Eastern reflector, 5 October 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Attention Farmers
I am now offering you one of the complete lines of
at very reasonable prices. My line of
which is the of any market are fresh and cheap.
When you come to town again give me a
Yours to
Ne Over.
Jas. B. White
Don't Be Deceived.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which due lo its merit, and also advertising, has
others put on the market, which they
and claiming they are as good as the
ELASTIC he deceived same. We
deny that they are as and are ready time to com
pare ours with other. your local dealer does not handle
write us direct for descriptive pamphlet.
Bole Manufacturers, H. C.
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
home, office and general i-e.
Every sale with guarantee to be fire
proof. Prices range from up.
N. C.
Famous U to.
and Laxative. cure for chills and
fever all and billions troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber o.,
N. C
As one of the depositories for Public School Books In
Pin County, We handle books designated on the
for the public schools and can supply what-
ever you need. We also have
slant an vertical, double ruled practice writing bi
tablets, fool's paper, pens, pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes
in u
soapstone pencils I cent, S plain lead pencils I cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil I cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover I cent, sorted crayons with metal hold-
in nice wood box cents, lead pencil, slate pen
and pen, and rule, all In nice wood box,
a great big wide tablet r cents.
Ink on the market, C vents. Copy books to cents.
White crayons, gross in box, cents. Good fool's cap
paper per
famous barker gen
flight Query
It is clear that the Republicans j
no expect to have a walk-
over in the presidential race. Their
candidate find himself very
handicapped by the strike of
Pennsylvania. When
the administration's stump speak-
get up declaim about Me-
and the
they tremble less the
miners strike should be
at them.
That's a condition, not a theory,
and it must be observed that the
strike is a boss ridden
state, which has profited
greatly by protection, and that the
mine owners arc, for the most part
supporters of the administration,
are friends of Han-
In dealing with this particular
subject, the Republican orators
must either that
prosperity has not reached the
coal regions, or else that the
have grievances. There
is other course tor them to
The Democrats are making a
powerful tight Indiana. Trusts
and the latter
have thrown thousand- of
awn in that State out of work,
and the contemptuous in
which has treated the sub
has angered them greatly,
the vole were taken to-day, we be-
and Stevenson would
carry Indiana.
Illinois we regard as hopeful.
Maryland is, too, but our friends
there ought to make it certain.
of the fiercest tights now
going is West Virginia.
While both sides claim that State,
the Dispatch cannot but regard the
chance as the
The Pennsylvania strike cannot
help the Republicans; it may mi
prove the prospects of the Demo
much. Kentucky seems
all light our party. in
New York city and State the out-
look appears to be improving
So we say Boost
have walk-over. hat is
admitted to be a fact, not only by
numerous intelligent Republicans,
but by many icily partisan,
but selfishly calculating operators
in Wall street. Thus, it may be
that Dick which
he has put the election of
Bryan, may bring him in
Violating Revenue Act.
State Treasurer Worth receives
at frequent intervals letters from
business men making inquiry as to
what sewing machine companies
have paid the lice use tax
posed section of the revenue
act of Legislature. It seems
that a small number of companies
which manufacture machines and
have not complied with the law in
the matter of license to do bus-
will at intervals consign ma-
chines to dealers and others
different parts of the Slate and the
consignors ignorant of
the fact that I he company has no
right to do business in North Car-
will sell them mil the viola-
of the law is not discovered
until the agent of
ed company calls at a home where
the machines has been sold
and reports the violation which
invariably do.
of l he general public. Mr.
Worth bat hail prepared the fol-
lowing list of licensed companies
the dales on which their
While Sewing Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio, February
Singer Manufacturing Co.,
Va., April 18th,
New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Mass., June tool.
Wheeler Wilson
July 16th,
New Domestic Sewing Machine
Co., N. J., July
I Co., covers the
The Young Manner
Society asks little of a young
and man except to behave well. If he is
The license of the New maul in looks, If he has a good
Home Sewing Machine Co., covers manner, is civil to his elders, if he
the has any little gift of entertaining
New any he sends a
The license of the Stan-
Sewing Machine Co. covers
the and
A Mite.
few occasionally, looks
is polite, his way will
be smooth to pro-
that he is really a gentle-
He never joins her on a thorough-
fare unless the friendship be an es-
one and only with her
The tiniest mite of in will he stand and
New perhaps, is toe new- with her.
born baby, boy of Mrs. William
of Cedar Brook.
