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Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware A
Come to see me for your next Barrel Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Made By The Orange. Virginia, Observer
Because a man Is seedy is no
that be is a
Even a very weak man can of-
ten a responsibility.
The microbe of produces
the full grown malady of hatred.
Most caused by
not letting well enough alone.
Some are most interesting
when they have nothing to say.
The weighs of the transgressor
are about ounces to the pound.
Summer roses fade and die lie-
cause there is no way of
Some men have such a vast
amount of brass that many people
mistake it for brains.
The men think they can read a
woman like a they try
to shut her up.
This has been a season
for the dead beat, for he doesn't
require and cultivation.
id mi nit ill
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
t. Will be if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No s. Incontestable.
arc payable at the beginning of the second and of each ,; ,
succeeding year, provided the for the current year be paid.
They may be To educe Premiums, or
a. To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N.
ma -ow Ad on on n
Literary, Classical, Scientific. Commercial, Industrial, Pedagogical, Musical.
expense f lot 1.40; for of the Faculty of so
members. Practice and Observation of about pupils, To secure in
the dormitories nil free-tuition Id mum July I
Invited iron, .-i i-. tin , i, .
For, oilier Information
President A
Urn X.
If you tour stomach, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive system, V. ill Cure You.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy an buoyancy.
Mothers seeking the proper medic I no to If one r eon
diarrhea, and similar troubles, v. ill
It wit limit or griping, Kent-nil
aids it , dear
rest sleep ; v
Me U and for it
For Sale by
i . i.
i vie M and. at i m price, Z-
sample I. TUB I TO . H V . i.
W will to r. ion .,;,. t. i
. I m
,. mi it mm H
i t i lie
m it
New Canning
We are glad to see our weekly
that recently
been established
Hut we have nearly
enough such concerns and their
Dumber Should be multiplied many
limes In the South every
year million dollar, worth
fruits and vegetables are left to rot,
could be
and marketed at a fine
The South pays many millions of
dollars every year for goods can-
in the North and West which
could be supplied by home enter
ought never to have to
buy at any point outside of her
own borders a single can of
toes, corn, pears or any
oilier kind of vegetable or fruit
jet train loads of such articles
imported into Georgia year
from States which are no better
producers of vegetables fruits
than Georgia herself. The
concerns which are
in this Slate pay well and
will pay almost any section f
if on business
A writer the Southern Farm
Magazine, Dr. J. A. Killebrew,
makes some strong points against
s shows con-
why the farmers of the
South arc now prospering more
than the farmers the West. He
says that immediately after the
Civil War farmers ill the West
could easily borrow money at
and per while the
the South were without credit
and seemed ruined. The
farmers borrowed money re-
in luxuries while the South-
farmers struggled with
the trainers the South were
to depend on themselves,
being forced to depend on
themselves they became
dent. As a result Dr. Killebrew
The farms in the South
are the main free of
I he farmers generally out of
debt. What they control is their
own they are upon
or bank to furnish
them with the means
Neck Com-
in n wealth.
A ha
brought suit live joint-
keepers for damages on the
ground they sold liquor lo her
year old sou against protest.
She alleges that during the past
three her son was drunk on
days so drunk that she had to
take care of him. On the remain-
days he was only partly
sober. The mother demands
a her
vices in caring for her son
days, and lbs remainder of the
sued is
lion for the loss of her sou's Flip-
rt, etc.
People who are bragging about
the great in our trade
never stop to
think that the soldiers we have
sent over need things from
home. Journal.
A Law Status at
A law ought to be passed fixing
the status of dead beats. A man
who hires another and fails to pay
him or purchase goods or anything
of value from our merchants or
business men without any in-
of pays
is guilty of fraud. The law treats
as a thief the secures
money or goods by false pretense
or takes them stealth. The
dead beat ought to be treated the
same way for he in fact belongs to
the same class. By the unwritten
law of trade and commerce he
makes false statements with
intent whenever he obtains
a credit that is never
He is undoubtedly just as guilty
as any man who by the same
lays himself liable to the law.
Any man who is unfortunate ard
really unable to keep his contract
get all the time he needs by
acting in a fair and hon
manner. There is more
necessity for him to become a dead
beat than there is for him to do
stealing. A dead beat is simply a
thief, and should be so treated by
Advice to the Aged.
At such u slue-
weak kidneys and bUd-
TORPID lives.
Ton's Pills
have a effect on these
the bowels, them
to perform their natural functions as
In youth and
to the bladder and LIVER.
arc adapted to old and
Hi Name I Pronounced
the attempted
of President every
newspaper reader in the country
been trying to learn the pro-
per pronunciation of the surname
of Leon the man who
shot him. Many will recall that
was a similar interest
the difficulty in
the of w ho
It seems that the letter
Polish is pronounced much like
for Mr. William H. M.
official interpreter of Polish
and Bohemian languages in the
United States immigration office
at Baltimore, and himself a Pole
by birth says that the would lie
assassin's be
word is derived from a
Polish laid Mi.
means to drag or creep or
craw. noun. It means
a creeping, thing, such as
a snake. In the instance
the seems most
Out of the most hellish evil some
good may conic. The
grief and the universal
that followed swift upon the know-
ledge of the attack upon the life of
serve alike to
show how real are the that
bind the these States to-
in one Indissoluble
the lines that divide us
from continental neighbors the
seas that keep us apart other
great did not for a
moment separate from the pro-
foamiest expressions
of iii pat fur the stricken chief,
his noble wife and his
countrymen. These
of will cannot go
or unremembered or
inn- relations. They make for a
closer brotherhood among men and
serve to -I errand of the
assassin's. I diet, however deadly
may have been his aim. This is
the silver lining to our cloud of
suspense and
that the insects
which pi j up- M crops this
country illy about
and yet the people go on
slaughtering the birds as if there
were insects existence, or as
If they eat
RU Maude, dear; a person id.
don gets a fur being a med
A woman throw a stone,
but she can heave a sigh.
The latent census bullet shows
that Chicago the
large in the number of
deaths from railroad Its
total for the census year is
while the total, for nine
other big u
The Apple Industry.
It is said that a Missouri farmer
who has an apple orchard contain-
two acres has sold
this year's crop on the trees for
buyers to take all risks
from now on. The orchard prom-
a yield of bushels of
apples and as the apple crop
throughout the country is short,
the purchasers expect to make a
handsome profit. The apple crop
is now an important item the
agricultural wealth of
and in a good year to
something like 150.000,000 bush-
els. No State in the can
grow apples that the State
of Virginia and apple culture in
this State has become a most profit-
able industry. We have often re-
marked that a first-class apple
orchard in sections of
is worth as much as a
responding orange grove Flori-
The apple has an advantage
over the orange that it is a
hardier fruit and is less affected by
conditions. Virginia farm-
been somewhat slow
making the most of this branch of
industry, but it is a growing in-
and will continue to add
wealth to the
I bare just opened three door tooth of
Post Office, the of all
Everything guaranteed pure. New style
of candy every
Tin- leader in good work and
Nice Photographs for per dozen.
Half Cabinets per dozen
All oilier lines very cheap. Crayon Portraits
nude any small picture cheap. Mice
Frames on band all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to
answer questions. Toe
best guaranteed to all. office
to a. in , I. to G p. m. Yours to
Tin- duly qualified
before the Superior court clerk of Pitt
county as of estate of
deceased, notice is hereby
given to alt persons indebted to tut, estate
to make immediate payment to under-
signed, and all claims
against estate ore notified to present the
Mime to the undersigned payment
twelve months from of this
notice, or it will be plead of recovery.
