Eastern reflector, 22 November 1901

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Have You Forgot
Pry broods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me your next Plow or Pork
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
Loan Value.
Cash Value.
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works tub
r. Is
Will lie re-instated If arrears be paid within on month while you
are or within three after lapse,
of and payment of arrears with Interest.
second No Incontestable.
Dividends are at the beginning of second and cf each
succeeding year. provided the premium for the year be paid.
They may lie T reduce Premiums, or
To the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an endow during the
of insured.
Greenville. N. C.
Good Re ; tor
In addition to its special article
by famous and women its
stories by the most popular living
writers of The Youth's
from week to week
regular features of great
The editorial page discusses the
public questions of the day in a
of impartiality, the aim be-
to five the reader the
for forming his am opinions.
The article the care of the
health which has published
every week for years if of
the value.
The derailments of Current
Event Nature and Science
give the news of the
world in condensed form.
The page provides
versions for the little ones, the
miscellany have
their share in making the paper a
of good leading.
An illustrated prospectus of the
new volume for will lie tent
to address lice.
Beery new who sends
91.75 for the volume now will
reel n o free all the issues for the
remaining of and The
Companion Calendar for
lithographed in twelve colors
Ave, Boston,
It st times, to get
sound of s strong man's
voice, and to hear good,
ideas stated without
Such a man is Mr. F. L.
of the
schools of St. Louis. lie is
Executive I
official i n form it ion
has received at this Depart
meat that at Falkland, Pitt county.
of making the teacher the on or
of authority, and initiating the
pupils the Bret of
obedience thereto. He holds the
interference of parents with crank
ideas as out of the question. The
school room contains a large
It is just as
these should lie instructed
in submission to rule as they
should move forward daily
or grammar. The most pow-
agent of authority is the rod.
all the more needed controlling
some of the ab-
of it at home, pamper-
ed child grows up into the rebel-
and it is only a
of time as to when the penally
will have to lie administered.
Well laid on it might dis
place disgraceful punishment in
says the superintendent,
never lie allowed in the schools. A
good, old fashioned
as obtained in the limes of our
fathers is the thing when severe
is needed. We still
use it in the St. schools. I
believe to a ex-
but there arc times when it
flat. Then the switch is
In at order of
Chat. B cf
North Carolina, appointing a
of Superior court for
of trying It
-why said of court will
the day of
MM, and continue for two
said court be sooner finish-
ed. Thai Not. 1901.
Hoard of Commissioner Pitt county.
lime HO,
Dr. C Dear sir. am
in last your
ii- t. lit- and ill ho
law Item i be tongue
have tried soothing
thing tout tad of pupils from public
1900, John H. Parker
killed Alex Little.
And Whereas, it appears that
the said John H. Parker has fled
the State, or so himself
that the ordinary process of law
be upon
Now, therefore, I, Charles B.
Aycock, Governor of the State of
North Carolina, by virtue of an
by law, do
issue this my proclamation, offer-
a reward of two hundred
for the de
livery of the said John H. Parker
to the Sheriff of Pitt county at the
Court house in Greenville and I
do enjoin all officers of the Slate
and all good citizens to assist in
said criminal to justice
. Done at our City of
, I the 28th day
j ,,, October, in year
-----of our Lord one thous-
and bundled and one and in
the one hundred and twenty sixth
year of our American Independence
By the
P. M. Private Sec.
II. Parker it
nearly six feel high of spare
weighs about has
boyish face, beard
less, has blue eyes, light hair, is
slightly stooped and is about l
years old.
of this
to me by the Clerk of the 8-
of notice It
hereby given to all holding claims
i deviate to lo me Sir
on or before 24th day of
or this will be in
of their All to
mid estate lo
settlement of indebtedness
the of October MM.
duly before Use
court Clerk of Pitt county ts
tor the will tail J. P.
deceased, notice. It hereby
to Indebted to the cattle to make
payment to the undersigned,
to present the same with-
in months from date or this notice
will In bar of recovery.
Steamer leave
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leave
Greenville Mondays,
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
and Pat
at A. M. carries freight only.
at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the Weal
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. O
J. J. CHERRY, Aft.,
Greenville, N. C.
Yours truly,
j. m.
Bring. ft Cure in all
There is nothing It brings
cases, cures when
FOR Tie.
the Church
relief, even in
nil else fails.
The H-v. C. Wells, i Villa, Ridge, says.
bottle of received in goad
cannot tell you how thankful l feel for the
from It. a slave, chained with
putrid lore throat Rid asthma ten years. I de
paired of ever being cured. advertise-
the cure dreadful
m, asthma, and you
resolved to give it a trial, to
astonishment, I lie trial like u Bend tin
a full-size , ,
We to send to every a trial Ire of
to the one that curd Mr. Wells. We'll send it by mail post
paid, absolutely Free of Charge, to any sufferer who will write for it.
even on a postal. though you are despairing, however
bad case. will relieve and cure. The worse your
case the more glad we are to it. Do not delay, write at once, ad
dressing Dr. Bros Medicine Co. Baal St., . I
Sold by till Druggists.
for Chills. Fevers,
Sweats and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
None genuine unless
Rod Cross is on
. take a
A Cut Purging
The third Sun lay October was
a memorable Day in one church
the State. Its read from
the pulpit of seventy of
members who had been shut
nit. It took several month to
investigate the several cases. The
task was all in all a great one.
work wits done justly and
courageously. Many, if not most
the parties, were unwilling to
the findings. Bums
were upon careful inquiry, found
to be in the church without a
change of heart and their names
were transferred lo the
rated roll. Some were
definitely and some indefinitely.
The were non church go-
profanity and various others.
This U it notable case of the ad-
ministration of discipline
church purging. II is an exam
pie it would lo well for every
church in the Stale to follow.
There arc Ion or
too few Christians in the churches.
This is one of the great
for the wide spread coldness and
lack of growth that good men la
One of the
sons so many men of the world lire
the church is perhaps,
the rush of protracted meetings
and general lack Bible study
that has abounded throughout the
P. K. Law,
heartily disapprove. A change of
schools would lie much better. It
is the and
who stands in need of the
school, and educators have no
right to shirk debt to the
There is no doubt that plain
than all the of
ton It it can come from dreamers
and Con-
The lender in good work and low
Nice Photographs Si per
Halt Cabinets per dozen.
All oilier lines very Crayon Portraits
made any small picture Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to show
samples and answer The very
beat to elk office, boots
to s. m., I. to p. Yours to pirate.
At I now in I he In Haiti
hands of my
more for the an op-
I have my
the Greene ft
and given him full
and for I ask
indebted to invocation him and set-
m early t possible
For Sale.
Mr Farm N C.
Containing arm. W In
Twenty tens of Is line
or truck land. to-
waler. lie. For further
address C. T. Pi Al,,
o tin; Baton i For ,,,
, k I
The following is n of
of the of
for county, number M days
miles tad
services at f for the
year 2nd,
. days,
Jesse Cannon
Letters Ibis
lo me upon
by the Clerk or
Superior Court of county, notice
hereby given to all
till lo present them lo me
for payment on or before the 90th day of
1902, or this notice will be in
bar of All persons Indebted
lo said cattle notified to make
to me.
Thia the 29th of 1801.
of Lewis d
By virtue of t decree of the
Court of Pitt county, in t
Proceeding entitled W. W. B.
A. House vs. Mary A. wife of
Motet II. James, and others, the under-
signed Commissioner will for be-
fore the Court House door In Greenville, on
Monday, the
tract of
county of and in Bethel ad-
joining the lands of R. M. M.
Jones, W. I. tbs Mary A.
acre, more or less, and known as the Ash-
House land, and bring all the land own-
ed by him the lime of bit death.
