Eastern reflector, 16 April 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York.
The largest, strongest, most progressive Life I
ante Company in the world.
Paid in Policy hold, rs 1900
Total Income in
Assets December II.
Insurance and Annuities in force t, 141,497,888.08
And it leads again in North and South Carolina.
Prom the reports of leading i u m Hie with
state it is shown
Thai Hie Mutual Life of New for MORE
In North and South Caroling In than any other
Gained Insurance in than any other company.
Collected in cash premiums more than any
oilier company.
Has 16,000,000.00 more neural In force in North and
Sou ill Carolina than any other company.
The Mutual Life is now selling a Single Premium
Three and One-Half Cent. Bond, which not
require examination.
Per Cent. Twenty Gold Bond policy cannot
be equaled. Better than a Bond.
No or risks solicited accented for
in in this company
A can s . contracts.
For particulars as to plans, rates, etc, apply to
General tor the r. Columbia, S. C.
I. C. ARTHUR, Agent, . N. C.
Dry broods, Dress C Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware A
to see mo tor your Pork.
Yours in
Get a good safe
i in con-
homo, and general use,
to be
range n up
N. C.
In with the revenue
laws of the year of 1899, I will on
Monday, the day of
sell at public sale before the Court
House door the town of Green-
ville, the following tracts of laud
lots for the taxes due thereon
for the year of 1900. The name,
number of acres and amount of
taxes are stated, the costs 11.30 to
be added to each.
Tax Collector.
lien wife, acres 8.02
It. K. Briley, acres,
Jr., ; acre 1.37
Samuel . acre
W. M. Corey, acres 2.03
Peter Cherry, acres 2.29
Clark, lot 2.77
Isaac Carr, acre 2.42
Jan. L. Elks, acres
. ,, M 4.43
Evans, acre 2.14
I acre 2.20
Ed Fleming, l lot 2.88
Si fax Fleming, lot 3.53
Forbes. lot
. ., 5.78
Sarah Gorham, l lot 1.23
Alex Harris, acres 3.87
Noah l lot 2-3
Ed Harris, l lot 3.15
J. House, lot
Oscar Ha-kins, I acre 2.10
i. Hodges, lot 2.61
I. Jenkins, Hot 3.15
J. L. Jackson, l lot 4.86
John A. Jones, acres 2.67
Peter Harrington, i lot 2.30
I. w. l lot 5.75
Louisa l lot
J. Moore, acres
U. w.
J. It. May, lot
Samuel Mayo, lot
John lot
Charlie Peyton, l lot
A; wife, acres
SI. A. Button, lot acres
T. Savage, i
. lot
II. Si la use. MM
J. Shivers, acres
B. F. Tyson, acres
. ., lot
. .
B. M. Lewis, acres
W. O. Webb. acres
ii .
R. Atkinson, I acre
E. C. Knight, acres 2.00
Lucius acres 1.33
J. A. Brown, acres
A. Cox, acres
Root. B. Cox, acres
Johnson, acres
T. K. Manning, I acre
N. Stocks, acres
John Thompson, lots
Family jars are not desirable
a brae.
Yon never miss the water till
the germs all die.
the popular belief, all is
not fair in love. Lots of homely
girls get that way.
Bachelors are never popular
with young mothers because they
invariably refer to the baby as it.
The advanced woman is some-
times sent to a retreat.
It takes a sharp young man to
cut out his rival in love.
The ambidextrous chap can
make his left hand his write band.
A good name of much value
these days unless it is written on a
Every feels that her love
letters would make interesting
reading after she is dead.
April keeps weather man
ii WE ED
a one of I he de
Pitt County. We
State I it tor the public
ever you need. .
School in
designated on
I and can what-
John Vines. lot
Williams, lot
. ,,
Whit lot
Amos Williams, lot
II. Williams. acres
l lot
Carrol Bras., lot
alls. It. Carrol, acres
W. M. Carrol, i acres
Allied Darden, lot
Mrs, Mary I lot
Mrs. M. A. Moore, acres
W. N. acres
L. Patrick, acres
Mrs. C. B. Patrick, lots
Ii. V. Powell, acres
Sallie lot
j. Slaughter, To acres
John Yam, i lot
Whitehurst, M acre 2.07
Washington, acres
Lemon. acres
W. J. White, Hot
Mrs. j acre
K. T. ft wife, acres
Win. Hay, 10.31
IS. F. Jr., acres 10.00
Sarah acres
Flanagan, lot 3.17
w. II, Flanagan, sores 5.30
l acre
l lot
flay ion acres
J. L. Duck, I acres
A. Boyd,
II. H Davis, l lot
James Elks, acres
Frank Fames, acres 1.00
Mis. K. acres 1.23
W. II, Grimes, acres
Hardy acres
Mills, acres 2.91
John Cage, acres
So far as egg were concerned no
one seemed to observe Easter here
yesterday. The little boys should
have had their pockets full of red,
green, blue yellow Easter
eggs, but they didn't. The
tom in vogue in the western part
of the State evidently does not
prevail here. every
little boy commences to collect
eggs a week or before Easter
and his stealthy and raids
on the home hen nests causes the
egg local market to rise cents
cents. On Easier morning he fills
every pocket full of eggs and goes
to church, and church and
for the rest of the day he spends
his time eggs He holds
Every cotton planter should
write valuable illustrated
It is sent free.
MM la
slum and double ruled practice writing books
tablets, fool's cap i pens, pen slates, it
ii colored i- companion boxes, etc
And when it comes to
U. F. seres 2.89
J. IS. Smith wife, acres 1.00
l. . Way 1.33
Lucy acres
W. acres
out the point of an egg, which an
j other boy hits with the point of
j; another egg. It is a gamble and
the egg is lost. A very
5.071 young boy learns early that a
I guinea egg is harder than a hen
egg, harder than a turkey egg,
and that a hen egg with a
ed point Is a delusion as to
When he is lucky
enough to get hold of a hen egg
that is harder than any other boy's
-001 egg he wins eats hard
eggs to kill a mule and he
is a hero the
a great Observer.
Mate by V
Men of email are
ally tic greatest bores.
The scissors that cut the thread
of life are never dull.
If you look through cobwebs you
may expect to see spiders.
Many a rascal will take the pay
and give another rascal away.
The look-worm is useful to
in the forgotten streams of
Harare seems to be monopolizing
the business just
a serpent with gold and
men will welcome it to their hearts
and homes.
The fight on big hats will
doubtless lead to the elevation
of the stage.
Truth crushed to earth will sure-
mashed to hat by
campaign lies.
Conscience is the central
on the telephone line between the
head and the heart.
L. H. Pender,
Tobacco Flues, Tin Roofing, Ac.
Expert Gunsmith employed. All
kinds and Locksmith work
first class. Re-stocking of a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
good digestion; sound sleep; a
fine appetite and a old age,
are some of the results of the use
of Liver Pills. A single
dose will convince you of their
wonderful effects and virtue.
A Known Fact.
An absolute cure for sick head-
ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour
bilious fever, piles, torpid liver
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
Reflections of a Bachelor
A girl has got to
have money to have auburn hair.
Probably that if he
didn't up, Juliet was bound
to come down.
No wonder the Chinese get
along. In . has to
No woman ever learned how to
make a speech public without
forgetting how to put up peaches.
A woman doesn't get all there is
out of lite till the get big
enough for her to tell her husband
he ought to be ashamed to say such
things to her before
York Press.
in 1806.
J. W.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors handlers of
Magging, Ties Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Three One Knell, for
Now Only Cents a Year,
and includes absolutely free The
Paragon Monthly, New The
Farm Journal, Philadelphia.
Farm Journal and Para-
Monthly, now only per
year; per month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. O.
Greenville, N. O.
The of the hour
time is
Choir singers are usually chants
The theatrical should
thank his lucky stars.
Satisfy Your Appetite at the
Next door to
Everything New and Clean.
Mere. to
Regular Dinner from to o'clock.
Soup, kinds meal, I kinds
Vegetables, Bread, Coffee De-
, all for cents.