Thin 4th day of September, 1901.
the Estate of Sarah I,.
Steamer leave Washing
daily at A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore,
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J. Aft.,
Greenville, N. G.
Atlanta, Nor.
We have handled Dr.
ever its first in-
to the public and trade as a pro-
medicine, and our it has
steadily from year to year until
our orders now amount I or three
hundred kt year, which is a very
strong evidence its merit and the
faction it is giving to the mothers of the
country, for they say that nothing so
hot or overcomes so quickly the
Incident to teething.
There arc some which
seem household necessities the
United States for which there is no
market whatever in France or
Europe. One of
is the range with a hot water back,
another is the and a
third is the rocking chair. Amer-
living often want
these articles so bully they
even send home them,
among the French there is de-
for the
American manufacturer only,
waste time trying to create a
market for them.
New York physicians have
learned that the epidemic of
rial lever in that city is due large-
to the bites of ground liens. This
at least some of the
from the mosquito.
Norfolk, Va.
handlers of
Busing. Tin and lings.
The Clerk Superior Court of
county, having issued Letters of
mo, the on the
of September, on the estate of
A. deceased, notice is here-
by given lo nil persons Indebted to the
estate to make to the
undersigned, and lo nil creditors of said
to present their claims, properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve month alter the date of this notice,
or this notice will lie in bar of their
This the 2nd day of 1901.
on the estate of A- DUPREE.
The Clerk of Court of Pitt
county having i Letters of
to me, the undersigned on the
estate of Lynn
deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate nay men t to the
to all creditors of said estate to present
claims properly authenticated, to the
within twelve months after
the date of this notice, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
This the 9th of August, 1901.
the estate of
The been notified
Judge Henry It. Bryan he will not
be able to hold i lie September term of Pitt
county Superior court, 1901, all jurors
hare been summoned for the Brat
second weeks of said term are hereby
not to attend, but all witnesses
bare been summoned and all
have been been bound over to said
term arc hereby notified and required
to attend term of said o
Monday, September, 1901. A new
jury will be drawn slid fur sad
medal term. 1901.
C court.
inn PUt county In Superior
court be-fore the clerk.
The named defendant
action entitled as
above In the Superior
county, to sell a certain Int
of for partition. And
the said defendant lake notice
that he is required to appear at office of
t he clerK of the Superior court of Pi
on Friday Sept Mil, 1901, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said action, or
the plaintiff will apply t,. the court for the
relief hi I lie
This August Hill, n c
clerk Superior court.
i. M. Schultz,
Wholesale Grocer and j
it me Dealer. Cash pun I for
Hide, Fur, Cotton Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Ha, etc. Bed-
Suits, Ba-
by Go Parlor
nulls, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Ax
Moat Key West
American Beauty Cigarettes, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Matches, Oil,
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Ma oh and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see
By of of tho Superior
Court of county, made on the 2nd
of 1901, in pro-
. i therein F. U
Beverly Brothers guardian
and others, I Monday October
1901, before the house door in Green-
ville, sell public sale lo tho
for certain lot or parcel of
land situated In the town and
described us In Hip plot
of said town of lot hounded on
North by second street, on the by
on the the lot form-
owned nod used as parsonage
and on the West by lot, and
being the home place of the late
Williamson, containing one fourth of an
acre more or less.
fins i In- 4th of September, 1901.
ALEX. I,. BLOW, Commissioner.
notice to
Mr. Drewry, Agent for
North and Virginia, of that Well-
and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to to Its large number of
policy holders, and to public
generally, of North this com-
will now Resume In this
slate mid from date will its
and policies, to all de-
siring very bast insurance in the beat
insurance company world.
If local agent your town has not
yet i arrangements,
Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
Live, natal
Cotton Bagging and flea always
on ban
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
j. l on;
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B.
W. R.
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in every de
prices low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country prod
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
In Advance.
One Year Biz Mouths
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
Weekly and
will sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 13.60 payable in ad-
, No
The Eastern Reflector.
ARE KNOCKING Educational Department.
For Dry Dress Goods, Hate, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Booties.
Come to see us. Every day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. friends,
The North
Securing highest rate of interest consistent with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a careful selection of
limiting; its business to the United States
It will be to your interest to see what we can do for you before
placing life insurance.
Good territory open for Agents in North Carolina.
T. ARCHIBALD GARY, General Agent.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1301 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
The Profit is Yours
The shortening season again shortens
We gladly sacrifice the profits
The chance is only yours if you will make an
early investigation. Those goods must be
pushed out room large fall
took which is coming in.
for Standard Patterns.
As I see no else seems to
in a notion to write our column,
I will write you a few words com-
on the same. So far I
have been the only one to write
in a few lines under our
Department and I want to
ask if some of thereat of the teach-
will not help us out.
The column in your
paper will be an aid to education
in our county if the teachers will
only inn lest enough interest to
keep the principle going.
To write a few lines for
in our column does not require
a great effort, and if some of the
teachers will take one sixteenth of
the interest it that was taken in
and at the in
the educational column
will become very interesting.
I know young ladies
haven't a great preference for
writing letters for public perusal,
but it is a well fact that
young men have done such things,
and it looks to me like some of our
male might
modify their subjects give us a
piece for Educational Depart-
I do not mean by the above to
exclude ladies by any means.
I know the ladies are just as com-
to give us interesting
as any the male teach-
and I think if the will
only give us a start ladies will
follow, for it is already a
tact that a is going to have
the last word anyhow. Some may
say they not able or
write a piece, but there was not a
issued to one at all
who is not fully competent to give
us something interesting on the
subject of education.
Most of the teachers in this
county arc ladies so I must
say to them that we cannot get
along without them. Let's see
who is the first to write us a piece.
Don't be timid or bashful, but
just take you pen blaze away.
I hope none of the male teachers
are too timid . to write
us a but I guess all
right. Such weeds don't grow in
a man's crop.
We would like very much to
hear from Prof, and
Prof. and it wouldn't be
a miss if some f our County Hoard
of Education would favor us like-
wise. F.
Over in Maryland the
cans are really engaging in a for-
lorn hope. With Ex Senator
once more in full of
Democratic forces, and his own
for United States
Senate involved in the contest, it
is realized that only a miracle of
politics can day to
Republicans. Rut Mr. is
something of a magician and
himself and his
are offering he will
be a hands-down winner of
November stakes.
Tho question of the South
is a small matter when compared
to the anarchist problem that con-
fronts the North. If they conclude
to try lynching as an antidote
anarchy, no objections will be
raised In this neck of the words.
Mount Olive Advertiser.
At a recent reunion of a family
named Chick, in Maine, there were
five the oldest of whom
was eighty-eight years, young-
est seventy. Their combined ages
were years. These were
spring Chickens. Wilmington
Our New
Fall Stock
is coming our store is a scene of beautiful good.
is full with Be Jackets, Waists,
Our Stock of
is complete in every can suit your feet,
your head, your purse. Conn- to see us.
Year Friends.
and all the
Ladies that
i now in Markets
will bring back the stock ever seen
My Stock of Dry flood also
man v attractions for you.
Suppressing News.
Nine Shots Al a Burglar.
.- Neck, N.
