Eastern reflector, 29 October 1901

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Tasteless Chill Tonic
has stood the test
for years.
One Million Six
Hundred Thou-
sand bottles were
sold last year.
Do you think it
pays to try others
Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
A M OF thing
to me your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please
Jas. I White.
N. Oct.
My but III is is going lobe
great week for North Carolinians
a big percentage
of them will participate in the
of the occasion. Our obi
friend, State Fair, is with us
again in all its pristine glory.
NEW Kill
Lou Value,
J. Value,
up Insurance,
I. Insurance ilia works automatically.
I Non
B. Will be It Instated if aliens lie month while you
are living, or within three after lapse, satisfactory evidence
of null of arrears with interest.
second No s. Incontestable,
Dividends are payable the beginning Of the second and each
succeeding year, provided premium for the current year be paid.
They may e To reduce Premiums, or
To the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Bring Instant a Permanent Cure in all Case.
There is like
of ad-
so early in the game by ac-
with a
Phew My lords and ladies-
kirk and sit down
The last of the North Carolina
claims against the
on account of expenditures in
curled by citizens of this Slate
during the Spanish war were paid
during the past week, amounting
to making a total of claims
paid Only worth
claims was
It bad been expected that The striking of the name of John
bet would witness the Brown from
lion of the free rural mail delivery i pupils of the
service over the new routes j Asheville graded schools is
Cd by Congressmen from ally approved Professor
several other districts in this j faced to fake this action by
slate, carriers having public sentiment,
and bonded in a number of in The war
Rut Pen of General Lee by
the District has just re- Colonel Cameron and
a letter from former as his charger
of lie free rural de- daring the war,
livery service staling that no new has just been returned to Colonel
routes can put in operation I as General Lee now has
I fore January We'll get j to use him, with a
then, or soon thereafter. note of thanks and
the meantime there should be a for the noble annual.
hustle to secure a large number of Raleigh Ibis week,
additional routes. Senator Ward's mandamus unto
division compel the Corporation Com-
MONK, mission to railroad property
The of j Breaks
; which the of North Carolina
I will pay under the new act will I a- the request of
Made By The Orange Virginia. Observer
The trust has
for want of
straight flush on a maiden's
face will beat four
Everybody thinks everybody
misfortune is a
When the scale fall from a
man es he can see a long weigh.
The quickest way to get rid of
your friends is to do them a favor.
man who made a mis-
take in his life never made any-
thing else.
A man ought to be as good as he
advises others to be, but somehow
he never is.
Is on where health
With Impure blood there cannot
be rood health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
Tint's Pills
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
Its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All
The political pot is boiling over
Can a telephone girl make
welkin ring
life is not confined to the
tall apart houses.
The girl who gives away her
kisses seldom has any stolen.
Strong and skins
have caused many a man's down
True happiness, with some
pie, consists in being to say
told you
The man who can never
anything when he wants it can
usually be depended upon to find
Ala, July
Or Dear Sir; Justice
you Unit I should you my
with your excellent medicine,
Him girl, just thirteen
mouths old, had ranch trouble teething.
Every remedy exhausted the
prescription from family physicians.
Her continued to pas blood
and burning fever continued for days at a
time. Her life was almost of. Her
mother determined lo try ind in
a day or there was great
life hail bowels were
and, thank to the little Is now
Mag well. Yours, etc. W.
Ed. A Prop. News.
is well represented at
the State fair.
It brings
II cures when
Instant relief, worst cases,
all else fails.
The Rev. C. V. Wells, of Villa, Ridge, lays.
bottle of good
I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the
good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with
put rid sore throat and for ten years. I de-
d ever being cured, I saw your advertise
of this dreadful and
asthma, and thought you bad
but resolved lo give it a trial. To my
astonishment, acted like a charm. Send me
a full-size
We to lend to every a trial of
similar to the cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it by mail post-
paid, absolutely Free of Charge, to any sufferer ho write for it,
even on a postal. Never though you arc however
bad your case. will relieve The worse your
ease, the more glad we are lo scud if. Do not delay, write at once, ad
dressing Dr. Tart Bros Medicine Co., , East 180th St., ,. Y. City.
Sold by all Druggist
; divided as follows the
I several classes of Confederate
class, t a year,
I number amount sec-
class, number amount
1.1,750; third class, a year,
number NO, amount
fourth class widows, a
year, amount grand to-
Aycock will,
November let, deliver a number Of
addresses on education in some of
the counties. Ho far he
has made four appointments for
of President
yell and Hooker Washington
noted and at the
White House together last week
has caused a shiver of disgust to
inn up down spinal col-
of those who were
throwing up their hats for
on account of Judge Jones
appointment and
of his
her alleged
To think
their ideal should go kick their
Attorney-General will
not be heard till about
The Bait Prescription far
hills sad fever is a of Grove's
dull Tunic. It is Iron
and it form. No cure,
Pries inc.
Last year country shipped
of corn to for-
Ten yen's ago
shipment amounted to only
Bobbin's Chill nils cure and all
malarial troubles. That is what they were
made for. Cure after oilier remedies fail
No cure, no pay. Price bottle
E. E, Griffin,
Wild Kit
Opposite P. O., Greenville, N. C.
Recently the northern markets
and Mock clocks,
ring, pins, etc, era-
to article for
and wedding
Prompt to special orders e-
lo clocks and watches done
leader in good work and low price
Nice Photographs for
Hall per
All other lute very cheap. Crayon Portrait
made from any email picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to snow
sample and answer question. The very
last work guaranteed to all. Office
to a in, to n. m. Yours to please,
Having duly qualified before
Clerk of Pitt county a
the last will and testament of J. P.
Manning, deceased, notice hereby given
lo indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to undersigned,
and all persons having claims against said
estate ere notified to present the name with-
in twelve months from date or this notice
will be plead in of recovery.
This day of October, 1901.
Executor of J. P.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer Edgecombe leaves
Greenville Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at A. M. for Tar
leave for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturday
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
North Pitt county,
Oscar Hooker
D. N. Co. and
Southern Express Co. I
The defendant, D. N. A Co, will
take notice that a summons in above
entitled action learned against de-
on the
by C. D. a Justice of Peace
of Pitt county, North Carolina, for the sum
of due said plaintiff by contract
which summons is returnable before
Justice at bis office at Greenville in
county on 7th of November, 1901.
said defendant will also take notice
that a warrant of attachment was issued
D. I. EMU,
by said Justice on the day of
1901, against certain property of the
defendant now in bands of the
Southern Express Co., at Greenville, N. C.
which Is returnable before
said Justice at time and place above
named for the return of the summon,
when where said defendant re-
quired to appear and answer or demur to
toe complaint, or the relief demanded will
be granted. C- O.
This Sept 30.1901.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court, made by ills Honor W. H. Hoke
Judge presiding at May term, 1901, of Pitt
court in the case of C. D. end
wife Blount others,
tee of Hill church, the undersigned
Commissioner will sell for cash beam the
court house in Greenville Monday
the 4th of November, 1901, follow-
described piece, parcel or lot of land
situate in the Town of Greenville, and
known as Hickory Hill colored Baptist
church lot, sod a part of lot Mo. Be-
ginning at the corner of lot and on
Greene Street and running with line of
lots and West feet, then North a
straight line parallel with Greene street
feet, thence a direct line parallel with
the Drat line to Greens street, thence with
Greene street to the beginning, containing
2-8 square yard.
This Oct. 1st, 1901. F.
Mm. Emma Hut ton, the wife of
Mr. W. E. Sutton, Neuse town-
ship, about six mile, from
died last night from the effects of
taking strychnine mistaking
deadly drug for quinine. K
Free Press, n.
