -Marshal
as now published by his son,
throws light on several incidents of
the wars of 1806 and 1670-71, and,
among other things, it disposes of
the Bismarck him
self never sought to
the crown prince, worked upon by
his wife, was opposed to the
of Pans.
The also shows what
Dr. Bosch only hints at in his pages
that the relations between
and in France were
very strained, the chancellor having
complained that he was always
treated by his great military col-
league with incivility and
Tills coolness
relations lo the end, so
that one who knew them well ones
compared them to pair of Alpine
peaks illumined by the rays of the
sun but separated by S
Jeep mid sunless valley of
Corbin and the Chinese Tailor.
They t. I an amusing story of
Adjutant General Corbin at
There i- n Chinese tailor there o
note for the making of white
uniforms, lo whom the officers often
come from Manila. The general vis-
and went to tho China-
man to be measured for some
clothes. will come over to
tho tomorrow and bring
them to be tried ho said.
This was not at all the China-
man's idea of doing business.
can he he come
oil ship to try on clothes; you come
It that or no clothe, and the
general had lo go back to the China-
man's shop to have his clothes fit-
Long Life of an Ad.
A contract for an advertisement
in a Chicago newspaper, which ha
run continuously for ten years, two
months end twenty-one days, was
terminated recently only the
wished to make a new
contract for both daily and Sunday.
During the term of the contract the
lily i Range in the wording of
the id, when the place of
from On-
It is of a commentary
on republican diplomacy that,
while the administration is
to establish cordial relations
with the Filipinos and inspire in
the n respect for American
Governor Tuft is testifying
in Washington that they are
lazy, people incapable of
jury or
of justice. Of
course, the press of the islands
publishes these statements and
doubtless the people be flat-
into an immediate
of the American sense of
quickness of perception null
keenness of
Since the passage the majority
oleomargarine bill by the
House, that has engaged
in the consideration of private bills
odd a one of the
members expressed it when I
ed hi in what was go on inside.
Today the Ways and Menus Com-
will consider the
reciprocity quest not because
it wants to but because the
t forced upon
the Committee that, in the words
of a member, the
Senate It is probable the
Committee will report some
of relief to Cuba. What its
Will be cannot be
but, whatever they are, still
be made to conform lo the well-
known views of the President
who the measure is taken up in
the Senate committee.
Today the House will up
the repeal of the war revenue
taxes, Introducing the
measure, however, n will
lie made to pass a rule limiting the
debate to two days and prohibiting
the offering of any dining
the discussion, is intended,
to prevent
and who advocate tariff re
form from amending the II
is a sample of the gag law with
which the control tho
and is, needless lo say, in
direct Violation of the spirit of the
constitution which intended that
the BoOM lie u deliberative
body. The whips have boon
actively engaged and it is
that the rule will
The President, through
General, has struck a
severe blow at partisan polities by
a determination to resist the re
of fourth class postmasters
except for cause. If the President
persists in his present Intention
there will lie an in
Congress of proportions
as these now form
the chief perquisites with which
ii pay political debts.
The campaign for government
ownership of the radio is
being vigorously pushed.
Corliss, of re
addressed the house on the
subject d he told me
he believed he would be able to
the bill. He has won over
his committee until it
for and -I,
He Likes Seventeen.
Sir L. it is said,
regards seventeen as a lucky
Hiss who is now Ltd
was seventeen when he met
her, the DOOM in which they first
lived was ho now lives at
Grove End road, where ho removed
one and elaborately
house n l it now is was be-
No at All.
you tell tho lady I
was out
she seem to
any doubt about it
Servant ma'am; she
Mid she knew you wasn't.
A Record Breaking Envelope.
About the envelope ever
passing through the States
mails was delivered here today.
It addressed lo Mrs. John
M. Dick and the envelope was
exactly the size of a two cent post-
age stamp. The direction was on
one side. The missive inside was
a of four page
being exact size of the envelope.
On these four diminutive pages
were written Ml words. The work
was by Mr. A. Miller, of
Dick's steam laundry, an or-
steel pen and cm be read
by the eye if the eye is
young and but Is
deciphered by the aid of a glass.
are devoted lo a de-
the Waldorf hotel in
New York and was taken from the
Home Journal, in which It
took a whole
Wood's Seeds
We of in
Virginia Second Crop Seed.
Wood's stoat
comparative crop I n
to yield, with Maine-
grown It
also contains mud. other
and valuable information a. tout
Potatoes. Write for and
Special Potato Price list.
Wood's Descriptive
tool Hire practical,
the crops
lo grow, moat ways grow-
different crept, and other In-
formal Ion of if to
Trucker, mi Farmer, Mailed
fret upon
T. W. Wood Sons,
Trucker and requiring large
to write for
J. W. . n.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Plant Trees
I have on hand a few thousand of Fruit
Ornamental Tree,
, for sate cheep. am
also preparing to put a huge stork of
N n Tree for the fall me
and save money.
Proprietor Riverside
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, X, C.
Nice line cf goods on hand. Prices lo
produce bought for cash or in
exchange for goods.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Hi earner Edgecombe
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
and Saturdays
at G carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J. Aft.,
Greenville, N. C.
Dr. D James,
The lender in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs for per
Half Cabinets per dozen.
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made frill, any small picture cheap. Nice
hand all Ins time. Come and
examine my work. No to show
answer questions. Tho very
guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a in., to p m. Yours to
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds.
aid Interior Finishings
for floe M n and Cheap
We solicit patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
sty s and work.
Please send your orders to
Tile Greenville mm. Co.
The firm of R. Bro.
doing business at Whichard, N. C, was
this day dissolved mutual consent. D. H
Whichard withdrawing from the firm. The
business will be continued by W. H.
ard, who will all indebtedness of Ike
firm and to whom all persona owing the
firm arc requested to make immediate pay-
Till. Jan. 2nd 1902.
W. U.
D. X.
I W.
The clerk of Superior court of Pitt
having Letters of
to me, the 1st Hay of
January. 1902, on the estate of W. K. Spain
notice is given to nil
to estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and to
nil of estate to present
claims to the an
within twelve mouths after ii o
date of this notice, or this notice will b
This the 1st day of January.
Administratrix Estate of K.
Wm. Charles
Jno. M. K. Lee
and other heirs at law
Wm. Charles Hardy, deceased
By order of tho Court of Bertie
county entered In above entitled pro-
Will sell at court house door In
Greenville, N. C , I'm m. on
Feb. two town In
Bethel, frill county, which Wm. Charles
Hardy owned hi. death and caviled the
Andrew, lots, both situate on Main street
in said to -n.
and balance In
one and two year, with interest on deferred
This laud Is sold to pay the of
Win. Charles Hardy.
This Jan. 1902.
of Win C Hardy,
By F. O. JAMES, Attorney.
A HI. I Mil-11 1875.-
B. M.
B for and
Mr. Ii
in I .- in of bis
views effort mid up-
to with
approval on
both of chamber.
Wholesale sou Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Kg, Bed
Oak Ba
by Carriages,
Lounges, Safes, P.
although the
notice to
Mr. John C tor
North Carolina and Virginia, of that
Known and Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
lo announce to largo number of
policy holders, and to the public
generally, of North com-
will now Business In this
state and from this date wilt Issue
splendid and desirable policies, lo all de-
the best insurance In the best
life insurance company in the world.
If the local agent in your has not
yet completed arrangements, address
Stale Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Lire, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once lo for tho
Than a Blow.
from I hard list is the bum of n Id wind
upon a pair of Improperly
A few lo cold may be the
twinning neither
lime nor courage. yourself against
pulmonary troubles, consumption
Allen's Lung Balsam. A few doses
will loosen cough you to
phlegm that products it
soon fol lows.
