Eastern reflector, 5 March 1901

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i I
Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
. Flour or Pork.
Come to me for your R
Yours to pleas
Get a good
The Victor safe is
for home,
in all sizes con-
and general use.
to be lire
Every sale with a guarantee
pi Prices range from up.
L. j,
The State
Convention will held in Win-
April 35-88.
The jail of was
destroyed lire Friday
The lire was caused by pouring oil
from a can the stove.
forgers for small amounts
have been operating in
Durham. The forgers were well
dressed represented themselves
to be drummers.
Governor has appointed
E. K. Bryan, of Wilmington, as
Judge of the Cistern Criminal
j Court to succeed A. M.
Moore, resigned.
Col. G. B. a veteran
of Durham, died a few
ago. fall he visited Mr.
J. in Greenville,
is well remembered here.
Dr. Street Jones, of
months ago he was sand bagged in
New and his skull fractured.
He was sent to the Hospital for
treatment last week. He was a
young physician, a sou of Dr. W.
J. Jones,
School Trim and Solvent Credit.
To produce the best results
in fruit, vegetable or grain, the
fertilizer used must contain
enough Potash,
see our pamphlets.
send them free.
Vi i S-, N
Some peopled shortcoming is
that they are so long going.
Even the professional strong man
can't always raise a baud
It g funny that the girls who
fancy work do work.
Love usually isn't go blind that
it can't distinguish a mark.
Some women seem to think that
there never was secret worth keep-
good digestion; sound a
fine appetite and a ripe old age,
are some results of the use
of Pills. A single
dose will convince you of their
wonderful effects and virtue.
A Known Fact.
An absolute cure for sick head-
dyspepsia, malaria, sour
bilious fever, piles, torpid liver
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
am a
War la s
U U.
Greenville, N. C.
HAVE appointed
As one of the
Pitt County. We handle
State List for the public
ever you need. We also have
i I practice writing I
slant and
tablets, fool's can paper, ,
crayons, colored crayons,
The is pledged
the most to give a
four-months school to every school
district North Carolina.
If it does well in everything else
and tails there, it is a failure and
will not meet the approval of the
men who elected its In
addition to the pledge, the passage
of the constitutional
makes it the duty
to educate the boys because
y w ill be deprived of the ballot
j after 1908 if they do not learn to
Public Books in y me.
The pledge cannot be kept no
less the Legislature provides the
revenue. The
cannot provide the necessary
revenue unless it puts machinery
I in motion that will secure the list-
of property that is not now
listed at all. The solvent credits
,, of the State escape taxation. This
i .
L. H. Pender.
Tobacco Flues, Tin Hoofing, fee.
Expert employed. All
kinds and work
first class, lie stacking of guns a
Agent for The Oliver Typewrite
books designated on the
and can supply what
pencils, slates,
companion boxes. et.
Some of Echo I p
species of to men
law able to pay tax it, but
many do list at all, or if at all,
j not at its true value. They lock
tin- notes and mortgages their
sales and do not give them in. A
I gentleman in Haleigh, talking of
Ill's matter yesterday, said
soapstone pencils cent, i plain lead Pencils cent, ., ,.,, i,,, has worth
of solvent credits. He claims to
owe about and only gives in
for taxation. It is not be-
best be owes He ought
to cents to be made to show under oath
rents. Good fool's cap much and to whom he
amounts that he deducts
the If were required,
he would pay tax on or
Instead of on
There is but way to secure
and single entry ledgers, the payment of tax on solvent
credits, and that is to the
rubber tipped lead pencil
pretty cover cent. I. .
in nice wood box
oil, and i
cents. A great big wide i
ink on the market. rents, t
White crayons, gross in box.
paper per quire
a nice tablet with
with metal hold-
pad pencil, slate pen
. all in nice wood box.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Hags.
Correspondence and shipments
Nature, in tier efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes hart from
carries- living, or it may be from ancestors, oat pimple, blotches and
other imperfections on the skin, as a warning that more serious troubles
haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary are follow If
you neglect heed tho warning and correct the mistakes.
Many a lingering, painful and many an en death has avoided
these Dotes of warning Have been heeded and the blood kept
pare by a right use of JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA.
Miss Abbie J. of Marshall, Mich.,
I was cared of a bod humor after suffering with It for flee years.
doctors my friends said It was salt rheum. It came oat on my head, neck
and ears, and then on my whole body I was perfectly raw with it. What t
suffered during those flee years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me if
I did. tried medicine that was advertised to spent money
enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA highly
praised. I tried a bottle of it. began to improve right away, and when had
finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of it
since. I new got any thing to do me tho least good till I tried JOHNSTON'S
I would heartily all who arc humors
or disease of any kind to try It at once. had also a good deal of stomach
trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA
made me oil
The blood is your life and if roe keep it pure and strong you can positively re-
disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S
tails It is for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollar
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Application will I the
town of
Grifton J. I. Km, Mayor.
J. Clerk.
Satisfy Your Appetite at the;
door to
Oysters, Game, Anything
If 1- -k
Soup, meal, kinds
Vegetables, Bread, Coffee and IV-
all for cents.
Restore Vitality.
Cure Night Lo. of
Sr Schultz,
Wholesale retail and
Dealer, paid for
Hides, Cotton Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg. etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits. Ba-
; Parlor
Tables, Lounges. Safes, P.
and Gall Ax
eat Tobacco, Key Weal Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly. Milk,
Flour, Sugar. Coffee, Meal, Soap,
Lye, Magic Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Beads, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples. Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Oaken and Crackers,
Cheese, Beal stand
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
mm m
Phone fit
given that
will be mule to the of
North to the of
two of th
I the town of
N. C This Jan
A red with M ripen,
horns, about two
. been in my field
for pay for keeping and
com W. L
C. 1901.
. been in my field
Owner it to call
tonic ind
slow to
of By
with our bankable to
or th for circular
copy of our
For the Man.
We carry a nice line of
long day books, journals. .
r Looks, memorandums,
order books, receipts, notebooks,
For Society
all kinds an I
sets, visiting .
St i
box papers card
papers and tablets
The Famous Fountain
machinery act that the note not
listed taxation lie collected
by law. That could lie done with-
out prejudicial and i
done in other Slates. Solvent
I credits will never listed for
until some such thorough
and efficient method is provided.
News and Observer.
Tin- Recorder roasts Dr.
In his
New fork speech that the
of North Carolina bad
better oared for than white women
in the of education. If Dr.
Mi Ivor said so foolish a thing, he
needs roasting. In place
It's not so; ill the second if it
were so, he ought to he ashamed
tell it the
ton Herald.
Star, and
of Opium or
By in plain parkas. a
for our
to err. In SO day. or
money paid. Address
A Jackson CHICAGO,
For sale J t,
-S U
Greenville, N,
Maker and of
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
The fist young man's lime
he spent in faster
often simply means that
the world has taken a man at his
II all the world's a stage, Alias
must hare first to try to
elevate It,
Adam may have had his own
troubles, but Ms trousers never got
Lawyers make laws and
lava arc made to other-
vise the lawyers he out of a
Steam Engines,
Boilers and Machinery
I on Short Notice
Posts, Bracket and Balusters for
house trimming made to order.
W. will M -i. for any
of Liver Sick
-1 . . we fan
not I. Dale
I'll, are
. I Hr,
never full lo live
1.1 . In. ,. pills. B.
hose, Beware of
and Imitation- hr stamp, taken.
CO. for. Clinton and
t I- . C
and fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply
Iron quinine in a tasteless
No pay. Price Me.
The On Day Cure.
for J in head thrust s.
anal . I t v oat
The Commoner
Editor . Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Months
No traveling canvassers are em
ployed. taken at
The Reflector office. Semi-
will be sent together
one year for or
one year for 13.50 payable in ad-
Having Qualified
i of as
tin-estate B. A.
is given to all per-
sons to estate to make
payment to the
all the
estate must present for payment
on or before day of January,.;
will be plead in off
This 28th of January, 1901.