B. W.
Noble, acres
Bowling Tyson, acres
N. Williams, acres
Delia Briley, acre
James I acre
Gregory heirs, acre
Hardy, lot
., ,,
Me. acre
D. l lot
Mrs. ti, A. Keel, acres
Win. A. acres
II. W. acres 1.67
W. I. wife,
Orange acres
Webb Walter,
Carr, acres
The following from the
ton News will apply equally well
There is plenty of work in
as for men who want work. There-
We will tot any
sick .
nut cur
I hey are purely vegetable
fall to -l r ,.,, . I . -x.-- con-
Ulna lot pill, n.-
hole contain is fill.
Imitation. Hem by mall. Stamps taken,
Street sale by
fore there II no room for the loafer,
white or black.
work must live, just as the
man I II work must live. If
he does nm labor he must get his
bread in Rome that is not fair
and honest. It is a public
as such state should
deal with Crime is committed
by the idle. The roads need
Vitality, mi
Lou of Mom.
all of
of by mall
per .
per. for
Ilia money paid.
bankable bond.
Opium of
1.61.00 a
Tho Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
On May we exited to our
All protons owing t are lo
j having m will I hem
t our for
i in.
r .
of ti.-
maUl a . .
ii. for oar at-W
lo curs In or
aw aw. a.
f by J I.
Mr. C. General Agent far
North Carolina Virginia, of that Well-
and Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
to to its number of
policy holders, and to the
generally, of North
will now in
tad from will issue it-
to all tie-
the very bolt insurance in the best
life insurance company in the world.
If the local agent in your town has not
yd completed arrangements, address
Agent, N. C.
Assets 72.958,922
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once to WOK for the
Letters of administration having
day ii to by the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Tilt county upon the es-
of M. notice is
hereby persons claims
against to present to Die
for payment on or before tho 5th day of
April or this notice will be plead in
recovery. to
Mill estate arc notified to make immediate
This the 1st day of April 1901.
Public A Inn administering
a ii i IV M den,
of administration upon the
of Hudson, this
day issued to me by Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt County, Notice is
hereby given to all persons holding claims
said estate to present them to me
for on or the 80th day of
March 1902, or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons indebted
to said are requested to make
payment tome.
This the day of March
of Redding Hudson.
of administration, with the will
i, having this day been to mo
the Clerk of tho Superior Court of Pitt
county, upon estate of L. E.
deceased, notice is hereby given to
all claims against
to present them to me for payment
or More the day of March or
this will be plead In bar of their re-
All irons indebted to said es-
are notified to make immediate pay-
to me.
Tina the of March, 1901.
with tho will annexed of L, E. Laughing-
house, deceased.
Ell 1875.--------
retail Grocer
Furniture Dealer. Cash pail for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Milk,
Floor, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
Seeds. Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Macs
Cheese, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Mac hi nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see
saw m
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand.- Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
W. R. BRO,
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as l-w the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
------DEALER IN------
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Brokers In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Six Mouths
Three Sing. Coy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions token at
Tub office. The Semi-
Weekly Reflector and
will be sent together
one year for 1.75 or Tun
one year for 93.50 payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector
Did you know we sell the same
White Goods for that
charge for The cheapest
and prettiest white goods,
Laces, French Ginghams,
Silks for Waists,
all shades to be seen, fewest
thing in Belt Buckles. Call and
Greensboro, April lie-
fore the of Federal
Cm it, this afternoon, the
the Democratic registrars,
which were set for trial at the
present term, were In
making the motion District
Pro. Election Cases. name-of the State, and preserve
our people which ought to prevail
fur the best interest of all. I have
confidence integrity of those
have suggested the action
to-day these cases
commend the district attorney that
be has responded to a request
which seems to come to him as a
. , from representatives of
Holton made the following . . , , . ,
v. the beat social and
was concurred , I of m The .
by Assistant District Attorney of which .
j M, the restoration of peaceful and
view of the situation in this j cordial
Stale and the general for j considerations far those
peace and quiet, and consider j
of what we conceive to be tor
the beet interest of the State, we that the
recommend to these cases is a long step
court that, in these cases, a toward the of conditions
be entered upon the terms M material to the future welfare
and conditions following; that is to
that the United States
attorney reserves the right to rein-
state if in his opinion, the public
good requires it.
we are prompted to
pursue course in consideration
of the recommendations to us by
leading conservative men of the
State, of all political parties, as
that course would, in their
best the public welfare,
regardless of the guilt or
That this course is rec-
without passing upon
the of the guilt of the
parties inasmuch as, according to
the testimony in the possession of
the government, the defendants,
in our opinion, might properly lie
convicted; but with the sole desire
to further what is conceived to be
of peace and quiet in the
State and with the firm belief on
part that it is desire of the
the I desire to express
my hearty approval of the action
which has en and I am
sure that all citizens will join me
in the hope what bus been
here today will have the effect to
cement together people in closer
in d s of In e ii i p and i u tire to t he
inestimable of peace
and good order among us
One Hundred Thousand Dollar
Rev. O.
secretary of the Baptist State
convention, reports excellent
on the effort to raise one
hundred thousand dollars fur
educational work at Wake Forest,
the Baptist Female University,
Baptist and the
various academies and of
the Baptist church in North Car-
The plan is a unique
A man is selected in each of
of the State to fifty eight associations to
secure enforce the
t tonal right of every citizen and
fully protect him in the exercise of
his elective franchise and
the work and to suggest to
churches about how much
each would lie expected to
and to aid in securing this
amount. The report from these is
these purposes highly Not one
can be accomplished or church but reports itself in warm
we consider to be for the best in-1 sympathy with the movements,
tenet of the in the Mr. Springfield says that he
state to discontinue the has a great hope, well founded,
further prosecution of these cases,
with the that con-
here are to do such that
there will be no necessity for the
prosecution of such
In the cases pressed
Judge Boyd
court approves the MUM
taken by the district attorney, be-
cause believe it will better sub-
serve the future peace and good
order of than would a
farther prosecution of the indict-
I urn not oblivions of the
conditions which surround me,
and I am satisfied that those who
represent the best classes of cit-
desire to uphold good
that money will be raised in
lull this News
An Effective
All successful business men agree
that good advertising means inter-
announcements placed in
newspapers which reach a large
proportion of the people.
most experienced advertisers
would say that to make the
of a single commodity the feature
of an is the most direct and
effective of getting people's at-
fixed on nu establishment.
Philadelphia Record.
For quite a while I have seen
articles in various regard
to the liquor of this and
other sections of the State, and
you will be so kind as to allow me
a few lines in your paper I will
state just a my experiences
regard to this great question.
First it has the great pleas
ore of the writer to spend a few
mouths in a section of the State
where the manufacture and sale of
liquor is prohibited there
what do we limit I will answer,
we find in the small villages lady
keepers, lady postmasters,
lady railroad In fact the
small towns are run by the ladies.
The do the farm work. They
are not needed at the store, post-
office or depot, why Because
everybody is sober every
that is human prefers dealing with
a lady to a man. Therefore the
ladies can attend, to the indoor
work the the hard and labor-
the kind the lady cannot do,
thereby bringing prosperity to a
home that might be of
and need.
I want to nay right here that I
am not in the dispensary
law, as that is only taking the
liberty of our free people away
from them and places it in the
hands government, which is still
worse, but I do want to ask my
liquor friends if they not think
it would be best to have none at
all. may ask you to tell
me where I can a small
village where liquor is sold, with
a lady merchant, a
a lady telegraph operator
railroad agent I believe
there is one, why Because the
language they would hear, the
actions they would see, would dis-
gust a mule, and they stay at
home with all doors locked
windows fastened down to protect
themselves from the disgrace of
those upon the outside.
Mr. Editor I was passing through
your town a kw days ago and I
saw something that touched a ten
tier spot me. I was standing
near the passenger depot and saw
a young man with Ins mother cross
railroad, driving at a
neck speed, so full that he could
hardly sit in the buggy. I expected
to him fall out before he cross-
ed both tracks, but luckily he
not. Now what a picture Au
old gray haired
home by a drunken son. can any
imagine how this old lady felt t
Too old feeble to guide the
horse, with her own son and
he too drunk to guide him, Oh
how my sympathy went out
her. A boy's best friend,
and he so forgetful of her as to do
act that be knew would
her so much trouble.
