Eastern reflector, 23 October 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Attention Farmers
I am now offering you one of the most complete lines of
very reasonable prices. My line of
which is the of any market are fresh and cheap.
When you to town again give me trial.
Jas. B. White.
Don't Be Deceived.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which is lo its merit, also our vigorous advertising, has
caused tn put mattresses on the market, which they are offering
for less money claiming they are as good as the ROYAL
ELASTIC Don't be deceived same. We
deny that they are as and are at any time to com
pare ours with others. If your local dealer does handle them,
write us direct for descriptive
Sole C,
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
for home, office and general use.
Every sale sol with a guarantee to be fire
proof. Prices range from up.
Greenville, N. C.
Famous Chill Tonic.
and Laxative. Guaranteed ohm for chills and
fever and all malarial and billions troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Co.,
Winterville, X. C.
Interest la IS.
Special of Reflector.
Mama W. c, is,
Three weeks more, then the
president nil election and senatorial
primary Or shall I say the sen-
primary and the
If the is not regard
ed as of more importance by North
Carolinians they certainly exhibit
more interest in it, it is the
subject of discussion wherever you
see two or three men collected
it is not limited to Democrats.
Republicans and Populists, par-
those parties
perhaps it would lie
to say that party, for the
has been so complete and of
such longstanding as to practically
wield them all one
organization, are manifest-
only interest but zeal and
activity in little political
contest, and I hear that
of them to try to vote for a
certain senatorial candidate if
lowed by the and Dem-
managers to do so.
The withdrawal of Governor
Jarvis from the senatorial race was
generally commended by nil,
it is a mailer of common
here, a- these line are writ
ten, that Major will retire
soon. As a goad party man re
would not lie
any more surprising than It would
be strictly just to see the
ship to Mr.
Simmons in the same manner in
which the
was so handsomely delivered
to Mr. I'd lore to see it
done that entirely proper
he added. So would the great ma-
of true Democrats of North
if the talk one hears
the hotel lobbies here nowadays
is indicative of the ob
the various sections
by the talkers
most of whom are talking very
earnestly about the matter, too, it
should he added.
those never failing reflectors of
public their respect
ire never been
more pronounced and earnest
their expressive English, within
my recollection bracing a period
of a quarter of a century, to say
more, and constant reading of
contact with during
the last week, their
on any subject.
To the glory and credit and
honor of the North Car-
be it
said today, as it could be said ever
since the present stamp of men
have editing They arc
they own
their little penny cedar pen-
and the Washington hand
consciences arc no man's keep-
Scud of the
Fair Association at Bern and
compete for some of the valuable
prizes offered. The race is
to and the List given for the
To those living
in malarial districts Pills
are they keep the
system in perfect order and are
an absolute cure
for sick headache, indigestion,
malaria, torpid liver,
and all bilious diseases.
Liver Pills
HUt V.
Even gold bugs refuse to invest
in vagabonds.
One touch of cold ware makes all
the world
The world delights to play foot-
ball with the man who is down.
Men often and
who make no claim to Chris-
Scandal put up in a
of lit will lose its flavor.
The Republicans are in a bud
boat with a long voyage up Salt
Rivet before them.
The man who is to
doesn't require a divorce to
become separated therefrom.
Some men are so extremely mod-
est that they will blush at the
or even at a
Too much straight will
make a crooked
whiskey will not
make a walk straight.
Every tear that we brush away
from the eyes of sorrowful will
lie gathered up by some unseen
and placed as a gem
in the crown of future glory.
Timber. Will pay from to
10.00 per cord for same, F. O. B.
Goldsboro, N.
THIS WOOD must be round,
nearly free from knots, and sawed
off at both ends. Will take feet
and S feet long as small as
inches in diameter at small end.
but no smaller.
J. H.
N. C
j. w. co.,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
lagging, Ties and Rags.
and shipments
MM art
Lo of M.
, mint
. all d
of or
and indiscretion.
tonic and
ha rink slow
thaw the
ink lo pa la
of Tooth.
MB, f
. per for
i, with our to o
id paid. Send for
able, c
a-d copy of our
As one of the depositories for Public School Hooks in
Pitt County. We handle the books designated on the
State list for the public schools and can supply what-
ever you need. We also have
slant and vertical, double ruled practice writing books
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens, pencils, slates, Its
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes etc.,
Sow Our
B soapstone pencils cent, plain load pencils cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover cent, distorted crayons, with metal hold-
in nice wood box S cents, lead pencil, slate pen-
and pen, and rule, all nice wood box,
cents A great big wide tablet cents. Bottle of beet
ink on the market, S cents. Copy books to cents.
White crayons, gross in box, cents. Good fool's can
paper rants per quire.
fountain gen
According exchange, a
good woman in Arkansas town
claimed that It showed a lack of
proper faith mankind to mark
the spoons loaned at a church so-
refused to mark hers
lately. She put in a dozen, and
got out three.
A drove of ostriches passed
through the State this
route to Florida. Somebody at
thought it was the con
the Middle of the-Road
Populists in a special
A Smile la Each.
The crusty man should eschew
The lighter is not
close fisted.
The woman who fishes for com-
shouldn't east slurs.
the of the football
season the is on the
Sometimes it's the man with the
smallest loot who foots the largest
Time for from a
man's point of view, is every time
she sees a mirror.
Most men think they can do
better thin they are being
until they try-
girl admires a man's strong
will before they are says
the Chronic Bachelor.
she calls it
girls wait to meet
their says the
Philosopher. go out look-
for it armed with a war-
rant and a dark
floating population is some
thing said the New
York man. replied the
particularly when
you at one time the
floating population of the whole
world as routine I to the ark.
One thing about a peal of laugh-
is that you can't step it like
that of the banana.
Au anxious seeker after know-
ledge writes to ask what use the
sun spots are. Why, to make
When a fellow borrows trouble
there is the devil to pay.
livery man own an auto-
mobile who thinks that he auto.
The homely girl is usually to be
pound at home.
The Daughters of the
in session at Thursday
elected Mrs. W. H. Overman, of
Salisbury, president; Mrs. Jarvis,
first rice president; Mrs. J. W.
Hinsdale, of Raleigh, second vice
Mrs. Garland Jones,
of Raleigh, recording secretary;
Watson, of Salisbury,
ponding secretary; Miss Oliver, of
Newborn, treasurer; Mrs. Parham,
of Henderson, registrar.
at Shrunk Onto
Hoc. Fits, Paralysis and to.
Cm Si Tobacco, or
bona to our In days or i
mono id. Address
For sale by J L
Greenville. N
Ar K-. .,
I at
till a
i t ii u
as ID l tat
I E, ti
am pm
A i
ill a
Lr Mount
ii m
m i st ii a
i ii
I to II R II
lot ii tr
in it.
Ion a m, IV n a
p m,
lord in.
i p m, p m loT
p m,
m, a m, Red
m, in,
rive t
p m. Milli p
p I I p
arrives Id p m
n with N
at with
1-. with Rn
Springs or At
with the Seaboard Air Line and
Railway at with the Durham m
Train on
at p m. K
pm. pm. learn
W a m, W a m,
at is
by the Quart
a run
builds up tat
nerves, tau
of the
takes place of
east Ike risk color cf w
and and ail
et children.
CO., nick.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
Suite, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
Gail Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Bate,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
mm m
Phone Rf.
Do you know
We sell cheap
your Dry Notions,
Shoes, Trunks, from
Oar Chi n Store. No Scraps
or Sales.
sill per reward for any
of Slot
not rare with Little
when the are
compile, are purely an
fall to boxes con-
boxes contain SO pills,
boles Hi. beware of
and Imitation- sent by taken.
sire, t For by
I L wool KS. N c
at II a m, II
a m and to p m.
a m and p m. lease a
am and pm, am
and p m. Sunday
Train leases Tarboro dally except Sunday
at to. Sunday pm, Ply-
p m. p m. Ply-
except Sunday. Sin
Train on Midland N C h,. u.-h
dally, except SO a m,
at to am, p m.
a m. Ob p m. Hope II am.
m Hope II to am
II a m. at
Mount except j.
