Eastern reflector, 15 February 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Attention Farmers
I am now you one of ill i lines f
at very reasonable prices. My line of
which is standard of any market are I resit and cheap.
When you noose to town again give me a trial.
, in to j i an.
Jas. I White.
Get a good Safe
The Victor salt- is untie in all sizes con-
for home, farm, office and general use.
Every safe sol a guarantee to be lire
proof. Prices range from up.
I L.
Greenville, X. C.
Happening In Carolina
The Sort
Assembly is lo hold its annual
at ill.- ii City,
Jane nth.
Got, has been invited to
deliver the literary address at the
next commencement of Salem Fe
male Academy.
Odd Fellows are
paring to entertain the grand lodge
in May. A good time is in store
for all who attend.
A convention of all
school of the Slate, of all
nations, will held at High
Slat and 22nd. ,
The register deeds for Halifax
county Issued a marriage
for Mr. Henry Kite, aged,
and Miss Margaret
Rev. J. K. Faulkner, recently i
of Springs, Va., came yes
to visit his Or. T. I.
Rev. Mr. Faulkner
will locate at
charge of churches at that place
and Free Press.
Miscreants Shoot at
Last week an unsuccessful at-
tempt was Made to wreck the
die passenger
train near Mocksville. Saturday
another attempt
was made to commit murder. Just
after So. had left Spencer, and
good time, some one a
pistol into the car window, which
Biased a passenger. A
small hole made bullet,
showed had been done. Then
another of the wretches threw a
coupling pin Into the door of the
Pullman car. but no damage was
done. An investigation was made
but no trace was funnel of the
E. I. O.
Office Henry Clark House, first
door North of Baptist
Examination and Consultation free
As one of the depositories tor Public School Books in
Pin County. We handle books designated on the
State List for the public schools and can supply what-
ever need. We also have
slant and double I practice writing books
cap paper, ; pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, inks companion boxes,
Sue of Oar School
Tobacco Raising Curtailed.
The high price of cotton will
evidently induce farmers in
cotton growing districts of the
Carolina to plant more
loss tobacco which will curtail the
production of blight tobacco. The
farmers in the bright sections of
Virginia speak of diversifying
their crops by planting some cotton
instead of making a full crop
If this should he case
of course the crop of 1901 will be I
correspondent. Tobacco Journal.
It is thought tobacco crop
in this county will be cut down at
one for this season. I
am informed in one small com-
which is one of the finest
tobacco the county, the
tobacco crop will lie cut short lull,.
pounds this; cir. may
be two reasons assigned for this,
leaving of so many of
our tobacco growers for towns,
mid tobacco buying out
the principal factories at our near
est marketing
X. C. Correspondent Charlotte Ob-
L. H. Pender,
Tobacco Flues. Tin
Expert Gunsmith employed. All
kinds Gun and work
first class. Re-stocking of gnus a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
soapstone pencils cent, v plain lead pencils cent,
rubber tipped pencil I cent, a nice with
pretty cover cent, ;. crayons, with metal hold-
in nice wood box cent. end pencil, slate pen
ell, and pen, an I rule, all in nice wood box,
cents. A great big wide lei rents, of best
ink on the market, cents Copy books i to
crayons, ; sin s Good fool's cap
piper cents per
the Business Man.
We carry a nice in r and single entry ledgers,
long day books, journals books, memorandums,
order books, receipt-, note ks,
For Society People
Wholesale and Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg. etc. Bed-
rids, Oak Suits, Ba-
Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes,
and Gail A Ax
Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Meal, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Gloss
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Mara
tool, Cheese, Batter, Stand-
ard Sewing Mach i and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity, for cash. Com
to see inc.
Phone W.
nave nil kind-
. lo . .
papers, i a in
papers and tablets
The. American Style.
Austin, Feb. dispatch from
San Mexico, says the
Orel train robbery the
can style ever committed on
Mexican soil occurred on the
Railway, near
there. The news of has
reached the city. A passed ,
train was held up by masked
nun. who entered the Pullman
sleeper and robbed the passengers
of money, valuables and
The train crew was held up with
pistols. bandits were live in
number. The leader, and Is be-
other robbers,
Americans The bandits are be
by a force of troops
their capture is almost certain.
The robbers will shortly be put to
death if caught,
las is very severe on such
frill par las for
of sirs h
not far On- I
when Hip
in tail ran.
no pins, to, bases so
mull Stamps taken,
Co., minion
i i. i , iv
I L C.
Satisfy Appetite at the
door to
New and Clean.
Oysters, Game, Anything Good to Eat.
Regular Dinner from o'clock
Soup, kinds meat, I
Vegetables, Bread, Coffee De-
all for cents.
I P Ills Pipe Stem.
currying a pipe stem in bis body
fur nearly n year, Charles Ferris,
it up and
rid of a and
Inexplicable indigestion.
I Ferris that in the w inter
of i in. f,. asleep one evening
his pips in his month, and
upon awakening was unable lo find
stem. The other he hail
Famous Fountain -pen, i.
coughed up i In- missing article. It
rubber, Inches in length
w a cash
And when comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
week a servant m
I In- of Mayor W. S. of
contracted small
in a mild form and lo
I In- house. A day or two
member of Col,
l broke like
and as a of
million family moved Into the
Mrs Cook has also
broke mil same way
going lo bill Hie doc
have not yet pronounced
eruption There is not
a single case of in lay
try t Hi's most
i TO
Doctors Say;
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
arc invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and
The Secret of Health.
The liver is thereat
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
i an a or stare
he War la ts
U Sun Powerful Blood
J. W. k CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors handler- of
Ties and Bags.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska,
In Advance.
One Year l, Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
E office. The
Weekly REFLECTOR and
will be sent together
one year for 1.76 or DAILY
one year for 13.50 payable in ad-
Wholesale Hatters,
We all style Hats, Al-
Hats, of all
shapes, in fact in the
Hat line.
We have made H. C. Hooker
our sole distributer for Greenville
yon will a full line of
Tucker Hats at his store.
Vitality, Manhood
. all i
A tonic
blood builder.
glow to
and U
tooth. By mil
1- for
2.60. with our
Or refund the money paid,
n, for of Power,
Fit. and the
mum of or
Liquor. mail In plain a
fur our
to cure In JO days or refund
money paid.
Clinton A CHICAGO,
salt I I
Greenville, N, O.
Maker and Repairer of
t M
, and
on Short
and Balusters for
house made to order.
All for
will Bleats call
or direct to nut, Nor-
Va , I.
II. M.
The Day Cold Curs,
com In mi, R-
Nature-, lo her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes hare come fro
living, or it mar from ancestors, shoots out pimples, blotches
her imperfections on the skin, as a warning; that more serious troubles
asps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary are certain to follow If
you neglect is heed the warning and correct the mistakes.
Many a lingering, painful disease an death has been avoided
simply because these, notes of and lbs blood kept
pure by a right of JOHNSTON'S
Miss Abbie J. of Marshall,
was cured of a bad humor after suffering with It for Are years. The
doctors and my friends it salt rheum. It cams out on my head,
and cars, and then on my whole body. I was perfectly raw with What I
suffered during five years. Is no use telling. Nobody would believe me If
I did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure It. I spent money
enough to buy a house. I heard
praised. I tried a bottle of It. began to improve right away, and when had
the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of It
I never got any thing to do me the least good till I tried JOHNSTON'S
would heartily advise all who are suffering from humors
or skin disease of any kind to try It at once. had also a good deal of stomach
trouble, and was run down miserable, but JOHNSTON'S
made me all
The blood is your life and if you keep it para and re-
disease m-face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S
fails. It is for sale by all druggists, in full bottles at only one dollar I
Application will be to the
to the charter of the town of
J. L. Sr , Mayor.
C. Clerk.
January, 15th 1901.
Notice in given that
will lie to the General Assembly of
Carolina to prohibit the sale of
liquor within two miles of the
Baptist church near the of
X. C This Jan 1901.
A red row with crooked
horns, apparently about two
years huh been in my field four
months. Owner is hereby notified to call
for Fame pay charges for keeping
cost of advertising. W. I.
X. Jan. 1901.
A mule hog,
bUck H,
in Has taken up
my stock, there two
months Owner if hereby notified lo come
Having duly the SlIM
Clerk of Pitt county as
of Hie estate of B. A. Sr.
notice to fell per-
to the to make
immediate payment to the undersigned
and all having claim the
estate must present the for payment
on or before the day of ,
or notice will plead in
Thia of 1901.
