Eastern reflector, 30 October 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Attention Farmers
I tin now offering you one of the most complete lines of
a very reasonable prices. My line of
which is the of any are fresh and cheap.
When you none to town again me a trial.
Jas. B. White.
Don't Be Deceived.
The Moravian Home church,
will be years old next
mouth. The will
the event on November
Mil. and nth.
A special term of the Superior
Court of Greene county will begin
on Monday the 10th day of
for the trial of civil cases
only. Judge Moore will preside.
is suffering from a
queer kind of vandalism. Some-
body is going around boring small
holes trees blowing the
to prices with
The public is indignant.
Mrs. Charily Bowers, who lives
i- years old and is
She still does her work about
the house and has the mother
of , sixteen
u November
Mr. Charles i. Parks, of
to, will be married in N.
C. to Mrs. Kale S. of
torn, formerly a Miss Mr.
Parks is a retired merchant,
done business in for
many Poet,
Perfect Health.
Keep the system in perfect or-
by the occasional use of
Liver Tills. They reg-
the bowels and produce
A Vigorous Body.
For sick headache, malaria,
constipation and kin-
diseases, an absolute cure
Our Royal,
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which is due to its merit, also our vigorous advertising,
i others to put mattresses on the market, m they are offering
for Its- and claiming as good as ROYAL
ELASTIC be deceived same. We
deny they are as and arc at any time to com-
pare ours with others, your local does not handle them,
write direct for descriptive pamphlet,
Sole Manufacturers, GOLDSBORO. X. C.
Get a good Safe
lie Viet r safe i made in all sizes
for home, farm. and general
Every Kale I with a guarantee to be
proof range Iran up
Greenville, X. C.
It is going the press
It lie . I. A. of
his wife
and child i i that The truth
of the matter is. Rev. Mr.
several weeks ago for
I. then a
report reached Hill he
had killed his daughter in that
city. Later the report was
ed. Kinston Free Press.
Wilbur a young man of
y was found dead the woods no
his home Wednesday morn
He hail left the house about
an hour before ins body was
Death had occurred only a short
to the Boding of the
as ii was still warm.
Al Laxative, Guaranteed cure chills
, and all malarial an bill it tr For sale by
Harrington, Barber
Hie, X. C.
Texas Storm
statistician of the Department of
Agriculture completed but In-
of agricultural sit-
nation in those counties In
that were visited by West
hurricane of September 8th.
area under cotton in the
which serious damage
resulted from the storm was
proximately acres, with
promise on September 1st of a .
crop of about bales. The
reduction of the crop is estimated
at about bales, or 10.6 per
cent. On a basis of per bale.
the amount destroyed would
sent a value of
of the damn
buildings, machinery, etc, the to-
loss may estimated at
should be Mated that all the
counties visited by the storm were
Included la the crop report issued
Francisco, Oct.
Sherman, which has
rived here from the Philippine,,
is practically a ship. On
board the vessel are deal.
insane, sick col vales-
cent soldiers and civilians. The
transport has been sent to
Most discouraging reports are
brought from the East by the
physical wrecks who have come
home in the It is staled
that the hospitals at Manila are
overcrowded with the of
bullets and disease. Fully
soldiers now lie on the cots in the
hospitals and many of these will
die before can be placed on
board transports to brought
Added that the
transport Mandela now on ill way
lo Ban with
All of are shattered ill mind
body, many of them being vie-
insane from the edicts of
climate. Most
Of then will never recover their
The transport Logan left Manila
las Tuesday. It carries sold-
all of whom are sick
many of whom arc bordering on
ll is thus with every transport
that leaves Hardly enough
ships be to carry
I lie of I be Campaign against
the Filipino,. by Severe
trials in the fields, soldiers become
demented day after day, and re
ports say, are obliged to be
watched for fear they
will do harm to themselves and
coin rules.
Timber. Will pay from to
10.00 per cord for same, F. O. II.
THIS WOOD must be round,
nearly free from knots, and sawed
offal cuds. Will take feet
R feet long as small as
inches in diameter at small end,
but no smaller.
0-7 I'm. N. C
IN I Kill I.
J. w. co.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors handlers of
Hugging, Ties and Hags.
and shipments
Ar I. -A i Soul
l. .;
A I- 1- in.
Lt i,. .- ,
; a
am at a a
am ii, m am
u at
f 5-
I Sol
i a
III is
New Nome
If you need Machine see me
at II. Hooker's store, or write me
j. c
lbs i Pit
Will an
of W. it,
is to
Hi. in pay-
lo tin- sad nil
on or baton the
but of October, loot, or
ill in- in
A A.
of W. n. liar
Lt Wilmington
Lt i.,,;
Ar Mount
Lt Mount
It tr
ii n
in e it
t N
m A N I H
t n n i, is
i so m is or if
lithe above is not a horrible
arraignment of warfare this
government is carrying on In the
Bast, we are at a loss to know
what to call it. To satisfy the
of those who are domineer-
this government, we are not
earning an unjust war
slaughtering a people we have
no right to molest, but are also
sacrificing thousands of our own
men for naught. It is to the ever-
lasting shame of States
to tat in u is
s o e for Public School Books In
in ;,. designated on the
Mate in for the public and can supply what-
ever you Deed. have
slant and vertical, double writing books
fool , cap pens, pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes etc
Some of fa
B pencils cent. plain lead pencils l cent.
robber tipped had pencil cent, ;. nice with
pretty cover l cent, crayons, with metal bold-
in nice wood box B load pencil, slate pen
Ml, and pen, and role, all in nice wood box
cents great big wide tablet cents. Bottle best
ink on the market, B cents, Copy books .-, to id cents
bite crayons, gross in box, cents. Good fool's m
paper cents
fountain gen
The Progress.
lie Ne York is
much impressed with the rapid tie
th cotton
industry of the South.
It says; Thai section has now
spindles In active
and during the present year
will bring more spindles
Into play, closing year with
some spindles, Since
o the progress tuts bean
boll, in growing and in the
cf cotton. In other
also the progress has been
phenomenal, steal
copper and mining,
baring, cotton seed oil industry,
banking and in all
these great things have been ac-
The-South is today
the most promising
HeP. enterprise in the Inion.
v Kansas fellow got the consent
of a man to marry his daughter on
condition that he vote for
That is a somewhat
novel kind of bribery, must
be cheap out that when
they can be bought with a vote.
This Is quite nu unusual case.
To young will lie
Married to two Hebrew young ladies
at I, C,
and the Of South
the ceremony,
Cotton Brokers
Cotton, Drain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago Orleans.
Vitality, Lost
Night L.-- of
of or
A tonic
to pal
m mm-. .-. .
pink to pi
of By mail
with our bankable to
or money paid. Send fur
of our
for of Power,
I i
Paralysis and the
of I'm of or
By in plain a
out, for oar
bond to cur tn or
fa by J I,
ton in. ii, in n rs
p S.
i p in.
p iii,
lei ea
n in, a m,
m, a
rite leT
Ills p m, Hope Mills p s
Springs p m. S p n
arrives It. p m
with train
Hill, the Central
with the
Bowman at
with tin- Air Line
at with
Train on tat ct Road
pi. s m.
i- i. K
Si am.
at ii la a m. u am.
loan .
flam J la f m.
a in i u pin. returning . at
a arrive II am
, kip Sunder
M tn. sunder pat,
. Swaps, leave,
except and
I SI am arrive, a . II am.
Midlands i- ,
a m.
a a.
M. lint . ,. p m, ,
pin. Sprint HoM II a m, . a
pm leave Hope II So am.
U a m. arrive Ho.
Mount IS m, t p m. Sand
Train on Clinton
Clinton and
.,.,. Clinton I a m i
Train No el
don for all North all via
H. If.
Puss. Agent
J. R. Manager.
T. M. Traffic
by the Quart
lie RS take of
and ever, a lull
blood. For
up lbs tout Its
other known. The pallor of the
back entire the plan of
and rich color of health Son lo
checks, for of the
for all
of men, and children.
co .
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily ate A. M. for
Mile, leave dally at
M. for
She. par bottle. Cures chills
Fever, Malaria, Sweats
if it
No other as the
with the Cross on the label.
Sold by Woolen,
Bryan druggists.
Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M.
loan Tarboro for Greenville
A. hi, carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Halt i more,
New York and
ton, for all points for the West
with railroads Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
JNO. SON, Aft.
