Eastern reflector, 4 February 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware A
Come to mo me fr next B of Floor or Pork.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
la Loan Value,
Cash Value.
Paul up Insurance,
Insurance that works automatically,
Will be reinstated If arrears be paid within on month while you
are or within three years after lapse, upon evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second year;. No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year paid.
They may be To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. G.
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, dizziness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache. loss
appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It will clean out the stimulate the liver and kidneys,
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your pin you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers too giro that for
diarrhea, and similar Air n
ll Inept i n ml a, i
aids digestion. w, i r,
like it and ml; for U.
For Sale by
m; U
i, THE I CO , ,,;
Er mi .-,, .
sue n
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Mr. Dan Abram, of Hooky Mount, X. C. took out policy
No. in 1886, amount kind, ordinary life,
year accumulation period annual premium 1998.90; total
IS year dividend payable in rash
and continue policy for
Full M participating additional
continue policy for
Withdraw total cash value
For an agency, or example of results at your age for com-
with any other company, address, giving date of birth,
E'er Virginia and North Carolina,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va
Times The Value
or ANY
Agents wanted all unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta, Ga.
For Kale by
i. V.,
The democrats of the House of
Representatives held their long
deferred caucus on Friday even
log under the
dance of Mr. and other
democratic leaders, determined
upon a policy which it is believed
will prove most effective, not
in furthering the interests the
party Out also in stemming the
tide of plutocratic, legislation
which it is expected the
can majority will attempt to mi
note Upon the country. Sonic of
the did not no sider ft
within the province of the caucus
to reverse any of the of
the last national convention but
apart from their contention it was
determined that then was no
at this time for so doing.
It was further decided that it
would lie wiser for the members of
the to devote their whole at
Li checkmating raids of
opposition on the Treasury
and endeavoring to protect the
whole people from legislation in-
spired by the great vested Inter-
whose liberal campaign
secure for them inch ex-
tensive Influence In the councils of
the opposition.
The and Means Committee
is still giving hearings to the rep
of the beet sugar and
tobacco industries in this country
and In Cuba. The beet sugar
lobby is growing desperate and is
contemplating a coalition, of forces
with the democrats in an effort to
reduce the protection on refined
sugar. The beet sugar men are.
course, inspired by to
the Trust but frankly
admit that they would be in a bet
position to develop their In-
industry if the Trust were destroy-
ed even if reciprocal privileges
were granted to Cuba. The
arc naturally and
opposed to a duty which
puts Immense profits Into the
hands Of the trust at the expense
of the vast body of consumers.
can member from Massachusetts,
tells me that he will vote for re
as he does not consider
that a moderate concession would
injure American interests he
believes the United States owes it
to Cuba to at least start heron the
road to prosperity.
Apropos of the beet sugar
there is a story going the
rounds in inner circles of a very
stormy Cabinet meeting at which
the President alleged to have told
his Secretary of Agriculture that
he was of having
his expressions on the subject
his Mr.
son, I am told, expressed regret at
having given utterance to his
views aid assured Mr. Roosevelt
that nothing more would be heard
from him on the He has
persistently refused to appear be-
fore the Ways and Means Commit-
tee, although it is well known that
he is adverse to any reciprocal
treaty Which will lower the duty
on sugar. Of course
above incident has given rise to
renewed go-sip in regard to
net changes but no change in the
Agricultural portfolio is
plated at this time.
Senator Mason attempted on
Friday to commit the Senate on
the Bah matter, at least to
extent of thanking the Admiral
for his brave and able conduct
while in command of the
can fleet at the victorious battle of
and presenting him
with sword, hot the opposition
was on the alert despite Sen
Mason's protests, Senator
Hale insisted upon the reference
of the ion to the committee
on Naval Affairs where there is
every reason to believe it will be
A the
Sallow Skin and Pies.
Then Is no better for these
LIVE PILLS, as a Brest.
Take Mb Substitute.
The Lenoir News of last
had this striking editorial
few days since, a short
tramp in the country, we noticed
a field of corn still standing
gathered, going to waste while
com is selling at a
bushel. We noted at another
place a good mowing machine,
standing out in the weather, where
it bad evidently left at the
end of the season. Cattle
are still, many instances, left
out in the fields unprotected from
and fed a little hay and
bran on the ground to be tunneled
in the mini. If house at all it is
done in such an indifferent and
careless manner that they arc
given very little protection and
twice the amount of feed is
ed to keep them in condition that
would lie needed were they kept
warm and dry. Hay all kinds
of forage is left standing in the
field until needed for use. By
that lime more or less of it has
wasted by exposure to the
weather the depredation of the
poorly fed cattle above referred to.
These and many other evidences
of carelessness, or
ignorance seen any day in
a short trip through this country,
we must get out of these old
ruts, take care of work
with judgment, making an acre by
good and tillage pro-
duce what two or four now pro-
duce by cultivation.
With proper management and
thrift, we believe farming offers
better inducements in this country
at this nine than ever before, but
many old ideas and must
be abandoned.
It seems to us is a fine
opening some one to make good
money in this community, raising
pips poultry. Pigs arc
demand at high prices, and chick-
ens and eggs have commanded
higher prices during the last
twelve mouths than ever before.
Spring chickens will bring to
cents a pound by April or
Truly, this is a bad showing,
and the worst of it is that our
contemporary that such
as it has
pictured be -en any day in
a short through its country.
The wonder is that people so care-
less so wasteful can manage to
make buckle and tongue meet
that they contrive to keep body
and soul together. They could
elsewhere than in a country
upon which God has bestowed His
blessings with a bounteous hand.
even such a country they
could not do it in any other
except that of agriculture.
Look Out for Home Supplier
Let the farmers go in for more
diversified crops year. Plant
plenty of turn, potatoes and
the like then put as much
cotton or ever the
land is best adapted can lie
i well and cultivated
The aim should home
supplies first, money crop after-
ward. It is better lo cultivate few
acres and cultivate those acres
well than plant too much laud
be able to give it proper alien-
Gold Leaf.
liven Were
you that the in
the lower pan of foal buck kidney
trouble, lint I- a of m
know it is muscular from
M, end treatment
Painkiller will prevent from grow-
into lumbago- Act Accordingly and
yon will tie you
Painkiller, Perry
Eternal indigestion is the price
You often id a live cent heart
in a million dollar body.
A pretty girl is a poem in
every line rhymes.
Bread cast upon the waters often
comes back all dough.
All things come to those who
they tip the waiter.
Love is an itching of the heart,
which you ate unable to scratch. .
Tears of sympathy are the
phone messages from a heart full
of tenderness.
Cupid has been shooting his
darts very in this
section, and as for I bat matter, it
appears over the whole late
We informed of one in
stance in which the little fellow
though had his efforts come to
the last moment, and
thereby hangs a sad tale. A party,
whose name we withhold, had per
the lady of his choice to
agree to the day to have their vows
The was to
lie at the home of the
prospective bride. A preacher
bad been and friends in
At the appointed hour all
these and the groom arrived at the
the prospective bride
had fled from the terrors of the
matrimonial state to the woods.
She left a note lo the prospective
groom, telling him she thought
better of the matter and had come
lo the conclusion she did not want
to him. The situation was
very embarrassing for the young
man, as well as the preacher nod
friends who had gathered, but
there was but cue thing, to do,
wend their way home. arc in-
formed that the young man, like a
true consoled himself
by thinking what he had so
The here formed
a the practice of their
They will occupy of Dr. on
avenue, where all their
can find them.
E. A. MOVE. M. D,
C. M. D.
You Know What You arc Taking
When take Chill
because the formula la plainly
ed on every bottle allowing that it Is simply
on and Quinine in A form. No.
