Eastern reflector, 7 February 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Ti River Lodge
Scorn Mm
annual district
Knights of Pythias for
the district of North Caro-
was held Wednesday
with Tar River Lodge, No. at
Greenville, was every way
a great Every lodge
district but two was represent-
ed. A special came over
from that loan, and
the latter having their
cornet baud along to
In all there M a
visitors present. Goldsboro
being represented by KI union
Mount Tarboro t,
Washington t, S,
sou t. New In and Elizabeth
The exercises took place
who surrender
c-d the gavel to District Deputy
OHM E. W. Smith.
I chair Mi. Smith delivered
Iterating address congratulating
their work.
gavel was then passed to
while you Grand Chancellor.
k to Dr. P I
A hotel may be without a peer
bat it won't last long a r
rival. V
a man's house is hp
t d I make him a
e who seem to think
the world owes them a living are
too lazy to collect the debt.
any tan
Come to see me for your next B or Polk.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
Take No Substitute.
The widow Harrison that
petition all the fame and says she
as rich at people suppose the
it, that income isn't
a year. She wants to give her
daughter a good education. In as
much at Gen. Harrison left an e
late worth about she
ought to be able to do that
Dr. D James,
for the practice of laser
will the of Dr. Hoyt.
-d there mil
can find
i v . i M n,
C. OH. U. D.
arm of W. R Whichard
N C .
Ibis day dissolved mutual K
from arm Tot
-.- .
will he fay and Fridays at A. M. tor
at, who will ll of the leave Tarboro for Greenville
J. W. ED.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence shipments
Ann to whom all owing the
firm are to snake
Jan 2nd 1902.
D. K
Loan Value.
J. Value.
Paid up
ft. Is
. Will be re -instated
win i- ., i, ,
are living, or within three ear after
of payment . arrears interest.
second So Incontestable,
Dividends an- payable the beginning of the . f
provided tin- rear be paid.
may be To Premiums,
i. To the or
I, daring the
of insured.
X. C.
It you sour stomach, biliousness, bad
dimness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache,
cf insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin,
or any and disorders which Ml story of bid bowels and an
i aired digestive system, Will Cure You,
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys,
he lbs stomach, purify your blood end j-m you
on your again. Your appetite return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys to trouble you, your skin will clear and
freshen and wilt the old time energy and buoyancy.
I in o
dismiss, trouble. fast L Me
ii of
. lbs V
i fr
,. i
who while the
was and re
ports several
billowed by conferring
the Bank Of a
dale of Tar by
degree team
At of the degree
work which beautifully done
, H. W.
address of
which to
by II. Hood, of Goldsboro,
of visitors.
followed by several ad-
Obligations as
by I. Fleming;
to by II.
ill. of
by G. ft.
I Stale
Heller by J.
I I i Hood, of
A little o'clock the
all repaired to I he opera house
where was
em h of the lodge
with him. There
were covets for two bundled and
few- vacant touts were left.
menu, which was by
Ladies Aid of
Christian listed of
law oysters,
turkey, eel
, sauce, filed oysters,
picket, sandwiches,
chicken salad, beaten biscuit.
Olives, fruit salad with whipped
cream, footed oranges, cakes
i- lice. The
There's a bile.
at this o
year, and many a ire i-l in
will you
That i why keep
try on band to
ache of and throb-
In- Id two
God created filled
the with mineral treas-
made the valleys and
the climate salubrious. It is a
wonderful country, and wonder
fully blessed. But there those
among us who forget God and only
Plant Trees
I hare on band a few thousand of
and Ornamental Greenhouse Plants,
Hose Bushes. , for sale
preparing to put a very large stock of
Nursery Tries for fall trade. Give roe
and save
It Greenville, C
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
leave dolly o
U. for Washington.
Steamer Edgecombe
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
The clerk of Superior court of Pill
baring betters of
Is me, undersigned on the fig
leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs for Si per
Half Cabinets ts-go per
All other lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on band all the lime. Come and
my work. trouble to show
samples and answer questions. very
beat work guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a m, I. lop. m. Yours to please.
W. E.
notice is hereby given to aH per-
to estate to make
i to and to
all of said estate to present
claims properly to
within twelve months
dale of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in their recovery.
Administratrix of Estate of W. E.
The Superior court Clerk of
having Issued letters of Administration to
roe, undersigned, on the 10th day of
I r. 1901, on the of A,
deceased, notice is hereby given
to all persons indebted to to make
to the undersigned,
and to creditors of said estate to present
properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months
the date this notice, or this notice will
be plead in bar of their recovery.
This the 10th day of December, 1901.
J. JR.
A i t I. .
and Saturdays
at carries freight only.
Connecting at
Steamers for Norfolk,
New and
ton, and for all points for West
railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
high price of meat and
meal should convince the south-
of prime
of raising bis own supplies.
The fat is best off when
he fills his smokehouse and
from bis and his field than
when be does so from Chicago.
Tarboro Southerner.
county Standard
will Ibis do for
cotton in a year like
was Sheriff B. W. Edwards bad
a tenant on bis farm, five
miles from Io raise last year
bales weighing MM pounds each,
Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Hrs. L H. WHITE,
Black N.
Nice line f hand. s low
Country bought for cash or in
You can't to keep
friends if you lose your
Good Go Astray
A country editor a nice
little pull leading
in which he was glad to see her
says an
Meeting scribe on the
For Sale by
the next day milliner
him with parasol and threaten-
tables and decorations of ed to his wife. The
lion e were beautiful. editor has never been able
The banquet over, L. I. Moore to find was wrong with
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Pine and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles work.
Please send your orders to
Vile Greenville Co.
Having duly qualified before the
Clerk of Pill county as Executor
f the Last Will and Testament Mm.
M. deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the estate
to immediate payment to the under-
all having claims against
the are to present their rial mi
for payment on or before day of
November, or this notice will
in bar of recovery.
This day of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs. HI.
I court.
Wm. Charles
M n Lee Hardy,
and other heirs law of
Wm. Charles Hardy, deceased
By order of the Superior Court of
county entered in Hie entitled pro-
sell at court house door In
N. C. Pitt county, st m. on
Feb. B, two town in
Bethel, county, which Wm.
Hardy st his dealt and called the
Andrews lots, both situate on Main street
in said ton.
cash and balance in
one and with interest on deferral
Cotton Bagging and lies always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D . W.
which ard
Whichard, M.
The Stock complete in every do
payment and prices as low so
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
. ii, v
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
the assembly as
and announced
Mr. Han of Rocky Mount, N took
No, in 1880, kind, ordinary life,
period annual
dividend in 11,780.40
for 8,000.00
Full 9.604
for 0,000.00
Withdraw total value 8,009.80
For an agency, or at your fur
with any other company, giving date of birth,
T. ARCHIBALD CARY, General Agent.
For Virginia North Carolina,
B. Street,
The Famous fountain gen
Daly and
responded to Jordan.
Men and
responded Io A.
Hi. II. i. Harper, of Kin-
to by
We Love
to by T. T. f
to by
F. F. of Wilson,
of the
to by B. T.
T. Jarvis,
All responses, its
in the hall, were ex-
The lodge
visitor with n
souvenir meeting.
It was nearly when the
all it
aim district
they attended.
his Times.
What Yo are Taking
When lake Tasteless Chill
the is plainly
el on it is
Iron in s tasteless form No.
Cure. No
Thia is sold to
Win. Charles
the of
of Wm. Hardy.
By P. O. JAMES, Attorney.
notice to
j. i m
t bud, be skip-
nil, a nun able
He on a salary of a
week, as book keeper, to build up
a shortage of
yet discovered exactly how .
he did Star.
The trouble with people who
make fools of themselves is that
seem Io enjoy it an thoroughly.