For Sale.
MT faro Near N. C.
Containing about scree, about in
cultivation. Twenty scree of this is fine
or truck land. Good buildings, to-
barn, water, etc. For further
address C. T. PH AL,
Box Berkley, Vs.
J. ff. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bag.
Correspondence and shipments
A. vegetable remedy that
rut and long
The greatest
known. Die hearty
i i
after trial. Cures per
of treated.
Sold by NICHOLS.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap
We solicit patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
your orders lo
Tile CD.
x. c.
Mr. John C. Drewry, Agent for
North and of that Well.
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to announce to large number of
policy holders, and lo public
generally, of North this com-
will now Business in
state and from this date will issue
splendid and desirable policies, to ill de-
siring very best insurance In too best
life insurance company in world.
If the local agent In your town has not
yet completed address
State Agent, N. O.
Paid policy holder
lave, reliable energetic wanted
once to work for
oh mm
Cotton Bagging and Pi is always
on t
Fresh goods kept constantly en
band. prod and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
chard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Wholesale retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, ere. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Bolts, Ba
by Carriages, Parlor
Hint, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
I lard Gail Bed
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Milk,
Floor Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly-, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Halls, Gar-
den Oranges, Apples, Hots,
Candies, Dried Apple.,
China Ware, Tin Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Batter, Stand
aid Hewitt; Machine, and
moron other goods, and
Cheap for cash. Coos
to ace me.
ii ten ran
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
on. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
In Advance.
One Year I. Six Mouths
Three Sing,
No traveling canvasser are em-
ployed. Subscription taken at
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or Tub Daily
one year for payable lo ad-
The Eastern Reflector
For Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys and Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. Your friends,
The North
Securing the behest rate of interest consistent with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a care I selection of risks and
its business to the United States
It will be to your to see what we can do for you before
placing life insurance.
Good territory for Agents in North Carolina.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
Putting it Strong.
And why not When the merchandise and prices will
buck up the statements made concerning them, we
have every right to it There is
wrong in emphasizing excellence when the
sis is within the bounds of truth, when facts are
given without misrepresentation.
Our States Facts.
Oct. some
time a number of Prominent Dem-
of this section have been
having a quiet discussion
of the advisability of having the
next Senator selected by the State
convention, and those who
that this manner of selection
would have its advantages would
be glad to have some expression
from Democrats the
subject. That western Democrats
would favor a
all things being equal would
only be natural, as this would
doubtless settle at once
whether nominee
come from this part of the State.
It is regarded as a foregone con-
that the convention would
select a western man. It is
out that a convention
would come nearer than any
other method to being an
of the will of the great mass of
voters, and then the chances for
friction the party would
be reduced to a minimum, a fact
which is advanced as the most
of all reasons for favoring
action by the It would
preclude the possibility of the
sharpness, to put it mildly, that
characterized contest between
between Carr Simmons
The convention would,
some think, strike a happy medium
between the primary
method of selection. Again,
it would settle the sensational con-
test in advance, which would give
Legislature opportunity to de-
vote its attention lo bus- j
instead being a state of
confusion for several weeks,
in a senatorial light.
question a
Democrat, who is known through-
out State, find that
when a man is approached
the subject he usually shaken his
head dubiously, but the mat-
is thought over a little while
he is inclined to take more kindly
to the suggestion. The
for objection seem to
that the average man fears any-
thing like an innovation, a fear
that has grown cry largely out of
the experience over the primary,
and then some fear that if the sen-
fight were settled in ad-1
the party would lose, to a
certain extent, the efforts
interest of the unsuccessful j
Hut anyway,
it is a matter worthy of
and I should be glad if some of the
large papers would devote a little
to Charlotte Ob-
Shoe for Ladies which is and stylish and
as suitable for bad weather as for swell occasions and moderate
priced. The one In which all these questions are com-
to the greatest
Is Our Famous
American Girl Shoe.
A Shoe as good as Its Dame.
For footwear of all kinds call
on us, we are the Feel Fitters.
j. p. co.
looking letter-head
Has lost many a dollar for business men. If Is
lodged by the coal be wears, be is also judged by th
letter-head he uses. An artistic, nicely printed letter
head may be looked on as a good investment.
Send order lo
Reflector Office.
It will be done to
Th Office.
and Your
all the
Ladies that
Will take place on
Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 1st 2nd.
Just facts, something well worth remembering.
Counters and tables piled high. Slacks and stacks of
mens, boys and youths clothing. Every place
ed and packed with shoes. Wee an show you to your
entire satisfaction. Counter room needed in our
dress goods department. Selling must continue to
relieve the pressure. Come early before the best
things are gone. All the latest styles weaves in
dress goods. Agents for Standard Patterns.
The Home
The local paper should be found
every home, says an exchange.
No should grow up
ant who can be taught to
ate the homo paper. It is said to
be the stepping stone of
all those matters not to be
learned books, your
a foreign paper which
a word about any person,
or thing, which they ever
saw, or perhaps ever beard of, and
how could you expect them to be
i ill But let them have the
home paper read of the people
they meet and of places with
which they am familiar, and soon
an is awakened which in-
creases with every arrival of
local paper. Thus a habit of read-
is formed and those children
will lead the papers all their lives
and intelligent men and
a credit to their ancestors,
strong the knowledge of the
world as It is
We have just added Steam
will sell anything in this line very low,
to our business and
See us when in want of
Globe Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Hancock
U. s. Cocks, steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Killing all sixes,
LINE OP Packing, Rubber Belt,
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Bell Hooks,
is more danger In child
dream than one would
said a well physician,
really I'm i. persons understand
how close to death the child is when
passing through of i fearful
night. Night mares
frequently kill grown persons, and
these horrible dreams which come
to life are of the same
kind. is I have always
bitterly opposed idling children
horrible tales. There is
to be gained It. The average
child K frightened Into do-
l he thing. If a child Is
Inclined to do wrong a
horrible tale will keep
it, the contrary,
horrible results may follow
Impression which the child
gathers from story told. Bad
dreams, h night of nervousness
tumbling and and broken
sleep will follow.
are very much
I dreams. They some
limes nisei pursued
animal, dream
they are unable run wake
up in a horrible condition
menially and physically
probably most dangerous form
f child dream is the thought, very
common among sleeping
arc experiencing a long
full, hey generally wake up be-
fore I bey strike bottom of the
place into which they are falling,
and heart resumes its normal
action. These dreams are very
dangerous, ii is n wonder to
me more children are not
killed. They get awfully
death's door, walking Is
generally fortunate
New Democrat,
a ad l
-i i
leering Harvesting Pipe and Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
X. Del. 1901.
Mr. Union, began a series
meetings here Wednesday night.
lire, Dixon, has been
visiting her parents here this
Misses Annie and Lucy White
spout last Friday Greenville.
. Wynne, of
opened school here Monday morn
lug. j
Mr, Dixon is
very much from a rising.
Miss Smith returned last
i i. lay from an extended visit to
Mr. Mills been visit-
her parents here this week.
I . O. While this fur
Washington to under the care
of Dr. Taylor, for a days. He
has been sick for only a short
while. We wish for his speedy re-
Dixon spent Thursday
Little Miss Becca Mills,
by uncle, Jodie
spent night Clay
Louisa Dixon had the mis-
tn loose geese Sunday
night It is they died
from poison. were found
dead in a of water near the
Mi. Mis. W. L. Clark spent
Tuesday in Greenville.