My liquor friends, some day
son may be taking his mother
home in the same condition. Do
you want her taken home by a
drunken sou t Then if you do not,
lend a helping baud to those who
are trying to get clear of this great
evil. Some of your readers no
doubt will say that I am a
perhaps some of them
will say that I am working for my
benefit. To those I
would like to say that am in one
sense of the word a
but no interest of my own is at
am a young man, single
expect will always but I
have lots of young friends who I
feel an interest in as a
to them feel that it is my duty to
work for their future welfare and
their homes. P.
R. II. a of
and Treasurer of the Odd
Fellows lodge in that town, has
absconded. He took the funds be-
longing to the lodge.
We are still in the forefront of the race
We offer the beat selected line of
General Merchandise
to be any store ill Pitt County. Well choice
selections, the creations of lies liners of America
and Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Hummer
are at work for yours our mutual ad
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you and to
sell yon If we can. oiler you the very best service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent a well
established business built up strictly on its merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us the following lilies of general merchandise.
Dr v Goods and Notions,
Caps. Silks Satins, Dress Trimmings
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mailings and Oil Cloths.
Hen's, Women's Children's Shoes. and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Meat, Sugar Coffee, Molasses, Scad ts,
Plows, Castings and Flow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture that line.
We buy Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit Our is Honesty, Merit and Square Healing.
Your Friends,
J. E. k CO-
Mr.-. is charge of my department and if
the hat Is not on hand one will be trimmed In -nil your
while you wait.
Hats, Silks. Braids, Ornaments. Flowers, Ribbons, and everything
in the milliners line.
At no time years
Have conditions been such in this
country as they ate today,
for those w ho will work, and pros-
gent-rally prevalent all
The fact conditions
prevail s generally,
little changing about of
people, from one section of the
to for few men
ate prompted to move their families
New Prophet.
There appears to be some
of opinion as to exactly where
in the United States the
of the future is go
to be most of the
prophets agree that New York
City cannot hold the for-
ever. It is noticeable, however,
that these soothsayers are, none of
them, New Yorkers, that
their reading the omens is color- , Mother, when
ed largely by their own environ- is fr the ac
or interests. thing to let well enough
Here, for Instance is our old
friend t while conditions arc against
lame in article in j moving of the
or for that hanging of bus-
interests, need
be Idle, or cease en
to try to bring in new and de-
people, with these
pie, all business interests
which they command and con-
Hut to ill tract win new pint
with all interests,
community must not remain slow
lo net, bill must use every
to win sill outside interest
Dawn of Real
saying with a great show
of confidence that is
the city most to become In
time the banking center and the
commercial of the
world Tho old Confederate cap-
ital is a great City even now, but it
is much to be feared that Its own
people will hardly agree with
Colonel and begin forthwith lo
preparations for pulling on
the crown waving the
banking commercial scepter. I n Her
is n Name
Lite answers the question par-
in Literary
from which we take the
When tines Mary Dodge
When Thomas W. Knox.
What did Charles
Whatever he saw Mabel Osgood
What made
small audiences.
When is it John Burroughs i
When he hears Edward Everett
Who gave Thomas Paine
Hamilton Wright Mable
What is it that
Mr.-. Harriet
What made Church ill
Eating what be saw John
What was it
What victory did
He saw Charles Dar-win,
Why did Charles win
Because he never turned his
to He f.-
When did Elliot I
When she beard Charles Dudley
W n el.
Not Pleasant News.
With the of the
way attendant expenses,
Impeach men I trial with
its extras fur the lax payers to
meet, the facing very
Stale appropriations to lie
met by lax assessments, it would
seem that a period of rest might
be given to those who bear the
scarcely cleat-
away, caused by the departure
of Legislature, when the re-
port ft inn that the
Slate is behind in
accounts, and that money is need
ed in this State institution.
This would prove of more
passing remark, if was not
the lite
i live of Penitentiary
tn- that this u-
i lion's accounts were sonic twenty
thousand dollars in good, and
in the next two years It
would need no appropriations.
The Is since Superintendent
made the memorable re
cord penitentiary
self supporting followed by such
Where did Captain managers a John el
Marry at of North Carolina have
j not looked to
intake Penitentiary account
the above mentioned
At Ellen Kirk.
When was Sterne;
When he found Bill Nye.
Where did II. Cabot Lodge I
In a Dry-den.
For what did Sue
For of Samuel Smiles.
Why tin not laugh K, l.
by did Miss Mil-lock
Because she saw Flora
When did Victor's urge
him lo become a tailor t
When she said, Huge
and help John
the impression that Hie
good old days had returned, hence
report mil is
needed, i- decidedly unpleasant
in w.
It i- in be hoped the
will be made
up the the deficit if
true, will proves large one.
people of North Carolina are
mil in the mood present, to
told i. money i- wanted
i to State expense-,
when it was though I that
no n re burdens acre be fold on
the tax payers.
Let it be hoped report
will ii prove anything
M report. New Bern
And what will New Orleans say
We must commit to tender
mercies of Times Democrat's
the man both the doughty
Colonel and his prophecy.
And what of Mosby, when he
declares that is well nigh folly
today to speak of the Solid
South November's
returns disclosed no crack in
the old solidity. It may lie folly
to speak of it, but anybody who
reckons a divided political
allegiance down there just yet is
going to get Y.
it i- estimated that by the first
of June, there will be sixty
millions surplus in United
States treasury, This, too while
an army is maintain-
ed in i he Philippines, and congress
has j in t spent over a billion of
Such give a vague
Idea the enormous sums of
money that arc wrested the
people by a greedy, corrupt,
S. C. ledger.
Velvet mill workers at Mystic
Conn., have won their strike.
The Brazil soft coal district,
Indiana, ill be ii definitely tied
up a strike.
New York has officially thanked
Andrew Carnegie for bis
library donation,
A barrel oil properly in
the new Tex in Held sold
struck I or . ,.,,. M
at the Fan grounds, to exactly what
Buffalo, V . j. proposed who make use
Alter being pardoned, Frank The old party of Jefferson,
a burglar In jail at and still lives,
Va., declared he would be Hg. funs. What we
,.,,, m, h ,. ,,;,.,.,
A seal on New York I aggressiveness. Let
Exchange sold Tuesday for to the old fashioned
price quot- pies of i racy, and the future
I will lake care of itself.
Hon. B. Hill, in declining to
address Tennessee legislature,
look to thank Ten
in Kansas City
friendship and
Incidentally opposes
any of the Demo-
is much unnecessary

D. . WHICH ARD, Ed. Owner
Entered at the Post .
Greenville, N. O., as law
Mail Matter.
hew have one daily
mail train each way, an
main line Hi. are several, so it
look to The like it
be give nil a
on the In it,
lather than us a bad ached-
ale to the main line.
Waller R. has gone to.
filling newspaper apace i.,,. .
about which the Charlotte
. We regret to chronicle the death
very patient. As he R
is much ado. ; ,.;,,,., . ,. Olive, which
occurred at that town
The Meyer at Richmond. w,,,,,,; n . aiL-s an illness of
the store south weeks. He was if
of Baltimore, was totally destroy- j Ion ed and will be sincerely mourn-
ed by lire Wednesday. The I ed
was 1800.000 which was nearly
covered by insurance.
lie leaves s wife and
recently married, the
last clerical act of her being
to perform ceremony Golds-
bore Argus.
. Mr. Raven was pastor of
ill. church in Greenville
years ago. His friends here
With meat going up. lard
up, sugar going up, and cotton
going down, looks like it would
be wisdom, on the part of the regret,
farmers to plant something else
more than they do
For least two years there
have hints and rumors
The middle of April marks .-, v the commissary depart
beginning of cotton planting and meat of the army at Manila. Some
turning their Editor
of i newspaper there, made
specific charges of fraud. Forth
and his refusal u promise lie
and consider the consequences be .,,., ,., the newspaper
fore putting m too large a crop. a, from the Philip
a pines, was even allowed
lo dispose of his plant before he
the farmers are
minds in that direction. The
matter over
B. C, April
To I
Owing to the extreme scarcity of
labor we would advise all farmers
to arrange their tobacco rows so
every eighth row will be live feet
wide, and by so doing you use
a truck and thus house
your tobacco with much less labor
and There were some trucks
mad in certain sections last season
for housing tobacco, we find in
every where the truck was
used there will lie a great demand
for them this season, and orders
for several hundred trunks have
already been placed many
more will doubtless come ill yet.
