Eastern reflector, 18 February 1902

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Have Ton Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
in nil he in
Loan Value,
Cash Value.
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid mouth while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
Greenville, N. C.
Ways In Which Paper May Ba
In the
One would be surprised to know
how many mm can be made of
paper, an article that abounds
in most households, as the shops
employ it extensively in packing
delicate good.
Probably few people have tested
its merit as a pencil mark eraser,
yet it serves the purpose admirably
on paper of some textures often
acts more satisfactorily than the
For cleaning and polishing glass
of any description, from tho fins
lens of a pair of spectacles to
common window glass, tissue paper
Bought fresh and new in pack-
ages of a hundred sheets of whit
and colored, it costs little, yet gives
an added daintiness in many ways.
It brightens bureau drawers, it
makes a pretty wrapping for
small package that one often finds
it necessary to earn-, it adds far
more to the effect of a present than
ordinary paper and stuffed in waist
sleeves it prevents wrinkling
and crushing when packed. Silk
and lace that need pressing arc pro-
by tissue paper, and wrinkled
veils pressed under it emerge with
renewed freshness.
in am tat
day of him to cat
whatever be They
cause rood to assimilate
Uh the body,
solid muck.
Take No Substitute.
II commended by Statesmen. Professional men and of
others prominent in the worlds activities, its fine
In sitting actual news from report the
current events in their Just proportion. They comment on III
freedom sensationalism All men and women
want to know what the world is doing find It an Intellectual necessity
judge the letters received hundreds Its editorials art
comprehensive, and saving to the busy mar. or woman Its
contributions on important topics are by the
Its reviews other magazines give the best of their best
work It is profusely illustrated
fetters will enable all thoughtful men and to Judge
cf its value o them
PRESIDENT am a constant the
know through Its col- Review of Reviews.- and
views nave been presented to dale It very highly I thin,
mi that I otherwise have it a very important part o.
bad all earnest library, and practically a necessity
thoughtful men. no mailer one in public life a
widely their ideas diverge, are U. S. H
public. Her. I
It Indian
I Co not i
time to read I lake
pleasure In laying Review
ct I the
a place on my
each month.
U. S.
It If a publication cl very
value I hive sometimes
very imp matter
I not
Send for particulars to how It car. set
of lot cents i month.
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache,
appetite, insomnia, lack energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy
any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad an
impaired digestive system, Will Cure
It will clean out the the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys to trouble you, your akin will clear and
and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers m. tho proper i for i
nod similar troubles, will eh air
if their or
aids n r . n
u anal It
For Salt by
I mi. I
wilt w
i I I.
ii-me of
i ,
Us the Broom Sometimes.
Although the carpet sweeper is a
labor saving device, the carpet will
a thorough sweeping with a
broom occasionally.
chairs and couches from the
room if convenient, but if not cover
them while sweeping. There is
nothing so destructive to their beau-
as to allow them to become
with dust every sweeping day.
Open the windows or doors and
sweep with quick, firm strokes that
will clean the carpet without
it. If the broom is dampened
frequently, it will not raise a cloud
of dust. Or a better plan would be
to sprinkle salt over the carpet be-
fore sweeping. It cleanses car-
pet beautifully and brightens the
When the dust has settled, re-
move the covers from the furniture
and dust the woodwork carefully.
Use a soft feather duster for
and vases. A large square of
cheesecloth is better for other
When the dust has settled
oil the walls, a cloth about the
brush part of the broom and wipe
How to Clean a Plaster Cast
A correspondent of a scientific
journal says that a bust or statue
can be most thoroughly cleaned pro-
it has not been painted, oiled
or waxed by inverting it and filling
it with water free from iron. The
water is then allowed to filter
through the plaster. After the
has been kept up for a
time and the outside surface
occasionally washed with water and
a soft brush the plaster is allowed
to dry. It is then found that all
the dust has been wiped out of the
pores of tho east, which is thus re-
stored to its original whiteness.
In the Sickroom.
Absolute cleanliness and tidiness
arc necessary in a sickroom. The
furniture should be simple and ca-
of being easily cleansed.
Avoid all kinds of woolen draperies
and let the curtains be of white
washable material. If possible, all
medicines and tho attendant para-
should be kept out of
sight of the patient in on adjoining
room. Glasses, spoons, etc.,
be washed as soon as used and
ready for the time when they will
again be needed.
Dining Room Decoration.
A recent idea is to form a border
or above a plate rail or
shelf in dining room or
living room. Quite a effect
was lately secured by an artistic
orator in a library by hanging a line
of old prints just above plate
shelf. Another quite novel
secured in a dining room by a
line of blue, red and white Japanese
plates against deep yellow paper
above the plate rail.
Oil the Machine.
Many a sewing machine fails to
do as good work as it ought and
might because it is not properly oil-
ed and cleaned. When it gets gum-
med through the use
of poor thorough oiling with
followed by careful
and then with an oiling with
good sperm oil, will often greatly
its way of running.
To Restore Tarnished Silver,
Tarnished silver may be restored
to brightness by the application of
oil used for polishing hardwood
floors. The oil should be applied
with a flannel cloth and the article
briskly rubbed afterward. Silver
candlesticks and similar articles may
be kept in good condition by
rubbing them with flannel
and a little floor oil.
No Doubt All.
you tell the lady I
was out
Servant ma'am.
he seem to have
any doubt about it
laid the knew wasn't.
An to Satisfy
tho Interacted.
Once two attended a
temperance meeting on
home by I dark and narrow
were thrown out of their convey-
The incident closed with these
both men were so-
The editor received an angry let-
from one of the gentlemen con-
with a request for tin
Ho was equal to the occasion.
our account of the unfortunate ac-
to Messrs. wrote the
editor, stated that fortunately
both men were sober. It appears
this statement has given great of-
We therefore beg to with-
draw Francisco Argonaut
It doesn't take a strong
raise a row.
The dog Is rather
of cold snaps.
The wages of sin are not
lated a earthly trust.
Many things are well that
are not worth doing at all.
The land of promise must be
where people pay
No mailer a man baa done
the forgets unless
he keeps right on doing.
The best way to treat a lie is to
let it lie.
The straight flush on a maiden's
face beats four dudes.
It pays to take some advice that
is given.
average millionaire shows
his lie abilities when the as-
comes around.
The earliest mention of
game of was when
Satan the first pair.
J. W. It CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Plant T
I have on band a few thousand of Fruit
and Ornamental Tree, Plants,
Rose for sate cheap. I are
also preparing to put a large
Nursery Trees for fall trade. Give me
your orders and save matter
Proprietor Riverside
Greenville, N C
i ii Indian man of has eloped
with a woman of -Now, ain't
that too utterly two-two
Joints Like Rusty
arc among the of
The sufferer move knees and elbows
bat makes him wince. He rt-
a good rubbing with Perry
Painkiller drives the
nod brings the of motion been,
No wonder our grandfathers relieved heart
i n this There i
but one Painkiller,
Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. If. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line cf goods on hand. Prices low
L. produce bought for or In
for good.
In there was one pair of
Angora goats in this country and
now there are said to be more than
a million, all from that pair.
Wilmington Star.
Know What You are Taking
When take Chill
Tonic because formula is plainly print-
ed on every bottle showing it is simply
Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No.
Cure, No Pay.
Arm of Bro
doing N. C, was
day dissolved mutual consent, D. K.
withdrawing from firm. The
business will be continue by W, It.
who will all indebtedness of the
Arm and to whom all persona owing
firm requested to snake immediate nay-
W. R.
Steamer leave
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily IS
M. for Washington.
Steamer leave.
Greenville Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at A. M. tor Tar
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturday
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shipper, should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line frees
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. O
J. J. CHUBBY, Aft.,
Greenville, N. C.
hear you are building a new
I couldn't very well build
an old one, you
Rightly Named.