Though a child
with fully developed power em-
its feelings the way that
babies do, this weighed
two ounces lees than two
when he was ushered into the
The usual preparation for the
coming had been made
with motherly care but the mite
disappeared entirely in the
white slips which the
enfolded him. An ordinary
tea cup engulfed his tiny head, and
bis mother's ring made
him a which lay loose
about his arm the elbow,
bis tiny pink toes were like tea-
It is to walk
between two women, to
stare, or look after any one who
has passed.
la public conveyances a man
does pay a woman's fare unless
he is her escort except in
when he must ask if he may.
Introductions are rarely made in
public places or conveyances.
A man precedes a woman when
entering a or public place.
Id a church the lady goes first.
He may precede her up a public
staircase, but in a private house in
descending, he fol-
In picture-galleries, elevators in
public buildings, hotel and
corridors, they being thoroughfares
berries, and his wondering, dark a man retains his hat. In a hotel
eyes like glistened glass beauts.
The little fellow quickly
oped a normal appetite and is
nourishing, but his fond mother
lays she realize that he is a
real, live baby. are
of the average
For Union of Farmers.
Christian Becker in Southern
Farm Magazine, of Baltimore, for
Let the stand in with
each other take care of
selves first. Business would then
turn toward them, cotton would
never sell less than ten cents a
pound, the merchants would
need half their clerks, and a great
many people would have to leave
the town and go to raising their
own bread meet on the farm.
If the farmers would stay at home
and board at the same place they
would have no mortgage forced on
they would owe nothing;
they would sell what they have to
spare when prices suited; they
would more be indirect slaves to
the merchant and the cotton buyer
would lie bosses of the world,
of its slaves, as they are
today. The world does not care
how the farmer gets along just so
the world gets all the farmers make
for small a price as possible.
That is the nature of people. But
farmers live at home they
need not I cotton to pay for their
bread and meat.
Mister Money wink he eye,
K no. Mil, at de
But Mister rise so high
He'll cut my
He tell me, you see
En no
But tie rise en bit de skies
He'll cut my
O Cotton,
I hails you on de way;
Dixie ain't
Atlanta Constitution.
A Tioga old maid that a
man who remains a bachelor must
lie ashamed of his ancestors.
No, Maude, dear, when a man
boasts that he is a sou of the soil it
equivalent to saying his
father's name is mad.
When a gets married she
think so much about the
past she Is leaving behind as she
does about he presents she is go-
to get.
ale. Cures Chills and
aria, Night Sweats and
Money hack if it doesn't.
as mud. Get the kind
Bed Cross on the
January and by
I Bryan druggists.
Standard Sewing Machine
Va., April 1500
I will abort an
I No other
Illinois Bowing Machine Co., the
he removes it if are pres-
If a lady bows lo a man a
restaurant he rises slightly from
his seat in acknowledgment. When
he is with a party, if a lady with
her escort stops to speak lo his
friends he rises remains stand-
she passes He also rises
if a man is introduced to him
when with a stag
If a bachelor shows some little
hospitality it advances him much
in favor. If be has attractive
rooms, or has anything to show,
he may give an afternoon tea or a
chaffing-dish supper. Simplicity is
in order A bachelor's entertain
is usually regarded in the
light of a frolic and his efforts
diligently considered.
A bachelor may live where he
likes without loss of social position,
if he belongs to good club,
which he may only use for the ad-
dress on his cards note paper.
October Home Journal.
A Market street has
discovered that none of his clerks
is too sick to come to work during
house cleaning time.
Always welcome at
Where you can get
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Pants
At Hard lime Prices
. I. Co
II , .
Machine with Mr.
Richmond, Va., January
W. I
. M.
W retail Grocer
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
Suits, Tables, Safes, P.
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Hour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
Mai, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Mac hi , and nu-
other goods. Duality and
cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
or w. cad
, i.