Train on Clinton Branch Warsaw for
dally, except 1st
P m. returning at am lad
to p m.
Train No close a el
don for all points North dally, all Riot
H. M.
Pass. Agent
J. R. K Manager.
My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for
ville, leave Greenville daily at
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
per bottle. Cures and
Fever, Malaria, Night Sweats and
Money back if it doesn't.
No other as good. Get the kind
with the Red Cross on the label.
Sold and guaranteed by Wooten,
Bryan and druggists.
New Home
Sewing Machines
If you need I Machine see me
Hooker's store, or write me
The baring
the- Superior Court Clerk of Fit
county u the Last Will an
of It,
notice is hereby given to
to the estate to pay-
and all
claims against estate must
sent the same ail on or before
day of 1901, or this
will tie plead in bar of recovery.
This 2nd day of October, 1900.
Matty A A.
of W. It. I
All persons are hereby warned and for-
bidden to hunt with or without gun or
dog or in any oilier way trespass upon the
undesigned in Town-
ship on the north side of Creek.
J. B.
en. wife and I,
Having this day before
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt county
as of the of Henry
Elmore deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons holding claims against said es-
to present them to me for
duly authenticated, on or before the 16th
day of March, 1901, or notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to are notified to make
immediate to me.
This the I Till day of September 1900.
M. r.
of Henry
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on i
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and Brokers in
Storks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
One Day Cold Cure.
In l . sore cured by Res.
s easy lo
. Ass
candy, for
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every At
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for produce.
To See
At the old Moore
on Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
lo be found in an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce,
either cash or in barter. When
yon want to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire sat
T, F. CO.
at Five Point
------DEALER IN------
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B.
t .
The Eastern Reflector,
National Ticket.
For Vice
of II
Presidential Elector, 1st Dist.
For Congress, 1st Diet.,
of Beaufort.
a cam-
like the present where the
troops so many nations have met
and watched one
the con-
duct of the of any one
a whole is especially
to America can
proudly boast that the men
her in China have proved
the equal, if not the
of any troops China.
conduct of the
have given General
an at the meet-
of generals which are held
every other day, ahead of that of
any other general. It is not dis-
either General
hard common sense, which accord-
to other generals has biped them
solve many a problem nor
bis personal popularity both among
and but
it is unquestionable that his
has greatly increased
through the leader of a body
of men who have distinguished
themselves, only in the face of
enemy, but equally so as against
the that exist
like under existing
It is also said among of-
the of the adjutant
general's office of the Americans is
much quicker and much more
factory that of any other
probably the best known
liked officer of the American
officers among foreign officers
, In- exception of General
fee, is his general, Cap-
Expelled From the Church
th Democratic
A short tune after August
election the deacons and a few
of the lob colored Baptist
which is just over the line
in county, expelled Ben
a colored school teacher
of this county, from the church for
voting the Democratic ticket. The
of the church show that
this was the charge upon which
Person was spelled. Under sec-
of the election law,
of the In number
who participated in
proceedings were indicted last
week in the Superior Court of
Vance We that
Judge Starbuck, a Republican
Judge, the bill of in-
on the that the
was The sec-
which these
of men's consciences were in-
reads as any
person who shall from
employment, withdraw patronage
from otherwise injure, threaten
oppress, or to intimidate,
qualified voter of this Slate,
because of vote such voter may
not have cast in any election, shall
be guilty of u The
prosecution appealed to the
Court. Louisburg Times.
The cotton stalks have many
places come out so that the fields
are greener and prettier they
have been at any time. This is
condition, and some
few have expressed the
opinion that a very late fall would
cause new bolls to
But the best informed have no such
hope. The boll are too young to
mature lief ore the cold weather
kills the plant-.
However, it may be that these
green cotton stalks would make
good feed.
r Isaac Brown, of Tuckahoe,
Jones county, writes us that a
short while ago he wrote the State
commissioner of
advice as to best way to utilize
stalks to advantage, so as to
supplement the poor short crop of
Hat cotton. Mr. says he
stated that cattle and horses will
eat the tender part of the stalks
that cattle will fatten in a cot-
patch after the stalks are killed
by weather.
Mr. Brown further mentioned
his postal that Prof. Atkinson, of
Boston, asserted at the first
exposition that
stalks and seed properly
are worth more than
Mr. Brown stated that the far
have no to put the
stalks in. and asked if
had been made
into hay.
Raleigh, Oct. 10th,
Mb. Isaac
Tuckahoe, N.
Your postal of the
8th to Mr Patterson has come
to me, in his absence, for reply.
The chemical of cotton
stalks show them to be equal
feeding value to ordinary grass hay-
but the difficulty with them is that
after the cotton is picked the
stalks are so tough that animals
will not eat them to consider-
able though, as you say
the case is rather different this sea-
son, and if they should be cut be-
fore frost, then stock would eat
them. I see no reason why they
should be a fair feed. You
might try an experiment with them
by cutting a quantity, and
putting away for your stock. I am
satisfied that experiment of this
kind has been made. It you had
a shredder, like the ones used in
the of corn stalks, it
would certainly improve the value
of the stalks for feeding, as it
would break and tear up so
that the could eat them
to much better advantage. Of
course it would pay you, I
think, to get one of these shredders
just purpose, as it would
be an experiment with you,
a number of farmers the Slate
having good farms arc g t i-.,
utilizing the entire corn
plant instead of the ear fodder
as it has been done heretofore. By
this process double the feeding val-
is gotten from the corn plant,
as the cars contain about per
of the total feeding value
the stalk about per
am sorry I cannot give you
Information on the subject
but, as I have stated, I know of no
experiments will help you
Very respectfully,
B. W.
State Chemist.
The Free Press knows nothing
about such matters as the
but publishes this article simply to
put our farmers to thinking. If it
ever would pay to harvest and save
the cut ion it seems to us
that this is ideal year to do so,
Kinston Free Press.
A Diplomatic Ultimatum.
The employees of the State De-
are in receipt a
communication from the Sec-
to the effect that they are
under obligation to do so, but
any contribution which
fit to drop into the slot of the re-
publican machine will be duly
entitle them to see
the elephant It is necessary
to remark that the
is only to this
language is antithetical it was
handed down with usual red
tape. In other words, it might
be said to have a string to it like
so many other emanations from the
State Department. some re-
it resembles the dispatches
to subject to more
interpretation its face.
But those to whom it is
may hold it up to the and
read its only meaning, To em-
who live in the chilly at-
of diplomacy it will be
understood that Chairman
has authorized u, cold hold up, and
that Secretary Hay's k
is visible even In the darkest
of the depart
Tins is one notable instance in
which American diplomacy prob-
ably will accomplish its desired
Johnston County
Raleigh, N. October
Following are the names of fifteen
Johnston county citizens
charge of intimidating
assaulting D. T. Massey last
Cleon Parker, F. II Brooks, J. M.
Morgan, C. L. F. B.
B. S. Pittman, B. J. Noble
F Kirby, E. S. Thomas
Brinkley, George Powell, C. S.
Powell, N. T. Ryals, George Holt,
Claude Bandy. All are
men. Morgan is a member
of the legislature, and ex-
member, C. S. Powell
Noble past grand master of
The warrants were issued
through Stales Commission-
Parker by Claude Bernard, dis
attorney. All those arrested
asked immediate but
Parker declined to have it and
postponed it until October
That is the day Chairman Sim-
mons speaks at It is
suggested that probably
thought there would be some dis-
there that day owing to
the great crowd, that they
would get some excuse for at-
tacking the validity of the
Negro Men Monopolizing Read-
Room and Tablet.
complaint is heard
i now the large number
men and youths who arc
making a practice of
around the State library
the periodical table and
other departments. This
for it is declared such by while
of the library and Mr. Sher-
the genial and efficient
as well, has only been notice-
able for two or t weeks
In fact for scarcely so long a time
as that, and authorities are
somewhat puzzled to decide just
how it shall lie abolished. As con-
now are the is re-
very many complaints from
ladies who have to almost elbow
their way through these
to select from the reading room
table a paper or periodical
they may want to read.