Cure, No Pay.
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Plant Trees
have on a few of Fruit
tad Ornamental Tree,
Rom for sale cheap. I nm
to put a very large of
Tree for the fall trade.
and nave money.
The leader in good work and low
Nice Photographs for per
Cabinet per dozen
All other lines very cheap. Crayon Portrait
from any small picture Nice
Frames on hand all the lime. Come and
my work. No trouble to show
samples and answer questions. The very
eat guaranteed to all. Office hours
b to a, to p. m. Yours to please,
. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables. Lounges, Safes, P.
Moat me-, i, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Floor Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Glass
Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, Stand
aid Sewing i and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
line Prices
bought for cash or In
exchange for
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
b Co.
N. C.
The Arm of R. Bro
doing N. C,
tin day mutual K.
from The
will he i. W. R.
who will all of
to all owing the
Ann arc to make immediate pay-
W. It.
D. K
The clerk of Superior court of
baring of
to the undersigned on 1st day of
toe W. K. Spain
notice is hereby given to all per-
sons to estate to make
payment lo the undersigned, and to
all creditors of said estate to present their
claims properly authenticated, to the
within twelve months after the
date of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in recovery.
This 1st day of January,
Administratrix of the Estate of W. K.
The Superior court Clerk of Pitt county,
having issued letters of Administration to
me, the undersigned, on the 10th of
December, on the estate of J. A,
Thigpen, deceased, notice Is hereby given
to all persons indebted to to make
immediate lo the undersigned,
and to all creditors of said estate lo present
their claims, properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months after
the dale this notice, or this notice
be plead in tar of their recovery.
This the 10th or December, 1901.
J. JR.,
on t e of I. .
Having duly qualified before the
Clerk of Pitt county as r
f the Last Will and Testament Mrs. S.
deceased, notice ii hereby
given to nil persons indebted to the estate
to make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and nil persona against
notified to present claims
for on or before the 39th day of
November, 1902, or this notice will be plead
in of recovery.
This 29th day of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs. S. M.
Jno. If. Hardy, It. Lee Hardy,
and other heirs at law of
Wm, Charles Hardy, deceased
Order of the Superior Court of Bertie
county entered In the entitled pro-
I sell at court house door in
m. on
Saturday, Feb. those two town lot. in
Bethel, county, which Wm. Charles
Hardy owned at bis death and called the
Andrews lots, both situate on Main street
in Mid to
third cash and balance in
one and two years with interest on deferred
i- land is sold to pay the debts of
Wm. Charles
This Jan. 1902.
of Wm. Charles Hardy.
By F. O. JAMES, Attorney.
Mr. John C. General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Co., of J.
Desires to announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and to the public
generally, of North this com
will now Resume Business In
state and from this date will issue its
splendid desirable policies, lo all de
siring the very best insurance In the best
life insurance company in the world.
If the local agent in your town baa not
yet completed arrangements, address
Stale Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Lire, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once lo work for the
Steamer My res Washing-
ton daily A.-M. for Green-
leave Greenville dally at
II. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
ii A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N.
J. J. CHERRY, Aft.,
Greenville, N. C.
D. W.
Cotton Bagging and lies always
Fresh goods kept constantly es
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
r. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
J. P.
The Charlotte Observer.
TOMPKINS, Publisher
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE OBSERVER Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The largest paper
in North Carolina.
Charlotte, N. C.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
In Advance.
One Year Six Months too,
Three Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em.
ployed. Subscriptions taken a
The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or Th e it. v
one year for payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
The Great
Inventory is completed- Many things have been laid out
marked down. We are not crying out cost, but have
prices on all winter goods. It would be impossible to
all and continue to be of service la ourselves and yon.
The store that is ah the time crying cost and less than cost, must
some day meet the Inevitable. After the smash the store Is of
little service to any body. This
knows when to begin sacrificing its profits, how to con-
and knows when stop. Every department has
the severest cut in prices. Our object is to make room for Spring
We take occasion here to thank our many friends for their pat-
In the past, and invite them to continue their visits to our
store when they want bargains in up-to-date goods.
Ricks Wilkinson
For Nails, Locks, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, to
A Warning To The Tuba -co
As we have elsewhere
this issue, reports a
largely increased tobacco acreage
in North this year. The
writer makes no rial to the gift
of and we make no
diction as to prices for this year's
crop. But we do wish to warn the
tobacco grower a mistake
of a grower is
now repenting hi sack cloth and
A year ago cotton prices were
good, the cotton mill industry
nourishing, many a farmer in
the cotton belt decided to adopt
the one crop system for Aim
he did. The result everybody
The one crop cotton
farmer of is a con-
a worse plight than at
any other time for years. The
cotton crop North Carolina was
remarkably short. If this were
all, his condition would not be so
bad. But the decrease price is
almost as marked as the decrease
production. as if
not enough, the increase in price
of food supplies is greater than the
decrease of cotton or the
in cotton production.
With a short crop of his own
product and low prices for it,
high prices for the corn, and
meat that he must buy, the aver-
age cotton farmer no lecture
the disadvantages of the
crop system. We daresay that the
farmers of the State will this
year give more attention to home
supplies than in any other year
since Lee surrendered.
wise learns by the mis-
takes of others; a fool scarcely by
his Will tobacco farm-
consider the plight his
brother and learn the lesson it
J. B. Cherry Co.
Economy chances that overshadow even our own
bargains of the past. Magnetic, money-
saving values in every department. An
H. I.
Next door to Ricks Wilkinson. to Ormond
What to Get and
are matters of Importance to W TO At.
At J. L. Starkey Bros, old we have opened a strictly
First Class Stock of Fresh
Family Groceries,
and article in stock is right fresh from first bands.
Nothing stale but new. Now for everything you
want to eat come to our store see bow well we can please
yon quality and price-
N. C.
y such as no careful buyer will miss. An occasion
If. Jan.
arc having some very
pleasant weather.
I. C. Edwards, of Snow Hill,
spent in town.
W, A. Lewis Sunday
with his best girl.
S. -M. Pollard went to
this morning to visit friends
Misses Lena and King
timed borne Sunday.
Misses Moore and
Fields spent Sunday in the
try with Miss Roberta Flanagan.
Miss Smith several
days ii. n last week.
II. J. Whitehurst, one of
oldest residents the town, is
very low. His recovery is doubt-
Miss Agnes Moore spent
day and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
J. T.
I. Rome is slow
will spread the fame of the J. B. Cherry Co's.
store to greater distances than have gigantic offers
of the past. Understand the position. Almost in
Clinic Vail Turn-
age spent yesterday in the country
dial will make an immense stir in the business world Miss Etta Smith.
It. Pollard returned Iron
and Tarboro Saturday
the evening
Miss Belcher has gone
to see brother, W. Home.
West is in town visiting
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker's
baby is very low.
The telephone line between
and Greenville Is down
Again. We seriously regret it, and
hope will soon have a new line
which will give general
Miss is in town
AT ABOUT HALF, and Ml ,,,,,
lot can n lot
a day all goods suffer the severest cut, and chiefly
affected are the departments enumerated and item-
zed below.
Reduction Falls Heavily
Colored Dress Goods
Silk Department.