Charlie Wynne, of
name down Sunday and returned
are led to think the
la rowing our courts ate too
with convicts. There may
reason for it. Light penalties
are pleasing to the friends of the
by .-. Partridge Flying Against and to counsel. In it
also i.-. a feeling
Deputy Hodge w a
fully Injured night by
Ah. of Police
J. Miller were
sums, when dogs disturbed a
eon;, i . Sir, Miller
wits it little advance
when he beard latter groan-
i ii it been avoided.
. . men of kindly
impulses. Ii i- mil agreeable lo
disposition of men to be
imposing severe penalties. The
that Hues and penal-
lies should be easier than is wise
i unnatural. But do not the
justice, us well as the
Ho went lo him to ascertain I claims of order and the
hen found Mr. m of the law, call for severer
lying his with his lines and penalties Courts are
baud on bis eye. He declared I called onto make the law a terror
with a lo evildoers. culled
N. C.
Mr. Milli r mi veil a dead par
Mr. feet an
Investigation showed that par-
beak had gone plump up
Mr, Kt i head
above e.
killed Mr, eye pain-
fully Injured, was bed a
upon lo play the roll of reform
Buck is not their work.
There is too little dread of arraign-
and trial among the people
part of i lie as;
perhaps, the penalty of
doing convicted is so
as and is heard
lo,, often. It looks getting
aimed rather than
of this
ii law as to repress

N. C.
D. i. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
the Office at
N. C, as Second Class
Mail Matter.
Now what have those opposed
to progress got to say
boat do water in case of lire f
Masonic Hall school building could
have been saved with ease if witter
had been near enough to tie avail-
able in time.
Borne of the papers are printing
s of the condition of the cot-
ton crop and predicting that
price will get to cents. It may
get that high, and it may not. with
the weight of probability on the
not side if the of prices
can prevent it.
financially the
Exposition at Buffalo has been a
gigantic failure. The directors
have decided to close the exposition
on the night of November 2nd,
and the accountants have figured
op that the shortage will exceed
Considerable litigation
will follow. Doubtless the rail-
roads are largely responsible for
this failure of the exposition, as
they charged such high rates for
transportation that the people
were largely kept from attending.
On Monday the Supreme Court
affirmed the decision of Buncombe
Commissioners of that county
to proceed with the of a bond
issue which was authorized by
Legislature. The action was
brought by a party who secured a
However, the school was so excel-1 SCHOOL BUILDING BURNED.
lent so that all
felt satisfied, even if it had cost
more than the income.
In the last spring
the Masons, wishing to aid all
educational movements, decided to
their school at
Of the term and made
meat accordingly.
As the summer advanced it
found graded schools for
were yet well in the
and it appearing the
town would without a
school for girls, the Masons
ed to re open the Hall
School. The same teachers were
employed and the school
with the beginning of the
fall term.
But now fire has robbed the
of their building, yet they
all other citizens do not want
to see the school stop. But if the
Masons have to rent a building for
this purpose in having
to make good any other shortage
that it can lie seen at
that the Lodge will lie bearing
more than its share of the burden.
the way the matter
pears to
we say this without the knowledge
of the Masonic that the
citizen of the town should interest
in the matter and at
least provide the building in which
to carry on the school. The time
to act on this matter is right now,
as the school ought not to stop a
day if possible to prevent it.
n roved.
About o'clock Friday morning
while Masonic Hall school was in
progress, a colored w. man passing
the building saw fire on the roof
near the flue. She rushed in and
informed Miss Thornton, the teach-
j Cr on the first floor, that the build-
was on lire. Miss
dismissed the In her de
at to in-
form Miss Barker, the teacher on
second floor. Naturally I he
the children greatly excited,
but they were all quickly out of
the building without any harm be-
done to any The
nearly all hooks.
An alarm was sent down town,
and as quickly as possible the fire
and citizens responded.
There was very little water in the
neighborhood of the building and
no ladder long enough to reach the
roof, and to the distance
from the of town the fire
had spread all over the roof before
the department could arrive and
get ready for work.
The nearest water was the small
cistern on the premises occupied
by Rev. J. N. Booth, near the
Baptist church. The steam
and band engine both went to this
and a line of hose was run to the
burning building, three blocks
away. Soon alter the stream was
turned on it was seen that the lire
was yielding to the fight made
upon it, and it began to look like
most of the with the ex-
of roof, would be
ed. But at point all
hopes were highest, the to
the steamer broke nothing else
could be done but stand by and sec
the building down. It was a
total loss.
U. U. O-t.
When President left
on Monday afternoon
New Haven he left him
a sadly disgruntled politician in
the person of Senator of Jew
York, who was nursing his wrath
in bis apartments at the
ton Hotel. the Senator was
in some weeks ago be
discussed New politics
the President and, while Mr.
Roosevelt did actually commit
himself, he went home with the
impression that he was to have
things much his own way.
His most important had
been for the removal of Appraiser
who is said to have
shown too keen an appreciation of
his duly to the government and far
small appreciation of the
allegiance due to the Republican
dictator of York. For the
good of machine discipline it
was essential that scalp
from the dictator's
belt. Mr. had diploma-
promised look into the
and Mr. supposed
his object was accomplished.
It seems as if the Fifty-seventh
would lie compelled to
investigate the Navy Department.
On top of the
fair comes the report from the c p-
the Alabama that a large
percentage the shells, which of
course had and
marked by
of the Department, was found
to be defective and that the
mature bursting of one of them
completely disabled the port,
teen Moreover, the
story of the Department's
the cruiser Columbia to go to
rack and ruin in the League Island
navy yard will not slay as com-
buried as Secretary Long
The lite originated on the roof
I the flue. The properly was thought it would, as is evidenced
X. Oct. by Masonic j by inquiries into subject
There was an entertainment aft aid the loss is something that are made by some of
above with insurance in the Congressmen who are coming
C. C. College. Wednesday night,
given by Mr. and Mrs. J. John-
temporary injunction real raining eon, of Sew Bern. Both of them
the Commissioners from inning the
bonds, the contention of the plain
tiff being that the act authorizing
the bond issue is unconstitutional
because the journal of the House
did not show that it received a yea
and nay vote on its first reading.
The Supreme court held that this
was not necessary, having passed
its second and third readings,
This decision is interesting to
Greenville people from the fact
that almost a similar case exists
here; at lea t in the action brought
against Aldermen of
to restrain the sale of one
contention of plaintiff was ex-
the same as in Bun
county case. The
of the act authorizing the
issuing of the cannot be
disputed further.
The destruction of the building
in which the Masonic Hall School
for girl has been conducted
a little more than a year, should
appeal to every citizen of the town.
After the Masonic Lodge changed
its place of to a hail down
town, the old ling was rented
for school The
who had so occupied it moved away
from town, it looking like lb
town would not have a school for
girls, in the summer of toe
Masons discussed the matter and
decided to open a school in their
were blind, and evidently
ed sympathy of the public.
J. B. Smith has purchased the
lot on Main street and will
build a nice residence the near
J. M. Allen, of Bath, was in
town Wednesday.
H. W. Smith went to Kinston
Wednesday night.
J. J. is town.
J. Cherry spent a few days
here this week. He returned to
this morning.
Miss Meta has gone to
to lake charge of a
school there.
One of our young men wears a
s id face.
H. ii. Boll, of New York spent
Friday night in town
Mrs. M. M. Saul- returned from
Richmond Friday night.
h. Fleming, was
here yesterday.
-Miss Minnie Cannon was town
M. M. Sauls returned from
son Friday night.
F. James came down from
Smith went to Scotland
Neck Thursday.