The is determined to
put a to this condition some
way. He says the legislature
enact some law by which
separate reading rooms would lie
for white colored
We are still the forefront of the race aft W y
We offer you the best selected line of.
General Merchandise
to be any store in Pitt County. Well choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable ail the year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad-
It is our pleasure to show you what urn want and to
sell you if we can. We offer you very best service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our stock before buying elsewhere.
us the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Jackets and Capes, Carpels, Matting Oil
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee. Lard, Scad t.
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Hope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either or Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
The Stove Go's
Stoves have been sold in
Greenville for Sixteen Years.
We are currying a full line of those
both cook and heating IVe also carry full
Una Of repairs tot same. We buy Hay. Lime,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls
By Car Load
We have just received two oar loads of
and can satisfy anybody in price and quality.
A lull of Dry
Shoes, Hardware Cutlery everything
kept in t fin. class general store.
Call and get our prices.
i- a serious mistake to i Cannot be Curio
eyes to the truth. Governor with Local Applications. M hey
I Jarvis. in his remark to reach the Mat of
of The Poet, in
, , . .-.- disease, and ill to
reply to as lo National ,.,,. B
polities in this State, told a truth j remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
when he in this taken and acts directly
State, but for the OB the Wood mucous surfaces.
primary we would not know a cam-1 Cure i not a quack
., . . ,, . It was prescribed
going on. Ibis blunt ,,. ;
of the truth I country for and is a regular
OWn argument. We have believed prescription. It is composed of
that this seeming apathy was heal ionics known, combined
a lack of ii the issues , act-
. ., mi the surfaces
involved, bat owing to I ,
growing out of demands upon ingredients is w hat produce, such
results a curing
Band for tree.
J. Co.; Props.,
Sold by We.
Hall's are best.
people by tin private but
which would release before
the election and certainly on the
day of the election. We think
there arc . that we arc
correct. If not, then Governor
statement it of stupendous
not expected Mr. Bit-
receive anything like the
v given Mr. or
amendment. Certainly a
number of our citizens voted
for both of the latter who will not
vole for former. Main Be-
publicans, and Populists, too voted
with us in August whom we know
will either not at all or
will not v with us next
month. -Still we have bad no
sou to doubt a reasonable majority
for our ticket November, nor
an we unless the fact stated by
Governor Jarvis has a much deep
significance to the real con
than we have heretofore be-
If the mean, of
our Democratic people-
are from actual
lo the result of the contest,
then must sound the alarm
the Democratic electoral tick-
et of this state, as several
of In i i
danger. It behooves Demo-
generally, aid coin-
specially to gel lo work.
The people must be aroused. The
enemy is neither dead nor
we may rest of Take
Mr. vote as all our own
Republican vole
was leaving ma-
i J . Ibis looks as if it would
be hard to overcome. To over
it an average of over
v from the Democratic tn
the lie; in each
or a stay at home vote of over
who voted in August.
The of- the-road Populists
have to he reckoned, This la an
unknown quantity. If they areas
strong as the leaden of that organ-
claim, they will
or vote against Mr.
Bryan. All, or quite all, voted
for Mr. cock August. This
loss, if It actually occurs, reduces
A number of people who went
out to bridge Sunday
to a colored baptism were
treated to new. There
wen- -even candidates for baptism
of them were baptized.
seventh one went into the
water when it to rise up
her waist her failed
her and lusty tone she cried,
Let n me me
as no words of the elder could
she was allowed wade
out, much to the of her
heron her lack of faith. Hut they
say of speculators
were at the timid
sisters fright when old
waters began to rise about her.
Bank Win. Its Suit.
Tarboro, V. October o
superior court here today,
Judge Coble presiding, In the
of the Bank of Tarboro vs.
and Trust Company
of Baltimore, Md., with James
hi. the defaulting cashier.
defendant, Jury, after a week
investigating, rendered a verdict
in of t he plaintiff bank.
Company a- resisting
payment of the bond.
Counsel representing bank
were Hon. II. ;. Connor and
ii. M. T. Fountain. The Surely
Company was represented by Col-
John and
very materially the basis upon
which our strength was calculated I ,
above. add to this dead
our referred to by
i-. and our Mends
may realize the real situation
confronts them,
Democrats, be up and doing if
you wish to save total vote
for Bryan and eh solid Demo
n Col grass.
Mount, of Indiana,
has received a deed to acres of
la ml around the grave of the moth-
of President Lincoln, in Spencer
county, I ml.
A. southern Journal thinks
the lime has arrived when the
newspaper i of country
should assemble convention and
shall be bestowed, Pot it-
sell, i would give that title lo
Presidents, Cabinet officers, Got-
of States, members of Con-
federal and Judges
if Supreme Courts of States,
and line it members of
grand and deputy
The nave but one
in their new
she cannot will
Italian. Her language. Is French;
and is all the mole
remarked contrast with the
domesticity of Queen
who belonged to royal house
Savoy birth well as bum
Queen memories
and traditions are
the friends and of
youth having been the Empress
mother of Russia.
and lever is a of Grove's
Tonic. It
Iron and quinine in form
Ho pay. Price
tune a gill sits her
lure I lie photographer lakes for
batter of worse
and night Sweats Robert's
tasteless Chill Tonic per
bottle. to lake. Money
refunded If it fails. Restores
petite, purifies blood and makes
you well. None other as good.
Sold and at the drug
stores of Bryan, Wooten
Dr. i. L.
Fleming store.

D. I. Owner
lit the Post Office
Greenville, N. C, as Second Class
The MM called to
tery made u-port of work
during I be mi in Mill, that
missionary work Pres-
W. J. Bryan has speaking I. , , ,,
A tery is progressing favorably.
New York this week and
the city gave him a peal ovation.
Bryan's popularity Ma
Bryan is not a calamity
date, fact, is
other foot. man-
agers are trying to by means
of deliberate threats to throw the
country into a panic and cause a
business crisis if wins.
Their whole is
on terror, con up-
Washington is deserted at pres-
thousands of gov-
clerks gone home
o register in consequence of official
intimations that such a course
would advisable. they
will go again to vote. Democrat-
clerks, however, on applying for
leave, that their can-
not be at present.
is title
of a neat just issued by
the German Kali Works,
St., New York City. This
publication treats folly about
from the time of
now seed to the marketing of the
crop. It is a valuable publication
and will b-1 sent without charge to
any planter who applies for
Mr. one of the
co trust magnates.
in public Speech under
that the treats have
come to May and that there will
hi further for commercial
traveler. Perhaps,
himself mistaken if Bryan
Of course,
win, nothing else i- In
Henderson was as the
next place of meeting.
Al o'clock there was a sermon
Morton from the text
M of exceptional beauty and
tenderness, the speaker pointing
out Christ's great love for us. and
how this love should constrain us
to love more and to devote
our time, our talents, our
ourselves to His service.
After the the Presbytery
held a memorial service for the
late Ir. C. M. Pa; if Washing
touching tributes were
paid to his nearly every
member of the Presbytery made
some remarks. Memorial
were introduced by Or.
and adopted, and the
vice concluded with prayer.
Presbytery met at o'clock
and opened with devotional
by the Moderator.
The minute- of yesterday's
were read approved.
Chairman of Home Mission,
Dr. Morton, made M inter-
report showing unusual
this great cause,
the pastor.- and sessions were
to lay this matter before
their churches.
OB Orphans Home
made report which was adopted,
including overture to the Synod
of North Carolina urging that some
more method be
ed support of the
At a. excellent
was preached by N.
After the sermon Presbytery
heard report of Committee
Minutes Of General Assembly. A
i of four m appointed
to receive and
in to our new
forward same to the
Hymn Book Committee.
Preaching tonight at
by Dr. Panic.
We do nut remember to nave
seen a m quiet m the
present one, The people to
be taking no Interest In the com-adopted.
lag election.
Presbytery met at
Dr. Morion read the Mis
appointment for the coin-
winter which was received and
of Foreign Missions made
an report.