V. W.
II. A. Jr.
of U. A.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points tor the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line
Washington, H. C.
N. C.
virtue of the contained
In by a decree at Sept
term of Pitt Superior Court,
S. T.
Three it- Bads, I
Now Only Cents a
includes absolutely free The
Paragon Monthly, New The
an Para-
Monthly, now only per
year; per month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
All Mic for In
year 1900 will a-. I
W. or
l old near
r MM check X r-
Va . box
. i tut appears on record lo
Superior Court in
Docket Mo. min-
and V
As Ti On u mind oner there-
in. will public the
in on Mon-
day the day of March 1901 i he follow.
tract to
land. n the county of Pin.
t w ship, the of
II Mills, I.
ii . . I tin i land whereon
K. S. situate on the
aide of Cow Wins
known the land nil by K- S.
from II. A. deeded to
Mid his father John S.
and Green in the
whole one and fifty The
identical land James Galloway in
Oct. 1893.
D. W.
vs. Action for Divot- a,
The will
notice that entitled
in the Court
Pitt to the of
ii v now the
and the
will further take i- that
he ii required to appear at the next tern o
the Superior Court of said be
held on tho in Man ti,
the tun of
North and Of lo
the. action or I plaintiff
-he POOH for relief de-
C. Mot
Clerk Superior court.
OP North Pitt county
before the Clerk in the Superior Court.
Ron Fleming, Archie
Fleming Fleming, minor.
by then next friend Barrow.
W. Fleming. Al-
and Mary Pollard
Adelaide children
of Adam Fleming, whose
n lines are unknown T House
guardian of W. S.
The of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
name; are unknown and who are
defendants in the above entitled cause, will
lake notice that Special Proceeding en-
bu m the
Superior Court of Pitt county, Infer the
Clerk, In order lo partition of
I in Not the late Fernando Fleming among
heirs at law. And the defendants
will further lake notice they are re-
at office the said
Clerk Superior Court of said county
in the day of March 1901,
u N. C, answerer demur
to the petition, and in lo-
or the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for therein.
his the day of February
of the Superior Court of Pitt
Cotton Bagging and Hes always
on ban l-
good kept OB
hand. Country produce And
sold. trial will
D. W.
Whichard, N.
The complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce. ,
J ,,, Com
vs. V fur
it- above
will lane that an action n-
at has Int-ii In the
Court of Flu to dissolve
las now be-
tween the W. J. ml
s. Ind said will
is required to appear
el tarsi of tint Superior Court of
lie held on first
in millet tin- court of
North Carolina,
answer to the in aid
will apply lo
lie said cum-
plaint. Tin-. Ilia Mil. flay of
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
-o. a. snow
The Eastern
m i
White Goods and Embroideries.
last received a line of Dimities, Stripped, White
Goods, White Goods, Organdies white mil in color. The
whole line is beautiful, and we extend a welcome to all
Latest designs In Window Goods. Silks for
Waist. Beautiful Tissues.
You are welcome. No trouble to show our line.
Stats Farmers Fire In.
X. C., Feb.
This body met in on
Tuesday Wednesday,
I u h. The following
ties were Vance,
Cleveland, Catawba,
ford, Davidson. Rowan, Granville,
Mecklenburg, Alamance, Rich-
mood Scotland, Wayne, Caswell,
Martin. Hit, Orange Le-
Halifax, Johnson
The President of the
Mr. N. B. Broughton, being
absent on account of sickness,
T. B. Parker, of Orange County
Branch, was called to chair.
The President and Secretary
submitted their reports
for past year, which proved that
the organization of the Branches and it is the
last March into a State of policy-holder to see
lion was no. mistake. u Branch h so doing,
The following are the prominent, or he have a
changes made in the j wake find he belonged to
T. Each Branch Association that had no legal
keep an
in its so as f General
be ready to promptly meet a loss in stimulate and
Monday January.
A tax cents on each
by each
was ordered to be
reported to the General Secretary.
if this amount should fail to
meet the expenses of the State As-
the deficit is to be pro-
rated the Branch
and they arc to pay same
on demand.
All of the Directors of the more
than thirty Branch Associations
represented expressed themselves
as greatly delighted felt more
ever the great benefit
Farmers Fire Association
has been and may continue to be
to the farmers of North Carolina in
protecting from loss by lire
By the laws of North Carolina
Association has any legal existence
in this State its policies are
signed by the President of the
State Association, and said
is making its monthly reports to
Insurance Laws.
The animal report of the
It. Young,
a very gratifying condition
insurance business North
Carolina, both for assured and
the companies. We now have the
best code of laws in the
The department was established
by the Legislature of Before
that time the business was i i the
office of Secretary of State, who
was charged with the collection of
taxes from
and their supervision. Of course
the under the old law
amounted to very little.
Coder the separate department
there was collected for the first year
and paid into the Slate- Treasury
against 84,870.38 col-
year Besides
the above amount the Insurance
also collected for the
investigation of fires, 81,182.13
for of annual state-
The in for
the first year the
Commissioner was 17,888.83,
though the that
State because of the provisions of
the act had paid the year be j
fore about
has been well
managed and has helped the State
many ways. The reduction in
fire rates for the past two
years has beau over
The commissioner has collected
in taxes more than his
salary for the past two years.
The commissioner has been
In New Quarters.
My friends and customers can now
the store-formerly occupied Mrs. A
Mt, just opposite the Alfred Forbes store
a full complete line of
are Mill forefront of the race
We offer you the selected line of
General Merchandise
to lie found in any store I'm County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of best manufacturers of America
Europe. all year round, Spring,
Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. hi our pleasure to show you what you and to
sell you if we can. We oiler you the very best service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions.
Trimmed Hats. Sailors, Chiffons, silks Velvets o.
all I will most complete lines Millinery to
be found i II; -ii. Mrs. M. T. will have charge of the mil-
will be glad to have all old friends and
call to see her.
Goods and Notions,
Caps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Gapes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour. Meat, Sugar Coffee, ts, I
Plows, Castings Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
In Murder Trial.
usually successful driving from
the State insurance
companies and their doing what Is
called an j
no tax making j Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line,
no returns to the Slate. We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
department costs the Our motto is Honesty, Merit Bud Square Dealing.
by fire when one occurs, and the
Supervisors are to make the
mate of amount necessary.
privilege is given each
Branch to disclaim liability by or
in consequence of loss by wind,
provided this is added to the
of member when same is issued,
The President of each Branch
or his appointee is required to ad-
just all claims. Heretofore pow-
was given only for disputed
The Secretary of each Branch
Association is required to make a
monthly report of all new business,
and annually the condition of his
Branch to the General Office at
Agents are required to make
monthly reports of all business
done y them to the Secretary of
their Branch. And General
Secretary is reeled to make an
annual report of business done
during the year each all the
It was decided that wherever
two counties formed one and the
Branch, at a meeting
there was a mutual agreement by
vote to separate, the liability of
the old Branch ceased at that
time, i
The following officers were
for the President, N. B.
Raleigh; Secretary
A. E. S. Lindsey,
Vice-President, T. B. Parker
Executive Committee,
Richard Williams, W. E.
Ardrey, H. W. Scott and T. B.
I In time of Annual Meeting
of State Association was changed
to third Tuesday in January,
and the Branch
help every Comity Branch, and
keep supplies of by-laws, policies,
blank books, blank reports, etc.,
always on hand, so they may
be uniform furnished at lowest
The By-Laws, with changes and
additions made, will be published
and ready for orders in about
thirty days.
N. B. President.
A. E. S. Lindsey, Sec'y.
less than heretofore and pays it
more since the modification of the
will return lo the State
will add materially to the revenues
of this department.
This insurance business is one If
Your Friends,
a, co
immense importance lo the State. To Get At The Property And I
and there is no which
pays better revenue to the state
than this deportment. There is a
bill now pending the
to increase the efficiency of
this department by lug the com-
missioner more help. It
does not seem I i- that this pro-
position to meet with any
opposition k limes.
Essential to success.
