Eastern reflector, 11 February 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
I. Cash Value.
Extended work
Will be reinstated if arrears paid on mouth while you
are living, or within three years after upon evidence
of of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and if each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable a an endow during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville. N. C.
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
dizziness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
t appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin.
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bowels and an
unpaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys,
mucous of the stomach, purify your put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels
your liver and cease to trouble you, your skin will clear -ind
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers art kin to f their i r . lit-a
tumble, i Dad L i u n
it regular tots as a ton
nature, at, tears V. d to
like it and for it.
The Way to r UM
Broiled bacon is dish which in
few home Is the
it is seldom broiled.
The fat i.- fried of it and n
bi Ion fluttering in
a spider full of grease. The
way to cook bacon, both for the
matter of e for
qualities, is to broil it not over
a bed of coals- it to too tat for that
but in a hot oven. Cot the
bacon in the most delicately thin
slues possible, rejecting the
Lay the close together in a
fine wire broiler. Place it over
dripping pan and set in a hot oven.
It require to be turned just once.
The fat which fails into the pan
makes excellent dripping for
potatoes, Pram the bacon on
brown paper. wish to serve
calf's liver with this, sprinkle the
liver with pepper and salt, roll it in
four and fry brown in the bacon
dripping. Serve with a curled
of bacon on lop of each piece of
liver. Bacon a- served by the aver-
age cook, well soaked in grease, is
the most indigestible of food. hen
broiled crisp in it to a dish
that Buy he served even for a child
of two rears with impunity. Among
all the fats delicately crisped bacon
ranks next to cream in ease of
A Boot Shoe Bag.
With the limited closet space mod-
houses offer a place to keep
boot and shoes is a puzzle. They
tan be left on the Boor of one's
closet or furniture where
will not show, u will
late, dust and get kicked out of
, -l nay to dispose of
them is to have a roomy shoe bag
tacked upon the inside of the I
door. It should be made of
material and have deep pockets, or
will not answer its purpose.
suit dwellers lure numerous
device for space. They
study the matter from all sides mid
sometimes develop talent for
inventions. Couches arc provided
with lids, and. a deep I for
packing away dresses and boxes of
the flat variety used by tailors and
department stores are tilled and
stowed snugly away behind the fur-
or under they
be Traveler.
Tim's Pills
J. W. k CO.
a arc a
Take No
Wist Put on
Ex S.
of Virginia, on of this city, is a
of i
, , . . , , . and handlers of
a few ago he visited .
White House was and shipments
interview, the
course of the the.
President Is said to have
ski. tries
daily at A. M. for Green
leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leave
,. I few , ., . M
Plant Trees
For Sale by
mil t Mi
i -I la. I.
i . . .
Three Ike Value
Agents wanted in all unoccupied
I or -ale by
The Famous fountain gen
Reflector Store.
A Time Table.
The following rules for of
I in a
; in kitchen am
given frequent
. clams, oyster,
three to live
Green corn, small fish and
slices of fish, five to ten minutes.
Potatoes, macaroni, squash, eel-
cry, spinach, cabbage, twenty to
thirty minute.
s. peas,
asparagus, boiled eggs, fifteen
to mi
Young beets, carrots, turnips, on-
ions, thirty to
forty-five minute.
String shelled beans,
plant, forty-five minute to one
Fowl, mutton, veal, two or three
hours; corned beef,
fresh beef, three four hours, and
four to live hour.
A Salt Light.
A safe light for going about with
where there are inflammable mate-
rials, as into a storeroom, be
made as Take a long bottle
of pale glass and put into it a piece
of phosphorus I ho size of a pea.
this pour pure olive oil heated
to the boiling point until bottle
. ml on third full and cork
tightly. When light is needed, take
the cork out and allow the air to
enter, subsequently The
empty Space ill bottle will then
become luminous quit an
light. If it become dint,
it can revived by uncork-
the bottle for a few second.
One bottle ill last a whole winter.
Small bottles may also be prepared
in this and carried in the
How to Snaps.
Snaps are made by rubbing half
n pound of butter into two pounds
of Hour. Then add half a pound of
brown sugar an a level
of ground ginger. Pour in, mix-
all the while, one pint of New
Orleans The dough must
lie moist, it out on the
board, knead until it bed.
tie, roll very thin, cut with a small
round outlet bake in n mode rat
oven until a light brown. The dough
may lie cut into small fancy shapes,
in which form please children
Ben much.
The in is no-
I hit season, and the prices
arc as varied as the range. A pair
of serviceable and pretty candle
holders in crystal may be had for a
dollar, and a couple of classic min-
columns in brass arc
No Doubt at All.
you tell the lady I
was out
Servant Girl Yes, ma'am.
m tn have
any doubt about it
ma'am; she
said knew you wasn't.
A Doting
John . tin m
u e home, a .
wife and III a, I ; in-
Of V. d Job P.
The elder as a pious Chris-
man. who tried not
commit n in Ins
i for I it it
the boy.
The John, then five veer old,
a real boy nil the
plies. His father was SUM he was
the beat that ever lived, and already
he saw him as a man preaching good
to all Men, for that was the hope in
the elder John bosom.
Ore day when the father tame
Lack from the shop be brought with
him a pretty tin cup on which was
written in gilt letters. a
lie gave it to his sou. and
the child looked up into his face
like an and smiled. Two
later as a Wilson came home-
ward when ill day was done lie was
thinking proudly of bis boy who
would meet him at the gate when
his was attracted a dog
coming split down the street
with a tin cup tied lo his tail and
knocking ragtime out of the side-
walk. Before Mr. Wilson could get
out of the way the dog dashed be-
tween his legs, upsetting him into a
coal hole and piling in on lop of
him in a tangle that was terrific.
The dog got away at last, and when
a policeman helped the bruised and
altered mechanic out of the hole
he discovered a string wound round
his leg and lied to the end of
a tin cup which looked as if it hail
been through seven wars.
ran keep this as a
said the policeman pleasantly, j
is John Wilson,
taking it.
a tin cup belonging lo some
of them little devil around the
lier, I said the policeman,
twirling his club significantly.
The father of John Wilson, Jr.,
looked at the battered tin in hi
hand. In gill letters, which be had
not forgotten, were the word-,
good Tree Press.
what is Tell me what
I he people seem to of my
Ob, Mr. Mr. Wise
replied, opinion seems to be
will go down to posterity
as a
am delighted to bear
the President said lo have
M be grasp
el Mr. Wise's hand book it
he bis
bold Mr. Wise
But whether it will lie as a
George or a Booker T. I not
prepared to
I choked soot, um Mm
mid goes out
are phlegm, the of life
Lime brings up allays
tile mid id
the and, in a wont,
if soon b-
Hoe.- , Bah cheap. I n. Tarboro for Greenville
lo a rt a and Saturday
at M. carries freight only.
for fall trade.
i and
Al I
Proprietor Riverside Nursery,
Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Mrs. L H. WHITE,
Black Jack, X. C.
line cf goods band. Prices low
Country produce bought for or in
Connecting at Washington with
Steamer for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York and
ton, and for all points for West
w railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Co. from
New York; Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
It has been discovered that
is being sold for feed
stuff in An
of some of stuff revealed
cornstalks, cobs and sawdust
ground up very good
one horse has died from eating a
quantity of it.
firm of U Bro.
doing N. C,
this day K.
from The
will be by W. K.
wilt of the
firm and to all person
firm requested to immediate nay
This Jan. 1902.
W. It.
i I.
The Best tor Malaria
bills Fever . Grove's
Tasteless Chill Ionic. is simply iron
and a form. No cure,
leader In work and KB prices
Si per dozen.
II It Cabinets per
tram any small MIc
hand all Hie lime. and
work. No trouble lo show
answer The
Ks to all. hours
W S. to n. m.
if court
having of
to in-, the on W of
January eat ate of W E. Spain
ii given la all per-
t make
it lo to
all to their
claims properly to the
notice will he
in recovery.
Thin the of January.
of of W. K.
