Eastern reflector, 22 January 1901

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I am BOW offering; you one of m complete lines of
at very reasonable prices. My line of
is standard of any market are, fresh and cheap.
When you DOOM to town again give me a trial.
in n to lease,
las. B. White.
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is mail J all sizes
for home, arm, office and general use.
Every sale bill with guarantee to be lire
proof range from up.
Greenville, K.
As one of the depositories for Public School Books in
Pitt County. We handle the books d on the
List tor public schools can supply what-
ever you need. We also haw
slant and double ruled practice writing
tablets, fool's paper, pens, pencils, date-, it.-
crayons, colored crayons, inks boxes,
soapstone pencils cent. plain lead pencils l cent.
rubber tipped lead pencil l cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover cent, crayons, with metal hold-
in nice wood box S cent. pencil, slate pen-
and pen, and rule, all in nice wood box, r
cents A great big wide tablet B cents Bottle of best
ink on the market. cents. Copy books to in cents.
White crayons, gross In box, S Good fool's cap
paper per quire
For the Business Man.
carry a nice of -1 and -l.-rs.
long day books, journals, counter book
order books, draft and note k .
For S People
W have all kinds and box pa t ard an
s. visiting it-. all I
i In- Senate branch of the
passed s
Mil to Increase the Governor's
salary to We regret to
see that then was contention yes-
afternoon In the meeting
of special committee of the,
Homo on this subject. It had
been hoped that the of j
the Legislature would, in dealing
with this matter, rise above the,
plane of small politics and deal
North Carolinians.
another column of this paper is
copied from The Raleigh Post the
statement that the governorship
cost Mr. Can his
private means and has Judge
Russell Governor Jams I
had no family excepting his wife
and boarded at s Raleigh,
hotel, yet a friend of Mr.
soon after the expiration of this
gentleman's term of office, told
the writer that be had to borrow
money to pay his debts before
leaving Raleigh. We arc con
scion of the Indelicacy of printing
a statement of this kind, but it i-
about a public matter. We were
aware, before the The Post print
ed of the drain of the
governorship upon the private
fortunes of Mr. fair and Judge
ell. Judge Russell has this
wick given the a- lo
The cost if living increases con-
and every year the de-
upon tin- parse
North Carolina grow. The
of the continuance of his
will lie
lo shot the door of the executive
office ill of every poor
man and every man of moderate
for no man who has not
or to pay for the
honor can it. It would not
lie agreeable lo see a Governor
dodging collectors, or even
ling I hem when had bills
against him which he could not
The increase fixed by the Senate
little enough;
little. We cannot doubt
when bill gets out of the
House, will pass it no
grudgingly and without quibble
Charlotte Observer.
The Famous Parker Pen
Then- i- a Jew In the city
probably one lint has
ever b Been in Durham. His
name is Samuel and
be bulls from Africa.
speaks, it is said,
the pure Hebrew language and in
all including the Yiddish and
Patois of tin- can speak
ten I He Hint he is
religion, was that
religion from infancy, be
and In people have spoken
language for generation-,
lb- p
but en Ugh on
Jew says that
years he has been on a boat
ran from Liverpool to
Finally 1-ft the boat Norfolk
I to live in the
States. In Raleigh he received
aid and came on here, where be
It . help. He that
i i- going lo locate in
here he Intends lo lo work
live I he remainder of his life.
and mi among the He-
brew- of the city Her-
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
mill and smeller of the
I a Hold Extracting
Col., their for
an eight-hour day and
, i .
I iii a traveling
; . nil Ii i in Maiden bane,
N, . vita held in
hall, charge in a
by In
I building of Boston
Library, exceeded in
only College of Physicians
Surge I.-, and
the Nil-, York Ai of
A proposal Incorporate a fit j
I of the Island
1.1 -I made to
Ii , . on Charier
Haw Legislature. The
j -ill have an men
I square miles.
Don't pretend to be fond of books
unless yon are. Funny
from false
tense and false lovers have
too A Ionian
who suffer is de-
tested .
Don't Insist of your friend's
wealth or position, that cheapens
you. Glorify their ability, which
is to your credit.
Don't consider it smart lo lie
All men of brains de-
spite a-illy talker, and nice
men shun them.
like a
Many books are prosy, more stupid
and the rest At for convention
Don't be There are
mans kinds of queer creatures
upon the face earth, but the
most odious is a woman aping a
Don't undervalue politeness. H
has made a millionaire of a
person more than once, an-l It wins
Don't wait until your friends
are dead show you value their
talents. Do Hatter, praise.
snub or old persons.
To do so, is cowardly. Go out of
way to be kind to the help
Don't pet an one time
and abuse ii another. Animals
have long memories.
All I lip same Ibis
does not lo go Into details to
u l-.-i mistake you.
that i- egomania.
Don't he a poor of a great per
son. Be and try to become
The shortest sometimes
carry the most w.
It doesn't i a stingy person
tube a close
It doesn't t a generous man
to give himself away.
The bibulous undertaker never
drink to a health.
It's bad luck to break a mirror
especially if it doesn't belong ti
The chronic borrower usually
manages to keep in touch with the
Some people can't tell the truth
any more actor can tell hi.
real salary.
No. Maude, dear, a prize
that only lasts a doesn't re
quire tin seconds.
The boys who used to get Bibles
every Christmas haven't ail turned
out to be the en.
You can't tell low rich a man is
by the quality of thee cigars lie
gives away.
Lot- of people have more money
I brains, and not very much
money that.
Von can catch a cold now without
Leave out love and life would not
be living.
In pa. a compliment it i- not
. to take a receipt.
The dollar mark of mammon has
become Idol of the people
Scornful looks are the real eye
The for gold is
turns to stone the hearts of human
now they have discovered
mat -all will prolong lite. Lit us
all go into brine.
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
laws of nature, or
all gone, if so,
Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Norfolk, Va,
buyers and Brokers in
Stock. Cotton. Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
A COW will
unmarked, two
oW, been in my field four
notified to
for and pay i K and
of W. I.
X. ;. Jan. S
will be t the
r town
is, Mayor
i. C
w. win I ho
n n can
A with the l , I-
I'll. art
ii, .-I . v purr I y
never i hum con-
no Mil.
; .-r
mi. ,
L. Pender,
i N. C.
I-Inc. Tin Hoofing,
employed. All
and work
Re stocking of gnu
Agent for Tho Oliver Typewriter
mi B ST
and fever is a of
Tonic. It
quinine In n tasteless form
No Price
Notice given that
wilt be made to of
North Carolina lo prohibit the of
liquor two
near tin- town
N. C
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Hags.
Correspondence and shipments
with a good Mock of
O c
of meat, meal.
Hour, sugar, coffee,
cs. cigars
Snuff, and
anything found in
a grocery store. Thank-
you for your liberal
patronage in and
hoping by fair dealing to
merit your favors in the
future. I an
Arc You Hungry
Your Appetite at the
Next door to
Everything New and Clean.
Oysters, Gap-.-, Anything Good lo Eat.
Regular l .
Soup, kinds meat, kinds
Vegetables, Bread, Coffee and
sen, all for -.- cents,
r. W.
Wholesale retail
Healer. Cash paid for
Hides, fur, Cotton liar
Turkeys, Egg, etc, Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Bulls, Ba-
by Parlor
Suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes,
and Gail t
Heat Tobacco, Key West cheroots,
American Beauty Cigarettes, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apple-, Jelly, Milk,
Flour. Sugar, Coffee, Heat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Matches, Oil,
Meal and Hulls,
den Beads, Apples, Nut,
Candies, Dried Apples. Peaches,
Cm rent-, Glass
and China Male, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Hi -t Batter, Stand-
ard Sewing n c Ii i n cs , and nu
other goods. and
Cheap for cash.
to see me.
i in, Ono Day
I I COld .-i II till, at
. I-
Li c ii , i it a
at in u
i V.
