Eastern reflector, 8 March 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Strength and Energy.
A M-
The fates arc sometimes kind to
the gatherer. While seated
office bemoaning
the of things
while the compositors were yelling,
red headed man rushed
right the after
glancing he said, excited
I am a
Well, that's we re
Well, say, who's the head of
The last man initiated,
Well, say, I gave a
cents to put me in and he told me
then going to lie a meet-
tonight. lo you know any
thing about it
How moon did you give bin,
did you My
How's that
Didn't lie give you the
Didn't he give you the grip and
pas words
he didn't give
I did the giving. I wont my
What's your
My name it Smith I want
Two hundred bushels of
remove pounds
of Potash from the
soil. Unless this quantity
is returned to the soil,
I the crop will
materially decrease.
Save Your Money.
One box of Is will save
many dollars in bills
They cine all diseases
of the stomach, live r or bowels.
No Reckless Assertion j
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
I of Mar
la to Ha War.
On Wednesday H. A.
London, of Chatham Intro
in the Senate a bill which
provides for the while people of
any town, city or district to tax
themselves the purpose of
a longer school term, is a
good bill and ought to pass with-
out opposition.
The text of the bill is as
Act to Amend Article IX,
Section of the Constitution of
The Assembly of
Carolina do
Section Thai section Act
Why don't you initiate n, Constitution of North
T Sat WaT la I----
U aW Bill
in her effort to correct which ha
,,,,, or it may be from shoots oat pimple, Blotch
imperfections on the skin, to a warning that more tremble
Constipation OHIO or are certain to follow U
a million people endorse you neglect U heed to and correct the
. i rail i c Many a Unerring, painful and an
TS limply of m ma
purr a right use of JOHNSTON'S
Miss Abbie J. of Mich.,
I was cured of a bad humor after with It for firs jean-
doctors and my friends said It was salt It came out on my head, neck
and ears, and then on my whole body. was perfectly raw with H- What I
suffered during those fire years, is no use telling. in will me if
I did. I tried medicine that was to fa, I spent money
enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S highly
Drained. I tried a bottle of It. X began to right away, and when
finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I hare had a touch of It
since. I new got any thing to do the least good till I tried
who are suffering from humors
deal of stomach
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of; RILL A. all who are i
. . , r, or disease of any kind to It I had also a g.
Bagging, Ties Hags. was run down and miserable, bet
me all
The blood is life and if yon keep It pure and strong yon
disease or face contagion fearlessly.
fails. It is for sale by all
and shipment; made me all
M. Schultz,
Wholesale and Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
-1 lids, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Bu
Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail i Ax
eat Key West
disease or face contagion SARSAPARILLA
It is for sale by all druggist. In full quart bottles at only one dollar ea
Application will be made to the
lo charter the town
J. L. Sr. Mayor.
C. Clerk.
January, 1901.
harry D. Elks, Falls, N. Y.,
last sprint; I found I was mid languid,
cue and get it
do yon initiate
Give me cents and I'll show
Sow, you look here; I want to
know what kind of game this
is, how. Ain't
there any way that I can get my
What is it
some else
How am I going to do
out the rules, grips and
passwords and make them pay
I'm no sinker. I'd have you lo
you are a
Buffalo he exclaimed,
growing in the am
going to have that swindler art eat-
ed it he don't give me my money-
And out of the
Office as if he meant what he Bald.
nil wit failing,
I was adviser, to
it I r
I me- Hi
i ii
i Celery
and sustains energy
Carolina, be by adding
thereto the
nothing herein
shall prohibit I ho people of any
race, living in any county, city,
town, township, or territory, from
levy lug a special tax for
purposes f that race, if a
majority of the qualified voters of
that nice shall, any election duly
held for that purpose, decide to
levy said tax, shall lie
levied upon the properly and polls
of that race
That this amendment
shall lie submitted to the qualified
voters of the whole State at the
next general tie.
Greenville, N, C.
on Dickinson
Maker and Repairer of
American Cigarettes. is hereby given
, . i, ,, . i., w II made to Assembly of
themes, Apples, to ,,,,,,,, ,,. of
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, two miles of the Missionary
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meal. I Baptist church the town of Bethel,
Lye, Magic Food. Matches, This
Cotton Meal Hulls,
Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apple, Peaches, .
A ml with stripes,
hon apparently
and China are, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see inc.
mm M
Phone fit
years old, has been In my field four
month, t is hereby notified to call
for same pay for keeping and
of advertising. L.
Q. Jan. 1901.
run ii
life I now.
vigor u new
I o
to -all., work
muscular force.
Dry Press Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pun B, Hardware
Will- II
t to
I .-I of or Pork,
Get a good Safe
The safe is made in all con-
for home, and general use.
Every sale h a guarantee to be lire
proof Prices fr m up,
J. L. At
Greenville, N. C.
Office Can't Be Beat.
Ten New Districts.
The special committee on Con-
at the ill
accordance with its
from the drafted av bill re
apportioning the state.
Sine districts formed are
Democratic, with one doubt I
The districts, as recommended by
the committee, will mm
l. Beaufort Camden,
Dare. Oaten, Hertford.
Hyde, Martin. Per-
j. Bertie,
. Craven,
ton, Nash, Vance, Wake.
Harnett, New
Scotland, Yadkin.
Alexander, Ashe,
an, Stanly, Surry,
Lincoln, Madison, Meek-
Mitchell, Yancey.
in. Cherokee, Clay,
Jackson, Macon, Polk,
The hits
the nail n the head when it says
the is now in counties
after two or years of its
n North it looks
as if will .; disappear,
hi d all of the careless
of who it
it. It i
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Bayer Broken in
Cotton, and
ions. Private New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Baring duly qualified More the
Clerk of Pill county
of the estate of A. House, Sr.
deceased, notice Is hereby to all per-
to the estate to make
i Immediate to the
nil person the
relate most the me for
or before the day January, j
j or Mini sill be in or
I This day of January,
W. W. Horn,
II. A. II.
Administrator of II A. Route, Hr
Steamer leave
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily a II
M. for Washington.
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at G A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Um from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and from
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
Greenville, N. C.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher.
Lincoln, NEBRASKA.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
B and Machinery
Repaired on Short Notice
Posts, Brackets and Balusters for
made to order.
Lo- of
A tonic ma
Um pink tn .-U
fire. Hr
virtue or the power and
in me by s Sept.
of Superior Court, the
S. T. against K.
bar, as appear on record In
the Clerk office of Superior in
Judgment No.
No. M and IT.
and named there-
in, I will expose to public before the
House door Greenville, on Mon-
day the of the
Three Sing. Copy let tract Of kind IO
the county of
No traveling canvassers are em I the laud of
Subscriptions taken at Mills. I.
and others the land whereon
I the Mild K. S. resides, situate on the
Weekly and north of Cow swamp and
be together
one year or DAILY
one year for 18.50 payable in ad-
with bankable to oar
or refund th r-.-o. for
d our t
fur of
mail in plain
h., lot our
bond to curt in days or
Clinton A n CHICAGO, ILL
For sale
v I I
will pay for
i Hick
or pd
l . -m- .
never . eon-
up- contain
lime- contain r.
b mall. taken.
CO. and
sin-it. i ill.
J l
L. H. Pender,
Expert employed. All
and work
first Re-stocking of gnus a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
Three One Van
Now Only Cents a Year,
and include free The
Paragon New The
Journal, Philadelphia.
Farm Journal and Para-
Monthly, now only per
year; par month by mail.
Richmond, Va.
known land by K. S
II. A. and deeded to
aid Dixon
and containing in
whole one and fifty acres. The
land Galloway in
I, page
Oct. Rib Term
Cotton Ragging and lies always
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
All for fr
or Pitt county
before the in the Superior Court.
Fleming, Archie
and Nannie Fleming, minor,
by then next friend
Fleming, W. Fleming. Al-
Pollard and Mary Pollard hi
wife, Adelaide Fleming and the children
of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
unknown and T
of W. Fleming a lunatic
The children of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
whose name are unknown and are
defendant in the entitled came, will
lake that a Special en-
titled a has been commenced in the
Superior Court of Pitt county, before the
ClerK. in to make partition of the
the late Fernando Fleming among
r at law. Ami the defendants
Whichard, C.