Three The Value
Agents all unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
For sale by
All Kinds at The Reflector
Who Have Cotton
It is beautiful and pleasant to
see brethren dwell together in
unity, and likewise agreeable to
see allies eland together. Where-
fore arc grieved, a well as
amazed, to see some the Demo
criticize the
appointments of Colonel
Skinner and I
Franklin Keith. It is perfectly
natural that the Republicans
should be disappointed and dis-
gusted, but were we Democrats
and Col. Harrison skinner
Hon. B. Franklin Keith all
her a few short years
ago Did we want to fuse
with Col. Harrison his squab
on State and issues in
Did we actually fuse with them
the electoral ticket that
And was not Hon. Benjamin
Franklin that very electoral
ticket for this congressional dis
let, and did not all of us, except-
those who didn't, vote for him
and for the Populists electoral can-
To be sure we did, with
the exceptions noted. what
ails us now that we should
to these noble allies having relief t
It is true that Col. Harrison has
transferred his allegiance to the
Republican party and the gold
but he was ever a shifty
and even when
was recognized as a gentleman of
adjustable It is true,
also, that the
Franklin now says that to is
go back on a
gentleman simply because he has
discernment to know a
when he sees In other
words, should mi Ii I acquaintance
be Nay, nay,
The Observer gives these recent
allies the glad ha and extends
them its must cordial
t Know On Bars
maw i.
In Black 10.00
Black 7.00
In Black 0.50
Fancy 0.00
11.50 DRESS
In Foulards
In Foulards 7.00
of the best.
patterns and also some very , f
i patterns that ill make very
pretty skirts. Space too valuable
to Itemize the pines.
Black Dress Goods
goods you have
before bud a chance of, and this
one can't last long.
and family
have moved to Greenville, which
will their future home.
F. M. Dupree spent in
Greenville on business.
Mis. Lemuel Hardy is visiting
Mrs. John I. Raker.
N. C. Jan.
Miller went down to Kin-
N. Jan.
Miss Flossie Keel, of Apex,
spent Monday with relatives at
this place.
II. U. Taylor ard It. W. Mosley
Sunday afternoon at Elder
Rev. J. W. Rose held services
Hamilton Sunday Sunday
returned Monday.
H. V. Staton spent Sunday with
bis best near here.
Miss Fannie and
of Greenville, are
relatives here.
Miss Alice Carson, who been
friends Greenville, re-
turned week.
Miss Bessie Harding, of Green-
ville, spent here.
Mrs. Hut tie Spier
came down to witness
her sister's marriage and returned
Miss Donate Wood, of
who has been visiting friends hero
returned last week.
Miss James, of
spent Sunday with the Misses
Manning near here.
Miss Pink Manning is visiting
relatives in Hamilton.
Miss Patrick, of Ayden, is
visiting friends near here.
B. W. Mosley left here Tuesday
for Greenville.
Robt. Staton Monday
Tarboro on business.
Rev. J. E. family
arc friends here.
Miss Annie Thigpen, of Penny
Hill, spent Wednesday here.
Smith, of Neck,
spent Wednesday here and took
evening train for Ayden.
Everybody lie on their look out,
for the map man is in town.
On account of the weather there
was not any prayer meeting Wed-
V. S. Gardner, of Everetts,
spent Monday and Tuesday here.
S. T. Carson spent Sunday in
At Wednesday afternoon
Mrs. Ella Knight and Mr. F.
were married at the
bride's home James street. The
j-ton Friday and returned Monday j ceremony was performed by Rev.
Silk Waist Patterns
French Flannel for Waists
Handsome lot of waist patterns
and no two alike that were valued
at 12.50 but this sale makes them
at 1.00, and a lot of plain
that have put the knife very-
Dress Trimmings
Just the things for your Spring
Dress and anything that is new
and up to date have it, and to
this sale Complete have
knifed them with our big blue
pencil along with everything else.
Cloaks Skirts.
They blush to know that
they arc marked down so low and
we have got to have their room,
and our price will give it to us
and benefit the early buyers.
Just the for and
Easter wear a chance that
comes but once in life to gel
setts. Silk at the price we arc
offering them at.
5.00 Waist Patterns 14.00
Odds and Ends in
Walt Patterns
the thing for
Dress Trimmings
and kind at
and at
and kind at
and INK- kind at
kind tit
11.00, 1.25 and 1.00 kind at
Black Grain
Black Sat i tic
Black Taffetas, Colored .
and every thing else in out Silk marked in
Department have to suffer our
marvelous January Sale.
J. T. Smith went to House yes-
Joseph family moved
to yesterday.
J. Marrow was here Monday
Hugh Brooks, of Parmele, was
in town Sunday on important bus-
J. T Smith has opened up bis
place of business West avenue.
We would appreciate sunshine
now alter so many dark dreary
The will have to
J. W. Rose the presence
and relatives of the
couple. After the
fur the home
where the reception was held.
The Beat Prescription for Malaria
f bills and Fever is bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill It Is simply iron
quinine ill n form. No i
Only to ThOM Who Owe.
We have tried to go through
winter without putting cross
WU marks on paper, but so
like something
turn before writing again.
c It Home.
Space gone and not
half of our story told, but
can get the rest
At Our Store.
plain figures with our big
, blue pencil.
Mail and Telephone orders
promptly and carefully filled.
j. p.
Some men that by making
a great stir for a little lime they
gain a permanent advantage.
is far from truth. How quick-
a thing is forgotten, but perhaps
they try and crowd too much into
in and the panorama
incidents diverts the mind
inn ceaseless concentration on
one particular thing. Day by day
the happenings in number
and importance, the public
mind is being conducted to a
new nil of t bought and
ration. The necessity for
nous advertising was never more
prom need than at the present
time. A passing Hash causes but
a moment's reflection. Permanent
drive II home advertising marks
an Impression
Even he close mouthed man
succumb lo the dentist.
many have failed to keep promises
to pay their subscription that we
have lo remind of it again.
finding the cross mark on
their paper today will please take
it as a notice that they owe for the
paper and an early settlement is
desired. This is a matter of
mid ought to have prompt at-
takes money lo run a
newspaper and all who read it
should be willing lo pay promptly.
now at revising our
subscription and will have to
drop some names unless pay
steeple jack is one kind of
high churchman.
The trusting shoemaker is apt to
get mil of his bunts.
I Could Hid
tie cough
ii lo talk. Tin- way
tin- n is plain. Take
bung Balsam grip of
lie tins throat
After few cough is
ratter and a
I- of a little time

Entered at the Post Office at
Greenville, K. C, m Second-Class
Mail Matter.
The Henderson Gold Leaf drops
a wold of Having it
will be warmer next July.
It is likely that the balance
the war taxis, levied because of
the war, will be
repealed July first.
New York, has introduced a bill
the House authorizing coin-
age of a half
It should be entitled Bill to
A claiming to be deal and
dumb, was begging alms in
collections were liberal
to afford his tilling up on
whiskey, and when a
to arrest him it was found
that his tongue and ears were both
in good working order.
A Beautiful Church Marriage.
The press dispatches are again
having much to say about Mill
Stone, sending out reports about
every other I hat she has been
set at liberty. When the an-
is made that she has
returned to America taken
the lecture field we will be
pared to the brigands
have liberated her.
M. b. Dooley, a law agent of the
Southern ha entered
the Federal court for libel
the Charlotte Observer
and News Observer.
The cause of the suit is publication
made about conduct
the recent case at where-
in Ike Soothers Railway was. de- J
Dooley pub-
his character.
It Greenville had
enterprises employing a large mini
of who could work right
on in bad M well as in good
there not lie such an
falling off in trade
lbs kind of vintner the peal
week Bus given. When our friend
from the country cannot come to
town there is so much
stirring as they are here.
This shows I bat trade would be
better if we had more wage
earners town.
On Thursday
confirmed the nomination
of Harry Skinner as Unite I
District Attorney for the eastern
district of His
term in office begins February
We hope the new attorney
will use bis to have a dis
court established at
ville. A district formed of
and the counties Immediately
adjoining, with the court held in
Greenville, would beS great con-
to people who have to go
to Raleigh or New Item to at I end
Federal court.
