Eastern reflector, 27 November 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I am now offering one of most complete of
at very reasonable prices. My line of
is the standard of any market are and cheap.
When yon none to town again give ma a trial.
unto please,
Jas. White.
Means 1-1 Cent per pound more
We established one of the equipped
to be found in Eastern Carolina solicit ginning.
We torn out best cotton you can gel anywhere but our charge arc
o higher than others.
green hooker,
N. C.
N. C ,
offers stock of
General Merchandises
purchases. I at all
lull line oft Hood. Shoes, Groceries.
Tobacco, Hardware, Farm Implements, in fuel anything
you want about y. household . farm can
Bottom Prices,
I buy and VI Kinds of
b prices I r name. I wail your pat-
and .- right every you coins ,,.
Our I urn tilled
simplicity in home
would make our lives
write in a plea tor
the exercise of better taste in turn-
bating Oar homes, iii the November
Home Many
omen would live fuller
would have
As it is. hundreds women of all
position in life are today the
slaves of their home what
have crowded late
Comfort la essential to our
we should
slop. Then e the safe
Hut we get on the
line when we go beyond. Not one-
tenth of the that we think
lore essential to our happiest living
are really In fact, e should
bean happier and health-1
tor people if the nine tenths were
taken out of our lives It is
how we do with-
out, and thousand times the
better it. And it doesn't re-
quite much to test this of
Wisdom. need only to lie
natural; lo hack to our real,
inner selves. we are simple.
ll is because we c got away
from the simple and the natural
thin of our homes are
they are, and our
lives full of little are
not worth the while. We have
bent the knee lo display.
and we have lowered ourselves in
doing surrounded ourselves
with the trivial and the
and tilling our lives with poison
of artificiality and the unnatural.
we have pushed the
the the Beautiful
the lust and most lasting things
out of our
Save Your Money.
toe will save
many in bills
of the stomach, liver or
No Reckless Assertion
or headache, dyspepsia,
malaria, constipation
a million people endorse
New Home j Atlantic coast line
A theatrical lawsuit is e
of show
Why. Willie, what an- you
crying naked Willie's
uncle, howled
Willie; sister's got mumps,
an couch
all at t ain't gt .
with most people
is want lo cross Hie
bridge In-fore I hey to
says the Philosopher,
-bill that are not ready to
cross it when the time
Sewing Machines
If yon need a sec me
at II Hooker's store, or write me
J. c. LABOR,
Hi.- Court Clerk
a. Will m,
W. K.
MUM i. lo HI persons
to MUM to make pay.
MM M the
bl M mu
SUM payment on or More
. or tin.
ill of recovery.
Tins of
A A.
of n.
Ar II. k,
L Rocky
U w
Ar .,
; s
am m a a
m am
M I- M u p
T I ll S
IS s
get a good Safe
She Victor safe U made in all sizes
for home, office and general use.
Every sale will n guarantee to be Are
Prices from up.
The R Almanac
Whatever may be said of tin
scientific causes upon which the
Rev. Ill R. Hick- bases his yearly
of storm and weather,
is a remarkable fact that
warnings of every storm,
Mood, cold nave and have
been plainly printed in his now
famous Almanac for many years.
The latest proof of this
was the destruction
ton, Texas, on very day named
by Prof, his Alma-
as one of disaster by storm
along the coasts. The
Almanac, by for the
complete and beautiful yet
is now ready. This remark
able book of near two bundled
pages, illustrated with
chart-, and
goes as a premium to every
who pays one dollar a year
for Prof, Hick-- journal. Work
and Works. The Almanac alone
is -cut for only or.
limn Word and Works Pub-
Company, Locust
Street, St. Louis, Mo.
S. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Dealer. paid for
Hides. Km. Gotten Seed. Oil Bar-
Turkeys. etc. Red-
steads. Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
Suits, Table-. Lounges, Safes, P.
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty
lied Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
I Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
, Flour. Sugar, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents. Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Choose, Rest Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for Come
b see me.
M Stiff
hi i-
of Mrs. N. K.
a sums and
will sue
on of ,
J. Wilson, In
hi county the u-
i at tie, Ron, Fanning
May, Wagons,
W. M. of
, , It- i.
At Mini- I will ml to
the fr
I. H BOO and Teal
, , , , . W. M,
for banal law of a j.
I , v.
Si Si-
a a
g to
i a i m
Restore Vitality, Manhood
Cory Ls of Mm
nil wasting
all of or
A tonic
of youth.
. mail
-w -.- . . o u.,. fr
with our lo
or the s
copy of our bond.
Mid out my
fix mid good will, u,
Wilkinson, and mum lo
mg against
due are
lo in. I will for all owing
to mm- forward
This Nov. ISM.
M. we Will
Hicks A Wilkinson to
carry on l
mom. will
n His. and
it rs. u will as f
and Hi public gnu-rally.
J. A. III. KS,
mm f.-r Is, of Power,
i or
of or
By mall in plain a
I .
bond to In days or
money paid. m
Clinton Jackson Sta.
for sale by J I.
or ens Board i ,,
Tin- following is a of
of tin- Board of Com.
for Tin number of diva
r attended, somber of
nulls amounts allowed for
or it.
All II.
For as at -J.
for id M go,
tor miles .
o I Mil MUM
Main learn
ton IS OS p m
p m, Alt
p Morning, Inane Sanford
p in, arrive p m liar
M p m, arrives
u in
leaves Den.
a in. Maxton a m,
Mills a
p m, Hope Mills IS p n
n m. Maxton IS p n
IS p m
at with train
It Maxton with Carolina
Springs at
Line Southern
Railway at with and
M it p m.
SI I p x
I a m m.
and , . Sunday
Train leaves Tarboro dally except
leave. Ply.
Sunday. T Man. and Bin
am. arrives to so, m
frail Midland N C l
a a a m. n
Train on leave
a m. ,. m. II.
II am. .-a
Ham V, With
catarrh end neuralgia.
condition; every day be
M to that I never be a
I would
one. I
taken many other of medicine.
am. daily
A In
Famous CM
and for chills and
fever and all malarial and troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber Co.,
N. c.
one o the dormitories for Public Books in
Pit County. handle the books designated on the
and supply what
you need. We also have
double ruled practice writing
tool pap ;,.
crayons, inks boxes,
When a young man lo
walls In- to met-i with
time Is not my
marked the clerk at be
n watch,
Von can't a mag who
hat that crime is not n
tin- Increase,
Tin- higher a man climbs up
ladder of the harder his fall
it comes,
I ho at
borrow you borrow a
people apparently talk m
won't have listen to
other people.
A girl can easily make a goose
of herself by talking her
swan neck,
wouldn't rather have
a dog than a family tree Isn't
never seems to name
growled the Chronic look-
I've been laying money
for a rainy and it I
rained for a
The man who views the mistakes
a magnifying
glass can't see hi own with a
The eyes he the mirrors of
soul, Inn what is more
tall a girl whether or not her hat is
on straight.
O W.
For IT Coin,
For U y 10.00,
IS s .
t ,.,
Bout II loam. dally
Train on leaves Tor
Train a el
II. M.
T. SI.
My res leave Washing-
Ion daily A. If. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
and Saturdays
at A. M, carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
per Cures Chills and
Malaria, Night and
grippe. Money back if it doesn't.
No other as good. Get the kind
With the Red Cross on the label.
Sold and by
Bryan Ernul, druggists.
Something New and Fresh to Eat.
Wheat, Meal. Cracker Meal. Hominy
in.-i.--i trade Mason
l,. Data
a ,. canned
i nave ever
J. S.
Do know
We sell cheap
Dry Notions,
Trunks, Ac, from
Our Cash store. No
or Cleat nice
i an . i.
For as D l-j ii
Total o
I'm r-r. I
It Con.
tit do
lost the is true
as doth in my of.
under my band, the seal of
Board of in In
ibis of
Board Com. for Pitt
and for-
bidden i hunt with or without
In any other way upon the
Iamb, of the Town,
tin- north aide of Creek
. J. u. Lima,
flu wife and Miss Little
J. ff. CO.,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and handlers of
Hanging, mid Bags.
and shipments
day the
I k or the Court of Pitt
as Administrator or I lie estate of Henry
ii hereby given lo
all holding said ea-
lo them to me for payment
i on or before the
lay of March, 1901, this notice will be
bar of recovery. All
to u, to nuke
to rat
This Die day of September 1900.
of Henry
Cotton Bagging and lies always
on him i
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will you.