J. L. agency.
Owing to the building being in
the the lot with a thick
Altogether there is
ample warrant an investigation
and Congressman,
growth of evergreen trees In front with more regard for his own
of it, other buildings in the neigh with his constituents than
were not in much for the good of the party, docs
I persist Longs
A large number of the school skeletons out of the closet it will be
children stood around and saw the
An aged resident of Caroline
comity, Was haled to Court
the other day lo trial for the
alleged larceny of nine eggs.
had to be summoned,
and it cost the county lo try
the Counsel for
was seventy three years
said that be hail known his
client as honest and upright
building. A Board of Trustees BUM for forty years, and that it
was appointed, teachers were em
ployed, and for i year the town
had a most excellent school.
This school was not started with
a view making money, but only
the Masons, as well as other
people of the community having
daughters, might have a good
school at home to which lo send
their girls. The first year of the
school was actual expense to the
Lodge of that Is receipts
from the school lacked of meet-
all expenses, which
drawn from of
the Lodge, and this added lo
per year formerly received as
makes coat to Lodge.
was incredible that he should steal
eggs. He argued furthermore
that the State bad not shown
that the eggs were sound, nine
rotten eggs would have no value at
all. The jury returned a verdict
Judge W. A. declines lo
be a candidate on the Democratic
ticket for a place on the supreme
court bench. He is an able, fair,
honest judge and reflects
I upon superior
court of the stale. In common
with i many people North
Carolina The Messenger holds him
in profound respect for capacity,
building burn, and piteously
as the flames devoured it. Their
grief at loss touched many
hearts. It was also saddening to
the lo see destroyed the
building in which they had held
so many pleasant meetings in years
gone by. It was one of the land-
of and had stood
there more than half a century.
The deal ruction of the school
means a much more
Iota to the town than can be
measured by its money value. The
a ill take steps at once to
secure-a building, if possible,
which to continue the school.
In United States is
perhaps really the longest month
the year. To be sure, it has
only one days have six
other months, but it represents
more working time than any other
month. It is generally character-
by ideal weather. It is
hot nor cold and unless hindered
by rain people all parts of
country can work all the time.
Then very little, if any of October
is lost by general a
holiday which takes in the whole
counts much time. October
has do general holiday. The lust
day of October is by the
people of Nevada
of the admission of that State
into Hie Union. It was admitted
Scot laud Neck
The Marquis Ito, who was for a
Dumber of years Prime Minister of
Japan, with President
on Monday. Mr. urged
him to return to Washington after
receiving his at New Haven
as be wished to give a dinner in
his honor, but the Marquis
ed invitation, alleging con-
of his health and the
cal in Japan us his ex-
The Marquis told the Pres-
the commerce his
country now to more
than that
Japan bad with an
aggregate tonnage exceeding
tons and she had built up
all Ibis within lust thirty
years, that the lime would come
that was not far off when,
next to States, Japan
would lie the greatest commercial
the Pacific Ocean he
expressed gratification that the re
The Supreme Court of Iowa has
the cash value of a man's leg
at In a MM tried last week
the jury gave a verdict for
for an amputated leg, MM
Court declared that sum excessive,
and followed a precedent
a few years ago, a
of was cut down to
This is now regarded as
the value of an Iowa leg.
The Best Prescription
I lull, and in a of
Tonic. It U imply Iron
integrity, and fidelity. W form. No
between the United Slates
and Japan were so cordial and as-
sured the President that Japan
would lose no opportunity to more
closely bond of friend
Postmaster of Chicago,
was in Washington this week
the to give him
more space as he says ho is sorely
cramped la the present temporary
post office and that it will be from
three to four j are before the new
government building is ready for
occupancy. Mr also
that by I bat lime ; the new
post office would be too for
requirements of his force, a
statement rather startled
until they
Mr. from
Chicago that, as one of them
expressed it, statements must
lie taken cum The
recent robbery of stamps amount-
to over the
Chicago and various
stamp robberies of smaller amount
all over country likely to
lead the Postmaster to ask
the coming Congress to enact a law
the sale of stamps by
than a agent.
Such a law it Is believed,
Wilmington Messenger.
on Id to
o cure, a large extent, remove the
to rob poet offices.
And that is the reason the old Greenville Warehouse is
selling so much tobacco. We get the highest price for
pile sold on our floor. The farmers see this, and appreciating
the bard work we do for them they bring us their tobacco.
We treat all alike, get the best price time. Bring
next load to the Greenville Warehouse and we will show yon
the truth of this. We have every accommodation for you and
your Ham
We are independent of
Warehouse Trusts.
K. C, Oct.
A. O. Cox and wife, Mrs. Abram
Cox, Miss Wood, Prof
Lineberry, J. D. Cox, W. B. No
W. B. Wingate and W. J.
Jackson have returned from
Baptist Association at
report a very pleasant and success
fill meeting of the Association.
W. J. Mumford wife were
visiting family of F. O. Cox
Mrs. Simon and little sis
went to Washington Thursday
to visit their parents.
Send in orders for Tar Heel carts
and wagons. We are prepared to
fill orders G. Cox
A first class second hand mow-
machine almost as gold as
can be purchased cheap by apply
the office of the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
Clarence Hamilton has gone a
Mis. Aldridge, of Kinston, who
has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. W. K. Hamilton, returned
home Thursday evening.
Mrs. M. L. Morgan, who has
been so seriously ill quite a long
while, has so far recovered she
left for her old home Granville
county. She was accompanied by
her brother, A. B. Moore, who
came here for purpose.
A. G. Cox has lbs pork for
tale at cents per pound gross.
A Special the next
days we will give a nice present
with each buggy we sell, provided
we sell for
Henry Duke, of La was
here a while Friday more
J. B. Johnson and wife, of New
two blind people gave en-
Thursday evening
which a purse of was
made up for by those
If. A White came to see us yes-
and were pleased In
Laud For tract of
land lying about miles of
and miles of Spring. II
is line tobacco laud and is
us I lie Allen Jackson place. Apply
to A, G. Cox.
regret to learn of loss by
lire of the Masonic building in
for it was there first
learned to recite our
Alas old at home
passing away.
H. L. Hamilton, of was
here Friday.
lo Kinston
W. A. West, of the Beaufort
County Lumber Co., came up yes-
business returned
home same day.
B. F. Manning Co., received a
carload of salt a car load of
flour yesterday.
A G. Cox will pay the highest
cash price for seed.
Happenings In North Carolina.
W. U. of
Villa, was robbed in de-
pot at Atlanta.
Governor has called a
good roads convention at Winston
Nov. 1st and 2nd.
The Dime Hank at
operated by C. F. Dunn, a
colored man, has gone under.
At Tarboro Mrs. Nathan
and a were thrown
out of their buggy while
tunning away. One of Mrs.
arms was broken in two
Mr. Charlie Cole, from a one-
horse crop in this section, market-
ed his crop as Four acres
tobacco, bushels
and six bales of cotton
making a total of
Kinston Free Press reports
that W. A. Jones and his little
sou were waylaid and shot while
returning borne from Kinston early
Tuesday night. Mr. Jones was
only slightly wounded, but it
feared the boy's injuries will prove
J. C.
Our Line of
New Millinery
will be convinced that a
prettier, more stylish display
Made in
Pattern Hats. Ready-to-wear Hats, Sailors,
Baby Cloaks and Caps. The very newest
and latest styles in everything in my line.
Prices lower than ever. Give me a call.
Greenville, N,
pail i i-t d. it SB
at IN will b. to M ho J quickly It kS
You can burn yourself with
Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself
with Steam or Hot Water, but there is
only one proper way to cure a burn or ,
scald and that is by using i
It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old
linen cloth, it with this liniment and bind
loosely upon tho wound. You can no adequate
idea what excellent remedy this is for a burn until
you tried it. .