This November 1901.
Cotton Bagging and lies always
on hand-
Fresh goods kepi constantly as
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
It L Davis days,
O W balk day,
W O Little hath day
, hath II days,
L J Chapman hath attended days.
a t.
For days Hi
For miles
For day a Com.
For day a
For S ti H
By of the power in me veiled by
will and lest of Lewis Me-
deceased, I will on Monday, De-
2nd, 1901, before the court house
In Greenville, tell at public lo the
bidder for certain tract or
parcel of land in township, ill
county, lying on the side of
Branch and adjoining the of Lewis L.
Frederick Will
more or lets. It being the tract or
land deeded to Lewis by W it
and known as a part or the liar
man tract
ThU the day of October 1901
Executor of Lewie
J. ff. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Tics and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
If you have tour biliousness, bid
liver, heartburn, kidney trouble, loss
of Insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy
or symptoms and disorders which tell story of bad and in
J Will Cure You.
It will the bowels, the liver kidneys, strengthen
the of tho stomach, purify your blood and put you
on your Your will return, your move
your liver and kidneys to trouble you, your akin wilt clear and
you will feel the old energy and buoyancy.
Hotter seeking lo M shall Mil- he tea I
an ideal
ii it mi
This popular remedy never to
Headache, Biliousness
Torpid Liver and Bed Digestion
The Is food
and flesh. Dote until;
tad easy to
lake No Substitute.------
E. E, Griffin,
Biker aid
Opposite P. O., N. C.
Recently tho
and purchased stock clocks,
watches, chains, pins. It., ever
to for
Prompt special older He
clinks watches done
mm pi
nature. I r St, in i
sleep ant make II
hit ii Bad as H
. Ail.
Fir Salt by
I .
i Mil . .-.,,,. . , .
will to Ii,
I u
I .
Ml I i I . I-
ItS V , SIM it.
A, .
tHo Mil. us .-
i All
A car loaded with
the of Bill's horses
i the wreck near , f
too not a little attention suite. Lounges, P.
,. . , i. ii
while which it
a in town
I The man
glen could mil, of course, lie
seen lull smell win. pretty loud.
Over a hundred horses were lost
In wreak, The were
told to I Charlotte nun,
log a concern, for
cents China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes Crackers,
tat Hotter, Stand
Sewing Machines, and nu
and SON from cold or other goods. Quality and
when yon a ., for Com
your side or bruise yourself. Quantity.
kills will t out soreness JO I v to see me.
in I always have It with JOB, I M ,. M M h CC
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture lie Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Oil Bar
Turkeys. etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Carts, Parlor
and Gall a
Key Weal Cheroots,
., Peaches,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Snap,
Ly, Oil,
i -i ton Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins,
days Com.
For as ti
I a so
For days as
For days as B
For II days as
For miles Hi
Ii J
For as -4.00
Total amount allowed
Conn or Pitt. i
T R clerk of the
Board of for the
aforesaid, do that
Is a
of record In my this day of No-
Clerk Hoard Com Pitt
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in every de
payment and prices as low r a
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for try produce.
------DEALER IN------
By virtue of the Superior court
of county rondo in a special
wife Lucy
A. vs. Bryant, John R
and Mil tie Williams; the undersigned
Commissioner will tell for before the
house in on
the of November, at
m , the following piece,
reel or tract of land In Carolina
Adjoining of a. R.
II J. II. Whitehurst. J.
II. other, la land deeded
by William Rota lo Roebuck.
more or lest.
This , ,
F. JAMES, Commissioner.
Also nice Hardware.
J. B.
Pitt county la Superior court.
Tune, D.
will notice tint an action en-
titled shove has been commenced In the
Superior court of Pitt conn y for divorce,
ard defendant will further take notice
that he is required to lie at the
net regular term of the held
for Ibo of to held In the court
house on be-
fore Ural Monday of Birch, It
the 13th day January,
there answer lo the complaint, which will
twilled SO day before said court, or
will be granted accordingly to the
prayer of
This of November, 1901.
Clerk of court.
When Joints arc stiff
ill t
laud use freely. Avoid
hut one
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior
for Fine Modem and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
to Rive satisfaction
prices, styles and work.
send your orders to
notice to
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Blocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Mr. John C. Drewry, General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Life Insurance Co., of
I to to III large Bomber of
policy and to public
generally, hat this com-
will now In this
from will Issue lit
splendid policies, to all de-
tiring the very belt I inn ranee In the beet
life insurance company la the world.
If the local agent In your town has not
yet completed arrangement,
Agent. Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
reliable at
am to work for
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Biz Mouths
Three Months Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
office. The Semi-
Weekly Reflector and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 13.60 payable In ad-
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
ft. v
J -i
For Dry Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day a bargain day mid everything a
bargain. You r friends,
Securing the highest rate of interest with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a careful selection of risks and
limiting its business to the United States
It will be to your interest to see what we do for you before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for Agents in North Carolina.
T. ARCHIBALD GARY, General Agent.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
Putting it Strong.
In his book, Ernest
Thompson makes mention of a fact
not generally known, namely, that
nobody is allowed to carry a gun
in Yellowstone Park. This fact
causes in sonic visitors
who do not the habits of
animals very well, as they see the
bears other supposedly
beasts walking about,
fling with each other, or to
poke in the garbage pile outside
the kitchen door for tidbits. Mr.
Thompson states that the bears
actually come to the back door of
the hotel for scraps and are rarely
disappointed. He also says
during days that he in
the he was repeatedly in close
proximity never heard
one of them approach him. Some-
how or other, their big velvet
padded feet were set down lo
a way as to produce slight-
est rustle of t sound. This would
be to the
nerves of a timid person.
Mr. Thompson sat in the
woods, among these hears all of one
day and was molested any
way though he confesses to have
had some of the big gristly
which atone time came charging
down apparently at the very place
where he was hidden. It turned
out, however, that the grizzly
merely wanted to see what was in
a tomato can nearby. All this
goes lo prove what the Hindu
sages say, that wild animals, even
the ferocious, are not apt to
molest man if he docs not arouse
their animosity and their
by continued hostile
the long
of evolution wild animals have
learned the superiority of man in
Prices Reduced
On All Our Stock of
Consisting of handsome Oak Suits, Odd Dream,
Beds, Wash Stands, Couches, Side
Boards, Chairs and Rockers, we have greatly
reduced the prices and Invite all who need
to inspect our stock, we can and will save
you money.
Don't forget that we have a large line of
Breech Loading Guns
and will sell them at reduced prices. Call and
secure a bargain.
Your friends,
The Poll Tax and Election.
BlackJack, N. Nov. id,
Times are very dull here now.
Mrs. L. II. White and daughter,
A In am
ruder provisions of section
chapter acts of 1801, carry-
out a requirement of the con-
amendment, no one will
practical ways and acquired a fear Miss Annie, and
him which usually results be j went to Greenville
their giving him n wide berth. It I of very sweet girl mat
is said, however, that regions;
where the larger arc left ,,,,
unmolested by man, to registrar his
little if any desire to take the n,,.
toward him, though they Lariat jg, and unless
are generally too shy to make before I lie
friends. The Yellowstone Park M fl of May he w, , ,, I White, who
appearance at
here now .
It is with much s
announce death
Washington, i
it Mr, l.
