Eastern reflector, 18 October 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
Loan Value.
Cash Value.
Paul up Insurance.
Extended insurance that works automatically,
o. Will be re-instated if arrears be paid month while yon
arc living, or within three j ears lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may lie To reduce Premiums, or
To the Insurance, or
To make payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L. SUGG, At
Greenville. N. C.
Brings Permanent Cure in all Cases
There i- nothing like It brings
instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when
else tails.
The K. Wells, of Villa, Ridge, III., says.
bottle of received in good
tell yon how thankful I feel for the
good derived from I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and asthma for ten I de-
of over being cured. I saw your advertise-
tor the cure this dreadful and tormenting
disc so. asthma, and thought you had
but resolved to give it a trial. To my
astonishment, the ti acted like a charm. Send
a full-size
We want to send to every a trial treatment of
similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it by mail pot-
paid, absolutely Free of Charge, to mi sufferer who will write for it.
even on a postal. Never mind, though you are despairing, however
bad your case. will relieve and cure. The worse your
case, the more glad we are t. -end it. Do delay, write at once, ad-
dressing Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co. Bast 130th St. N. Y. City.
Sold by all Druggists.
None genuine unless
Red Cross is on label
Don't a
for Chills, Fevers,
Night Sweats Grippe,
all forms of Malaria,
If you have tour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
dullness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bowels and
Impaired digestive system, Will Cum
will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
mucous membranes of the purify your blood and
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels mo.
tally, your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your will first and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
seeking proper t V- IT one r lion.
U for
it n pain or i a general -1-r
nature, I ho mated
them tad
For by
I n i t not the l family but n a I, . e n
I, ii i-ii and and mm i At
lo TUB CO , Id N V, and n M J
ill lo any en W in all
Family bottle pi lo let lung Unit
Wat H Guilty of Larceny
A very interesting case has late-
trim in A
i of a bank at its
counter a roll of small wrap
in paper, which he and the
teller both supposed to
j twenty nickels. It contained, in-
stead, twenty five dollar gold
pieces, and the customer was in-
for larceny because he kept
the money. The court held, how-
ever, that the felonious conversion
of received under such a
mutual mistake did not constitute
larceny, and Case and
from which we get the above
says that is clearly
in accord with the weight of
The case may lie an
i easy enough one for lawyers and
judges, but to the average layman
would perhaps lie a pretty knot-
one. The publication which is
above very interesting
one. by the in discuss-
this Kentucky decision, that
there are to a different
effect. Some it continues,
by a line reason-
have reached the conclusion
that such a retention would
larceny because there was no
possession until the knowledge of
the and no delivery
the mental Intention the re-
to appropriate the
was conceived, and therefore
Intent, appropriation, mid re-
were And
are The man didn't
steal the money, but he had it
without having right to it
knowing that he had no right to
and he kept it there is no
punishment for him and no
upon him. AVe give it
WORD that word I
It Dr. Tut rs Liver Pills an
Arc you t
Sick headache
Insomnia ,
ANY of then symptom and many other
Indicate Inaction the
Take No Substitute.
When has a bad baker the
goods I When both are short and
by is a hair restorative like a
One preserves
l he locks, the other locks I he
Win are the Philippine soldiers
Apparently the happiest of
go away and come home in
What author would make a good
Which note of the scale is the
softest T Dough
Which is the lightest t Kay
Which is the fullest and deep-
est Sea
Which demands the use of the
pedal f
Which is the most
frequently Me
Combine two notes and produce
moist earth. Ml re
notes and u
parent. Si re i
What two notes will your
l raveling expenses Fare
N. C, Oct. 1901.
A large number of our town
people attended the baptism out
the country Tuesday at noon.
Miss Toward mother
spent Tuesday in town.
Brooks came down from
Monday night.
W. T. was in town Tues-
day night.
Misses Clara Clyde
Cox, of were here Wed-
N. M. of New Bern,
spent night town.
Prof. W.
ville, came down Wednesday-
night and returned Thursday
slopped in town Wednesday
Miss Bernice Woolen came up
from Wednesday morning
and returned Thursday night.
Mrs. L. Manning has right
sick the past several days.
Mrs. W. K. Hart has gone to
to visit relatives.
O. L. Whichard returned
day night from
L. B, Barnhill came down from
Thursday night.
Guy of Robersonville,
spent Thursday in town.
Ala. July
Dr C, J. Justice
lo yon I should give you my
experience rout
girl, just thirteen
months old, much
in the shape
of from
Her continued lo pass
and for days at a
lime. Her life w as of. Her
mother determined lo try
a day or two there was a
bail bowels were
and, thanks lo the is now
doing well. Tours, He. W.
Ed. ft Prop. I News.
Wants It Called
President will not
the Man-
for the White He
says there are executive man-
the United States, but
only one White House, and it is
bis to call his official res-
by the old familiar name
and not by the more pretentious
Senators others receiving
letters from him since be hag
President have noticed that they
have all been dated
Furthermore, each of
the President's letters of
have to the
White House have a talk with
or words to that effect.
duly qualified before the
court Clerk of Pitt county
the last will and of P.
Manning, deceased, notice is hereby given
to all persona indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned,
and all against
estate sir to the name
in or this notice
w ill lie plead la bar of
This day of October, 1901.
of J. P. Manning.
Perhaps Von Wonder
if tormenting cold that made last win-
one long misery will lie as bad Ibis
rear. Certainly not. if you lake Allen's
Lung when tickling and rawness
in the the presence of the
old enemy. Do not expert the cold to wear
itself out. Take the right remedy in time
Allen's Lung is free from opium.
The undersigned having duly qualified
before the Superior court clerk of Pill
county as administrator of the of
Bank L. deceased, notice Is hereby
given to all persons indebted lo the estate
to make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all persons having claims
against the estate are notified to present the
same to the undersigned payment
within from the date of this
notice, or it be plead in bar of recovery.
This 4th day of September,
the Estate of Sarah L.
Don't Be
To express your opinion when
yOU see a case of
To say when to do
something not en I inly to your lift-
To show your appreciation of a
favor i you,
your creditors and tell
the condition of
To tell your mother all lave
lo your father
rice you face
To acknowledge your city
to giant a favor.
To to participate in an
expenditure you cannot
lo show a regard for tho
a person who does not agree
with yon in religion.
To tell boys you are,
home early so as to good a-
promise to your wife.
Mere Opinion.
a man who glories in bis
birthright and thanks for bis
independence is afraid to
cheap clothes.
Au old man who goes
of love is not half as as
an old woman who limps because
her shoes are too small.
Bay a man is honest and people
jay no attention; say he is rich
and they exclaim
say he is they think you
Love was the first victim of an
optical illusion.
Every fat woman expects to be
sylphlike when she gels to lie an
The lady who elopes always
hopes her children have not
a tendency to do likewise.
There is a certain African chief
who has wives. He is
the worst liar on
When a girl asks a widower if
she is the only one he ever loved,
she doesn't necessarily call his
honor into question. Frequently
it is her nerve.
