Eastern reflector, 13 September 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Lawyers In Chicago.
The Chicago Tribune estimates
income of the
Chicago at a year. If
this average income were evenly
distributed it would be little
enough, but when we consider that
out of the total amount to lie
some lawyers take
large number a still
larger number 20.000 the
Of the average lawyer most lie
Hats Shirts, Pants, Hardware cu, down to am a year. This is
an unskilled workman
would earn if he has work.
X ; and much less than a skilled me
would HI under ordinary
circumstances. In the legal
and medical professions the sons of
well to-do parents constitute quite
a large proportion of poorer
I paid members of the legal
A fairly successful business
man who society has overlooked is
i often willing to sacrifice of
I money to place his son where so
can see him without depart
PAID IN THE lag from its accustomed haunts. A
young lawyer with little practice,
i whose drafts upon the old gentle
j man will be to the extent
I off a year may make a fair
Metal showing. A good many
young men who at society
find their prejudice against it fade
out in the light of its smiles. They
would rather enter a profession
Have You
Dry Dress Goods, Shoes
Come to see for your next Bar-el of Flour or Fork.
Yours to please-
Jas. White.
Loan Value.
Paid up
Extended that work automatically,
Is Son
i. Will be reinstated If arrears he paid mouth promise- social advancement
arc living, or within three after laps.-, upon satisfactory evidence ., occupation which from its
of paymentS of arrears with interest. j y
second No Restrictions. .-.
payable at the beginning of the second and of each a large but well defined sphere. So
succeeding year, provided the premium the current year lie paid.
may be To Premiums. or
To Increase the Insurance, or
. To make policy payable as during the lifetime
of insured.
The and retail jewel-
Cincinnati are to bare a float
in the great industrial parade in
that city on September and
have Mrs. W. N. Cox, of
Mason, O., to be of their
display. She will wear gems rained
New in-, of London, has
started a fine art quarterly the sub
price of which is a
number, or MM a year. It is
called The Ideal.
people who been
said to have the appetite
a canary will be shocked to
learn that the average canary eats
thirty two times his own weight
every month, or actually more than
his weight every day.
The town of has
but one saloon, which pays a
of for the exclusive
privilege of selling drinks. This
is used in building brick
sidewalks. The town baa no
policemen, but each Alderman,
the Mayor and the saloonkeeper
have police The only
official is the City Clerk, who
gets ft a year
John B. French, who has been
City Clerk of for forty
years, has just been re-elected.
He is eighty yens old. His father
was City Clerk for four years be-
fore died in office.
Notice of
The film of W. T.
Co., which has ban
of W. T. T.
Hooker and E. I'm ham. has
been The said T, T.
and S. T. Hooker will
continue the business at Liberty
Warehouse under the firm name
W. T. Co., and the
said W. T. and T.
Hooker arc now the owners of all
amounts due the old firm of W. T
Co., and will pay all
the outstanding claims against the
same. W. T. Lipscomb.
S. T.
July 1901.
Greenville. X. C.
None genuine
Red Cross is on
Don't take a Substitute
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
at forms of Malaria.
delightful to take.
three doers soot
sad lb palm
guaranteed pure. via
of ween.
The firm T.
Co., is now composed of T.
and S. T. Hooker, they
having purchased the entire inter-
est of B. E. in the business
We the undersigned desire to
our and customers
for their past patronage and to
state that we to do
business at the Liberty Ware
where we will always be
pleased to serve them. We are
fully prepared to protect the in
of all our customers and to
secure for them the highest prices
for tobacco.
W. T.
in good work and low prices
Nice Photographs ti per s-a.
Half Cabinets r
All other tines cheap. Crayon Portraits
nude Iron, any small picture cheap. Nice
Frames on hand all the lime. Come aid
examine my work. No trouble to show
simples and answer questions. The Tory
heat work to all. Office hour.
s to in., to p. m. Tours to please.
The having duly qualified
the -sup, nor court clerk of Pitt
as administrator of estate of
L notice is hereby
pun to all persons indebted to tin estate
to make immediate to the under-
signed, and all having
against the estate arc notified to the
same to the undersigned payment
within twelve months from the date of this
notice, or it will be plead in bar of recovery.
This 4th day of
of the Estate of Sarah I.
young will c to
doctors with the ex
of working twenty years
or so for a bare livelihood. There
i room at the top there
grades Mow the top where the
aids of professional work are
Francisco Bulletin.
Toil's Pills
After eat In k. persons of a bilious
will derive great benefit One
of puts. If j have been
they v-ill promptly relieve the
and which restore
the appetite and remove gloomy
s sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
have handled Dr.
ever since its first
hi the public and as a
medicine, and our trade In it has
steadily increased from year to year until
orders now to two or three
hundred gross per year, which is a very
strong It.- merit and the
faction it is giving to the mothers of the
country, for they that nothing so effect-
counteracts the the summer s
hot sun or overcome so quickly the
incident lo
Steamer leave
ton dally at A. M. for
ville. leave daily M U
M. for
steamer saves
Greenville Mondays,
and at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at carries freight only.
at with
Raw and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. B. Co. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line from
and Line from
Washington, N. G
J. J. Act.,
Greenville, N. V.
Literary. Classical. Industrial. Musical.
i-. n-s . t ; board In
members. Observation S. . . , ,
the dormitories all h made
open mU i
.-,. .
President D Bits
; .-. Ml IS ,
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation. Bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, insomnia. Jack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin.
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive system, Will Cure You.
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your will clear and
and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mother, seeking to give their lull SOBS.
and v. ill an Ideal h.-m- tot .
It teens their regular or u. U Me.
and makes a and hi an
Mr u mid in for
For Sale by
.,. u TUB
sly the MM
i -t t i
CO, N V . I
,,,. m any on i
t Ian a
A story is being told about
a ho its for many years
m the of
This was not WOO-
in the art of
and but
lie true scientist, as
In- as endowed a
be n aide off
hand the botanical name of any
plant that shown to him.
Borne of his employer's
In by hand
log of exotic
or other out but
never succeeded.
Now. was proud of
him, bill he vowed that be would,
dice least, bewilder
day, be summoned the garden-
and Inking from his pocket a
small paper package, in which be
bad previously placed some eggs of
dried he said to In
Here sonic curious seeds.
Call ii tell me what
course I can, replied
the gardener, after examining
them a moment or two lie gave
a moat impressive Latin
yen low
the painter, how long will it take
fur I hem to appear above
was reply.
said wish
you would sow them at once, for I
am curious to sec what kind
plant it
A fortnight later
desiring of this joke,
came to at the painter's
villa, and be hi i bust were
at table the presented
himself and gentle
men will me by stepping
into the I will show you
the pi mis that
The two him to
the conservatory, where he
ad out to them twelve odd looking
objects in a box lilted with freshly
watered brow n earth. They stoop
id lo examine them more closely,
and the next moment
shouts of laughter, for the
objects were the heads of
twelve red herrings. Raleigh
The estimated value of all farm
products of States for
was Should
the ever come, the South
could sell a present prices cotton
enough to reach this sum. Take
the value of the products of the
Booth to be
ed, it will, approximate the
value of nearly one-half of all the
Slates. There Is only per cent,
of the lands of the South improved.
Concede per cent, is
susceptible of improved,
the South could easily pro-
duce more than 3,000.000.000 of
agricultural products on M per
cent, of its territory without cm-
ploying any improved methods of
cultivation or and em-
ploying ignorant
lime out of forgotten
The prayer of the mailed letters
Mamie, dear; mop bandies
re not nude of oak.
The lawyer doesn't believe that
every is entitled to his
A man naturally feels cheap
be gives himself away.
man may have
says the Philosopher,
and still, when the occasion
be may kick like a
who live in glass houses
have a rocky road to travel.