D. W.
Whichard, C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices us low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
Stocks. Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to York
Chicago and New
All pan lo us are
they moat
come forward settle before
of January.
W. Lee lo
n-want any MB
with They , purely
fall lo at v.- lion iv .,
i ,,. II, K
J I aW.
go See
At the old Marcel I Moore store,
on Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Canned floods,
Fruits, in fact everything
to found an up to date
pay the highest
prices fur all kinds of
Country Produce,
either in oath or in barter. When
you want to sell or you
want to buy come to see
To all who favor us with their
patronage promise entire sat
at Five Points.
------DEALER IN------
I -Mm
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
The On Day Cold Our.
s Ai ran u
j as cry
The Eastern Reflector.
Will Bern Fair QuIlT
We sec from the
Unit the fair of last week,
while successful to exhibits,
races, etc., did not meet
as to attendance and did not
make any money.
We copy follows from The
the is not a
maker, and if those who
give their time, efforts and
backing to the fair, arc lo
Hod a non-appreciative attendance,
there is nothing to warrant them
in further risking their money, be
sides throwing valuable time,
keeping up these annual fairs.
fair has served
its purpose exploiting the
did resources of Eastern Carolina,
has been always an educator lo
the farmer and a source
of profitable
is BOW lime for those who
have labored so long success- a republic.,,, majority,
fully to both consider their own , partisanship or no partisan-
Interests, to judge whether or ship, this contest business has be-
come a and costly abuse,
which costs the contestant
The Contest Abuse.
The probabilities are that
will have a pretty big batch con-
tests for scats in the next House of
Representatives, the contestant lie
lag la nearly every if not every
case a republican Most of these
will, as usual come from South,
instituted by who were beaten
and felt pretty sure Would be
beaten when they entered the race.
They have been encouraged in this
by the course pursued by the
House on elections,
which generally Hints every
text for reporting favor of
seating republican contestants,
by shameless way
which the majority votes ac-
with these reports,
the face of the evidence
and facts and in opposition to
all and honesty. That
was the case several times in this
Congress, and has been the case
nearly very Congress In which
not a business proposition the
New fair has not fully served
its time.
it has, everything should
be considered with care, then it is
not good these
the people paying bill in
the allowances made to defray ex-
This encourages men who
have really no ground on which lo
annual fairs, and some new method ,, to
of promoting the business but to do at
of this section should be sought of the
and put into , , Washington, hang
The Free Press is to gee sights,
time, and then pocket money
enough out of the Treasury to
reimburse them for money
spent. If these allowances were
cut off we would have very
contests, and this scandalous abuse
would be at an
learn that fair is a
success. It has certainly bean
of great benefit to Eastern Carolina
showing to world the extent
and variety of its products and re-
Among the reasons for the at-
not being up to
were a circus in Greenville,
etc., superior court
it is possible that
coming so soon after the election
kept some from becoming
enough to attend. Besides
there were two exhibitions this
We hope that enterprising
business men of New Bern will
allow fair to stop for lack of
The Free Pi voices the
above. We certainly hope the
fair will not be .-topped. More
Greenville people attend the New
Bern fair every year go from
bore to all other fairs combined.
The lair helps New Bern and East-
Carolina and should have such
help as will keep it
Small to be
abolishment of
fourth-class and star
route postal service will be
mended by Postmaster General
Smith report to Con-
He will urge the rural free
delivery throughout
and that -1,
be appropriated for the
maintenance of the service.
Mr. Smith will point out his
government will be
a gainer by the general
of the rural service.
Each star route contractor now re-
from to a year
for delivering the mail from
railway station to some
class Each fourth class
postmaster also receives per
cent, of his sale of postage stamps.
rural free delivery carriers re-
a year salary and have
to furnish their own horse and
Special to
Philadelphia Record.
Somebody is making money out
of railroads Texas. The last
fiscal year ending Juno
paid ill damages
The canvass of the vote of the
State as Lo two of the candidates for
Messrs. Overman
and Price, was completed
day, was ascertained at
the natal Mr. Bryan, as
represented by Mr. Overman, re-
voles, and Mr.
as represented by Mr.
In 1800 Mr. Bryan re-
received in North Carolina
votes, and
Bryan's majority Mr.
Bryan has ibis year a majority of
in excess of of four years
ago. His vote this year is
less than was in and
less than it was
years, ago. Bryan received
this year more votes than
received in and
than received
in August, while re-
this year more votes by
than Adams received at the
August election.
vote in the senatorial
and is report-
Simmons Carr
The aggregate votes for
dates for the Senate, is
Which less than Mr.
vole, these figures are
which assume they are
not, since it has bean generally
that the aggregate vote
for Senator exceeded that for the
Democratic presidential tickets.
Charlotte Observer.
We are still la the forefront of the race after your
oiler you best selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found in any store in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all year round. Spring, Bummer
and Winter. arc work for yours and our mutual ad-
Vantage, la our pleasure to show you you want and to
sell you if we can. offer you very best service, polite
attention, and most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you conic to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do see our immense Stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats and Cops, Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpels, Matting and Oil
Men's, Woman's and Children's Shoes.
Blankets and Dusters.
Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Scad t.-.
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Mil- ii ii nun Grievance
the man.
Will Still Remain Party of
the Plain People.
Those who eagerly assume from
the late elections that Demo-
party is weak are making a
grievous mistake. It has survived
the loss of its greatest leaders,
from Jefferson to and it
will survive the defeat of Bryan, j
It has encountered opposition
Whigs, Be-
it will still
the party of the plain people, do-
battle against all comers for
equal rights and constitutional
government. United under
leadership upon the restored
platform, as it will be,
indestructible Democratic
party will resume it long record
of political victories over all ale
Hints on Eating.
Rapid eating is slow
Plenty time should be taken.
I should be of
summer than in winter.
gratification of the
is very likely to shorten life.
It is good to dine when a
slate of mental or physical weak-
Two pounds of potatoes contain
as much nutriment as thirteen
pounds of turnips.
Light soups, light desserts,
light meals should have
in warm weather.
Fish and arc easily
An hour or two rest
should be taken after the meal.
Abuse of the stomach dinner
will be paid sooner or later by that
punishment which comes to
Vegetables and fruit are to lie
used most at that season
of the year which they naturally
There are two classes of people
we want to get away from and one
of them is the man with a
Oh, how
weary the man the grievance
can make the person to whom he
insists in telling his grievance.
The fellow with grievance
wants you to neglect your own
business, lay everything
attend to this little trouble. The
j man with the grievance certainly
is a pest and, like the poor he is
always with us. The tired man is
another fellow who has more ways
lo communicate his tiredness than
you can enumerate. If the tired
man is a minister he goes around
among his Hock with a sigh that
would make a pair of bellow.
turn green with tells
and especially
the how he is wearing
how he is spending
sleepless nights and toilsome days
literally giving bis life to his
work. If the tired is a
he makes his patients
by telling them how long
line been since be had a whole
sleep. If the man
works an he blows about
he is tied to his desk works
without rest from today's
cud, bill no matter what business or
the tired man is in he
never gets so completely fagged
out that he docs not ban- breath
enough left to make bis hearers
weary with his little bale of woe.
Don't have a grievance and it you
get tired keep your mouth shut
Headquarters for Furniture and everything line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
Factory u an in
Social Life.
Under above hand, Lit-
Digest recently reproduced
some portions of a paper read by
Hon. Carroll D. Wright, chief
government bureau of statistics,
before the New England Cotton
Mr. Wright protests vigorously
the idea current in places,
that factory creates ignorance,
vice and low He
Indeed lives
are leas f among the factory
population than among any other
class in tin- as
by many and
The fuel on. to this
authority, has always been a civil-
The following quotation from his
paper regarding the factory in the
south is interesting, lie says;
The establishment textile
factor em-
of a body of native
those born and bred in the
popularly Known as the
poor whiles, who. up to the time
Of the erection cotton factories
bad livid a precarious existence.