Hear is working
said tho barber.
the bailiff.
working for the traction
thought it was for the
the traction company is what
call the car
do they call the telephone
distraction company, I
exclaimed her father.
on that income you would
fear of re-
plied her lover bravely. have
figured out that you arc too tender
hearted to let us try to live on my
income North
Mrs. Malaprop That's young
Mr. Jenkins, to be
married, you know.
Mrs. Gabble Indeed And i
that the young woman with him
Mr. hi
Dyspepsia Averted.
Mrs. sent my daughter to a
cooking school to fit her for mar-
Mrs. the experiment a
Mrs. tho man she was en-
gaged to found it
He Knew.
would man do nil bout
exclaimed the moralist.
replied the thoughtful
observant child, hate a
hard time, for he wouldn't
ave anybody to blame for every-
Little of Perhaps.
wife yesterday
that she was never going to speak to
him said woman.
don't say exclaimed
her husband. she angry or try-
to be
do you manage
to have flat so comfortably
rent one of
our rooms lo the brother-
in-law. Philadelphia North Amer-
Inordinate Vanity.
love to sec bis name in
print, docs he f
should o. Why, the morn-
after he was married he got up
at o'clock to read tho wedding no-
in tho Topics.
Wouldn't Handicap Him.
you been
calling on Mis how have
her father and mother
I haven't
even met
of the State of New York,
has raised
Dr. D James,
Dental Surgeon,
N. C.
The in goal work and low prices
Nice Photographs for Si per
Half Cabinets per dozen.
All other line very cheap. Crayon Portrait
Iron, any email picture cheap. Nice
Frames on band all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to show
answer questions. very
guaranteed to all. Office hours
b to a. in., lo S p. m. Yours to pleat
The clerk of Superior court of
having issued Letters of Administration
to me, the undersigned on the let day of
January 1903, on the estate of W K Spain
notice la hereby given to all per-
sons to to make
payment lo the undersigned, and to
all of said estate to present their
claims properly authenticated, to the
within twelve month lbs
date of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in recovery.
Thin 1st day of January, 1902.
Administratrix of the Estate of W. K.
Wm. Charles
Jno. M. Hardy, It. Lee Hardy,
and other heirs at law of
Wm. Charles Hardy, deceased
By order of the Superior Court of Bertie
county entered In Ilia above entitled pro-
I sell at court house door In
Greenville, N. C , county, at in. on
Saturday, Feb. those two town lot In
Bethel, Pitt county, Win
Hardy owned at death and called
Andrews both on Main street
in said lo An.
third cat-h and balance In
one and with interest deferred
This land la sold to pay
Wm. Charles Hardy.
This Jan 1902.
of Wm. Charles Hardy.
By F. JAMES, Attorney.
N. O.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Finishings
for Pine Modern Cheap Build
We solicit patronage and
to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
TUB Greenville Co.
N. C.
M. Schultz,
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. paid for
Bides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Oak Ba
by Carriages, Co Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P,
and Gail ft
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Batter, Stand
Hewing Machines, and
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Mr. John Q. for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well
Known and Popular Company,
Life Co., of
Desires to announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and to the public
generally, of this com-
will now Business la this
state and from Ibis data will issue Its
and policies, to ill de-
siring the very bast insurance In the beat
life insurance company in the world.
If the local agent in town baa not
yet completed arrangements, address
Sun Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy holders
Live, reliable energetic agent wanted at
once lo won for the
om Benefit.
Cotton Bagging and rice always
on head
Fresh goods kept n
band. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D . W.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low the
lowest. market price.
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. Editor.
THE Receives
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service Is
ever bandied by a North Caro-
of or more pages, end U
to a large extent made of
EB printed Tuesday and Friday
l per year. The largest paper
Sample copies sent on application.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Broken lo
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
one. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor A
In Advance.
One wear Six Months
Three Sing. Copy Se.
No traveling canvassers are em,
ployed. Subscription taken .
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for payable ad-
i Lawyers. ,
The Eastern
Ricks Wilkinson
While January was a great month,
treat for us and oar customers,
No Ever Grows
February Will Have lb Attractions.
Competitors will have a lively time trying
To Match Values.
Beware of the Leaven of the
When it is given out
A Sensational Offering of
la Lad Cents.
Ladies Heavy Bibbed Vests
Extra heavy Bibbed Pants
M i j,
they are real values at now
all wool ribbed
vests never sold for less than
heavy fleeced shirt
era finished with silk
tape pearl buttons regular
Is now marked
the kind, marked in this
Colored Dress Shirts
and kind at
Shoe Department
We have a small lot of
pair of a style of our 1.60
and shoes at
Ladies shoes in small size that
must go into money. They
were 92.00, 2.60 3.00, in
sale at i
Kid Gloves
for ladies in this sale at
. our Dress Goods department and picked
out all short pieces and marked them at a price that will mu,
room for early spring goods.
that ex
J W. Atwater, of
Populist, then Democrat
become a ex-
Senator Marion Butler being in-
formed of fact, smiles
and says that At water has at
last what is the
inference It is, plainly,
ex Senator Butler, who used to rail
against the old is
Republican, as a good
many people have been
for past months.
Democratic to which he or
belonged, and the Populist
party which be in North
Carolina and milked us dry as
gourd, can both possibly afford to
lose him to bill
people of North Carolina can j
not afford to lose sight of
is the agitator who
got abroad inciting hatred lie- j
classes insisting that every
thing is wrong and that he is
man the only one to set things
light, is, every lime, a fakir, who
is out for he can make. We
do Mr. Butler justice to say
be has made everything there
was to be made in game.
played it to the limit, be has
drooped out joined the
class, being-now a stock-
holder in and promoter
company, or something of the kind
while dupes who to bang
upon his words who put money
in his pocket put him pub
lie position are standing
first on one loot and then on the
other, feeling very no doubt,
like a parcel of fools.
Beware of leaven of
Do You Know
Stop being penny-wise and your
from a reliable that has . to .
One that will give you value of your every time
and will return your money if goods are not us
sent, d. One that keeps up-lo dale goods. Where cat,
buy anything you need to furnish your house, or per-
son. Such a firm i
In language of
was ever achieved
without . ml should
I too great an enthusiast,
seek in tongue of
Maw upon flow,
lie must dive
Feb. 1802, the Sunshine
was entertained by Mrs.
J. W. and it is to we
owe our enthusiastic turn to
study of poets, hence our desire for
culture, culture which redresses
our balance warns us of
I i not a compliment, a dis
to consult a person
only on or eating,
whenever he appears
conversation to the
be is known to fondle. In I lie
None heaven of our forefathers
house had live hundred
forty floors, and has
live hundred lorry loon, Hi
N. ;., Feb. 1902.
Rev. W. A. Ayers,
spent Thursday in town. We would
have glad to had with us
Rev. J. W. Rose services
here and night.
Large congregation attended both
Ber. J. J. Barker held service
in returned
It. S. Cherry, of Mount Olive,
is here on a visit for a short while.
Mrs. Dr. Grimes
day in Tarboro.
Miss Leta Andrews, of Eliza-
beth City, who has been
relatives here, returned home Mon-
Several of the school girls of
Mount Olive returned home Mon-
day on account of smallpox
I. R. Bunting Wednesday
excellent Is facility business.
For Nails, Locks, Doors
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, to
H. If.
Next door to Ricks Wilkinson. to Ormond
DON'T over a small
thing like that, but come to us
you can supply a dinner without
the aid of the cook. Our excellent
line of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
your table. We also keep
fresh. And FLOUR we Have
the to be bad. fact
our store is the place to call
anything wanted the way of
Nice Groceries.
Times c Value
Agents v, anted in all unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta, Ga.
For by
Greenville, N.
A Day Honor.
February will
be memorable a day of death
devastation in United
States. loss of life and prop
by fire was n pal ling. Here
families left thousand.,
more deprived of employment; fire
men fatally burl; properly loss,
St. burned; eleven
lives lost, many persons
Crucifixion burned; works
destroyed, and fires.