W. W.
It. A.
of II. A. House, Sr,
I forbid by any one any
manner whatsoever, by hunting with sun
or at time, and trapping,
cutting limber M panning riding
loot, any other manner, on any
following known
farm in Falkland town-
ship, adjoining It. It. Cotton, Jesse Smith,
brother, the land others
lying on the south side of river.
One known as and Hen
furn. in Falkland township adjoin
Mrs. the farm
others, on the south side of Tar river.
will w
It. J.
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. O.
Hy of the power nil
in rot by s at
term 1900 of Court, in
case T. K.
others, as on in
Clerk's of Superior Court in
No. min-
As Trustee Commissioner then-
in. I will public sale, the
Court lions,, door Id Greenville, on Mon-
day day the follow.
Ids tract of land lo win one
of in the of Pill.
the lands of
II. Mills. L. Clark,
Dixon others doing the whereon
the said K. S. Dixon resides, situate the
north side of Cow swamp
known as land purchased K.
Dixon II. A. and deeded lo
aid Dixon by hit father John S. Dixon
and Until containing
fifty The
laud James Galloway in
trust, as appears in page
and Hooker, Gel.
Cotton Bogging and always
n i
, kept so
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
pin prices as low u the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
before Ibo in the Superior Com t.
Fleming, minors
their Mil Harrow.
A gut net
Fleming, W. S. Fleming. Al-
wile, Fleming children
Fleming, Jr., whose
unknown T II
S. Fleming a lunatic.
The children Of Adam Fleming, Jr.,
are who arc
n in the will
that a en-
HUM m km been in the
Superior of before
in order to make of the
late Fernando Fleming among
at law. Ami the said defendant
will further take notice that they arc re-
appear at the of the
Superior Court of said county
on the
in N. answer or demur
tin pi ind c
r Court
for the relief demanded therein.
Tin day of February
Clerk of the Superior of Pitt
Attorneys for Plaint,
J. I Ml,
------DEALER IN------
for re Bad
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
NO k
Something New Again,
for Shirt Waists, all Shades. A line of
A Beautiful Line of
White Goods.
Negligee Shirts I
ShOeS for Infants all Shades, Kinds and Sizes.
We Still Lead Quality. As to
Swiss, Embroideries, and Val Lace, we are head-
quarters. Give our show windows a look then give a call
Are Builders.
It is often remarked, why does
not Mister Blank, with all bis
do for the building
of this
And yet the person the
question although no or
capitalist, might have the name
query put to
And what his reply would be is
no hard matter to guess, for it
would be that it was the duty of
those who bad so much money to
put it where it should the
community, not for the mod-
do citizen to put his
money into enterprises, while the
rich men held their back.
But this matter is really a per-
It is net the of any cit-
to measure perform
obligations by the rule of another.
Every citizen has personal
dun and necessary to per
Washington, i;., Feb. 11th.
By standing together their op-
position to Hie-Ship Subsidy bill,
the democratic populists Sen
have forced the republicans
to change their tactics. They be-
Ran the light last week by bluster-
bragging about how easy
they would tire out the opposition
by night sessions. After holding
two night sessions, of
which a republican quorum was
they abandoned the
night are now
to cajole the opposition into agree
to set a time for voting on the
bill. While it is Impossible to say
with any degree of certainty what
the result change of tract
will lie. Senator Junes, who is lead-
the opposition, says the bill
will not be voted upon this sea-
A ,, ,,,.
The country held up Us in determined to pass it, they
must do so at an extra session of
the next Congress.
Mr. is pulling for an
extra session, provided, of course
that a valid excuse can lie put for
ward for calling one, and the re-
publicans leaders in the Senate are
pulling to avoid an extra session,
by leaving no valid excuse one.
An amendment has already been
offered to the army appropriation
Senator giving
Mr. authority to
a civil government in the Phil-
and one is now being
horror several ago when the
appropriations by Congress, for the
time in our history, footed up
to a billion dollars. Yet Congress
has gone beyond that rapid pace
now. Senate Thursday the
enormous expenses present
is up were being
discussed. Mr. Allison drew at-
to the fact that the public
expenses for the ensuing year
would reach being
Rome more hist
year. Mr. Hale remarked that a
few years ago, everybody was
shocked to that the expenses I setting forth the conditions. I. ,
had reached one billion dollars for Representative Richardson, the j
Democratic Leader the House,
has received many compliments on
We are still the forefront of the race after your palming
We offer you best selected of
General Merchandise
found in any store in County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best of America
and Europe. Seasonable all year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad
vantage. It is our pleasure lo show you what you want and lo
sell you if can. We offer you very service, polite
attention, and most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not sec our Immense stock before baying elsewhere.
us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats and Caps, Silks and Satins, Dress Trimmings
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Scud ls,
In New
My friends and customers can n
occupied by Mi- V.
opposite the Alfred -i
i full and complete line
Dry Goods and Notions.
Trimmed Hats, Sailors, Silks mA Velvets of
all kinds. I will the line of Millinery to
be in Mrs. M. ill have charge of the mil-
department and will be
customers call her.
t have her old friends
a single lasting two
It was evident, he said, that
were rapidly approaching a billion victory in the Ways and Means
dollar session, and finally he ex-
claimed have
not any place yet where
form to and cut off The New
fulfillment of these can be reckon- York Evening Post
ed the standard of his I Obviously the only way to meet
Committee in seeming the
of a resolution com
mil lee, in of a report to the
bill reducing war tuxes, and ask
majority of the republican
Plows, Castings Plow Fixtures. Nails and Hope.
One important difficulty is to cut off the re-. of the committee had decided
and one which does not involve the Congress can no
payment of a cent, but one which , these profligate bills, it
very many citizens fall short in, is I authorizing them. A
speak the has
of your city.
I in
It seems strange any person , which, it
will talk down or belittle any prop- j receipts by
which he may And Per annum.
every citizen who has no favorable i rt doubt a great temptation
word for his to doing to with a surplus the
to and to every social, Treasury. yet some people
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Kit her Cash or on Approved
Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
religious and commercial interest
with which he may lie connected
that community.
The citizen who puts his thou-
sands of dollars into a local enter-
prise, be it building or
have his investments
made practically worthless, unless
his fellow citizens shall speak
word, which shall
bring tenants for the or
demand for the. manufactured
importance of this
word approval, at home and
abroad, is too lightly appreciated.
It is a power
success of local enterprises, and
and some governments can spend
even when they haven't got
A newspaper libel law which is
considered just and fair to the news
papers and the recently
passed the State Senate. The
me was drawn by London,
who is a lawyer as well as edit-
or and an eminently fair and con-
man. Now it is stated
that the House committee having
the bill under consideration will
report it unfavorably and the Hal-
papers seem to think the lull
will fail in the House. The news-
it the local enterprises papers are no special favors
can go by default. but they consider this measure fair
Both the citizen who builds, and just to them and they
the citizen who contributes of its passage. A similar bill was
optimism, are builders of com-1 killed in the last Legislature and
if it fails in this
The one is made secure- will, if true to hold
so, by the other. It is the com- those who are responsible for its
lunation of the goods
endorsed and advertised by an-
other, which makes an immediate
market tor them, and it is this
combination, backed up by the
citizen who glories the
building, and proclaims publicly,
sincerely and heartily, his endorse-
of the work, which assures
the development and permanence
simply to concur Without ask-
a conference. The republicans
of the committee were divided,
and Mr. Richardson quickly took
the tax reduction ad vantage of the opportunity
is estimated, will a democrat victory. There
scheme to kill this
Senator Bacon I ells amusing
and instructive of the moth
oils of legislation in the
which the re-
publicans have to an extent already
introduced in one of our
of his visit to
the lower Ho . u of
Congress, Senator
went there day alter day never
saw a member rise and address
the Chair. Hill after bill WM pass-
ed without a vole in negative
and without a word of discussion.
became very much
stale of affairs, not being
to speak Spanish, I Inquired
of a gentleman at the door who
spoke sh, to explain the sit-
to me. be replied,
there is no need for any debate.
These lulls are sent to us by tho
President he tells us he
passed. When held
us know he is in favor the
bills, we are all favor of
A proposition in mike
Cuba pay expenses Incurred by
this country during the war
Spain, has put forward by
Levy, of New York,
probably with more desire to
fuddle I be situation than
push idea of trying to make
pay our n expenses.