Ar a
i v
Lt U
Ar S
and the hundred and one
ills caused by impure blood
or inactive liver, quickly yield
to the purifying and cleansing
properties contained in
It cures permanently by acting
naturally on all organs of the
body. As a blood-cleanser, flesh-
builder, and health-restorer, it
has no equal. Put us in Quart
Bottles, and sold at each.
Detroit, Mich.
Lint Train n;
ton n
s m, a
f-f in. leave
iii, arrive j m
p m,
B a m, Rod
a m, Hone Mills a m,
y Hope Mills n u,
lieu p m, W p n
with train
with Carolina
at I
Kith Air and
Railway at Gulf with tin- Durham
t Halifax p m.
s. pm. R
. a a, U am,
at u i rt m. Wt-Mun am. dally
Branch leave
a in an I m m,
a in leave i A
t. . ; i . am
it p m. IS
; i-i ; i. . rt
m u i v S in
Train . C hi
Sunday. A a a m. n
i a in. leave i
Kl a
a m. p in, arrive U
Iii a in. pm, II a m,
H'M-w II
II i, m. arrive at
u i p dally
Clinton except m I
pin. at am i ad
vi p in.
don all daily, ail
Pubs. Agent,
J. B. Manager.
T. M. Traffic Ma-
Take Um
Restore Vigor and
Core Impotency. Night
A nerve tonic and
blood builder.
pink -v to pale
cheek restores tin-
lip of Ii-
12.60. with our bankable if ran tee to
or refund the paid. Bead for circular
Bad copy of our bankable
I. i
Infinity. and the
. f . f or
By a
box. for our bankable
bond to cure In or
money paid. A i .
Si Jackson CHICAGO, ILL.
J L,
Iv virtue of in me
. in in a now
in I'm
A. Tyson,
n. J. I. Mills.
Hills and the other heirs
in, iv i February, 1801, U
before Court door in the
following described r
land, I, ii. That certain tract
the Moat T.
Jolly land, the home tract of Jesse A. Ty-
. scree
more or and bring the Identical eight
re of land Hint was conveyed by I,.
P. in Lydia James,
too daily at c A. M. fur Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally
If. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
and Saturdays
at i A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
York and
ton, and for all points for the West
Shippers should order freight
Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Hay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
JNO. SON, Apt.
Washington, K. .
Greenville, N.
Cotton Bagging and always
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices low as the
lowest. market prices
paid for country produce.
The Commoner
One Year Mouths
Three Sing. Copy So.
No I raveling can are em-
Weekly and
will be sent together
for or Tim Daily
and The
for payable in ad-
l. j
link of
The Eastern Reflector.
Have You Seen
That line of Laces,
Val, and Allover
Insertions to match anything. M-wt
All we ask is look. We know that
we cam please you. No
foods. Welcome. Yours to please.
Advice to Colored
N. C, Jan.
j News reached here of an out
B, P. W. Drew, pastor
St. Baptist Church, New l a
York city, and president of the Moody's
National Employment
Fleet Place, Brooklyn, was am.
N. Y., arrived in the city a
day and is engaged interesting Mrs. Brewer's
of all the Wilmington I rt William II.
white col- j a and farmer of
in a general meeting the Fa, Chatham
will he held either at St. Luke's or
St. Stephen's colored church
this city on Tuesday night,
county.- My informant says that
assault was made while Mrs.
j Brewer was walking alone to the
Close r, I ;
The young people get too close to
as they dance. It look
bad, and is very improper. Young
ladies should insist on
men supporting their arm at right
angles with shoulder, and not
rest it on the man's
It is all right to lie affection-
ate, lint the place for it is not
the ball room, it you want
young man to hug you have him
do it at borne and not a public
hull where every you.
Besides this, it is much more com-
to hold or gen-
at a distance. You can
dance easier, and mote graceful.
i Kan i Headlight.
Carolina Year
What the World Almanac is to
the United Stales, the Norm
Year Book is to North Cain
Una. It contains the name and
address of even public officer In
North Carolina j the name and ad-
dress of every lawyer, doctor,
preacher; the heads of all and
Ed Institutions; the or-
of all Internal and
r organizations; figures show-
the State, county and city
in a word, a mass of inter-
matter carefully collated
that is invaluable to those who
wish to know anything about
Price, postage
paid. cents, in board cover,
N. O.
J. B. Hi
are -iii i i i i the
We offer you selected
r i ill ; i ii
i m .
in-, L,
lure ii loll . lo
he Inn in public
On face measure
i light in i i- fraught
i i we
hope that for peace and
u be defeat.
cl. i i place the average
school i- not com-
i teach II Bible, if
. . . . i i ;. till
and i
bud ii i
lo Is
. I lo . .,
lure., fro u .
Two hundred bushels of
remove pounds
, soil. Unless this quantity
i; returned to the soil,
the following crop will
materially decrease.
kl about
c KM of
arc sen,
to be found iii any store in I'm County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the lies of America
and Europe. Seasonable all year Spring, Summer
Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual mid
vantage. our pleasure to show you list you and to in other will
sell yon if we can. you very service, polite d
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a n. i pub
established business built up strictly on its own merits. , ,
When you come you will not do yourself justice
if yon do not our stock
the lines of
Goods and Notions.
in the Interest of colored district
people contemplating removal to Silas u
the- North general and
York city in particular. ed identified as the man who
Drew sees an impending danger to emitted the deed. He caught .
the wholesale ,. secluded and over- The special
of people to the larger bar. A preliminary hear; the Slate Democratic Executive
and will lecture upon its to have held Committee, for that purpose, has
He has enlisted yesterday, but j Mil to govern primary
of a number of the r nm , I elections North and a
white ministers of the city they i of investigation. There was copy has been placed
of each member of General
Assembly. In view of the
with the Senatorial primary,
the bill is likely to cause consider-
able discussion. In considering
bill in this light it is well
enough to bear in mind that the
Senatorial contest was not a legal-
primary. It should be noted,
too, that the bill, us we understand
it, does not make the holding of
are expected to present
make a few remarks anent the sub
Editors c i Plum
The editors fared well at the
bands of the Senate. Mr. A.
London, editor of Chatham
Record, was elected pro
tern of the Senate; Mr. A. J. Max
well, editor of the
Anglo Saxon, chief clerk; Mr M.
L. editor of the
Hustler, Calendar clerk;
Mr. W alter L. who was
formerly connected with the
Post, Heading clerk, and Mr.
Yancey Kerr, editor of the
Democrat, Assistant Engrossing
clerk. That was doing the hand-
some thing by the quill-drivers.
News and Observer.
Not To Be Interfered With.
The most novel marriage record-
ed was that of a young
suitor in Lexington, Ky., who
when the wedding hour arrived,
found that while he was about
curing the his sweetheart
broke out smallpox. This
did not stop him. He secured a
preacher and two witnesses who
stood at the window on the outside
he took his place beside the
bride on the inside, the ceremony
being performed through an open
talk of
man, is a
of a Mrs. Brewer who was out-
raged murdered by a
near X about two
years ago. In that case
was lynched within hours after
the crime was committed.
Assaulted By a Negro.
Kan., January primary elections imperative, but
Miss Eva Both, a well-know provides for machinery
woman of this city, was holding primaries, so that i
the Printer His Dollar.
The printer's
A dollar here a
dollar there scattered over n inner
small towns, miles miles
apart. How shall they be gather-
ed in f home; want-
ed. Come in single die that we
may. send you forth to battle
for and vindicate our credit.
Header, are yen sure you have not
one of the printer's dollars stick-
the of your
I down and see If
we are
on south Broadway, a fashionable
residence street of this city, at
o'clock tonight by Fred Alexander
who had followed her for
twelve blocks.
Alexander was arrested shortly
after the and was taken
to the of the Chief of Police.
News of the attempted assault
spread rapidly, in a few mo-
the streets about the station
were filled with a mass of excited
to lynch
if he could be reached The
police, however, had placed him
a hack and taken him to the
Penitentiary at Lansing.