Pay every bill you can now and
it will help others pay their bills
also. A dollar put in circulation
at the first of the year may be the
means of relieving a hundred cases
of distress before the year closes;
and whether it would do any one
else good or not, it is the very best
thing for yourself if you owe a bill
to pay it as promptly as can.
You think more of yourself for it
and others will Scotland Nick
Now comes American
Commerce of Manila to de
that need
Chinese. They want cheap labor.
What about the Philippines being
an Inviting field for the American put to it to keep c
splendid of the
Memorial Baptist church was till-
ed with a large audience, Thurs-
day night, to the marriage
of Mr. Benjamin Edward Patrick
and Miss Annie Doris Flanagan,
daughter of and Mrs. John
The church was tastily
decorated for the occasion, there
being several ever-
greens between the choir gallery
and underneath being
two pyramids of house
plan's, palms and ferns, with
lighted candelabra among
At o'clock Masters Lee Shel-
bum Walter Patrick M pages
Unrolled white carpets down the
aisles. Then as the wedding march
was charmingly played by Miss
Una on tho organ, ac
by Forbes
violin, the bridal party entered.
First came the ushers, Messrs.
H. A. White, Jesse J. A.
Ricks and J. L. Home, in couples
up opposite aisles stood near
the rostrum. Then the bride's
maids, Misses Mary Move, Emily
Higgs, Sophie Mary
Lizzie Jones,
Bessie Patrick Anna Fleming,
entered singly the rear door,
passing don u opposite aisles to the
vestibule, where
couples, returning taking
on the rostrum facing the
audience. These were dressed
pink blue organdy, colon
Following them came the
groomsmen, Messrs. S. D King,
B. Mayo, T. M. Hooker. J. B.
Jarvis, J. E. Starker. J, F. Daven-
port, W. H. Jr. and S.
couples and stood on
each side of the rostrum.
Next came from the front en-
trance Miss Flung n. sis
of the bride and maul of honor,
dressed white organdy, follow
ed by little Hits Mary
dressed ill blue, who bore wed
ding ring on a silver trey.
Then came bride with her
brother, Mr. F. G. Flanagan, and
bridegroom with his best man,
Frank Wilson, up
aisles meeting at altar.
The bride was robed beautiful
white silk with orange blossoms
and earned a of bride
After all had taken their
the ceremony was
lively performed by Rev. J. X.
Booth, while soft strains of
Promise from Organ
violin e from behind the
. the a re-
held at the home of
the bride's parents, on Fifth
st reel.
The bridal presents received by
the couple were very numerous
and beautiful.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick trill soon
go to keeping house on Fourth
Both young people are
very popular, and have the
heartiest good wishes and
if a host of friend.
By K.
If. J j
I am told, excellent author- I much a but
that Senators Lodge Oil . a little
lorn have assured the happened this
that bis views regard to week I don't know cf it
reciprocity will lie carried Into el wouldn't be jest proper fer me
feet. It is the desire of the Senate give it n w rite up.
that the House formulate As a tell, it
pass a bill providing about what's
imports from Cuba and a j He
strong light for that will be nigh about
made by Representative Hopkins, I two mouths ago, has bin git
of Illinois, iii the Ways and long only that
Committee. Mr. Hopkins is an Sam Easel cussed out
influential of com- Sally Ann fer
and he will be ably second- in hours, the trouble
ed in the effort by Representative which I am a relate.
while it is believed that The teacher, he's mighty good
General who young feller
ates that the Senate will act if gal ever you lead, but all
House does not. desires such action
If only to preserve the dignity of
the House. If the House should
fail to enact such a the
State will negotiate a
reciprocal treaty with Cuba
the Senate will ratify it,
of the wishes of the lower
The action, or rather lack of
action of democrat in rather run red
House is causing considerable j to home like has
way her own, which looks very
worry part of the
can leaders. The minority real-
that its will be received
with little consideration except in
. here the majority is
to accept the onus which
may attach to any measure. They
are, therefore, refusing to express
their views on the
city question with an object to
compel the republicans to first
commit themselves. They have,
when questioned on the subject by
the republican leaders, simply
asked why the administration,
either through its bureaus or
through its friends in
did a bill
then ask it democratic support.
This question to the
republicans who, whatever their
his bashfulness. he's great ad-
So he hadn't laid eyes
on Miss Blend, oldest
by Blend, who
lives up at the than he
sot in her a
man loves cake.
Now Miss ain't
that her
sweet nice like me, but the
majority the boys don't admire
kind gal pay their
lions them that has more silly
things say than Miss
She's very dignified though, I
tells Bill, my man, that I think
she's party, but he she ain't
nigh I in
my young days.
The teacher is a
very good young feller
seems take gals by
seat, and long in cum
with Ben Judson's
all crowds
ed fer social purposes
will do, stew com-
I didn't care fer
young but
kinder interested in that teacher,
I sot my him see what kind
caper he cut
when Mis Blend cum in,
it long afore I bad
By lime Miss
de candy
little young gin lick plates,
want ail
things young
mind candy stew.
Miss did cum in
she looked I think I e'er
seed her look. She bowed
spoke all den
scat rum two
afore she'd sot
two Sue Dally Bile
Jones over she
Sue kissed
her sot down her an
Riley he de on
I had my eye on teacher,
dough, when Jones
I seed he'd bin
but I don't de
feller had had
walk over take seat
Miss so had bin
Mrs. Judson Jere-
but I he
weren't Jeremiahs
tic no Jeremiah
Jeremiah's mind at per-
time in his
Well, I sorter do crowd.
is known bat it is safe to as
some that the minority w ill play
one day
an easy way
and a sure way to treat a case of Sore
Throat in order to kill disease germs
and insure healthy throat action is to
take half a of water pat into
it a teaspoonful of
Mexican Mustang
and with this tho throat at
Then tho outside of the threat with the I
i ion tad
a bottle.
and after doing this poi
around the neck. It n POSITIVE CUBE.
troubled with
MAI Treat It lit with
you can depend upon a .
To Abolish
The famous suburb which served
H t the tough element
Washington is about to be abolish-
ed. It i just across Long bridge
in Virginia out of the
of the federal government. All
efforts to suppress it have in
vain, and it has been the
scene of unrestrained lawlessness,
disorder and crime. The
Railroad company has bought
up the land on which the re-
sons Jackson stand, and
these places will be torn down to
make room for the new bridge
the river. When the owner
found that there was a demand for
their property, they advanced the
price, and for some of those reports
the Pennsylvania railroad paid
sum-. The company
to wipe out Jackson City.
He Bowed Low.
Lieutenant Colonel tho Hon. II.
C. one of King Edward's
it a man of medium
height, soldierly looking, fair
possessed the happy
knack making himself agreeable
to all and sundry. Ho was one
tho late queen's and has
many amusing tales to tell of his
experiences at the court. On one
occasion a provincial minor who
was about to lie knighted was
overcome by nervousness that when
ho knelt down he rolled upon tho
floor and remained there, looking
for all the world like overturned
sheep, her lute majesty was
he's sot his mind on
Miss Blend sorter chatted Mrs.
gals in neighborhood don't Ann Smith,
think she's good ain't de
sweet, that kind as onlooker
el I'm judge, gals is de but tell
sorter over Miss as de candy now done, I had
action, hope to place democrat-J good luck. file de young
tic shoulders all blame which may. Well he's keep stuck all
attach to it. How long the ever me.
will play its wailing game he met her over Ben Judson's, nut Barker's little gal
he time cum
day when with her lingers all burnt
he come in that j she boss
I up him, I fiddle, cooked sugar in
that I met him when he her hair up scrap book,
end j Her de feel-
It when Miss who cum
go, teacher be over de
sorter bashful, I made tag W Mrs. Ann Smith, she
that he the; histed like shot cat
young ladies it come Well got de war de candy out sum on
that he went borne with whoop young Miss de sum in de
Miss I hand J cum sot down
out. I me. Den one my little gals
What Miss brought sum it would
do call it on
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit,
Wants Things as They Are.