His are
. art,
v ,
Angus, 1901 W
of B.
I. Oat,
N o
Twenty Years Proof.
Li keep the bow-
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Liver Pills
Prospect of Paper Mill.
W. chairman
committee appointed or-
a to operate a pa-
per mill, has ascertained that it
will require to build the
mill and that an additional
in capital will be
It will be remembered
that when the matter was broach-
ed at the press convention Gen.
Julian S. Carr offered to take stock
to the amount of The
Wilmington Dispatch says a gen-
in Raleigh, whose name is
withheld, has offered to subscribe
This gives already
sight one-fourth of the capital
Mr. is in
with parties in the
north in hope of finding a northern
paper manufacturer who will be-
come interested the enterprise.
It would have the patronage of the
North Carolina papers without the
cost of soliciting and that would be
a big from the start.
To show the increase in the
price of white paper since the or-
we may state that it is
a tax of per day the News
Observer All
papers are taxed proportion.
Raleigh Observer.
Night of Hi
of or
w tonic
blood Brines
h pink to pal
add th
of Tooth. Bf mail
. . boa. O for
with our
ox refund paid- hood
tad copy of our
or circular
am for Low of
or Shrunken
M. Fits.
nulls I'm of
mail In plain
MM to can la SO or
a Jackson Kan CHICAGO,
for wile by J L
All SN and for-
to hum with or without gun or
or in any way upon the
of the In Town-
on the north of Creek
J. B. Lima,
J. II.
wife and L
qualified before the
Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt county
of the estate of Henry
notice given to
all persons claims against es-
W to me for payment
Mn or l--f. re tin
of March, or this notice will be
in it law recovery. All persons
to estate are notified to make
immediate payment to me.
the 17th of September 1900.
w M r.
To See
At the old
Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to be found in up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices all of
Country Produce,
either in cash or in When
you want to sell or when yon
to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
pat we promise entire sat
at Five Point
The One Day Our.
Cold in cured by
a- . them.
I is the specific Oils
American ft goal
straight to the of the
Bail, building op health and
strength by supplying
ant food and blood to the
worn-oat loosing the liver
to and regulating all the I
of the body.
lassos Sols am sins,
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
S. I.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
part and prices as low as
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
modal, or
for c f nation and
of II
Presidential Elector,
of Carteret.
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
When Yon Make Calls.
milking an afternoon call a
usually leaves his overcoat,
cl a s. ck, hat gloves
in in.- hull the
drawing-room. He may if he
chose, carry his hat and stick in-
to the room at a tint or formal call
if it is to be very except at a
reception. Ho removes his right
glove be ore offering to shake
He never offers his hand first,
but waits the invitation of bis
busiest. If she is behind her tea-
table, she may rise to greet him
but gracefully includes him in the
and perhaps bows her
It is an evidence o good breed-
to and leave a room
It is not usual to introduce
guest his entrance to more
than one other. He never shaken
hands when presented to a woman,
but alway when introduced to a
He leave upon the rival of
of other after min-
turning back as little as
possible upon the company and
bowing comprehensively at the
A woman never accompanies a
man to the vestibule, but takes
leave of him in the drawing-room.
It is no longer customary to press
one's guest again.
The lady always gives the
to call. A man must not go-j-
beyond an evident pleasure in her
society by suggestion. Some
time a woman friend will exert her
self him. The sooner the call
follows the invitation the greater
the compliment. A fortnight is
the usual Burton
in October Ladies
Home Journal.
Ga., Sept. 18.--After
I a quarrel which has over
weeks, young of
families, of East Point
a suburb of met this even-
and with pistols. One
of the men, Sheffield Harrington,
was shot in four places, and the
other Waiter Hudson, wounded
once. Both are believed lo be fat-
ally wounded.
It is asserted that both Walter
Hudson and another man at
Harrington. As a result of the
meeting George Hudson is jail.
charge against him,
however, is not made public Four
bullets struck Harrington, one
the thigh from the back.
Harrington tried, time after time,
to fire second shot, but
each time the hammer his
revolver failed to explode the cart-
ridge. Hudson, i is alleged, was
It is to the interest of
merchants, mechanics,
etc., to pull together.