Win. II inly,
M- R.
sad of
Hy Court
in pro-
I at bob hi
N. C . at m. on
two town lots in
Bethel. Will Charles
at and called
Andrews Iota, Main street
rash and In
lie and two years with interest on deferred
land Is mid In pay the debts
Win. Chat lea
This. Jan III,
of Win. Charles Hardy.
B V i. JAMI-S, Attorney.
. a
. J
Dauber my paint-
to the
to hoar it. The
skinflint deserve to lie stuck.
A Man's Logic.
yearn for said
the ambition youth,
should answered the
aide hut indolent person.
merely means will
an article about yon for the
are more in the
now than feels
like Star.
Mystery Explained.
Mrs. can't see
them fillers what send nut
weather reports kin tell kind
weather is be
Uncle Hiram I dunno, but I
kinder git their
Information onion
man who is pay-
at ton ion to Yes;
he's a lawyer.
She I understand doesn't
know ti law.
lie knows enough about
law to see I hat there's more money
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior mil I.
for Fine Modern and
We solicit join and
to give
; styles and work.
send your orders lo
i n
. M.
Furniture Denier. Cash paid
Hide., Fur, Cotton Heed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts,
suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
Gail i
Heat Key West Cheroot,
American Beauty Can
nod Cherries, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Match, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hull, Gar-
den Apple,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cake and Crackers, Mac
notice f o f lie
Mr. Min C fur
Carolina Virginia, of Well.
Known and Popular
Life Co., of
to to its number of
policy holders, In the public
generally, of North
will now in this
state and from will issue its
splendid policies, lo all de-
siring the very best insurance the best
life insurance company in the world.
If the local la your town not
Agent, N. C.
policy holders 182,509,189.05
Live, reliable energetic agent, wanted at
once to for lb.
Old mutual Benefit.
All Board.
lived today, he'd feel
the ark wasn't a
Plain Deal- Beat Butter,
ard Hewing Mac i lies, and nu
other Quality and
Concession It. j Quantity. Cheap for Com
Hook-Miss Antique it beginning o me.
to show her age. Bo.
V, the last tuna I IN
she let mo look over tho family Bi-1 a
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE the
largest telegraphic new service
delivered to any paper between
and Atlanta, and
it special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more page, and Is
to a large extent made op of
printed and Friday
per year. The largest paper
North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Add i
Charlotte, N. C.
m i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
The Eastern Reflector
D. j.
f TO
Ilia ii M
Tuesday e
Cotton Bagging and lies always
Fresh goods kept ob
Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D . W.
Whichard, N. C.
Stock complete In every de
and prices an low as the
lowest. Highest market
for country
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyer and Broken in
Cotton, Grain and
us. Private Wire to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor A Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Biz Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvasser are em.
ployed. Subscription taken at
The office.
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The it
one year for 98.60 payable In ad-
for tr
Ricks Wilkinson
While was a great month,
great for us and cost
Grass Ever Grows
February Will Have
Competitor will have a lively time trying
To Match Our Values.
A Offering of
in Led Gents.
Ladies Heavy Ribbed Vesta
Extra heavy Ribbed Pants
ii t ii .
they are values at mi
all wool pant
veal never sold for less than
l now
Mei heavy fleeced shirt
with silk
tape pearl buttons regular
grade i now marked
the .-, kind, marked in this
ale at
Dress Shirts
and kind at
Shoe Department
We bare a small lot of and
pair of a style of our 1.60
and shoes at
I shoes in small size that
must go into money. They
were in
this sale at 1.50
Kid Gloves
for ladies in this sale at
You Should See Our
We have been Goods department and picked
all short pieces and marked them at a price that will and
give a room for early arriving spring goods.
For Nails, Locks, Doors
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Next door to Kicks Wilkinson. to Ormond
DON'T WORRY over a small
thing like that, but come to us and
you can supply a dinner
aid of the cook. Our excellent
Hue of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
table. We also keep the best
fresh. And in FLOUR have
the best brands to be had. fact
our store is the place to- call tor
anything wanted in the way of
Nice Groceries.
N. C.
All Kinds at The Reflector
The fountain gen
Board of Aldermen.
Board of Aldermen held
their regular monthly meeting
Thursday night, all members
being present.
The finance committee reported
in band of the Treasurer.
The street committee reported
that they were yet to get a
to do anything relative to
the proposed widening of
son avenue. committee was
instructed to if
necessary have their report
on the avenue ready by next meet-
The white cemetery committee
reported that work
done the
The market committee reported
the market in fair condition.
Th other standing
no reports to make.
The special committee appointed
to investigate the claim of J. A.
Him v for damages done by lire-
mended claim be paid.
special committee
to investigate the claim of Mrs.
R. H. Home for damage done to
her furniture by a tree falling on
her house, recommended she
be paid the sum of l in settle-
of her claim.
The report or the Tax Collector
showed the following collections
made for the past License
market rents,
general tax, 603.85; bond
tax, 122.06; school tax,
making a total of about in
bis hands.
The Chief Police reported gross
collections of tines and costs for
the month to 193.11,
and Assistant Police reported
A verbal report from the Chief
of Fire Department showed there
had been live tire alarms during
month of He was
instructed from now on to make
written report monthly to the
Board, so that the work of fire
I can become a matter of
record. The Chief was also
to purchase such coats,
boots, belts, caps and buckets as
are needed by the
A committee appointed to
confer with owners Star ware-
house property relative to a street
on the lot.
Henry T. King was appointed a
delegate town to the good
roads convention at Raleigh.
A claim presented by a
of the slot
refund of the license tax for the
balance of the year for which the
license had paid, brought out
a discussion that came near being
sensational. There were speeches
and explanations that
made things lively for the time
being. One member moved to re
fund part license.
Another staled he was willing
to all the license for the
year and pay the slot machine
men something extra for stopping
their Others said
the licensed slot ma-
chines they did not license
ling machines, and as those put
operation here were gambling ma-
chines mid had suppressed by
the Superior court the owners had
no claim for any rebate on license,
that they still had their license
under which they could run a law-
slot machine if they wanted to.
When the vote was called two
thirds of the Board against
Accounts were audited and or
tiered paid to about
Which included if
Do You Know
Stop being penny-wise and pound-foolish and buy your goods
from a reliable firm that has it restitution to sustain it.
One that will give the value of your money every time
that will return your money if goods are not as
One that keeps up-to date goods. Where you can
buy anything yon need to furnish your house, table or per-
on. Such a firm is
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
What we could do if we only
had the money, is a very common
place remark, but man who
uses that excuse should at the
same time explain why he has not
nullify. Money is plentiful.
You may not have an abundance,
but there is several hundred mil-
lions locked up the United
States Treasury and an
amount the banks B
with capitalists who are only too of H,., At
the time of her death Mrs.
Drawn Pennon Since 1834.
Km tun died in Holly
Springs township, this county,
last week, and today her last pen-
was paid by the United Stales
government, It was sworn to be-
fore Clerk Run this morning.
had been drawing this
pension since 1831. She was the
wife of who
Brutality of Colored People for Sit
ting up Corpse.
An old woman fell near
her home in
and fractured a Lug
in the leg. It seems she had
no near and asked some
of lit r i ice to go after a doctor,
tint each one refused it is
that she remained at home
until day with the bone
the flesh
intense agony. The first
physician notified to her. but
the purpose of this article is to ask
why so many of the colored people
act this way tow. ids members
of their race, r w not exactly the
rule, but too such
things happen and they are B dis-
to the race. The habit ex-
of course among the
However, there all kinds of
Some of are
always on the lookout for main
chance. Once mo old man,
possessed of some property died,
leaving a preacher U his ex
The executor went to work
to settle up the cattle and when
the time came lie appeared before
the clerk of the court with bis re-
bills, etc. The clerk looked over
them and finally asked what an
item of M, doe the executor, was
I set up with the
gravely responded the parson and
executor, am entitled to pay;
I could not get any one else to do
it had to remain alone all
The bill was not allowed. The
parson bad handled
and wanted to make
Bringing Up Of Boys.
interesting information
as given in the Sun-
day World. El of
to fame
Philistine notoriety,
boy is a in the
do know what he is going to
. He may make or unmake
kings. Every was a boy; it
seems strange, but it is The
last sentence of this
shows that is main-
his of being
more amusing original
in any parody.