The Place to
set the Best
Goods for the
n q Least Money
. YOU ARE then yon will
HUNTING go straight to
Complete stock of fall and winter goods
now ready inspection, and our
cannot lie surpassed anywhere. The
-should not fail to see our stock.
this Hi-
experiment seems to indicate this, i But, In lien of j morning, November lit,
1801. He bad been in bad health
for some time. He leaves a wife,
eight children and a host of
and friends to mourn their
loss. will, nut ours
are the dead who
die in the
poll lax receipt, the registrar
Preliminary estimates of the corn and judges election are milled ,
crop for 1901 by Depart of to allow one who has paid his lax
Agriculture experts a within the time above required, to
yield bushels i vote upon his taking and
smallest harvest since an oath to that effect. And
The average yield per acre is any person, who having paid his
bushels, against 25.3 tax within the
last year and n year . of and having lost his tax receipt,
24.4 bushels per acre. Such an upon making affidavit of
outcome under earlier economic such loss, cut to a
conditions would have thereof the sheriff or lax col
distress and disaster; yet so varied The law also provides that
are the Industrial resources of the if a sheriff or lax collector
at this lime that u fails to give a lax receipt to any.
I of more than twenty-live per j poison paying his poll tax, or
The from Senator
Vest, of Missouri, he will
under no circumstances consider a
reelection prove
a matter to
not only Missouri bill of the
country. He has been loyal
democrat and a consistent lighter
for measures tin-
for two decades.
The cold experienced by the
Alaskan explorers feel like
a genial warmth compared
the chill the have
received during week
and rumors
have emanated from
While House. The President
declared Unit in
our dependencies will lie made
solely on merit. This
was inane to Mr.
If. of i
on Dependencies of the Na-
Civil Sen ire League.
Furthermore the has
lowed ii lo lie know n he will
oppose Representative
scheme for
of the Census to the u
Service classified list, ii Is
rumored all
the depart men ts, most of whom,
like of the Depart
And why not the merchandise and prices will
back up the statements made concerning them, we
have right to it There is
wrong in excellence when the
sis is within the bounds of truth, when facts are
given without misrepresentation.
Our States Facts.
Just facts, something well worth remembering.
Counters and tables piled high. Slacks and stacks of
mens, boys and youths clothing. Every place
ed and packed with shoes. show you to your
entire satisfaction. Counter room needed in our
dress goods Selling must continue to
relieve the pressure. Come early before the best
things are gone. All the latest styles and weaves in
goods. Agents for Standard Patterns.
in the output of com as com-
pared with last year
a tipple in commercial channels.
have been strictly
to the circumscribed area where
crops have failed, and many in-
stances there has been inculcated
a valuable lesson in crop rotation.
Had this year's crop risen lo the
vast proportions of of
the railway lines,
even are from a
car famine, would have
by a in trans-
vastly than
any of which record has been made
American economic history.
The State Superintendent of
Public gives out a
summary of statistics
as to education North
Carolina. There are
of the school age. The
enrollment is against
i last year. average attend-
is against
false date, he shall lie guilty
or a misdemeanor.
Of course the act provides Hint
persons who have become of age
since the 1st day of last June, or
who were years of age or over
the 1st day last June, shall
not tic required to produce poll lax
because not required by
law to pay poll lax. There is also
a like exemption in favor of per-
sons relieved from the payment of
poll tax county commissioners
on account of poverty or infirmity.
The also requires the tax
collector, between the 1st and 10th
day of May, to certify under
a true and correct list of all
persons who have paid poll lax for
the previous year, on or before the
1st day of Mil, to clerk of
Superior Court, makes him
guilty misdemeanor for failing
with Ibis provision.
Charlotte Observer.
Ala . Inns
Dr. C Dear Sir, I can as-
la Ions, mil in ho
single has it ever D
have tried nothing , and
known lo
and lo
lien. truly,
J. M. Ii v.
What Shall the Democratic Party do to
Col. Fred A. Olds, the
cm respondent of The Observer, has
asked a number of leading Demo-
policy should
the pursue to re-
gain the
and presents this morning utter-
from Governor Jarvis and
II. Both are
notable utterances. Governor Jar-
is past differences must
and give
place to toleration; that a platform
inns be adopted having to do with
living, not dead, Issues, and that
Democracy must nominate bet-
men than the opposition. Mr.
replies at greater and
his reply is inspiring; it rings like
a leading of it causes the
to tingle, He tells that the
i events of the past three years have
relegated old issues to the rear and
raised new ones, and that Dem-
party must meet them
and correctly,
policies of mere opposition and
negation. We are. a world power
and must resign ourselves to the
use of the world's money; our
domain has
not seek to evade the re-
which we have as-
Inn must give our new
citizens a just government, adapt-
laborers m name only,
The Gift for a Little Mun-
Sent as a year's subscription
The Youth's Companion 91.76 will
buy the two weekly issues
The Youth's Companion for 1908.
Ii will the two hundred and
fifty fascinating slot its in Hie new
volume for 1908.
it will buy the Interesting
special articles contributed by
famous men and women to new
volume for 1909.
It will entitle the new
who sends in bis subscription
now lo all Ibo Issues of The Com-
for the remaining weeks of
ii will entitle the new
to one of The
ion's new Calendars for 1903
In twelve gold.
id to their needs, under the Amer-
our trade must be ex-
throughout the to
we must have a merchant
marine and an canal
be the tariff must be
dealt with as a practical question
the benefits of protection must
be withdrawn from trusts when
they set about to slide competition.
Mr. admonishes us that
should not be pessimists, nor
should not
eras or but, looking for-
ward ton greater republic than
v.-u ill of the present, should
torn our laces resolutely to the
aim Observer.
sensation in Boston is
Mr. Hasten All, a gentleman from
Illustrated announcement of
You Know Whet You the new volume for will be
Tasteless Chill , free.
formula is plainly , .,
M it st
N in t form. No ,,,. Av, Mass .
to lie placed within jurisdiction
of the Civil
The President told
Representative of the
on Interstate and
Commerce, he would
make no in bis
message v mi pan j
or method of acquiring a
cable, lie would
necessity Congress in
some pro for one.
what some people as the
coop de grace lo S.
when he appointed
Senator Nevada N. lo
the Port of Now
This, of course, means the
lit- removal of George Hid well
of whom h i- sworn he
would remain collector as long who measures feet Bad
he in Hie Senate. Inches In and wears shoes
be seen if Senator How is that for
will yield without protest, shoes
The is, of u
comes to telling their
York ,,
, ,. , , ages women are old enough
winch wag . .
a bitter ca Hid-
well. Coming as this does In the
immediate wake of election of
in York it seems lo r
the theory that Plaits By mixing a
I power in York is waning.
Exposure to Wet,
Cure, No Pay
hall of w milk, tho whole
will be healed and of
i ,. painkiller,
Si u hi

N. C.
O. J. Ed. Owner
Entered at the Poet Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second Class
Mail Matter.
Friday, November 1901.
A Philadelphia paper is suggest
the divert the
funds now being used for foreign
missions to an effort to regenerate
the people of the city. Not a bad
idea, judging from the reports of
corruption coming out of
The article published elsewhere,
taken from correspondence in the
Charlotte Observer, relative to the
payment of poll tax before the
first of May, is a matter of import-
to every voter. It is the law,
and those who fail to comply with
it will disqualify themselves from
The Supreme Court of the Unit-
ed States has granted leave to the
of South Dakota to proceed
with its suit the State of
North Carolina to recover on the
bonds of the Western North Caro
railroad which were bequeath-
ed to a university in South Dakota.
It U to be North
Carolina will do any yielding in
the case, but will fight the suit to
a finish.
In Session With St. Pauls Church.
Business session. This meeting
was mainly devoted to reports of
the progress of work the differ-
of the con vocational
district. All parishes represented
were called upon by the Dean to
give brief account of their
The told of the
missionary work his charge.
The of the de
for labor was introduced by
the great need of workers shown
by these encouraging reports.
The next meeting January
was decided and the
to Trinity Parish,
accepted. Convocation
then adjourned.
At the morning service the fol-
lowing took part, Kt.
Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., and
Rev. Messrs. V Harding, Robert
D. D., N. I. Hughes and
the rector of the parish. The
Bishop preached the sermon, and
administered the Holy
assisted by X. Harding.
the afternoon Item was the rite of
Baptism. At night there was
evening service. One candidate
presented continuation.
The N C. Hughes preached
the sermon.
For the fiscal year ending June
1901, the earnings of the At
Coast Line railroad from
operations amounted to
the operating expenses
taxes amounted to 14,976,829.37,
leaving a net balance of
270.07, to which may added
962,915.50 income derived from
other sources. These figures are
taken from reports made at the
recent annual meeting of the
rectors and make a flue showing
for the year's business.
Bern, N. C. Nov.
The event of this term of Craven
Superior Court, now in
judge Henry R.
siding, was furnished by the grand
jury today. A true bill of indict
was found against a dozen
proprietors of slot machines now in
operation in this city. Solicitor
Larry I. Moore will thoroughly test
the cases and will drive I be inn
chines out if
from special to Raleigh Post of Sat-
Nov. 1901.
We heartily commend the wise
noble of our
talented townsman able Solid
tor, to drive these
gambling devices out of New Bern.
They are a curse to any community.
But, Mr. Solicitor, say-
charity begins at home. Right
here in your own there are
numbers of these machines running
day night. The sons of your
are being luted into
these saloons by the-e machines
and taught their first lessons in
the perilous ways of gambling.
There is not a day when you walk
the main business street of your
town, the hours when these
saloons are permitted to be open,
that you may look III upon
them and see them, by u device
is too bald to be taken as so-
doing a business that is so
plainly gambling even its pa-
and victims laugh at the
to defend it on the plea that is it
not gambling.
You have made a good start in
New Bern. Now out the
of the law in notion
and drive these
of your tow u,
good people will com-
mend you and bless you for it.
The Cost of the Census.
The cost of the eleventh census
was in the close neighborhood of
From present indications the
twelfth census will entail an ex-
upon the government of not
less than and before
the end is reached the figures may
run considerably higher.
Much of this outgo might be ob-
by means of a permanent
census bureau, and in view our
somewhat troublesome experience
it seems rather strange that we
have not as yet steps in this
d I net ion.
As it is cow, we are put to the
of census bu-
every ten years, each
lime are compelled to begin
the beginning. Why not profit by
the lessons of experience
Besides insuring a very great
saving to the taxpayers of the
the creation of a
census bureau would also in-
sure heller results the
lion and verification of statistics.
the system the
work of getting out census re
tores is so slow that the figures get
oat of data before they are pub
and are, therefore,
As soon as possible steps should
lie taken looking toward the or-
g Of S permanent census
bureau. Certainly another ten
years should DO be allowed to pass
without the of such a
The sooner the movement is in-
List of in Pitt County.
Register of Deeds T. R. Moore
received from the State Audi-
tor a list of the names of
ate soldiers and widows in Pitt
who are to pen-
and handed to The
tor for publication. While the
have come, the warrants
have been received, and the
Auditor says it will be early in
December before they can be sent
out. Register of Deeds Moore says
he will give notice as soon as the
warrants conic so that all whose
appear below can call
and then get them.
Following are the and
class to which they
Second S. Johnson,
William F. Mills.
lie Bennett W. H.
F. Parker.
Fourth. L.
Jesse W. Braxton, H.
Brown, James E. Bullock, J. U.
P. Bryan, Frank Bright, Richard
Craft, Wyatt Clark, A.
John B. Cannon, Joseph Cox, Ivey
Corbett, Henry Deal, Theophilus
Deal, W. James Elks,
T. W. Ellis, Lewis Edwards, Riley
Edwards. Arthur Forbes, A. G.
R. B. Fulford, George
Harris, Hart, Lewis
son, Hathaway, Joseph Ham,
nil Harris, Cornelius James,
Jackson, T. Jones,
William G. W.
William If, L.
J. E. Mayo, James
James D. Pope, J. R.
Wiley Pierce, Phelps, C. E.
J. E. Randolph, James
E. Abner Smith, J. L.
James Win.
I. J. Whichard,
James It. Wren.
Baker, Mary
Baker, Susan Branch,
Mill cent Corbitt,
ca Crawford,
Cannon, Jen-
Dudley, Elks, Palsy
Fleming, Mary Grizzard, C.
ton, Manning, E. Man-
Hot Mary
S. M. Manning. Mears,
Sallie Ann Mathews, Louisa Oak-
Louisa Stocks, Ann
Smith, Susanna Spain, Sarah M.
Stocks, Stocks, Nancy
Stokes, Mary Jane Smith, Eliza
beth Warren, Jane E. Whitehurst.
Happening in North
They are having snow in the
western part of the State.
The Western N. C. Conference
meets this week at Gastonia.
Four Chinamen in Wilmington
bare joined the Methodist church
in that city.
Monday near Palmyra a gin
house and twenty bales of cotton
were burned.
The Scotland Neck knitting mill
was considerably damaged by fire
Monday night.
Charlotte had a fire
early Tuesday morning, several
stores being burned.
Ann White has erected a
monument over supposed grave
of In i husband, but it has since
developed her husband is still
alive. This colored woman
ed I i a pension is 1894, chinning
that In husband fought was
killed Mm- civil war. She
pay in cash.
She l light a place and be-all
in live iii gnat style. A mono
ii cut creeled over the grave of
her deceased husband. However,
last year a colored volunteer up-
plied for a pension and he was
found to be none other than the
white. Judge was
appointed a receiver for tile prop
of Ann White New
Bern, and speculation is now- rife
is burled beneath the
monument creeled to White's
In New
I be theatrical manager may act
as If he wanted the bat it's
tin stirs he's
Western Kansas editors have a
unique was prodding
subscribers, as this from the
Kansas City Journal will
If you have headaches,
dizziness, Minting spells, an i mi pa
by chills, cramps, corns,
chilblains, epilepsy and
dice, it Is a sign you are not well,
but are liable to die any minute.
Pay your a year in
and thus make yourself
Marriage Licenses.
Register of T. R. Moore,
issued the following marriage
Edward and Elissa While
Mack Manning and Den
and Mary L. Little.
Dunk and Dora James.
R. and Eula Vain-
Calvin Turnage and Bettie Bel-
flash Jones and Nora Mooring.
Clark and Sarah Abrams
Thigpen and Martha
A man near Kinston found in a
marl bed is supposed to be
the petrified heart of a human
Dr. D. E. Motley has been elect-
ed president of the Christian col-
at Wilson.
Five prisoners, all colored, broke
out of jail Louisburg Saturday
night. One of them was under
sentence of death for murder.
Governor Aycock has pardoned
O. B. J. P. Mallet
were serving a
term the penitentiary for con-
goods to defraud creditors.
Some men were out hunt-
near Greensboro. Their dogs
frightened a I hogs and one
of the latter run into a fence
was injured so that it had to be
killed. The farmer made the hunt-
pay estimated
to be worth if it bad kept up
fattened until
Oakley, Nov. 1901.
We thought we would let you
bear from this neck the woods.
C. II. Ross will in his
new store this week
Mr. J. L. am Miss
Bettie Manning, near here, were
visiting Mrs. Dr. Ricks, at Par-
Mr and Mrs. J. E. Hi ties, of
were visiting the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
here Sunday.
Our very clever Dr. Warren, of
Stokes, reports not much
in this section at the present.
Saturday was a gala day at
A big barbecue and fox bunt.
Men and dogs, then more men
and more dogs. Some long eared
dogs and some short cared dogs.
Result, no fox. Everybody seemed
to enjoy it.
Call to Mind the Past.
