Eastern reflector, 19 March 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. ii i
Have You Forgot
Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
rick headache,
sour malaria
me tor your B Floor or Pork.
Yours tn leas
. White.
A Strong Fortification.
Fortify against disease
by Liver an
lute cure fur
constipation, jaundice, bilious
and all kindred troubles.
Fly-Wheel of
Your Liver Pills are
the shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if had a new lease of life.
Liver Pills
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is mule in all sizes con-
tor home, office and general use.
Every sale Bill with a guarantee to be lire
proof. Prices from up.
Before you decide on the style
for Easter or for Spring my
new patterns just They
enable a woman with her own
needle to dress in the latest style.
Standard patterns are seam allow
lag easy lit.
Mrs. L. Griffin.
To produce the best results
fruit, vegetable or grain, the
fertilizer used must contain
enough Potash. For
see our pamphlets. We
end them free.
Greenville, N. C.
lit lo For
in Es-
Is the
W. i. Porter to puffs
Baring been a vice
dent tar the Male of North Carolina to
die to be
held m Buffalo from May to Nov.
1901, take the liberty at addressing
you n fellow
to fan tome, watch I
to of Importance to any good
ii of our
l desire to call your to
bring a vast crowd of people
front portions world.
a our legislature baa
not had the far to
make Hi. for
a display of our products at ibis Ex-
p. and unfortunately for in the
regular of our legislature
not meet January, 1901, we are
fearful that it cannot make a
appropriation in time erect a state
of ran
As one of
Pitt County. We handle
State List for public
ever need. We also
Public School Books in
books designated the
is and can supply what-
slant i
tablets, fours paper, pen
crayons, colored crayons, inks
Some of Our School
I practice writing b
companion boxes, etc.
L. H. Pender,
Tobacco Flues. Tin Roofing;, Set.
employed. AH
kinds and locksmith work
Oral class, stocking of gnus a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
Mr. C. General Agent for
North Carolina Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular
Life Insurance Co., of
to t large of
holders, and to the
generally, of North this com-
will now Resume In
state and from this date will issue Its
and desirable policies, to all
siring the very in best
life in the world.
If agent in your Iowa has not
yet arrangements, address
State Agent, N. C.
Assets 72.938,922
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic agents wan cl at
once to wort for the
C pencils I cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil
pretty cover cent. C
in nice wood box B cent,
and pen, and rub
cents. A great big wide
ink on the Market, rents.
White crayons, gross in box, S
paper lo cants per quire
plain lead pencils cent.
cent, a nice tablet with
i crayons, with metal hold-
i pencil, slate pen-
. all in nice wood box, B
i cents. Bottle of best
books to cents.
for the Business Man.
We carry a nice of flew
long day books. Journals,
order books. receipt.
For Sc People
ell lops so
kinds mil
. visit nil
Famous Parke Fountain gen
it to
The Reflector Office Can't lie Beat.
that we might be enabled
make a proper and creditable exhibit
for our stale.
A elate exhibit can be made by
her people If the proper efforts are put
forth. It l proposed that we transfer
Hie North Carolina exhibit at Paris to
Buffalo, will probably be done.
that exhibit will not be sufficient.
We want to bring before the people of
I he north and all the
sphere an exhibit that will vol-
for our Hate. A suitable display
the products and resources of North
u. doubt will he a revelation
tn people and will be of great
to Old North Stale.
are millions of people without
any knowledge of our products and
advantage that we it la
not generally known the tobacco
North the first
at the Fair at Vienna,
such is the case. It is not general-
known that the minerals of North
Carolina are In the world.
We minerals and precious
In our state that are not found
In any other country oil the globe.
have wealth In mica
mines, believe we furnish
mica for the markets of the
world years to come.
Our of acres of nearly all
kinds of limber are virtually In the
virgin forests and untouched. The
of our cotton can compete
with the of any other south-
corn, rye and other pro-
; are as line and of good
Good fool a cap ., .,. , states.
i desire a good of
and It Is duly of every good
citizen of our stale to use every effort
in bis power to bring shout a plan lo
encourage such Immigration, our
may In- developed and Improved
lo inch an extent that she may stand
at of the column of
and single entry ledgers, j
To bring ill- results thus set
forth, will necessary for
themselves lo lake bold of the
matter, instead of waiting to
what the may do for the
a your vice president rep-
have appealed to the good
people of our state to come to res-
I propose in lb first place that the
Item of ill the state call
n Hug of her people SI the county
test or tome other accessible point and
Organize American and take
mi.-, We believe st least
or lie raised In
this win. We could then erect a build-
for our and could suit-
en lit meant to make a creditable
play of the products and of
Stile which would doubt be
the means of bringing millions of
into our
it is believed
would lake a broad of Hill
effort to promote the public welfare
and Without reimburse
who lo this fund.
w. r.
Meadow. N. C.
i Tali, a
It was late, but ho lingered.
have beta to th
young woman remarked after a pause
In conversation, the motto of
the state of
said young
retching for his hat. I will go.
but it will always be a
he milled. With II profound how.
know. do that you once
called me i Tribune.
t one of the bright hell-
buys at House
Sag. tie to
you going lo a by-
am going o hie hotel
r st. and live for a
and the boy pouted to let
remark soak in.
that's your Idea of good
time. Is queried the
I yet. I
am going to . big betel with three big
grips, I . m going make bell-
boy carry of up the room
for me I won't even Hie small-
one. Th. n as tot -i as am In my
room I am to have some ice
will not ring for Ice water, but
for a bellboy and after be baa
to the f. I . Ill- not per-
to u-e you know,
and shrill room lower than
the fifth be climbed
up I will tell Mm I want tome
Ice water.
will drink all the lee water I can
pour the real In a Then
I will ring more lee water. After
I shall I served in
my room. I drink, but there
must be hi i Then
I will divide i . in; a bull
Will call a I y t my grip
down lo die I I re-
turn. I will ring for ice water.
will on having the same
bellboy all lime, I'll
keep him chasing around until he will
curse n-., in every slip. Then when
get ready In have and he Is happy to
think lie nevi I sec my cursed
face I will give a dollar.
You know I think of pulling
a to all trouble without re-
him. I have been
trough mill What I have
Just to n
every day his life all except get-
ting the dollar when It Is
tat City Times.
Norfolk, Va.
and handlers of
Ties Hags.
will be made to the
to amend the the town of
L. St., Mayor
J. C. Clerk.
January, 1901.
Thus- Papers, One Etch, Me
Weekly Times
Now Only Cents a Year,
and includes absolutely free The
Paragon Monthly, New The
Farm Journal, Philadelphia.
Journal and Para-
Monthly, now only IS per
year; par month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
Notice is hereby given that application
will made to the Assembly of
Carolina to prohibit tale of
within two mile.; of the
church near the town of Bethel,
N. D. This
Steamer leave
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesday, and Saturdays
at A. M. freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
Greenville, N.
Satisfy Your Appetite at the
Next door to
Everything New and Clean.
Oysters, Sine, Anything Good
Dinner from to o'clock.
Soup, kinds meat, kinds
Vegetables, Bread, Coffee and De-
, nil for conic.
B. W.
All persons owing me for guano for the
year and prior, please call and
tile with H. W. Greenville, or
S Edwards, St Tucker's old stand,
or send check direct to me, Nets
folk. Va , P. O. box
O. M.
A nil COW with brindle stripes, crooked
unmarked, apparently about two
yea old, been in my field four
mo Owner hereby notified to call
for and pay for keeping
cost of advertising. W. L.
Greenville, N. C, Jan. 1901.
Having duly before the
Court Clerk of Pitt as
of the estate of B. A. House, Sr.,
deceased, notice is hereby to all per-
indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned,
and all having the
must present the tame for payment
on or before the 28th day of January,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
This 28th day of January,
ii. a. Books,
Administrators of B. A. House, Sr.
6-a n.
Cotton Bagging and lies
on lion i
goods kepi en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Pan nil Ion
re l A
low of The for
curved The mil In
to inn I. with n dome
of up to
date Ml tit, of
now busy
colic, mill into
Vitality, and Manhood
and nine
papers and
Telephone Company,
Henderson N. C.