No judicious persistent ad-
in the newspapers who
has offered for sale articles of any
merit has failed to score a
success. Hundreds of large ml i
have given
their success would have
impossible without newspaper ad-
I u floating shares
of copper company Mr. T.
W. expended for
newspaper space and received sub-
for shares at
each. Mr. Post offered a
million bis cereal
business, which he soys he built up
advertising ex-
As a result of saloon
agitation id Kansas a
at notified on a
Saturday that he would be given
until the following Tuesday morn-
to close his place. He at once
got out a thousand handbills an
a on
to which
and wore A local
paper describes the
biggest drunk the
town ever
The finance committee has de-
to let the festive canine go
nutated. And the untagged and
homeless dog will continue to have
sheep on bis bill of tare. Dogs are
certainly luxuries, and they are as
proper subjects as any-
thing you can name. If the Law
a poor man's cow and horse,
why should it not tax the dog.
which is not a necessity and furn-
nothing for man's support or
A tax on luxury is
certainly more just than a tax on
necessity. The Legislature is not
brave enough to defy the one
owner of the
The above states the case exact-
the the
proposition to tax dogs got just
three votes, and yet if anybody can
give a good and intelligent reason
why dogs should not be taxed we
would be glad to hear
The iii-iii in business who fails to
advertise is like a He
may soar the air for a brief
space, but eventually must drop
out of News.
True Vain.
There is a deal of complaint
that the revenue act is Inquisitor-
Unfortunately U necessary
to make it inquisitorial if all prop-
is to be taxed as should he.
Everybody knows, or can out
by examining the tax books, that a
majority people ill not give
in their property honestly for tax-
unless they arc compelled to.
They will keep back a part. This
makes law
It is offensive to honest
hut it is necessary to smoke out j
the class who will not unless
forced to.
That is certainly so. I here is a
vast amount of
money, stocks, bonds, solvent
credits and other Invisible proper-
y which is not on the tax hooks
as it be, a great deal of
household furniture and be-
longing which is hugely
for taxation. No law I hat
places taxable property on the tax
books at a fair valuation should be
objected to. The trouble with the
North Carolina taxing law is
so much properly escapes I lie tax-
lister entirely, while oilier cases
the inequality valuation of that
returned it so great. I'm Instance
A horse worth and re
turns may be said
to in- as high a level as North
Carolina property is returned
except in special cases. has a
horse also worth returns
it taxation A has
household furniture worth
and returns it for It has house
hold furniture worth Woo
turns Ho it is through
all the varying of proper-
When the genius arises who will
apply the remedy for this under-
valuation Visible property,
effects some sort of equality in
the returns, the honest-minded
public will rise up call him
blessed and a long step will have
taken Inward the solution of
the apparently taxing
question. True, how to get at the
real or approximate value of the
Invisible properly will . till remain
a problem, for this there is no
apparent remedy save tho
which will help lax books
without adding appreciably to the
present stream perjury. -Char-
Up in Madison county a few
weeks ago there a iii murder
trial i which is nothing new in
for they to a
dozen murder trials at every conn
in th I and nobody is ever
This trial lasted for a week
or more resulted, we
aright, in a disagreement
jury. There were three
in Guy
were the brutes who bad de-
him of a life as sweet to
hi in a- theirs was to them. Hut a
living i- better than
lion and the populace always
forget-, when
done, the and those near
and dear to him. They commence
once lo expend sympathy and
aid on the the deed.
A friend ours, commenting on
, these . e, suggested that
relatives and
Turner wen
charged with killing a poll. were allowed to
at Hot Spring-. A .
per report of trial, sent out create
then murdered man should lie
during its presented this
picture, which is lo as
sail, pathetic
Floyd is surrounded by his
two little
old hoy, his devoted young
wife who c eyes are heavy with
unshed tears which now again,
during the most pathetic periods of
some advocate for the defense
while the able young solicitors ill
sonic specially powerful den
comment, escape all con-
and steal down her checks.
And side of Turner
and Duke of
men, clinging to unfortunate
re- as sit be
fore tribunal which j. passing
brought in in his coffin placed
before the jury, all bis female
relatives and bis children should
lie there, dressed in black, to weep
on r hi- body during the
trial, i- fair for one side t is
the other, we I hat
next murder trial in which
game is played that
the prosecution adopt our friend's
suggestion. Landmark.
I hi- Crop
Home and M
A merchant thinks hard of i
on their life or their death.
course this was pathetic.
always is at a murder trial. Did
you ever know a trial ill
which the if he had any
female Ives or little children,
didn't bring Into court
room to create sad, put belie
tors and the If the
sense enough to devise
the pathetic hi-
counsel ill do for
every Individual who
went into the court house Mar
shall during this trial was, he
had a in him. more
moved tho Bight the young
eyes were heavy with
and the
little children hose father's life
in jeopardy; and the sight of the
broken hearted
peanut i- an important
factor in tin- trade of Eastern North
Smith, of Hales. crop last
was not so large as usual, and
tin were not of very good
quality. price is very
arc generally pleased with the re-
suits, Hie standard weight of
peanut- i- RS pounds lo the hag.
bot North
weigh pounds to the big.
an-about Inches grown anywhere,
fills ye n the price i- three cents a
P at price peanut
wising i- quite profitable. Most
of the peanut factories are located
across the line Virginia.
these the small and undeveloped
I blushed out, and
black picked out
prime peanuts us come from
poor, broken hearted mothers, u. f, are large and white,
whose wayward sons had brought of the grade are shipped
their gray hails in to the to
man who goes out town lo buy
in die extreme
goods should
that a manufacture has the hum
right to think hard merchant
who goes lo lull goods in
wholesale lots could be
Chased cheaper home. is
right to talk of home
industries n sounds patriotic
gives us a opinion of oar
selves but most us H
when we have money lo spend.
is publish-
the Testament as a serial.
The book is probably entirely new
to It T.,
All j-
on the
lint there Is another side.
ah nit the these murder
Where hi- wife in-
children, who h id de
ed ii protector n -up
port f Where hi- aged mother,
broken down a of
of a -on u hose
life was taken lit, these
desperadoes had they mil
endured Was there no
sympathy for then I the
man had been bin led,
he had lie, children in
we know b If he had
were forgotten. The
I lie fat us i m the
proper I have
of peanuts
pi-t and the farmers do
not like lo in- Into
with prison labor. There is
a bill in tho Legislature lo
die raising Spanish
peanuts on the Si lie Tim
in I he stale is
one of
depends on
i B lop. i- claimed dial
urge raised by state
lend- Io keep the i ice. Two
years ago the crop of peanuts
die ever u in this
country, and the price dropped
consequence, Tune. Vi
I ton.

N. C.
. J. Ed.
. March
The Cuban to I lie
the bills introduced
bad t merit were
approved a whole by all the to establish a nor-
s, i. regardless party, left school at Wilson.
Mr. M. BO choice, lie to provide tor a
com died the term of
I of intention to call Hy London, to amend the
extra of Congress. The provide for longer
amendment leaves nothing in con terms of schools.
But bis heart is true A large number new bills
the Ship Subsidy were introduced the House, all
I i b, ho will not wait the of them being of local character.
next regular of to The general bill
get it through, any reasonable for
one with his pen and the u,. tn widows of veterans
Other with tongue of- can the next four passed by unanimous vote.
Entered at the Office at
C, M Second-Class A; bill, which
Mail Matter.
Colorado has more inventors in
proportion to population than any
other state. No doubt
this include patents taken out to sail an extra
wolf and bear stories.
Poor Sampson Don't he and
heal the band
of ten agree with or live months.
Senator Allen's denunciation
letter, but eight of
bad sense
on record.
, , .,. .,, Admiral Sampson for having writ,
thou bad sense enough not to put
ten a letter opposing the
A Plea far Schools.
