Eastern reflector, 27 September 1901

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Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
. hi mm
Come to Me me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Paid up Insurance.
Extruded MUM work .
are three tear, lapse evidence
Of and
Antler second No S. u.
succeeding provided the premium for the yew u pun.
They may be To or
Increase the Insurance, or
during the
of insured.
J. L,. SUGG,
Greenville, N. C.
lake Substitute.-
for Chills. Fevers.
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
oil forms of Malaria.
None genuine
Red Cross it on label I
j I
Bring;. Instant Relief Cure In all Cases
There is nothing like II bring
instant relief, even in the worst It
till else foils,
The K. Well, of Villa,
bottle of in good
Hon- I cannot tell BOW I foil for the
good derived from n -lave, chained with
putrid sore hi d net hum years, l
mired of ever being cured, raw your advert
merit for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
and yon bad
yourselves, to give It a trial. To my
rial acted Bend me
to oven tor a treatment of
to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll it by post-
mid of Charge, to an; sufferer who . write II,
Ker mind, though you are however
case. will and cure, yew
the more glad we are It. Done once, ad-
dressing Or. Bros Medicine to. 130th St., N.
Sold by all
m sour stomach, indigestion, bed
inactive heartburn, trouble, backache,
e Insomnia. energy, blood, blotched or muddy MM,
or Ml which tell th. story or bowel, and -n
Unpaired digestive system, Will Cam on.
It clean out lbs bowels, let kidneys,
mucous th, purify your blood put you
on your Your will return, your bowel, move
and kidneys to trouble you, your skin will
freshen will led tho old time energy
w. m
,, or
Wee U r II
For Salt by
. , -I on
of you
CO , .- mm
Pit County Pay s
to Memory.
Our dead President. William
now reels
tomb. His body gently eon
lo grave,
at Ml home city. Canton,
in the of the
of people ever assent
on like in our
amid the highest honors ever
paid man. Every where there
sorrow and mourning, and in
every town and hamlet of our
country there were assemblages of
people to honor his memory.
Amid the solemn lolling of bells
from every tower and from
House, the people
and Pill county
in the Temple of M
pay tribute of respect lo
our martyred The
was soon UM to its
and even nil who
not gain
The meeting as called to
by W. H. Long, who in
brief announcement asked
lo preside. In taking
the chair paid a
tribute to President
The combined choirs of Hie
under the direction of
Kev. N. sang at intervals
during the exercises Jesus
of My My tied to
and -Rock of the
entire assemblage it the
Kev. En re read Will
Psalm and Rev. P. A. of
a and
Judge A. M. Moore, chairman
of the committee on resolutions,
offered the
The people of the town of Green-
ville and of the county of Pitt in
muting on the
day and at the hour when last
rites and services are being
at funeral of our
President, William do
Thai we desire to
horror and indignation which
we, in common with the of
our country, feel the dastardly
of the President
the States.
Sod. That we the
mot that the fatal which
him of life was
oil at the of our Nation,
and was a wicked and murderous
attack on those rights and liberties
which are inestimable
of every citizen of Ibis great
of Slates.
3rd. That lo
and to the people of our country, m
well as the and
of good and all that a
lice people hold dear, demand
the enactment and rigid enforce-
of Stringent laws whereby
anarchism aim its vile teachings
shall be forever stamped out and
Crushed within our borders, and
that no Demon who leaches, pro
claims or defend such infamous
doctrines shall tie permitted to
come to this country, and every
known anarchist now residing here
shall be expelled from our borders
as an enemy to good government
and lo our liberty loving people.
Thai we honor and revere
the memory of our martyred
dent, William as a lie
loved and wise ruler,
public life embodied and
the highest order of
unquestioned in-
and exalted patriotism, and
whoM private and domestic life
combined noblest and purest
which constitute and pro-
claim gentleman, the patriot
I ho sincere Christian.
mid life
will he with, grief
In the which
hi., befallen her, and though in
the her,
an I In which environs
all no of light may
let us trust as he be-
in shadow of
i, will
done, I
That a copy these res
sent to Mrs.
mid his family, that
a copy be furnished lo each of our
town with a hi
After the
he eloquent speech and
followed by Swift Galloway,
Mr. W. P. Harding, Harry
Mr. K. A. in the
order named. Each of the speeches
of a very high order, couched
most beautiful language, and
well worthy the high character of
him whose honor I bey spoke.
At the conclusion of the
am the resolutions were adopted by
unanimous vole. doxology
sung and Ms. W. Davis pro-
the benediction.
The schools of the town were
dismissed for and all
attended the exercises. Judge O.
H. Allen also adjourned court on-
I o'clock to give place to
memorial meeting.
In a copy the
and Advertiser,
weekly in Wilmington in year
1834, by Thomas I or lug, is the
of the ah-
of and per-
haps first cotton will in
has establish
ed In this
State. Kite hundred twenty-
eight spindles and looms
are in operation and between two
hundred pounds of
thread can be manufactured in a
To those acquainted with the
of the cotton milling Indus-
try ow in North Carolina, the
above ill be of
The in work low prior.
Nice Photograph.
Mall per
All chew.
MB picture
Frames th. Come
my work. No trouble lo
sample. Th. very
to Sour.
S to s. m, I. to n. in. to please.
IN 1806.
j. W. Cl.
Norfolk, Va,
Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
a New Trial.
Is in California a
strange colony of the outside
world rarely says The
Kansas City Journal. is made
up outlaws, and some of the
most notorious escaped
have taken in it. They live
a rugged stretch of
on side and a range of foot-
hills which
tho Mexican border on the other.
There no at this on
the of California, and no rail-
roads reaching In from the other
direction, so the men arc complete
isolated. are practically
prisoners, because they dare not
venture out, but effort has ever
been made to disturb them their
chosen refuge, though they have
been congregating there for
Tho Supreme Court
a new trial the case of Slate
Moore others,
was tried In Pitt Superior Court I
at its last March term. It will lie j
remembered that evidence upon
which the largely relied for
the of the defendants
in this case was conduct of a
certain bloodhound made use of to
trail from the store which tho
alleged was committed.
It is probable the decision of the
Supreme Court is founded on the
of that evidence.
The case, from novelty of the
main question involved
peal, has attracted a good deal of
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior court clerk of rut
county administrator of of
L. Smith, is hereby
lo all persons Indebted to the
lo Immediate payment to under-
signed, all persons having claims
a iii-i the relate notified lo the
I same to the payment
twelve months the date of this
notice, or It will In tar of recovery.
This day of September,
ton daily M A. M. for
ville, leave daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer loaves
Greenville Mondays,
at A. M.
leave Tarboro for
st A. M. freight only.
at with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York
ton. and for all for
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore,
and Una from
Washington, N. C
, W.
Gov. when asked the
beet way to protect the lives of
Presidents stamping
out anarchy and all
of anarchists. You
by enacting laws to
protect the officer, for those laws
now exist. The way to prevent la
to provide against the advocacy of
The Clerk of the Court I
having MM Utters of
to me, the on the too
day 1901, on the estate or
Joseph A. Dupree, deceased, is here-
by given to all persons Indebted to the
to to the
undersigned, to all creditors of
to present their
to the undersigned, within
twelve months alter tho dale of
or this notice will he plead in tar of their
y. This 2nd day Sept, 1901
JUDITH Administratrix
on tho estate of A. DUPREE.
who always so the
hot a rather they have a
babe, should not that
In. and of
hot on children, keeps In
condition makes the
only box at
r mail to C. M.
i, st. Lows, Mo.
Travelers Siberia ear
soups sacks. soups are
solid as stone, and keep
Milk is
and sold by pound.