The following toll will be
in effect on after December
subject to change and
From Greenville to
HI Mercer
a. Oxford
Seek i
Spring Hope
It. Soils. Weldon
Littleton Wilson
Gen. Supt
. or
A tonic
blood builder.
s pink flow to
and the
south. Br
13.00, with to car
or refund th paid.
ad oar bond.
tire for of
. 11.00
our bankable
day or
B mill In plain I-C
e for c
an t bond to In
money paid. Add real
Clinton A Jackson
For sale by J L
the and
in by t decree entered at
term 1900 of Superior Court, la the
case entitled S. T. Hooker against K.
Dixon and others, appears on record In
the Clerk's office of the Superior Court in
Judgment . No. action min-
Docket So in pages and
and Commissioner named
I will public before the
Court House dear In on Mon-
day of March follow-
described tract Of land wit one tract
and. situated the county of Pitt,
the lands of
Janus H. Mills, I. Clark, Robert
others being the land whereon
K. S. resides, situate on the
north side of Cow swamp and being
known as land chased K. S.
Dixon II. A. and to
Dixon his father John S. Dixon
and in the
whole one hundred and filly acres. The
identical land James Galloway in
trust, as appears in Book D.
and U. Hooker. Oct. 8th 1898,
Feb. 0,1901.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Greenville, N, O.
on I
Milker and of
thought wife was to
Join physical culture class this
year, Mr.
did intend to. but we've got a
who hat over from Sweden
six and my has to
lo her by linking
Take my letter, away
ray second letter, away all my let-
in I am the tame. What
If The
earn Engines,
Repaired on Short Notice
Putts, Bracket, and Balusters for
rimming made to order.
S. M.
retail Grocer
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Par, Cotton Bead, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Err, etc. Bed-
Steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
soils, Tables, Safes, P.
Meat Key West
American Beauty Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut.,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Mach and nu-
other Duality and
Quantity. Cheap for Com
to see inc.
op M l a, Pitt county
before the Clerk in the Superior Court.
Rota Iteming, Fleming, Archie
Fleming and Nannie Fleming, minors,
next friend Barrow.
Fleming, W. Fleming. Al-
Mary Pollard his
wife, Adelaide Fleming and tire children
of Adam Fleming. Jr., whose
names arc unknown and D. T House
guardian of W. Fleming a lunatic.
The children of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
whose names are unknown who are
in above will
lake notice that s Special Proceeding en-
titled as has been commenced In the
Superior Court of county, before the
Clerk, in order to make partition of the
the lute Fernando Fleming among
his is law. And the said defendants
will lake notice that they are
lo appear At the office of the said
Clerk of the Superior Court of count
on Wednesday the 20th day of March
in N. C, and demur
to the and complaint in laid ac-
or the plaintiff will apply to Court
fur the relief demanded therein.
This the 7th day of February
D. C Boons.
Clerk of Superior Court of county.
Attorneys for
will ll, for
of Liver Complaint, . , .
i r we can
nut ears with
with are
in I,, -A.-
SI pill. V
IS of
THE B ST roil
and lever is a of
Tasteless t Tonic. It is simply
in form
No cure-no pay. Price
Hy virtue of the powers contained in two
certain decrees made at the September term
1900 mid March term 1901 of
court in cause entitled T.
Hooker against K. S. Dixon et
will to public sale for
In highest bidder, court
house door in t he town of N, C,
on the 3rd day of April 1901
lit of first week of
the April term of Superior the
following described tract of land to
That lain tract of land in
county of and in township ad-
joining tin i .- of Janus II. Mills, Robert
Dixon. W, L and the
IsM whereon the E. H. Dixon
North of Cut Swamp
and being as the lands
chased F,. S. A.
mid that to
K, S. from
and pun he John S.
lire n om
-M i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
One Year VI, Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Semi-
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or Daily
one year for payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
m .
m e
March Proclamations.
ill if ill 11.1 in Inn,
BOW, neat and
we is for you to see our line.
seen it. See it today.
Val Laces, Allover Laces,
to match all edgings.
X or bargains we are headquarters.
r . U will find Silks, Pine Apple Tissues,
y Persian,
The New Libel Law
Following is the bill to I
All But Paupers Mutt Pay.
Our Raleigh special this mom K.
brings startling statement titled An Act Relative to the Law
that the Supreme Court has of Libel as it has passed both
ed that persons who are able of the General
to make payment for General Assembly of North
and treatment in insane Carolina do
payment must be made; in j Section That before any pro-
other words, only civil or criminal,
are entitled to free quarters, treat- shall lie brought for the
There are in this newspaper or periodical
State multitudes of good men, men in this State of a libel,
of proud and independent spirit, j or prosecutor shall at least five
who earn from to a i days before instituting such pro-
and who need it all to reeding serve notice in writing on
port their families and the defendant or defendants, spec-
They work, the article and the state-
to the State's wealth and therein which be alleges to
pay their taxes, pay
their bills and bold their beads up
in the world. They are not
lie false and defamatory. If it
shall appear upon trial that
said article was published good
gent, they arc not paupers, but if I faith, that its falsity was due to an
a member of their families becomes j mistake the facts, and
they are not able to pay for that there were reasonable grounds
his or her care and treatment in a for believing that the
hospital the insane, should said article were true, and that
they be required to, seeing that a within ten days after the service
large proportion, of their taxes go of said notice a full and fair
to the support of these institutions j apology and retraction
But they must stint and was published the same editions
corresponding of the
edge themselves paupers, other-1 newspaper or periodical in which
wise the member of the said article appeared, and in as
Modish Mention.
Boleros not a
whole jacket are added to jackets
and blouses longer cut.
Silk mitts will lie a summer
feature with elbow sleeves. Those
who assist with refreshments
at teas are wearing them now.
A four-in hand tie is effectively
knotted under the ever modish col-
We will have none of the full
skirt save in the finely tucked
sheer stun.
bid fair to
in every garment from a lingerie
waist to a coat.
a long coat there's newer
nor more effective sleeve than the
smallish Bishop, which is caught
into a cuff that Hares a bit over the
Velvet will be crowd-
ed out by the new and fetching
silk weaves.
Two or lace collars
more Of may be used on one
pretty blouse.
ah the soft art
Black and while is not
Lace insertion plays a
part in frocks.
Point de are
Amateur dressmakers should re-
member that foundation skirts
must be cut with as much care
be as ample as the outer skirt.
We are still the forefront of the race
We offer you best selected line oft
General Merchandise
In New Quarters.
My and customers can now line me in
store-formerly occupied Mrs. i.,
opposite the Alfred Forbes store, with
a full and complete of
y Goods and Notions.
family cannot be admitted to a
hospital which they are taxed to
We this decision is good
law; we may not question that fact;
but it is not equity, it will re-
suit in great hardship and wrong.
Verily, the trend things here
conspicuous place and type as was
said original article, then the
plaintiff, in such case, if a civil
action, shall recover only actual
damages, and if in a criminal pro-
a verdict of shall
be rendered on such a state of facts,
the defendant shall be fined a
He's Whole Thing;
The home merchant helps pay
for the streets you walk on,
for the schooling of your children.
He helps keep up the churches in
which you worship. He is a
who builds up a home which cu-1
value of property.
Every subscription that is passed
around has bis name on it. He is
a man who afford to
Self interest, if nothing else
would prevent this. He bears
bis share of good government and
stays with it, through sunshine
and darkness, in days of adversity
and prosperity. When you have
shopping to do remember the
home merchant.
you should also re-
member your homo office when
you need job printing. Let us all
pull together for the common good
of our town and community. No
town was ever prosperous whose
citizens did not Co
to be found in any store Pin County. Well choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Bummer
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. II is pleasure to show you what you want and to
sell you if we can. We oiler you very best service, polite
attention, the most liberal consistent with a well
established business up strictly on own merits.
When you come to market yon will do yourself justice
if you do not see our Immense Stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines general merchandise.
I Sailors, Chiffons, Velvets o.
all i win tarry one of the lines of Millinery to
J Mi-. M. T. will have charge of the mil-
department will be glad I., have nil her old friends and
customer mil In see her.
Goods and Notions,
Hate and Gaps, Bilks and Bating,
Jackets and Capes, Carpels, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Women's and Children's Shoes. and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Bead i
Plows, Castings and Plow fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or i
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing
Sour Friends,
low Hie
will be remembered what a
bowl was raised over the
of the congress which
touched billion dollar mark
with its appropriations. Ii was a
Republican congress,
next election Hie Republican party
was overwhelmingly defeated.