If men always as great as
their reputation the world
wouldn't be big enough lo hold
half of Times Her-
other business have been
counterfeit coin in
Nearly every man
got hold of some of the coin before
the United Stales court sent a
service detective here to look
into the matter. The detective
has here for about a week,
and has, since coming, taken up
all the spurious coin could be
found. The is supposed to
have been made Wilson, yet no
clue has found as to who the
guilty parties ate. The dollars and
dimes are good imitations, n fact,
almost ii i It seems as if the
Instigator I scheme, who ever
he may bis idea lo
bus and dimes as no other
ion has been found so
to stat
A remedy that
cures recent and long stand-
cam. The blond
purifier known. Has the
endorsement of leading physician i
after thorough trial. Cures per
cent of the cases treated. Price
If there lie. as some
inform us, bacteria a
drop of pure milk, what n
it would lie after the milk had
been doctored with the water sonic
dairy men Star.
New Cause for Lynching.
A fresh ground for lynching has
been discovered the rural parts
In Harrison county a
race war has been progress for
several days, as many as live
have been
whipped to death not harvest-
the cotton crop. The
tenants had taken the land on
shares, and the planters being
to get their part of the
yield through the laziness of the
renters have begun a lynching
campaign. This is a somewhat
novel excuse for killing of men
and is not upheld by public
ion existing in civilized com-
The disgrace of this foul
evil rests heavily upon the nation.
It offends against all moral
and increases in intensity in
proportion as the provoking cause
of the outrage tends to become tin
certain or
The Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county, hating issued Letters of
lo me, on the 2nd
day of September, on the of
Joseph A. Dupree, deceased, notice la here-
by given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to the
undersigned, and tn all creditor of
to present their claims, properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve months alter date of tins nonce,
or notice will be plead in bar of their
record This the 2nd day of Sept., 1901.
on the estate of JOSEPH A.
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Steamer Edgecombe leaves
and Fridays at A. M.
leave for Greenville
Tuesday. and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
Pitt Greenville
E. Griffin,
Practical Watch Maker ad Jeweler.
Opposite V. X.
Recently the
the largest clocks.
rings, etc., over
to Greenville. Special Article, for
holiday .
Prompt attention lo special He-
lo clocks watches done
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton factors and handlers of
Bagging, Tics Hags.
Correspondence and shipments
V. C.
Under In good wort and low
Si per dozen.
Half Cabinet per
All other lines ray Crayon Portrait
made Iron, tiny small churn. Mice
band all lime. Come and
examine my work. No trouble lo show
samples and answer questions. The
beat to all, hours
to a. in., to p. in. Yours to please.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds
Interior and Exterior
for Fine Modern and Cheap
We solicit and
guarantee to in
and work.
I send your orders to
The Greenville Co.
N. C.
N. it Co. and
Southern Express Co.
The defendant, D. N Co., will
take notice that a summons in the above
entitled action was against said
on the September, 1901,
by C. D. a Justice or the
of Pitt county, North Carolina, for the sum
said by contract
summons is returnable said
Justice at his at Greenville In said
county on the day of November, 1901.
The said defendant will also take notice
that a warrant of attachment was issued
by said on the 18th day of
1901, against certain property of the
said defendant now In the bands of the
Southern Co., at Greenville,
which warrant in before the
said Justice at the lime place above
named for the return of the summons,
When where the defendant is re-
quired to answer or demur to
complaint, or relief demanded will
U- D.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court, made by His Honor W. H.
My term, 1901, of
the case of C. and
wife against Blount and others,
t-c of church,
will sell cash In-fore the
court house door in Greenville on Monday
the 4th day of November, 1901, the follow-
described piece, parcel or lot of land
in the Town of Greenville, and
known as the Hickory Hill colored Baptist
church lot, as a part of lot No. Be-
the of lots and on
Greene Street and running with the line of
lots and West.; feet, then North a
straight line parallel with Greene street
feet, trace a direct line parallel with
the line to Greene street, thence with
Greene street lo the beginning, containing
2-8 square yards.
This Oct, 1st, 1901- P.
to f
Mr. John C. Agent for
Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to lo large number of
policy holders, and In the insurable public
generally, of com-
will now In this
slate and from this dale will issue
and desirable policies, to all de-
siring very beat insurance in the best
life company in the world.
If the local agent in your town has not
yet completed arrangements, address
Stale Agent, N. C
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic at
once lo for the
Old VIM Benefit.
M. Schultz.
retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
re's, Turkeys, Egg, etc Bed-
Is, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba,
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Safes, P.
i .
Meat Key West
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, OH,
Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Glass
and Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes Crackers. Mara
Cheese, Beet Butter, Stand-
aid Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Cheap for cash. Com
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
n ban i
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. produce and
gold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year l, Biz Months
Three Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
Tn i Reflector Semi-
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
Reflector and
year for payable la ad-
The Eastern
D. J.
For Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hals, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see Every day a bargain and everything a
The North
Securing the hit-best rate of interest consistent with safely.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a careful selection of risks
limiting its business to the United States
It will be to your to see what we do for you before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for in North Carolina.
For Virginia and North
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1201 B. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
Putting it Strong.
And why not the merchandise and prices will
back the statements made concerning them, we
have every right to it There is
wrong in emphasizing excellence when
is is within the bounds of truth, when facts are
given without misrepresentation.
Our States Facts.
Just facts, something well worth remembering.
Counters and tables piled high. Stacks and stacks of
mens, boys and youths clothing. Every place
ed and packed with shoes. show you to your
entire satisfaction. Counter room needed in our
dress goods department. Selling must continue to
relieve the pressure. Come early before the best
things are gone. All the styles and weaves in
dress goods. Agents for Standard Patterns.
From Our
Washington, D. v.
Rumor is still rife concerning
the Isthmian Canal treaty, all
is conjecture. I it on no less
a of
Cabinet that the salient points of
the treaty with Great have
been agreed upon and that
treaty will be completed nub-
milted to Senate as soon as
Congress assembles. Cabinet
Minister, who will not permit the
use of his name, expresses be-
lief treaty will be perfect-
satisfactory to Senate
the people. He further that
everyone in the White House and
the State department has been
given notice that the President
will be seriously displeased if
details are made public by anyone
other than himself.
It is well understood in inner
circles that the President finds
in a serious dilemma in re-
to his recommendations to
Congress, concerning our relation
with Cuba. He appreciate
how essential to Cuban
good will and lo Cuban prosperity
is the admission to the United
States, free of duty, of
sugar. On the other band,
such would bring
about his head a swarm of
protests from the beet sugar
producers of the North and West
and from sugar producers
of the South, South in which
he has strong hopes of building up
a brand republican
There the matter stands.
The Schley Court of Inquiry
still holds daily sessions. Judge
Advocate announces that
he will not be to rest bis
case before the middle of next week
and Mr. estimates that it
will be the middle of November
before the defense is concluded.
It does not appear to hove dawned
upon the Navy Department that
if Judge Advocate were to
prove bk case against Admiral
Schley the whole of
would stand proven of the
gravest dereliction of. duly de-
serving of Severest censure for
not having long ago brought Schley
before a court-martial on the
charges of cowardice and
Were to prove
the case be has attempted Schley
would deserve lo be drummed out
of the service.
committee has
adjourned to Nov. The
is practically in and it will,
it is presumed, have little more to
do than render a decision when it
There Am-
who has started
for Washington, ostensibly to con- j
l fee with the President in regard
to the canal treaty, comes the
President's request that he
will bring with him his
Wolcott, of Colo-
named as his successor.