Today these people are furnishing
the textile factories with a class
operatives not surpassed in any
part of country. The poor
whiles arc able lo educate
their children, to bring up
a way was never possible
lo before and thus arc grad-
with more or
becoming a valuable
in southern population.
experience in the south is
simply of other localities. The
factory means education,
and an Intellectually
Impossible without
a City I
Toledo, us i n
Frank J. makes oath
he i- the senior partner of
of F. J. Co., doing
business in City of Toledo,
and Mate aforesaid, and
said firm will pa the sum of
one hundred dollars for each and
e case of i cannot
lie by use f Hall's Ca-
Care. J.
Sworn to before me and
ed in my presence, this nth day
of December, A. D. 1880.
A. W.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is in-
acts directly on
blood and mucous surfaces
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Props.,
Sold by Druggists,
Family Pills are the best.
If yon wain stoves or ranges constructed upon
scientific principles which are economical, durable,
and convenient, as well as beautiful artistic, look
for the
The novels of today seem to
either historical or hysterical.
A gentleman from Franklin
county sonic of leading
merchants there have recently
made careful Inquiries of farmers
as to whether they have during
past five years, made more money
out of cotton or tobacco, and
the farmers said cotton had proved
the more profitable crop. Some of
them say think the time is
coming when tobacco crop will
practically laid Hal
correspondent Charlotte Ob-
mark, which Is shown every
Stove or Range, and do be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitutes.
lead all others in yearly sales and popularity,
Sold Exclusively by
Durham, N. Nov.
day morning dead Si-
las Turner, a while man. was found
on the form of Q. P. Collins.
adjoining neat
James Turner, only
brother of deceased was. the
Mr. Tinner went off hunting last
morning. He did not
return that and it was
thought he had gone to his
brother's homo several miles
So uneasiness was fell
until his brother was
with Friday was found
that bad not been to his homo.
A search was instituted once
which was renewed
morning. o'clock
brother the body in a piece
of woods, near the old Ike Stray-
horn mill sit--.
shot off. A
load of shot bud entered the Iron
of his neck, out
back of his neck. A large hole
was made by shot and the head
was hanging the on
bone in his neck
been curried by shot.
I i n mystery about he
was killed, thinking ii
accidental and others he
committed suicide. The position
of sun and seems lo
cute that he killed
The deceased was a son of
late Turner and a brother
Mrs. Newman, wife of William
Newman, merchant, Hillsboro. He
ii another sister who lives in
the and one brother,
James Turner, who found body
yesterday. The deceased lived
with Mrs. Newman.
If be committed mo-
eon be assigned for the deed.
The United States Supreme
Court gave a eye to
American Tobacco Company by a
decision in which the Tennessee
anti-cigarette law Is held to be con
A year or so ago the Legislature
of Tennessee passed an act
of cigarettes in that
Tobacco Trust at once
pronounced the low
and promptly proceeded to dis-
regard it, whereupon one of
agents was indicted. The case
went to the
Hindi held law
on the-ground that it was
a police regulation for
of a The Trust
pealed to i in- Supreme of
States, and now that
says Tennessee court was
correct in construction of the
decision will likely serious-
business of Amer-
Tobacco Company the
South. The sale of its goods will
not only be stopped in Tennessee,
other Stales will no doubt enact
similar legislation. Raleigh News
Why They Advertise.
The most retail
in Central Iowa is E. I.
Tide, who has been Interviewed
at length for Ink. As
of long experience that
merchant Advertising is
an and rests with
the advertisers whether it shall
pay, have tried about all ways
of and find the news-
paper lo be far best and the
cheapest when returns are con-
The big merchants in
cities arc everlastingly advertising
not from love of the newspaper
publishers, because it brings
To succeed, merchant in
this is bound to advertise
i In- newspapers unceasingly.
There is
There is nothing like a good
laugh, but there should be
moderation even hilarity. Mrs.
Sharp, of New York, paid
penally for forgetting this when
she laughed so hard she dis-
located under jaw and it look
doctors a couple of to
prize ii bat k into place.
and night Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic at per
Pleasant to lake. Money
refunded if fails. Restores up-
de. purifies tin- blood and makes
you well. None other as good.
Sold guaranteed at the drug
stores of Bryan,
Some that pay
u go, but when register
at a hotel with baggage
have to pay cone.
office over While
Fleming store.

D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
Entered at the Post at
Greenville, N. C, us Second Class
Mail Matter.
II is day the
nut tell of
skipping a W Pile
the banks funds.
Cleveland received
vote for President in North. Caro-
at the late election,
in Wilson county,
man some admirers yet.
A destructive swept
over the State of
day night, killing people and
injuring a hundred more. The
property damage is large. The
What is popularly the
Twentieth Century Thank-offering
Movement was the Concept of
a distinguished layman, the Hon.
W an able and
an influential of the
House of Commons. The idea
was that of a new
was a lilting
and a grateful
offering to Almighty God for
past. The thought was at
seized upon by I he
Methodist church became so
popular that it was quickly caught
op by other member of the same
household, today
It WAS j. Stirling I he heart and quicken-
The old the zeal of world- Ida Method-
ism. ions her demons rations
have l-o adapted Some similar
plan to endow educational
lions under their can .
The amounts proposed as a
thank offering by tome of the lead
lag denominations of Methodism
are as Methodist
Many Contemplated for
the New Year
If all that is on streets
lie true, the new the new
will ushered in with
main bu in
ville. There are always some
about Hie a
new year, but this time the
is much larger usual
Here are the ones that are being
talked so
J. ft Son will
their mercantile business.
move their
hardware business to the Forbes
by J. C. Cobb
A Son.
There to a doubt that
the next Legislature will be asked
to give Greenville the opportunity
voting on the of
bonds for the of
water works, electric lights, better
streets and other Improvements,
and Tub predicts
the voting time on this
comes ii Is going to be tarried
,. large majority.
western pot of the State pal, twenty million
British live million,
south, one
million hundred thousand
dollars, Canadian Methodist one
million dollars. The campaign t .
raise this vast sum of money be-
more than a j ear ago. and at
the last report, Oct. the
Episcopal church hail secured
about ten million dollars, the lint-
four million, the
Methodist Episcopal, south, one
million two hundred thousand,
the Canadian Methodist nearly
One million dollars. The approach
Thanksgiving Day will be
The Western North Carolina
I is in session at G
these planter has grown so great
that it is to begin
work on fat ahead of the sea-
son in order to supply the public.
The manufacturers of this planter
have dealings with many large
wholesale houses in this other
A. Andrews will retire from I States, who buy on a large scale,
the mercantile business. ; This early these are
will move to the making preparation to furnish their
K, V, C. Nov. M.
The A. Cox Mfg. Co., ore
preparing for the
the well far famed Cox
Cotton Planter.