Bin billion dollar congress
has been made lo appear almost
parsimonious unbridled ex-
of the congress which
of existence yesterday .
It boomed out
the dollar that it
reached about a billion and a
session ii
amounted in
and its second session ii author-
expenditures amounting in
Tins terrific raid upon the treas-
on Approved jury is defended by lead-
Republicans, but I'll In
the extent of speaking
Don't a.
look for
more fitted for Mich
i company men will be men.
Don t your life after an-
pattern. An is
mean or vulgar i- changed by
mere of birth.
fail to render tribute to
Inn Ulcered-
j of lesser note.
mistake for ad-
I mi ration. Men whose regard is
valuable net et offer
so far past such brassy tribute.
iv CO.
lately seems to be all in favor of I penny and costs and no
the loafer and vagabond. That this act shall not
and thrift are at a discount
and disadvantage. The man who
is trying to do something is sin-
nut for attack if be were a
apply to existing suite.
Section J. That any person who
states, delivers or transmits by
any means whatever, to the
public enemy, but more publisher or reporter
blow than this court decision bus j of any newspaper or periodical for
been leveled at the man of
ate laborer, the me-
the salaried man, the small
dealer, the Ob-
The new election law is fair
eat one ever passed by a apply to anonymous
since the war. It will
to man who is really entitled I That this act shall
to the ballot the right to cast his in force and
vote and have it counted as cast, I
publication therein false nod
person of corporation, thereby
secures the publication of the
same, shall be guilty of a
Section That this act shall
It object far better than
the laws which the pass-
ed, which were as any In
years, and gave
for the canting of a large number
of illegal votes. And yet the Re-
publicans, who are always prating
about a free ballot and a fair count,
fought the passage of the fairest
bill ever proposed In the
Beauty is as beauty does, but
justice is just as it is.
Money talks, but the
howler doesn't want to give it
Allen well known
here years ago with his
Snow show bag been arrested at
for fraudulently us-
the mails that he advertised
the sale of and
offered as a prize with each order
facsimile bills to the of
which he said were printed on
genuine paper, and could
not be told from the
article The bills reality were
Confederate notes, and Allen
his victims from lo
i Mexico, several orders thawing been
received from New York State
Tarboro Southerner.
Publicity Hat Always Paid.
No matter what business a man
may his first object
must be to let people know that be
is prepared lo deal with them.
That the best way lo do Ibis
is through newspaper
is the opinion of men
have had the most extended ex-
It is estimated that
Centaur and the Rood companies
expend hall a million each every
year newspaper space; the
the Ayer and another
com a of a million
each, and a long list of other ad-
each. is obvious that these
concerns would not pay large
without positive assurance of
factory returns, and it is equally
obvious that the medium which
serves best will serve others
Keep Your Money At Home.
Miss Clara of Phil-
recently deceased, was
of a festive In be-
her wealth to her
and nieces, she set aside the
sum of with
that they were to celebrate her
birthday annually, give a birthday
party, friends and
have a real good time, I he expenses
to be defrayed out of the
Wilmington Star.
In Modes and Fabrics for March,
issued for dealers in millinery.
there is taken for text of an
editorial one of Aesop's fables
tells of a dog crossing a Stream
with a piece of meat. He saw its
shadow in the stream and thinking
it larger than the one lie already
had, plunged in after it.
the loss that which he already
had. The following application is
I lien made.
the money which i- yearly
expended in the purchasing
for home consumption, is
retained at home and put back into
circulation through business
of our city, many satisfactory
results can be obtained.
instance, there is not a
merchant of our place who has mil
exercised the greatest care in
his stock of goods to meet the
demands of ever consume among
the people from whom he draws
his patronage. Suppose, then, one
of these patrons his store b
to read an alluring announcement
from a dealer in sonic distant city.
This drops choice the
home merchant has tor her
use, semis her money away.
basing shallows in the stream of a
Wealth Woman Weds
Don't under neither
rate Ii i- at
first, i small power lo bold,
unless ii i
be a prude. Modesty in
woman is Jewel
prudery la to modesty as red
glass in a ruby.
pose. A woman who
poses is loaded in sincere men
shunned by nil women. Be
far off market.
is result The lady
is disappointed in her purchase.
The merchant home from whom
she should have is left
with bis goods hand, and the
money which should have been re-
at borne In encourage borne
Goldsboro, March W.
Williamson, of Olive, and
Mrs. P. s. of California, if
not already BUM and wife, are to
wed Williamson,
done two year service in the
Philippine Islands, returning lo
his slopped some weeks
California where Mrs. be
Infatuated with him.
a few weeks since, came
lo Mount Olive, lo lie followed
later the widow to claim him as
her own. Since Saturday the con-
pie have been guests the Ken
Hotel, this city.
they telegraphed Williamson's
parents at Mount Olive tiny
were married here. Today the
couple boarded west-bound
train for some m
Mis. says will
route tomorrow and be married.
The is reported to be
quite wealthy, owning a large
estate California a prof-
Interest in Colorado.
sin- seems lo have plenty of cash
and is paying all expenses. She
Is a woman of culture, With her
is her child, a little boy about s
years old. The Iii tie fellow is
bright talks quits freely. His
mother claims that Mr. is
dead, child says his lather
is alive and Cape
The woman claims her love
for Williamson i. heaven-born and
she i l lire
Of the billion ii.,. congress but its
as in only for our parochial days, highest altitude.
They are laying,, bellies with can-
in make. congress even ,,,. Train la a mirror, but can-
more is a through which
lately On P all blemishes arc manifolded,
gramme are such additional items be to stand for
bill a a., ,, .
bill others that will involve v,. live
a total of several bun- ,,,, . creeds yon will be respect-
died dollars. j,
The Republican party seems am-1 ,, f
bilious n. u two .,,, lose many
views of things and
i from praise where
deserves It, Koone is
worse for encouragement, a ml
many beings have dud
unknown, lucking It.
Two hundred bushels of
remove eighty pounds
soil. this quantity
is returned tn the soil,
following crop will
, he
stop on
i i.
In .
Billiard in West.
W. Paul. Minn. March
Special dispatches a bad
blizzard raging throughout a
Au which a
lea ago seems lo hove escaped
Senator Turner,
through a union
and Senator Harris
in. was into Hie Senate
,, wave
in all entered Demo-
cam ii- and their
in the future loud with
other hand, who
lb rough his de-
iii i free coinage
silver, i- now fully
with Republican of
Senator Kyle, once
in is now equally a
in as good
lion of the Minnesota mid
Wisconsin. In Northern
sill a been snow is falling which
with that
bus fall ,.,.
industry, . Z w V
our has A. KS .
improve our city's
gone to do same good deeds T
another -Special lo Observer.
I Minn. Al Chi, ;,,,., N .,,.
street ears are tied up In
railway trains delayed I be your fooling
kins are

K. C.
J. Ed. A Owner
Entered the Office at
H Second Class
Mail Matter.
ft l,
The branch of the
fine die to-
The Senate will in
tension court of
until i in-1 rial of the Judges is
A Delinquent.
Our are with
the case, Happening In North
the latter received this paper
for over four year and nine month I It is said that smallpox exist
and hen ii bill was presented him. SO counties of this State.
declared he had not subscribed for.
the paper. A weeks we
entered suit against Mr. Watford
bit subscription. We
Wilmington has adopted
on the sidewalks or-
the being
It is reported that Ex-Senator
Under will be appointed District
attorney for the Eastern district to
succeed Bernard.
judgment him for amount
due and the same has been re-
corded in the clerk's office.
of the entire matter will end
this week when we have the sheriff I Mr. L. C. Terrell, of
t. his homestead and secure Wednesday afternoon. He
t. sell Mr. mi in In
land. bill of 14.85 remembered here.
nearly doubled itself
community can prosper it
ought if its people are divided up
on ever; enterprise of Importance
that Is started. Every one should
bear in mind that the a
legitimate enterprise a
benefits nearly every one in
it Keep this mind and vote
for the bonds.
There was a squally time in the
Senate Wednesday afternoon.