The ion of our business in
country lies in fanning. Mer-
chants should encourage farmers,
for if farmers fail to make good
crops how can they buy from the
merchant and pay him They
should pay the farmer a good price
for his products.
Bankers should also favor the
farmer all they can in advancing
him money. Any combination to
break down the price of cotton is
country. It
interest of all classes our people
and other farm products
to sell well. Manufacturers seek
to down the prices of cotton,
tobacco, etc., that they may gain.
But suppose cotton and tobacco
should sell so low that there is no
profit for farmer, how can he
We are still la the forefront of the race after
We offer you the selected line of
General Merchandise
W Oct.
There win be a ma-
cf not leas lea in the
next That is way
Congressional Cam-
Committee figures it out.
and in doing the figuring allowance
has been made for every reasonable
contingency. Republicans
admit that these figures are
very conservative, and that they
have almost given up hope of re-
control of House.
unless there is n change in public
sentiment amounting almost to a
stampede before election day.
been patting
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
Local Applications, as they
cannot teach seal of dis-
ease. Catarrh is a blood or con-
disease, and la onto to
cure it v., moat lake Internal
remedies. Ball's Catarrh Cure is
taken Internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh is not a quack
medicine. was prescribed by
one of the best this
country for year-., is a regular
prescription. It is composed of
tin heat ionics known, combined
with the be-t blood
directly on the mucous surfaces
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients la what produces such
wonderful results in curing
is,.,,, tree.
Co.; Props.
Sold by Druggists,
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
love with Harrington's sister buy the products of the factory, or
and there were reports they h's or pay his bank
were to be married. These re
were accepted as true for a j cotton is much bet-
lime, but finally Hudson denied twelve months ago,
the truth of the rumor. A few-
days ago the young lady left for
Harrington, it is
said, stated at that time if Hudson
did not go there and marry his
sister be would kill him. Matters
stood in this position as far as re-
liable information is obtained
to day.
A Glut of Cotton.
The shipments cotton for this
port are very heavy now.
day the freight yards of the
the crop is short, and the sup
ply is now limited and will
to be so.
If farmers would rush their
cotton into market so rapidly they
would obtain prices.
There has been is, now a com-
of cotton manufacturers to
beat the of
These manufacturers have made
very large profits the last few
years. Now when they are not
making so much they seek to break
down the price of raw to
the Why
lo be in any store in County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Boring, Summer
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you o
sell you if we can. We oiler the very best sen ice. polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business limit up strictly it own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself lust ice Babcock, has been wholesale claims
out any claim, except In the most
perfunctory way, a republican give more
j majority in the House. On the I votes than he had in
contrary it- chairman, The idea is said to be that such
if you do not see our Immense Stock before elsewhere, his part j for defeat. Among
us and the following lines of general merchandise, the contingencies allowed for by
the Democratic committee arc loss
Goods and Notions,
tic Coast Line were el nag his
cotton, to be discharged, j and then he will be better
Altogether of to the cotton goods when
cotton in the yards and at sidings I manufactured
A Sad, had Sight.
No stronger argument was ever
advanced for the establishment of
reformatory in North Carolina than
a spectacle witnessed at the depot
yesterday morning. A young boy
years old, with handcuffs on his
wrists was in the custody of Deputy
Sheriff Leatherwood, of Haywood
county. The boy was arrested
some time ago for larceny and the
burning of some hay stacks a f
being guilty was
to a year the penitentiary.