. M. Schultz.
retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Heed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Bed
steads, Oak Bo
by Carriages, Ho Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Hail A Ax
Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic food, Malt lies, Oil,
Cotton Heed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Heeds, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, fakes and Crackers,
j Cheese, Best Butter, Bland
lard Hewing and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity, for cash. Con
to see me.
Mr. John C. Drewry, General for
Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of J.
to announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and In the public
generally, of North com-
will now Business in this
state and from this dale will issue its
splendid and desirable policies, to all
very brat insurance in the beat
life insurance company in world.
If the local agent in your town has not
yet completed
State Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agent wanted at
once to worK for
advertisement in The Be
goes right along with its
advertisements work
all time building business for
the wise advertisers.
If you want people to visit your
store put your advertisement where
it will be read, that is in
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B. .
mutual Benefit.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers Brokers In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
People read this paper for what
there is in it, and will see
what you have to say.
If you have not lime to write
advertisement yourself or
don't know just what you
to say, let us know we will
help you get it up.
We have bright and attractive
cuts to illustrate
you can use
or the asking,
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever bandied by a North Caro
Una paper.
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
in initial matter.
printed Tuesday Friday
per year. The largest paper
In North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
In Advance.
One Year Months
Th Months Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em.
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or
one year for 93.50 payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector
J 1.00 III
The Great
Inventory is Many have laid out
matted down. We arc not crying out but have
prices n all winter goods. It would lie impossible to
all profits and continue to lie of service Io and yon.
The store that is all the lime co-t and cost, must
some day meet inevitable. After the smash the store is of
little service to any body. This
knows when to begin Hiring knows how long
knows when to stop. Every department bus suffered
the sex cut in Our object is to make room for Spring
We take here to thank our many friends for their pat-
in past, and invite them to continue their visits to our
store when they want bargains in up-to-date goods.
from correspondent.
v., Feb.
The bill providing for
of the of
Commerce was pasted
by the Senate this week mill
House passed a bill providing for
a permanent Census but
the most port nit step taken at
the Capitol was the action of the
Ways and Means Committee de-
upon the of
war revenue tax bill enacted at
time of the War.
Representative Claude A. van-
son, of Virginia, s prominent
member of the Ways mill Means
Committee, made the following
to your
apropos of the action of com
Democratic party, at the
time Spanish win was
ed, insisted that the special lax I
bill would provide sufficient
without the sale of bonds, and
accordingly the parry voted
against tho section
such sale. Events have demon-
the correctness of Dem-
contention. The war tax,
the bill, and
J. B. Cherry Co.
Economy chances that overshadow even our own
unrivaled bargains of the past. Magnetic, money-
saving values in every department. An
y such as no careful buyer will miss. An occasion
will make an in the business world
It will spread the fame of the J. B. Cherry Co's.
C i . i Bo I r.
I V., Feb.
How is
or Senator to be Dominated is a
which tome people are
already showing a disposition to
Some i is made,
usual, tn leaving n to the
as but DO
good grounds for it have yet
been advanced. As to the primary
method, ii baa fee advocates here-
abouts, m in the State,
us m as I can learn. Occasionally
one bear a voice
Hi n
him t the Mime lime it
for a Chief
tic. Conservative Democrats
generally appear to be averse to
however, until an amend-
providing for election of Sena-
by people, and the old
modus operand will probably .
ad hen to Ibis time.
The newspapers and
of the various the
State, Chambers i etc.,
can materially aid committee,
id the sale -f store to greater distances than have gigantic offers
bonds have combined to produce a I in securing as huge an
For Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
H. L
Next door to Ricks
mm m
We have just added Steam Supply to our business
will sell in this line very low. See us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam Hancock
U, S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Kitting all sizes.
LINE OF Packing, Rubber Belt,
Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks, Ac.
Harvesting machines. Sewer Pipe and Farm Drain Tale
Garland Cook Stoves.
surplus in the Treasury which the past.
proved a serious menace to
In fact, financial disaster
has been prevented only by the
purchase of bonds at a
and the deposits of vast
sums in the national of the
country, on which, of course, the
government received no Interest.
The has paid millions
of dollars in premiums which
might have saved had the a. a.
democratic policy been
The position of the republicans la
a complete rat ideation of policy
advocated by the democrats at the
Understand the position.
Almost n for
I tape
i in
a day all goods suffer the severest cut, and chiefly I they will out in its favor,
and surely that is a small thing to
affected are the departments enumerated and Item- do, compared to the in.
only all
zed below. Carolina, but
I and Western North Carolina
. Interested in ibis matter. It
Reduction Heavily Colored Goods
lot you dad a lot of ii-st;
dress patterns also some very
patterns Unit will make very
pretty skirt. Space too valuable
democrats will vote for
the repeal of war taxes because
they that the present vast
surplus is dangerous to business
interests and to the government.
They would much prefer a reform
entire tax system, Including
tariff and internal revenue
We that fond and clothing,
in a word the purchased
by the whole people, arc entitled
to at least as reduction as the
party is extending to
bank capital, the trust, the
Standard Oil trust,
; speculators.
All these arc while the
extortionate of the
bill are continued on all the
of the people.
Democrats on this Cm-
have insisted that all trust
made goods, which arc so protect-
ed by the bill as to enable
i trusts to charge the in
double the prices asked
abroad, should be allowed to come
the country free. This would
hare destroyed many monopolies;
but the republicans would not
permit it. They arc determined
to ignore the advice given by Mr.
in his Buffalo speech,
to reform the tariff and so
our foreign markets. The
party is determined to persist
in a policy which is breeding
trusts, which is glaring in
inequalities which is bound to
destroy our markets. The
only possibility of reform lies in
democratic supremacy, which
would permit the democrats to re-
model the system of taxation along
the lines of justice equality
In Black prices.
In black
In Black 0.50
Mistakes of Women.
of the mistakes of women is
owing how in sat. If a man
; i not I'd when she
Black Press Goods
in New,
, , . -1 have never f s. h goes with
12.50 Had . chance of, and this A ,,. ft the
Q long. is at the
thinks a cup often and anything
handy i good enough. If she
needs save money she does it at
the butcher's cost. If she is busy,
she waste lime in eating.
if his
11.50 ll PATTERNS
In Foulards
0.00 DRESS
In Foulards 7.00
Silk Waist Patterns
Just the thing for Spring and
Easter wear and a chance that
comes but once in life Io get
seasonable Silk at price we are
them at.
Waist Patterns
a to
drives, If the undertaker Interrupts
he is right. woman will
Ice cream instead of beef-
steak, and a man will not.
Another of her mistakes is in
not knowing to rest. If she
is tired, she sit down, but she
will shawls.
embroider doilies. Doesn't she
know I hat bard work if she
p. exhausted, she will write letters
DreSS I She would
i laugh at you If you Dinted
I reading or writing could to
French Flannel for Waists
Handsome lot of waist patterns
and no alike that were value
at 13.80 but this sale makes them
at 11.80, and it lot of plain Hairnets
that we have put the knife very
1.00 Odds and End-
Wail Patterns
the thing for ClOaKS
Dress Trimmings
e things for your Spring
Dress and anything that is new
and up Io date we have it, and to
make this sale complete we have
knifed I hem with our big blue
pencil along with everything else.
All over
women's hospitals nourish because
women do not know- how to rest.
Another mistake on the list is
publication the
Bulletin of an on silk
Ninth Carolina has already
borne fruit Several requests
have t ed from persons at
distance for copies of the
one coming from the Stale of
Michigan, and one from a Com
pan in New York which possesses
ample capital and which proposes
ample capital and which propose
to silk farms silk
mills in some of the Southern
States, where soluble laud can be
had at a reasonable price, and
where convenient power may be
available when needed. If North
Carolina secure the location
this Company it moans
of a very in-
State. Letters re
culture from this Company de-
dare the purpose of the President
other officers to visit North
Carolina, and perhaps other South
era States, an early date, for I he
purpose examining lauds
mill observing climatic
conditions, of the laud
for growing mulberry trees, and to
Other information as
may desire with reference to
establishing their business.