Some amusing are being
told which illustrate Kaiser
for having thin
arc rather than
.- be. n I he Ber
it host,
id model a of
. I. of Prussia In placed
in tho palm he made tho
mistake of idea the
in -ire to line work
of I i on .
that the he- before
the kaiser la majestic
and dignified which
totally characteristics of
h dear
was Kaiser Wilhelm's
iii-ii inspecting tho
production, must
represent the king forcibly
at v r simply. After all, ho
a bearish fellow. Well, make
him host followed the ad-
and produced a east the
of till king which full of
energy, blunt.
exclaimed the kaiser on be-
holding it. him only
take his hat Where court
toms r. in one the hat even
when is inconsiderate and a
Not Her Ideal.
Kipling tells this story
II. had Keen
lo young lady, who almost
immediately to end
whose were n full of lean
h. felt compelled to if she were
ill or if anything were tho matter.
at him
the disappointed maiden broke out,
I . i m o
Prepare your land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a better price when you offer it on the market.
Two years ago I secured a peck of seed, planted on half an
acre of land and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. R. J. Cobb together with several
other bales of good variety and this bale sold for three eights of a cent
more per than the lot. The lint is far superior to any cotton
sold on this market and the yield is far ahead of anything we have In
this country. Numbers of the best farmers in county saw my
crop growing in the field and pronounced it as fine as they ever saw.
I am offering these seed for sale at 91.00 a bushel. Parties
wanting any of seed will please send me order at once as I
only have a limited quantity for sale.
O. L
Greenville, N. U.
at social gatherings, anywhere, where a
of good dressers are gathered and clothes question is the
topic of conversation, you will if you lend attentive car,
that we are quoted as being the store always has snappy
for up man. The store that he looks to
for new store to which he first turns for a new cut a
suit, a new shape a bat or tie short, store
good always thing he without
extra price for style. If you arc interested Clothing and
character, come
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
no to remind you that yon owe
The Eastern for
and we request
you to settle as early as pas-
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Honor Roll.
Of public school for month
ending Jan. D. C. Moore,
rush teacher on
walk home, ain't but cal-
Boy way ever since
teacher has up
smooth week when Joe
Banter gal, let it out
that she have
candy stew on her birthday, which
Friday. I
thing a
then, and I
air now, at I hopes air.
i invited ever
body in neighborhood
stew, sum that won't, fer
Barrier's air leaders in big
in Ibis part
course, wanted
crowd, I believe
that invited
I never seed.
Hill early,
got thine afore
so Kill
out with Joe,
etc., I
Mrs. wash
dishes out fer merry
Time we i. id got things sot rite
crowd begun git in. I
out pot when wagon
load slopped yard, here
come u coupled off. I
spoke Sue Dolley
Jones started water
bucket lieu in cum Sam Jenkins
Stokes, so I spoke
but I didn't git
bucket fer I know-
ed, I in swish
speak here But I
got Hurry, after
what seemed age,
lase so
sum lo de big rum. I cum
nigh loop candy
my neck twice, fer it
seemed rum full
I tasted candy loops
it, but it
mutter with it. Miss
it burnt.
With all I'd
de teacher be-
gun him he
yard me
Miss i at de
crowd. It p in my mind
right den him Miss
But he
Miss de teach-
still it, but jest
bout time Miss jump-
ed up with senses
inter de
here she cum with
big lump candy be pull-
ed by Mr. she
nodded him cum on.
When be rose, there,
de quarters bis pants,
seems so dignified like, j latest de
I up say pasted as smooth
save me. I got no con las circus bill. De teacher, be
I I felt dis now addition bis wear-
apparel as soon I
error, but lot fer he slapped both
thank say. I an started fer do door. He run
started him my j Jones Sue Dally
but didn't seem proper, as their candy,
I, Mr. Turner
his you don't seem
be much amongst de
ladies. I
by He sorter
bless my time I
what, fer jest as be spoke, I
one my squall in
de my candied
newspaper in my I skipped.
out one
Ben Judson's little gals bad pulled
full bed
my younger son
When I got back inter de
teacher bad tuck my
seat Miss
I feller
tuck forty cents fer
it dun my heart good
In in i nice
sweet like, so I tuck
seat Mrs. Hannah
with .-
dis time bad
de loop jest de
neck de teacher, here he
By de time he de
door it wrapped
as same grave clothes.
Ho as stock up
as ever I seed.
Miss she Jest look like
she take wings an
T seen de teacher since.
Ben Judson up his mules
bis stood de teacher
up in de
I put paper in de
chair, teacher
sorter sot down on II,
jest think T caused all
Bill sea I be
red all over In candy sew
ed up father bed. But I
hope things air all now,
sincerely hopes de teacher looks as
Miss us ho did
stew at Joe
N. C, Jan.
Bay West, of was in
town yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Jennie Hooker has return-
ed from Speed, where she had been
visiting her brother and sou.
We are very sorry to state that
Mrs. W. B. is again quite
sick. It Is feared she has
J. F. King, of Greenville was in
town yesterday.
A certain man from a dis-
down to see one of our
neighboring young ladles, and
took her for a drive. Content-
creek was so high, he was
afraid to cross, for fear his horse
Hiss Cora U visiting
Miss Dora Grady.
Miss returned
from Falkland a few days ago. She
bad been visiting her brother, Dr.
W. it. Horns is still slowly
There was a social gathering at
Mrs. L C. King's Thursday even-
Several from this place at-
Miss Gay, Laura
ant and Li Hie Bynum were in town
yesterday evening.
Master Edwin Askew Is very
much improved.
There was a mad dog in town
Monday, be bit several dogs, hogs
and chickens and was afterwards
killed at Marlboro.
Misses Vivian Parker and Alice
Harper, who went to St. Mary's
school at returned home
last week.
Joe Beat, of Wilson, was in town
Mr. W. C. Dancy will wed Miss
Selma of
February Friends are invited
month of the year gone
without inaugurating a new enter-
prise in Greenville. Can't we do
better this month
One month of the new year gone.
New D. M. Ferry Co.
Seed at B. M.
weeks without an
extra day Ibis month.
I want bushels Yam Potatoes
at per bushel. S. M. Schultz.
W. L. Brown has moved to bis
new office in the Jarvis building.
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and lb gross,
Deputy L. W. Tucker
returned Wednesday evening from
Col. W. S. Carter, a prominent
citizen of Hyde county, died Sun-
come in close to
hunters are bagging lots
of them.
If condition of the roads
now does not convince people there
is room for improvement, nothing
else will.
Jno. A Williams, of
county will preach at County
Home chapel on the lib Sunday in
February 1902 at o'clock.
If you not provided with a
copy of the and Observer
Year Book or World Almanac
you can get them at Reflector
Book Store.
Lent will begin on the 12th, St.
Valentine's, day 14th and
Washington's birthday the 22nd.
So the short month has three
days anyway.
January waited until the last
quarter of month to give
ranch bad weather to speak of.
We hope February will also give
of good kind.
These bad days when business is
dull is a good time to plan bow
to increase trade. Try your baud
writing advertisement and
let The tell what yon
have to say.
three horse farm
miles from Bethel, known as
D. Carson farm. One
best little lams the county.
For information apply to
W. H. Bethel,
undersigned will sell for
cash at public sale, the late res
of W. M.
ed, on Friday Feb. 14th. 1902, all
the personal property belonging to
said estate, household
and kitchen furniture, cattle, Ac.