The boy had none of the hardened
lines of the criminal in face. It
was an open, frank He was
attired in overalls and a
dirty shirt with splits in it
He gave his name as Jesse
and seemed to feel his position
keenly. The State sends him lo
Raleigh and imprisons him
hardening criminals, re-
making a criminal of
him. A reformatory might make
a man of Truth
The suffer from the ex-
beat can gain flesh at
the butcher shop.
along the railroads for
The railroads are hold-
back the cars as the yards are
already glutted, but it is expected
they will be bought by
row or next day when the cotton
receipts will take a
This great movement of cotton
and the of both coin-
presses give to all the
surplus labor about the city
there is consequently a great scar-
city of labor. The naval stores
men find it impossible to get hands
to load their vessels, and several
ships now taking on cargoes of
spirits turpentine, rosin, tar, etc.,
are detained by the slow process of
loading them with the few hands
that can be picked up. One
naval stores man said yesterday
that it was impossible to gel
With the city from to
laborers at good wages
permanent work, and with the
naval stores people anxious for
hands, there is plenty of
for who can come here
A Cate Of Hoodooing n Durham
There are some colored people
still left who believe in
A case has just come to light in
this city. A colored man who was
sexton at Trinity church lost his
job and another man got it. The
new man, so the story goes, on
occasions found the door
knobs of church whitewashed.
He come to the he
was conjured or that something
would befall him, he throw up
his job and quit.
then look
The same thing was attempted on
him as on the previous one. He
concluded to watch and catch
conjurer. His efforts were reward-
ed by discovering tin t the first
mentioned ex sexton was the party,
and he at once proceeded to turn
the tables and do a little
with a Sun.
Let banks help out, and
let merchants do likewise, all
will be
P. D.
Wilson Times.
The national election is an after
thought. are you for for
is the paramount issue
in North Carolina. I have been
ten days. The day
four button two for
Carr and two for Simmons,
the square as I was waiting on a
street ear. Each had his grip and
was on the run, like Colonel Ben-
Shot steer going through
cane thicket. At Concord I saw
the same kind of men bearing grips
and on the go; at Salisbury,
High Point, Greensboro and Win-
Colonel Gov-
will not get an
of votes a piece, unless
tide turns, though many people are
certain that either would make a
better senator than Mr. Can or Mr,
Simmons. Mr. is popular
the most intelligent
It i superb combined
with his splendid native ability
make him the fittest man for the
E C. Bryant in Char
lotto Observer.
America's Most Artiste House
After two search
and inquiry the general assent of
competent critics decides that the
most artistic house America is
incited one of
tic Slates. The house is
externally and is little heard
of outside certain circles, but it
la Indisputable
in interior decorations and
furnishing. Its owner and
pant has graciously consented I-
reveal its artistic beauties to the
public through The Home
Journal, and two whole pages of an
early issue of that be
devoted to picturing the interior
of this superb home.
Bats and Caps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat. Sugar, Coffee, Lard. Scad Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
will catch voters who wish to be on
the winning side.
seats in New York and Many of the characters in the
which the party managers in Chinese language are very suggest-
those states are confident of of the between
husband and wife, and leave no
Mad as the republican leaders doubt as to the subordinate peal-
I are with the lust of power and ODD- lion which the woman occupies
quest, and determined as they Chinese domestic life. The part
this liberal-loving the Chinaman plays in
n-public into a world conquering his bride is vigorously
empire, founded mi no higher last rated in the world to seize the
than that dominated for woman crouching an-
ages f the Chinese symbol for claws
makes right do not dare to while th character for wife,
publicly that purpose as ; ,,,.,, ., .,., ,,,.,,,,,
plainly as Dungan broom, is evidence of China-
of Ohio, once a democrat, did in a man's opinion with regard to the
I speech made in Washington, proper position of his helpmate in
which be attempted to justify Mr.
his imperialistic
i policy in the Philippines. The
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line., following sentence from Mr. Dim-
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Hither Cash or on Approved reveals the in-
Credit. Our is Honesty, and Square Dealing
Your Friends,
Home Journal
republican policy, dispatch.
which they s.
trying to conceal by general talk
about bettering condition of
the poor natives and improvement
In American
There are four good habits-
punctuality, accuracy, steadiness
Without the first of
Subscribe to The
If you stoves or ranges constructed upon
is wasted. Without
second, mistakes the most hurtful
to our own credit and interest and
that of others may be committed.
my Without the third, nothing can be
opinion, title is fixed only by the well done, and without the fourth
survival of the fittest, is I opportunities of great advantage
Why America is going to rule which
In other words, no
pie s title to their own country
good against the
it is impossible to re-
country, surely persimmon crop
of Americana are not .
ling to enter the 20th
championing such a document.
