Eastern reflector, 9 October 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Attention Farmers
I am now offering you one of the most
at very reasonable price. My line of
bib is tin- of any market are hard, and cheap.
When you cease to lB give me a trial.
Jas. B. White.
Don't Be Deceived.
THE great set i
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which due to merit, and also rigorous advertising,
i i them to mat on the market, which they are offering
and claiming are as good as the ROYAL
ELASTIC be deceived
that are and are read at any line to com
with others. II your local dealer doe not handle them,
write direct descriptive pamphlet.
Hole Manufacturer. X. C
Get a good Safe
safe is made in all sizes
, farm, general
with a guarantee to lie
range from up.
Greenville, X. C.
Al native and Laxative. cure for chills and
f. v. i nil nil malarial and troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber Co.,
X. c.
As our of the i
County. We handle I In
State I it
you Deed. also h
i Public School Hooks in
books designated on the
and can supply what-
shun l
crayons, col
red i rayons,
ruled practice writing books
pens, slates,
companion boxes
table with
East Prefer.
X. C . tot,
A very interesting conversation
several prominent Demo-
took place in the lobby of a
Raleigh Hotel a day or two ago.
the of comment being the
the race for which
so interesting already
i- get tine to more so daily.
The principal speaker a
politician from the western
part of the State, and as his re-
brought a new phase of
the case, which may have an
I many electors.
I f.-el that I reproduce
here, is well a those which
followed b other who were
parties to the a
matter of general to the
Democrat.- of the Stale.
We of the said
he, considerably embarrassed
over this senatorial contest. The
unwritten law of the party for
many years has been that the east
should have one Senator and the
west the other We rec-
the fact, of course, the
this time belongs to the
that we will select the
two years hence. Our
p of the west, therefore, are
disposed to and support a;
in.- time that from the east
w the majority of the eastern
I Democrats prefer. We feel that
this be the proper course-
It is the course we should expect
the west to follow We
would not relish our fa-
turned down at that time
became the east should prefer an-
other, we to guard
against such a precedent
this not disappointing the
cast in its preference. Bat the
trouble with us just now is that
we do know which candidate
the prefers, and possibly we
may not the fact until after
the day of election, definitely, and
then u would be everlastingly
late. Suppose it should develop,
when the senatorial returns are
in printed, that the
p candidate in the cast had
been defeated by the west. Such
a result net only
but unjust to the east and
generally to
it might react upon us of
the west when we come to select
our Senator. Besides, it might lie
productive of dissensions and other
had results. I people, the
greet majority of them, arc very
anxious a condition;
the great majority with whom
line talked and I have
the of the west pretty
thoroughly feel this way, many
being pronounced in the statement.
But they don't know today which
man the east it
is Simmons, arr, Waddell or
Jarvis. And that is why I we are
greatly embarrassed. As far as I
am individually concerned, I in-
tend to Inform myself on this sub-
and then vote accordingly.
Whichever of the four gentlemen
named he may
Those present seemed to
at once the force of the above
sentiment and one gentleman
mm the reel agree
with you that i would be very
fortunate if the most popular man
in the east should be by
the western vote, but how arc we
to avoid this danger I think fur-
all things being
and Witt no special or personal
to interfere, the
if tint west should give preference
to one preferred by the
Au eastern man then spoke up.
lie has a wide acquaintance, and is
said to be one the best posted
men on the political conditions
his section. Said
can lie easily shown. I
do not think there is any doubt in
the mind of any one who has taken
Hie trouble to acquaint himself
any one, although there were see-
eastern meat present.
replied the original
speaker, that is the I shall
certainly vote for Mr. Simmons.
A la Back.
is in its last throes.
A leader of men the
A man may wear whiskers and
I think it will be the duty and the be bare faced liar,
pleasure of most western Even the church choir singers is
to inform themselves, as far as they not averse to a game of
can. as to the choice of the east and
then act accord there
is some strong personal reason to in-
and I feel sure they will
take pains to acquaint themselves
of the real fact and governed
thereby. Such action would in
sure a result that be
factory to all, would avail the
dangerous consequences of an op
termination of this friendly
political family contest and its
effect on the future of the
The ether western man.
alluded to. observed as the crowd
broke, shall pursue the
same and will vote for
Simmons. Carr, Jarvis
just as I am satisfied which one
them is the man in the
eastern I have no
or attachment or for
either to with that course,
which I take because I know, it
will be for the good of the
It is wring In the Filipinos to
continue killing
soldiers after the war
has been declared ended. They
seem to force us to con-
t the warfare whether we will
it or Herald.
pencils i plain lead
rubber tipped load pencil I cent, a
I crayons, with
Slate pen ,, situation in the
box, ii r that Mr.
Simmons will lead by a large
Is nearly all of these
A great big wide tablet cents. Bottle of best
ink on the market, cents. Copy books to cents.
White crayons, gross in box, Good fool's cap
paper per
due of the greatest gushers for
an oil well yet struck is in West
Virginia. It began operations the
other day with an estimated flow of
barrels a day. most of which
goes to waste because they can't
catch Star.
J. B. is sick. His Green
ville sympathize with him
wish he may a speedy
A Little Anatomy.
How many bones the human
fourteen, when they're all in
How many bones the human
my child, as I've said.
How many bones the human
Four in each and they help to
How many bones in the human
Twenty four like a climbing vine.
How many bones in human
Twenty lour rib- and two of the
How ban the shoulders
Two each, one before, lie-
How many in the human
each arm one; two in each fore-
How many bones in human
wrist f
Eight in each, if none arc missed.
How many bum in the palm of the
Five in each, with many a baud.
How many In the lingers
Twenty eight, and by joints they
How many in the human
in each, and deep they lie.
How many the human
each, the kneecap, please
How many in the leg from
Two in each, we can plainly see.
How many bones in the ankle
at role J
Seven in but are
How many in the ball of the foot
Five in ash, as the palms are put.
How many in the toes hall a
and there an
And now altogether these
may wail
And the total sum is two hundred
The dinner pail isn't to be
mentioned in the same breath with
the full coal bin.
The man who wears his religion
on his c sometimes rinds him-
self out at the elbows.
a man never gives a
to charity he ex-
to give anything more sub-
rule won't work
both some men are
poorer because won't work
either way.
The accented definition of a rag
is something to stop the
but the perpetrator of stale jokes
doesn't see it in that light.
The fellow who raises a row be-
cause dinner isn't ready the minute
he gets in will often spend half an
hour on his way home watching a
dog fight.
The average girl admires
extravagance a man, until she
marries him.
The woman who marries for re-
may discover that revenge is
not always sweet.
Toe person who always tells the
truth gets himself into an lot
of hot water.
The men who six-
days walking match should be en
title of the gait receipts.
The who backs a
triad enterprise sometimes realizes
that riches take unto themselves
Maude, we do not
believe that the hanging gardens
of Babylon were used to dry clothe
in. You have evidently been mis-
A person may fall money
without hurting himself, even if
it's hard ea-h.
The literary tramp probably re
fuses to cut wood because he dis-
likes hack work.
Some men don't realize that
they need a rest until they
home from their vacations.
When a man takes too much
rock rye to break up a cold it's
the rye that makes him feel rocky.
The woman who is continually
giving her husband a piece of her
mind is not conductive to his peace
of mind.
MaSc the Va.
Tin weighs of the ungodly
not prosper.
Women always keep a secret with
The some people live the
leas they learn.
The of the brings
prosperity to the few.
Competition is the life of the
often the death of the
Know thyself is sensible, but
know thy neighbor is more fashion-
The liniment of is the
best remedy for a sprained cons-
If silence is golden, how many-
women are worth their weight in
A sweet girl is often bitter
if you don't admire her shirt-
waist or agree with her
If every river was overflowing
with milk; every field with honey
every ban stacked with bread,
some people would still complain.
The famous Parker fountain
Writes flatly fate.
tics. My individual
ion Is Mr. Simmons will get
three votes to one for either of the
a her the
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Night
Money back if it doesn't.
other as good. Get the kind
with the Bad Cross on the label,
was not denied by by Wooten,
I Bryan and Ernul, druggists.
Always we let me at
Where yon can get
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Pants
At lime Prices
disease by the timely use of
Liver an old and
favorite of increasing
sour stomach, malaria,
lion, torpid liver, constipation
and all bilious diseases.
Wt will pa reward for
of Complaint. Sick
we cm
not cure with Ito-la
Pin. when direction are
compiled with They are purely vegetable .
never fall to V con-
contain J V
and Imitations, sent by mall. Stamp taken.
Chicago. Ft sale by .