Cotton Bagging and lies always
on has i-
Fresh goods kept ea
hand. Country and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
The Clerk of Superior Court pf Pitt
county having Issued Letters of MM
to me, the undersigned on
day of August, Ml. on th. of
Tripp, notice is hereby given to
nil persons indebted to the to make
immediate payment to tho
to all creditors of said estate to
their claims properly authenticated, to tho
the of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in bur of their recovery.
Administrator of tho estate of
In order to secure some evidence
for use in the trial of a damage
suit a Western railroad
company the of two
who had In
Hoots county, Kansas, recently
placed two dummy on the
railway truck at the point where
the had occurred, and
awaited the arrival of an express
train. His experiment
caused another life; for
of express saw he
supposed to be an obstruction on
the as the train approached
at a speed forty miles an hour,
and to jump from the
cab. The cool headed engineer
seized him in nick of time, and
held here until Hie train bad passed
rove the
is a dis
grace to decency and civilization.
of the of
idiot; fed foster-
ed by fornication in of
law and gospel, fattening like a
harpy on appealing only lo
the Ignorant or this thing
of ulcers and
dares to comradeship
Christian churches. Snail re
sort In and feathers or the cow-
hide Hardly. But beg the
good people of name
of don't house or feed
Woman always bits the nail on
the finger nail.
There arc many told gates on
the slimy road of slander.
There is a great deal of sense
concealed beneath the horse hat
The who a thought
to charity rarely gives anything,
The so called truest friend
nuns out to be the rankest
Tho man who wears his religion
on his sleeve is generally out at the
A waterspout-a
A man can't contract some
its too much.
Counterfeit money la a thing of
the past.
The motto of editor
A burst of broken
away when she is presented
No, Maude, dear, still waters do
not always come from a still.
A doesn't need a musical
education to sing his praise
The who trifles with her
husband's affections wouldn't hrs
lo rifle bis pockets.
North Pitt county in Superior
court l fore toe clerk.
and other,
The above named Chester
will take that action as
above has been In tho
of Pitt county, to sell a certain lot in
I he Town of for partition. And
said defendant will further take
that he Is required to appear at the or
t he clerk of the Superior court of Pi county
on Friday Sept. 20th, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said or
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief In the
This August 14th, 1801. D- C MOORE,
clerk Superior court,
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete In every de
payment and M the
lowest. Highest market
paid for country produce.
J. E.
Even the
worn ennui
A that
cures and long stand-
lases. The greatest blood
purifier known. Has the
of physicians
after thorough trial,
By virtue of decree of the Superior
Court of Pitt made on the 2nd
of September 1801, in special pro-
therein pending, entitled
James Beverly Brother, guardian
and others, I Monday
before the court house door in
all public sale to highest bid-
for cash, lot or parcel of
In the loan
as la plot
of said town as part of lot bounded on
the by street, on toe last by
the lot form-
and used a. Baptist
and on the West by the Pearce lot, and
being tho home place of th. late
containing one fourth of an
IS Mill
more or leas.
This the day of
notice to
cent of lite
II per
treated. Pries
D, A
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, P.
and Gall ft A x
Moat Key West
American Beauty tan
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
i Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Mac
Best Butter, Stand
ard Hewing ties, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
AIM a Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Broken in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Mr. John C. General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires tn lo Its large number
policy holders, and to the public
of North this com-
will now lb-sumo Is this
state and from this dale will issue Us
desirable to all de-
siring very heat insurance In boat
life insurance company In tho world.
if the ii agent In your town has not
yet completed arrangements, address
Slate Agent, N.
Paid policy holders
Live, reliable energetic agent wanted at
once lo work for the
Old mutual
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Months
Three Slug. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. taken at
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or
one year for 13.60 payable la ad-
Ilka parrots, may not
be m green as they look.
It any to build unties
the you own a
SH i A,
The Eastern Reflector
Twice a
For Dry Drew Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day n bargain day and every a
bargain. Your friends,
Securing the highest rate of interest consistent with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a careful selection of and
limiting business to the United States
It will be to your Interest to see what we can do for you before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for Agents in North Carolina.
T. ARCHIBALD GARY, General Agent.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
Special Correspondent of
Raleigh, N. C, Sept.
There is sonic shifting around in
newspaper circles in Raleigh Ibis
week. F. L. Merritt,
Editor of the News and
goes to Norfolk, where he takes n
like position on tho Virginian
Pilot. Tom Pence, who has been
Oily Editor of the Morning Post
since it began a crack
lag good he has trans-
the scene of his activities
across the street and becomes Man
aging Editor of the News and Ob-
server. Mr. Wm. Aiken of
where he was connected with
the Citizen for a number of years,
comes to Raleigh to fill up the gap
in tho Post's force.
Governor is a great be
in life the
right sort. The best companies
are selling it nowadays on such
advantageous terms that it is
most like potting out money
on interest to take out some of the
policies some of them arc
writing. I have been shown, for
the following figures,
that the fact that
Governor who is currying
a policy tor the North-
western which Mr. T. A. Gary
of is General Agent for
Virginia and North is
getting his insurance at half cost
this year, and if the cash dividend
lick is kept up he will lie drawing
more insurance interest
bis policy than his
amounts to. Ten years ago, or I
1890, he took out a
policy in the
the premium
being After the
year he began to draw cash
But instead of accepting
the same in cash, as a deduction
from bis annual premium, he has
Thursday, Sept.
On the above named date we will hold
our regular Fall and Winter opening.
We will have on display the most
line of new high class goods
it has ever been our pleasure to show.
Here you will the newest ideas In
Styles, Colors Weaves. We
ally invite you to attend.
J. B. Go.
and all the
Ladies that
is in the Northern Markets
She will bring back the prettiest stock ever seen
My stock of Dry Goods also has
many attractions for you.
Creek, Col.,
lake the privilege of
yon a few items from Colorado.
A lady ill Colorado Springs yes
made the remark that she
wished was dead buried.
Ten minutes afterward her horse
ran away and killed her Instantly.
A frightful gas explosion occur
ed In the coal mine the Colorado
Fuel and Iron Co., yesterday even-
Three men were taken out
j entrance the tunnel so
mangled as to be
It is thought a hundred, or at
seventy-live, are shut up
Wednesday and Thursday,
Has last many a dollar for business men. If a man is
lodged by he wears, he is also judged by th
letterhead he uses. An artistic, nicely printed
E head may lie looked on as a good Investment.
P It will be done Send your to
I The Reflector Office.
let the value of the dividend each
year be added to his policy, and
here is tho Beginning with
189.1, bis cash dividend has been
each year as
015.20, 917.00, 118.00, 016.17,
038.14. The
additions to the value of his policy
have been during the same period
of S years,
year the amount will be larger
Still. His original insurance of
has grown to over
the premium remains the
same, of and he has there
fore bad ten years of in
one of the best companies in
world at an average cost of about
a year.
In the followed
at the funeral of W. B.
Victor attach-
a two seated carriage in
which three member of the O. B.
wore driving, ran away. The
driver was out.
ran down a
September and
j horses ran down a very steep
hill and sprang Into a ditch
feet across. Mrs. May Wood got
an awful hole Urn eked in her head,
aim broken, besides other
juries. It ii not thought
live. Another lady received cuts
An was killed in
the abaft of the Elk ton gold mine
in Cripple Creek on Saturday. It
was the last week lie
A X. C, Sept. 1901.
Smith, Jr., and wife, of
Farmville, came up on Thursday
evenings train and spent the night
Smith Hotel. They returned
Friday morning.