Similarly Mr. Lewis Nixon, a
man whom boys should desire to
said to Miss
DO use to map out a
career. He has to work out his
own destiny. The country boy
baa great advantages over a city
boy. he develops his char-
along I idler lines and has no
false social ideas to tangle up bis
It is certain that
most of the glittering prizes in city
life arc by country boys
barefooted and village
Mr. Nixon's remark
no use to map out a by
would have interested
Wordsworth, who discovered that
child is lather of the
A third item interest
one of special importance
to fathers, was description of
a German village. Prof,
puts his young charges through a
that is calculated to
toughen them physically. They
rise at half-past four, undergo a
some funds gymnastic training, eat
bis account meat vegetables, spend
Profit In Insurance.
much of their time in the open air,
inure themselves to fatigue
and pain.
course of training is a
new application of old theory.
But it is a whether too
anxious to turn it loose provided
that they arc assured of good
profit. Then if you have a money
making scheme but I he capital is
lacking the must lie with
yourself. The security which you
offer must not be marketable. If
this is the case then the
was years, HI months and
days old. She leaves two children
daughters, one and
other years old. She was
the pensioner in
this received her
money from the government for
arises why is the security not val- Times,
That is usually Iron-,
The mini who can do some-
thing, who knows some one thing In considering the agencies
well, and backs his knowledge p the spread of smallpox more at-
with character, ought not to have should lie paid to the
trouble in getting the to as the bearer of germs. At
turn the Times, a meet of Hie Boston Committee
on Health several doctor
Au Iowa court has established a I that after having visited
precedent which breach of patient they enter
promise beyond the grave. without
woman was engaged to to made any attempt at
the hour was fixed but clothing. One physician
postponed, and a later date named. h
The man died la-fore time came a long walk in open air.
around and woman sued
or damages. The court lo examine a
the agreement settled the matter, knowing that the
she was to all intents and
poses in the eve of the law his become a to health,
widow, and entitled to a widower's If indifferent to the
dower, which her case amount j danger of extending
to The deceased would unreasonable to expect
probably make no objection, as he careful,
really intended lo marry her and Philadelphia Record.
would have done so if he bad
Mr. B. Young, of Raleigh,
Hie Insurance Commissioner, reg-
at the last night, j
Mr. Young said the insurance t little coddling is not as bad for a
companies of this State arc in bet too much. Reports of the
condition than ever before, of th professor's pupil
notwithstanding the fact that this j years will be interest-
has been a very severe year on all Inf. the graduate of his
companies. stoic school be hale healthy,
There are lire insurance com- j or broken down men, their vitality
panics the Slate. IS life exhausted by schoolroom hard-
fraternal orders ships Ambitious young athletes
and fidelity and casualty com- who individually subject them-
There are seven home lire s to a process of the
insurance companies home sort Prof. recommend at-
life the very flower of manhood at
In most of the Southern States twenty, at thirty and be-
there are less insurance consumptives at forty, if not
than there were a year or so ago, already dead. semi invalids
said Mr. Young, but in North Car- have lived to lie
it is the reverse. There are
more companies than formerly.
The insurance e last year
paid into the State
in t his being all increase
of about per cent, over the
amount of usually paid by
the Insurance of the
Up lo 1800, or before the pres-
insurance law commission
were operative, the insurance coin
panics never paid into the Slate
Treasury in ire than in one
year. Mr. declares that
North Carolina gives batter pro-
to all classes of Insurance
companies than almost any other
Stale, and for this reason all the
companies now doing business in
tho State will renew their
1st. Observer.
Was there ever athlete who ac-
this feat of longevity
New York World.
Th. Malaria
am la . 1-111
Chill Tonic. la imply iron
and .
do so
arc Taking
When take Tasteless Chill
Many a man is a chronic kicker , Its formal, la plainly mint.
J ,, d on every bottle showing it la
he has corns his con- nm Quinine in . form. No.
people in re
marks a London paper,
sunflower for ornament have
any idea of its Then
it Inform its credulous renders
I hat the Stales the sun
flower is so rich in oil that.
seed of i these monster
will yield of oil; while
the of the seed, after this
quantity of oil has been expressed,
weighs pounds when made
info cattle
Rev. informs us
that the dog story told
in Monday's issue of The Free
is the
intelligent animal saw of
a piece of to light it
and really went out
int. yard and secured same,
laving if at her feet. here is
a pig story that comes from the
Raleigh farmer on
Hill mourns the loss of a
valuable hog during the windstorm
Sunday, lie relates that just as
pig started a squeal, a of
wind came along and blew
back down his throat, thus
strangling him. I,. W.
was an eye witness of
The pig tale is intended in the
least as a reflect ion on the dog
story, but both are good
All liar I
may comfort until
or nervous excite
on in U of which
rack you until your very bone. ache. Do
not i- Even whim .
lie r- in--1. fast in h.
power. Allen's Long will
the mucus, allay
heal the aching finally
MB the completely.

N. C.
D. J. Ed. Owner
Entered at the Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second Class
Mail Matter.
Tuesday. n, 1902.
aimers should not let the pres-
advance in the price
lead them to plant too large a crop
this year. It will lie better to in-
crease the acreage com and give
first attention to home supplies-
The Durham Herald regrets that
the good roads agitation not
begun years ago. What a pity
it was not. We might hare had
good roads by
Laud mark.
Samuel who died Gar-
county, Maryland, last week,
stood very high in his county. He
stood ti feet inches, without
stretching, and a widow who
measures feet inches a
feet inches.
Under the present system of
taxation a surplus is rolling up in
the Treasury. This is all wrong,
for the government has no right to
take from the people more than
enough for its necessary
The good roads convention will
be held in next week. Let
as many people as on go from
Pitt county. Any who can go will
be as delegates the
will be
great benefit.
fully with the Dur-
ham Herald that -Miter the trouble
that the courts have in convicting
a of any serious crime it is
well to let the law take i's
course, especially where there is
no possible doubt as to his
of the old time on
how he was making
out, replied
times is mighty tight me.
but make a
by a little a little
en a
St. Louis are them
selves in having their native State
make a creditable exhibition of her
resources at the exposition to lie
held that city year.
Carolina can lose nothing, but
much, by making such an exhibit.
A live ml discovered
a in
Mitchell comity. The parson pro
fed by ravens in de wilderness, en
on dis is
none de less providential.
A new law in Iceland
any adult to administer a
spanking to any child found
a cigarette, to destroy
of the that are found
in the possession of This
will probably create the necessity
of a law to protect people who
spank other children
assault by irate parents.
the report of the Labor Com
on textile
county first with JO cotton
mills, spindles. 1,643
looms. The counties coming next
in order are Mecklenburg,
Cabarrus and
The census bureau has just re-
ported that the value of the cut
interests in this country ex-
with an
This will refute part of the charge
that arc essentially
as the love for flowers
is one of the surest indications, as
Emerson, says, a ray of
beauty all the
Raleigh is getting somewhat
exercised over the prospect of not
the next State Convention.
Unless the city makes pro-
vision for taking care of the con-
than it has the past it
should not even be considered
when the time for selecting the
place conies. has made
many promises in this matter that
Dow seen as far from fulfillment as
The Southern people have con
directly, to the cause of
education, since 1805, tool
6110,000,000. Every great fail
held in the section since the civil
war has established a
provided a house or houses,
and contributed money to aid the
colored exhibitors. Here are two
historical facts that plainly
the enlightened of I In-
dominant care where their former
slaves are concerned. These acts
disclose a policy of righteousness
and justice, for which the southern
people too seldom receive
Times, Ind.