This Jan. 20th, 1902.
and wile, T. M.
and wife, Ashley
Whichard and wife. J. W. Martin
wife, J. G. Taylor and
Splendid Display.
Frank Wilson, King Cloth-
had a special window display
in honor of the district meeting
of of Pythias here
Wednesday night. The display
was most artistic and reflected
credit upon this popular store.
Taken to
E. D. Bell, Superintendent of
Roads of county, came
to Greenville Wednesday evening
ibis took back eleven
convicts who were sentenced at the
last term of Pitt Superior court to
work the roads
There was a large crowd of colored
people at depot to the con-
Fire In Norfolk.
had a disastrous lire
Thursday night. fire starlet
a little after o'clock in Col-
building. This adjoined
the Atlantic hotel which was also
destroyed, together with several
other large buildings. The entire
block was swept before lire could
be checked. The loss is estimated at
half a million dollars. It was the
fire Norfolk has bad.
Sunday is day,
when the traditional weather -sign
indicates some people
whether the winter Is nearly gone.
According to this old tradition,
if the ground-hog comes out of its
winter quarters on the second of
February and sees its shadow it
goes back, again, because win-
is only half gone. But if it
does not see its shadow, that is if
tho does shine on that day,
then it docs not go back because
there will not be much
Jesse went up the road
this morning.
Ab. Clark returned Friday
from Va.
W. E. J. S. Farmer
went to Tarboro morning.
Mrs. Alice Harper and son,
Alexander, are visiting relatives
Lenoir county.
Mrs. W. T. Lee and child re
turned from a visit to her parents
at Friday evening.
An h J
entered White Mouse a pol-
called him with refer-
to After the
preliminary expressions of high es-
teem, unbounded admiration and
eternal loyally ho began to disclose
his business. want to to
you about Mr. Blank, who holds a
small office down in
The politician didn't finish his
Interrupting him. that in-
in that place
I some know -ledge of him when
I was a civil commissioner.
The politician that
Mr. Bland was still and then
turned subject.
Register of Deeds, T. It. Moore,
issued the following marriage
Joseph Tripp and L.
Josh Arnold Lizzie Harriss.
Benjamin E. Patrick
Doris Flanagan.
Mary Oak-
James Teel Harriett Jones.
Willie Bell and Annie Beeves.
Willis Hemby Tilda Ed
The total number is-
sued during month of
was whites colored
This section ought to do more
Let some wise farmers
try it the coming spring.
smoke house was broken into and
some backbones other freshes
Two Quarrelsome Women.
A novel method of suppressing
two quarrelsome women has just
boon adopted in Pa,
Day day they quarreled over
their hack fence, and their scold-
so annoyed the neighbors
s sixteen foot fence has boon erect-
ed between their houses. It was put
up the other night by masked men
and a warning was posted that it
should not be torn down. The
women unable to sec each
but they found a hole in the
fence and made remarks through
that. Then a waited on
them said if v quarreled any
more they would bu driven out of
Where fine china i -t ho wanned
before use if i i no plate warm-
pass all the through warm
water and dry i, Sometimes
Cutting them before a brisk lire will
sufficient. serving Welsh
bits or any dishes cold plates
will make use
heavy china that will stand a high
degree of heat. In pouring hot
tea or coffee into a
china cup put a silver spoon in first.
This will prevent cracking of the
as Well as of the brilliant
t is ed all fine china. Tho
rule news good poll
end soup tureens. China should
never a quick change of
If brought from a cold
closet, it should stand in a warm
place before anything hot touches
Over Turkey or Chicken.
A delicious way use cold left
ever turkey or chicken is to mold
the white meat with cranberry jelly.
Put a layer of strained cranberry
sauce the bottom of a mold and
over this a layer of tho meat finely
chopped and seasoned. Add
cranberry and another layer of
alternating the tun till the
bowl is full. Put a weight on top
and set lo and harden.
When ready to serve, nun out on a
dish and garnish celery lip.
A Cold Cream.
Put a cream,
the holier, into a lined
an I hi ll In point.
Let cool, inns mid
after heating tune in
while hot I ho i i j i one
lemon, two
ed cucumber ha i
spoonful of hull a is-
of . Mir nil cold.
Add a drop mi you
lo perfume ii mid in pots
for use,
The Big January Sale is Still
Going on at
C T.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Ti River Lodge
Scorn Mm
annual district
Knights of Pythias for
the district of North Caro-
was held Wednesday
with Tar River Lodge, No. at
Greenville, was every way
a great Every lodge
district but two was represent-
ed. A special came over
from that loan, and
the latter having their
cornet baud along to
In all there M a
visitors present. Goldsboro
being represented by KI union
Mount Tarboro t,
Washington t, S,
sou t. New In and Elizabeth
The exercises took place
who surrender
c-d the gavel to District Deputy
OHM E. W. Smith.
I chair Mi. Smith delivered
Iterating address congratulating
their work.
gavel was then passed to
while you Grand Chancellor.
k to Dr. P I
A hotel may be without a peer
bat it won't last long a r
rival. V
a man's house is hp
t d I make him a
e who seem to think
the world owes them a living are
too lazy to collect the debt.
any tan
Come to see me for your next B or Polk.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
Take No Substitute.
The widow Harrison that
petition all the fame and says she
as rich at people suppose the
it, that income isn't
a year. She wants to give her
daughter a good education. In as
much at Gen. Harrison left an e
late worth about she
ought to be able to do that
Dr. D James,
for the practice of laser
will the of Dr. Hoyt.
-d there mil
can find
i v . i M n,
C. OH. U. D.
arm of W. R Whichard
N C .
Ibis day dissolved mutual K
from arm Tot
-.- .
will he fay and Fridays at A. M. tor
at, who will ll of the leave Tarboro for Greenville
J. W. ED.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence shipments
Ann to whom all owing the
firm are to snake
Jan 2nd 1902.
D. K
Loan Value.
J. Value.
Paid up
ft. Is
. Will be re -instated
win i- ., i, ,
are living, or within three ear after
of payment . arrears interest.
second So Incontestable,
Dividends an- payable the beginning of the . f
provided tin- rear be paid.
may be To Premiums,
i. To the or
I, daring the
of insured.
X. C.
It you sour stomach, biliousness, bad
dimness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache,
cf insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin,
or any and disorders which Ml story of bid bowels and an
i aired digestive system, Will Cure You,
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys,
he lbs stomach, purify your blood end j-m you
on your again. Your appetite return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys to trouble you, your skin will clear and
freshen and wilt the old time energy and buoyancy.
I in o
dismiss, trouble. fast L Me
ii of
. lbs V
i fr
,. i
who while the
was and re
ports several
billowed by conferring
the Bank Of a
dale of Tar by
degree team
At of the degree
work which beautifully done
, H. W.
address of
which to
by II. Hood, of Goldsboro,
of visitors.
followed by several ad-
Obligations as
by I. Fleming;
to by II.
ill. of
by G. ft.
I Stale
Heller by J.
I I i Hood, of
A little o'clock the
all repaired to I he opera house
where was
em h of the lodge
with him. There
were covets for two bundled and
few- vacant touts were left.
menu, which was by
Ladies Aid of
Christian listed of
law oysters,
turkey, eel
, sauce, filed oysters,
picket, sandwiches,
chicken salad, beaten biscuit.