Jersey Ci y Valley
wharf and boats burned, loss
New children burn-
ed to death their home.
wagon plan
destroyed; loss,
town destroyed; loss
Carnegie, block of
burned; loss,
Lebanon, church
DelA little girl
to death.
The torture by lire
by suffering extreme cold.
It was a day of
phi a Record.
same woman who has
to have red hair called
golden tresses can steal have
it called kleptomania.
Nine men out ten who start at
top reach bottom, but nine
out of ten who start at bottom
stay there.
When a man begins to
know bow ranch less he knows
than be thinks he know he
knows that is really
worth knowing.
If some preachers wore only
mart enough to put a side door
his church he would have it filled
with men who would go from
force of York Pren.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
Life Saved by a Drum.
A dream saved little
lessee's life this week. The
fellow has been ill and
his bet dreamed Monday night
be was dead. also dream-
ed be had been restored to
life by the breath of another, who
blew in his mouth.
Wednesday tho unending
removed the tube
have kept in child's throat
two weeks and bis
was so favorable that it was
ed to keep tube out. During,
the day Mrs. told Mr. got. The American Mi
her dream. About Association is to lake
o'clock Wednesday afternoon charge of ibis the exact
patient bad it relapse of which could not be learn-
almost before bis father could
lead, the room he had ceased to j ii has been one of Mrs.
I Brick's particular It was
appeared to be extinct bill of her
Hit in a fret iv of f ago, and is
, , , . . ,,, . , , boys
grief, exclaimed, ,, ,.,,,. , ,, ,.,
to his j owned Gen, LO. Bites, Tar
Mr. mu --it stooped over and ,
pal his son's lip. He blew-
limes with all bis might ,.,, , .
and in a moment the child began I ,
to heave. About ibis tine
An School Nearly Haifa
Mis. Brick,
who died at age of MO at her
home in Brooklyn, February
bequeaths in her will, which was
filed February nth, a
of her estate, which is to
be worth nearly t
charities in which she had been
interested for years.
To the K. Brick
ml, Industrial and Normal School,
the hulk of her prop-
Ham Smith, of Scotland Neck
TaM report Of the smallpox near
here W. Bailey's farm is not
people this section
have been vaccinated.
The Mormons preached here
Wednesday night. Very small
route be-
more lines ire hi re Thursday.
Miss Alice Grimes, of
ville, spent Misses
Grimes, of Ibis
Ii. W. Moseley, of Greenville,
ho has been here a short while,
We must leave our pets at home
when we go into the street, and
meet men bro id grounds of good
meaning good sense.
The antidotes against organic
egotism are the range and variety
Of attractions, as gained by ac-
with the world, with
men merit,
Rooks are the negative
Of thought and the more sensitive
reduced. A reading after
a man follows as follow-
ed tea pen of Boas, her
are often lineal
Another enjoyable feature of
evening was I lie Blind Wednesday.
the most com- James, of
being J. visiting friends
Our kind hostess was ever Hamilton, returned Sunday.
She is visiting Misses
Manning near here.
Nathan of Tarboro,
was e'er
the alert as to out pleasure as was
proves by her elaborate
lion, satisfy man
. meant- mi Mill II,
After guessing the well selected night with friends
conundrums W began to disperse, Monday
bud arrived and replaced
I in his throat.
The little is doing well
now and will recover unless mime
unforeseen circumstance arise.
Salisbury Sun.
General J. S. Cart,
of the North Carolina Division of
railed i i Vet-
is musing for
a through train from Raleigh to
Dallas, for of
those who may to attend the
reunion at Dallas.
When Chill
teal the formula is plainly print-
ed every showing that it la simply
Iron and Quinine in a form. Bo,
Ours, No Pay. son.
men you will observe to be
weak, lint having
1,1.110 educated men will lie one
strength power. The
our Stale only be made great
by mole education. faro-
Una is a Stale. It was the
Oral Milled by the first
In lbs Walter Of independence and
Hist lo declaration.
One of the I st logo into
until Slate tights
one of the lust lo leave.
But our has remained poor
B lack in general
Ignorance makes us weak.
We have learned men women,
but the strength of Slate is
the many, not in the
bidding our a pleasant
good and trying i express
lo as well as words could
tale, of evening.
morning train
heel girl.
He also saw his
up A. C L Twin.
Messrs. M. Taylor
Iv. II. Young, of this city,
j were on the south bound Atlantic
day afternoon for Florence
when, just reached
Carolina line, it was
held up by a large posse of armed
men who at once searched the train
from the engine to rear plat
N. C. Feb. 1.1,
spent Monday
K. of spool
Tuesday in town.
P. Gulley,
from When asked what was up,
House is visiting relatives I they said a had killed
here. j Sheriff George B. of Bod
W. of was county, and that be was sup-
bare Tuesday night, lo be on train. They
lo discover man and
Alice of i hurt led They were e flue
here n
low ii Sun
are spending some
Si loud was in
Mis. Kin Anderson Mis-.
Mary to Put Sat-
and It till lied .
Our town is We arc
lo an here
Arab I is has
sick an-
glad know is
Miss lac, has lain
visiting sister, Mis. Taylor, re
turned bar home Dunn Tues
day night.
Joints Like
among u
I ha I.-
Hie makes him lie n
Mess n Perry
.- out
f. of motion
No our ill II
iii i. i Then Ii
but one Painkiller,
looking body of men, and were
very determined in I heir manner.
This no doubt, caused
in circulation in Ibis
Saturday that Sheriff
had killed. As we staled
yesterday, Sheriff is very
much alive, and is known
in h to why such a re-
should been started.
question i, who were
the who searched train
Sal and what was their mo-
lite saying Sheriff
had been
There is a township near
tings and ca
are not standing much show for
ship and hen
out law ed dogs and
Squads of men are out with guns
shoot evict v one heaves In
. .

N. C.
D. J.
Entered at the Poet Office at
Greenville, N. as Second-Class
Mail Matter.
The Danville Free one of
our newsy Virginia exchanges, has
changed an evening to a
The good roads convention held
in this week was a great
success m both attendance and in-
We hope the influence
it will so permeate the State
that every county an interest in
having better roads will be
There are people who will take
advantage of the comic valentine
to show their spite, thus
the littleness of their own
soul. However, just so the world
does not know it they think it is
all light, but the littleness is there
just the same.
Sunday was the day for the
ground hog, but unless some one
can tell us whether he comes out
in the morning or in the afternoon,
Washington. Feb.
No important legislation
been enacted the Senate since I
About o'clock this morning
he has left us in doubt as to what j my letter, although first snow storm of the winter
The University of has
Booker T. Washington as
commencement day orator at the
commencement June. A mini
of the senior class students
have announced their opposition
to the selection of a for
says that high
salaries are a necessity in the Phil-
The investigation brought
out the facts that he lives a
palace, that bis servant hire is
a year, and that be has II
horses in Imperialism
naturally involves imperialistic
A sensation has been caused in
Forsyth county by the Solicitor of
the district indicting four or live
hundred persons for failure to list
their taxes. One young man whose
poll tax would have amounted to
2.40, settled his case for 3.80.
It would be cheaper list taxes
at the proper time, as all good
ought to do.
C. A. Snow Co., of Washing
ton, P. I., patent lawyers and
mechanical retort that
are more than ten thousand
rejected applications for patents in
the United States Office,
and that by proper amendment
and prosecution many of them can
till be
kind of weather we are to have for
the next forty In the morn-
it was cloudy in the after-
noon the was
Mount Spokesman.
We have never known just
where the hog live and so
have not sat at the
at any time to see him come out
from his hiding place the 2nd
of And really, accord-
to the foregoing quoted from
no one to
know just what time of day he
comes out, and as the 2nd of Feb
MM cloudy in the morning
fair in the afternoon it is -nil
The Commonwealth appoints a
general committee of quill driver,
with Editor of
ville i ; i; as chairman, to
dig deep into the heretofore
volumes of touching
the ground hog and tell us by next
February just what hour the
day he creeps forth, in order that
there may be no more doubt about
the forty of weather to follow
his coming.