The only Information the
most persistent interrogation
elicit from the State Department is
that nothing is known of
fact Mr. Roosevelt is a
decided his West-
friends would say
that Mr. is not, some
people describe him as supine,
probably gave rise to rumor,
together with the fact that Mr.
Wolcott has recently acted as a
special to the Court
St. James. Nevertheless change
is by means unlikely even if
the President has not already
its. to Mr.
Among the anticipated of the coming
season every lady should promise herself the
delightful experience of a visit to
Our Beautiful Dress Goods
and Trimming
Every purchase made therein under
present conditions of price is a
We have a feet line of the newest novelties and
latest ideas. In coloring designs these new-
styles are models of beauty. We know we never
offered more for the money than we do at the
present time.
Stock is Thoroughly up to-
date in Qualities and Styles
in Every Department-
J. k
and all the
Ladies that
mm i hi
take place on
Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 1st 2nd.
newspaper of today,
of metropolitan make up,
oilers a liberal education to the in-
Who fact
the newspaper is as
national factor of modern
as the school room, though
ibis fact is appreciated nor com
by one. It goes
it Ii saying that those who
would drink deep from the well of
knowledge reach the bottom
Has lost many a dollar for business nun. If a man is
lodged by the coat he weal's, ho is also Judged by th
letter-head be uses. An artistic, nicely printed
head may be looked on as a good
South, Young
Some one from Victor, Iowa
writing in The Southern
the initials
the young men of
country not to come west in
of Fortune's golden smile,
but by nil means to go south. We
quote the writer's language as fol-
Co south, young men, and
yourselves up. The
will lake care of itself. We have
never invited you specially to come
only the e of j wet except one speculation, while
Mention and a study of south invites as a help,
questions which involve matters of civil government
science, art and letters. But Hie arc once adjusted the older people
average Individual, who seeks only will flock on account
knowledge and n more advantages. The
direct and Ultimate acquaintance people should there
It will he done right.
The price for doing It
will be too.
Semi In
Tho Reflector Office.
with the world its
of interests, finds In the
newspaper his medium. In
and assist making surround-
still more attractive. The
south needs no booming. Common
and education teach the
I thinking mind which locally has
the political, religions and j preponderance of good things,
scientific of world. there were no
ill lie wishes lo know
ll becomes familiar with those
gnat questions a far more
May be could
gain i years i f book study,
lie i historical knowledge,
which, in it
i- oil the
epochs, great events and famous
personages their
ties, the absorption of this
would be completely upset. If the
main object is even lo make money,
preference is the south.
Looking standpoint which
subject convinces that
connecting in a duly for man to use their
important in the I
sign myself the to
people of the cast, and especially
northeastern portion of the
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
sell anything in this line very low. See when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Cheek Valve-. Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Ganges, Hancock
V. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sites, Pipe Fitting all s.
LINK OF Packing, Robber Belt,
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Bell Hooks, c.
knowledge has its f, however, they are deter-
ml elevating influence, making mined to west, I shall first
t- Impress on character and advise them, should they write me,
tic life. It is often a marvel to
n-en a have bad This writer, whoever he may be,
educational opportunities arenas an Intelligent appreciation of
the inducements which this section
to lie well versed in
questions of finance
general knowledge- They me
great newspaper read-
devouring all within their
reach, ii as only
thoughtful minds can. have
known sort of this character, all
of whom had, on account of rover
lo leave school at
of the country oilers. We
his advice to the
young men of ether sections.
Atlanta Constitution.
A hectic doesn't count in a
an earl age even before r
lug the-double rule of deuce
Webster's blue drinking song
Words me not always the
ls usually a
s .-.-
Ill Drain TIM
Garland Cook Stoves.
Know What You
lake Chill
Tonic the is plainly
allowing it la simply
and in a form, Nu
Cure, No Fay.
jet these men were Hie most enter-
on mat-
t, historical, cum cm and
public They wen
of ti but readers
their knowledge
newspapers n
lamplight. These men
examples of newspaper
education, were the
who seek and find know
ledge under all
such Instances proof the ad-
vantages which tho r of-
fer to nil who would have know-
ledge. The newspaper of Is I
a welcome visitor to every home. I
a brawl.
Men a well as clocks arc known
by I heir works.
The steeple climber naturally
feels Unit he is up against it.
Alimony is sometimes the cement
i fixes heart.
Tho study of music requires an
ability to read between the lines.
A feels he is getting
. all balled when he loses his
The worst thing about life
is we never live lo enjoy
u The Best tor
for rest, lea minutes spent , ,, , ,,,, ,
in i
and break tho
a lighten
of a a h
It is simply lion
form. No cure.

D. I. WHICH A Owner
Entered at the Poet Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second -Claw
Mail Matter.
Today the period of
for President ended,
and flags on government buildings
over the country that had at
half mast were raised to full mast.
Col. Harry has been to
attending a gathering
of prominent State Republicans.
Revenue and postmasters
composed most of the attendants.
A Greensboro correspondent to the
Charlotte Observer says that Skin-
made the of the
The correspondent
declared that he believed
in everything taught in
the Republican catechism,
protect subsidies, etc. He
held that these principles, if car.
out, would enrich North Car-
and the South, even as they
had added to the accumulated
wealth of the New England
New Jersey is a good State to
live in. The people there pay no
taxes and are slow to die. No
taxes levied for State
purposes, the taxes on corpora-
and on the corporation fees
producing sufficient revenue to run
the government without the levy-
of a cent of taxes. This
of affairs alone would make
New Jersey a desirable place of
residence In the eyes of many
pie, but that is not all State has
to brag on. The New York Com-,
says that President Dry-
den, of the Prudential Insurance
Company, makes the statement
that his company's statistician has
complied a morality table which
shows that, behind
ahead of Great and
Germany, ahead
States of our own New
Jersey has the lowest death
Next to the and Nome
gains, the live longer
than any other people in the
world. With long life no
taxes to pay, and furthermore,
living right the fountain
head of apple the
ought to be reasonably contented
and Observer.
Salem, Oct.
looks like Barry the ex-
Populist, District Attorney
Bernard's place for the eastern
of North Carolina. Many lie
publicans are already
predicting that he will
that he will get Bernard's office.
Ex-Sheriff Clarence of
who a congressional bee
in his silk hat, attended
the Republican
Greensboro Saturday before lie
boarded the train for home this
morning he if Harry Skin
would get the eastern district
Mr. Call
am afraid he will, though there
are Republican who think
Claude Bernard is just us good a
man now us he was four years ago
in fact, better, for he has had
tinned by saying that Skinner was
a bright fellow, a line speaker, a
man of experience a warm
friend of Senator
may be good politics in South Car-
to put converts in office,
I do not consider it wise to
adopt this plan North
when we have so many good men
tho Republican added
Ma Call. to
the ex Sheriff said he had come
over to the Republicans as the
Populist is dead the
Democrats did not want him. The
Wilkes man thought Harry should
be required to vote the Republican
ticket at least a few times before he
was provided for. should go
over to the would not
expect office until I had render-
ed some said Mr. Cull.
Special to Charlotte Observer.
Special of
at, C, Oct.
President Roosevelt has set the
Republican politicians of the South
generally, by the ears by the
of ex-Governor Jones
Alabama to a vacant
where lit Re
could be found to fill the
One hears he keeps his eyes
well among politicians
of the inner circles of both
cal parties Pops, don't count
any considerable
lion already the United
States to be tilled
the Legislature to be elected year
So tar as the Republicans are
concerned there is but
and he the present incumbent.