It Is desirable to have
of lands which are for sale,
and upon which the Chinese
owners of such
lauds are requested to tile with
present of laud
buildings, distance from rail-
road, to water power,
how much cleared and uncleared
land, whether any Chinese or
while mulberry trees are now
lowing the land, price, etc.
In the Depart-
desires lo secure the names
of persona who have
bad personal experience grow-
worms, who might de-
re to produce raw silk for the new
Please descriptions of pro-
for sale and names of silk
growers to the undersigned, care of
the Department of Agriculture,
Raleigh, X. c.
Botanist Biologist.
and kind Me
nod kind
and kind at
and kind at BOo
and 11.00 kind
1.00, 1.86 and 1.00 kind
Black Do
Black drain
Black Saline
Black Taffetas, Colored Taffetas
and every thing else in our Silk
Department have to suffer our
marvelous January Sale.
A Wretched Millionaire.
The story Is of owner of several
railroads who was unable to relief from
the agony of neuralgia. It
The sIck man must
have known that Perry Painkiller
would help him at once, n has helped SO
many of In the
sixty years. Then- is tut om Painkiller.
Mail and Telephone orders
promptly and carefully filled.
j. .
They blush to know that gel and even build bridge
are marked down so low and They Imagine
we have got to have their tun out to meet It.
our price will give it Io Women arc not jolly enough,
and benefit early buyers. make serious a business
of life, and laugh at little bu
Space all gone and not
, t . the midst of perplexities and have
half our story told, but ., ,,
young. Women cannot and
is reason why fade
so there other reasons,
but ill now.
not face; it
wrinkles withers the mind.
Have a hearty laugh once a
while, is a good antiseptic,
win purify mental atmosphere,
drive away evil Imaginings, bad
temper and other
B. c. Feb. I,
Wm. Dot man returned, from
Jacksonville, Island and
Elizabeth City Saturday.
L. Chapman returned from
New Peru Saturday.
was here Friday.
C. II. went on a
trip in New Bern Monday.
It. C. wool to
and bin arc their enemies, and I
hug to their bosoms,
Women cross bridges before they
you can the rest
At Our Store.
Everything marked in
plain figures with our big
blue pencil.
You Know What You
When you lake Tasteless
because the I minis is plainly print-
Iron Quinine in s u ii Ii a
Pure, Pay.
distillery at Snow Hill.
Jacob went lo Wash-
Mrs. Bland and two
It-It on steamer Laura for New
Miss Laura is
Mis Alice the Cobb
Fred Johnson, was
here Sunday.
Foster, colored, baa
allowed a pension, be received a
government cheek for
six hundred dollars and get
six dollar every month as long us
long as he lives.
J. A. Johnson la visiting
V. A. has been here a
few days and left Monday for Kin-
I. A. Cobb is iii Norfolk.
Then were live
sportsmen here last week.
returned home Friday.

D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
Entered at Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second -Claw
Mail Matter.
An inventor claims to have
covered a way In which two per-
can see each other at a dis-
while using the telephone.
II this sort of thine goes on
age will become some-
body will invent an improved
wireless telepathy thought
transference, so we will not even
have to talk.
With coin a dollar per
and the that it will go
higher, makes a haul outlook for
the farmer who ha- to corn W
keen his stock. The wisest of
will plant plenty of Corn this
year and not depend on getting bit
supply from the west. Home sup-
plies will pay better than the
so called money crops.
in Popularly.
The rural delivery of mail
operated from Greenville made the
follow record of pieces of mail
delivered during the
Route. Collected Delivered.
So. 1801.
No. I.
The four routes together baud
led something above 1200 pieces
mail more In January than was
handled in December, a gain of
For the Year Beginning July lit. 1901 and
Ending June 1902.
The County Hoard of
at its meeting bust Saturday made
the January of
school funds, which to Hie
previous apportionment tin
following am aunts to the credit of
the schools in the several districts
year ending June
1st. 9301.47,
30.1.73; 3rd. 8.-.
Colored 1st 2nd 86.13.
The St. exposition
gets announce the fair will be
be May. 1903, whether
it is ready or not. It was just that
action that had most to do with
the large deficit that confronted
the stock holders at the close
exposition. Those
who visited the fair at re
turned with Us
and that deterred who
would otherwise have been
James W. Tufts, of Boston, and
the founder of this
State, died suddenly Sunday night
at the latter place, lie was the
Inventor of the soda fountain
bean his name. 1893 be be-
came interested in North Carolina
and purchased several thousands
of acres in Moore count where lie
planned built the town of
spending more than a
million dollars there. His death
is a loss to this Stale.
nearly percent. This shows
that the service continues to -row-1 White 1st 2nd
popularity. 805.61.
100.57; 2nd 161.11.
With the beginning of the year BETHEL,
three rural delivery began 205.47; 105.90;
operation from d 3rd 5th 330.58.
routes show the following good 2nd 136.76;
record for the month of
Route. Collected. Delivered.
No. . 1518. 194.95; 2nd 180.99;
., 3rd 180.01; 4th 193.59 5th
.;. 6th 170.94; 90.00.
The hopes it 85.45; 2nd 88.65;
will not be long before every sec- 3rd 85.1.1.
of the county will bare ad van-
of the rural delivery. 180.18; 2nd
3rd 163.75; at Is 165.83; 5th 180.88;
6th 165.18; 7th 17.- 8th 180.69;
In at the Methodist Church.
The missionary and educational
conference of the Washington dis-
met in the Methodist church
hew Tuesday night.
making the opening an-
V. A.
Bishop expressed regret
learning almost at the list moment
that Dr. Peacock, Dr. and
K. U. could not lie
here to the places assigned
tIn-iii on the Tile latter
Was to have preached the opening
sermon. L. L. was re
toad substitute, winch
he did moat excellently. Dr. Nash i our are holding their cot-
preached able and eloquent for batter prices. A. G. Cox
N. C, Feb.
The Carriage Co. are
now building some of their nicest
bangles and would be pleased to
have the riding public call and
examine. Mr. will lake
much pleasure in serving any and
J. IS. Greene has been elected
town clerk in place of K.
Cotton seed keep coming and ll
certainly appears, judging from
the large quantity received, that
a poor man you
wealth is not an enviable prize
is s a i
might otherwise ii he were
itch. lint when
sins the same is more
apt accept u as truth. He
says beat of wealth not
what docs owner, bill
what it enables the owner to do
for Farther be says
a good Managing wife is the
capital a man can have, and there
is nothing else that helps to -u-
and happiness more that
wife of that kind. II- urges
to lay by for I he
either the
or yet, in the form of a
Fiddling to Snakes.
been many talcs
which charming of snake by
music is i id a .
every who has visited a circus
has seen a charmer at
says the Youth's Companion.
cirCUS been Iv
its fangs,
was recently obliged to try ids art
Upon two rattlers in the
state, and. according ton
paper, be i bis
so well be escaped without
although not entirely by
power of music.
He was walking along a narrow
road on the in on bis
way to a neighboring town, where
he engaged to music
for a dance. When he reached a
DO the II ad where .
an ii sh be heard the
war aid
. up, a big one directly
his path.
lb--tailed lo run, bill gone
only a steps another rat
lit i rose up the i I- on the
of the highway.
There is mil In ; .-- the
snake an I t be ten I ii 1-
up against the I
to think. It occurred to that
hid reel somewhere persons
charming snakes with music.
hi- i box,
l-i j
Al the i notes of the v
the bi-j snakes gradually uncoiled,
a- were soothed by
in and. stretching themselves
mi . glided the Idler.