Don't neglect this matter,
It is important. Scotland
Neck Commonwealth.
The chairman appointed by the
this important
topic, believing that
is the thief of or words .
I the Treasury discretionary power
to that effect, bad just as soon call t dollars into
Any other member of the ground
hog committee a
opinion from that expressed by
the chairman, is advised that the
same had better be withheld for
the present. This big snow is
further that the chair
man and Col. Hog are
greed that be saw his shadow
the 2nd.
the meeting to order settle the
question right now as to wait
next February to do so. Therefore
the chairman delivers bis opinion
February is the undisputed
properly of Col. Ground Hog.
hoggish in bis nature he
wants all that belongs to him, dis-
nil claim against every-
thing except the sun, and being
afraid of nothing but his own
shadow. So when the day comes
be saunters from his place of
with the dawn, if
shadow appears to frighten him he
stays out. bill if he sees his shadow-
he scoots back in his hole as fast
as his legs will carry and
takes to get over his
fright to venture out
again. Therefore the chairman
avers, as the whole day is
ground hog day, if sees his shadow
all daring day he goes back
to let us have forty days more of
winter, while if sees not
he remains out and winter goes
way back sits
If Ibis opinion is not concurred
by other of
committee, any them have
the light to tile dissent
ground covered to a depth of
inches, with the flakes con-
to come thick and
fast. All it kept
falling, but at Ibis writing, noon,
looks like it U about to stop The
making it to tie out
The is as high
as which is not very cold.
Measurements taken at noon show
being dry frozen,
could not have better con
to receive a snow to stick.
the changing the date of et in. Early risers the
inauguration from the h of
March to the last Thursday
April was adopted by the
two thirds vote the Com-
has reported a
bill providing for the of
the President those the line
from attacks by an
others, a novel feature
of is the to the
Secretary of War of the safety of
the Chief Executive and the
of that official to
assign u guard composed of
of the regular army to carry
out the provision The Secretary
is to prescribe a
costume or uniform make
such rules governing guard as
may lie deemed appropriate.
House of Representatives has
devoted itself to the consideration
of the bill to the ex-
of all other business and
the debate has been spirited and
at times amusing. Only the man-
prejudiced decisions of the
chair prevented bill from
amended out existence.
Referring to Hill bill, which
was was recently introduced in the
Doom and referred to the com-
on Hanking Currency,
Mr. of Missouri said to
bill provides for the
coining of all the in
N. C, Feb.
How to bay a baggy. Fol-
low instructions
Draw tor, oat of the bank. 2nd.
Give your wife and bring
us the 952.50. 3rd. Select one of
oar grade band made top
buggies from a line of over
buggies different styles, colors
wind was brisk the north, and sizes. This offer holds good
driving the fiercely sad; to bat one person each family
Pitt county. Follow the same
instructions to get the open baggy,
except you draw out of the
bank, give your wife 17.50. bring
the depth of the to be u No taken at
inches out on a level. The these prices. We are making you
this U offer because we want
your trade and feel sure if we sell
you one baggy, we always sell
The telephoned to you what you need in
Mr. Allen Warren, who has kept
a weather record the past several
years, for a comparison of ibis
with former jig snows.
This is the heaviest snow here
since the winter of when
teal Christmas is fell to a depth
of to inches on a level and
remained the ground until the
of January. The heaviest
snow previous to that was in
The nearest snow in size to the
present one has fallen in late
years was three years ago, on Feb-
when it reached
a depth of inches. On that
day the temperature was being
then degrees wider than today
Come to see us. Don't let some
one talk you out 112.50 and laugh
at you before arc out of sight.
Yours to serve, Hunsucker Car-
Mrs. Tom of
ton, who has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. W. L. House, since
Monday, for borne last
W. B. Ricks and family, of
arrived Wednesday
and now occupy their new
on Church street.
C. D. Hooks while on bis way to
Goldsboro, one day last week, had
his borne, a valuable one, to die
by the way.
On Thursday the lower house of
Congress adopted a resolution
an to the constitution
of the United States for the
of Senators by direct popular
vole. This is the fourth time the
House has adopted a similar
Getting the Senate to pass
a similar resolution is where
bitch may come but such
change ought to be made.
Admiral Schley returned
from bis triumphal tour of
the South he that be was
possessor of a new with
receipted bill for pay
meat therefor. The from
whom the piano bought
refuse to name lbs donor
and efforts to find the of
There is a room for the blind m
the Congressional Library at
Washington, where there not
only books printed in raised type
for but where
i i- are regular readers who lake
turns to those who can-
not see. On certain days in the
week held for those
whose loss of sight renders them
most appreciative of good music.
A California judge has decided
vagrancy law is no i-
as it denies to a certain
class the of
If its provisions logically car-
out, says judge, it would
be possible to place arrest
millionaire taking a pleasure
trip in bis private car. The broth-
of the road who dwell
have now a legal
as well as a poetic
makes silver dollars
exchangeable for gold at the Treas-
just as greenbacks arc now
exchangeable for gold.
my judgment it is a travesty
mi reason and common sense. If
the silver dollar is to become a
mere token like the a
draft the Treasury gold
continue it in ex-
If our Treasury is lo
adopt this policy why not
demands upon the gold reserve
of paper at a cost a small
of per cent instead of
a token out of silver at a cost
of cents What a
proposition it is What a com-
upon the statesmanship
that has baud the reduction of
financial system to order
even a greater absurdity
would be the of this law
without changing the banking law
so as to require the banks to keep
their reserves gold. To allow
the banks to keep their reserves In
silver would be to subject all to
the gold standard except the banks.
such change is likely. Nobody
knows better titan the great tank
that there is not gold
in the world to carry the great
of credits existence. The
Mention Of a law requiring
the Danker lo keep their reserves
gold is sufficient to Bet well
formed financiers to trembling.
However, Mr. Hill's bill will never
be brought before the Home. The
republicans dare not pass it because
the bankers don't ant it passed.
days after that snow, on the Hugh Lassiter, of Lizzie, was
l temperature to de- a short while yesterday,
below zero, the coldest B. W. Moseley, of Greenville,
here, touched that point I was on our cotton market jester
again on the morning of 15th. day. Ho purchased some bales
Other places we have heard from at from lo
today show depth of snow Miss Kittrell is visiting
inches to lie as Tarboro Miss Tessie in
Rich-j That was a nice gathering of
Kenly young people at home of Mrs.
New J. D. Cox, Thursday evening. The
Bern Washington There was occasion was pleasantly
at Wilmington none at wound with a regular old
New York.
Brother Dickey's Sunday Sayings.
Trouble is a in disguise.
Some folks wouldn't be happy at
all unless bad
growl over.
No matter bow rough de road
heaven is, you'll feel ill do
enjoy you
ion candy stew. My they said it
all nice.
W. J. Wyatt and family left for
Raleigh Thursday morning, where
will make home in the
They have relatives
and friends here who loathe
to part and sincerely
wish them the best of success in
new home.
The gentleman of the
, , . . Vance Literary Society will give a
De food dies but ,
pub ho debate on Friday evening,
gray beaded sinners is too
die at all.
Some folks wouldn't go
heaven a fire fer
fear close scorched.
De Hood Book say Wisdom
cries out in de streets, no man
regard her. But in days
she'd lie at de cry, en
in de black
A well known
has had a to write his
will, it contains some peculiar
provisions. One is that his coffin
shall not cost over twenty dollars,
and another is that no one of bis
children who drinks whiskey or
smokes shall over
couples and most of j dollars. The gentleman
young run aways who know . lug this will is worth about
Star. or more.
Rev. T. H.
In this Stale, will nave a good deal
to square up balance
sheet Is struck. He has married
a Caper.