Cora Impotent, Leas of Mean-
or, a u--------,
U affect of or
A. tonic and
pink flow to pal
and the
of By mall
copy our
or Shrunken
and th
of or
con In or
Dour paid-
for sale by J L
All persons art hereby warned and for-
bidden to hunt with or without gun or
. or in any other way trespass upon the
lands of the Town-
the north of Creek.
J. B.
J. II.
en. wife and Mies It hi I,
if. I t Co
Wholesale and retail
ii r n ii ii rt- Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
r.-l-, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
by Carriages, Carts, Parlor
Suits, Tallies. Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Meat Key West
American Can-
ii.-iI Apple,
Pine Apple, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Meed Meal and Hull-. Gar-
den Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and Ware, Tin Wooden
Ware, takes and Crackers,
rout. Best Butter,
Sewing i n , and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to inc.
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
a of the of Henry
notice U hereby to
all persons ling claims said
late them to me for
duly on or before the
of March, 1901, or this notice will be
in bar of their recovery. All
to notified to
to me.
the day of September
W. M. r
of I I- in v u c
by the Quart
a mi
um i
tones Um
and male lea
ore Una
art of Um
Um at
UM color of
and liter, and tor ail
of and children.
Steamer, leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily ac
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. O.
At the old Moore store,
on Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to be found in an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
price for all kinds of
Country Produce,
you to sell or when yon
want to buy lo see us.
To till who favor us with their
patronage promise entire sat
at Five Point
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
pertinent and prices low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
j. s. com,
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
On Day Cold Ours.
CoM In and cored by
Milt As easy lo
anything yon or in
for and
The Eastern Reflector
TO P. .
f 1.00
mi m
National Ticket.
of II
Presidential Elector, 1st Dist.
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
of Beaufort.
Price of Cotton.
If a hundred thousand dollar
ton mill afford down in
to get cheap cotton, a one
horse cotton farmer can afford, lo
shut down in order lo prevent sell-
his at n sacrifice.
The fight for low rot ton by l lie
spinners is . They will the
fight if cotton farmers rush their
cotton to market. If the farmers
hold most of their cotton and keep
down receipts, they will win their
fight for h cot Ion. The price of
cotton is largely based on
with small receipts
the price will go up. If they let
the cotton buying world see
big receipts, the price will go
If farmer sells his cotton for
less than it is worth, his loss is
complete and he is a
loser. If the cotton mill
has to pay what cotton is worth, he
may be troubled for a few weeks,
but he and his associates can put
up the price of the product the
mill and suffer no permanent
It is to the interest of the south
to have this small crop of cotton
its lull value to the men
whose toil has made it. Comfort
at home and the education of the
children arc absolutely
upon this. It is to the interest of
the south for the mills to do well,
to pay good prices for cotton and
get good prices for I heir product.
The motto is and let
Hold part of your
cotton if you wish to get Its
Tit For Tat.
A red-haired boy and a
ion his own age sat in a secluded
corner of s ferry boat
ed to their lives by
in the cigarette habit.
gimme a light,
said the red-haired boy to a face-
man who sat near by.
don't need any
was the reply, with a significant
glance at the boy's top dressing.
With a scornful toss of the head
the boy with scenic hair
promptly dis
boat need bellows nor no
hot air you're
The facetious man sought a scat
Francisco Wave.
Mow to Save School Children.
the October Home
Journal Edward lakes up the
cudgel against
inflicted on school-children,
and urges as a step toward a re-
form of the abuse every pa-
rent who has a child at school will
send a note to the teacher
under no circumstances whatever,
will the mother permit
any home study U the child.
may seem to lie a very
thing lo he contends,
often the simplest things are
most effective. If the teachers
of this country should, the
next mouth, receive thousand of
notes from parents to the effect
pointed out, which they could
I can speak for hundreds of
teachers when that they
would gladly do so hand lo the
heads of their schools, it would
practically mean a readjustment of
entire system of study. This
may lie batter understood when it
is realized that the entire system
Of study during school hours in
many of he schools is so arranged
as to allow for some of I he work to
be done by the pupils at home, other generals in the field, and arc
to tell the Troth
The Washington I Vast is
right declaration that there
is no reason, morals or
political expediency, why the ad-
ministration should pullet in its
efforts to deceive mislead the
American people with regard to
the of affairs the Phil-
It to succeeding and
effect is worse than if the whole
truth was The report
if the Philippine commission was
flatly contradicted by Associated
Press dispatches
which in the same pa-
side of it. and
then still worse reports have
received. The administration has
all the while, in the face of per
feel well known facts,
In giving nut stories to the
the war is over
the islands arc rapidly
pacified, and on pa living these
or following on their heels arc re
ports of engagements in which the
lean troops are worsted, and
which show a high degree of in-
activity an I I
These mine from MacArthur
We art still in the forefront of the race after
We offer best selected line of
General Merchandise
lo la- found in any stare in County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the bast of
and I'm.-p.- Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. We work for and our mutual ad-
vantage, Ii Is oar to yon you want and to
sell you if we can. We otter yon the very service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established built up strictly on own merits.
When you conic to market you will not do yourself justice I of
if you do not sec out Immense stock before baying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Let this granted home
study be stopped, and a change
would at once have to lie made
The stud es at school cannot be in-
conclusive as to the facts. There
would be a shadow of excuse
though the immorality would not
be the fables with
creased in number, for already which the White House and the
there are too many. The school War I input uncut furnish the ,
hours be lengthened because. pie fooled anybody or
the tide basset in any good purpose; but they
Hence some studies would have to j neither, and thus for every reason
be thrown out, if home study it were batter if the simple troth
eliminated. And this is the result; about the situation in the Philip
pines were
Hats Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Carpets. Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Rome Blankets and Dusters.
The Woman On The Throne.
Orel not III Land
literary people speak of our
times as the Victorian age. The original song.
Victoria- has thus put her impress was in 1839 by
on the times live in. the Daniel Emmet an
assassination of the King of Italy,; for Bryant's Mr.
His royal widow, frequently heard the
Meat. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses.-Lard. Scad Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, fails and Rope.
Washington, v. v., lib
Rebuilding a part of burnt
district has been
K. Lumber Co .
Lumber Co., and
Co. have started up. but the
purchasers are not moving lumber
on account the c of
yards and should this eon-
Hone long it will necessitate
another long period of shut down.
The surviving of A.
Co. has bought the stock,
name w ill, and S ill con-
the business.
The sheds on main street are to
conic down. Public opinion
M the question.
The order seems from one stand-
point to be a good One, and from
another it seems to working a
Rumor has ii Mr. K.
Bishop, of Bishops, and Miss
on lat Sunday, or that they
will on the next, the
lust. Mr. Bishop the shady
side ill sixty, and she on
side of -i. It is also reported that
his marry her sister.
The moved
their store back from street at
and the little
the is taking on airs. Ms
growth is rapid
It is possible that another planing
g up at place. Very
tunny buildings are going up.
The Hyde Union of I he
church was held near
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as they
cannot reach the real of dis-
ease. Catarrh is a blood or con-
disease, and in order to
cure it you lake internal
remedies. Hail's Catarrh is
taken internally, and nets directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine, it was prescribed by
one of the last physicians in this
country for years, and is a regular
prescription, It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, act-
on the mucous surfaces
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients is produces Mich
wonderful results in curing
Semi for testimonials
A Co.; Props.,
Sold Druggists,
Hall's family Pills arc lest.
His Ads
The late Bab-
bit was due to two things above all
others be made an article that
people wanted, and he advertised
in the newspapers until be con-
people that they wanted it.
Every year for twenty years be put
up an entire block of factory build-
met t the demand created by
his newspaper advertising. The
experience of Mr, is
the same as that of every
oil or successful business man.
Philadelphia Record.
May Seize Paul.
said to be the dominant force
Italian politics, and will the
new King, her son, with her ma-
will. Spain, what there is
in a circus make the remark
wish I was in as
the Northern climate began to lo
too severe for the tent life which
left is ruled by a woman, the, they followed. This expression
Queen Mother, during the the song,
of the King. The fair little Queen
of Holland, Wilhelmina,
in governing the men of her
realm. She is said to have put
her neat, small foot down
every proposition for her mar-
until a good Prince was pick-
ed out for of youth
who doesn't drink, say bad words
or smoke cigarettes, etc. Her
mother, before her attainment
her majority, was Queen Regent of
Holland. One of the conductress-
es of a woman's department in a
big New York com-
these facts and then asks
why it is that the men raise such a
racket if a woman is elected mayor
of some little town out West where
female suffrage goes. Perhaps I It I
It made a hit at New York
was speedily carried to nil
part of the Union by numerous
hands and wandering
the fall Mrs. John Wood
and Leroy of
Brunswick Ga, made their many
glad by their visit to
old home. The preachers
I present I ho were C. I.