. in the history the
country, a deadly blow
k tree In O n
dealt by Speaker
i, . he
front publication in
Bee i i i
of Ohio, and
r warrant officers navy
had not enjoyed the
id which
Sam Case l
Several cases of smallpox have
made their the
Farmville lion of Pitt
While it is a lad to have
our borders, it is hardly
could have expected with such
an epidemic of it a short dis-
away over
Dr. Charles
Superintendent of Health, has
been out to investigate the matter,
found six cases among colored
people living the land of Mr. J.
A. Flanagan, near Farmville. The
Secretary of the State Hoard of
Health was promptly advised of
the matter and his action is await-
that the disease is the
counts. it is not worth while for
people to go to losing their heads
over it. The to do is to take
such steps as will prevent it spread-
and the safest in this
Chapel Feb.
Em run With pain
noticed in the columns of vaccination. We be-
and Observer of
com missioned day that there were good, honor- to order
the navy one of the of w, Com-
beard the j opposing the establish- of the
.-,, ate, II folly de- ,,, , Green- to
served, ind ,. be an j ;,, glad that that means of this.
. ,.,,, of his Slate-that
, Mi. Allen
Sampson la the an- but n the who object
turned over to i be was
, . r i. ed ass lie ought to lie
down as such. We are
imperialism with a vengeance. ,
.; up in a
to Bated would look
into Greene county and note
Sow, while of the
through neglect, no further every enterprise in inters
of near here lost
his dwelling all by
tire last Saturday. It was
and there was insurance. It
is a great loss to Mr. as be is
a young just starling out in
good cart by the
Mfg. Co.
George Kittrell is off the
u part of the Stale the
est of the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. If
he is as successful as usual he will
bring a Urge number of
The Winterville Wire Fence Co.
are a line business
Their fencing is not the best
most durable is the cheap
The rapidly learn-
this fact, the large or-
which arc constantly coming
second growth white
O spokes by the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
T. O. and Sugg, of
Lizzie, were here Mr.
he left took three bran
new buggies the
Carriage Co-., shops along with
It is strange how
No Bankrupt
j X we wish to call attention to our NEW LINK of
.- cents per yard t cents and cents.
LONG CLOTH. etc. All of which are being
sold CHEAP.
are being sold at low
prices, same as Special Sale Prices.
make it Io your interest to call and sec at
before you buy.
Yours to please,
ion may think have the
should be
,. Ii I am correctly town at heart,
During the recent controversy there was a time they an a big to
over the dispensary was better than mistake. I concede the there stamp it out after it
in Cumberland . some reason why should hold-
from better stock. I am glad but is not the reason of
at in
behalf of maintaining the
He bad official statistics
him to prose
his counts.
Prom July to July
Cook, of Fayetteville, was one of
repeal that we are in ., liberal is not the tea-
the men who before the Stales a class f brass- ,,,,,, , ,,,.
jeweled Ii tins rank pick up their town bodily, as it Q w
, coward Is to believed, were, and above it to the delivered
the time may never c. . notch of civilization. instructive
with him to prove what the db may at- spirit too to p.
his counts. as ,,. , good to as, eyeD,
. and the
my to Sampson and to his destroyed the am, of
fore the there that I am for lie, and this same spirit will f our over
cases of violating the or- l ii I In the House the and destroy the supreme
M while referred to by ideals of any R
in the length of time Berry, of Ky, a-ho Greenville cannot afford to be
the to July 1900. there
showing a . . ,,, , . .
cotton. Look out for higher
Berry, of Ky., who said
Sampson was ,,. extremely dormant while every other
up the cot
Prof. has sold bit
bumble origin himself, and what- la absorbing everything.
user refinement be had to the of
duo to bis service in the navy, general welfare. There are
X. Y. who j,, a
endorsing all that bad not half enough. It is a
been said by Mr. Berry, bad read ,. I he educational
. , M lake a special in music
anew paper clipping is but little above i
which endorsed. lat , ii down
was scene on everybody knows that the ,.,,
school- while under the the of the House this week, standard is a shame the
the amount was which awl nothing but blind partisanship I county. Mr.
gave Fayetteville a year for Saker Henderson from be- I am a country boy, and I, ,, it
, , , , i a resolution oner- I . , . . .
schools increased the school . ,, J ., , . h r Mount being I rented for
In I ,., , In
term two
crease per cent. The records
of the c criminal court show-
ed even a larger decrease of cases
under the Coder
He use tuxes preceding the dis-
Grimes went to this week
Henry Staton is present the
roll call.
Cool; said four scars
i I, , ,,,., ,,
i i having exceeded his educational
a speech on the Philip-
at hist.
. pare pains nor labor to get . ., n ,.,.,.,
ago be . opposed to the Lentz the g of Greenville
the result made him in ha-, to the Government vote for traded schools. Electric
l. office, for , lo compared in
i under n , of these
of it, at
found ii reduced crime,
proved the
i of term.
this in
favor i in-dispensary, when
r was up before the State
Thursday that body voted
In it. The ways of
are hard
I. look-. i if were in
they ought to base voted
from I ho way did
Justice Brewer, of the Coiled
Supreme Court, de
red address Yale i-
which ha made assert loin
will any one who is la
with proceed-
in this He said of
jurors iii trials that they arc treat-
ed at If wen of
not being allowed the
privilege of seeing family
during Hie trial of a case, are con-
guarded by a vigilant
are locked up every
Of of
a -aid is
like a liar and is brow beaten by
opposing He
dial ability
in . terrify and debase a a i;
in public view ha- been
chief of many a lawyer's
and Mo-t
1-. pit ii i have observations
will least take in
what Justice -Sol
land Reek Commonwealth.
-leave to order of the should lie the
, sent to instead of dominant thought in
minted, and for turning the ,.,, at this time. There
yesterday on a visit.
The Misses Hose were around
. yesterday,
Is Ibis the largest hog He
weighed gross and He
was sold here by Carson, the
u it
a a great uproar, Mr. and lacking this
said in a demanding why o,,,,,,, n W,
Ii -p. i had not been M Must
my be edited b Con compulsory be
. have a censorship such as Ult. remedy that will ever
exist in Philippine Islands the proper attitude toward
i every member had the I education the youth of our
ii have his speech punted in I , if it ,
owner. The hog was and
r old.
J. W. Chadwick will go to
over in are ,,, Greenville, bat
, be the mainspring to pro
rt, to ,., is Parents do ,
refused to consider the res ,,,., the for Washing.
i censure. While in a word, are not
pending the House obliged to send lo school
III. but ins speech has
a me 1.1
lie was handed to Mr.
m the floor on he House,
lined to receive and de
minded that it be returned lo the
i Printing office, from
ii had been
en, in order that II appear
In the He bail hi-
let it
people Sweden are
Kan., Monday night
I crowd of from HO to HO
armed with revolvers, ham-
crow-bars and a bettering
run. broke into the wholesale
liquor house of Curtis,
and the beer found there.
Three policemen drove the crowd
back. the policemen and
their revolvers and
i their national anthem, s, a carpenter, was shot
which is antiquated and doc, . , ,,,,,,.
emotions of modern
Scandinavians. an
formed for the
pose in- issued Invitations to
ll number of song writer to com
i-i a in iv anthem lobe Ming a.
c will lie held In all
the principal towns a fixed
The which shall received
the greatest approbation
concert is to be as
the new national anthem.
a a ii ii-is Riverside hospital
lie Mel in a precarious
The three officers
Adams was shot by his own crowd
while he WM reheating from the
point of task, Adams declares,
however, that he was shot by a
A pensive says the Man-
Philosopher, better than
an expensive
ton and York.
A. W. Thomas
others of this place, in Tar-
this week at the bedside of
Mr. who is seriously
In round Unit before the
Bethel Athletic Club
night, a declared between
Van Stolon Chadwick.
It the cleverest and fairest
boxing this reporter ever
J. W. Rose ill with
grip Tuesday.
It is rein likable how well
Hells slam that comes
is Whether it is owing to the
unusual thrift displayed
or the strictly good morals of
our people arc unable to say,
but that are fortunate goes be
Hell, who has beau teach-
neat here for the pa-t
few months left for his
borne, yesterday morning.