Miss recognized her as
and him to the
police. Alexander has been
ed by the police lately, as he is the
suspected murderer of Miss Pearl
Forbes, who was assaulted
killed November three blocks
west of scene of to night's at-
Tom Watson, of Georgia, is
thrifty. He isn't politics now,
but is working i i bis profession,
writing hooks, looking
his farms, of which he owns half a
down or more, in nil
about thousand acres, out
which he makes a year.
Sensible man to get out of Pop.
i Caps, Bilks and Satin-. Dress minings
Jackets and Tapes, Carpets, Mattings and Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness. Horse and Dusters,
Flour, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Lard, Scad Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow fixtures. and Bone.
Headquarters for Furniture unit in that line.
buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Hither Cash or on ed
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
We o
aid fin
i Catarrh
will be optional with the different
political parties whether or not
they will nominate their candidates
by the primary method. If a
primary is decided upon, then it
must be conducted in conformity
with the law upon the subject, if
the bill Sentinel.
Reflections a
umbrella was made of one
rib, like a woman, you would
be able to shut it up.
A woman never bears a new cute
baby story that she doesn't tell
afterward on her own child.
always jars it man terribly
when be wakes up after he has
dreamed that his wife got married
to another man.
if a man only mi she
wishes some one would teach him
bow to save money to a girl, she
gets a queer feeling where she
thinks her heart is
A woman who will admit I but
her husband is man who
ever proposed to her is as rare as
a man who will confess he
doesn't know lo play poker.
Happenings In North Carolina.
Charlotte is going to put up
8-story building.
A baud of alleged counterfeiters
was arrested near High Point.
Mrs. of Goldsboro,
wife of the late Chief Justice Fair-
cloth, has from her bus-
baud's will.
Spencer Blank
in making bis arrangements
lo go to Washington, turned over
his law to a lawyer.
A man under the Influence of
whiskey was the train
Lexington Monday. The last time
he was sober he was heard to
he hoped God would kill him if he
got drunk any more.
The Mount Roller Mills,
near High Point, were destroyed
by lire Wednesday night. The
mills had a capacity of
of a day.
The State charters the
Telephone and Telegraph
capital H, A.
London and others
This was the the
new Secretary of State, J. Bryan
a The who can't say any thing
good of his fellowmen that
A newspaper whose columns
overflow with ads of business men
has more at-
i up a city
or a town than any other agency
that be
T have a little religion, but no
politics. I am a plain business
general can light his battles
He must depend upon his
lieutenants, bis success de-
pends his ability to select the
man the right
How much am I worth Ask my
Most men too much.
Much of my success has been due
to keeping my mouth
young man, who Wants to
happily, should pick out u
good mother and marry one of her
daughters-any one
men are
There is no Mich thing a-
can do nothing with-
out brains to direct
is the country Of the
An American counts one
long before bis lime to
prerogative r and
Sunday school is hot
upon n union t and State.
The id. a i- a i
mischief. A w b
Read Tills.
Idleness i- the devil's n work-
shop, and especially is this true
boys. We e- feel for
box hi to work, even if be
to help make a tor
and family; but we do pit the
who has nothing to do, and whose
parents are to him
having to labor. The b who
work and get II I
dollar or even lei per week, i-
of industry. It i-
boys who begin
the life that come
successful men the i alien.
The who waits until be is
grown, or until he acquires an ed-
before he begins to labor
or learn a profession, is apt to
in life handicapped and
bis loss fortunate
competitor who started in ahead of
pay. a r in the
hue work for live
cents a week and a trade
with habits application bus-
lo do nothing and be
supported expense of bis
parents, boys, do something, he
lie lined by Hall's Ob-
I a r t
I . . O.
W .;. have known
. . for the his- year.-,
Hal lions
and , able Iii carry out
nude by their firm.
. . hole- de Drug-
I isl i, Toledo, O
. a Marvin,
ale Druggist, Toledo, O.
a i., Cure is taken in-
let ill-ell;, upon the
blood and nine his surfaces of
nice bottle.
iii Pill are the bes t
a Pool of -i Farmer,
Now this was u farmer,
lie to low n with a load of
line hog-land fell nice
price they sold for he led
upon cents worth of poor
key and fell oil hi- wagon us In
going home and broke bis neck,
This was bad him, bad his
family, bad for the parson bail
Ins funeral sermon and
bad for local editor who bad
w rile tin- Hire lingers
n or four era often
make bud work on the IS
. f ii things
I have been done in the face
i in- of To
Iii generals,
lei lo Alps was
From a
l Hi,, winning of
. Ire, a-impossible,
and so were the great
de, I- . I history thrill us
We it impossible to walk
tat i, on a rainy night
with -line-, yd many an
e has Mailed water and lain
d.- week- without
i it . cold. II our eating de-
parts n hair's breadth Iron the
routine we see nu hope of escaping
ill -pepsin other ills. We
were, some of us incredulous when
we Hull president
had proven his ability to live on
cents a day. tired
K i two years at of twenty-
seven cents u week. When
I'm in. mis crossing the
plains i- recorded bis bill of
fare many was
fried mule, deviled mule,
and bis
lieutenant lived for a whole arctic
Is and bad one
in ball a of
mi they came well in
All these tiling- were
lo the usually ac-
we a, I. so willed
i. ii real ones.
Well, this is tough
short half an- inch,
I've got go out and kill a man to
there is a knocker on the door, ed-
adversity. putting on
The Virginia-North
Norfolk, Jan. At a meeting
of North Carolina Virginia
baseball men held here to night, a
Virginia North Carolina League
formed. It includes
Danville, Norfolk,
Newport News, Hampton and
Too cannot be said In
probation of so much of Governor
inaugural address as re-
lated to the subject of public ed-
II he we ere
poor to do a great many other
worthy and almost necessary thing,
but is certain that we are Too
poor to stagger under two of the
burdens from which the state i-
sniveling. Our present mass of
and the general Condition
the public North Oar
quite too long at
foot of column of intelligence,
and the id bid road-
to who uses is too
great to be longer
One unique feature hi
gin ion was the uniform
of the outgoing and
coining Slate to each other.
Ill rode in Hie
same carriages, on inaugural
stand the old
their they acted
toward each other with the
and Mrs.
paid unlike l Courtesies
and Mis. k,
new occupants of the mansion
This Would not hue been so ii
workable If two
had been of same .
but ii ii notable, coming a- it due
the bench eon
tested in our
And ii Is gratifying,
lite a i r of or
i. . i . in North Carolina
as i n s re-
ion In Secretary
Untie. Among former past-
in ll-l we see the Hit
with a shortage of
o, Carroll, United
Stall marshal the eastern dis-
North is return-
ed is indebted to government
n I In -inn -I. I .-. and suit.
has iii a instituted lo recover that
I In book i- often a

Entered at M Pout Office at
Greenville. V.
If it took o many allies so lone
to make
treaty, ho will take
make live up to HI
Governor Russell will go
down history as the j
Govern-r- He made the rep
lion of turning more criminals out
of the penitentiary than any Gov-
the State has had.
I procured a license ii appropriations car
of and HI III far b allowed the Ship
staled subsidy bill to be voted upon j w,. Th, n.
that if he . dent the
than he depart, Senator t. the Snip
and his pleading, he was
bride You. , pi river, who were the ones aimed
appear lo be addicted to and jut by the threat, say they stand
has;. pa-Ming of the and
bu. Mia Orwell, detected that he bill M well as republic Sen
had been drinking when hour can, that no action to
for marriage end his
lo were
without B
young woman us
doubt the decision almost
crashed own heart, hut it
ward measure by the
Leans will their opposition
to the Ship bill
Secretary Root has
to furnish asked
A baud book, of
the Washington Post
almanac for 1901.
is indebted to the publishers
for a copy. Po a
newspaper, the almanac is up with
the times.
has burned a at a
Sow that the is be-
ginning that it has no ex-
acts cf savagery-
will it not stop its foolish
on cooperate with
this Dud
preventive crime that bring
A it has
been offered In lb home to
pone day until April
when the weather will
be less conducive to
amendments have been offered
every in the last century with-
out anything.