Headquarters for Furniture everything in line. Davenport, W. Davis,
We but sell for Either Cash or on Approved Greene, A. Latham and Smith
London, Sept.
Kruger Is packing his possessions
at Marques,
on , . be
Quite may were in i next week
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Dealing
Your Friends,
on Dutch
Mrs. Kroger is very feeble, and
will accompany him.
Admiral Harris, with a
Heel of swift cruisers, is waiting in
the harbor, and mere is much spec-
as to what he will do when
Kruger sails.
from Baltimore, Md. The
Mission will be held Scranton,
Hyde count v.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Latham. Jr., cruisers for
arc quite ill at their home in west which bids have been invited by
Second st reel. Navy I will compare
favorably in magnitude and engine
The grower- of South Car-
Georgia Alabama has
j, I effected an and II
New Orleans the burlesque
of and before a
week bail panned the whole city
had taken it up. A New Orleans
publisher saw possibilities in the
music, and without authority
of the composer had the air liar
and rearranged, is
slicing it with words embodying
the strong Southern feeling then
existing in New
Home Journal.
Robbed of
said North Carolina and all
oilier States will be
taken into the unsocial ion the coin-
log fall and winter, and that a
strong compact organization will
be perfected by the time
is just what our have
needed, and till of them should
heartily cuter into the new
which has DO politics con-
n rated anywhere about it. so
promoters declare.
Oscar Williams, who was
Consul General Slates
at when the Filipino in
says that in
j the maps of Europe which were
used in the Filipino schools under
the Spanish regime a large place
the of that Continent, us-
occupying more than one
hall the page, was marked Spain;
planting time comes again. This
Waters will begin on
Sun lay series of meetings
at the Christian church this
Beth and wife are
spending a few days
The woman who was
charged With killing her infant
babe was too ill to be jailed, and
she has taken
The Freeman Hodges Lumber
Co. will erect a saw mill
Bryan property near
Miss Lawrence, a daughter
men think the women ought I o r. Mrs. N. M. Lawrence,
what am de differ-
between man and de trusts
I can't say, Theodore; what is
the difference man the
st rusts I
wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long;
De t Is wants all do people's
Gabriel bangs bis
Our genial interlocutor will
give bis side splitting
speech entitled, Are No
York Journal.
satisfied with home rule not
to the town or the State
or the government
Special Sale.
Announcement appears today of
the third annual bargain sale of
Taft which will begin tit
o'clock next Tuesday
They will keep their store closed on
Monday while going over and mark-
down everything their stock
from to 3.1 percent. The prices
they are quoting are worth careful
attention. their store will
lie closed Monday to make ready
for starting the big sale Tuesday.
the housewife, I'll set the dog
on wouldn't hatch
shouted back the
tramp. bad
who lives Tryon reel,
discovered Sunday that she
been robbed of gold.
This money, together with HO
in silver and bills had been placed
In a box in a in Miss Law-
About ten days ago
she missed the key lo box and
search has not enabled
tier to find it. Sunday she picked
up the box and found that the
top had been off and
that gold had been
taken. The is silver and bids
were not stolen.
The matter has been reported lo
the police, who arc work the
The War Department issued an
order to General designed
to prevent abuse of
Chinese, and the same
discipline in China as is maintain
ed in the United Slates.
the edge. Thus mill,
the young Filipino came to have a j n,,.
idea of the mag-; iv , ,.,, .,. forbids
c country of His op-i ,,,, ,,. the
Even Aguinaldo ,
to learn that America . ,,,, , at dis
overs a greater area than Spain .,,, This is no
A highway robber met death
Saturday in j A
He was a young white man named j ,,,.
Herring, who with two , i that he went on the bond
waylaid former, Taylor, an
who was on his way home WM
hundred dollars. ,,,.,, n,
the sprung at
estimate pecuniary I-
This country was settled a
deal earlier Hum is generally
posed are
Long island and
lay the
taking hold of the horse
and while Herring attack
ed Taylor with a bludgeon.
drew a knife Herring's
throat. The robber foil and his ac
The state I of education hat e
just sold acres of school land
in Jones counties for
to Charles of Phil
land has bean in
dispute Wilder and other
alleged heirs and Stale, and
the sale is virtually a compromise
of the suit, ft to swamp land and
contains timber. What use
the will put it to is
Franks swore he was worth
above homestead, ate., but the
execution sent to
count he Is not follows,
and the bond money cannot Star.
Franks has been a
for several; Southern Tobacco Journal
years. one factory in Winston
i work- to white girls in it
plug factory leaf wages
to week. Thai whiles
power with most modern ocean pas-
steamships. A ship
feel long. reel beam, tons
displacement and horse
power her engines is bound to
be U ll and no mistake. With
such an equipment the speed limit
knots per hour assigned to
these vessels should be surpassed
without much These
fast cruisers will also carry
usually heavy batteries, beginning
with eight inch guns, and Ibis
will be protected by
Krupp armor ranging from three
and one half to six inches iii thick-
Panoplied like battleships,
Hie new cruisers will sail like mod-
Steam packets, and need fear
no attack of an enemy the high
seas. These ships will represent
j the latest achievements and last
work of science is applied to mod-
i.,,,,, em vessels
iii young man
id the anxious mother.
I worry, replied
can't get
1790 North Carolina had
representatives In Congress.
had twelve; lo 1810 have to take place of
it bad thirteen; in 1840 ii in factories baa beet
reduced to in 1850 to in hong coming, has come
to seven; in it had eight, .
and lo 1880 and had nine. I .
If it had the Dumber to which is, , ,,,, work
really entitled II would have had phone people are having done
and fever Is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. Is simply
I roil and quinine in a tasteless form;
No no pay. Price BOO,
and Sweats with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic Mo. per
bottle. Pleasant lo take. Money
refunded if it fails. tip-
purifies the blood and makes
you well. None oilier as good.
Sold and guaranteed at the drug
stores Bryan, Wooten and
ten dining all the past ten years.
Dr. D. L. Jam
N . C. .
bore. The
will be Fleming store.

D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
Entered at the Punt Office at
Greenville, H. as Second-Class
Mail Matter.
, 1900.
Assure as the sun shines in the
heavens, election
row the authorization of a stand
tag of men. Who
who Wants it
Isn't it somewhat
we can ship to Great
pay the freight and sell it at a
profit the British market, and
yet require a duty of Meant a ton
to keep the British from hipping
their coal into the United States.
Concocted to assassinate
out the Associated again.
We such are just a
scheme to try In work on the
of the people and
hi in.
Prom On
U. Oct. 5th.
The of the cam-
has reached, the
head has out of the
republican barrel. re-
cent visit to the eastern
of the big trusts tilled the
rel to overflowing. u every doubt-
State and i dis-
every vote that can be had for
money is to be bought. These are
not mere assertions. They are
hard facts, of which the democrats
have been warned by Chairman
of the Democratic Con-
and by Mr. Richard of
New York, both of whom know of
the enormous t money
secured by and judge by
the way he t millions 1896
how he intends to spend it. It is
easy to prevent some buying
selling of among those
who arc unprincipled enough to
engage in such a traffic, but
on the part of democrat
may greatly lessen the
bought and sold, as
provides a heavy penalty for the
There was a change
in i he attitude of the republican
managers as soon as they got
the lip Hun a hail all the
money he wanted. Instead of
talking the result of
the elections, Presidential
and Congressional, they began to
blow . making the most ridiculous
claims as to a number of
will lie
Representative Rhen, of
called at the Post Office Depart-
this week and tiled a vigorous
t against the republican
postmasters in hi-district, for fail-
to deliver important
him from Washington. He
also naked that an inspector be
Bryan and come to investigate the complaint,
for very little thought the the same old.
election in this State,
question seeming to
the of every-
thing and every body. The
over the is begin-
I border on the disgraceful,
and n is about to the
opinion that a mistake rat
in deciding to bold a
We believe, as a rule, that
primaries are a good thing, but u
bad time was selected to
rate them in ibis State. That is
I is of the friends of as-
for the Senate, however,
an I of the idea,
The Philadelphia Time- is out
iii a strong editorial endorsing
Bryan and Stevenson for President
and Vice President. The limes
has always an independent
Democratic paper, and four years
ago ii supported It
while policy font years
ago was dictated by good faith, it
DOW sees the error of such policy
and the principles it be-
i be right.
not be
without I
i and pi
the I ices
week Pi three broth-
Messrs. Bryant II. in I
Everyone m
are i men, and
well do farmers,
their mail Greenville post office.