The sou is a sort of
combination of black sheep
fatted calf.
Legal lovesick law
The ladder of fame comes high,
In these days it hard for a
man to get to the front without
Girls, t an
unless you are prepared for a fall
en idol.
The bureau has issued a
bulletin giving the number of per-
sons of school, militia and voting
ages in North Carolina, for the
sue year 1900.
North persons
school ace are practically all of
birth, the foreign born
of this class constituting
one per of the whole
in the State.
Colored persons of school age
constitute 114.0 per cent of the
whole number of persons of school
age comprise chiefly persons of
Males of voting age are
all of native birth, only six
tenths of one per cent. the whole
number of foreign
Among male-of voting age as a
whole, is u considerable pro-
portion of illiterates, the percent-
age 29.1. This somewhat
large percentage is due principally
to the presence males of
voting age a large of
illiterate of descent.
The are as follows
Children of school age,
of whom are foreign born,
colored, males and
Males of militia age, of
whom 1,340 arc and
Males of voting age. of
whom are foreign and
The Clerk of the Superior Court Pitt
county, having issued Letters of
to me, the undersigned, on the 2nd
if September, on the estate of
Joseph A. Dupree. decease., notice here-
by given lo all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to the
and to all creditors of said
relate lo present their claims, properly
to the within
twelve months alter the dale of
or this notice will be plead in bar of their
This the 2nd day of 1901.
on the estate of JOSEPH A. DUPREE.
T. C.
Fie always
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pill
county Issued Letters cf
lo me, the undersigned on the 9th
day of August, 1901, on the estate of Lynn
deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons to the estate to make
immediate payment to undersigned, and
to all of said estate to present
their claims properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months after
the date of this notice, or this notice will be
, in bar of their recovery.
This the of August, 1901.
Administrator of the eat ate of Tripp
Cotton Bagging and
on ,
goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
undersigned having been notified
by It. Bryan that he will not
lie able to hold the September term of Pitt
1901, all jurors who
h v been summoned for the first and
second weeks of said are hereby
fled not attend, but alt witnesses who
have been summoned all parties who
nave been been bound over to said
term arc hereby notified and required
to attend the term of said court
Monday, September, 1901. A new
will be drawn and for sad
term. This Aug. 19th, 1901.
W. Sheriff.
C Mi I E, court.
remedy that I
I tons i
cures recent long stand-
cases. The greatest
Has the hearty
endorsement leading
thorough trial. Cures per
cent, of the oases treated.
North c Pitt county in o
court be clerk.
II. i . Ford. Hums
l V Bill. N
The above named defendant cheater H, van
ill take notice that an action entitled
above has been commenced in the Superior
court of Pitt county, to sell a certain lot in
the Town of Bethel for partition. And
the said defendant will further take notice
that he Is required lo appear at the office of
the clerk of the Superior court of Pi county
on Friday Sept 20th, 1901, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said action,
tin plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint.
This August 1901. C-
clerk court.
JAMES, for
fill BROS.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers Broken
Stocks, Cotton, Grain
ions. Private W ires to New
Chicago and New
j. a. am,
-------DEALER IN-------
Also a nice Hard
J. B.
By virtue of decree of the Superior
Court of Pitt county, made on the 2nd day
of September 1901, in s certain special 00-
therein pending, entitled F. U.
James Beverly
therein pending,
lines Beverly Br
and others. I Monday October 7th,
u .
Wholesale retail Grocer
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Cotton Meed, Oil liar-
re's, Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
ids. Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
In fancy dim tug it's easy to pet Tables, Lounges, P.
lost in the
II I'll is than a good
many Mud
One ii have a
is hi in lull of coal.
Truth i- stranger than Action be-
cause It in so much more rare.
, I IN
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
and handlers of
Bagging, and Ban.
Correspondence and
and Gail A Ax
en, Key
A Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware. Tin and WoodeD
Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Beat Butter, Stand
ard Sewing and no
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for rush. Com
to see
Ill M
before the court house door in
sell l public sale to the highest bid-
for cash, the certain lot or parcel of
land situated in the town
described as In the plot
of said town as part of lot bounded
the North by street, on the East by
on the the lot form-
owned and used as Baptist
and on the West by the lot. and
being the home place of lbs late D.
Williamson, containing one fourth of
acre more or less.
This the th day of September, 1901.
Whichard, N.
Stock complete in every la
pm and as low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
to tie
Mr. John U. I in wry, Agent fur
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to to Its large number of
policy holders, and to public
generally, of North this com-
will now In this
stats from this dale will issue Its
splendid desirable policies, to all de-
siring the very beat insurance In the best
life insurance company in the world.
If the agent in your town has not
yet completed arrangements, address
Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
for i
once lo worn
r the
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Biz Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
It office. The Semi-
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or Tub
one year for 93.50 payable In ad-
The Eastern Reflector
For Dry Dress Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see Every day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. friends,
I am prepared to accommodate about Pan
visitors with board and room with all modern conveniences.
Fine view of Niagara River and the house.
Niagara Falls car passes door every minutes. nun
to exposition grounds. Take street car to
Auburn Avenue. Moderate rates. All correspondence will
receive prompt attention.
1285 Niagara Street, Buffalo, K. Y.
The Profit is Yours
The shortening season again shortens
We gladly sacrifice the profits
The chance is only if you will make an
early investigation. must be
poshed out to make room for our large fall
stock which is coming in.
Some Thin.,. That Make Life hardly
Worth to the Average
Head of the Household.
Consider the servant
Verily, it is not the men who go
forth grab railroads and
that cause the most worry in
the heart of
Nay, and neither is it the trust
nor the syndicate that a
man's job for him and his
wages in two, the
greatest bunch of sorrow.
Surely, the question is
the one that the gray
hairs and the wrinkles.
For the servant goes abroad in
the land, seeking what she may tie
the floor bill as high as the
ti and the Sugar Trust tie-
dividends every weak be-
cause she to much.
She more for a
two than the boss cook of a
taketh for all his men.
She the steak and she
in the roast when it fa
scorched to a hardwood finish.
She pie than no man can
eat and call his life his own.
And she casteth biscuits that
linger in bosom of the eater
And when to her,
that she refrain from wasting food
and that she cook better,
Telling her that it is longer
the fashion to burn meat and lo
provide building biscuit,
askance at him.
Yea, she at him with
the corner of eye, and she
at him.
And him to take him-
self unto the outside or she will
disarrange his countenance with a
rolling pin.
And he out with speed.
And that same day ho a
poem about lovely woman.
And in his heart if
the poet ever saw a cook.
Verily, it is greatly to be
and to be desired,
That time may yet come
when the and the
of women.
Will cease from following after
the false gods of literature, and
will their backs upon the de-
lights of the
And will no more read papers
upon the soul beauty of life,
their minds to
composing symphonies in coffee.
And lyrics in biscuits and bar-
j monies in steak.
I For then man, poor man, will
i not feel like unto a junk
shop when he hath bis
And life will not be one long
vista of bread and dis-
Yea, brethren, mankind needs
more cooks fewer
More artist with range, and
fewer articles the Inner con-
For what kind of an con
hath the man who bath
fed upon cold coffee and board
And hath flung from
the kitchen.
Verily, the servant question Is
the one that hath two miles
interrogation after It.
And there is no answer to
Baltimore American.
Our Hew
Fall Stock
is coming in and our store is a scene of beautiful goods,
The Ready lade Depart
is full With e Skirts. Jackets, Waists,
and Your
and all the
Ladies that
it. now the Northern Markets
will bring back the prettiest stock ever seen
stock of Dry Goods also has
many attractions for yon.
NOTABLE ASSASSINATIONS IN HIS- Ten the Maximum Penalty for
TORY. Buffalo Crime.