A advertiser who hug
used the method pub-1
Unity has written in in
periodical he would choose
newspaper in a I
for his business announcements
preference to all the other means
f advertising combined.
every method is good, bill only us
adjunct to newspaper
he said. take up
newspaper for distinct
of reading, and, therefore, with
minds in an impressionable state.
They read advertising not by
dent, and not when
employed. It the
advertiser can say anything to in-
them they can remember it.
The newspaper columns are
place where people look for such
information us the
h be
To the best results
in fruit, veg i r grain, the
i . I mist contain
i ii
sec v
send them A
failure individually
So far as The Landmark is con-
it in to go record
right now. It will not support
for office any man, no matter whose
candidate he is, who shows that he
has no use for except
to get their help to boost him into
We want no favors of the
politician- but we will not give
help to those who will not treat
the press with common decency.
Home talent is often the kind we
can't drive away.
Ministers marry people at union
A public principal
New Orleans says ability
to decipher more or less
handwriting quickly and accurate-
is, in his one of the
beat tests of general
He uses it quite frequent-
in bis school, w letting the
pupil suspect what he is after.
Below is way one bills
Introduced in Legislature pro-
for redistricting the state so
as to make ten congressional dis
First, Beaufort,
Currituck. Dare, I
dates, Hide North-
pi hi. i.
Tyrrell, Wash
Second, Hal
Martin. Wayne,
Third, Brunswick, Col-
New Hanover,
and Pender.
Wake and
Fifth, Chat-
Durham, Orange,
Person and
Sixth. Alison, i lint
Hell. Randolph
Richmond, II and
Si I I I
Mecklenburg, man.
Wilkes, and
Sloth, Alexander,
Burke, Caldwell, Cleveland, Gas-
trade mark, which is shown upon ton, Lincoln and
Stove or Range, do not be deceived ,,, , , . .
by and substitutes. Clay, Haywood, Render-
If you want or ranges constructed
principles which are economical, durable,
convenient, as well as beautiful and artistic, look
fur the
lead all others in yearly sales and popularity.
Sold Exclusively by
Polk, Swain,
N. C.
A man can keep a in love
I with him only to long as sin- over-
estimates him
i The average woman's Idea of
looking literary i- to go around
with a -t
he back
no or person of
; third generation
inclusive, -lull be eligible to apply
in i In- mi; of North
Carolina for a license lo practice
law this Suite, and that the
Conn of Carolina
shall examine any
who is n poison descend-
ant from a third gen-
The i from a bill intro-
in House, which
es amendment in section
Code relative to those who
seek license lo practice law in this
why it i- necessary to intro-
duce such a measure, is
lo certainly there arc no
I lie be
against be
should the ii a- a
Why and pass
bills which Inn
from ii hi or
ii in ii trade, and
in i In
raise i
Wit II I In- I i in Ian ill active
nil he disfranchise
H i i pal real cf
Ninth Carolina
In., en legislation
ii not ii.-
.- in u n-i
deal and a- such is en-
titled lo and
under the law besides decent treat-
ordinary every day
rule- et life,
i- much of sent i-
mm have got t be
it h i- keep him
which is
in various above bill
under this bead.
The d citizen of North i
i- entitled real ii.
kind locution, lie is
lining not hi i t i such leg-
made them.
k through I

J. WHICHARD, Ed. A Owner
Entered Boat Office
N. C, U
Mail Matter.
Friday, IS,
of good d
not seem to disturb the Delude of
the people of this county, but you
don't counties that need
good roads more.
of the Impeachment
Proceeding Vote on
Judicial District-
--No Labor Legislation-New.
s,, t ; it Reflector.
Judiciary of the
baa for the impeach-
men of Justice DoUg-
las. the resolution has been
made the special order in the
Thursday Of this week
The vote was to with two
present Dot voting
In the vault of the Superior
Court office is old court
record that contains a list of the
only one portrait of a is judges who held the courts in this
fertilizers really illegal have been
used there. In the matter of fer-
not up to guarantee, the
bill provides for a rebate of double
the deficiency. It also provides
that all fertilizers in there
is leather, hoof, meal and hair
shall be confiscated and pay can
for it from buyers.
Taken From Old Record Pitt
Governor's wife in the executive
mansion at That one is
of Mrs. Jarvis, wife of ex-Gov. T.
J. Jarvis, of Greenville.
nor Aycock has expressed a desire
for more such portraits of ladies.
House to adopt the resolution be. ,., u, 1844. Be
steps can be the list would be interest-
Will ii do it Thai seems t be a j,,,, to we it he-
It is conceded that
If wants increased
population and invest-
of capital, it will
public improvements to bring j
step i generally disapproved
people at large, the newspapers
of the State being largely against
it. But some strong party leaders
chiefly from the deter-
mined in their advocacy of the
The Legislature decided to
them. People give dead
the go by when seeking place to additional Supreme
locate, and Greenville well districts, making sixteen in
afford to be classed as dead. all. The bill, drawn on
will be If something Is not by the special committee, will
passed by Senate this week.
passed the House Saturday.
The new law is to go Int i effect
There is some talk of applying .,
to the Legislature to amend the weeks of court
charter of Greenville, so as to elect .
n Treasurer who is not a member
of Hoard of Aldermen, and also
to pay the for
dance regular meetings. We
publish the proposed to-
day so that any desiring can have
the opportunity of expressing
before bill is
word been
stricken limn the law when-
ever it occurred, and so insurance
co are no lunger required
to The
-i mer of Insurance is given power
to license of any corn-
to pain seeking to u case
i from the State to Federal courts,
live votes in House were
hi-; the law and the Senate
The Charlotte Observer, ,,,, w ,,,.
the beat newspaper goes vote, A half dozen or
of North Carolina, has a way of nun e of largest and strongest
going right on adding good things life companies in the world will
. ,. ,, ,.,. , i to business in
to its bill ore, even invades .
r a revenue some
other print shops to get ls f .,
to be had. Mr. J. J. Stone, w deprived of for the last
Greensboro, who is the most t no tears.
efficient job printer in the free
State, has been Induced to give up I he rural free mail delivery has
bis Urge business to go and take l a area success in Wake
the management of the Observer
job printing and binding rooms.
And Col. W. S. Pearson, editor of
the Herald, a brilliant
writer, has been
cured logo to Washington and
serve as of toe
server from the capital.
To Mm
prejudice hat the
recall of invitations sent
Congressman Charles
of Massachusetts, to members id
House District of
in Ice Iodine with
By an oversight sent
invitation II. White,
North Carolina m
Congress, who is a i f
county and elsewhere, and other
. . sh on Id adopt it. The post-
master at Raleigh furnishes the
following suggestive facts in this
i .
In there were handled
I pieces or more
ii The in
mouth by month i constant.
He -at he soon expected see
the aggregate reach pieces
mouth Wonderfully great is the
m i. in the i;
can more
. .
tin- Male.
Ii and reading is what i oral
March Henry
Sept. 1818, J. S. Taylor.
March j. Daniel.
Sept. 1810, John B.
1830, John Paxton.
Sept. ISM, J. J. Daniel.
March 1881,
Sept. 1821, John K.
March 1828, William Norwood.
Sept. 1822, Joseph J. Daniel.
March 1828, George A. Badger.
Sept. 1823, William Norwood.
March 1824, John ton.
Sept. 1824, Joseph J. Daniel.
March 1825, William Norwood.
Sept. 1825, John R.
March 1826, John
Sept. 1826, P.
March Thomas Muffin.
Sept. J. Daniel.
March 1828, Martin.
Sept. Robert Strange.
March James Martin.
Sept. 1830, Joseph J. Daniel.
March 1831, William Norwood.
Sept. 1831, David
March 1832, Joseph J. Daniel.
Sept. 1832, William Norwood.
March 1883, Robert Strange.
Sept. 1833, James Martin.
Match 1834, Thomas Settle.
Sept. 1834, John M.
March 1835, William Norwood.
Sept. 1835, Henry Sea well.
March 1836, Thomas Settle.
s-pt. 1836, Robert Strange,
March 1837, John L. Bailey.
Sept. Frederick Nash.
March 1838, R. M. Pearson.
Sept, 1838, M. M. Saunders.