High Key W .-t Clio
roots, Can
Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prance, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Butter, New
Royal Hewing Machines, and nil
melon- other goods. Duality and
Cheap for Cum
to see
S. Bf.
The Charlotte Observer.
i. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper
and Atlanta, and
its service Is the
ever handled by a North Caro-
of Hi or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
original matter.
printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The largest paper
lo North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
N. O.
Cotton Bagging and always
Fresh goods kepi constantly ea
band. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D . W.
de a
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
nice Line of Hardware.
BROS. no.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Broken in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year II, Six Months SOc,
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em
ployed. Subscriptions taken .
The office. The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or THE Daily
one year for 13.50 payable In ad-
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
Ricks Wilkinson
This is a Pro-
To stand still is to go back-
ward. Stagnation leads
to business death. Any
day, every day, we intend to be
doing better by you than the day
before Not perfect yet. Never
likely to be perfect, but trying to
do the best possible
with all the help that
experience and closest
watching can supply.
Shoe Department.
Smashed to
The leftover Ladies Shoe that
were 11.60 and 92.00, Shoes in
small sizes must be sold, and we
have them in this sale at
Hamilton Shoe Co's
own make Shoe that are
told for 12.60 and must be
cloned out to make room for our
Famous John So we
want the room this price
e it to as long as they
last at
Odd size and lots mens
Shoes at half price.
A Sensational Offering of La-
dies and underwear still
going on.
Ladies Heavy Vests at
Extra Heavy Ribbed Pants
and at
Ladies Union Suits
Ladies Extra Heavy Union
Suits. are real values at
Ladies All Wool Ribbed Punts
and never sold for
than 1.00,
Extra Heavy Fleeced
Shirts and Drawers, finished
with silk tape pearl buttons
regular guide n marked
the flail marked in this
sale at
Colored Dress Shirts
and kind at
Boys Pants.
and kind at
Steel Rods at
Buggy Robes.
A few nice ones left that must
go Into money.
kind at and
That were and
in this sale at
You can still pick up some
bargains at less than half
price which no one should miss.
C. B Corsets at
It is to you not to let this
bargain pass unnoticed.
Kid Gloves.
Ladies Kid Gloves at
Boys and Girls Heavy
a good value at now
Ladies Extra Heavy
Hose that are sold at
Mens Half Hose be
bought for less now
have some great bargains
that you afford to pass
We are agents for the Standard
Patterns and fill your order
from stock on hand. The March
Designer ready. The fashion
sheets are yours for
Ricks Wilkinson
trade more than that
of any other during the
a Thirteenth street
barber. to nil we
make less money within the ten days
of the Christmas season in the
dullest lull of the moult.;.
About per of our regular
customers who shaved three
times a week suddenly drop off
about three day- before
and do not return until early in
January. It's nothing new. You
see, it's like The tipping habit
about grown so
in America that a man seems to
think that he is forced to give his
harbor least a dollar around
Christmas, instead of keeping on
feeling the pangs of a pricked
pride hundreds just change places
for a week or so. The thing has be-
come evident to us we ex-
it. When we hear the
phrase, Well. I guess I'll go
out of town for eight or ten
or one customer say to another,
I'll take run up to Maine
for a week's are
Philadelphia Times.
To Pay a Quarter Per Baby.
Cook county will have to pay
cents a head for every baby born
inside its limits and whose birth is
reported to the county clerk after
New Year's day. This is on ac-
count of a law which was enacted
by the last legislature.
The object of tho law was not to
place a bounty on the birth of
in Chicago, but to insure the
recording of tho births of tho
who may born. The
presiding at the birth of a child
will be entitled to collect the tax.
If he neglects his duty, the parent
of the offspring will have the next
chance at the county's quarter.
This piece of silver will be paid by
the Mont treasurer anon notice by
tho county clerk that tho birth in
question has been reported to him.
expect this new law will cost
Cook county about next
said President John J.
berg of the county board.
Wen nearly babies born in
Chicago last News.
A Full Dinner Pall.
David Long, a laborer, walked
into the Second National hank of
Danville, III., the other afternoon,
placed his dinner pail in the teller's
window and said lie wanted to make
a deposit. Then to the astonish-
of the bank officials ho opened
the pail showed that it was full
of soiled and crumpled bank notes
of an almost forgotten issue. There
was a little less in the
pail, and every dollar of it was of
the old war issue of thirty-five years
ago and worth a hundred cents. Tho
hank retained the greater part of
the money, but son , of it was in
such condition it had to be sent
to Washington exchanged.
Long, who is seventy years
old, refused to make any
of how he came into possession
of the money. Crumpled up in some
of tho bills small feathers and
bits of straw, which gave evidence
that the money had been at one
concealed in a bed. Indianapolis
Or cf and Beef.
The king of Portugal, although
entirely against his doctor's advice,
is a great meat eater and thinks no
form of cooking comes up to that of
the English. When staying in Eng-
land a few years ago, he visited Lord
Salisbury's beautiful seat at Hat-
field. During dinner the
naturally turned upon the
visit, and the Duke of York, now
tho Prince of Wales, who was pres-
said to the king, what
has impressed your majesty most
during short slay In Eng-
The king of Portugal replied
thoughtfully, I think the
English roast beef is very delight-
laughed his royal highness,
surely something else
pressed your majesty us
enthusiastically replied the
king, course The English boil-
i delightful.
That Australian Flag.
Tho adoption by Australia of s
flag of her own has brought about s
good deal of a n in London and
particularly among military and
men. Admiral de Horsey, for
example, ancient
flag is good enough for the whole
empire. Why should Australia,
Sweet Maiden Cloud size
American Bo
Wild It. so cakes for
Dr. Stub's Egg White for
1st City, cakes for
Dr. Cutaneous for
Medicated mid only
Queen line Violet
very fine cakes in a this week
per box.
have more yet c have not mentioned. Crushed
Ibises, Crushed Lilacs, Crushed
Pithy Talcum, etc. If you wish to keep clean call on
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
N. Cf., Feb.
We have a very large snow on
the d which averaged
teen inches on a level.
W. Pollard went up road
on today.
Kev. Arnold a few
days with J. T. the past
Mis Agnes Moore is visiting
Mamie friends.
J. V. Wright, engineer of the
E. O. It. Ii., went to on
business hut week. Dick Havens.
of Tarboro, took hi, place during
his absence.
T. spent yesterday
in the country his parents,
Mr. and Km. T. L. Turnage.
B, V. Williams has resigned his
position a ticket agent. Mr. Al
of the A. C. L. at Kinston
has succeeded him.
L. E. Everett went to Washington
on business yesterday.
J. J. is painting the now
residence of Miss Bessie Bullock
near the depot.
N. C Feb.
Snow hailing has been the most
pupil amusement lust
Rev. Moore, of
I spent the few days here.
Miss Alice Grimes, after spend-
a few days with Miss Olivia
j Berry, of South Ayden, returned
to her home 1.1
Thursday morning.
No services in the here
S day owing lo snow.
H. Brooks came down
Saturday night.
Betrayer Shot in the Street
Walter Gray were prob-
ably mortally wounded here Ibis
afternoon by Walker, who
tired upon them as Mood with
several other young fellows on the
street about a
trial which all participated Ibis
morning. Walker, eye-witnesses
say, came the street toward
the crowd with his hand the
pocket of a sack coat he wore, and
when but a few yards distant fired
live shots Into the crowd in quick
succession. Two shots struck
and one struck Gray. The
surgeon wounds arc
especially dangerous and Grey
has chance lo recover.
After shooting Walker weir
to meet Policeman who was
coming him, and
himself. At jail he told
the reporter that he shot
because had his sis-
and said be did not mean to
shoot Gray. He appeared quite
Cool and evidently considered
lie bad done justifiable thing.