The of President Mi-
Friday at has
historians to recall similar
notable occurrences in the past.
We the following list in the
Julius March IS,
Thomas December
Albert I. Emperor of Germany
James I., of Scotland,
de Medici January
Our Stock of Shoes
complete la every way. We can your
your head, your parse. Come to sec us.
J. B.
Cardinal Maj
Blotto, March B,
Lord Dander, February lo,.
Bar of Murray. January
William, of Orange,
Henry HI. of by
Clement I, IMP.
IT. of France,
lac Ma it.
Sharp, My
III. of Sweden. March
Marat, by July
General at June
are the definitions in
law the crime committed in
Assault the degree
A poison who, with an intent
lo kill a being, or to com-
felony upon the person or
property of assaulted or of an-
Assaults another with a
loaded in. or any other dead-
weapon, it by any other means
force likely to produce
Administers to, or causes
lo be administered toot taken by
another, poison, or any other de-
or noxious things, so as
to endanger the life of such
Is guilty of assault in the first
Assault in the degree
in the first degree is
punishable by for
not than five nor more
ten Time.
A Chicago shut a door
i be day In such a way as to
ire hand, whereupon
she applied for a divorce upon the
ground of cruelty Judge
of u Chicago court, granted
It within ten minutes. The
of causes divorce in Amer-
i one for their multi-
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will sell anything in this line very low. See when it. want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Fitting nil sizes.
LINE OF Packing, Rubber Bolt,
Belt, leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks, Ac.
We arc bragging a good
Paul Gear Bustle, today of our progress as com-
I pared with but other
Perceval, premier, by lions, Including wicked France, re-
May II, 1818. the marriage tic more
March I than does. The divorce
of one year show that in
February the United State divorces
wire Franco in
Charles HI., Doha of Far ma j Germany in in
March 1884, died Match
April dUd April
Michael, Prince of
lo 1888.
j for Standard Patterns.
England Observer.
A. D.
North Carolina Conference,
bis birthday on
I s-a . a
received a mes-
1870, died December
Karl of Mayo, Governor General
of India, February
Sultan Abdul
sage of from which
elated more than we can express.
OBI wish is that Ins useful Hie
may be spared many years, and
that he may bare before him a
number of happy birthdays.
That the sunset may be bright
There are more women in the
medical profession this country
proportion to than
anywhere else in the The
first was Elizabeth Blackwell, who
received her diploma In 1849.
In 1889 there In
In 1898 there were
and now there are about
and Drain TO
Garland Cook Stoves.
ill .,.
Alexander C u of owe to lie the golden
March 1881. to that world where there
James by July or sorrows, but
died and love
Lord Cavendish and T. abide eternally.
May j Advocate.
President of
Lyons, June UM
N. C.
King of Italy, July W,
Any tramp will loll yen that a
dog iii the manger Is worth two
the yard.
B of the state papers hi
present are noting the fact that
are not happy.
We notice none of them are mads
no miserable by money that
go bail, to heal
Charlotte News.

M. C.
O. J. Ed. Owner
-tat the Port st
N. C, M
Since the chances are becoming
favorable to the recovery of the
President, the penalty that can be
pronounced the assassin is
being discussed. A clipping from
the Richmond Times published
elsewhere, that the maximum
punishment for the crime is ten
years imprisonment. This is the
punishment for assault in the first
degree or with intent to
kill. far as people go the law
is no respecter of persons, but a
crime like this at Buffalo ought to
be considered an offense against
the government and the penalty
ought to be death. If there are
no laws make the punishment of
such cases meet the of
justice, then such laws should be
enacted without delay. An at-
tempt lo kill the President, or to
kill the Governor of Suite should
be regarded as a higher crime
if against a person not high
and should
be made to fit the crime.
Ten Cent go.
It takes a good knowledge of
tobacco and plenty of hard work
for a warehouseman to have a
pounds sale and bring
average, even scrap, up
to through. However,
it has been done right here on the
floor of the Liberty Warehouse,
and the cold figures bear it out.
On of last week the Lib-
sold pounds for
060.29, on Monday of this week
pounds for and
on yesterday pounds for
These sales be
beat by any warehouse in the Slate.
The fact is there is not a better
equipped any
market W. T. Lipscomb. He
knows what tobacco is worth and
he sets the price on every pile to
which buyers must come or
they don't get it. To prove this.
he buys at least of what
is sold at the Liberty rather than
let it be sold under value. The
warehouseman who runs sales like
that is going to please the farmer,
that is why the Liberty leads
the market.
Number of Made
Sept Oat
bus Bureau today issued a
statement ascertain-
of the cotton of
1900 and also gave a statement
comparing the production of that
year with of 1809.
The statement that in 1900
there were produced
commercial bales as against
commercial bales in ISM, The
showing by States is as follows in
Indian Territory
South Carolina
increase in the mini crop
over that of 1899 was com
bales being
pound bales.
W. K. regrets
he was born rich, as he
definite lo strive for. He can
around that mighty easy In
dividing his money out ml then
striking out lo for himself.
how it is, the
ties are that be would change his
Bind not think it a bad
thing to be born rich at
D. Sept.
The terrible calamity which has
befallen President has
been almost the sole topic of con-
in Washington since Fri-
day night. The news came inst as
people employed in the department
were home to and
just the shops closed for the
night. There were hundreds of
people who did not go home to din-
at all. They stood about in
front of the bulletin boards watch-
for the latest report and dis-
cussing the news. The three great
newspaper the Times, the
Post and the Star, all occupy
buildings on Pennsylvania avenue
within about four blocks of each
other, that part of the great
thoroughfare was black with
To one standing front of
the Treasury and toward
the Capital it might have seemed
that an actual shadow had fallen
across the pathway which has been
twice traversed by
his way to take the oath
inauguration. These crowds
were not mere curiosity impelled
sensation hunters. They felt a sense
of for there
has DO more popular
dent in the White house since its
erection than Mr. has
been so far as his private character
is concerned. His enemies are
made by his public acts and the
party lo which he his;
friends are found in bill
The lesson taught by this tragic
was pointed out immediate-
As one energetic person put
it, in discussing the bulletin.
meant up the;
While to the masses of;
the people the tragedy was i
petted unaccountable, it
not so to many astute of
public events this city else-
where. The assassinations of the
Empress Elisabeth of King
Humbert foreshadowed only too
plainly the selection of another
victim the near future, and the
States, as yet untouched
by Anarchistic plots of this
was the field most likely to be
for the next coup.
dent owed his
tune to the fact that he happened
to be President at this particular
time, not lo whatever
that he may hare done.