The Stock complete in every de
and low
lowest. market prices
paid for country produce.
11.1 MEET,
VII ,., , , , , . a
year 1900 aim Will will lake that they are re-
with W. or I to appear at the office o the taU
s Tucker, old stand, near j c
or check direct tome, S n day of
w. ii . C, answer or
a., sin . . , .
lo the and complaint in at
lion, or the plaintiff will apply Court
for the relief demanded therein.
This of February 1901.
of Court of Pitt county.
Attorneys for ill
South ,
V. fur
The defendant shove lamed Will take
notice that an a baa
commenced in
Pitt county to the bonds of
BOB now the said Mamie . ,,, .,, Court
and Albert and the e
said will farther take w j
he is to .,, i . at the Mil term for
the Superior Court said comity to be J
held on the first Monday in March, 1901, at the above
the Court house Iowa of will tale notice an action en-
or demur lo has been In the
the complaint d action or of Pitt county to
will to the curt for the relief de- the of matrimony now existing be-
in complaint. tween the said W. and
This the IS day of j Forms, and the aid will
that he U In appear
Clerk the of the
A J said to held on first Monday
in Mil at the court of said
I count v at North Carolina,
i demur lo the in a
plaintiff will apple u he
THE lilt i la said com-
fever is u of
Chill Tonic. It is simply I
nice Line of Hardware.
No pay.
. model,
far ft
. l Sr-
The Eastern Reflector
j m
White Goods and Embroideries.
Just received a beautiful line of Dimities, Stripped, White
Goods, Plain White Goods, Organdies white and in colors. The
whole line is beautiful, and extend a cordial welcome lo all
Latest in Curtain Goods. Silks for Shirt
Waists. things in Pine Apple Tissues.
You are welcome. No trouble to show line.
Latest and other
News and Prom
the State Capitol.
Correspondent of
Raleigh, March, week
from today the great impeachment
Supreme Court Justices Fur
and Douglas will begin. It
will least two weeks,
and probably more, for the speech-
es of the lawyers in the case,
on both will occupy
Ex-Gov. Jams, I. Os-
borne, H. B F.
Long, W. D. Chas. M.
Cook and Lindsay Patterson com-
pose the for the defense.
There has been some disarrange-
of for
within the past few days, by the
declination of ex-Judge J. II. Mer-
and ex-Attorney General T.
both of Asheville,
who announce that they cannot
And yet, even with these figures,
the tenth district is Republican by-
over one thousand, while the
eighth's figured out Democratic
majority is only the
being 1,300 the
A fifth district Demo
to me today that
have a hard pull to carry the new
6th A Mecklenburg
Democrat of wide knowledge and
acquaintance are Re-
publican district, normally, with-
out meaning the ninth
which Mecklenburg now is.
Here is the population of each
new district, together with the es-
Democratic majority
each the which
Revenue Law.
From the revision of the revenue
law that passed Congress
we take the following that will be
of interest to
Cigars weighing more than
pounds per reduced from
3.60 to per Less
pounds per reduced from
per pound to cents per
Tobacco and snuff, per
pound, per cent fiction.
Hunk checks, cents, repealed.
Promissory notes, cents for
each repealed.
Money orders, repealed.
Hills of lading export,
cents, repealed.
Express receipts, repealed.
Telephone messages, re-
Conveyances, cents for each
exempted below
above that amount cents for
Telegraph messages, cent, re-
Lease, cents to ., repealed
Mortgage or conveyance trust,
cents for each 1,500, repealed.
Power attorney to vote,
Power of attorney to sell,
cents, repealed.
Protest, cents,
There were changes on
other items where the stamp tax
was in force.
T CO. In New
We are still in the forefront of the race
We offer you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
For Al
Many successful men have borne
lo the efficacy of news-
is paper advertising in the exploits.
according to the Nov.
First district,
Democratic majority
Third, Fourth,
Sixth, Seventh,
of medical, food, patented and
Other articles, all manufactures
such commodities agreeing that
without the use of
per space the measure of success
which they have achieved would
have impossible. That the
same mediums of publicity are
equally important to merchants and
to others whose business is
Ninth, 1,212;
-1. -11.11,. h, J. 1.047, Republican.
or white school ed to ii cm inn nit y or section has
plans. proved by the practical ex
A bill was introduced
Senate last to
and Chas. M. Busbee, of
and W. A. Guthrie, or Dur-
ham, are definitely engaged, and it
la stated that Hon. C. B. Watson
proved by the practical
of thousands. For exam-
Mack Co , of Arbor,
has been assist Constitution, Art. IX, Sec. who started with a small stock of
prosecution. At least two this goods, have up the
nothing herein general merchandise
lawyers will be announced later.
It is not certain that Mr. Watson
added. It
is said that Judge himself
will give testimony.
Your correspondent will be pres-
a capacity,
throughout the trial and will keep
you informed of its progress and
Already there is considerable
speculation as to the verdict of the
jury of Senators. It requires
two thirds, or to There
are nine Republican, two
list and thirty-nine
Senators. Seventeen of these can
prevent conviction. If six Dem-
vote for acquittal, there can
not be a verdict of guilty.
any Democrat so votes will de-
pend upon the evidence add need at
the trial. No man accurately
predict the result at this time.
THE TEN l-.-v-
Not until the of the past
-week did the Democratic caucus
decide to redistrict the State for
the election of
the skin of its
the proposition carrying by only a
small majority.
The bill decided on gives the Re-
publicans district certain, and
with three others doubtful to say
the least. I am told by a half-doz
en Democratic members of the Leg
that three districts will be
elect Republican con-
next the
can find ard will nominate
Everybody that the basis
figured on vote lost
nm more favorable to the
Democrats than the party has a
right to expect in another year,
shall prohibit the people of any
race, living in any county, city,
town, township or territory, from
levying a special tax for education-
purposes of that race, if a ma-
of the qualified voters of
that race shall at any election duly
held for that purpose, decide to
levy said tax, which tax shall be
levied upon the property polls
of that race
It the bill passes, the proposed
amendment will have to lie voted
on at the general election.
But a bill in the House,
which has sleeping
in Southern Michigan, and the
has declared that
chief element in the success of his
firm has a larger use of news-
paper space has employ-
ed by any rival e-t
to be found in any store County. Well
selections, the creations of the beat manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Hummer
and Winter. We are at work for and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want to
sell you if we can. We offer you the very lest service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hals and Caps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Scad
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line.
buy strictly for but sell Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
fit, CO
Proof . lat It Pays.
It has been estimated that not
less two hundred
is expended every year in the
United Stales for advertising,
chiefly in the newspapers. It is
also estimated that a hundred years
ago not as much as
Amend thousand dollars a year was paid
for six weeks, was 11-advertising. Then, for
My friends and customers can now in
the store-formerly Mrs.
j 11-t opposite tin- Alfred Forbes store, with
a full and complete line of
Goods and Notions.
P Chiffons, Silks and Velvet- o.
all kinds. I win carry one of the complete lines of Millinery lo
found town, Mrs. M. T. will have charge of the mil-
department and ill be glad to nave all her old friends . id
customers rail her.
A Dream of the Future.
One hundred years ago
fathers would have to
Distiller Versus Schools.
The House Committee on
ties, Cities Towns took refuge
witness a vestibule train fly by at n so of
the of s miles an hour.
They would stamped
man who would dared
afters onto
vent incorporation of
iii Alison near
of the possibilities of electricity as la distiller named Henry r
ephemeral and visionary.
Had the phonograph given out
records of melody; its
of the voice, they
would have doubtless have pro.
it some uncanny
of witchcraft.
The bicycle, car-
and n hundred other modern
inventions that makes living in
this old world of sin and pain, love
and laughter, and tears,
more endurable, were further from
the possibilities their lives, than
talking with is today
Who gainsay the prediction
that filly, aye years
hence, milk ring an
electric bell from the dashboard of
his doors each
morning in the a-eek, and
out his by simply
pressing a button.
file firmer, will no longer have
bought land with the intention
lug up a
There arc voter the ills-
Strict asked to be all
but live of petition the
Ass. to in.-,
Ever land-owner in the district,
lion. A number o. y. men not
; quite old enough vote also
In the district asked to
rated there i- neither a still nor
bar room, recently High.
i lower has bought a small tract
quarter of a mile the school
o bis intention
selling up bis it.