Ibis in be h
on, but he sawed more
180.55; 11th
12th 165.00; 13th 165.91;
I 165.91,
1st 80.94; 2nd 80.04;
3rd 80.11; lib 80.87; 5th
6th 79.90.
2nd 205.77;
d 205.91; 4th
6th 205.38; 189.83; 8th 425.16
205.09; 10th
C 1st 2nd 90.52;
3rd 90.52; 90.52; 90.36;
90.18; 90.05; 8th
105.18; 2nd 195.47;
lit J 195.76; 105.09; 5th 195.53.
90.83; 2nd
3rd 90.41.
205.92; 2nd 205.21;
3rd 205.27; 5th
90.99; 2nd 90.32;
90.00; 90.76;
6th 90.50.
. r. n v i. i.
205.52; 2nd 205.61;
3rd 213.3 205.65; 5th 204.67;
6th 205.59; 305.95; Mb 205.70;
180.36; Huh 155.00;
188.83; 324.26; 13th 205.66;
185.20; 2nd 90.13;
3rd 90.25; 335.00; 5th
6th 90.50; 7th 81.72.
195.05; 2nd 105.30;
3rd 170.56; 195.07; 170.06;
tit 102.50.
00.21; 3rd 96.63;
107-06; 83.10; 7th 107.31.
bas shipped of car loads
during the season is still pay-
the highest cash prices.
Mr. Jack Smith, a old gen-
from near was
here a short while
Four persons salted with the
Missionary church this
place last Sunday night.
-Misses Myrtle of Green-
ville, Smith, of Ayden,
Bailie ate visiting Misses
and Dora Cox and
carts and arc con-
lolling off, and We still
have to hurry lo make
O. Cox Mfg. Co.
The question of using tobacco
the power of the Gospel in
of the world as a
panacea ills.
Dr. gladly. He
said by nay of introduction that
it had been twenty-one years since
he had served the church in Green-
and while it give him pie is
ore lo speak to a and
the lime it gave hint
pain lo miss so many of lire faces
he once knew and loved so well.
This morning at o'clock de-
exercises were
by Mr. Woodall. of South
Then followed an informal free
Conversation among the brethren
on the subjects claiming their at-
The first matter was with trucks should be settled by tho
reference to the condition of they begin laying out
fork the district. . their rows.
of A. Fair. W. B. H.
Sabbath , Goodrich, W L. House and G.
lion especially point of railroad f. Brans went to and returned
enterprise, were among the Monday evening,
merit by the brethren The first four to at I cud a Masonic
in their responses. meeting. The Well, we don't
Mission organizations in know.
Schools was then discussed, in Two new pupils from near
which ii was advised that one Sun- Fields, arrived yes
day in each mouth be devoted to and enrolled as pupils of
mission interest in the spreading our school. We'll soon have a
of information. college right. Only now.
Dr. Nash was then called on to will be headquarters for
discuss the following subject tobacco Hues. Our prices will be
Why and Where en bottom, All Hues will be made
lie bulk I he position that lies, style. -A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
lion was a should K. T. Walsh, a graded
begin at home, be on in lecturer, lectured before he school
primary schools under Christian here on the h. Prof. Lineberry
and completed in church is always on the lookout for that
colleges where net only the Intel is beat and to the interest
but also moral pupils under his charge.
are perfected. of was
here was a session this after- here oil the 30th.
noon and will be another tonight, John la on a visit to
I beginning at o'clock. friends in Oxford.
The visiting ministers attending Sim Chapman and Gal-
meeting are Dr. L. I. Nash, of attended the
Mount; W. C. Robin wedding in Greenville last
son, T, J. Daily, Thursday night.
of J. J. Barker, of Wyatt requests us to
Bethel, and Mr. Woodall, of state that he will have an unction
by our new invention. Only those deaf are incurable.
Md., t. loot,
entirely lo your I will pow j
, to at
tins kept Betting worse, until I lost
full of cm. .
About live ago right to
my in
a treatment for three month without
amour other the mot ear of thin who told me that
an me. and that only that the head noises
but the c ,; n the affected car would lost
I aw in a New York paper, and ordered x-our treat.
m. After I had it only a to the noises ceased, and
r five in h tar has I thank
and bey in remain truly
A -to. Broadway. Md.
not interfere with usual
Km Mount.
While l-l 118.03;
violently than re mil 100.89; 5th 190.12;
. the . in, I 1.1-vi 172.08; Mb 180.49;
ii iv in. When two h 140.00; 170.09;
loot of Hie ill-
their together. 85.13; 5th 85.68;
lie v
way. Seizing the total
What poor economy
pie use. They save a few paltry
dollars sometime made at the ex-
uneducated children that
will soon waste the means left be-
hind, and always blame pa
the miserable state they
, are in. Make children
will he will
have an enduring and
will up and call
sale on Feb. 8th, 1902, of hi use-
hold and kitchen furniture,
horse, buggy, phaeton and
many necessary to
mankind in general.
Made By The Virginia,
fur what
Ayden Baptist.
On the of nary I be
completed in
tenth year under the present m in- j
and by way of P -i-
tells something of the career
neck, lie in with all i which is
in- i ii.- head, of the 91.95 per capita.
snake. bl-w stunned The Board that it
and the dispatched to make
State to enable
the county lo keep the schools
The way lo
is to retire early.
can't exact politeness from
blessed toothache.
for them. Many people who very short
brains powerful long
The men and women know
A pair of burglars about
visited Ohio, night . .
11.1 re in-
. . be a page the
h.---- i ., .
lire instate Unit the public school of the property bad meanwhile.
an ii ,
I h
of the paper during the decode
That the of the paper has . by an re
been marked to a high degree, nil peal an Board of and
of I be removal of his house
of Pitt county are lo ex
, ,,,. . We do not believe Id lime
any in the Slate has B bet frustrate th. plans.
who have read it through this
years well know, and Its ex
is the best evidence
Some of the war taxes The for the
hear much more equitably , have more
the man tariff mi
hides, nun ore, coal and lumber,
all the prosperity It enjoys is rich- fr an
, tone In Congress since they are
boW a better percentage of , , ,.
, ,. , . . ,. I in Congress one of them could
than at any lime in the
merited. The is
easily the best paper in the
and none in the South is more
ably conducted. The Observer
has forged forward under a
of bitter trial and even
and all has
never wavered from its prim i,
Its every utterance is marked by
necessary dollar should be drawn
from the the taxpayer,
but iii lightening the his
Interest should be so far
rid as In of
most easily borne, cheaply collect-
ed and
When a fellow drinks like
such as to commend the he must lake it by the gill.
t the woman v
of all, even its
much string,
opponents. live the t liar- ,, ,
One's own words are sweet
lotto Observer
until one is forced lo eat them.
in this county there is no
friction about the collection of
line- and penalties, but all ninnies
belonging to the school fund are
turned over, promptly to the prop-
Detectives, like variety, are the
The hotel man has to lie i is
keeping the public.
It doesn't do a any good to
know ropes if he hasn't got a
say he never
Many people know how to
do what they do.
The homely woman would put a
better face situation if she
were able.
No matter how humble a
lot may be, he's nil right if there's
a cottage on it.
It seems peculiar that most
lo live long, but they
have be old.
and are the
wings of genius.
for his environment.
An order has been issued com-
tin Indians lo have their
haircut. This will be a
a Hair.
The city of n,
suffered a loss of
two lire- that visited the city in
Twenty percent, of the white
voters of Alabama disfranchised
themselves by not paying their
poll tax.
While Short Hand
of cluck travels twice the din.
Davis will it
the lie
In in ii will of
a little nut a
until If yon
to this help
There Is hut mo Painkiller, Perry
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit,
your laud well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a price when you offer it on the market.