Presbytery adopted by a rising
vote the following revolutions of
That it has afforded the Pres-
very high pleasure meet
more this
and in the lovely illy Greenville;
and that the thanks of the
tery are warmly tendered to
congregation for its cordial enter-
to the homes so
graciously and liberally extending
their hospitality to of
this as well a to the other
churches of the city for their
Christian courtesy and to the
generally for kindest
That this resolution be read
from pulpit of this church at
the discretion of the session.
The docket being clear, after
the reading of the minutes the
Presbytery to meet in
during the meeting of
Synod, at call of Moderator.
Closed with the Apostolic
Inexcusable, i; is dangerous to u
c tendered
bis resignation M school
of Democracy and gov.
We have both pres-
a to elect
on the 6th of
county should give a large major
for our fr
lice-. Ml the whirs
and black, are going to be at the
polls voting for their side, and
Democrats cannot afford to stay at
agent. After considerable discus-
Vs. Bernard
The Supreme court yesterday
order u the case
of Shepherd vs. Bernard from Pitt.
This is the suit lilt b-
Barnard for destroying the home
Mr. B, This case
went up for the Supreme court to
decide or not Mr.
must give times and
causations for charges. Th
ruling Of the Superior court
that he would, and Supreme
court sustains this decision, and to
the chubby little
the world's record by
seconds in that famous -print-
match at Greenville, won the
first fall in the suit over a ruined
News i Observer,
Thomas Watson, who was
Bryan's running mat. Pop-
in MM, that
his M law-
and author still leave inf.
time to till soil and lie
has purchased a large in
the intention con-
it m n invest-
Pitt the resignation was accepted
and Res. W. T. Walker was t
ed in his place. Further discus
was postponed until after
en ices at night.
c. M. of Washing-
toll, was grafted leave of
Shaw was granted leave of
ice alter tin- afternoon's
of agent colored
postponed and dis
committee on
of General Assembly
Subject under discussion was
Whether or not the action of the
General Assembly in regard to
the to the Confession
of faith should be rescinded.
much earnest discussion it was
decided in the
overture to the Genera As-
to revise the
was down, I for and against.
Al Dr. Daniel preach-
ed a powerful sermon on
as suggested
that of The Chief see
Genesis Chapters U
I lie set Presbytery
and beard
report of Agent of Colored
Bar. w. T. Walk
I resigned M Agent for this
Bay, R,
a his successor.
The Agent of and
work reported this
branch of our work had
encouraging dining year.
Misses Jamie and Mary
Thigpen. Mildred, spent Tues
day with Mrs. Win.
C Carson left here Monday
for Wilson.
c. has moved part
his desk to Black
Creek to begin making desks for
awhile. He will continue here
I chard Howard, of Tarboro,
was in town Sunday.
W. Keel family visited
rt lathes here Sunday.
Mi- It. D. Whitehurst
spent Wednesday
W. was
Tuesday on business.
D. C. Moore in town
day to hear the speaking.
Mrs Cobb and
Mrs Mollie Cobb, of Mildred, spent
Tuesday with Mrs.
and family. hope to see t hem
again real soon.
Miss Mayo returned
Sunday from Wilmington where
she has visiting relatives.
Miss Lillian Taylor, o e of Prof.
Z. D. pupils return-
ed home
count of sickness. We wish a
rapid recovery.
We all were proud to sec our
Congressman. Mr. Small, last Sat-
His speech was out of
Prof. D. has on
roll pupils.
Rev. I A. cl Reported to
j Killed His
Wife and Child
The report was made on the
street here yesterday that I.
A of Snow Hill, led his
wile child. Mr. is
well known here, having at
time been assistant M. M.
Marshall, of Christ Since
leaving here he has
minister and was to cashier of a
bank to be established at Snow
Mr. Hill, of Snow Hill, was
in city yesterday, stated
that he was directly from
Hill, and that when he left, no
such affair bad red, and that
Mr. had Snow
Hill in three
New- nod Observer
A report somewhat similar to the
above has circulated in
ville for the last day or two,
though its correctness could be
vouched for. Mr. for
several months last years the
Episcopal this town as a
supply pastor, and left here to go
to Snow Hill to engage banking
We hope the rumor is
not true and that no such awful
tragedy has been committed.
N. C, Oct. 20th.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
day made shipments of their
drays and carts to Mount
Olive. Snow Hill, and
other points. There is such con-
demand for their work that it
is almost impossible for them to fill
orders as rapidly as they receive
them. already very
is still growing.
Neuse Association of the is-
Baptist church will bold
its annual session here begin-
Tuesday, 23rd inst. will
continue in session three days. A
large crowd is expected. No doubt
many sermons will be deliver-
ed during the meeting and the
public are cordially to at-
tend. Everyone anticipates a
good time ample provisions
have been made.
We were sincerely grieved when
we read in Thursday's
account of death of Mr. J.
J. Dancy. He was our nearest
neighbor and of best friends
had all through life. For
we had the highest regard, the
greatest respect the
friendship. We shall miss him
when we come home for it was
ways our pleasure to call and see
him whenever tic visited the old
J. A. B.
hare three Before
bin i of the last one raj wife lour hot
of MOTHER'S If j. i had the
p., of children, job could sec
a ;. a lull Ike one
Is prettiest Ml
wife Mother's
Friend Is
Great Hew Bern Fair.
In the
a 1.1
nine-tenths St
to child-
bin ii. The
disposition and remain
this relax
usual distress. A
Is sure I bat.- a e
is kepi in a
child also inherits
lakes a wife
crisis and I
assists in her and
off d b so often follow de-
I a
,. and Meet of Great
Bern Fair will be held
November 12-17, 1900.
U will be the Grandest and Greatest Exhibition of the Diversified
nets of our State ever held.
Every Department has been augmented, and the of
Amusements has been made to embrace only the latest and best
I I oar
X. C. Oct.
X. was here Friday.
Claude Kitchen made a
ti speech over at Bose Sharon
W. H. Patrick to Kinston
Williams, of were here I Wednesday,
a very little while Wednesday. W. Thompson, of LaGrange,
i W. F. same came down Saturday to sell cotton
town was here a very little while that was raised on the Carr place.
Thursday. J. Patrick Mrs. Patrick
Misses Charlotte Dixon and went over to Fort Tues-
Parker spent Thursday in J day.
I Tobacco is going high.
Cox is still highest Gus Forbes, of Greenville, was
cash price for cotton here Friday.
Mrs. C. A. Fair week re-, Dr. and W. S. Freeman
a supply of the been to attend
and best millinery ever brought to trial of W. B. Bland for the kill-
this market. The ladies are of his I rot her C A. Bland
ed to call and see her hats, pat- about a four weeks ago at this
terns, silks, ribbons, in fact she place,
has everything kept a first-class
millinery establishment, in
prices she will compete with the Fresh Goods Buckwheat. Magic
Yeast, Mountain Butter per lb,
at S. M. Schultz.
Buck Jack, N. C. Oct.
Little Miss White is on the
sick list.
S. Dixon, who has been
visiting on Clay Boot, returned
home Sunday to delight of her
Amos Clark took a stroll .-.-----.-ii
la-t Sunday through Beaufort jg
White, of Pollocks-
ville. Tuesday night with bis
cousin, u. White.
Miss Maggie Simpson, who has and Trained An-
. ,. . . . Exhibition Largest, richest
friends relatives
this place, returned last Sun-
day to home in Vanceboro.
Mrs. Susan who
A Balloon Ascension and Double Parachute Leap will be
eve-y day by two of Most Celebrated in World
The Vaudeville Attractions will include everything that is Up-to-
date, Daring Acrobats, Tumblers and Performers, and very fun
Clowns and Comedians ever seen on lair grounds.
Splendid and orchestras
racing ever seen in North Carolina is
The large purees, aggregating will be hotly
for by the speediest trotters and runners on turf.
Wild and domesticated animals will be exhibited in their natural
a whole menagerie of them.
An immense aquarium contain the finest specimens of
truly beautiful and interesting exhibition. The fish, oysters and game
exhibits will be greater than ever. The lair is to be made a great
of the Tar Heel art, nature and industry- Do not miss it.