Thursday afternoon Messrs.
Eugene Tucker and W. S. Brooks
came to town As they
were preparing to leave town
the corner of Third and Evans
streets. The horse jumped up on
the sidewalk near
and tangled the buggy a dray.
In getting off the sidewalk the
animal got astride one shall of the
buggy and broke it. This fright-
the horse worse and he com-
kicking. Mr. Tucker held
on to the reins Kept the horse
from i and other parties
up and cut the so
as lo free animal from the bug-
and no damage was
The Medium.
At a recent meeting of Ad-
the subject of Me
din was considered. The
address was made Mr.
Hagar, a business man, who noted
the good points of all the many
methods of publicity and conclude
with the statement that news
paper has no equal as a dispense
of publicity, ii i matter what you
have to This conclusion
was not challenged
our inventing Only those deaf are
f. A. Of SAYS
HA. Muck p
. Bring entirely rated of to X will air.
I I'M on of an. lobe at
no ago on sat
in ear entirely. .
among when, the mow. eminent ear told me
an trip m. and temporarily, head wool
reuse in the affected ear would loot
r i your in a New paper, and
After I It a few I., your
i I fill in my a. car been entirely thank yam
.;. lo remain
r A Broadway.
not e your
m run c at
c u ill
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit.
Prepare your laud well, manure well sad plant s that
command a better price when yon offer it on the market.
Two years ago I s peck of seed, planted them on half
acre of land and picked a bale of cotton weighed
shipped this cotton through Mr. K. J. Cobb together with several
other bales of good variety this bale sold for three eights of scent
more per pound than the lot. The lint is superior to cotton
sold this and the yield is far ahead of anything we have in
this country. Numbers of the best farmers in the county my
crop growing in the field and pronounced it fine they
f am now offering these seed for sale st 11.00 s bushel. Parties
wanting any of the seed will please send me their order st ones I
only have a limited quantity for sale.
O. L
Greenville, S. C.
21st lust. The query is,
that the signs of times indicate
the overthrow of the Government.
This will prove a treat to those
who attend. The public arc
A. G. Cox didn't go to Raleigh.
We're a little hence
the correction.
Mr. of Lizzie, was here
yesterday on business.
Queen of Navy.
New York, February
battleship Illinois, which today
after its final I rial run from New
port News lo New York, has
proved herself I lie queen of the
navy. every test she has
hi I mum, the Oregon
even b r sister ship the
Tin- tests were rigorous,
and fully her of
say, her superiority
every vessel of her class
which the can boast.
a village now
laid out at Fort five
miles from Vs., Is t
lie populated by only.
The site consists of sorts,
building lots, a park, orchard,
grazing lauds and small farms for
How to Walnut Candy.
The hickory Eng-
blink may
be used, n; to preference.
After from the in as
large pieces us they are
to be placed on I bottoms of tins,
previously to the depth of
about half an inch. Next boil two
pounds of brown a half pint
of water one gill of good mo-
lasses until a portion of tho mass
hardens when cooled in a cup of
cold water. Pour the hot candy on
the meals and allow it to remain
A Short Story.
A well known in Welling-
ton street is
Joseph, Hebrew Hi
drives in o turnout mil
wears blue .-. Hut he beer
atone blind lines hood, In
tried to frighten In
Slaying ghost n over his
She his
her her thumbs
hit sight.
It Rains.
Tho law connecting
and minimum of MM
is such that a hot a colt
body of air, neither of is sat-
or contains nil water
Is capable of in a of
vapor, may when Income
than saturated, so some
of the vapor is rain
Tho adoption by of a
flag of her own has a
of u in
particularly fl n i
men. in r-.
flag is good fur
Why should
I find have just enough
money to pay for the dinner, but I
have nothing in the way of s tip for
mo add up tho bill again,
Celling It Down Fins.
world ones mo a
you're getting it, aren't
if that's what you
mean; but that's not tho kind of s
living I
there's the with
all you people who trying lo
collect that much discussed living.
You want to go beyond letter
the spirit of You
live; that s If you want to
live better, you must get an order
on the world for better
how shall I get
for Post.
His Livelihood.
get a shave, and I will give
you n said tho philanthropist
who believed in neatness.
do it, boss,
mo responded the
is your
am do in do mu-
A crippled boy leaned on
111- tall Sum
Some children frolicking- under lb
Rejoicing work was dona;
Tho Leila rang out from the old
The caroled sweet lays;
Tho Incense of blossom hung thick In
AU nature In praise.
And boy aloud; children
can play,
The brightly bloom or sod
Tho belle and all untie In
But what can I do for
Mo sighed M he thought what a poor use-
less Ufa
His him lo
Ha never could lo be In th.
So longed for to end.
When, eyes to tho he
The ix being laid lo the
fall upon Mow from u.-
Tat only s splinter broke.
Then a gleam of comfort la has
it, .
Or wag It hat angel
so gently,
Your advertisement in The Re
goes right with its
ad I s work
all the time building business for
the wise advertisers.
If yon people to visit your
store advertisement where
it will be read, is in
People read this paper for what
there is in It, and they will see
what yen have to say.
If have not time to write
the advertisement yourself or
don't know what yon want
to say, let know and we will
help yon get it
We have bright and attractive
cuts to Illustrate ad-
which you can
for the asking.
So many Ohio banks have been
robbed recently that a bill has been
introduced the Legislature fix-
penalty of life imprison-
for persons convicted
robbing or attempting to fob s
At hie home, two miles from
Aurora, Beaufort county, John R.
Union was foully murdered by some
person or persons, at present
known, on Sunday night.
Mountaineers threaten to burn
the University of Booth at
Nashville, Tenn., because
dents washing has been taken from
If Ignorance were bliss, what a
lot of people would be happy.
Fame h often a bubble that
comes from puffing blowing.
A Kensington advertises
cut rates In surgical operations.
Some people must rail Into a for-
tune e they can rise In lbs
Any woman Is willing to wear m
shoe too small for her, If It waves
the street, st social gatherings, anywhere, where a
of good dressers are gathered and clothes question is the
topic of conversation, yon will if you lend an attentive ear,
we ere quoted as being the store has snappy
for the to the man. The store that be looks to
for new things; the store to which he first turns for a new rut a
suit, a new shape in a bat or lie short, the store where the
good dresser always finds thing he wants mi limit paying
extra price for style. If you are interested and
with character, come
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
o to remind yon that yon owe
subscript inn and w request
you lo s -tile us early as pas-
We need what YOU
owe us hope yon will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on
Spring Oats cheap at S. M.
Don't you It until
moonlight nights to snow.
The little folks had more fun
with valentines than anybody else.
Bring your fat Cattle to K. M.
and lb gross,
gardening was done this
the middle of February. Too cold
for it.
Dr. E. A. horse run
away Wednesday and broke his
buggy pretty badly.
Aldermen E. B. is
the material hauled
to building on bis lot west of
the railroad.
Feed stuff for team has
ed so in we hear that
he are raising charges
Fob three horse farm
miles from Bethel, known as the
D. Carson farm. One the
best little tarns in the county.
For information apply to
W. H. Bethel,
Board of
Education of county will pay
the shove reward for the
and evidence sufficient to
convict the party who attempted to
burn school house No.
White, Greenville
Interesting; Meeting.
The meeting in the Methodist
church Friday night was full
interest. Rev. H. M
ed a forcible sermon, his theme
being, is the Lord's
side At the the
sermon several went forward to
make request for prayers
Death Dr. J. H. Baser.
Tarboro, N. C. Feb.
again the loss of an aged
and most worthy citizen, in the
death of Dr. H. Baker,
which occurred at o'clock last
nigHt. His condition bad been
critical for sometime, and thrice
were his absent loved ones called
to his bedside, but through
prayers of his numerous friends,
and by the aid of the best medical
skill, death was stayed until last
Dr. was In his 70th year.
