Eastern reflector, 28 January 1902

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Have You Forgot
Dry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware thing
Come to see me for your next of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Loan Value.
Cash Value,
Extended Insurance that works
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid mouth while yon
living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory
of payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
Si To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
If you soar stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, dizziness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It will clean the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
-c mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put
en your again. Your appetite will return, your bowel move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear J
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
r Making proper la tool fur
diarrhea, and similar will find tr
an- their regular without r a --n-
nature, akin relieve tho noted i u n,
then ;. ;
Me ii for
For by
I i m the
Stun tn medicine, in , j . ,
to THE CO . i
to in. . ,
B bottle r.
1.4111. p vow
, i p,
and thousands of
others prominent the world i to- III fire
ration In sifting the actual from report and the
of events in proportion. The on us
freedom from daily-paper All men and women
wart to know the world is doing grid it an Intellectual necessity.
Judge from letters from hundreds Its editorials are
comprehensive, labor to the man or woman It,
contributions on Important topics are by the best-Informed
writers Its of other magazines give the best of their best
work It is profusely illustrated
These letters will all men and to judge
of its value
, a , ,,, c
I through In col- Review of and
views nave been to very highly Indeed I think
me that I could otherwise have It a very Important, pan of
access to; all earnest library, and practically a
thoughtful men. no matter for one In public
widely their ideal diverge, are S.
utterance In Its col-
Is one of the tail and
, , , ,. day W. J
I consider a .,
addition Io my library.
do not hive a deal
It ts a very great time to read
value I ha-.- found In saying
tr matter indeed an
I mi i h n . p
e , .,., . . , each v-.-,
W S .
the nun i ii
S. C, Jan.
One of
events of las week was the
Communication of the Grand
Lodge of inter-
est and largely attended one in
many years. The report of
Secretary Drewry showed that the
order last year one
of the most nourishing and
years of its existence.
were looking
purchase of a suitable site in this
city the of a Masonic
Temple, and a committee was
pointed to purchase a wedding gift
to presented to Grand
John Drewry who is to be mar-
this by the
Lodge. Mr. splendid
work was highly by
the Grand
The following
were elected for the ensuing
Grand II. I. Clark,
land Deputy Grand Master,
W. S. of Charlotte;
Warden, K. Winston, of
Windsor; Junior Warden,
M. of Hillsboro; Grand
William of
Grand Secretary, John C.
of Director Ox
ford Orphan Asylum, John W.
Cot ten, Tarboro.
Following are the Grand
appointed by Grand Master
A. Marshall, Chaplain; Rev.
B. W. Hatcher, Lecturer; T. J.
Reed. Grand Deacon; R. N.
Hacked, Junior Deacon; K.
F. Lamb; F. M. Winchester,
W. and J.
Standard-bearers; R.
H. Bradley, The
were installed by Past Grand Mas
Richard J. Noble, S. L. Parker
acting as Marshal. The
of a Past Grand
Master was presented to B. S.
were granted to ten
new Lodges, Over gates
were present, representing
Lodges, and they made a line look-
body of men. New life is be-
into the order and it
enters upon the new year's work
with bright prospects.
The second of the North
Carolina Association was
held here last week and adjourned
to meet here again in August
next, report of Secretary
Parker showed the cotton seed sit-
mi improved, mid the
of cooperative seed oil
mills was
the delivery of addressed and the
appointment of delegates to the
good roads convention, which
meets here February 10-15, no
of interest was
advanced to eight cents
on the Raleigh market Saturday-
is now more largely.
Last year this time it brought
and the receipts at Raleigh are
lea than last year.
Only bales have been mark-
here so far, while on January
nearly had been
sold. Cotton ought to go to nine
a month, it does seem,
all the market
will permit it.
The Stale Auditor has completed
his report showing the
valuation of Hie tax real and
personal property in Caro-
The total valuation is
and the total tax assess
rat cents i is
MM,, There are
acres of land, valued at
town lots, valued
at and acres
mineral lands, valued
at This assessment on
the whole is course far below
the actual value of the property,
as usual. According to this re-
port we arc supposed to own
174,2.15 horses, males
jacks and
jacks of the human species not in-
popular never tat to
Dyspepsia, Constipation,
And ALL DISEASES arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
natural result la good appetite
and small; elegant.
I, coated and to
Take No Substitute.
All Eastern North Carolina is in-
in this matter.
President Elliot of
will visit the State
the formal and In-
College and the State A.
M. College in April, spending
two days at each, beginning with
April 4th and 5th at Chapel Hill,
0th and 7th at Greensboro, 8th
and 9th at Raleigh.
Judge Frank Osborne, of
Charlotte has the race for
the making the
Democratic candidate who
desires to succeed Senator
and it is hinted that there are
still others to the race.
Indifferent Citizen.
One of the great dangers of our
government, especially our
government, is the
of a very large proportion of
the people.
Among those whom we are ac
to regard as the best class
of citizens there is a great and
growing of duty to take an
active part in politics. In fact we
hear men of intelligence and
property boast that they
little and care less about public
questions. These men would b
if you should tell them
that they are not good citizens,
and are responsible,
through their sins of omission, for
the ills abuses of which they
arc often the first to complain, but
you would lie telling the truth.
No man is a good citizen who has
capacity to help cause of
good government, and fails to do
so. He is a stockholder neg-
bis duty to himself and to
newspaper whose
with advertisements of business
men has more in attract-
attention to building town
any other agency that can be
employed. People go where there
is business. and labor go
where there is an enterprising
community. No power on earth is
so strong to build up a town
well a paper veil patronized,
and power should be
ed. The man who overlooks his
town paper injures himself by in-
his town
A Busy Small Store.
There is a feeling among some
merchants establishments
have not yet reached the
of department stores
i regular and persistent
does not pay. A
small in New York
surrounded by big stores has been
recently advertised steadily in the
newspapers, however, re
salt, according to the manager, Is
that are as busy as the busiest
large Rec-
A little lie goes a long
Man's days arc numbered
thanks to the calendars.
The early bird catches a cold
these frosty mornings.
The most certain feature of a
sure thing is i's uncertainty.
It's Io be a back number
than not to numbered at all.
No, dear, a fisherman
doesn't have to be intoxicated to
Sorrow Unit is drowned in drink
will I to haunt you.
The inn . who no confidence
in himself expect to
it in others.
The goose that laid the golden
egg wasn't In it with the one who
It is to be hoped that the efforts brick
of Major E. J. Kale et who
before the Congressional
Makes Apology.
N. C, Jan.
The trouble between Judge Robin-
son and Hon. John Shaw has
been settled. Judge
made an apology which Mr. Shaw
accepted in the spirit in which it
When court convened,
Judge Robinson said, speaking to
Mr. Shaw, who had been request-
ed to be present i
we arc both go-
over the road of life for our
only and last time, I wish to
state that we all make mistakes at
times, and that the court is no
from all that
court now sees knows that it
acted perhaps rudely towards you
on Monday, but if so, that it
was without personal feeling or in-
tent to offend; that, while I make
mistakes. I hope that it was never
from personal feeling towards any
seeming rudeness, which I could
not have intended, I make lull
The hare formed
a for the practice of their
beginning January 1902.
will of Dr. on
Dickinson avenue, where all needing
can find them.
K. M
C. U.
The firm of W. U. Bro.
doing business at Whichard, N. IX,
this day dissolved mutual consent. Pi K.
withdrawing from firm. The
will be continued by W. K.
aid, will all of the
firm and to whom all persona owing the
firm are requested to make immediate
Tim Jan. 2nd
W. K.
This is the glorious season of the
year when you wear a heavy over-
coat one day, a linen duster the
a porous plaster the third
and a doctor's bill the fourth.
Orange, Va., Observer.
Dental Surgeon,
v Greenville,
IN 1800.