TIP any
It a poultry
Mr. W. M. Bishop, of Weldon,
an of Seaboard Air
Line, at Friday night
net with a fatal accident. He
was coupling cars when sud-
the train, by a backward
movement, ran over his foot, badly
crushing it. He was taken borne
foot amputated, but he
never recovered shock.
He leaves a wife and little
Several days before
be told of a peculiar dream
be had which startlingly re-
called after bis death. Recently
ho lost a little boy who was the
pet household. Last Wed-
be had a dream in which
this little boy came to him and
said, days you will be
where dream troubled
and made a deep impression.
Sure enough Ices than ten days
he was dead.
Burned With
Mrs. W. H, Ricks, who lives
just east of town, was painfully
Friday evening. She was
in her kitchen superintending
preparation for and stoop-
to pick something from on
stove accidentally turned
over a frying pan of hot grease.
This hot struck face
and one arm, burning very
painfully. Her many friends are
glad was not more
American bog figures large
In commerce. The bog pro-
ducts exported hut year exceeded
value exports of Iron
Wilmington Star.
There Is a tomato vine now
growing at the residence of J.
Dunn, near Pearl Mills,
is fifteen feet high. On this vine
are several branches from eight to
ten feet long. The vine is still
blooming and bearing,
standing the fact than have
several frosts this season.
II is Sun.
Some are so skeptical that
they won't believe In chicken salad
they see the feathers in It.
If yon want to avoid Shoe trouble this Fall come here.
Every man likes a neat dressy Shoe, but it is difficult-
many times, to combine style with comfort. The aver
age man has neither time nor inclination to try on Shoes
for half an hour to find which pair hurts the least- He
He wants to be fitted QUICKLY and we DO IT No
need to ask if our Shoes are durable. We guarantee
them to give satisfaction or money back. Here are
some special the
Our store baa long been famous for the style comfort of its
Shoes. This season we are showing a greater variety of styles
than ever, Calf, Kid, and Box
Calf; all sizes and widths.
One of our most popular lines in Men's Shoes consists of Patent
Leather, Kid, French Calf and Enameled a
Leather; all sizes and widths.
Men's Patent Kid Patent Leather Shoes, hand-sewed
for smart dressers, equal to custom made
mm and
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as y is-
Bible. We need what YOU
owe as and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Attention is called to the
of bind sale by F. G.
James, Commissioner.
Fresh cit-
cleaned Currents, seeded
Raisins at M. Schultz.
Friday night lire caused
damage to shingle depart-
of S. R. Fowle Son's
plant, at Washington.
These late trains are so trying.
Now State fair is over we
hope Seaboard Air Line train
will do better so our will not
have to wait for it at Weldon.
Dr. Zeno Brown having gone to
Baltimore to undergo nu operation
the hospital, gives notice that
his and accounts have been
placed in the bands of his brother,
Wiley Brown, for collection. See
notice elsewhere in paper.
Ht Himself.
Riding with two ladies, he reach-
ed out a long whip and
less goose near road.
I do not want any of my grand-
children to fall into bis hands.
A. D. Bethel,
Land Posted.
All person are hereby forbidden
under penalty of the law from en-
bunting, fishing, or any
way upon my laud
known as place
adjoining Fred James
Harris and the Bliss land.
Why the
In July I paid sixty-five in
Greenville for putting two horse
shoes. In October I had four put
on nicely and quickly for sixty
cents at Wakefield.
One was too high, or the other
too low. A. D. Bern.
Bethel, N. O.
Tomorrow closes tho second year
of Rev. D. W. pastorate of
the Christian church here. He has
been elected principal of Pan-
Academy and has moved his
family to Pantego, but it is likely
that be will continue to serve
Mr. Proctor Stricken by Jake La-
Mr. W. H. Proctor occupies the
house near the of
Pitt Third street. Early Friday
he was out hitching up
his horse. Jake Latham, a colored
drove by that way, and
Mr. Proctor had some words with
him about a water band belong-
to him which he said Jake bad.
What words passed between
is known, as no else was
near enough but they-inn-i
have been such that both got
Jake had a shovel on the
with him, and with this be struck
Mr. Proctor a blow on the head,
knocking him down in the street
and him unconscious.
Seeing what he had Jake
came town, he said for the
purpose of giving himself up, and
stopped front of the Court
House by Deputy Sheriff Leon
Tucker, taken custody
placed in jail to await the result of
Mr. Proctor's injuries.
Mr. Proctor was carried the
and physicians summoned.
They him bleeding at the
ears, nose mouth, think
base of his skull is fractured.
He could be roused and lay
conscious all day.
Baby in a Pillow.
A New York woman who secured
In Italy a nurse for child found
that this native baby -tender car-
her charge always a little
pillow, slipping him in tho case In
such a way that ht was kept snug
and cozy, but not restricted. The
nurse was quite amazed to learn
young infants in America
were carried about supported only
by the and marveled that
any American child could grow up
with a straight buck under this
Start November First.
Congressman John H. Small,
who has very active
delivery routes in
his district, writes us that the
three routes from will go
into operation Nov. He is to
be congratulated upon
to secure an order putting these
routes into effect so early, while in
other sections of the Slate be-
ginning of the routes has been post-
until the first of year.
Building Sold.
Mr. J. G. has sold the Dr.
Blown office building to Mr. E. E.
Griffin, and tho latter having it
moved to the lot he recently
chased, on Third street east of
Reflector is glad to give
the good news to its readers today
that notwithstanding of
their by fire Masons
have decided to continue the Ma-
Hall school for and
have secured the building better
known the old house,
Greene and streets, for
that purpose.
The Trustees of the school held a
meeting Friday and de-
that the responsibility of
continuing the school, under the
circumstances, was greater
they should assume without the
concurrence of the ask-
ed that the Worshipful Master cull
a special meeting to consider the
matter. meeting was called
for o'clock P. M and though
only a short could be given
there was a large attendance of the
members, the
they felt the school.
The matter was discussed fully,
when the Lodge ordered that
school be continued if Trustees
found it practical to do so.
Trustees were given full authority
to sec what building could be
cured, consult with teachers,
take whatever action they
deemed best.
The Trustees met this
morning aDd with teachers
looked at the only available places
for carrying on school, de
to take the In
this decision lo continue school
the Masons should have fullest
support co operation of the
citizens of town. It is the
fare of town desire
deprive the children of school
that prompted the decision.
-Daily Mil.
N. Oct.
Mrs. M. Jones spent Monday
in Greenville.
Miss returned
home Tuesday.
Mr. Mrs.
to Washington Wednesday.
F. Powell and son,
to Washington Tuesday.
There were services at the M.
E. church Monday night.
of our people attended
services at Black Jack Sunday.
Free school begins here Monday
with Mrs. J. T. Proctor teacher.
Mrs. John Proctor, who bus been
her children here, return-
ed home Sunday.
II. H. Proctor spent Sunday
night With bis mother, near House,
and Monday in Greenville.
A Happier Man Now.
P. It. of the I'm ham
Bottling works, is a much happier
man today than he was at one t; me
yesterday. He dime down
Guilford count., where he had
been After get-
ting here he discovered that he
had lost a lull of greenbacks
amounting to He took
next train back to county
oil bunt for the lost money.
Upon arrival there he found that a
relative had picked it up, so
it back without the loss of a
ll was enough to make a
Where He Cot the Idea.
A who was in
yesterday said that North
Carolina Republicans would
doubt endorse President
inviting Booker Washington
to with him. Why f Ho
that the President got bis
idea from the meeting,
which was held a dining room
and where and Jim Young
and other white
in upon the terms
of perfect
Factory to Consumer, No middle mans
worth of choice goods
at factory prices.