After ii became known what
actuated many men expressed
approval his act. The boy, who
is only years age, passed
through a terrible ordeal an hour
before the shooting Ho and his
old stood In the police court
where Levi's sister Bessie, a girl
of seventeen, was the
whom she charged
with betraying her under promise
of marriage, and heard Shipp ad
mil that he had ruined her, but
deny that lie had promised to
Marry her, and heard of
from about his gal swear that
knew her to la- unchaste. Gray,
of Parmele, who was shot, was one
pent Sunday with bis brother, F. them. The girl was unable to
G. prove that had promised to
Miss Leona who spent her, was dis
the past week Misses Olivia Berry minted.
and Annie Smith, returned to her
home in
A. II. Wilmington,
DON'T a small
thing like that, but conic to
tan dinner without
line of CANNED GOODS furnish I Public school teachers in
a variety of desirable III inns f,. are snow
your table, We also keep best down
VERMONT always i Saturday night and damages. The suit is
Ami in we Monday.
A suit has been brought by
I Louis colored, as ad-
town for tho of bis
from twins the Atlantic Coast Line Co.
the best brands to be bad. In
our store is t he place to call
anything wanted the way of
Nice Groceries.
Miss Olivia Berry left Monday
to friends In
brought through Wall field's
Mess. it Wooten. It
ill he recalled by our readers that
Joe was killed by a
Line near last
May. He was riding on the cow
catcher of engine and either
Chills Fever Is a of
Tasteless Chill It is Iron
am a No cure,
For Nails, Lochs, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, lo
Next door to Ricks
to Ormond A
s flag
Three Times Value
; Agents wanted all unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta. Ga.
For sale by
The Jacksonville r Fin. Times
Union remarks that not many
years ago, in Leon county, the
grass there was looked
upon as a and now is
county's profitable crop. As
lime prognoses make
some valuable discoveries, If nine
the formers in North Carolina
spent us much time and winked
hail cultivating grass as
do In trying they
would be four limes as well off.
This is a record On
Monday evening of last week Mr.
G. II, Lilly, Long Acre town
snip, Ibis county, Mrs. Mag-
Watson, hue lo her, pro
posed, was and before he
evening time was
pointed. On lay evening
following were
Within three days from their
nesting hearts beat as one.
She is his Hind wife and he is her
second h
fell . or frightened off by
Turrentine, in some
v. as caught under the wheels
and killed. It will also be retail-
led tout a wreck had occurred to
same train, The
pr. will Introduce
I to prove that was
asked or employed logo to Green-
j ville to assist iii doing the
work to remedy the wreck.
I They will allege he bad a
I right on this account to return to
Kinston the train that it
was through the fault of the Mil-
be wan killed.
Proper papers to suit
will be filed the clerk
row. These have to unit Hi rough
a lei in of count lo give defense
an opportunity to Die I reply. The
case Consequently Will be heard at
April term of
I'm.-., 19th,
Keep lip a Brisk Attack
I list had gold, do wait for
ii to Perry
Is a powerful Internally
with warm, swash water. Huh it
Into tin- fathom and Stash
bin the h- I. mi nil
understand why Hum spasmodic, com
petition make In popular
the one
Too much economy exist Meyer
an adopted citizen of
Boston He needed a rug bag
and this purpose utilized an
old Hag which he lying
around somewhere. Then they
rested him and lined him
Wilmington Star.
Know What
When Chill
the is plainly orbit.
bottle show-lug that it is
Iron Quinine in h form Mo
No Pay.

N. C.
D. J. Ed. Owner
Entered at the Poet Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Class
Hail Matter.
press dispatches
gave full account of Miss Stone's
release from the brigands, while
Thursday's corrected the report
again. And soil goes.
Business men say cash books
have contained very small entries
since the snow came. Alter a
week doing almost nothing they
are wishing that will
bring out trade.
It is claimed, says a
correspondent, that North
produces more hay to toe acre than
the Western and Northern States.
In spite of this claim, North Caro-
is a large purchaser of West-
It looks now like Raleigh will
get an auditorium. The committee
at the bead movement have
the academy of music
building and will spend several
thousand dollars improving it.
is not taking hold of this mat-
any too soon.
It will devolve upon Governor
Aycock to appoint a successor to
Gen. T. E. Toon as Stale
of Public Instruction. He
could not make a better selection
for this position than Prof. II.
of Greenville. No man
in the State has more interest in
the school work be.
death Gen. T. F. Toon
State Superintendent of Public In-
which occurred in
yesterday morning, is a great
loss to the State. General Toon
was a excellent man, and was
making the State a most active
and efficient Superintendent. His
enthusiasm for schools had
created an interest throughout
A daily paper, the Observer, re-
started at
alter an existence of eight
days, the reason assigned being
that there was not enough patron-
age to continue it. man who
starts any business, more especial-
a newspaper, without able
to calculate more than a week
a head, shows poor judgment. A
newspaper that paid expenses
first week would a gold mine, in
fact if a paper gets on a paying
basis even in a year it i- a good
enterprise. Don't a
paper unless yon want to do plenty
of work and see bank account
grow slow.
Roosevelt has lit
made public his opinion in the
controversy, but
considering that be had so much
matter to go says he care-
fully read it done will to
get through this soon. The
dent takes a middle ground
praising Sampson for what he
done and praising for hat
he done. But as to that 3rd of July
smash-up of the Spanish off
Santiago, the President says
of them is entitled to any
usual credit, it being Captain's
All the same, the people
are with and do not think
he treated justly since the
war ended.
The Greensboro correspondent
of the Raleigh Post
This thing of dispensing sweet
is a peculiar business, as
Chief of Police Scott and city
officials can testify. Although
weather has moderated to a
extent, the calls for help are
increasing in number rather
decreasing. When asked
morning how for this,
Chief Scott said he supposed it was
because many people were just
learning that city had
to was giving it away
to all comers. While in police
headquarters for a few minutes
this morning The Post correspond-
counted just six people who
came for assistance. Some of them
wood some wanted
groceries, Han a little
of both, but all appeared to think
that the city should furnish these
supplies as a matter course. One
stout and healthy looking
woman, who said all she lacked of
being a widow was having a fun-
from her house, came in and
asked bread for herself and her
nine children and a load of wood to
keep the family warm. There is
no doubt that much -if this charity
is misapplied, and therefore much
of it is not charity. For instance,
six different women came to
police headquarters during the
day for wood and eatables Each
was given an order wood and
groceries. Late the day em-
of the city discovered that
all six of these women lived to
one house, hall which
had turned into a temporary
wood shed. There was wood every-
where, while tables chairs
held sacks of Hour, packages of
meat other thing's. These
women, there are others like
them, were on but one thing
getting every I possible while
thing were going tree And there
is no limit to the gall of these kind
of people.
This is usually the case
there is any general movement to
charity in a The
lazy, vagabond class are the ones
who get most of what is given
away, while really needy are
neglected. Greenville had some
experience along Ibis line a
years ago that taught the town a
Instead of having relief
headquarters opened to receive
it is to have a
committee to hunt up the
needy help those only. Then
it is an act of charity.
N. Feb.
T. T. Cherry, of Conetoe, spent
II. II. Taylor spent Tuesday
Wednesday in Mount.
It. who has been
visiting bis sister in Rocky Mount.
Thursday night.
Miss Alice Carson, spend-
sometime here, left Monday
Roanoke, Va., where she has
accepted a position as milliner.
M. C. S. Cherry, of Mount Olive,
who has bean visiting
here, returned Thursday.
left here Thurs-
day for Mount Olive to begin
His of Cone-
toe, spent Thursday with
Fred Gardner, of Everett,
Thursday here.
B. w. left
for Greenville.
Tuesday for Parmele to begin inch
lag school.