Much 1839, Jno L. Bailey.
.-sept. 1830, M. M. Saunders.
March 1840, Frederick Nash.
Sept. 1840, Hall.
Much 1841, Thomas Settle,
Sept. 1841, John at. Dick.
March 1842, Thomas Settle.
Sept. 1842. Wm. II Rattle.
1843, M. E.
Sept. 1843, John L. Bailey.
Here the list, which is all in the
S , lie hand writing end-, and nil-
it is drawn picture of
a face. It will be seen that in
year two Superior
courts were held each year. These
names of the Judges embrace some
of the ablest men in the of
To Amend Charter of
Au act to amend chapter
hundred of the Private
Laws of one thousand eight
and ninety
The Assembly of North
Carolina do
Section That chapter
hundred and fifteen of the Private
Laws of one thousand eight
and ninety nine, section
be and is hereby amended by ad-
ding at end of section four the
That the said Alder-
men so elected shall be paid for
their services is attending reg-
monthly meetings of the Board
for each regular meeting, the sum
of two dollars each, provided that
any Alderman failing to be pres-
at the time of railing the Board
to order, or failing to remain pres-
until adjournment, shall have
pay for his attendance at such
meetings as he so fails to lie
for such time.
Sec. That chapter
fifteen of the Private
i Laws of one thousand eight
Idled and nine, section
j It and is amended as
I By striking out in line two of sec-
ten just after the word
and before the word
the word and by
out after, the second
i in same and before
Words the
and by striking out in section
the Ant three words the third
i line, to wit, their
SO that Mid section ten shall
the board shall
from outside their
a Mayor, a Tax Collector and
a Treasurer, each of whom shall lie
a qualified elector in said town
shall serve one and so on
remainder of said section as it
now reads
Sec. That this act shall lie in
force from its ratification.
. i
mil I.-.
lie joint committee on c m-
apportionment n ill give
tin t hearing to those other
v that n Ml con
ii- discussion work to
11--. Ten districts tire to
who is gentleman of ,. ,.,.
old school, suspected that bite ,.,.,.,.,,,.
bail been muted to , , b ,.,,.,.
be refused to accept hos
Other members de-
and as n finally dawned
upon Mr. that he
have to break bread with
and the White, lie
decided cull off the net
will get up another one lo which
ill- members of committee will
invited as individual members
Of Congress. In way Whit
will not be invited.
The incident has excited much
comment in House.
Northern, as well as Southern
member, refused to cat with the
White is the last of
member of Congress, lie
goes out on March and will be
succeeded by a Democrat.
It is not believed another
will ever lie lo Congress.
Washington Special.
i One the
On the hist of the same
is this entry, giving the
names of the Judge and bar in at-
term 1857, Hon.
M. Saunders, Judge; W.
A. Jenkins, Hon. K.
s. Geo. G, B.
Wm. B. Rodman, Wm. Marsh.
K. Warren. Geo. Howard. I.,
D. Ponder, M. Shaw, S.
Col. Sam Watts, K C,
This page looks like the writing
There is not a
court in Slate at the present
time that can show such an
inn. g ,, ,, . ,
,, . Wage of legal talent as was
no district to ,,, , . . y
. , , m Pitt county,
i lull- another i claimed lo . . , . .
,, , ,,, . , , ,. n next lo the last leaf it
mike all tell of the , , , , , ,
prisoners from
ham jail Sunday night.
the wall.
The committee will have
in lug a bill
i satisfy all.
to LAW.
A matter of special interest t.
farmers are amendments pro-
posed to the law
ale ii fertilizers, etc., as
ed special committee the
Board of Agriculture. The lull
thus prepared leaves the lax on
at cents
per ton, and provides untagged
is shall be treated like
is by the stall's
when is. sold without
a ease In The present
an per cent, phosphoric
old declares that When a girl really likes a man
without this la Illegal. The bill shows It near so u
half a dozen does when she but
formulas, as eastern do not wants to make some other
need acid and for years she York Press.
the hook is a page beaded
old friend
this heading is the
lowing Interesting
morning about o'clock on
the the Court House
In Greenville was dis-
covered be an and was en-
consumed with all the rec
except the books in office
of the Trial on
dockets of Superior
Trial the
office of the clerk of the County
The w r in this old is
remarkably clear and distinct.
Highway Robbery.
Mr. John W who lives
six miles from bad
an experience night which he
long remember.
He was returning home from
j walked, bis learn being
busy. When
about three from
here, he was halted, a man
approached and ought him by
coat, telling him to give up his
I money or he would cut his throat.
I Mr. Button replied that he would
he was but
By this time two other
approached and began to
search Mr. cutting coat
in eight places about his pockets.
were cut
They told Mr. Button that they
knew be had more money in his
of them felt
the pocket told him that
it was to hand it
Mr. Insisted that that Was
only his e had given
them all he had with him. By
lime he had opened his knife
while in bis pocket, and quickly
taking it out struck the man in
front with all bis might.
The man groaned and Oh
tie has out me to hollow An-
other the men replied,
cut you and made
a threatening movement. Mr.
ton then tore loose and ran toward
home. He is not sine whether he
was or knows he
reached home in safety right much
worse, by his ex-
is likely the two
men's attention was needed by the
Wounded one. Mr. Sutton is
confident it the man cut
deep, struck with all his
He does not know men
they were while or
night being intensely
dark, Slid u Mug so badly fright-
. was men who
knew he usually kept money in
his breast pocket, as they insisted
that hi- was there.
They would no doubt have cut open
that pocket too had he not used
his knife as soon as he did, and
By be
saved his life and his
ii -tun Press.
i is the life of
and sometimes the death of It.
C. Feb.
left on the train
this morning for where
he will today be united marriage
to Miss of Beaufort
county. They will return this
evening make Winterville
their future home. All of
friends, and they arc many, wish
him and his fair bride a long life
and a happy one. Mrs. will
receive a warm and cordial
come all our citizens.
light wood cart hubs
wanted by the A. G. Cox Mfg.
Rev. J. Wiley Nobles, a former
resident of this county, but now of
Kenly N. C. is spending a short
while visiting friends and relatives
in and around tows. He will
preach in the Baptist church to-
Don't forget when in need of a
good that it is to
your interest to consult the Win-
Wire Fence Co., both as
regards prices material.
Rev. J. K. Faulkner, who has
recently assumed charge of the i
Missionary churches at
Ayden and Winterville, came last
Monday will make this place
his home during his
good second growth
white oak spokes wanted by the A.
G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Miss Annie who has
visiting for quite a while
returned home last
Monday to the delight of her warm
Men and Boys Clothing Especially r
being sold out st greatly red need prices, as we are
closing out that line.
Spring arriving daily and they art beauties.
We don't want you to take our word, come and he
convinced. Showing goods no
For anything kept in first class dry goods store.
E Has lost many a dollar for business men. If a man is
by coat be wears, he is also judged by th
letter-head he uses. An artistic, nicely printed letter
B head may be looked on as a good investment.
Z It will be dona Send your next order to
The Reflector
Many Cases And Badly
There has a dreadful out-
For a class one that of in
is a thing of beauty and will last as of ens
Notice of the probable existence of
long as the very lest see
sucker Carriage Co
old store occupied by Bar-
bet Harrington and
Sou ft C-o., is being divided
the disease there was sent to Dr. D.
Tayloe, of Washington, who is
the inspectors for the State,
and will
be made
stores, which
and he went Sunday to investigate.
On his way back he stopped Sun-
night In coo-
be addition to that part of with Dr
I Tayloe said he found fourteen well
The demand already, thus far in I of the d and
season made upon the A. O. dooM found many
Cox Mfg. Co., for cotton planters if
far exceeds their most hopeful ,, The
anticipations. There is not a mail oases he were ,
but What Older, arrive for large of the at,,
numbers. Indeed they will have he
i I as was needed for preventing its
spread. Dr. Tayloe said the dis-
of Greenville,, ease m
the demand.
J. A.
spent a short while here yesterday.
We are always pleased to meet
our old friend, for he reminds us
so forcibly of good old past.
Ambrose Johnson, of near Green
villa, was in our midst Sunday and
the last we saw of him he was all
smiles and everything seemed to
please him of we look for
him again.
Cox still pays highest
cash prices for cotton seed.