This is since it re-
all his antagonists from the
tearful odium of having suggested
or encouraged any crazy fanatic to
commit such a crime. The matter
bad been carefully arranged and
planned by a society of Anarchists,
the man selected to the deed
calmly did as he was told. The
is, how such things can
be prevented la the future. It is
futile lo expect to prevent them
by guarding all public men. The
network of police iii dote
not protect the There is
way of shutting out immigrants j
which will nullify
danger. The suggest ion of a morn-
paper the day alter the event,
that restriction of Immigration is
the lesson which it teaches, became
absurd when it was found that the
was born this country, i
The remedy to be strict j
lice supervision of such dangerous
societies. They are against the
law, as mil as
or a murder club would
fact, they are murder clubs. They
should other to hold
their meetings in public, with the
understanding that incendiary
speeches will net lie tolerated, or
they should suppressed and de-
ported. It will not do lo tolerate
such epidemics, any more to
let small pox remain
Mr. A. A. Assistant Sec
rotary of Stale, Ins gotten himself
Into a little very hot water. He
wrote a letter to Director -General
Buchanan of tho Pan American
exposition advising not lo
rite the Doha and of
Cornwall and York In come to the
exposition. The letter was per
ml and and intended
to save embarrassment to every-
body. Mr. in his official
petition, was aware the fact
that the Duke and Duchess would
not leave Canada on their lour,
that they had dot-lined all
foreign minifies, arid that
they would either have to decline
this one or be obliged to ignore it,
Under more favorable conditions than ever before in
past history. We have larger and better facilities for handling
tobacco than ever before and a larger number of good buyers
who have orders for every grade of tobacco grown. Greenville
is your market and the
Farmers Warehouse Headquarters
for highest market prices at all times, and clever,
treatment at the hands of every one connected with the Farm-
I am in in do business than ever before, and if
and the best prices will get it I am going to have your
tobacco. I appeal to no passion or prejudice but upon
the bed rook truth and merit I rest my claim your pat-
I ask you this year to give me a chance and I will
take care of the balance. I have been running a
on this market nearly years and I think I know how to sell
your tobacco. I have with me a corps of thoroughly
tent, reliable and courteous assistants, who will use every
honorable means to advance your interest. When you come
to Greenville I ask you especially to come around and see me
whether you bring tobacco or not. A hearty, princely welcome
always awaits you at the Farmers.
Greenville, N. C.
. Prop. Farmers- Warehouse.
neither of which would lie very; QUESTION IN REGARD TO
pleasant for them or for Mr. j PRESIDENT
The diplomatic circle of
has talked about the, Washington. Sept. P.-In I,
letter more or less, and the gen eve, ,,,,
opinion seemed to be that Mr., his .
should not have written ,,, hr , Um Q M
even in an entirely personal o
unofficial way. Such are Iron- whether he is in
ties of kind hearted people Mai. Inquiries made at the gov-
want lo do some good in the world. departments
-oped that the matter had never
DIED. been settled. The constitution
Monday afternoon about provides that the Vice-President
o'clock, at her home near f of he
creek, Miss Sallie died of dent's inability, but does not say
typhoid fever. Until to be determined
weeks ago she and her brother or determine it. The
lived together. He was taken with opportunity for a
fever and she nursed him faith- Horded during the illness
fully until he died. A week later President from July
she was taken with the fever and 1881, the day on which he was
died yesterday. was down by till
following when be died.
,, .,., , Mr. Andrew H. Allen, chief of the
Mr. Manning, the young . , . . , ,
B bureau of rolls and library of
State Department, in whose
arc the official copies of most of
documents requiring the
who dislocated his spinal col
while swimming
creek several Sundays ago, died in
the hospital at last week.
of had occasion
while Held was dying and sub-
Court. investigate this mat.
Mayor W. H. Long has disposed and he was unable lo that
of the cases bis court duties of any President the
last States had ever been
It. O. permitting horse gated lo Vice President or any
to run at large on streets, fined other person.
one penny costs, 11.90. There Is not a official document
F. float drunk down, Ike files the State Department
lined costs, 4.10.
William Russell, riotous dis-
orderly conduct and assault, lined
penny costs
Pippin, riotous
for the period between July
and September ism bearing
the signature of
During that time General Outfield
bis name only once a far
conduct, assault and using it ran lie ascertained here, and
language calculated to on I that to autograph letter to his
lined costs, 13.30.
M. I. Starkey and Alex
aged mother.
The law, passed by
riotous and disorderly conduct and in alter
assault with deadly weapon, bound
over to Superior Court.
Bill Allen and J. A. Dudley,
riotous disorderly
await, lined mid costs, 13.35.
the death of Vice Head-
ricks, does in dispose of
1.111 be determined
or by whole, whether a President
of the States is unable to
perform the duties of his official
Applies M and Counties; position. The matter
ed at greet length by the principal
decision was ever
reached In regard to it.
of the Stale.
The s about Ashen lie
should supply the city market with
all can use of what they can pro-
duce, but they do not do Near-
all hay ii-i-ii here is
fellow who laughs and grows
from a distance; so with fat usually Hods that laugh is
even poultry, most of tho beef,
lamb and pork is imported from
out the or the Slate
This fa rot as it I be.
farmers of the county could profit
ably make a close investigation
the market and learn
to their future advantage.-
The of the
danger of
in the Increase In toe death
during Yea cannot
be too careful, and particular
paid to A supply of Pain-
Killer lie at for It can
be mall Ma, aura and
A will care any or-
teas. Avoid la
but one rain-Killer, Perry Price
Winterville Department.
N. C, Sept.
That was an excellent talk by
Prof. Lineberry Foreign Mis-
in the Baptist last
Sunday night.
Mrs. Fred Dawson, of Pollocks-
wile, who has been visiting her
mother, Mrs. Sallie of this
place, returned home yesterday
Mrs. Jackson, of
came up Sunday lo spend some
time with her daughter, Mrs. A.
Mrs. Lafayette Cox, from near
spent Monday with the
Misses Wesson.
Owing the absence of the reg-
organist, Miss Nannie
Wood, last Sunday, Miss Helen
Galloway presided at the organ
during school services.
M. and family,
who have been visiting at Grain-
returned Tuesday morning.
Two new charming
little Miss at Harrington's
and a wee, fascinating damsel at
Still we
Charles Harper wife, of
Black Jack, came up Monday
evening to see Mr. Mrs. G. It.
Dixon, who are quite sick.
Mrs. Simon after spend-
a couple of weeks with her
parents in returned
Monday evening. She was ac-
companied by her sister. Bliss
Rosa Alice Hemby, who will spend
some time visiting here.
John Overton with h's little son,
from near Stokes, spent part of
Monday and Tuesday here visiting
his daughter, Mrs. High-
Prof. W. H. Henry
Sheppard Henry, Jr., were
here a short while after-
Elder Fred and his
father, who went to Atlanta last
came home Monday.
K. F. left yesterday
for he accepts a
position as Professor in deaf,
dumb and blind asylum.
Last Fridays. left
for Va., lo visit his
Clifton Dupree and wife, of New
Bern, who have been on a visit to
J. W. Sparks for several days, left
for home Monday evening.
Mrs. Proctor came up from
last Sunday and spent
the day with Mrs. L. L
Before leaving, however, she
placed one her daughters, as a
student, tho Winterville High
Miss Wood was visit-
the of Mr. Sum Mum-
ford last Saturday Sunday.
Prof. G. E. and Miss
Dora Cox were over Greene
county visiting Saturday and
Miss Kilt roll spent Mon-
day night w It
Misses Dora Cox at-
tended church at Ayden Monday
Mrs. Annie Ange, who has been
visiting her father, near here, for
days, returned to Bowden,
her home, Monday.
And that is the reason the old Greenville Warehouse it
selling so much tobacco. We get the highest price for every
pile sold on our floor. The farmers see this, and appreciating
work do for them they bring us their tobacco.
We treat all alike, get the best price every time. Bring
next load to the Greenville and we will show yon
the truth of this. We hare every accommodation for and
your team. a
We are independent of
Warehouse Trusts.
J. C.
B. S.
The North
Securing the highest rate of interest consistent with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low death rate, resulting from a careful selection of and
limiting its business to the United States
It will be to your interest to see what we do for yon before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for Agents in North Carolina.
T. ARCHIBALD CARY, General Agent.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, V.
Found Dead.
Wednesday Mrs. Jane
was found dead in bed at
her home in township.
She was years old and widow
of the late Mr. W. M
Mrs. was in Greenville
Monday and Tuesday visiting her
daughter, Mrs. D. W.
doing some chopping. Among her
purchases was a dress which
she said, casually, she was going
to have made to be bulled lo.
Mrs. returned home
evening and at night her
daughter, Mrs. M. Cox and Mr.
went to see her and remained
u past o'clock talking over
some matters. Not com-
out of her room as this
morning some of her grandchild-
went to awake her and
that was dead.