Dr. spent Tues-
day here on business.
II. II. Taylor spent Sunday
Robersonville with his mother.
cry for the moon, while
grown people howl because they
want the earth.
This is real laud of promise
so many people promise to pay j done better
debt and never do It.
v. Feb.
That House of
has ceased to be a
body has
a mere machine doing
of a small of men, by
courtesy called leaders but actual-
dictators, has appreciated
for at number of years by those
close touch with its workings, but
never in its history have the high
handed and tyrannical methods
adopted by the present Speaker
bis colleague to secure the
passage of the wax revenue repeal
bill been or even
The proceedings last
Monday were a source of
to every member of the House
possessed of sufficient intelligence
to comprehend their meaning.
Since the passage of the revenue
bill the House has accomplished
no important legislation. The
Senate has passed the bill
for a permanent census bureau
and has fixed upon next Monday
for final debate and vote on the
ate Committee Agriculture is
considering the oleomargarine bill
the indications are that it will
pan. It is quite probable
will eliminate the clause
relating in renovated butter for, as
a Senator from Iowa pointed out
yesterday when I asked bin of the
likelihood of the passing
Senate, Congress has no authority
to legislate in regard to
of any food product unless
it the ground that it is for the
purpose of raising revenue and
there is no tax placed on
butter by the present measure.
Moreover the bill falls to define
renovated butler and it will be a
location to what is renovated
and what is not.
This morning the President's de-
on Admiral appeal
as made public, it bears every
evidence of having been rendered
in the bureaucratic atmosphere
which Mr. Roosevelt has
tit to round himself and the
conclusions bear the
proof of having been induced
the specious argument of such
men as Long. ct
alias. Mr. Roosevelt valiantly
shields himself behind the decision
of his and
finds no occasion for reversing Mr.
judgment. He alleges
that, while Sampson was only
technically in it was a
In his efforts
to avoid doing full justice to
Admiral however, he for
gets to accord credit to men
behind the the builder of
the American -hips and the
of the American powder.
If Mr. Roosevelt imagines that his
will conclude matter,
be is mistaken, Senator Mason,
of Illinois, announces his intention
to push bis resolution in the Sen-
ate to the full extent of his ability.
In North Carafe.
The monthly pay-rolls of the
manufacturing in Durham
James Jones, while driving to
ward hi home from Bit. Olive,
Tuesday evening, was thrown from
his buggy killed.
A institute will beheld
at Tarboro Tuesday and
day, Quite a pro
ram is prepared for it.
Southerner says it is report-
ed Old Dominion Steamship
Co. will stop running their boats
to Tarboro, for lack of patronage.
At meeting of State
Council Jr. O. U. A. M., held this
week in Wilmington, it was
ed not to establish a State orphan-
age for present.
Mr. Hector died
day at bis in Harnett
county, aged years, beginning
to pass away with the setting in of
great snow storm. His twin-
brother, died three
years ago, and it is a singular fact
that a great mantle of cover-
ed the earth in bis last
Winterville Department.
Winterville, Feb.
As an inducement to marriage a
certain bachelor of our acquaint-
has been offered a lot,
feet of lumber and a nice set of
It seems this
is the if other re-
can lie
C. A. returned Thursday
evening from Wilmington where
he had in attendance upon a
meeting of Lodge of the
Jr. O. A. M. as a
of at this place.
Mr. Fair was elected a member of
the executive committee, which i
quite an honor.
buggies are going,
must go and will go. are
good goods. The public realize
this fact and are showing their
appreciation. These good cannot
be excelled. Come and see.
This early in the season the A.
O. Cox Mfg. Co. have shipped near-
cotton planters and
season has barely begun.
There seems to be no cessation of
entering our school. One
by one they continue to come. En-
of all the building has
become an actual necessity. An
indomitable will and a never
perseverance will accomplish
most anything, and here we realize
this as a indeed.
J. L. Hobgood and W. B. Win-
gate each other
and smiled. They are girls.
It seems to be nice. We don't
The old maxim that nothing will
la the and thwart true love was
once again exemplified Wednesday
in the marriage of Mrs.
to Mr. J. K. Colleen.
was the second time that
marital row had been taken by
It will be recalled
that a few ago they were, or
I hey thought, at least she, he
to claimed, married. A few days
afterward he was arrested on a
of bigamy. He claimed he
thought he had secured a divorce,
but he cony and sent to
l he penitentiary, She made the
that tine that she
loved I mi and didn't care if he
had m she would marry
him in the end. About a year ago
beans pardoned. He secured a
renewed bis suit to
Mrs. Wednesday night
they ware by Rev. N. K.
On account of the snow there at the
daughter, Mis. J. B, Taylor.
will make home In
Winston Free Press.
was no preaching here last Sunday.
N. S. Fulford, of Washington,
spent today here.
The Wilmington Messenger
claims that Sheriff of
New Hanover has beaten
having collected M per
cent, of the State's tax.-s
Sheriff Harris has settled In full
for his State taxes has collect-
ed percent, of all taxes listed,
State, and specials. What
f the Wind were wisdom we'd
all be philosopher.
I here is less devotion to
than lo appetite.
The adversities of the many fur-
success to the few.
Red noses should not be
as bright examples.
The current of will wash
away the foundation of love.
N. C, Feb.
We are having some very
weather which we hope will
Boon moderate.
Miss Pearl Moore went in the
country Wednesday to spend a few
days with her sister.
Miss Mary spent Tuesday
in with Misses Mamie Lang know,
and Agues Moore. W. L. Hurst left Friday morn-
J. W. Parker and daughter, to visit friends in Halifax and
Miss Villas, have gone lo Snow Martin counties.
Hill to stay a few day. H. F. Keel to Parmele on
Miss is visiting business yesterday.
Mrs. G. Ling Ibis week. Sheriff Harrington, of
Will Hooker, of Speed, is Greenville, was here a short while
town visiting relatives and friends. Friday morning summoning jurors
W. II. Pollard went up road for the various terms of court,
on yesterday. Rev. C. W. Blanchard came up
Miss Hannah Hardy spent Mon from Kinston yesterday and will
day town with her sister, Mrs. fill bis first appointment as pastor
I. Baker. the Missionary Baptist church
There was cottage prayer meet-j next Sunday morning and night,
at Mrs. W. O. Lang's Wed- of this can
night, There were truly congratulate themselves in
several present. Each one reports j being so fortunate as to secure the
a fine meeting. It will meet at services of this eminent divine for
Mrs, W. B. Pollard's next Wed- the coming year,
night. W. B. having
Arthur Everett has gone to the large and comfortable home
Washington to stay a few day. place of W. J. Wyatt, moved hi
family there last week.
THE STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL J. E. Fleming, of Pine Log, was
MARCH 18-20. in to see us yesterday.
The popularity of the Tyndall
tobacco attested by the
lion meets in March numerous order constantly re-
Marion Lawrence, In at the office of the A. O.
Field Secretary, Cox Mfg. Co.
do, will be present. From present indications the
In addition, very efficient speak- acreage in both cotton and tobacco
Sunday School Worker will be greatly increased. The
by our new invention. Only born are incurable.
P. A. OF
m Lt won, I lot
underwent ., i -ct catarrh, for month, without consulted
t-rut among other, the mot eminent car of this cit who told r
HI ind that the head
cease, hut the in the affected ear would he lost
in a New York paper and ordered
a few to your directions, the ceased, and
i- in has been entirely restored. I thank
V. X. HERMAN Broadway. Baltimore. Md
Our treatment doe not interfere with your usual
T then .
Aft I had u i
It five week my hearing i
and to remain
from North will on the
prof; nun.
Rev. and Miss Bessie
voices arc will direct
the music.
It Is the earnest request of
farmers wish to raise more cotton
seed than cotton.