So Governor previously
in North Carolina
made a liner speech II. that de-
livered by Governor at his
on Tuesday. His
principal subjects were education
lair elections, and he showed
determination to fulfill his cam-
pledges along these
H for by a Congressional resolution.
s , I This time It is the of
better to sutler I . by
now to have her-j
self to a life of about which a of-
every had the moral by Representative De At-
by this one, and. of Mo. asked, that was re-
,, , , , fused, it was
a man
, inexpedient to make it public at
drinks, much v Mr
would be avoided. A woman House that he
dangerous when ; m the given
she places her life in the not making public
of drunkard. It would a
great for good it
young women would not
low men drink lo wait on
The work of the Senate was very
largely petitions and memorials.
James, of Pitt, who had
absent the first week, was
present and took the oath as Sena-
Some of the bills introduced
By To amend chapter
Acts 1899, la to the
enforcement of the separate coach
or railroad law.
By To revise the
laws of North Carolina.
By To prohibit the sale
By Providing for the
Indexing, etc., of the
Acts of
By To appropriate
for the maintenance
of the public schools of,
North Carolina.
Ricks Wilkinson
South Carolina has a law that
lakes countries where lynching
o liable for heavy damages.
The bus been lo the
crime Kansas,
Ohio, New York, Colorado,
slates ought to try this
method and see if they cannot put
an end to the disgraceful condition
of affairs that exist their
A correspondent
urge the Legislature to
levy a las on The
must want lo scare our
lawmakers out of a growth,
if there in anything n Mirth Cm
afraid the past, II is the dog.
The can almost anything
else, bill are afraid of the until who
owns a dog.
since ins inaugural. re-
of State Col. Bryan
has resigned at
and Col. John full
tin reed him. The will
will petition the Legislature n
charter giving the of the
Stale power to erect tobacco, col-
ton and fertilizer factories an
Wouldn't Marry II. n-
Because he drank because
-lie that on the morning of
the day upon which he to
her prospective groom was
ed in the station house as the re-
of drunkenness, Miss Maggie
Ormsby at No. street
U. V., Jan. 18th.
I. is understood that toe
steering committee has given
Senator one week within
which to pass Ship subsidy
bill. If not passed in that time it
la to be permanently sidetrack-
North Carolina, has no fear that a
appointed by him to West
Point suffer anything by
or tight lug. He said on the
bun hoping to
hear my cadet
ed reckon he's able lo
care of himself, and I reckon also
they will give him a side berth
He's one our North
rush on the and was
captain of Baseball team. Oh,
he's a He stands six
feel high. Weighs pounds,
and comes of good stock
The Domination son of
Justice of
lobe Attorney General of
lino has
vet by the Senate, At u sorrel
session Ibis week special
made to gel Senator
grew to withdraw bis objection to
action but be refused,
that he bail in . i u Mr
personal for the
position and no personal objection
to him; that his opp
was on higher
the of the
nation of a sou of a justice the
Supreme Court at lime to such
i , Sir. then
n few words the re
nominal ion a of
lobe major III I heal my,
jumping over the load, of I Is
lieutenants and ; also
the i, a s u ex
Harrison, because In-
had dared lo raise bis role In op-
position to tho policy.
Mr. -I no
charge the Supreme Court,
inn I the appointment
the wins of two of members
of to important position
under the administration at mis
i lure ail lira in Supreme
ii is to least, Indecent,
T. in this week came out
from under cover and appeared
before the Senate Committee on
which is I lie
bill reducing war that was
f as
of corporation 1st woo are
crying for the taking off of the
of cents upon of
mot value of Mild. Mr,
the in eases is more
than value of -leek.
-truck many as a poor argument,
inasmuch as stocks are s
at less it cents for each
I II 1.1.
j, Andrews and S.
went to last Tuesday on
was to
Wednesday a I lending court.
v. baa a
J. Co.
J. Rollins of Ibis
place have moved to
Her. W. Hose held service
in the Baptist church last Sunday
morning and night, large
gallons attending.
V. spent last Tuesday
night with J. Manning and
We are to sear the death
of Mr. Ashley House which
Julian Andrews, of Martin
has moved lo tills place,
B. W.
was on a visit.
B. came
Sunday lo attend services at
the Baptist church.
K. Mayo, of came
over Sunday his be.-t girl.
a. C. Jan. It.
facts for
Cost of kinds of per
Cost rail fence for years.
rails for yards or rails
per panel.
Splitting rails at
f timber at 91.50 per m. 1.20
Hauling and putting up rails 1.00
for years j
Total cost for years
Making total cost for rail
years 16.50 per yards to
say of the lose of land
of walling.
feet plank at II. per
hundred delivered
post at each, delivered 2.00
Hi nails at per m
Cost of making walling 1.00
In the House- the following were t
among bills
fees; Average cost of plank wall-
A For 1901.
Can we not serve you Banister's for
men, for ladies.
The cheapest, bill the goods will be kept at
our store. A complete stock of everything and we
want you to
Wire fence yards.
at per yard
of charters of incorporations; fixing
fees of at for
charter, and graduated up to
for charier,
Charter to he void unless receipt
for the fee appears on the charter. post at each
To Incorporate Apple staples at
Tree in county. Putting up
To authorize the Pen
to buy or build an
Your rail fence takes a large
fence row that Is worth something
To pension William year and your fence is subject
of Pill county. to be throw n down by stock, blown
To incorporate in storm, or burned when
High School in Pitt fire gets to it.
To incorporate Bank of Your plank is a strong
us on anything wanted in the dry goods line. No
trouble to show our merchandise. Every day we
are receiving new goods. A new line of Hamburg
and Laces. A new and complete line of men's,
and shoes. A new line of hats in
the latest shades and blocks An up-to-date line of
Clothing for men, youths, boys at prices to suit you
For anything kept in first class dry goods store.
Mt. Olive.
For graded school In
fence, but is subject to be burn-
ed and when your posts decay some
the force of wind against the
To prevent I will break the off before an-
and bad language on public rotten The wire fence is
N. C. Jan. 1901,
J. J. C.
went to Tuesday.
Mrs. Nannie of Kin
ton, win. has been plaiting her eon
J. P. returned home
lien, i, Gardner left for
a bus
lies- trip.
Patrick mid wife went t.
Monday returned
that evening.
The Merry go round man is here
making arrangements lo put ii
his bobby horses.
son has moved
down taken
house. It will Mt ill be called the
l house.
II. M. of Norfolk is here
Simmons, Co, of New
is I ere soliciting orders.
Joseph and
kins In Tuesday.
Mi- J. II. Gardner to
her Inn c at deli Monday, after
spending days
Mrs- J-
M, who has been
with Cycle Co., of New
re, is here- is the
yards and book keeper for the Not
mill at Ibis
M, went
at Beverly, w
. Church
The of newspaper
Using has been newly
where the
I. trustees
have cm tract for a hall
page advertising in
leading newspaper for Sat-
This half page is used to
I lie of the church,
e to I
, , ii. preacher h subject
belong lo what are
us and should u.; I. I
sold all.
I of I lie Ship subsidy
press bureau to have the and
next day, l II how to reach
I lie place describe
I in. church is
every Monday night,
lo Harbor bill held up the Senate
who had already until who are w
To make first Monday
of September to pro-
for a general stock law.
To protect
ties adjacent to State fauns.
The Senate was culled lo order
by Lieut,
A petition was presented from
citizens protesting ex-
tension of charter of the town
Among the new bills introduced
Morton to exempt train dis-
jury duly.
To create a State
text book commission, and secure
fur use in public schools uniform
Wilson county to is-
sue bonds lo improve county court
In House more committees
were announced. Representative
of Pitt, is a of
the on Institution for
Deaf and Dumb.
Among bills introduced
By An act to abolish
North Stale
nary Medical Association to
regulate the practice of veterinary
medical surgery the State of
North Carolina.
By An act to
land fowls
Mr. act to pro-
for entering payments of
i-a partition pro-
record by ks of the
Superior Courts.