Hun Lillian returned
from Thursday morning.
Enoch was Fri-
day night.
Quite a number of our people at-
tended church at Son.
Rev, J. K. passed
through Thursday his way to
Hardy, of Greene
has moved his family to Ayden
They occupy the Will Hart house
on Main street.
Mrs. O. F. of Scot-
land is visiting her
Mr. Mrs. Berry, in South
Manning, of Williamston
came In on Saturday evening's
live train to visit his Prof. A.
Mrs. J. T. Smith attended the
yearly meeting at Great swamp
Ayden is to have another
Dr. Ira M. Hardy, of
Goldsboro. will locate here about
first of October. He has
in about two
On the date above named days we will
have our Fall Opening. We will show
on the above the most beautiful line
Goods, Trimmings, that
ever been shown on the Greenville mar-
To our store on these dates
yon will see the newest things in
colors and A cordial invitation
is extended to all. Very
The New President. I
arc asked is
really a man Our
answer was, He is beyond doubt
such a He has written two
or three books, and at least two are
of literary value and cleverness.
His of Thomas Hart lien-
a native of North Carolina
who was some two miles from
the historic town of Hillsboro, in
Orange county, attend the
of North Carolina, and his
work on have
been well praised the north. He
is much of a speaker with
aggressiveness, earnestness
and much resource as his
campaign last year
Ho., much of political
wisdom sagacity he possesses
we will not here to say.
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will sell anything in this line very low. See us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Steam
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Fitting all sizes.
LINE OF Packing, Rubber Belt,
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks,
take before going back lo England
intended We welcome him here, and
wish him much success,
this week to live on his earnings. I The Free Will Baptists will hold
He has worked here some time. a protracted meeting at the
a heavy front
Sunday night.
The Chef at a hotel
makes an omelet of one egg for
fifty people. The egg is an Ml rich
egg and comes from m-
Democrats here and in Colorado
It liver Occur to You that a
little Perry on end
applied or twice lo
would counteract poison
and speedily
will also cure biles and
other poisonous Insects as as reptiles.
Bat as to use upon wrapper on
each bottle Avoid substitutes, there, is
but Perry I rice
Mr. Advice on Marriage.
A young man recently wrote to
editor of The Homo
Journal have you
to say, squarely and fairly, to a
young of twenty-nine who is
Harvesting and Drain
Garland Cook Stoves.
Springs will hold their primaries . lo i the October
next Saturday evening. Nineteen Hr for
delegates will be sent to the gnawer. Its salient arc
Convention Of the In Colorado a man should make the
Springs. I woman of bit choice his chum, as
Several were in that he should
dale, a new town in Colorado, with Bet the nighest consideration
chances on a lovely home all com- ., M Ber. that he should
The home was won by Mr. remember that he owes his wife to
C. II. Hiss, a young man her mother, and treat his mother-
started in with respect, at least; that
The Chicago capitalists are keep his wife informed
lug arrangements W build a can- lo bis income; that he should
factory Palisades Grand a allowance and
Junction, Colorado. They arc be should have his life
asking the people to help put up above all,
the building and take stock la the I that when a young man marries
factory. he muss remember that he leaves a
There an excellent out self and enters into a
look tor all of the Cripple Creek another and self.
mine-. More and more gold is
found every week. The Jack Cot
mine is producing per
month. H. V.
N. C.
In Ibis age boodle
taken the ; I of brain,
in ll for
The of the
dangers of morons, and
i the in death isle
daring summer month. You
too careful,
should be paid to A supply of
Killer MM ran
lie mi id nil times safe, sure and
A will cure any or-
Avoid there is
Fain-Killer, Perry
and M.

N. C.
D. J. Ed. Owner
Entered at the Post Office at
N. C, as Second-Class
Mail Matter.
Friday, September 1901.
Quite, number of the North
Carolina editors go to Buffalo this
week to attend the Pan
exposition. The Reflector has
too much work on hand just now
for the editor to spare the time
for the trip, must deny
himself the pleasure of going
with the brethren. We hope all
who go will hare a fine trip.
Greenville Br Adopt Resolution on His
We hear people from some sec-
of the county where rural
free delivery has not been
expressing the wish
they might have the benefit
a mail service. The Reflector
believes if those people would get
up the proper petition and forward
to our Congressman, Hon. John
H. Small, it would be brought to
the attention of the postal author-
and receive due consideration.
The rural lee delivery routes are
being established as fast as
wherever they are to b
Under more favorable conditions than ever before in it
last history. We have larger and bettor facilities for handling
tobacco than ever before and a larger number of good buyers
who have orders for every grade of tobacco grown, Greenville
is market and the
Farmers Warehouse Headquarters
for highest market at all times, and clever, courteous
treatment the hands of every one connected with the Farm-
the assassin of
dent has been found
guilty of murder in the first degree.
The trial at Buffalo was started
Tuesday and finished, a little less
than hours actual
time being consumed upon it.
entered a plea of guilty,
but the would not accept this
plea and put him on trial. Sen
will be passed the
oner on Thursday. This is an-
other case of the out
of justice in the courts that takes
lynching ideas out the heads of
the people. No could be
deserved by this assassin, but
should come through the proper
channel of the law, and when
this is done quickly the public is
At the adjourned meeting of the
Bar held in the Court
House, the committee on
Messrs. Swift
F. G. James, J. L. Fleming.
H. W. Whedbee and W. F. Hard-
submitted the following
At meeting of the
and of
the Greenville held on the
21st day of September, 1901, their
committee, appointed to adopt a
testimonial of respect to the
of their deceased friend and
brother, Mills B. Esq., re
submit the
Mills K Bur, a number of the
Greenville Bar, departed this life
on Tuesday morning, the 17th day
of September, in the 30th
year of his age. He was born and
reared in Gatesville. N. C, and
was the son of Hon. Mills L. Eure
and Susan He was
carefully educated excellent
schools, was graduated at the i am in Letter fix to do business than ever before, and if
University of North Carolina. and the beet prices will got It I am to have your
at that institution lie was prepared j to no passion or prejudice bat upon
for admission to the practice y,, merit rest my claim your pat-
the law. After entering upon his k and T
he 1892, elected f the have been running a warehouse
of our State, in which your tobacco. I have with me a corps of thoroughly
body, while he was the tent, reliable and courteous assistants, who will use every
he was one of the most useful and honorable means to advance your interest. When you come
popular of Its members, and gave to Greenville I ask you especially to come around and see me
high promise of a bright future, whither you bring tobacco or not. A hearty, princely welcome
In 1893 his uncle. General W. awaits you at the Farmers.
P. having been appointed Sincerely,
by President Cleveland as Consul
at Victoria, B. C, selected Mr.
Bore as hie Secretary, who dis-
charged the duties of this position
with great fidelity and
q 1898 Mr. removed to Allen, who happily responded in a
this town where, as a partner of remarks, and directed the en-
Han,., he the records of this
Greenville, N. C. Prop. Warehouse.
himself the practice of
the law, which he continued to
the time of his death. Here, as
in his native home, his attractive
unities of head and heart won to
h m the affection and esteem of the
entire community. Bright
strong intellect; brave and
spirit; affectionate and
confiding his disposition; gentle,
modest and unassuming his man-
open, frank, sincere gen-
and the very soul of honor
his every impulse, act deal-
warm loyal in his
friendships, he is mourn-
ed by us, his brethren, and will be
sadly missed by all who had the
good to know him well.
and training worked ad-
in to in him
a character, and to make
him, as he was, one of God's noble-
tea. Truthfully it be said of
A. L. Blow,
We are Sony to print the an-
of Hon. K Shep-
herd that he will not be a
date the nomination fur Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court
before the next State
convention. As Chief Justice of
this court for a term of years Judge
Shepherd adorned the h, and
in common with a great many
The Observer bad hoped that
he would stand for this nomination
next year and secure it. He is a
great lawyer, is devoted to his
profession, and as a Judge
always be depended in-
the law pa he understood
prejudice or
He ban quality that
the Supreme Court
bench and it is to be regretted
he sees tit to give notice his
abilities are not available for this
knew but love bun
His brethren here de
sin-1 give expression to the tense
of their
real Ion his untimely
Believing that the teachings of
bis vile New York Journal
had much to do with encouraging
the spirit of anarchy in this
try, the people in two sections of
New York last week hang
ed its publisher, Win. in
and then jeered at and
ed the figure, and a of
clubs and resting rooms through
out the country have, since
assassination of President
banished it from their tables.