While cue bill was under discus
-i of Buncombe
used language in the
committee that was deemed too
p rs and Several
in of easts, but
Watford isn't putting
up much of a kick and doesn't
to be to settle his
indebtedness with us we ought to
be, and are. satisfied with
the proceedings so as have
gone. Lexington Dispatch.
I; Ray, a six-year old boy
W. Va., entered a
house in older to rescue
keeps right up with
t he procession. eases of small-
pox have been found among color-
ed of of the city's
Durham and have
had mad dogs the last day or
two. the former place a mad
dog badly bit one of the Herald
Andre Carnegie, the
has offered to
H. March.
is now lit up by
electricity, has a due water supply
and is for another
Indeed the signs of general
improvement and growth
greet us every baud. Come
along Greenville.
An amusing sight on our streets
the other day was giving
a free ride on his back.
When our excellent of
Police, who weighs a little less
than was placed the back
of imagine the scene. It
wax a tableaux.
good cart hubs
wanted by the A. G. Go Mfg. Co.
baby of his family. The lad to establish a public library la
overcome with smoke and Charlotte if the city will furnish
burned to death with the site and agree to support a
be to save. The library a coat of year.
How's was found near Hall, sou of H.
the baby's cradle. All of the he-
roes of the world are not men and
From On-
Washington. D. ., March
Mr. has squally times
on the Isthmian canal
The he has at his
disposal is keeping Republican
Senator,, and Representatives
publicly talking now, but that will
not hold good long. He is accused
of having acted bad faith, or-
to prevent the Senate passing
the Nicaragua bill, by with
holding semi official knowledge he
before the adjournment of
Congress that the British govern-
had decided to reject the
amended treaty.
And worse yet, he is accused of
standing in with the ring that is
trying to unload the
this government. The last ac-
seems bard to believe, but
circumstantial evidence is its
favor. Whatever may have bean
No Bankrupt
we wish to call attention to our NEW LINK of
cents and cents.
LONG CLOTH, etc. of which are being
sold CHEAP.
O tiler are sold at low
prices, same as Special Sale Prices.
W X Ii j make it to and see us
you buy.
Yours to pie
Mrs. A. Co who has been ,,
visiting friends and relatives near
for the past several
days, returned yesterday. She
of the Nicaragua bill is the
only logical did withhold
until the week the
was accompanied by her from tie
other resented this attach those who are tied to
Hall, was Hurt Tuesday by jump-
from an elevator the Odell
Love for rope broke, and the
Mrs. Jackson, who will spend
days visiting here.
Mis. H. O. Cox Is continually
receiving calls for of
from women who will gladly
as to its worth.
the services of the Sergeant at
Arms had to be invoked to prevent
a disturbance.
. often assert themselves
real heroism,
. . . t be displayed the
matured men and women
i i tie part a year-old
President Bent am in liar Virginia child, furnishes food
died of pneumonia, thought for those inclined to
. el on, at bis home In- P
d He was about f years
boy jumped from the elevator
. u bad been in public life, There is ho harm in editing three
his death the loses I
of foremost men. Hi
ability and strength necessary
, inc. ; , all ,.,.
death leaves but living ex- ,.,., one j.,,,,,
President, Cleveland now prove less remunerative. As a
being the only survivor who once result of the latter Editor Ht. Geo.
occupied the highest in the mis
broke his Times.
Dr. James of
has been elected Superintendent of
the State hospital for Insane, at
to succeed the late
Kirby. There were sixteen
for the position.
At a white
man named Gay attempted
to assassinate Dr. J. M, Baker.
tired the doctor with a
pistol, but it is thought
watch stopped the ball and saved
died near
Km Hie Monday of last
Jersey jail and Is spoken of an
i as
of legal complications ii
not have a campaign on divorced wife's
i he bond issue It strikes us With remarkable however,
several public meetings should be to edit from his
. . , , on cell the Middlesex County Dem-
between and the election ,
t the
and speeches made on the subject. ,, .,,
Ii the bonds are there l;.,,,,,,,.,. Journal, of Sew York.
should be no lake-warm,
hearted spirit about it. There
should be lull discussion so that any
standing of or opposition
to the measure may be removed.
Surely one who desires that the
town shall progress can be opposed
to lit-
Ga., Telegraph.
of Wichita,
in., has brought suit against a
ii society, of that city on
remarkable ground-. He de-
he bought and paid for
lot the cemetery owned
by church organization, and
I that he burled his wife there, Hi-
Mi,. U. II. Martin, who was a his daughter died, her
was that she be buried
under the former Populist ,,,.,. of ,.,.
Stale I W. H. Worth, the were being
been found to have embezzled ma church officials denied
1.000 of funds belonging to I the cemetery on the
Stale during last When
, with the matter
shown in which lie
made false entries, he made a full
crime. Govern-
or Aycock sent a message
lo the General Assembly setting
forth the net. advising u
I a member of their society. The
ii buried elsewhere, and the
j in a for damages.
A Missouri editor, going away,
i. i a minister in charge of Ins pa-
per. A day or two later a letter
from ti subscriber
committee be appointed to which read,
ligate matte.-. Maj. Martin veil I paid in
was committed to jail.
has been
more or less pestered during his
lei of office by the visits of some
indiscreet clergymen, who have
sough I to improve each shining.
hour by delivering homilies upon
Mi.- grave responsibilities
live. day. according to a
Washington man's story, he re-
who bad been brought in to him.
Kin illy lie said; am ready
t hear what you have to
Oh, bless yon, said the
Visitor, have nothing
to . I merely Milled to pay
n peels lo you, and, as one of the
million, to assure of my heart
sympathy and support.
dear said President,
rising promptly, his face showing
Instant and b hands
that of his visitor, am
cry glad to s-o you. I am very
yon, I
you had come to preach to
You know
the tune I was In Lexington.
I any more letters I will
mine down maul hI out of
i it The minister answered t
been trying to maul that
thing out of the editor for I
mid if our really come down and
it out of him, then, my dear
sir, l have members of my
church you can operate
several unique bills were Intro-
in Wisconsin
recently. The was
ill u lathered by Mi. Young, of
Kan Claire, which provides
equip their trains
that will keep
on the track after
years. Esq. W. K. Kelly one
Lincoln county's best has
carefully Investigated the matter
her age and that she was
jeers old probably older.
The Proximity Manufacturing
Co. of will maintain
a graded school for the of
the children of its mill employees.
Plans for the building have been
approved, and work will at
once. The building will be a hand-
some brick with all the
modern equipments, and will lie
huge enough to about
Too pupils.
Taylor, county,
had the misfortune to have an arm
broken this as he was
leaving Kinston for his home.
His horse was trying to away
and Mr. Taylor that he
could not manage the animal,
jumped from his buggy fell
his left arm, breaking it a little
above the Free
The rejection was not officially
to Secretary Hay by the
British Ambassador until early
the week, but Secretary
Hay admits that the
of it before Congress ad-
Editor H. of Kings; Mr. future
Weekly, was here last Saturday. m
Bar. J. X- Booth, of
stopped over a short while i was w completely
in the interest of The Be j
from the large M ,
of copies of the that paper ft
which came the next train, L that the Isthmian
he must have done a nice business. L w,
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
home, office and general use.
Every sale with a guarantee to be fire
proof. Prices range from up.
Greenville, N. C.
Rev. John colored, has
publican party the near future,
the nicest residence Little union
ca, a suburb of this place
second growth white oak
spokes by the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
W. F. Burch, of your town, was
with us yesterday.
Herbert White, of Greenville,
was here Thursday. He is
doing a business in the
among our people.
of Washington,
spent the day here Thursday and
left the evening train.
One of the new stores is
completed and the other is on a
fair way. When they are
they will a very nice
J. F. Harrington R. II.
sucker to Grimesland Wed-
came back all right.
How does Great Uncle sound
That's me.
Jim Greene says Me-
Law horn's farm has got the small-
pox. A case for vaccination, call
the doctor.
Dr. William Cobb
wife, of spent the day
here yesterday.
Harper and family and Miss
Susan Harper are visiting
neighborhood of
A. G. Cox still pays the highest
cash price for cot ion seed.
s dogs are as
what they eat. belong-
ton Wilmington i Del. the
other made a lunch a
package seventy live l bills
Had Him There.