J. V. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Plan t Trees
I have on hand ft few of Fruit
and Ornamental
Bushes, ice , for sale I
preparing to pal n of
for the fall
Proprietor Nursery,
The leader in work and low price
Nice Photographs lot per dozen,
Cabinet-, per dozen.
other lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No to show
samples and answer questions. The
work to all. Office
to a. m., to p. m. Yours to please.
S. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Heat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Cigarettes, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cot ion Seed Meal Bulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, Stand
aid Sewing Mach and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Phone Sf.
The clerk of Superior court of Pitt
having issued Letter of
to m, the undersigned the lit day of
the W. E.
notice is hereby given to all
-on to the estate to nuke
payment to the and to
all creditors of estate to present their
claims properly authenticated, to the
within twelve mouths after the
date of this notice, or this notice will I
plead in their recovery.
This the 1st day of January, 1902.
Administratrix of the Estate of W. K.
The Superior court Clerk of Pitt county,
having letters of Administration to
the undersigned, on the 10th day of
December, 1901, on the estate of J. A,
deceased, notice Is hereby given
to all persons indebted to to make
immediate payment to the
and to creditors of said estate to present
their claims, properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months after
the date this notice, or this notice will
in bar of their recovery.
This the 10th December, 1901.
Adm r. on t e of T. .
Having duly qualified before the
Clerk of Pitt county u Executor
f the Last Will and Testament Mrs S
Hi. deceased, notice is hereby
to nil persons indebted to the estate
to make payment to the under-
signed, and all persons claims against
the estate are i tied to present their claims
for payment on or before the 29th day of
November, 1902, or this notice will
in bar of recovery.
This 29th day of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs- S. M.
t I s .
Bertie county.
Waft, Charles Hardy, deed.
Hardy, R. Lee
heirs at law of
Wm. Charles deceased
Bf order of the Superior Court of Bertie
county entered in the above entitled pro-
sell at court house door in
Greenville, N. C, Pitt county, at m.
Feb. those two town In
Bethel, Pitt county, which Wm. Charles
Hardy owned at his death and called the
Andrews both situate on Main street
in said
third cash ind balance In
one and two years with interest on deferred
This land is sold to pay the debts of
Wm. Charlie Hardy.
This Jan. 1902.
of Wm. Charles Hard v.
By F. O. JAMES, Attorney.
par; m. It
on Rivers and
In the
lion facilities of the Cape Fear
river, and asking an
to provide
between and
Wilmington, will be
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap
We patronage and
lo Rive in
will Mother
inn h lining a hurt in I styles and work,
the are
There it no prevent-
tut their wont
are with Perry Han,
No other remedy approaches
It for the relief of
There hut one Painkiller Perry
M. CO.
notice f o
Mr. John C. General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular
Life Insurance Co., of
to to large Dumber of
policy and to tho public
generally, of North this com-
will now In
and from this date will Ila
desirable policies, to all de-
siring the very beat i In the beat
life company in the world.
If local agent in your town baa not
yet completed arrangements,
Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic wanted at
once to for the
Old mutual Benefit.
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. CALDWELL Editor.
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
l per year. The largest paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
Steamer leave Washing
ton daily st A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. O.
-a------e at
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A I rial will convince yon.
C W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market
paid produce.
J. P. MET,
-------DEALER IN-------
Also a Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Biz Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em.
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The
one year for payable In ad-
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
no a
When Down
Town Trading
Don't forget to call on us fur some
pretty Shirt Waist Goods Cheap.
Will also give yon
Big Bargains
in Hamburgs, Valentine and Swiss
Laces, and lots of other
V down.
i. C, Jan,
Miss Dannie Wood, of Kinston,
is visiting friends here.
Miss Geneva Gardner, of Green-
ville, is visiting relatives in this
B. . of Greenville, is
in town buying cotton.
II. H. Taylor, of this
spent Tuesday evening in
H. L. Nichols, near Green-
ville, passed Tuesday en
route to Charleston.
Wm. Staton and spent Tues-
day in Tarboro.
J. M. Whichard and John Mayo
of near here spent In Tar-
on business.
Bar. J. returned
Monday where be held
services Sunday and night.
It. D. is in Norfolk
purchasing a line lot of team.
The prices will surprise you.
Please call in and see them
Hours to please
J. B. Cherry Co.
Economy chances that overshadow even
our own
unrivaled bargains of the past.
of near here, i --f
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Mr. Dan A bra in. of Mount, N. C, took out policy
No. in 1880, amount kind, ordinary life,
year accumulation period; annual premium 1988.90; total
year dividend payable in cash
and continue policy for 5,000.00
2- Full paid participating additional 2.504
and continue for 5,000.00
Withdraw total cash value 8,502.80
For an agency, or example of results at your age for com-
with any other company, address, giving date of birth,
For Virginia and North Carol inn,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va
Saturday night
Miss Patience ac-
companied by Jesse Thomas spent
Wednesday in Tarboro.
O. H. James is now on I lie road
selling desks and so on.
Mr. Powers wife of
is spending several days
here on account of their health.
It. L. Gardner, of is in
Willie Peal and have
accepted a position street and
walker of this place. We wish
them much success.
Mr. of Maryland, is vis-
his daughter, Mrs. J. D.
of this place.
Every school bas its room
for Improvement.
Magnetic, money
Sunday in saving values in every department. An
as no careful buyer will miss. An
that will make an immense stir in the business world
It will spread the fame of the J. IS Cherry Co's.
store to greater distances than have gigantic
of the past. Understand the position. Almost in
l ft The
22nd, Livingstone
Johnson, of visited Win-
and delivered
addresses we ever
beard. We ii give hi- thoughts
as best we can. After
school he
There are things we lo
know. Von a hog
In- -nil
thought I saw an educated horse
Ion after I knew it only
noted account certain signs
given Ins master and to dodge
lash, u can improve
with education.
There once n
inly professional nun an
n was to be a
lawyer, doc. preacher, he
must be educated but lo farm, on
id mat win. needed. This no-
i- living out and fathers real-
tee every child
he a blessing or a
curse. An on the
track, the steam N raised and a
man leaps lo the throttle.
Then there for power is
n the hand -if a mail man. but
a smoke in the smoke house.
and when the mother to kill
it i-he t mid it to lie only a
padding which had fallen
from loft. matter bow ninny
servants arc in the house, learn to
work if you never need to all
i and if you have lo you know
how. I have no sympathy for the
boy who conies home from college
to lie around in the shade while
bis poor old father works in
Held. raised Hie farm and
every I
to the country to work on a farm.
I don't intend to raise a boy who
hitch a to a plow.
Don't think father, who had no
opportunity, your equal. He
your equal. Sign your name,
II to a
check it may lie worthless
While your lather's signature looks
like a crawled over
yet bis check brings the money.
A mother took washing to earn
money to educate her boy and
when he graduated at the head of
in- class received many bean-
bouquet be stepped off the
and gave them to his mother.
She credit for bis sue-
You should know everything
a, something. Nobody knows
a day all goods suffer the severest cut, and chiefly
affected are the departments enumerated and item-
zed below.
let a good man be at the
and great good to the people is. everything. Some
result. Bible is the
lion nil education. I would
rather my children should
Von tell them anything. In
each man has a trade and
ignorant than lo by
godless all the work In the
means i know of
thing about everything r
Reduction Falls Heavily
Colored Dress Goods
AT ABOUT HALF, and in Hit
and every-
thing something Today
brings great opportunities.
cam only log school
For Nails, Locks, lUnges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, to
H. L Gill
Next door to Ricks Wilkinson. to Ormond Carr. i
Times The Value
v, ill all
Atlanta, Ga.
For talc by
,. , . man wen,
Counterfeit money that is Department. T lo
is not at bing of the past. r TUT. again home,
of U
Every man likes to sec the right
prevail because we all feel we are
on that side.
Some wise men don't get so
credit for wisdom as some foolish
men who are good
Tom Shot in Hickory.