But Hearst is pleased rather than
mortified by these demonstrations
of hatred of him and his pestilent
product. Upon every such
1st. That in the death of our
friend and blither we feel that a
affliction has
and all of us.
2nd. That the memory of out
personal relation and our daily as-
with him will always lie
and will abide with us
J. C. left yesterday for
J. K. Harvey left on the steamer
May Bell for New Bern
and returned the same day.
Miss Bertha Tucker returned to
New Bern Monday after a few
weeks visit to Mrs. Joe
AW Kilpatrick will
Co., of Wilmington, on
our cotton market this season.
R. L. Gardner stopped over here
Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Anna of Kinston,
with Bros, is here on a
visit to her mother and other
Bryan Gardner left on
i May Bell Monday tor New
. Bern.
Jas. A. Brooks ha.- started to
on his steamer be has been
talking of building.
Dr. I was unable to at-
tend to his patients Monday but
I out Tuesday, as he was much
Rev. J. J. Harper filled his re
appointment here Sunday
Jerry if he accepts he is to be pastor
concealed weapon, bound over to for for
January term of Superior Court.
frank Stocks, fast and reckless
driving, lined i and costs, is move
Charles Evans, drunk and j K
lined cost, w L j, for
Oscar Harris, drunk and located
fined i costs, 82.05. am, M a
John Savage and of
son, riotous and disorderly conduct Miss Jen-
Mayor W. H. Long has disposed
of the following cases in his court
since last
Noah Sutton, drunk and
lined and costs,
Wright drunk and dis
orderly, fined costs, 84.40.
Columbus drunk and
and costs, 83.30.
Bill Anderson, drunk and
fined costs,
fined and costs, 83.20.
Aaron Atkinson, drunk and dis-
orderly, l and 18.80
J. and John
riotous disorderly conduct
assault. Jonas not guilty. Ed-
wards and costs.
Jake Dunn, drunk and down,
and costs, 83.30.
Jerry drunk and
l and costs, 83.20.
Winterville, N. C, Sept.
The funeral services last Sunday
afternoon over the remains Of the
late Mr. M. L. Morgan in the
were by Rev;
J. N. Booth, There
was a large crowd in attend-
to attest the appreciation of a
moral worth Christian
of this good
Since the additional new
has been placed in the A. G.
Cox Co's. it is a live
place over there. Such a whiz-
zing, buzzing and sawing well
the progressive age in
which we live and this company is
fully abreast with the times. The
lightning-like rapidity with which
cotton planters, wagons, carts and
the like are turned out is truly
It is really interesting
to visit this mammoth concern.
Already orders for cotton
for the next season are coming
no time or expense will be
spared to promptly fill each and
every order as they arc required.
Mrs. AW II. and child
left Tuesday to visit friends at
Miss Clyde Cox, of who
has just returned from a visit to
the Buffalo Exposition, is
Miss Rosa Cox.
Land for tract of land,
known as the Fred White place,
said to contain acres with or-
buildings, can be bought
on reasonable terms by applying
to k. G. Cox.
W. A. West, of the Beaufort
County Lumber Company, was
visiting J. D. Cox Sunday.
Mis. J. and son, of
Oakley, who have been visiting at
Mr. have
Mrs. Aldridge, Kinston, is on
a visit to the family of W. B. Ham-
Hogs for Sale -A. G. Cox has
or hogs he would like to dispose
of at a reasonable price. They
are in fine to fatten,
weighing from to pounds
Grand Saturday,
28th, I will have the grandest dis-
play of full winter hats, caps,
ever shown
Come to see O. A. Fair,
the outfitter.
Miss Maggie from near
here spent Sunday with the family
of J. K. Cooper.
Leon Hardy and mother, from
near Greenville, were a visit to
Mrs. L. L. Kittrell Sunday.
Mrs. Susan E. Tucker, Green
is spending the week with
the family of her son-in-law, J. F.
Mrs. G. Nine part
Monday in the city on the meander
Mrs. AW M. Dixon, of
Neck, came last and will re-
main for a short while with the
family of her husband's father,
Capt. H. M. Dixon.
And that the reason the old Greenville Warehouse
selling so much tobacco. We get the highest price for every
pile sold on our floor. The farmers see this, and appreciating
work do for them they bring us their tobacco.
We all alike, get the best price time. Bring your
next load to the Greenville and we will show yon
the truth of this. AVe have every accommodation for you and
your team.
We are independent of
Warehouse Trusts.
C. II. will as soon as the
That our warmest ale of came yea
ed relatives in their great bereave-
Thai each of us will wear
usual badge of mo lining for
thirty days.
That these proceed logs and
resolutions, with permission of the
Presiding Judge, be
among the records of the Superior
Court of Pill county, on a page.
specially set apart for that purpose,
That copies the
lions and the proceedings of the
Bar lie sent to his father, sister
and other immediate relatives,
that a copy lie to each of
he orders to the town papers with a request for
daub on more red and yellow ink
and sells more Journals to
bootblacks and stable
boys. And this is all he is after
to sell papers. earn he
for the reputable sentiment of the
country so long as the
the buy
try to tell what
is too short
Very touching and eloquent
of our deceased and
brother were delivered by Capt.
Swift Galloway, AW Harding,
L. I. Moore, Col. Harry Skinner,
Judge A. M. Moore, v. Jar-
vis, J. L. Harry AW
Whedbee. having re us-
I i A. L.
u few feeling remarks, present-
lb All Wrong. j. and Ed Cox
Every term of court makes the in
J. L. went on a business
rip to Kinston Monday.
plainer that an old law the
books re enactment.
Attorneys in a case are
ed and can speak all day if so dis-
posed, thus the time of
the court. Formerly power was
vested in the presiding judge to
limit debate and it was with-
out prejudice or injury to either
side, while man business
was transact ed. No doubt the net
Was repealed during reconstruction
days because of the personnel of
the Judges, many of whom had
Scarcely been inside of a law book
and whoM prejudices were great,
with such power
in them. As BOW constituted
the attorneys often consume
Brains in. .-it executive
are factors in a man's
success, but without the firmest
most thorough grounded
of honesty they are
factors v In h cannot make for sue
is the combination of
great , sterling integrity
that u-iii large
interests keeps them there.
October Journal.
devil may not be as black us
he is painted which respect be
ed this to His Honor, Judge differs from the
Husband wife are the
lone not inferior to
wife not a not a housekeeper
true in addressing the jury than is ,. And
Greensboro Record. t fixed
his make a companion, a
comrade, a chum of bis
so fur does he start out right.
October Home Journal.