Clothing, Notions,
and Suits, Price
Sizes to Years.
Mens Clothing. Suits
and Suits,
i r. r
Odd Coats.
and Coats
Boys Knee Pants.
Mens Pants.
and kind, sizes to II
and e Pants, now OS
To mid I
These prices cash s
No goods charged at these prices.
to no Shirts now I'd
CO pieces,
A full line from c lo c now
Tin- value aver offered.
and kind now
STEEL l tun.
ed handled.
to kind,
.; . Shot's.
Mi- i i DO lines in w
I I pal tips
Big oil
You must see
Sample All W shades.
A 1.1. COLORS.
Regular price
Bought Enough For Ten Small j
Mr. Charles showed
bunch of Turk-
tobacco was sent by
his son, Charlie, who is at work
for the American Tobacco Company
in New York. This is very
different from tho kind
this section. It is very dark
and the are ling-
ordinary envelope. The
Turkish tobacco brings high
Ladies Underwear
Ask our saleslady In department
to show them to you. Petticoats, Drawers, Gowns
less than cost of material.
, Corks and Witches. j
m watched now us
J o All all kinds, nil quality. The ladies
at the immense stock Come to see us and bring
, , , u. neighbors, or tell them us.
day clock at
Silks Yards.
From be cheapest to the beat
rt All qualities. Don't fail to get
One of the choice patterns.
Worth now
Sf Matting;, Floor Oil Cloth
Biggest line in town. All
Leather Couches,
quality quality Oak Suits Styles of
Bookers. Hall Backs, Cribs, Carriage, Gel prices
The and beat line we
ever inn. value.
Simpson's Calicoes c
Others sell cheap calico. Watch
Die colors hoy will run out
fore you
n Hosiery. l
Al sizes, colors and prices.
from mills, This Is a ran
for ladies to get a
rood .
The Loom.
Barker's Mills,
ids . .
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N- C.

Have You Forgot
Pry Goods, Press Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
i. Loan Value,
Gash Value,
Paid up Insurance.
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Incontestable.
Dividends are payable the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year he paid.
They may be To reduce or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Brines Instant Cure in all Cases
There is nothing like It brings
instant relief, even in the wont cases. It cures when
all else tails.
The Rev. I-. Wells, of Villa, Ridge, III., says.
bottle received in good
I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the
good derived from it. was a slave, chained with
putrid sore at asthma for ten years. I do
of ever cured. I aw your advertise-
the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disc thought you had
yourselves, bill to give it a trial. To my
the trial acted like a charm. Bend me
a foil
We want to send to every a treatment of
similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send It by mail post-
paid, absolutely Free of Charge, to any sufferer who will write for it,
even on a postal. Never mind, though you are despairing, however
bad your case. will relieve and cure. The worse your
case, the more glad we are to semi it. Do not delay, rite at once, ad-
dressing Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co., Baal 130th St., X. Y.
Sold by all Druggists.
None genuine unless
Red Cross is on label
Don't lake a Substitute
for Chills, Fevers,
Night and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
Mr. and Mrs. Ola Forbes return-
ed to Greenville Monday.
E. W. Pace and J. E.
returned to Greenville Tuesday.
J. J. Rhodes, of New Bern,
rived to bis family
J. L. Keen, Jr., Dr. W. W.
Dawson, J. K. Harvey Jacob
attended a meeting of
the Odd Fellows at A j den Monday
Misses Julia and
spent the in
W. and V. A.
of Kinston, were here
Geo. W. B. Hadley stopped over
here with us a short while
day when on his way to
We were clad to have do so
hope you will repeat
W. Gaskins and E. T. Cox
went to Monday night.
Walter and
came down Tuesday even-
to witness the
sou marriage.
W. G. is moving his
repair shop to
We regret giving up
Mr. at he was one
most enterprising
The colored Disciple convention
started here yesterday and the like
of elders and delegates we have
never seen.
Dr. W. W. Dawson C. J.
Tucker went on a business trip to
Mrs. J. R. Rose is visiting her
parents at Goldsboro.
Yesterday Boning, the 33rd, at
seven o'clock, there was a mar-
at the residence of Mr. S. W.
Dawson over in bis
Miss Bailie, to Mr. Rufus
Walston, of A large
number of friends and relatives
witnessed the ceremony. They
left on the early train accompanied
as as by Miss Julia lie-
and Miss Katie
sister of the bride. We
late Mr. Walston on winning so
charming a bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson gave one
their at the M. B.
church, Tuesday night. Owing to
their being blind they gave in-
show. After the concert
there was a nice purse made
up for them.
Prof. W. H. Lynch of Mountain
Grove Academy at Mountain
Mo., is credited with read-
more paid for newspapers
any other man in the United States
says the City Times. He
subscribes for newspapers six of
them The professor was
in Kansas City yesterday, in
discussing the papers,
use the newspapers in my
classes. They arc the best
in the world for teaching cur
rent history and geography. The
real drama of life in its varied
forms of commercial, political and
social relations must be seen and
learned through mirror of the
the newspaper. Every
Friday in the academy is
devoted to the reading of
It may be mentioned as a fact
of interest to consumers of iron in
the United States that the
Iron and Steel Company has
made several shipments of pig
iron from Cape to Boston
and New York, paying the heavy
duties and competing with
our local producers. It is not be-
cause the Company can
make iron at less than it can
be made in this country that it
successfully invades our market,
but because the prices in the home
market, under cover of protective
duties, arc
Philadelphia Record.
Welcome as Sunshine
long storm is a reeling of relict when
pitiless cold has been
sway by Lung Balsam. Only
who have been cured of and
this remedy can
Dawson, of what feeling is. There is no opium in
the Balsam; it food fleet is radical and
Ii sting Take a bottle home today.
will save the from many
and enable aim to eat
whatever he wishes. They
the food to lute and non r-
the body, give appetite,
and solid muscle,
coated. M
Take No Substitute.
Elegantly sugar
It yon have tour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
Impaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your will clear and
and yon will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mother the. to give one
and similar . said Meal
It keeps their r i- tonic.
nature, aids duration, seated n
causes sleet, sad ton i well. I rarity ;
U and II.
For Sale by
la not only mot
. loin
-Pi. to Till CO . Ill N
I i t i
Till . N V . rd m, ,,,,
According to an article publish-
ed recently in a French chemical
journal, the output of ill,
Sicily has increased from
tout in 181.0 to tons
The world's production in
these two years was
tons. Sicily furnishing
about per cent. The amount of
in the ore varies from a
very rare richness of per cent.
to or In the
nary ore. The older method of
obtaining from its ore was
by letting lite t. it in heaps or in
kilns, the itself serving as
fuel. This method has, however,
been discarded both on account of
the waste and because of the
which the fumes
of the burning nave rise.
the with
with a
is in many cases used, but the only
method in which no f.,
regenerated lathe extinction with
steam under pressure. The ex-
i is rapidly In-
will long con-
to supply the part
world's production.
B. K. Sherman, of
Iowa, says for his State that It has
a percentage of to
In the public schools n
any other in It
I There are in round
tiers 28.000 school in Hi e
and school children.
Number Law Breaker.
While nobody can doubt the
prevalence of crime it looks
prising that there arc tunny as two
hundred and fifty habit
nil lawbreakers in the country.
In 1850, it is said there was but
criminal to every
This proportion by 1870
had changed to one in
to one in at present
is on band a representative
of the fraternity in every
of people. To attend to these
evil-doers, police and
other capturing, trying and guard
more than hundred thousand
men employed that it is
mated all the of the
land were to suddenly reform, in
addition to what they steal
damage would a saving
to the ration, through the various
channels in which the change
would work, of over
You Know What
When take Chill
Tonic the formula is plainly print-
rd u every Untie showing that It is simply
in a form.