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
will par reward for en.
not wilt
nation or we can
the I Little
rill, when l. are
are and
fall to con-
pill., contain pill., v-
hotel l. III. S -ware of
imitation. mall taken
street., i hi. ,.,
It seems but a law
lives only when ii Is executed.
There ha been a great deal said
about the rainy day skirt, but no
an baa yet dared there was
Hit man trouble is
a fool. Most of s have trouble
enough already.
are now
by as a brain .
Some of advocate, of
i sin on apples.
hide a shallow brain,
Do you know
We sell cheap
Goods; Notions,
Trunks, Ac, from
Store. No Scraps
Wholesale retail Grocer
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, etc. Bed
Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Carts, Parlor
Suits, Lounges, Safes, P.
Mi mi Key West Cheroots,
Cherries, Apples,
Pine Apple, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Kaunas, Glass
and China Ware, and Wooden
Ware. Cakes Crackers,
Mm, Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Mach i ties, nu-
other goods. Quality
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
One Day Cold
Cold In throat cured by
a I i turn r A, to
All are warned for.
I,, hunt with or gun or
flop or in any way upon the
of Hi,. Town-
the of Creek.
J. B.
In V.--K in
Mire the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Hilt county
to of Ike of
notice II hereby to
talc i. to mo for payment
duly on or before the
of March, 1901, or notice will be
plea. In bar of their recovery. All sennas
indebted lo to make
immediate payment Is me.
W. M. r.
of Henry
Cotton Bagging and always
on i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country
sold. A trial will you.
D. W.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country
go pi gs.
on Five where we have
just opened a new and fresh
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, fact everything
to be found up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices fur all kinds of
Country Produce,
either in or in barter. When
you to sell or you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
we promise entire sat
at Five
-------DEALER IN-------
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B.
, No
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
mi urn
National Ticket.
of II
Presidential Elector, 1st Diet.
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
of Beaufort.
fee for Carr.
We have not a word to say
against any gentlemen who
aspire hi that high They
men of ability and would
doubtless honor upon
State wherever called to serve.
But we are frank to say that
our choice United States Sen-
is Gen. Julian S. Carr. Our
reasons for this choice are as fol-
Carr has proven
himself loyal to the best interests
of North Carolina From tho time
he began business to the present
hour he has, with an unsparing
hand, given his means to build
up our industrial, educational and
religious enterprises.
General Carr's political record
is clean. He has a persist
and life long Democrat. He has
contributed liberally of his
and supported with his
the candidates of his party in every
State and National election, but he
has never been intolerant in his
spirit or accused of
methods, or money corruptly In
carrying party through.
He has always stood with the
people against Trusts and other
forms of capital op-
press labor or monopolize the bus-
of the country.
He is largely connected with
the agricultural, manufacturing,
commercial and banking interests
of the State, understands the
conditions of our people
In every section.
has had wide experience
as a business men, has an extensive
acquaintance with the industrial,
educational and political leaders of
the country, and has had a
reputation for strict integrity and
progressive methods among the
leading men of the state
For these Gen-
Carr would worthily rt present
the State of North Carolina in the
United States Senate, we
give him a hearty endorsement
purely on the of
merit Ex.
Cams Mack to the Mala
us come back to the
Cotton is a deceiver. Politics
are as uncertain as the wind.
Trade and traffic ebbs and Hows.
But wheat at the mill is a con-
and a joy so long as it
Late rains have moistened the
The soil is ripe seed.
The sowing is a short, quirk
job; then the reaping. The
best crop is the cheapest crop.
You plant, you wait, you reap.
No chopping time; no thinning
mil; mi first, second, third and
fourth plowing. No army worm;
worm; no baud
Plow in with labor saving plow.
Reap with labor saving reaper.
No anxiety about
disgust worry you get
them, at harvest season.
The farmers of Georgia must
learn as the years go by to mini-
their dependence
labor. It gets scarcer every year,
Tho better class of
vagabond class also are coming in
town; the one to work at trades
the shade and the other to steal.
There arc others of them drifting
northward, grant that their
little tribe may The
if the future will be
those few who own their own
farms. The farm hand is
rapidly disappearing. The next
generation will scarcely at
know him.
Tho while farmer, therefore, who
thinks of his own future, and of
the future of his children, should
not shut his eyes to the plain and
inevitable drift of things. He
should his farm
order. Grain
raising go inevitably
is the white farmer's
Cotton is his natural
plus crop.
let us not lose sight of
tho main quest tin.,
A Veteran's
From the Scotland Times a paper
published at by lie
the following timely and
sensible suggestion to the colored
race Is
is a settled fact that for some
time least the is no longer
a political factor in North
as well as other Southern
States. It is also true that the
race enjoys the right of suffrage in
the North, but a chance to vote
not a to make an honest
living is more detrimental to the
welfare of the laboring class of col-
people a chance to make
not a
to vote. We hope our people will
consider these things in their mad
to what they think is a more
Odd It k of Hie Census.
A New York enumerator, who
was perhaps something of a sleuth
entered several in his district
variously as
and For
Mime re n these were
under the head of
pursuits. A Georgian, who
an by doing chores
about the neighborhood in which
he resides, will appear in the
as His
be found very properly
the head of
One of the southern enumerators
came across an invalid, who has
spent several years the South
for his health, and promptly enter-
ed the sick man's as
traveling for his This
of course was punched under the
head of
This is Cleveland's
to the memory of late William
L. had a
rounded out.
his public life he was patriotic
and absolutely devoted to the
interests of his countrymen I
have seldom or never met a man
who was his private relations so
well constituted to regard
affection. His intellectual
traits were of high order, it
may be said without any
of expression that his
death is a great loss to his
and a positive to all
who were privileged to enjoy his
personal acquaintance
If there ever was a time when
the Democratic party amid afford
to be it is now. By the
return of the Populists two years
ago, by tho aid of the
at the late August election,
Democratic victories
promise of peace and good
will to all, which, if carried out,
will bring prosperity am a long
lease of power to the Democratic
party, the two leading religious
Journals of the State, The Biblical
Recorder The Christian
have come forward the
most patriotic and Christian spirit
peace and
instead of the feeling
of intolerance that has so
We have elected a Gov-
who will carry out a liberal,
statesmanlike policy.
is a United Slates Senator
whom nil in- people trust
honor though they differ in
political policies. With such men
a helm the old ship of will
rise up highest wave of moral,
material progress. Without
detracting anything from tho
claims of any of the aspirants, it
is my purpose lo advocate the
claims of a man who will
Mil all the requirements of the
broadest pat riot ism statesman-
ship; a man who stands closest
who has done most for the
fortunate Confederate soldiers;
who bus virtually
the Soldiers Home at
besides keeping them out
the poor houses all over the State;
a man who has done most for the
religious moral and educational in-
a who stands highest
the general business interest of
the State; a man who best under
stands appreciates the
cultural, manufacturing with all
the moral material interests of
the State; a who has always
stood by the Democratic party
for more than thirty years has given
it more financial aid than any man
the State; a man who is not nor
ever has been politics for the
money that is in it; a who
learned true patriotism by
a musket in the Confederate
army without reward or the hope
reward. That mast distinguish-
ed philanthropist and patriotic
Christian gentleman is General
Carr represents the vet
soldier standing on his last
legs, making the last appeal that
will ever lie made to; honor one so
highly from the old Confederate
rank tile.
If Mr. Bryan is elected of
General Carr's would
have s great with that
as he. if
President is re-elected
none can dispute but what General
would command more respect
with the
lion than Mr. Simmons. We
peal to our old comrades who
learned to patriotic without pay,
to stand by our trite tried
comrade, Julian Carr, we
will confer the highest honor
our class, our party and our State.
Respectfully submitted,
J. O.
Co. F. M N.
A. Cleveland
Oct. law.
We are still the forefront of the MOB alter your
We offer you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
BLACK Jack, N. Oct.
Right much sickness around here
Large crowd out hereto preach-
so inlay. Ben ices conducted
Rev. Burroughs was enjoyed very
Mrs. W. J. While, of
accompanied by her children little
Wesley and Ethel, is visiting at L.
II. Whiles
Joe Miss
of near Greenville, were guests
of Miss Haggle Smith Sunday.