Hickory, of the
greatest tragedies has ever
taken place inside if the corpora-
was that occurring last
in the eastern portion of tho town
when Tom Yount, a well connected
young married man, mis shot from
ambush. The ball, from a
pistol, entered through the
upper lip, knock three
teeth, clipping the tongue and
lodging in the right lower jaw.
Dr. II. who was at
called to dress the wounds of
the victim, said, after a careful
examination, if it had been for
the teeth breaking the force of the
ball causing the same to range
downward, the shot would have
been fatal.
There is much exciting comment
over the affair and there Is a great
deal of evidence as
to the guilty parties, but so far
there has not been any arrest,
although one night policeman was
on the scene at the lime of the
shooting, thereafter locating some
of the parties biding, one of
whom was clothed in a Woman's
garb. Leading up to tragedy
it is said that a fascinating widow
of this town played a part
which caused a great deal of
between certain
There will probably be several
rests Implicating various
parties. While Mr. wound
is very painful, will probably
him life, is not
thought to be fatal.
imagines that a neglected cold
a day. Tin- inn- in die
sis sou the throat b i lea-
lint Una in-J
oil e TM c will i
tin- lungs will h-
In Black
In Fancy
In Foulards 1.00
j patterns will nuke very
pretty skirts. Spare i.
in the
Silk Waist Patterns
Just the thing for Spring and
Easter wear a chance that
comes but life to gel
seasonable Silk at the price we are
offering them at.
Waist Patterns
I. 0-4.00 3.00
4.00 11.00
8.00 and Ends in
Wait Patterns 2.80
thing for
Dress Trimmings
and kind at
and kind at
and kind at
SO and kind at
Slid 1.00 kind at
11.00, 1.25 and 1.00 kind at
Black Bole
Black Saline
and every else in inn Silk
Department have to suffer
January Bale.
; in New,
g mis H ii you have never
before a chance of, and ibis
one last long. by read ill j
the land
Now they are
was an event of
Schools now conn- in touch with
living Issues. Borne men graduate
and then have Lille sine a
ma. Rook knowledge alone is not
Today we gel a part
The press is tilling
Pick out only good
r . r. , . , , I when you raid. paper
tor waists should be
of M
and no two alike were valued
but this sale makes
at and a lot of plain
that we have put the knife very
Dress Trimmings
-lust things for your
Dress and anything is
up to date we have It, and
make this sale complete we have
knifed I hem with our big blue
pencil along with everything else,
do. now have certain
A few- to teach all
studies. Doctors specialize one for
eye, one ear, etc. Don't
he all but master
one. We largely determine our
positions lb life. School orators used
to grow they might
he sneaking to a future Governor
or President, you may be greater.
A Governor may be as mean as. the
devil wants him lo while you
may In- a true man or a noble,
pure woman. A Congressman once
gelling the best of his opponent in
an argument received taunt
that he once blacked boots. The
reply came; Yes, and no man
w ill say I didn't do it well. Train
your minds so that yon may be
something in life, ever basing it
upon the Divine teachings of the
Bible and may God bless you in
your noble efforts.
Reform an Indian.
Cloaks Skirts.
They almost to know
are market down .-. low aid
we have got to have room,
our price will give to
and buyer.
Space all gone and not
half of our story told, but
you can jet the rest
At Our Store.
Everything marked in
in our plain figures with our big
blue pencil.
Mail and Telephone orders
promptly and carefully filled.
j. K W.
Panama canal, but never
allow ii kill the influence of good
papers. Tho best Literary pro-;
Auctions are found In books as
they are written time. Head
some Action by standard authors
not trashy kind.
however may kill your taste for
more solid leading and if docs The newspapers are having fun
quit It. But you may read the commissioner of Indian
yon may smell of books be affairs on account of his recant or-
educated, to Indian agents to make the
Learn observation, red men have their hair cut, to
men with eye live blindly. wearing blankets and paint-
men may travel to tho same place, . laces. Short hair, coals
one socs nothing, the other is and breeches tend to civilization,
lighted with many things he he argues, while the paint runs
on his trip. A preacher may down the when
seen bush or Bower, perspire and gives them ion eyes.
Learn by talking to those who I These reforms to be instituted
know more I do. We love cases, when necessary,
lo lo those who know less, I pains for In-
used to love lo talk to the little stance by catting off the rations of
and when I look my refractory or looking them
trip la Wilmington I told
III. Ill all about just to
look bite and shine. If a
doesn't receive and water
continually pumped ii
dry, so we unless receive
talking with more intelligent
The truly educated will not
look down oil you but and In-
Von must know how- to do some-
thing, a gill should know bow
lo keep and cook, a DOW
to farm. I pity those win. have
never come In touch with nature.
the till who is raised in a
band box, who plays one air on the
piano and puts on a thousand
more. b like girl who
was scared almost to death ill sec
Hut ii is hard lo reform on Indian,
or squaw. A former
Stales marshal for the Western
district of North Carolina, whose
business carried a good deal
among of our West.
em counties, tells of ease of a
young Indian girl who
had been educated the
schools up lo their limit and
was soul out of Hit- Slate to
college. She remained away four
years, back highly educated
in literature, art and mask, and
dressed in the height of fashion.
And in three mouths her line togs
had been and she
again going barefooted wear-
a blanket. That's an Indian
for yon. Charlotte Observer,

D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
Entered at the Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second Class
Mail Matter.
a of tor
to or cause to be exploded
any fireworks within town.
towns desiring to lie rid of
danger and of tire-
works at Christmas might well
follow ibis example of Scotland
Neck the matter early.
Roosevelt has signed
an order to return m
to the government. It
represents the share of loot secured
by State marines at the
fall of
A Rochester man claims to
discovered a process for t
to the
Tattooing will lie a lack
and picture a
reality. This open
vista of possibilities.
has shows
need of a water supply. A
hydrant on the corner could prob
ably have saved Mr. II. C. Hook-
residence Friday night. Those
who are opposing the town having
improvements ought to withdraw
their opposition.
To patentees all
patents are of protective
value. They all have the seal of
the Government and a blue ribbon;
lint some patentees the
of claims it is to their
skill and perseverance in securing
protecting claims that A. Snow
Co., of Washington, owe in part
their reputation and success.
Our neighbors acre I lie
Virginia have set us a good exam-
for speed justice
high crime. Saturday even-
lady living near Torts
was returning to her home
from that city. the way she
was dragged her buggy by a
who after getting her to the
roadside attempted a criminal as
upon her, being frightened
from bis purpose by other people
along the road. The
was pursued d captured, two
other mm of his race being leaders
in the capture. He was placed in
at Portsmouth. Tuesday
Boning the grand jury found a
true bill, and the BUM afternoon
sentenced to be hanged, the date
of execution Wing the earliest day
that could lie named under the
law. There were threats of
alter the commission of the
crime, but with the court taking
such quick action as this the pen
will be lolly to let the
law take its course.
There has been placed the
room of the House Committee on
Naval Affairs at Washington, a
of battle of Santiago.
The ship, is
in the thick of it. Sampson is
by a thin line of smoke
on the horizon. history
had its say, it looks as if the sister
Muse of Art is trying to do some
A correspondent today offers a
good suggestion, that
and Pitt should be
in the good roads
to lie held in Raleigh next
month. It needs no argument to
prove that Pitt county ought
have roads, our people
ought to grasp any opportunity
that will improve their condition.
Better roads will greatly advance
the interests of the county and
town. Let delegates be sent to
Cupid solves problems in Ken-
politics that have baffled the
Senators. A few months ago there
were two contestants for a post
office. The was a young
lady. A man wanted the place
and there was a deadlock between
public sentiment political ex-
Finally the aspirant
married the fair postmistress, and
both are living the salary which
is now drawn in his name. In a
more recent case a woman was
making a right to retain
is post mistress against a
cal She, alas married
another and as her name has
been changed, there MB be
appointment, another light is lost
Scotland Neck Is taking time by
the forelock and has taken steps
early in the year to lie relieved of
a dangerous nuisance when the
next holiday season comes. We
see from the Commonwealth that
the of that town
have adopted making
it a misdemeanor, punishable by a
Hue of for any person to bring
any fireworks the town,
i- for each and
every day such fireworks are
lowed to remain the town it
is also made a misdemeanor,
Washington. II. C.