Hi majority over
in this State, the recent election,
was Four years ago hi
majority was
The Governor has appointed It.
he demand l- of Greensboro, as At-
General to the unexpired
term of Z. V. Walser, resigned.
store now occupied by A. Au-
Zeno Moore
custom and arc making application
far advance so as to have no
move trouble. While the sales were
to the store now occupied by J. S. much greater hist ever
before, the indications are that the
The bar will vacate the looming will put the owners
corner of the Brady building and to a severe test to meet the demand-
J. A. Brady v ill Hut They anticipate selling one-half if
twice as more as last
Smith will move to the year factory is doing a rush-
store now occupied by J. A. Brady business on a solid basis. No
K. h. Clark will close his bar advertising tis to sell
room and move back to layette this planter, for it is an
ville- that ii is the best plan-
ts. K. Patrick will withdraw South of
from the of Patrick Green accord.
and Brown will become Our friend Smith came
successor. the street Thursday morning
Tall will change their j with the biggest chew tobacco
business. A. II Taft hiving
gaged with a New York
Mr. Will S. Greer, a clever com-
tourist for a carriage
supply house, who makes
visits to where
he has many friends, sends us a
clipping from the Denver News,
a Ki in paper, giving an ac-
count of the burning of a at
the stake in Colorado. Mr. Greer
says the paper not a sin-
word of reproach. Suppose ii
had happened North
what a Its the truth, re-
publican papers of the north
west are quick to when-
ever a is lynched for the
the south,
but when such occur their part
of the country they haven't a word
to say In denunciation. Kinston
Free Press.
will move
The Companion's So-
The new volume of the Youth's
Companion for 1901 will mark the
in his mouth, to be sure, and was paper's seventy-fifth year of
all over himself. in-
quiring what it was that pleased years, during which it has had the
Mis. M. A.
her millinery business to him so well, and why he was spit approval of three of
General baa I widely utilized to bring the fund ville, Mr. having ex- ting and chewing so excitedly, he of readers. The constant aim of
. that on up to the proposed amounts. This changed his property on Informed us of the advent of a j The Companion is to carry the
he will retire Is to devoted to with the heirs the kite I at his house, and says reading that shall helpful
cut's Cabinet work the John King they owned. a fine boy only weighs as well
We couldn't sec any shall contribute to the pure hap-
tuna .;
action et is purely for bus-
So all
will not remain with
him .- t
the that he has
requested to dos i.
A horrible crime was committed
night in Mecklenburg
church. In this State
may lined their contributions to the telegraph the family. Strong
be given either to express office will ,. last the that every reader
versify, Trinity College, Littleton moved up to new quarters the day of meeting the A. A K. gained to a friend won, the pub-
Female College, or the Methodist building opposite the post- Sewell a very
Orphanage. The services to be
held at the Methodist on
Thanksgiving Light i be the
interest of this Twentieth
The Greenville public is
cordially invited to join in this
miles from Charlotte last Thanksgiving service of the
Two old w. aged Century. Envelopes will be
This is quite a list
a niece, Miss it.
aged about US, lived by
Tin y were both i
in their kit-hen and their
building bin u down on
cremating bodies, ll had
ii m said old women had
.--. j hi I the house it
I . e I the murder was
ll . .
i ring
mini i
Mr. father of the
I Pia iii
nit i. h . .
b in s, i- in .
and will one of
c inn g
Ii . lit if
shortly call meeting, which
will pi , j
Greensboro Danville. Western
co Join
pare I for and
, direct
to be applied according to
hi- own
a people, have occasion
rejoicing and generous
thanksgiving. This Century with
an baud has poured upon
ii- the blessings of Heaven. We
arc of all the
We are facing a great future
and for ii.
things tot God.
Expect gnat things from
-I . N. I .
there be yet others to an-
before the new year cornea.
prominent lawyer offer to send The Companion
Democratic member elect remaining weeks of
the next Assembly those who subscribe now
Moore county, who was on a for the new volume for 1901, There
to friends here. We Mr not be an issue from BOW
a very pleasant and until will not be crowded
gent gentlemen, and what we ad good stories articles of
mire as well, a staunch and loyal interest awl value.
moo. democrat, would be pleased Explorers, Sailors. Trap-
The stores of C. see him again. Indian lighters,
and J E. farrow William son of Self-Made Men and
Co. were broken into Tuesday Mr. Alfred died men Many besides
night. clothing, etc., were yesterday morning from typhoid most popular writers of fiction,
taken. Borne the clothes were fever. will write for The Companion not
found at Gardner's brick B. F. Tyson and W. II. white during the re
yard. Mr. W. spent a short while weeks of this year,
phoned fur to bring his new subscriber will also re-
hounds at Mr. came on A great people went Companion's new
mail train get Falkland yesterday to at- for
the thief. It was thought lend the inquest over the remains in colors.
Mi. be was the same of Mi. O. W. Clark who was shot the
one that had been breaking in at Constable Joe. last for 1901 will be free
the Cross and other places Tuesday evening. Mr. Clark be-, with
Greenville. The thief left his death lived only a
The attention of the Greenville
Chapter of the Daughters of the
Confederacy has been called to
article from Greenville to
New York Times and copied
in Literary of Nov.
10th. This and other letters
the South, protest
against the article in the New York
Sun declaring to be a traitor
against the Suites govern-
therefore of a
niche in the Hall of Fame, have
been a hearty vote of thanks
by the Greenville Chapter, and we
doubt not by every intelligent and
honorable patriot in the land.
Dad it been possible to arraign
for treason, after be had sent
in his resignation to Gen. Scott as
the U. S. A., the word
is well assure; that at the close
the war the North did not love
one whit too well to have tried
the experiment and awarded,
the fate of a traitor Instead of
this, when the cause for which he
fought sustained, finally
his unstained sword
rendered to Grant, the conquering
himself entitled to all
the privileges of a capitulating
chief of equally acknowledged
loved and honored save by a few
hostile fanatics, to the laud be
loved so well to be an example to
coming generations as the bead of
her highest educational
That Lee has u world wide fame
even the New York Sun does not
deny. His greatness the
session of all
He could make illustrations sun-
dry individuals who are to be there
by causing the seeker for general
information as he gazed at the
familiar statue Lee to ask what
several of figures about him
whose names they had never heard
before could have done to deserve
such illustrious companionship,
the New York Tribune to the con-
notwithstanding with its
statement that school boy
above the primary grade should
identify each and tell its
title to
the Daughters of the Con-
we would thank
whom identify as a gal-
the S. A., for
his just, patriotic able article
Every woman loves Io think the
lime when a soil body, all her
own, will in her bosom, fully
satisfying- the which lies In
the every w
yet there is a black cloud
pretty picture to her mind
which Mis her with terror. The
dread of childbirth takes away much
of Joy of motherhood. And yet
need not be so. For sometime there
has upon the market, well-known
and by physicians, a
Mower's mend
which makes childbirth as simple and
easy as Intended It. It Is a
strengthening, penetrating liniment,
which the akin readily absorbs. It
gives the and vigor,
prevents sore breasts, morning sick-
And the loss of the figure.
An in Pa.,
a W I ii, Mother's Friend
Sain, .-,. bonus II had
lo pay as per
C. t Friend at the
store. SI per kettle.
The Clark inquest.
Coroner finished
the inquest over the body of
Clark Friday evening.
The verdict of the jury was that
W. Clark came to his death
from shock caused by a gun shot
wound Tuesday night by
Joe Constable, the
discharge of his, duties as
The evidence introduced at the
inquest showed that Constable
had a warrant for the
arrest of Clark, who bad resisted
arrest all day. That evening the
summoned assistance and
rent to hunt for Clark. They
followed him finally found
him tin- farm. Clark
was armed, continuing to re-
arrest the shot him in
the upper part of the thigh. Clark
died Thursday evening.
crowd to preaching
. Sunday.
II. in to
Mi-s Lucy passed through
evening for
HI mi's Creek where she will
ii a public school.
I. II. White. Miss Annie White,
old clothes and put on new ones
out out at the brick yard.
identified the old vest
the thief bail left as being the one
to match the pants and coat that
, he had found in his trunk hereto-
from here, and his slid-
dead is very much
our people.
Hon. Johnson Nichols spent last
A. C Cox is still paying the
highest cash prices for cotton
Gardner has returned from seed.
Norfolk where he
attended the
burial of his
James will be
pastoral Bethel the next year for
Misses Lillian Taylor
C. lira i ell, John T.
II. Hat lie, II. i a others
tiled of it i
nit the Pt of furl
i ii -ii ; h ,;,
Station ;
Cos in d Joe Haddock returned spent
In ; i last from the New
I. II. White Jr., came in
iv from i his
with Miss
W W. Thomas spout
in Tarboro on business.
Misses Lizzie and Blanche Mayo
pent Saturday and Sunday with
People who have a curiosity lo
know what it is to the hand
of taxation on them ought to move
to Greater York and Require
something taxable. The estimate
of the cost of
for the next year is over
is so near
that it is not worth while
to talk about the
which is equal lo per
head of population. When it is
remembered that to the
out by the State
I Treasury a few days ago, the whole
iron . ,, . .