Hon. r. M. Simmons will formerly open fair November 13th.
A great many other distinguished will be present.
All the railroads and steamboat lines will run cheap excursions
for premium list or other information to
I have a new and well selected stock of
have soured services of Mrs. Ella Greene,
as for this season. She is a
trimmer of long experience and I will guarantee to my
customers Prettiest
at the Lowest ever offered.
Infant Caps and Cloaks a Specialty. Dress Patterns
Fashion Books.
Points Higher.
Means 1-1 Cent per pound more for your
j World's Progressive Shows Mu-
Cent Show
on earth. their Ninth
of continuous
has been visiting her brother, L. and to their mil-
H. White, has returned to her, lion patrons aggregation that is
home near in all essential features absolutely
Elks, one of our respect-1 De beginning to end. Is as
farmers, died at his home this quality as immeasurable
morning about four o'clock. He The only big show to
had been sick of typhoid fever for reduce the price of admission to
some weeks. We extend our includes a scat for
est to the many every visitor. Date
ed ones left his death. M
are the dead who
30th, 31st and
November 1st and 2nd, 1900.
We have established at Greenville of the best equipped
Gins to lie found in Eastern North Carolina and solicit your ginning.
torn out the cotton you can get anywhere but our charges are
no higher than others. I'S COTTON.
Pattern Hats,
Misses ERWIN
Mr. W. II. island, of who
a few weeks ago, an altercation
with bis brother, Mr. C. A.
cut the I so severely that he
lied, name in today and
ed Sheriff Mooring. He
was taken at once la-fore Justice of
II. Harding for a
nary bat waived
nation, lie was placed under a
just died bond for his up
at the January term of
court. The was readily
en. Daily Deflector 20th.
THIS I CAROLINA'S Urge Exhibits, Fine
Midway, Roman; Hippodrome, Balloon Ascensions
by Free Wild West Show, Grand
of Music, and every kind of amusement.
You can't d to miss this great Fair.
will be foil complete.
Come to the Big Weldon Fair.
T. L. EMRY, Pres. W. B. GREEN, Sec.
H. H. OR,
Grimesland, N. C ,
from which to make their purchases. I carry at all
times a full line of Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries,
Tobacco, Hardware, Farm Implements, In fact anything
you want your household or your farm I can
furnish at
Bottom Prices.
I Cotton and All Kinds of Produce and
pay market prices for same. I want pat-
and will treat you right every time you come to
my store.
You'll Catch Cold
If you wear under
wear this sort of weather.
This cool weather is the best underwear
salesman we have. It reminds you daily
that a change from Summer to Fall weight
would add to your comfort. No matter
whether your taste turns to heavy cotton
or light wool. No matter whether you
want to pay or for a garment. We
have the
In All Grades and Styles.
Its remarkable how much we sell
still not so remarkable either when you
sec the superiority of our goods and note
the reasonableness of our prices.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that you owe
Eastern for
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe as and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Beat Cheapest.
Many people no idea what
they arc missing in not
to Saturday Evening Post
at per year. At price it
is the cheapest literary paper pub-
Subscriptions for it are
taken at The Reflector office.
C Be sure to read advertise-
of H. II. Proctor, of Grimes-
land, in this paper. He has a
splendid stock of general
and wants your trade. He is
a young man full of push and en-
and will be on a look out for
the interest of his customers. Be
sure to call and see bis store.
Not I h. Old Man.
Mr. W. T. says that
when his son, T. Lipscomb, left
hut week for Columbia, good many
people thought it was himself,
old man, who had gone. Instead
of his leaving, he says yon could
not ran him sway from Greenville.
Lexington, Va., Oct.
William L. Wilson, president of
Washington and Lee University
ex-postmaster general, died
suddenly at o'clock this morn-
of congestion of lungs. He
bad been failing ever since bis re-
turn from Arizona. Ho was a
member of Cleveland's cabinet.
flood Speech.
A large crowd was the
Friday night, to hear
Mr. C. L. Presidential
Elector for district. He made
an excellent speech, discussing
clearly and strongly the issues of
the campaign. Mr. will
speak again in this county on the
29th, at
Attention is called to the
of fair that
appeals elsewhere this paper.
This lair begins Oct. and con-
through Nov. 2nd. ex-
will be large and there will
be many attractions of interest.
No doubt there will be a large
crowd to go from this section
railroad will give reduced rates.
Carr buttons put an
here and find numerous
wearers. There are also
for Simmons and Waddell buttons.
Mrs. A. son
both bad a narrow escape from in
jury, Thursday afternoon. She
had the little fellow out driving
and was holding him in lap,
one of her Miss Hellen,
Forbes, being the with
them. The child held the whip,
and while Mrs. was
leaning over and talking to some
one passing the struck
horse a sharp lick. horse
jumped and both Mrs. and
were thrown out of
buggy. neither of them
was hurt, but they were badly
frightened, mother being es-
alarmed about her child.
Mr. J. J. fancy Dead.
At a quarter to ten o'clock, Wed-
night, at bis borne on Third
street, Mr. Joseph J. Dancy passed
away, after an illness of some
weeks. He bad passed bis 78th
year, and was the oldest native
born citizen in Greenville. His
wife died a few years ago and be
leaves no family. His
nearest relatives here are Mrs.
G. James,
Miss Sallie Marshall.
The funeral took place this
at o'clock, interment
being by the side of his wife in the
Methodist cemetery. The services
were conducted by E.
Found Dead In
Burlington, N.
Nellie Shepherd, who lived alone
in neighborhood of Brick
Church, was found dead her
fire-place last Friday I p. in.
This woman bad been sick few
weeks ago, but was perfectly well
lank week. It was thought that
she dropped dead the lire-place
about the middle of week, but
was not found till Friday. Mrs.
Elizabeth J. Lineberry, who lives
about a quarter of a mile from
the deceased, was the to dis-
cover her. crowd that
found a dog one
of the woman's feet. The foot was
placed back on the hearth,
body lay there Sunday
when remains were
put and buried at Ht.
Speak Me, Some to
Thursday, October 1900.
H. Cox, of spent
the day here.
I. A. Sugg returned Wednesday-
evening from
J. L. Woolen returned
day from a trip north.
W. J. Nichols returned
day evening from Atlanta where
he has been speeding several
toll, 1900.
J. S. Manning, of Durham, was
here today.
from Kinston.
W. H. Cox returned to
Thursday evening.
F. C. left this morn-
for Rocky Mount.
W. E. Mead, of Danville, was
on the tobacco market here today.
F. H.
from Washington Thursday even-
Mrs. W. T. Godwin left this
morning to visit her daughter a
Elm City.
Paul of Greensboro,
came in Thursday to visit
friends here
X. M. Watson returned
and Chapel Hill.
L. of
who has been visiting A. II. Taft
left this morning.
Mrs. It. M. Hearne and little
son, Edward, of Washington, are
visiting her father, Allen Warren.
Mrs. of Washington,
who has been visiting Mrs. J. U.
Farrow, borne
Most of ministers and visit-
ors who were here attending the
left today for their
Mrs. J. It. Ball, of who
has been visiting Mrs. T. K.
Hooker, returned home
Dr. W. W. of Grifton,
was here today.
Postmaster J. J. Perkins left this
for Raleigh.
G. A. returned Friday
evening from Clinton.
Mis. Thomas left Friday
evening to return to her home in
Benjamin Plymouth,
came in evening to visit
friends here.
Miss Addie of
came up this to visit Miss
Martha Dudley.
Mrs. Alice of Kinston,
came over this morning to visit
II. P. Hoover, of Washington
City, has been A. II.
Taft, left this morning.
Miss Lizzie Anderson, of
came over this morning to visit
Miss Mary Alice
Mrs. Crow, Miss Crow and Miss
who were at the Pros
returned home today.
O. E. Warren left this morning
for Raleigh. He took along an ex-
from Riverside Nurseries for
Wash Edwards left this morn-
for so he said. The
boys said that where his best girl
liven was his
Miss of
Friday to
Saturday and With
her sister, Mrs. Moore.