An over in Indiana
called upon n physician and In-
formed him his wife was sick and
required medical aid. The M.
was willing In give his attention
to the case, but desired the man to
pay in advance or enter into an
to pay his
were no longer required.
yell kill or cure for
sat shed, left the If.
I. to perform the contract. The
woman died, and time he
presented his bill.
looked at it a and
then asked.
did yes cure
answered the
did kill
This was a the M.
discovered that had caught
This lull, at last accounts,
had not
the lady had taken from a Monday as the result of his expos-
placed on a poisonous waters of Ha
War. harbor.
Andrew the
diver who discovered the cable
which la said to have fired
mine which destroyed the battle-
ship died Orleans
A is told by his deeds,
a by his
By refusing to listen to secrets
one is saved unlimited trouble.
A brainy woman loves deeply
long, equally she hates deeply
Keen a shrewd woman may err
and be whereupon
she becomes a subtle one, and
The sweetheart of a poor
delights little social sacrifices
if she is a sweetheart.
The smarter the woman, the
more cleverly she handles the ball
of scandal.
To lie beautiful and wise is not
common, but be neat and loyal
is possible to all women.
A man of the world may treat
his cavalierly, but he never
will those upon him.
Courtesy is to man what
is beautiful
thing to known by.
When a woman is popular with
she is to
who lack polish and to
ward her.
A over at
Bridge Greene county, advertises
for a will expose
smallpox when it makes its appear
We think a
who will quarantine and
cure it would be
Free Tress.
of Congress.
Some idea of the progress of
American invention, which is such
an Important factor in our pros-
may be obtained from the
that ii single of Washing-
ton patent lawyers, O. A. Snow
Go., have procured for their clients
more than patents.
Mr. William J. Bryan passed
through Washington this week, on
his way home from York,
where he to get pointers for
the of bis newspaper
plant. He declined to be inter
viewed politics, but said of the
late ex President
was always respected by his
opponents as a clean,
and able statesman. Those
who differed from him could
his but they could
not attack his motives. His con-
duct after retiring from was
such as to strengthen his hold up-
on esteem. The death of
such a man is a distinct loss to the
Hon. Martin paid this
high compliment to new
of Montana could not have sell led
upon a more suitable man to rep-
resent it than Paris Mr.
is a man of tine parts and a
staunch Democrat. He has been
the best sort of a Democrat all his
life. He is nearly seventy
years of age, but is robust
hearty, in the full vigor of his
mind. Be will mace, in my
as good a Senator as the Com-
of Montana has ever
It seems to be the general
ion Washington that the failure
of the Republican legislature of
Delaware to elect two Senators
will result in restoring that State
to the Democratic column. Speak-
of that failure a well known
man of Wilmington, who
was in Washington this week,
people of Delaware ha S be-
come resigned. They have been
for a considerable period of time
with only one Senator in Congress
and suppose they get along
for awhile without I think
that Delaware has learned what it
has to expect from the
cans and will found in the Dem-
column the next lime has
Senator is known as a
conciliator rather than a
lighter, but if his own words are
to lie depended upon he is likely
to figure as a lighter if the
of Mr. to
appoint Col. Banger, of New York.
Assistant Secretary of War ii.
spite of the protests of
and l earned out.
Speaking of threats of what
administration would do if he op
Black Jack, N. C., March IS.
Lonnie Skinner, of Farmville,
accompanied by his sister, Miss
Daisy, spent Saturday and Sunday
visiting friends here.
Glad to know that Mrs. Johnnie
All lie whiter m
are for new
for the The winter In
lo, no an lime. Training
horses f Is work, i
The is in put new i will who has been quite sick
horses in with the cir-I. .
ho. to net used . improving.
new thing n
Heed is oM nix
of newcomers.
A great patience and time ii
required lo Hie to run
ring. are
o ran the ring a
citric. natural of the
Is to II U a
bard for to A
of makes the
training caller
The mi
lo what he another
do, IO the Is re-
in Ii placed an
and the man who is to
the new animal dues tricks with
the old ones, tin ii tries them on the
pupil. A pod, soon
learns help
arc sensitive lo applause
unit tint will do twice
as much work as without. They are
Just as likely to their heads as
man performer and haw to care-
fully watched. A well trained ring
Is easily worth and rid-
who are stars usually own their
bones. careful attention Is
given animals. each act
their hacks are rubbed with resin.
has to washed off afterward
My wife will raise Cain
with If she that I've
All you've pot to do U
told your breath when you go near her.
nil right, I'm afraid It's
too strong to be
troubles and
weakness, and
from irregular
or painful men-
ought not
to lose hope
doctors cannot
help them.
arc so
busy with other
diseases that
they do not
W. H. Wynne and Guy Brown,
of came in and
returned Sunday.
J. W. Elks accompanied by Miss
Mary Mills attended services at
Red last Sunday.
Mrs. Smith and daughter,
Miss left Friday for
o where they will spend a few
days visiting relatives.
Josh Mills, of Greenville, passed
through this evening his return
from Washington.
and Miss
White attended services at Bear
on Sunday last.
Abram Dixon went on a flying
trip down Beaufort county to-
day to see his best girl.
We regret to know that the
of E. S. Dixon who have been
sick for some time, are no better.
Miss Jemima Dixon was
guest of Miss Lucy White on Sat-
and Sunday last.
Mrs. L. C. Mills, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert
Dixon, returned home Monday.
Miss Lucy Lin ton passed through
Friday, fr Ayden, where
she will spend some time visiting
There will be quarterly meeting
at this place next Saturday and
posed the continuation of the
of Col. Sanger, which have
been beard in administration cir-
Mr. a light
is to be declared against me in this
matter I will be prepared for it,
and I will fight it to the bitter end.
I do not intend to my con-
right or responsibility
through fear of losing favor with
those There are
reasons for the belief that Senators
and are merely
a big bluff the purpose of
the peculiar ail-, landing appointments and
What have
the ought to do is to
a fair trial to
Female Regulator
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles. It
Is the formula a physician of the
highest standing, who devoted
whole life to the study of the dis-
ailments peculiar to our moth-
; daughters. It is made
of soothing, strengthening
herb, vegetables, which
been pi led by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses.
Palling the Womb,
II and
In fairness to herself and t-i
laM'S Female over
woman i give s
trial. A bottle will do a
mount of good. Sold
i hi i . i,,. m
the Co.,
light on Sanger.
Experiments are being made at
Sandy Hook with a new explosive
that some fellow concocted which
sends a projectile through seven-
inch steel armor as if it was a slab
of cheese. The particular claim
for it is that the projectile doesn't
explode until it passes through She
plate where it bursts tears
things to
Second thoughts may be beat,
but they arc sometimes more ex
average woman can ma up
a bill without in the least getting
out of breath about It,
I Pitt
New York
purchasing my Spring and Summer Stock.
Wait my you will find the latest
styles at my store.
If there is a CROSS
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The for
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as p
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Vaccination is thing
these days.
River Lodge K. of P. will
have a banquet early in May.
I will pay per pound for
keys. S. at.
Do you want something nice in
job Just see what The
We will say it again that there
Is a good opening for an ice facto-
in Greenville.
The mill of the Taylor Lumber
Company, located at
has commenced sawing.
The Christian church building
on Dickinson avenue Is now in the
hands of the
Mr. Henry Moore, an aged
of this county, died Friday
night at his home near Marlboro.
The and
building on Fifth street is going
up fast and will soon be
The western tobacco markets of
the State are still talking about
big sales, while the eastern
markets season is about over.
. We are requested to state that
a special meeting of Odd Fellows
at Ayden, set for Monday night,
has been postponed one week,
to 26th.
Something Lacking
of all the pictures
en with a bow few
are really
Mr. has Just caught
the word
there is always something lacking
about Kodak
It is said that Charles M.
Schwab, who will be manager of
the United States Steel corpora-
the A. organ is to
receive a salary of 1,000.000 a
year for live years. If
pans out all right he will pro-
strike for higher wages
when bis time is up. This is do-
pretty well for a chap who
started as a grocery clerk at
a week, and afterwards worked for
Andrew Carnegie at a dollar a
day. Schwab Is no
Masonic Funeral.
The funeral of the late Mr.
Johnson took place Wednesday
afternoon at o'clock, Rev. F. II.
Harding conducting services in
the Episcopal church. Mr. John-
sou was buried with Masonic hon-
ors, more than forty Masons at-
tending and forming their last
rites at grave. The service
was very impressive.