A little r mi I hem
and I'm i i. there
was only a few ill ice in
each one
paper, and every year since they
began there ban been only a few
days difference In the time they
came I. renew. One i thorn
stopped us the street
to for another year, and after
writing bis receipt we remarked
Jocularly to a bystander the
man who bad just paid as it dollar
had i brothers, and we would
each of them brought us the same
amount inside of ten days. True
both of them came
Iii the next day and took home
for another year.
While on this there
we have
not iced l lint run
in the M lo-peak. There
arc half
ft of them that live in three
and every one of
the late Mr, Jesse
knows nets bad a
largo family of and we
believe every them takes the
paper, with several of his grand
children increasing our numbers
promise that the
would be looked into,
from the result of similar
made the same sort -if complaints
mm rats, will be the last
of it, -o tar as the republican Post
I Officials are concerned.
Judge George I. of South
Dakota, who is in Washington look-
after some business before the
s. Supreme Court, think- that
his state is absolutely tor Bryan
and Stevenson, notwithstanding
B personal effort to
apt ire it.
B gins the Season's Pleasure.
held it- Orel meeting for the com-
seas m Thursday
the charming home it.
The gifted gave
the club a delightful day. Much
i ii lit was the
c h the
; to the club
v the dinner table, and
served dinner, the business
the meeting began.
in entire change of
wan for the ensuing year as
folio i
President Mm. Harry skinner.
Vice-president Mrs.
Mrs. Bert Move.
The out going President, Mrs.
It. It. I has served the club
moat and she retires
with of
it of club. The
ii. Mrs. Harry Skinner,
wits the unanimous of the
and all feel Wire of a delight-
year under her guidance.
short talks were made
Mrs, and rotten.
The next meeting will be with
Km. on October the
An exchange a humorous
clergyman who had United mar-
a couple whose
name were and Ami,.,
on being a friend
how they appeared during the
replied that they
mated and bent
lilted. I
A Clubs The
The State Association of Dem-
Clubs was organized in
on Sept A
organization was made by
electing a President, Secretary, one
Vice President from each
District and an Executive
Committee of five members.
The organization, in its working
force, has representatives in all
parts of the State. The object of
the Association i-to assist in
Bryan the
vote of Carolina, and
to help elect nine Democratic Con-
from this State. To this
end, all patriotic citizens are
to co-operate.
The platform principles of
the Association are found the
platform of the Democratic party
promulgated at Kansas City. The
Clubs have no candidates other
than those named by the
This Association is for
effective campaign work. The
Executive Committee of the
directs that an urgent
peal lie made to various County
and Township Executive Commit-
tees to proceed at once to
Clubs in each township in
Slate. A very large number
White Supremacy
in the late Campaign can be easily
organized into clubs. To
this it is urged that the
lion- County Chairman will at
once proceed to appoint suitable
in their counties, who
will cuter actively the work.
The County Chairmen are re-
quested to call a meeting each
township in their various
on Saturday, the 13th day of
for of organizing
a not let an opportunity
pass to are
a part of the party machinery.
They are subject to the an
The two main purposes
for which they are to lie formed
are to distribute literature ti
bring out a full vote.
Let each an active
committee to secure the attendance
of voters at the polls. A foil vote
will give the Democratic party
majority. The issues involved
are momentous, vital and far reach-
Our free institutions are en-
dangered by a colonial policy
abroad by aggregation of
wealth home. Let North Car-
make a against
K. B. Lewis, Chairman.
N. C. Oct.
Misses Matti
Green, of New Bern, returned home
Thursday night.
Mica Ban,
went to Thursday to visit
Miss Bessie Garris.
There was a satisfactory sale yes-
selling well with a
large break.
Ed attended the ball
Wednesday night and returned to
Felix John and
Dick Lane, of Bern, up
to the ball and returned Thursday.
a. Bland died Friday between
ten and o'clock. The
direr. W. II. Bland, his brother,
ha-not been raptured yet. C.
Do. I., o. Cox. and W. Gas-
kin went to arrest B.
but he had gone to parts unknown
A half acre corner lot on Rail-
road and Main streets in most de-
portion of the town, with
dwelling four
rooms all necessary out houses
for sale for cash by F. O. Cox.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. is head
quarters for all farming necessities,
such as wagons, carts, curt-saddles
back bands, distributors,
as welt as the celebrated Cox
Cotton which has never
yet bad a rival. they arc
pared to till and orders
their Hue on the shortest possible
notice. them your orders
you will be fully satisfied and
Bob Dixon says the
are so anxious to into
that they walk right into the
market house and themselves
up by the hind legs, bellow
for the butcher. Everybody knows
Bob. Send after the key
The patronage of the Winterville
High School has grown so immense
Hint directors can scarcely find
seating capacity for the pupils.
New are constant coming in,
both from a distance and the
rounding country.
Work on the College is progress-
and if nothing serious
occurs by Christmas we will have
one of largest finest school
building- in Eastern Carolina, all
The dispensary idea; has very-
many warm in this section
nearly every one has or will
sign the petition to the Legislature
requesting the enactment into a
law of this measure for
and Pitt county.
Miss Julia of
is visiting the family of J. W.
Sparks, on Central avenue.
Miss Pearl Evans, of near Green-
ville, is on a visit to her sister,
Mr.-. . T. this week.
C. A. Pair J. A.
have been on the sick list for the
past week, but we are glad to
state they are very much improved.
Mr. of Bethel,
spending a few days with bis
M. G. Bryan.
At his home in Wilson, N. C.,
ion Monday evening, Oct. 1st, at
j o'clock, Rev. M. T. Move
away after an illness
about about a month. He was a
of our townsman, Mr. E.
A. who was with him at the
time of his death.
From the Wilson News we take
the following sketch of
Mr. was born in
1827, in Pitt county, making him
years old. He was a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred his mother
having been Mrs. Tyson.
About MM was married to
Miss Penelope Whitehead, of Pitt,
a daughter of Mr. Howell White-
Mr. was a gallant soldier
saw service in the Civil war
into it from Pitt as
in the 7th Confederate
and afterwards
to captain. At the time of
his death he Ml the chaplain of
the Jesse B. Barnes of Con-
federate Veterans of Wilson.
The deceased was the
charter members of the Christian
church in Wilson and for a
of years, was its pastor. He
at Bethany College, in
West Virginia and knew
personally. He was
oldest preacher the Chris-
church in the State, in
years in service,
a minister of that denomination
for over forty years.
He was in business Wilson at
various times, having conducted a
drug store ard .
At the time of his death be was
pastor of the Christian church at
In August of last year his wife
died and of bis immediate family
Mr. leaves four daughters
and one son, Mrs. II. Cozart,
Misses Nellie. Susie Fannie
and Mr. Alfred He
has a of relatives this
county and Pitt.
Mr. was a most respected
esteemed of Wilson,
and at the l urn-nil services conduct-
ed this afternoon his late
Nash street there was a
large attendance of the family who
gathered to pay their last
to the dead
After He Comes
he has ft hard enough lime. Every-
thins the expectant mother
can do to help her child abound
do. One of greatest
can give him is health, but to
do she roust have health her-
self. She use every means
to improve physical condition.
She should, by all means, supply
herself with
County Elector.
The State and Con u
pointed Mr. James L. as
the Bryan and Stevenson sub elect-
or this Bounty, Mr. Flaming
will in a few days have out his
appointments for speaking
will conduct an active campaign
in behalf of the ticket.
vi Blossoms.
Mr. II. j. Stokes, of
township, tells us that he has a
peach Ires is now is full bloom
for second time this year. Ho
ale pi aches from the same tree in
the summer,
It doesn't re horse sense to
The one female in
that has no kick coming is Men are not You
always tell when they are loaded. Success.
Old Tine Honesty.
Put that
John Adams,
when hie son took a sheet of paper
from a pigeon hole to write a let-
belongs to the govern-
Here is my on n stationery,
at the end of the desk. I
always use it for letters private
This regard
to what many would consider a
mere trifle may appear excessive.
But the dividing line between vice
and virtue is so line that the bound-
is unconsciously crossed,
it is Jolt as dangerous for a young
person to dally with conscience as
it is a child to toy with a
or to play with lire. He who
is honest things can
ways lie trusted in great. There is
truth not to be ignored the old-
It a sin to steal a pin.
Mi eh more to steal a greater thing.
No matter how little value the
thin- we appropriate from another
may possess, the fact that it does
to us should make it
A nickel Is SO small a sum that
many people think they are cot
defrauding anyone or acting dis-
honestly I bey retain the fare
the Street car conductor has
forgotten In people
Would indignantly resent any
of yet they
have not shadow of a right.