If you will lay out your rows as
Stated above it will take no extra
STATE new.
Kev. Pool, a prominent
Methodist minister years,
died Tuesday night at his home
Turner is of the opinion
that if all the were
deported to it would do
much towards the race of
las some A
cat has given birth to four kittens
each with three feet. One
hind foot is
The Star there
is a family of and girls living
Lexington, three boys and
four girls, who average age is
the oldest SI and the
IS years. They are good,
healthy stock, originally from
North Carolina. Their parents
migrated to Alabama when I he
was there was
manure and but little more land,
, , , ,. , . room for exercises
and it you do not use the truck
you can tote the
wide row much better, and if you
are scarce of help yon can use a
truck. We are going to be head-
On last evening in
i Perkins Opera House the
for tobacco trucks of best i, . . .
, . ,., ., Club gave i in
style. Cox .,,.,. .
was shipped to
No., the
government at
This has a tedious term of
court, and while there has been
much hard work done but little w . Las official knowledge
was accomplished. Four cases of the truth of the charges, the
came near monopolizing the is raised as to whether
two weeks term, it taking t. r W
. , and his restored to
three each one , ,
a art
If there i, ever some measure en- ,,,;. ,,, ,.
act.-d that will curtail the latitude frauds. i nothing like
lawyers and stop them from so enterprising newspaper to run
much dilly dallying the tax payers expose
will be the
A from another town
was here today, and in talking with
Tub said that the car
of the election for bonds had ii with the troubles.
brought to the decision ,. The A.-i it, ,, Wash-
i i i
I in d ill
from China of
. Ibis government
use and mental in
making tome investments in Green
the bond question was
he has consider
point for investment,
but held off until he could see ho
the election resulted, lie said u
the bonds had not been carried lie
would have dismissed the
from bis mind and looked else
where for investment, This is
one good result of Greenville show
enterprise and voting for the
bonds. will be at
traded ions when
We understand that there has
been some suggestion In railroad
officials about having the pas
mail train pass Green-
of Misses Bank Henderson
Jane f Salisbury, the
company of Miss Sallie Cotten.
It was indeed a most delightful
occasion to all who participated,
and the young people of Greenville
have never had the pleasure of en-
more charming guests
for the employment more hands, i. .,. . , t. ,
., ,,. f Misses and Boyd-
en. The was lead by Sir.
H. with his accustomed
The Carriage Co. are
remodeling and their
factory. The building when Com-
will be twice as large
formerly and will afford them
opportunity for conducting,
their business and making NOB
p it. Ii, gives as one
liar made lo include
mm of tin missionaries who
re citizens and
i-H in and persons
the here has
i i . lb In -nine that j
i ii all have
i or
1.1 tin i We that
mi ; ii and Some
as a a hole
have not so demanded among
tin . We arc id to B-C have
the Southern
. i . i- ft range
i Ii a item for indemnities for
missionaries should lie by
our In its claim on
China fall
refusing lo receive
my r Heal Ion. The fact is
about o'clock a. m. going . such demands
north, and return here at M o'clock have u made by in
at night, the object in such a
schedule being to afford a
by which people
from here to Norfolk and
the same day. While a con-1 k , ,,,. .,.,, .
would be a convenience to i,.,. the death of
. Win-gate, h lie of Mi.
i a of I be
Cox Manufacturing
at i o'clock
tin- afternoon. Mrs.
-I all as one of the best
women in III.- She
was a c Christian an
even in In-r dying Irons sang
1.1 her She was a
member of the Missionary Baptist
church, a sister of J. W .
a minister of
nation. Mrs. was In her
and leaves a ind,
children and a of sorrow-
Reflector 13th
The building will lie one of the
largest, if not the largest,
of its kind in Pitt county
and speaks well for the thrift
energy displayed by this firm.
That they merit the patronage of
the public their work is a strong
success makes
most conclusive
Misses Mat lie
-pent yesterday In Greenville visit-
. g friends and shopping.
Thursday there was an alarm of
tire and upon investigation we I
learned the kitchen of Mrs. John.
Elks had caught the sparks;
of a I flue. Owing to the
prompt action of our most efficient
lire department little damage was
done, much cannot c said
of valuable services rendered by
our most excellent II. K.
Manning, and his brave foreman,
John W. Harper. There was no
insurance on the building.
Simon e has moved his goods
and chattels on the west side of the
railroad where be will pleased
to have all his friends and former
and see him.
Miss Little, from the
was hen a short while
Dailies and family.
The Heart Doth re w
In -no Rev. a. D. met a
very old woman county.
X. whose aged husband had
lately died. In her grid she
heart don't grow March
1901 be told, the faculty and
students of Col-
of the incident, said be
had for to years wanted some one
to write a poem on that thought.
Next day one of the teachers, Miss
Lynn Morton, daughter of
J. B, Morton, of Tarboro.
read to his
wife the
Though the be broke at
And years task tale have loW.
And the gulden bi- broken
Yet the heart doth never old.
Though turning
As the silver tints the gold.
the life grows brighter
In never grows old.
And when some old rose
In n dusty fold.
Culls to a tilth- romance
Of the heart that never old,
Then lender recollections
And old love dreams unfold.
And the whispered words are breathed
In the heart that never grows old.
When the scroll of loving memorial
little tear tells
Of the heart never grows old.
As we think of these Angel beings
Now to another fold
As a sweet and hopeful longing
Kills the heart grows old.
But when the years are ended
And t --awl.
Then eternal hears her new born
Where the heart can never grow old.
ease and grace, following coup-
Mr. and Mrs, I. I,. Fleming, Mr.
C. Carr with Miss Jane
Mr. C. S. Forbes with Miss Bessie
Henderson, Mr. i. B. Cherry, Jr.,
with Miss Ada Mr. C. B.
Mayo with Miss May Belle White,
Mr. II. B. Patrick with Miss
Biggs, Mr. C. C. with Miss
Glenn Forbes, Mr. P. S. Gotten
with Winnie Skinner, Dr. B.
with Miss
Mr. J. F. Davenport with Miss
Blanche Flanagan. Mr. J. D. Oar-
den with Mia Latham, J.
B. Higgs. stag.
K. B. Kick-
Mrs. M. H. Mrs. F.
Whaley, Mrs.
China and are unworthy the
i i true, self deny
I Observer.
lit . h it
a people who might wan to VIi
go to Norfolk and return the Mime
day, ii would be very
to the large number who would
have no business for making the
trip. Such a schedule would give
our people their mail N late
night that there would be lime
to answer letters and gel them off
on the early train next morning.
They have little enough time under
the present schedule lo answer let-
and to shorten this time by
making the mail to come in later
nod leave sooner would seriously
inconvenience here.
schedule that would bring in the
mail sooner the evening and take
it OBI Infer in the morning would
nine preferable of far
Hauler advantage to the
X. C. April
Mr. we scarcely
how to week the
because of the scarcity
of news our mi 1st.
The new leading from
Tarboro to is within two
miles of us. We look for the com-
new goods
We are now ready to serve you to your advantage
in Dress Hoods and Goods, all
of and Embroideries. Foulard Silk
from to Silk Waist
to We hive a complete
line of Wash Silks which are
cheap Lawns and Wash
US o kinds from to per yard.
Glass Linens in plain, striped and
f Tl a Gent's Furnish-
we are and
rock bottom Come to see us. Yours for business
BLACK Jack, N. C, April
by Misses Annie and
White, services in Beau-
fort county Sunday.
W. accompanied by-
two charming young ladies, Misses
Cox and Cannon,
passed through Friday from Grimes
laud to
We were glad to have
Harper with us yesterday
We are glad to that
our Sunday school is much
proved. We had a large crowd
last Sunday.