Olives, fruit salad with whipped
cream, footed oranges, cakes
i- lice. The
There's a bile.
at this o
year, and many a ire i-l in
will you
That i why keep
try on band to
ache of and throb-
In- Id two
God created filled
the with mineral treas-
made the valleys and
the climate salubrious. It is a
wonderful country, and wonder
fully blessed. But there those
among us who forget God and only
Plant Trees
I hare on band a few thousand of
and Ornamental Greenhouse Plants,
Hose Bushes. , for sale
preparing to put a very large stock of
Nursery Tries for fall trade. Give roe
and save
It Greenville, C
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
leave dolly o
U. for Washington.
Steamer Edgecombe
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
The clerk of Superior court of Pill
baring betters of
Is me, undersigned on the fig
leader in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs for Si per
Half Cabinets ts-go per
All other lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on band all the lime. Come and
my work. trouble to show
samples and answer questions. very
beat work guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a m, I. lop. m. Yours to please.
W. E.
notice is hereby given to aH per-
to estate to make
i to and to
all of said estate to present
claims properly to
within twelve months
dale of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in their recovery.
Administratrix of Estate of W. E.
The Superior court Clerk of
having Issued letters of Administration to
roe, undersigned, on the 10th day of
I r. 1901, on the of A,
deceased, notice is hereby given
to all persons indebted to to make
to the undersigned,
and to creditors of said estate to present
properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months
the date this notice, or this notice will
be plead in bar of their recovery.
This the 10th day of December, 1901.
J. JR.
A i t I. .
and Saturdays
at carries freight only.
Connecting at
Steamers for Norfolk,
New and
ton, and for all points for West
railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
high price of meat and
meal should convince the south-
of prime
of raising bis own supplies.
The fat is best off when
he fills his smokehouse and
from bis and his field than
when be does so from Chicago.
Tarboro Southerner.
county Standard
will Ibis do for
cotton in a year like
was Sheriff B. W. Edwards bad
a tenant on bis farm, five
miles from Io raise last year
bales weighing MM pounds each,
Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Hrs. L H. WHITE,
Black N.
Nice line f hand. s low
Country bought for cash or in
You can't to keep
friends if you lose your
Good Go Astray
A country editor a nice
little pull leading
in which he was glad to see her
says an
Meeting scribe on the
For Sale by
the next day milliner
him with parasol and threaten-
tables and decorations of ed to his wife. The
lion e were beautiful. editor has never been able
The banquet over, L. I. Moore to find was wrong with
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Pine and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles work.
Please send your orders to
Vile Greenville Co.
Having duly qualified before the
Clerk of Pill county as Executor
f the Last Will and Testament Mm.
M. deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the estate
to immediate payment to the under-
all having claims against
the are to present their rial mi
for payment on or before day of
November, or this notice will
in bar of recovery.
This day of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs. HI.
I court.
Wm. Charles
M n Lee Hardy,
and other heirs law of
Wm. Charles Hardy, deceased
By order of the Superior Court of
county entered in Hie entitled pro-
sell at court house door In
N. C. Pitt county, st m. on
Feb. B, two town in
Bethel, county, which Wm.
Hardy st his dealt and called the
Andrews lots, both situate on Main street
in said ton.
cash and balance in
one and with interest on deferral
Cotton Bagging and lies always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D . W.
which ard
Whichard, M.
The Stock complete in every do
payment and prices as low so
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
. ii, v
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
the assembly as
and announced
Mr. Han of Rocky Mount, N took
No, in 1880, kind, ordinary life,
period annual
dividend in 11,780.40
for 8,000.00
Full 9.604
for 0,000.00
Withdraw total value 8,009.80
For an agency, or at your fur
with any other company, giving date of birth,
T. ARCHIBALD CARY, General Agent.
For Virginia North Carolina,
B. Street,
The Famous fountain gen
Daly and
responded to Jordan.
Men and
responded Io A.
Hi. II. i. Harper, of Kin-
to by
We Love
to by T. T. f
to by
F. F. of Wilson,
of the
to by B. T.
T. Jarvis,
All responses, its
in the hall, were ex-
The lodge
visitor with n
souvenir meeting.
It was nearly when the
all it
aim district
they attended.
his Times.
What Yo are Taking
When lake Tasteless Chill
the is plainly
el on it is
Iron in s tasteless form No.
Cure. No
Thia is sold to
Win. Charles
the of
of Wm. Hardy.
By P. O. JAMES, Attorney.
notice to
j. i m
t bud, be skip-
nil, a nun able
He on a salary of a
week, as book keeper, to build up
a shortage of
yet discovered exactly how .
he did Star.
The trouble with people who
make fools of themselves is that
seem Io enjoy it an thoroughly.
. M. Schultz.
retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Heed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Bed
steads, Oak Bo
by Carriages, Ho Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Hail A Ax
Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic food, Malt lies, Oil,
Cotton Heed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Heeds, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, fakes and Crackers,
j Cheese, Best Butter, Bland
lard Hewing and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity, for cash. Con
to see me.
Mr. John C. Drewry, General for
Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of J.
to announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and In the public
generally, of North com-
will now Business in this
state and from this dale will issue its
splendid and desirable policies, to all
very brat insurance in the beat
life insurance company in world.
If the local agent in your town has not
yet completed
State Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agent wanted at
once to worK for
advertisement in The Be
goes right along with its
advertisements work
all time building business for
the wise advertisers.
If you want people to visit your
store put your advertisement where
it will be read, that is in
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B. .
mutual Benefit.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers Brokers In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
People read this paper for what
there is in it, and will see
what you have to say.
If you have not lime to write
advertisement yourself or
don't know just what you
to say, let us know we will
help you get it up.
We have bright and attractive
cuts to illustrate
you can use
or the asking,
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever bandied by a North Caro
Una paper.
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
in initial matter.
printed Tuesday Friday
per year. The largest paper
In North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
In Advance.
One Year Months
Th Months Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em.
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or
one year for 93.50 payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector
J 1.00 III
The Great
Inventory is Many have laid out
matted down. We arc not crying out but have
prices n all winter goods. It would lie impossible to
all profits and continue to lie of service Io and yon.
The store that is all the lime co-t and cost, must
some day meet inevitable. After the smash the store is of
little service to any body. This
knows when to begin Hiring knows how long
knows when to stop. Every department bus suffered
the sex cut in Our object is to make room for Spring
We take here to thank our many friends for their pat-
in past, and invite them to continue their visits to our
store when they want bargains in up-to-date goods.
from correspondent.
v., Feb.
The bill providing for
of the of
Commerce was pasted
by the Senate this week mill
House passed a bill providing for
a permanent Census but
the most port nit step taken at
the Capitol was the action of the
Ways and Means Committee de-
upon the of
war revenue tax bill enacted at
time of the War.
Representative Claude A. van-
son, of Virginia, s prominent
member of the Ways mill Means
Committee, made the following
to your
apropos of the action of com
Democratic party, at the
time Spanish win was
ed, insisted that the special lax I
bill would provide sufficient
without the sale of bonds, and
accordingly the parry voted
against tho section
such sale. Events have demon-
the correctness of Dem-
contention. The war tax,
the bill, and
J. B. Cherry Co.
Economy chances that overshadow even our own
unrivaled bargains of the past. Magnetic, money-
saving values in every department. An
y such as no careful buyer will miss. An occasion
will make an in the business world
It will spread the fame of the J. B. Cherry Co's.
C i . i Bo I r.
I V., Feb.
How is
or Senator to be Dominated is a
which tome people are
already showing a disposition to
Some i is made,
usual, tn leaving n to the
as but DO
good grounds for it have yet
been advanced. As to the primary
method, ii baa fee advocates here-
abouts, m in the State,
us m as I can learn. Occasionally
one bear a voice
Hi n
him t the Mime lime it
for a Chief
tic. Conservative Democrats
generally appear to be averse to
however, until an amend-
providing for election of Sena-
by people, and the old
modus operand will probably .
ad hen to Ibis time.