I remember very well when
young men sought employment on
farms for about per annum.
This included board and washing.
Such you us men would labor hard
six days per week and fifty-two
weeks in the year with two or
three holidays at Christmas. Out
of this would save
In a years they would have
enough money to buy a farm.
They did not make debts. They
did not They owned no
They wore plain cloth-
They saved their
They made character. They bad
N. C, Nov.
If you intend repairing the fence
around your farm during the win-
you will find it very much to
your interest to examine the wire
now being offered by the
A. Q. Cox Mfg. Co. It is
without a rival as to
ability in price it is by fur the
cheapest the
Mrs. Elks, a very old lady,
died here Monday and will
be buried out near Standard this
Mrs. J. E. Hurt, Kinston, has
been visiting Mrs. W. L. House
for several days. She left for her
home yesterday.
One day this week a package
came to the post office addressed
to the Prominent Courting
It was very promptly
handed to Joshua Manning, Esq.,
some think Jimmie Green
most justly entitled to the prize.
Mrs. J. B. Galloway, of Grimes
laud, was visiting in town Monday.
Mrs. Bessie Chapman, Calico,
was the Misses Wesson
Miss Mollie Bryan attended
church at Bethany Sunday.
J. D. Cox, Mesdames Mary
Smith, J. D. Cox and Miss Mollie
Bryan were attendance upon the
Episcopal Convocation at Green-
ville the latter part of last week.
Chief of Police Sparks went to
Kinston Saturday evening and re-
turned Monday morning.
Little Misses Annie Nelson and
Olivia Cox spent Saturday in
Jesse was here day
this week buying cotton.
Mrs. G. R. has gone to
Black Jack to visit her lister who
is very sick.
There were several from here to
attend the dedication services at
Monday. Among be-
Dr. Mrs. B. T. Cox, Mrs.
C. A. Fair and Mrs. J. D. Cox.
Enoch general manager
for the Ayden Limber Co., was
here on the 15th.
revenue collector J. L.
Phelps, of Plymouth, one
day here last week.
Mrs Ann of
Tenn., who bus visiting
the fir some
time, left fur home last Thursday.
Rowan Cooper has a nice assort
of light and heavy groceries
as well us a selection of con
He would lie pleased to
have his friends and the public
call tie convinced t n it ho has
not only the best but also sells as
cheap as the cheapest.
Mrs Kinsey Hardy, of Ayden,
who has been on a visit to the
family of A. G. Cox, returned
home yesterday
Our Line of
New Millinery
and yon will be convinced a
prettier, more stylish display was
Made in
Pattern Hats. Ready-to-wear Hats, Sailors,
Baby Cloaks and Caps. The very newest
and latest styles in everything in my line.
Prices lower than ever. Give me a call.
as. m. d. mm
Cox respect to compromise
James Karl and manhood, self control
to keep vicious appetites,
acquired a competency for comfort-
able living. They built up the
country. They added something
profitable to their P.
D. Gold Wilson Time.
When noon hour comes in
Washington clocks through
out country arc set every day
to Washington time. They set the
pace the other clocks, watches,
etc. And yet some people are
savor o
Six held up an editor
an Ohio town a few nights ago.
When gazed on the combined
of the search, they
stood up in a row and asked
In in to kick for being such
A profit is not without honor.
When a separates a man
tooth the parting gives him
The race troubles will continue
this country as long as men bet
on the wrong horse.
It's funny that a horse can go a
mile by moving only four feet.
If talks the dollar ought
to say wise things. It has outs
Mayor Court
Mayor W. II. Long has
of the following cases in bis court
since last report I
N. II. Allen, drunk and
lined and costs, 93.85.
Austin II assault with
deadly i bound over to
Con. I.
Minnie Olivia
bound over to
J. A. drunk and down,
and cost,
H. C. Hooker simple assault
lined costs, 92.05.
Button and down
and 93.30.
The man who waits for
generally gets it in the
shape of epitaph.
Old Glory
waved in triumph o'er prices at
Millinery Store.
All kinds of hats at nil kinds of prices. Felts, velvets,
silks, ribbons, feathers, etc., in fact just anything necessary
to make a stylish hat, cheaper than ever before. Call and be
convinced that the Reflector advertisements tell the
Holliday Dead.
night between an
o'clock Miss Joule Holliday, of
Grimesland, died alter a brief ill-
She taken Thursday
morning with a J chill. She
was years of age and a daughter
of Mrs. Holiday. The moth-
two sisters and one brother are
left to mourn her death.
Miss Holliday was a very
young lady and had a large cir-
of friends. Slid was operator
of the Grimesland telephone ex-
change which posit ion she tilled
most was also
correspondent of
which capacity she
was most obliging, her interesting
letters being read with pleasure.
The took place Sunday
afternoon at the Ward burial
The family of the deceased re
quest that their sincere thanks be
to the people of Grimes-
laud for their exceeding kindness
during her
t you how it
It's this ways
You can burn yourself with Fire, with
Powder, etc., or you can yourself
with Steam or Hot Water, but there is
only one proper way to cure a burn or .
and that is by using
Mustang Liniment.
It gives relief. Get a piece of soft old
I linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind
loosely upon wound. You can no
idea what on excellent remedy this is for a born until
you have tried it.
A MUM TIP Hour, or
L III. other poultry m Mexican
Liniment. It ii a remedy by poultry breeders.
a pert telephone girl in
Seattle refused to connect a sub-
scriber with the department
when he to give notice of a
fire, a loss of was incurred,
and now telephone company is
being sued fur damages by per-
son served and by
company which suffered the
Even sweet nothings of a
lover mean
II you have sour stomach, Indication, bad
inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles,
of appetite, Insomnia, lack of energy, bed Mood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tall story of bad bowels and an
Impaired system, Cure You.
It dean out the bowels, lbs liver and kidneys, strengthen
membranes of tbs Stomach, purify your blood en. yew
your again. Your appetite will return, your mart
your liver and kidneys to trouble you, year akin will and
and yon will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
pauper medicine to fits for
and similar , find an lee
M hi. . mauler or a
n well, happy and hearty. If
U ilia for ,
For Salt by
Our Suits are so good
that we say to you, buy one
and you will get the
back if you don't like the suit.
If we make any sort of mis-
take, bring the suit back and
let us make it right.
Call it our generosity, call it
generosity, call it fair-
call it anything you like.
But do it.
By the way, is the
place where we can put the
most value into our suits.
a long story.
The suite tell it.
We do what we say we do.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The for
and we request
you to settle as early as
We need What YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice for those who
find the cross mark on their
J. B. Cherry Co. have some
beautiful windows holiday goods
Bring your Ft Cattle to E. If.
and ct. per lb
I will pay in Seven Cents
per lb for Turkeys. Bring them
to M.
Mr. W. H. Harrington is break-
ground for another building on
bis lot In front of the Court House.
The Telephone Company is
some new poles put up in town.
The line from here to
will also be newly built.
know what Parker
Pens are. A new assortment
of them, also leather pen and pen-
pockets, just received
tor Book Store.
The star mail route between
Greenville and Hill has dis-
continued, and Hill and
land are now supplied
by a route from Tarboro.
check for on
Greenville in favor of
Moses Carr, drawn by
Evans Co., So. dated Nov.
All persons are warned
against trading same.
N. O. History stories
Life of Jackson Life of Lee
Grimm's stories
Moses be used In
and private schools. These
and other books bu had at
Book Store.
Get Elwood
tics, Johnson Physical Culture,
slant copy books, Cam-
C tablets, Keystone composition
ks, pencils, slate pencils
in slates, pen, crayons,
rules, and lots of other things, at
Book Store.
Honor Rod.