A Cleveland man who had stolen
five cents worth of coal was arrest-
ed the other day lined and
costs, or 610.85, He declined to
pay Hue, the d that
it was unjust, and when his wife
paid it be refused lo leave the
The was obliged to eject
him, and he vowed he would re
turn at the first opportunity.
Is usually given to
pie don't heed It.
Many a young doctor sighs for
the of Job.
For the year beginning with
March to March 1903,
the British war bill South Africa
will foot up i The
estimated cost bow is
a, There arc now
men under anus, more than there
were three years ago.
It is more than likely that the
per of white men Ala
ho disfranchised them
selves for a year by to pay
their poll tax the required time
wouldn't have taken the trouble
to go to the polls any way, so there
much Star.
A member of Congress is said to
have recently received the follow-
letter from a
send sonic of the vol
containing memorial
for dead members of Congress
There is nothing I read so
much pleasure as obituaries of Con
Congress should hurry along
bill providing for increased pay for
rural free delivery carriers.
Five dollars u year for
man and team is ridiculously low.
salary of six bun-
Ired dollars is not enough, but is
nearer the mark than the present
Mini and there should be no
in passing the
Mr. Iv M. the mail
Carrier from
lust SB dozen eggs yesterday. He
had the mail from
lands and had lift his mule and
buggy ill front of the
while he was taking the mail
Id, While lie was gone the mule
started became frightened,
and during turn box
eggs was thrown
out, breaking every one. There
were more the buggy
but luckily the mule was caught
before any of these were broken.
Kinston Free
President Roosevelt is about to
indulge his propensity for
reprimands once more.
This time the victim will be his
former G Leonard
Wood. General Wood has ad-
dressed to the Senators a
letter representing the sore need of
Cuba of liberal by
and the considered
that his appeal should have been
sent through War Department
and that his having addressed the
Senators and omitted to address
the members of the House was a
serious error from the standpoint
of tact and diplomacy. Accord-
the General is to lie treated
to expression of executive wrath
similar to that administered to
General Miles.
last Monday evening the re-
publicans of the House met
Caucus and the
to limit the representations of
the Southern States and. in the
words of one of the members
cue, the whole and
accomplished They
volubly and wildly for
hour, and Representative
E. came in and told
them they did not what they
were t liking about and. U large
number of those present had come
to the same conclusion, trey ac-
his dictum and adjourned.
A sharp tilt occurred recently in
the Senate Committee Inter-
Oceanic canal when
chairman of the Committee,
openly accused Senator Hanna of
obstructing canal
Senator Morgan, so I an
told, even so as to accuse
the Senator from Ohio of greater
solicitude for his friends, the
continental railroads, than for the
expressed wishes of
the American people.
is said to h turned very
red under the
and then lo have denied them in
no uncertain terms a more
encounter was prevented
by the interference of the other
members of the commit tee. When
canal comes up for
consideration the floor cf the
Senate the same are
likely to be implied but a more
veiled form and it is hardly likely
that the dignified Senate will lie
treated to the dramatic scene
occurred in Senator Morgan's com
An Outspoken Girl.
She must have been referring to
the New Year reception. Anyhow,
a Kansas girl writes to the
reached the White
House there was a -1 ream of car-
four blocks long. There were
so many on the inside that we had
to stand on the portico over half an
hour. It was so jammed where we
waited that when I got one foot up
I couldn't put it down. Mr.
ran said it was the largest crowd
ever in the White House. When
the doors finally opened, the crush
was awful, and I lost a very much
prised bell buckle. However, I
was thankful to get in with my
clothes still on. The President was
very cordial, but as homely as ever.
I don't like my hosts, but
I do believe President and Mrs.
Roosevelt are the plainest people
I ever saw in my
That sounds exactly like a
square, honest, truthful, outspoken
girl, and notwithstanding the
pictures of President
and his wife that appear from time
to time the newspapers we pin
our faith to this girl and will bet
a dollar that she has them down
right Observer.
Thought Me Had
As the year roll around the
old Confederate soldiers left have
to remind them their
experiences in the war of 1861-65.
This morning Lieut. C. D.
tree was some of his com-
that it was just forty years
ago today that the Yankees cap-
Island. He was
there the thick of it, even
though captured he could always
see something to make a good joke
and enjoy a hearty laugh in
it. At the Island
a Yankee pulled off bis cap
and begun over the cap-
A Confederate officer
near Lieut. remarked,
thinks he has
played------, don't then add-
in under tone, I
he has
B. C Feb. ,
Rev. J. J. Tuesday
and Wednesday in Greenville.
Miss Andrews, of Elizabeth
City, is Mrs. W. A. Knox.
Miss Fannie of Rob-
is visiting relatives
Miss Essie of Dan-
Va., is visiting relatives in
this place.
Rev. W. Rose held services In
Mildred Sunday Sunday night
and returned
V. E. Staton spent Wednesday
S. M. Jones and Wed-
in Tarboro.
Miss Mattie Grimes is teaching
our school. We wish her much
It is reported that smallpox is
near It is said that a
has it on Mr. W. Bailey's
about miles west of here.
We have no learned
of it yet, but hope it is not
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carson gave
a party Friday evening in
of Miss Alice Carson. Several at-
Harry Freeman, of
came in Friday morning to
look after of the barrel
of this place.
Mr of Suffolk, came
down Tuesday to spend several
Mrs. S. T. Carson, of this place,
who has been in hospital at
Tarboro for several days, returned
Sheriff Harrington spent Friday
in town collecting taxes.
Winterville Department
Large shipments of cotton plant-
are being made daily by the A.
R. Hunsucker went to Kin-
.-ton on Thursday's freight and re-
turned Friday morning s train.
He promised to bring bis bride
back with him, but be didn't do
It. He says when he got there she
was gone. Poor fellow We all
know how it is.
You a guano distributor.
it of the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Mrs. W. J. Kittrell, and little
daughter, Belle, of Grifton,
are visiting here.
Two car loads of cotton seed meal
just received by A. G. Cox.
We are going to make all styles
of first-class tobacco flues. Send
your orders for any style you want.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
U. F. Keel and sou, Edgar, left
Thursday morning for Norfolk,
There were several gentleman
from here who attended a Masonic
meet at Thursday night.
Miss Addie Johnson, of
is visiting her brother, J.
Miss Mollie Bryan is on a visit
to friends at Hanrahan.
The three little children of J.
W. Sparks left yesterday to visit
relatives Kinston until Monday.
A suggestion is made that con-
investigate the matter of
railroad wrecks and sec if some
of preventing them, or at
least lessening them, cannot be de-
vised. It i- an excellent idea.
There are too many railroad wrecks
than in other country earth,
proportion lo size. Many of
are certainly preventable.
In some cases are
ably due to overworking- men.
We need more attention lo .
nary precautions for the protection
of State
Our r. Ho-; correspondent re-
ports the first case of smallpox in
Pitt county, and even this may
prove without foundation. A
phone message last night says
there is a well developed case a
little this side of
It has said that short ac-
counts make long
ate notable exceptions to the
The individual who the
hardest knocks early life is apt
to lie fairly well content with his
lot after years.
Register of Deeds, T. R. Moore,
Issued the following marriage
Jesse P. Wilson and G.
R. W. and Mary Pat-
W. C. and Benny
John H. and Janie
Allen Harrington and Polly
Manuel Chapman and Penny
Dock and Rosetta
Frank Susan Ann
Herbert Dixon and Mary Colter.
Around the Pan With Uncle
This is title of a handsome
and unique illustrated volume
Exposition, published by the Nut
Shell Publishing Co., Third
Avenue, New York.
visited the great Buffalo
Fair enraptured at the sights
with appreciative knowledge of
what be saw, he tells about in in
his own peculiar and inimitable
The work is by Thomas Fleming.
It is a handsome volume, profuse-
illustrated with over illus-
New now ready.
Price, 62.00. Will be sent, ex-
press charges prepaid on receipt
of price if local dealer cannot
supply you. Address the pub-
as above.