Cure. No Pay.
Mayer Collector
toms the District of
North Carolina, with headquarters
tn this yesterday received
word that Charles I . Clark, Jr.,
had been appointed Deputy Col-
and this place,
to succeed the lately
Wm. K. Clarke.
Mr. Clarke is well known in this
Community as a gentleman of fine
ability, high social standing and
thoroughly equipped for the
office to which helms
politics he is known as a
Gold been a
strong advocate of the principles
politically his
appointment is regarded as a very
Mr. Clark was recommended by
Mr. M. Collector of Cub
loins here, who
every way with the standing
character of the new appointee.
Maw Journal.
The Shoe and Leather National
Bank end National Hank of
of Boston, Mass., each
with capital, will con-
In December under the
name of the Lit w.
J. II. Reagan, only
of the Cabinet, is
critically ill Tex.
Ala., July 1887.
Dr C. J. Dear Sir;
to you demands that I should give my
experience with excellent medicine,
Our girl. Just thirteen
months old, had much trouble teething.
Every remedy exhausted in the shape
of from family physicians.
Her bowels continued to pass on pure blood
burning fever continued for days at a
time. Her life was almost of.
mother determined to try and in
a day or two there was a great
life had bowels were
and, to little now
doing well. Yours, etc. D. W.
Ed. ft Prop. News.
level beaded Carthage
business man cheerfully threw
away the other says The
Kansas City Journal. bad
just received a check pay-
of an account from a man
whose bank standing was not
he Al class. He it,
however, but was refused payment,
with the information the man
bad but on deposit. The
payee promptly took out of his
pocket and deposited it to the
man's credit. he drew
the on the check without
and went on his way re-
He had only lost in-
Bobbin's Chill Pills cure chills and all
malarial troubles. That is what thin- were
made for. Cure after other renames fail
No cure, no pay. Price bottle
The Marshall Enterprise says
that Mr. E. N. Fry made bush
els of corn on average
of over bushels to the acre.
Good farming, others should
emulate a worthy example. The
Enterprise is precisely right when
it urges a better system of
farming must be inaugurated.
most cultivate less laud and raise
more grain Every farmer should
resolve to cultivate no more poor
land, but only improved laud. Do
that and there is money it.
Make home
ton Messenger.
For Sale.
Mr Farm Near N C.
shout about W in
Twenty this is line
or truck land. buildings, to-
water, For further
BOX Berkley,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Fin handlers of
Bagging, Tits and Bags.
E. E. Griffin,
Practical Watch Maker and Jeweler.
Opposite I. O., N. C.
Hit- the
tin- clocks.
In v iii for
ti , t .
in Re-
, in
N. C.
The leader in good work and low prices
Nice for per
Half Cabinets per listen
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames band all the time. Come and
my work. No trouble to show
samples and answer questions. The very
best work to all. Office hours
to a. to A p. in. Tours to
Letters of administration upon the
of James Tingle having day
been to me by the Clerk
court of Pitt notice is
hereby given to all persons holding claims
on told estate to present them to me for
on or before 24th day of
r, 1902, or this notice will be in bar
of their recovery. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to
settlement of indebtedness.
This day of October
Administrator of James Tingle.
JARVIS Attorneys.
Having duly qualified before the
court Clerk of Pitt county as
the last will testament of J. P.
notice is hereby given
to all persons Indebted to
payment to the undersigned,
and all persona having claims against said
estate are notified to present same with-
in twelve months from date or this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery.
This 7th day of October, 1901.
Executor of J. P.
Steamer leave Washing
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J.
Greenville, N.
North Carolina, Pitt county, Greenville
Oscar Hooker
D. N. Co. and
Southern Express Co.
defendant, D. N. Co., will
take notice that a summons in above
entitled action was against said de-
on 18th day of September, 1901,
by C- D. Rountree, a of Peace
of county, North Carolina, for sum
of due said plaintiff by contract
which summons is returnable before said
Justice at his office at Greenville in said
county on the 7th day of November, 1901.
The said defendant will also take notice
that a warrant attachment was issued
by said Justice on the 18th day of
1901, certain property of the
said now in the of the
Southern Express Co., at N. C.
which warrant is returnable before
said Justice at the time and place above
named for the return of the summons,
when and where the said defendant is re-
quired to appear and answer or demur to
the complaint, or the relief demanded will
be granted. C. D.
This Sept
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court, made by His Honor W
Judge presiding at May term, 1901, of Pitt
Hie case of C. Rountree and
wife against Blount and others,
tee of Hickory Hill church, the
Commissioner will sell cash before the
court door in Greenville on
day of November, 1901, the follow-
described piece, parcel or lot of land
situate in the Town of Greenville,
known as Hickory Hill
lot, and as a part of lot No. Be-
ginning at the copier of lots and on
Greene Street and running with the line of
lots and West IV. t. North a
straight line parallel with Greene street
feet, thence a direct line parallel with
line street, thence with
Greene street to the beginning, containing
2-8 square yards.
This Oct. 1st, 1901 r.
Mr. John C. Drewry, Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to to its large number of
policy holders, and to public
generally, of North
will now Resume Business In this
state and from this date will issue its
splendid desirable policies, to all de-
siring very best insurance in the best
life insurance company in the world.
If the local agent in your town not
yet completed arrangements, address
State Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once to won for
A vegetable remedy
cures recent and long
The greatest blood
purifier known,
endorsement of leading
after thorough trial. Cures per
cent, of cases treated.
per bottle.
Sold a.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit pat mange and
to ant infliction In
price, and wink.
send to
rift. Co.
Wholesale retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Salts, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Cigarettes, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Halls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
mm. Cheese, Beat Batter, Stand-
ard Hewing Mao hi net, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
o. w.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on ban t
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Reflector The Semi-
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 13.60 payable in ad-
C. A CO.
The Eastern Reflector
a M
For Dry Goods, Hats. Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big Use of Caps, Cloaks, and Bootees.
Come to see Every day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. Mends,
,. n
the highest rate of Interest consistent with safety.
economy of management.
S. low death rate, from a careful selection of risks and
its business to the United States
It will to interest to see what we do for yon before
placing your Ufa insurance.
Good territory open Agents in North Carolina.
T. ARCHIBALD GARY, General Agent.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Lift Insurance
1901 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
Putting it Strong.
Washington, it. v. Or.
The Secretary of War returned
to the city on Wednesday and the
President on Thursday, and they
awaiting them a condition
affairs that caused them no little
disappointment. The news of con-
trouble in the con
friction between the Civil
Commission and the military
and impossibility of
reducing the military force now on
islands, notwithstanding the
fact that some men will
t to be brought home, because
of the expiration of the terms of
their enlistment, all combine to re-
Republican predictions
and worry
According to the latest advices
are trying Cuban
policy in All
persons found outside towns
will treated as It's
not surprising that Roosevelt
squirms at pass to which Be
colonizing policy has
Senor chief translator
for provost marshal general of
is in the city. Be is a
and knows the
Philippine character well, and he
says that the United baa
been premature in undertaking to
control islands by a civil com
mission, that insurrection has
not been put down and the
strong arm of the military is
maintenance of peace. He
intimates the Commission has
been duped in choice of their
native advisors of their
and be cited case of
one having fail-
ed in position first assigned
him, of Governor of
gas, has been appointed judge of
one of the in spite of
fact he has never practiced
Mr. Hopkins proposes to do his
share towards the dissipation of the
surplus by establishment of a
permanent Census Bureau. That
a permanent Census Bureau might
be maintained any in-
crease of coat and perhaps an
increase of efficiency, is not denied
but Representative bill
will not do so. His bill provides
for a salary of for the Di-
rector, Ex Gov. W. R.
an assistant director at per
annum, and numerous other
with ties varying from
to Undoubtedly
with the present republican ma-
in Congress there will be no
trouble taking care of
The report comes from White
House that President is going
Shoe for Ladies which is durable and stylish and
as suitable for bad weather as for swell occasions and moderate
priced. The one in which all these questions are com-
to the greatest degree
Is Our Famous
American Girl Shoe.