Says the Charlotte
The i i
Bernard, the ex-district
attorney for Ike eastern district of
State Committee that I North Caroline, since his re-
each Superintendent of a I lief was Withdraw u and transferred
Sell, mi will appoint one his neighbor, Col. Harrison
who will, him attend the Con- Skinner, been much associated
with a possible new newspaper
Do not fin get it. The cause is enterprise in Raleigh. He was in
too great. Five Hundred Thous-
and Children in North Carolina do
not attend the church ind the
Sunday School.
We want to plan a campaign that
will reach We hope to have
rates on all railroads. Get
ready. Send your name to Mr. R.
A. Southerland, Fayetteville, N C,
and tell him to provide a home tor
yon. your duty and
the dale, and
Geo. H.
It is said within the past
year insurance
companies i paid out
to over losses by lire In
the United States.
it hot for a it were.
Considering their losses, it seems
to m it would pay the companies
to contribute liberally to the es-
of efficient Are depart-
In towns and cities.
The devil regulates the wage of
successfully that
with strike.
Washington Monday our spec
from that city in
issue says he has not yet decided
whether to go into business or not.
Before be does decide he would be
wise to ponder well in big heart
the word of that beautiful
Full of woes,
a paper,
Up he
How to Grow
for Profit
Prepare your land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a better price when you offer it on the market.
Two year ago I a peck of seed, planted them on an
acre of land and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. R. J. Cobb together with several
other bales of good variety this bale sold for three eight of a rent
more per pound than the lot. lint is far superior to any cotton
sold this market and yield is far ahead anything we hare in
this country. Numbers of the farmers in county my
crop growing in the field and pronounced it as fine as they ever saw.
I am now offering these seed for sale at 11.00 a Parties
wanting any of seed will please send me order at once I
only have a limited quantity for sale.
Greenville, N. C.
A Young Pt.
Th youngest poet in
lay a Chester dispatch to the
Philadelphia North American, it Ki-
ll a member of the
g She was awarded tho
Greenville does not pay much
attention to
Thanksgiving and
works right on just like on other
Some people never know
they want they can't get it.
The people who give gratuitous
advice may well save their
The adaption by of
flag of her own has brought about s
good lie i of flurry in London and
particularly military
Admiral de for
example, ancient
flag is MM fur the
prize offered by the W. II.
pastor of St. Luke's
church, for
lines of on a
which won the award,
When my dolly
I hi on the cried and
dug her a in violet
And planted at her head.
We a mono and wrote quite plain.
n doll who died of
And when my
We all went to tho
I lied some crane on my door.
And I stood and cried some more.
I told my mother, and then,
I went out dug up my dolly again.
When The North American
respondent called at tho little
home, the young writer busily
in the composition of in-
poetic effusion.
man became engaged to the Cir-
princess in three days after
first Basting her.
Tho Human Corkscrew Gee
whiz lie didn't waste any time in
making did ho
Philadelphia North American.
advertisement In Re-
goes right along with its
advertisement work
all the time for
the wise advertisers.
If yon want people to visit
store advertisement where
it will be read, that is in
His wot looking at tome-
thing entirely now
combined bedroom
butler's pantry
Flat Dweller Well, I declare
. a to people of
with o moderate
MB Life.
read paper for what
there is in it, and they will see
yon have to say.
If yon have not time to write
the advertisement yourself or
don't know what yon want
to let know and we will
help yon get
We have bright and attractive
cuts to illustrate ad-
yon can use
for the asking.
Nary Ont
Tarboro Southerner coin-
on the brief hunt taken
The in which
he misled th shots oat of twelve
and bagged bird at
other nine shots, Bays,
astonishing part is that s man who
never misses getting out a good
paper fail at mark
percent. We sincerely hope he
did not purchase his
On at social gatherings, anywhere, where ever a
of good are gathered and clothes is the
topic of conversation, yon will burn, if you lend an attentive ear,
that we are quoted as being store that always ha snappy
for the man. The store that he looks to
for new things; the store to which be first for a new cut in a
suit, a new shape in a bat or lie In short, the store where the
good dresser always find the thing he without paying an
extra price for If you are interested in Clothing and
with character, come in.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that you owe
Tim for
subscription and we request
you to s-tile us early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
White Seed at
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and pet lb gross,
The passenger train seemed to
lose the of schedule,
day evening, and in nearly
two boors late. Quite a difference
from the night before it was
sharp on time.
The report reached town this
morning that Mr. Redding
of Beaver Dam township had com-
suicide. No definite
con id be learned. Coroner
went out to
the Reflector
Cut Himself.
A colored boy, named Jim Cher-
accidentally cut himself Friday
afternoon. He bad knife
in hi band, and while stooping
over the knife in bis breast.
wound bled freely, but boy
was more scared than hart.
and Wed.
Thus. J. Wiseman, formerly a
citizen of and a resident
of Toms Creek, was married at
Humpback mountain, Mitchell
county, Friday to Mis Emma
Webb. The groom will be year
old in April, and the bride is about
of New,
Couldn't Stand Both at Once.
Hickory Times-Mercury
Bay there Is not a barroom i u
a Republican county in this State,
Perhaps that is true. Barrooms
and Republican rule all in same
county here in North Carolina i
an affliction greater a
Provide t sees to inflict upon
Statue to Sir Walter Raleigh.
The committee in charge of the
fund to erect a suitable statue to
Sir Walter Raleigh at the
of our State, have sent two
boxes to I in
which to receive donations. One
of these boxes has been placed in
business office
and the other at Hotel It
is hoped liberal donations to the
fund will be sent Greenville.
Harding in Jail.
L. II. Harding, who was
with two in stealing
from warehouses In Kin-
n account of which we pub-
from the Free Press, was
arrested at Washington and taken
back to Kinston. A preliminary
trial was held, being completed
Friday. Harding was held for
Superior court under i 1300 bond,
and failing to give the bond was
remanded to jail. The
were also committed to jail.
This morning an old man
was found frozen nearly to death
near boiler room of
factory. Those who found the old
man carried him in the factory to
thaw him oat. afternoon he
was reported to be coming around
all right but had not gained
to his
name or tell where he came
Daily Reflector 20th.
Assaulted Hi. Wife.
A white man named Pol-
lard, living near Parker's X roads,
Was arrested this morning on a
warrant sworn out by bis wife
committed to jail. The war
charges him with assault.
Pollard has been on a spree for
some days brought on
He had a pistol while
making the assault and discharged
weapon, but fortunately
ball did not strike his wife. He
will be in jail until he gets
sober enough to stand trial.
Skeleton in the Close.
Syracuse, N. Y., Feb.
While tearing down old
mark House, at
carpenters found the skeleton of a
man between partition in one
of the room. has been
vacant for many year and the dis
has created great excitement
It is said that a peddler seen
to enter the house twenty year ago
and was never seen
There was no opening in
and bow a person could get
in there unless imprisoned
walled is a great
Tho festive locust family will
make their yearly appearance in
this country in and accord-
to a map published of the
they hope to play
to crowded houses from
to Washington, throughout
Western Carolina and
Georgia, and from the
Ohio river straight through to the
There will be in
in the merry mouth of June, when
the and candidates
spring up from all portions of
people may prepare for
Thursday, February
J. C. has returned
from Seven Springs.
Rev. F. A. Bishop went up the
the road this morning.
Herbert Hardy returned Wed-
evening from
J. D. Garden returned
day evening from Henderson.
Dr. J. E. Nobles and Lon left
this morning for the Charleston
F. M. Hodges little son,
Churchill, returned Wednesday
evening from Tarboro.
Mr. E. L. Evans, of
arrived Wednesday evening
to visit Mr. L. H. Fender.