Wright. An act to repeal chap-
of and
a law giving Superior
act to make tenant
guilty misdemeanor fur
fully abandoning falling to
lands for the crop he
fire storm proof and stock can-
not throw it down as they a
rail fence. The posts will
longer the storm bin no
power on wire, and will last lo
years instead of years with re-
pairing of posts.
This wire fencing can lie had by
applying to the Wire
much money has my
band in demanded o
man. tell you that,
replied man behind
the they told me
you were the snapped the
Jack, N. t. Jan.
Miss Dillie Dixon was happily
married to Mr. John e Williamson
Wednesday, January 2nd. Their
attendants were many. We
for I hem a bright and happy
i i and of
Conetoe were here one day last
Misses Annie and
returned from last Sun-
Henry Wynne and Walter Dix-
on came in from last
Miss Cooper, who has been visit-
the family of Robert
took her departure for Washing-
ton county on Monday.
The Misses Lancaster, who have
visiting here during the
days, left for Scot laud Neck last
Mr. B. A. House, Sr.,
familiarly known as Mr. Ashley
House, died Wednesday night at
the home of his sou, Mr. W. W.
House, near Bethel.
In the death of Mr. lions.- an-
other of Pitt county's landmarks
passes away. He was born Feb.
4th, making him nearly
years old at the his death.
He served gallantly through the
four years of the civil war,
lost his left leg in a just be-
fore the He came
home from the war maimed
heavily debt, but with three
to work and paid every
dollar that he owed, beside wiring
for his family.
Mr. House married three times,
bis last wife in Dec.
when a little daughter
he went lo with his
son, Mr. W. W. House. In
he suffered a stroke of paralysis
from which ho never recovered,
and was an invalid remainder
of his life.
He leaves live children, all of
whom are grown except the
daughter by hie last
Ii a .- in world la lb picture
lb kit, ii Hi ind
com record lac history. Not
bus a
III main, It-,
The beat Informed mm and I'm world II
Ind j
T arc In locality who hart lo
tram c Hi lo la every
City a In l country. We will pay liberally toe en-
. i .
of Income. Make a the Is
hire Review and
to. i; and working Then
to a pens
i r, . c are arc id. la Um active
He.; naming your reference,
a year,
REVIEW Ce- company.
IS Am. I
woman In the country
in about
who do know about It
wonder how they ever got
without ii It
birth for many a
It baa her
saved her much
It i- an
m -i in I with It therefore,
no of
are opt to do. It in to he
rubbed into the abdomen to
and -1 . ii the which
are to bear the strain
much pain. It
awl all Um
other of
have a
Mother's sever
an where baa
fatted to the
claimed for
A lady a
Ark . i. VI my
, an I was n ,
i v ,.,, i ,
f in ii
. a, on. i i.
in ii it- I no.
A. I.
There no safer refuge than
in the roof of a noble woman.
The man whom bin children
delight must lie as nearly right u
may be.
If we could tell how things
going to effect us that we pray for,
we would for not an-
our petitions.
To a who baa sinned I e-
pardon petty lying seems like
Borne persons think is
ways in tears, when in
The oyster Is a
are and yet It lb often engaged In
The editor of a paper
always manage to keep hi
wits about him.
Borne men expend more energy in
getting rid of money than they do
In earning It
A male hug, weighing HI
black and a bile spoiled, marked
round in Sir. up
I hereby to
and b. charges.
ml lee north
. .,
They are going at these prices.
Oil Colors in Solids
Hulls Plaid
Mills Sheeting 10-4
wide, Bleached and
Cheater Cotton Flannel
Bleached Cotton Flannel
Heavy red twilled Flannel all
wool, at
Heavy twilled Jeans
yard wide
yard wide
Fruit of the yard wide
yard wide
Arlington yard
wide all wool
Sicilian Suiting
inch i i
inch all w
Double width Cotton Plaids
piece i double
width kind.
piece Satiric good quality
Manhattan Jeans for
line of fast col-
ors yard wide
B. Corsets at X, 1.10
Towels at your price just a
few left.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
to remind yon that you owe
The for
and we request
yon to settle as early pas-
We need what YOU
owe us and hope yon will not
keep waiting for it.
This notice Is for those who
find the cross mark on their
seed at S. M.
all signs fail there will
be some spring weddings i this
neck of the woods.
we make another pull for
a cotton factory with better results
this year than last
Attention is called to notice
by B. J. Little warning
trespassing on his lauds.
D. D. Haskett agent for Rich-
Stove Co's. Stoves and Re-
pairs at King's Weekly office.
Mr. T. of Farmville,
tells that a few days ago he kill-
ed a that weighed pounds.
I can save you money on Cook
Stores. Give me your order. D.
D. Haskett at King's Weekly of-
Representative Nichols, of Pitt,
is of the on
Federal Relations in
doctors say there is much
sickness now, cases of
and grip being among
Repairs for the Stove
on hand or ordered at
short notice. D. D. Haskett at
King's Weekly office.
not get along without
is the way
have written while
making remittance for the paper.
That makes feel glad.
We are off after a lot of fine
horses and and have a
special talent our stables on Fri-
day and Saturday, 11th and 12th.
H. S. Salesman.
First Shad.
The first white shad of the sea-
was caught by the
river here today. Mr.
manager of the Carolina
bought the Reflect
First Snow
Roots of houses not
the well
covered with snow tide morning
now must lure fallen
the night, but the that
preceded caused moat It to
It the snow of the winter.
Dally Reflector, 18th.
The given in the opera
house, by R. club Jan.
1901, was a very enjoyable one
couples in attendance were as
with Miss Mary
A. L. Bowers with Miss Lillian
J. B. Cherry, Jr. with Miss
en Perkins.
. D. C. James with Miss
of Danville, Va.
T. J. Moore with Miss Irma
C. with Miss Lottie
R. C. White with Miss Mabel
J. H. Adams with Miss Sophia
C. Mayo with Mies Nannie
Charlie James with Miss Mary
Belle White, Greensboro.
Skinner, Burt
James, J. Ben Higgs, J. B. Jams,
B. B. Patrick J. I. Smith.
Mesdames R. J.
Cobb, M. H. and A, L.
The Hotel.
Wednesday Mr. B. F. Patrick
showed us through the new hotel
which Is now completion
and will be ready to open by Feb-
1st. The building Is beau-
finished Inside, and will be
well furnished. It has its own
electric light plant water
works. The hotel is a creditable
one to the town, Mr. Patrick
has done Greenville a great service
in building it. Mr. C. Vino
will conduct hotel.
More Cotton Less Tobacco.
Mr. J. of
Pitt, who been in Raleigh this
week, is quoted by u correspondent
as there will be a consider-
able Increase of cotton acreage
a e of tobacco acreage
Eastern North Carolina this year.
The reason assigned is any-
body while but
few are successful with
The pi ices of the two crops will
also have something to do with it.
is at
the way its patrons
paying up since the year came
In. But there are many yet who
are to us we would
an call from them.
H tea time that we
and at least what is already due
ought to be paid without further
I Some Speak to Me, Some to Yes
Jam i
Snow left this morning for
I Washington.
f Sallie left this morn
Mrs. R. R. Cotten left this morn
for Baltimore.
from Raleigh.
I. A. Sugg returned this morn-
from Kin-ion.
C. J. returned
from a trip to Georgia.
Mrs. R. J. Cobb went
Wednesday evening and returned
Judge Coble was well enough to
resume today, and the Mi-
is still progress.
Miss Minnie Quint is assisting
Register of Deeds T. R. Moore in
recording papers in his office.
Clark, Tarboro, spent
last here with J. B. Cherry,
Jr., and returned home this morn-
W. C. Dudley, of Washington,
spent last night here with his
brother, J. A. Dudley, and left
his morning.
Presiding Elder F. A. Bishop,
II. Eure and Brown
went to today to attend a
Missionary institute.
Misses Ruth Gold, of
Maggie Howard, of Conetoe, who
have visiting Mrs. D. E.
Home, left this morning.
G. M. Tucker returned to Nor-
folk today.
A. C. went to Rocky
Mount today.