Tho practice keeping things came from Hobgood yes-
oat of the paper makes it the store of Mr. It. J.
Scull for a daily newspaper lo do there was robbed night
its duly mid give all Wore. Mr. Harris, a clerk, who
There ready
to throw
was sleeping up stairs, was
is striking a match
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will sell anything in this line very low. Sec us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam Hancock
U, S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Fitting all
Leather Belt, Hell Lacing, Boll Hooks.
life is said
not to exceed
Harvesting . Farm Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
N- C.
at every important and the store below. He went to a
Importune newspapers not to window in a partition, through
publish the There is haul which he could sec down into the
a week in year when store, and saw some moving
in cautiously. He live
to and man called out,
item, and sometimes several limes any more. You have
in a wee;, will even ask j killed me now. I'll give Ur.
of news lo when Harris Bred four more and
entire i already i the man then escaped through
talking about it. Joey will ask He had entered by the
the editors nod publishers not door, and had la
mention certain wine, tug firs door of safe, but
matter of its publication bad not opened any of draw-
would harm no one. am. so took no money. Shoes,
declines l -leave bats, and the like were
item the applicant be-1 missed from the store. Blood-
comes very indignant. If it yields hounds were brought from Suffolk,
and a contemporary later publishes but they could track the thief no
the news it to the further railroad.
gentlemen that be has Injured shooting at the occurred
legitimate business of a about LI o'clock at night, and the
ought to apologize and bounds did not arrive until
-1 do more. On when yesterday morning,
o local newspaper out an
Item appears later In an out
of journal, the i It of August a shook.-
asked suppression the log crime was committed in this
Ant to say, must read such the 18th. of
and such papers to get the
ever occur to the men who jail. The trial,
request a not lo publish com sentence and execution
a certain item ii would sentence were all affected by
as reasonable to ask a merchant I due process of law. avenging
not to a certain sale You one crime no ether was committed
asking the newspaper justice be done no law
Ha most attractive feature lo abiding men have converted them-
tedious, and perhaps lire into law-breakers the blood
for your Ibis is upon nobody's
you may have el be Is us surely dead as
lions tbs newspaper. Thai if bis eyes had been burned out,
gives you no right to if bad been drawn and
make exactions which amounts lo
thing as if someone to tho dogs or burned a log
Banded that you dispense with I- ii
most desirable pan of your w. The crime, the penalty of
In, Ii Is death, has been rewarded
The newspapers gel and speedy death, What
lick of being importuned to keep history of
things out. The reporters got the crime was com-
the newspaper renders, Is a wreath for
bearing of something which
to have been published on line, I
make derogatory remarks the
Apparent lack of enterprise maul-
hated by Journal that been An Bank.
and imposed . , .-. ,
savings bank has in-
Ark. , ,,., , . , , .
reused Its business enormously by
advertising the
The manager scoffs at the
Up Whipped. is be
I lie a
tad., Sept. have induced
an anarchist, who thousands of careless people to
was knocked down a week ago I come savors by daily calling their
when he said he was glad to advantages
wot Shot, Visit. I tag money laid be says.
by a party l men ,.,,,,., be to
midnight, taken In a grove through the news-
town, stripped, to a tree papers what they should be
severely whipped.
H. C.
D. WHICH Ed. Owner
Office i
H. C, as Second Class
Mail Matter.
September 1901.
Governor has requested
Col. Harry Skinner and a number
of other prominent North .
to represent our State at the
funeral service of President Me
which will be held at
This entire Nation is in mourn-
and in fact almost whole
civilized world. President
is dead. He died
wounds inflicted by the of
a cowardly He was
without a cause. No
has ever been elevated to the Pres-
chair in this who
was more disposed towards
every one, no has made or
bad a clearer record, man
gave occasion for fewer
no bad a purer life
. . in public
was ever I
more by bis own and Ins
party. He began life bumble
circumstances, and his life shows
the possibilities of a life properly
lived and used. He was true to
every trust committed to
through life. He was President
through a critical period in
can history. of foreign
complications were present on
every baud almost through bis en-
tire term A less
might have taste
country in serious trouble with
more than one of world's great
powers, yet be so as not
only Ibis but lo win
respect and confidence of whole
civilized world. It seems a great
misfortune that he should have
died just now. His name is hon-
connected with much of
American history and bis memory
will long be by the
American people. No section feels
his loss more than the Mouth. H
teemed willing for the Mouth to
workout its social political
problems in its own way and its
and his death is a great
to us just at ibis time.
Hy it is said believed
that a man be in politic
in public office and pen-tie
consistent Christian life. This
sentiment is contradicted in
the life of President
He was a meek follower of bin Mas
lived the end an
sullied Christian and
died with these last
will not ours be Taken all
in alibis life was one which is to
be admired will through the
future ages of the world lie held up
for imitation to every noble,
youth, not only in but in
all lands where and
worth is appreciated and hived.
Since three o'clock
morning, when the bell of
Hall those the steeples of
several of the churches
here tolled the death
of President to a
slumbering Raleigh has MM
mourning- with the City Hall
other public draped
in the colors of death.
nil this there is probably
not a MM does
MM the blow to the
nation delivered through the death
of its popular bead
most of all our Pres-
since the time of
says Governor was
a good man all the ii
life; his private life is lo us all
the Governor.
Senator Simmons is
doubtful if the death of any public
man this country baa ever been
sadder or has aroused a deeper
feeling of loss
had be recovered of bis
wounds, I the of
his administration would
been a of good feeling.
Mr. Roosevelt is able man,
though one youngest of Pres-
has had valuable experience
life; he will doubt teal
endeavor to carry out the
policy his
To The Cotton Farmers
The Stair
Omen i
Date more favorable conditions than ever before in its
post history. We have larger and facilities for handling
tobacco than ever before and a larger number of good bowers
who have orders for every grade tobacco grown. Greenville
is your market and the
Farmers Warehouse Headquarters
for highest market at all times, and clever, courteous
treatment at the hands of every one with the Farm-
an Warehouse-
N. C ,
Through the courtesy of the
tor I address to yon this letter on
the cotton seed subject, and trust
that it will be accepted by each
reader as a personal letter to him. tobacco. We get the highest price for
I know of nothing should pile sold on our floor. The see this, and appreciating
for prompt action on the part of
the farmers more than this.
The action of the National Oil
mill ii New on the
5th, where they met privately and
fixed the price to be paid for cot-
ton seed the coming season at
cents free on boats the
usual rebate which is equivalent to
tree on board rail, as
though the farmer had no voice in
the price of his products should
sell for, call for a protest
from every farmer of the
South. This is but a foretaste
what the Trusts will do for the
they get them fully
control. If the spirit of
American independence which has
lever Caro
I am in letter to do business than ever before, and if has waned may its fires be
the best prices will get it I am going to have the breast of every
tobacco. I appeal to no passion or prejudice but upon
the bed rock of truth and merit I rest my claim your pat-
ask you this year to give a and I will
take care of the balance. I have been running a warehouse
on this Marital nearly years and I think know how to sell
your i. have with me a corps of thoroughly
tent, n-liable courteous assistants, who will use every
honorable means to advance your interest. When you come
Greenville ask you especially to come around and see me
The assassination of three whether you tobacco or not. A hearty, princely welcome
the awaits you at the Farmers.
of not yet old is a j Sincerely.
record, and the alarming
growth of anarchy is recognized H
great danger now threatening
int.- x
N. C. Prop. Warehouse.
And that is the reason the old Greenville Warehouse
work we do f- them they bring us their tobacco.