Senator Pritchard is also strong
the affections of some men of affairs
and Influence this State who
have never been identified With
the Republican
There is talk of in Mr.
it his party and partisans control
the next Thai is all
that can be said at present, how
Among Democrat, there is con-
division of as
to the particular gentleman who
should be honored on this occasion
to the highest office within the
gift of our people. While
I heard considerable
speculation along this line. A
gentleman who is not supposed to
be a candidate, this occasion,
has many friends. He resides
west of of course, but
so very far west. If his can-
is announced, it will
prise many of the politicians and
play ducks and drakes with the
chances of several them. His
friends, however, say he is
of any and really en-
titled to high the hands
of the should have
been extended before.
As to Governor Aycock, he
is not a candidate actual
or implied, if his own words are to
be so far as this
is concerned, he searches
farther for I ho fact.
Messrs. S. Overman, R. If.
Glenn and Locke are known
to be candidates and each has
a large very devoted follow-
That either would honor the
those who them can-
pot doubt, lint it takes more
than simple capacity and fitness to
win a race like there's
likely to be some lively shaking
punch up the tree
for the tallest fellow. And there
are, or will be, others.
s B.
There remains but one week
from this date to the opening
the State Fair, which begins
21st lasts a week, as usual.
The railroads have made a rate of
one fare. That is to say you call
the usual price and get
back home This
is the same arrangement us we had
last year.
Bx Treasurer Worth last Friday
paid over the last
making good the defalcation of his
late clerk Martin, now serving a
term in the penitent He has
now entered suit against Martin
hare State
November 1-th.
President George T. of
the A. M. College, celebrated
the forty anniversary of his
birth by entertaining the faculty
and their wives the
Class at a dinner at the Var
House. Dr. Winston's host
of friends hope that as hap-
celebrate many more such an
Aycock will deliver
the address at the Pair on
Thursday October The
Greensboro Fair polled last
week, is said to have been MOW
satisfactory to the manage
N. C, Oct.
A Special the
days we will give a nice present
with each we sell, provided
we sell for Car-
Hogs For
or hogs in tine condition to fat-
ten, weighing from to
pounds each, which he will dispose
of at market value.
Miss Friday-
night with Miss Clara Forbes in the
W. of Clifton, was
here visiting Sunday.
J. E. Green, our depot
spent Sunday evening and night
visiting bis sister, who is
Land For tract of hind
lying about miles of and
miles of Ridge Spring. It is line
tobacco laud and is known as the
Allen Jackson place. Apply to A.
G. Cox.
Send orders for Tar Heel
and wagons We are prepared to
fill orders G. Mfg.
Dr. R. T. Cox. W. B. Wingate
and F. O. Cox, school committee-
men for school district No. have
notice that the next session
of this school will begin Oct.
the Winterville High
School. They most earnestly de-
sire all who are to attend
same to be present on that elate.
Mrs. Cox attended
church at Ion Sunday
the remainder of the visiting
friends there.
Miss Anna of
who has been a visit to
her cousin. Miss
returned home Monday evening.
a first class second band mowing
machine almost as good as new can
be purchased cheap by applying at
the office of the A. G. Cox Mfg.
There were twenty persons
last Sunday In Mill
Pond, who afterward joined the
Free Will Baptist church at Reedy
Branch near here.
Misses Minnie and Elbe
the circus Tues-
R, who has con-
to his home for nearly two
months with is so far
ed as to come out occasionally.
W. L. House and family were at
The wife of J. II. Browning,
neat here, died unite suddenly-
last Sunday morning was
buried Monday
It. L. Little J. A. Nichols
attended religious service
services in Bethel last Sunday.
Josh Manning went home to see
his home folks Saturday evening
and came luck day.
A. ti. Cox will pay the highest
cash prices for cotton seed.
It it Better to Encourage
In political campaigns we often
hear much stress laid upon the
quest ion, who pays the tax f and
the argument of the goes
to show that this burden always
falls upon the consumer. At any
rate this is good Democratic doc-
the ease which it
does not apply is the exception
rather than the rule. It is
questionably true as regards tariff
the consumer pays it; it is
true when it comes to a cir-
who patronize it have
it to pay.
It is the circus in particular that
runs the mind of TilE
in this just There
was more or less talk when the
circus was here Tuesday about its
costing people more usual to
see it. We spoke to some of the
proprietors of the circus
this, the reply was that taxes
I were so very high
j that they were compelled to charge
I more lose money.
Circus people, like those engaged
other business, are in it for
what they can get out of it,
unless they can make money the
i business must stop. when
I you route to think of the expense
j of maintaining a big circus it is
just enormous. To be-
with there is outlay of
of thousands of dollars
equipment, with the daily running
the thousands
And when it comes to taxes, this
item cost the circus
for Stale, for county
and for for showing in
Greenville Tuesday.
Now another question or two.
Is a circus an evil, or docs it prove
a benefit to the town it visits
thing is sure, John
circus left large sums of money in
Greenville Tuesday, besides what
the people who come to see it
The business got the benefit
this, what helps the
j people helps the town, What
else a circus would have
brought such a crowd of people to
i Some of the merchants
tell us that their trade Tuesday
was equal to what it is the day
before Christmas, one went so
far as to say it would be a paying
investment for the merchants to
make up the tax for n big circus to
come around occasionally rather
than not have them come.
And when it comes to the
what affords them so much
amusement as a circus Hundreds
and hundreds of them, too, only
see the part that is free, but the
street parade what takes place
outside the
the circus people much to give it
is a good show itself and
come many miles just to see
that, and they get it free. How-
ever, those people spend money
town just the same, and the town
gets the benefit of their presence.
And who is glad to see a big
crowd town t
So upon the whole we argue that
it is a mistake to tax circuses
reasonably. First, because the
tux is to come out the
pockets the people, they
ought to have the opportunity of a
day of amusement now and
without paying too dearly for it.
because they bring u large
crowd to town whose coming great-
benefits every branch of
the business men
being the mainstay buck-bone
of the town, anything helps
them should be encouraged.
Mayor's Court.
Mayor W. Long has disposed
of the following cases in his court
last report
Ion Pollard, drunk and
reckless driving, fined
Sam Coward, drunk, lined
costs, 18.90.
John Blade and James Latham,
riotous and disorderly conduct
assault with deadly weapons, both
over to January term
Moses Wright, carrying
weapon, bound over to Superior
Mosses Wright and Robt
colored, riotous and disorderly
conduct sod assault, fined and
half costs each, total
Robt. Greece, colored, assault
with deadly weapon, bound over
to January term of Superior court.
Id. Italian, riotous and
conduct and assault with
deadly weapon, bound over to Jan-
term of Superior court.
And that is the reason the old Greenville Warehouse la
selling so much tobacco. We get the highest price for very
sold on our floor. The farmers see this, and appreciating
the work we do for them they bring as their tobacco.
We treat all alike, get the best price every time. Bring your
next load to the Greenville Warehouse and we will you
the truth of this. We have every accommodation for yon and
your team.
We are independent of
Warehouse Trusts.