J. J. went to
Thursday evening.
Lonnie Phelps returned to
this morning.
Mrs. Savage returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
Mrs. W. A. Bowen returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
W. J Rollins went to
Thursday evening and returned
this morning.
J. S. wife and son of
Newark, N. J. and Samuel Street,
of New York, are the guests of
J. T. Harris, of Weldon, who
has been here a few days helping
in express office, returned
home today.
Ed. II. in and little
daughter, Miss Mary, returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
Durham and Raleigh.
Jesse went up the road
this morning.
A. M. Perry went to Scotland
Neck this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dudley went
to A Mien Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. re-
turned from Friday even-
Mrs. W. M. King left this morn
to visit her daughter in Rocky
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown and
children went to Friday
Leslie Hell, has
Mrs. B, C. Williams, left
Friday evening for
M Ada of LaGrange,
arrived this morning to visit Misses
Helen Delia Forbes, In West
Well may the- good people of Greenville country
be proud of Big Store the wonderful bargains
that come from that it km. the third time tin- season
has the buyer been north, scouring the Sew York.
Philadelphia Markets snap; ed up nil the --Juicy
This arM leading fall shipment
of line Clothing for men and intended a
but which was I of the Hood. The re-
is. we can offer and boys high -st grade clothing just one-
half time clothier's price. They will be read; and placed on
the tables on
The fellow who swore off New
Year's day is now taking quinine
whiskey fur the grip.
End the Century Club.
On the first afternoon of New
Century the Club was most charm-
entertained at the hospitable
homo of Mrs. J. B. Cherry On--
to the absence of a number of
in hers there was no literary pro-
gramme but the time was pleasant-
discussing the
books current events of the
After which dainty refresh-
were served by the
The End of the Century Club was
by Mrs. at
her home Tuesday afternoon,
The time was spent
plans for the annual
reception to be held at the home of
Mrs. on January Then
elegant refreshments were served
and the guests departed with pleas-
ant memories of the
Wednesday Morn., D
Four Car Loads Merchandise Bought
Dark colors, double
breasted, wool cheviot, kind
1.23 kind now Boys wool
pants kind
1.50 kind now kind
now 2.98, 1.00 kind now
2.75 kind now 11.68, 1.60 kind
now About pairs left.
What has made our store such
a busy place I What we advertise
we do. The throngs that daily till
the store is the very e
Oat we rather understate
otherwise the remarkable value we
have to sell.
Our Store.
10.00 kind now
now Re, kind now
We, kind now
We leave it to if there is not a snap, or go, about , . . . .,,
business not perceptible in any other business in Greenville. It is n. SKIRTS.
secret. The dry goods and clothiers are sleeping, waiting kind now
for you In come and pay them their per cent, profit. Will yon kind BOW 1.87.
Or will you trade iii a live, hustling, progressive concern
is working like a Trojan and making your dollar buy two dollars
worth. We hare doubled business we are iii now kind now 2.00 kind
already, and now want to it. kind now
kind now 2.88.
Holiday Goods,
Greatest of All
Over cur loads of fancy goods suitable Christmas
entire store a big Bazaar. Everything can think Every price is so low that it es-
is right hero. And the a record for and is
e-v . .- the reach of
within three
hundred mile
3rd Northern Trip Successful.
7.50 kind now 1.98,12.50-kind
now 7.08,
All kinds and prices.
kind 11.82.
Kind now kind now
All styles, all prices.
and heavy Be.
to per yard on all line.
kind now Be,
yards lo select from.
Everything Imaginable Here. Our Big Store a growing plant,
every day. Truth telling and truth selling always go hand in hand here. Our sole aha
desire and ambition is for your interest. For you we work.
. t,
Big New Store.
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C

Attention Farmers
am new offering you one -f th m Hues l
pry coons, mm PACTS SHIRTS. MS
at very reasonable prices. My
i the of any market and
When you to town again m a Dial.
V i Shouts Know.
education says the
until yon he
rite a good, legible hand.
S., nil the knows ho
to use.
and write good English.
Write i good letter.
b I
la Transvaal.
knew -o many
had SOBS that I
mane m s manor l cave As my
expressed It,
always mi Then wore, however,
or Irish who car-
to verge of
who In kill-
nil ton untimely bad one
Her of rather small for lilt
Write a go- letter.
a column of figure ream, toad of wearing tap feasts halt
Make out an dinar account. s altogether one of
Deduct per cent front the
the beet In Booth
therefore the have seen
Get a good bale
I he Victor SAW is ill Ml
for home,
Every sale sol a to
range trow n
of it
Receipt It when paid.
lie mi ordinary receipt.
Write tor
i or report pub
Write an promissory
Beckon the or
Take it to proper la a
Lank to gel the
nil number of yard of oar-
pr-t required for
him hill n
while lie turned half In the
a with
s lie also
shoot like a line he
his horse v, as op. He wanted an-
other. I replied one
from the The next ha
went near their Tie
saw an . out
look lie the officer,
the orderly off, and Bobby,
waking op, th
it and and off. The
at him With their rifles then
with their Maxim, but Bobby
galloping back to oar
to In a hurry to get
I Bald.
goon i he hutching.
To those
in districts
arc keep the
in order and a
at absolute; cure
s k
torpid liver,
bilious diseases,
Liver Pi I is
Norfolk, Va.
Broken in
Grain and
ions. Private l Sew York,
Chicago and New
A nil with crooked
horns, about two
old, ins been In v HaM about four
Owner notified to call
same v for and
coal W. I.
N. Jan B
r Ho, kt Mo ml
I I i. I ,
cU Of
am I'M a
i M
f i- II 1.1
it a
e m
is; I
am r
S at st U
Lt Moat
la ac
i o r i
a m I'm
I as I u n m i. c i
i m it n i
a so u o.
N C.
, were after me
Make neat and comet entries .,; , , ,
day and ledger. I weekly.
Measure pile of in I
i One feature connection i
of bushel of with the
lions III Is the of the
workman for the Wood is
plentiful In country that In no
ease will the price for fuel exceed
mining may lie
on mi a low
rate. The that a Una
will, for n kopeck
niece, lay Ms loll hand, with
I on I with full
is Riv.-n that
will be mode to the of
North to the of
two of the Missionary
the town of Bethel,
This Jan MM.
ion V a m, e IS i
leave p
in your largest and it
value n i rent
Fell about the great
and of the
It lie can do all more, it
j. is
ti n enable him to
way world.
depositories I
We handle the I'm
one of
Pitt County.
Stale I isl public schools
ever yon need. We also have
slant and i
tablets, fool's h-h
crayons, colored crayons, inks
Unfair Rut.
The Ala., Age
Herald Ike
now pretty generally
Sen Hill, of New York,
Mil III in 1904, says
Mr. Mr. or who
over else holler must j case.
Ural demonstrate bis ability wear-
his o n Sue; any one of
ibis three must ran for
rain it.
n his make as out each
linger t tic for. but It Is
true that III pick timbering in
bad ground, In erecting log
cabins and all manner Of wood Joining
the equal of tho can-
y forbid the
i IS years of
or in-
of el
in i
conducted by ill
New with Iceland the
distinction aver other parts of the earth
in freedom from all of cattle
J. I. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton of
Bagging, Ties Ban,
Correspondence and shipments
com I
i., his State and
s , I- a logical
all is true,
are re-
to their ability carry
their own Ml ale-. this has not
always be. n the ease is not log-
l cent, plain l-ad i cent, was nominated
rubber tipped lead pencil I cent, n Hall was
pretty over cent, crayons, with metal hold-
in nice wood box B slate pen
and pen, nil in w box,
cents. A great big wide m-
A Our School
of l-st
ink on the market, A cents. ;
White crayons, gross in box, H chips Good
coins i
for the s Can
t i i i
We u lilt
day books, join
order books,
an I i
. i ml r b .
; e
S People
nave kinds and
i so s.