We treat all alike, get the best price every time. Bring
next load to the Greenville Warehouse and we will show worn
the truth of this. We have every accommodation for you and
your ten in.
We are independent of
Warehouse Trusts.
J. C.
this The for its
suppression is
Senator Simmons in alluding to.
this said due time
grass ill doubtless suitable
for the lives
of the heads of the
whose lives are shown to be in
danger when the s
is to stamp out
to have
become necessary, and the people
of Ibis country are in favor of their
application Without
A large representative
meeting of the best citizens of Hal
irrespective of party politics
held here Saturday, at which
speeches were made and
resolutions adopted.
i I or aw AMP
taken quite sick while visit
relatives there.
of Ayden, was
here a short while Monday.
Miss Bet lie Tripp left yesterday
for to enter the Normal
Industrial school.
W. Harper and family were
visiting their parents at Black
Miss Cora Carroll, of Black Jack,
spent Monday night with Miss
Mimic Cox.
Adopted by Greenville Lodge, No.
A. F.
X. C, Sept. IX.
The young ladies of the Winter-
ville High School held a meeting
n the chapel last Friday
and organized a young Ladies Lit
Society. These societies are
always beneficial intellectually, at
the same lime affording a of
amusement that is highly interest-
lug to those who participate
them. We bespeak great results
from this one as it is composed of
the very best material.
Mis. Jesse Cannon, of
spent Friday and Saturday visit-
here. i Whereas, the American people
The State Hoard of Education fr land upon to mourn the
to option the Had While place, i, of their Chief
one who claims contain acres, with or- the Masonic fraternity an eminent
lights, secured under I he Ml It. The same caused by the
to State swamp of the late President of the
h, for u applying to A. O. Cox. States at the hands of a
lust of which he has Bart
at advanced prices to others, and j Saturday k. V. A.
therefore lo sign his deeds. Mrs. H. F. Keel. m. desires to place on record a
So he and one of his customers, and brother, testimonial of its regard for bis
briny salt. of acre-tare Miss Nannie of Its
involved, Attorney for Mrs. In
will win has purchased ; her bereavement, and
QUICK OP to place a tobacco; j of the
William U batch out while he Is cur- cowardly act of the assassin
assaulted a young whits A gentleman says
near was j they will better under a hen
hanged there last Friday, just a goose.
farmer account this action of
the Oil Mill If you believe
the farmer is entitled to a voice in
naming the price at which bis cot-
ton seed shall sell, go to your Court
House next Saturday, at Vi
o'clock and there your
fellow farmers saying so
against the action of the
New Orleans Oil
Select a strong delegation
the State meeting in the
-25th. Do not stay away ex
your to go, but go
yourself take him with
This appeal is made to
special class of cotton farmers, but I
to each every one in the State.
There is time now for divisions
or but all should work
with each other. We
also invite the business and pro-
men to join in this
movement. Their presence
will lie appreciated.
A letter just received from liar
vie Jordan, of of the South-
Cotton Growers Protective
slates that lie is in full
sympathy the movement and
th-it he will endeavor to the
every southern state to
cooperate bus.
nation the part of the
the price fixed by the Oil Mill men
can be us was the price
of , lite bagging years ago.
The who refuses to act
now should the future keep
quiet about the oppression of the
Trusts, for be practically
s his birthright. The farmers
have the key to Let
there lie unity of action and success
will be T B,
Law d earl f
relative of s
most a
a lit of I cut bis
bl an
The bl
no for the Jed.
crime B art of
save earl not
lo trial for
of r.
Hie thronged oar-
to I Terrors was sen-
to he at AS-
were lo I lie slug for
ency, hot h mM, met his
with Us
carefully for the sad
SO silken for
Ti Him
the earl was
off me Ilk
If you pot a sign on the or
tree or side of the house people
most go to It to read It, hence few
read It.
The Europe ascend-
ed Us i Ms of
lie 1.1 n kit's, a risks, and his
tide u Dabs IV of U
of the
of l
grand UM the
saw control a and Al-
has u thing II.
Pram i v i M MM
Mi able to lake cure of
his ii SO of April lie
Is a
ii. pi
Ii Is In all that
The i not
of and rentals shout
i. It Is of the
Ills of The
m. mu. Ii Kan u Is Kins
of WM April eel-
m inn
the people by putting It
Little Adelaide, the two year
old daughter of Mr, A. II. Tall
fell out the door at her home Sal
evening fractured her
collarbone.- The little child
from the time of the injury until
Sunday night the extent of
bar Injury was known, her
thinking she not hurt much.
Bat she began to Sunday
evening a doctor was called in
and found that she bad fractured
her collar hone. She was light
badly hurt but we hope mil
It is Important
on n. for n
who go
or health should
mi attack
of bowel not only them
trial inconvenience, hut am
In their A of
Is, have a
such attacks.
Avoid la but
UlA awl
thirty three day sailer the
crime. The scoundrel
tended to certain lo
from the This is
probably the legal
Dial ever took place North
Carolina, The thirty days were
allowed by the judge for the brute
to prepare death, else he could
have la-en four days from
the dale of the crime, bad the law
trial was speedy
enough, la i ill. I.- he such
exam plea of and there
will be fewer possibly
though I must say I have never
II my heart to
any relative of a good woman
assaulted for lynching the
he while or block.
i i i v
The Increased collection of lines
the new Law is be
to show in the receipts at
the State Treasury. During the
past mouth the receipts exceeded
those of any previous August, the
receipts for the general fund Icing
i . The in Is
Used year the
crease will lie as large as expected.
Hogs tor
Id or hogs he wishes to sell.
They Mill weigh from to
pounds and arc in line older to
Mrs. of
is spending the
with the Misses
Mrs. M. and Miss
Cox were in Ayden Saturday.
who would like to have
their done first class
will send it lo C. A.
Agent Steam so
he may send it off Tuesday.
Pail, of and Sam-
spent Sun
day pail Monday here.
They lo place sisters
in line.
Bar, Mr. BUM filled his regular
here last Sunday.
Miss all ended
Sunday morn-
the afternoon went lo
where she witnessed the
the baptism of persons by
The Missionary union
me -ling meets this plans,
day. and
M. ti. lo
see his who baa
who arc holding to
No. A. K. ft A.
day of September, be It re
1st. That in Hie death of
Win. the Masonic
fraternity has lost its most
and the a
great and good
2nd. That this Lodge extends
to Mrs. Its sympathy in
her sevens
TI i he act of the
sin and or who are
with him deserves
of all good
4th. TI it resolutions be
up he minutes of this
lodge and I s
papers of Hi for publication
and a sent u Mrs.
If all had o wear a brand
on forehead, would
and you will difference.
The goes to the
and carries sign with it,
and all read it.
in will
bring you success. Don t
lag behind race,
but tat the people know
what yon are hare for.
The easiest, quickest and heat
way to sell anything It to
it in The Such
advertisement goes straight to
The n sure cure for hot
cholera can off the premises the people, they learn what yon
the fear of sell and yon reap the
or benefit.
science a Hog coolers purchased a
i our of bright and attractive
they know ad-
and yon are at
honor to u. y to use them. If you d know
never has true sod Just what you want to lay, will
saw. TM use of help yon gel
Hie giving of feed sad That business, M
pure i most to people.