Honor roll of the Greenville pub
lie for the month ending
Nov. D. C. Moore, Jr.; Fannie
Farrow, Eva Williams.
Did in Jail.
Sunday morning about
a white man named John M.
was serving a sentence jail
for slander, died of heart failure.
He was years of age.
took charge of the
Land Posted.
All person are hereby forbidden
under penalty of the law from en-
hunting, Ashing, or in any
way trespassing my land
known as place
adjoining Fred James
Harris and the Sutton land.
i r kT u, t i if i
. tun,., and l m Al
i . DIM,
tr W will la ,, lac la map m tea
lull, Mil. la a leaf
awl i. , ll
i i
The Observer reports killing
of a white partridge by a hunter
near Fayetteville Saturday, and
adds It la said a while part-
ridge is a sign a hard winter.
A guest in one room of Hunt-
House left a basket of chips
sitting too near the store, Saturday
basket got on lire
there came near being a lively
blaze. It was discovered and put
out before any damage done
Gun Exploded.
While out bunting Saturday Mr.
A. F. Kennedy sustained a painful
accident. In some way bis gun be
came choked and be went to
Are it the burst just where
bis left hand was supporting it.
load passed through bis hand
and very badly lacerated it.
Mr. J. White tells us be gather-
ed the nuts, Tuesday, from a pecan
tree on his lot. He got pounds
of nuts was offered for them
at tree. is years
old and this is third year of
bearing. We believe pecans are
the most profitable tree that our
people could grow.
have yon cu
asked a stranger who
to make some inquiries
about we ans-
a little over
years, ho cast a doubtful look
us us if to insinuate there
didn't anything good grow here.
He stayed long enough to learn
better, went away saying
Greenville is a better town than he
Association of
Pennsylvania, baa fol-
lowed example of several
men's organizations of
individuals in other places by-
making a rule against poster, pro-
gramme, circular and other mis
forms of advertising.
At a recent meeting
merchants resolved that hereafter
their advertising shall be confined
to Rec-
Some Speak to Me, Some to You.
Monday, November
F. O. Whaley returned to Hal-
Z. P. Vandyke went up the road
this morning.
Rev. J. B. Morton returned to
Tarboro today.
Miss Nannie went to
den Saturday evening.
Mrs. Joseph returned to
Ayden Saturday evening.
M. H. Tucker and wife went to
Kinston Saturday evening.
J. D. Cox and wife returned to
Saturday evening.
L. H. went to
Saturday evening returned
this morning.
Rev. Nat Harding, who was
here at the Convocation, returned
to Washington today.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner
and children returned Saturday
evening from Goose Nest,
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Jordan, of
Danville, who have been visiting
their son, J. C. Jordan, returned
home today.
Mis. T. J. Mrs.
Skinner returned Saturday
evening from the Daughters of
Confederacy at
Rev. J. H.
has spending a few days here
in of his work there.
He Sunday in the
Baptist church.
Tuesday. November
D. Moore went to Bethel to
B. W. Moseley went up the road
n. W. Whedbee went to Bethel
B. E. I'm hum went to
Mrs. R. J. to Kinston
Monday evening.
to Kinston
Monday evening.
L. I. Moore returned this morn-
from New Bern.
W. It. Smith came from Has-
sells Monday evening.
W. B. Wilson returned Monday
evening from a trip up the road.
Mill Helen returned
Monday evening from a visit to
Mrs. M. A. Whichard son,
Edwin, of Whichard, came over
Monday to the family of the
editor returned home today.
Fred Cox went up the road this
Calvin Smith, of
spent the day here.
J. Caddell, of came
Tuesday evening.
down the
road Tuesday evening.
Col. Harry returned this
morning from Kinston.
E. I. of Cary,
last Ibis here.
Factory to Consumer, No middle mans profit.
worth choice goods
at prices.
Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Miss Nan came up this
morning from Ayden to visit her
brother, H. L. Coward.
H. E. A brain, of Washington
City, has been spending a day or
two with S. M
Mrs. D. K. House today for
to visit her parents,
mid will spend Thanksgiving
i-1 Forbes, who came home
from Trinity at Durham a
ago, returned today to
lake up bit
Mi White, The Re
Black Jack
dent, was town made
a pleasant cull at the
Mrs. J. J. Willis and child re-
turned Monday evening from a
visit in Nash.
Mm. P. M. Dud.
Mrs. Addie Dupree, wife of Mr.
F. M, Dupree, Farmville, drop
dead Monday. Her only sis-
Mrs. Sue came to
Greenville, leaving her in
as good health as usual, but
alter reaching hero received a
telephone message Mrs. Du-
was dead.
Deceased was twice married to
the husband whom she leaves, the
last place in Au
gust goon after she got a second
from her second
named She leaves one
son by her first marriage with Mr.
Dupree and two daughters with
her marriage by Mr. The
sou belongs to C S. Navy and
Is now the Philippines.
and Snits, Price
Sizes to Years.
and Trice
to U
Odd Coats.
and Coats
Boys Knee Pants.
kind, sizes to
Mens Pants.
ff nil and no Pants, now
and I
round I
These prices for cash s
No goods charged at these prices.
to HO Shirts now
A full line from e to c now going
The value aver offered.
to kind,
-i. Shoe.
Men- BU now
pal lips
. in,.
Big stock on hand.
You must see
II n.
and now
OS and
IS and
and IN
Sample Price.
no hats for
I on
All i Window
Regular price
Bought Enough Goods For Ten Small Stores.
sell. come.
Clock, and Watches
watches now
ii II
ff day clock at prices.
AU shades, all kinds, nil quality. The
at the to see us
your neighbors, or toll them about us.
The and best line we
have ever bad. Special value,
cheapen to the beat,
All Don't fail to RM
i one of the choice patterns.
goo All Linen
Worth now
Carpels, Matting;, Floor Oil Cloth
. . k ,. ell
line in town.
All Kinds
Ladies Underwear
Heady to wear. Ask our saleslady department
lit show them to you. Chemise, Drawer,
Sc, at less than cost of material.
Duality quality
Rockers, Hacks, Cribs, Carriages, Ac, Gel prices,
Other sell cheap calico. Watch
I be colors They Will run out be-
fore yen t
n ft Hosiery.
Al sizes, and prices,
from the mills. This is a
for ladies to get a
I hi-
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.

Tasteless Chill Tonic
st the
One Million Sr
Hundred Thou
sand bottles
sold last year.
Do you think it
to try others
State of
Km. hi e
official information
has been received at this Depart
that at Falkland, Pitt county,
N. C, on or about December
1900, H. Parker shot
killed Alex Little.
it appears that
the John II. Parker baa fled
the State, or so himself
that the ordinary process of law
cannot be served upon
Now, therefore, I, Charles B.
Aycock, Governor of the State of
North by virtue of
me vested by law, do
issue this my proclamation, offer-
a reward of two hundred
for the and de
livery of the said John II. Parker
to the Sheriff of Pitt county at the
Court house in Greenville and I
do enjoin all officers of the Stale
and all good citizens to assist in
said to justice.
Done at our City of
the 28th day
In with of Bit Ki
B. of
North Carolina, appointing a special tern
of Superior court for county far the
purpose of trying actions, Is
hereby given said term of court will
on the th day of
1901, and continue for two weeks unless
business of said curt shall be sooner finish-
ed. This Not. 4th. 1901.
H DAVIS, Chairman.
Board of Commissioners PI county.
October, in the year
of our Lord one thous-
and nine hundred and in
the one hundred and twenty-sixth
year of our American Independence
By the
P. M. Private
H. Parker is
nearly six feet high of spare build,
weighs about has
boyish face, Is almost beard-
less, has blue eyes, light is
slightly stooped and about i
year old.