Nice Work.
Mr. W. S. Atkins, of
Greenville Knitting Mills,
brought The Reflector some
sample suits of the
they arc making. These mills arc
turning out an excellent quality of
work as is made by any mill in
country and find ready sale for the
product. The enterprise is a
it to Greenville.
Killed Buck and Lost Him.
Mr. D. E. Whichard, of Which-
ard, was in town Wednesday after-
noon. told us that lute the
afternoon, Tuesday, he was at
Sheppard's mill pond bunting wild
ducks. While anchored out in a
canoe waiting for ducks to
come along, a large buck crossing
the pond swam within n few yards
of him. He fired deer and
killed it, but it sank in about eight
feet of water and could lie
found. Pity to have killed
fine fame and lost it.
aw It Again.
This was the day for sec-
appearance of the hog.
According to the tradition he
comes out on day and
f he sees his shadow goes hack in
his hole remains forty day.
He then comes out the
time and if be sees his shadow
goes back in retirement for ten
days more. Today was somewhat
of a mixture, at times cloudy and
lair, so we may infer that
he went back in his hole to give
weather another at
for ten Reflector
Sam Speak to Me, Some You
J. L. Taft left this morning.
Jesse went to to-
Mack Hi nine returned
day evening from
Dr. W. E. Hall, of York,
came in the morning train.
Miss Harding has gone to
to take charge of the public
school there.
Mrs. J. I,. Sugg and Mis. Rod-
Sugg returned this morning
Frank of
came over this morning to visit
his brother M. If.
Misses Carr and Agnes
Massey. who have been visiting
Mrs. ft. L. Carr, left for Willow
Greene yesterday.
Friday, If ARCH LB, 1901.
W. B. Parker went over to Ev-
E. M. Cheek returned Thursday
evening from
B. W. Mosely returned from
Thursday evening.
Miss Geneva Gardner returned
from Thursday evening.
Deputy sheriff Leon Tucker re-
turned from Thursday
H. S. Hardy J. F. King re
turned Thursday evening from
Saturday 1801.
Dr. Hall left this morning.
J. Cobb took the here
this morning Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Cherry came
over this from Kinston.
G. T. Tyson returned Friday
evening from a trip to Richmond.
Representative W. Nichols
came this morning from
J. J. spent last night
here left this morning for
V. Johnson has returned
the north where he went
new goods.
Mrs. C. B. Whichard returned
Friday evening from a visit to her
sister in
Rev. J. Morton, of Tarboro,
ace. mi pan in I by Mm. Morton,
came down Friday evening.
Frank Wilson returned Friday
evening from New York where he
had his spring purchasing
Miss Bessie Harding came home
from Bethel Friday to
today and with her
K. R. Tun-tall and family, of
Kinston, who have visiting
J. S. returned home Fri-
day evening.
Judge A. L. and Mrs.
Coble after spending the vacation
here between courts, left this
Judge holds court next week.
doing to Kinston.
The Hand will go to
Kinston on the 27th instant to give
a concert there. The baud is now
practicing every night on a select
program for the occasion. We
can promise the Kinston people
advance that they will have the
opportunity of bearing of the
best Lands North In
fact, if the claim made I bat
the Osceola was the best baud
the State, we do not believe the
claim could be refuted
To vary the program of concert
several ladies will accompany the
band and vocal selections.
A treat is store for our neigh-
The little folk, had a very pleas-
ant party in the Farm
warehouse Friday night. The
Ethel Cheek, flower girl.
Helen Forbes, advertisement.
Margaret Skinner, Of
Martha Lee country girl.
Ethel coming the
i ye.
Carrie Gay,
Bessie country girl.
Higgs, summer girl.
Mary James, red, white
Vanessa Smith, girl of the 17th
Mary summer girl.
Kat i summer girl.
Sadie Chesson, little
Cobb, sailor girl.
Lottie Skinner, bringing in the
Leon Ponder, Indian warrior.
John cousin.
Will clown.
Bert James, Dee.
Wilson, old maid.
Charley Home, old thing.
Wilson, sailor boy.
Harry White, hard tack.
Mis. R. J. Cobb
Misses Sophie Jarvis and
Bruce Forties.
Woman is a that
man never gives up.
The schools of correspondence
only have male teach-
New Big Store.
Bought the entire stock of J. Boyer Co, Media,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
t m
Goods sold for cash
sent on approval.
This sale for consumers
only. All goods sold on
J. Price
OUR cents.
J. Buyers
Our Stores Crowded and Jammed.
Boyer rice s
ii it
Buyers price
sT. s ft
This immense Stock
coming in on us into our
crowded rooms, is
placing us in great
and must take active
measures to sell it in-
This stock will
be sold in many instances
as it was
cents on the Dollar. BY
Sale Now Going On At Big New Store.
lo yards to mer
I. kind
J. pries yd.,
Only yards to customer.
u pair.
J. B. Buyers price 18-00
and 13.00.
K Si.
ill l PRICK
I. Bi price
Big Sale Now Going
i .
Arranging. Marking Slash lug
. y,.
in i;
hi it
. .,,. in
J BO cent Shirts
f J- Cent Kind
Ask to see ill
v. We want everyone in the town
59.000 YARDS
per cent Reduction. ,
A Desperate Effort To Sell Without Delay.
I no exaggeration, u I
m No state-our,. .
nothing but
W in Co., hi.
n in the wearing apparel
Men, Women and
f Children.
, Feb.
fL you will see for
advertised, look V C.
at them. I
Big New Store
a complete, mass.
Mountains of
disc in great Disorder and
to be melted into
C. T

J. S.
Warn m .-.-. Told the
f Ike
you ilia Ml praise It half
M statesman
alter orator. Sou-
If. m M Mood
in center the of the
Pan Ann i u at Buffalo
him on every side
and now completion.
W. n. It
Carolina should
vie with the W
lion for a of their at
the The
it if will have
pared a v book, which
will In- put plan for
the purpose of firing every province,
or territory of each or
late tin of therein
Of posit
and the Holt,
advantage.--, writer,
and Us.
will be that look
that In of
Dope had to Buffalo or
to deliver art HI
Vitality and Sturdy Growth Demand
Nerve Energy and Pure, Rich,
Nourishing rood.
v Levy
The Household Medicine.
Mrs. . C. Dunn, Pa
tin . I fame's Compound
basil and ago broke
. had i. mend Mm
ending. we
hi in of i hid , . .,. i ., using the
Compound nervousness, and . ; wonders for
Paine's Celery Compound ti es strength; relieves
the body from suffering and exhaustion.
and taking
mil be placed n so Ga-
tin- examine
hum Inters at
u of tin
at t unit
demand Em that the
cwt for
it will tor Ike people
a whether will take
of or
tom ,. ,.,,. .,, the fOOt
on arrival the city was to he mint at
to the ground of the fr of the
remark quoted to Lute, la the
John K. of the of
executive f the at that our
hint of variety of
hi the of the not by
when they met in
rope last Mr. bad would Brat to the reader
dwell long the ii. adaptability of our Boils for
which bad I
of the be to
of r Hate tor
Horn b. nil of stock
are i-. t equal lo lug. etc. lite for to-
looking the arctic hint cotton Bawl all
from the eight tin- grand Triumphal reals; ii.- Bar
be saw his the stately t
.;. the Slates s. We Would thus
t the left, to a very large el our various
the Hie thereby
architectural of the I encouraging the oil
Horticultural Mine to our We
lugs, while the Mist Machinery easily show that would
Transportation building, now almost be as a country to live as
complete. as seen In the background any state In the it Is as easy
to the left opposite It. across the a place In which to procure good ll-
Court of was the lug and a as any country
lure and Liberal Arts building, and OB the globe Shall take advantage
the Electric Tower could be seen of this offer I cannot think our
lag skyward in the distance at the far grand old will a single step
end of the with the backward, but ii will try to keep pace
and of other buildings with or In advance of our south.
the As Mr. states. We that some of our
pen took In this Impressive seem- the I southern forth every
n bis lips that I effort this direction, and we should
I In half had been told. not for a think of
in the day the popular orator our state to lag.
an which filled should be our motto
overflowing great had lira of in
ball. lines of his speech ; the city for some time, and
th. speaker -six ago I ha been in touch the Pun-
I was at II.- at I American they
Paris r, ., i went through the arc exerting every effort their
win re power to make this Exposition a grand
is i , held. felt Hint success. Every is a man of
la going do at least twice as His highest and ability and
well as standing, not one
stone will he left unturned to make the
Exposition what it purports to be -a
great and And as
your representative here I have been
doing all In my power to arouse mi in
among lending citizens of our
by correspondence III reference to
Ibis opportunity to display our products
to such an that It will prove
to be a fine thing for our slate. I have
Idlers mailed cir-
and prospectuses Into
every In the slate, and any one
desiring any of lbs literature
L. H. Pender,
X. C.
, All
and work
, class. Kc of a
for The
, Your Appetite at I lie ,
Next door to n's.