The school house is not only I
for school divine set
vice is held it preaching once U
mouth and Sunday School
U the petition
to be troubled by breaking were represented before the
and twisting traces, but will bring by attorney.
bis butter eggs chickens; did not the facts
his lambs and calves, his turnips forth by the other side, but he
and apples to in a the statute providing Mini
killed a day or two ago by being
recommitted, this time to the
committee. The first com-
reported it
which is the polite way of
a bill under the fifth rib.
Some of the constitution-
of the House claimed
the bill was conflict with the
Federal Constitution, while others
filled equally as full of
declared it was Many of the
legislators declared they would
a way to educate the white
children of their counties without
being compelled to tax themselves
proportionately to educate every
little their
Hut howl That is the
question. Attempts at legislature
seem to have a failure.
Four masked men tried to rob
the National Rank at
., but the explosion
aroused the the bur-
many years later, merchants
others advertised mainly to help
support the local newspapers,
to promote business. Now no
body advertises in a spirit of char-
but purely as a business prop-
Every advertiser fully
expects to get profitable returns
from his advertising
That the business men of this
try millions for
newspaper space is the kind
of proof that newspaper
docs Rec-
If you want stoves or ranges constructed upon
scientific principles which are economical, durable,
and convenient, sis well as beautiful and artistic, look
climbing, valley-splitting
Telephonic connections between
the and country will lie com-
and the up lo dale former
will take orders from bis city
customers over the and
and peddling will go
lout of existence, and the cry of
will no longer arouse
the belated sleeper Iron, his morn-
But to make these come
true, there is matter
that must be looked
These model i, inventions, these
devices for the saving the nerve
force. of man and beast,
have the way prepared for them
We must have good roads for
these automobiles
and what not to travel over. And
it might be well for present
legislature to remember the
of the future for the
If we have good
A very singular and probably
fatal accident occurred at
bury Monday. A Painter named
Fraley was at work in a house.
Fire broke out among his open
paint kegs on the floor. With his
clothing he dashed out and
tried to enter a which
there were several ladies. They
threw water on him and made him
roll in the snow . His was so
terribly burned that blood
from the open veins.
trade mark, which is shown up n every
Stove or Range, and do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitutes,
lend all others in yearly stiles mid popularity.
Sold Exclusively by
N. C.
A policeman died in Chicago
few days ago served on
force for twenty-seven years and in
all licit time made but one arrest.
His record a- a policeman was
good as ii was unique in reaped to
his duly to prevent I instead
of wailing for I to come and
then jumping on some one lie
carried his the out, and at the
I same nine eel a sensible example
for other guardian., of the peace.
Wilmington Star.
thirty days notice shall be iv;.
such legislation will be asked.
His attorney said no formal
cation of such notice
The attorney for the other -i
said dial such notice was
published i a newspaper or
up Oil a bind bill, but on IV
mar man win.
was III; the bill, was I
Legislature would be
lo incorporate the
The committee seemed to
ice and on
ground reported the bill
ably. News A r.
There are sonic business men
value of newspaper
In advertise
the lime Wu York
has told the editor of Informal
fan advertising periodical that ac
lo experience
render for Using ore U
by changing
of life b;
and deaths; ail Hie person
who are I In given line ,
and Unit to lid nine a I
must advertise day In
day, year In and year Phil
I'm- using a s.
on cars used for
I fill Transit Com
of Minn, la to be

Entered at the Post Office at
N. C, as Second C la
Mail Matter.
Friday. B,
The days of the fin
which legislators re allowed i
cuds Saturday, but it l
possible that the will ad-
sine die on that day.
movement is
m this legislature in
and two or three
Others have thus far been
while other bills
the A peat step in
the direction absolute
t .,. by the State in its
, . ., f roistered whiskey
that is. the State will
j shall shall no
II by
legislature adjourns there
will be prohibition ill almost one
i counties the State.
It It Erecting or
Th e Senate Sat passed
a very drastic bill
saloons especially. A
line of of or six months
is provided, and a bar-
keeper once convicted of allowing
gambling his place never
licensed to sell liquor anywhere
in North Carolina again. Heavy
Proceeding March Meeting.
penalties are also imposed on
liters who wink at the
the law.
The apprehended over
Senator F. M. Simmons, of S.
Carolina, taking his seat in the
United Stales Senate, did not ma
He was duly sworn i.
Monday without toe slightest
objection being raised by anyone.
Twenty-eight new Senators were
inducted into office that day, the
oath being administered to them
by Vice-President Roosevelt.
editor ha- his opinion
I , kicker and is not afraid to
exp, . u. Thus be
,.,, ii id a man finding fault
i . I paper, open it up
i. he hasn't an
i Hi In to one he never
gave i l job of work; three to one
i, i take the paper; two to
one if he is a he is
de even odds he never
, assist the
i to a good paper, and
for to one that if the paper is a
one and fail of lite, he is the
m eager to see the paper when
it v
.,. should help
w . ii the wrangle is on
be ween B . In which he
Do i and the
Marshal of the Inaugural
i who has assigned to
of escorting Mr.
lo Capitol to be sworn
The path of n town Alderman is
always a smooth one. nor does
he rest beds of ease. He is some-
times confronted with problems
that gifted with less wisdom
than a Solomon would find hard to
solve. They may
bat knotty
ghost, will not down at their bid-
The Board of Aldermen of
now have a query on
hand that if not soon will
rob them of sleep or turn them
gray headed. The question is,
what is erecting a house, and
what is repairing a house T
The trouble all came about
this wise; There is an ordinance
in the code of laws, based
on a provision in the charter, pro-
the erecting of a
building within of Evans
street between limits. In
the recent lire, among the buildings
got in the scorch was
house that was so unfortunate as
to straddle this feet limit when
it was The lire depart-
with no malice aforethought,
not knowing what trouble they
were heaping up for somebody,
put the lire this house out after
it was more than half burned up. .
The roof, one side, one and
part of the front are while
the other aide, the Boot and what
is left of the front arc still there.
the standing side being over la the
lire limits.
The committee on the election
la v have on some imp. r-
taut changes. The most important
the appointment of four pill
holders at each voting place, d
more than two of them shall
belong to the same party, and tiny
may be selected by their
parties. Another change is
allow ballots to be counted when
deposited the wrong box, unless
it is proved that they were fraud
so deposited by the i .
There will be no more elections
the B-
I parade at all unless
i be Mr. escort,
grand marshal says that
hi in i be. Gen. Dan Sick-
i as to have been marshal
The Board of County
held their regular monthly
meeting on Monday, the full Board
be log present.
The usual pauper orders were
issued and claims for general
purposes allowed.
of Health, and J.
Treasurer, filed their monthly
S. P. Humphrey was released
from taxes on real estate
charged to him 1900.
Corrections were made in taxes
of W. R. Evans for 1900.
W. Pitt was released from
taxes on personal property
Lemuel released from
poll tax and tax on personal
Gabe Jenkins, Simon
Rodgers, were released
poll tax.
The bridge at lyings old mill,
across Black swamp, was made a
county charge.
Cato Edwards and wile were ad-
to pauper list to receive each
per month.
Ellis and wife's pauper
allowance was increased to per
month, Me Law-horn's allow-
increased to 1.50 per month,
I. A Let eh north's to per
It was ordered Daven-
port paid per mouth for
the ferry at
Millie A. Bland was added to
No Bankrupt
ii c . division, hi- asked
t , and given notice that
t me will be no veteran
ti . ;. the parade. The trouble
i- veterans are not showy
i- no meet the ideas
i the Marshal
ideas are more
he joined the asphalt
in they used to lie
The late Mr. is quoted as
having attribute my good
health to the tact that I always gel
the owners want for one
a house where they used
I have one. but THE
will not undertake to decide what
out of lied late and never take m
physical can get
any sort of advice that one want- in
regard to personal habits, or at y
.-ale of health that one is looking
and facts to lit any the. n.
to bed and early to i
Then And Now.
in Tree Press say
v., Weekly seems t
-in i at the action of ox-Got.
in defending Judges I'm
i., . Douglas from impeach.
they do want. That is just the
question. Io they want to erect a
or do they t. repair a
house The Aldermen are look-
at this problem like such
as do a nanny goat have
horns or do a pup become
a dog would be easy in
in with it.
ye folks who love to tackle
knotty questions, here is your
chance for solving a problem. Do
the owners want to erect a house,
or do they want to repair a hon-e f
Take the case, gentlemen.