Then-was a baptism near here
on last Sunday, quite a large crowd
We were pleased to have
Proctor, of in
Glad i I c White
to be found in any in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the of the best manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
Winter. We are work for our mutual Jack again after
vantage. It is our pleasure lo show you what you want In, spending a long visit with her
sell you if we can. offer you the very best service, polite brother W. J. White in den.
attention, the most liberal terms consistent with a well I. II. While is cu the sick
established business built up strictly its own merits. j list.
you come to market you will not do yourself justice Glad Jesse Sin i III again
if you do not sec our Immense stock before buying elsewhere, j after having the mumps.
us and the following lines of general
Goods and Notions,
Hats Caps. Silks and
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Tom was arrested last
for being drunk and abusing
his family and was locked up for
trial Ibis morning. If the usual
custom follows he will lined by
the mayor; bit children will pay
line, and he will go home to
loaf until he feels Inclined lo get
drunk again.
is one those
parents win, are so frequently men-
in the police court reports
of The Observer. lie has a
large family and when be was up
before th mayor a couple of weeks
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved .,,. . ., ,.,.,,.,; pride,
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.-
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Bead Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Miss Lucy of the W.
It. r. Seminary, Ayden, spent Sit
and Sunday visiting her
many friends in Jack.
We had the pleasure of having
W. II. W ii ii, Bethel, in our
midst last Sunday.
The Vampire Parent.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in line.
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit Square Dealing.
said the kindergarten
leather, to illustrate the
senses, are our noses
for. bust be
to catch cold the small
boy at the foot of the class.
The B Stove Go's
Stoves have been sold in
Greenville for Sixteen Years.
arc carrying a
both cook and heat in
full line of these Stoves
We also carry a
his children made a
night by in the
Cotton Mill. Therefore, be con-
it not that lie
should work. In his own sphere
he lives like a lord, in the pa it
of his includes
cursing mistreating bis little
he no shame even
Within three
I months it is shown by tho police
record be has been
rested. Imprisoned and lined four
times for drunkenness, and bis
money bought bis
KB and paid his lines.
As has been repeatedly stated
this paper. is only one of
a type too common in this com-
And a class that the
law doc- not seem to get at
.-ad Tragedy at Clinton.
e mil be
with Local Applications, bey
cannot teach the teal of
Catarrh is a blood or con-
disease, and in order to
cure it yon must lake internal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh lure is nut a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the lust physicians in this
country for years, and is a regular
prescription. It is composed of
the best Ionics known, combined
the best blood purifiers, act-
directly on the mucous surfaces
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients Is what produces such
wonderful results In curing
Send for tree.
J. Co.; Props.,
Sold by Druggists,
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
A New York clothing merchant
advertised I j
in the newspapers during the
of his business career;
and then baying succeeded
a satisfactory adopted
lilt- plan of advertising only
Business did not
to satisfy the merchant, and
alter eighteen months be found it
was to do all his
work over again. cost more
to re-establish he said to
an advertising agent, it
would If continued to take a
a reasonable amount space In the
newspapers every day the year
round; but the lesson bus been
worth its
A Array of Advertisers.
An advertising periodical
mates that there are the
stales about regular
who spend a least
annually for newspaper space.
Whether these figures be accurate
or exaggerated, is obvious
lens of sands of successful men
f newspaper as
lo their business and their
faith in the virtue of advertising is
the re-nit of
A York correspondent of
the St. says
that most of reports about big
lug there are simply and
that here arc not all bets up
amounting to Betting,
fir effect, part of the machinery
of practical politicians. Odd as it
seems, t voters who vote
for the side that offers largest
odds, Wilmington Star.
line of repairs for name. We
Cotton Seed Meal
By Oar Load;
We have just received two ear loads of
is a gentlemen of means,
one whom our people hold high
esteem, in Lexington who has a re-
odd record, part of which
any could be justly proud.
It is At no time his life
he ever a pocket book, a
pocket knife, a watch or a pistol.
He never smoked or chewed
co, never drank a drop of whiskey
nor swore oath. Truly he is an
exception to the general run of
and can satisfy anybody price and quality.
A lull line of
Shoes, Hardware
kept in a first
Call and get prices.
Cutlery and
J. C
Clinton, Oct. the
inns shocking tragedies in the his
ton Sampson county occurred
here Saturday night. It was the
killing of Lee bin broth-
Lee was
drinking and was trying to
gel home when, in a
ken frenzy, he cut on both
arms, severing an alter In one.
The wounded man bled to death
a short while, lie was be-
hope when surgeons got
lo him.
The dead man leaves a w He and
one chill. was unmarried.
Both were men of excellent
and the tragedy is greatly
in Ibis community,
is in and will lie tried at the
February term of court, lie is
overwhelmed with a
the enormity of crime and has
boon since becoming
i learning of Mini Ill's
death. The families of
have the sympathies of com-
If ii ill came here from
Onslow county and his was
taken there lo d iv for burial.
The Richmond Dispatch recalls
in the in New
York was lo one on James
There was of
to on him. It
was a up Manila knows
folks can belling
and he uses as he does other
methods of
News and
a Republican paper rises to re-
mark evidence of
Is the huge amount of
money in the
As part of it is
the trusts, II may en
their .
and fever is a bottle of
Tasteless Chill is simply
Iron and quinine In a tasteless form
No cure no pay.
and night Sweats with Robert's
. Chill Tonic per
bottle Pleasant lo lake. Money
if ii fads.
lite, purities blood makes
you well. None oilier good.
Sold and guaranteed at the drug
tores of Bryan,
Dr. D. L.
Greenville, N.

N. C.
D. J. Owner
at the Office at
Greenville, N. O., as Class
Mail Matter.
A teller of the
bank New York city bus skipped
the is short
thereby. Pretty snug haul
We surrender must of our space
I o a of the Senatorial
question. As that is uppermost
the of the people per-
haps they bad rather read that
than anything else.
the same light as it does a
One man has just
as mm h right as her to to
be and to be a candidate
for it, and Hie voters have just as
much right to vote for whom I hey
please in this primary as the
delegates in a convention.
Who is your choice for
is the asked. The
dent and Congressman, to whom
most importance should be attach
ed, are but little thought of this
The worst thing about the Sen-
contest is the bitterness it
has engendered. It is all wrong
too, that there should be falling
out our own ranks. Everybody
will be glad when the controversy
has ended.
speeches of Bryan and
calmly and decide which
is the Bryan answers
every question courteously, even if
it is evidently not in good faith
denounces any one who
questions him as a and a
hoodlum. Which lathe more per
feet gentleman.
A bet proves that the man who
makes it either a fool or has
money that he can afford to risk,
but it proves nothing else. The
average working man has nothing
a millionaire can
bin to a
he likes. This may explain
phases of the campaign.
Talk about imperialism being a
myth We have had it on a small
cut since when the
bosses ordered their
men to vote against on pain
of losing their jobs.
pretentious are re-
it will not be many years
before the workman will Is- order-
ed to vote for Hanna's candidates
pain being or
It is a dull for High Point
in which that town does not start
a factory We would
a spirit of that kind take
a good shaking hold on the people
down this way. bus
about as many needs in the c
factories as any town yon can
and there are its good
for as can lie found
With your we would
like to use a short portion of your
today to say a few- words
upon a question which is of
interest State which is
one mail has any more claim vital lo North Caro
the individual the primary I not say that I refer
no more so than one lo the question as to who shall
candidate before a represent us in the States
nit i iii Semite place of that arch traitor
could claim that he should have . ,
Marion miller. purpose is
all the votes. The primary is only , , of
lo make a for j put for whom they shall
not to elect one, and no man is the j vote. we mistake the
candidate until that pie they are to judge
nation is made. Every man is his; for and have already,
,. . , t . u u i. yes long ago,
own candidate, he has the right
there come times, however, when
to ask the support of his it bl
his friends have a right to vote friends should speak his behalf,
for him. without anybody having hereabout will know
j the reason for to the
truth that such an occasion now
presents Strange changes
are now going on. Wonderful dis-
all this strife and bit-
this abusing people and
calling them Populists and
that they are run by
made, and
ludicrous reasons being given
the machine, what not, just j for the same,
because some don't happen to think the last two campaigns
like an another in this matter is have been achieved
the Democratic
in this State
party. Au incubus of thirty years
Who you will vote
and for Congress in the com-
election is more
than who will vote for the
Senatorial primary. Thai the next
legislature will a Democrat-
Senator l absolute
but that we will have a Democratic
or u Con-
to represent this district
is not so certain. Therefore
think a little some-
thing else besides who will I.- Si n-
thing Hem
is to have -among
hurtful to the party. This culling
and slashing each other within
the party Ho- Senatorial
question is as disgusting as it Is
hurtful. run regards
the approaching in about
simply disgusting. One candidate
is just as good a Democrat M an- standing has been gotten of.
other, and the men who will New conditions have created,
for one are just as good Democrats. Men ate demanded to meet them,
as will vote for another. If w such
. . , . ,. man elected the Tuesday
was the candidate the part the . .