Mr. and Mr. Cobb and
arrived today from
Rico and are visiting bis brother,
Charles Cobb.
Friday, February 1902.
H. W. Whedbee is quite sick.
H. M. of Norfolk, is in
G. B. W. of LaGrange,
is town.
Fred Cox went to Kinston Thurs-
day evening.
Herbert Hardy to Ayden
Miss Annie Evans left Thursday
evening for
Mr and Mrs. left this
morning for Richmond.
J. C. came in Thurs-
day evening from Danville.
A. M. Perry returned Thursday
evening from Rocky Mount.
Sheriff O. W. Harrington went
to evening.
J. it turned Thursday
evening from a trip up toad.
Miss James came home
Thin-day evening from
Female College.
Mis. J. Kemp, of
ho was visiting. Mrs. E. H. Taft,
returned home Thursday.
Sam Smith, of Scotland Neck,
passed through here
for Ayden.
Mis. W. P. While, of Hobgood,
who has been visiting her brother,
R. L. returned home to-
J. S. of Plymouth, who
spent a few days with his
Mrs. E. U. Taft, returned
home Thursday.
Mrs. J. M.
Miss of
arrived Thursday afternoon to
visit her son, II. W. Whedbee.
Saturday February
C. B. Mayo went to Fri-
day evening.
Mrs. A. L. and children
left Friday evening for Kinston.
Miss Maggie Laughinghouse
came up this morning from Win-
Kittrell, who has been in
Florida the past year, is back in
Pitt on a visit.
Miss Eula left Friday
evening for to enter
school there.
C. J. representative
of Raleigh New and Observer,
came this morning.
Mis Lola Smith, Ayden, came
this morning will spend
Sunday with Mrs. Alice Harper.
May J. Hugh
ham, of came over this
g and spent the day here.
A. M. Moore, W. F. Harding
and L. I. Moore returned Friday
evening from Raleigh where they
Dr. Chas. Laughinghouse left
this morning for the Johns Hop-
kin Hospital at Baltimore, where
has taken Mrs. Laughinghouse
for treatment. He was
ed by Miss the trained nurse
of Lee Co at New York Cost.
Shoes, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shirts, in fact everything;
j kept in a first-class up-to-date store, will begin
Tuesday, Feb. 11th, a. m.
at W. T. Lee Go's old stand. No goods
charged or sent without the cash.
One first-class fire and
Safe at less than factory price
Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes
and Shoes.
Ladies, Misses Children and Baby Shoes.
Old maids sod old bachelor are
not the only people who have been
disappointed lo lore.
Toon Dud.
Haleigh, N. C. Feb.
T. F. Toon, Superintendent
of education, died this morning.
He had sick sometime, but
recently had apparently been on
the road to recovery. His death
this morning was unexpected.
Gen. Toon was an old
soldier and bore a high
for his soldierly qualities.
He made a tour of the in the
campaign, speaking for the
ratification of the constitutional
amendment and materially helped
the passage of the measure.
Every pair
C. T.
The Big Store
N C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to gee me for your next Bane of Flour
Yours to
Jas. E, White.
Loan Value.
Cash Value.
Paid-OP Insurance.
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears lie pail within month while you
are living, or within three after lapse,
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second j Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends arc payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime with the inauguration of this
There met in Raleigh last week
a small body of earnest men. They
had been called together for the
purpose of devising measures for
abolishing the saloon. A
organization was effected, a
platform and constitution adopted,
plans wen laid for an
and relentless light against the
loon, and arrangements made for
the calling of a great
convention, which will be
the final on all questions
in connection with the prosecution
of the work to its consummation,
namely, the wiping of the
loon in North Carolina. The
Carolina Liquor
i Association is warned that
it will be opposed by an
The Carolina Anti
League. In this particular
j the of light will emulate
l in their generation the wisdom of
the other kind.
Times have changed since the
overwhelming defeat of the last
general anti saloon in
this slate a score of years ago The
cause, defeated in through
unwisdom of its friends and
the of its foes,
j baa yet gone steadily forward, in
local contests in our and
counties, until has been
I banished from half the counties
North Carolina. In many other
counties the saloon exists only in
one incorporated town. And now
of insured.
Greenville, X. C.
Alter eating, person of
will derive great benefit by taking one
of these pills. If have been
they oil promptly relieve the
and which follows, restore
the appetite and remove gloom ate.
Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
by Statesmen. mer.
Other prominent worlds its i
In gifting actual news report an the
ration of events in their Just proportion. The comment en ill
freedom from sensationalism AD men and women
to know the world i doing find it an necessity
from the received from hundreds Its editorial are
and labor saving to busy man or It
timely contributions on important topics are the
writers Its of other give the best of their best
it is profusely illustrated
letters will enable all men and women
cf its
PRESIDENT arr a the
through its col- Review of ind a re
KM view hate been presented to It very indeed I ll
I could no otherwise have It a very part el n
i ii to. cause alt library, and practically a i
thoughtful men. no matter for in put lie J b
. their Ideas diverge, are IS. S. c .-.
v utterance in is col-
I ii Sta,. Mum
ti my
Co not i real ,
II It a publication err Hint to road I lake
stills I have sometimes pleasure In the
Important matter indeed of an ill
hub I not otherwise have J
Send for particulars as ho It can
i month
i has .-. .
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, lots
f I appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell tho story of bad bowel, an
impaired system, Will Cure Yon.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and strengthen
the membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
. your liver and kidneys to trouble you. your skin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers seeking proper to ii, fur in
diarrhea, and similar Mil find Meal
It keeps their regular without or nets a general
aids digestion, fin
deep ant i
U for
interest of honorable
were it to
world, would damn politician
and smash into
if then, the saloon is the worst
possible medium of a which
is by law as the fertile
breeder of disorder and crime, it is
reasonable to hope that a union
can be affected of all who are
opposed to the worst and in favor
of a better solution of a confessedly
difficult problem. And this move-
proposes to unite all these.
It welcomes to its ranks not only
the Christian men of all
but the decent, sober, moral
men community who arc
in favor of decency sobriety
morally. Those who believe
that total abstinence and temper-
are one and same
those Who make distinction be-
tween them, those who in
prohibit ion as the correct solution
of the those who are fa-
to dispensary system
and who will accept the dis-
as a stepping atone to pro
can all stand together in
lo the saloon
is it the intention of the
of the
to determine what form
sit ion to the saloon shall take.
Local questions should be settled
in view of local us
by the on the ground.
It ii not a church movement,
though it should
peal to all it is not
woman's movement, though the
aid of the women will be
us we bless them
that their prayers will be
for theirs is the
the shame of innocence, hound by-
ties of blood affection, to vice.
It is not a political movement,
though it is not going to lie content
with conventions and resolutions
while semis its creatures
to represent its interest in the
halls of And we hope
to keep the fanatics, their
lighting in their own way
the ranks, because they are too
valuable as soldiers to
waste any merely cap-
As thus the platform and
of this movement are set
forth, any man who loves the
Kingdom of Christ, withhold his
influence and aid Can any man
loves his
As a member of the executive
the undersigned will be
glad to receive and forward to the
committee the names of any who
can give their time labor to
the cause their localities.
A committee of One Hundred,
from every section of the stale will
loon be selected and will be called
to where
headquarters of the movement
have been established.
we are in it to slay.
Those who are in favor of fewer
drunkards, fewer wives
homes and drunk-
j will please help us.
I We are not expecting the milieu
; ilium immediately in North Caro-
neither we in favor
I of hell
A. J.
For Sale by
l ii i only .-1
ill ad
, . Cl U.
. bee, ll com.
Al M
i IS. of your
I Al
movement, wisdom not
the reins,
and while the of
I a bad may b expected to
to full, a large part of the vote
that invariably controlled
natural hint inward
assimilation, has been eliminated.