J. C.
Just Returned
from the northern markets where we have selected
a stock of Velvets, Silks, Ribbons,
Feathers, Infant Caps, Ornaments, in fact,
we have everything needed to put up a stylish
hat. Call see our pattern hats. We have
the prettiest we have ever had. Hats trimmed
while you wait. Give us a trial. Yours to please,
Made By The Observer
The majesty of the mind should
be the greatest ruler.
Loafing is a hard business to
takes all of your time.
the drama of life the devil Is
generally the stage prompter.
How can a bride show
session she ii being given
The play that gets the most
is not always a plausible
Some people marry for love
some for money and others out of
The tact that the three
dents who have been assassinate
were shot on Friday, furnishes
more food for the superstitious.
Charlotte News.
Five Notable Over the
Cleveland, on five
occasions, has made the
along Pennsylvania avenue
from the White House to the cap-
1885 to be inaugurated
President of the United States, In
1880 to witness the inauguration
of President 1883 to be
a second time inaugurated
in 1897 to to witness the first
inauguration of President
and in to follow the re-
mains of a murdered President la
their last journeys over that
In this, as well
as in other respects, Mr. Cleve-
land's career is without parallel.
Louisville Post.
The wind may be tempered to
the lamb, straw hats and
overcoats are seen.
The leading Trousers in the
Every Day and Sunday Too.
Remember the Guarantee we Give
For a Rip, For a Button Off.
The fall line now sizes, colors,
and prices. A call will be appreciated.
Frank Wilson,
Greenville, N. C.
The King Clothier,
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that you owe
and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Just received Fruit Jars at
Wait for the and cent store.
Opens Oct. Brown's
This is what the almanac calls
the first of autumn.
Get your school supplies at Re-
Book Store.
It is time tor the fall
army of tramps to be passing by.
display of
and cent store. Open Oct.
Fail will be all the go
this week, at the things to go
M-. B. F. is having a
brick sidewalk laid in front of his
There was a large crowd at the
yearly meeting at Great swamp
W. It. Brown will open a and
cent store soon in the store next
to Ricks Wilkinson.
The days nights have hasted
the line of equality and the
are now a the longest.
D. James has chased a
beautiful C. and. joined
the choir of the Baptist church.
W. L. Best has located in Green-
ville and will open a jewelry store
in one room of the Jarvis building.
Those who want the best smoke
for the least money get Winterville
cigars at the Book Stoic.
W. S. Fleming moved his
family to town occupies the
in South Greenville.
Somebody remarked Saturday
evening that the would
be Mm- to clear then, as
was over.
Both Monday and Tuesday the
tobacco warehouse had block
there being more tobacco here than
could be sold.
Monday night the
Tobacco Board of Trade found W.
T. Lipscomb Co. guilty on the
charge preferred against them
sometime ago of drumming
co. The fine is
Monte Latham has received a
rubber tire rolling chair of late de-
sign, and that he can him-
self, it will be a great
to him in getting around as
he has grown too large for his goat
The Atlantic Coast Line will sell
round trip tickets from Greenville
to Scotland Neck for on account
of the Union which meets
in Scotland Friday con-
El wood life
of Lee and Jackson, Grimm's fairy
stories, Johnson's physical culture,
speller, primer,
copy books, drawing books, tablets,
pencils, slates, in fact
most anything in the way of school
supplies, at Reflector Book Store.
of the latest and most
up-to-date Dress Goods
and Coat
Suits and Automobile
Jackets at
Store, today
row and next day
The undersigned, school com-
for District No. white
race, will meet at N.
C, on Sept. 26th, for the
purpose of electing a public school
teacher. School to commence 1st
Monday In October.
W. M.
and Salt,
I will rent my farm, four miles
north Greenville and one mile
from House station, for the year
with of five years
About 1st f Will sell all the
farm implements, gin, engine,
thresher, grist mill, carts,
horses, mules, bogs, cattle, corn
fodder and hay on said farm-
Parties wishing to examine the
farm or equipment can call any
time and do so.
Some Speak to Me, Some to You.
P. Vandyke went to Parmele
Judge O. H. Allen left Saturday
for Kinston.
R. L. Humber left this morning
for Hamilton.
D. D. Gardner left this morning
Goose Nest.
C. Carr returned Sunday-
evening from New York.
Miss Ada Ward, is
visiting Miss Mary Harries.
J. H. of Kinston, came
over Sunday and returned today.
Miss Helen Forbes went to Kin-
Saturday evening to visit
Mrs. Annie of Wilson,
rived Saturday to visit
Mis. C. T.
of Snow
Hill, who spent last wick here at
court, home Sunday.
O. W. Harrington and
J. r. Smith left this morning for
Raleigh to carry three prisoners to
Mrs. Jane and little
Misses and Rue Clark
came in from Washington,
day evening, to visit Mrs. Mellie
Tuesday. September 1901.
Fred Cox went to Rocky Mount
Moore left this
R. L. Smith left this morning for
folk and Baltimore.
J. Garden returned
evening from Rocky Mount.
J. P. Cook, of Concord, a former
newspaper man, spent today here.
C. P. and L. re-
turned this afternoon from
B. Wilson and daughter,
Miss Myrtle, left this morning for
Miss Clyde Cox, of Ayden, spent
Monday here and returned on the
evening train.
Mr. and Mrs. . Gardner
and child returned Monday
from Goose Nest.
Mrs. J. A. Dupree and children
returned Monday evening from a
visit to Margaret
Mrs. Annie Elam, of Wilson,
who was visiting Mrs. C. T. Mum-
ford, returned home today,
Chas. L. Latham, who been
spending a days at home, re-
turned to Washington City today.
Miss Bessie Jarvis Mon-
day from exposition at
Buffalo and a visit to several
northern cities.
Mrs. W, returned Mon-
day from a visit to Rocky
Mount. Her daughter, Mrs.
stead, accompanied her home for
a visit hero.
W. E. advance agent
of Weston's
i els, spent today here
for the appearance of his com-
next Monday night.
Wednesday, 1901.
Little Miss Mary James is sick.
B. W. Mosley went to Bethel to-
J. I. Gillie, of Norfolk, was here
I. A. Sugg wept to Kinston Tues-
day night.
E. W. Puce came in Ibis
from Kinston.
Miss Ward is visiting
Miss Mellie Harris.
W. II. returned Tuesday
evening from a trip north.
Kev. H. P. Harding returned
Tuesday from Washington.
J. J. Nobles returned Tuesday
from the exposition at Buffalo.
Miss Hilda Early, of Scotland
Neck, is visiting Misses and
Mabel Anderson.
Sheriff O. W. Harrington J.
T. Smith returned Tuesday eve
from Raleigh.
K. Flanagan this
afternoon from Raleigh where he
has been taking a special course in
Where I
Where is bis shovel t It was
left in a wide field where they
planted a fodder pole.
Where is his plow t He it
Id the last furrow, where he sowed
wheat. I saw it there next year.
Will this man be a financial
t A, D.
Lot Disposed at Thu Term,
Will Clark and Frank Forbes,
affray, guilty, months in jail to
be assigned to the roads of
Marion Perkins, resisting
pleads guilty, judgment
Marion Perkins. Maud with
deadly weapon, guilty, mouths in
jail to be to the roads of
Edgecombe county.
Riley Dupree, carrying conceal-
ed not guilty.
Lawrence Ward, assault, guilty,
months jail.
Card Of
We take this method of return-
our thanks to all who have been
patrons of our excursions the past
season, which has been a very
one every particular. It
fords us great pleasure to state that
patrons have genteel in
courteous to one
and considerate the
ties of the That we
have aided in giving our patrons
an occasional day of healthful
pleasure tea matter that affords us
no small degree of satisfaction.