He was a of the
Convention in 1868, and
. was Mayor of Tarboro in 1898.
prodigal son of haul-
working hen Is generally a bad
I ToW You
The fellow who mid we would
get no snow has imitated the
ground hog, gone hack in his bole,
while fellow who predicted it
is saying, told yon
Set Out Trees.
Smith are
becoming interested in having
mil in vacant
space on the
the near Mr.
II. L. fart's residence. It would
lie mi improvement to have shade
trees I here.
Small Fire.
Thursday afternoon the house, of
Patrick, a colored woman
living near the on
lire. Some colored men carried the
hand engine down there and put
the fire out any
alarm being given. There was no
damage of consequence.
The Man Who Trio Hard Gets There.
A man who began railroading
a bridge carpenter is to be one of
vice presidents and practically
the head of the New York Central
Railroad system. ahead,
The man who tries hard keeps on
getting Record
Another Greenville Boy Honored.
Prof. Harry P. Harding, alter
organizing, and put-
ting the Graded School of Oxford
upon a safe basis, has been elected
Superintendent of the Graded
Schools at and will return
to his former field of operations.
The Masons at Farmville, who
have lately been working under a
dispensation from the Grand
Lodge, held a meeting Thursday to
formally institute the lodge, which
Is designated Farmville Kit.
A. F. ft A. M. Several
from Greenville Lodge won
up to in the institution of
the new lodge.
On Sunday, 9th Inst., at the
home of W. G. Stokes, in Carolina
township, Mr. J, H. and
Miss Jennie were married
Esquire W. H. Williams. The
were J. L. with
Miss Cora D. E.
ard with Miss Ethel Royster, John
with Miss Susie Ross, J.
T. Warren with Miss Ross.
Handsome wort
Wednesday Mr. E. G. Flanagan
showed us a beautiful table
that was made by Mr. Newton, one
of the workmen of the Greenville
Manufacturing Company. The
table is made of walnut inlaid with
pearl, and in top were inserted
squares of wood a lighter color
that formed a perfect checker
board. The whole is a splendid
Bliss Pattie Skinner went
Henderson this
Bruce Sugg came in Rocky
Mount Wednesday
Dr. J. C. Greene, of
came over this morning lo visit his
mother, Mrs E. Greene.
F. C. of
Superintendent of
Virginia Telephone Co., came in
Prof. H. P. Harding of
town who has since September been
Superintendent of the graded
school at Oxford, has elected
of the graded
schools at New and has etc
February U, 1902.
F. G. went to Bethel this
H. A. While went up road
this morning.
Edmond, little son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. Taft, is quite sick.
Mrs. J. E. came in
this morning from In
join her here.
K. C. Barrel, of
Mount, came in Thursday evening
Mrs. Pierce, of Raleigh, who
has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. K. M. Cheek, returned home
L. I. went Raleigh to
John r this morning
for Henderson,
I. C. Rowland left this
for lilt home iii Henderson.
II. T. King Friday
at Raleigh,
I. C. or New came
in Friday and spent
night hero, leaving this morning
Hew J. It. Morton came down
Friday evening from lo
hold services Presbyterian
church Sunday.
The home of Mi. Ivey Smith was
the scene of a brilliant marriage
Tuesday night at o'clock,
when Mr. Mills Smith led to the
Miss Nelie Joyner. The
bridal party entered as
The came in from the west
door arm of his
brother, Mr. Ivey Smith. Alter
taken the i places, then
came bride It mi the north
door leaning on the arm of her
sister, Miss Joyner.
The ceremony was very
performed Rev. Ed.
of Holland.
The bride Handsomely at-
tired a g . n of light blue
trimmed in white chiffon,
and blue velvet,
wore a handsome brooch of
and carried the most lovely white
The wedding march was
fully by Miss Alice
Nichols, a relative of tho bride,
I ho played Hand
can guide them
while the ceremony was being
The bride received numbers of
presents from fur near.
Tho groom is u promising young
man, with a character unspotted,
whom every one that knows likes,
the bride, it is sufficient to say
to know her is to love her. She
raised by Mr. Ivey Smith, of
most successful farmers, who
has a smile cheerful word
everybody. He is a man,
worthy praise. The bride an
and charming
young of social
The best wishes of a host of
accompany this popular
couple through life. J. W.
of s Bachelor.
A man of strong will can make
any woman do my thing that she
wants lo.
A little bit of sweetness comes
out of a kiss time you take
one off same lips.
That man is lacking
who tries to guess a woman's
A of W, T. Lee Co. at
Shoes, Dress Clothing, Shirts, in fact everything
aX kept in a first-class up-to-date store, will begin
Tuesday, Feb. 11th, a. m.
at W. T. Lee Go's old stand. No goods
charged or sent the cash.
One first-class fire and burglar
Safe at less than factory price.
Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes.
184.65, Misses
and Shoes.
H. B.
Ladies, Misses Children and Shoes.
Every pair
All reduced prices.
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for your next Barrel of
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Music. I
General Shatter took a box for
the .-at- a San Francisco pa-,
per, lie came up
from to pass tho month
with bin enjoy the season. The,
general, who delight in an
life, declared he never had much,
fun for the same amount of money,
so the Martins, the general, tho
the tho
and the
every night for awhile. While
general was not exactly in tho stats
of a prominent first
he Wagner, but he. could,
not stand that Dutchman
grin. he shied just a bit at
for he had been told
often that one must be born
at least years ago to
the mysteries of tho
When the performance was ended,
a neighbor of the general asked
how he liked it. and ho answered
It's too much like piano tuning
to suit And he could not b
dragged to Wagner again. .
The Conductor.
An paper says that John
Philip the American band-
master, was standing in his uniform
save the
MM Hi food to
is the keen
Take No Substitute.
Loan Value,
Cash Value.
Paid up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
I if arrears be paid within month
are living or within three year, after lapse, upon evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
No Incontestable.
ratable a. the beginning of the second and of each
provided the premium for the current year be
They may be used-1. To Premium, or
To Increase the Insurance, or .
Si To make policy payable M an during the
of insured.
Greenville. N. C.
Here six good pointers from
Ink are of interest
to the business man who is about
to select a paper in which to ad-
One copy of a paper
is. read is worth a hundred copies
of a paper that are not
he higher the price at which
a publication is sold the more that
publication is worth, per thousand,
to the
higher the price the more
closely will the actual sale
proximate the number
higher the price the longer
the publication will be
lower the price at which a
publication is sold the less that
publication is worth, per thousand,
to the
lower the price the more
widely will the actual sale fall be-
low the number
lower the price the shorter
the time the publication will lie
Do Not
cold, long or improperly
you throat, you
loot in a day, but you can
its ll n tune
get if you use
Lung Tin-re in nothing like Oils
honest for and
other affections of the air passages.
at St Written.
Two third, of all the
which pas through the
of the world are written by people
who -peak English. There are
persons speaking the
ten or twelve chief modern
and of these about per
cent, or persons, speak
English. About 90,000.000 speak
Russian, German,
French, Span-
Italian and
Portuguese. While only one
quarter of those who employ the
postal departments speak English,
two thirds of those who correspond
do so in the English language.
There are, for instance, more than
in India, the bus-
of which aggregates more
than pieces a year,
and the business of these offices is
done chiefly in English, though of
India's total population, which is
nearly fewer than
either speak or
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handler of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Plant Trees
I have on hand a few thousand of
Ornamental Trees,
Rose , for sale cheap. I am
alto preparing to put a large stock
Nursery Trees for the fall trade. me
your orders and money.
Proprietor Riverside Nursery.
Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L B. WHITE,
Black Jack, X. C.
Nice Hoe cf good on band. lo
Country produce bought for or in
leave Washing
ton dally at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer lea vet
Greenville Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar
leave Tarboro for Greenville
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for
railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight
the Old Dominion Co. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
JNO. SON, Aft.