, tax collected by
l the
never heard a
selling a railroad
lug machine, .- w
R Mount, the i. i- of
evening from Greenville to i.-it family near Conk- has been
will be
Not Intended Miss
The suggestion offered a few days
ago the Central Telephone of-
lice might help the service by at-
tending more promptly calls,
stems to been misconstrued
by some lo have been intended for
Miss Julia the day
then. Nothing was
mind at the time
suggestion. I Inn
Word against her service, but
numerous complaints
I against the management of the ex
Hit barrel factory began work Change, as the subscribers, and
were here among them
People are getting
by bis best girl, was also their cabbages.
A . School Term.
The educational condition
i m ill not be
until the general Is longer.
The m n of a
county In which I school term
embraces more thin four
In the j cannot
ed good In i, -ii, v. ii,,.
fl N will ill
in O n rial
junta Man h Hilt ml bat i
so the i .
longer terms, The that
to many
m stem i ml and
Christian Advocate.
along with hi- escort.
Josh Mills and Johnnie
were midst Sun-
e Miss I. icy White i- oil the
sit k list again.
. I evening to see bis
I girl I i .
W. Corey is
spend the holidays.
oven tho-. i with the ex
ready for change, o aware. As the
exchange had nude a com
Bethel to subscribers
through j ii day before,
I thou lit ii most opportune time
to silt I hat there were two sides
A St
to the I
Will Observe
We have not heard the matter
discussed any, but the custom of
Closing the business houses in
Greenville on advertising The
j become so Tim id; lo this often asked
ran feels safe In ii, --Watch the
ii, he closed next the man who
ii- on will tell yon
And we our people will tie at pays. Do you want
orphans Then try
M usual. of advertising. Keep
The trees have shed nearly j. before the people
their there is i mighty What a time will and will meet with
I be weather does I results I
the gut Miss
State of North Carolina during the
last fiscal year for all State
pose was less than
when these figures arc compared
with those it will be seen
that while we think down licit-
that we know something about tax
The population of the State of
York as officially announced
is as against. 5,997,85.1
1800, This is an increase of
or 111.0 percent. The pop-
in 1880 was
in; reuse of or
per cent, from 1880 to
iN. Y.,
man her husband to bring her Some of the smaller South
a sack of flour and to be sure not Una and eastern North
to come back without it. It took leaf markets hove already closed
him a long time to get it for he the season. This is a little earlier
came only a few days ago,; than and indicates a small
but he brought the flour with 1900 j Tobacco
hi in.
A New Venture.
Dry Goods and
Clothing Business.
Basra, Hi
will take
that an hi- In Sn-
o -.-, in n in I . i.
u- i- I i in- r in
I ii the
I nil . I . I,, Hi-.
II, I In-
Tin . Court
on tin Monthly in December
r i-ii in- to tin- of
will emoted, a of
do not without
for have had many years of
We make this venture in the mercantile
ii i with hope, experience
nation. We will search the very best
marKets of the world for our goods, and will
make the and quality second to none.
Having bought the entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions,
i hit in H-- II. M. which we will offer now and on
For Greatly Reduced Prices
Hoping to lie favored with your most liberal patronage, we remain
Yours for business.
u i; IV
is where-
ever you meet him. He is
in fall, we
take considerable of the credit for
this condition of affairs. Ask the
man if we are not to this honor.
Never before the history
of this establishment have we carried a complete assortment of
The Thing.
as we have fall. Our customers tell us and they
are certainly competent to judge. We have everything
that is the rage in New York, and a visit to our
will give you a complete knowledge of all that is
and in the fashionable world. In to
our prices We know that you will not utter a word of
complaint. Drop in when you have a little time, we
want to see you.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in tho of this paper it
so to remind you that yon owe
Eastern for
subscription and we
you to as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
There is money eggs now, for
the people whose hens lay them.
The warehouses arc having
heavy tobacco sales this week.
The market sold near-
worth of tobacco Fri-
New floods, Figs, Raisins,
Nuts, Citron, Mince Meat, Pork
Sausage at S. M. Schultz.
Never fail to read the advertise-
in THE There
is always them of in-
to purchasers.
Car load of fine horses and mules
just received by Greenville Livery
Company, Fifth and
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church had a pleasant entertain-
in the opera house Friday
night and realized about net.
The cake walk by the children
was an feature.
We hope every one who receives
a statement of his indebtedness
subscription to Tin-;
or sees a cross mark on bis
Blur, will respond promptly and
us have the amount due.
Mr. V. H. Mahler, of tho of
H. Mahler's Sons, Raleigh, N. C.,
leading jewelers id Stale, will
be Greenville Iron Nov. 29th to
Dec. 1st, with his full com-
line of jewelry and holiday
goods. Don't fail to sec him.
J. A. Ricks C. L.
son, tho new who have
II. M. have some-
thing to say to Reflector readers
today of their venture. These
young possess the
for business that will win
success for them. They invite
your patronage.
Parties me will pleas-,
pay at once. I will be New
York next and can set-
with D. W. or my
store while I am gone.
O. M. Tuck eh.
Another Trade Deal.
The editor of a Kansas paper the
day was blessed with a baby
boy. A little sister, alter
the baby, went to her father
and get him on
advertising, too, papa
We that citizens of
Farmville a volunteer
Arc company Thursday night. They
contemplate erecting a large water
tank near the center the
portion of the town so as to
have water convenient
against lire.
Mr. William aged
years, son of Mr. Alfred
died at o'clock this morn-
at bis home near
of typhoid He had
been sick about three weeks.
The burial will take place
day afternoon at
Reflector, 23rd.
Bird at Each.
A calculation has been made by
some of the bird men which shows
that, taking into account the hotel
bills, livery bills other
every bird killed in this
by Trial Club costs
will give an idea of the
amount of money left in the county
by. visiting
Honor Roll.
Of the primary department of
the public school for
first quarter ending Nov. 1800.
Nannie Bowling, Howling,
Grace Smith, Essie Whichard,
Mary Lucy Estelle
Greene, Oscar Inez Pitt-
man, Irene Hardison, Frank
Check, Cheek, Mable
Williams, Daley
Rev. F. H. Harding went to
Washington today to visit bis
L. It. Carter, of Kinston, spent
last night here left this morn-
W. A. sister,
Miss Mattie, returned Wednesday
evening from Tarboro.
Mrs. Dr. Ricks, of who
was visiting Mrs. J. S.
returned home this morning.
Rev. A. L. Betta, of Raleigh,
returning from stop-
over her Wednesday afternoon
and left this morning.
Miss Martha Harding, of
who had been her
sister, Mrs. F. C. return-
ed home Wednesday evening.
Joe Powell, former assistant
agent at the depot but now
in the railway mail service, came
in Wednesday evening and left
Mrs. E. J.
who was visiting her
parents here, returned home to-
day. Her mother, Mrs. E. L.
accompanied her home.
J. T. Bruce, of New York, was
here today.
Mrs. V. U. Whichard is visiting
T. H. went to Wash-
S. S. Tolar, of Tarboro, came in
Thursday evening.
J. left this morning
on a business trip.
W. O. Howard, of Tarboro,
Thursday here.
j. c. left this
morning to visit Washington.
Ii. H. Jr., of Danville,
the tobacco market here to-
S. T. Hooker, is moving his
handsome new residence on Greene
J. B. postmaster at
Washington, was here today sell-
Mrs. W. M. King returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
and Mount.
W. A.
came down Thursday evening and
returned this morning.
Presiding Elder F. A. Bishop
left Ibis morning to visit churches
at Fremont and Wilson.
B, M. Check returned Thursday
evening from where he
had been to take his little child
for burial.
H. Williams, H. L. Carr, Frank
Wilson and went to
Washington this afternoon to as
the Masons there in conferring
Royal Arch degrees
B. W. left this morning
for Bethel.
J. A. returned Friday
evening from Norfolk.
I. I. returned home Fri-
day evening from court.
J. J. Cherry, Jr., returned this
morning from New Bern.
Edward Greene returned
morning from New Bern.
Miss Bessie Whichard, of
is visiting Mrs.
J. L. went down to
Friday evening and returned
All persons indebted to us are
hereby that they
come forward and settle before the
day of January.