With best wishes, we
fully yours,
Mt. Olive, N. C.
Factory to Consumer, No middle mans profit
A Black Snake Milks a Cow.
Mr. A. Whitney appeared
the mayor's office day last
week and said that he was very
much perplexed as to what was go-
with the milk from his line
Cow, as she was only giving a pint
a day. He set a diligent watch
over the cow, and at last slipped
a huge black snake in the
act of sucking her. He procured a
hoe, struck the snake and cut it in
two. After killing the reptile the
cow bellowed and bemoaned at an
awful rate. He the snake
was five feet long and exceedingly
large. Correspondence
Importance of Advertising.
That in the
per has become essential to success
in most enterprises appears from
many indications. A striking proof
is the extraordinary development
the of
for the newspapers.
of the oldest and most successful
schools this city has it
expedient to establish a department
for e t u i of
It is only a question of time when
every of business will make
its announcements regularly
through the
choice goods
at prices.
I will attend at the following
times and places for the purpose of
collecting taxes for the year
Bethel, Oct.
Stokes, Monday, Oct. 7th.
Grifton, Tuesday, Oct. 8th.
Thursday, Oct.
Falkland, Saturday, Oct. 12th.
Ayden, Saturday, 19th.
Smith's Store, Tuesday, Oct
Farmville, Saturday, Oct. 26th
Cum Swamp, Tuesday,
Thursday, Oct.
Meet me save cost.
O. W. Harrington,
Sheriff of Pitt County.
To Southern Women.
The Messenger favor-
ed the proposition to erect a line,
superb to the women of
of the south. They most richly de-
serve such a fitting memorial for
they were grandly noble, self sac-
and intensely patriotic.
The Confederate are
of creeling such a monument,
and it should be pressed vigorous
until the work is completed.
Wilmington Messenger.
Wednesday, the 18th
at at tho home the
bride's at Chocowinity
Miss was married
to Mr. W. Elks, of
Immediately after tho ceremony
the happy couple left for home
of the brother the bridegroom.
We wish them n long happy
Tho self conscious
over nothing.
fool worries
Clothing, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
and Suits, Price
Sizes i to Years.
Mens Clothing.
and Suits, Price
.- ;
i r
Odd Coats.
and Coats
Boys Knee Pants.
to It
l i .-. kind,
Mens Pants.
and G Pants, now
These prices for cash s
No goods charged at these prices.
to Shirts and kind
to and
to and
to full line . Io S e now suing at and
to biggest value
SHoe. Linen Window Shade.
STEEL ROD CONG shoe new pal lips hats for
ED price
to on
price must see price
Bought Enough Goods For Ten Small Stores.
Clock, and
watches now
day clock at prices.
All shades, all kinds, all quality, the Indies are
at the immense stock Come to sec and bring
your neighbors, or tell thin about us.
Silks-1997 Yards
From the cheapest to the best.
All qualities. Don't fail to
one of the choice patterns.
Yd. All Linen
Worth now
Carpet., Oil Cloth
Biggest Hue in town. All kinds.
Ladies Muslin Underwear
Heady to wear. Ask our saleslady In
to show them to yon. Petticoats, Drawers,
c, at less than cost of material.
The cheapen and line we
have ever bad. Special value,
from to
Others sell cheap calico. I Watch
Hie colors They will run out be-
lore you Wave town.
her Couches, quality
quality IS Oak Suits; is Styles
Bookers. Hall Backs, Cribs, Carriages, An. Get prices.
AI sites, colors and prices, ii-
not from mills. This is a rare
for ladies to get a
o The Loom.
Barker's Mills,
Bleaching, without ticket, yard
C. T.
The Big Store
N C.

Have You Forgot
Pry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts,
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
i- a Man of
When Jo Saw
of the Southern.
road in district. Joseph
Walton, a millionaire coal miner of
of his
decided that Ramsey would lie jut
the man to take charge of a road
which he ml then projecting, re-
the New York Times. Walton
vast over to the town where
Ramsey made hi headquarters if
order to offer him the position. At
the he was told Mr. Ram-
was out somewhere in the yards,
coal went out to look
las. B. White.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
S, Paid-up Insurance.
Insurance that works
b. mu
are or three year, after lapse upon Satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears interest.
second No Restrictions.
payable a. the of the f
succeeding provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be used-1. To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
during the
of insured.
Greenville, N.
fob Chills.
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
None genuine
Red Cross is on label
Don't take a Substitute
try it. no NO pay I EB
for him. The man he cam
.-.-i m was a grimy mechanic m
was at work underneath an
Where's Mr. inquired
Tm replied the man,
and then, climbing out from under
the locomotive, he explained laugh,
that there was
wrong with a bolt of the engine,
and as the engineer didn't know
how to fix it I took a baud at it my-
Th-it mad Walton desire
Ramsey's services more than ever
and indirectly U the cause of
Ramsey's rapid
i. Sept.
The news that President
will retain the present
net intact came as something of a
surprise to the country in general.
Perhaps no change which he could
have made would have
the public as much as
ed for conservatism. But it is an
old story, as regards Roosevelt,
that the only you can really
expect of him is the
very exuberance the
of various Republican
Senators as to the confidence they
have in Roosevelt,
ion to retain the members of the
present is a little
It that they have
been scared are
thing should not
overlooked is that
principal and supporters
have not yet come on the scene
It is thought that when Senator
Lodge comes back from Europe
may be a change the ex-
There is no doubt that
will be at tenuous in some
It Is said that he will
favor not only large navy but
lauding army of a strength equal
to that provided under the
act of last winter.
Whether the be
ed indefinitely interfering
with the of the people as a
whole is of the questions not
yet settled. are not ready for
any such ideals of military service
as those which prevail in Europe,
it is doubtful if we really
wain to be Another place
which there is to be some
shaking up i- the secret service.
President has been col-
made on Bat-
morning to
ard, of North Carolina,
live of the same Slat and
Representative Gibson, of
see, as am going to be
President of the and
not of section. I care
that it ha snap of his
for or sectional
He also something of the
same tort to Senator Money, of
Georgia, adding that he was half
southern by blood that having
lived in the West be hoped he
might represent all
Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Take No Substitute.
Instant Permanent Cure in all Case.
There is nothing like It brings
relief, even in the cures
all else tails.
The C. Villa, III.
Your bottle of received in good
Mil you bow thankful I feel for the
good derived from It. I n -lave, chained with
putrid throat d for ten fears.
paired being cured, I tow your
dreadful and tormenting
and you had
to give it n trial. To my
to every at of
similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. Well It by mUff
paid, absolutely Free Charge, to sufferer who will tor It,
mind, though yon are
laid your ruse. will Hire and he your
more glad we are to send It. delay, on.
dressing Dr. Taft Medicine co. fit., X.
Sold by nil Druggists.
m sour
trouble, backache, lots
of insomnia, of blood, blotched or muddy
o. sad disorders which tell the story of bowel, end
impaired digestive Will Cure Yon.
out th. bowel., the liver kidney.,
mucous membrane, of th. purify you, blood end put you
or, you, You, will return, you, bowel, move rags-
you, liver kidneys to you, you,
yon will the old and
cone S W And m I. n
Hf is.
lbs k.
m in. i i in. m i sad a. an y. ,.
u S
For Salt by
Lillian Retort.
has u
great fame for vivacity on the
stage, hut this has not been from
want of a feeling for
. . side of thing-, and has
Often flashed out a caustic bit of
reply tn opening present
fays the Chicago Journal. Not
long ago she was a at I ban-
given to a certain Ruffian no-
a small gathering, the no-
Lillian happened to be
ed side by file. He was n rather
bumptious fellow, with a
Ions everything American.