The newspapers and
of the various the
State, Chambers i etc.,
can materially aid committee,
id the sale -f store to greater distances than have gigantic offers
bonds have combined to produce a I in securing as huge an
For Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
H. L
Next door to Ricks
mm m
We have just added Steam Supply to our business
will sell in this line very low. See us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam Hancock
U, S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Kitting all sizes.
LINE OF Packing, Rubber Belt,
Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks, Ac.
Harvesting machines. Sewer Pipe and Farm Drain Tale
Garland Cook Stoves.
surplus in the Treasury which the past.
proved a serious menace to
In fact, financial disaster
has been prevented only by the
purchase of bonds at a
and the deposits of vast
sums in the national of the
country, on which, of course, the
government received no Interest.
The has paid millions
of dollars in premiums which
might have saved had the a. a.
democratic policy been
The position of the republicans la
a complete rat ideation of policy
advocated by the democrats at the
Understand the position.
Almost n for
I tape
i in
a day all goods suffer the severest cut, and chiefly I they will out in its favor,
and surely that is a small thing to
affected are the departments enumerated and Item- do, compared to the in.
only all
zed below. Carolina, but
I and Western North Carolina
. Interested in ibis matter. It
Reduction Heavily Colored Goods
lot you dad a lot of ii-st;
dress patterns also some very
patterns Unit will make very
pretty skirt. Space too valuable
democrats will vote for
the repeal of war taxes because
they that the present vast
surplus is dangerous to business
interests and to the government.
They would much prefer a reform
entire tax system, Including
tariff and internal revenue
We that fond and clothing,
in a word the purchased
by the whole people, arc entitled
to at least as reduction as the
party is extending to
bank capital, the trust, the
Standard Oil trust,
; speculators.
All these arc while the
extortionate of the
bill are continued on all the
of the people.
Democrats on this Cm-
have insisted that all trust
made goods, which arc so protect-
ed by the bill as to enable
i trusts to charge the in
double the prices asked
abroad, should be allowed to come
the country free. This would
hare destroyed many monopolies;
but the republicans would not
permit it. They arc determined
to ignore the advice given by Mr.
in his Buffalo speech,
to reform the tariff and so
our foreign markets. The
party is determined to persist
in a policy which is breeding
trusts, which is glaring in
inequalities which is bound to
destroy our markets. The
only possibility of reform lies in
democratic supremacy, which
would permit the democrats to re-
model the system of taxation along
the lines of justice equality
In Black prices.
In black
In Black 0.50
Mistakes of Women.
of the mistakes of women is
owing how in sat. If a man
; i not I'd when she
Black Press Goods
in New,
, , . -1 have never f s. h goes with
12.50 Had . chance of, and this A ,,. ft the
Q long. is at the
thinks a cup often and anything
handy i good enough. If she
needs save money she does it at
the butcher's cost. If she is busy,
she waste lime in eating.
if his
11.50 ll PATTERNS
In Foulards
0.00 DRESS
In Foulards 7.00
Silk Waist Patterns
Just the thing for Spring and
Easter wear and a chance that
comes but once in life Io get
seasonable Silk at price we are
them at.
Waist Patterns
a to
drives, If the undertaker Interrupts
he is right. woman will
Ice cream instead of beef-
steak, and a man will not.
Another of her mistakes is in
not knowing to rest. If she
is tired, she sit down, but she
will shawls.
embroider doilies. Doesn't she
know I hat bard work if she
p. exhausted, she will write letters
DreSS I She would
i laugh at you If you Dinted
I reading or writing could to
French Flannel for Waists
Handsome lot of waist patterns
and no alike that were value
at 13.80 but this sale makes them
at 11.80, and it lot of plain Hairnets
that we have put the knife very
1.00 Odds and End-
Wail Patterns
the thing for ClOaKS
Dress Trimmings
e things for your Spring
Dress and anything that is new
and up Io date we have it, and to
make this sale complete we have
knifed I hem with our big blue
pencil along with everything else.
All over
women's hospitals nourish because
women do not know- how to rest.
Another mistake on the list is
publication the
Bulletin of an on silk
Ninth Carolina has already
borne fruit Several requests
have t ed from persons at
distance for copies of the
one coming from the Stale of
Michigan, and one from a Com
pan in New York which possesses
ample capital and which proposes
ample capital and which propose
to silk farms silk
mills in some of the Southern
States, where soluble laud can be
had at a reasonable price, and
where convenient power may be
available when needed. If North
Carolina secure the location
this Company it moans
of a very in-
State. Letters re
culture from this Company de-
dare the purpose of the President
other officers to visit North
Carolina, and perhaps other South
era States, an early date, for I he
purpose examining lauds
mill observing climatic
conditions, of the laud
for growing mulberry trees, and to
Other information as
may desire with reference to
establishing their business.
It Is desirable to have
of lands which are for sale,
and upon which the Chinese
owners of such
lauds are requested to tile with
present of laud
buildings, distance from rail-
road, to water power,
how much cleared and uncleared
land, whether any Chinese or
while mulberry trees are now
lowing the land, price, etc.
In the Depart-
desires lo secure the names
of persona who have
bad personal experience grow-
worms, who might de-
re to produce raw silk for the new
Please descriptions of pro-
for sale and names of silk
growers to the undersigned, care of
the Department of Agriculture,
Raleigh, X. c.
Botanist Biologist.
and kind Me
nod kind
and kind at
and kind at BOo
and 11.00 kind
1.00, 1.86 and 1.00 kind
Black Do
Black drain
Black Saline
Black Taffetas, Colored Taffetas
and every thing else in our Silk
Department have to suffer our
marvelous January Sale.
A Wretched Millionaire.
The story Is of owner of several
railroads who was unable to relief from
the agony of neuralgia. It
The sIck man must
have known that Perry Painkiller
would help him at once, n has helped SO
many of In the
sixty years. Then- is tut om Painkiller.
Mail and Telephone orders
promptly and carefully filled.
j. .
They blush to know that gel and even build bridge
are marked down so low and They Imagine
we have got to have their tun out to meet It.
our price will give it Io Women arc not jolly enough,
and benefit early buyers. make serious a business
of life, and laugh at little bu
Space all gone and not
, t . the midst of perplexities and have
half our story told, but ., ,,
young. Women cannot and
is reason why fade
so there other reasons,
but ill now.
not face; it
wrinkles withers the mind.
Have a hearty laugh once a
while, is a good antiseptic,
win purify mental atmosphere,
drive away evil Imaginings, bad
temper and other
B. c. Feb. I,
Wm. Dot man returned, from
Jacksonville, Island and
Elizabeth City Saturday.
L. Chapman returned from
New Peru Saturday.
was here Friday.
C. II. went on a
trip in New Bern Monday.
It. C. wool to
and bin arc their enemies, and I
hug to their bosoms,
Women cross bridges before they
you can the rest
At Our Store.
Everything marked in
plain figures with our big
blue pencil.
You Know What You
When you lake Tasteless
because the I minis is plainly print-
Iron Quinine in s u ii Ii a
Pure, Pay.
distillery at Snow Hill.
Jacob went lo Wash-
Mrs. Bland and two
It-It on steamer Laura for New
Miss Laura is
Mis Alice the Cobb
Fred Johnson, was
here Sunday.
Foster, colored, baa
allowed a pension, be received a
government cheek for
six hundred dollars and get
six dollar every month as long us
long as he lives.
J. A. Johnson la visiting
V. A. has been here a
few days and left Monday for Kin-
I. A. Cobb is iii Norfolk.
Then were live
sportsmen here last week.
returned home Friday.

Eastern reflector, 4 February 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 04, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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