The New York Sun of Jan.
says this the
The reader may make up hi
mind to be pleasantly overwhelm-
ed by the opulence and vivacity of
the published by
the Nut Shell Publishing Com-
Third Avenue, New
The wonders begin with
frontispiece picture of President
a single line
beginning at a point on cheek
bone and going round and round
in a constantly widening circle,
with and
of in proper places to
secure detachment and shading.
We are told Hi it this portrait
considered the m id unique, work
of its in the and if
there are degree of uniqueness we
are willing to believe that this
most the thing of which there are
no duplicates. Of course there is
text in addition to the pictures and
we should be surprised indeed to
to hear any purchaser the
opinion that he had not got his
an easy way
and a sure way to treat a case of Sort
Throat in order to kill disease germs
and insure healthy throat action is to
take half a glassful, of water put into
it a of
Me an Mustang
an with this th. at
doing pour pay
It la a CUBE.
throat with the Vat-1
o a
and 1.00 a bottle.
How to Grow
i .
Cotton for Profit,
Prepare your land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a price when you offer it on the market.
Two years ago I a peck of seed, planted them on half an
acre of land and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. K. J. Cobb together with several
other bales of good variety and this hale sold for three eights of a cent
more per pound than the lot. The lint is far superior to any cotton
sold on this market and the yield is far ahead of anything, we have in
this country. Numbers of the beet farmers in the county my
crop growing in the field and pronounced if as fine as they Over saw.
I am now offering these seed for sale at 11.00 a Parties
wanting any of the seed will please send me order at once as I
only have a limited quantity for sale.
Greenville, N. C.
Good Doctrine lo Preach and lo Follow.
Patronize your home paper both
with subscriptions and advertising.
don't hold back wait for
this doctrine lo be pounded into
you, either. It's a good doctrine
both to preach and to follow
but self respecting newspaper
wants to lie everlastingly remind-
its people of their
It places newspaper in the
of asking
for something It needs and has no
very clear right lo. Besides, it
reflects on the people who are pat-
the paper. And yet there
are people should sit In
of a and hear this
shouted at them every minute in
the in Char-
Just when a girl thinks she ii
marrying happily all her
shed tears.
Pointed Paragraph.
Many of the nights of genius are
from a high downward.
It's usually the man who shakes
tree that gets least
Nothing so effectually cures a
of the flattery habit as mar-
White lies a great deal
of white washing to keep them
from turning black.
A spinster is willing but
unable to catch on says that mar-
is a failure.
Every man's reputation would
be above par if be could get credit
for his good intentions.
actor is often
addicted to curtain lecture.
It sometimes happens that a
widow refuses lo be be-
cause no other man is willing to
offer a
an la totals can
A Children
West pan lay claim to
the smallest house in greater
It stand; on a close by s
stately house at the comer of High-
land avenue Cedar
It is so perfectly proportioned
and the exterior la so well finished
with its little and steps up to
the door that at first sight one
most expects to see miniature be-
from Tin stalking around
the place.
The house is feet wide by feet
deep and is feel inches high to
the lip of the roof. The interior
consists of one room, its size
the possibility of more for
the accommodation of be-
Its fails lire papered
orated hung with pictures and
small ornaments.
In the renter of the floor stands n
small table, with arranged
around it, and the whole interior
seems so comfortable and cozy that
one almost wishes for the magic
ring of fables,
by the aid which one might grow
small enough lo enter through tho
tiny door and enjoy tho comforts
which one is privileged to look upon
through the windows
It formerly need by the own-
as a playhouse for children,
but, alas, the children grew, and the
house didn't, until it failed to ac-
them. And so now it
stands empty, silently waiting for
the next generation of children to
make its little echo with their
laughter, as they wont
to echo in tho of the children
of the past generation whose child-
hood are no more. Boston
Why ass.
The custom of wearing
lings in China is thus popularly ex-
plained by the The boy is
the greatest blessing heaven
can The spirits like hoy
It is natural that they should;
everybody likes them. Very often
if the babies arc not watched
closely the spirits who are
grab up unmatched
boy and carry him off to their
home, babies are not such
blessings, and the spirits care
for them. The earring is a
feminine ornament, and the spirits
know that. So I he Chinese mothers
have the ears of their boy babies
pierced and put in huge earrings.
the spirits are around looking
for boys, they will see th earrings
sod fooled into thinking the boys
girls will pass on and not
How to
Tho meats of hickory nuts, Eng-
or black walnuts may
be used, according to preference.
After removal from in as
large pieces as practicable they are
In placed on bottoms of tins,
previously greased, to the depth
about an inch. Neil boil two
pounds of brown sugar, a half pint
of water and one gill of good mo-
lasses until a portion of the mats
harden, when cooled in a cup of
cold water. Pour the
tho meats and allow it to remain
until bard. .
A her on
, .-. .
rang out old church
of blossom thick In tho
All nature la pro
And the cried The
The o'er
The belle the all unite Me
But what can t do for m doer
He as what a poor
bone to be tint fa
I He to lb. he
to th-
fell blow
Tat only a broke.
Thea a of comfort awoke Is
Or It that
faint heart;
Km M
. i
On the street, at social gatherings, anywhere, where ever a mini
of good dressers are gathered and clothes question is the
topic of conversation, yon will if you lend an attentive ear,
that are quoted as being the store that always has snappy
for the up to-the man. The store that be looks to
for new things; store to which be first turns for a new cut in a
suit, a new shape in a bat or lie short, store where the
good dresser always finds he an
extra price for style. If you arc interested in Clothing and
character, come in.
Till. KING
If there is a CROSS MARK
In the margin of this paper it
to remind yon that yon owe
subscription and we request
yon early as
Wt, need what YOU
owe us and hope yon will not
keep waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Spring Oats cheap at S. M.
Tell the tramps to keep off of
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and lb gross,
Hiss has taken
charge of a school near Falkland.
Another supply of that elegant
paper in pound packages at
. tor Book Store.
Prisoners tried to burn their
way of the jail at Plymouth a
few nights ago.
For nice box papers and tablets
should see the new lot at Re-
Book Store.
K. T. Evans is having his
gallery on Dickinson ave-
Base ball enthusiasts are getting
together to farm a State league for
coming season.
There is plenty of water in
river bow, and a warm spell would
probably bring up some shad.
If farmers were to do their haul-
when the ground is hard they
could plow when the thaw comes.
Mr. John Elks, near Grimesland,
killed six wild turkeys at one shot
a few days ago. He bagged one
gobbler five
Fob good gentle horse
and 1500 pounds fodder.
N. C.
advertisers do some
interesting talking in these col-
It will pay reader to
always keep up with what they
have to say.
C. T. has bought the
stock of T. Lee ft Co., which
was recently assigned, and will be
gin closing it out Tuesday at the
Lee stand.
Penny rules, inks, slates, pen-
tablets, companion boxes,
crayons, and other supplies
school children, at Reflector
Mrs. Mary and
Louise, of Pennsylvania,
Miss of Baltimore,
are Miss Lizzie Laughing-
house, of
Fob three horse farm
miles from Bethel, known as the
D. Carson farm. One of the
best little In the county.
,. For apply to
. W. H. Bethel,
New Wt of ledgers, doable and
entry, day book s, Journals,
monthly lime books,
pocket ledgers and memorandums,
note, draft and receipt books, let
copying books, Just the books
for the at Reflector
Book Store.
Too Much Got Him in Limbo.
Wednesday afternoon a white
tramp going from house
Greenville, no
men were around be freely used
and spoke insulting-
to ladies. Messrs. F. M.
Hodges R. M. Kennedy heard
of the conn net and went
after to advise him it
would be best to move on and
change his base of operations. The
tramp became very indignant
showed fight, and the result
was a few rounds leaving some
bloody knuckles. downed
the tramp and loaded on a
wagon to bring down to
lock-up, giving
vent to bis feelings as
moved along.
Near the Academy culvert the
t ram Jumped out the wagon
and tried a sprint, but soon
over taken and held until Capt.