Be sure when need of good
cheap fencing to patron-
the Winterville Wire Fence Co,
and you will base cause for
Prof. of was
the guest of Prof. G. K.
The remains of the
of Mrs. T. C. were
carried lo for
Deputy She. Tucker, of
Greenville, was here Wednesday for
purpose of laying off a public road
a short distance in country.
The is crowded every day
with and carts after
is one bus I
There will be services in
Missionary Baptist church
row and to morrow night conduct-
ed by Rev. K. pas-
Misses Daisy Eva Cox, who
were visiting at Hoarding house
have returned to their homes.
Mack of Greenville,
spent a short while here yesterday.
Mr. alias Hillie
of your city called to see
us yesterday. He brought us
something nice lo read. Hillie is a
pretty boy i I novel forgets his
Misses Annie Mabel
yesterday Greenville.
A. G. Cox still pays the highest
cash prices for cotton seed.
Three Times The
Agents wanted all
Manufacturing Company,
Atlanta, Go
For Hale by
A Don's
A large of bills
base passed, and a will yet
pass, the Legislature, empowering
to issue for
various necessary
of the her
la- a widow or in
these securities, he or she
Slate as well as county, tax;
also or tax, if resident of
such. Of course a non
purchaser of such bond cannot be
taxed. Ought not our people
Why, through e upon an equality with
the deep snow Saturday like an
from near where she
visited her sick brother.
Harry Mrs.
of is visiting
the former
A pound party was managed at
the hall Wednesday night. Among
. receiving no more injury
therefrom I ban one of these people
reared in laud of snow.
Master Woodie
Gardner, I arc visit-
has returned
the resident this matter
As it is, the resident will not buy
securities of this dis
and thus the suite
would lose nothing by
the home people to invest in home
enough, too, to Ibis consul
If it were capital invest-
ed in enterprises or stock paying
a rate of Interest, then it
would be taxed as such. Hut we
submit a low bearing
public should he non taxable,
whether issued by or town,
let it hold by whomsoever it
may. Let us encourage the ac-
cumulation of capital at h and
Misses Moore encourage its being kept
Manning are visiting here. at Post.
age, containing one pound of Rail
road Mills snuff.
Misses Alice and Essie
went to Mon
A gentleman of this city received
a note from a niece who lives out I y j Lang is in
West other day, and it contain- j
following written in type; Parker and family have
a Blip of paper recently moved Is their new real-
Dutchman, addressing his
building is on the mud
some in
welcome Mr, Parker and IS
our town.
George Moore's new residence
Wilson is com-
Mr. Moore anticipates
; coming to our town to live ins few
Our photographer, Mr. Taylor,
will have an up to
date photograph gallery main
Jno. night of
Mr. Tyson was a
student of Prof. school
here, was liked by all who
Mrs. who has been
very sick for some time, now
Mrs. Phillips from near Kinston,
who has been visiting Mrs. W. M.
Lang returned home yesterday.
Mrs. Lou Lang has recently
moved in W. G. Lang's new
on corner of Church and E.
streets. She runs a first class
boarding house.
Dispensary is being talked among
us very loudly of late. Nothing
could be better where wen
ally are given to dissipation. Dry
towns and good schools would be a
better motto dispensary and
dog, you have a
a dog and I a
man, but I I you. You
way the best of it.
you go mid the bed in, you
ii round times lay
low ii. Yen I go mid the bed I
In lock up de s ind
up dock put the cat
mid undress my
up scolds me; den de
cries I to him
up u; maybe I
go to time to get
out again. Yen you get up you
stretch yourself and scratch your-
self a couple of times you
up. I to light the lire
put on the scrap some mid
my already, and maybe I get
some breakfast. You bias around
all and plenty of fun. I
to all plenty
trouble. Yen yous die
dead. Yen I die I to go to
hell yet I People's
A man most have the key to the
situation before he can wind up
his affairs.
t . think cl the
i t. s-d all hr
own, will nestle in her bosom, fully
mi i yearning which lies la
rt of every i;
is a Mack cloud
ch tills her with terror.
dread lakes away much
motherhood. And yet II
need r.-U be so. Fur there
no t well-known
r by physicians, a
Mothers Friend
as simple and
ea-v as Intended it. la s
skin readily I.
the- muscles elasticity and
i I i . i .
and of girlish
An hit in- I her ,
I i . , i
Ham, I Jul I had
I , I SI r I . r
ii . SI fir
Si. Mill, in Kn. SHIM CO.,
W i. our Ii. i. book,
At His
Polk comity conies the news of a
terrible killing which late
yesterday after ins The facts as
near as be obtained tonight are
that a man by the name of Black
bury to his home drunk,
a quarrel with his be-
cause she had enough to
satisfy bis whiskey appetite, struck
her several blows with bis baud
three or four hard kicks with bis
foot she was almost union
scions. When the babe began cry-
he grabbed it from the bed and
threw it at his wife. Its head
struck the corner of the mantel and
it died instantly.
The babe and wife lay on the
floor until midnight, when the
wife managed to a neighbor's
house to tell the It is d
if who escaped, is
caught he may be The
id May's.
The great transatlantic that came across the water
week brought to us fresh from the sunny shores
of the old country.
in profusion may be seen almost anywhere, but the
show today cannot lie found anywhere else at the price
. we never saw snob elegance for little money
Designs and colorings entirely new. a look at the new
No other store ever offered qualities as good as these
, for Jess than one dollar and we could probably get that for
. these neckties too if we should ask it, but the price
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
yon to as early as pas-
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
I will pay per pound for
keys. M.
Nobody has said ice factory here
j-et, one would pay all the
Fishermen say the snow water
the river will bold shad back from
coining up stream.
Reflector office has just
received a lot of handsome new
faces of job type, making us better
equipped ever for doing nice,
attractive job
Fire Fridays, live
Sundays wind the
program for this month.
Kind Hearted Editors.
A subscriber to a certain paper
and left years of
unpaid. appeared
the grave as was being
screwed down for last time
put in a linen duster, a
a palm leaf and a recipe
for making i Editors, as a rule,
are prosperous, but arc kind
hearted considerate.
The Clifton, News,
Which Is edited by Miss
King, the protection
of our girls not to interfere
with their rights, will state
that there are two kinds of kissing
fatal and non-fatal. The
non-fatal is entirely harmless
is known by while
the fatal has six legs. Just keep
cool and count the legs and you'll
when to submit and to
Is this a case of
experience speaking what
A Scared Pair.
Chief of Police Smith had
two strangers investigation
Friday night. The men came so
near of par-
wanted in Durham for forgery
that they were taken custody
and examined. It turned out that
they were not the men but
they the in
was going on were
not long leaving town after be-
Be Vaccinated.
Compulsory vaccination is in
vogue at several places in the
section of the State, It may
strike this way yet, and if it does
about the most foolish
can do is to resist it. When
there is danger smallpox the
best safe-guard is vaccination,
it looks like everybody should
want to take the safes for
their own protection.
Exerts Promotion.
Mr. O. T. who for a long
time has been express messenger
between and Kinston, has
promoted to the agency
Weldon took charge of that of-
today. There is no man in the
express service more worthy
of promotion than Mr.
Honey we are glad this has
come his way. Mr. W. Farmer
takes the at messenger
this road.
Thursday a belonging
to Mr. Jesse west of the
depot, run away. The horse was
being hitched to a cart when he
dashed off. He dashed across the
railroad came down Dickinson
avenue, took a circuit around
and run back home. All of the
but the shafts left hanging by
the bunion chain lost the
journey. The horse was consider-
ably hurt-
Hoy Kills Another.
At Rocky Mount on Wednesday
two boys, one white and one color-
ed, both about or j curs of
age, became involved in u quarrel.
The colored struck the
boy over the head with a stick
latter died from the injury in-
by the blow. The colored
boy was arrested and baa
placed in jail at to await
trial fur murder.
The while boy was named Rich-
ard Dickens and the colored boy
Cut Ills Throat Again,
This morning Mr. Paul
the tailor, mad attempt
o take bis life. This time be cut
a gash his
took He had
drink hard for some past
his is due to this cause.