Besides the two mentioned above
Mrs. leaves three other
children, W. K.
Mrs. John Tucker and Mrs. Pam
Doth to Anarchy.
Buffalo, IT, Y.,
J. Bryan today telegraphed
the Times as
Free governments may be over-
thrown but they cannot be reform-
ed by those who violate the com-
shalt not
Under a Government like ours
every wrong can be by
laws and the laws are in the hands
of the people themselves. An-
can neither excused nor
tolerated here. The man who pro-
poses to right a wrong by
taking the life of a human being
makes himself an outlaw and can-
not consistently appeal to the pro-
of the Government which
he repudiates. He Invites a re-
turn to a state of barbarism in
which each one must at his own
risk defend his own rights and
avenge his own wrongs. The pun-
administered to the
would-be assassin and to his co-con
spiral his, if he has any, should be
such as to all inclined to an-
that while this is an
for those who love liberty, it Is an
inhospitable place for those who
raise their hands against any forms
of government.
Tho increase of is
really alarming. a certain
we counted youths,
and nearly as many white boys who
seemed to have nothing to do but
smoke cigarettes, play marbles
watch rains. Some of these were
bright, intelligent looking lads
should have been at home at
so early an Perhaps their
mothers bad done as a mother in
the waiting room said she
my boy Only
and We
one of
mother don't care where I
The latest novelty in way of
social functions in Missouri Is
With each
a card Is sent requesting
recipient to some kind
of cake. The efforts of the guests
to rig themselves up In the guise
of angel cake, gingerbread, cookies,
layer cake, etc., are said to be
am using us they art ingenious.
Did It Ever Occur to You a
Perry on Ilia and
of the ringer applied once or to a
would counteract tin
will also con and of
wall an
He lo upon wrapper on
each bottle. there la
one Pain-Killer, Perry Piles
N. C, Sept.
There was an entertainment
C. Monday night
which consisted of moving
Quite large crowd pres-
and all seemed to enjoy It.
Miss Annie Smith returned to
Bethel Monday.
Misses Cornelia Daisy Mun-
ford were in town Sunday.
Miss Annie L. Smith has gone
to Baltimore to purchase her fall
Mrs. Will Edwards is visiting in
Greene county.
Jim Keel, of after
spending a few days here, left
Monday for Greenville where he
has accepted a position as clerk
with J. B. White.
Jesse Cannon is quite sick. Our
best wishes for his recovery.
W. H. Tucker and wife left
Monday to visit relatives near
Nannie Cooper, of Wash-
who has bean visiting Mrs.
John Hines took Use train Monday
for Greenville.
M. Fisher, of Washington,
spent Monday night in town.
J. H. Cobb and family of Stan-
were in town Sunday.
F. G went to Winter-
ville Monday.
Will Edwards left Monday for
Gen. W. Turner, of Norfolk,
In town Monday night.
John Ross has been right sick for
several days.
Bryant U. Pate, of Apex, spent
Monday in town.
We regret to state that Prof.
Manning Is real sick. His nun
ons friends hope that he will
be convalescent.
Hugh Brooks, formerly, of this
but new of Parade, spent
Monday eight in town.
The of students at C. C.
College continues to increase.
W. R. Harris came down from
Friday and returned Mon-
The merry chime of Wedding
bells will soon be heard In
Mrs. B. Parker who has been
spending some time at Smith Hold
left this for her home,
near Falkland.
R. C. Cannon went to Greenville
F. W. of Willow
Green, spent last in town.
Geo. of was
here last night.
Mm. Beetle returned
home from Greenville last night.
I law On
Keep an eye on my store for tho newest and best all kinds of
I will lead in the styles.
If t here is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
Eastern for
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope yon will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
The American Tobacco Company
is building a annex
feet to its factory here to be used
for storage room. Mr.
of Suffolk, is in charge
of the. work.
received Fruit
Get school supplies at The
Reflector Book
The special term of court will
begin next Monday and continue
one week.
If yon want cards or invitations
engraved bring orders to
Rev. J. N. Booth will preach at
Forbes school house on Sunday,
14th, at o'clock p. m.
The Daughters the
are preparing for a novel en-
at an early day.
When yon come in to court next
week be sure to call on The Re-
We will plenty
receipts to trade for cash.
M. D. Higgs is now north
selecting new millinery for fall
winter. She will have a beam if
line to show on her return.
Queen Liles are opening a dry
goods and notion auction house in
the store in Hi alto block form-
occupied by the Greenville
Supply Co.
We learn that some horses have
died in the northern section of the
county and others are sick.
the Hyde county epidemic is
reaching here.
ear mark for stock
swallow fork in right slit in
been duly registered,
and I hereby forbid all persons
from using said mark.
Rent and Sale
I will rout my farm, four miles
north of Greenville and one mile
from House station, for the year
with privilege of five years.
About Nov. 1st I will sell all
farm implements, gin, engine,
thresher, grist mill, carts, wagons,
horses, males, hogs, cattle, corn,
fodder and hay on said farm.
Parties wishing to examine the
farm or equipment can call any
time and do so.
Big Salt Continue.
This week Is no exception in large
tobacco sales. The prices continue
good are hurrying It
We have heard that
some farmers have already sold
their entire crop. If this Is so the
selling season is going to be very
short. The crop is smaller this
year than last and the big breaks
will won exhaust it.
On Saturday Mr. J. R.
of township, brought The
Reflector a peck basket of
that are as fine fall apples as
we ever saw raised in section.
Mr. special attention
to fruit culture and raises the best.
The Greenville Warehouse had
such a large sale Monday that
had to be turned away, there
not being room for any more to-
on the floor, are
always good at the Greenville and
farmers appreciate the work
Evans Co. do for
Celebrated the Deed.
Pa., Sept.
hundred Italian anarchists
today at Hollow, a
mining hamlet across
River from Buena Vista.
Beer, whiskey, speeches, songs and
praises for were the order
of the This one of the
est anarchist groups the
From Five
At the Farmers Warehouse Wed-
there was from
every section contiguous to the
Greenville market. Five counties
were represented on the Moor and
seller pleased with every
prices. stands right up
every pile sold at the Farmers
makes it bring full value.
Killed Himself Accidentally.
Noah Woody, one of the firm of
of Andrews Company, at Pee
Creek, Ashe county,
shot and killed himself on last
Thursday He and a
were examining a pistol, at
tho store, it fired, taking
in his heart. He died
He was about years
old and a young man.
Dwelling Burned.
Mr. H. W. Dunn, who lives
at what is known as the old Peter
homestead, six miles from
came to town Monday
morning. While here a
came alter him to tell him
that his house had been destroyed
by fire. We could learn no
how the fire originated,
nor the extent of the loss. Mr.
Dunn left at once for home. The
house belonged to Mr. A. J. Ont-
of Greenville, and was
Some Speak to Me. Some to You.
Monday, , 1901.
Harry Skinner left this morning
for Norfolk.
J. W. Perkins left this morning
for Pine Level.
W. E.
day evening from
Miss Mamie of Ayden,
is visiting Miss Martha
Harry Skinner, Jr., left this
morning for the State University.
Mies Nell Skinner left this morn
for Baltimore to attend school.
J. I. Gillis, of Norfolk, came in
Saturday evening and left this
Mrs. V. H. Whichard returned
Saturday evening from a visit in
the country.
Mrs. H. H. returned
Saturday evening from a visit to
Ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis left this
for Raleigh to attend the
Supreme court.
Miss Lola Duke, of Raleigh,
rived Saturday evening to visit
Mrs. E. H. Thomas.
Mrs. C. F. Manning left this
morning for Baltimore for treat-
in hospital.
of are visiting
Mm. W. H. Harrington.