They would feel in-
and defrauded if
that tin i in weighing tea,
or coffee i other
had deprived them of
even part
of their just that their
milkman had held back for his
own spoonful of
the milk for which they paid. The
Virtuous indignation of these
against the fraudulent grocer,
milkman or other
would be fully justified if they
observed the
rule, But if we are not strictly
honest ourselves have we any right
to demand or expect that others
will be Lincoln Brooks in
4th, 1900.
F. G. James was in town Tues-
day on business.
Misses Li and Moore
were in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Maggie Peal and family left
here recently for Baltimore.
J. has returned from
the markets.
Mrs. If. K. Peal has returned to
her old home in Rapids.
Miss Hebe Fleming, of near
passed through here this
to enter the State Nor-
School at i
Miss Mattie left this
morning to enter the Massey
College hI We wish
her a happy and prosperous school
Misses and Daven-
port, of passed through
this morning to enter the State
Normal School at Greensboro.
Rev. W. A. Ayers family
will leave for Hertford Thursday.
We wish then a bright and happy
Misses Lizzie and Blanche Mayo
were town
Miss Bessie Cherry, of Hobgood,
has visiting relatives near
Miss Geneva Gardner, of Green-
ville, is visiting friends here.
J. C. Carson left Sunday for
Frank Bennett, of
school Monday.
It wilt her
through the crisis
easily and
quickly. It Is a
liniment which
gives strength
and vigor to the
muscles. Com-
sense will
i show you
that the
which bear the
strain, the less
pain there will be.
A woman living Fort Wayne, t
Friend did S
for Praise for as
your s
Read this from Cat. C
Mother's Is a blessing to
all women undergo nature's E
ordeal of j
Get Mother's friend at the
drug store. SI per bottle.
Cs. v
New Passer.
The Memorial Church is the
name of paper that has
just been started here to appear
monthly. It is edited by Rev. J.
N. Booth in the interest of the Me-
Baptist Church of which he
If pastor. is to
members as to the work I
of the church, and to enlist
sympathy and stimulate their
the aims and objects of the
church. While ii is printed
Mr. Booth
does the entire work the paper,
type setting and all. himself. The
issue is very neat appear-
and interesting matter.
The subscription price is cents
Happenings In
The State Museum lost
worth of articles in the burning of
the North Carolina exhibit ear.
The Government is now survey-
the ship canal from Beaufort to
Norfolk, so as to enable vessels to
the dangers of Cape Hatteras.
Auditor Ayer has finished
the pension list and they are
now being sent out. The list shows
increase of over last year.
Raleigh News Observer.
and Mrs. G. P. Smith pas
tor of Edenton Street Methodist
Episcopal church, have the deepest
sympathy of the members of bis con
and the in the
loss of their infant son, Wilson,
about o'clock
hist night, after a protracted ill-
Post 3rd.
His Brother Dies
Mr. C. A. Bland, who was so
terribly cut with a knife by his
brother, Mr. W. B. Bland, while
they were engaged in a fight at
Grifton Wednesday, died today
from the effect of his
Coroner went down
to hold an Mr. W. B.
Bland lied as soon as he saw he
had cut his brother so seriously
and has been captured.
Mrs. Dr. Bewares Dead
News was received here by
graph early this morning that Mrs
Sallie Edwards, wife of Dr. G. C
Edwards, died
Thursday evening. She used to
live near Greenville and was a
daughter of the late Mr. B. W.
Brown. Two brothers, Messrs.
W. M. and J. W. Brown, live near
here and a sister, Mrs. H. H.
son, lives at Kinston. Mm.
wards had many other relatives
and friends in this section who arc
deeply saddened to learn of her
death. She leaves a husband and
several children.
I have a new and well selected stock of
have secured the services of Mrs. Ella Greene,
A miser died recently New
York a cheap lodging house,
where he did bis own cook and
left an estate said to be worth
to people who will not
live in cheap lodgings nor do their
would probably
not acknowledge the relationship
where It
ton Star.
Even the greediest of persons
can't take both sides of
Sheppard; as aw for this season. She is a
trimmer of long experience and I will guarantee to my
customers pettiest HatS
at the Lowest ever offered.
Infant Caps and Cloaks a Specialty- Dress Patterns and
Fashion Books.
Points Higher.
Means 1-4 Cent per pound more for your
have just established at Greenville one of the best equipped
to be found Eastern North Carolina and solicit your ginning.
We turn out the you can get anywhere but our charges are
no higher than others. BRING YOUR COTTON.
N. C.
Pattern Hats,
Its really time to think
The off does not secure the cream of the for the early
buyer has the opportunity. Now is ripe we invite you
to inspect the most carefully selected stock in Our tables
are groaning their loads of the best clothing ever shown this
city, and we propose to demonstrate that this is the place above all
others that is to your consideration you a-c ready to buy
your fall
Double and Single Breasted Suits, Fancy
Cheviots, light dark brown
checks and plaids. OUR SPECIAL FALL
OPENING PRICE on this well tailored suit
will he Seven Dollars Fifty Cents. Our
price this season will lit your exactly
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The Eastern Reflector for
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as i is-
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Cash for Cotton Seed per
bushel at S. M. Schultz.
Fresh Magic
Yeast, Mountain Butter per lb,
at M. Schultz.
Merchants report a good trade
this week. Advertisers especially
are reaping the harvest.
Horse shoeing by a first-class
white workman, at W. O. Barn-
hill's shop on Dickinson avenue.
Hon. Thomas G. Skinner will
address the people of Pitt county
at Farmville on Wednesday to
24th inst.
People who get about the woods
say there are more wild turkeys
this year than there hare been for
several years.
Four transom windows have
been put in the Fifth street side
of Patrick Greene's store. It is
an improvement.
Mr. B. F. Patrick has ordered
an electric light plant for the new
hotel. He will also light the stores
in bis block of
Rev. A. C. Hart, of
will preach at the Chapel near the
bounty Home on 4th Sunday in
this month at o'clock A. M.
day somebody speaks
about how it is to have
the express down town.
Some find express money orders
very too.
The sweet little lady that has
arrived at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. White adds joy to the
household many smiles to the
face of the proud lather.
Infant Cloaks, long short,
Infant Gaps, white colors,
Children's Furs, Tarn
and an line of Walking
and Soft Felt Hats at Mrs. M. D.
With tor
printing over a thousand copies
each issue and Tin. Daily
nearly half a thousand,
advertisers make mistake by
putting their announcement in
these papers.
Twenty Thousand,
On Friday the Bank of
ville out in round numbers
about the day's business,
moat of it being for tobacco. That
gives an idea of what the Green-
market Is doing.
they It
The business arc telling us
that they like Reflector
market reports. We hope they
will show this by such a liberal
patronage as will enable us to make
still further additions to the use
fullness of the paper.
Partly Falls.
Messrs Greene Hooker recent
built a large storage room for
seed near their gin plant. Before
the under pinning of the storage
room had been completed they be-
running in the seed the
weight became so heavy that
end of it Wednesday
Too Many Borrowers
If every person town who
borrows The Daily
was a paying subscriber we could
afford to print tic afternoon press
dispatches. Don't you borrow
see how you keep your town
paper from being as useful as it
otherwise might
Collision on The Avenue.
A young man in a cart
carelessly along Dickinson Ave.,
Wednesday evening, with
Mr. E. H. omnibus.
One of the horses was knock-
ed down pulled the other horse
over him. The only damage
was to the harness, which hail to
be cut to get the horses up.
There has been a that the
mail, who shot
Miss Jennie Moore, at Williamston,
two weeks ago, hail been
South Carolina, but the report
is without foundation. Miss no
is yet in a very
not to sit up a moment
or even turn herself bad.
Largest Sale Yet.
We do not believe the Greenville
tobacco market ever had a larger
sale, or that there was ever more
tobacco here at time, than to-
day. six large ware-
houses, and there was more than
enough tobacco to till all of them
with scores of wagon cart loads
that could not get the houses at
Reflector 5th.
Carolina Wants
The Presbyterian church of
Washington has extended to
Rev. of Au
demon, S. C. Mr. used
Io reside Tarboro and served the
chin. h here some mouths
it was organized. We have
not heard whether he accepts the
Washington call. It is slated that
he has also had a from the
church at New Bern.
Some Speak to Me, Some to You
Thursday 1900.
It. Pearce left this morning.
Ernest Forbes returned to New
Bern Wednesday evening.