Some months ago while on a spree
he cut his throat. Poor fellow, it
seems that whiskey has got the ml
vantage of him. Vet there are
people of influence who will do
nothing to put evil out of
reach of men who are too to
resist it, but, on the other
use their to keep it where
it will blight men's lives tend
them to destruction.
At o'clock this morning at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Humber, on Fifth street, their sis-
Miss Flossie, was married to
Mr. Harry Wed mote, of New
Haven, Conn. The
very performed by
Rev. F. A. Bishop, Presiding
of this was wit
by quite a number of friends.
The lighted wax
adding much to the
Miss Clara Brace Forbes played
the wedding march as the couple
entered the parlor, and
Remember while the words
that made them man wife wore
being said.
The bride was attired in a tailor
made suit of
After the ceremony a brief mo-
to congratulations
from those present, when the couple
drove to the depot to take the
morning train north. They will
stop in Washington the
spend some time
Baltimore, before going to their
home New Haven. will
hold a reception there
of April, just after Lent.
The bride was a favorite
Greenville there are general
regrets at going so far away,
but she is followed to her northern
borne by the best wishes of all.
The couple received many hand-
some bridal presents.
Hew Big Mr.
This week Mr. It. B. Cotton re
salved from his sou,
Gotten, who has for sometime been
amid the Oriental war scenes
the Philippines and a
containing of the weapons
used by the people over there
their Welfare. the box were
lilies of pattern, a
pistol with a barrel as large as a
shot gun, a sword, and some
lets. The sword was the most
modern in appearance of any of
weapons. Mr. Gotten says he
also has a Chinese flag, which his
sou sent him, I bat was captured at
lie i-. gelling quite a
collection of relics.
Bought the entire stock of J. Boyer Co. media,
Dry Goods, Clothing,
At her home near Farmville Pitt
Co. N. C. Jan. Mrs.
Belly wife of K. A. liar
passed from earth to Heaven
at the age of forty-two years. She
was ever ready to minister unto
the poor and a kind wile
and mother. We shall
miss her as a friend and neighbor,
though it. Wisdom
bath seen lit to take her
release her front the
which she so patiently
endured for several months. She
leave- a live children.
the youngest four years of age, a
large circle of relatives and friends
to their loss. V,
Arrested a
A. Vance, a well to do
limn NOW Mass.,
was to by a police
for taking a copy of a daily
paper which bad left at the
store of II Mr. De-
Wolf missed bis paper frequently,
complained to the police, and they
arrested Mr. Vance the act.
Mr. Vance said he had simply
paper and did not Intend
to steal, us he well able to buy
his in fact, a sub-
scriber to paper. lie had to
pay bis line just the same.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds T. It.
issue marriage licenses lo the fol-
lowing this weak.
J. F. Singleton and Nannie II.
Denmark Florence
at. and Stella Dix-
John Newton Spark-
ma u.
Lance Woolen and
Joyner and Sue Tyson.
King and Ms
total number issued during
the month of February was of
which for whites
Goods sold for cash mull-
sent on approval.
This sale for
only. All goods sold on
i. i ,
Our Stores Crowded and Jammed.
J. Price
PRICE cents.
Buyers price 18.00.
I m M
This immense Stock
coming in on us into our
already crowded rooms, is
placing us in great
and must take active
measures to sell it In-
This stock will
be sold In many instances
as it was
cents on the Dollar.
I. price
Only hi yards to
L Buyers
Only in
I. Boyer
J. B. price
f; r
inn JEW.
Sat. Morn. Feb
. ,
Marking WHITE
II .,
Ask . iii- then
shown We everyone in
Greenville vicinity
in attend this Bunk
sale n
N. T. W
Spool Cotton,
J on rent Shirt
Now cents.
W Cent Kind
X Now cents.
A Desperate Effort To Sell Everything Without Delay, s. .
Q, mi
Reduction j;.
f nothing but
X in everything M,., . Pa.
W in the wearing apparel
. .
Men. Women and
I Big New Store
will see for
advertised, look N. C.
them. I
a complete mass. The vs
disc in great Disorder and
to melted into
C. T

Strength and Energy.
A M-
The fates arc sometimes kind to
the gatherer. While seated
office bemoaning
the of things
while the compositors were yelling,
red headed man rushed
right the after
glancing he said, excited
I am a
Well, that's we re
Well, say, who's the head of
The last man initiated,
Well, say, I gave a
cents to put me in and he told me
then going to lie a meet-
tonight. lo you know any
thing about it
How moon did you give bin,
did you My
How's that
Didn't lie give you the
Didn't he give you the grip and
pas words
he didn't give
I did the giving. I wont my
What's your
My name it Smith I want
Two hundred bushels of
remove pounds
of Potash from the
soil. Unless this quantity
is returned to the soil,
I the crop will
materially decrease.
Save Your Money.
One box of Is will save
many dollars in bills
They cine all diseases
of the stomach, live r or bowels.
No Reckless Assertion j
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
I of Mar
la to Ha War.
On Wednesday H. A.
London, of Chatham Intro
in the Senate a bill which
provides for the while people of
any town, city or district to tax
themselves the purpose of
a longer school term, is a
good bill and ought to pass with-
out opposition.
The text of the bill is as
Act to Amend Article IX,
Section of the Constitution of
The Assembly of
Carolina do
Section Thai section Act
Why don't you initiate n, Constitution of North
T Sat WaT la I----
U aW Bill
in her effort to correct which ha
,,,,, or it may be from shoots oat pimple, Blotch
imperfections on the skin, to a warning that more tremble
Constipation OHIO or are certain to follow U
a million people endorse you neglect U heed to and correct the
. i rail i c Many a Unerring, painful and an
TS limply of m ma
purr a right use of JOHNSTON'S
Miss Abbie J. of Mich.,
I was cured of a bad humor after with It for firs jean-
doctors and my friends said It was salt It came out on my head, neck
and ears, and then on my whole body. was perfectly raw with H- What I
suffered during those fire years, is no use telling. in will me if
I did. I tried medicine that was to fa, I spent money
enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S highly
Drained. I tried a bottle of It. X began to right away, and when
finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I hare had a touch of It
since. I new got any thing to do the least good till I tried
who are suffering from humors
deal of stomach
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of; RILL A. all who are i
. . , r, or disease of any kind to It I had also a g.
Bagging, Ties Hags. was run down and miserable, bet
me all
The blood is life and if yon keep It pure and strong yon
disease or face contagion fearlessly.
fails. It is for sale by all
and shipment; made me all
M. Schultz,
Wholesale and Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
-1 lids, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Bu
Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail i Ax
eat Key West
disease or face contagion SARSAPARILLA
It is for sale by all druggist. In full quart bottles at only one dollar ea
Application will be made to the
lo charter the town
J. L. Sr. Mayor.
C. Clerk.
January, 1901.
harry D. Elks, Falls, N. Y.,
last sprint; I found I was mid languid,
cue and get it
do yon initiate
Give me cents and I'll show
Sow, you look here; I want to
know what kind of game this
is, how. Ain't
there any way that I can get my
What is it
some else
How am I going to do
out the rules, grips and
passwords and make them pay
I'm no sinker. I'd have you lo
you are a
Buffalo he exclaimed,
growing in the am
going to have that swindler art eat-
ed it he don't give me my money-
And out of the
Office as if he meant what he Bald.
nil wit failing,
I was adviser, to
it I r
I me- Hi
i ii
i Celery
and sustains energy
Carolina, be by adding
thereto the
nothing herein
shall prohibit I ho people of any
race, living in any county, city,
town, township, or territory, from
levy lug a special tax for
purposes f that race, if a
majority of the qualified voters of
that nice shall, any election duly
held for that purpose, decide to
levy said tax, shall lie
levied upon the properly and polls
of that race
That this amendment
shall lie submitted to the qualified
voters of the whole State at the
next general tie.