In his estimation Americans are lit-
better than savages, He found
fault the various dishes served,
i, at near to declaring the cooking
outrageous and made himself gen-
I. ii possible you cat that
he asked when some hothouse corn
i i served. in my country
we feed to the
yourself, said Lil-
quiet I v, sliding the dish toward
him. is believed to have
Joke on the Officer.
A correspondent in South Africa
tells this at the expense of the
British columns engaged in clearing
farmer titling at the
door of largo stack of
in the background.
British officer. Staff
to buy or do
nil forage and food in this dis-
I therefore give you
that I am about to set fire to that
pile of out
Boer dell
Stall h futile,
liner you
can listen to no
stack of oat strew pres-
bursts into flame, and the
officer goes on his
The Boer turns to his
and Khakis are strange
peoples, I ranted to dell him all
is do straw dot I half sold
colonel half an hour
And he thoughtfully jingled
the British sovereigns in hie pocket
Mothers who have o the
not get
In and
hut on failures, keep, then la
sad las
bus at
J. N
or mail to
II Mu.
I Mill, . .
lie i In a. ad
l hi. . ii Hi.- tub AmII
, i i III i B
mil- I- l links IV Merit
Hi a Of the
all id i . i i ; I ban lids
grand duke, the buy king's realm
i by a Ai-
i n lug II
iv la only in rears el bet he
inn. I Hi-ii able to i tare of
Ills Iii. hi la nib April
look i
i i i ii part
I III- It I.- Ml I the
ii Is i hi.- iii ail
pertain i lbs The not
in .
per as, u lbs id
go., mini nu The
in Humps l
t. In linen i., who April H
testimony about the per-
of the secret service men
at it is that he
regards I hem with contempt, as a
lot of will make
some radical changes in that branch
of the government very In
there is a little
about the
tramp detective, which is inter-
as most people j
know, is a college bred man
been knocking
of a for the lat I
DI fifteen yearn, gathering
the tramp j
classes, and Is possible the
in the
on subject. He published an
article sometime ago which was a
terrible f New
k dell force the New
people, mad. They said
they would him that he could
not talk in that the
lice of u great city. For two days
they bunted for him. At end
be strolled into the,
Front talked with the
chief about mi irrelevant matter,
and they caught
that man re
opinions of
again In a
Inward They
him yet Tho fact
is that and secret
not us sharp as the
criminal, and until they
who are resourceful, shrewd
and make up
will have about
as good a ii be does now.
It was hi. by some
Id Unit be v i. not lie a
date for in
He has led this interview point
In admits that what be
I bat Vice
be bad such a
lacy and begun to wink it, but
since the event which made
hi in he make
any for the
nation. can are
lint it is that he would
lake the candidacy if
it should happen to be offered lo
him, and Hint is far as it U
for him to go at Ibis
of .
Au interesting which
Better Crop.
Air Line has made
every arrangement tor the
handling melons, fruits
and vegetables which may
grown along the line east of Ham-
let without to the of
Their object
growing of these products
for which our lands are so well
suited. Such should
be because they are
profitable, when once our
nave demonstrated the
of our soils for such it would
a demand for our lands and bring
untold wealth midst.
eastern sections, whose soils are
similar to our own, have sue
in their experiments along
this line, and there is no reason
why our should not reap
some of the rewards of such enter-
prises. The time is soon coming
when this country w II rank among
the first the South the pro
of fruits,
ons berries, and there is every
why our farm, is should lie-
gin at once, of course, a
small way and gather experience
with profit, resting
that money in and
the first to begin will be the first
to reap the
Th. leader n good ed low u
Hall t.
any picture
Frame, bud all the time. Come end j
my work. No trouble to
no The
guaranteed to all.
s i. a. in , lo n. m. to I
J. W. t
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
The having duly
U I. the court clerk of Pitt
a. of the of
notice i. hereby
given to all person indebted to tin
lo make immediate to the
and all having claim.
i are to the
v.- f rein tin of
notice, or it will be plead in bar of recovery.
This day of 1901.
ton daily at A. M. tor Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily U
M. for Washington.
Greenville Wednesday
and at A. M.
leave Tarboro for
Tuesdays, and Hat
at M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington wit
Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the Went
with railroads at Norfolk.
should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore,
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. O.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county, having Letter, of
to me, the undersigned, on the
day of September, 1901, on the estate of
-i .-I I-i. A. deceased, notice i here-
by given to alt indebted to lie-
to n i- immediate to In
and to all, creditor, of , . d
to their property SB-
.-ii.-l. to the within
twelve the dale of notice,
or notice will be plead in bar of their
y. Th the 2nd day of Sept, 1901.
I ii
on ban i-
goods kept constantly n
hand. Country produce and
on the date of A.
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
county having lamed Letter, of
lo me, the on the
the of Lynn
Tripp, assessed, notice i. given to
II indebted to date to make
to the
lo of raid to
claim, properly authenticated, to the
within twelve alter
date of notice, or will be
in of their recovery.
9th day of 1901.
of the elate of Tripp
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices low the
lowest. market price
paid for country produce.
To in love it is
rise to
The toper never uses wain colon
in his none.
Experience costs u lot, but it is
a good investment.
is lo talk yourself up
than to have other people run you
South county In Superior
court clerk.
; i
The shove named defendant cheater III ran
will take notice action entitled
above been in Superior
court of Pitt county, to s certain lot is
of Bethel for partition.
the will further take
that he la required to appear at the office of
clerk of Superior court of Pi county
on Friday Sept. 1901, and answer it
to tho In action, or
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the
in the complaint.
Thia August MM. f C
clerk Superior court.
F ti. JAMES, for
By virtue of decree of tho Superior
Court of Flit made on the day
of September 1901, in s annual pro-
therein pending, entitled F. O.
and others, Monday October
before court in
ville, St public to the highest
certain lot of
land aim in town sad
described In Ibo plot
of . town . part of lot on
the North by on the
on the the lot form-
and s.
and on the by lot,
Ike home of the late Jesse D.
Williamson, containing one fourth of an
acre more or lea.
4th day of MM.
nice Line of Hardware.
J. B.
notice to f
retail and
Furniture paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Heed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, etc. tied
steads, Maine so. Oak Suits,
by Carts, Parlor
ill. . P.
American Can
Poaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
, Oil,
Cotton Heel Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Heeds, Apples, Nuts,
Gaudies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and
t Heat Stand-
ard and
other goods. and
Cheap for Com
to see me.
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton and Broker in
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
New Orleans.
Mr. John C Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Wall-
Known Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
I to mini to of
policy holder., to the public
generally, of North this com-
will now in this
aisle and from lisle will
and policies, to do-
airing she very beet la the best
life in the world.
If local agent In you, town not
Stale Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
reliable energetic wanted St
once lo work f , the
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Six
Three Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling are em-
ployed. taken at
will be together
year for or
one year for payable in ad-
Imitators, like parrots, may not
. green look. .
It any use to build
the air you a
The Eastern Reflector
Twice a M
For Dry Hat, Caps, Trunks,
and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps. Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. Your friends,
Securing the highest rate of interest consistent with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a careful selection of
limiting its business to the United States
It will be to your interest to see what we can do for you before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for Agents in North Carolina.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
Wednesday and Thursday,
The cotton farmers of the State
held a convention in Raleigh this
week, twenty-five counties being
The was as
the plan of
body shall be known
the North Carolina Cotton
State Association.
shall consist of a president,
vice-president secretary and
treasurer, and an executive com-
of seven to be appointed by
the president.
every county there shall be
local organizations.