Jodie Dixon went on a hurrying
trip lo Washington Saturday even-
Marcellus went Washing
ton Saturday.
Dixon went
to Greenville yesterday.
Boot. Dixon, is attending Court
in this week.
Miss Lucy returned to
her school near ibis
Leader in Styles.
My store was with visitors on spring opening days and It
Handsomest Millinery
that has been show u in Greenville. I have the most complete lock of
everything the line.
HatS in endless variety and all the shapes.
Anything that lie desired Flower, Ribbons and Ornament.
Wash Silks for Shirt Waists. line Baby Caps. I also
have a handsome lot of Pictures aid Frames. Be sure that yon call
o see
Mrs. M. D. Higgs.
Attention Ladies
formerly of Ayden, have moved pinion by the middle of May.
here and will make this their
Mason, of Washington, was
lure yesterday.
Miss is visiting in
Rudolph Groom, who attends
school here, left last night's
train to spend Saturday and Sun-
with relatives in Kinston.
huge, crowd of colored
people went down on the train last
to for the purpose
of attending sane meeting that
in progress there.
A. ii. Cox pays the highest
cash price cotton toad.
Ml Sims creek
Ashe .- as cutting wood
hen his glanced end struck
Ills child who was standing
near. The eve struck her in Hie
lie. and penetrated to heart.
of Greenville killing her Instantly.
The Slate flower of Texas is to
be the blue bonnet, or buffalo
which grows the greatest
profusion all over that Common-
wealth, often many acres
with a carpel of blue. The blue
bonnet grows lo a height of
one loot.
sinking an oil well is one way
of running one's business into the
When a girl doesn't care a
for a fellow, she shouldn't make
dates w him.
It sublime faith in your
fellow creatures to advertise for a
lost umbrella.
A sole old shoo.
The Chicago girl get
there with feet.
A bar gain saloon
keeper up his receipts.
u matters our
relatives are sometimes
Sometime novelist's first story
lets iii mi the ground floor of
Miss Smith is the of
Mayor C. E. family. Her
many lends are delighted to have
her in their midst.
Mrs Gillespie is suffering
from an attack of and
has Keen unable lo her
for several days. She is
convalescing at this writing.
Quite an improvement has
nude around the and
the entire home of Mrs. Lucy-
Moore, our Post Mistress. Things
look gay after a coat of
has applied.
W. U. who has very
sick with chills and fever is out
again. We are glad to note his
A. M. Hill will soon erect a flue
residence on Church street. This
will make three new
erected In tins part of the town
this year. street leads to
the new depot,
Virgil Bounties, of and
W. K. of Washington,
were on our streets yesterday.
Both are hustling drummers
The debate the
Beaver Una Debating Club
the inn . . I Club was
held at inst. The
speakers on bah-idea made noble
and handled the subject
well. The town Ii ill was crowded
to the utmost capacity with both
ladies and gentlemen. The
ion of the judges was rendered in
favor the negative.
ought to be glad he
has been Living in a
place at Manila, with all the
of life furnished by Uncle
Sam, must be better than sprint-
about the mountains with a
string of blue shirted Americans
his Ga.
I After He Comes I
My friends and customers will find me at the old
With tile largest of HATS, CAPS
and all the newest things in the Milliner's line to be found
Greenville. Mrs. Ella Greene will he
with me again this season. Her taste and skill as a trimmer
is unsurpassed. We guarantee to please our customers both
in work and pi ices. Come see my goods. New Patterns
for Spring.
be a enough time. Every.
thing lbs expectant mother S
help her child she h. old
an J
do Ibis, have health her- R
self. She should use every means
to her physical condition.
She should, by all means, supply
herself with
can lo help her child she
S do. One the greatest
J she can give him h health, t
ban lost in the Trans-
war, up to end of March
office-s and men, a
which is paying pretty
dear, not to talk of money, for
frolic down
It will take her
through tho crisis M
easily j
quickly, J,
liniment which
gives strength R
vigor to the .
Com- it
. sense will
that the Ii
muscles a re, Z
which the S
strain, tho less j
will be.
A woman
Read this f
Wayne, i
mug Wayne,
Read I .-in g
inn to
M who nature's
i . r i. in P
J of
Get Mother's At
drug -i bottle.
i t- . ,
None genuine unless
Red Cross is on label
Don't a
for Chills, Fevers,
Night Sweat and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
From Misses Erwin of course
They have the prettiest and
cheapest line of millinery in
town. Call and hats.
Hats trimmed on short notice
satisfaction guaranteed.
Need a change of
this spring, others
need a change of
Yon can get the kind of clothes
yon want if yon will come to the
Double and Single Breasted
Cut to the Right
Price on Every Suit. See for
yourself, looks convince more
than words.
You know where to come.
He sells Ladies Shoes. Mens Shoes, Boys Shoes,
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
Eastern for
and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
It look like April has
enough blowing on March's account
Th wind ha played havoc with
of the awnings along
The next court come In May.
It will be a term, for civil
cases only, beginning the 27th.
Miss Lela Cherry is having an
addition built to her residence,
corner Third and Greene streets.
The Greenville Supply Company
have commenced breaking ground
for their new warehouse to be
built near the railroad.
Carlos Harris has done some
beautiful graining on
in the new bank. Carlo j l an
artist with the paint brush.
Enterprises that will give profit-
able employment are the ones that
help a town most. Let have
more of them in
The highest praise ha been
en me by those to whom I have
old the Standard Sewing
chine. S. M.
Attention is called to the notice
to creditors by Jesse Cannon, Pub-
Administrator, administering
the estate of W. A. Smith de-
T. F. has sold his
grocery on Five Points
to Jesse Starkey. Mr. is
adding largely to the stock
will carry a nice line.
If Miss would put on her
clothes to see
and atop trying to keep company
with old man we
would all like her better
The skimmers arc large
numbers of shad now. Mr. A. F.
Kennedy and his caught
Wednesday night, and other
boats caught nearly as
Wednesday there was a consider-
able woods fire out in Carolina
township. Ex Sheriff O. M. Moor-
lug was having some hedge rows
barned when the lire got away
from and went off before
wind through woods. Besides
doing damage to Mr. Moor-
It burned a lot of fencing for
Mr. Warren and also de
strayed the crib and stable a
colored man.
Tar and Turpentine
The Scientific gives
this recipe as one which the world
ought to At the first
cation of diphtheria in the threat
of a child make the room close
and then take a metal cup
pour into it a quantity of tar
turpentine, equal parts. Hold the
cup over the fire sons to till the
room with fumes. The patient
on inhaling the fumes will rough
up and spit out all
matter and the diphtheria will pass
out. The fumes of tar
loosen the throat and
ford a relief that has baffled the
skill of physicians. Great care
must be exercised to prevent the
tar which are
highly inflammable, taking
A Preacher Resigns
His Charge.
Rev. K. L. announced
last from the pulpit of
Methodist church his withdrawal;
from the ministry later
rendered his credentials to the
presiding elder, severing his claims
to the ministry and membership
in the gave no
for the action, and of course rumor j
is very busy. Mr. was
respected by the people of Murphy
it was with regret they
ed his announcement.
Rev. Geo. F. Kirby, who has
been president of the
Female College, has appoint-
ed to succeed
Three Big
This i just the
corner in front
office noticed three line
mens of manhood that in tilt arc
hard to remark-
able about them is that all
of them were policemen. They
were Chief of Police J. T. Smith
an Assistant E. II. Dudley, of
and Policeman Smith,
of Sumter, We don't know
if the two Smiths arc any kin, but
the South Carolinian has somewhat
the advantage of his North Caro-
brother officer Neither
are we advised if the salutation
the Governor Car-
said to the Governor
was passed.
Some Speak la Ne, borne to Yon
J. A. Dupree left this morning
for Norfolk.
E. II. went to Wash
H. W. of
h Ii this illuming.
II. Cox, of Kinston, came
over this morning.
Donnell Gillian returned to
Tarboro this morning.