New Millinery
and. you will be convinced that a
prettier, more stylish display was
Made in
A Plucky
The busiest dental establishment
New York is that which is reg-
advertised the leading
newspapers, and the advertisement
of which is occasionally enlarged
to a lull page of The New York
Herald. The price of such a page
is large; but it is that the
advertisement pays, or it would
be Record.
Pattern Ready to-wear Hats, Sailors,
Baby Clonks and Caps, The very newest
latest styles in everything in my line.
Prices lower than ever. Give me a call.
Just Returned
from the northern markets where we have selected
a stock of Velvets, Silks, Ribbons,
Feathers, Infant Caps, Ornaments, in fact,
we have everything needed to put up a stylish
hat. Call and see our pattern hats. We have
the prettiest we have ever had- Hats trimmed
while yon wait. Give a trial. Yours to please,
Tasteless Chill Tonic
The Daughters of the
will hold their
year in New Bern.
A Mean Slur.
At Greenville today two circus
men engage a tight ill which
one of in almost
If the gets out of
that with only this casualty
count it fortunate. A
who hat returned
states that a well known man
of that town he paid fifty cents
for a reserve scat ticket began
to get angry at himself, but all at
once it occurred to him that
circus had to go to
the troubled waters his ire
there settled a great
Southerner I nth.
We suppose the Southerner
tended this for a slur Green-
ville, but if that paper will look
after the its own town
it will have enough to to.
This disturbance among the circus
men themselves was the only one
that W have heard of
circus day. If the circus
to fight themselves it is
their business. So far as the home
people arc concerned,
we never saw a more orderly
well behaved big crowd than was
In Tuesday.
Four have
on the Seaboard Air
A John Berry, of Martin
to Jamesville
day, tilled up on whiskey
back homo. Ho fell out o
vehicle broke hut
has stood the test
for years.
One Million Six
Hundred Thou-
sand bottles were
sold last year.
Do you think it
pays to try others
We are at this writing, have been some time attending
right to our P's Q's in order to be able to show our
patrons a line of
Fall and Winter Suits
that's is different in style, in make in
price, from the suits nearly every store has.
Our spread is ready and you are invited to see it.
Every style that fashion has smiled upon Is here, and every
it comes to us goes to you, at a bargain.
THE SWELL DRESSER comes here for his swell suit.
THE CONSERVATIVE MAN comes here for his well
looking, conservative suit.
the most for bis money and NONE go away dissatisfied.
If there is a CROSS MARK
In the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Just received can crabs, lobsters,
pin feet, ham pork at S. M.
Court will continue only this
week and there will lie none held
next week.
After the storm comes the calm.
The crowd was here yesterday,
but it is quiet enough today.
was strictly in it at the
circus parade Tuesday. His big
wagon, like his big store, caught
the crowd.
Court could not stand the pres-
sure Tuesday afternoon, so adjourn-
ed and went to the circus just like
other folks.
Henry delivered a
at O. C. College, Ayden,
Tuesday night, and we hear that
he delighted the audience.
Mrs. A. E. Stocks Re
an egg, Ibis morning, to
add to our collection of queer eggs.
This one looks like a long, straight
necked gourd.
Fa KM Fob have for
sale a two horse farm, good laud,
in good condition growing any
crops. For terms apply to
J. II. Mills, Jack, N. C.
Biggest sale of the season at the
Liberty Warehouse
sold for of the
Bear section -Martin
County bin ii- of 1500 lbs
on average of How is this
for bight
A special communication of
den Lodge No. A. F. A. M.
will be held Thursday 17th.
Visiting brethren cordially
R. W. Smith, W. M.
and Isle.
I will rent my farm, four miles
north Greenville and one mile
from House station, for the year
with privilege of five years.
About Nov. 1st I will sell all the
farm gin, engine,
thresher, grist mill,
hones, mules, hogs, cattle, corn,
fodder and hay on said farm.
Parties wishing to examine the
mm or equipment can call any
time and do so.
Whether you go or
this world, you will always had
plenty of people to push you.
Protracted Meeting.
On the fourth Sunday this
month a series of meetings will
begin in the Baptist church. Rev.
C. A. Jenkins, pastor of the First
Baptist church of will
assist the pastor, Rev. J. N. Booth,
the meeting.
Carried to
Tuesday while
the circus war. unloading
some colored had a
and of them was serious-
cut. The circus people took
charge of the wounded man and
today carried him to Goldsboro to
place him the there.
Their First Lou Hers.
The late Mr. J. A. Dupree had
life insurance policies in both the
which orders have lodges
ville. The local Treasurers of tho
have received checks to pay
the insurance. This is the first
death loss that either of the organ-
have had
A From Experience.
A shoe manufacture whose pro-
duct is known from one end the
country to the other, who has
been interviewed for The St. Louis
Republic, as the result
his experience that main
thing the Hue of success Is to
Keep yourself your goods con-
before the public; this
is best done by newspaper
Philadelphia Record.
Another Remarkable Case.
R. M. Davis, writing the Sal
Some months
was called to a burial outfit
for old colored the
north ward of tho city. When
carried the to the cabin I
found lying dead the bed, tho
great, great, great of
the family, aged sitting in the
corner was the great, great
grandmother, standing
by was the grandmother,
aged and by her side stood her
daughter, aged her
arms her little girl, aged
Five generations all and every
generation represented by a female.
More than twenty-five
stories will form part of the
tents of the five weekly issues of
bar. the writers of them
will be Barlow, C. A.
ens, Mrs. Steel, R.
Sarah Jewett,
L. J. Bates, Carroll
Day. will be
stories of sea and land, stories of
North and South, stories of the
on the old frontier, stories
of field forest.
Some Speak to Me. Some to You.
October 1901.
Donnell Gillian, of Tarboro, is
here attending court.
Rev. B. H. returned
today from Plymouth.
W. L. Dudley, of
came up this
R. M. Starkey returned this
morning from
Skinner returned this
morning from
Rev. F. H. Harding returned
this morning from
Mrs. A. L. Blow returned Sat-
from Richmond.
A. D. of New Bern, came
in this morning to court.
James H. of Raleigh,
in Saturday evening to attend court
Judge F. D. came
Saturday evening is holding
court this week.
Mrs. J. H. mi. of Kinston,
who was Mrs. B. E.
returned home Saturday
Miss Martha Harding, of
ville, who her sister,
Mrs. Harding, home
W. Oner, of Baltimore, came
in evening. Hurt James
says he knew he would strike
ahead of the to see he
could sell Jack
Tuesday. 1901.
R. M. Monday
W. Greer sold out his
toes and left Ibis morning.
Miss Mattie Moore came in Mon-
day evening from
Rev. F. A. Bishop returned Mon-
day from Elm City.
B. E. returned Monday
evening a up road.
J. W. Wiggins down from
Tarboro Monday evening and re-
turned this morning.
Wednesday, 1901.
B. W. left this morning
for Bethel.
G. M. Tucker returned to Nor-
folk today.
W. S. Atkins left this morning
for New York.
J. I. of Norfolk, came In
Tuesday evening.
W. F. went to
ton today to attend the carnival.
Miss returned
to school Winterville Tuesday
R. E. Cox, of Kinston, spent cir-
day here and returned home
on the evening train.
Miss Mamie Tucker, of Norfolk,
came in Tuesday evening to attend
the Tucker-Hardy marriage, and
returned home today.