Raiding coat of an advertisement
cud .,, The Is the easiest part.
A Mighty Offer.
Mens all wool
pants, all sizes
Boys winter
suits, all- sizes
Piece Suit
J. L
WM. K.
mini p. come upon suddenly
until pain Is driven sway s dose or
two of cure for
all from cramps
lo the cholera
be without Avoid
tuM, hut
Ml Mo.
What we advertise
we have in stock.
Each Each
man good heavy
Frank Wilson,
Greenville, N. C.
The King Clothier,
If there is a CROSS MARK
the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
Eastern for
subscription and we
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe as and hope yon will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Just received Fruit Jars at
the rain there
is a large crowd at tend tog court.
Work has the
brick building that W. H.
is having erected on the
vacant lot the Court
Little Jim, sou of Mr. James
Gray, Black Jack, stuck a
pair scissors one of his eyes re
Bud had to be taken to
more Monday to Johns Hop-
kins Hospital for treatment. It is
the little fellow will lose his
sight in both eyes.
Tb e undersigned, school com-
for District No. white
race, sill meet at N.
C, on Sept. 26th, for the
purpose of electing a public school
teacher. School to commence 1st
Monday in October.
C. M. Jones,
W. M. Coin.
Alston Grimes,
Real and life
I will rent my farm, four miles
north Greenville and one
from House station, for the year
1902 with privilege of five years.
About Nov. 1st I ill sell all the
farm implements, gin, engine,
thresher, grist mill, carts, wagons,
horses, mules, hogs, cattle, corn,
fodder hay on said farm.
Parties wishing to examine the
farm or equipment call any
time do so.
John Flanagan.
Good Musk.
At the night
the children took the place of the
choir and furnished the music for
the service. It was
how well sang. There are
some fine voices among them
if they are properly trained
will make music sure enough some
of these days. A large
greeted them at first
appearance the role of a
Autopsy Examination.
The autopsy examination held
Saturday over President
body shows that death was
caused by gangrene. The doctors
railed to fined the bullet. The
President's remains are to be
to Washington City this evening
where they will lie state
Wednesday afternoon. The body
will then be taken to Canton, Ohio,
the President's home, for inter-
Mayor W. H. Long has disposed
of the following cases in his court
since last
II. F. Badger, drunk and
fined II and costs, 13.30.
Sim Daniel Barrett,
Monroe Julius Moore
Joyner, gambling, bound
over to Superior Court.
Jesse Wiggins, Paul
and Leon Patrick, affray using
deadly weapons, bound over to
Superior Court.
F. V. Queen, and D. Ii.
vending articles of merchandise
without proper licenses
not guilty, dismissed.
Laurence Ward, riotous and die-
conduct, lined one penny
and cost total 93.26.
Joseph Wall drunk and down on
the street, lined one dollar and cost
total 93.20.
Nelson Hopkins, riotous and
disorderly conduct and
fined and out, total 91.35.
Forbes and down
on the street, lined one dollar and
cost total 93.20.
Jim and Sam Joyner,
riotous disorderly conduct
affray, fined one dollar each
total 90.45
ts He to You.
M r. Jessie Proctor is quite sick.
E. T. Forbes went to Norfolk to-
Mrs. P. C. is quite
A. A. Forbes left this morning
for Norfolk.
L. V. Morrill, Snow Hill, is
here attending court.
Swift Galloway, of Snow Hill, is
here attending court.
Mrs. W. B. James and little son,
Will are both quite sick.
O. M. Tucker came in Saturday
evening from Norfolk.
W. J. returned from
Saturday evening.
W. B. Brown north this
morning to buy new goods.
Miss Janie T son left Saturday
for Baltimore i i attend school.
Miss Etta returned
day morning from Seven Spring.
F. G. spent Sunday here
and to Halifax this morn-
Miss Smith returned from
Washington City even-
Mrs. F. G. Whaley and Miss
Nellie left this morning for
Mrs. child
Saturday morning for
J. H. Adams came over from
Kinston Saturday to spend a day
or two here.
Mrs. Harry Skinner returned
home from Washington City Sat-
Miss Maggie Nelson, of Bethel,
has been visiting Miss Bessie Hard-
a few days.
Mrs. B. M. is quite sick at
lathers, Mr. Barn-
hill's at
W. F. Evans left Saturday for
township to begin teach-
public school.
J. B. Morton, of Tarboro,
came in Saturday evening and re-
turned this morning.
Judge O. H. Allen arrived Sat-
night and opened court this
morning at the usual time.
Miss Mary went to Grin
today to be at the bedside of
her lister Mrs. B. M.
Mrs. W. H. returned
Saturday night from a trip to the
exposition at
Mrs. B. Greene returned from
Buffalo, Saturday evening, where
she has been taking the
Mrs. H. C. Hooker and child
and Misses Bettie and Hook-
returned Saturday morning from
Seven Springs.
Miss who is
attending the High School at Win-
spent Saturday and Sun-
day with her parents.
Chas. L. Latham came home
from Washington
City to see bis grandmother, Mrs.
P. who is quite sick.
Misses Belle and Delta
returned Saturday evening from
trip to the no it markets
where they had been to buy new
Misses Maude and May
and Pearl Weeks, of
county, who have been
Mrs. W. H. Harrington,
home this morning.
Tuesday. September 1901.
E. A. went to
this morning.
W. E. Hooker went to Richmond
this morning.
H. L. Coward this morning
for Richmond.
Freak Cheek to Kinston
Monday evening.
A. J. went to Kin-
Monday night.
A. L. came up this
morning from Ayden.
J. D. Cox returned to Winter-
ville Monday evening.
S. M. Schultz returned Monday
evening from Mount.
Mrs. M. II. returned
this morning from Goldsboro.
Mrs. J. T. Matthews went to
Kinston Monday evening to visit
Henry Sheppard and little son,
II., Jr., left Monday afternoon for
Mrs. J. A. and son, Al-
left this morning for Marga-
to visit relatives.
Dick left this morning for
Baltimore to take Mr. J. L.
fin's little son to Hopkins
Hospital for treatment.
D. B. Clayton,
sadist, arrived this morning and
by special permission will preach
in the Christian church
day night.
Wednesday, Sept. 1901.
W. F. Sutton, of Kinston, .,.,.
this in.
O. B. W. came Tues-
day evening from
Percy Thomas, of is
visiting bis brother, E. II. Thomas.
A. J. came this
morning from a trip the
Dr. and Mrs. Win. Cobb Whit-
field, of spent today
D. J. D. J. Jr.,
returned Tuesday evening from
Misses Brown and Elba
Gotten left this morning for St.
Mary's school at
Miss Duke, of who
has been visiting Mrs. E.
Thomas, returned home today.
F. C. of Henderson.
General Superintendent
Telephone Oft.,
came Tuesday evening.
H. E. Long, of Richmond, who
has been here a few days as relief
in the Western Union Telegraph
office, returned home today.
Mrs. Perry, of
and Miss Cox, of Ayden,
passed through Tuesday evening
returning from exposition at
J. F. Davenport, of
J. J. Mason and W. S.
way, of been
to purchasing goods, re
turned Tuesday evening.
Mr. M. R. Eure Dead.
Mr. Mills B. Eure, died Tuesday
morning at o'clock with acute
gastritis. He been sick
about ten days but his friends had
no fear concerning until last
night he became much worse
and his condition became alarm
He continued to grow worse
death came and released
of his agonies.