Two years ago I a peck of seed, planted them on half an
MM of laud picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. K. J. Cobb together with several
other bales of good variety and this bale for three eights of a cent
more per pound than lot. The lint is far superior to any cotton
sold on this market and the yield is far ahead of anything we have in
this country. of the best farmers in the county my
crop growing the Held pronounced it as fine as they ever saw.
now offering these seed for sale at 91.00 a bushel. Parties
wanting any of the seed will please id me their order at once as I
only have a limited quantity for
O. L
Greenville, N. C.
A bachelor member of congress,
who is sot as Apollo,
dropped Clerk of-
tin oilier d to seek sympathy
because the lady on whom lie had
looked with favor was to he
d 111.111.
remind said Mr.
the incident which hap-
Governor Dick
went down in to inspect the
prison. In one of the cells
was a very ugly man.
did gel in a-k-
was reply.
tried In run off with a gill, and they
pardon .-0011 at I get
hack lo paid the gov-
don't how could
expect lo get wife in oilier
The homely bachelor congressmen
laughed loudly. Then. n
cation of dawned upon
him. tin smile faded from in- face,
and lie walked out of of-
without saying a
The Champion Refuser.
The longest biography contributed
to now Congressional
is that Senator M.
of York. Mr.
career is notable for the things he
has declined. In he refused a
as of
state of York. The next year
he was appointed minister to Japan,
but declined. In 1899 he declined
office of president of the York
Central company to be-
come a member of the board of
rectors. In 1897 lie was appointed
county clerk of Westchester county,
hut at once resigned. In lie
made immigration commission-
by the legislature, but refused to
larva. In ho was run by his
friends as candidate for the sent in
the United Stales senate vacated by
Thomas but withdrew in fa-
f Warner Miller. In 1885 the
was tendered to him
again, hut fur business reasons he
A Blunt Critic.
Hubert the noted Dutch
painter, was recently showing Wu
Ting through tho Corcoran
Art gallery, tho artist had on
view a number of portraits. Among
tho hitter were the portraits of
Prince Ching and Hung Chang.
is asked Mr. Wu,
pointing toward the picture of
is Prince replied
doesn't look like was
bis only comment and the party
passed on to Karl
la r
is Hung Chang
doesn't look like said
minister again.
only three-quarters view,
you said tho artist
doesn't look
Entirely Willing.
John I. was in the
station the other day and, seeing a
little Irish man coming
along with a bicycle, squared off at
him with that humor for which
lie la noted. The chap, who
didn't weigh over pounds,
up his free hand.
on a he
lean mo bicycle against the
John was so tickled lie tipped
back his head and roared. Then he
fold the pygmy who he
ton Journal.
How He Knew Him.
A prominent York business
man was recently treated by Dr.
Cyrus fur a peculiar growth
in ids throat.
seemed very much
preoccupied said the pa-
much surprised when
I called upon him one day without
King recognized. I thought it
odd, having paid him n for-
tune in fees, that I had to explain
that I wished to look my
said the doc-
. did and the doctor seized
my hand cordially. dear Mr.
he I didn't
recognize you at
and His Pipe.
got called down in the new
hotel the other said
Representative in
ton the other day.
took a pipe out of my pocket
and stuck it in my mouth without
thinking. I promptly informed
by an attendant that I'd have to put
didn't you explain that you
were an asked
would have done said Sill-
ruefully, the man who
culled lire down was an
A South African Incident.
The other day in South Africa a
subaltern drew a caricature of
Kitchener as Hip Van Winkle lend-
a centenarian soldier up a
A st ii IT officer is said lo have showed
it to Kitchener, and the chief gave
of his grim smiles and
is an ugly prophecy; but, if
we will hang here until
ore that age. Out is to win,
and we
The subaltern was paralyzed
terror until assured that Kitchener
had not asked for the artist's name.
The American Conquest.
Modern office furniture, from
desk to the doormat, is nearly all
American in every up to date Lon-
don establishment. One sits on a
Nebraska swivel before a
Michigan roll lop desk, writing
one's loiters on a Syracuse typo-
with a
York pen and drying them
with a Molting sheet from New
the at social gatherings, anywhere, When a 1111111-
bi r of g ill are and the clothes question is the
topic of conversation, you will if you lend attentive ear,
that we are quoted as the store that always has snappy
for up to The store that he look to
for new things; the stoic to which first turns for a new cut a
suit, a new shape a hat or tic In short, III- store the
good dresser always dads the thing he wants without paying
pries fur style. If you are Clothing and
with character, conic in.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you you owe
subscription and we request
yon to settle M early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Spring Oats cheap at S. M.
Sen nil z.
Shad arc a little its this season.
It is time they were
Bring your fat Cattle to E.
and Hi gross,
Just think of it There is not a
dwelling house in Greenville tor
H. H. Curr has moved here
Rocky a grocery
store in the Bernard building.
County Board of School Di-
rectors held a meeting Saturday to
apportion money to the schools.
ground bog
of sunshine Sunday to see his
shadow. So we may expect more
Dr. L. E. Kicks, of Par-
has located in county,
bis office being at camp of the
Beaufort County Lumber Com-
T ft
Co., of Winterville, will open a
room in Greenville where
they manufacture can
be had.
three horse farm
miles from Bethel, known as
The. D. farm. One
best little tarns county.
For information apply to
W. II. Bethel,
The undersigned will sell for
at public sale, at the late res
ed, Friday Feb. 14th. 1903, all
the personal property belonging to
said estate, consisting household
and kitchen furniture, cattle,
This Jan. 1909.
and wile, T.
wife, Ashley
and wife, J. W.
and wife, J O. Taylor and wife.
afternoon a little
of Mr. Mrs. A. V, Ken-
in West had a
narrow escape from burning. A
colored man was cutting wood and
had a fire the yard. The little
girl was out there playing, and
getting too near the tire her dress
caught. The colored saw her
dress burning and running to her
put out tire with
of the child's dress and
skirt and moat of her hair were
burned off, but fortunately her
body was only slightly scorched.
Mayor's Court.
Mayor W. II. Long has
of the follow cases bis court
since last
Jennie Parker and Rosa
affray, lined each, and costs,
I'M. Brandy, assault, lined one
This is the lightest week
had since he in of.
Flake was driving a wagon
along this
humming a tune and happy
as usual. Suddenly the tune
stopped short the next thing
Sam knew be was gathering
self up out of a The coup-
lings of his wagon bad broke
two without dumping
whole outfit in street. Sam's
shin was somewhat peeled in the
Sunday Marriage.
About o'clock Sunday
a couple drove up to the
home of Esquire L. A Mayo, three
miles from Greenville, and advised
that they wished to be
They were Mr. James and
Miss Harriet Jones, the latter from
asked if they were
couple and received a negative an-
He soon made them one
and started then on a happy wed-
Mr. N. C. Hughes Dead.
Mrs. Hughes, widow the late
Dr. N. C. Hughes, died Sunday
morning at the home of her son,
BeT. I. in
remains were taken to
today, the funeral
will be held at
Hughes was a sister of the
late Dr. Williams, f
Greenville, and was the
mother of Rev. U. Harding,
present rector of St. Paul's church.
Two hundred and two
script sci minis an annotated
Bible, property of the Rev.
P. Hines, pastor of
Baptist church, Portsmouth, were
adjudged to be worth 92.10 by
Mr, said the
mons written by him were in a
valise lost by the Norfolk West-
Railway company and for
which he held a check. He want-
ed and arbitration was
agreed to, the Rev. Herbert
Hope, assistant editor of Rich-
Christian Advocate,
dist, being chosen by the railway
company. The Rev. A. E. Owen,
Baptist, was arbitrator,
and the Rev. Hall, Baptist,
was by the other
Mr. has the
MM. The arbitrators nine
Monday, 1902.
C. Jones to Rocky
Mount today.
Rollins went lo Bethel
this morning.
W. R. Parker went lo Halifax
this morning.
J. S. Tunstall went to
this morning.