In the Senate, the Philippine
bill is being discussed. On
Tuesday Senator Lodge made a
long speech defending the action
of his committee in amending the
bill passed by the House. As the
Senator from Massachusetts was
expatiating upon the advisability
of continuing the
policy and the advantage to be
derived from trade with China,
a democratic member remarked,
lOttO gentleman's
next step towards building up our
trade with China will be the re-
enactment of the Chinese
law I suppose
Senator Rawlins is preparing to
contest every step towards the en
of the Philippines bill as
reported and he will be ably mu-
by Senator On
Tuesday Senator made a
strong appeal his colleagues to
do justice to the Philippines. Hi
said that the present measure is
calculated to prevent trade
between the islands this
Country and to continue the
maintaining large forces of
soldiers there in order to preserve
order. policy of the
is he declared,
to permit the of the
American Army to replenish their
fortunes at the expense of the
fortunate and then re-
turn to this country to live in
Senator Vest is
for a vigorous onslaught on the
ship subsidy which will soon lie up
for discussion.
A discussion, which the
should have taken place
in executive session lint which 00-
on the low of the Senate ill
open session, recently revealed the
republican in
the expenditure of public
funds. Growing out of the effort
pass a bill providing a
for one of the Senate
committees, it that at
the present lime the amount spent
for messengers other employees
of the Senate exceeds the
gate salaries and mileage of the
Senators themselves. It is a well-
known fact that many these em-
are entirely unnecessary
and that they are simply a result
of the spoils system, having
without regard to their
usefulness because
who secured their employment
reasons of his own for wishing
to support them at the expense of
the Tho total amount
now paid to the special employees
of Senate aggregates, accord
to the estimate of Plat
salaries and mileage to but
Wednesday 22nd
lost- at the home of the bride's
father, Mr. W. K. in
Carolina Mr.
Miss Lena
were married by Rev. Win
They were attend by J. L. Moor-
with Miss Bertha and
II. Jr., with Miss
Mooring. The wedding
march play by Miss Susie
Alter the bridal
part left the home of the
mother, Mrs. M. A.
Whichard. where the reception
was held. An welding
supper was served to a large
The couple received some very
handsome bridal presents.
tin Wednesday afternoon, 22nd
lust., at I o'clock, at the home of
father, Mr. O. W.
James, in township. Mr.
John and Miss Florence
James were married by Elder Sam
The attendant were Walter
James with Miss Tina Tyson, Os
car William- and Miss
Highsmith, Will with
Miss Addle Mason, W. I. Nobles
with Miss Williams.
After the ceremony the bridal
party went to the home of the
bridegroom's mother, Mrs Piney
Highsmith. where the reception
was held and the supper
Wednesday, at
m. at the home of Mr.
S. M. Jones, in Bethel township.
Mr. T. J. Daniel and Miss Ida I.
Rogers were married by M.
T. Immediately after
the ceremony the couple for
the home of the bridegroom in
township, where a sump
nous wedding supper was served.
Resume of the Term Just Ended.
Daughters the
The term of the
court closed late Friday after-
It has a busy two
the first week the
jury was session acted on
bills. Several bills were
by that body. This shows
that our Justices should be
careful and not send petty cases to
has given
day the cases tried disposed
of. cases were ac-
returned not true bills, or
by judgment for costs on for
bonds. persons were
convicted sentenced to prison,
the roads or made b pay lines.
persons submitted and were
or to the roads. Judgment
was Upended on payment of costs
very few cases. The school fund
was increased nearly
Five prisoners go to the State
prison eight ten to the roads
in Pitt should
have her own road force, but of
that we will write
When court adjourned Sheriff
Harrington had collected in cash
lines and costs, and has
enough due and secured to n
Very few cases were continued,
only in when defendants
could not lie found a few
cases when witnesses
away. In these a doctor's
certificate was required.
The court officers say this has
been their busiest court. Judge
Winston spoke publicly of all the
county officers engaged the
court, he repeated his tribute
to Solicitor Moore which was paid
in his grand Jury charge.
Judge is a worker. Of
course we do not need to mention
his ability as a lawyer, but we
again refer to his regard for the
public interests, the interest of the
tax impartiality as a
Judge and his uniform courtesy to
all who attend court. He will
bold a civil term in March
nod a criminal and civil term in
M. Iran
Special Attention Tobago
Last we made about
Tobacco Trucks, mostly of the
pattern, we have not.
heard of a single who bought
these trucks that does not speak in
praise of them. We found many
who wanted to use
but could because they had
not their rows properly.
We advised the farmers last season
to the us tobacco
trucks and prepare their rows so
they could use them they be-
to house their tobacco. Many
of them took our advice were
glad of it. Others did and
them regretted the fact.
We had customer who said he
had rather chop eighth row
of tobacco down throw it away
to house his tobacco without
the trucks. We still advise every
tobacco grower to prepare bis laud
with a view of using these trucks
housing his crops the
coming season and our experience
is, they will never have cause to
regret G. Cox Mfg. Co.
The ring conspicuously displayed
on the finger of a fair hand is not
only attractive but the pretty face
of its wearer adds charm
that is still more seductive
proven disastrous, in one
to the well-being of a
certain young gentleman of our
acquaintance. wish
one to guess. It's a secret.
Rev. Livingstone Johnson, of
Secretary of the State
Mission Board, lectured the
school chapel Wednesday after-
noon. Wednesday Thursday
evenings he preached two most ex-
sermons to very large and
A toad under
a harrow
suffers no more than the faithful horse
that is tortured with Spavins, Harness
Sprains, etc. Most owners know this
apply tho kind of sympathy that heals, known
far and RS
Never even in tho most aggravated cases.
Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known
remedy. Hardly a peculiar to muscle, skin
or joints that cannot be cured by it.
Mustang Liniment
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit.
Prepare land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a price when you offer it on the market.
Two years ago I a peck of seed, planted them on an
appreciative audiences in the
Missionary Baptist church here. , through Mr. R. J.
W. J. lark left Thursday Ma, of good variety and this bale sold for three eights a cent
for Va., to per pound than the lot. The lint
higher, who is dangerously ill.
II. and sister, of , field and pronounced it as flue as they ever saw.
were visiting their sister, Miss . M . .-
night and returned to their home; ,,
Wednesday afternoon under
the auspices of Mrs. Jarvis
Mrs. W. S. Parker, of
a children's chapter of Daughters
the Confederacy was
and named in honor of Jar-
Mm. Jarvis will instruct the
young people in their monthly
meetings In history. The
new chapter will work the in-
soldier of the county
will lie active in helping a home
monument gathering
dowers and decorating the graves
of soldiers killed during the war.
of those who have since died.
The officers Mrs. Jarvis, lead
Miss Helen Forbes,
Miss Mai
Miss Allen, Secretary; Miss
Margaret Treasurer.
The young people had a great
deal of fun in cutting and a
large cake while looking for the
Lucky The dividing line
was struck by Miss Mai
and Miss ma Allen. Miss
being the lucky drawer for tho
Shall w always slumber The
leaven is at work many parts of
our country. It requires no
to prove the necessity for, or
benefit to be derived better
The better the roads, the cheap
can produce be marketed. The
better the facilities for reaching a
market, the better the market. So
that purely from tho most narrow
financial view it is worthy of eon-
I wonder the pulpits do not take
it up, since a slight expenditure
would lie such a relief to beasts of
Would it not it
folly to- for Pitt
and especially, to be
represented at the flood Roads
Convention at next
How it Commissioners and
Other Notion will outstrip us if
don't. M.
Superior Court.