Miss Gussie of Tarboro,
came in Tuesday evening to attend
the Tucker-Hardy marriage,
homo this morning,
R. B. of tho
Coast Lino, i is Hugging on the
circus train, gave his friends here
at home the pleasure of his pres-
Factory to Consumer, No middle mans profit;
worth choice goods
P at factory prices.
At ti o'clock Hi is morning, the
home of Mr. Herbert Hardy,
brother of the bride, in South
Mr. Marion Tucker,
of Norfolk, Miss Esther K.
Hardy married by Rev. D.
W. Davis, of the Christian church,
a few relatives and friends being
present to witness the ceremony.
played the
wedding march us the bridal party
entered the The bride-
groom was accompanied by Mr. L.
W. Tucker as man, and the
bride by her brother, Mr. Clarence
Immediately after the ceremony
the couple drove to the depot
where they took the morning train
for Norfolk. They were
to Norfolk by Messrs G. M.
Tucker, J. A. K. Tucker, J. II.
Hardy, J. W. Brooks,
Tucker, Mrs. Hardy
Misses Mamie and Daisy Tucker.
No Court Next Week.
There w ill be no of the
Superior Court next week, and all
jurors witnesses who; have
for the
week of this term need not at-
O. W.
Clotting, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Boys Clothing,
B Suits, Price
Sizes to Years.
I is
Mens Clothing. Suits
and no Price
Odd Coats.
and I
Boys Knee Pants.
and kind, sizes to II
Mens Pants.
and Pants, now OS
BO and BO l
7.1 and
These prices for cash, buyers
No goods charged at these prices.
BOYS SHIRTS joy o. BO to Shirts now l UNDERWEAR.
and kind now
to and
to and
M to full line from o lO S now going at and
to biggest value ever
linen Window Shades.
STEEL ROD CONG BO new I pal lips hats for COLORS.
ED price
, to stock on
price must sec price
Bought Enough For Ten Small Stores.
Clocks and Watches.
watches now
All shades, all kinds, all quality. The
, the Immense stock to see us and bring
,, your neighbors, or tell them about US.
day dock at reasonable h
The cheapest and best line
have ever had. Special value
to Q
got to Ask on. in department
o the to you Drawers,
In,, at material.
Silk. V
From the cheapest to the beat
Worth BOo, now
Leather Couches, quality
l r i i I,, , ti ., ,,.
Carpet., Mulling, Suits; is Styles
Biggest line iii town. All Hall Bocks, Cribs, Del
Others sell cheap calico. Watch
tile colon will run out lie-
lore yon leave town.
c Children Hosiery.
Al colors and prices,
from the mills. This is it rare
for ladies to get a
pod bargain.
I Hi. Loom.
Barker's Mills,
without ticket, yard
w Ida Tic.
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.
---t -r
. I

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance work automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be within on month
are or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second year No Restrictions. S. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an endow daring the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville. X. C.
Crop To Palo.
Hot Springs, Art., Oct.
The convention of Cotton States
Commissioners of Agriculture ad
die this afternoon. A
report of the committee on
fertilizer guarantees and laws was
the of to day's session. It
recommends to the Legislatures of
the cotton States that a law be
raised similar to that now in force
the State of Georgia practically
ban the lower grades of fertilizers
from the
The estimates of the commission-
of the cotton crop for 1301 is
bales. This estimate is
based on government and State
ports and the observation the
commissioners. to a res-
passed by the
a committee of six was appointed
by the chair to appear the
congressional postal committee and
that all printed matter
and seeds mailed by the
Departments of the States of
the Union go through the mails
free. Resolutions were also passed
endorsing the movement the
Southern States looking toward es-
courses of instruction in
schools in elements of scientific
agriculture. The association then
adjourned meet in Nashville next
WORD that word
It refers to Dr. and
Are yon constipated
Troubled Indigestion
Sick headache
Insomnia m .
ANY of these symptoms natty others
Bring Instant Relief Cure in all Cases
There is nothing like It brings
cures when
instant relief, even the eases.
all else tails.
The C. K. Wells, Villa, Ridge, III., says;
bottle of received in good
I cannot tell you bow thankful I feel for the
good derived from It, l was slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and asthma for ten years. I de-
of ever being cared. I saw your advertise-
the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disc and thought you had
yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm, Send me
a full-size
We want to send to every a I treatment of
similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll It by mail post-
paid, absolutely Free of Charge, to any write for it.
even on a postal. Never mind, though you are despairing, however
bad your ease. Will relieve and cure. The Worse your
case, the more glad we are to send it. Do not delay, write at once, ad-
dressing Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co., Boat 130th St., N. Y. City.
Bold by all Druggists.
Red Cross is on label
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
It you have tour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, Insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive system, Will Cure Yon.
will dean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
mucous membranes of tho stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys to trouble you. your skin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
la airs for
rolls and . lint Mas
It rain or griping. u--i-i .
nature r. natl
Wee U and ask for
Fir Salt by
is not the mM hut the Most because II
a, end few prate, tie. I Ai I r tree
HI Ilk. I A A KOLA CO , Street, N. Y , and tho sine of
will ts press to Mr en of m or poll ail
f It l I .
Take No Substitute.
It is stated that assistant
postmaster of Chicago has devised
a plan for the convenience f those
who transmit postage stamps by
null in lien of currency. this
plan the sender would buy a
for desired Iran
the local postmaster mail
Instead of stamps. The receiver
could convert this certificate into
stamps at par, or into cash at I per
cent, It is said that this
plan received the approval
of the Postmaster General, who
will recommend it to
Business men encounter no greater
nuisance the receipt by
of a lot of stamps stuck together or
to the letter covering but
a certificate, convertible Into
stamps. The person remitting
Would well buy a money order,
payable in cash. is Deeded
Is a law by which to hang any-
body ho .-ends stamps in a letter
except when wrapped in pa-
per, and for the Depart-
to slop issuing stamps of
greater denomination than cents.
Tin- average business nu would
almost as lief have no remittance
at all as to have it 5-, or
tent stamps. They are an
and a
Write Tins Down
in Hi book of memory; therein no
tiling cough. ii
s confidence boss iron
bad to worse it in remedied
sway, a
plenty of air. Why
a bottle
Not s
A many of our
have protested, and proper
we think, the many
references to President
as a
etc. Mr.
was not a martyr any proper
sense, and it is a misuse the
word to say so. Hut there is an-
other phrase, which is much used
in connection with his
which is quite as inaccurate as a
statement of fact, and that is in
the to his slayer as the
cowardly The
deserves to have everything else
said him except this. His act
was everything else except coward-
but this it was not. He
perfectly well, committing his aw-
crime in the presence of a
that bis life would pay the
penalty for it; be had good ground
to believe that he would lose it on
the spot; yet it will be recalled
that he showed plainly by his sub-
sequent statement that he had
only concern, after he had
made up his mind to the deed, and
that was lest he should be inter
in some manner
his purpose to kill the President
might miscarry. It required an
unimaginable amount of nerve for
i sane man to have done what he
did under the circumstances under
which he it. To call him a
is to
by of statement, the ease
against Observer.