L. I. is la New Bern at-
tending court.
II. F. has taken a
with Ricks Wilkinson.
District Attorney Harry Skin-
returned Saturday evening
from Washington City.
Miss Annie Kitchen, of Scotland
Neck, who has been
Rosalind bounties returned home
W. Higgs went to
R. I. I went
Roxie Merits to Tar-
Dr. L. E. Ricks went
this morning.
K. A. Coward went up the road
this morning.
B. W. Pace left Monday evening
for Charleston.
R. W. King after-
noon for New Bern.
Jesse returned Monday
evening from up the road.
Miss Lizzie Blow came in
day evening from Greensboro.
Betsy Greene returned
Monday evening Durham.
Miss Geneva Gardner
Monday evening from Bethel.
Miss Maggie Laugh
returned to Winterville Monday
M. II. went to Kinston
evening and returned
H. C. Hooker and child
this morning from a visit
to New-
J. it. Latham, of Washington,
is town.
II. A. White went up the road
this morning.
B. R. King, of Goldsboro, came
this morning.
Miss Lydia Thigpen went to
this morning.
Mrs. ft, B. and
left this for
he the
An ex-Governor of a
State, himself a
farmer, has Doled that some
are much lie prosperous
neighbors, although
laboring under practically
the successful
farmer takes a daily newspaper
and keeps himself informed as to
daily I us of the prices of
farm products, which enables him
the best time to sell. He
reads the advertisements and Icarus
the best lime to buy things.
town merchant reaches the buying
farmer with his daily newspaper
advertisements. Philadelphia
The part that cotton seed is
playing now in enriching the south-
planters is not to Le overlook-
ed. It has become indeed a factor
a most important
help lo the mill owners. A great
Cotton seed mills were
last year, and they used
per cent, of the whole seed product.
Other mills are building and
number will be much
and old are
The products
from the seeds in added to
he up. brought up the figures to
increasing the cotton
This was from
but per cent. If tho entire out-
put bad been used, would have
been over
Fine Shoes,
Ladies, Misses and Shoes, The H. C.
Co's. Ladies, Misses and Children Shoes.
Every pair warranted and be solid
Leather or a new pair for nothing, at
C. T.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
I. Cash Value.
Extended work
Will be reinstated if arrears paid on mouth while you
are living, or within three years after upon evidence
of of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and if each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable a an endow during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville. N. C.
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
dizziness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
t appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin.
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bowels and an
unpaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys,
mucous of the stomach, purify your put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels
your liver and cease to trouble you, your skin will clear -ind
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers art kin to f their i r . lit-a
tumble, i Dad L i u n
it regular tots as a ton
nature, at, tears V. d to
like it and for it.
The Way to r UM
Broiled bacon is dish which in
few home Is the
it is seldom broiled.
The fat i.- fried of it and n
bi Ion fluttering in
a spider full of grease. The
way to cook bacon, both for the
matter of e for
qualities, is to broil it not over
a bed of coals- it to too tat for that
but in a hot oven. Cot the
bacon in the most delicately thin
slues possible, rejecting the
Lay the close together in a
fine wire broiler. Place it over
dripping pan and set in a hot oven.
It require to be turned just once.
The fat which fails into the pan
makes excellent dripping for
potatoes, Pram the bacon on
brown paper. wish to serve
calf's liver with this, sprinkle the
liver with pepper and salt, roll it in
four and fry brown in the bacon
dripping. Serve with a curled
of bacon on lop of each piece of
liver. Bacon a- served by the aver-
age cook, well soaked in grease, is
the most indigestible of food. hen
broiled crisp in it to a dish
that Buy he served even for a child
of two rears with impunity. Among
all the fats delicately crisped bacon
ranks next to cream in ease of
A Boot Shoe Bag.
With the limited closet space mod-
houses offer a place to keep
boot and shoes is a puzzle. They
tan be left on the Boor of one's
closet or furniture where
will not show, u will
late, dust and get kicked out of
, -l nay to dispose of
them is to have a roomy shoe bag
tacked upon the inside of the I
door. It should be made of
material and have deep pockets, or
will not answer its purpose.
suit dwellers lure numerous
device for space. They
study the matter from all sides mid
sometimes develop talent for
inventions. Couches arc provided
with lids, and. a deep I for
packing away dresses and boxes of
the flat variety used by tailors and
department stores are tilled and
stowed snugly away behind the fur-
or under they
be Traveler.
Tim's Pills
J. W. k CO.
a arc a
Take No
Wist Put on
Ex S.
of Virginia, on of this city, is a
of i
, , . . , , . and handlers of
a few ago he visited .
White House was and shipments
interview, the
course of the the.
President Is said to have
ski. tries
daily at A. M. for Green
leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leave
,. I few , ., . M
Plant Trees
For Sale by
mil t Mi
i -I la. I.
i . . .
Three Ike Value
Agents wanted in all unoccupied
I or -ale by
The Famous fountain gen
Reflector Store.
A Time Table.
The following rules for of
I in a
; in kitchen am
given frequent
. clams, oyster,
three to live
Green corn, small fish and
slices of fish, five to ten minutes.
Potatoes, macaroni, squash, eel-
cry, spinach, cabbage, twenty to
thirty minute.
s. peas,
asparagus, boiled eggs, fifteen
to mi
Young beets, carrots, turnips, on-
ions, thirty to
forty-five minute.
String shelled beans,
plant, forty-five minute to one
Fowl, mutton, veal, two or three
hours; corned beef,
fresh beef, three four hours, and
four to live hour.
A Salt Light.
A safe light for going about with
where there are inflammable mate-
rials, as into a storeroom, be
made as Take a long bottle
of pale glass and put into it a piece
of phosphorus I ho size of a pea.
this pour pure olive oil heated
to the boiling point until bottle
. ml on third full and cork
tightly. When light is needed, take
the cork out and allow the air to
enter, subsequently The
empty Space ill bottle will then
become luminous quit an
light. If it become dint,
it can revived by uncork-
the bottle for a few second.
One bottle ill last a whole winter.
Small bottles may also be prepared
in this and carried in the
How to Snaps.
Snaps are made by rubbing half
n pound of butter into two pounds
of Hour. Then add half a pound of
brown sugar an a level
of ground ginger. Pour in, mix-
all the while, one pint of New
Orleans The dough must
lie moist, it out on the
board, knead until it bed.
tie, roll very thin, cut with a small
round outlet bake in n mode rat
oven until a light brown. The dough
may lie cut into small fancy shapes,
in which form please children
Ben much.
The in is no-
I hit season, and the prices
arc as varied as the range. A pair
of serviceable and pretty candle
holders in crystal may be had for a
dollar, and a couple of classic min-
columns in brass arc
No Doubt at All.
you tell the lady I
was out
Servant Girl Yes, ma'am.
m tn have
any doubt about it
ma'am; she
said knew you wasn't.
A Doting
John . tin m
u e home, a .
wife and III a, I ; in-
Of V. d Job P.
The elder as a pious Chris-
man. who tried not
commit n in Ins
i for I it it
the boy.
The John, then five veer old,
a real boy nil the
plies. His father was SUM he was
the beat that ever lived, and already
he saw him as a man preaching good
to all Men, for that was the hope in
the elder John bosom.
Ore day when the father tame
Lack from the shop be brought with
him a pretty tin cup on which was
written in gilt letters. a
lie gave it to his sou. and
the child looked up into his face
like an and smiled. Two
later as a Wilson came home-
ward when ill day was done lie was
thinking proudly of bis boy who
would meet him at the gate when
his was attracted a dog
coming split down the street
with a tin cup tied lo his tail and
knocking ragtime out of the side-
walk. Before Mr. Wilson could get
out of the way the dog dashed be-
tween his legs, upsetting him into a
coal hole and piling in on lop of
him in a tangle that was terrific.