Miss Lena Harries left this morn-
for Washington to visit
Miss Maggie Doughty is home
from a visit of several to
II. Randolph wife
ed Wednesday evening from a vis
it to Mildred.
Miss Mollie Dudley returned to-
day from a visit to Washington
and New Bern.
Miss Lena Dudley, of Washing-
ton, came up on the boat today to
visit relatives here.
B. J. Pulley, V. Johnson, W.
J. Gus Follies,
to Grifton Wednesday evening to
attend a ball and returned this
October MOO.
J. A. went to Bethel to-
R. A. Tyson went to Norfolk to-
Capt. C. T. Lipscomb went to
Richmond today.
Alderman W. It. Parker went up
the road this morning.
It. L. Smith returned Thursday
Solicitor L. I. Moore
evening from
W.-R. Smith and wife left this
morning to visit relatives Mar-
tin county.
Mrs. W. K. children
returned Thursday evening from a
visit to Baltimore.
Mrs. Crow, and daughter,
Miss Nellie, of Henderson, are vis
ling friends here.
Miss Mable Rawls, who has been
visiting Miss Skinner, left
this morning for
Deputy sheriff Leon Tucker
went to Grifton Thursday evening
and returned this morning.
Mrs. M. Johnson two
children have arrived from
son to make Greenville their home.
Mr. Johnson has a position with
the American Tobacco Company
Mrs. Moore writes to a
friend here that the Judge stood
his trip to Baltimore, where ho is
gone for quite well.
He is hopeful expects to re-
turn tonight.
Saturday, 1800.
J. F. returned to Kinston
Friday evening.
M. Jefferson, of
on was here today.
Miss Ellen left this
morning for Tarboro.
Presiding Elder F. A. Bishop
went to this morning.
Judge and Mrs. A. M.
returned Friday evening from Hal
I. A. Sugg went to Kinston Fri-
day evening returned this
W. II. and wife,
Whitakers, are visiting the family
of Moore.
Mrs. c. G. of Baltimore,
came Friday evening to visit the
family if J. A. Lung, just cast of
L. L. Hackney, who has been
putting the plumbing la the new
h left this morning for Char-
Miss Blanche came
Friday evening from to
Saturday and Sunday with
Mrs. Moore.
Miss Annie Joy of Farmville,
who has been visiting Miss
Starkey, left this morning to
attend the Association at
Mrs. W. A. Savage, Mb. II. C
Edwards, Mrs. J. A. K. Tucker and
Miss Melissa Brooks left on the
train this morning for Io
attend the Association at Spring
W. I. who has
spending a few days of his furlough
with L. Pender, this morn-
for Next he will
return to New York from which
point the battleship, Kentucky,
which he is chief will
sail a four years cruise around
world. Walter says he will
not have another opportunity
seeing four
You will a complete line
Hats, trimmed and
newest shapes, Mrs
And the Goods are Coming Daily.
Our Second Trip North was a Great Success in
And These Bargains Are Yours For The Asking.
Hie markets like Now York. been searched
Mid we them. Me to sell less money than anybody
else. Why Because we buy more go Is any other store in town
and get larger discounts; and we sill the smallest possible
profit, depending on a volume
and no rents to pay.
and sell. CASH Over
the Counter and No Pay.
Let The ea Their Story.
Men Suits tin 18.00 0.00 Price. Boys Suits the , and quality, Bale Price,
Boys Suits the H -r Bale Price,
Men Suits the 14.00, 6.00 and quality, Sale Price,
Suits, Tailor Made Silk the
Men Suits quality, while they lost
All tilt w
These Goods are AH New. No Old Stock on Hand.
plain fancy Linen
extra heavy
Children's Fast Has-, worth
Best Linen Canvas, worth Se
Best Feather Bone, all colon j
Knitting sill;, all
Men's Collar-, Worth
Silk Webbing worth
Checked worth
yards worth
Drop Hose, worth
Children's a heavy
Bill Windsor Tics, worth
Laundered Shirts, worth
Honey inns. v
English Woven Bed Spreads, worth
Steel l rovers
Cheese Cloth, all
Fancy Poniard Silk, worth
worth Be
Nottingham Curtains worth
11.26 pair.
is Imported Irish Damask, worth
Stick Pins, worth
Men's Colored Collars and
Silk it-, all colon .
Cotton, worth
Side Combs, worth
Stripe While
Men's per
Welted Pique, all colon,
English Cretonne
Fancy Negligee Shirts,
11.00 .
Shirt Waists lets, worth
I Men's Bilk Bosom
Corset SI
Box Fancy
Shades, spring roller
Mercerized Waists
New styles and the
quality 11.00. Only about
left, while they but,
New Store.
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C

town A CLEAR H
I am now one of the most complete lines of
hats, pants, shirts.
at very reasonable prices. My line of
which is Hie of any market an fresh cheap.
When you to town again give nu
Jas. B. White
A a to by Board AI
The Hoard of met
regular session Thursday
I five being present and
three absent.
The standing and of
their usual monthly rt-
port. That of the thief of Police
showed the largest amount collect-
ed by any police officer of the
in one month.
Forbes, Co., who are
conducting two warehouse a
were on petition required to
pay warehouse license.
J. S was released from
boarding house license for board-
school teachers.
I., toward was also released
sound sleep; a
fine appetite and a ripe old age,
are some of the results of the use
of Liver A single
dose will convince you of their
wonderful effects and virtue.
A Known Fact.
An absolute cure for sick head-
ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour
stomach, dizziness, constipation
bilious fever, piles, torpid liver
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
Don't Be Deceived.
great of
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which is duo if merit, mid also our advertising, has
caused other In the market, which they are ottering
for and claiming they am as good as the
Kl. Don't be b we
deny they arc a and are ready at any time to com
other. If your dealer doe handle them.
write direct tor descriptive pamphlet.
Manufacturers, X. C.
Get a good Safe
from boarding house license for
boarding without
The motion was adopted no
I private family school
teachers Mi pupils to
; board shall be subjected to
house license.
p. It. Pick that HI
treat, in West Greenville,
extended to Fifth street. The
matter th street com
The the mailer
of requesting the next As-
to pass a to permit the
ii to i he of h
suing bond provide the town
water lights, street
drainage, graded school building
and market Mo
area taken at meeting,
i it was the sentiment Midi a
tap will be taken.
License to ran a pool table in
building on Fourth
street was granted lo Tucker.
Restaurant licenses were granted
lo the following W.
I Clark in building next to
bar on Fifth It. M.
in one More of Barnard build
in A Cobb building
near Flanagan coach shop, to
Stanley Hopkins ill same building.
Delia was given per-
mission to move her restaurant bus-
from tobacco town to the
Tyson building on Fifth Street,
Account allowed and paid
amounting to
Viet -i i- mad in all sixes con-
for home, and use,
Every with g to lire
proof. Prices range from up.
Greenville, N. C.
Static ii.
This is the time of year the
frost is on the pumpkin and the
cost on the wedding present.
The man naturally looks
for a victim who i well to do.
Heaping coals of tire the heads
of our enemies promises to be ex-
A standing up
The who interview
theatrical people believe all
the stars
BOOM people are so disagreeable
that even what they eat doesn't
agree with them.
The road to says the
pf gross glowing in the
No, Maude, dim, we lave
beard that the Inn of Eskimo
was always decorated with a frieze.
Veils are always sold at their
tare value.
It lakes lo build a
The messenger boy is out of the
general run.
A remark has to pointed lo
get into some heads.
It doesn't do a man any good to
know the ropes ii he hasn't got a
hen some man barrow a dollar
they seem they have earn
actors are like eggs. They
get on the when they're good
for nothing else.
man's says
no sign he's doing
A Bright
The usually quiet and careful
Mr. has doing so
usual amount of talking during
this campaign a collection of
some of bis saying makes rather
interesting reading. Here are
some the
would like to tear the mask
from the face of that hypocrite,
William J. Bryan.
believe there is a trust in
the States.
This so called trust issue i the
veriest rot.
There are trusts the mean-
the law.
The Democratic newspapers gar
I say, as they gar
bled Roosevelt's St. speech.
I don't know how many Cabinet
positions has promised, but
I guess he will have to create
new places if he expects to
make good his promise.
I don't know that Bryan has
one of the Cabinet
positions, and probably more than
Roosevelt started out by
that all Democrats are cowards
it doesn't matter much what
Teddy says.
lit Al A l
ill .
in a a
I f M
i I M
pa ah
IS n
am pm
Ar 11- k
I HI V. I, c I II
I K t II or a I
a I .
by the Quart
Beau bUr
US ma Ml
blood- For KM
let food at
up mm IS
more promptly and effectually
other remedy The pallor of
and the rich color of health
for all
and liter, and all
fa of San, and
tail urn
co. nit.