Smith, who bad been phoned for,
arrived on the scene and
was soon behind lbs bars
repenting that he had ever struck
tramp was given a hearing
before Mayor Long this morning,
after which he was escorted to
town limits and warned that he
better not show himself here any
and Educational
afternoon, at
meeting In the Methodist church,
Rev. T. J. Dally, of Fremont, dis-
cussed the question to
Obtain and Use
He was followed by Rev. W. C.
Robinson, of Tarboro, in an ad-
dress on Both
of these were very interesting.
The conference closed
day night an excellent
by Rev. J. J. Barker, of
Bethel, and the visitors left for j
their homes this morning.
The Ides of It.
There are a thousand things in
your store that will furnish the
theme for a readable, interesting,
attractive advertisement. Take
one article or one class of articles
at a time and describe them as ac
as possible. Tell just ex-
what you see about them that
makes them good and desirable.
Certainly when you bought them
you bad some idea that for a par-
reason that particular thing
sell. That's the idea to put
Into the Ad-
Band furnishes a
frequent evening of pleasure to the
people of the town. On nights that
the band meets for practice there
are usually a number of people to
gather In the opera house, some to
listen to the music and others to
engage in dancing.
. .-- e
Some Speak lo Me, Some to You.
Thursday, , 1901.
left today for
B. W. King returned Ibis morn
from New Bern.
J. S. returned
day night from Tarboro.
Miss Loraine Home returned
Wednesday night from Baltimore.
Mrs. J. L. Sugg and Mrs. G. B.
King went to Washington, C,
C. Can- returned Wednesday
night from New York and will
again take a position with the
Bank of Greenville.
David Jarvis went to Rocky
R. O. returned Thurs-
day evening from Tarboro.
A. M. Perry returned Thursday
evening from Scotland Neck.
Mrs. W. A. and child
have returned from Plymouth.
Solicitor L. I. Moore returned
this morning from New Bern court.
Presiding Elder F. A. Bishop
left Ibis morning for Black Creek.
Mrs. J. W. Dixon, of Kinston,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles
Tucker, of Plymouth,
who has been visiting his
Mrs. W. A. Rowen, returned
borne today.
Saturday February 1902. g
H. A. White went to Parmele
this morning
Frank Wilson and Raymond
Tyson went lo Friday
Mrs. of fame
Friday to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Happening In North Carolina.
A child was recently born in
which has six hands.
It looks like smallpox is
getting scatted all over the State.
Judging I papers, a
of shows have been
working the State recently.
Miss Mabel of Lenoir
county, died Tuesday at Littleton
female college where she was a
Mrs. Mary Lee Wilson, of
was run over by a passenger
train on Tuesday and instantly
A work train on the Western N.
C. railroad run into a landslide
near Marion. Two of hands
were killed and several others
A most distressing accident
curred near Lawrence Tuesday.
A six year old son of Mrs. Staton,
widow of shot and
killed his South
Near Raleigh the two old
daughter of Mr. B. N. Ferrell was
burned lo death, and in trying to
put out fire his wife was so
terribly burned as to permanently
destroy the use of both bands.
Rev. T. H ham, who lives at
North Carolina, just
the Virginia has mar-
over 1,700 couples. Most of
these have been young folks run-
away from Virginia
In the suit of B. F. Long vs
Southern Railway, in Iredell
court this week, a
made by railroad
agreeing to pay the plaintiff
and all costs the case
suit was for and grew out
of plaintiff's son being killed
by a train at University station
sometime ago.
We arc informed by Mayor
Webb that Town Clerk L. J. Mew-
home has a dog that beats
LaGrange dog, brought a
splinter to start the fire, all to
pieces; that yesterday shortly be-
fore noon the intelligent dog look-
ed up In Lam's face, rushed
and soon retained with a roast of
beef, The dog had seen that his
master was Free
of W, T. Lee Co. at New York Cost.
Shoes, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shirts, in fact everything
kept in a first-class store, will sale
Tuesday, Feb. 11th, a. m.
at W. T. Lee Co's old stand. No goods
charged or sent without the cash.
One first-class fire and burglar proof
Safe at less than factory price-
Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes.
Ladle, Misses
and Shoes.
f HE G. CO.
Ladies, Misses Children and Baby Shoes,
Every pair Solid Leather
All reduced prices.
C T.
The Big Store.
Greenville, N C.
Mayor W. Long has
over to the County Treasurer for
the public school fund the amount
of 921.10, fines collected in his
court for the month of January, j

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
i urn.
Cash Value,
Extended insurance that work automatically,
Is . . .
Will be re instated if arrears be paid mouth while you
are living, or within three alter evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second am cl each
succeeding year, provided the premium tor the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an endowment during the
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Dr. director cf the
institute at Lille, France, who
was bitten by a most poisonous
recently, tells the following
ton of the
was handling the when
one of his touched the third
linger of my right hand. I fell
nothing but presently found
blood Bowing. It was easy to
what had happened. I
ran and placed my linger under a
tap. Without delay one of my as-
inoculated me under the
skin of the stomach with
of and in less than live
minutes the Dumbness and the pain
had ceased.
day or two later, finding that
the wound not heal, surgical
operation was performed. This had
nothing to do with the snake
om, which had Ken completely
from the wound. Necrosis
had set in from infection of the
open wound, and the doctor said
With a laugh, T suppose the reptile
had forgotten to wash his
Loaded With
Buckeye arc not only lucky, but
The Ohio politicians have
long been wonder of the nation,
but their success i- easily explained
when you recollect that they all car-
in their pockets. I met
one recently with a notion that lie
would soon be promoted to a high
diplomatic office by President
His confidence an
It inspired this paragraph.
lie said, a stretch up and a
swell has relieved
of the odium of being the
mother presidents and the foster
father of successful politician.
Whenever a male child is born
Ohio the J Stales understands
that there i- a new factor in our
life. All Ohioans arc states-
men. Sometimes they descend to
politics. Why, ray dear hoy, look at
hands in both
pockets, he drew forth eight buck-
an they bet mo when
these It's a dead certainty
land York
Is one where health
With Impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
Its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pare
Pure Mood mean health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Drug gists.
T Of men thousand, of
A ,.,. ,,, ill world I its
rattan in lifting sews news conflicting in- pisses-
of in then proportion. They
from All
-art o know what lbs world ; it an
Ham . from i
, to easy or
on are by the
writer. of give test of test
walk profusely .
cf in
l an a of
v and ,;
date n very highly I think
a rial I , Ml I my
library, practically a iv
m public
i. t
It is el test mm
; ;
Bay Fun
co l great deal
time to read em
, II m the number
; h l a my
y. .-,. Al I
Send for I bow b has r.
i it
Che of
i- ,. I-
I r i I
.-. thoughtful
a Its
a very la ill
la my
in i
I i I tit
then very Imp i in
not other
In; ; F.
Great Off the Stage.
I remember how amused I was
Mme. told me how cap-
Jean de who
. in the greatest of living
imitates animal sounds-
how he and
with the same ha-thrill-
thousand; also how de
delights in imitating the
of various orchestral
Mot order do this lie
. obliged to assume the of the
player, to that if ho is imitating the
of n cello he sits as if be had
the instrument between hi knees
and drawing a the
imaginary strings. A for
whenever lie and the prim
step out upon the together he
to her as they
are leaving the wings, they
are going to the two most beau-
noses in Ilia
in Woman's Home Com-
Broke on
Ii. sou as a few
nights hi to Miss
Comb, i- one of the best matured
men in fort remarks the
Fort Scott Monitor,
the lie kissed the
and gave at the same
time irking that it was worth
The then
walked up and kissed him, and he
pulled out and gave it to
Tin thought
was a good I and he
tried I lie same gar . II. kissed his
father, but only trot However,
the old gentleman went broke on
this little series of
Majority Not Affect Hit Pay or
Quite a number of
Including of Man land,
have come into the house on a very
close margin of rote. A group of
member were discussing these nor-
row majorities in the cloakroom
when the story of Byron
who used to represent the Toledo
was recalled.
got into congress by having four-
teen more votes than Ilia opponent.