F. this
county who has been spending
some days with his mother and
other relatives, passed through this
morning to his home
And the Goods are doming Daily.
Our Second Trip North was a Great Success in
And These Bargains Are Your; For The Asking.
great markets like New York, Philadelphia and haw boon searched
Bargains and -e have them. We are to sell for less money thin anybody
else Why Because we buy more goods than any other store in town
and get larger discounts; and we sell for the smallest possible
of profit, depending on a large volume
and no rents to pay.
and sell. CASH Over
the Counter and No
Let The Figures Tell Their Story.
Men Suits th.-18.00 and 9.00 quality, Sal.- Price
, . mm Boys Butts the Sand quality, Price,
Men Suits the 6.00 8.00 quality, Price,
Suits, Tailor Made Silk Line the
Men Suits 8.00 and 8-M quality, while they last All Wool quality now
Exchange Improved
Mr. V. V.
Manager of
Telephone Company, who
was here part of this week, told
The Reflector most of the
outside work of reconstructing the
exchange here had been
ed. New poles have bet-n put up,
and new cables and lightning
have been put on. All
that remains to be done now is
putting in the new distributing
board all metallic switch
board, which will lie done next
week. A his is
ville will have one of best
The has been billed for
Ban Show that exhibits here
on Nor. 1st.
These Goods are All New. No Old Stock on Hand.
Shirt Waists, worth
and at.
plain and fancy Linen
Waist, white Collars Cuffs.
58-inch extra heavy unbleached
Children's Taut Black Hose, worth
Beat Linen Canvas, worth
Best Feather Bone, all colors . .
Knitting Silk, all colors, worth Ilk-
Men's Collars, worth
Silk Baltic Webbing worth
Checked worth
yards worth
Hose, worth
Children's extra heavy Hose
Windsor Ties, worth
Laundered Shirts, Worth
Honey ones,
English Woven Bed Spreads, worth
. Tc
Steel Bod Umbrellas, silk rovers Fancy Stripe White
Men's Cuffs, per
Welted Pique, all colors.
Cheese Cloth, all colors . Curtain Cretonne,
Foulard silk, worth Fancy Negligee shirts,
Fancy worth Be 11.00 .
Nottingham Lace Curtains worth shin worth
11.26 Men's Bilk Boson
i Imported Irish Damask, worth
11.35 Box Fancy
Tins, worth lei Window Shades, spring roller
Colored shirts Collars I Waists
New styles and Patterns, the
Bilk Pulley Belts, all colors. too 13.00 quality 81.00. Only boot
Embroidery Cotton, worth fie. while they last
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C

Attention Farmers-
I am now offering you one of the most I lines
BOO, hats,
at very reasonable prices. of
which is the of any market are fresh and
When you to town again give a trial.
las. White.
Don't Be Deceived.
fair next week and
the week after.
A Carr club in Monroe started
with members.
The ministers Charlotte passed
resolutions against the
of a brewery in that
The of North Caro-
has ordered work to begin at
once on I new dormitory. It will
be a three story brick building,
will granite trimmings and slate
roof. It is to cost
Brooks, a colored woman
on the farm Lam
her l-ear old child in the
house and went off. The house
caught lire and the little was
burned to death. Tarboro South
J. P. Scot killed D
K. at on Tuesday.
had policeman and
was going with a knife
when the officer shot him.
A High Point doctor amputated
a arm. The HI told the
doctor to make such disposition as
he pleased of and the letter
sent it and had the skin tan-
and made Into pocket book.
I he Grand Jury at has
presented Miss Harrison, the
Science Healer, who is
charged with being responsible for
th death of Harry Persons by full-
lire to give medicine.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
A Strong Fortification.
i against disease
Liver Pills, an
lute v on headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
Fly Wheel of
Your liver Pills arc
the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had a new lease of life.
Liver Pills
Smite la Each
A beard is not one of the ills that
all flesh is hair to.
People who always tell the
are never noted for
When pay day comes on Friday
t is apt to shake one's faith sup-
One of the laws of Baton is that
heal ascends. coal
to go up.
Don't trust appearances. A man
may have an umbrella every time
it still be honest.
When a man hasn't enough
to open a bank account it U
sometimes he opens too
many jack-pots.
goes up in price, but still
goes down in chutes.
The lull dinner pail is seldom
acquired in a bucket shop.
woman who goes shopping
knows what a counter irritant is.
Timber. Will pay from 95.00 to
10.00 per cord for same, F. O. B.
N. C.
THIS WOOD must be round,
free from knots, and sawed
off both ends. Will take feet
and feet long and as small as I
inches in diameter at small end.
but smaller.
J. H.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors handlers of
Bagging, Ties Hags.
Correspondence shipments
U Wilton
i v
which is due to its merit, and also our vigorous advertising has
caused others to put mattresses on the market. wind offering
for less and claiming they are as good as the ROYAL
ELASTIC Don't be deceived same. We emphatic l
that they are -Just as and are ready at any
pare ours with others. If our dialer does not handle them,
write direct for descriptive
Sole Manufacturer. X. C.
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is all sizes con-
for home, office and general use.
Every safe toll a guarantee to be lire
proof. Prices range from up.
J. L.
About ball
Salt lire in the chimney.
Salt in solution cures
cold the head.
Soil in water is the thing to
clean matting.
Salt thrown on which has
fallen on the carpet will prevent
Salt u the tinkers when cleaning
foals, meat or Bab will prevent
Salt In the oven baking
tins prevent their scorching on
the bottom.
Salt put on ink. when freshly
spilled on a carpet, will help re
moving the spot.
Salt thrown on coal lire when
Dolling steak will prevent Dialing
from dripping fat.
N. C.
Famous Chill Tonic.
and Laxative. Guaranteed cure for chills and
fever and all malarial and billions troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber
New Home
Sewing Machines
in use in v
If you need a Machine see me
at Hooker's store, or write me
J. C.
I. Mai
I. . it
Leave Wilton
Ar Mount
A Tarboro
L Mount
am a-
u ii
5- ii I, e in
is i u ii a M
IS in.
Urn a m, arrive IS p
W. p in.
Up m. Returning
p p m liar
M pro,
by the Quart
bottle yon of
better health.
liar ft full
t U bur
Say known. pallor of
and rich of health
and for all
cl women children
in i
I. X. c.
An exploring party the
discovery of an Held of
coal near on the Arc-
tic coast of Alaska.
Prank a tramp
of a preacher.
The meeting to have held
i-i Chicago, III., to organize an
Stove Trait was
the scheme having fallen
Three men robbed John
which he had saved to lake
him to his home in Germany, on a
passenger train, near O.
Times change ; several years ago
the business took his pen
hand and now sonic of them take
their typewriter
The in all the
rife added an average of
a to the living ex
family in
try, and the increasing on
thing you use. Yet
says there arc no combinations for
this purpose. How much is the
word of such a
ham Sun.
is being made
Kentucky for two suitable native
gouts, which are desired
for mascots on board
States battleship Kentucky. The
Kentucky is about to sail for the
Asiatic station, and the mascots
seem to be looked upon an India
part of the ship's com-
Tin- having lab
before Superior Court Clerk I'll
a Executrix of the Last Will n
Testament of W. It.
notice i hereby given to
to the In make
to all
having claims pr-
the same payment OR or before.
2nd day of October, 1901. or this
This ind day woo.
A A.
of W. It.
ill. I
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton,
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily
V. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for
Tuesdays, Saturdays
at ti A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Washington, N.
Greenville, N.
a m, a m. Red
Spring m. Mope Mil's a
rive r Returning leave.
Fayetteville p Di. Hope Mill p n
Baa p in. I If p a
arrive Re p m
at with train
at with the Carolina
Red Spring with the
Spring v Bowmen at i
the Air and
l with the Urn an
Train on tn Scotland Bran Road
leave Halifax p in.
S. A OH p r.
fin. i. T
m. M am,
II am.