Timber. Will pay from to
110.00 per cord for same, V. O. II.
THIS WOOD must lie round,
nearly free from knots, and sawed
Off at both ends. Will take I feet
and S feet and as small us
in diameter at small end,
but smaller.
J. H.
I fl-i
mid nil it ml I i me ti la by
Harrington, Barber Jo.,
ft X.-i Sc
As of the for I in
Pill Ci We handle books on the
It is a great thing for a to
have a good record. To
bear an honored name i.- a great
heritage, lint it r
when one depends
what his did rather than
what he do
gentlemen ware the old
in their families day.
land patting a little extra Coloring
and worth, when a
member of the who had
gentlemen, I have nothing that i
about my decent; as
cent is all I can
Atlanta in the present. The but
loin rail, the liar, risen
t., the top. It cuts no now
a man to tell the number of
rejoice that In this
more than in any other in
the world the man toward
the top who baa a to work,
j while
i loin who back on the old days
when hi used bank
notes for gnu wadding and -pent
his money tree A man should
on the foundation of a good
name -not brag about It.
l lie Clerk I U
of the an
of W. It.
it to all persons
to the estate to make pay-
in. to the nil
hat mart
same for payment on or
1901, or Ibis
Kill be plead in Ur of recovery.
Has A- A.
of w. B. Whichard
Ion IS Oft
p in, Bar.
ill in- live
i w i. in.
Id; m, arrive.
k Of, in. a in, Red
m. Mope H a id,
i, in, Mill p u
Red P U V n
the Carolina
Railroad, lied the U
Air Line Southern
Railway at Huff Ibo Durham and
Train on me Neck Road
tint, H P,
i . S. S l u m. rt
M am.
at am. U
B aw e ; ;
in in. leave IS
arrive II
and T Mil.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging Ties Hubs.
and shipments
Always at
in ii u-t
m Ml u in,
Rowing Machines
If you need a Machine see me
or write me
leave Sunday
It P m, Sunday p m, Pi-
dally, Sunday,
day a
Train on Midland N It am
dally, Sunday, s a B,
a m, returning leave i
la a a a.
Train leave
M. all a m. I to i m, arrive
pm. am.
inn. leave Sprint Hop II. am.
U in. Nashville II u in arrive at a
It u in. dally
Train on Clinton Branch for
Clinton dally, Sunday, US
p m. Clinton at ant
an pm.
Train e
for all point dally, all via
II. M.
J. Manager.
T. M.
per Cures Chills
Fever, Malaria, Night Sweats
Money back if it doesn't.
other as good. Get the
with the Bed Cross the label.
Hold mid guaranteed by Wooten,
Steamer leave Washing
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
V. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
Old Dominions. S. Co. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. O.
Greenville, N.
ill Ci Vie handle Hie designated on
ii i i and can what-
Jim in We have
Cotton Broken in
Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
New Orleans.
you can get
Dry Goods, Notions,
At Prices
All warned for
bidden hum with or without gun
or in any other way upon Hie
the In Town-
the north aide of Creek.
J. II.
or en, wife and I,
f ft
Cotton Bogging and lies always
on ban
goods kept on
Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
slant ruled writing t
is cap slates,
crayons, inks, companion etc,
i pencils l cent, a plain lead l
load l cent, a with
rubber lead l cut, a with
pretty I cent, t rayons, with hold-
it in nice B slut., pen
ell, and pen. and rule, all in aloe wood box, r
A great big wide tablet Bottle of beat
Ink mi tho market, B to cents.
White crayon roes in box, s coins, cap
paper i quire
fell New l
New i hi. -The Journal
of review
that during
h were about completed and
i begin operation I
five are. lube started in
Georgia and one North I
new were
during month, with an
Their is
and forty live
dollars. This is a number of
i any
of last year.
It is that Hug Ii
rapidly, Par an nM
past M he the
aging well, lull a
fellow whose wile, totes
with her couldn't lie
to preserve
Lo-i Met
pink flow to pal
1.- ll
-----BIT A KU
S. M.
It -V i-r . v f-------
our to
or the . paid. for
of. I
i -i- i
. Or,.,
I it
Liquor. In In
tan e I oar
b . ti. oar Id SO or
Clinton ft Jackson
We will iv above
of l
f ran
Liver PH. when are
They are
new fall to fan
hole, an
n beware
Imitation. Seal
Chi. at. b
J L Or N
Wholesale and retail and
Dealer. paid for
Hides, Cotton Heed, Oil liar-
Turkeys, etc-
steads, Oak Suits,
Carriages, Parlor
Tables, I.
Key West
American Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples Jelly, Milk,
Meat, Heap
Manic Food, Matches,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Our-
den Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Apples, Peaches,
and China Ware. Tin and Wooden
mid Crackers,
Host Butter,
Machines, nu-
other goods. and
Quantity. Cheap for cash.
to see me.
the Court of Pill county
of Ilia of Henry
la given to
all ea-
lo 1.1. them to mo for
of March, 1901, or will be
I In Ea of their recovery. All
to are to make
lo me.
This Die of
W. M. r.
Th Day Ours.
bead cured Bar.
atoll la
Come To See
At the old Moore store,
on where we have
a new fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Coffee, Canned floods,
Fruits, in fact everything
to found in up to date
We pay tho market
prices fur all kinds of
Country Produce,
in cash or In barter. When
you to sell or you
to buy mine to see us.
To all who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire sat
at Five
J. B. ULT,
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
j. R. COREY.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock in every de
pan and prices low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
for free
I Ii
The Eastern Reflector.
National Ticket.
of II
Presidential Elector, 1st
For Congress, 1st Dist,,
of Beaufort.
False Sentiment
OS 1.-I.
U. Oct.
Mr. to Wash-
this week is to lie followed
by of the nil-
and bin party
ate, and every scheme that w ill et
out votes is likely to be in full
swing these lust weeks of the cam-
Voters in Mates which the
republican lingers consider
doubtful who are employed the
government department in Wash-
have all given to
very plainly that they
must go home and vote or take the
consequences. What the
republican consider close
or doubtful may be judged from
the fact that this notice has been
given voters from New York, New
Connecticut, West Virgin-
la, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio,
and Michigan.
That they have no expectation of
carrying Kansas or Nebraska or
any of states of the
far West, may be judged their
having left the voters from those
states free to use their own
about going home to vote.
Mr. is counted upon
by the party bosses to do some
thing to try to raise a
rah and election.
Just what this will be has not
leaked out, although the
has. It will be well for the
democrats to be on the lookout for
any sort of move on the part of the
administration that may be
lated to catch and enthuse those
who do not look below the surface
of things and to be prepared to
counteract the effect of any such
move. As a statesman, history
may not give Mr. very
high rank, but a slick
up to all the tricks of the trade
and having the ability
some of his own, Mr.
top liner, and will close watch-
Republicans are privately ad-
that Bryan and Stevenson
will carry Illinois, although they
are publicly claiming that they
will get a majority in the rest of
state to wipe out the Bryan major-
they concede Chicago will give.
To concede Chicago is to concede
the state, U the returns in
when the state was carried by
Cleveland, when it
carried by show that as
goes Chicago as the State.
The seems dis-
posed to make the defeat of Sen-
the paramount Issue
In South Dakota. Postmaster Gen-
era Smith has to join Boss
Senator Frye, and other
republican big guns In stumping
that state and In to down
and incidentally, of
course, to capture the electoral
votes of the state for Mr.
Reports from the state say
that tho campaign is red hot and
that the democrats are confident of
The Florida Press Association
will spend Friday in Raleigh.
A saying among certain lawyers
Is. that it is better that ninety and
nine guilty persons go free pun-
than one innocent
man should be and they
seem to think that is Scripture.
On this assumption, they will use
every method fair or foul, to clear
the guilty on the plea it is
merciful to do this. Now what is
the scriptural teaching is to
the protect the
innocent. How far the true
object of In vest
putting men charged with crime on
trial is it when the plea not
punish the No right-
minded man wants the innocent
punished. But fellows who
raise this bat ninety and
nine guilty ones should go free,
her than punish one Innocent
after clearing the guilty.
They do wish to find out who
is guilty and punish them, but to
Every man crime
should have a lawful trial
not to serene the guilty, but to
out whether such are guilty or
if on trial it is proven they
arc guilty every man should be in
favor of punishing according
to law. It is as much the duty of
the people and their interest for the
guilty to be punished as it is for
the innocent to be protected.
P. D.
Wilson Times.
John Adjutant
of and one of the
most noted men in the South, died
at his home near this place this
evening at o'clock. He had
been in bad health for a long time.