President Cleveland laughingly
ed him about his tight
at once
replied Mr. Ritchie, get just as
salary as any other congress-
man, I have as much annoy-
as anybody else and I am just
as much entitled to consideration. I
want to know if ton are going to
point the man I have for
postmaster of Toledo or are you go-
to name your
Mr. Cleveland blinked Ins eyes at
this unexpected rejoinder. Then he
looked squarely in the
will appoint your was all
he said.
The of Sew
York city Jan
the violin Virtuoso, at a well known
one night recently. During the
evening a young lady asked
for his autograph. Her request led
to similar requests from half a
others. For a quarter of an
hour was kept busy writing
his name on Card. Among those
who requested the young musician's
autograph was Marcus the
president of the
club. But instead of
handing a card on which to
write name Mr. handed
him a check from his checkbook. It
was a blank cheek on the Second
National hank. it and
filled it out as
The Prejudice Exist, awl Worked
His Worth.
We do believe our courts are
corrupted the many suits for
damages against railroads that are
brought before them, but the fact
of the matter is that there i a
prejudice the public mind
against and
gent fee lawyers work this for all
it is worth. Just who or what is
for feeling we arc
not prepared to say, but e do
not it he
ham Herald.
A bill has introduced the
South Legislature
for a fertilizer
factory to oppose trust The
fertilizer is to be sold at a profit
of ten per cent A similar bill was
introduced in the North Carolina
legislature last year, and was ad
some but business
judgment of the body strongly
against such a The State
cannot cope with a strong business
enterprise where the are
working for their interests. Such
efforts in the past have never met
with Times.
A Boston man has suit
for a Western
patent for having
used bis photograph
He alleges that the
use of the photo was unauthorized,
and while the
picture is a good likeness, he has
never been sick and never looked
like the cut.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handler of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Plant Trees
on hand a few thousand of Fruit
II , for I am
also to put a large of
for the fall Give Bin
your orders nod save money.
H Greenville,
Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line cf on hand. Priors low
Country produce bought for or Id
exchange for
Steamer My re leave Washing-
ton dally at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leave
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturday
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington
Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New and Bea-
ton, and for all points for the W eat
with railroad at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
JNO. SON, Aft.
Washington, N. C
J. J. Aft.,
Greenville. N. C.
The firm of H. Whichard
doing N. C, was
mutual consent,
from the firm. The
will be continued by W. II.
ard. who will all of
to all owing the
firm arc to immediate
W. It.
D. K.
is quoted a toying
his visit to this has
of bis which
now cornea like gift from
hope he will enjoy it,
and if he keeps his eyes and ears
open he may. addition to having
a good ti., pick up some
Dr. D James,
Greenville, N.
-New York Times.
and Literary Fame.
Mr. Richard Harding Davis, who
lives in Marion. Mass., came over Io
New York to visit tin dog show, in
which Mrs. Davis, who has
interested in dogs, had some line OS-
Mr. Davis was in
car his trip to city
he was accosted by an unafraid
of somewhat
said this gentleman,
seating himself Mr.
JOB Mr-------r
naming a dog fancier.
I mil Mr. Davis replied
calmly enough, knowing that he
fa Is up hi- whit ii might
A Real Short Story.
A troll known figure in Welling-
ton i- Jacob
I Joseph, the Hebrew capitalist. He
I drives in a stylish turnout and
wean But he has been
tone blind boyhood, when he
I frighten servant girl by
playing ghost with a sheet over his
head. Sh clutched his in
her excitement her destroy-
ed his Bulletin.
The leader in good work and low price.
Nice Photographs for Si per dozen,
Half Cabinets la Io per dozen.
All other very Crayon Portrait
nails from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on all the time. Come and
my work. No trouble Io show
answer The very
The clerk of Superior court of Pitt
having issued Letters of Administration
to me, the on the lit day of
January 1902, on the estate of W. E. Spain
notice hereby given to all per-
son to i he U make
payment Io the undersigned, and to
II creditors of said estate to present their
claims properly to the
twelve months after lbs
dale of this this notice will be
plead in recovery.
This the 1st day of
Administratrix of the Estate of W. E.
I Superior Court
county. r-
Wm. Charles
Jan. M. Hardy, U. Lee Hardy,
and other at law of
Wm. Hardy,
By order of the Superior Court of
county in above entitled pro-
I w II sell court door in
N. . I'M county, at m. on
Saturday, H, two town lots in
Bethel, Pitt county, which Wm
Hardy owned at bis death and called
both Main
Term due third cash and balance In
one two with interest on
land is sold to pay the debts
This Jan. IS. 1901
of Wm. Charles Hardy.
N. C.
Cotton Bagging and lies always
goods kept a
hand. Country produce and
A trial will convince you.
D . W.
am g an I -------r
work guaranteed to all. hours
i. U p. m. Tours to please.
The Stock complete in every de
par and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country
notice f D
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache,
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive system, Will Cure
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes cf the stomach, purify your blood and put you
on your again. Your appetite will return, your move r-cu-
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear and
and you will feel tho old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers the to give their sot t-r .
similar u ill i ll
it mi ml pals
aid. relieve.
hi., ii and ilk for u.
It Rains.
The law connecting
I and amount of
nor i- a hot and
hotly of air, neither of which sat-
or contains all the water it
capable of holding in a of
vapor, when mixed
I o than so
i- condensed ruin
That Australian Flag.
The adoption by Australia of a
of In r own has brought about a
good of I Hurry in London and
particularly among military and
val men. Admiral de Horsey, for
inmate, ancient British
I flag is enough fur lb whole
I empire. Why should Australia adopt
Doors, Sash Blinds,
Interior finishings
for Fine Modem and Cheap Build
We solicit your and
hi give satisfaction In
prices, styles and work.
Please scud your orders to
Tile i b Co.
N. C.
Mr. John C. for
North Carolina and Virginia, of Well
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Go., of
to announce to ill largo number of
policy holders, and In tho public
generally, of North com-
will now In
Mate and from this date will
policies, all
siring very insurance in the best
life company in the world.
If the local agent in your town has not
yet completed arrangements, address
Stale Agent,
Paid policy
Lire, reliable agents wanted at
once Io work for
Old Benefit.
J. b.
-------DEALER IN
Line of Hardware
J. B.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Broker In
Stock, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wire to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
be in
For Salt by
i nut the II
ill . t
Cf l Uta
. . i
. i
,. At
. cl
I .-
Novel Use For
Kites have been used with great
I success II a means to stop part-
ridges rising and flying from cover
where it is wished to keen them for
Tho birds will not rue
I when kites are flying above them,
fearing, attack.
i annihilate this
am Mr.
with in of deference and awe.
you moan to he said,
you are the husband of Mrs.
Davis, the owner of
I'm glad to know
the finest Hut Mr. Davis
Incidentally Mr. Pa-
vis himself has accorded a
hi publishers,
Harpers, who recently an
now edition of this
. M.
retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Seed, Oil Bar
Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Ba
by Carriages, Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
I and Ax
Key West
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apple, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
ml China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, fakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Bast Butter,
ard Hewing Mach i and nil
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
The Charlotte Observer.
j. P. Editor.
THE the
largest telegraphic new service
delivered to paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the
ever bandied by a North Caro-
of Hi or more pages, Is
lo a large extent made up of
EB printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. largest paper
in North Carolina,
temple copies sent application.
Charlotte, H. C.
The Commoner
Editor ct Publisher,
In Advance.
One Year Six Month
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvasser art em-
ployed. Subscription taken .
office. The Bern
Weekly and
will be together
one year for or
one year for 18.50 la ad-
The Eastern Reflector
While January was a great month,
great for us and our customers,
Grass Ever Grows
February Will Have Its Attractions.
Competitor will have a lively time trying
To Match Our Values.
A Offering of
in Lad Gents.