We were surprised that
with such help could
i as he did in
W. C.
Over a Hundred Hurled to Heath
Ind., Feb.
train on the
go Erie, due here at this
morning was wrecked east of Wren,
Ohio. The tender left the track
and was instantly followed by live
tilled with about one
and fifty passengers. All the
coaches were demolished. Only
fifty persons could walk to Wren.
All others were either killed or
badly crippled. Ten doctors
to the scene. To add to the
horrors of the wreck, it occurred
where the ditch on side of
the track was tilled with water.
The ice was broken by the coaches
and many got wet and were
before help could arrive. Nearly
all the passengers were emigrants
and names unknown.
Two More Arrested.
Chief Police J. T. Smith re-
turned from Henderson
night, bringing with him two more
colored men charged with
the on Frank
last week. This make., six arrest
in connection with the case.
It be Worse.
We congratulate ourselves that
the North Carolina Legislature
might be much worse than it is
we read in press dis-
patches that a bill has been Intro
in the New York
tine providing that books, news-
papers and serial literature shall
be type smaller
or what is more
commonly known as
Durham Herald.
l. North
A farmer on his way to ham
was held up by two and
robbed of a few days ago.
Five cases of smallpox have been
discovered among the inmates of
the jail at Tarboro. Steps were
taken at once to isolate the prison-
and fumigate the jail.
F. M. of Asheville, it
years and has been a grand-
father two years. Mr. Williams
was married when he was years
old, while his son was married at
the age of
The late Capt. Kitchen is said
to have received largest single
fee ever paid to a North Carolina
lawyer. In the settlement of an
estate in California be a
fee of gold.
Representative Small, of North
Carolina, introduced a bill in
house to prohibit the sale or man-
of distilled spirits, fer-
liquors or wines made
the authority of the United
States, in states where the same Is
prohibited by the laws of the State.
The golden rule of the
man is,
Women are Like
I blossom
and bloom. Sickly, end
Every ought lo look well
and feel well. right and duty,
but she might as well to put out a
lire with as lo be healthy and at-
tractive disease corroding
organs that make here woman. Upon
the r health depends her health. II
there Is Inflammation or weakening
or Buttering at the monthly
attend to It at once, Don't
delay. You're one nearer the
grave every day you put it oil.
c-in stand a great deal, but
they cannot live with disease
at the most delicate and
vital organs In their body. may
have b-en deceived In so-called cures.
We d Ki-a could help it
la an on
o m reel. won't be
. in Heir-
i I r. We believe It Is Ike
, i for womanly ilia. There
i . in i, i between it
Female the pain,
promote regularity,
-I-. n, It
i tie m -ii end
o Iv. It I. lot women
. whether will health or
Ki a,
hie II p .-
The Law Makers are
The following were among
new bills
By Ward, to permit graduates
holding diplomas to teach
State Normal Schools to teach in
public free schools for two years
without examination by county
boards of education, Commit-
tee on Education.
By Broughton, to incorporate
the North Carolina Trust Com
with in
Only a few bills of local
Is A rape Vine A Frail Tree.
The question whether a grape
vine is a fruit tree came up in Ire-
dell Superior Court this week. It
was case of the State vs.
had been
a tenant on the lands of P. B. Ken-
Esq., in Eagle Mills town-
ship, and when he moved away he
had up carried away some
grape vines and bad also, it was
charged, removed windows from
the house, some fencing, etc.
Judge Brown said statute
fruit trees but didn't cover
grape vines. Solicitor
that a grape vine was s fruit
tree but his honor evidently didn't
see ii that way. Anyway he de-
I that was not guilt-.
have the on Low
Prices, Especially on
Men's Furnishings.
We have added a New Line
For small feet, large feet, any
size feet All styles, all
grades, all prices.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
And the cross mark on their
Ducks Would Be Better.
Some of the inhabitants of
are talking about
to duck in the big mud
hole the street down there if the
hole is not filled up soon.
ducks might be better than the
that is raised that
now then.
. pays cash
minks, coons and foxes.
There store of J. O. Cask at
was and rob-
bed Saturday night. About
worth of goods were taken.
We are off after a lot of
horses and mules and have a
special sale our stables on Fri-
day and Saturday, 11th 12th.
Livery Company.
H. Hardy, Salesman.
Some friends here have received
invitations to the marriage of Miss
Olive Elizabeth Joyner, of
more, to Mr. James Henry Holt,
of North Carolina, on the 26th.
The bride elect is a daughter of
Mr. C. O. Joyner, formerly of Pitt
county, and she has several times
visited Greenville.
Looking-for a Picnic.
Some the wood haulers, an-
that a big snow was
coming the folks would have
to give anything demanded for
wood, were asking cents for a
little load Monday. They did not
find purchasers over
each other to buy at such extortion
Charlotte No Worse t It
The good people of Charlotte are
stirred up over the gambling joints
In that city. But this does not
mean that Charlotte is worse
other towns. They flourish in
every town everybody seems
to know it, they never know
enough to make out a case in court.
I Herald.
Two men two all
colored, have been arrested in con-
with the picking of the
half dead man in the railroad cut,
one day last week. They arc all
in jail waiting for a preliminary
trial. There may be some other
arrests. The injured has re
covered enough to give bis name
as Frank Hines and tell something
of the assault on him.
Marring-. License.
Register of Deeds Noon issued
license to the following
C. E. Gardner and Mary Ed-
E. E. Griffin and Julia Foley.
Randolph and Ida
Mayor J. G. has disposed
of following cases in his court
since last report
Estelle Rollins and Laura
berry, disorderly conduct, guilty
judgment suspended.
J. B. Briley, drunk and
fined one penny and costs,
W. H. Stocks, drunk and
fined one penny and costs,
Catch First.
A an-
that there is no intention
at present on the part of the Sec-
War to take advantage
provision in the new bill
which authorizes to
twelve regiments of Filipinos for
regular army. Perhaps there
is an obstacle to the Secretary's
lining tins similar nature to
that which confronted the man
wished to cook a
A Careful Contrast.
We always like to sec a farmer
or horseman drive up to u hitch-
post these winter days, jump
out his rig, a big warm
blanket and carefully cover his
faithful horse. There is a big
heart that man; he'll do to tie
to. He is thinking of something
besides himself he takes as
much pleasure caring for the com
fort of his horse as for himself
On other hand, it makes us
sad to see a great big man, warm-
clad from head to foot, drive a
sweating, steaming horse up to the
rack, hastily tie him, leave him
to stove.
There is something wrong about
this fellow. He may be a nice
man, may not swear, smoke nor
have have any bad habits, but he
is not a man, lie assured of
The Evening News is a new
paper just started at New Bern.
J. E. Dupree la
Some Speak Me, borne to
Mm. S. A. Cherry is sick.
R. Williams went to to-
M. It. Eure left this morning for
left this morning for
F. C- returned to
Raleigh today.
W. B. Brown left this morning
for New York.
Mrs. Dora left this morn-
J. F. Joyner came over from
this morning.
Chief of Police J. T. Smith went
to today.
G. M. Tucker, of came
in Saturday evening.
Tap Starkey came Saturday
evening Washington.
T. H. Tyson returned Saturday-
evening from Chester, Pa., where
he has been several mouths looking
after the business of C. T. Mun-
ford in that city.
V. J. Lee, traveling salesman
for Winston, Which-
aid Co., of Norfolk, came Sat-
spent Sunday
with his unit her.
Mrs. J. A. Ricks is sick.
went to Nor-
folk today.
Miss Bettie Tyson left this morn-
for Baltimore.
Hart, the hypnotist, arrived
Monday evening.
Mrs. L. C. King, of Norfolk,
came in Monday evening.
Rev. F. H. Harding returned
this morning from
John has moved the
Perkins house Pitt street.
Eli of Kinston, spent
Monday here left on the even-
R. A. Forbes has ed into the
cottage belonging H. A. button on
Miss Eva West brook, of Texas,
who has been Mrs. Alice
left this for
Washington City.
Wednesday, February 1901.
Mrs. Nannie Edwards has moved
the Bright house, in South
J. J. of
the Southern Express Co. for this
division, spent here.
Elders J. X . and E. T.
Phillips, both on the editorial staff
of the Ayden Free Will Baptist,
were here today.
Lawrence Tripp left this morn-
for Halifax. From there he
will go to lo join the
construction gang of Carolina
A Virginia Telephone Co.