Patrick Green.
At o'clock Wednesday
at the home of Mr. Thomas
A brains, Greenville, his
daughter, Miss and Mr.
W, E, Moore were married by Rev.
N. M. Watson.
Tho were R. T, Evans
Miss Ade
Dudley with Miss Annie Gardner,
Mies Evans,
Charlie Baku with Miss
After ceremony the bridal
party went to the home of the
groom, comer Pitt and First
streets, where a reception was
Did You Think
Dry Goods Only
If so,
you are
We carry
Stock of
of any house in Greenville, The upper floor of our immense
filled with Furniture and Carpets.
you want, whole suits or odd pieces, can
We can fillip any room in your house at Bargain Prices.
Mrs. W. A. returned
Tuesday evening from a visit to
her parents Plymouth.
Miss Bertie Jackson, Ply
month, came in Friday evening to
visit the family of J. W.
Mrs. L, U. Patten, of a
sister of Mrs. E. M. Chock,
little son Kenneth, arc visiting her.
Miss . i of
ton, in Friday evening to
spend Saturday her sister,
You can always tell when a girl
is in but a
Ho may merely lie suffer
from alt of
Suits, Men
Suits. Latest Styles,
Best W
Our Special Clothing, Dry
Goods Notion Bargain
Bale at prices goes
right on and crowds arc daily
taking advantage it.
Greater and Grander Bargains Offered Daily.
Men Suits the and quality, Sale Price, the H, quality, Sale Price, gt
a , i j . , ,, . the Sale Price,
Men Suits the 14-00, 0.00 quality, Sale Price,
suits, Tailor Made Bilk
Men Suits the 8.00 quality, while they last AU Wool quality now
These Goods are All New. No Old Stock on Hand.
plain and fancy Checked worth He I
Waist, white Collars and M yards worth Bo, silk coven
extra heavy Fancy Foulard Bilk,
worth Bo
Lace Curtains worth
ii is imported Irish worth
Windsor Ties, worth
Children's Fast Mack Hose, worth, Shins, worth
Linen Canvas, worth good ones, i lo I
Feather colors. i.-.,,,,, Pins, worth lo
Knitting Bilk, all worth Woven worth Collars
Men's Collars, worth Lining, worth I Cotton, worth
Min -1 mis, per
Willed Pique, all
English Curtain
Negligee worth
Shirt Waists sets, worth
Window spring roller lit
styles and Patterns,
l Only abut
lull, while they lust
Big New Store.
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C

-a -i mil
I am now ma of tin- most of
DOOM, WOO, MAT, pants, I
at reasonable prices. My of
which is the standard of any market. flub and cheap.
When yon none lo town again me
to i i
B. White.
Points Higher.
Means 1-1 Cent per pound more your
Mae A wan asked today
the of the presidential
election the Slates wan
in any way responsible for the or-
push the
Filipinos. He replied the re-
of the election was merely co-
incident with other features of the
situation. He added that the re-
turn of the and marines
from China, with the recruits who
had arrived recently, would in-
crease the ember of troops to 70.-
men. The enlargement of the
forces, the ending of the rainy sea-
better road, improved trans-
and the de-ire to make
of the
l. fore their term of service
expires in June, are
to the most active campaign.
the replacing of vol-
Mac Art bur said
he favored the establishment of
a -lauding army of men
and the president to
increase it to
The general also said he was en-
the force in
Young's district to nearly
men. that heavy reinforcements
were sent to General Hughes
in the island of
stranding of the coasting
transport Indiana is long
delay n reaching a number of the
remote stations in southern
which have subsistence to
It established at die one of the equipped 1st only will have
to depend largely on longing until
the Indiana is Boated Or a steamer
The customs warehouses are
constitution undermined by ex-
eating, by
the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Just so. A man from the
try claims that his horse was made
to run away by the blowing of an
engine in town mid he wants dam-
ages. Then if the engines do not
blow loud and long at the crossing
the company is bounced, and if
some one is killed at crossing the
railroad is sued. A case is now
on fur this very
New Home
Sewing Machines
If you need a Machine see me
II C. Hooker's store, or write me
Jan. J. O.
before the Superior of
n Will
of W. It.
hereby given to
to the cat ate to make pay-
to the . and all
having claims said
the payment on or before the
day of 1901. or in., notice
will I plead in bar of recovery.
day of 1900.
Mast A A-
of W. R. I.
We h iv.
be found in Eastern North Carolina and solicit your ginning.
We turn out lite List cotton you can gel anywhere but our charges arc
N. C.
Grimesland, N. C ,
General Merchandise
from which their purchases. I curry at all
inns a full if Shoes, lea,
Tobacco. Hardware. Farm Implements, u fact anything
you about your household or your farm I can
Bottom Prices,
Cotton and All Kinds of Produce and
highest price for I wart pat-
will neat you every you route to
S. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Heed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Oak Ba-
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
Baits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail A
Meat Key Went Cheroots,
American Ci ten, Can-
reaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
which is delaying the coin- Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried A Peaches,
Pi lines, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes Crackers,
tool, Real Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing and nu-
other good. Quality and
Quantity. Cheep for cash. Come
to see me.
Phone V.
All Person notified not to
enter upon any of our lands g in
ville Pit County, adjoining
of Mrs. N. K. Anderson, and Ma
William, the
It. More.
Oct. ti. Mora.
The will sell at public bug
lion on the day of
the residence of II. j. Wilson, deceased, in
county, all personal he-
the in part
of Cotton, Horses, Mules,
Cuttle, Implements,
hold and Kitchen Cotton
of Manila. General Smith.
the collector of the port, a meet-
today of Manila importers,
of the good, The merchants talk
of organizing a company for the
erection of bonded warehouse-.
The soldiers and marines who
haw returned from Una are set
ling quantities of curios looted
from the residences of the nobility
or wealthy at and
Many of them are val-
and cheap and
a number of presents of such loot
have been mailed to the
Hay, and Wagons, Carts,
. ma; Cash.
. of
It. Deed.
Pea Nuts Sic. Cash
W. M. BlOWN, of
At the name lime and place I will rent to
foe year 1901. the II.
J. Wilson home place and the Ashley Teel
place, W.
At. for heirs at law of J. Wilson
Get a good Safe
is made in
for homo, and general use.
Every wile n guarantee to be lire
proof. from up.
Famous M
and cure for chills and
fever iiI nil malarial its For by
to The Whipping
Judge Simeon of the
supreme of Connecticut, in
a speech before the Hold
u return to whip
p post a for
of criminal, fact
such a proposition advocated
A Stale Court
such a change in
method of is being
seriously considered
and the bar. Judge would
Confine the punishment lo juvenile
offenders, wide beaten
ml those who do
advocated by
an authority and favored
by many men with
the administration of justice can
not be
Something New ml Fresh to
Wheat, Cracker Mai, Hominy
Muon Cracker,
mill sour and
that I have em
J. S.
have sold out my entire mercantile
iii Greenville, stock,
fixtures and will, to Kicks
transferred the l
them this dale. I w II settle all
and duo the are
payable to me. I will he glad for all owing
me toe sale forward and settle at once.
of will continue
the name of Kicks to
carry on the at former stand,
room, will carry
complete line of dry
kC .
solicit the of Mr.
custom. unwell as of our own
friends and public generally.
A. Hicks,
C. L,
kS kS
; ii , a. in
Ar e;
ah rat
ills m
S I I I V; I I
i in m iii
lift II It
m am
m am
h i
Ar st
AniTa Tarboro
in mm
iv. l u
i i w h a ii a H
ii n
i ii it
I at
leaves p in, arrive
ton U
p arrive p m
p arrives Wilmington
The rt of the
of of the of Coin-
for county,
each f
ending Deem
It. I.
For at J. no.
i t ft, 4.00.
i tN
f r-1 m. Returning
am. a m, Red
m, Hope Mills a in,
pm, Mill- II p n
Rel p m, p n
arrives p m,
at with train
at U ax ton with the Carolina Central
at Bad with Red
with the Seaboard Air Line Southern
Railway with the Durham and
Train on the Neck Branch
leaven S Halifax IT p a,
riv. s. en p
M am.
at i- am. Weldon
Train on
an ii in. i e
am I Hi p in.
i arrive an
Train leave Tarboro daily except Sunder
at p in. pm, arrive j
except f and
Train on Midland N
a m,
o a. in, W Vi i lid
a an.