The Weekly shows the
en in this impeachment business.
I . campaign of 1801 the Week
d Got. Jarvis as saying be
bad i- o n think of putting
. libertine, at the head
makes a man healthy, wealthy and jot . college as to put Fur-
. id
is older than the oldest In-
habitant, it is held be an
incontrovertible law nature that
open air exercise is essential to tin-
preservation of good health. And
yet here comes along an old man
who in living until he
was past that be -ii
ways got up lute and never look
any exercise. He knocks out the
adage and the
to poetry, and what he
to the notion that every day n
must walk himself out of breath
until he It tired all over, i-
a non-partisan supreme
Sow, Gov. Jarvis gives the
i j of character to
. bile I differ in the
i be made, agree with
and Montgomery
Book Club.
On account of
weather the Book Club bad its
meeting last week on Thursday
instead of Tuesday as heretofore.
with Mrs. c. Harding.
Both the President Vice-
President being absent Mis. Jar-
vis presided and after the regular
routine business the discussion
Of new books was resumed. To
list those already ordered
was added Richard Yea and Nay,
by the unanimous consent the
A most excellent paper on
Famous Spanish Women,
by Mrs was read by
heartily enjoyed by
i . . , .
After the adjournment the
I meeting a very interesting contest
speech in the Senate Friday.
said about North Carolina set
things that he ought not to have
ii i seen to us in
ii , r Gov. Jarvis seems
in lie lather inconsistent. The
now It has come to pass
Furches, whoso rank
,. -nip iii him
estimation, as on-
others position as
Legislature has
. them be returned to Mrs.
in,. . and while I have
. i w them in politics, I
regarded hon-
men. My opinion
although I -given the pen name to the
differed with them real name of furnish
led by the hostess, the being
I Won by and presented, amid great
applause and
Mi's. Jarvis.
After partaking of delicious re-
the members dispersed
to meet mi Tuesday, March 12th,
with Mrs.
shown i
disposition to so legislate as to
hearten rather than to
the many Industrial
that are being developed through-
out our section and without which
there is no hope for m in the fit
It is true th it a goo in m
the newspapers, public men
of the State have said as much
this, perhaps more, in discussing
pending revenue bill and other
subjects before the Legislature,
but there is a difference between
this and uttering these things in
the Senate of the United S-ales.
giving to them the which is
supposed to attach to the words of
a Senator. Granting that the Leg-
is doing all that Senator
Pritchard says it Is toward
the material progress of
the Slate, is it doing it more harm
made him thing the Cubans urns et
a female co. , . . . ,
credit the Amer-
i u partisan on the bench, latter have so reduced
bis chief conn- the death in Havana that the
I trump card before Sen
A. L. Jackson was on
stock law committee of Creek
and townships in place
Of Council
B. A. Bro., were grant-
ed license for one year to peddle in
Pitt county with one horse
The inmates of the
County Home, were granted per-
mission to remove from the Home
and are to lie allowed Ki
month for maintenance.
John was ordered admit-
to the County Home.
The lands of several parties in
and Swift Creek town-
ships were to be embraced
enclosed in the stock law
of those townships.
The Clerk of the Board was or
to notify the Commissioners
of Craven county to remove from
the County Home of Pitt county
four children Sam Brown, col-
a resident of Craven
and to pay charges for the time
i have been kept in this
A duplicate liquor license was
issued to M. L.
Bro., their license having been
The Clerk was ordered to notify
Z. Brooks, John Avery, Car
John to
appear before the Board at the
next meeting and show
cause why they should not pay for
damages alleged to have been done
by them to the fence enclosing the
stock law territory.
A petition was presented asking
for a new road from
bridge to Clay Boot road.
An order was made for
vaccination of all citizens of
who need to
be vaccinated.
The Board adjourned subject to
the call of the chairman if there be
a further development of smallpox
the county to require action lie-
fore next regular meeting.
if. C, March, ti.
The boys of the Vance Literary
Society of the High
School will give a public debate
at the Academy, on Friday night.
March 1901. All are cordial-
invited to attend.
If suffering women knew how
easily they be relieved,
would delay no longer, but write
Mrs. F. O. Cox, branch office man-
ager, X. C at once
for a few samples of the wonderful
remedy of worth
If good cart hubs
wanted by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
The tramp preacher with the
white umbrella gave us a call last
Saturday. After delivering his
sermon he moved on toward
Greenville without so much as
even taking up a collection.
Hunsucker Co. made a
shipment of a car load of buggies
good second growth
white oak spokes wanted by the
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Greenville fighting for water
works and general improvements
on one side of us for
prohibition on the other side leaves
us calmly serene. We get all we
want still we grow. They
need enterprise.
C. H. Lancaster, living just a
short distance from here, is
ill with pneumonia. Grave
fears arc felt as to his recovery.
A. G. Cox has cotton seed meal
he will either for cotton
seed or cash.
Mrs. H. L. Hamilton, of
ho has a visit to friends
here for the past few days, left on
the train Monday evening for her
Dave Cooper, who has been
quite sick for some time, is
Miss Carrie Wesson is nick with
the grippe.
Rev. J. K. Faulkner left Mon-
day for to spend the week
with his son.
A. O. Cox still pays the highest
cash cotton seed.
we wish to call attention to our NEW LINE el
n cents per yard to cents and
LONG CLOTH, etc. All of which are being
sold CHEAP.
Other are being sold at low
prices, mime as Special Sale Prices.
make it to your Interest to call and see
before you buy.
Yours to please,
in the world giving to
Ii Hi
a mere but a
moan, it Kt
last. The belt and women In world Hod II
V J-.- In who hie Is
To lo active la every
i ; I In ft we will liberally
Held. momenta be
M Income. Make a of the la
the and
and working
it l a lo a
i and
easily secured. This Is
. Male at once, naming you
a . yr.
. York City.
X. Mar. i
We arc glad to see
way out after sick for
several days.
Miss Annie who
at Ibis place,
ed to her home Friday to attend
the inauguration at Washington
Mr. En re preached for
Sunday night. He is going to hold
a series of meetings here this week,
and will preach day
and L. E. Elks,
from this place, attended church at
Misses Joe and Louise Smith-
wick, bare been visiting Mrs.
Proctor, returned to their
home Wednesday.
We were glad to have Mis. J.
B. Galloway to visit our town Fri
X. II. Galloway was in
Austin was in town to-
day .
a Hard Road to Travel.
Chief of Police J. T. Smith is be-
his fate. He seems to
look upon his days as few
full of trouble. Under the
ordinance enacted by the city
fathers vaccination com-
it becomes the Chiefs duty
to accompany the Disciple of
around and see that
any would lie stick
their arms to be scraped like good
folks ought to do. The Captain
don't know whether he will
and-bagged, hot-watered, kidnap-
It has been
suggested that he get himself a
Cuban capital is quite as healthful
as the average of cities
in the rune latitude. There is now
can, with
Id nib .-in associates, I the number of deaths thousand
if the and the population Havana and
i lo. Jarvis Can the
u i his skin or the
. but a greater
the leg.-la-, w ; ,.,
hue lie to dissolve until too I
election lest the amend
and the election law be . average man isn't worry-
ii i d by these Judges, and around all the lime shout his
would have i., believe thinks be is get-
I hut I here was nut even a tinge
of the will of the people A woman never gets to lie so
urn i love that she
i doesn't look all the pretty
i and ugliest York
Is in the stolen Press.
was u day and
the churches had large
nun's way of getting
be exploits behind them is by . , of ho
fact from bis place In him around stump and Home at died
Observer. Monday.
of powers
St Um
I Mar.-b term of Pill
parlor court S. T.