Everything New and Clean.
Oysters, to Eat.
as m
Soup, kinds mint. I kinds
Coffee and
all for
Ii, V, .
The press Hi.
Latin sin
various countries of
w a cordial Interest
in Exposition. It is
T t a-k 4- AN
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware v
Jas. B. White.
Hint their i
bent la I In .-nil that tic
nil I lie s and countries of this
a rule the editors
the t the of tin
toward tho ft H.
pix. proprietor of
s- over the
that be t the
tint to to to
for the made in
f lie
Will by his
Man; oilier of Latin
can their In
tent Ion to n I lend and
i in from these
t. nod
router- Many
nod Smith
American have
from who
lone charge the from Hint
talc at Pan American
have a site for the stale build-
in l wt apart
mi the lido the
fur state and
j in- for the
In build In pi la nearly lbs large
of tho National
one of the mirror lakes
south of Ohio It will
overlook the with III won-
and and a
of the largo win he
In full view, i he
laD me A. Van
D, of Madison, It. K.
and II.
Ki will
on i at
live of the Pan American
procure It ad rising me at
by writing to
the I win he
pleated to hear from any one In my
stale reference to the matter.
W. F.
Vice President for North Carolina, Tan-
One Tito Million
The will print one thou-
sand million of post
in two colon, They will
he on Hie one cent
frill he nu of a large
Hie two u rail-
train will appear nearly
bead on. On the four cent stamp will
be the of nu automobile. On
the the of the
bridge at Niagara Palls will
appear. Oil the eight cent lamp will
be a picture of tin locks, with
bins passing through them, taken
from the height-, nil the ten Cent
will In- an American eagle,
with a stand on either side,
the . of all nations of
the western hemisphere.
American Is class-
ed with as greatest
on law, was a great
r Hamilton, and when Hie
gnat killed by Aaron
Burr in a duel he tho
enemy t tin- latter, one day long
in Now York the
ml ii i on Ibo
of street, lie across Hie
i-i i his would pas
an I, II ding nil In
a sir, a
bin the
lit bis bat to the
ground said la his calmest
professional lone, opinions of the
learned i
to tho Argo-
Perfect Health.
Keep system in perfect or-
the occasional use
Liver Pills. They r-g-
the bowels and produce
A Body.
For sick
constipation kin-
an absolute cure
An am ill manuscript contain
inK I
of iii in; to Hi.
was discovered
at in I
Into the r
its is believed lo
lie no doubt, and it furnishes ad
of I be St. i in now
in use among
Before you decide
for or for see
new pal terns just received. They
enable a with her own
needle to dress the latent style.
patterns are allow-
ear;, to lit.
Mrs. L. Griffin.
J. W. c CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors handlers of
Ties and
Greenville, N, C.
Maker and of
i i v
on Short Notice
Posts, and for
I u
Wholesale and
Dealer. paid for
Hides, Cotton Bead, Oil Bar
re's, Turkeys, Egg, tie. Bed-
Oak Ba-
by Parlor
suits, Tallies, Bounces, Safes, P.
and Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key
Beauty Can-
Cherries, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Soap,
Lye, Food, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. Gar-
den Oranges, Apples,
Apples, Peaches,
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and
Best Stand-
ard inn U a o s I and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for en h. Com
to see inc.
; Three One
Now Only Cents a Year,
and includes free The
Veer The
I Philadelphia.
Including Journal and
now only per
per month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
I in ii hi Va.
We r of lie
table Public.
Norm Carolina Virginia, of that
to its large number of
y to the
generally, of if com
puny will now H In
state this dale will
and to all
insurance In best
e the world.
If local your town has
i y. t address
Slate Agent, Raleigh, C
Paid policy
reliable energetic st
once to the
Old mutual Benefit.
Steamer leave
daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the Went
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. Go. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from
Line front
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
Restore Vitality, Lost
Lou of
alt i.
of f or
to pale
a and th
of youth. By nail
per I
I with Our to car
j or refund money bald, for
ti copy of our bond.
Ibo lot u
lo gt nu i back of n i in is to ii ii
. ink.
Some lime Mr. It. Hey-
I be well known
,. lo
erect a and
school in Baptist
as ; lo Mr
J. II. Mills, in
ago, provided Dr. Boone, lbs pros
cut would raise
Dr. at
oiler and he Bo close lo it that
he In walk on a
trial school, and i com-
In fail is up
and the i being in-tall
ed, so will not be Ion before the
boys will be burning trades, us
wood workers, etc
Cause regret
like this as I
did the one look of
have not Hie taste I bat
had u In n I and, lie
sides, my is getting
w. win par On- He tor ,.,
i or n
not I ,,
i purely
full to I.-
lain, no Mil. In, in
II .,
. i., ii.
m it a Ml nu M. in.
1.1. -in i hi. Ill ale
J ., N r
core for of
park-art, fl-00 a
FlU, In
of Q
By wail In B.
bond lo cur in or
ten by J L
OB It Pitt
before in Superior Court.
Fleming, Archie
Planing Nannie Fleming,
by their Bait Barrow.
W, S. Al-
Pollard Mary bis
wife, the children
of .-, Jr.,
unknown and T
W. Fleming a lunatic.
The of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
are unknown who are
in above entitled will
take en-
titled an baa been la the
of Pitt county, before the
order make of the
late Fernando
Ida at law. And
will further lake Are B
i Court of county
mi day of March
in N. C,
to and complaint la laid ac
lion, or apply to Court
the relict therein.
This Till day of February Hull.
D. C
Clerk the Court of county,
and lever is a I ml He of i
Chill Tonic, is
Iron and a less
No i-tire no pity. Me.
Hy virtue the posers in two
lain decrees made at term
mid I lie March term Idol of Pitt
court cause entitled T,
Hooker K. s. at the
will to sale for
In the i. court
I. in town of N. C,
mi Bid day of April 1901
lit lint week of
April term of Pill Superior the
Billowing described tract laud lo wit;
I I of land the
pin in ad-
I II. Mill-,
I. Clark being
land whereon tho K. , Ilium
lying n the North low
and In in r u I pill
I by H S A.
. lo
I- S I la. hi. father Ilium
by John
loin one
I acres
S. C,
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on ban i
Fresh goods kept constant j ea
band. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard. N. C.
The Stock complete in every
par men and prices low
lowest. Highest market price
for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hard
J. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and Broken in
Stocks, Cotton. Grain
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
TERMS-Payable Advance.
One Year Si, Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are cm-
ployed. taken at
h i Uri ii Semi-
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or Daily
i and
year for payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector
. . ;
m i m
March Proclamations.
j I new, neat and
we ask is for you to see our line.
U seen it. See it today.
Val Lacee, Allover Laces,
to match all edgings.
or bargains we are headquarters.
U will Silks, Pine Apple Tissues,
awns, India
of t lie General
Special of
Raleigh, March
of 1901 is now but a memo-
final adjournment having been
reached at o'clock Friday
morning As dying notes
of the swan are always the
were closing scenes this
Assembly most pleas-
ant and enjoyable.
President of Senate Turner
and Speaker of House Moore
were each presented with a mag-
silver service, and
Smith of Senate
no man ever holding that of-
has bad more and
Doorkeeper Bennett of the House
were presented with
gold-beaded canes.
Justice of the Senate
and Jenkins of the
House made feeling farewell ad-
of the Utter having
been one of most eloquent and
emotional ever beard
walls of the House, of which be
was a member forty years
ago. Indeed, this venerable min-
of of Christ on
more than one previous occasion
during the session proved himself
to be by tar most eloquent
of Assembly, when
it came to appealing to the hearts
and emotions of men, and bis
anywhere is known to
this writer.