Train on leave
Mount at am. p m, arrive Hi
. ;. in. Hope II am,
.-vim Hope
p in. i m at
Mount I a m. I p m. except Sand y.
leaves fox
Clinton Sunday. and
I . r. at am
Train No made
don for all dally, all
J. H. K KM. V,
T. M. Traffic Ma-
Do know
We sell cheap
Barber Sc
A of The
York Herald, from
coin, Him. Win.
to and is only
in am a for the
exclaimed Mr. Bryan,
I win nut write without it.
If l wore lo iii-i an of
I wish to do h
after and
I prepare a
at my
l do with what for
your fry
our Store. Scrape
or Clearance
W. T. lat C
i in V OF W Him. II
As one of the for School Books in
County. We the on the
fur and no what-
ever have
We read with a
of Dr, Peacock,
Female that s.
i than oat of
hie own pocket between
SO needy and
o t of if
Cur Low of
I and i .
A and
to pal
with our to
Hi I ;, or refund the
I I-
copy el
it. mill. Br
i f.-r
and double ruled
pane, it
eat cover I went five North Carol I-
the in this
II.-, Hi-l. in. Om
Be mail In plain 81.00 a
b f
and fever U a bottle of
Tonic It
a Com.
For at
For Be, 18.90
A Oat It
Mr. C. II. who keen a
and at St.
Co., filch., and who I
well known U
I mi badly with
and I had
liter complaint and I
was in a bad condition; day I be-
to tear that I be a
well n that I hare to
down into a and
lire in the of death. I had
to me. I TOOK FOUR
cured my family both. I am Terr
that I heard of It I would cheerfully
recommend it to every one. I hare
taken many other kinda of medicine.
I prefer JOHNSTON'S to all of
s mm.
Steamer leave
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
I. M. for
Steamer Edgecombe leaves
at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the Went
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
JNO. SON, Aft.
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N.
per bottle. Cures Chills
Fever, Malaria, Night Sweats and
Money back if it doesn't.
No other as good. Get the kind
with the Rod Cross on the label.
Sold guaranteed by Woolen,
Bryan druggists.
For iv as Com. at
Fur ii days at Bl
at 88.00.
ii Pit.
I, T. iv. of Com-
the ,
certify that It t
us Of in my of-
under my hand, the of
Board of in
tins of
T. It.
Hoard Com. for
We wilt ear the aTe fur
r M.-i-.-i.-i. Sick
or we
not will. i , t.
fill, when are
will. art purely and
faille V
lie l
and mall. taken.
J. W. CO.,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and of
Bagging, Ties mid Hags.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and
Stocks, Cotton, and
ions. Private to New York,
Chicago and New
All are and for-
bidden to limit with or without
or in any other way the
lands of the
the north suit of Creek.
J. Lt i
wife and Little.
Haying; thin before the
Clerk of Court of Pitt
of the of Henry
notice hereby given to
all persona holding claims against said
late present them to me for payment
duly authenticated, on or before 16th
day of March, 1901. or this notice will be
in bar of their recovery. All
indebted to estate arc to
to me.
This 17th day of September
of Henry
Col ton and always
on ban i
Fresh goods kepi constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in every de
part and prices low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
go gs.
At the old Moore store,
on Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, In fact everything
to found in an up-to-date
We the highest market
prices fur all kinds of
Country Produce,
either or in barter. When
you to sell or when you
want to buy come to see
To who favor us with their
patronage promise sat
at Five Points.
The Day Cold Our.
CoM I. . Ker-
u , .
J. J.
-----DEALER IN-----
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
or Of
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
PER . B.
The project for giving the
party a mortgage the gov-
by the
of the South Congress and
the college is dead. It
was by its cool reception by
the public by the knowledge
that if it had attempted the
democratic Senators would have
blocked all legislation at this
of Congress. Instead of
democrats, the
can leaders have adopted
policy toward I hem, and indulge
in lots of talk about making toil
a business session of Conn If, free
from If
really wish to do that, it can
be done, as l he democrats arc dis-
posed lo meet them way in
helping legislation that is
not tainted partisanship, but
they need not expect to pull the
wool over democratic eyes by
notorious jobs, such as the
ship subsidy bill,
Democrats will sec
that no legislation will go
at miller false
MS. They will not attempt to
vent Hit majority carrying out its
will in general legislation, but they
will see that the nature of every
bill proposed fully explained to
The wholesale druggists and
owners of proprietary articles have
a delegation Washington,
to sec that they get a of
any reductions that may made,
and other interests arc represented
by lobbyists, brewers are
credited with leaving their inter-
in the hands of the big
who exchanged promises for
their campaign contributions. It
will not be surprising if a big scan-
comes to the surface before this
on the statute books. Dem-
arc not to spare the
republicans if evidence of crooked
bargains can be secured, and there
are good reasons for the belief that
it exists in quantities.
If things do not there
may lie a regular cat and dog light
among the republicans in Confess
over bill for increase of the
regular army. Prominent
of the party are every day de
daring opposition to as large an
army as Mr. seeks
have provided by Congress, and
situation the Philippines i
makes early action on some sort of
bill a necessity.
else is left undone,
hurry with the my That
is the sum and substance of what say that the circumstantial
which will drop the
first. Rot if it is decided to be
constitutional, then this session of
Congress will have to pass some
kind of a bill for the government
control of This,
with the routine measures and the
new apportionment under last
census will make it an
The if the proposition
advanced by the radical
cans to reduce the representation of
the Southern states which have re-
st suffrage, has of
such general condemnation that it
has been abandoned for the
sect session and will not figure in
the bill which
will become a law in the
near future but some of its
hint their intention to try to
get the question before the long
session of the next Congress.
Washington, November
Manila papers of October 18th de
vote considerable space to a renew-
of report concerning
death in Northern Luzon.
State Ohio, City of i
expected and it has come, Cot my ,
I Ry we mean a violent attack makes
of hysteria in north over the
discovery of a northern traveling
We are still in the forefront of race after your
We offer you the best selected line
General Merchandise
that ha is the senior partner of the
T. Co., doing
business in . Toledo,
correspondent of the New York Bad State aforesaid, and
Journal of Commerce that that firm will nun of
colored mill hands in North dollars each and
Carolina are
, o cured by the use -i Hall s Ci-
A northern contemporary Cure.
lures the of girls and boys Sworn to before
says that this arouses presence,
in the what
ever may be thought of it in the
horrified contemporary,
however, not tell its readers
inc and
u I.-
that there is only mill in North
Mr. says to every prom-
republican Senator and Hep
who goes to the White
House. The reason he wishes the
the before it is allowed to
get through. Under the House
rules this cannot be done there,
but ran be done in the Sen-
Even the of
culture general ten-
to increase the ordinary ex-
of the
tendency which is bound to make
much trouble if not checked. The
estimates for appropriations for
the Department of Agriculture tor
the next fiscal year, now ready for
submission to Congress, aggregate
which is an
per cent, over the
for the current fiscal
Holders of government places
who have no strong pull to fall
back on, or who spoke, worked, or
voted in the last cam-
are being male to feel some
what shaky by knowledge that
there is greater pressure for small
appointments under the govern
than ever known before.
Some time ago was a report
Washington that republican
workers in some of the doubtful
states had been told to pitch
work with all their might, and
that they would lie taken care of if
was re-elected,
leas of the civil service law. Not
much attention was paid at the
time the report, but the
activity of republican office seekers
that such promises were
made. Time will whether
they are to lie kept.
Senator of Colorado,
will be succeeded by u democrat
when he retires next March, but
from the talk in administration
circles it is considered almost
that he will be rewarded for
his support of by a
big position in the diplomatic
vice, probably ambassadorship.