J. W. Higgs returned
day evening from Baltimore
Mr. and Mrs. L. Brooks, of
came Thursday even
J. L. Ramsey, of Raleigh, was
here Wednesday left this
S. P. Owens, of Norfolk, came
Wednesday evening left
this morning.
Policeman of Sumter, B.
C, came in Wednesday evening
and today here.
W. K. Perry left this mo
for his in Spring Ho to
spend a week recuperating.
Miss Nannie Wilson and little
nephew, Willie Wilson, returned
Wednesday evening from
Miss Lucy Johnson, who has
visiting her sister, Mrs. D.
W. Davis, left this morning for
Misses Lena and Little
of Ayden, who have
Mrs. A. Dudley,
returned home Wednesday even-
J. B. Cherry, Jr., left
J. E. Starkey returned from
Kinston this morning.
Col. W. J. Pope, Of
county, was here today.
II. ti. representing the
A. T. Co. spent Thursday here.
J. If. Moore returned Thursday
evening from a trip up the road.
Mrs. Harrison left ibis
morning visit to Washington.
J. T. Matthews has sick
some but was out this morn-
Policeman H. II. Smith left this
morning for I. i home
Mrs. of Colds-
who has been visiting Mrs.
Aired Forbes, left Thursday even-
Miss of Snow Hill, Miss
Laughinghouse, of
Miss of Baltimore, are visit-
Mrs. Dr. Laughinghouse.
Miss Lizzie left this morn-
for Goldsboro.
Rev. F. H. Harding went to
Friday evening.
J. A. Dupree returned Friday
evening from Norfolk.
J. J. Corey returned Friday
evening from
Presiding Elder F. A. Bishop
left this morning for Tarboro.
II. A. returned Friday
evening from a trip up the rood.
Mrs. J. R. Walker is quite sick
at her home West Greenville.
lbs. J. A. Dudley left Friday
to visit her at
Mr. and Mrs. E L. Brooks left
Friday evening for their home in
W. J. Rollins went to Kinston
Friday evening and this
is visiting Mrs. W. J. in
West Greenville.
Miss Margaret Hi of
Philadelphia, who baa been wait-
Mrs. W. I. James, left this
Miss Bessie Henderson, of
bury, who has spending Borne
time with Miss Sallie Cotten,
took the train here
this morning her home. Miss
accompanied her.
A bill bus introduced the
New York Assembly providing for
the of bonds not exceeding
fur the extension of
State aid to counties and
in the of good
roads. The good roads
The historic Hurt mansion, in
S. C, which has
offered for sale, was once the scene
of a Confederate Cabinet meeting,
which was called by Jefferson
Davis while a guest of Mr. Hurt.
At that meeting career the
Confederacy was virtually
and there the great seal
Government was seen for
the last time. The seal was re
ported to have ca.-t a
well the premises, but it has
been searched for without avail.
r aW-ff
Read This.
, The balance of the j. Co., Media
Pa., high grade
Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes,
Read This. I
-a Goods, ff
I hi i commercial world. Nothing V
Si Plainly marked and just in and are thrown ill this sale
must go,
We must have room low prices will move
The sale now
J. and GO
Men Shoes
J. price 12.50
Buyer price lie
IS Sale
Only ill i customer.
The Grandest Display Ever Seen Here.
Men Hats.
in i
Big New Store. Ladies Shoes.
Hovers price 01.30
Artistically arranged, with color blended with color,
showing the prettiest and largest store I
Remember this big sale is now going on at
New Store.
HI to
A Grand Chance For Genuine Bargains.
Mens Suits.
Worth 13.00
Mens Pants.
Worth THIS
Mens Neckties.
Worth THIS
Percale Cuffs.
kind THIS
Everything Marked in Plain Figures.
Make no mistake but come find get the rare
bargain offered you.
Our Terms
Goods sold for cash. Nothing sent out
on approval. Spot cash over the counters.
This sale for consumers only. Polite and
attentive clerks.
Percale Collars.
kind is o
Ladles Shoes.
value A
Table Oil Cloth.
John J.
George A. V
only. j,
Entire stocks, the J. Boy stock and our immense stock of y
a. Goods just received, are now
Si Thrown Together and Being Sold at Low Cost, ft
Every department crowded and jammed and we have cut the prices to move I hey are going v
you want to be among the first before they are picked over.
C. T.
The Money Saver.
if Big New Store.
h . r
Greenville, N. C. m

Have You
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pan is, Hardware
m i
i mi I To
I lo sec me for your of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
Get a good
Viet r safe is made in all sizes con-
home, office and general use.
ti H with a to be lire
mi Price range from up
I U i,
x. r.
. I in
bounty. We I audit- ill.- I I on the
Si 1st for iii- run supply what-
ever need W- also
I fool's c i ,
us, colored mis. ink
. I
pen slates, it
s, el .
a pencils I cent, i ad pencils rent,
Upped lead pencil I I. nice with
try cover cent, with metal hold-
in wood box pencil, slate pen
and pen. an all in nice wood box,
is. A great big aid of best
n the market, re , tn in cents
White in hex. us fool's cap
PI i In run I a per quire
the Business Man
We . a nice in of
e lay book, i i
i books, .
i, . k lime
nave nil kinds and card and
i vis-, t and tablets.
i Famous Park. Fountain gen
Right -.-
The exhibit of live at ran-
American at Buffalo the
coming will include all eerie-
ties breeds of domestic animals.
bait been made to ac-
grounds. Liberal prizes In all
will be offered.
a how win be
prominent feature of display
frill harness horses,
I etc. Tills exhibition will be
fashioned no of the
Square Harden show and will be bald
at Stadium.
A model exhibition dairy, composed
of all breeds of milk cows, will b IS
operation during months of
A great display of tho varied
cultural product from tho
provinces and countries of
, Western will be made In
the Agricultural building,
Awards for all
will be made direct to Individual ex-
The closing of the Nineteenth
has In
the of In the
world. Formerly the whole
was largely by
Instead of a vocation
a certain apprenticeship It la
becoming on
chemistry and play DO In-
part. The Increasing Inter-
est and attendance at the dairy
throughout the
and existence of great co-
operative commercial
for manufacture and tale of
dairy products. Is an
to the of modern
science, In great the
government boa appropriated
money to help the dairyman la
work, and this Is Indicative of it
Importance as a factor of the great
food problem of the world.
The territorial of the dairy belt
have long sine been annihilated. A
few states provinces In the
longer enjoy the exclusive distinction
In dairy In
Dairy building at Exposition space
already been for by Maine
and California, Manitoba and
Tho supposed of soil, we-
and food In of
America have largely
I by dairyman, and to-
day of dairy
animals are found wherever the whole-
nutritive value of milk
products arc known.
Pew people have any adequate con-
of present magnitude of the
dairy industry. In the
and Canada la one dairy cow to
every four persona, or cows.
The milk production la
mated at 1550 000.000. Add to the
value of dairy and
have To add
the In dairy appliances,
reach a grand total of
Invested In this great Industry
In the United and Canada.
it to the of us,
and America, arc eager for
American dairy products,
more from these countries vis
lug the Exposition In than hare
the lulled Stales and Canada
In last half century the great com-
opportunity to of
hairy and Supplies needs no
A large, beautiful building located
mar tho Agricultural building will be
x lush elf to Hairy
and Hairy Apparatus.
All tilt II ilk products will exhibit-
ed In glass cases properly refrigerated
I for the purpose of far
as possible the texture and quality
i on exhibition.
h, . products form a portion of
state or provincial displays will not be
for exhibit space, but
will be charged 11.50
per square foot for spore occupied.
exhibit of hairy will
embody nil recent Inventions
Improvements made In Industry,
Including sterilizer,
cooler-, i burns, etc.
Electric power will furnished In
the building should exhibitors to
demonstrate work el their ma-
for the of the
exhibit In hairy division will
he a I and In point at-
Interest utility will
anything ever attempt-
A Model of
of nil the breeds, will be la
operation during the entire
for the purpose of determining as far
as possible of production
the adaptability certain t
i lines of dairy work. These
divisions are Id charge of Mr. F. A.
Mat The Broad.