, in to represent us the
situation would be different, states Senate. Who shall
as it is the individual voter has ,,. arc
right to express his preference just necessary. What are t
as he pleases and it s nobody else's First order should be men-
business. Let the tinned competency. What would
constitute this in a man From
reading many of the
present one would
Tobacco Trusts. a, embraced the word
Richmond. Va Oct. generosity. If a man is generous,
W. A. a kindly disposed, liberal and lie-
North Carolina lawyer and be is class material
issuing George out of which to make a United
others to prevent the great Black Slates Senator. Prom others
veil factories at Durham, would judge large
N. from being to funds
Hie American whole thing This you know is
General Julian s. Carr, who Republican Idea and some of our
owned a controlling interest the friends judging from their writings
Blackwell factories, sold out to moat be new converts and haven't
others, who represent forgotten way of thinking.
be Tobacco Trust. The American Another assert that his choice
Company Offered cash has said he wants to be Senator
for the property and the was and he has said it in a manner
accepted. obtained that is open, frank and manly
share of .-stock, and once set to and that he i the thinks
work to prevent the for the good of
in order that the Trust North Carolina as a member of the
might secure a clear title, asked , Slates Senate than he can
the United States Circuit Court to as a private citizen. Therefore he
appoint a which was is ought to be Sena-
done, appealed, and the tor. Parenthetically W would say
case will be heard by the United i that this last argument is so con-
Stales Circuit Court of Appeals in that it might well
Richmond in November. I enough to stop just here and say
it would probably be for
the people to say these things
not the candidates. With others
competency seems included in the
fact that he is a Democrat. The
Democratic party, however, has
never had any of these standards
for its officer, for United States
Senate it win require that a man
shall have ability. That he shall
know something of the of
Government and its relation to
I lie people a ml the relation of the
people to it. That he shall know
something of politic and its
to Government and Govern-
to it. That he shall know
the needs of his
and the bravery to demand
thew and the ability lo force their
recognition and thereby accomplish
the greatest good for the number.
The second requisite the man
who tills this place is that he shall
In some degree at least merit the
honor lie must have
done some Signal service for the
The third necessary is
Hint he shall be an holiest patriot
and of the great
which his party is
We might add a fourth
cation the present crisis, namely
he should an able exponent
Of the principles upon which Hie
is founded, able to
contend debate with his
we such a In
Wholesale Indictment of Post,
Atlanta, Ga., October
United Stales grand jury has re-
turned thirteen
former postmasters and carriers
Polk, Harrison and
this Stale, charging con-
to defraud the govern-
II is claimed by the
authorities that the thirteen
went tar as lo give
away stamps in order to cancel
them bulky packages
through the It is said
a dog was sent in Ibis way and licit
pieces pine bark were I
and mailed.
about IS years of
age. the employ of the electric
light plant, toll from the toy of one
of Hie poles this morning while
placing in a Carbon, He turned
twice, partially
time and M a
hold the spikes that line
both shies of the poles the last
time. He was hurl very badly by
the spikes lacerating his chest
h one penetrating the left side of
his jaw. Inn wounds are not
John the Blight who
terrified this community for two
mouths, committing half a
burglaries which
numberless robberies,
was yesterday allowed to plead
in the second degree,
was to Mate prison
fol a term of live years.
today. Is he competent His
recognized ability as a lawyer, his
services as a member of congress,
last but not least the wonder
wisdom and skill which be has
exhibited management of
the last two campaigns as chair
man of the State Democratic Com-
mark him as a man of
ordinary ability. He has been
equal to every occasion on which
hi- service have been demanded
and it is but right and just to say
that the same would of him
Does he merit the
Here I believe every Democrat in
North Carolina will with the
hearty answer yes. If Simmons
hasn't done something for the
State politically who has When
other men have been timid he has
when others have falter-
ed he has been brave
others have
despondent he was buoyant. He
knows no word as fail.
bis leadership we have never
beaten. To him belongs at
least a part the fruits of victory
and unless we mistake the signs of
the times his fellow Democrats
the last two campaigns will so de
the th November next.
Does he stand for everything for
which his party is contending
Let his life and bis act speak. Let
his devotion to our course ring in
the cars of his country that
what his party demands is his
pleasure to do, wherever they de
sire to go he will lead.
Is he able in debate Would he
be able to hold his own with his
associates We might let some of
the Republicans Populists who
met him the hustings answer
this. No Democrat surely will de-
that he has few superiors in de-
Simmons is competent, he met
its the place, he is patriotic and
stands for everything for which
his party he is able in
debate and he should receive the
support of his party for United
States Senator. No other
date before the people
these qualifications unless
he docs he should not lie
Democrats of Pitt county lets
rally together and make the
unanimous for that matchless
leader of North Carolina's, daunt-
less host that stood together last
Lets show our appreciation for
worth by honoring the who has
ever In the thickest of the
One more thought, shall we elect
the Senator or let the Republicans
and Populists select him for us
one of these in the State is
opposed to Mr. Simmons. Thous-
ands of them will vote for Mr.
for no higher reason than to
qualify themselves to vole against
Mr. Simmons. have always
with him they opposed
him. we desert him
Has he changed front Have they
change i purposes Shall they car-
election after the
of the Amendment We
know not what course others
lake but as for us we will never
aid Marion
their crowd to accomplish any
thing politically in this day
time or at any other date.
William K.
Baby Q. j J
These re wools, how much t-
These how much
pain and used to
different now. Mother's Friend has
become k-own mothers have
been nun of lie anguish of
I riced Is a I to
externally. It Is rubbed thoroughly
into I muscles of It gives
and and when the final
cornea n and
easily without pan. Mother's Friend Is
never taken internally. Internal remedies
at this time do more harm than food. If a
woman Is supplied with this
she need never fear rising or swelling
breasts, morn or any of the
which accompany
The proprietor of a In Tampa.
Fla. wife had an awful time
with her child. During her second
Friend was used and
baby was born e.- before the doctor
arrived. It's
lore f I p. r
Atlanta, Ga.
J th,
W. J. Mayo left here Tuesday
for to attend the lair.
The Bethel Athenian Literary
Society meets every Friday night.
We arc glad that
in improving very much.
They will have a joint debate Nov.
The -i is should the
while people lie to support
Han v and family has
returned the north to make
their home here for a while.
Mr. i urn will begin making
few more days.
ROT. J, Pose held service
herein church last
night. He will lie our pastor for
the coming year.
left here
lay for lo attend the fair,
we such a man Andrews was in town
lore us as a candidate for Wednesday
this exalted position We answer returned from
We need
,, ,. ,. ., ,, . i Deputy Sheriff Mooring was in
II is the Hon. I. M. Simmons, collecting taxes.
than whom there is scarcely a bet Miss Nina spent Inst
North Carolinian living night with Mum
He Is a Reception.
Julian S. Ian, candidate
for the States Senate,
reached on the morning
train to fill his appointment for
speaking here today. He was
given a most cordial welcome to
our one of which any
might feel proud, one he said
he would remember and
The speaking took place in
Court House, and the building
was crowded from the stand to the
door, the gallery being full.
There were a number of ladies
present, and Masonic Hall
Miss Annie school
both turned out in a body to hear
him. veterans
from all portion of the county at-
tended. It was a line crowd.
Gen. Carr was handsomely in-
to the audience by Mr.
Alex. I., Chairman of the
Democratic Executive Cum inn Ice
of the county, was given quite
an ovation when he arose. He
made a speech that
was responded lo with frequent
bursts of applause. Up paid a
glowing tribute to William
as the great safe leader
of the people, his to
the patriotism and valor of the
North Carolina Confederate soldier
w a- superb.