The cases have been
disposed of since last
N. W. Stancil, Cromwell Ev-
W. W. J. T.
Hodges and George Hodges affray,
Frank Wilson assault
with deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
judgment suspended on payment
of costs.
Willie forcible trespass,
not guilty.
Martha larceny, guilty,
Judgment suspended on of
Martha assault with
deadly weapon, guilty, judgment
suspended on payment of costs.
James Cherry assault, not
Charlie Evans aid John John-
son, affray, guilty, judgment bus
pended on payment of costs as to
Evans. Johnson lined and
Charlie Evans, carrying conceal-
ed weapon, guilty, Hoed MB and
Lawrence carrying
co weapon, guilty.
Spencer Little, bastardy, guilty,
and costs.
Sim Cameron, Daniel Barret,
Monroe Julius Moore,
gambling, all guilty except Sim
James R. May, false pretense,
nut guilty.
Willoughby, Walter
Willoughby and James
assault with deadly weapon, all
guilty, fined MB each and costs.
Greenville, N.
only have a limited quantity for sale.
The new stock goods
which will be placed before the
public by B. F. Manning Co. the j
coming season must will sell, ti
for those who had a hand in its
are only judges, J, a,
but can certainly appreciate a W Hat TO Mitt
good thing when they see it to tO
Nobody coming and nobody go- US HELP YOU DECIDE.
the farmers all busy and our I
manufacturing apparatus out of
what shall we do for items
Well there's there
are our wagons, carts, cotton plant-1
curt saddles, They travel;
In return the ducats come.
John of was
here yesterday.
It Pay.
Every man in Green-
ville ought to have advertise-
in A paper
well filled with advertisements
shows to the outside world that the
town is composed of enterprising
At J. L. Starkey Bros, old we have opened a strictly
First Class Stock of
Family Groceries,
and every article in stock is right fresh from first
Nothing stale but new. Now for everything you
to eat to our store and see how well we can please
you in quality and price-
N. C.
Andrew Carnegie advises men
not to let their business worry
.,,. If we were
business people. Money invested half as well fixed as Andrew is he
Store Robbed.
Thursday night the
store of J. L. Perkins Co., at
Stokes, was into and a
quantity of good stolen. This
morning they to W.
Hines to go over with his blood
A telephone message to
before to
pres says that the- dogs run the
trail of the thief finely and he was
captured over in Martin
thief is a
had on three suits of the stolen
clothes when captured.
in advertising is wisely spent. It
will pay you to let the people know
you are in business and want their
patronage In this busy age the
man who advertises his business
thoroughly is the mail who meets
with success.
a investigation of a
murder ease in Ottawa, Kan.,
of the witnesses, a woman, was
asked how long she had known the
accused. since roast car
she replied. when
does roasting car time
asked the city bred lawyer.
soon as they're answer-
ed the witness and the attorney
didn't pursue that
any further.
would enter Into a contract not to
worry for sixteen
Four were instantly killed
near Pa., on a log
railroad. The men were
in loading logs on a car when a
runaway train crashed into the car
upon which they were working.
Recently The mail-
ed statements to its subscribers at
a distance. A of these
enclosing remittances took
to us very and en-
letters which are much
appreciated. There are others yet
who have responded to our
statement and hope -i will ----y i-v,
. fur I
The plant of the Snow Basket
Co., at High Point, was destroyed
by fire Tuesday. Loss
W. Dowd, editor of the Char
News, is a candidate for the
Democratic nomination
the district. He is a true
Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc, go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Blank Jack, N. O.
Home people will take everything
except a hint.
Half a loaf is better than a good
many sandwiches.
A man naturally feels cheap
when his salary is reduced.
In the real estate business deeds
speak louder than words.
The ladder of fame comes high.
A country top fence
You must pay cash for
A pointed remark is apt to be
A mild tempered person may be
all the rage.
Watches and men are known by
their works.
There is a tide in the affairs of
some men which, taken t the
flood, carries them over the dim.
young man who can
a sack of flour with ease nearly
kills himself his efforts to raise
The people who sit before the
lire dream of the future have
grate expectations.
Von What Yea
When you Chill
became the formula l
on every showing It in
-a a form. Ho
Cure, No Pay.
Fit Any Form.
This way here's your winter Clothing. Many stout
slim men who require clothes from the
average man give up clothing in despair. We
bring them hope. We promise to lit every one directly from our
clothing perhaps a little alteration in some
severe cases. We'll surprise you with the clothes; possibly
more with the being abnormal in shape, you've had
to pay a penalty to your so to We do away with
that charge you no more we do lie ordinary
Never mind how peculiar your shape may be, bring it in here
may surprise you by lilting you, as well as by saving you
quite a sum of money. Come, see at any rate.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that you owe
Easts for
subscription and we request
you to as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
of H. C
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and m gross,
Cotton per
per bushel at M.
A drive through the country
shows tho farmers are doing much
The first time in your life lo
smoke a Rico cigar for
at M.
All laundry that baa been left at
the Greenville Steam Laundry
since Monday cannot be delivered
this week-
The railroads will give special
rates to the good roads convention
in Raleigh next month. Green-
ville and Pitt county should be.
Fob three horse farm
mile from Bethel, known as the
D. Carson farm. One the
best little in tho
For information apply to
W. H. Bethel,
Johnston new
grocers, have just put in an entire-
new and fresh stock of groceries
store that was formerly
by J. L. Starkey Bro.
See their advertisement and call
on them when you fresh goods.
About o'clock night
persons passing along Fifth street
saw burst through the roof
of the residence occupied by Mr.
II. C on the corner of
street. No one was at home
at the Hooker being
visiting New Bern and Mr. Hook
at his store down town
and the house was
open all the ceiling in one room
and the roof over it was burning
Au alarm was given and there
was a quick of Bremen
and citizens, but the house was
too far gone to lie saved. Two
lines of hose were laid out three
blocks to the cistern on Evans
street both the steamer
hand engine got streams
the same time. While the
building could not be saved, the
firemen prevented damage to
rounding property, and they put
all the lire out in an hour.
The building is practically u
total loss. It to Mr.
Cannon, of Ayden, was
insured for
Most of Mr. Hooker's furniture
was gotten out of the building but
much of it damaged.
His loss is covered by insurance.
It is not how the lire orig-
Mr. J. C. Tyson, u member of
Hope Fire Company, was badly
hurt about the head face by
into a ladder. Sonic
of the were slightly
Some Speak to Me, Some to You.
C. T. left this morning
for Tarboro.
Mrs. J. N. Hart returned Wed
it. Williams returned
day evening from Raleigh.
Miss Olive Daniel returned home
Wednesday evening from Dunn.
R. returned
day evening from a trip up the
Mrs. Parker, of Henderson, who
has been visiting here, returned
home today.
Mrs. Julia n and
children, Raleigh, who have
been visiting her Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Cotten, of re-
turned home this morning.
Mrs. W. S. Parker, who has
been a welcome guest of Mrs. Jar-
vis, and of a number of our
during her brief visit, left for
her home in Henderson this morn-
, Mrs. Parker is a daughter of
the late Dr. Closs, of the most
noted Divines of the Methodist
church that the State has ever pro-
Mrs. Parser is a lady of
unusual intelligence and culture.
Ab Clark left this morning for
Dr. II. T. Taylor, of Washing-
ton, was here today.
C. T. returned Thurs-
day evening from Tarboro.
J. W. Higgs returned Thursday
evening from a the road.
Adrian Savage and R. L. Smith
returned Thursday evening from
J. F. came over from
Kinston this morning spent
the day here.
Mrs. J. H. Prince, of Greens-
is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. II.
Saturday January 1901.
Judge Winston left today for
I I lam returned to
Mrs. Fannie Jenkins child-
went to Bethel today.
Swift Galloway returned
Hill Friday evening.
Mi-r Annie, and Delia Smith,
of Ayden, spent the day here.
J. W. one of the laundry
men, to Wilson this morning.