What was the value of the
cow asked the railroad coin
was offered U for her
replied the farmer.
exclaimed the other,
the pen dropping from his nerve-
less finger. wasn't an
even after she was
No. She was just a common
all you want for her If
Who said I
to put a
No. I wasn't dam-
aged She had
post, or glanders, or something
at that kind. I to kill
what We you here for
want toted whether it
damaged your or not
it struck her. it did,
I'm willing to pay for
Are you asked the
claim agent uneasily
for a weapon of some
damage your cowcatcher
up lite trucks any, so
I to delay your
No Ion of any
Not a cent. But what in the
Then it's all tight. No, sir, I
ain't crazy. I'm only
N C.
North Carolina
bushels of corn 1900,
which was worth She
wheat, valued at Of
oats bushels were pro-
valued at
bushels of rye were produced,
worth Of Mat
we bushels at
were produced, valued at
This State is the
South sixth in
production, oats,
first in rye, in Irish iota
toes, hay. Though our
agricultural production is immense
it is nothing like what it should
be. have of the largest
and most fertile States in the
could support agricultural
population ten times as large as we
have. The Slate needs
in agriculture as well as
in other Times.
L. H. Pender,
N. C.
Flues, Tin Booting, Ac.
Expert employed. All
kinds work
first class. of gnus a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
Save Your Money.
of Pills will save
many dollars in bills
of the stomach, liver or bowels.
No Reckless Assertion
For sick headache,
malaria, constipation and
a million people endorse
ii in
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors handlers of
Tics Hags.
and shipments
Three One for
Weekly Times
Now Only Cents a Year,
and includes absolutely free
Paragon Monthly, New
Farm Journal, Philadelphia.
Farm Journal and Para-
Monthly, now only M per
year; per mouth by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
Steamer We
ton daily at A. M. fur Or
ville, leave Greenville dally W
M. for Washington.
Steamer let ye
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at T A. M. for Tar
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. H. freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore.
New York and Boa
ton, and for all for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, N. O.
J. Art.,
Greenville, N. O.
oil M
lit., v.
will tell you I'm the
in I
on I am. I tare a
either Any of the real of
would have held j on up for
I'd sec yon in
before I'd rent of
old money. I've offered to
do the square thing, you've
turned up nose at it, and now
if you ever change
to come on me for dam-
ages lo old railroad,
I'll law you t kingdom
Then he flapped his old slouch
hat his Shaggy head and went
out, leaving the company's agent
in a stale of inter collapse
A Rich Harvest.
Mention has made of the
unparalleled increase
of business in Newark of a life in
company which had ad-
extensively in the local
newspapers, after the of
mercantile establishments. There
a better pro if of
Value of liberal advertising, and it
is safe lo predict that the results
will induce at one company
in every community to buy news
paper space in a large way. The
held will rich
Satisfy Your Appetite at the
Next door to
New and Clean.
Game. Good to Eat.
Regular Dinner from to I
I kinds meal, kinds
Vegetables, bread, Coffee and
all for M cents.
B, W.
notice to tile
Mr. John Drewry, General Agent fur
Caroline and Virginia, of Well-
Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
lo announce lo large number of
and lo public
will now in tin-
state from tin date will
lo ell de-
siring Very beet insurance in best
life Insurance company In Ike world.
f the local in your town not
Agent, N,
Paid policy
Live, reliable
once to wore for
Cotton Bagging and Ties
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly e
band. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
win pay the
pier till, the
IN purely
lo lion con-
Pills, a pills. In
II pills e
Imitations, sent mail, sumps
j e
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and low the
Highest market
paid for country produce.
May III we expect lo , lose our
nets. All persona owing us are M
make All
u will present them
st our at
TO A 1.1.
And when ii co
I ho Reflector Office Can't tie Beat.
The of Ethnology at the
imposition will Include
a rail inn-emu of
which development of the
races, particularly In America, may be
Meed The have to
be rich with the have
i i Mode and
mad Hie mound builders,
Ail. . the many
ac to light only recent
year's will to tho first
American el present day.
,., , , III be to
study M el man lo labor and
Invention of
A Big Snake Story.
A wonderful story come from
the camp on the Great
on Mill Branch just
back of T. E. Last
Friday a hand was taken
with convulsions and after some
time vomited up a ten
inches long. The immediate
got better as he walked
about among the crowd the snake
would follow him. the
was caught Mid put a bottle and
when the man who vomited
n would go i the
would exhibit great concern,
pay no ion lo any else.
We give the story as it a as told
The at He
court of two in knee pants
illicit distilling, i the
that for the home
is not yet
S. Schultz,
Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash id for
Hides, Fur, Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mutt reuses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gall
Mont West cheroots,
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candles, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
tool, Beat Butler,
aid Sewing Much i lies, nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity- Cheap for cash. Com
ti see me.
i f the Superior of Pill
having Issued to the as.
Liters of on
estate A. Smith notice
is hereby given all holding
claims said Co present them
to me for or before
day of Ibis will t
plead bar of tin recovery, All
to lo
to me,
day of
me Mate of A.
day Wen lamed to by the of the
Superior of nU upon the ea-
of II. notice is
given holding claims
lo me
for on or the Mb day of
April this will plead in
bar to
aid estate are to make Immediate
payment to
a , ,
Also a nit Hardware.
J. R.
Com ts
i ., r hi ,. ail
. , , ell it
i i,
. , is on I will be
. . , , i .
,,.,. r sorts el
mud ii
i Mrs and
blood builder. Brings
glow to pal
of upon the estate
of having,
day been lo me by the Clerk of the
SI of County, Notice is
hereby given lo all persons claims
against said estate them lo me
for on or day of
March or will he plead in
of their recovery. All persons indebted
lo said estate are to make
line payment tome.
the slay March
oar to care
J tot circular
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Meek, Grain
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
In Advance.
One Year ft, Months
Three Sing. Copy
No canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
office. The Semi-
Weekly and
-will be together
one year for or The Daily
year for 3.50 payable in ad-
are two ways of putting
up an umbrella order to soak i t
The man who knows how to get
rid of bis rheumatism
The contented a woman is
with bet lot the more she is apt to
dwell it.
owe U SO day or
sale by J L
f with the will
tins baas M
the Clerk the Court of Pill
estate of I. K. laughing-
use la hereby to
lo tome
of March
this will plead in bar of re-
All M ea
talc an lo make immediate pay-
lo Inc.
with the will annexed of L. E.
lawyers. WASH
The Eastern Reflector
a M
Attention Please.
Our white goods are the prettiest and cheapest.
See us before buying. We won't be undersold.
to pay bonds will not mature
for yearn, Le would event
Dally have to lo
the teachers.
According lo evidence given be
lore r. B.
the paper trust has more
than a year to the cost
of news print paper in this
try. One said that he
knew of two newspapers which
Were each paying an of
a year in the price of
used by them. The same
witness mid promises
made by the trust I icon viola
that Instead of reducing the
cost of manufacture, it hail
la-en increased, and was now
greater than Individual own
of paper mills.
Although the War Department
lied to the report
of extensive frauds the Com-
official action of Secretary Root In
largely Increasing force of
officers in the Inspector General's
in I he Philippines, is
let more than get away aD of the truth
if the published stories. It is
DIM I'll EM,
We are in the forefront of the race
offer you the lest selected line of,
General Merchandise,
snow HER THESE AND hat
Mrs. is of and if
w as h
from it if t here is any lo
from it
April I ft. ii the tests of the new armor plate
Did bargain for his should lie followed by an
own capture, for a price, and have able report, although it is said to
the American people been made j stood every test required be-
tho victims of a colossal official tore samples were submitted to the
is a startling
but circumstances have cans- I A Washington man who has just
i-ii it to in Washington, returned from
since the cable news reported where be spent a year, doesn't
to be buying diamonds enthuse over Hit as a place
and it is for Americans to go. He said.-
pertinent, too. cost hare bad all the Philippines that
money, II bus I want. After a twelve month's
buying them, where did beget the sojourn over there, I am to
Any money- that was say that I do not believe it any
at bis headquarters when he country for a white man. It is a
was captured would, if usual
were followed, have
an contraband of war and
turned over to the U. Military
it who would have turn-
ed it into the U. Treasury.