Sunday, over Mullen
Hill, at meet de
humble had
not all been paid. So I give
talk, Mainly
needed new shawl, I needed
new co it, both us was need-
something not quite
last Wan-all
take up He
wen he got back, draped
in button. Know he had
sold some hue fer
hue prices Greenville,
I thought he feel mean, so I
as him pray, what
I set on no high
I prays fer own
Or even lung
Is not quite
Hut, in if not In letter,
Jes let come better.
when I fails in rightly
not by lightly.
fer some got
I'll any I know not.
Mandy, who was
broke out, we
know what pray fer es we
De whole sound
Den all was quart
de went
remember you once said.
dogs cat de bread,
Hut de M table.
Don't fer bread I well we able.
So what need please
An I will slug praise.
Den Mandy struck
you ready fer de judgment
Van. Joe
Driving; Out the
These, are the of colds, sharp and
Midden, attacking throat and lungs, and
leading to one docs not like
to think about A further
and the enemy of health and
with Perry Painkiller the family
stand-by sixty years It conquers a
ii a day. Bet tut yea get the right
There is one Painkiller, Perry
lining before the
i of Pitt county a
the U- wit and testament of J. P.
Manning, notice is hereby
all persona Indebted to the estate to make
payment to the undersigned,
and all persona having claims against said
estate arc notified to present the same with-
in twelve months from date or this notice
lit be plead bar of recovery.
This day of October,
Executor of J. P. Manning.
The undersigned having duly qualified
before the Superior court clerk of Pitt
county administrator of the estate of
Sarah L. Smith, deceased, notice Is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the estate
to make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all having claims
against the estate arc notified to present the
same to the undersigned payment
twelve months from the date
notice, or it will be plead in bar of
This day of
Administrator of the of Sarah L.
Babbitt's Chill Pills cure chills and all
malarial troubles. That is what they were
made for. Cute after other remedies fail
No cure, no pay. Price bottle
The Clerk of the Superior Court of Pill
county, having Issued Letters of
to me, the undersigned, on the M
day of September, on the estate of
Joseph A. Dupree. deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons Indebted to the
to make immediate payment to the
undersigned, and to all creditors of said
estate to present their claims, properly
to tho undersigned, within
twelve months alter the dale of this notice,
or this notice will be plead in bar of their
This 2nd day of Sept, 1901.
on the estate of JOSEPH A. DUPREE.
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the Wast
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. O
J. J. CHERRY, Aft.,
Greenville, N. C.
o. am
Wants More Recognition.
said Brother
Dickey, Mr. is
give de culled nice any
what been
a needs it.
well a id a member
my race what voted de
kin ticket six times one
en ain't even got one
Office his Now, cf tint's
what they calls hit's
I kin Con-
By The Orange, Virginia, Observer
The remarks of a blunt
some times arc very pointed
Life without some shadows would
but a painful glare.
Belief is the rudder by which
the ship of life is directed.
The man who keeps his own
counsel doesn't have to hire a law-
find out what some men
mean chiefly from what they don't
A man may stand on his virtues,
Ala. July W.
Dr J. Dear Justice
t you that I should give you my
experience with your excellent medicine,
Our little girl. Just thirteen
mouths old, bail much trouble teething.
Every remedy exhausted in the shape
of prescriptions from family
Her ism-els continued to pass blood
and I lever continued for at a
time. Her life was almost Off. Her
in determined try in
; day or two there a great
life had were regular,
and. thanks lo the little is now
well. Yours, etc.
A Prop. Tuskegee News.
There is only one that is
tone than the tattler that is
the man or who listens
without pretest. The truth is.
one holds the while the other
The receiver of stolen prop-
Is as bad as the thieves
Just so long as tho government
places a of 11.10 whiskey
that la sold 11.90, just that
hug will people engaged in its
manufacture attempt to evade the
tax. this furnished for
members of the faithful who other
wise could not be provided for.
he power of the press is now
being felt more
have gone, to wearing paper
but bit vices always ail down on
Truth is to be such rare
timber that mostly used
Never man he
is a and can give dinners
--he may day lie poor.
m KB a L FA
A vegetable remedy that
and long
. The greatest blood
purifier known. Has the hearty
endorsement of lending
rent tho es treated. Price
per bottle.
feather her own nest.
The girl who thinks she can mar-
any man she pleases may live to
discover that she doesn't
of them.
There is satisfaction in
knowing that when people talk-
about themselves they can't
talking about other
must lie the straw that
broke the camel's remark-
ed the sufferer from insomnia
he tossed on the
That American lady missionary
now held by Bulgarian brigands,
is indeed a precious Stone, as a
ransom of is demanded
for her release.
North Pitt county,
Oscar Hooker
D. N. Co
Southern Express Co.
The defendant, D. N. Co., will
take notice that a summons in the above
entitled action was against said de-
on the day of September, 1901,
by D. a Justice of the Peace
of Pitt county, North Carolina, for the sum
said plaintiff by contract
which is returnable- before said
Justice at his office at in said
county on the day of November, 1901.
The said defendant will also take
that a warrant attachment was issued
by said Justice on the day
1901, certain property of the
said defendant now in the hands of the
Southern Express Co., at N.
which warrant is returnable before the
said justice at the limo and place above
named for the return of the summons,
when and where the said defendant is
quired to answer or demur to
the complaint, or the relief demanded will
be granted. D.
This Sept 30.1001.
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
D. V.
Cotton Bagging and
on i
goods kept constantly
band. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court, made by His Honor H. Hoke
Judge presiding at May 1901, of Pitt
the case of C. and
wife against and others,
of Hickory Hill church, the undersigned
Commissioner will sell rash before the
court house in on Monday
day of November, 1901, the follow-
described piece, parcel or lot of land
situate in the Town of Greenville, and
known the Hickory Hill colored Baptist
church lot, as a part of lot No. lie-
at the corner of lots and on
Greene Street and running the line of
and West feel, then North a
straight line parallel with Greene street
, i feet, thence a direct line parallel
Cotton Factors and handlers of ,,,, to Greene street, thence with
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and shipments
E. E. Griffin,
Practical Watch Hiker Hi Jeweler.
Opposite I. N. C.
the markets
and purchased the largest stock clocks,
watches, chains, rings, pins, etc., ever
brought to Greenville. Special articles for
holiday trade and wedding presents
Prompt ii lo special orders e
pairing to docks and watches done
N. C.
The in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs for Si per dozen,
Sago per dozen.
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture Nice
on hand all the time. Come
my work. No trouble to show
samples Rod answer questions. The very
work guaranteed to all, hours
to a. m., to p. m. Yours in please.
Greene street to the beginning, containing
J-8 square yards.
This Oct. 1st, 1901 F.
Mr. John C. Drewry, General Agent for
North Carolina Virginia, of that Well-
Ki. mi I Popular
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to announce to its large number of
policy holders, and lo the incurable public
generally, this com-
will now in this
state from this date will issue its
and desirable policies, to all de-
siring the very beat insurance in tho best
life insurance company in the world.
If the local agent In your town has not
yet completed arrangements, address
State Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once to work for the
Old Benefit.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Build-
We solicit your and
to give i; i I inn in
pi it-en, styles and work.
send your to
. M.