K. S. ct MS.,
lo Hie
in of Greenville, N. C,
lit neck of
the April term of
tract of lo
of land is the
of Pitt in
Joining the land- of II. Hills,
Ilium, W. I. Clark Hie
land whereon t.
and on aide of Cow Swamp
and further the put-
by B. S. from U. A. Para-
the that to
E. H. father John S.
I. -1 I John It hi
An i Contest.
had a lively boxing match
at Splinter's the other
came home late,
as he passed through the hall his
wife's tallest palm touched him on
the cheek Splinter was in ex-
cited thought it was
somebody's lingers. So he struck
out wildly with lists sue-
knocking TOT two palms
and severely bumping his own
why do you call a box-
Splinter put his
knuckles against his wife's
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
One of the yellow journals de
a corps of reporters the
other day to ask every United
States Senator this question;
would you do with
Senator Mason's reply
was brief to point.
would asylums for foot
he said.
If a Woman
warns to put out a lira
heap on oil and wood. She
firs. When a woman to
from diseases peculiar to her sea,
she should net add fuel to the
already burning her life away. She
not lake worthless; and
potion composed harmful
opiates. They do not check
e i do not cure
-ply add fuel fire.
Regulator be
taken by every woman
. or girl who the
suspicion of
k any of the ail-
They will simply
until lake It.
The Regulator Is
at the roots of the
II does drag
It It.
l Inflammation
scanty or painful
and by dome
all drives away
one acnes
drain health
and beauty, and
from many a
woman's file. is one
remedy above all other;
now and use.
our Ires
I., . .
Washington, N. C, March,
The Arm of Carter Taylor,
has dissolved. D. M. Carter eon-
the business at the old
The snow was easily eight Inches
on an average.
We bad, Feb. a primary to
ascertain if a majority of the white
voters desired a dispensary or no.
There was perhaps a
against, the opponents did not
rote, we desire to that
fact, lest some one should be led
Into the error of supposing that
we are all dispensary men. When
the Legislature and we
have no dispensary, we will know
that the opponents are not dead
nor sleeping.
The popular agent of the A.
L., Mr. Barnes, who been and
i yet ill, Is Improving.
Mrs. Betts is vis-
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. Latham.
Mrs. J. D. Meyers died on the
2nd Inst. after a long illness, she
was buried today.
Fish and oysters are scarce,
are high, higher, highest,
cents per cents the
If wedding bells ring out soon,
it will cause no surprise, for
usually get there.
Some has put a job on
King's Weekly, concerning the no-
table citizen of Pantego, the man
who baa had six wives, been the
father of children, etc. Since
we have known the place
years; be has not been there.
A small sized scrap on Sunday
night on Main street made it inter-
for the Mayor on Monday.
The of Mr. died
Tuesday night of last week. Her
preached by W.
of C, a Seminary stir
on Thursday following. Her
laid to rent in the
cemetery at Bethany
. .
New York
purchasing my Spring and Summer Stock.
Wait my return and you will find the latest
styles at my store.
If there is a GROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that you owe
TH for
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need YOU
owe us end hope you will not
keep waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Attention Is called to the
of land sale by Harry
The Greenville graded school bill
passed its third reading in both
britches of the Legislature.
The bill to establish a graded
school In was intro-
in the House Saturday.
A bill has passed the
Incorporating Greenville
Lodge A. F. A. M. This
is for the purpose of giving the
Lodge authority to issue bonds to
build a Masonic Temple.
A Man to open
a branch office for us, in our line
of business- Experience
Large salary paid to the
right party.
Job. Jewelry Co.,
Broom Prescott Building,
New York City.
Bit Drop.
Tuesday night the temperature
took an unprecedented drop for
this section. In twelve hours It
went down from to a fall of
degrees. The change made
plenty of lee.
New Ad.
A. H. Taft Co., successors to
Taft, make announce-
today their dry goods, fur
and stoves. They have two
stores full with new goods arriving
daily, sad will make a visit to their
stores t your interest.
Mew Big Store.
The Aid Society of the Christian
church requests the
ladies of the C. W. it. M. to meet
with Thursday at P. M.
at the residence of Mrs. J. S. Tun-
stall. also desire that all the
ladies of the Christian church at-
tend this meeting,
are members or not.
The newspaper is only one of the
business agencies of the city. It
can do much in combining
the effort for in-
and commercial prosper-
but not all that is necessary
It is only when all the business
agencies pull together that great
communities move irresistibly
to the attainment of
Run by a a.-id Car.
On Sunday morning several per-
sons the neighborhood of the
junction of the Beaufort County
Lumber Co. railroad, got a hand
car and started to go down to Vance-
on it. A 10-year-old son
Mr. C. A. Tucker was the party.
At a point where the car was going
down grade young Tucker fell off
on the track the wheels run
across bis chest, injuring him
The boy is reported in a
critical condition today.
man House.
At the special meeting of the
Board of Aldermen, Monday night
D. B. House was elected an Alder-
man for the Third ward to All the
vacancy canned by the resignation
C. Mr. House is
a thorough business man and will
make a good Alderman.
New Baal.
i have commenced
vault for the Greenville
Trust In the
Th new bank
tea operations in a
few weeks. do a general
business as well as have a
Chicago, March
wounded, William Tate, a
at the County Hospital
with a diamond stud in his
stomach. He was shot this morn-
by Patrolman Hindi
while fleeing from the victim of
bis Anderson.
He alighted from a South
Side elevated train at the Twenty
second and was assaulted
by the who struck him with
a billy. The robber snatched the
diamond from Anderson's shirt
front and made effort to seize
watch, worth , with a
chain. The succeeded in
getting only part of To
Anderson's yells for assistance
Bush responded. He fired two
shots at the bandit. One struck
fate the back of the head and
he fell. The portion of the chain
was found in his pocket, but the
diamond, had been swallowed he
admitted when the jail physicians
told he was about to die.
ask for an autopsy
when Tate dies.
Board County Commissioners to
urge upon them the necessity of
ordering compulsory vaccination.
staled Unit where this
request to counties in which
smallpox had appealed, if the
counties did take steps to
spread of the disease, the
State would of necessity take hold
of the matter general
be ordered.
After discussing the mutter the
Board passed an order
township, leaving the matter open
temporarily as to the balance of
the county, the Hoard to meet in
special session the call of the
chairman and pass an order em-
bracing the whole county if the
seems to require
They made the order only for
township at present be-
cause the disease is no other sec-
of the county.
Monday the Hoard of Al-
of Greenville held a
meeting to consider the matter
of ordering compulsory vaccination
in the town. The Board
ordinance to
this effect, placing the limit on the
12th inst. The full ordinance as
adopted will be found elsewhere in
this paper under a notice from the
The believes
Commissioners and Aldermen are
both right the orders they have
made, and there should be no re-
on the the people.
It is best for safety of all to be
vaccinated and they Should go on
quietly and submit to it.
On Saturday, 2nd, 1901.
Angel of Death visited the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
took Mrs. Mary Ed-
Wards, of Mrs. Mrs.
Edwards had Used to a ripe old
age, being at the time of her death
years old. She had
feeble health for quite a long time
and recently suffered a paralytic
stroke from a Inch she never
but quietly and peacefully
she yielded her life to God who
gave it, whom she loved and trust
ed. In her early life she became
member of the Methodist church
and held membership with
church at Greenville at the
her death, having lived here for
several years until the death
of her daughter. E. A
She leaves a number of
children, grand children and great-
grand children, and mail i friends,
who mourn her departure, but
sweet consoling thought is theirs,
that their loss is her gain, that she
has to join the angelic hosts
above is now rest. M.
Mayor J. G. has
of the following cases his court
since last
Frank Forbes Win. Henry-
ban, riotous disorderly
duct Forbes
guilty and dismissed, Henry
guilty, lined one and costs.
J. H. Button, disorderly conduct
and resisting officer,
to April term of Superior Court.
John riotous and dis-
orderly and assault, case
at. L. King, drunk and
lined one penny and cowls,
Oscar Button, riotous and
conduct and assault, lined
and cost, 98.13.