Gen. Carr said he had sworn
eternal enmity lo the trust- and
with him it would be a labor of
love to help free North Carolina
from the shackles of monopoly.
His reference to his candidacy
for the Senate was very modestly
made at the close of his speech,
when he urged every Demo-
v lover of North Caro-
lo f and lo do his
utmost to d-d a solid Democratic
delegation to said be
would be glad if at the same time
they would honor him with their
votes in expressing their choice for
States Senator.
At the conclusion of his speech,
Mr C. in of the
teachers pupils of Masonic
Hall School, presented a
to The refer
of Mr. to what Gen.
Carr had done for the orphans in
North Carolina was most touching.
Carr responded felicitously in
accepting the bouquet.
The band wits
and delighted large the audience
with several of its best
of a Bachelor.
A political opinions are
generally as uncomfortable
as buttons
A man trim to make a woman
love him; a woman tries lo make u
man make her love him.
It is easiest for a widow to get
ii i o d again because a widow
never has any conscience left,
lieu a woman is in love with a
man she always has a longing to
see him on a horse leading a big
pa rude.
Probably whenever wanted
to make Adam mad, she reminded
In in i hat In- had- i got as many,
ribs as a man was lo. I
The next Grand Pall Exhibition and Great
New Bern Fair will be held
November 12-17, 1900.
It will be the and Greatest Exhibition of Diversified
Products of our State ever held.
Every Department has been augmented, and the Program
Amusements has been mode to embrace only the very latest and beat
A Double Balloon Ascension and Double Parachute Leap will be
made day by two of the Most Celebrated the World
The Vaudeville Attractions will include everything that is
date. Daring Acrobats, Tumblers and Performers, and the very
Clowns and ever seen on fair
Splendid and orchestras
The best and most exciting racing ever in North Carolina is
insured. The large purses, aggregating will he hotly contested
for by the speediest trotters and runners on the turf.
Wild and domesticated animals will be exhibited natural
tale a whole of them.
An immense aquarium will contain the lineal specimens of
truly interesting exhibition. fish, oysters and game
exhibits will be greater than ever. The fair is to be made a great
of the Tar Heel art, nature and industry. Do not miss it.
Hon. F. M. Simmons will formerly open the fair November 13th.
A great many other distinguished will
All the railroads and steamboat lines will run cheap excursion
Send for premium list or other information to
GEORGE Secretary.
I have a new and well selected stock of
and have secured the services of Ella Greene,
as assistant for this season. She is a
trimmer of long experience and I will guarantee to my
at the Lowest Prices ever offered.
Infant Caps and Cloaks a Specialty.
Points Higher.
Means 1-4 Cent per pound more for your
We have just established at Greenville one of the best equipped
Gins to lie found in Eastern North Carolina and solicit ginning.
We turn out the cotton you can get anywhere but our charges are
no higher than others. YOUR COTTON.
Pattern Hats,
Misses ERWIN
Grimesland, N. C,
General Merchandise
from which lo make their purchases. I carry at all
times a full line of Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries,
Hardware, Farm Implements, In fact anything
you want about your household or your farm I can
furnish at
Bottom Prices.
I buy Cotton All Kinds of Country and
pay highest market prices for same. I want pat-
and will treat you right time you come to
my store.
your when-
ever you meet him. He i
in Greenville Ibis fall, and we
take considerable of for
tills ion Ask the
man if we are entitled to this honor. Never In the history
of this establishment have carrier a complete o
as we have this fall. Our customers tell us this, and they
are certainly competent to judge. We have everything
that Is the rage in New York, and a visit to our
will give you a complete knowledge of nil that is
new and in the fashionable world. In regard to
our prices We know that you will not utter a word of
complaint. Drop in when you have a little time, we
want to Bee yon.
If there
in the margin of this piper ii
so to remind you that yon owe
and we request
you to settle as early as pas-
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
the cross mark on their
Lost Hit Vest.
Out near the Liberty warehouse.
Friday, somebody stole Mr. N. H.
vest. There was some-
thing over in money, several
check- and all bis pencils in the
Hon. Dan one of
the Democratic Electors for the
State at large, will speak in Green-
ville next Thursday, Nov 1st, He
spoke here the recent State
campaign and Pitt county folks
will be glad to hear again.
Let a large crowd come to hear
Three Boxes.
In the November election only
two ballot boxes will be used. One
will be libeled, Presidential
and the other will be
labeled, Members of Con-
Then where will the vote for
Senator come in t There must be
another box for I hem.
Marriage License.
This week Register Deeds T.
R. Moore issued only t marriage
licenses, which were for the follow-
J. L. Williams and Mollie
Reddick and Mary Lit-
Allowed Ball.
The habeas corpus proceedings
before A. M. Moore in be-
half of Mr. W. II. who
in jail under the charge of
poisoned his wife, came to
a close late Friday evening after
being in progress for two days.
Mr. was allowed to give
bond sum of for his
appearance at the January term
Pitt Ho gave the
bond and was discharged from
N. C, Oct. 27th.
Why is it the A. G. Mfg.
Co., arc so busily employed, and
their drays, cats. cart.
wheels, cart saddles, back bands,
n and cotton
planters find such ready For
the simple reason their work is all
first class the material used by
is of their own selection
the very best. Everyday almost,
new names are added to their list
patrons and gratifying letters of
appreciation all denote the
high standard which their work
has attained.
The Neuse Association closed its
second session Thursday
to meet next year Kin-
The session agree-
able as well as profitable, all
who were present, before leaving,
expressed themselves as highly
pleased with the results. There
was nothing to mar the occasion
and it was with much regret our
people bade the visitors good-bye.
Many friendships formed
the pleasant intercourse
ed will long be remembered, and
that may often be repeated is
the sincere wish for all.
we on through life, in solitary
What the soul may most desire i not
ways at ;
And meet from time to time tiling
that we
Yet we often find lust they are .;. . .-
Mrs. W. H. Smith, lira
among her more intimate friends
as called by the
other morning and asked if we
knew of anyone going lo
I was milk
along yesterday I fell down
and my nose broke
my glasses. I can stand the skin-
nose, but my glasses, they
must be Mrs. Smith
has done more for the education o
poor children in Pitt county
any dozen people it. She is
only a lady of intelligence and re-
but it is you meet
one so a real de and pleasant.
The child of Mr. and Mrs.
Rowan Cooper died Wednesday
bin its Th in I iv
Miss Dora R.
clicker, Simon J. A-
Nichols attended the fair at
this week.
A. G. is still paying
highest prices for cotton seed.
Fresh Pork
sage at M. Sell tilt z.
Some Speak to Me, Some to You
M. Moore, of Parmele, spent
last Bight here.
J L. Fleming went to Washing-
ton this afternoon.
C. of Sanford, arrived
Mrs. Dr. Dixon returned to
W. even
Seven Springs.
Gillian, of Tarboro, CUM
down Wednesday evening.
Miss Forbes went lo
Wednesday evening to
Hon. T. Skinner this
morning for vims
he spoke today.
Ml Who
visiting her Mrs. W. R.
Smith, left this morning.
Washington city,
came Wednesday evening to
some days here at his old
J. W. Smith and B. H.
of Danville, spent Wednesday
this tobacco market and left
Mrs. L. H. returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
Rev. R. Clayton, who has
been E. A. left this
Misses Mary Vivian
of Hamilton, came Thursday
evening lo visit friends.
Harvey, Danville, who
has been visiting bis brother, W.
Harvey, returned home Thurs-
day evening.
V. W. win. lies lid a
I.- lb . T. Co. lien-,
it I till air -i ii- family
I. T. Balls went i Rocky Mount
J. went to Ayden Fri-
day evening.
Bruce of Plymouth, loll
this morning.
Gen. J. Carr left Friday even-
F. c. left this morn-
log for Henderson,
Harris returned from
Ayden this morning.
A. E. Palmer left this morning
for South
Miss Delia went to
Mount this morning.
Donnell to
this morning.
C. L. Wilkinson returned Fri-
day evening from Raleigh.
Mrs. Hurry Skinner returned
Friday evening from Norfolk.
Mrs. C. T. and little
son returned Friday evening from
Dr. W. H. Bagwell returned
Friday evening from Raleigh where
he had been attending the fair.