The dog got away at last, and when
a policeman helped the bruised and
altered mechanic out of the hole
he discovered a string wound round
his leg and lied to the end of
a tin cup which looked as if it hail
been through seven wars.
ran keep this as a
said the policeman pleasantly, j
is John Wilson,
taking it.
a tin cup belonging lo some
of them little devil around the
lier, I said the policeman,
twirling his club significantly.
The father of John Wilson, Jr.,
looked at the battered tin in hi
hand. In gill letters, which be had
not forgotten, were the word-,
good Tree Press.
what is Tell me what
I he people seem to of my
Ob, Mr. Mr. Wise
replied, opinion seems to be
will go down to posterity
as a
am delighted to bear
the President said lo have
M be grasp
el Mr. Wise's hand book it
he bis
bold Mr. Wise
But whether it will lie as a
George or a Booker T. I not
prepared to
I choked soot, um Mm
mid goes out
are phlegm, the of life
Lime brings up allays
tile mid id
the and, in a wont,
if soon b-
Hoe.- , Bah cheap. I n. Tarboro for Greenville
lo a rt a and Saturday
at M. carries freight only.
for fall trade.
i and
Al I
Proprietor Riverside Nursery,
Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Mrs. L H. WHITE,
Black Jack, X. C.
line cf goods band. Prices low
Country produce bought for or in
Connecting at Washington with
Steamer for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York and
ton, and for all points for West
w railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Co. from
New York; Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
It has been discovered that
is being sold for feed
stuff in An
of some of stuff revealed
cornstalks, cobs and sawdust
ground up very good
one horse has died from eating a
quantity of it.
firm of U Bro.
doing N. C,
this day K.
from The
will be by W. K.
wilt of the
firm and to all person
firm requested to immediate nay
This Jan. 1902.
W. It.
i I.
The Best tor Malaria
bills Fever . Grove's
Tasteless Chill Ionic. is simply iron
and a form. No cure,
leader In work and KB prices
Si per dozen.
II It Cabinets per
tram any small MIc
hand all Hie lime. and
work. No trouble lo show
answer The
Ks to all. hours
W S. to n. m.
if court
having of
to in-, the on W of
January eat ate of W E. Spain
ii given la all per-
t make
it lo to
all to their
claims properly to the
notice will he
in recovery.
Thin the of January.
of of W. K.
Win. II inly,
M- R.
sad of
Hy Court
in pro-
I at bob hi
N. C . at m. on
two town lots in
Bethel. Will Charles
at and called
Andrews Iota, Main street
rash and In
lie and two years with interest on deferred
land Is mid In pay the debts
Win. Chat lea
This. Jan III,
of Win. Charles Hardy.
B V i. JAMI-S, Attorney.
. a
. J
Dauber my paint-
to the
to hoar it. The
skinflint deserve to lie stuck.
A Man's Logic.
yearn for said
the ambition youth,
should answered the
aide hut indolent person.
merely means will
an article about yon for the
are more in the
now than feels
like Star.
Mystery Explained.
Mrs. can't see
them fillers what send nut
weather reports kin tell kind
weather is be
Uncle Hiram I dunno, but I
kinder git their
Information onion
man who is pay-
at ton ion to Yes;
he's a lawyer.
She I understand doesn't
know ti law.
lie knows enough about
law to see I hat there's more money
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior mil I.
for Fine Modern and
We solicit join and
to give
; styles and work.
send your orders lo
i n
. M.
Furniture Denier. Cash paid
Hide., Fur, Cotton Heed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts,
suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
Gail i
Heat Key West Cheroot,
American Beauty Can
nod Cherries, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Match, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hull, Gar-
den Apple,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cake and Crackers, Mac
notice f o f lie
Mr. Min C fur
Carolina Virginia, of Well.
Known and Popular
Life Co., of
to to its number of
policy holders, In the public
generally, of North
will now in this
state and from will issue its
splendid policies, lo all de-
siring the very best insurance the best
life insurance company in the world.
If the local la your town not
Agent, N. C.
policy holders 182,509,189.05
Live, reliable energetic agent, wanted at
once to for lb.
Old mutual Benefit.
All Board.
lived today, he'd feel
the ark wasn't a
Plain Deal- Beat Butter,
ard Hewing Mac i lies, and nu
other Quality and
Concession It. j Quantity. Cheap for Com
Hook-Miss Antique it beginning o me.
to show her age. Bo.
V, the last tuna I IN
she let mo look over tho family Bi-1 a
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE the
largest telegraphic new service
delivered to any paper between
and Atlanta, and
it special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more page, and Is
to a large extent made op of
printed and Friday
per year. The largest paper
North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Add i
Charlotte, N. C.
m i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
The Eastern Reflector
D. j.
f TO
Ilia ii M
Tuesday e
Cotton Bagging and lies always
Fresh goods kept ob
Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D . W.
Whichard, N. C.
Stock complete In every de
and prices an low as the
lowest. Highest market
for country
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyer and Broken in
Cotton, Grain and
us. Private Wire to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor A Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Biz Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvasser are em.
ployed. Subscription taken at
The office.
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The it
one year for 98.60 payable In ad-
for tr
Ricks Wilkinson
While was a great month,
great for us and cost
Grass Ever Grows
February Will Have
Competitor will have a lively time trying
To Match Our Values.
A Offering of
in Led Gents.
Ladies Heavy Ribbed Vesta
Extra heavy Ribbed Pants
ii t ii .
they are values at mi
all wool pant
veal never sold for less than
l now
Mei heavy fleeced shirt
with silk
tape pearl buttons regular
grade i now marked
the .-, kind, marked in this
ale at
Dress Shirts
and kind at
Shoe Department
We bare a small lot of and
pair of a style of our 1.60
and shoes at
I shoes in small size that
must go into money. They
were in
this sale at 1.50
Kid Gloves
for ladies in this sale at
You Should See Our
We have been Goods department and picked
all short pieces and marked them at a price that will and
give a room for early arriving spring goods.
For Nails, Locks, Doors
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Next door to Kicks Wilkinson. to Ormond
DON'T WORRY over a small
thing like that, but come to us and
you can supply a dinner
aid of the cook. Our excellent
Hue of CANNED GOODS furnish
a variety of desirable things for
table. We also keep the best
fresh. And in FLOUR have
the best brands to be had. fact
our store is the place to- call tor
anything wanted in the way of
Nice Groceries.
N. C.
All Kinds at The Reflector
The fountain gen
Board of Aldermen.
Board of Aldermen held
their regular monthly meeting
Thursday night, all members
being present.
The finance committee reported
in band of the Treasurer.
The street committee reported
that they were yet to get a
to do anything relative to
the proposed widening of
son avenue. committee was
instructed to if
necessary have their report
on the avenue ready by next meet-
The white cemetery committee
reported that work
done the
The market committee reported
the market in fair condition.
Th other standing
no reports to make.
The special committee appointed
to investigate the claim of J. A.
Him v for damages done by lire-
mended claim be paid.
special committee
to investigate the claim of Mrs.
R. H. Home for damage done to
her furniture by a tree falling on
her house, recommended she
be paid the sum of l in settle-
of her claim.
The report or the Tax Collector
showed the following collections
made for the past License
market rents,
general tax, 603.85; bond
tax, 122.06; school tax,
making a total of about in
bis hands.
The Chief Police reported gross
collections of tines and costs for
the month to 193.11,
and Assistant Police reported
A verbal report from the Chief
of Fire Department showed there
had been live tire alarms during
month of He was
instructed from now on to make
written report monthly to the
Board, so that the work of fire
I can become a matter of
record. The Chief was also
to purchase such coats,
boots, belts, caps and buckets as
are needed by the
A committee appointed to
confer with owners Star ware-
house property relative to a street
on the lot.
Henry T. King was appointed a
delegate town to the good
roads convention at Raleigh.