Now Going; On At
s Big New
Bought the entire stock of J. Boyer Co, Media, Pa.,
Goods, Clothing,
Our Stores Crowded and Jammed.
Goods sold for cash
sent on approval.
This sale for consumers
only. All goods sold on
J. price 13.80.
I. Boy ere
T. S
r -1
This immense Stock
coming in on us into our
already crowded rooms, is
placing us in great
and must take active
measures to sell it in-
This stock will
be in many instances
as it was bought-50
cents on the Dollar. BY
Sale Now Going On At Big New Store.
J. Buyer price tic.
Only to
J. yd.
Only yards to customer.
I. i
j. B. price 2.00
. II
Big Sale Now Going On.
I K.
Marking Slashing Everything
J. price 13.00.
J. price
ton- j
cent Shifts
Cent Kind
Ask ace
JO it
I lit-
yon. We wont everyone in the
f Greenville and vicinity
to attend Hank
price. o.
A Desperate Effort To Sell Everything Without Delay.
l M
No misleading state-
nothing but genii-
in everything ,, the bankrupt stock
Dill t 1-
Si H
Ml V-
. II
II -v
in the wearing
Women and
The never loses anything
hut his cost of a
meal scare it away.
At the average woman He is
more interested in the texture than know not way before M,
do we
leaving home for the
seminary at
a., wrote
his these As
pass from experience to some ex-
from a tried to an untried
scene of life, it is as when we turn
to a new page in a book we have
never before, but whose
know and love and trust to
give us on every words of
counsel purity and strengthen
arc constantly
entering on new, untried paths
but if i acknowledged in all
our guide.
for Men,
j-you will for
goods advertised, look. GREENVILLE, N. C.
at them.
C. T
Big New Store
a complete mass. The
in great Disorder and
to be melted into solid.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware A
Come to see me for your next I of Flour or Pork.
Yours to
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is made to sill sizes con-
home, farm, office and general use.
Every sale soil with a guarantee to be lire
proof. Prices range from up.
Greenville, N.
As one of the depositories for Public School Books in
Pitt County. We handle the books designated on the
State List for the public schools and can supply what-
ever you need. We also have
slant and double practice writing b ks
tablets, fool's cap paper, pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, inks companion boxes.
E of Our
ARE you
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
physical capita all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Washington-. March
Yes, the second inauguration of
Mr. was car-
through on an imperial scale.
As Rome, the people are
amused with gorgeous pageants,
while they are losing their most
precious It
was fitting, perhaps, that a man
who had just been given by a sub-
partisan majority Con-
more autocratic power than
was ever possessed by
can more than
kings are allowed to exercise,
be given imperial
It was also in keeping
with the extravagance
which baa grown to such
magnitude under his Bret ad-
I ministration as to stagger and
frighten the conservative
of the country, that more
money should be spent upon his
second inauguration than was ever
spent upon the inauguration of
other President. how much
this inauguration has cost the pub-
Treasury will never be known,
but that it is an enormous sum
anyone can see. Four companies
of troops were brought
nil the way to Washington to march
in the Imperial
subjects, as it were;
. the cadets from West
, Point and Annapolis, who had not
participated in an Inaugural par
since Grant's second, before,
and the regular troops from every
military poet reach.
lion to these, seven warships were
brought near enough to have their
entire crews in the parade. All
of tins cost a heap of money, to
winch must lie added the
which the use of the office
r the Inaugural ball, cost the
J. W CD.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and shipments
notice to rue
Every cotton planter should
write illustrated
It is sent free.
Send lo
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers Brokers in
Storks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private WINS to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
soapstone pencils l cent, plain lead pencils cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil I rent, n nice tablet with
pretty cover cent, crayons, with metal hold
in nice wood box n i end pencil, slate pen
and pen, an lie, all in nice wood box,
cents. A great big wide I I cents, of best
ink on the market, cents c books to cents,
White crayons, gross in box, cents, Good fool's can
piper per quire,
For the Business Man.
We carry a nice of and single entry ledgers,
long day books, journals, niter books, memorandums,
order books, note books, time
For Society pie
all kinds and i box papers card and
s. visiting I-. and tablets
Ulrica Right
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
Government. Like the legislation
of the Fifty Sixth Congress, now
happily dead, the second
ration of Mr. was con-
ducted, regardless of expense, sod
I he dear people must pay the bills
tor both.
Some wag started a story that
the two Colorado performing bears
that were carried in the Inaugural
parade by a bettor,
were captured by Teddy during
his recent hunting trip, and all
along the line, was constantly
There comes Teddy's
Mr. is said to
have been made quite angry by
I the story and especially by the
continued public to
line to his declared intention of
pulling the Senate on record, Sen-
Morgan, offered his Nicaragua
Canal resolution, providing for ac-
quiring the right of way as an
amendment to the Sundry Civil
Appropriation bill. It was kill-
ed, as he expected it to lie. The
vole was to Hi to the
chair's ruling that the amendment
was not in order. Thus ended the
disreputable though successful
light to prevent Nicaragua Canal
legislation, which is overwhelm-
favored by the people of this
county, which the republicans
pretend to favor to the extent of
having had a bill passed by the
House before the Presidential
Senator Morgan cannot be
blamed having naked to be re
of the duties of Chairman of
the Committee inter can
and he never spoke truer
words than when he
republicans arc not friends of this
canal and they know
Mi. didn't like the
Hoar amendment In the Philippine
amendment to the Army
hill, which heads off much
contemplated looting by prevent-
the granting of long time
and the disposal of public
land- In the islands, but he did
not to veto the bill on account
of the amendment, as that would
have been a dead give away, show-
his disappointment because
the whole looting could
not lie carried out.
The Senate Cuban investigation
cast about and amounted
to nothing. The report of
farther investigation
is unnecessary, the frauds
are now being handled by the Cu-
ban Courts. It is understood that
several prominent republicans felt
very much relieved when the report
was announced, owing to their
knowledge that any real invest i-
would make things very
lo them.
Democrats have reason to
complain when the work of the
Fifty-sixth Congrats, which ended
just before today, is studied.
Being the minority party they
could prevent extravagant up
but they did
the putting through the most ex-
single piece of
Ship Subsidy-
bill, as they compelled the
republicans to abandon the scheme
to kill the bill reducing war taxes,
both of which were substantial
victories the
L. H. Pender,
Tobacco Flues. Tin Booting,
Expert Gunsmith employed. All
kinds Gun and locksmith work
first class. He stocking of gnus a
Agent for The
Mr. John C. Agent for
North Virginia, of that
and Popular
to to its Urge number of
policy to the incurable public
of com-
will now in
from this date will it
to all
insurance in the best
insurance in the world.
If the total agent in your ham has not
State Agent, Raleigh, N C.
Paid policy
Live, energetic at
to for the
Old mutual Benefit.
Application will be made to the
to charier of the town of
J. L. Ki i-v. Sr., Mayor.
J. C. Clerk.
To a plain man who does not
read the the
Hues, the accused judges have com-
a crime and misdemeanor.
The is against
them and to volunteer for their
to say nothing of its
is to repeat the odious
of a
When the Constitution of North
Carolina declare
Supreme Court shall have
original jurisdiction to bear claims
against the State, but its decision
shall merely be recommendatory;
no process In the nature of
shall issue
The declaration is as plain us
that of the Declaration,
shalt not and therefore,
when the Supreme Court judges is
sue a mandamus to the Treasurer
of North Carolina commanding him
to pay certain money to a person
named, that the Legislature has
by special resolution, ordered not
to pay out to him, they violated
the Constitution, the
the Legislative branch of
authority, and committed an net
which is defined to be a crime and
for which it the punish-
Now, what had a Legislature to
do, which had taken a solemn oath
to support the Constitution. Hail
the judges committed the act
Had they issued a mandamus writ
Had they defied the Legislature
were true to its letter and
Had the Legislature usurp
ed any authority that was not its
Were these acts of the
judges crimes or ac-
cording to on r fundamental law I
If they I the duty of our
Legislature en so plain that he
who runs might
City Economist.