The county organizations shall
consist of a president,
dent and secretary and treasurer.
township organizations
shall consist of president, vice-
president and secretary and treas
invite the co operation of
all organizations in fa-
the purposes of this
and extend to them a
hearty welcome to all our meetings.
cotton farmers,
and others interested securing
to the farmer from
cotton seed may participate in its
or representatives
from five or more shall
constitute a quorum.
meeting to be held in the
city of Raleigh at such lime as
president or executive committee
R. H.
of Scotland.
Secretary and Treasurer T. B.
The following resolution was also
The cotton crop is
short and there is an increased de-
for cotton seed feeding,
fertilizer other and.
whereas, the present offerings of
prices of exchange for
seed are below the real value the
Be it resolved, That it is the de-
liberate judgment of this
that seed are now worth to the
farmers at home cents a bushel
should be on a basis I
of pounds of seed for less
pounds of seed
meal to analyze per cent am
and urge the
farmers of North Carolina
not to sell or at lest than
above prices, we ask. earn-
est of every cotton
grower in North Carolina to this
we invite the cotton grow-
Stales to form the
associations and us
securing and maintaining these
I ii ices for
Thursday, Sept.
X On the above named date we will hold
our regular Fall and opening.
We will have on display the most Ml-
line of new and high class goods
S it has ever been pleasure to show.
Here you will find newest ideas in
Styles, Colors and Weaves.
ally invite you to attend.
J. B. Go.
and Your
and all the
Ladies that
is now the Northern Markets
She will bring hack the prettiest stock ever seen
Sly stock of Dry Goods also has
many attractions for you.
Keep the Dollars Circulating.
Now that the summer is over,
no littler plan be adopted by
every one to get down at once
to business, and this a practical
in inner.
Those persons who were
enough to be away enjoying
an outing during the summer, or
any part of it, should not return
home and to business, except upon
the very best terms with them-
looking letter-head
Has lost many a dollar for business men. If a man is
j lodged by he wears, he is also judged by th
letter-head he uses. An artistic, nicely printed
head may be looked on as a good investment.
It will be done right.
The price doing it
will be right, too.
Send your next order
The Reflector Office.
Will Pay the Bills.
Congress will make special pro-
vision for the payment of the
and surgeons who attended
the late Preside at
Buffalo, and for payment of bis
funeral expenses. This was the
course punned after death of
What these expenses
lo in of
cannot be slated even
approximately, as none of the bills
, ., , aim neighbors.
yet been -cut in. In case w
of President Congress
all Of this
W ft Hie pay-
I of the physicians, and
for the funeral expenses.
The total la the ease of
President ill probably
be fully as great, for though the
bills of the physicians will not be
so large as they in the case of
Pi who lingered
for more than t
was shot, the expenses i
Three Times The Value
Agents in nil unoccupied
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta, Ga.
For sale by
Greenville, N. C.
may have money
They had it lo spend, that
they are home it should not be
with an idea, that because they
have spent their surplus, therefore
economy must be and
that by refusing to pay their local
is this kind of practice, name-
I refusing to pay local accounts
which causes local depression,
I fun-1 lo
bill, when it possibly be paid,
era are expected to be larger. , J
i . i. checks the payment of some other
Congress not only paid President i
for Mrs.
I. She was paid her
band's salary for remainder of daring the summer
year, was given a pension is lime for them to wake up
per mm. for H going by
life, was given and
franking privilege, by which she pay bills when
can use the mails without the at be met,
meat of postage. Mis.
will certainly be treated u equal j
and thus it is felt all
about town.
As for those who have remained
September and
On the dates above named days we will
have our Opening. We will show
on the above dates the most beautiful line
Goods, Trimmings, Ac., that has
ever been shown on the Greenville mar-
To visit store on these dates
yon will the newest things in styles,
colors and weaves. A cordial invitation
is extended to all. Very respectfully,
President Roosevelt.
Theodore Roosevelt assumes
Negro Stole Ox.
To steal an ox, bring him to
town, a distance of twenty miles,
effect his sale, pocket the money
and get away without
is achievement every
day accomplished by the most as-
purloiner, but such was
record of Galloway Brown, colored,
who came all the way from
yesterday sold to Mr. J. F.
for an animal
which had been taken from Sarah
Adams, colored, of Brunswick
county. The brother of the woman
reached the city in quest of the ox
soon after the sale was made but
Brown had disappeared. Mr. Oar-
however, returned the ox to
its rightful owner, and will seek
to bring the guilty to
Suit Threatened.
The Agricultural and
is this year not only duties of the Presidency under
full to overflowing with students, calculated to call out the
but hundreds have turned best that is in him, conditions
away, for lack of room. Dr Win- which will make more ardent his
had Borne trouble with natural desire to fulfill
those who were refused admit- of his While
One father was very irate, he was in perfect accord with Mr.
He said other people's sous had In regard to public ones,
been admitted to the college, and his strong Individuality will
could understand why his son doubtless cause some uncertainty
should not be admitted just lie- until his administrative
cause he did not apply in time. He are developed. He office
wrote a letter to President Win- more free from political
which he said he would than he could have done had he
bring suit order to compel the received a party nomination after
President to enter his son at the a long contest, lit. Roosevelt has
college. The Doctor does not a high of civic virtue
know whether he will suit and bis opponents will probably
for damages, or have a mandamus mom to in his doc
him. Raleigh than in his methods. There
will be no disposition to prejudge
While a boy was to
board nu train, at Golds-
he fell under the car and
both legs were cut off.
n Ml for
i or
delay in CUM km;
should lash n with
which la
rarer fail, to relief any
complaint. There Is but
Perry Price Hoc and
him, nut an earnest wish that the
governmental tor which
he and his patty stand may be
tested upon their J.
Bryan in the Commoner.
Mention might be made of many
things done by the president
during bis official life Hint
tinted his high Christian character
and ought to embalm bis name in
the memory of the nation. Not
the least of these was his reverence
tot the Day. Before all the
people be set a Godly example
about how lo spend it. He threw
the full weight of his great j
in behalf a Scriptural
bath. When all the eyes of Hie
millions of American were
upon him in bis long itinerary I
across country, they saw bis
train stop mi Sunday, and their
Christian chief a devout worship-
per a Lord's House on His Day.
He let his c. Ii is no
wonder he should have
to the lower of
Congress made Gov-
twice of the great State of
Ohio, and sleeted second time to
be president of United Stales,
Prince iii Israel bus
Long may the memories of bis
Christian life live to bless
he served so P. R.
Hi is ill result in some of this
nine money getting back to them,
coming in the of payments of
store accounts.
This is the time of year that the
dollar wants lo be pushed into ac-
circulation, the payment of
accounts, and so stimulates trade
in all branches.
Keep dollar circulating, ac-
; lively, and will not lie a dull
Fall season for one.- New
An Old Timer.
MaJ. Joe. exhibited in
A fellow is not a lobster just
cause be suffers from boils.
The only people who
diaries for length of time
the people who keep them
morning a smooth-
bore, Hint and steel buck gun, five
feet eleven inches in length
whole is the stock
mm to the muzzle. This was the
property of Caleb of Gran-
ville and used by him at
the battle of Court House
in 1701. a
powder horn of that period and a
buckskin shot hag also used the
all now property of
Battle Ground Museum,
a presentation descend-
The major is having pictures of
Of taken to aid Mr. Mullins,
of in the of a
statute true to life of u North
militiaman of
keep pioneer of American liberty who
that date the Revolutionary
ball in Rec-
a I

Eastern reflector, 27 September 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 27, 1901
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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