Greenville, N, C.
on Dickinson
Maker and Repairer of
American Cigarettes. is hereby given
, . i, ,, . i., w II made to Assembly of
themes, Apples, to ,,,,,,,, ,,. of
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, two miles of the Missionary
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meal. I Baptist church the town of Bethel,
Lye, Magic Food. Matches, This
Cotton Meal Hulls,
Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apple, Peaches, .
A ml with stripes,
hon apparently
and China are, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see inc.
mm M
Phone fit
years old, has been In my field four
month, t is hereby notified to call
for same pay for keeping and
of advertising. L.
Q. Jan. 1901.
run ii
life I now.
vigor u new
I o
to -all., work
muscular force.
Dry Press Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pun B, Hardware
Will- II
t to
I .-I of or Pork,
Get a good Safe
The safe is made in all con-
for home, and general use.
Every sale h a guarantee to be lire
proof Prices fr m up,
J. L. At
Greenville, N. C.
Office Can't Be Beat.
Ten New Districts.
The special committee on Con-
at the ill
accordance with its
from the drafted av bill re
apportioning the state.
Sine districts formed are
Democratic, with one doubt I
The districts, as recommended by
the committee, will mm
l. Beaufort Camden,
Dare. Oaten, Hertford.
Hyde, Martin. Per-
j. Bertie,
. Craven,
ton, Nash, Vance, Wake.
Harnett, New
Scotland, Yadkin.
Alexander, Ashe,
an, Stanly, Surry,
Lincoln, Madison, Meek-
Mitchell, Yancey.
in. Cherokee, Clay,
Jackson, Macon, Polk,
The hits
the nail n the head when it says
the is now in counties
after two or years of its
n North it looks
as if will .; disappear,
hi d all of the careless
of who it
it. It i
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Bayer Broken in
Cotton, and
ions. Private New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Baring duly qualified More the
Clerk of Pill county
of the estate of A. House, Sr.
deceased, notice Is hereby to all per-
to the estate to make
i Immediate to the
nil person the
relate most the me for
or before the day January, j
j or Mini sill be in or
I This day of January,
W. W. Horn,
II. A. II.
Administrator of II A. Route, Hr
Steamer leave
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily a II
M. for Washington.
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at G A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Um from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and from
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
Greenville, N. C.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher.
Lincoln, NEBRASKA.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
B and Machinery
Repaired on Short Notice
Posts, Brackets and Balusters for
made to order.
Lo- of
A tonic ma
Um pink tn .-U
fire. Hr
virtue or the power and
in me by s Sept.
of Superior Court, the
S. T. against K.
bar, as appear on record In
the Clerk office of Superior in
Judgment No.
No. M and IT.
and named there-
in, I will expose to public before the
House door Greenville, on Mon-
day the of the
Three Sing. Copy let tract Of kind IO
the county of
No traveling canvassers are em I the laud of
Subscriptions taken at Mills. I.
and others the land whereon
I the Mild K. S. resides, situate on the
Weekly and north of Cow swamp and
be together
one year or DAILY
one year for 18.50 payable in ad-
with bankable to oar
or refund th r-.-o. for
d our t
fur of
mail in plain
h., lot our
bond to curt in days or
Clinton A n CHICAGO, ILL
For sale
v I I
will pay for
i Hick
or pd
l . -m- .
never . eon-
up- contain
lime- contain r.
b mall. taken.
CO. and
sin-it. i ill.
J l
L. H. Pender,
Expert employed. All
and work
first Re-stocking of gnus a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
Three One Van
Now Only Cents a Year,
and include free The
Paragon New The
Journal, Philadelphia.
Farm Journal and Para-
Monthly, now only per
year; par month by mail.
Richmond, Va.
known land by K. S
II. A. and deeded to
aid Dixon
and containing in
whole one and fifty acres. The
land Galloway in
I, page
Oct. Rib Term
Cotton Ragging and lies always
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
All for fr
or Pitt county
before the in the Superior Court.
Fleming, Archie
and Nannie Fleming, minor,
by then next friend
Fleming, W. Fleming. Al-
Pollard and Mary Pollard hi
wife, Adelaide Fleming and the children
of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
unknown and T
of W. Fleming a lunatic
The children of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
whose name are unknown and are
defendant in the entitled came, will
lake that a Special en-
titled a has been commenced in the
Superior Court of Pitt county, before the
ClerK. in to make partition of the
the late Fernando Fleming among
r at law. Ami the defendants
Whichard, C.
The Stock complete in every de
and low
lowest. market prices
paid for country produce.
11.1 MEET,
VII ,., , , , , . a
year 1900 aim Will will lake that they are re-
with W. or I to appear at the office o the taU
s Tucker, old stand, near j c
or check direct tome, S n day of
w. ii . C, answer or
a., sin . . , .
lo the and complaint in at
lion, or the plaintiff will apply Court
for the relief demanded therein.
This of February 1901.
of Court of Pitt county.
Attorneys for ill
South ,
V. fur
The defendant shove lamed Will take
notice that an a baa
commenced in
Pitt county to the bonds of
BOB now the said Mamie . ,,, .,, Court
and Albert and the e
said will farther take w j
he is to .,, i . at the Mil term for
the Superior Court said comity to be J
held on the first Monday in March, 1901, at the above
the Court house Iowa of will tale notice an action en-
or demur lo has been In the
the complaint d action or of Pitt county to
will to the curt for the relief de- the of matrimony now existing be-
in complaint. tween the said W. and
This the IS day of j Forms, and the aid will
that he U In appear
Clerk the of the
A J said to held on first Monday
in Mil at the court of said
I count v at North Carolina,
i demur lo the in a
plaintiff will apple u he
THE lilt i la said com-
fever is u of
Chill Tonic. It is simply I
nice Line of Hardware.
No pay.
. model,
far ft
. l Sr-
The Eastern Reflector
j m
White Goods and Embroideries.
Just received a beautiful line of Dimities, Stripped, White
Goods, Plain White Goods, Organdies white and in colors. The
whole line is beautiful, and extend a cordial welcome lo all
Latest in Curtain Goods. Silks for Shirt
Waists. things in Pine Apple Tissues.
You are welcome. No trouble to show line.
Latest and other
News and Prom
the State Capitol.
Correspondent of
Raleigh, March, week
from today the great impeachment
Supreme Court Justices Fur
and Douglas will begin. It
will least two weeks,
and probably more, for the speech-
es of the lawyers in the case,
on both will occupy
Ex-Gov. Jams, I. Os-
borne, H. B F.
Long, W. D. Chas. M.
Cook and Lindsay Patterson com-
pose the for the defense.
There has been some disarrange-
of for
within the past few days, by the
declination of ex-Judge J. II. Mer-
and ex-Attorney General T.
both of Asheville,
who announce that they cannot
And yet, even with these figures,
the tenth district is Republican by-
over one thousand, while the
eighth's figured out Democratic
majority is only the
being 1,300 the
A fifth district Demo
to me today that
have a hard pull to carry the new
6th A Mecklenburg
Democrat of wide knowledge and
acquaintance are Re-
publican district, normally, with-
out meaning the ninth
which Mecklenburg now is.
Here is the population of each
new district, together with the es-
Democratic majority
each the which
Revenue Law.
From the revision of the revenue
law that passed Congress
we take the following that will be
of interest to
Cigars weighing more than
pounds per reduced from
3.60 to per Less
pounds per reduced from
per pound to cents per
Tobacco and snuff, per
pound, per cent fiction.
Hunk checks, cents, repealed.
Promissory notes, cents for
each repealed.
Money orders, repealed.
Hills of lading export,
cents, repealed.
Express receipts, repealed.
Telephone messages, re-
Conveyances, cents for each
exempted below
above that amount cents for
Telegraph messages, cent, re-
Lease, cents to ., repealed
Mortgage or conveyance trust,
cents for each 1,500, repealed.
Power attorney to vote,
Power of attorney to sell,
cents, repealed.
Protest, cents,
There were changes on
other items where the stamp tax
was in force.
T CO. In New
We are still in the forefront of the race
We offer you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
For Al
Many successful men have borne
lo the efficacy of news-
is paper advertising in the exploits.
according to the Nov.