Mr. Eure was in
N. was a young in his
30th year. He was a son of Judge
M. L. Eure and wife, who
was a daughter of Mills a
prominent of Gales county.
Was educated at the University of
North Carolina. Served in the
House of as
of bis native county and
was Vice Consul to B. C.
in President Cleveland
On his return he opened
a law and in 1898 came to
Greenville and he and Mr.
of Tarboro, formed a co-
partnership and since that time
until his death they had been
practicing in the courts here.
Mr. Eure was a young man of
decided talent and high sense of
honor. He was amiable, kind
affectionate and
was beloved by his friends all
who knew him.
He was hurried Wednesday at
Gatesville, his native place, aim
where reside most of his relatives.
Mr. Eure left surviving him of his
immediate family, his
Judge Eure, of Norfolk, and
only sister, Mrs. Dr. Bell, of
N. C.
of Deeds, T. B. Moore,
issued the following marriage
since last
Warren Ella Pot-
Nathan Cromwell and
Powell and Marietta Gay.
Jacobs and
Ed. and Forbes.
Charlie Jones and How-
Changes In
Monday night the Board of Al-
held a special meeting to
Investigate the charges previously
filed against Chief of Police J. T.
Smith. As a result of the
he was dismissed from
vice. Mayor Long has appointed
sight Policeman W. II.
to serve as Chief Mr. E. C.
Williams to serve as Night Police
until the next meeting the Al-
Factory to Consumer, No middle mans
worth choice goods.
P at prices.
Clothing, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
and Suits, Price
Sizes to
Mens Clothing. Suits
and Suits, Price
Odd Coats.
and Coats
Boys Knee Pants.
and kind, sizes lo
Mens Pants.
and Pants, now
These prices for cash s
No goods charged at these prices.
lo Shirts BOW
A full line Lu to B C now going at
biggest value ever offered.
and kind now
2.5 and
to kind,
s. Shoe. Shoes.
Mens shoes new
pal lips
Big stock on hand.
You must see
Sample Price.
hats for
All Linen Window Shades.
Regular price
Bought Enough Goods For Ten Small Stores.
Clocks and Watches.
watches now OS,
day clock at prices.
All similes, all kinds, all quality. The ladies
at the immense stock Conic to MO s
your neighbors, or tell about us.
The cheapest and best line we
have ever had. Special value.-
from to
From the to the beat.
All Don't fail lo g
ore of choice patterns.
I AH Linen Tad. Damask
Worth now
Carpets, Floor OH Cloth
Biggest line in town. All kinds.
Ladies Underwear
Ready to wear. Ask our in department
to show them lo yon. Drawers,
fee., at of material.
Leather Couches, quality
quality Oak Styles
Hall Racks, Cribs, Carriages, Get prices.
Others sell cheap calico.
the colors. They will run out be-
fore you have
Children Hosiery.
Al size, colors prices,
from mills. This is a rare
opportunity for ladies to get
good bargain.
Fruit The Loom.
without ticket, yard
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.
paw i mm
Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel Plow or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
II BENEFIT ill ill
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are at the beginning of the second of each
succeed year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N.
None genuine unless
Red Cross is on label
Don't take a Substitute
Chills, Fevers,
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
Brines Instant Relief Permanent Cure all Cates
There is nothing like It brings
instant relief, even the wore cases. It cures when
all else fails.
The Rev. F. Wells, of Villa, Ridge, III., says;
bottle of received in good
tell yon how thankful I for the
good derived from It. I was a slave, with
putrid fur ten years, I de
of over cured. I saw advertise
cure of this dreadful and tormenting
you bad
but to give it a trial. To my
astonishment, acted like a charm. Bend me
We to send to every a trial treat of
similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it mail post-
paid, absolutely Free of Chance, to sufferer who write for it,
even a postal. Never mind, though are despairing, however
your case. will relieve and cure. The worse your
case, the glad we arc to send it. once, ad-
dressing Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co. 130th St. X. V. City.
Sold by all Druggists.
If yen sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bud
breath, inactive kidney troubles, backache, l. .-.;
of appetite, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
any and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels end an
impaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It win clean out the bowels, the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
year liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your akin will clear end
freshen end will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
fro jut t their our, for
and troubles, v. ill an for
It bowel regular or act m a tents,
relieve clean th
and and ; y
a f u.
For Sale by
M net only moat family
and and
M CO , Si
, ball r i
I, it
name M
a will l on alp, of in a all
wall, ma tank la Ian for
from On-
C. Sept.
After the hopeful bulletins of
few days, the news of
President death was a
shock almost as great as the report
of bis assassination. It Is hardly
yet possible for the people of Wash-
to realize that his familiar
kindly presence is gone for
ever from the White House. Al-
though the emblems of
are everywhere visible, perhaps
only the state funeral with it so-
impressible ceremonies
can wholly efface the vivid memory
with almost everyone here has of
the as he lived,
make it possible to think of as
With the incoming of
new Incentive will
be changes in the official
and social life of the city. A
minor currents are disturbed
and thwarted by the great event
which has just taken place. There
will of lie no official
ties during the season;
there may be a small army of of-
seekers, but this will depend
largely on the course which
dent takes in repaid to
the appointments under the
civil law. There may also
lie Sweeping changes the
has seldom been so
contract characters of two men
closely associated life as
that between
liven astute political pro-
arc somewhat at sea in at-
tempting to predict the Executive
actions during the next three
years. Nobody seems to lie quite
Mire what as President,
rill do about anything. In his
past career he has too been
he Of the unexpected to
make it safe to risk too many pro
on his conduct now. Many
people expect that he will make
changes in the policy of the
Administration, but this is by no
means certain.
was careful, shrewd,
persuasive; he never made an
enemy if be could help it.
Is resolute, fearless, and en-
careless of appearances or
The anomaly of the
presence of these two men the
same ticket, supporting the same
policy, is explained by the fact
that starting from opposite points,
with opposite temperament,
they bad widely differ
reasons, very much the same
conclusions. To lake among
many questions of the din,
that of President Me
favored expansion because
lie believed it to be wise from a
Commercial point of House
veil became saw a chance for a
lot of lighting strenuous life
generally; but they both came out
at the same end of the horn. It is
not necessary to anticipate it
will depart radically
from the course of the
as now marked out, but he
will probably go over that course
in more hurry than some of
his advisers he ought to,
he may take short cuts which will
discommode people. It is pretty
known that Senator
wanted on the ticket lie-
cause he iii in-lit it would get the
strenuous young man out of the
way; Hut instead of being tucked
away in the sleepy retire
of the Senate, is
the White House. Ii will be inter-
to see what ran
to do about it now.