Branch W I
The withdrawal of Governor
Jan is from the senatorial race
makes the selection of a senator a
matter of less His let-
of withdrawal is worthy of the
grand old Democrat whose life and
labors have been devoted to the
furtherance of the interests of bis
party, and though now out of the
race, he will not abate his efforts
for its success in the coining
As one of the for Public School in
Pitt County. handle the on the
List for and can supply what-
ever you need. We also have
slant and vertical, double ruled practice writing
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens,
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes Hi.,
Some of k
Cotton Mill Trouble.
I N. C,
The mill trouble in Ala
county has reached an acute
stage. Hundreds of men. women
mid children are idle as the result
Of pasted by the mill own-
Mime days ago notifying all op
who would not withdraw
from the Textile to consider
discharged after Hit
Very few if any of the opera
abandoned the union, and as
mill men remained firm, a ma-
of the mills in county are
either Idle or running with great-
reduced forces. I list cud of
the in. the order of the
mill to have the
it strengthening it, numbers
of new baring been re
the were post-
Both the operatives mid their
lute employed arc and
mined to carry their As
yet no disorders have been report-
If the difference is not soon ad-
The Press rises to
remark that when Mr. Bryan talks
about plans of Mark to
carry the election by fraud and
corruption he offers an insult to
the American people. Oh, no, but
he evidently makes the very
Wrath by referring to Hanna's
Dote any one sup-
pose that is raising all this
money to be honestly expended
Wilmington Star.
S. M.
Wholesale and retail G nicer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
Suits, Tables, Safes, P.
and Gail A Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Apples,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Matches, Gil
Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Soils, Granges, Apples,
Candies. Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Glass
China Ware, Tin Wooden
Ware, Cakes Crackers, Mac
root, Best Stand-
Machines, and nu-
goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to see
arrive in
and Slip Sunday
Train leave Sunday
at a so n m. Sunday
Sunday. T SO a I, and San
am, k.-Hr II no am.
Train en C h. Ware
dally. a m. n
a returning leave.
TB m arrive, at. an.
Mount am, p in, arrive
Bop II a m. .
m. a
p m. II a m. arrive
Mount U a m. p m. dally if.
Train on Clinton leave for
Clinton dally, Sunday. a m I
p m. returning Clinton at am mi J
Train No remade Mel
don all North dally, all via Hies
Pass. Agent
J. It. KENLY, Manager.
T. M. Traffic
per bottle. Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Night Sweats and
Money back if it doesn't.
No other as good. Get the kind
with the Bed Cross on the label.
Sold and guaranteed by
Bryan druggists.
All person are warned and for-
bidden In hunt with Of without gun or i
dog or in any oilier way upon I In-
land Town-
the north f Creek.
J. II.
w L mi.-.
C pencils cent, plain land pencils I cent,
rubber tipped load pencil cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover cent. crayons, with metal hold
in nice wood box cents. end slate pen
pan, and rule, all in nice wood box,
cents A great wide f cents. Bottle of best I justed or employment secured else
ink mi tin- market. cents. Copy to where, of the operatives will
for the necessaries of life.
A m them are homeless
mid with practically moans.
Union is taking steps
to provide shelter fowl for the
White crayons, glow in box, Good fool's nap
paper pat
Do you know
We sell
Realm ad
Care Kan of M
. ,
A. tonic and
pink to pelt
Sneaks U
per hot. O
this qualified tho
Clerk of Superior Court of Pill
a of the of
notice hereby given to
all person claim again
to present to me for
duly on or before
day of March, 1901, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery. All
indebted to mid are notified lo make
lo me.
Thia the day of
W. II. r.
of II in v
S. C.
Bagging Ties always
on i
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in every de
part and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for produce.
to oar
Send f.
our bankable bond.
your Dry Goods; Notions,
Shoes, . Trunks, Ac from
, Cash Store. No Imp
or i-a.
. b
of Tot
Opium or
In plain a
paid. Address
by J t
will pay in reward foe any ease
of Liver Complaint.
ear with Ilia Mil a
I when directions are
They are purely
never fall lo sir. not
lam- puts.
. IS pills of
and mall
CO. Co. Clinton
Ill for sale by
pins, a
The Cold Cure.
Cold la Scad cured by Kr-
As lo
children cry
To gee
Al tho old
on Five Points, where we
just a new and fresh
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Coffee, tanned Goods,
Tobacco, Cigars,
Fruits, everything
to lie in an up to -date
We pay Hie highest market
prices fr all kinds of
Country Produce,
in cash or barter. When
you want to sell or when yon
want to buy come to us.
To all who favor with their;
patronage we promise cut Ire sat
r Ion.
at Five Point
MUM, mil
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
, .
C. A CO.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
National Ticket.
All 1.1 AM J. BRYAN,
For Vice
of II
Elector, 1st Mat.
of Carteret.
For 1st Dist.,
of Beaufort.
A In Politics.
At the regular weekly meeting
of the Simmons Club last night.
Mr. James D. Johnson,
the Highland Democratic
Club, made a that club
adjourn to hear the speech Sen
C Pritchard, and this
motion was unanimously carried
Thereupon t. B. Williams,
of the club; Mr.
W. Humphrey, the secretary, and
the other who
were present, over to the
court house and patiently listened
to Republican doctrine as ex-
pounded by the Senator from the
It never occurred to President
members that they bad done any-
thing extraordinary in adjourning
club that it might become
part of the of a
senator, and the strongest
in the Stale, After
in explanation, Mr.
said he considered the ad-
a proper courtesy. It
was remembered too, that week be
fore last Mr. Augustus II. Trice of
Salisbury, one the Republican
State had post-
his speech Charlotte be
cause would with the
speech delivered by Chairman F.
M. Simmons.
of the
caused a good deal of comment bust
night, most of the talk was
together complimentary. Among
other things, it was said that the
spirit of toleration and liberality
in politics is spreading in the city
of Charlotte, at least. Ten years
ago, live years ago, two years ago,
the condition last night would
not have admitted the compromise
effected. The democratic, forces
would have stayed in camp, and
Mr. Pritchard would have preach-
ed to his own crowd.
But now, while Democrats
and Republicans continue to light
under he same old Hug, they have
discarded venom and bitterness
and whether
a speaker talk of
prosperity, If be be able
and fair, he will be heard, without
prejudice, for the sake of the tale
he Observer.
Washington. Oct.
Echoes of the big meeting
Madison Square
New York City, will reach the
remotest section of toe country,
and the enthusiasm there
will spread it takes the
of the Democratic tidal
wave, which may be great enough
to sweep the trust ridden
out of power, or may just
tail short of much to lie de
sired No
what the result
of it will lie, or let it lie what it
will, it is admitted, even by
such out poor-
as that which
honored . r. Bryan has ever be-
fore turned out in that city to bear
candidate; and old campaign-
who were there, declare that
Molly, the griddle,
me down the
let somebody pat
Soon I'll have her
Sand the cabin
on the door
The Third Man Found Guilty
Ky., Oct.
the jury, find the defendant
guilty and fix his punishment at
life This verdict
was returned by the twelve men
who were selected to try Henry E.
being B principal in the shouting
Governor Win. in front of
the executive building of Frank-
January When the
We arc still the of the race after your
We offer you the best selected line
foil on
Bra. . .
they were astonished at the jury entered the court room, a few
and amount of enthusiasm j minutes after o'clock tins morn
aroused Mr. Bryan and Judge
speakers. It was a revelation have you
to New Yorkers and it opened the B. H. nodded his
eyes of who have heretofore head. up the papers to the
refused to believe that Bryan and said the judge.
to carry the them up the clerk read
Slate of New York. One
Washington Democrat who
attended the big meeting
meeting was worth a million
democratic votes. It would have
been an absolute impossibility
that town during the of
as it has well
the following the
find the defendant guilty and
his punishment at
in the penitentiary for
is that your
the Judge.
was the reply.
you are now finally
discharged and you can call on the
, c
known Washington that there trustees of the jury fund for your
has been no love lost between Mr. I said Judge The
ex-Senator tiled of the room and the
who was kepi out of his seat in most dramatic trial In the
by Boss there was courts for many j ears was at an
much curiosity aroused when Quay; end. It was learned that no ballot
nailed at the White House and had was taken last night, although I
General Merchandise
by be found any store Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round Spring. Bummer
ind Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad-
It is our pleasure to show you you want and to.
sell if we can. We offer the very best polite
attention, the most liberal terms consistent with u ell
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do justice
if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.;
Remember and the following Hues of general merchandise.;
Goods and Notions,
Hals and Caps. Silks and Satins, Ladies-
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, and Oil t lotus.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. , and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Molasses, Lard. Scad is.