A Pointer to be Thought Of.
the Telegram's
street corner observations attention
is to fact that in cold
windy people would do a
great kindness to their horses if
would always hitch them so
that they can get their heads from
the wind. Probably the fewest
number people ever thought of
it, while most has
ed that a horse will turn his
away from I cold if he can.
Ii is a pointer that should lie
lost sight Standard.
Shooting Scrape.
There was a shooting scrape out
in the sec-
of the town Monday evening.
It seems that earlier in the day-
Joe Patrick Tom both
colored, were in store
of Nathan Joe pushed
Tom against the stove slightly
his ear and face, lain
when Joe went to his stable to get
learn ready for the
train, somebody is said to have
been fired on him with a shot
Joe was wounded the
hand and arm. The shot the
gnu were small Joe's injury is
not serious. above are
particulars of scrape as told by
some of the colored people out
The Commissioners of
county have appointed F.
Woolen as to fill the
pi red term of C. Wont en.
The new sheriff is a brother of the
Big New Store.
Hear Ye T
Tin- line White Woods,
Dotted Swiss, Organdies, In
are out sale for your inspection. styles
all qualities. styles to match.
burgs, All we is for you
to come and look mid enjoy with Find counter
Silk Department
Most gorgeous ever before shown south of New
York. We going to make this one our strongest depart-
Suit- Silk. guarantee for six months.
Silk. Faille. Silk, Japanese and China Silk.
Silk. Fancy Silk Crepe de
Silk Silk Drapery, Ask see our
Figured Silk Flannel, nothing handsomer or newer.
Clothing Department
New styles coming in daily in both Suits Pants.
Shoe Department
The Old Reliable Brothers Shoes for Ladies,
f Children and Little Gents, the and Shoes for If
Gents Leader. All sold Guarantee.
By Yesterdays Steamer
Rolls Matting.
Open at Nights until Greenville, N. C.
C. T.

Attention Farmers
I am now offering you one of the complete Haw of
at very reasonable price. My line of
which is the of any market are fresh and cheap.
When you conic U town again give in- a trial.
Y. t. ,
To be An Act to
Live I run at
Large in Certain Portions
Pitt County to
Consolidate En
the Stock
Law Territory
of Said
necessary to wake contract for
the erecting or of any
of the around said
or the gales attached to the
shall made by
the Fence Commissioners, all
claims for said work shall be
proved by and when audited
Tried Friends Best.
years Pills have
proven a blessing to the invalid.
Are truly the sick man's friend.
A Known Fact
For bilious headache, dyspepsia
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
Eruption. r a of Star. la r
Hal liar la la la Warning.
U Moat
alight are a Warning or Soma
mil i Mara Mafia la
Nature. her effort to correct which hare
In the board of commission- . . ,. .,, .,,
ere shall la-mid the diseases. ; other imperfections on
tr, snail pain . . r C i or
his I U I I you neglect t heed the warn
of North treasurer out of the funds in
. White.
The tie Assembly
Carolina do for
That be an Baa. If the owner of any
lawful for am livestock to run at lands shall object to the building
large in that part of Pitt county of fence herein provided for,
embraced within the right of way for not
under the regulations i exceeding feel width, shall
penalties prescribed sections be purpose
U, and upon the application of any per-
of the code of North or persons to any ice of Bagging. Ties Rags.
or it may be from ancestors, oat pimple., blotch, and
the skin, as a warning that more trouble
correct the mistakes.
Norfolk, Va.
Col ton Factors handlers of
art certain to follow If
e mis
because these notes have been heeded and the blood kept
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe i i ail sizes eon-
for home. hum. office and general use.
Every sale with a guarantee to be lire
proof. Prices range from up.
J, L. SUGG, At
Greenville. N.
to Beginning at fence of Peace in Pitt county, which
law territory of Greene lice of the Peace, shall at once
county where the same intersects proceed to two disinter-
the county Una between Pitt holders, who shall to-
counties thence with himself, proceed to
dividing line between Pitt lay off condemn such land for
Wilson counties to the fencing, after the owners of
county line; thence with the or giving to agents
riding line between Pitt and Edge- two days notice. They shall then
to Tar river; thence
down slid river to the
minus of law fence
rounding the town of
assess such damages as think
C. That the
herein before provided for
thence with said fence around to meet annually in the town of
old plank thence on the Monday in
said nubile road running on the They may bold special
aide thereof, to the public meetings at other limes and places
road leading to bridge; when so called by the chairman,
thence with said public road to the and he shall call such
fence enclosing the present whenever requested to do so by two
law i hence to the Mock law-
gate on the road leading from the
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Many a lingering, painful disease and many an early death has been avoided
simply because these notes of warning have been
pure by a right use of
Miss Abbie J. of Marshal I. Mich.,
was cured of a bad after suffering with It for five years. The
doctors my friends said it was salt rheum. It cams out on say head, neck
and cars, and then on my whole body. was perfectly raw with It What
suffered during those is no use tolling. Nobody would believe If
did. tried every medicine that was advertised to cure It. I spent money
enough to buy a I heard JOHNSTON'S highly
praised. a bottle of It. began to improve right away, and when had
finished the third bottle was completely cored. I hare a touch of It
since. I never got any thing to do me the good till I tried JOHNSTON'S
SARSAPARILLA. would heartily advise all who are suffering from humors
or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. had also a good deal of stomach
trouble, and was run down miserable, but JOHNSTON'S S
made me
The blood is your life and if you keep It pure strong you can positively re-
disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S never
It is for by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollar each,
or more members of the
For their attendance to all
meetings they shall receive as a
Snow Hill road to Swamp
road near Cicero Smith's ion the Mini of two
thence up Mid road to the Green Ian per day,
COUNTY BOARD SCHOOL .,, , ,,.,.,. Ml,
Sec. Thai no person shall lie
The Commoner
Editor A Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Months line,
Three Sing. Copy Be,
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
office. The Semi
Weekly REFLECTOR and
will be sent together
year for or The Daily
Application will I made to the
the chatter the town of
L. Mayor.
will mads to the of
North Carolina to prohibit the sale
liquor within two of the Missionary
near town
X. This Jan 1901.
A ml tow with brindle stripes, crooked
horn, two
old, has in my field about four
mouths. Owner la Daren notified to call
and pa for
cost of advertising. I,.
N. 1901.
I thence down said guilty of the laws
Public Books in.
road to L. U. Cox's Hue near J. J.
H. Cox's residence; thence
said Cox's to
I the canal; down the canal to
As ill- . . .
Pitt We designated on the he .;. . I W . s. ,
State List tor the public and can -fence, with m repealed.
concerning the running of stock at lone year for payable in ad-
large in said territory until .
fence around the same shall
ever you need. We also have
Sec. . That I his act shall lie
force from and lifter
slam and
tablets, fool's can
crayons, colored crayons
practice writing
is boxes, et .
of Our School
rick's, Walter O. Chapman's
Barrow's and
tons fences to
thence .-an. line to
C. Smith's line; thence said C U fA
Smith's line to the road leading to ff
bridge. I hence down Wholesale Hatters,
lo the lower corner of Smith's NORFOLK VA
I fence; thence with fence to
the present law fence near C. We carry all style Hats, Al
Chm of
p, all
tonic ind
Cl rial loW W
i Hi
d. for circular
P. Moore's; thence said fence
to the Craven county line, so, as to
include within said all
. . , of that part of Pitt county lying
I cent, I ,,. ,. . .
between tar north and
; Creek and river Tucker Hals at his store.
n the south. That Tar river from
table with
pencils cent.
rubber tipped I cent, a
pretty cover cent, crayons, with metal bold-
in nice wood box B cent, lead pencil, slate pen
ell, and pen, and rule, all in nice wood box. It the line to the
cents. A great big wide la lei cents. of best eastern boundaries of the fence
ink on the market. cents. ; y books to cents, surrounding Greenville stock
Hals, Bull's of
shapes, in fact anything the
Hat line.
We have made II. C. Hooker
our sole distributer for Greenville
and you will a full line of
White crayons, gross In H
per quire
Good fool's cap law territory is declared to
, be a lawful fence.
For the Business Man.
and single entry ledgers.
i o r books, shall meet at Greenville on
order receipt Hole books, the Monday in March, 1901,
We carry a nice of d
long day books, journals.