Mrs. H. A. and
little son, Tommie, returned Sat-
evening from
Miss Maud Nixon, of Raleigh,
has taken a position as
in the insurance office of A.
Mrs. W. T. and little
son, Jack, went to Kinston
day evening and returned this
Miss Cora Fields, of
who has been visiting Miss Clara
Bruce Forbes, returned home Sat-
Tuesday. 1901.
Mrs. Henry T. is quite
W. C.
was here today.
Rev. F. A. Bishop returned
Monday evening Wilson.
Dr. E. A. went to
last night and returned this
Miss Nina James left this morn-
for College, at Greens-
J. C. returned Mon-
day evening from a trip up the
Miss Jennie Congleton left this
for Raleigh to attend
G. Latham,, of
has come here to engage in market
Mrs. O. M. Tinker, of Norfolk,
who has visiting Mrs. H. C.
Ormond, home today.
E. B. has moved
his family from to Green-
ville and occupies t he Bright house.
Willie of Goldsboro, who
has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. O.
D. left Monday evening.
M. I. Fleming, A. J. Moore, T.
J. Moore Charlie James left
this morning for the University at
Chapel Hill.
Mrs. Warren and child
came in Monday evening from
to join Warren, who
makes his home here.
Misses Bertha Patrick, Mary
Higgs, Myra. Moore, Cobb.
Lizzie and Lottie Blow
left this morning for Peace
at Raleigh.
Wednesday, Sept. 1901.
Gus Forbes returned this morn-
from Kinston.
Jesse left this
for Kinston and Wilson.
J. J. Cherry, Jr., came in Tues-
day from Norfolk.
Arch Forbes returned Tuesday
evening from Rocky Mount.
J. L. of Winston, came
in Tuesday evening and left this
Mrs. J. S. Smith and Miss Lela
Cherry returned Tuesday evening
from Washington City.
Mrs. Bettie of Ayden,
who has been here,
ed home Tuesday evening.
Miss Sallie of Tarboro,
who has been visiting Mrs. W. L.
Brown, returned home this morn-
W. M. Lang, of Farmville, took
the train here this morning for
Morganton to carry his little girl
to tho deaf and dumb school.
Mill and Factory Sale
From Factory to Consumer, No middle mans profitS
worth choice goods,
t at prices.
Clothing, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
to and Suits, Price S
Mens Clothing,
and Suits, Price
I r.
-is nil
Odd Coats.
and to Coats
and IS
and OS
Boys Knee Pants.
Mens Pants.
and Pants, now
and I
T.-i and
and W and II kind, I lo now H
and w
and add J W
These prices for cash
No goods charged at these prices.
lo Shirts now and l kind now
to to and and
to full line . l i now going at and
to biggest value ever and
i Window Shade.
STEEL ROD m hats for COLORS.
ED . price
to Stock on
price in list see ill price
Bought Enough Goods For Ten Small Stores.
Clocks and
watches DOW
I, DAl
I All all kinds, nil quality,
at immense stock. to
see us and brine
i Silks-1997 Yard.
From I lie cheapest to the best
All qualities. Don't fail to
ore of l lie choice patterns.
Ladies Muslin Underwear
Heady to wear. Ask our saleslady In
to to you. Chemise, Drawers,
at less than cost of material.
All Linen Damask
Worth and now
Carpets, Matting-, Floor C
Biggest line town. All kinds.
Leather Couches, quality
Oak Is Styles
Bookers. Mall Backs, Cribs, Carriages, Gel prices,
The cheapen best line
have ever had. Special value
from to
Others -ell cheap calico.
he colors. They will run out be-
fore you leave
ft Children Hosiery.
Al colon and prices,
reef from the mills. This is a rare
for ladies to get a
good bargain.
The Loom.
Barker's Mills,
I without ticket, yard
C. T.
The Big Store
N. C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
tor your next BuM or Pork.
I ; Tours to please-
las. B. White.
benefit lift mm. lit
up Insurance,
Insurance that works automatically,
Will re-instated if arrears lie paid month while you
are living, or years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions.
are payable at the beginning of the second and f each
provided the premium for the current year be paid.
may be To reduce Premium, or
during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville. X. C.
None genuine unless
Red Cross is on label
Don't take a Substitute
for Chills. Fevers,
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
Classical, Scientific. Industrial. Pedagogical. Misled.
Annual t. C r Stale Faculty of
raid School pupil. board in
tho nil free should be mail- lath.
opens lath.
Invited from impotent and stenographers.
other Information ml
Greensboro, N C
In accordance with a resolution
at the recent meeting State
Alliance authorizing the
appointment of a committee to is-
sue an address, to the cotton
and others interested
better prices for cotton
teed, this committee met Tuesday
the city of and author-
the following
N. C, Aug. 1901.
To the Cotton Farmers and
North Carolina,
letter is is-
sued for the purpose of
in you an interest in and
of the value or the cotton
seed crop this coming season.
As is well known, the corn crop
the aura growing States is
in fact, it is short in most sections
of the States. We all
know that a short crop means
higher priced corn, which turn
means higher priced hogs, cattle,
, and for their products. As
these products price,
such as compound lard
take their places. These
substitutes contain cotton seed oil,
hence the demand for that will
probably be greater than ever be
fore, higher prices.
feeders of the West will
have to some other feed
for corn, us cotton seed meal
has proven to lie than corn
for this purpose, it is but natural
that they will largely substitute
cotton seed meal for corn
season. consequence
of these demands cotton seed meal
oil will both bring higher
prices than heretofore. This being
true cotton seed also should
higher prices than they have been
selling for.
Wit bin the past few months a
syndicate has been taking options
mi oil mills, and now. it is report
. they own more than per cent j
of the mills in the South, or its
equivalent in out-put. The
Oil Company. is
claimed, owns forty per so
less per
out put. according to
are independent mills.
From recent occurrences it is
probable oil com
panics, controlling over per
cent, of the cotton seed oil products
of South, may combine or have
an understanding as prices
lo lie paid for cotton seed. The
situation is such that, in our
ion, the farmers should take some
action to protect themselves and
have some voice in naming the
own products will sell
for. This can lies lie done by co-
operation in selling, which can be
accomplished. The cotton seed
crop of Carolina will pro-
at estimate,
bushels. Of crop
bushels will probably lie sold.
If by of the farmers
Hie price can be advanced cents
M bushel, it will give to the
cut ton farmers of the
more for crop they
other-wise would get, but concert
of action will be necessary to ob-
n the desired results. It is to
be Imped that the farmers in all
the cotton growing Stales will take
similar action. To that end this
Idler will be sent to every South-
State, success may
We deem of enough
, Raleigh, N. C, Sept.
The sensation of the week was
the serving of papers on the
Commission for a writ of
mandamus, to be heard before
Judge here on
23rd, to compel the
to the tangible and
intangible property railroads
for taxation during present
year. The act ion is brought by
Senator Ward of Washington
made some reputation in
the last Legislature by bis activity
along the same lines, as
for Sheriff of that county.
The appearance of an advertise-
in a State paper offering the
Western X. C. for sale at
auction on October under ex-
from Superior
Court, was another sensation
week. The sale is advertised by
Overman, Long and Avery,
counsel for the widows of engineer
James and Howard, who
were killed in a railroad
and who obtained judgments sonic
time ago aggregating
against the Western K. C.
Southern Railway, which
holds a lease the road.
Counsel for the
latter will ignore proceeding
because the sale would not lie valid,
but the counsel declare
it will be regular and
they will find a purchaser.