J. B. to Ayden Fri-
day night and returned this morn-
J. B Langley, of Richmond,
came Friday and is stop-
ping with Dr. D. L. James.
Miss Carson, of
who has been Spending a few days
here, returned home this
Misses I
Newell Maggie
came up from this
J. S. Samuel
who have been here on a visit to
Ola Forbes, to their
homes this
A petition present-
ed to the Board of County
for the building of a county
bridge across Tar river at Boyd s
Ferry, notice is hereby given that
the matter will lie considered by
Board at their next regular
meeting on the first Monday in
wishing to be heard are requested
to be present st said meeting.
T. R.
Pitt Co.
The undersigned will sell for
cash at public sale, at the res
of Mary Whichard,
ed, on Friday Feb. 14th, 1902, all
the personal property belonging to
said estate, consisting household
and furniture, cattle, c.
This Jan. 25th, 1902
J. J. and wife, T. M
and wife, Ashley
Whichard and wife, J. W . Martin
and wife, J. O. Taylor and wife.
The office over Frank
tore formerly occupied by Dr. B.
L. is for rent. Apply to J.
B. Cherry Co.
End of Century Club.
Mrs. R. W. King
the book club on Tuesday after
noon, in honor of Mrs. Parker, the
guest of Mrs. Jarvis.
lovely home was again the scene
of a charming social gathering,
despite the very Inclement
weather, a number of the club
members as well as invited guests
were present and passed a delight-
Among other lit-
features, the poem of
was read and dis-
cussed in connection with
True of the said Barbara
the December The club
will hold its next regular meeting
with Mrs. James.
let us hear from them soon.
m i u r m
Recent Friday nights have been
nights for Let us
nope there will be more alarms.
Quick Justice
Norfolk, Va., Jan.
was quick justice administered to
Neal the year old
who on Saturday evening as
Bulled Mrs.
evenly old white woman
few miles out Norfolk
was caught red handed
by a of white brought
to the jail locked up.
Large mobs made attempts to
lynch him but failed. Today he
was indicted by a jury,
tried, and sentenced to
hang on March 12th. His
i him.
Knights Pythias Will Have a Big Time
A district of the
of Pythias will lie held
with Tar River Lodge in Green-
on Wednesday night, Jan.
are ex-
to from all lodges
the district and the home lodge is
preparing to give them a handsome
Alter a meeting
and addresses in the hall and ex-
of work third
rank, a banquet will be served in
the opera house.
A special will come from
Kinston Wednesday night
to over the lodges of
Wilson and
New Bern, tho returning to
Kinston after the
Grand officers prominent
parts of
State are also expected to be pres-
Good Shot.
Mr. W J. Hemby tells us that
Friday at his home the
county, he shot killed a large I
hawk with a pistol, the distance
about yards. That was
a good shot to make with a pistol.
Th Prescription Malaria
Chills Fever Is of
Tonic. It l iron
Print Mo.
The Big January Sale is Still
Going on at
C. T.
V 4-

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
A thing
Come to see me for your next B of Flour or Pork.
Yours Co please
las. B. White.
purse Is heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER Is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
to to the root the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
Population Increase in the South.
For the first lime In I he history
Loan Value,
Cash Value.
Paid up Insurance.
Insurance works automatically
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on while yon
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears interest.
No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
i I . Profession. men
in world i . fire r
in lifting new from the preen
from and
am is the world is doing it an necessity
r laving Duty man woman
en I en part am are
reviews, of give test cf their res.
. illustrated
will all
its to
I ant ti
. Id eel Review R ard
nave to cute it indeed II
i no otherwise have H a very , .-
. i all earnest e
if .; I r if. public i
., their Ideas V
utterance its col-
v It Is on l the
I lei ii i
II library.
so net
Una publication el read I
r .
I mi have a p. . T c
P. S
how car in .-.-
i month
If you have tour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any and disorders tell the of bad bowels and on
impaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
mucous membranes of the purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
UM Hula sties for m .
f fur i
It or p r, I
U for M.
For Salt by
of Life Dis-
covered by Famous Doctor-
Scientist I hat Every
Wonderful Cures Are Effected
That Seem Like Miracle
Performed The Secret of
Long Life of Olden Times
LIVER to normal condition.
he Remedy Is Free To All Who tone to the
Send Name Address. ,. . , ., .
After years of patient study, and flesh to the body.
delving Into dusty record of Take No Substitute.
the peat, as well following Mod-
in the realms of
medical science, Dr. James
Kidd. First National Hank
building, Fort Ind. makes
the Startling announcement that Of Ibis country. M a special report
from Census Bureau now sets
the population of the South-
Slates has relatively
more rapidly than that of the
North and making the rate
of more nearly same
than ever before.
The increasing attractiveness of
I the South as a field for investment
and settlement accounts for this
marked Increase of population.
Outside capital it being drawn to
the development the
natural The section's
Industrial growth has been
during the past few years. The
I demand for labor has been very
, . . . The
baa surely discovered elixir
life. That he is able the aid Inevitable result cf these
of a mysterious known is now apparent in the
to himself, as a re- census reports,
suit of the years he has spent in I Southern States hare every
searching for this precious lift ,
boon to cure any and every, . .,
disease that is known to the human w to of growth such
body. There is doubt of the as has not heretofore been known.
doctor earnestness In making The attention of capitalists is most
claim and the remarkable cures. secured.
be is daily seems to tabor to Indus-
bear out very . ,
theory which he advances is one of trial development follows. Within
reason and based on found the next ten years the South will
in a medical practice of many take lead in
It to try bis he rate of if
of possess
be call it, fir be sends tree,
anyone who is a in I value as affording a for
to convince of
ability to cure, so there is
Norfolk, Va., Jan. L.
thirty years of age,
in social circles in Norfolk
and easier for Standard Oil
Company's blanch here, was d
dead by a newsboy.
The in a small skin in
deck. No possible clew
to the cause of Mr. pres-
in that locality found.
coroner's jury rendered a
giving congestion of lungs
The physician have
a for toe practice of their
beginning January 1902.
They will the office of Dr. store,
Dickinson venue, where all
can find them.
E. M. f,
C. OH. M.
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
its ii Fridays at A. M.
The firm of R. Bro
doing M. C , was
the The
and restore the action the the cause death, i ard, who will rattle all of Hi-j leave Tarboro for Greenville
nil. XVII 1.119 KIDD.
i firm and to whom all persons owing tin-
Mr. bad not been drinking In make
the is shrouded in mys-
tery. The body shows no marks
of violence.
His books are in e con-
and l here is nothing to
suicide, lie had been
at Virginia Beach all of yesterday
and was in good health and spirits.
A New says he has
discovered bite of a mos-
will cure rheumatism. If
that is true, Jersey Stale and some
parts of North have a
on sites for Rheumatism
You an get a bite
while you Jen
and Observer.
Dr. D James.
Dental Surgeon,
In.- Jan. 2nd 190-J.
W. It.
The clerk of Superior court of Till
issued Letters of Administration
to the undersigned on the 1st of
the estate of W. E. Spain
notice la hereby given to all per-
to the estate to make
the and
nil creditors of said estate to present their
claims authenticated, to
within twelve months after the
date of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in their recovery.
This the 1st day of
Administratrix of W. E.
and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
m JNO.
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N.
to run. Some of the
cures cited are very remarkable,
and but for reliable witnesses
would hardly be credited. The
lame have thrown away clutches
and walked about alter two or
three trials of the remedy. The
sick, given up by home doctor,
restore to their
and friends in perfect health.
Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach,
heart, liver, kidney, blood and
skin diseases bladder I
disappear by magic. Headaches,
backaches, nervousness, fevers,
consumption, coughs, colds,
ma, catarrh, bronchitis and all
of lungs or any
vital erg ins at e i in
a space of lime is simply mar
dropsy, gout, scrofula
piles arc quickly and permanently
removed. It purities the
system, blood tissues, restore
Is it wisdom to go
in debt through or large
loans in order lo make improve-
This is a question which
agitates many minds when the
matter of floating bonds lo secure
money for town improvements
conies up. Perhaps arbor recital
of the financial condition of the
colony of New Zealand will be in
alike to those who
and those who oppose town or
city bonds to improvement.