For Society People
B, S. O,
, h , u Henry Hark House, first
. I . door North of Baptist Church.
and Consultation free
Greenville, N, O.
on Dickinson
Maker and Repairer of
R. Home, II. I. J. B.
Move aid Prank Allen be and
they are appointed Pence
in said territory.
, I youth. Hi mini
. o
our guarantee
2.60, with to cars
or money
fur Loss
Ur, Hysteria, and
By mall la plain s
bus. O our
bond to In days or refund
money paid. Address
by . L
A hog, ho
gross, bUck d,
round in taken up
with my alack.
notified to
and bog and
John ii r
Four north
Having duly
of M
t A. House, Sr.
given t ill per-
-ii- ii i to the i lo make
payment u the
persons the
the tame for payment
on or before the day of
or this i vi ill plead in I f
day of 1901.
D. a. Jr.
B. A. Hone, Sr.
Steamer leave
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York Ros-
and for all points for the Weal
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Ray Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N.
We nave
kind- and at i
, rap;
box I an
papers and tablets
i , .; X in
by one of
number as chairman and one
I as secretary, and proceed to erect
fences as are necessary to en-
close territory herein
described and erect such gated over
the highways as may be
That said
hold their until the
Monthly in January whim
their shall
and every two years
their shall appointed
by the Hoard of for
Pitt county.
Sir. Thai for Hie purpose
defraying of erecting;
i he Famous Parker Fountain gen
Dried Apples,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cake and Crackers,
. Rest Rutter, Stand-
territory and maintaining and. and Machines, and nil
keeping in good repair Repaired on Notice, other and
said fences and around said St MAI
L. H. Pender,
Fine, Tin Roofing,
Expert employed. All
kinds and Locksmith work
first class. He stocking of gaol a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
r 1175.-------
S. M.
Wholesale and
Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, C lion Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits,
Carriages, Parlor
Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail
Tobacco, Key West
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Milk,
Flour, anger, Coffee,
Lye, Manic Food, Matches, Oil,
Meal and Hulls, Gar
I forbid trespassing by say i-i any
manner whatsoever, by boating With sun
or dog St time, trapping,
rutting limber riding
or on loot, any other manner, on any
the following One tract known as
the farm in
It. It. Cotton,
inn on the south of Tar river.
One trail known a Hen
in Falkland township adjoin-
Mrs lbs
lying on the south side river.
will be prosecuted.
it. j.
invested in by a at
term I of Pitt Court, in the
S, I. K.
appears on in
the Clerk's of the Court
Judgment No. action
Docket No. pages and
As Trustee named there-
in. I Will public the
Court House door Greenville, on Mon-
day I he March 1901 the follow-
tract to one tract
of land, situated in the county of Pitt.
Chi, I, the lands of
James II. Mills, iv. I. Robert
Dixon and others the whereon
K. S. resides, on the
side of and
lbs land purchased I.
II A. needed to
said by his John .
fatten Ragging Ties always
on i
Fresh kept constantly ea
hand. produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market priced
paid for country produce.
den Oranges, Apples, Nuts, i land
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't tie Beat.
and Ion; the board of h and Balusters for
of Pitt county made to order.
a-e hereby directed;
to illy levy and collect an as-
upon all real estate lying
in -ail territory, not
cents mi every valuation
The said taxes shall lie
I levied and at same
I time Io the same manner and tin
j Hie same of law as
now or hereafter may exist, for
he lot and collect inn of Stale and
County when so collect
id shall in-
. i, who shall keep the
funds; g
Ins Hands and pay the same nut j Vegetables, Bread, Coffee and IN-
Upon an order of l he board of conn all for cents.
B. W.
Boa. I. Whenever it shall be Manager,
Are You Hungry
Satisfy Your Appetite at the
door lo
Oysters. Game, Anything Goad to Eat.
Regular Dinner from o. o-k
Cheap for cash. Com
see me.
mm XI
fever a bottle of
Tonio. It
No Trier
All for Tor Ute
year prior, and
with D. . or
s at old
or aback dire N t-
The One Day Cold Cure.
iii the t.-c K.
In page
mill O Oil. 8th
of Carolina,
in the Court.
Nannie Fleming,
by then Harrow.
W, Al-
w tad the
of Jr.,
in l T
W. S. Fleming a lunatic.
The ti of Jr.,
name r unknown and who arc
in will
notice tint a Special
s above, baa Men in the
In make partition
I i it law. And the said
, III further take that they arc
to ii ii the of the Haiti
K Court of c unity
n the tiny of
N and answer or
th- j in ac-
on. or apply Court
or the relief
Tali the 7th day of February
v o the
Also a nice Line of
re b.
The Eastern
D. J.
Something New Again.
for Shin Waists, all Shades. A line of
A Beautiful Line of
White Goods.
Negligee Shirts
for all Shades, Kinds
We Still Lead in and Quality. As to
Swiss, and Val Laces, we are head-
quarters. our show a look then give us a call
These Hems Arc for Ladles.
Anus may be lost sight of in the
for piling on sleeve
There's no limit to the clever
elicits one may have with
Up-to-date dressmakers use
velvet ribbons for anything from
outlining lace pat-
All-over shirred dresses as a rule
look better pictures than upon a
real women.
Lace collars bid fair to assume
cape-like proportions.
Tiny gift buttons perch
around threes, fours. lives and
in the most sociable
Don't despise the truck. You
may piece material underneath it
or you may use it to cover a hole.
Mr. Small's
Congressman John It. Small, of
this district, on
A bill lo prohibit the sale or
manufacture of distilled spirits,
, fermented liquors or wines, under
I the authority of United Stales.
States where same is pro-
I laws of said Stales.
lie it enacted by the Senate and
House of of the
United States of America Con
assembled, that persons,
under the authority of the United
States, shall sell distilled spirits
or fermented liquors, undefined by
law, or wines, any State or any
thereof, where sale
of distilled spirits, fermented
liquors or wines is by
laws of said State, no
license shall be issued by the
United States such sale;
and no person shall, under the
authority of the United States, be
license shall issue by United
Slates authorizing such
Princes skirts of
tucking are modish. Bat what ,,, ,.
looks like tucks ate really broad L g m
the m
thus supplied. This u
cut away from ,,, am, m
Heller keep one eye on the at-
tractive little
play an
in so many coats and bodies
opening at the neck V.
Scarf-like from a
finish knotted at the bust
line and from under the
big lace collar.
A sash falling from under an
abbreviated is at least not-
We are to lie allowed unlimited
Designs in black fine
chenille on white
Voting that Ink is
search of a good single word lo ex
pros advertised a Ken
lucky newspaper has coined the
term lo supply the deli-
If the suggestion should
be accepted by and
the would become
one of the most comprehensive
words in the English language;
in this age of enlightened
there is hardly a single
which is
kept before the public the
Everything that
mankind uses would come
Running a Store as Christ Would
Conduct It.
It. J. Norton, a grocer of Marion,
is running his store Christ
would run and bids fair to run
all his competitors
Alumnae History
The Alumnae Association of the
State Normal Col-
offers a prime of the
paper written by
a former student of the college
the following
I. The student must have spent
at least one year at the college
a. The paper must t real of some
phase of North Carolina history.
B. The must be j wile
typewritten, must contain M
more words, and must customers, displays the cost
lie sent to Miss Mary
Greensboro, N. April shows exactly what he
r v
Each writer must use a
de plume, her real name being
given in a separate sealed elope
which may be enclosed the
Competed judges will award
in after
of the originality, research,
literary merit by each
Atlas may have can ml
world bis hack, but he would
probably bulk at game of Car-1 the wolf from the door.
Nations. I Durham Sun.
making. He to
co, cigars or any preparations I hat
have cider, brandy liquor
in them. He carries on a soup
house for poor with his grocery
business, and sells all goods I here
at actual ltd.,
Too many earthly goods will
keep a person night think
about what to do with them
too little of them will keep
him awake thinking how lo keen
I Ii Will
I r Whirl. Hit- Dody la
We I we Too
Much ball.
The function of the taste
sustains a much
digest has been gen-
accorded lo It, says Ir.
Food to digested must lie
does not
of the
to it either mouth
or the stomach. The sense of taste
limy regarded as a of
It Is nu Important
of food that the sense of taste may
be and It may have
an Opportunity to exercise its
and controlling functions.