The shooting of President
by a red-month anarchist
of the same stripe as him who re-
murdered King of Italy
was received with greatest in-
here, at the same
with the sincere sympathy of
all classes and conditions of people
So Tired
It may be from overwork, bat
the chance are Ha from la
active ,
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountain of labor
It adds a hundred per cant to
earning capacity.
it can be kept la action
by, and only by
Tuft's Pills
bond issue voted on last month to
be defeated, by remaining away
from, the being necessary
for bonds to receive an actual
majority of all names on
registration books. Therefore,
while nearly voted for the
bonds and less than white men
against them, over voter did
not vote at all and the bonds lack-
ed of polling a majority of all
the votes that could bare been
Trouble with the school-book
continues on at-
of the lack of
they are required lo
in many counties the
costing more than
ever because postage has to be paid
on them from a distance. Super-
Toon is trying to remedy
Atlanta. Ga. Nor. Is,
We bare handled Dr.
ever since first in-
to public and trade a
and our trade In it has
increased from year lo year
our orders now amount to two or three
hundred groat per year, which a very
cm of merit and the
faction it i- riving to mothers of the
country, for they that nothing so effect-
counteract the effect of the
hot son or overcomes so quickly the
Incident to
If yon have tour stomach, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache,
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin,
any symptoms and disorders which tell story of bad bowels and an
impairs. digestive system, Will Cure Von.
will dean out the stimulate tho liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the purify your blood and put you
ken your again. Your appetite will your bowel move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your akin will clear and
and yon will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
, Mother to giro their tor
and similar troubles, will Meal far ,,,,,,. Y.- .
a or
I corn crop and high
prices have
for and bis family
nowhere in all country is the
outrage more genuinely
deplored in the South. It
high lime Ibis steps
lo suppress or deport every
in United States,
of the Golden
ind like, allowed to
hold open meetings at Patterson,
health of the
shot President
was in
meeting hour or two after the
awful Chicago and else-
where, should be effectively reach-
ed by the arm of the law, and
without delay. Liberty That is
not It is license, and
to minder the
chosen head of our county by for-
to that farmers
meet respective counties at
the court house on Saturday,
and select delegates lo
attend a Stale meeting to lie held
city of M
September SB. If it is deemed
advisable township meetings can
lie held earlier than September
each township or neighborhood can
aids tho
i y
II U and ink for it
For Salt by
mot only of f
i-m. at .
III to arty i ,
It, -MM It
mm. f-r
t . of your
op r. . I p.-
I along
made ibis a for
it is for
In say whether I hey will take
advantage of it or leave nil the
lions ti the seed oil mills.
may that they
will not them down. In
lo your own interests yon
should forward offer to
share profits with the mill
This is to every
cotton farmer in the
Stale, from least largest.
Let them nil co operate. Let no
excuse keep you
from the meetings.
T. B. B. A.
interlopers who have little
j in lens appreciation
of our in of government,
would not anywhere
else on the face of civilized
A people in
appear ha on or re-
now are regret-
ting action allowing
A remedy that
cures recast and long stand-
log cases. The greatest blood
purifier known. the hearty
endorsement of
thorough Cures per
cent, of the cases treated. Price
I per tattle.
the trouble and have the books de-
posited in every county for sale.
Col. John pres-
North Carolina
co Association, calls a
meeting of be
held in during Fair week
about the or 24th of October.
As many tobacco growers as
can should attend. Col.
himself is largest to-
grower in United States
and is deeply interested in the
fare of interested in the same
Ex-Treasurer Worth's trustee
has made payment of all of the
stolen by his clerk Martin
except The latter sum
will soon be turned over to Treas-
Lacy. It has been a great
hardship to this honest old man
and every hopes he will yet
get most of it back out of
company that bonded Martin,
and which has refused to pay a
dollar, so far.
The State Board is now
purging the pension lists
in by the various counties. In
some counties from one third to
one half the names have
en out many eliminated in
most of the counties. Still
number of will be
this year than ever.
In speaking about compulsory
education Stale Labor Commission-
Varner the development
the movement is remarkable, as
replies from In.- report show.
lie expects it in five years. It
in the than in
the east. He says this is, lion ever,
because a majority of the white
people in of Start
where are numerous do
not want e.-roes educated at
all. In the western counties where
are few, this attracts no
J. W. ft CD.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Tics Bags.
and shipments
--------BUT A K t
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Far, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Carts, Parlor
soils, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Lam I lard and Gail Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Bleat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches,
Cotton Heed Meal and Hulls, Oar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Dried Apple, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Oaken and Crackers, Macs
Beat Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for Com
m m
I hare jolt three sooth of
Post Office, and the of all
guaranteed pore. Hew styles
of every week.
The leader in good wort and low
Nice sir Una.
Half Cabinets dozen
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made any small Mice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble lo show
samples and answer questions.
best work guaranteed to Office hours
a to a. m, to fin. -a. Yours to please,
The undersigned having duly qualified
before the court dart of Pitt
county administrator of the estate of
Sarah L. notice la hereby
given to all persons indebted to the, estate
to make immediate to under-
signed, sad all claims
against the estate an notified to the
same to the undersigned payment
within twelve months from the date of this
notice, or it will plead bar of recovery
This 4th day of September, 1901.
the Estate of Sarah L.
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, Greenville daily at IS
M. for Washington.
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
at A. M. carries freight only.
at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from
and Line from
Washington, B. C
Greenville, N. O.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county, Issued Letters of
lo me, undersigned, on the
day of September, 1901, on the estate of
A. Dupree, deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons Indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to the
undersigned, sad to all creditors of said
estate to present their claims, properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve months alter dale of this notice,
or this notice will be plead bar of their
y. Tina the 2nd day of Sept, 1901.
on estate of JOSEPH A.
Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
county having Issued Letters of
to me, the undersigned on the 9th
August, 1901, on the estate of Lynn
Tripp, deceased, notice hereby given to
all persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned, and
to all creditor of said estate to present
their el mi properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within months after
the date of notice, or I his notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
This the 9th day of 1901.
Administrator of estate of Tripp
The having been notified
by Judge Henry Bryan that he will not
be able to hold September term of
county Superior court, 1901, all jurors who
bar el-en for the first
second weeks of said term art hereby
not to attend, bat all witnesses who
hare been summoned and all parties who
have been been bound over to laid
term are hereby notified and required
to attend the special term of said court o
September, 1801. A new
jury will be drawn and summoned for d
special term. This Aug. lath, 1901.
D. C Moo HE, Clerk court.
Cotton Bagging and Pies
on has t
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and Near Orleans.
Pitt county la
our t before the clerk.
Hill AN
and others,
The above named defendant cheater D i van
will take notice that an action entitled
above has been commenced in the Superior
court of Pitt county, to a certain lot
the Town of Bethel for partition. And
will further lake notice
that be Is r-quired to appear at office of
the clerk of the Superior court of Pitt county
on Friday Sept. 20th, 1901, and answer or
lemur lo said action, or
the plaintiff will apply U court for the
relief In lbs complaint.
This August 1901. C.
clerk Superior court.
By virtue of decree of Superior
Court of county, made on 2nd day
of September 1901, in a certain special pro-
therein pending, entitled F. O.
James retails Beverly Brothers guardian
and others, I Monday October
1901, before the court house door In
ville, sell at public to highest bid-
for cash, the certain lot or parcel of
land situated In the town
described as in plot
if said as part of lot hounded on
the North by second street, on East by
Green on the the lot form-
owned and used Baptist parsonage
and or. the West by the lot, and
being the place late
Williamson, containing one fourth of an
acre mere or leas.
This the 4th day of September, 1901.
notice to
Mr. John General Agent for
north Carolina Virginia, of that Well
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
Desires to to Its large number of
policy and In public
generally of North this com-
will now Business la this
state and from this dale will issue
splendid and desirable policies, to all de-
siring very bast insurance the beat
Insurance company in world.