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and
I state Fall Now In Progress
Special of
This is annually
I he gayest the year in Raleigh and
judging all the op
to this of the
day of the event
promises to surpass any of like
man years,
The trouble between the cotton
mill owners and their operatives in
county, which,
has now
resulted In enforced idleness
some t-r thousands of
working men women, la
much comment and no little
speculation over the probable re-
The operatives who lo
their recently
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as hey
cannot reach the seal of
ease. Catarrh is a blood or con-
disease, and in order to
cure it you must take internal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine. It was by
one of the best physicians in Ibis
for years, is a regular
prescription. It la composed of
the tonics known,
with the best blood purifiers, act-
directly the mucous surfaces
The perfect of the two
ingredients is produces such
wonderful results in curing
Scud for free.
P. Props.,
by Druggists,
Hall's Family Pills are the beat.
Year Per Pensions.
with Mr.
It has leaked out that sought
to make a dicker whereby the ad-
was practically agreed that a
of guilty would be found. This
morning the vote was unanimous
ministration's influence would be; that was guilty. hem the
him in his fight to degree of punishment was taken
the Pennsylvania legislature tip. On this he jury was
and be returned to the senate, and somewhat divided, but finally
that Mr. refused to help agreed the life Sentence.
for Furniture and everything in that line.
buy for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Dealing.
Your Friends.
a Kansas
who is touring
a letter to one of the papers of
the State that ho recent-
went into a store in a little High-
land town inspected the goods
displayed for sale, finding among
them the following American pro-
canned canned apricots,
canned pears, soap, rolled oats,
washboards, churns, cheese, hams,
flour, salmon, apples, forks, hoes,
axes, hammers, saws, joiners-
tools, t-races and bits. par
list of things used a Scotch
mountain says Mr.
Donald, give some Idea of
the Immense trade between
Pulled States and
him, the ground that he had
troubles enough of bis own just
now without assuming those of
It is that left
and made threats of get-
ting even.
The tip bus passed in the
Inner circle that
agents have got the things all
fixed that a majority of the
electoral college is to lie secured
by the same methods that were
successful four years
wholesale use of money. As a
the republicans have
exchanged their light for
Democratic advices do not
coincide with that tip. Hanna's
agents are plentifully supplied
with cash in all the doubt state,
and are trying hard but they
haven't got things fixed yet, and
they won't get them fixed, if
port of
leaders can prevent. The Dem
know the game that the re
publicans are trying to play, and
hope to spring some surprises on
the before it is
An undertaker's business is ad
for sale
newspaper in terms which are
hardly such as to encourage any-
one to become a permanent
dent of the locality- After stating
that he is retiring from business
together the advertiser praises the
town arrange-
much neglected; mortality
from fevers excessively high;
death rate 10.7 higher than any
town within radius of miles;
one trade competitor
opening for
man willing lo put his heart
int. the
Henry is the third man
to lie found guilty in connection
with the Caleb
Powers, tried on charge of com-
was sentenced to life
while Jas Howard,
tried indict with being a
principal in the was sen
fenced to death.
During the early days of
trial the exhibited
signs of breaking While
Arthur brother of the dead
man, was on the stand testifying.
rose in prisoner's deck
denounced the witness in wild
exclamations while wife
screamed that had sworn I
away the life of her husband. I
Later the prisoner became
and, according to attending
has since practically
l -a II is bed has been
carried to door of the jury
room, where it stood in plain view
of the court, its occupant apparent
oblivious to his surroundings.
for a continuance was
overruled by Judge who
declared that he was powerless to
stop the trial unless the
lo adjudged, lunatic.
on yesterday showed considerable
Improvement, however, and
physicians staled that he had re-
taking nourishment in the
regular manner,
becoming normal.
The defense tiled a motion for
arrest of judgment Can-
trill set it for on the 2nd
day of the February in. There
fore, will not lie
ordered removed to Frankfort
If you or ranges constructed upon
scientific which are economical, durable,
convenient, well as beautiful and look
murk, which is show., upon every genuine
Stove or Bang, do deceived
by worthless imitations
lead all others in yearly and popularity.
It is shrewdly f he
rich man Dives was the ancestor of
the of to-day
Sold Exclusively by
have been compelled to
cease work in the mills and to
the dwellings used by them
Bud I am told many will have to re-
sort to in which to live and
sleep; some, it is stated already are
doing so. This mode of life would
seem to work B great hardship
when cold weather sets in, and it
Is to be hoped some means of set-
the trouble will soon be
reached. The two newspapers at
Graham and people from Ala-
now Raleigh slate that
of the local public is
now with the operatives; their
right to form for
their own benefit and protection is
one that ought not to be denied
them, etc. The organized
owners do not accede this, and
therein rests the whole trouble.
advance guard of fair visit-
ore art all talking about the
the primary,
although take time to admire
and discus- the exhibits, that dots
not prevent the discussion of tin
subject, which is
ably I In- absorbing one at present
from one end of North Carolina to
on the contrary, the
fair i- rather helping along the
the names of
Simmons, Carr and Waddell are
heard on all hands
I have found out already the
appeals lobe overwhelmingly
for Simmons or Waddell, if tho
representatives of section now
here or even fairly well
Indicate the general of
things Of course
most of advocate Mr. Sim-
mons, with Major Waddell coming
in the proportion of about
three to one. On an average, the
fifth man a crowd of easterners
is an enthusiastic talker up of
General Carr's candidacy,
the Carr strength coining
from the
the western Democrats
who express their readiness to
yield to the preference east,
Inclinations, are pursuing
proper course. and
unquestionably the lo
name the eastern If
west named him for her. the
weal might And the east's
least long and troublesome in
1903 when ii comes to the selection
of successor,
their to the thing
by on a higher plane than
and eastern gentlemen tell
tint it as
would accord it lo the west,
Preliminary estimates by the
State Auditor show that a number
Of pensioners on Slate pension
roll, under the general pension law
has reached the the
actual number being This
an increase over 1899 of
The pensioners are divided into
lite classes, the number in each
class for the current year being as
First class, a decrease of
from last year.
class, Increase of
over last year.
Third class, an Increase of
US last year.
fourth class, -vi-v. an Increase
of over last year.
Widows, a decrease of
from last year.
The amount of pension fund
available for 1900 Is of
which will be
ed. The amount Of pension for
each class
Second class, 13.50.
Third class.
Widows. 114.50.
In 1899 tin- pension fund had
which amount was trans-
to this fund by act of the
legislature from the accumulated
Nothing of
Ibis kind is available for this year
in favor of the pension fund, and
fund is therefore smaller for
o than for 1899. A decrease
in amount of the fund, with an
in the number of pension-
causes a reduction of the
amount for each pensioner for
Let Roll
We are to all harmless
diversions of the people from cir-
to senatorial primaries, so let
her rock. Besides, it is useful.
We have the word of ex-Senator
without the primary
folks wouldn't know that an
is hand. don't care
bow much light, but
we do regret lo sec some of the
brethren of the press so wrought
up over a matter will not be
worth a green persimmon to them
and which they will get no
thanks after It's all over.
that is their business and we are
attempting lo meddle with It.
and fever is a bottle of Grave's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply
Iron am I in a form
cure -no pay. fill.-.
and night Sweats with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic at per
bottle. take. Money
refunded If it tails. Restores
petite, purifies the blood and makes
you well. None other good.
Sold guaranteed the drug
of Bryan, Woolen and
N. C.
The new music played by
Band Is the our
have heard. The kind glows
better all the tin. .
Dr. L. Jambs, .
Greenville, N. c.
Office over
Is Fleming store.

Eastern reflector, 23 October 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 23, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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