He i
I pi
The Famous Park-v Fountain
declaring that if he
were the nominee he would lone
I be vote f New York, when
the probably believed
ii. one the most promising
m ; p f is
Mi. nil Nobody
him to
but he could likely do
better is. carry
No. and other States which
Mi. ii lost Maryland,
but is doubtful if any
could mote
than lie in New York or any Mary
near reclaiming
ii did not do ibis ab-
is sine he
would. rule cot which
is neither fair not
ll tie, but us
may arise la Ohio, la-
or giving
hence the
far In advance,
, He may be any one of a
-i-iii possibilities, or Destiny may
pi ii R at unknown
ill u Wound In the
of the rubs at ill-
ran says the Philadelphia
Record, with SO
on a of r. When the b
Brat this scheme of
one stool was enough, as
the college stools multi-
plied, and lees IN four
Instruments of
are hi more or
in a room devoted exclusively to the
punishment of those who ha.- trans-
the rules. There is absolutely
to the
order to on n stool for
Any f
the bids would sooner Hike u
thrashing It. but
Hi.- has proved It
self an ii has
come to stay
icon n i
has i
O. I . .
I . I ., I
. ,. In
r i iii la
, I l
, i ; , II Hie
I ,
,.,., I
I ll I
I . I . . Will
. , . ,,.
. . nil
i . , i o Kl
with a good of
consisting of meat, meal,
Hour, sugar, coffee,
syrup, tobacco,
canned goods and
anything visually found
n grocery store. Thank-
you for your liberal
pain nape Hie past
hoping by fair dealing Io
your favors in the
future, I am
leave San lot
bed m.
i in. arrive
M p in,
i c m
am, a lie
V Mills U a
rive have,
in, HOPS Mill p n
i s; p in. b 1-1 p r
lb lib Si
and the hundred and one sin
ills caused by impure blood
or inactive liver, quickly yield
to the purifying and cleansing
properties contained in
It cures permanently by acting
naturally on all organs of the
body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh-
builder, and health-restorer, it
has no equal. Put us in Quart
Bottles, and sold at each.
Unroll. Mick.
Take nit st
mi i with l.
Air Line
la i m, a to.
riv-s, ,. . pm. N.
pm. T aft MB,
J am.
at am, ll u am.
k it m, I
a I
a. I k I. in. u m
and T r n. o i
. ii m. arrives
m returning;,
Sunday, tan a Sin
op am.
Train in Midland N
ft a m. u
a in,
a V a
M R j
Mount at am. a m, Hi
m. m pin, Hope II am.
p m. ll U a m. at Km
Mount U daily
Train leave ft
dally, Sunday.
at am
Ml p in.
Train J
don for all dally, all
U. M.
J. It. Manager.
T. M.
leave Washing-
ton daily A. M. for Green-
ville, Greenville dally 1-
M. fur
Strainer leaves
Fridays A. B.
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at m. freight only.
at Washington
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
Inn, for all points for the West
railroads at Norfolk.
should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Buy Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. V.
VT. for
of .-ti.
ml I . I lute
Pill, when are
I .,
i. i-on-
line- l
, . of
I, in c
By the power vested
n made in a Isl Hi no
in Court of I'm
A. Tyson,
I, Mills,
ml Hills the other law of
v. ill on
of February, expose t,
before the In the
loan of to tin highest bidder.
following piece or
That certain tract adjoining
A. Ty
son eight sere
more or leas and being tat Identical eight
tract of I.,
P. of
sale cash.
Restore and
Loss of
all r
. .
Ia tonic
11.-. pink k-l.-v to
i and
fin, of Hy moll
. DOM fat
with our to
or refund the r paid. Send Tor
i i . .
rare fur
Ci. I or St.
And it co-Ties to
The Reflector Office Can't lie Beat.
for I.- of
I, N. rum
Mill mi -r i.
, of or
, .,. t, i bankable
u veteran of civil ant, or
In CO.
Mr, ll
t nil, township, at S o'clock es
III-, was
tin in
the war, ago.
For Nil-
i I. t,
be made to
to the town of
baa hits
III Hie n
that, .
replied lbs T
and fever is ii of
Chill Tonic. It is simple
you were the
So jay.
L. ii. Pender,
N. C.
Tin Booting, Bo.
employed. All
kinds and locksmith work
class. He of guns a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
I forbid by my any
i, inner iv
dog time. and trapping,
n wood, over
I. any other manner. OB Say
following lead; trail knows
John Mini in Falkland town-
ship, It. It.
I Others
lying on loath of river.
line knows and Ben
in township
lying o i riv.-r.
will lie
The Commoner
Editor a
One Year l, Six Booths
Three Sing, t -V.
traveling are cm
ployed. taken
I The Semi-
Weakly and
will is- sent together
year or
one year for 13.00 in ad
Tho Ono Day Cold
For in h
ill. Oat
At e You Hungry
Satisfy Your Appetite at the
Next door to
New and Clean.
Oysters. Cd
Regular Dinner from o'clock
Soup, kinds
Vegetables, Bread, and
serf, all for cents.
IS. W.
Bagging and always
on has t
Fresh kept constantly en
baud. Country and
sold. A trial will convince you.
O. W.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in every de
in out and prices low as the
lowest, market prices
paid for country produce.
III i.-11
;. iii. Schultz,
unit Grocer and
Dealer. paid for
Bides, Fur, CottonSeed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, etc. Bed-
Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
Suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Bent Key West Cheroots,
Cherries, Teaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins, Glass I
and China Ware, Tin
Ware, Cakes Crackers, Mara
Bent Butter, Stand-
ard Bach i . and nu-
Quantity. for Come
to see me.
. I.
Also a nice Hardware.
for fr ad
The Eastern Reflector
t m
We sell the Celebrated
The only corset that will
break down sides. Our line of Bu-
Tables, and Wash Stand Covers is
and very cheap. Bee us for
allovers, val laces.
year were of
murders in the United Slates and yourself.
only hangings. Canada Of Never to
for the previous year there were yourself.
for Of a Not what he earns.
The population of this country is but he spends.
only thirteen times as large Of The art of for-
but the number of our
murders is times large. A
single one of our the i actual happiness
rank furnishes a larger criminal
list every year than the vast great
half of the continent to the north
of us. The Canadians have a right
to their boast that as compared
with us they are a remarkably law
abiding people.
This showing which is so
to the is part
U. v., Jan.
As the administration doesn't
wish tn take any more chances, the
conferees the part of the
on the Army bill, have orders to
agree to the bill as it passed the
Senate. II is expected to go to
Mr. a day or two,
and mouths are already watering
for the little
he will distribute under the
The Ship Subsidy bill h is been
patched up so as to placate
opposition, and it is
claimed that it will get the vote of
every republican if it gets
voted upon, ll is lobe consider-
ed in the Senate no
appropriation bills are bend,
for a time, but Senator re-
minded Senator that the
time would be limited when he
gave notice that Finance Com-
would, the present
week, report the revenue
bill. The prediction has
been made by a Senator that if the
Ship subsidy bill was not passed
before the redaction bill,
which will have the of way
got before the Senate, would not
pas all. he democratic Sen-
choose they can easily pie-
vent Ship subsidy bill getting
millionaire- Not what he to a vote, but they conclude
These Are th, i.
Never to forget
get ting actual
Of The habit of
but what he earns,
Not that it is per
feet, but that it always attracts.
it be good policy
allow republicans to pass it.
While p all the time
Of a good How much that he would be a candidate,
you enjoy talking to him. Senator is constantly busy
Of Not what it has not I wires lo bring about his
seen but what it has not touched, nomination for President, by the
Of Not how much you republicans in 1904. His latest
accounted for by the fact that feel but how you move in direction was Io make
Canada has no great cities j a bid for soldiers vole, by
crime and is inhabited; Of a Not how much he bis lo
by a homogeneous people know but how much he B. f the democratic lead-
of a conglomeration of races and j know. can help gel that
The French live mostly Not that he never they will certainly do so,
a single province; ideally, but that he never because of their that his
mild and easily depicts falsely. j by the republicans would
controlled; there has been little fine Not the harm, assure the elect of any
of the all he but the good
We are still in the forefront of the race after your
We offer yon the beat selected line of
kinds have Hooded this
and there is no race problem
as ours.