Tin- lender in good Work and low prices
Nice Photographs for per dozen.
Hall Cabinets go par dozen
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made from small picture cheap. Nice
Frame on hand all the time. Come and
my work. No trouble to show
sample and answer questions. The very
guaranteed to all. hours
to a. m, I. to p. D. Yours please.
Letters administration upon the estate
of Janice Tingle deceased this day
been Issued to me by the Clerk of the
of Pitt notice is
given to all persona holding claims
on estate to present to me for
payment on or before day of
or this it i. v will be plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make Immediate
settlement of their indebtedness.
This the 23rd or October
Administrator of James Tingle.
JARVIS BLOW, Attorneys.
duly qualified before
court Clerk of Pitt county as
tor the last will and testament of J. P.
Manning, deceased, notice Is hereby
to all persons indebted to the estate to mate
immediate payment to the undersigned.
and all persons having claims against said
estate are notified to present same with-
in twelve months from date or this notice
will lie plead in bar of recovery.
day of October,
Executor of J. I. Manning.
Steamer leave Washing
ton daily at A. U. for Green
leave Greenville daily at
H. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at for Tar
leave Tarboro for
Tuesdays, and
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamer for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N.
Greenville, N. O.
Have Yon Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
I Jas. B. White.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid up I 11-.
Extended Insurance work.-, automatically,
Will be reinstated If arrears be within month while yon
are living, or within three after satisfactory
of payment of arrears with Interest.
second No s. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable Hie g of second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for year be paid,
They may lie To led lire or
To Increase the
policy daring the lifetime
of insured.
J. L. i J,
Greenville, N. C.
Brings at Cure in all Cases
There nothing like Ii brings
relief, even I he Worst Cases. II cures when
all else tails.
The Bay. c. V. Wills, Villa, Ridge, III.,
battle of received in good
lion- I cannot tell mi how I hank fill I feel for the
good derived from I was a slave, chained
putrid sore throat asthma An ten years, I tie
paired of over being cured. your advertise
mi hi the cure of this dreadful and
disc h, thought yea
yourselves, but resolved lo give It a trial. To my
trial liken charm.
a full-size
We want to lend lo n r of
similar to the one cured Mr. Wells. We'll land It by mall pool
paid, absolutely Vice Charge, to any who will write for
even on a postal. Never mind, though you are despairing,
bad your case. will relieve and cure. The Worse your
case, more glad we arc lo semi It. Do Dot write at once, ad-
dressing Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co., East N. V. Oil.
Hold try all Druggists.
The Companionship of
The man who abandons
voluntarily cuts him
self off from the most exalted
that can cuter
heart. He puts himself out of the
company of Raphael, and Rubens,
ml when he might
live in the atmosphere that made
them great. If Michael Angelo,
Sir Christopher Wren, and
welcome him at door,
and Bach
greet him as he enters.
may be spavined wind-galled.
The choir may be an aggregation
of tuneless tyros, but if the young
man has worshipful
music in his soul church
the same uplifting sentiments that
inspired and
u ill sweep the chords of bis
heart as organist touches the
keys, or a
throat sings Hun-
Rev. Francis E.
Clark, in the November
Ladies Home Journal.
For Sale.
tar N C.
about, loll arm. about i
cultivation Twain sens of is fine
tobacco or truck SUM, flood buildings, to-
He. For further
address C. T.
Berkley, Vs.
J. V. .
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and shipments
or hoard
The following is a statement or
of mi-, lings of the of Com nm-
for number days
each member number of
miles traveled amounts allowed for
services as Commissioners for Hie fiscal
year December 2nd, 1901.
R I. Davit days,
O W 11.11 -rm-i u day,
W O Little hath attended
Jesse bath days,
J J hath la days,
I. J Chapman hath
days as Com. Hi i
For miles 20.01
Letters hiving this day
issued to me upon of
M.-ti;. tin deceased, by Clerk of
Superior Court county, notice is
hereby Riven to nil having claims
. aid estate to me
fr payment on or before the 30th or
October 1902, or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate are notified to make
payment to me.
This the h
or Lewis
JARVIS i BLOW, Attorneys.
By virtue or a of the
Court or Pitt county, made in s Special
Proceeding entitled W. W. House and B.
A. vs. A. Janus, wife or
II. James, and others, the under-
Commissioner will soil for cash be-
fore the Court House door on
Monday. December Mb. follow
tract of land Id the
county of Pitt and in Bethel township, ml
Joining lands II. M. M.
Jones, W. I. the Mary A.
James land and others, containing
acres, more or less, and known as the
House land, and being the land own
him at time of his
in. November 7th, 1901.
A I now in in Haiti
I in;
more the ; op-
the of my
I my
Wiley the Greene St
the choir clears its col him full authority to col-
receipt fur same. I ask
in me to cull him and Mt-
k early
light parse Is a heavy
Sickness makes s light parse.
The liver Is the of nine
tenths of disease. .
Tint's Pills
go to the root of the whole
thoroughly, quickly
and restore the of the
LIVER to condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
E. E. Griffin,
Maker us
Opposite P. O., Greenville, N. C.
visited the northern markets
and Hie largest clocks,
watches, rings, pins, etc., ever
brought to Greenville. for
holiday trade presents
lo special orders Re-
pairing to clocks watches done
The Legislature has
to a Com-
to the erection
in Hie at
t of notable
sons, the to lie met by
popular More
years ago legislature
passed a that Georgia
should be represented in the
my hall by statues of Ogle-
the the State,
Dr. Long the
but DO further taken.
The Best Prescription far Malaria
bill. is u of Grove's
Chill Tonic. It Is -imply Iron
and in a tailless In, No cure,
day as Com. H
For as Committee h S
S miles t Hi be n
days torn.
For mill
days us
i a
miles traveled 20.00
For days as 4.1
miles I 16.00
I. J
days as Commissioner
For 21.00
r. M.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Denier. Gash paid for
Hides, Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys. etc. Bed
Mattresses, Oak Ba
by Carriages,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Gail Ax
Key West Cheroots,
A Can
Chinks, Peaches, Apples,
Pine n, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Matches, Oil,
Cotton Meal and Halls, Gar
den Seeds, Granges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Macs
loin, Cheese, Best Batter, Stand
Sewing Machines, and mi
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
Cot sty pa Pitt. t
I, T K Moore, clerk of
Board or for the county
aforesaid, do hereby that the
la a doth appear
or record In Hi day No-
1901. T It
Board Com. County
Manufacturers of
Doors. Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Pine Modern Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction lo
prices, styles work.
Please send your orders to
tub Greenville Co.
By of the power In me
tho fast will and
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
Fresh goods kept constantly so
band. Country prod and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W. H
vested by
or Lewis
deceased, I will on Monday, De
miner 2nd, 1901, before the court
In Greenville, sell at public sale to
bidder for cash that certain tractor
parcel of land in
county, lying South side or needy
Branch and adjoining land or Lewis L.
Frederick Will
Moore and containing
acres more or leas. It being tract of
laud deeded to by
part of
man tract
This the 29th day of October, 1901.
of Lewis
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
payment and prices low ea the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
virtue of the Superior court
of county in a proceed-
entitled John t. and wife Lucy
A. James vs. Hallie John
and Millie Williams; undersigned
Commissioner will tell for cash before the
Court house in
the 20th day or 1901, st
in , the following described piece,
or tract land in Carolina
adjoining the of M. R.
Page, B. U. Nelson, J. II. Whitehurst, J.
II. others, the laud
by William Rues to
acres more or less.
This Get. 1901
F. O. JAMES, Commissioner.
county In Superior court.