The democratic members of the
and Ways and Means Com-
which met this week to
consider a bill for the reduction of
war taxes, will be allowed to
have any say toe matter until
the publican members com-
a bill. The republicans of
the committee have with
Mr. Secretary Cage
Commissioner of the In-
Revenue since they
came together. Mr.
told them that some reduction must
be made lo order to make good his
ante-election promises to the conn-
try, Secretary Gage told them
that the reductions must not
for the increase of the
army is, that he has re-
a hint I hat the decision of
the U. S. Supreme Court will be
against constitutionality of the
act, which would
that the II. S. would have to re-
ownership of the Philip
pines, would
have for a large standing
army. He wishes to get the big
army provided for before the court
down its decision, it
will not be surprising if the
General so manipulates the case
as to prevent its conclusion until
after the end of this Congress, as
Mr. might prefer not
having Congress in session should
the decision be averse. This story
incredulous, but it is being
character of this report, together
with the fad that General
recently has been signing himself
in of the In-
forces, lends strong color
to the belief that may
be dead. The latest account in
this line comes from
Northern where, ill an
outpost skirmish, Aguinaldo's
horse was killed, and his saddle
bags, with a number of personal
consequently papers,
was shot from his horse and severe-
wounded. He carried by
followers into and sub
was reported to lie ill
with fever. His body afterward
was carried down the river on a
raft, in a hummock
to lie found in any in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We arc at work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show yon what you want and to
sell you if we cm. We offer you the very best service, polite the superintendent of the mill is n
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well colored and who
established business built up strictly on it.-, own merits. ,,;,,.,. ,.;.,.,
Carolina in which the is in
,,, j In the
mill except the boss weaver and
the boas reeler is a and that
of December, A. 1886.
.------ A. W.
SEAT. Notary Public.
Hull's Catarrh dire is In-
and acts directly on the
I blood and mucous surfaces of
Send for testimonials, free.
J. Props.,
Sold by Druggists,
Hall's family Pills are the best.
Goods and Notions,
Hats Dross Trimmings
Jacket- and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
When you come to market not do yourself
if you do not see our Immense stuck before buying elsewhere.
Remember us the following lines of general merchandise.
our horrified content-
fails testate that the
told a correspondent of the
Journal of Commerce that all his
were under twenty-one years
were bound to
from parents or guardians
ins the case might be; were absolute-
; under bis control o'clock
i in the morning to o'clock the
and he was from
as to the course he
pursued toward them.
our horrified con-
temporary neglects to mention that
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lard. ts,
Plows, Castings and Plow fixtures, Nails and Hope.
Paper Prom Cotton Hulls.
Atlanta. Nov.
ll this that plans
have consummated here for
the erection of ten plants for the
manufacture of cotton seed hulls
into paper of grades,
Thomas of New York, at
present in this city says, that the
scheme is being backed by the Na-
i with
capital, and work will be
begun in putting up the plants in
about d n
He says he is also bucked by the
Standard Oil Company. It is
to have the factories well
scattered throughout the cotton
bolt and they will extend from
the owners of the mill in which Texas to North Carolina. The
i are northern men and reside in
I State of New
covered with palm leaves;
but the natives who saw the pas-
sage of the raft were uncertain
whether he was alive or dead.
This together with claims of
leads the local papers to
give credence to the
seriously talked about in political and others insurgent generals
circles, and there have been to command of the army,
cases In which administrations
have been given advance hints of
decisions of the Supreme
Court. Any member of the court
can usually make a pretty nearly
correct guess of how his colleagues
will stand upon
ions from their talk in a general
way to each other. Whether the
whole story is correct or not, it is
absolutely certain that Mr.
is plainly showing his
the passage by Con
of the army bill.
Champ Clark, o
New Purchase.
Ky., November
The Louisville, Evansville and St.
Louis railroad, commonly called
the Air Line, was bought at pub-
sale to day by the Southern
railway at Ind., for
Judge Wood, of the United
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honest, Merit Square
Your Friends,
Retail Advertising.
you're business, If ad-
plants will run with a capacity of
from to tons each month.
The Wealth of the Country.
The estimated increase of the
wealth of I States the last
if your advertising pays j decade is bring
v.,. all . . . .
States Court, is expected
Missouri, returned to Washington, j the sale at s tomorrow,
feeling as as usual. He; but the Southern railway will
am downcast or until January 1st.
raged by the licking got. The only bidders were Francis
The most unpleasant feature is it L. Stetson of
will take us six or eight years to
get the Senate. As to the
the democrat-
party, it is u fact In natural his-
that the tail wag the
dog; and same is true in politics.
The party does not need
to begin with. It is thorough
organized, even if it were to
be reorganized, it would not lie
from the outside. want every,
body to come in that feels like
us, but we have a perfect
organization of our Of the
probable work of Ibis session of
Congress Mr. Clark
this will be an extremely busy
cans will do will be to the
Hay treaty and pass a
Nicaragua Canal bill, in accordance
with it, and to pass Mark
bill. If the Supreme
Court decides the act
unconstitutional, then
cans will run races with us as to
Hew the
firm J, Morgan .
Company, and the Southern rail-
way. To pay for the road the
chasers will Immediately
of Southern Hallway Air
Line division per cent.
In securing the Air Line, the
Southern rail an en-
trance to St. Louis, thereby
it on an equal with the
Baltimore and Ohio, Louisville
and Nashville, and other roads
entering Louisville and the South
having terminals at St. Louis. In
addition to this, new and valuable
territory is opened up to the South-
railway in both Indiana and
When a man loves sin he goes
down; when he lores his wife he
goes home; he loves another
man's wife he goes to the grave-
yard; when he loves a girl they
they both go Va.
The Stove Co's
Stoves have been sold in
Greenville for Sixteen Years.
We are currying a full line of Stoves
both and heating We also carry a lull
line of repairs for same. Wt buy Hay, Lime,
Cotton Seed and Hulls
By Car Load
We have just received two
car loads
and can satisfy anybody in price quality.
A lull lino goods, Groceries
Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery everything
kept in first class general store.
Call and get our prices.
at it certainly will, it
well it will to Bee
j that it is properly done regardless
j of slight extra expense. Sec that
mi have n good location, even it
ii tea cost a little more. Change
ad. even week, Talk
I frankly, candidly to your readers.
interesting de
prices. Look after
tour and keep him fr.
j practicing his of getting in-
I to one several type stylos.
forget little things.
staples, and
lo your stock. If such a course
followed for a few years,
and your c supported by
and modern business
method, you will be a leader in
your line.
Horse With
Mr. W. King, who resides
on Queen street, in southern
section city, lost a good horse
with which he
is very cert tin was hydrophobia.
one of his sons to
feed the horse Thursday morning
as when young man
entered the stall he was attacked
viciously the
ed with difficulty. Even
young Mr. King had with-
drawn from the stall the horse
desperate efforts to gel
through the cracks, and at
length, falling in this, he began
biting himself about the
legs, Mi. King up later and
was forced to hunt the horse. He
i to account
the he
was ago a dug
belonging lo him which was sup
posed In have had
total wealth
up to PU This
means an average for each
average in-
crease of wealth 1800 and
inhabitant, and
the estimated s 937.70 per in-
The total of Great Uri-
lain ti mated 950,000,000,000,
per The
annual income of the people is be-
to aggregate about
The amount saved year-
y is put at 81,048,000,000, of
v. about its
way into exchange
The average annual earn-
per are estimated
which about one third is
saved, making
per decide for Great Britain mail;
in the States. The
securities domiciled in London arc
estimated at 920,000,000,000, of
Parties me will picas
pay at once. I will be in
week can
tie with w. or my
store while I am
M. Ti i kin.
and fever is a of Grove's
less Tunic. is simply
Iron and quinine in form
No pay. Price
Two boys, right
Will Rankin, near Bolder were
together Saturday, They
a COVe birds, and when
Rankin raised I is gun and Bred
be killed
and night Sweats with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic per
bottle. Pleasant to take. Money
refunded if ii fail-. Restores
petite, purifies the blood and makes
you well. as good.
Mold and guaranteed at the drug
stores of Bryan,
Office over Whit
. i.

Eastern reflector, 27 November 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 27, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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