But, as stated this forget.
only in part for the astonishing
between the criminal re-
that he do. That under this
Of Not how is stronger than the Civil
you remember it, but how much service Law is nothing new, but a
disgraceful proof it has just been
Of the worst Lead- given by the appointment of Win.
a poor life what Hamlet, of who was
cords of the two countries. There practice. forced lo resign as a general
must be some other a weight- Of a woman's Not how Post Office Depart-
reason. This is doubt to I exclusively you of her when for having hired out. his gov-
found in the certainty prompt-1 Is there but how often you railroad pass, to be an ill-
with which Is think of her she is in the
Of Not what it does
ill but what it does to
meted out to offenders by Canadian
representatives of law order.
The guilty are not only not allowed
to escape, they are not allowed to
delay the processes of conviction
says the Chicago Times
Herald, Canadian
have the proceedings
t from month to month and
fr year to year or, after being
convicted, appeal from one court to
another until the witnesses die of
old age or opportunities
be found. Nor does this
method of floating with
wrong-doers in Canada leave the
unable to properly defend
themselves. They have all the
privileges opportunities that
our own laws extend to them. The
Intent to shield the guilty is lack-
Of the twenty-five indictments
for murder in only two were
left without final action, while el-
even of the indicted were hanged,
nine acquitted and three
insane. The same policy would
hang nearly of our
for the year instead of
only It be doubled
that the in our judicial
system, or rather lack of
the application of the system,
which permits so many
murderers to escape their just de
sorts, is the chief cause the
shocking record of growing crime
in Ga., Tel-
Words To Think Over.
To do God's work we must do it
His way.
The rays of happiness, like
of light, are colorless when
Too much sensibility
happiness; too much
There arc thousands of people
who live the cold, dark side of
life. What need is light
No matter what land
is, or under what sky, he
his eyes he
looks the bliss and
rest above.
More than half of the
of the world from a per-
verse unwillingness to look the
bright side so long as a dark side
be discovered.
The Christian who works as hard
as if everything depended him-
self and as unconcernedly us though
everything depended upon God,
has a perfect
The girl with the rainy day skirt
; ought not to have trouble in catch-
a can run after a
man so much better.
House. other words, a man
v, has shown his for a
under one of
the public service, has given
an equally responsible position in
another. The secret of Hamlet's
is his ability, or
ed ability, to control the
j voters of
A sensational scandal ill the
dead letter often of the Post or
lice Department, has resulted in
the dismissal of the Chief the
property division end three clerks
Under him, and will probably re-
in the entire
of the dead letter The
clerks dismissed were guilty of COD
to get valuable properly
nominal prices, by menus of
bidding certain packages,
properly described
of the annual dead letter auction
sale. One of made a
cornered with a lot of
the improperly packages
his possession, and uncovered
the conspiracy.
Ignorance Is
With yellow fever lurking in the
bite of the dangerous
microbes clinging to almost every
thing with which we come in .
tact, the average man faces death
a times a day would
have been much happier if he had
never of such
is, if he believes
General Merchandise
to be found la any store in Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the beat manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, spring. Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you you want and to
sell you if we We offer you the very best service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strict, its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
us the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats Caps, Silks and Satins, Dies.-.
Jackets and I apes, Carpets, Battings and Oil Cloths.
Is Dancing a Fancy.
One of the well known ballet
. trainers of the discussing
the subject one I last week
pie will not dance all with
in a very few Von see,
dancing is not to be distort-
ed as n now i. one
most be graceful, to dance
after the ballroom
one I lie very angular.
Iii the i nothing
to dance. People longer
and when they do they do
nut waltz it is a kind of I.
ward whirling around, with no I Every cotton planter should
opportunity or design for a grace- write for illustrated
i c
, is sent fr. e.
I'm movement.
past has been taken from it to
please hopper, who would
fer to whirl on one toe,
I with no though I of dancing. Bow
can expect u would be
I any different with this two-step
I till even head No one
. s., K. V.
We i One Hundred Dollars
Reward for nay case of Catarrh
that not be cured by Hall's
Women's and Children's
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour. Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Bead ts,
Plows, Castings Plow Fixtures, Nails and Hope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in line.
We buy Strictly for Cash, but sell for Either or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
1.1. 6.00.
I think to dance well when all Co., Prop. Toledo O.
be dances from one mouth's cad lo We the undersigned,
another Is step. There i- for the last US years,
nothing graceful that. and Perfectly honor-
,, ,. . in ail
can't get any kind o training out , , , . ,,, ,, ,
B and I . aide In Carry out
no Did you any obligations made by their Arm.
ever analyze West S Wholesale Drug-
The began to dance, turn gists, Toledo, O.
from the evolutions Marvin,
Druggist, Toledo, O.
Catarrh Cure Is taken In-
acting directly upon the
In and in a
system, per bottle.
Sold nil
Hall's PUb, are the best
fashioned to the waits and
the two step. With hi- bands on
hi- hip- lie glided back forth,
all the
yon see foolish it
he said. you sec
is nothing to this wonderful two-
step One doesn't have to I
-just take so many glides, turn,
. . . desiring i in having
glide again again turn. When-.,.,. . . .
a your
Every man, woman and child in
country c this if be
wanted to Oar only good
is they do not want
what difference does it
make that the two-stop is, as yon
say, a any one can do Does
a thing need to be difficult in or-
to be popular some one ask-
young people of Jersey city,
siring i Inn
enough money, b re entered
t, , was duly
I drawn up before a Justice of the
weekly to the
raising fund I If in
two years the sum shall not have
been completed the idea of mar-
is to be forever abandoned.
It is provided that the woman is to
contribute week and the man
may is not because his
incidental expenses will be greater
I than those of the woman during
the two years, because he is
only a week while she
l i.
We have long considered that if
If yon want stoves or ranges constructed upon
scientific principles which are economical, durable,
and convenient, as well as beautiful and artistic, look
for the
mark, which is shown upon every genuine
or Range, and do not be deceived
by worthless Imitations and substitutes.
lead all others ill yearly sales popularity,
is secret of the whole
have to ill,.;.
No In
living creature can dance,
a if do tiny ought not to,
for is a bad thing for our pro-
I see what so-
master- live on with this
kind of thing going on, and you v should adopt the plan of
know they do protest. Tin, tried
. some way out of the N tax the great
last W
Chronicle would themselves,
I experience us
I in view, but,
Stamp Tines. ,,,, ,,, , ,.,,,. , ,
almost as indifferent the blacks.
ill can, the thanks of do , however, that
the general public by re-
pealing war revenue act
a stump tax.
Taxes collected stamps
small nil are at the
would never impose them
under war or
Nearly three have
passed since Congress
the raising of revenue by the small
-lamp tax. ll is a lax which the
everyday citizen We It staled that there were
loss of time and a about five divorces
it be so in Virginia. We
believe that If the poll tax were re-
quired to be paid twelve months in
of the election great
lardy of white men would protect
their while the great
body of would de-
I voices la Carolina-
Sold Exclusively by
that make coal of I he stamp
-light in
comparison with tin- total
receipts, proceeds
of the stamp tax hardly worth
considering. -in ill -lamp
enough to justify the
in. ii I the tax-
payers.-- Si.
Mi. Ola Forbes
led in Carolina dining
pa-i Iii- a
fact. The Legislature can per
form a great public duty by enact-
ii l. a a a. -ii logo ii divorce law.
evils incident to divorces are
i. and when the marriage tie is
regarded as permanent bind-
effect it will lose much of the
should attend it,
and the home, head
of society, and
will threaten
N. C.
friends who arc visiting him, Mesa. led. too easily ob-
s. Tho marriage union
Br. Jr., killed as
broken. Mar.
I ridges a hunt took
day. Thai a line
They are all
hunters arc good shots.
pi I he only creed
is of greed.
i I

Eastern reflector, 22 January 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 22, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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