A Shoe as good as its name.
Tell ad
and all the
Ladies that
w ill take place on
Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 1st 2nd.
For footwear of all kinds call
on us, we are the Feet Fitters.
j. p. k m,
Three Times The Value
Agents wanted in all unoccupied
Atlanta, Ga.
For sale by
Greenville. N. C.
Seasonable- Song.
The have come,
the saddest of year. The small
boy leaves the swimming hole, the
farmer stuffs the steer. The urchin
trudges off to school, the pullets
begin to lay. the preacher gets a
move on him. the coal men
their day. The trees put on their
sombre hue, the as-
on the its
fills, the toper calls for
The lonely church oyster laughs
glee, for now his time come;
the have appetites,
the boys must spend their
and the meat barrel is empty, and
the short of liver, and
thought of winter makes your
column quiver.
gets his little gun and sallies
through brush and stubble, and
shoots the colt
and no of I
Suspicious Emigrants.
The rapid increase in the
vote is significant. The
fact that during the last live years
increase in the vote has
exceeded of the white by
per cent, can only be ac-
counted for by the supposition
the are coming to this
State from the South. It is very
Suggestive that the Southern
never emigrate to in
such numbers u just previous to
an election. Is there any natural
for f in this city- we
have who have proven
themselves wormy citizens of the
arc average
Southern emigrants
desirable Sen-
ORIGINAL OBSERVATIONS present remarkable demand
for novels and the influence of that
Made By The Orange, Virginia, Observer demand on the literary product are
discussed by Dr. Talcott Williams
The devil is always entertained . the Review Reviews for No-
free the mansion of a mean man.
As corn is high this fall, why
not let your hogs and grow
Some men think the beet place
fur a red button-bole bouquet is on
to introduce two innovations his i r the nose.
And why not merchandise and prices will
back the statements made concerning them, we
have every right to it There is
wrong in excellence when the
sis within the bounds of when facts are
given without misrepresentation.
Our States Facts.
facts, something well worth remembering.
Counters and tables piled high. Stacks and stacks of
boys and youths Every pi bee
ed and packed with shoes. Wee an show yon to
entire satisfaction. Counter room needed in
goods department. Selling must continue to
relieve the pressure. early before the best
things are gone. All the latest styles and weaves in
goods. Agents for Standard Patterns.
message. First, be
proposes to write it all himself, in-
stead of assigning to the members
of his Cabinet, those portions deal-
with their respective depart-
secondly, that he is go-
to send It to Congress in type-
written form, it having been
custom, heretofore, to typewrite it
and then have it transcribed with
pen. manuscript copy was
then sent to Congress, which body
immediately turned It over to the
Government printer who set it up
and within almost
Incredibly short time, printed
copies to the House and Senate. I
understand, too. that
dent will recommend establish-
of a Department of Commerce
and Industry.
It has been made known at
Navy Department Rear Admiral
is to be succeeded
as Chief of the of
by Rear Admiral Henry C.
Taylor. Rear Admiral
shield will be given command of
the European station, so that the
transfer will be in the nature of a
promotion, rather than otherwise.
Some Orange people are engaged
in ache corns all year
on their feet.
The world accords more room
and greater respect to the heels of
a wide a-wake mule than it does to
the head of a lazy man.
It appears that President
Is his dinner
table. Wouldn't another pair of
eye-glasses help him to a better
discernment t
Judge Connor, of Wilson, Is
held in high esteem at
home and the state at large. He
is a candidate for the associate
on Supreme Court
bench. He would make a wise,
faithful, honorable judge,
there would never be any
of corruption on bis
Mr. D. Walker, of Char-
has been endorsed by
members of the bar of that city a
a candidate for election as
ate Justice of Supreme Court.
The number of novel-
readers has been in-
creased, while the cost of
i has been cheapened. short,
all the conditions of literary pro-
have been transformed.
This fact was pointed out by Dr
Williams a year ago, the Review
of Reviews, and the past twelve
months have only confirmed the
predictions be then made regard-
prosperity of the American
book trade. Dr.
review of Read
and Written in there is a
survey of the American history and
biography the year, by William
R. Shaw, together with a brief dis-
of some of
changes in methods.
Arthur Foley
Lord of London, con-
tributes an interesting paper to
the Cosmopolitan
Overcrowding of Great Cities
and Remedies for Apropos
of the discussion of the of
England by Americans, Edmund
furnishes in the same
an essay scoring Englishmen
for their narrowness of intellect.
he has a bit at Amer-
intellectual life in the
The size of the cotton crop last
The be price it was sold at
days are full of sunshine and the brought enough money to many to
nights are full of frost,, and enable them to save an adequate
is full of stove pipes buy their groceries and
the joints are lost. O, springtime Ibis year for the cash. Rut
has its drawbacks, but it doesn't they did not save it. We arc told
have them nil. for worst part
of the year is just before the fall.
Orange, Va. Observer.
Suppose all the teachers in the
public schools could cook good
corn bread all kinds of meats
and could teach their pupils to do
it, and it was a requirement of
law to do it, what an incalculable
it all would be. There
are other things we rarely see cook-
ed in a wholesome way that might
be included in our supposition.
by many In honest confession that
they recklessly this
Unit they could have done without
and fell no discomfort thereby.
The consequence is that have
occasion to lament their lolly in
light of size price of
cotton crop they are now mar-
A full crop next year can
leave no net earning, for it will
lake all clear gains to pay up losses
sustained this year. wisest
course is for the farmer to resolve
firmly that he will accumulate
We are trying to modest In OUT needs to
thought. How to effect all his and
great good we arc nut able to say A pf mortgaging crops
We know there would as is
ties in the way. The beginning manhood of our
would not be perfection; nut j . this evil is
might be taught in the start. as impaired en-
pupils could learn lessons that
would to comfort, peace,
health and happiness of
homes as they told over and over
the how of bread making and such
like. Then would come economy
in this working. Our
dent of schools leaner
the most he knows it all
where economy was a thing of
His knowledge in Ibis
dissipated aspirations and
temptations to
Bridge News.
I there, j
The leisure time of the farmer Is
almost at hand, the rush of crop
gathering is over, and be has time
to look about for the
coming year. This time, however,
book, be but should
employed in the proper
came the most port at ion of the Soil, composting fer-
around camp tires in n of I and taking such steps as
four years a Virginia school, i are necessary a effective
Most of us like do not often get j drainage lb in we have had hereto-
good com bread. That is a great fore. Tb past year, with its
the usual have
pressed necessity of greater
effort in this direction, and the ex-
many should enforce U.
Crops thoroughly drained laud
suffer less from drought or excessive
rains than those where drainage is
lens perfect. This has been lately
taught to be a matter of fact,
not of theory
It a Easy to Say
but at must nil go from lien
ed boom into to chill outer
nets wheezing. Avoiding
winter is them is not
lake Allen
begin when -II is young and nut
until it settles the lung.,
then, even with Allen's
relief w ill be slower.

Eastern reflector, 29 October 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 29, 1901
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Joyner NC Microforms
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