A not person who may view
the new development with horror
is Secretary Long. There was a
legend about the the Span
American War to the effect
Mr. Long tried to take a
cation, before lie bail
away a week stories of lie way in
bis Assistant Secretary was
tiring up tilings reached his ears,
and he had back a
The whether Long
in i In- Cabinet or not will de
pend on the result of the
Sell i business, and
partly on Roosevelt's to
play politics. If be starts in to
break up the Navy Department
ring be will probably do it, bat
some of the leaders of his will
not lie pleased. all that sort
of thing counts working for a re-
It is reported that Secretary
is much broken in health since the
death of his son, and is likely to
resign. In that case the selection
of a Secretary of Stale would
be an interesting subject for
are all near the Bat
Wolcott is from Colorado, and
there are not enough votes that
way lo make his selection a good
one from a geographical point of
view. is from New York,
as is, and a New York
Cabinet would be bad election ma-
for Root is also from the
Empire State. Moreover,
reputation as a jester would be
fatal to any aspirations be might
have toward the portfolio. No-
body wants honored article
turned into a Joe Miller's joke
book or a Farmer's Almanac.
son, coming from the Middle West
and Scot without
bias, would pro
stay, and so, perhaps, would
the rest. The general opinion
seems be that the new Executive
will later en give something a
shaking up, he may surprise
all by being tame and gentle.
The only thing which the Schley
Court of has done thus
far is to replace Admiral
with Admiral Ramsay, which
is said to be very
factory to the former.
The mm who Insures his lite la
wise his f
The who Insures his health
la wise both tor his family and
may Insure health by guard-
lac It. It Is worth
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
Itself In Innumerable ways
Tints Pills
And save your health.
Trouble Follows the Firing of a Big Gun
in Portsmouth.
Norfolk, Va., Sept.
to orders issued by
J Huge Tyler, all the batteries
of the Virginia Volunteer Artillery
were out this morning before
rise for the purpose of firing every
half hour sunset respect to
dead President. these
was Buttery, of
Portsmouth, under the command
of Warren, whose piece
was placed at corner of
Court High right
the of the city, in front
of the Madison Hotel. At
moment of sunrise the First
roared out and an instant later
several windows la the hotel fell
shattered by the concussion.
Police hurried lo the and
placed I a plain Warren under
rest, telling the members of the
battery that if the gun was tired
again the whole troop would be
arrested. The men bad their or-
to fire every half hour from
the and they determined
to do their duty, so half-
bad expired again union
roared. the police arrested
them all. At headquarters the
matter was filially settled and the
battery moved its cannon to the
water front, where the regular
half hour gnus were fired until
The boarding bore
There is quite a difference be-
i an an --I ; and an
Idleness i. a disease with some
people, and it's contagions at
A may have clocks in his
and ill never be on time.
N. C,
Miss of
spent Saturday night and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tucker re-
turned home Saturday.
Miss Kate Sawyer arrived Sat-
to enter school at Semi-
nary. She was i student here
last year, and her friends are
pleased to have her back.
M. M. Sauls and wife went to
Wilson Sunday to visit relatives.
Miss May Anderson, of Farm-
ville, entered school at C. Col-
J. T. Smith went lo Greenville
Miss Daisy Mumford was, in
town Sunday.
Miss left today
to enter school at Littleton Female
Lawrence Anderson, of Farm-
ville, was here Sunday.
Miss Esther Cannon spent yes-
in town.
Mies Pennie Clay Ion, of
is visiting Mrs. Joseph Long.
F. O. went to Winter-
ville yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Smith and Mrs.
Louisa yesterday in
We arc to announce the
illness of Clarence Cannon.
has on the
pal church.
The leader in good work and low prior
Cabinets par
All oilier line very cheap. Crayon
made any small picture cheap.
frame on ham all the lime. Como and
my work. No trouble to
sample and answer questions. The very
best work guaranteed to all. Office boar
to a. ma to p. m. Yours to please.
I door of
Pout the of all
Everything pure.
of candy every week.
i- so dreaded die
approach of hot weather when have a
teething babe, should not that Teeth-
Ina counteracts and tho effect of
not weather on keep then in
healthy condition the
easy. only He per box at
of to M.
Cheaper Rates.
The Atlantic Coast Line will sell
round trip tickets lo the Richmond
Carnival and show. Oct. 7th
to 12th for one fare. This is a
rare opportunity for those wishing
to take a cheap trip to Richmond.
Those wishing to lake in the
exposition now
do so by paying one fare plus
dollar for the round trip. Ticket
good to Oct. 20th.
Another Man Shot.
Lawrence Ward Lewis John
son. both colored, had a difficulty
near the depot early Saturday night
result in- in Ward's being shot in
the right thigh. The difficulty
arose by Johnson paying Ward's
wife some money, which is claim-
ed to have been counterfeit. Ward
went to see Johnson about the
matter after being informed of it
by wife, whereupon they got
in a contention over it and John-
on pulled u and
tiring upon Ward, taking
effect in thigh. Chief of
Police J. T. Smith brought the
man down town and bad
the ball taken out. From last re-
port we bear it proved only to
be a will not be
serious. made bis escape
for parts unknown.
in 1866.
J. W. I CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
The undersigned having duly qualified
before the court clerk of Pitt
county administrator of of
Sarah L. Smith, deceased, notice la hereby
given to all indebted to the estate
to make immediate payment to under
and all claims
against the estate are notified to present
same to payment
within twelve month from the date of this
notice, or it will be plead in bar of recovery.
This 4th day of September, 1901.
Administrator of th Estate I.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. at. for Green
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer be leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. X. for Tar
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore,
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J.
Greenville, N. C.
Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
county baring Letters cf
to me, the undersigned on
the estate of Lynn
Tripe, deceased, notice is hereby to
all persons indebted to estate lo make
immediate payment to the
to all creditor of said to present
their i hums properly authenticated, to
undersigned, within month after
the date of this notice, or this notice will be
in bar of their
This the 9th of August, 1801.
Administrator of the of
Even the bald beaded actor may
have a good
It isn't always stingy man
who keeps his promises.
The coal dealer always conducts
bis business a large scale.
A little change will vary mo
v of an empty pocket.
No matter bow bud it may be,
bandmaster has to face the
A remedy that pol-
lively recent and long
cue. The blood
purifier known. the hearty
endorsement of leading physician I
thorough trial. Cures per .
c. of th cat noted price
SI per
la r i
. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
Mattresses, Oak Boils, Ba-
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, P.
and Gail A x Sim
Moat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Meat, Soap,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples. Peaches,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
Best Stand
ard Sewing Mack and
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Coat
to see me.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county, having issued Letters of
to me, the undersigned, on the 2nd
day of September, estate of
A. deceased, notice is here-
by given lo all persons Indebted to the
lo make immediate payment to th
and lo all creditor of
estate lo present their claims, properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve months alter date of this notice,
or this notice will be plead in bar of their
This the 2nd day of Sept, 1901.
on the estate of A.
i. W. BABE,
Carolina county In Superior
court before the clerk.
ask Ford. Hunts
and others,
The above named defendant
will take notice that an action entitled
commenced In the Superior
court of Pitt county, to sell a certain lot
of Bethel fur partition. And
said defendant will take notice
that be is required lo appear the office of
the clerk of Ins Superior court of Pitt county
Friday Sept. and answer or
demur to the In said action, or
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
relief demanded In the complaint.
This August C.
Superior court.
By virtue of decree of the Superior
Court of Pitt county, made on the 2nd day
of 1901, in s certain special pro-
therein pending, entitled F.
James guardian
others, I Monday 7th,
before court house door In Green-
ville, sell Rt public sale to the big best bid-
for certain lot or parcel of
land situated In town of and
as follows. In plot
of said town as part of lot bounded on
the North by second street, on the East
street, on tho lot form-
owned sud used Baptist parsonage
and on West by the Pearce lot. and
being home place of late
containing fourth of an
acre more or less.
This 4th day of September,
ALEX. oner.