Daring past ten years the
debt of the colony has Increased
or per family.
In these circumstances of
the population the
try increased percent.,
exports per cent., and bank lie
posits per cent, The wealth of
normal nerve lower, circulation
and a stale of perfect health is
produced at mice. To the doctor
all systems arc alike and equally
affected by ibis great Elixir of
Scud for remedy today.
It is lo every sufferer. Slate
what you want be cured of and
sure remedy it be sent
you free by return moil.
the country per has
ed from to a figure
said to h ft been exceeded no
where on earth.
Indebtedness for the proper kind
of improvements la sometimes wise.
Scotland Neck Commonwealth.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Hags.
Correspondence and shipments
Plant Trees
I have on band n few of
Ornamental Trees, Greenhouse Plants,
Rose Bushes. , fr role cheap. I am
also preparing to put n large stock of
Nursery Trees fir fall Give me
your orders and save money.
Proprietor Nursery.
1.1 N C
The Superior court Clerk of Put county,
having issued letters of Administration to
me, the undersigned, on 10th day of
December, on of J. A,
Thigpen, deceased, notice la hereby
to all persons Indebted to to make
payment lo the undersigned,
and to creditors of said estate to present
their claims, properly to the
undersigned, within twelve months
the date this notice, or this notice will
plead in of their
This the 10th day of December.
J. JR.,
on I e I. .
The lender in good wort and low prices
Nice Photographs tor Si per dozen.
Half Cabinets per dozen.
All other fines very Chess. Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frame on hand all the time. Come and
examine work. No trouble to show
samples answer very
best lo all. Office hours
to u. in., lo ii. m. Yours to please.
Having duly qualified before the
Clerk of Pill county at Executor
f the Last Will and Testament Mrs. S
deceased, notice it hereby
given to all persons indebted lo estate
to make payment to under-
all against
the estate lire to present their claims
for payment on or before the 20th day of
November, or Ibis notice will he plead
in bar of recovery.
This of Nov.
Executor of Mrs. S. M,
Berth county, i
Win. Charles
H- Hardy. It.
and oilier heirs at law
Wm. Charles Manly, deceased
order of the Superior Court of
county entered in the above pro-
coiling I w II sell at court house door in
Greenville, N. C, Pitt county, at m. on
Saturday, Feb. those two town lots in
Bethel. county, which Charles
Hardy owned at his death and railed the
Andrews Main street
in said
cash and balance In
and two years with interest on deferred
payments. .
This hind is sold lo pay the debts of
Win. Charles Hardy
This Jan. 1.1. 1902.
of Wm. Charles Hardy.
By F. o. Attorney.
Jack, N. C, Jan.
re- Quite a large crowd attended
A Dream Revealed a Pol of Gold.
find was made yesterday services here Saturday night
by a near Sunday.
For several generations It Miss Annie While is
believed somewhere on Mm. Dixon.
Morrow E. L. Clark and little Mi-s Mat
buried a of gold and for He Mills, who have very sick
people who have lived in lo- with measles, are to be out
dug for I lie hidden again
treasure, Mrs. Morrow, a widow,
Who i a vi aged lady, dreamed
out the and directed her
grandson, Tom Tomes, where to
dig the long talked of pot of
gold. The young man went
and an old soap-
pot, which will hold about
one gallon, and foil ml filled to
lop with cold. There is one
large in pot. The
seems to be old coins ham
out and Without dale or
device. There was also with
pot an Indian Mini
Young Tomes was in town today
but refused lo talk about the
amount of bis find except lo his
Cousin, Virgil Tomes, who is a
clerk in store, from whom
Ibis information gathered.
Charlotte Observer.
S. W. Tyson went to Greenville
I. Mills is sick of
Mr. M. A. White and son
Jerry, are gone lo Greenville to
Mrs. O. K, Dixon is very sick.
has moved in bis
Miss Unit, was the guest
of Misses Annie Lucy While
Saturday night end Sunday.
Clark's have all had the
measles, but are now improving.
Miss Lena Dixon has been
sick with measles is now
S. M. Schultz.
Wholesale aim retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Pi lines, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers.
Best Butler, Stand
ard Sewing Machines, and nu
melons other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
saw m
Plume V,
I only the I
i . i. v is la satire i .,
I CO ,
IT We will to any on e
Al I
lb- of your
all if paid. I
mi in Mi limit.
a Prisoner
A i h ii if- i
up die
To him
r u a
well it not
merely the it makes tho
pliable so that prisoner f-
u five is but one Pain-
killer, Ferry
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior
for Fine Modem and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee lo give In
styles work.
Please send your lo
Mr. John C. General for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance of
Desires to to its number of
policy holders, and In the
generally, of N this com-
will now Business In thin
state and this date will issue its
and desirable policies, to all de-
siring the very best insurance in the
life insurance company in the world.
If agent in town has not
yet completed arrangements, address
State Agent, N. C.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once to worK fur the
Old mutual Benefit.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on hand
goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
t . W.
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. E.
Carolina's Foremost
The Charlotte Observer.
i. P. CALDWELL Editor.
THE Receives
largest telegraphic news
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta,
its special service is the greatest
ever bandied by a North Caro-
of Hi or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday am Friday
I per year. The largest paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
i Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers arc em.
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly Reflector and
will be sent together
one year for or The
Reflector and
one year for payable in ad-
a i
. model.
f and ail
fa patent.
Palest WASH i A.
The Eastern
The Great
is completed- Many things have been laid out and
marked down. We are not crying out cost, but have
on all winter goods. It would be impossible to
all profits and continue to be of service lo ourselves and yon.
store that is ab the time crying coat less cost, must
sonic day meet the inevitable. After the smash the store is of
service to any body. This
knows when to begin sacrificing profits, how long
and knows when lo slop. Every department has suffered
severest cut in prices. Our object is to make room for Spring
We lake occasion here to thank our many friends for their pat-
in past, and invite them to continue their visits to our
store when they want bargains in up-to-date goods.
Ricks Wilkinson
J. B. Cherry Co.
Special Correspondent of
Raleigh, N. C, Jan.
Our new revenue law is in
there are two kicks
to interested The
liquor dealers, having consumed a
prominent attorney, have been
advised by him the State has
legal authority to exact the tax
of two per on purchases made
outside of the Stale; also, that it is
unlawful lo collect tax on the
lax levied Cubed Slates
Government on the liquid goods
which they deal, viz., on
distilled liquors, etc. In other
words, that the revenue tax should
be deducted from the of a
barrel of North Carolina
for before the
amount of tax of two per
cent, is levied and collected. As
the contention is very bargains of the past.
and involves a great deal of money i
Economy chances that overshadow even our own
Magnetic, money-
matter win into saving values in every department.
courts, of course.
An occasion
For Nails, Locks, Hinges, Doors
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Next door to Ricks A Wilkinson. to Ormond
store to greater distances than have gigantic offers
of the past. Understand the position. Almost in
affected are the departments enumerated and item-
zed below.
Reduction Falls Heavily
Silk Department.
In Black
In Black n 7.50
In Black 6.60
In Fancy
Colored Dress Goods
lot you can And a lot of the
dress patterns and also some very
patterns will make very
pretty Skirts. too valuable
lo the pi ices.
We have just added Steam Supply to our business
will sell anything in this line very low. See us when in w ant Of
and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks,
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Fitting all sizes.
LINE OF Packing, Rubber Belt,
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks, Ac.
Harvesting Pipe and Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
The other kick conies from the such as no careful buyer will miss.