First district,
Democratic majority
Third, Fourth,
Sixth, Seventh,
of medical, food, patented and
Other articles, all manufactures
such commodities agreeing that
without the use of
per space the measure of success
which they have achieved would
have impossible. That the
same mediums of publicity are
equally important to merchants and
to others whose business is
Ninth, 1,212;
-1. -11.11,. h, J. 1.047, Republican.
or white school ed to ii cm inn nit y or section has
plans. proved by the practical ex
A bill was introduced
Senate last to
and Chas. M. Busbee, of
and W. A. Guthrie, or Dur-
ham, are definitely engaged, and it
la stated that Hon. C. B. Watson
proved by the practical
of thousands. For exam-
Mack Co , of Arbor,
has been assist Constitution, Art. IX, Sec. who started with a small stock of
prosecution. At least two this goods, have up the
nothing herein general merchandise
lawyers will be announced later.
It is not certain that Mr. Watson
added. It
is said that Judge himself
will give testimony.
Your correspondent will be pres-
a capacity,
throughout the trial and will keep
you informed of its progress and
Already there is considerable
speculation as to the verdict of the
jury of Senators. It requires
two thirds, or to There
are nine Republican, two
list and thirty-nine
Senators. Seventeen of these can
prevent conviction. If six Dem-
vote for acquittal, there can
not be a verdict of guilty.
any Democrat so votes will de-
pend upon the evidence add need at
the trial. No man accurately
predict the result at this time.
THE TEN l-.-v-
Not until the of the past
-week did the Democratic caucus
decide to redistrict the State for
the election of
the skin of its
the proposition carrying by only a
small majority.
The bill decided on gives the Re-
publicans district certain, and
with three others doubtful to say
the least. I am told by a half-doz
en Democratic members of the Leg
that three districts will be
elect Republican con-
next the
can find ard will nominate
Everybody that the basis
figured on vote lost
nm more favorable to the
Democrats than the party has a
right to expect in another year,
shall prohibit the people of any
race, living in any county, city,
town, township or territory, from
levying a special tax for education-
purposes of that race, if a ma-
of the qualified voters of
that race shall at any election duly
held for that purpose, decide to
levy said tax, which tax shall be
levied upon the property polls
of that race
It the bill passes, the proposed
amendment will have to lie voted
on at the general election.
But a bill in the House,
which has sleeping
in Southern Michigan, and the
has declared that
chief element in the success of his
firm has a larger use of news-
paper space has employ-
ed by any rival e-t
to be found in any store County. Well
selections, the creations of the beat manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Hummer
and Winter. We are at work for and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want to
sell you if we can. We offer you the very lest service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hals and Caps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Scad
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line.
buy strictly for but sell Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
fit, CO
Proof . lat It Pays.
It has been estimated that not
less two hundred
is expended every year in the
United Stales for advertising,
chiefly in the newspapers. It is
also estimated that a hundred years
ago not as much as
Amend thousand dollars a year was paid
for six weeks, was 11-advertising. Then, for
My friends and customers can now in
the store-formerly Mrs.
j 11-t opposite tin- Alfred Forbes store, with
a full and complete line of
Goods and Notions.
P Chiffons, Silks and Velvet- o.
all kinds. I win carry one of the complete lines of Millinery lo
found town, Mrs. M. T. will have charge of the mil-
department and ill be glad to nave all her old friends . id
customers rail her.
A Dream of the Future.
One hundred years ago
fathers would have to
Distiller Versus Schools.
The House Committee on
ties, Cities Towns took refuge
witness a vestibule train fly by at n so of
the of s miles an hour.
They would stamped
man who would dared
afters onto
vent incorporation of
iii Alison near
of the possibilities of electricity as la distiller named Henry r
ephemeral and visionary.
Had the phonograph given out
records of melody; its
of the voice, they
would have doubtless have pro.
it some uncanny
of witchcraft.
The bicycle, car-
and n hundred other modern
inventions that makes living in
this old world of sin and pain, love
and laughter, and tears,
more endurable, were further from
the possibilities their lives, than
talking with is today
Who gainsay the prediction
that filly, aye years
hence, milk ring an
electric bell from the dashboard of
his doors each
morning in the a-eek, and
out his by simply
pressing a button.
file firmer, will no longer have
bought land with the intention
lug up a
There arc voter the ills-
Strict asked to be all
but live of petition the
Ass. to in.-,
Ever land-owner in the district,
lion. A number o. y. men not
; quite old enough vote also
In the district asked to
rated there i- neither a still nor
bar room, recently High.
i lower has bought a small tract
quarter of a mile the school
o bis intention
selling up bis it.
The school house is not only I
for school divine set
vice is held it preaching once U
mouth and Sunday School
U the petition
to be troubled by breaking were represented before the
and twisting traces, but will bring by attorney.
bis butter eggs chickens; did not the facts
his lambs and calves, his turnips forth by the other side, but he
and apples to in a the statute providing Mini
killed a day or two ago by being
recommitted, this time to the
committee. The first com-
reported it
which is the polite way of
a bill under the fifth rib.
Some of the constitution-
of the House claimed
the bill was conflict with the
Federal Constitution, while others
filled equally as full of
declared it was Many of the
legislators declared they would
a way to educate the white
children of their counties without
being compelled to tax themselves
proportionately to educate every
little their
Hut howl That is the
question. Attempts at legislature
seem to have a failure.
Four masked men tried to rob
the National Rank at
., but the explosion
aroused the the bur-
many years later, merchants
others advertised mainly to help
support the local newspapers,
to promote business. Now no
body advertises in a spirit of char-
but purely as a business prop-
Every advertiser fully
expects to get profitable returns
from his advertising
That the business men of this
try millions for
newspaper space is the kind
of proof that newspaper
docs Rec-
If you want stoves or ranges constructed upon
scientific principles which are economical, durable,
and convenient, sis well as beautiful and artistic, look
climbing, valley-splitting
Telephonic connections between
the and country will lie com-
and the up lo dale former
will take orders from bis city
customers over the and
and peddling will go
lout of existence, and the cry of
will no longer arouse
the belated sleeper Iron, his morn-
But to make these come
true, there is matter
that must be looked
These model i, inventions, these
devices for the saving the nerve
force. of man and beast,
have the way prepared for them
We must have good roads for
these automobiles
and what not to travel over. And
it might be well for present
legislature to remember the
of the future for the
If we have good
A very singular and probably
fatal accident occurred at
bury Monday. A Painter named
Fraley was at work in a house.
Fire broke out among his open
paint kegs on the floor. With his
clothing he dashed out and
tried to enter a which
there were several ladies. They
threw water on him and made him
roll in the snow . His was so
terribly burned that blood
from the open veins.
trade mark, which is shown up n every
Stove or Range, and do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitutes,
lend all others in yearly stiles mid popularity.
Sold Exclusively by
N. C.
A policeman died in Chicago
few days ago served on
force for twenty-seven years and in
all licit time made but one arrest.
His record a- a policeman was
good as ii was unique in reaped to
his duly to prevent I instead
of wailing for I to come and
then jumping on some one lie
carried his the out, and at the
I same nine eel a sensible example
for other guardian., of the peace.
Wilmington Star.
thirty days notice shall be iv;.
such legislation will be asked.
His attorney said no formal
cation of such notice
The attorney for the other -i
said dial such notice was
published i a newspaper or
up Oil a bind bill, but on IV
mar man win.
was III; the bill, was I
Legislature would be
lo incorporate the
The committee seemed to
ice and on
ground reported the bill
ably. News A r.
There are sonic business men
value of newspaper
In advertise
the lime Wu York
has told the editor of Informal
fan advertising periodical that ac
lo experience
render for Using ore U
by changing
of life b;
and deaths; ail Hie person
who are I In given line ,
and Unit to lid nine a I
must advertise day In
day, year In and year Phil
I'm- using a s.
on cars used for
I fill Transit Com
of Minn, la to be

Eastern reflector, 5 March 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 05, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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