Ladle Heavy Bibbed Vests
Extra heavy Bibbed Paula
Union Bull
ii ii i i
l hey are real values at now
all wool ribbed pants and
vests never sold for less
Met heavy fleeced shirt
and with silk
tape pearl regular
grade i now marked
the 11.2.1 kind, marked in
sale at
Colored Dress Shirts
fin and at
Shoe Department
have a small lot of and
pair of a style of our 11.50
and 12.00 shoes at
shoes in small size
must go into money. They
were 12.00, 12.50 and 13.00, in
this sale at 11.50
Kid Gloves
for ladies in this sale at
You Should See Our
We have been through our Dress Goods department and picked
out all short pieces marked at a price will and
give room for early arriving spring good.
For Nails, Locks, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Next door to Ricks Wilkinson.
to Ormond
DON'T WORRY over a small
thing like but come to us and
you can supply a dinner without
the aid of the cook. excellent
line of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
table. We also keep the best
FLOUR have
the he.-l brands to be bad. In fact
our store is the place to call
anything wanted
Nice Groceries.
the way of
The Concord Tribune has an ex-
editorial arguing
of electing good men to
and keeping them there.
Banks, it says, do not elect new
cashiers at every meet of the
stockholder, nor do large corpora-
oust their every
year or two. It cites instances of
States which have become
Washington by reason of the
length of vice of their Senators
out the North
makes in this
it truly, become
and useful measure up
to the requirements of the office if
be must spend all bis time trying
to bold bis seat instead studying
before the people
and the needs of the country.
Vance and Ransom gave us great
service. They were powers in the
Senate a credit Io the State.
Henderson was one of the most
useful members the State ever had
why He was
j there enough to lie of service,
to inform
Our people have
regarded the public service as ii
entirely different from
vale employment. For party
vices, because be the
or for some other reason
apart from the public good they
give a man two, or maybe three,
term in the House, and then,
without any reference to his use-
promise of or
displace him for an-
other man who is put fur
reason, or a similar one, that
he was. Few abdicate willingly ;
each hopes to make himself an ex
to the rule of con-
he running all the
time. He does not secure bis
election begins running
for the second; and the sec-
one is accomplished he
straightway begin pipe for
third term, and if be succeeds,
a he rarely ever does, for
fourth. result is that his
mind is constantly upon
individual fortunes, his efforts
directed to prom them,
he has no time f thought of
large public questions to which it
is the duty of a Congressman to
give study; and if be is a bird of
passage, as
usually are, serving two or three
terms and retired, he has no
opportunity, matter what may
be bis capacity, to form close or
valuable acquaintanceships or to
serve his constituency in ninny
ways in which a Representative
can serve it, in a body and a
city where so much goes by sen
Our people would do
service they would
ways this matter. They would
fare much better in Washington it,
they have chosen good Sen-
or Representatives, they
would hold on to them. Certainly
when, us sometimes they
elect nobodies, they cannot
them out too
Do You Know
being penny-wise and pound-foolish and buy your goods
from a reliable that has a reputation to .
One that will give you value of your money every time
Hint will return your money if goods arc not as
One keeps tip-to date good. When- you can
anything you need to your house, table or par-
MB, Such a firm is
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
Si ii
Spit. Work.
An proverb warns every
man of folly on his
nose to spite his wine
of old books have pictures
adage. But
best illustration to lie found any-
where ii that given by the Monroe
Journal the paragraph quoted
herewith. Of all that engage in
spite work, surely the man it de-
however, that bis
is rather large, ibis pen
is worth
send my children,
that Thus, some times, right
in Union county, does
parent finish a controversy
over local school He has
nut aide to his way, or
think that he has been treated
unjustly. Maybe he has been,
maybe not. Whether be has or
nut, he is going to have revenge.
In the teacher t the
bis neighbor no;
bless your soul, none of these. But
Upon his own children,
and He will, to gratify
his own feeling, e his child-
I heir hi rib light, rob
in their and helplessness.
He keeps them at home. The
children go and get
of the school, which goes
the same as if this man
were not pouting. He has spited
nobody. But be has cheated his
dent him. Ever think of
Progressive Framer.
If. Feb.
The organization here a North
last marked a distinct step
toward revival of temperance
in this Slate, which has been
d to remain a state of
of late.
Old John Barley is
lily must
less foe -I moral
civilization that the people
of this country have to contend
the hardest of all to
conquer mid Indeed, it
would that no adequate rem
has yet been devised to sup-
press the traffic Intemperate
Indulgence in Intoxicating liquors.
in dues
is an assertion, more or less
but it diminishes
and and human
no question
about that, with many
people, and especially the
municipal authorities,
is Blade that the
involved is not
raised for towns and
schools by the Of saloon
And then the debate
opens the begins.
The advocate of
active people
I whether In the church or not i will
tell you it i u mighty low
standard of morals or religion HUM I i;,
will put a monetary price on
wrecked homes, destitute and
naked and worse than a Everybody Now
souls. But it is done; all Many people who
same every day ill year, Cleveland a few years
right In Carolina, ago could find no abuse
because bad In hurl at him, are now look-
does not being, at things a light,
so, to are ready to admit that the
our school terms in order In Man was be is the
liquor supply of a few greatest living American. It took
vagabonds them a see they
That is sentiment and the had erred, not him, but it is
the league to see that they are getting
must face and meet and answer in the old, familiar path.
before they can many of Hie, are a great many more
saloons And will find j doing Ibis than is generally sup-
and posed. So far as we are concerned
in the we have always pinned our faith to
lion inn. I Cleveland, even when the party
. was following false doctrine and
leaching grasping after Pop-
That He Was
A telegram was received here
Saturday by Mr. Mines,
stating that bis son. Mr. Harvey
Mines, attending school at Oak
Ridge Institute was seriously ill,
that he should come at
Mr. and Mrs. Hint left
evening train. A was re-
from them staling
that Harvey had appendicitis.
Later telegrams stated that com-
had set in and that his
was very critical. The
young man is very and
has many friends who
hope that his will soon
be beyond the danger point.
ton Free Press, 10th.
We- have just Supply to our business
sell anything in till very low. Bee us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard
Angle Valves, Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Steam Ganges,
U. S. I it J Steam
Pipe all Pipe Kitting all
LINE OF Packing, Bolt, Handy
Belt, blather Belt, Ball Lacing, Ball Hooks,
ii i a
machine. Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
j. p. .
The annual report of the
slates that past year was a
fairly one for the
the railroad mileage
in North Carolina now w
mile, of which are operated
by great
Atlantic Coast Line
Seaboard i the
e mi loads operating
miles; of engineers
given at from to
day, conductor- from -II
total number of railroad i
In North Carolina, Mann
Other valuable facts mil
arc given.
There arc ten lei graph
doing business in this Slate, I
operating miles wire,
of which is controlled
by the Western Union Company.
There ail to Incorporated
phone companies,
and miles of wire in
operation, with a total capital
and an
valuation of
The live car companies
Raleigh, Charlotte,
and Salem
soon he more, at
have a
total capital stock of a
funded deb. of and
last veal hauled
era. Sixteen light com
panics reported arc at
Tin- i of Slate
hunks is given a. I, private hanks,
savings banks II.
lo Not Miracles.
mid, long or improperly
clutched you
cannot in a day, you can
top hi in a
rid of it If Allen's
II this
r. for
r of the
This Doctor
Will be
Brooklyn, Feb.
I lean cf con-
mill by the medical
stall of that they
had decided to accept the offer of
Hi is one of the best
known in to
submit himself fur vivisection
the cause of science.
Tin Prescription tor Malaria
lull, Fever is a of Grove's
lull It la simply Iron
may tin to Id a man tide you
mice while when you require
but don't let him get a
bridle on mid buckle the
I bloat hitch.
Why is it called the honey
asks exchange Honey,
is full and
it high.
Throw a in. i In i one at us.
promises to make a Gov-
exhibit at St. Louis Expo-

Eastern reflector, 11 February 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 11, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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