He was years of age.
At the age of Kell was
pointed a midshipman the
navy. He served with distinction
in the Mexican war was pres-
at Monterey, when the
United States lag was hoisted over
that territory. He was later
officer in Commodore Perry's
to Japan.
In October, he married
Miss Julia Blanche Monroe, of Ma-
con, A brief service at Nor-
folk and months at Pensacola
constituted bis only duties on shore
while a member of the
navy. Upon the secession
Georgia, be tendered bis service
to his native Stale, and May,
1881, reported for duty to Captain
Raphael Orleans,
where he served on the Sumter.
Later be was with
as executive officer cf the Alabama,
the famous Confederate battleship.
After the loss of the Alabama,
he returned to the Confederacy and
was given command of the iron
clad Richmond. In he was
appointed Adjutant General of
Georgia, which office he held until
his death.
We are still the forefront of the race after your
We offer you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found any store Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the of the manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. arc work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want and to
sell you if we can. We offer you the very best service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a
established business built op strictly its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our Immense buying elsewhere.
Remember s and the following Hues of general
Dr v Goods and Notions,
Hats and raps. Silks Satins, Dress Trimmings
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
A Lesson for Boys.
The solid business men, success-
and talented professional men,
the men who frame the laws which
guide the Nation, the who
occupy high official positions
places of trust, the men who
and distribute wealth for
the benefit of the
who live of the life which their
Maker intended they should were
once the boys who had the will
power, the grit, the determination
and tenacity to
through adversity and discourage-
though often and
weary, never gave up, but went
ever and until they passed
the mist obscurity and
out In the eyes of everyone as
who had accomplished something.
When such men dies the Nation
mourns. Boys do you understand
the meaning of this
In China.
New York, Oct. than
fifteen thousand native Christians
and one hundred and fifty
and died
the death of martyrs the
four or five mouths of tho Boxer
Is Alive.
A startling and exceedingly sen
report comes from
We learn today that
most pr. lawyers says that it
is current rumor readily be-
that Archie who
was hanged at Clinton last Friday,
is still olive.
It is well known that
after hanging fourteen minutes,
his lips and to lie
dropped again and that this
done by order of the physicians, j
and that the second drop tore loose
the wound which made
on his neck in attempting to com-
suicide, the day before the first
day set for the execution, thus
bin from head to foot
with blood. Alter hanging seven
minutes the doctors pronounced
him dead and he was cut down and
the body turned over to his family
for burial.
The story says that when the
corpse was taken home, Kin-
was wrapped wet
blankets and and was
at once sent to Richmond, where he
i now under
ville Observer.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, ts,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
r View Case.
One tale is good until another is
told. Against the election table
put out by the national Republican
committee, claiming votes for
i. the electoral college,
the national Democratic committee
opposes one which votes are
claimed for Hi van, conceded to
and classed as doubt-
f the Republican claim
bluff the Democratic claim is a
bigger one. For our part we have
learned to place little reliance
the ante election political
commit lees or partisan newspapers.
only estimates that are worth
their space are those of the great
independent papers, which have
ample learning the
truth no interest in
sing or perverting It. The Wash-
Post, by by, ha a re-
markable election table in Issue
Thursday, States
having voles which are con-
to Slates with
votes, which are conceded to
Bryan, States with
which arc contested by the Demo-
and Bryan states having
votes which are contested by the
Republicans. The Post's
is that the result of the
upon New York- which
it classifies as a State
tested by the that
whichever party carries New
York will win Ob-
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Applications, as hey
cannot reach the seat of the dis
ease. Catarrh is a blood or con-
disease, and in order to
cure it you must take internal
remedies. Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts direct
on the blood mucous
Hall's Catarrh Core is not a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by-
one of the lust physicians In this
country for years, is a regular
prescription. It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined
with the beat blood purifiers, act-
directly on the mucous surfaces
The perfect the two
Ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results in curing
Bend for tree.
F. J. it Co.; Prone.,
Bold by Druggists,
Hall's Family Pills are the bets.
Headquarters for Furniture and every thing in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
Si, CO,
Well Said.
There arc cranks black-
guards in every campaign it
uprising the part of cry party. The Republican
China, to figures therefore, could not justly
plied by the local . U- account
boards. These figures are
approximate, as it will be
to obtain a complete record of
the Christians massacred until the
missionaries return to tho districts
were driven and
make detailed reports to their
respective boards.
At present it seems doubtful if
the missionaries can safely return
to the more disturbed provinces
for a year or perhaps The
estimates thus far given of the
of Christians killed
the uprising differ greatly.
Statistics recently published by the
religious press of Loudon place the
total -i- of and Amer-
missionaries massacred, in-
children at so high a figure
us I According to these
the American societies
twenty eight forty women
twenty five children, the
British societies fifty six men, fifty
women children.
mere fact that there is a person in
its ranks st and caddish enough
to say that Mr. was bribed
for to insist on having B
silver plank put into the Demo
But when the Re
publican National Committee, in-
stead of treat tug this preposterous
yarn with the contempt with which
anybody of gentlemen would
receive it, announces that
it will investigate
tho against Mr.
Bryan, it degrades its party and
tone of the campaign, to
tho extent of its ability, to a level
from which we had hoped Amer-
politics had escaped forever.
New York Journal.
If you want stoves or ranges upon
scientific principle arc economical, durable,
and convenient, as well as beautiful and artistic, look
for the
The Associated Press dispatch
this morning announcing
Broadway Rouse, the eccentric mil-
has withdrawn the oiler of
for the restoration of his
Sight, brings to mind report
which Mr. II. C.
evening which be and Mrs.
at Mr. home, lust
Sunday. Every Sunday evening
from ; to o'clock, Mr. has
a literary, musical and social
his house, at which a
actors, and
pear. back like a king
calls noon one after the other
lo play, or recite, and after
all Invited to the dining
mom, a here there is a spread
Mr. and Mis were
guests of honor last Sunday even-
r. details the
performances and says that
alter dinner there is another round
of amusements, after which the
and artists are again usher-
ed into the dining room to devote
their attention to Ice cream, a
Mr. Room habit of
each per former a In
addition to this, they get the din-
and it goes without saying that
the New York always accept
Mr. Sunday Invitations.
The millionaire, Mr. says,
Is totally blind, gets a
deal of this life and
gives pleasure to
i in In land
Bible En your pocket,
in your hands
Hit Well,
I In- in him.
s ii Mm
Hit the wicked
Send mil lightning.
C;. Hill
There is lot- t trouble
.-n I Mood;
Ch minion to quell.
While her
Send wetter at
Monarch Bill
Oh I you are a brick
Hold the other
Make the sick,
may pay well,
the Constitution
Lit South Africa,
in Courier.
The comer and the drain
critic are both busy roasting
Tho man who is by
his employer usually gets square by
despot his own home.
mark, which is shown upon every genuine
Stove or Bung, and do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and
lead all others in yearly sales popularity.
Sold Exclusively by
The Superior of Michigan
has been called upon to settle a
curious ease arising out the
legal man
ed Thompson. The latter was
cut to the penitentiary Jack-
son, and was to work the
Brook- shirt Company
as a convict. Alter having
worked he
on a of habeas cot pus for the
reason that his sentence was clear
Illegal. No he claims that the
shut company refuses to pay
wages for the time he was in
and forced to work for the
Many a man who bus been
too to propose to his girl
has hid In come into the
parlor midnight and help
him out.
Additional reports of fatalities
during the
ford no silver to the cloud of
resting over the Hood-swept
region. Even now. as the city
streets ore being cleared, corpses
disclosed in ghastly profusion,
and the aggregate estimate of loss
of life has been advanced to
at least three months
under favorable weather
lie required to
clear away the debris of
general wreck, and during
ibis critical period the charity of
the nation must minuter diligently
and generously to the bereaved
sufferers who have taken up the
struggle for new homes and a re-
stored city by
Judge Shaw who is now holding
in Charlotte, has decided to
sit down upon the professional
not suppose there is
a county in the State where there
i not always a hang-
around the courts anticipating
service, and while many have
remarked upon It,
the Brat man to attempt to stop it
he deserves the thanks of
whole stale for Her-
and is bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic, tie simply
Iron and quinine a tasteless form .
pay. Price
and night Sweats with
Tasteless Chill Tonic at per
bottle to lake. Money
refunded if it fails. Rest ores
petite, purities the blood and makes
well. other as good.
Sold and guaranteed at the drug
stores of Woolen Ernul
Greenville, n.
Office over White
Fleming store.

Eastern reflector, 9 October 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 09, 1900
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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