Wholesale Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax Red
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Cigarettes, din
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Primes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
Best Butter, Stand
ard Sewing ties, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash.
to see inc.
j. l ran,
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Biz Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
the Reflector office. The Semi-
Weekly Reflector and
will be sent together
oDe year for or The Daily
Reflector and
one year for 93.50 payable In ad-
or I
Lawyers. WASH l
The Eastern Reflector
Twice a M
For Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day n bargain day and everything a
bargain. Your friends,
Securing the rote of interest with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a careful selection of risks
its business to the United States
will. be to your to see what we do for you before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for Agents in North Carolina.
T. ARCHIBALD GARY, General Agent.
For Virginia and North
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
Putting it Strong.
And why not the merchandise and prices will
back the statements made concerning them, we
have every right to it There is
wrong in emphasizing excellence when the
sis is within the bounds of truth, when facts are
given without misrepresentation.
Our States Facts.
facts, something well worth remembering.
and table piled high. Stacks and stacks of
mens,. and youths clothing. Every place
ed and packed with shoes. Wee an show you to your
entire satisfaction. Counter room needed in our
dress goods department. Selling must continue to
relieve the pressure. Come early before the best
things are gone. All the latest styles and weaves in
goods. Agents for Standard Patterns.
No Party Ticket the Fall Cam
The time for tiling nominations
for the election has
and there is an opportunity to
see the drift of the Populist or-
By a law passed last
winter no name can appear an
ballot more than thus
making fusion on the basis
possible. For several years two
complete tickets, one headed
have appeared on the
lots, each having exactly the same
names as the other, the object be
to deceive the voters. This
being ruled out, the two
have been endeavoring summer
to agree on a basis by
could unite in for the
same ticket. The pro
to go into a new party,
party, but the Democrats refused
to give up their organization. They
seem to have won, for
counties of the Stale tho county
ticket will lie called
and have failed to
any nominations. The
suit will be that the latter cannot
get on the ticket next year except
by petition, and will probably
into the Democratic camp without
any reservations except a division
the nominations.
The middle of the road clement
of the still refuses to be
taken into the Democratic ranks,
while it is making no
for the election this fall U
preparing lo wage warfare
on the larger portion of the
next year hope of
the Democracy lo come into
the Populist ranks. The Kansas
City platform is made basis
the agreement between the two
parties, but eagerness of the
Democracy lo keep touch with
the national will hold
its leaden in line. Next year's
election will be of much Interest, as
to changes in the election
laws, till county as well as
the State congressional
will be City Dis-
patch to New York Evening
Girls Used a Telegraph
Henry V. local
of the Western Union
graph Company and American
District r Service,
day afternoon began the novel ex-
of substituting girls for
Several applications were re-
in response to an advertise-
for girls to do messenger duty
and from the number three
employed. Contrary to the ens
torn of the boy messengers, they
did not linger by the wayside.
they were
kept busy,, when o'clock
came they were tired, but not dis-
Manager has
concluded to make a thorough ex-
with them, and if he
them satisfactory they will replace
the except in one or two
cases. Mr. Shelly realized he
will have to discriminate as lo the
destination of the girls, as it would
not do lo send them Into saloons
and similar places, this
pose boys will lie maintained in the
Asked why he desired girls to do
messenger service, Mr. said
that he bud to it because it is
impossible to get boys.
Bridgeport, Special to
To impart comfort and grace the wearer. Such are the
Jackets and Automobiles that
we have just received for
Misses and
They compose u com-
assortment of exclusive
and cm led styles ill
Oxfords, Tans and Blues.
The most can
be correctly lilted and the
exacting eyes ran be suited
with such marvelous values.
j p. k co.
Three Times The Value
Agents in all unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta, Ga
sale by
In Cat Accident.
will Mother
her lifting ii Father is hurt in
tho shop, children are forever
bruising themselves There is no
things, but their worst
are averted with Davis
Painkiller. No other
It for the relief of strained muscles
There is one Painkiller,
We have just added Supply to our business and
.-ell anything in this line very low. Bee us when In want of
Globe Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water Ganges,
Oil Cups, Air Granges, Hancock
U. s. Injectors, Cocks,
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Kilting all sizes.
LINE OF Packing, Rubber Bolt,
Melt, Leather Belt, Bell Lacing, Hooks,
and ell the
Ladies that
ill take place on
Tuesday and Wednesday,
October 1st 2nd.
Mr. writes a very
exciting account an encounter
with week, in the mill-
Lake Mr. Oaf-
son his male, Friday, wire
crossing the lake in a small boat to
make preparations for a
A small is used
such purposes on the southern side
By a Leopard.
Ai the of the Robin-
Mm us yesterday afternoon a
man had nu experience be will re-
member and bore away marks
from big animal lent to remind
hi narrow escape.
The man. whose name was not
learned I lit-
under the Influence of liquor. He
bad gotten that
are stretched to keep Ike crowd I of this sheet of water,
from too mar When out about
cages containing a mile limn shore he saw an object
beasts of forest Once in water, but could not decide
Inside the burlier the man Blum- what If was. He Immediately or-
bled to support himself Friday to straight for
In.-ii ml edge the cage object which was then about
leopard. his band yards As the boat
laid between the rods, partly got nearer it seen that It was a
inside i fine buck swimming In the water,
big spotted was mi the which was lit feet In depth at this
opposite side of the cage, but quick point, that the buck wan i ii
Hash sprang struck die straight for them. What to
the claws Into do bad to be decided at once. If
flesh. The was quick enough I be buck was he would
to withdraw his before the sink, that would be the
animal could fairly fasten upon it. If be attacked the
In doing so he swayed against the small boat it likely to cap-
cage and exposed bis head to a all would perhaps he
fresh attack. lost.
fortunately the keeper now saw At last it was decided to steer
what was going on and made at the buck's millers and
rush towards the cage, seizing the quickly. The bow of the bout
man and mil buck on his antlers and
way. The keeper alarm-1 lie but soon lose again, con-
ed well a- told his attack. A
now sobered fellow that the time he was by the boat,
aid might have torn side This weakened him sufficiently to
of his loud in another moment allow a personal encounter, which,
warned to be off. This he did, though every one, even-
binding up bis wounded band In a resulted disastrously for the
Bern Journal, j deer.
Mr. used his cut-
hi.-, assailant several limes the
throat, would allow,
and the buck landed in
boat. This Is the eighth deer
HI. i Mr. Carson has killed at the lake
Regular services were held In two and be is now known
M. K. night, as the Wac-
Hr. one of Greenville's lie said that in all his
cotton buyers, was in town Satyr- the most ex-
citing chase of bis life, I hat he
Miss is visiting would not have missed it for any-
Mis. Hi's week. thing, deer was three years
n number of our people at- old, and, as Mr. Carson
tended cirrus at on it. was a Mr. MM
Hit- Several went to Wash-1 that a large buck was seen last
inlay, I week within a stone's throw of the
Mi-, frank sick depot
list week.
Mrs. W. II, and children
Pip and Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
returned from visit lo den
has up in
the Tucker old store.
has accepted
Mis. John Proctor, from near
House, is visiting her children
in re tins week.
Miss is visiting
Mm. week. I
., . . ., , ,, . Chill Tills chills and all
j. w. -o I Is what tiny nu
to visit her unit in i w Ml
Sn a. Prim
who attended the
late will demand
for congress
w ill be t to vote the money.
The government nay
expenses to his
but it should not
allow Itself to be up by a gong
of robbers. Durban Herald.

Eastern reflector, 18 October 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 18, 1901
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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