Washington, N. C
J. J. CHERRY, Aft.,
Greenville, K. O.
Sat M new. from sad
of proportion. They M
anon in j r .
from from hundred. It.
aerial ah mm.
., hundred. It. editorial, are
of us value to
-1 kM. col-
. have to Ute H very highly indeed
I no. h.,. I. a
had to. because all f
men. no mute,
widely then Idea, diverge, ate V. c-
tree utterance la III 1- ., i. , test and most
a Mint.
addition to my ., . great teal
a publication very great .
value I have sometime, . Is the
there matter indeed , . . , M my
I should not have
I H n
V. m
Send lo. a. ho- It car. had invaluable let
lo. cent, a month
on a railway platform when a
rushed up and asked, the
gone really don't
know, replied the man ill blue.
Why don't shouted the
other angrily. are you stand-
there for, perhaps will tell
like a log of wood t
you a I
replied conductor
of a
Gave Them to the Chambermaid.
James Hill railroad fume
was standing front of the
tend in the New
York, the other evening and asked
the man behind the
any one ever those
big thick clean that come in tho
yes, said the man.
are very popular around
Christmas time. But we don't keep
I am glad lo lour it, Mia
Mr. Hill. do I keep them.
Some one who I thought had some
for me sent me some the
other day, I didn't know
any one ever smoked them or
not. gave them to the
to decorate her room
Fabe Prophets.
In General Blair
declared that an to install
rural mail delivery bank
the Govern Thirty tan
later, in Postmaster General
said the same thing, but
now we have it, the most popular
branch of the postal service, and
the treasury is a most
To a cigar after an actress
doesn't make it draw any better.
Most men arc too clumsy to fall
in love gracefully.
Few people arc so as to
take both sides of argument.
It is well to by our mis-
takes, but it is better not to make
It's a good thing to wear your
sack cloth and sprinkle your ashes
on the icy pavement.
The money some men owe doesn't
double them so much as the money
they would like to owe.
When a man's breath smells of
cloves his is not
It isn't necessary for a man to
be a hypnotist in order to get his
mind concentrated on the tooth-
The Arm of W. B. Whichard Bro.
doing business at N.
day dissolved by mutual consent,
Whichard from the The
business will continued by W. K.
ard, who will all of the
Arm and to whom all persons owing the
Ami requested to make immediate pay-
The clerk of Superior court of Pitt
having Letters of Administration
lo mo, the undersigned on the 1st day of
the estate of W. E. Spain
deceased, notice Is hereby given to all per-
sons to tho estate to make
payment to undersigned, and to
all creditors of said estate to their
claims properly authenticated, to the
within months Ike
date of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in recovery.
This the 1st day of January,
Administratrix of lbs Estate of W. E.
The Best Prescription Joe Malaria
I bills ard Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Chill Tonic. It is sun ply Iron
and quinine in a form. No cure,
D James,
Dental Surgeon,
Cotton Bagging and
Fresh goods kepi constantly es
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D . W.
you sour bad
breath. inactive liver, heartburn,
e, tad blood,
or any and disorders which the story of bad and an
Will Cure
out th. bowels, simulate the liver and
the mucous membranes purify your blood and put you
on your again. Veer
your Ur and kidneys to trouble you, your akin clear
and you will feet old time energy and buoyancy.
seeking .
., their r a
th MS t . . ;
I make. and Stan
Me U . . II
Mas u U-
i ,, m
. i ,
Bagged at the Knee.
When Ed of the
I my of and Colonel Jones of
the aquarium meet at the Fifth
Avenue hotel, there is always
thing doing.
sec that Senator was
out gunning the other said the
colonel to Ed Gilmore the other
said Gilmore. he
pelf of duck.
don't say lie bag
At the said Colonel Jones.
duck New
fork Times.
Like Cures Like.
a preface to his attack upon
the recent army appointments In
England Kipling tells a
store man who ell carrying a
; beg and of whom a fellow traveler
it was that the bag eon-
was the an-
brother sees snakes, and
I'm taking the mongooses up to kill
brother t
real but these
Best Chicken Feed.
On lbs place of
I a great are
I -I
-lo consider the best
I chicken Mated I
I replied Mr. with humorous
I York Times.
Novel Use For Kites.
Kites have been used with great
I success as a means to stop part-
ridges rising and flying from cover
where it U wished to keep them for
shooting. The birds will not
when kites are flying above them,
I doubtless, attack.
Small has received
from Mr. E. B.
of the Tobacco Board of Trade of
Greenville, pass
ed by board Con-
to the special war lax
on tobacco. Speaking of Green
Mr Small
is now one of the
tobacco in the
being largest in
east except Wilson. The men en-
gaged in that I miners in
are intelligent and
The production
baa very largely the
territory tributary to Greenville,
they raise probably the
grade of tobacco in the
Washington City correspondence
of Raleigh
N. C.
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs for Si per
Hall Cabinets it go par
All other lines tery C yon Portraits
made from any small picture Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to show
and questions. The very
best guaranteed to all. hours
to n. , to p m. Yours to please.
Noam I Court.
Bertie county-
Was. Charles
Jno. M. Hardy, R. Lee Hardy,
and other heirs at law of
Wm. Charles deceased ,
By of Superior
county entered In Hie above entitled pro-
reeding I w sell at court house door In
Greenville, N. C . Pitt county, at m. on
Feb. these two town In
Bethel, Pill which Charles
Hardy owned at death called
Andrews lots, both Main street
in to-n. .
cash and balance in
one and two years with interest on deferred
payments. , . .
This is sold to pay the debts of
Wm. Hardy.
This KM
of Wm. Charles Hardy.
By F. G. JAMBS, Attorney.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
payment and as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
for country
J. i BELT,
notice to
We learn that a serious
Swan Quarter
day night. Some who
are in the factory
buying dunce when
of dredgers came
and lo
A light
and v-hen of
away it m thirteen
seven of
four being cut and
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Finishings
for Fine M. and Cheap
We solicit patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
price, styles and work.
send your orders to
Hie Greenville Co.
N. C.
Mr. John C. General for
North Carolina Virginia, of that ell-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Co., of
policy k.
life Insurance company in the world.
If the local agent in your town has not
yet completed arrangements,
State Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once to worn for the
Old Bet.
Henry II. Rogers, an oil mil-
Mete Mate.,
and ii g u to make it fair-
He is As orating
the a if it were his own
lie has given it
waterworks, a
sewerage m. town hall, schools
all of which were
o ii money. Mil
Unit kind are useful
fellows to have g-
Also a nice Line of
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
A contemporary asks, nab
We know, but they
. M.
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Certs,
-mis, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can
nod Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Jelly, Milk,
flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware. and Crackers, Mac
Best Butter, New
. Royal Sewing Machines, awl nu
ore generally to wide awake to be other goods. Quality and
caught by us when we throw
Quantity. Cheap for Com
to see me.
S. M Schultz
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever bandied by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and
to a large extent made of
original matter.
printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
The Commoner
Editor A Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Biz Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em.
ployed. Subscriptions taken .
Weekly Reflect and
will be together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 98.60 payable In ad-
The East
D. J,
Ricks Wilkinson
is a
To stand still is to go back-
ward. Stagnation leads
m to business death Any
day, every day, we intend to be
doing better by you than the day
before Not perfect yet. Never
likely to be perfect, but trying to
do the best possible store-keeping
with all the help that
experience and closest
can supply.
Shoe Department. Bugs Robes.
The leftover Ladies Shoe
were 11.60 and 2.00, Shoes in
small sires must be sold, and we
Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co's
own make Ladies Shoe are
told for and must be
closed out to make room for our
Famous John So we
want room and price
must give it as long as they
last at
size and lots in mens
Shoes at half price.
A Offering of Ls-
dies and Gents underwear
going on.