If the agent la your town has not
yet completed arrangements,
Stale Agent, Raleigh, N.
Paid policy 82,509,189.05
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once lo work for the
j. a.
------DEALER IN------
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B.
W. R. NO.,
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices a low tho
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
The Commoner
Editor A Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Biz Months
Three Months Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
office. The Semi-
Weekly and
will be together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 13.00 payable In ad-
The Eastern
A girl charge of two
small white bud them In a
baggy driving through Evans
street Thursday afternoon. The
street was crowded with vehicles
and the girl drove into and locked
wheels with it wagon. She seemed
ed to have idea about
and was noticed trying to back the
horse and clucking the animal
forward at the same time. The re-
was quite a mix up and a
row escape from accident.
Our Mew
Fall stock
For Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hats. Caps, Shoes, Trunks,
Boys and Clothing, Gents Furnishings; Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps. Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. Your friends,
Securing the highest rate of interest consistent with safety.
Rigid economy of management.
Low resulting from a careful selection of risks
limiting business to the United States.
It will be to your interest to see what we can do for yon before
placing your life insurance.
Good territory open for Agents in North Carolina.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.
The Profit is Yours
We call alt cut ion to the highly
showing made by Pres
Powell, of
read in the of the
Asheville yesterday
published in the Asheville
correspondence of The Observer
this morning. It shows a really
amazing amount of work done to-
ward the of the
purposes of the park
Such bard work has been done
still deserves The
association is now in need of funds
prosecute work and its call
for financial help should meet with
a liberal from all who are
interested having beautiful
mountain section of North Car-
South Carolina, Tennessee
and Georgia set off into a national
Sheriff Wallace,
burg, who has a good share
of hanging to do, does not mind
the job. He looks upon it as a
simple duty and he does it as such.
It the true idea. Every witness,
every solicitor, every juror has a
duty to perform and feel
the responsibility as much as the
sheriff. The whole matter is one
of duty to lie modified by
whim, by hate or timidity.
a man so conducts that the
laws the laud say that he
fit to live and his removal is es-
to life, liberty
others there should lie no
shrinking from the duty of
is coming our store is a of goods.
and Your
and all the
Ladies that
is now in Northern Markets
Mi.-i .-.
bring back prettiest stock ever seen
My stock of Dry Goods also
many attractions for
The shortening season again shortens prices.
gladly sacrifice the profits
An interesting case, which At-
General says is ab-
novel in Carolina,
comes before the Supreme Court to
morrow. It is from Pitt
and involves the question whether
the evidence of a blood-hound
good legal evidence. Blood-hounds
there tracked a criminal. He was
convicted the Superior Quail
appealed on the ground that a
evidence was worthless. Able
is full with Skirts, Jackets,
Our Stock of Shoes
is complete in every way. can suit your feet,
your head, your purse. Come lo see us.
Your Friends,
T. G, and Julius Brown
left lure a few days ago for
Pi at Chapel Hill.
Miss left
I day for Baptist University at
Brines Relief a Permanent Cure In all Cases
i lawyers, among ex-Governor
say stand by the dog's
The chance i. only yours if you will make an
early investigation. Those goods be
pushed out to make room for our large fall
stock which is coming in.
for Standard Patterns.
The death penalty for murder
has been restored Colorado and
Iowa Stales the
for life experiment
in a largely list of
homicides. There are now only
four States in which the death
penalty is
Michigan, Maine
Some newspaper man Hays
Carrie Nation does nut wear a
set. How did be
tn fuel A that would
put his arm around her waist would
make a due chap to go in the lion's
cage at a Rec-
aimless wonder of museum
fume bas lie handy with
It takes a pretty sharp fellow to
successfully. .
There is nothing like It brings
instant relief, even in Worst cases. It when
all else tails.
The F. Wells, of Villa, Ridge, III.,
of received in good
cannot you how thankful. I feel for
good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore and for years. I de
of ever being cured. I saw your advertise-
the cute of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, asthma, and had
yourselves, bill resolved lo give it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me
a full-size
want to send to every sufferer a trial treatment of
similar to the one cured Mr. Wells. We'll send by mail p. st
paid, Free of Charge, any who write for
even a postal. Never mind, though you are despairing,
bad your will relieve and elite. your
case, the more glad we arc lo Do delay, write mice, ad-
dressing Dr. Bros Medicine Co., 180th SI., X. Y. .
Sold by all Druggists,
N. Sept. 1901.
Miss Mattie of Kinston,
after a few days here re-
turned borne Monday.
L. Keene, Jr., wool on a bus-
lo Norfolk Monday.
Ben of Ayden, is here I T. L. Britton left here Tuesday
and went to Vanceboro with to spend a few with relatives
boys lo play ball which Vance- in Meant,
toys say be did without K. II. Keel, of Bath, is at his
doubt, home for quite
Gardner has gone lo the Roland James, of
drug-tore and taken charge, lie has been visiting her for
purchased an Interest in several days.
has accepted a V. E. Tuesday
position with J. until Washington,
Vance Wall ictus us from his home B. Cooper, of Hawaii, was in
up iii Randolph. town Wednesday on business.
Mi-s Mildred of Mr. and Mrs. spent
mouth, Va., is visiting the Misses Monday and Tuesday in Scotland
Dawson near Neck.
There will be a couple games I J. O. Andrews and family have
of ball here between colored moved to
of place and Ayden and Miss Madge Peal, of place,
Hugo Friday. left Tuesday for Mt. Olive to be-
It. Harvey and Mrs. i gin school to Prof.
from Asheville Saturday f tor.
evening. Prof. Z. O. family
Forbes returned to Green i left Saturday to make future
line home in Mt. Olive.
towards game, Miss of Baltimore, is
with Bro. this season.
ball club went H. Young, of this place,
Tuesday to play Saturday and Sunday in
second game ball with dial team Goldsboro.
which was won by the A very sad occurred in
seven six in Saturday The
Ion. Hopkins and battery little year old sou of Mr.
for Woolen and i . Andrews passed away
Harper battery Mr. I of darkness into light, where
Hopkins of the best pitchers ho will ever be blessed won-
of the Carolina league the past happiness. Every one
season. lie was on i with family,
ton and is Rev. J. W. returned home
crack catcher of Durham. Saturday held service Sunday
also of Now Bern, is a professional and Sunday night in the
of tho Now team. I church.
Lloyd Woolen in the box and Misses Whichard and
Bill Harper the bat j Elena Smith left here Saturday
line work towards winning the for Ml. lo school to
game for There one l.
bagger off of Wooten and two
two baggers off Hopkins. He Knows too Much.
boys feel very highly elated
over inning a game had
league players to en tend with
Three Times The Vital
Agents Wanted ill all unoccupied
Ma mi fact tiring Company,
Fur sale by
Rev. Dr. of Atlanta,
has Just returned from Eu-
rope, headquarters i f hell
are located France. This doesn't
agree with Rev. Sam Jones, who
located Institution within
II mile of several Southern
can a circus as far
as we can see says
tor of The Globe.
has a sort of careless that can-
not be mistaken. We can also tell
married women from
women we don't know why, but
we can do it. Put one married
woman in a crowd of a hundred
girls, and we can pick her out.
Or put one girl with a crowd of a
hundred married women, all
I about the same age, and we
pick her out. We'll bet on it.
A new species of owls has been Another thing we can do.
In New Jersey, can tell the time hour
a farmer last week captured three I day or night j ii we awaken at
of them. hove the body and night, we can tell exactly what
wings of owl, with bead and time it Is, We don't know why
face of monkey. They can do hut we
eighteen high, wings
Bring three feel fl i tip to tip, It doesn't lake an agriculturalist
I but they raise a row.
. .-

Eastern reflector, 13 September 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 13, 1901
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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