S. M. Schultz.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed. Oil Bar-
s's, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
Carriages, -Carts, Parlor
lilts, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
I and Ax
eat Tobacco, Key Cheroots,
American Beauty Cigarettes, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents. Raisins, Class
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Ma chines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Phone K
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. tarries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
Notice U that application
will be mads to the Assembly of
lo prohibit of
liquor within two miles of las
Baptist church near the town Bethel,
N C. This Jan 1901.
Vitality, Loaf and
Care In potency.
nil want ins-
II effects of of
A nerve tonic
blood builder. H. .
pink slow to p.-la
and in
fir By nail
. per box. W
with oar to core
or the money Send for
copy of our .
fr Lo
of Power.
II t
i Auxin.
; L-f or
Liquor. By mail in plain a
for 05.00 our bankable
bond to core In or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton . Ste.,
For by J L
A i who
ill f various
told a Boston Herald
that he now
in inK newspaper ad
bu. when I take up a news-
paper it is for i k ii-
and my mind is in a
state to If I
an I can
be sure it was a that
had read Rec-
Greenville, N, O.
Maker and of
Steam Engines,
and Machinery
Repaired on Short
Brackets and for
trimming mads to order.
All OS ink me for guano for the
year 1900 and prior, call
with n. or
S i I. ii ii i I'll- k. r. near
Groin or tend check direct tome, S r-
O. M
A ml cow with brindle
horns, apparently two
yearn old, In my field about
Owner i hereby notified to call
for same and pay for keeping and
coat W. I.
S. Jan. 1901.
duly qualified the
I k of Pitt county
r U. A. House, Sr.,
notice given to all per-
to the to make
immediate to the
all -on- claims the
estate present the same for
on or before the 28th day of January,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
of January, Ml.
Administrators of B. A.
virtue of the power contained and
in me by a Sept.
tern ISM of Pitt Superior Court, in the
T. Hooker B.
Dixon and others, as appears record in
the Clerk's of the Superior Court In
Docket No. action min-
Docket No. Ill and
Ti and there-
in, I still ex pone to public before the
Court House door in Greenville, on Mon-
day the day f March 1901 the follow-
tract land to one tract
Of land, situated the county of Pitt.
township, the of
II Mills, L. Clark, Robert
Dixon and others being the laud whereon
the said K. S. Dixon situate i
on the
north side
tho laud chased by K
Dixon from II. A. and deeded lo
said Dixon by his father John
and Green containing In the
whole one hundred and acres. The
identical land con
i appear
James Galloway in
trust, as appears in page
Feb. 1901.
Oct. 1898. Terms
Satisfy Your Appetite at tho
Next door to
Everything New and Clean.
Anything Good to Eat.
as Cents.
Houp, a kinds meat, kinds
Coffee De-
all for
B. W. KER,
fever is a bottle of Grove's
Chill Tonic. It simply
Iron and quinine in a tasteless
Bo pay. Price Mo.
Pitt county
before the Clerk in Superior Court.
Rose Fleming, Archie
Fleming and Nannie Fleming, minors,
by nest friend Harrow.
Fleming, W, Fleming. Al-
Pollard and Pollard hie
wife, Adelaide Fleming the children
of Adam Fleming, Jr., whose
11.11111 are unknown and D. T House
of w s. Fleming a lunatic.
The children of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
whose names are unknown and who are
in Hi above cause, will
like notice thatS Special Proceeding en-
titled as has Urn commenced in
Superior Court of Flit county, before the
Clerk, In order to make partition of the
the late Fernando Fleming among
his liens at law. And the said defendants
will farther lake notice that arc re-.
in at the office of the said
Clerk of Superior Court of said county
on Wednesday lbs 10th day of March 1901,
in C, answer or demur
lo die mid in laid ac-
Ii plaintiff will apply to the Court
for relief
This the day February
D. C
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt county.
Three Papers, due Year Each,
Now Only a Year,
absolutely free The
Paragon Mont lily, New The
Farm Philadelphia.
Farm Journal Para-
Monthly, now only per
per month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on I,
Fresh goods kept
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
j. a. an,
-------DEALER IN-------
Also a nice
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Sing. Copy fie.
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Hem I-
Weekly sad
will be sent together
one for or Tug Daily
Reflector and
one year ad-
W will reward for
-f Rich
not with
nit. ilia an
fall t at inf act ion.
IS pill of
hr null. taken,
CU. and
k-on III. For Try
i . C
The Eastern Reflector.
m i M
NO so
March Proclamations.
new, neat and clean.
we ask is for you to see our line.
seen it. See it today.
Val Laces, Allover
to match all edgings.
X or we re
Silks, Pine Apple Tissue,
a Crime
The of Major Moses
that is a is not
rhetoric. Contagion which
resulted the death of an in-
and which can
I traced, to the indifference or deg-
of should be classed
pas a crime by the statutes.
south Along.
the Civil War the South
was very poor, and it emerged
from that condition slowly. Dur-
its poverty it acquired a habit
of complaining that it was poor
it has difficulty in shaking
But for several years it has
been making money out of and
cotton mills, cotton crops
not all contagious distort it
-be prevented by and in-
J-the world, and in nearly every mM
Transacted by Board of Alder-
men-Bond Election Called,
The Board of met In
regular session Thursday
in I'm present.
Alderman-elect I. E. Sous,
from Third ward to J. C.
Ion. resigned, nil
The Board first took up t mat-
of providing for the b id
to be held the second Tues-
day in April accordance with
the bill passed by the As-
of Carolina. The
following and Poll hold-
were appointed for the several
wards, the election in each to be
held at the places
Registrar, J. B. Jarvis. Poll
holders, W. J. and S, P.
Humphrey. Voting place, color-
ed Odd Fellows hall.
Registrar, Charles John
Poll holders, J. L.
L. C. Arthur. Voting place, of-
on comer of Clark property.
Registrar, I,. W. Lawrence. Poll
holders, II. C. Hooker and II. A.
White. Voting place, Court
Registrar, W. L. Brown. Poll
holders. J. and T. E.
Hooker. Voting place,
Moore store.
We are still in the forefront of the race
We offer you the best selected line of
II ft CO. In New
My friends customers can now find rue in
store-formerly occupied by Mrs. y. I.
just opposite the Alfred Forbes with
a full and complete line of
Goods and Notions.
General Merchandise
Registrar. A. A. Forbes. Poll
paid good dividends. It is begin- holders, J. and II. C.
to cease the changes Voting place, Farmers
I its poverty. It never was very j Warehouse.
much In debt its and A new of voters
has been fast out of debt was ordered for this election,
for supplies, has been All resident physicians of the
buying property and securities, town were to vaccinate
the extension of a
gums malady has been the result of
Somebody's neglect reasonable
That such diseases
-s have not stamped has
I due to the refusal of people to
j take trouble or to the
of secluding a pa-
and disinfecting their own
persons belongings.
It is the opinion of Major fa of money home capital is rents for each person vaccinated,
that ill industrial j the town also to pay for the virus
enterprises as well securities, soused.
Mr. B. Baker, of Baltimore,
who has just returned from the
South, says the Southern banks are
any all of town
presenting themselves
pose, to charge the town
persons who may be attacked by
disorder should be sen
to a hospital or pest house. A law
to effect this every case, how-
ever, would defeat own object.
There are families that are well able
to place a patient in complete
and intelligent enough to
danger to others. If forced
to choose between a
ed parent or child to a hospital, to
be cared for by and con-
the nature of the ailment
most persons would prefer the lat-
course, provided they could be
the spread of the
disease. There would be less con-
a more effective war
contagion if health officers
should be authorized to send to the
hospital any who could
be isolated at home and properly
cared for by relatives. II is the
fear of the pest house that causes
to refuse to report the
true character of a
The exercise of a wise dis-
the part of health of-
would win public sympathy
for the fight against preventable
diseases. The of per-
sons who should have caused the
spread of a disease through
would have a wholesome effect.
The education of the ignorant con-
the rules to be followed to
contagion is also
It is doubtful whether Texas, the
and Georgia will need
any capital to move the
next cotton crop. North
Carolina has fallen from to ti per
cent. The South is more
buying less of its supplies that
formerly, and cotton is its
proper position as a money crop
after has
provided Y. Journal of
Horrible Heath.