Miss Nannie Johnson returned
Friday evening
where she bad been spending a few
S. Smith W. J. Hardy
left this morning for to
see their sister who is sick at
Dry Goods Only
If so,
you are
the Largest
Stock of .
of any house in Greenville. upper floor of our immense store
is just filled will Furniture and Carpets.
Anything you want, whole suits
or odd pieces, w can furnish.
We lit up any room in
your house at Prices.
Our Special Clothing, IV
a id lion Bargain
c at own prices
i i
Men Suits the and quality, Sale Price.
Men Suits the and i quality, Sale Price, 2.75
Men Suits the 3.00 and 8-60 quality, while
Boys Suits the quality,
Suits the and quality, Sale Price,
Suits, Tailor Made Silk Taffeta Line the
All Wool quality now
Accidentally Shot.
A few days ago Mr. L, A. Mayo,
who lives about three miles from
I went count;
to attend some business. As his
wife children would be
alone while he was away, he took
a pistol out of a bureau drawer
where he kept it locked up
put it in his dressing
telling her she could use it if used
ed during his absence.
Later their year old son.
Willie, the pistol in
dresser and took it out to play
with. The little fellow had the
pistol by the barrel and
himself by pulling the trigger and
feeing the hammer rise. He
led it too far be weapon was
discharged, the lull passing
through the boy's knee
zing the aim of brother
near by. Willie is getting
along with his wound H well
could be expected. It is fortunate
that the accident was no worse.
No, Mamie, dear, just because ii
suffers from boils we shouldn't
coll him ii lobster,
It's the person who does
the most crowing.
These Goods are All New. No Old Stock on Hand.
Shirt Waists, worth
and 11.30
plain and fancy Linen
Waist, while Collars
extra heavy unbleached
Children's Fast Black worth
Linen Canvas, worth
Best Feather Bone, all colors So
Knitting Silk, all colors, worth
Men's Collars, worth
Silk Bhutto Webbing worth inch
Side worth
worth in, silk covers Stripe White
Lace, worth
,,,. Welted Pique, all colors .
.,,, Fancy Bilk, worth Fancy
Windsor Tics, worth
Laundered Shirts, worth
good ones,
id, i net Dress
Woven BedSpreads, worth
I I. . -.-1 .
Nottingham Lace Curtains worth worth
I i- Imported Irish Damask, worth Corset
Fancy Slick Pins, worth Window Shade, spring roller
; Men's Colored Shirts Collars and Mercerized
styles mill Patterns,
Bilk Belts, all colors . 12.00 quality II
Luring, Embroidery Cotton, worth left, come while I hey last
Big New Store.
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C
I ii i ii
r i

I .-
Attention Farmers
I am now offering you one of the most complete lines
dry GOODS, hats,
at very reasonable juices. My line of
which is the of any market ire fresh and cheap.
When yon none to town again give me a trial.
Jas. B. White.
Don't Be Deceived.
Ma. of those
who are opposing Gen. Carr for the
States Senate say he is Dot
man of ability. It has stat-
ed the press that his followers
do not lay claim to statesmanship
for because he is not a law-
Here are the He began
life poor and unknown. His
bad no wealth and no prestige.
His lather livid at Chapel Hill,
and he made use of the
ties afforded at the University of
our State. He entered upon the
of life's battle with
bat a trained mind, good health
and character. He chose a
rather than a professional
life, close
wisdom he became a sue
business his
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret is
the power to digest
a proper of
This can never be done when
the liver docs not act it's part.
know this
Liver Pills arc an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
Our Royal.
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which is due to its merit, and also oar vigorous advertising, has
caused to put mattresses on the market, which they are offering
for less money and claiming they are as as the ROYAL
elastic Don't be deceived by same. We
deny that they are as and arc read at any time to com-
pare oars with others. Ii local denier does not handle them.
write us direct for descriptive pamphlet.
Sole Manufacturers, X. C,
manufacturing plant at Durham
became a mammoth
From a ham where tobacco was
pulverized with a slick, it became
a four -million dollar em-
ploying of laborers. As
it grew Mr. Carr became identified
with other enterprises, and he has
been closely connected with the
successful administration of more
enterprises than any other
of the state. This requires ability
of a high order, and many men of
marked ability save been unable
to accomplish so much. It may be
ability of a different kind from
that which enables a man to
preach practice law or medicine,
bat it is ability of just as high or-
it involves the
of men and affairs. But Mr.
ability does not end here. While
he has been engaged in these
enterprises, he has also been
conspicuous In the political,
and religious affairs of the
State. With pen and by speech
be has advanced the cause of all.
The Church has had DO stronger
friend, no more Influential force.
The unanimity with which the
educational the State are
supporting him, shows that his
ability is In that held.
stump he has served his
n-t and his State and demon-
bis ability. Au article
from bis on the in the
Booth Was dear and strong a
of that subject as I have
read anywhere, and I recommend
it to those who speak and write
about his lack of ability land
Statesmanship. His contribution
to the campaign literature of
were effective and in
changing the tide in that great
Mr. fair has never become so
absorbed in business as to forget
his books. He has now, and
ways has had, a good library.
His interest in his own affairs
never Interfered with his interest
in public affairs. An atmosphere
of culture cut and learning
Ins home.
Some of the friends of other
began the light the
line of service, and have
found that Mr. Carr was superior
there. If now change the
contest to one of ability, they will
find upon investigation, that he
has demonstrated more kinds of
ability any other man in the
do I agree with those who
r books amendment
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens, pencils, slates, it In the
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion etc., States Senate. A lawyer
I will be needed when it is tested in
The Senate has nothing to
do with it, except to make political
capital. It may attempt to reduce
our presentation in Congress, or
to pass another force bill, fan we
I will need there some man of
and tact w ho has friends and
Influence in the North as
the a trying hour like
this on another occasion we were
saved by Mr. Gorman, the. great
j Senator from Maryland, and he
I was not a lawyer, l know of no
I man in North Carolina capable of
doing more fur us in such an
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
for homo, farm, office and general use.
Every sale with a guarantee to be fire
proof range from up
Greenville, N. C.
As one of for School Books
Pitt County. We handle the books designated on the
Stat.- I i-t for the public schools and can supply what-
ever you need, also have
A Smile In Each.
one need to shake the hand
of fate.
It's easier to miss a than to
kiss a
The latest development l be
A fever has to be pretty high for
a fellow not to get over it.
The made up complexion is
what it's cracked up to be.
The discreet business man sells
every but his customers.
The man who that
dead not e was never
The coal dealer who gives short
weight should have a long wait for
his money.
The dishonest fisherman gets his
by hook or crook.
The successful football players
should always have a kick coming.
A man with a cold his head
has of right wrong.
Adam a family tree, but it
brought him a heap of trouble.
Columbia may lie the of
ocean but she can't play football.
The schoolmaster is good at
tires. He would be a pretty figure
if he were nit. He is the figure-
head of the school, or should lie,
but sometimes a boy gels ahead of
When a poet falls love with B
girl it la natural that he should run
When one says he knows
another like a book he must
mean a scrap book.
The clerk who over sleeps
himself may not be interested in
politics, but he often for
his office.
eyes drank in the fa-
read novel-
who was running over his latest
story. what a re-
marked Quarter, suddenly waking
Timber. Will pay from to
10.00 per cord for same, F. O. B.
THIS WOOD must be round,
nearly free from knots, and sawed
off at both ends. Will take feet
and S feet long and as small as
inches in diameter at small end,
but no smaller.
J. H.
N. C
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
flagging, Tics Bags.
October 30th, 31st and
November 1st and 2nd, 1900.
THIS is SOUTH CAROLINA'S Bid Exhibits, Fine
Baaing, Great Midway. Roman Hippodrome, Balloon Ascensions
by Female Free Wild West Show, Grand
Best Hand Music, and every kind of amusement.
Vim afford mill this great Fair.
Everything will be full and complete.
Come to the Big; Weldon Fair.
t. l. rarer, p.
W. CREEK, Sec.
The Hew York jury who had
the case of Mrs. against
her doctor for damages for
two kisses against her will lour
years ago, found a verdict for the
doctor. They didn't deem it good
I policy to put such a high
kisses four years old.
Wilmington Slur.
Something Ne and Fresh ti Eat.