None of the ninny detailed state
of capture
have said anything about the cap-
of any yet it is
that he some.
All these more, have
beta talked about in connection
with purchase of
It maybe all straight,
but as one high army officer who
the Philippines until recent-
put it, enema ample
ground for the suspicion that there
has be-
tween the men who
handle the secret service t of
this government in the Philip-
The same officer
would not surprise me at nil to
learn that who was sup
posed to have betrayed Aguinaldo
was acting under that wily chap's
orders all the time, and that
was all arranged
in advance by
If it he possible to get a square
deal with the administration, in
rivalry with the Morgan steel
trust, the latter may itself
out of several million
of government money. The
l Ism Steel Company, of Pills-
rare thing to ti mi an American Hint
does not wish get back to the
Slates as quickly as possible. The
spirit of discontent desire to
get away find expression the
army that has been lo
gate the Islands,
soldier that is with his lot
is an exception. The climate is
bad in that whenever a man gets
sick there is no bracing or
quality in the air, and re-
to health is exceedingly
slow. My belief is that the cap-
of Aguinaldo will not put an
end to our troubles in the Philips
pines; there will be plenty of rev-
leaders to keep up a
desultory warfare, and the chances
arc that the lighting will go on for
the next
GOT. Allen, of Rico, prob-
ably under orders from Mr.
a general de-
of the stories alleging
guttering among the poorer
of the because they no
work, charges that of the
stories have all investigated
by native editor, who is dis-
because lie was given
office. It is a little odd
that one Rican editor should
have been able to a score
or more of reputable American
correspondents to send
their papers.
GOT, of is
burg, has samples of heavy Washington for the purpose of
armor plate to Naval settling accounts between
proving below and the
Washington, with the request that the equipment of troops for the
it lie subjected to the severer. tests, war with Of those accounts
This armor plate was made by an , be law provided that
process it is vouchers in certain form should la-
claimed to lie every way as good made out for every expenditure.
It not superior, to the armor In some cases the Military author
which the government is paying did not issue vouchers at
the Morgan steel trust a ton all and that has caused delay
for, it is offered for in the payments, but
If the tests that claim, Slate will lose but little. The
the government buys the new Governor denied that his trip
armor it will save something East was lo borrow to pay
on each the but-1 school teachers the Stale,
contract. But, but admitted that if the Treasurer
the pull of the Morgan trust of Stale OH account of
la taken into consideration that his construction of the law. to pay
a formidable as it is Warrants issued for that purpose
that the big trust will not lout of funds, which are held
stated at the War Department that
system Of Inspection in the
Philippines has been very lax be-
cause a sufficient number of officers
had mil I seen detailed for that
pose, and that consequence
there has been a number of cases
of petty in both Com-
and de-
is known that these
frauds have been so numerous for
some time, that it been found
necessary to establish a sort of
secret service to watch for them.
There has been only one officer
Col. strictly in
duly in Philippines
and he has only recently returned
to duty from a two month's sick
leave. Nothing shows plainer
that the government has been
robbed extensively the Philip-
pines than Hie fact that I lie average
annual cost of maintaining a sol-
over there has increased in
the year more than WOO. As there
in round numbers soldiers
over there, this is no small matter.
Adjutant Corbin, who is
about the slickest politician that
ever held a coin mission the
army, and who by means of his
political manipulation, was
in command of the army
during the war with Spain, has
again slugged Gen. Miles below
the the Liter's lighting
blood is, ; pretty near
boiling. As Usual, it was done
through Corbin's political pull.
He not only succeeded in getting
Col. Rodgers the
Fifth, or I'll. of the
Fourth appointment
us Chief of Artillery, a position
created by new army law,
turned down, and Col. w. F.
appointed, although
was ranked by both other men.
but In greeting the Chief of Ar-
made a subordinate
Adjutant General, although the
the position says the
holder shall be on
Lieutenant General commanding.
Gen, Miles made a vigorous
protest to the Secretary of
against this violation of law, but
notice has yet been taken of
will soon a new public printer.
Mi. Palmer, who now holds the
position, held it under Harrison,
was appointed b Mr.
at the personal request of
President Harrison. It is said that
can have He If he wants
it. and if he doesn't I loss ill
gel it for one of his constituents, a
man Baas, lint it is re
as a very juicy plum,
unless it is Idled la-fore the news
get around I here is sine I i be a
big light for it among the
to be in any store in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, creations of the beat manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Bummer
and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad
vantage. It Is our pleasure to show you you want and to
sell if we can. We oiler you the very best service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built Up Strictly on its own merits.
When yon come to market yon will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense Stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats and Gaps, Bilks and Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
ha is not on hand one will lie trimmed
tastes you wail.
Hats, Braids, Ornaments,
in the milliners line.
flowers, Ribbons, and everything
Men's, Women's Children's and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee. Send ts,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture everything in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
j. p. CO.
If yon want stoves or ranges constructed upon
scientific principles which are economical, durable,
convenient, well as beautiful and artistic, look
for the
What Is Advertising stealing Cotton,
It is simply a matter of Two weeks n ore ago W. T.
plication. Knight went down lo bis
The man stalls farm . weigh iii his
little or nothing. He had been weights
He has schemes at I When
bobbies, like all of us. ., . gun neighing be soon
He makes experiment and the number was short,
loses a little and tin- when he bad fourteen
blues and then gets over the blue bales sere
and makes more experiments. Sheriff then began an
later lie gel- investigation, lie learned
right Hack. ;, John Stilton
lie starts some business on a had carried a bale of cotton, early
small begins to make morning, to sold
little u. Later he ascertained that
he looks for a way to null-jollier Sam Randall, bad
the business two or three, carried several hales to Greenville
In about ninety-nine cases out of and there disposed of them. An-
Hie hundred the growth of the
hinge- upon selling more
good-upon interesting more
people, upon publicity,
paper advertising.
Because he has but little money
he begins carefully, and because
he begin- such a
mall scale bee keep
and wail a reasonable time for re-
his advertising
As the business expands hi-
ii possibilities before
him expand, lie on some
more multiplying.
oil,, r bale was also curried to that
place by a named
Kill Melville, aid bis overseer.
n. bite.
W found an In-
under way lie ran
. and has not been beard of
Warrants were against
Brown an I the Staton
nm who were
and given a preliminary hearing
.-;. In default
of I ail I committed
ill the
per he i- are lying him; be is
persist patient and careful innocent, but all the
about the preparation of his copy lo completely
again doubles or trebles bus- negative bis assertions.
Corbin, in Mansfield Staton mys that he paid by
O. News. and to carry,
cotton to and
tons that hi did not steal, bill
hauled cotton off for
As the hits opened and t;,.
clops arc being planted,
Of Interests To
U not sure that
are again becoming numerous and . ow ,. ,,, with
their ravage-ill boon,. ,,, all be can
wish to urge farmers not lo wail ii.
a crop i- and then
Write for but ., soon
as an Insect enemy i-
so may be
of Injurious
insects i- becoming more and more
i- invited
lo free use i f lo
obtain i insert
N. C.
of Agriculture, Raleigh, N
deal is made
i of
mark, which is shown upon every genuine
and do not be deceived
a and p
Stove or Range
by imitations
load all others yearly
Sold Exclusively
N. C.
It i- -aid I lint i.
M. Simmons, i- the only man
ever lived In this lo see bis
-on in Unite
Mr. old age and the fuel
to the senate at a much
age senator
n. S. i i-.
nor. only i; j in old.
i- and in g
New. and Ob-,
ill Hie
i i i Raleigh in the Impeach-
mi . honestly be-
cm half n d
Carolina who
can l be efforts made
ii side
lo try. it and
i en,
I hi i. Is much in There
an able hi d men
in the who, if made
the same effort la-fore a
the hustings do in
would lie pi II .
not ice is i of then ac-
old story old but ever
new Jeans a d I Its the
-ion ail us have heard
from childhood heard mi often
ll take little .
I bi-s i- iii. my
i id I bat ii i- so but ii Is ti
libel. .
i murk,

Eastern reflector, 16 April 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 16, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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