A claim presented by a
of the slot
refund of the license tax for the
balance of the year for which the
license had paid, brought out
a discussion that came near being
sensational. There were speeches
and explanations that
made things lively for the time
being. One member moved to re
fund part license.
Another staled he was willing
to all the license for the
year and pay the slot machine
men something extra for stopping
their Others said
the licensed slot ma-
chines they did not license
ling machines, and as those put
operation here were gambling ma-
chines mid had suppressed by
the Superior court the owners had
no claim for any rebate on license,
that they still had their license
under which they could run a law-
slot machine if they wanted to.
When the vote was called two
thirds of the Board against
Accounts were audited and or
tiered paid to about
Which included if
Do You Know
Stop being penny-wise and pound-foolish and buy your goods
from a reliable firm that has it restitution to sustain it.
One that will give the value of your money every time
that will return your money if goods are not as
One that keeps up-to date goods. Where you can
buy anything yon need to furnish your house, table or per-
on. Such a firm is
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
What we could do if we only
had the money, is a very common
place remark, but man who
uses that excuse should at the
same time explain why he has not
nullify. Money is plentiful.
You may not have an abundance,
but there is several hundred mil-
lions locked up the United
States Treasury and an
amount the banks B
with capitalists who are only too of H,., At
the time of her death Mrs.
Drawn Pennon Since 1834.
Km tun died in Holly
Springs township, this county,
last week, and today her last pen-
was paid by the United Stales
government, It was sworn to be-
fore Clerk Run this morning.
had been drawing this
pension since 1831. She was the
wife of who
Brutality of Colored People for Sit
ting up Corpse.
An old woman fell near
her home in
and fractured a Lug
in the leg. It seems she had
no near and asked some
of lit r i ice to go after a doctor,
tint each one refused it is
that she remained at home
until day with the bone
the flesh
intense agony. The first
physician notified to her. but
the purpose of this article is to ask
why so many of the colored people
act this way tow. ids members
of their race, r w not exactly the
rule, but too such
things happen and they are B dis-
to the race. The habit ex-
of course among the
However, there all kinds of
Some of are
always on the lookout for main
chance. Once mo old man,
possessed of some property died,
leaving a preacher U his ex
The executor went to work
to settle up the cattle and when
the time came lie appeared before
the clerk of the court with bis re-
bills, etc. The clerk looked over
them and finally asked what an
item of M, doe the executor, was
I set up with the
gravely responded the parson and
executor, am entitled to pay;
I could not get any one else to do
it had to remain alone all
The bill was not allowed. The
parson bad handled
and wanted to make
Bringing Up Of Boys.
interesting information
as given in the Sun-
day World. El of
to fame
Philistine notoriety,
boy is a in the
do know what he is going to
. He may make or unmake
kings. Every was a boy; it
seems strange, but it is The
last sentence of this
shows that is main-
his of being
more amusing original
in any parody.
Similarly Mr. Lewis Nixon, a
man whom boys should desire to
said to Miss
DO use to map out a
career. He has to work out his
own destiny. The country boy
baa great advantages over a city
boy. he develops his char-
along I idler lines and has no
false social ideas to tangle up bis
It is certain that
most of the glittering prizes in city
life arc by country boys
barefooted and village
Mr. Nixon's remark
no use to map out a by
would have interested
Wordsworth, who discovered that
child is lather of the
A third item interest
one of special importance
to fathers, was description of
a German village. Prof,
puts his young charges through a
that is calculated to
toughen them physically. They
rise at half-past four, undergo a
some funds gymnastic training, eat
bis account meat vegetables, spend
Profit In Insurance.
much of their time in the open air,
inure themselves to fatigue
and pain.
course of training is a
new application of old theory.
But it is a whether too
anxious to turn it loose provided
that they arc assured of good
profit. Then if you have a money
making scheme but I he capital is
lacking the must lie with
yourself. The security which you
offer must not be marketable. If
this is the case then the
was years, HI months and
days old. She leaves two children
daughters, one and
other years old. She was
the pensioner in
this received her
money from the government for
arises why is the security not val- Times,
That is usually Iron-,
The mini who can do some-
thing, who knows some one thing In considering the agencies
well, and backs his knowledge p the spread of smallpox more at-
with character, ought not to have should lie paid to the
trouble in getting the to as the bearer of germs. At
turn the Times, a meet of Hie Boston Committee
on Health several doctor
Au Iowa court has established a I that after having visited
precedent which breach of patient they enter
promise beyond the grave. without
woman was engaged to to made any attempt at
the hour was fixed but clothing. One physician
postponed, and a later date named. h
The man died la-fore time came a long walk in open air.
around and woman sued
or damages. The court lo examine a
the agreement settled the matter, knowing that the
she was to all intents and
poses in the eve of the law his become a to health,
widow, and entitled to a widower's If indifferent to the
dower, which her case amount j danger of extending
to The deceased would unreasonable to expect
probably make no objection, as he careful,
really intended lo marry her and Philadelphia Record.
would have done so if he bad
Mr. B. Young, of Raleigh,
Hie Insurance Commissioner, reg-
at the last night, j
Mr. Young said the insurance t little coddling is not as bad for a
companies of this State arc in bet too much. Reports of the
condition than ever before, of th professor's pupil
notwithstanding the fact that this j years will be interest-
has been a very severe year on all Inf. the graduate of his
companies. stoic school be hale healthy,
There are lire insurance com- j or broken down men, their vitality
panics the Slate. IS life exhausted by schoolroom hard-
fraternal orders ships Ambitious young athletes
and fidelity and casualty com- who individually subject them-
There are seven home lire s to a process of the
insurance companies home sort Prof. recommend at-
life the very flower of manhood at
In most of the Southern States twenty, at thirty and be-
there are less insurance consumptives at forty, if not
than there were a year or so ago, already dead. semi invalids
said Mr. Young, but in North Car- have lived to lie
it is the reverse. There are
more companies than formerly.
The insurance e last year
paid into the State
in t his being all increase
of about per cent, over the
amount of usually paid by
the Insurance of the
Up lo 1800, or before the pres-
insurance law commission
were operative, the insurance coin
panics never paid into the Slate
Treasury in ire than in one
year. Mr. declares that
North Carolina gives batter pro-
to all classes of Insurance
companies than almost any other
Stale, and for this reason all the
companies now doing business in
tho State will renew their
1st. Observer.
Was there ever athlete who ac-
this feat of longevity
New York World.
Th. Malaria
am la . 1-111
Chill Tonic. la imply iron
and .
do so
arc Taking
When take Tasteless Chill
Many a man is a chronic kicker , Its formal, la plainly mint.
J ,, d on every bottle showing it la
he has corns his con- nm Quinine in . form. No.
people in re
marks a London paper,
sunflower for ornament have
any idea of its Then
it Inform its credulous renders
I hat the Stales the sun
flower is so rich in oil that.
seed of i these monster
will yield of oil; while
the of the seed, after this
quantity of oil has been expressed,
weighs pounds when made
info cattle
Rev. informs us
that the dog story told
in Monday's issue of The Free
is the
intelligent animal saw of
a piece of to light it
and really went out
int. yard and secured same,
laving if at her feet. here is
a pig story that comes from the
Raleigh farmer on
Hill mourns the loss of a
valuable hog during the windstorm
Sunday, lie relates that just as
pig started a squeal, a of
wind came along and blew
back down his throat, thus
strangling him. I,. W.
was an eye witness of
The pig tale is intended in the
least as a reflect ion on the dog
story, but both are good
All liar I
may comfort until
or nervous excite
on in U of which
rack you until your very bone. ache. Do
not i- Even whim .
lie r- in--1. fast in h.
power. Allen's Long will
the mucus, allay
heal the aching finally
MB the completely.

Eastern reflector, 7 February 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 07, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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