When one eaten a
amount of simple, wholesome food,
of Informs him -t the fact
by declining to receive a per-
rule for mastication would be to
chew each of food
is left a It la
to such a residue, as
ran have nutritive value. When
food Is taken In this way, the sense of
taste mi opportunity to say
before too much has been
wallowed and thus affords a perfect
means of adapting amount of food
taken to the needs of body.
A careful of
will also allow the sense of taste,
If allowed to act In a normal way, will
select those of which
body Is In great need. Tor example, if
the blood Is and needs
nu extra supply of food
there will be a craving for such foods
as nutS legumes and
milk or some oilier con-
A curious analogy to this function Is
found In some
which, as has been shown by recent
experiments, refuse to capture Insects
or pay attention to fragments of meat
placed within grasp except when
the sod upon winch grow is lack-
nitrogenous elements Hy sup-
plying n rich in nitrogen
these so
to be and behave
wholly Ilka plants. The same
principle applies in the use of fat
such as
oleaginous such as nuts and
cereals. The liter has frequently ob-
served thin patients a craving for
fats, which disappeared entirely after
the pal hut had made a gain of or
The was no doubt intended by
Creator to a perfect guide to
the quantity and Quality of food to be
taken not simply a means of
pleasure. it
been terribly debauched and pervert-
ed from Its normal function. Men
women treat the palate as the pianist
treats bis touching It
various ways simply for the purpose of
provoking pleasurable with
no regard possible
needs of the i r possible dam
age which may It caused. The sense
of thus x educated, be-
comes penciled, and Its indications
become confused. Abnormal cravings
are developed, which and
in the use of I wine
other Intoxicants, i pepper
other condiment of
salt, pickles at and savory dish-
es of forts, together
sweets, lees and tidbits of all kinds.
The sense of has been dethroned
from Its high position us governor of
nutrition and has coma to be merely
the servant of a capricious and
for an Illegitimate
n purely animal pleasure
This is gluttony, pure and and
Is the apt tutor and hail companion of
alcoholic Intemperance.
The free use of common salt must
likewise be placed among
dietetic errors. Professor of
Hast I. the leading physiological chem-
of the world, with many others, has
show u the so called necessity for
the alimentary use of wilt rests upon
a very uncertain and equivocal, if not
erroneous, basis that at most salt
can be without injury only In
very minute quantities. The quantity
designated by as
within the limits of P harmless
DOSI is grain-, a day, or prob-
ably less than one fourth of
usually consumed. free
use of salt bads o thirst copious
drinking in connection with meals.
chewing, tobacco chewing, the
use of tobacco any form, must h
condemned as harmful lo the digestion
through exhausting I he function of th
salivary glands, so that
ed to maintain constant activity the
saliva secreted by glands has very
little value as a digestive agent The
glands, as well as and
other parts of body, require rest
In which lo up the elements
for their proper
A curious official regulation demands
that all the old tin. of hoe
shall be burned every three
months, a government comes
round on a periodic inspection
and condemns holey h towels, etc.,
to a fiery fate.
We are still in the Hie nice after your
you the selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found store in Pitt County. Well choice
creations of tho of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage, Is our pleasure to show you a bat you want to
sell you if we can. We oiler you the best sen ire, polite
attention, and the most liberal consistent a well
established up strictly on it own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do see our immense Block before buying elsewhere.
us following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats Silks and Ureas
Jackets and Capes, Carpels, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's
Harness, Horse and Duster-.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee, Molasses, Lard,
Plows, Plow Sails and Hope.
Headquarters for and In line.
We buy strictly for Cash, bill sell for or Approved
Credit. Our is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
Jack, N. IS,
Dixon, of this place,
Washington a courting, trip.
We regret lo know that W. O.
While is very sick.
Mrs. Williams, of
Hoot, is v- i bar mother, Mrs.
Robert Dixon.
a number of our people
tended services at lied Hanks Sun
We had the unusual of
having J. W. in to
day. Jim is a dashing
look Out girls.
C. S. Dixon is quite sick I ;
Dixon went
to Hear Creek Sunday.
Fire At r-o
The low was
visited a lire Mon-
day morning. originated in
the old market house which was
unoccupied. The following
loss ti. A.
loss S. I.
loss Kirk
two vacant stores; It, I. Smith
I Co., lots Wm. Jones, bar,
loss post office and
it one vacant store;
belonging to A. r.
I sou Co., and Ii. and .
In New Quarters.
My customers can in a I me in
the store-formerly Mrs. A
opposite the Alfred store,
full and complete
Dry Goods and Notions.
Trimmed Hals, Sailor, Chiffons, Silks and Velvets of
all kinds. I will parry of line, of Millinery to
be foil n. Mrs. M. E. Cow ell will have charge of mil-
liner mid will in- glad lo have all her old friends and
Customers call In see her.
v School Specialist.
Iii i. I. W. Spill mull,
a r Is n Sunday ,
specialist. He i- Field
of the HI Con
Carolina, which
position he has held since April
1st, I SHU. He earn-
est, practical work
r, very as a Bible teach-
ill his is
Sunday School work of North Car-
occupies so n place, lie
has arranged to go on grand
which will extend from
in This begins
Richmond, Va.,
17th, and closes Kansas,
May nub. The tour will through
all Southern Western
State and Territories, fills lour
is made of
volition and is conducted
They are fortunate in
ill Mr. Spill mil for
tour. Sews
Tn Attack on the
Roberson. Several other build-
stables, barns,
; etc., a
number were damaged, among them
Miss Katie Tankard,
In stork. The whole Us is
Miss While had the op
of entertaining her y , ,,,,
on last Sunday eve. covered by Insurance.
sweet girl, though she is only
log size.
One our has four
strings lo her beau and de-
which one to pull.
aw I
Mm White returned
Sunday from Washington where
been visiting u, her would have
hue. man near
We were pleased to have Josh ,,,,., ,,.,,;, , hi ,,.,,.,
Mills, of In our midst ,,, licks.
seem to be demand in
New York city. The other day the
gave notice that
had eight to dispose for
which there Was a rush all being
taken but one colored
There wasn't enough to supply the
II arc for the
ii us
iii whole or in purl, h
spread over laud. An
completed shows
legislatures in en
are considering
of more or less measures,
eleven sillies have
laws mi their ks pro
he sale
weed, and U . . I
i ; adoption of
in hall II
Illinois, California,
Missouri, Kansas,
in, Minne Indiana,
Virginia, Dela
I ware,
he id arc.
Island, low II imp
shire, Mississippi,
in I
Am slates . Inn
mail and
to arouse lo
act loll
Maine. I lab, ton,
Sn far as known, but two
in I In C M log
particular lo sub
Forty or persons have been V and
summoned to appeal before Chicago Tribune,
lo answer
Au of
shows an Immense
credits are listed for
A veil's old ill
i- said lo have a pair of
;. . lie 1.111 see waler at
ill pill in Hie has
large number of wells,
each having an unfailing supply
of waler, on ranches m semi-
arid ion stale. Mis
hi much demand by
ranch men,
Mark Twain, m his
describes he discovered,
n he thought, a gold mine, which
proved of glitter-
mica, he
hen nice for nil nothing
glitters 1- gold, I hit I gold in its
live is dull,
luff, lowborn
metals excite of the
ii . like rest of
I still go underrating
men gold and glorifying men of
mica, nature
the Mate.
like their reading
mailer The New
England fancy
know where lo
ltd ii. Inn In
columns of their daily
weekly paper, is lo where
they in I In wants at
tin 1- This be-
ll . ii logical eon
the mall
w no-i due- mil appear in
advertising columns will
in the of
live Hy
in keep he
. ml he i-
for the
Phil I'll
The comb and
lire are a had combination. A
young woman meeting
South -ti
her hack near a e, w hen
comb she wore Ignited, set lire
I in Semite nu important
bill, repealing section of the
providing any
clerk of court, justice of
tin peace,
. . of any
SI tie inn town or
ii neglect or
ii-.- of the
of bis I'm default of
which 1- elsewhere provided
lie shall In- Indicted, said of-
ii . offending shall be of
in and shall be
found officer, bis
qualification, shall have
lo of the duties of
his said shall have
or bis oath
I of office ace In line intent
and hereof, such
shall be of a in
The bus shall lain I by re-
in then from sentence of
pen r, , . I as pal from
It was evidently also be lined or
raise I'm ham let aid, discretion of

Eastern reflector, 15 February 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 15, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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