Cotton Bagging and lies always
on has i
goods kept constantly ea
hand. produce
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
t and prices as low tho
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce,
j. b.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Mr. John Agent for
North Carolina and Virgin a, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desire lo announce to large numb of
policy holders, and to the public
generally, of North com-
now la this
slate and from this dale will It
and to all de-
siring the Inst insurance la the best
life insurance company in world.
If local agent In your town ha not
completed arrangements, address
State Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy 188.06
Live, reliable energetic agent wanted at
once to work for lbs
The Commoner
Editor A Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
In Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 93.60 payable In ad
For Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks,
Boys and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day a bargain day and everything a
the highest of interest consistent with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, from a careful selection of and
limiting its business to the United States
It will be to your interest to see what we can do for you before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for North Carolina.
T. General Agent.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1301 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
. . . . .
The Profit is Yours
The shortening season again shortens
We gladly sacrifice the profits
The chance Is only yours if you will make an
early investigation. Those goods must be
pushed out to room for our large fall
stock which is coming in.
for Standard Patterns.
Harvesting machines, I'm- U.-ala Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
The late Dr. of Green-
ville, Pitt county, was a very
man. In addition to being a
very able physician, a learned
an astute politician, he bad
peculiarities that him very
Interesting. The following
story is told to show how far
he could be carried by bis dislike
for anything. bad a natural
antipathy for geese. The sight
them or fierce cackling would
stir his anger make him
One day while the was
driving along the big road, far in
country, he came up with a
drove of geese. They were out of
sight of any house and for once he
felt that he could even up
Mr. Goose. He pulled his horse
and culled
to geese,
as they waddled along the side
path, close by road. Now was
Dr. chance, the one he
had longed for. His buggy whip,
a bran new raw bide that cost
two dollars the day before, was
long keen and with but little
effort he could wrap it around
lead gander's saucy neck. Ho wits
equal to the occasion, and rising
upon his feet, bit the fire of a man
seeking revenge. The lash crack-
ed like a pistol shot, the geese
yelled, rose and flew away. The
doctor not looking for such a sud-
den start did hold a tight grip
on the of whip after be
had encircled the end of it around
the and this
mighty bird, snow and
beautiful, rose bin might and
sailed off, bearing easily whip
that had tied itself close to his
It was up lo Dr.
There he sat, bis buggy, watch-
the flight of the gander.
The whip did not let loose. It
clung to goose's neck
dangled in air like a long
black snake. Far ahead of him be
could see geese lighting
a mill pond not far a
neighboring farm house. He pulled
up bis and drove on,
that he could regain his whip
when the gander lit. A few min-
later dignified old gentle-
man bad his horse and was
down on of pond
throwing rocks at the gander who
floated happily around on the
bosom of tho w with the whip
still fastened to bis neck. Think-
of but his property the
doctor did not hear a voice that
hailed at him from a hill-
top. It from u large and
hefty owner of the
geese. was accompanied by
her faithful bull dog. They were
the pond from
U side, before Dr.
they came close to
the water's edge. The woman
cried at him in a voice
and are you chunk-
my geese for, you old scamp
Sick Bull him
The doctor barely bad time to
scurry up hill get In his
buggy before the vicious
across and bounding after
Dr. never told of his
experience. It was his joke, for
the woman did him.
H. E. C. in the Char-
ii in
Thursday, Sept. I
On the above named date we will bold H
our regular Fall and Winter opening.
We will have on display the most
n i line of new and high class goods
it has ever been our pleasure to show.
Here you will find newest ideas
Styles, Dolores and Weaves. We cord i
a, ally Invite you to attend.
J. B. Co.
U i
and Your ,
and all the
Ladies that
is now in the Northern Markets
the will bring back the prettiest stock ever seen
My stock of Dry Goods also has
many attractions for you.
Three Times The Value
Agents wanted in all
Manufacturing Company,
For sale by
Mr. altitude toward
the South when the war with
Spain broke out infused
Into his purely abstract
of enthusiasm. for
more than thirty years; mis
persistently by the
ex-Confederates with their
noisy announcements
which had long con-
the hearts of all
men; anxious for an
to demonstrate the loyalty
they fell in ever fiber, they hailed
Mr. recognition of
genuine patriotism with a
gratitude which soon deepened
and sincere affection.
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will soil anything in this line very low. See us when in want of
and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Valves, Check Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam flanges, Hancock
U. S. Injectors, flange Cooks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Fitting all sizes.
LINK OP Packing, Bolt,
Holt, heal her Belt, Belt Belt Hooks, Sic
Died From Water.
A South Carolina named
Charles who was
out a term on the
gang, died after
a week's work the roads.
He was very hot and when the
water carrier came on his rounds
drank six cups of water.
A short time afterward he was
taken violently ill, died.
No. a,
N. C.
Annex, H. Sept.
J. W. Marrow and Miss
Marrow, of Willow Greene, spent
Tuesday night m town.
Bounds, i in
town bra few
Misses and Delia
went to
II. P. and Tom
of spent
Tuesday night with their sister,
Mrs. C. I. Tyson.
T. Smith to Souse Tues-
John Button went lo Greenville
, Cox is attending Court at
Misses Una and Harris rallied to the
flag to a matter of know-
.,,, at
Hiss Kate Brown of Kinston, j this time. demonstration was
was in Wednesday. therefore,
Cox returned Tuesday dully impressive. But Southern
night from American men will never forget that Mr.
understood them, and to
David of Richmond, I properly appraise their grief over
I was here bis tragic and untimely death one
T. weal lo must the effect of that
I magnanimous act a sensitive
Hally of Parmele, proud people. Theirs is a
Wednesday town. The
O. J. Cherry down country may
Parmele Wednesday night. I mean all more than they pro-
Miss Mamie Buck is quite sick few.
with fever. That this recognition of the
We are sorry to say that Prof, perfect and enduring toy-
Manning's condition is no Letter, ally may stand for all time
will our hope and prayer. That
lo improve. I loyalty has a fact
We wished for rain, and our more a quarter
wish baa gratified.
A of the Huston
Transcript, evidently a lawyer, re
to of
inability, II is an Inter-
that the Con federates
in their provisional Constitution
that was
missing In the United States Con-
of which heirs was large-
a literal copy. Article II, sec
lion I, paragraph I read; N
of tho removal of President
from office or bis death,
or Inability to
Dowers and duties of office
Inability shall be
vole of two-thirds of
same shall
etc. With exception of the
parenthesis, paragraph is ex-
the same as correspond-
one in the States Con-
Ii fuel that
when the Confederates prepared
their Constitution
thesis The
may been due to haste
Chill ran sad
i Cars lb r
no pay, .,
of a century. It has endured
against doubt; against Insulting
by political
of both sections;
despite and lack of
have held haughtily aloof
from the maudlin love-feasts of the
demagogues. They have refused
to parade as examples, or
lo swell the tawdry triumphs of
more tawdry and it
Is now pride that Mr.
keen insight pierced alike
I heir own sensitive reserve and the
vulgar claptrap of the politicians.
They loyal to and
their Hag, and is a wise
dent who takes this fact to heart
against the day of trial which is
Readers and
Advertising has to be to
Important a of daily news-
paper iii the eyes of reading
public that The Chicago Times-
Herald it is doubt-
if an American daily newspaper
refuse to carry ad-
could secure any bold on
tho people. The great majority of
leaders the advertising col-
. interesting and profitable.