Pancake Cream
Wheat. Oat Meal, Cracker Meal, Hominy
highest Mason Cracker,
r rah a to Wafer, sweet
Pickle. and Hates
a e teller assortment run net. goo,
that I have ever bandied
S. Schultz.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides. Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
Units, Lounged, Safes,
I mil
Meal i- Key West Cheroots,
American Can-
Cherries, Peaches,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Hoar, Sugar, toffee, Meat, Soap
Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Gotten and Hulls, Gar-
den Be . Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prune, Raisins, Gloss
and China Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
Mai, Chiles, Butter, Stand-
ard Mewing Machines, nu-
other Quality and
Quantity, for Come
to see me.
Phone W.
Now Home
Sewing Machines
If yon a
Hooker's or write me
The having duly
the Superior Court Clerk I'll
as of the Loot an
of W. It,
is hereby u all persona
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the and all persons
having claims against said estate mint
sent same for payment on or before the
Sod of October, 1901, or this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery.
of October. 1900.
Mart A A.
of W. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and Orleans.
All notified not at
eater any of our lands lying i
County, la
lands K. Anderson, and
the lands
Vitality, Lost
Cure of Mom
. nil want
A. tonic
blood builder. Brion
pick to
and UM
firs of south. By mill
. i r I- for
with our
or money paid.
of our
Loan of
oB. Fit. and lbs
Opium or
By mull in plain a
for Our bankable
ante bond to curs la days or
ft sale by J L
The One Day Cold Cure.
In head cured by Ker-
c . . . I. A Io
cry l m,
We will pay the shore for any
or we can
not cure with tits Little
Pill, the are
with. They are purely and
r fall to con-
contain SO
contain if
and Imitation, by mall, stamp
TO and
Jackson III. For by
L. M
We sell cheap
about it.
your Dry
Our Cheap Store.
W. I. Co
Lt Weldon
Io i
2.1 ll
Ar Mount
Lt Mount
t to
; as
ii n
m it
a it it
as i n
i m i
Ion n no p a
ii p m, Sac
ford p in Returning; Sanford
J pm, Wilmington
leaves lien,
a m, Maxton a m, Red
a m, Hope Mills a m,
p m, Hope p n
p m, p n
arrives p m
with train Hi
at with the Carolina
.-. . at with the
Air Line and Southern
Railway at Gulf Durham and
Train on the Neck
W n Halifax IT p m.
S OS p m. S
pm. -I T mi
. a m. S K am,
at II IS a m, am.
Trains Branch leave
a m apt p in, arrive Parmele
leave Parmele Sal
ant p m. except Sunday
Train leaves Tarboro dally except
at m. p m. arrives Ply-
S pm. leaves Ply-
mouth dally, except Sunday, SO a la, s m
day ii
Train Midland N Q leaves
born daily, except Sunday, Ball o,
S a m, leave,
Train on Branch leave Rocky
Mount at a m. p m, lie
so a m. pm, Hope II a m, t SB
leave Hope II So am,
pm. a m. arrive at Ho.
Ir a to. I p m. dally except y.
on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for
dally, except Sunday, Isa
P Clinton am end
Train close VI el
don for all points North dally, ail via Rick
Pass. Agent.
J. It. HOTLY, Manager.
T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Ma- ager
by the Quart
very bottle yen take of
better heart,
and every bottle a rail
Quart It makes better blood-pure
blood. Fur thirty
remedy has
food health.
builds the
serves, and muscles
men promptly
say other remedy knows. The pallor of the
check disappears, energy of
and tbs rich color of health Iowa to
the cheeks. for all disorders of Ike
stomach sod sad for all
of men, women sad children.
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Night Sweats
Money back if it doesn't.
No other as good, the kind
with the Cross on the label.
Sold and guaranteed by Wooten,
Bryan and druggists.
All persons hereby warned for-
bidden to hunt with or without gun or
or in Any oilier way trespass upon the
lands in Town-
ship on the north side of Crock.
J. It.
J. II.
t iv and L
Having this day qualified M the
Clerk of Court of Pitt county
as Administrator of the estate Henry
deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons holding said es-
to present them to mo for payment
duly authenticated, on or before the 16th
day of March, or this notice will be
plead in bur of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are notified to make
lo me.
This the 1711. day of September
of Henry
go See gs.
At the old us Moore store,
on Five Points, where we have
just ii pi-11 a new and fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Canned Goods,
Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to lie found an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce,
either in cash or barter. When
yon want to sell or when yon
want to buy come to sue
To all who favor with their
patronage we promise entire sat
at Five Point
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
N. O
Greenville, N.
Cotton Bagging and always
on ban i
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
W, R,
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
S i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
PROTECTION. Send model,
for sad
Palest Lawyers. WASHINGTON,
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
National Ticket.
M Nebraska.
of II
Presidential Elector, 1st
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
A Whits
to a strange for-
the part of a few Dem-
voter as, to fully appreciate
the tact that primary
month, is a white
man's contest.
The talk of losing a few bullets
in this precinct or that, or for-
getting to count ballots for the op-
candidate of that
all the ballots are read
when the count is made, and other
little tricks which the man at the
box may institute, this kind of talk
is going to prove very dangerous
if the talk is followed tip by the
perpetration of such acts as
rule out legitimate white votes.
The rules this Sena-
primary are laid by the
Executive Committee of the Demo-
party, and while the prim
is not legalized, so that offense
committed way be punished under
the law, yet there will lie punish-
by public exposure if the
election is not conducted fair-
The rules governing the Senator-
primary ought to be to
every poll holder.
Who can vote and who cannot,
is settled. As to the class,
men and which
makes it a white man's
Those who voted the State Dem-
ticket in August, and those
who will vote the National
ticket in November, covers
the two of voters.
This Senatorial primary may
pear to many a trifling affair, a
matter to be joked about as lo how
the ballots may be cast and count-
But let no one make such mis-
take, for some thoughtless action
some preconceived scheme, may
lead to some after developments
that will prove anything but a joke
to the perpetrators.
The candidates and the party's
reputation are equally at stake in
this Senatorial primary election.
New Bern Journal.
He Is Not For Hither Candidate
The Greensboro correspondent
of the Charlotte Observer stated
Monday's issue of that paper
that ex Hansom, ex Sena-
tor Jarvis and Col. were
all supporting Carr fir the
Senate, and that the two first
named would publish cards this
week declaring their position.
The following telegrams on the
subject passed between Gov. Jar-
vis and Mr. M.
Raleigh, Oct.
Charlotte Observer states
you will this week publish card
supporting Carr. Answer if such
statement is authorized and what
is your position.
Greenville, Oct.
C. M. Busbee, Raleigh, K.
Telegram I am Ink-
no part in Senatorial contest.
It is not accurate to put me down
as supporting either of the gentle
men. Thus. J. Jarvis.
Washington, l. t;., Oct. th.
When old Chandler made
Hayes a possibility by claiming his
election after the returns showed
election, he established a
precedent that has slavishly
followed by the republican
gt-re of every national campaign
since. The republicans
ready r- elected ac-
cording tn their claims, and the
voting i days hence will
The object this bluff
Muster is so plain that he who
runs may read it. Once get that
large portion of the public which
personal part in politics
other than to vote to accept the
idea in election is
assured, and the way will be paved
to worn Hanna's way to secure
election by the corrupt use of
and or nothing the above provision an
manipulation of political live and lawful manner,
will lie more apt lo accept the. that the
result so obtained because it had county forward to the
been so confidently claimed before State treasurer, or secretary, dues
the laughs but as fast collected. This is
he laughs to meet expenses incident to
The democratic managers could organization throughout the
Tobacco Convention,
The general committee of the
North Tobacco
association met in Raleigh Thins-
day morning and out the fol-
recommend a vigorous
pushing of the plan of organization
adopted at the State meeting
January last, until every county in
the State that grows bright
co shall be organized.
further recommend that as
soon as a county is organized, that
books of subscription for
merchandising shall be
opened to the members of
the association, that urge
each member to take stock in same.
The price of a share is to be
further recommend that
our legislative committee shall for-
acts, charters, etc ,
present to the legislature; giving
authority fur carrying out the
We are In the forefront of the race after your
We offer you th best selected line
General Merchandise
To Tin; The
rial bill a short time off,
and therefore, let us come
a- one man, elect the most
useful, most best
lifted man for the
Julian S. Carr. He has dune more
for the of the party, en
more campaign purposes than
any in the State, as this
is the first position of honor he
has asked of party, let us rise
in our might give a hand-
some majority.