Ladies Heavy Bibbed at
Bibbed Pants
Vests at
Ladies Union Soils
Extra Heavy Union
Suits. They are real values at
Ladies All Wool Bibbed Pants
BOd Vests, never sold for less
than 1.00, now
Mens Extra Fleeced
Shirts and Drawers,
with silk tape and pearl
regular grade now marked Joe
kind, marked in this
sale at
Colored-Dress Shirts
and kind at
Boys Pants.
and kind at
Steel Bods at
A. few nice left that must
go into money.
6.60 kind at l, 4.50 and 13.00.
Horse Blankets.
were and 1.50
in this sale at and
Yon can ill pick up some
great bargains at less than half
price which no should miss.
C. B Corsets at 75-c
It Is up to you not to let this
bargain unnoticed.
Kid Gloves.
Ladies Kid Gloves at
Hosiery Department.
Boys and Girls Heavy
Hose, a good value at now
Ladies Extra Heavy
Hose are sold at
Mens Half Rose an be
bought for less than now
We have some great bargains
I afford to pass
Open For All Schools in Pitt County.
Through the liberality of Hon
J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State
and on account of his interest in
educational progress his mi
county, we are by
him to oner a gold medal for
best essay on some event in North
Carolina history, written by some
student in any of the schools of
Pitt county during the year
Mr. Grimes has offered this medal
to stimulate in, i a
study of our own history, and
should it accomplish purpose
he will make it a permanent
offer. We trust that many of
the pupils, both in our private and
public schools, will con
test for this medal and send names
to me at once that they may be en-
as contestants. I I rut t hat
every teacher Pitt county will
bring this offer before each school
and encourage as many as possible
of the students to enter this eon
test. I desire, us Comity
of Schools, to express our
appreciation of Ibis manifestation
of Mr. interest in
progress and to thus pub
thank him
Below will be found the rules
which arc to govern this contest,
and it will be seen from these that
the restrictions are few and the
contest open to all.
X. to any student attend-
school Pitt county under
years of age.
Each essay must he written
plain handwriting or type writ-
ten on one side of paper.
essay must be not less
than nor more than MOO
Each paper must be
by a certificate teacher
the writer or bus been a
of a school in Pitt
the year 1802.
All contestants must send In
application to enter contest to
County Superintendent of Schools
on or before April 1902,
papers must be lo
on or before October
1st, 1902.
Each paper must be
by of the fact
that the reputed writer is th
of production.
Each essay will he judged
Its style, method and
value, weight
to original and heretofore
unpublished m liter of local
The judges will lie a commit-
tee of three of Pitt county,
to he selected by the
n. The manuscripts will lie the
property of the County
and he may have publish-
u such as the judges may pro-
sufficient merit.
Decide at once to enter this con
test and send aw your
April 20th. I would be glad to
see many of our schools represent-
ed W. H.
County Supt. of Schools.
Toilet Soaps.
Sweet Maiden
American Beauty
Dr. Egg While
Laundry Soaps.
While Cloud
Magic Cleaner Be
Hustler, for r-c
Chic, for
City, f-r
Cutaneous fr the complexion
and only
vary One
queen Louise Super line Violet
very fine cakes in a box, Ibis week
per box.
We have more yet that have not mentioned. Crushed
Roses, Crushed LilaCS, Crushed Carnations,
Baby Talcum, etc. If you wish to keep clean call on
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
Chief Police and Police
man have working
for a week or so past on a ease In
which three man were believed to
have formed a to Heal
tobacco from the Central Ware
house. The known arc as
About weeks ago of
proprietor of the warehouse no
lived wheel tracks at one of the
aide doors of the warehouse and
sumo tobacco lying around the
door. This aroused suspicion and
proprietors of the warehouse
secured of Policemen
House and to make In
It was found that a
living near Kinston, had
sold considerable co at three
warehouses, the Atlantic,
From other fads developed, BUS
pointed a conspiracy be
Robert Nelson, color-
ed, and L B. Harding, a white
man, who was night watchman
The parties became aware
suspicion rested upon them, and
Jones and Hauling left Kinston.
Rout. Nelson remained, and
a raw -lays ago arrested. Jones
was d at Wilmington and
left a few days
ago for purpose arresting
him. service- of
the Wilmington police, located the
house Jones staying in, and
also he was going
the alias of Thomas
The house surrounded night
S- Correspondent of Mentor.
N. O., Feb.
Two unusually important meet-
were held in within
the past good-roads
practical road
by the crew and machinery
of the Southern good-roads
under contract the city
of conference of
leading educators of the State with
the Governor and other State of-
cut more better rural
school and Improved rural school
of them particular-
excellent plan of work was
napped out by Educational
I conference and a vigorous cam-
education is to be
taken. were appointed
to look alter and perform the
this work. The executive
committee is composed of Governor
Toon and Dr. Charles
D. Another committee,
with Professor J. V. Joyner as
chairman, appointed to
write and distribute to every news-
paper iii the once a week,
consecutive articles bearing upon
better and as publication
Of name, etc. Each clergyman is
to be written lo by another com-
with Dr. Charles F.
I us chairman, asking that he preach
I at hast one sermon each year on
i public education. Conferences with
i by Con-
i districts, are to be held,
It la asked that
I dent Toon be of every
i ti, police officers, when it was apparently in good con-
that Jones war in. for agitation the question
the officer demanding local taxation lot
lamp as blown out. The It is the fact
officers forced the woman who per of the total
to the door United States
and admit them. The lamp was g only U
relighted, bat woman again j cell, iii North Carolina
blew out and in the darkness, I
Jones, Who had been in an upstairs should say.
room, break tit liberty.
Be attempted to get a
window. at
hut Jones dodged, and what
C the mare along a new
system of county
roads, said the good-roads
Ample room for
Jones brought
window lo puces.
and attempted toe
J rape but instead
ran int. the of chief the aid of
who held
Z was in-
Wednesday and yesterday he
Nelson were given a preliminary . . .
hearing before Moore. I
Harding woe conceiver of
plan was for
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will tell anything in this line very low. See us when in want of
Globe and Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all Pipe Kitting all sizes.
OF Packing, Bolt,
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks,
which also urged . more liberal
and extended use of convict labor
on public road work. The con-
vent ion was largely by
of many counties,
Jones to bring cart at exhibited deep
to help load tobacco. I
Jones would have sold
the other warehouse floor
i good roads a State
I to be known as the
i Carolina Good roads
give the money lo Harding, w with the fol-
according the of President, B. H.
Jones and Nelson, gave them what . J. A.
he pleased it. Joins JoSeph G. Brown,
that Hauling gave bin ID for each
They testified district. The Executive
Committee is composed of Messrs.
and named
Your paper makes me glad and
We are agents for the Standard I all right It
sheet are yours for asking.
Ricks Wilkinson
I soon be
with him, where sorrow can never
his noble soul.
You made my heart sigh when
told how many saloon licenses
the Pitt Commissioners
for 1902. north
Saloon League. May God
help us to unite and push it to a
I long to see the day when North
will not have one saloon.
Yours forever.
Stedman, N C.
PIP and Tile
Garland Cook Stoves
j about live six steals had been
made, all during vast two
j months, from to
I pounds at a lime would lie stolen.
Moore hound over to
court in
they were committed
jail await trial March
term of court
Harding left last
day, ho N.
C. lie 1- a man led man and bar
a wife living in Kinston.
man left fol
with papers for hi-
So at writing
baa from
and looks Harding
Kinston free I lib.
above, and Messrs. L. Patter-
son, A. W. Graham, W. C. Bid-
dick Paul Garrett.
Ship is open lo all citizens interest-
ed in the subject.
A number of excellent speeches
made during the three days
was in and a
lining and enthusiast.
ti roads unquestionably
being worked up in this State,
the meeting here has had tho
aiding and pushing
When weather in
n in and up be
What ought have his Mil
I raised.
The Children's
i lo permed
that a for
Thee mow how
It relieves the of
any do
is lo. A and
that n r, for

Eastern reflector, 18 February 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 18, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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