The committee reported
about in the treasury.
The street committee reported
that addition lo work
done during the past mouth,
had been purchased the
bill approaching the river bridge
put in good ion.
The other committee had no
special reports to offer, except that
everything their respective de-
was in good condition.
The Tux Collector, Assistant
Polios and Chief of Police made
The Board decided that to re-
store the recently partially burned
building belonging to
and on Fifth street,
should be constituted repairing
Papers incorporation have
been taken out for the Neuse mill
log Co., of Kinston, to
meal Hour and the buy-
of bay, grain, wood coal,
the capital Stock being
with privilege of increasing
The are Mess.
J. A. Harvey, Chas. F. Harvey,
L. Harvey, C. Felix Harvey and
E. L. Harvey
Free Press.
We learned this afternoon of the
most horrible death by tire of Mr.
Charles Wilson, at bis home at In-
Mr. Wilson went home lost night j said building,
a state of intoxication. Ilia M.
was as to frighten his H duplicate retail liquor license,
wile, who look her four children origins having been
and left the house, going over to a destroyed in the late lire.
to be found in any store Pitt County. Well bought
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all year round, Spring, Summer
Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what yon want and to
sell you if we can. We offer you the very service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business up strictly on its own merits.
you come to market yon will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our Immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us following lines of general merchandise,
Ti ii
all kinds
I will carry the mi
be found ill the
customers call t
town. Mn
. II. T.
be glad
nave all
and Velvets o.
of to
of mil-
friends and
Goods and Notions,
Caps. Silks and Sal ins,
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's and
Harness. Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee, Lard, Scad I
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and in that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, lint sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
neighbor's to spend the
About o'clock a heard
Mr. Wilson yelling and went in the
house and found his clothing on
fire. The became scared,
and instead of trying to put the lire
out, ran over to tell Mr. Thomas
Wilson, a brother of Mr. Charles
The burning man ran out
and fell in a ditch,
and breathed a few times
It is not known how Mr. Wilson
caught on fire, but. it is supposed
that he laid front of the
fire and rolled in it or a spark pop-
on his clothing.
The remains were buried this
the family burying
Mr. Wilson was a splendid
farmer and a good neighbor but
was devoid of reason when nu
the influence of His
horrible ending is deplored, and
much sympathy is expressed to-
first his wife orphan child-
Free Press.
A petition from P.
to be released from taxes on
a town lot charged against him,
which he did not own, was referred
to the Tax Collector to investigate
and make such correction as the
case required.
The Mini committee was in-
to purchase new harness
for the town team.
A. J. tendered his
nation as Chief of the Fire Depart-
and stating that he could
not serve longer I be resignation
was accepted. A committee
appointed to resolutions
expressing the of the Board
the resignation of the Chief and
him for his faithful
vices to the town.
Accounts amounting to
were allow and ordered paid.
Henry Duff was to con-
to care for Frank Hines,
colored who was so badly
beaten and left for dead in the
railroad rut weeks ago, until
oilier in are made.
N. C.
Queer Names that Would
a South American.
A at names of
of the post offices in this State is
sufficient to cause the
Who invented For in-
stance. may be
a region, while
may be found fifty or one
hundred miles from even the sent
of a hill.
Suppose you start a tour of
Stale at in Davie
You will probably dis,
cover in Robeson
feel when you teach Person,
form an in
You will pass
in see
Transylvania, an
in put your on
Columbus, through
Chatham and finally reach an
in Wake. You will be a
in Craven, take a
then hear
seek in Mont
you have in
yon will also find
and there.
You will be a in Ran-
and play in Wayne.
You will through
and something ill
f you don't fall into the
in Chatham and inhale too
ranch In
you may safely reach a
In Pitt or a in
ham, to ward
Madison, lie sure and post your
In Mitchell and be
in feel a
bit in Moore you may
see a in
Be polite to iii
and don't hint the feelings of the
yo . will meet
Freeze lo any yon
in sing Hun
while Richmond, avoid
in ex
i tend the
Violet Plants l-or sale
Newspaper o.
The Daughters of
Kittrell. N. offer
per one hundred, delivered
free any where, the blooming
and bedding varieties Violets.
Lower in
These plants can beset at any
time from September l-l lo June
1st. Cold weather does not harm
them, therefore, they cm be safe
planted even in mid-winter.
These Violets are the of
all plants to live grow. They
make beautiful borders for wall.-,
flower beds, etc., green
through the intense heal
drought summer and the sever-
est cold of winter. soil
which grass survive the
droughts the
thrive beautify. They will
also do well I lie shade.
Planted a fool or a am. a
half apart along walks, etc . they
a solid emerald b
or, in a yard or in
dies out In summer these
can be a fool and
a ball apart each and will cover
he whole place for years.
They are -Ii bloom
that daring the chief blooming
period they arc a mass of null ml
purple. They afford blooms
the whole winter in
The Journal is not disposed lo
exaggerate the value to a
of local paper. Bu i
a ill i there are few people
realize that value or to
great degree appreciate It, I he
power of pit i- to
unmeaning term the only time
manifest any recognition of
tin lull nonce the paper is
something occurs they lie-ho
You will, in any find
people who are disposed to belittle
a paper and influence than
lire who ii support, and
i is i infrequent case Ilia I
man who persistently and
industriously misrepresents and
i In paper also meal
persistently industriously
Ob- collector.
This i mil Hue of who
arc alive to the
i ii have much lo In
which the future thereof,
ii Czar Russia were to
III cities
would think him the
generous man alive-or even If one
of our own people were lo make a
like donation ho would receive,
in it less degree, the
its of Tom, Dick and Hair.,. Thai
is ail right. Din there
severest spells, aim a little published in any
protection with leaves of straw will did every year give col-
bloom freely even then.
and be held
at learn what you can of
surprised if you get u I Madison. Kill your
You can be a Moore, make
in Beaufort, put on a look B
limn after column and pugs after
page giving publicity
to its enterprises, exploiting its. re
sources doing all that was in
to promote the material,
Intellectual and moral
tin i whose h-
ii, I the appreciation of the
average lake tangible
advance Not often
lie dikes Us endeavors in behalf id
community as a of
course. He may have sonic
idea in paper, ink,
etc., c -i money, bin is the
editor's and not his.
are, of course, many and
notable except ions to this rule.
class people appreciate
. . work of the paper in
Hi mail, o ,.
building Is constantly growing
On last Friday, during a high
wind the Sheriff
These violets are sold to raise a
fund lo mark the graves of
soldiers buried Kin nil.
At any time from April lo No
a large basket of roses, of
largest and varieties, will be
sent by express, safely packed in
lamp moSS, for liners
f entertainments can thus obtain
a profusion of really magnificent
roses for a very small sum
the same time aid a good cause.
. W, Blacks
c. r.
in Sampson, work a
If YOU don't I,
Madison, cross a I and
and sec your
wear in and
spend the night a in
will find a
and reach a
in play
in Wilkes, and cat in
and experience
in Cleveland. You ill
in Mecklenburg, and feel
if you travel the
you may finally
leach the
Randolph Post.
The baseball magnate not only
has to stand his ground, but grand
stand it as well.
remind ill some
n Hi Hip
p in-i ill be recognized all the
. when H will be conceded
that n r like Ibis is
more lo i n it i
published than till papers
published el-, here in the I ll,
But that day is n way off,
Winston Journal,
in Buncombe, and wring
en a blind man may be vision
residence street
on lire from a spark from a
chimney. There were no men near
and kindled i up .
Two small Isaac Tail
Davis, who live near by, did
not do as mo.-1 boy. would have
for bravely
set to work to put out lire
themselves, a long
ladder, placed lion-e and
before help came water
the lire. Ii showed lay who lave been
remarkable cues of mind I live numbers for service at
buys and then . loin work proved Ho of Santiago, arc d
the kind of stuff Hi. ire mode of. rear admirals, to date from i-Vb-
Burke County News nib last.
R, D. 11.11 and

Eastern reflector, 8 March 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 08, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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