State officials up at the Capitol,
where it was learned that will make an mi stir ill the business world
the completion of he calculations
in Auditor's office, that there It will spread the fame of the J. B. Cherry Cos.
has been a large falling of in re
tinder Schedule B. finer
purchase tax, circus bus
high circus
tax has kept most the a a goods suffer the severest cut, and chiefly
shows out of the State.
United States Weather Bureau
Inspector Conger, who was here
Friday interesting himself in
furnishing to farmers living along
line of the free mail de-
livery routes weather forecasts,
at least two days ahead, told
that service wherever
rated was of great value
to by means of these
weather predictions are enabled to
protect their fruit and vegetables
other growing crops.
was saved in Florida a
month said Mr. Conger,
a timely warning through this
Mr. Von in
charge of the Raleigh Weather
Bureau, me was
saved in the strawberry of
North a short time ago by
these advance warnings.
These forecasts are sent over
seven rural delivery routes
North Carolina at present, but it
is hoped to make tho service more
general, if the postmasters will
properly interest themselves in
the matter. There is no special or
regular appropriation and the set
vice is largely on the
courtesy and patriotism of the
postmasters. Get your
Slain Pub
lie Instruction is determined
i he boys who prefer to go to school
as you shall be
allow to do so, despite the ob
of some teachers
boards. He has just decided
another one of these cases, appeal-
ed from the County
dent, in the favor.
Black- Dress Goods
ml ml ions in New,
guilds you have never
before had u chance of, and this
one can't last long.
In Foulards 9.00
9.00 9.50 DRESS
Silk Waist Patterns
French flannel for Waists
Handsome lot of waist patterns
two alike that were value I
at 93.60 but this sale makes them
at and a lot of plain
that we have put knife very
The Good Roads Con-
c has issued the
call fur great Statehood Roads
Convention lo be held
and IS, in his
points out some of the
necessities for general
public mad improvements. It
State of North Carolina,
Executive Department,
Whereas, the people of the State
of North Carolina have pledged
their best endeavors to cause
of it ion, the of our
Stale and
oilier natural
Whereas, farmers need bet
roads both their children to
travel over daily on way lo
and for
selves and their families In to
reach their churches to worship
Almighty God, as well as for
prompt and early delivery of I heir
mail by the carriers of Halted
States government, nod the trans-
of their products and
purchases; and citizens living
in and cities need good
streets for the and
those counties of
our State where the greatest
has been made substantial
good road building there has been
the greatest industrial advance-
as well as largest increase
the value of faun lands, due to
being thereby placed nearer to the
towns end
Whereas, the National Good-
N. C, Jan.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Wilson, are guests cf J. T.
Dixon and family.
Mrs. little
sou, is very sick.
Roy West, of was in
town last night.
Names of pupils whose names
appear on the roll of honor for
mouth ending Farmville
free school, Eddie Heath, Ruth
Everett, Lucy Flanagan, Joe Par-
Burnett, Vis-
There was a very enjoyable so-
at Mrs. G. E. Moore's Mon-
day evening, Those who attended
King, of
Miss Lena King,
of Greenville, with Charlie Moore,
Miss Bert Smith,
Miss Pearle Moore with S. M. Pol-
lard, Miss Everett
Stamper, Sena with
B. Askew, Miss of
Plymouth, Turnage,
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. and
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moore. They
retired to their homes
alter a very pleasant even-
W. II. borne is very slowly
Charley Hunt, of Tarboro, was
in town Tuesday.
Tin- has moved
from Mrs. Moore's
I to A. Hill's office on Depot
W. G. is improving slowly.
Has been very sick.
W. M. and little sou,
Road. Association of America will, J-k w-
during week of February in to ,,,,. ,
1903, the city of Raleigh,
Mrs. T. II. is improving,
though her girl is very sick.
Mrs. Bel tie Belcher is very
with pneumonia.
Dress Trimmings
the things for your Spring
Dress and anything that is new
up to date have it, and to
make sale complete we have
knifed them with our big blue
pencil along with everything else.
Senator Manna, secured
through a clipping every
thing has been said differ-
editorial columns of Ibo news,
papers of United States and
England concerning the death of
William There arc
twelve thousand of these clippings,
contained in volumes and
a most remarkable tribute
to the love esteem which
the late was held by the
Just tho thing for Spring and
Easier wear a chance that
conies but once in life to get
seasonable Silk at the price we are
offering them at.
16.00 Patterns 11.00
0-4.60. 3-50
11.00 11.50
1.00 Odds and in
Wait Patterns
SILKS-Just thing for
Dress Trimmings
and kind at
BO, and kind at
and kind at j
and kind at
so, and kind
61.00, 1.25 and 1.00 kind at
Black ii De Sole
Black A nu u re
Black drain
Black Saline
Black Taffetas, Colored Taffetas .
and every thing else la our Silk Everything ill
Department have lo suffer in our plain figures with our big
Sale. pencil.
give an exhibition of modern and
approved road building, to which
all citizens who are interested
that commendable work j
lo conic; c . ,,. . ,., .
. end of Club.
Now. therefore, I. Charles B.
Governor of State of. Ml- W. King,
North Carolina, do hereby issue her ingenious manner of
my proclamation calling a pleasantly entertained the
roads convention lo be held in the Club Tuesday, 21st.
city of Raleigh on Wednesday, I The subject discussed during the
February and Thursday, Fob- evening was the article,
lit, to which arc OH
pointed delegates from various Mrs. Cherry delighted the Club
sections of the Stale, requesting with B repetition of
them and all other goon citizens, Revival
I whose convenience will permit, to The hostess had unite a novel
attend said convention. entertainment for her guests, trans-
Done at our city of Raleigh, this forming into a medium she called
second day of January, j up spirits of
Lord one thous Caesar, Elliott, Scott,
and nine hundred and two, and in Bums, Byron, Gray,
the one hundred and twenty sixth and having
year of our American them to appear room the
Cloaks Skirts.
They blush to know that
they are marked down so low and
we have got to have their room,
and our price will give lo us
and the early buyers.
form a ghost. the guessing
contest connected the spirits
Mrs. Mrs.
tied, the latter the prize.
An elaborate menu was served.
As the guests departed they
I with a hot beverage,
The action of Superintendent drinking to health of the
hostess wishes for many
; happy i el the day.
The Club will meet with Mis.
en mum B.
By the Governor.
P, M.
Private Secretary.
This Climate Is
i fur with weak Tin
said not i ravel. lie can well
with the help of Allen's Lung
taken when coughing short-
of after servo
I bun Ural serum, pulmonary trouble
la not far away Aliens Lung is
I fro airy form of opium.
Space all gone and not
half of our story told, but
you can get the rest
At Our Store.
Mail and Telephone orders
promptly and carefully filled.
Instruction Butler for
dell county in holding examine
lions for while and colored teach-
the same time and in
same room is one demanding the
attention every white voter of
Stale. That it caused great
Indignation mining the teachers
the lime Is perfectly natural; bill,
that Sutler has escaped the
the entire press is it
There is no requirement for
examination of white and colored
teat hers being held together, and
Southern and
established Butler calls
for some prom pi effort to
his mistake,
If the while people
disposed to such
bleaches of the the stand
aids of social equality set by none
lesser than nature herself,
then ii were well the
lake mailer hand and bring
it to the of the State
Board of for
James Tuesday, Feb. 4th.
Many a discouraged mother
her hands at feels as if
she had after all, done nothing,
I hough she has not spent an idle
moment since she rose. Is it
your helpless children
have had some one Income to with
all I heir childish griefs and joys I
Is it nothing that your husband
feel, safe when he is away at bus-
because your careful hand
direst, everything home Is it
nothing, when his business is over,
lie Messed at
home which you have that day
done your best to brighten and re
tine Oh, weary and faithful
Bother, you little know your pow-
you say, have done
There is a book in
Which a fairer record than this is
Written over against your name.

Eastern reflector, 28 January 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 28, 1902
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Joyner NC Microforms
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