The better class of voters
lean no longer lie depended upon
the saloon. Ami the
, d education of the white
their progress in culture and
i Christianity, has as we
firmly turned the minority
i into a majority, a majority not
of number but of and
I capacity and and
I hat ha- always had its way,
an din this instance and for this
cause i- only waiting leadership to
organize to con
We call special attention to
platform sod principles
led The foundation principles is
that saloon is the worst
solution of the liquor problem,
is fact no solution, is the abject
-in render of the light for temper
to the devil devil's
own. prospective,
bu never been In the bis-
of world such a
of deadly influences as go to
make up the
saloon. There dote not exist any
eke In the world today such
an of forbidden abhor-
rent forces us And free play in the
saloon. Sell interest,
the for money making,
business energy that is character-
of Americans, devoted to at
and holding customers,
Instinct, the notorious
alliance between the saloon and
brothel the gambling den,
all for the devilish
task of exciting passions that need
restraining rather than
and which once waked are
desperate in power
over If there was any
thing, one.- a time, lo add to
the power of the
it has been long ago dis
Covered and adopted. As a com
anti perfected institution,
adapted with precision to I
tusk, the saloon is a work of I
genius and art. We challenge any i tells of the
answer to the proposition Of N in
loon cannot be improved upon M who
an engine for creating and p t hundred gland and fifty
mating and children. Another
all the lower passions. ,, caps h a story a Welch
Elixir of Life Dis-
covered by Famous Doctor-
Scientist That Cures Every
Wonderful Cures Are Effected
That Seem Like Miracle
Performed The Secret of
Long Life of Olden Times
I he Remedy la To All Who
Send Name Address.
After years of patient study,
delving into the dusty record of
he pant, as well as following mod-
experiments in the realms of
medical science, Dr. James W.
Kidd. First National Bank
building. Fort Wayne, Ind., makes
the startling announcement that he
Of 1866.
J. W. a.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handler of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
has surely discovered the elixir of
life. That he is able with the aid
of a mysterious known
only to himself, as a re-
of years he has spent in
searching for this life
boon, to cure any and every
disease that is known to the human
body. There is no doubt of the
doctor's earnestness making bis
claim and the remarkable cures
that he is daily seems to
bear him out very strongly. His
theory which he advances is one of
reason and based oil sound
in a medical practice of many
years. It costs lo try bis
remarkable of
he calls it. fir he sends it free, to
anyone who is a sufferer,
dent quantities to convince of its
ability to cure, so there is
no risk to inn. S of the
cures cited are very
but for reliable witnesses
would hardly be credited. The
lame have thrown away crutches
and walked about alter two or
three trials of the remedy. The
sick, given up by home doctors,
have been restored to their
and friends perfect health.
Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach,
heart, liver, kidney, blood and
skin diseases bladder troubles
-us magic. Headaches,
backaches, nervousness, fevers,
consumption, coughs, colds,
ma, catarrh, bronchitis and all
ions of the throat, lungs or any
vital organs are easily overcome in
a space of time that is simply mar-
Partial paralysis, locomotor
ataxia, dropsy, gout, scrofula and
piles are quickly and permanently
removed. It the
system, blood tissues, restores
normal nerve power, circulation
and a stale of perfect health is
produced at once. To doctor
all systems are alike and equally
affected by great of
Semi lo- remedy today.
It is free to c. Slate
what you want l- be cured of and
the sure remedy it will be sent
you free by return mail.
Plant Trees
I hare on band a few thousand of Fruit
and Ornamental Trees, Greenhouse Plants.
Rose Bushes, ate., for sale cheap. I am
also preparing to put a very large stock of
Trees for the fall trade. Glee me
your orders and save money.
Proprietor Nursery,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. O.
Nice line cf goods on hand. Prices low
produce bought for cash or In
exchange for
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
I Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk Baltimore,
Phi label New York and
ton, and for all points for
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J.
Greenville, N. O.
Dr. D James,
Denial Surgeon,
died at age
years, Ira , beta married three
times, the father of forty-
four children, and whose funeral
was attended by of hi de
is a perfect drunkard with
harlotry gambling annexes.
Moreover, through the natural law
of self preservation, its
conspicuous place in business
world, social
encouraging association in a com
cause, through the too Do Not B Afraid
degradation of politics, the to the facts squarely In the face. Thai
saloon is the standing menace to
good government, in this laud of of sticky mucus, Is n sign of
the free. And politician, fA
commit themselves to its contains no an efficient remedy,
r. . since it heals the Irritated, Inflamed throat
lion and often commit party, d ,,, , .
such an with any cold from running Into forms of
t consumption.
Even cold cash is apt to burn a
bole pocket.
of women marry tho
man who propose; but they won't
One way to keep your promises
is not lo give them.
. M.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
Mattresses, Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Gail Ax
High Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Macs
Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M Schultz
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs fur per
Half Cabinets per dozen
All other line very cheap. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the time. and
examine my work. No trouble to show
and answer The very
best work guaranteed lo all. Office
a to a. m., lo Ii p Yours to please,
D. W.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction In
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Mr. John C. General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Welt-
and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and to public
generally, of North this com-
will now Resume In this
state and from this dale will issue
splendid and desirable policies, to all de-
airing the very best insurance in best
life insurance company in world.
If the local agent In your town ha not
yet completed address
State Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once lo wort for lbs
Old Benefit.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly en
band. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
in cut and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for produce.
The Charlotte Observer.
I. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE Receives
telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. largest paper
North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
N. C.
Also a nice Hardware.
J. B.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Months Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken .
office. The Berni
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or THE Daily
one year for payable in ad-
t wash . i,
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
The Most Offering
We Ever Made.
There yon hive it. Let the bargains do talking. No need
of a word if you see I hem. Say what we might in the papers,
cold type can never rise lo the of perfectly g these
Great us. At the yon get a half a notion of a
few of them as they appear, but it is Store that hold
real court, Here it is that you cm sec and sense their
value. What we arc shewing there is without exception
greatest, grandest gathering of Bargains we have ever Offered.
Underwear Department.
Kid Gloves.
Kid Gloves in ail colors A Offering of La-
white at dies Gents underwear still
C. B. Corsets I bat were sold
for 91.26 at
It is up to you not to let Ibis
bargain pass unnoticed.
Boys Girls Heavy Bibbed
Hose, a good value at
Ladies Extra Heavy Bibbed
Hose are sold at now
Half Hose be
for less than now
Yon can still find some great
bargains in this lot of remnants
We have some good lengths for
skirt and waist patterns.
Ladies Heavy Bibbed Vests at
Extra Heavy Bibbed Pauls
Suits. arc real values at
and Vests at
Ladies Suits
Ladies Extra Heavy
. S now
Ladies All Wool Bibbed Pants
and never sold for less
than 11.00, now
Mens Extra Heavy Fleeced
Shirts and Drawers, finished
with silk tape and pearl buttons
regular grade now marked
Wright's Health
the kind, marked in this
e at
For Nails, Locks, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Next door to Wilkinson. to Ormond
N. C.
DON'T over a small
thing like come to us and
you can supply a dinner without
the aid of the cook. excellent
line of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
your We also keep
FLOUR hi- have
the best brands lo lie had. fact
store is place to call
anything wanted in tho way of
Nice Groceries.
Times The Value
Agents wanted in all unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta. Ga.
For sale by
Special Correspondent of
Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 24.1
Raleigh has at last
whereby a combined
will be pro
amply sufficient to
any crowd that is like
to gather on one occasion in
Raleigh for many years to cone-
end especially with the view of
furnishing a ball large enough to
comfortably care for the great
other State conventions.
WORK and
funeral of General Toon,
Superintendent of Public
last was largely at-
tended by the State local
of Masonic and other orders, de
spite the particularly bad weather.