The defendant,
named, will notice that an action en
titled above has been commenced in the
Superior court of conn y for divorce,
ard defendant will further take notice
that is required to be st
next regular term or the Superior held
Tor the county or Pitt, to be held In the court
next regular term or the
county to be
house in Greenville, on Monday be.
fore first Monday of 1902, It betas
the 18th day of January, 1902 and I Inn
there answer to the complaint, which will
bellied todays before said court, or
will lie granted accordingly to the
prayer of the complaint.
This 2nd day November,
Clerk or Superior court
Ice to
Mr. John for
North Carolina Virginia, of that
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and to the public
generally, or North this com-
will now Resume Business In this
stats and in-m this date will issue Its
and desirable policies, to tie-
sir in k very best insurance la the best
lire insurance company In world.
K the local agent In your town has not
yet completed arrangements,
State Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
Live, it
to tho
j. a. oar,
------DEALER IN------
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Broken In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
In Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Months Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
office. The Semi-
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for f or The Daily
one year for 13.60 payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector
. . j
D. J.
For Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys and Mens Clothing, Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Cape, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. Tour friends,
the highest of Interest consistent with safety.
S. Low death rate, from a careful selection of risks and
limiting its to the Catted States
It be to row interest to we can do for yon before
your life Insurance.
Good territory for Agents in North Carolina.
T. ARCHIBALD GARY. General Agent.
Tor Virginia North Carolina,
E. Main Richmond, Va.
The pleasant days we have been having are now a thing
of the past, and only the pleasant memories of the same re-
main. Have yon supplied yourself with all necessary winter
When you facts all arguments halt. We give
no prices but all winter goods
pi SOLD.
A full and up-to-date line of Clothing, Shoes, Hate, Dry
Goods, Rugs, Notions, Dress and Trimmings. Under-
wear the cold weather kind. Winter and season right for
Blankets and Comforts, yes stock right too.
Water Remedy.
Tired women who retire at night
with the feeling they are so
tired that sleep is impossible,
should try the hot water remedy.
Remove clothing and bathe
your face, temples and wrists with
water hot it can be borne.
In many ireful sleep
follow when it will not with
other method.
A rest of even lift or twenty
to a tired woman in the
middle of the day will do more
than three times this resting space
at the end of the when the
muscles and nerves are almost be-
resting. Even if you have
only fifteen your
dot hes and bathe our neck, tern
plea face in hot water, or cold
water, ii that is more grateful to
nerves, and He down to the
pleasant dreams which are almost
sore to come after the hot water
treatment. A glass of hot water
with a few drops of lemon juice
and a little sugar is a
drink which French women take
at their midday rest. Tea is too
much of a nerve stimulant,
it is very weak. Some And
a glass of hot milk both and
at their rest horn.
If there is time, it is excel-
lent plan to take your rest hour
after dinner, and follow the sleep
of fifteen or twenty by a
pleasant sponge bath, putting on a
fresh set of clothes for the after-
noon work. Few appreciate how
much of a rest it is to put on fresh
clothes in the
Prices Reduced
On All Our Stock of
Consisting of handsome Oak Suits, Odd
Beds, Wash Stands, Couches, Side
Boards, Chairs and Rockers, we have greatly
reduced the prices and invite all who need
to inspect our stock, we can and will save
you money.
Don't forget that we have a huge line of
Breech Loading Guns
The Place to
Goods for tho
Least Money
then you will
jg straight to
Complete -luck of fall winter go
now ready Inspection, and our
cannot he
Indies see
and will sell them at reduced prices, and
secure a bargain.
Your friends,
j. i
Over a Million Acres of Do.
A report has been made by
special agent appointed by Gov.
Stanley to statistics on the
subject of prairie dogs in Kansas.
In the sixty-seven covered
by the report it is shown that
acres of are
by prairie dog towns.
county heads the list with
aorta, county has
and Cove The other
counties run from to
acres. la the extreme western
part of the State nearly all of the
pasture land is held by prairie
dogs. The general estimate of
damage to this pasture by
is per cent., though many
farmers think it is greater. One
farmer in Wallace county says that
his cattle will not eat grass on that
part of his occupied by
prairie dogs. A in Lo
county says he is only able to
pasture be of cattle on the
same range where he pastured
head ten years ago, the
prairie dogs were not so numerous.
Experts at the Agricultural Col-j
are trying to devise some
Method for exterminating the
prairie dogs, but up to time
little has come of
The pest is rapidly in-
Louis Dem.
None genuine unless
Red Cross is on label
Don't taLe i
for Chills, Fevers,
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
all forms of
and Cum.
Judge Moore is u
good that he run
An ancient parson was
edifying bis with an
account of passage the child
of Israel across tho Ii- l sen in
their from Egypt.
lire lien said
went sea on ice.
but win
small up
wall; rite sleek
W Hicks b not Dead.
a y
Rev. hi It.
II never was in
i . a
isl closing, He
bus j completed his large
splendid for and,
i fable helpers, has
mi mil, Word
. ; Into inter
In ; ii i i, quart-
Mr. Hicks
grow ii in and
Bleep-Kilo us people's astronomer, and
way on or i-n the
wen cum down In seasons. Never
iv win forecasts so
hot by den. de Ice now, his timely
It n tins
bit in Faro nil hi- v i sated the people from
army got Millions
i were harvested
for a buck sitting near to crops
pulpit, and rising tip he wild early. The
a knowing air, people win certainly
don ii i., Hicks, hen It costs
got In little and the
His One
toe, and bis splendid
Tho up in hi journal one dollar a
dignity, looked over his j, . tin Mm nae. Yon
and pointing hi-finder Ii i.
at down you I and year, and
I mail
hi- I'm
Just long as there ii a tariff
duty on certain articles just so
long will certain add that
amount to price of their pro-
ducts and thus force the consumer
at horns to pay that much more
than he should pay. The men
who profit and grow unto million-
by virtue this system want
it left severely alone. Those who
understand this plan of robbery
and see that they are being robbed
every day, are demanding a
while many who have
never understood this monstrous
and most diabolical tiling are still
standing by the very men who
take bread from their children's
The Malaria
t hills and For la s of
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It la simply iron
a form. No cure,
so ray. Pries see.
have just added Steam Supply to our business and
trill tell anything in this line very low. Bee when in wan I of
Globe and, Anglo Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Ganges, Hancock
U. S. Injectors, i Cocks,
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Pitting all sizes,
LINK OP Packing, Robber
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing. Belt Hooks.
Not tared.
Amos was fair type
k lip and gum
He ; seated on a Ii .,
store, all nit
from home, and ii was
kepi mi John,
bis neighbors, to
Pi nail John i nil.
Amos, no m, .
mid who, for ten
desired above nil be I
exclaimed, i
Ain't I'm -kind m .
what l
In School Attendance.
u e en tillable statistics for
. brought
In I in of
the -i pi lasts d, of public In-
of tn Film i getting together
instance is-
ii ids show last year
mile i children of
i intended school,
. ii i . children
ii Hi, i in attend
at all, l iii- average
dance . the school term
The smile salaries, per
i i both male and Ce-
her, i he Slate
i. i- no oilier
-i which
Sewer Farm Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
N. C.
Nun I ain't. I ain't
you i -Kind , r
you dollar
ain't lei do n
do it den
Amos after some says,
t n-c I part
n shoe log
lo e schools as
are Some
pent ii--- in oat .
lbs in in
n I'm
II i . .
t. Mill,. . ,
nun I ii I'm col I- id ii ,. .;
Is i
taking Trade
An in- of
mi- ii has become a
i. . . . i
i pi advertisers
season arc seasonable.
M, ii more there is a
in j not lei up lime,
lo keep everlastingly it, year
year ii baa ban
I n of
. an
Ii, i

Eastern reflector, 22 November 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 22, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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