While I know a great deal has
been said in regard to
campaigns being managed by Mr.
ii it-, ,.; tell me who is ii
not conduct a success-
campaign when be has the
means with which lo carry on
shatter some of tho
which the republicans
are as assuring
election, but to do so they
would have to show where many
Hi votes are which
the republican bosses are fondly
counting for and they
do not deem it good policy to do.
It is the which they
are depending upon to elect Bryan
i . , . ,, . baseball team, was killed yes-
and Stevenson, to locate that J
. ,. ,, , a game at Sun-
rote for the republicans would be, . ., . . m.
five miles from here.
Persons interested in the move-
and desiring to sec it fur-
will correspond with the
State secretary, T. B, Bills
N. C.
Killed In a Baseball Game.
ford Turner, a member of the
if you do not sou our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the lines of general merchandise, s
Goods and Notions,
Hats and Gaps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
to make trouble for the voter
to lose much of it. Just let every
democrat keep his shoulder to the
wheel remember that
C, is the day on which the
President will be elected.
Bank Examiners that can de-
fraudulent manipulation of
bank books by crooked
is a needed reform which has been
emphasized by the news of a
defalcation an employee of
the First National Bank New
York City. Secretary Gage was
inclined to treat the matter rather
team had engagement with the
ball club to play at Sun-
yesterday. During the
game, Mr. Turner was the first
base his friend, Temple Harri-
son, was him. Turner
tried to make the second base, but
finding that ho could not do so safe-
turned, and attempted to return
to the first base. avoiding the
baseman he collided with
who was struck such
force that he was thrown to the
ground Turner fell upon
uplifted Knee, causing some
lightly, when asked why the bank
examiners employed at high internal that resulted
by his department had not in his death in
discovered the big defalcation in
their examinations of the bank's
He said, as
though it were a matter of
examiners can-
not be expected to discover old
defalcation when the bank officers
themselves have not found or
it. The First National
Bank can stand it easily, with a
surplus of These few
words of Secretary Cage are a
strong Indictment of the national
bank system, as it is now run.
If the bank examiners lie
to find crookedness i
it is pointed out to em by the
officers, pray, how do they
earn their salaries If the people
elect Mr. Bryan President, he will
get a Secretary of the
who will expect more of the bank
examiners, will sec to it that
they are men with knowledge and
skill enough to meet his
This particular bank has
been such a pet of republican Sec-
of the treasury, since 1877,
when it jumped into prominence
as one of the most successful New
York banks, through favors given
it by the Treasury Department,
that the bank examiners may have
been afraid to look too closely into
its books.
to be found in any store in County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
Winter. arc work for joins and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is pleasure to show you what you want and to
sell you if We offer you the very service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well same, and it has been mainly due
established business built up strictly on its own Can's contributions that
e I we have bad the means with which
successfully conduct these cam-
In one recently
ed, Carr, Instead of sending
his entire contribution to the State
chairman, he distributed it among
various county chairmen,
Curr has done more for
party than Mr. Simmons could or
would do, were be to live to be an
hundred years old. Right here
let me say, that in justice to the
other candidates, Mr. Simmons
should have resigned as State
chairman when he announced his
candidacy; this is generally
in all such cases, As it is,
ii gives him every advantage over
the other candidates.
What we want, is to send a man
to the United States Senate that
bus influence with all classes of
people, and will them,
fur sake paying a
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in Hint line. for being n Democrat
buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Bead ts,
Plows, and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Immediately after tins accident
he was surrounded by
He told them that he knew he was
going to die. They tenderly
him to the shade of a neighboring
tree. He summoned his brothers,
sisters to his side and
affectionately bade them all fare-
well. He exonerated bis friend,
of all blame the mat-
and said that he himself was
the h s death, but that ho
was not afraid to die. He was
conscious to minutes of
his death. A doctor had been
summoned, but he did not arrive
until a half hour after the young
man had died.
Mr. Turner was to nave
married before Christmas. He
had brought his sweetheart to wit-
the game her presence
made the accident more pathetic.
The took place this
at church, of which
he a member- Mr. Cecil,
of Haw circuit Methodist
church officiated.
If you want stoves or ranges upon
scientific principles which are economical, durable,
and convenient, as well as beautiful and artistic,
for the
has been
from politics all right enough
this state, but the
upon which future political contest
would lie waged has not mater-
Durham Herald.
A of
died recently, leaving quite a little
property to various, persons. To
him who was supposed to lie her
favorite nephew she bequeathed
set of false teeth, which will
be found the upper right hand
drawer of my The young
man at once concluded that his
aunt must have concealed sonic
diamonds or precious stones
the set of teeth. Accordingly
he smashed up his bequest, but
found jewels. He will DOW con
teat the will.
trade mark, which is shown upon every genuine
Stove or Range, do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitute
lead all others in yearly sales and popularity.
Sold Exclusively by
N. C.
is a baa the
of diameter
him fur high exalted
position, and, if elected, will go
to the Senate without the influence
of any trust or combine. His
hands will not be tied, and he will
be n position to do the people of
his native State inure
any man no could send, lie is a
man of the people, can re-
lied en at nil limes.
Chance Home Seekers
is n live, progressive
town, offers opportunities for
Investment are seldom equal-
ed, Vacant are scarce
heretofore but lea desirable build
lug Iota were available. For
reason the growth of the town has
been somewhat retarded, as
w in wanted to locate here
find homes.
On Wednesday,
o'clock, p. in., ten acres of
sub divided Into con-
building each
will soil
auction, it is the property
of the railroad o the north
street, belonging to I.
l. The lots
arc to be told easy
one-fourth cash, balance
covering two years. Mi. A.
Harris, of New York, who had
many years experience band-
ling real estate, will a charge o
tho sale. Further Information
if con be had reference to
the advertisement In this paper.
Coming n r i. ii i.-.
Mr. J. US he
has attractions booked for
the opera house In the few
The Pal i Stank Com-
week, the Schumann
week. Square the
week following, and a little later
old favorite
here, will be along a good
State city
Frank J. makes oath
that he i the senior partner of the
firm of J, Co., doing
business the City of Toledo,
county and State aforesaid, and
that said firm will pay the sum of
one hundred dollars tor each and
every case of Catarrh cannot
be cured by the one of Hall's Ca-
Cure. Frank J.
to before and
ed in my presence, this day
of December, A. D. 1880.
A. W.
Votary Public.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is In-
and directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
Scud for testimonials, free.
F. J. Co.; Plops.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by
Hall's Family Pills are the
Smile In
The weal her indicator is often
made in vane.
A fellow may fall love
still rise to occasion.
When professional thief
catches cold he takes things tor it.
It lakes a lot of corks for some
fellows to haven corking good time.
According to the milkman, you
never miss the water till the cow
runs dry.
The average woman will cat
onions for supper and then sneer
a man for putting perfumery on
his handkerchief.
The women who can't stand the
lien I thy smell of a cigar most always
have perfumery on that
makes a man tick.
Anyway, nature had just as
much excuse for inventing toads,
most let sonic people think
that they are sharper than yon if
you would retain their good
It disputed question whether
there is u man in the moon, but we
are dead sure there is one the
At church women consider
the texture more than they do the
The Herald
Tho Charlotte Observer atop the
press long enough to say that a
little life has finally been injected
Into the senatorial campaign la that
stale. North Carolina will never
gel exactly right until she adopts
the primary system in full,
the traveling menagerie with
u Walt Whitman bringing the
That's what wean working to
in primaries with
candidates going over the
Slate, I bey do in South Carolina,
holding joint discussions,
each other liars
things, and varying the entertain-
with an light. But
must crawl before we walk.
have mule a brave start to-
ward the South Carolina plane,
and when we gel our
as State has them
we will have present primary
experience every two years, with
additions, enlargement flounces
and Observe.
lever is a bottle of Glove's
Tasteless Chill Tonio. if Is simply
lion quinine iii u tasteless form
No cure- pay.
night Sweats Hubert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic at per
bottle Pleasant to take. Money
refunded if it falls.
petite, purifies file blood and makes
you well. other as good.
Sold guaranteed at the drug
stores of Bryan, Wooten and
Dr. L.
Greenville, N.
over White
Fleming store.
i a

Eastern reflector, 30 October 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 30, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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