The sensation of the week came
on the day preceding adjournment
when Governor announced a
message to the Assembly
that the State Treasury had
robbed. The loss occurs through
the defalcation of MaJ. W. H.
Martin, clerk under Treasurer
Worth and in charge of
State Prison ad-
taking of the
shortage so far Those
who knew the man were astound-
ed by revelation, and the de-
voluntarily delivered him-
self up to the authorities con-
fessed his crime as soon as be learn-
ed that it hail discovered
making no effort to escape.
A woman is said to lie tho cause
of his young, pretty
woman, not residing here, if re
ports are correct. Maj. is
past yearn of age. He is a
northern man by birth, was an of-
in Union army during the
civil war, baa resided in
for years, and leading an
honest and upright bad drawn
many friends to him during that
time. he la now in jail and a
legislative committee is
ting the books of State
begun their work to-
day and it H feared that
even a deficit may lie din-
Over bids were introduced
in the houses the
session, and several hundred
failed, most of those lost being re
by committees.
But some important bills that
not only received favorable reports
but pawed one failed
other, the I were
To restore to the legislature
power to prescribe and
terms of public officers, their
ties their To
prevent guaranty companies from
requiring deposits to lie deposited
in national banks. To
from the record the resolution of
expulsion of Josiah Turner from
the House. To regulate the sail-
or cigarettes bill from the
To famish books to in-
pupils the public schools.
To prevent the State from hiring
farm laborers. To carry out the
constitutional requirement as to
public, schools. To prohibit the
sale or gift of liquors
to minors, sane persons.
To make Commissioner of Ag-
State game warden
promote the propagation of game
birds and animals. To make it a
misdemeanor to keep whites and
the same cell jail.
To provide for county farms
the working of convicts thereon.
To change the of the State
flag. In regard to To in-
the Attorney General to sue
ex-Treasurer Worth and sureties.
To give the Superior Courts
diction of To provide
compulsory attendance at
school Mitchell county. To es-
a State Normal school
Winston. To allow the State
Board of to appoint
three supervisors of public schools.
To reduce the price school
I look s.
The trial of the Supreme Court
Judges is now full swing.
Owing to press and
of delayed legislation the
Court bust, adjourned
till Thursday, when
Allen for the prosecution op-
the case by a speech that
made seventeen columns In the
Raleigh morning papers.
On Friday the of
was begun, and continued
all day Saturday, Clerk of the
clerk of
the Superior
Court lawyer J. C. L. Harris
being witnesses examined.
Gov. Jarvis and other counsel
on arose complained
of editorials in tho News Ob
server, and stated that they hoped
Senators would allow that
newspaper to try the for them
or any but would be guided
and governed by the law the
To-day the trial was resumed
the taking of testimony for
prosecution continued It looks
as though the trial will last
at least the of Ibis mouth.
Perhaps longer.
This the platform
of as his
rights and exact justice
all men, of whatever State of per-
suasion, religious or political.
commerce and honest
friendship with all nations,
with none.
support of the Stale govern-
all rights, as the
most administration for
our domestic
est bulwark against
can tendencies.
The preservation of the general
government whole
vigor an the sheet anchor
our at home abroad.
A jealous care of the right
election by the people.
A mild sate correction of
abuses which are lopped off by the
sword of revolution where peace-
able remedies are unproved.
of the majority, the vital
principle of republics, from which
there is no appeal but to force, the
vital principle and immediate par-
of despotism.
A well-disciplined militia, our
reliance in peace, and for
first movement in till regulars
may relieve them.
The supremacy of the civil over
the military authority.
Economy In the public expenses
that labor may be lightly burden-
The honest of our debts
and sacred of the pub-
of agriculture
and of commerce as its
of information, and
of all abuses at
bar of public opinion.
Freedom of religion, freedom of
the press, and freedom of the per-
son under the protection of the
habeas corpus and trial by jurors
impartially selected.
These , form the bright
constellation has gone before
us and guided our steps through
an age of revolution and
We are the forefront of the
We offer you the best selected line
General Merchandise
to be any in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. all year round, Spring. Summer
and Winter. We are at wink for and our mutual ad
It is our pleasure lo show you what you want and to
sell you if we can. We offer you the very best service, polite
the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established built up strictly own merits.
When you come lo market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense Muck before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Beta and Gaps, Silica and Satins,
and Capes. Mattings Oil Cloths.
Men's. Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meal, Sugar Coffee, Bead I
Plows, Castings Plow fixtures, Hope.
for Furniture and in that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends.
k CO.
Mi-. M. I. i. in and if
the hat you not on ha I one will be ed I your
i. its, Flowers, Ribbons, everything
the ,
It ban been said by many old
students of weather every
year must right is,
then must be a certain amount of
all kinds weather; a certain
amount of dry weather, n certain
amount of etc.
line with this, Mr. J- Van
tells us that bis experience has
that pound of dust
the month of March is worth a
pound of gold to the farmers
summer growing
in other words, if it m in
March and earlier it's quite sure to
right itself later and give the
tiller of the soil plenty of ruin to
assist growing of bis crops. So
judging by the amount of dust we
are having now, outlook for
the coining season is very good.
There is probably no better
judge of the matter the
than whose long
successful experience in the
has well fitted him to
lie a true weather prophet.
Greensboro Telegram.
A newspaper man Lo
publish an article i ins
lea. he said to the
idler, shall I He
mat furnished with an of
what was and an
exclaimed the man, de-
when article was
read lo him. i right;
that'll make bis old hair
said the editor;
me see, what are your
Good -a. I the it,
you arc not going lo sign my
name lo not
asked the editor. wouldn't
have anyone know I had any-
thing the
I can't afford to gel Into a
with The editor
smiled and
should I gel mixed up in a
scrap does mil concern
should you expert me to an
blame of all publication
article lo which you are
afraid to sign your Tin-
man slopped his paper and
mad. eh Ii life.
If you want stoves or ranges constructed upon
scientific which are economical, durable,
and Convenient, as well as beautiful and artistic, look
for the
cotton planter should
write illustrated
It free.
i ii
Trinity College Notes.
The will lie out
In a i; . i there
baa K a growth in
library in. many
I hooks have been purchased, and
have also been
appreciated donations books.
During this week Moore,
I of Durham, has donated bound
volume, and Mr.
John l, of Durham,
s volume, Mr, c.
of Sea York City, .
volumes York
Christian i . In
liable ; . . , dona
an j i u u d
. donors is very
highly appreciate.
M ill hew D if
Chicago university, delivered a
in the r chapel, Mon-
evening on Christian
id Age
i Junior ha elected
Archive staff for year as fol-
lows Editor in II. R.
of Winston, Manager,
E. S. Locust Hill,
N. The i m ,;, p the
supervision of Senior class,
and the newly elected staff will
lake charge of magazine at
of college year.
Ana. made
a t in i I i In- de
red i Weal Durham
of cub week. The
lbs of -ii s liven l
this week by President
in i f limits of
of Durham take- In i. a
portion tin- college campus.
a small purl of lie
Is inside
n ii id i; ., . of
II i ii i,.
Made nu- Orange Va
One of biggest mortgages on
record has hied in Marshall
town, la. It is I'm- -i, errors a e sermons more
is given American Lint ed long.
Oil Company lo Morion farmer i now up
A woman it to
make u of a lo make
m man of a
trade mark, which is shown upon every genuine
or Range, and do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitutes,
lead all others in yearly sales and popularity.
Tho document is print
ed book bum, and coves seven-
nine a print. It
will pages record
and three days work lo record tin
mortgage, and the fee v,
Sold Exclusively
something- with bis plow.
I miner in his pro
bis pick.
Stolen of vice
their naughty makes I hem
Of course our girl la the
in Slate, 1-. made
One of v beat the,
present Legislature did of Orange.
a law for the establishment a II
N. C.
in school dis-
desires it. The act pro-
district liars ,
Hoard shall eon
ten doll ii . i ti.
will ten dollars making
thirty dollars, sill
nice library, I
l In limn, you know that
Spring has ii
The grumbler Will of
small Ore
a ho In
The i I hill
on the bar
could not

Eastern reflector, 19 March 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 19, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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