While General Toon had been
dangerously ill for two or three
months, he bad improved so rapid-
late his complete
cry was expected, and he bad
stated his intention to go to his
office this week. When he sud-
expired last Wednesday
heart the sad event
was as surprising as deplorable.
He had exceeded the expectations
of bis best friends the successful
performance of bis new duties and
had be lived to complete tin-
expired term of three years yet
remaining his record would have
been an especially line one. The
Interment was in Oakwood
tery, this city. His death leaves
only two surviving ex Brigadier
Generals of the
Carolina. General Win. It
Cox General W. P. Roberts-
all of them their
when commissioned as such, Gen-
being twenty four years
age, only.
Among the other valuable
it is now learned that
have now been raised to
wards the erection of new
at the State
Normal the
students of college subscribing
last week, the corner-
stone will be laid during the com-
exercises in May.
There will celebration at
Island the coming sum-
mer, as it has been found
to secure an appropriation
from session
now drawing to a close. After
conferring with Senators Simmons
and and the North Caro-
Congressmen the promoters
of the plan have decided to post-
pone it as least for one year.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N. Duke
celebrated their
t Durham last Friday evening
tendered a reception to
I heir friends.
The older received here
day, effect once, in-
creasing lite insurance rates per
cent., effective over entire
territory east of Rocky Mountains,
unwelcome lo property
owners, merchants,
etc. But they must pay it or go
without insurance.
engagement of lion. J. B.
Young, Insurance Commissioner,
to Miss Virginia, daughter of Ex-
Governor Nichols of Louisiana, is
announced. The wedding will
cur in April.
was requested to
contribute to
monument fund. Only about half
of it has so far been subscribed.
Any postmaster will receive sub-
Small amounts
many people are most desirable.
Our Grocery Department
of the very best quality at the lowest
pries for first goods. Try our
Edge Flour
if you wish nicest, whitest and best broad it i- by
any anti equaled by none we have ever It saves you
money by less lard lo shorten it. If you wish an
EX ISA GOOD cup of COFFEE buy the
Hunter brand Mocha and Java
in pound cans, per pound. Try Teas of One quality
green, black and We keep best we can
buy. If you to get sweet ask for our
Fancy Ponce Molasses.
We also carry Lemon, Vanilla,
and oilier goods that we have room to mention,
Al the leading brands in stock, Call
on us if you arc hungry and be led
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
End of Century Club.
for The tor.
Regardless of the inclemency of
the weather, Club spent a most
pleasant evening Mrs. Julian
Jordan Friday, Feb. The
President beam absent the Vice-
President tilled the chair.
The program consisted
of the of the
by Mrs. Arthur, followed
by general discussion of the
To add to the
pleasure of her guests the hostess
famished an interesting contest on
the heroes and heroines of noted
Hughes lied, the draw-
the prise.
being so thoroughly enter-
as well as having the
sumptuously fed, the Club
adjourned to meet Mrs.
Washington's Birthday
Reported The Reflector
On February 22nd, Mrs. i.
Chapter Daughters of the
in a most charming manner.
Despite the inclemency of the
weather there was a good attend-
In absence of the Pres-
the Vice President, Mis. F.
G. James, with becoming dignity
opened and presided over I he
meeting. There being no business
of Importance, the hostess pro-
u very entertainment
for her guests. Mrs. E. B. Kick-
and Mis. L. Woolen tied
for the prize, while Mrs.
ti. James, bore off laurels
the head prize.
Alter the meeting delightful re-
were served. The
Chapter will with Mrs. Harry
last Thursday in
Soon the candidates, from town-
Made By The Orange. Virginia. Observer
The girl who elopes with a coach
man is always sure a bridle
If a man who takes a mortgage
is a mortgagee, is man who
takes a goat a goatee
The man who likes whiskey bet-
than beef walks not after the
flesh but the spirit.
A man in Kentucky died recent-
while faking a bath. It is no
use for a to fool with
never gets used to it.
Many a player gets a
larger salary governor of
Island, but the ball player
has a bigger field lo work in.
If the law carrying con-
weapons was rigidly en-
forced, many people would have to
carry their tongues outside of their
Tribute to Edmund Chesson
dead, but gone to a sweeter,
brighter world above, where only
pine in heart can see God.
Little Edmund is nut dead. His
spirit is rejoicing in Lord, for
he is of His brightest jewels,
only wait resurrection
morn, when Ibis clay that's
sleeping shall rise and be clothed
its beauty of form, which
of heaven will then grant him
to adorn.
He was bis mother's idol, bis
lather's joy, but greater far was
he Hod's own.
Why weep then mother Why
-thy soul so sorrowful Lit-
lie Edmund is waiting and watch
to welcome you home, where he
is helping lo prepare a bright
mansion, like those he left of your
My suffering is all over my
i mother, father. path you
tried to help me along, the
was made smooth for me, for
I bad to go it alone. There was a
ship constable up, will be going j crown for mother, and
mound with campaign my joy has just begun. And
shaking bands kissing the it and truth
molly faced babies, telling ,., together. Righteousness
What pretty little darlings have each
are, so much like their moth- A True Sympathizer, Q.
will drop in to offer the
business a good cigar and
they will chat with the farmers
about the stock, crops and
proved methods of farming. Every
tiller of the soil will be made to
believe Ilia he is just the best
in the county and the shop
keeper will be patted upon
back and congratulated upon the
neat and tidy appearance of his
place business. Oh, these can
At home of the
mother, Mrs. A. V. was a
scene of a beautiful marriage Wed-
Feb. at o'clock p.
in. Miss Lydia Newton, of
Falkland's most attractive young
ladies, was married to Mr. Robert
Fountain, a popular young
y to our business and
Sec us when want of
We just lidded Steam
will sell anything in this line very low,
Globe Valves, Standard Globe
Angle Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Ganges,
S. Injectors, Cocks. Steam
Pipe all Pipe Filling all sizes.
COMPLETE LINE OF Packing, Rubber Belt, Sandy
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks,
are great people. We love j by Rev. J. B. Morton of
to have I hem around, make Tarboro.
us feel so grand and tail The attendants were Miss Alice
strong, every editor learns Fountain with J. E. King, Miss
Sue with Jenkins, Miss
what a I he is gel-
ling out. says the
dale, paper is best that
comes lo our house. The old lady
Says it is her morning Ionic, while
the children for Yes, we
are truly glad it is a
year, for now we may expect calls
some of our dear friends who
have not remembered us since the
leering- Harvesting machine, Pip- and Farm Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
crank may take a
All may be lair in love or war,
but not a church lair.
man is apt to take affront
if people talk behind bis back.
The crust society is formed of
people who have the
The III Wind
Hat tie Smith with Weeks,
Mis Maggie Fountain of
groom w it Ii W. S. broth-
of the bride. Little Miss Lil-
Fountain ii white satin
cushion which held the
ring. The bride and groom enter-
ed while Miss Fannie Eagles play-
ed the wedding march.
After the ceremony bridal
patty went to the home
of groom's parents, where an
elegant reel lion was held. Next
lay Mr. and Mrs. Fountain re-
turned lo Reba where they will
make home. They were the
recipients of many handsome and
valuable presents.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. Fountain
a happy future.
J. K. K.
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills Fever is a of Grove's
Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron I
and quinine In a cure, I
Unit blows nobody i bent on errands
of ti.- fall sad winter, U pm
Your will not
bronchitis, nor consumption U you
make Allen's Lung
until the rough as the
lopped I. the are gone.
opium ml will sot
Booker Washington says there
is an opportunity for every
to a in south.
still we sometimes wonder
bow many farmers lie has turned
out his Her

Eastern reflector, 25 February 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 25, 1902
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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