Representative Livingston, of
Georgia, thus sums up the attitude
Of the two parties towards
recent speech made by Sen-
this statesman
the party, is
opposed to trusts, while the
would do nothing.
Now, tills statement was made lo
intelligent people. It mis Is so,
how could Mark go to Hal
gel from the trusts of
to recognized weather
prophet, hi a sure sign of a hard
Winter. In Person county, near
by. the persimmon crop is poor,
which must Indicate a mild Win-
We have assortment of
climate our
Is reported that J. Q.
Republican nominee for Congress
in district, will be pulled
down, before Klutz gels a chance
scientific principles which are economical, durable, j that city while
an eve had ho Mad It something
and convenient, well beautiful and artistic, look wouldn't
nave got NO Senator Dan ,, ,. . ,.
. . , ., , e hard lo in his
has said there are trusts, c .
, , , ,. , .-star.
knows so does every thinking
for tin-
man that this is
Here is an evidence of the trusts.
This year it takes DO per cent,
more wheat to buy a plow than H
did last year. It per cent
more corn it takes from i to
month more than
it did a year ago. Why is this
It is trusts.
desperate the republican
Two boys near Charlotte were
bitten by a mad dog Tuesday.
trade mark, which is shown upon every genuine
or Range, and do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitutes. ed from their ordered
lead nil others in yearly sales and popularity
gold Exclusively
N. C.
and night Sweats with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic per
bottle. to take. Money
refunded if it fails.
petite, purities blood and makes
you well. None good.
ore getting may .,,,, , the drag
i id Bryan. Ernul
press to Irv I
capital out
Lookout for post
claims. gone
in in S
Headquarters to the party news
papers lo print continually and
during the three
weeks previous to the election par-
claiming talcs to
a id lever is a of Grove's
1.1 I Chill Tonic It is simply
I quinine ill tasteless form
Sc . pay. Price
Dr. D. L. .-
Greenville, N.

J. J. Ed. Owner
Entered at the Post Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second-Class
Mail Matter.
inn. r, 1900.
National election live weeks
off today, and such little interest
in It down this way.
There are people in
ton who are homeless, and help is
still needed in that city.
At a recent of the
rectors of the Atlantic and North
Carolina railroad, the building
a branch road from to
Hill M authorized. That
was a good the road.
The mine owners in the
district strike
have agreed to give the min-
a per cent advance in wages.
The miners will hold a
to consider the
The North Carolina car
of that contained
Slate and
been taken nearly all over the
States, was destroyed by
tire at Kingston, Ohio, on Monday.
The low- is at about
Par Senatorial
Proceeding; of
The Board of County
at their October meeting,
besides issuing the usual pauper
orders, and and paying
claims again the county, lowing poll holders for the several
the following to conduct the Democratic
O. W. was j primary election for States
a committee look after bridge to be held on Tuesday.
near W. II.
The Democratic
of the county, met in Green-
ville selected the fol-
Mr. Bryan is making a tour of
the treat in a special car. from
platform of which he speaks to
who go to hear him.
He i-puke for six hour Monday
His speeches always make
friends and his of
u brighter
en day.
A very that
the Senatorial primary be called
the Tuesday in lie
He says that in
the Presidential and Congressional
elections is by the
interest in the Senatorial question
an he thinks Mr. and
Democratic nominees for
will sillier if the voting for them
and the Senators at
I appears mi paper ever
day that tin war in
baa ended.
that the
broken out in a new place,
And mi it goes, Ural one and
then the other, The latest la that
they have become
very active in another and
that an entire company of
has been
In company captured were
Carolinian-. It hi fear-
many of the has
one el.-e expressed his
it in print yd, bat on
the street hear people talking
electric lights, Mater works,
better streets schools,
While all these are Deeded, the
two Drat mentioned arc discussed
m -i, MM me talked as
though the time for getting
them was next year. In i is
nothing unusual to hear some one
say Greenville is going to put
lights and rater works next
We take this to mean
that application will made t
the next General assembly for
order for an election to vole on the
question of issuing to pro-
these needs of the town.
and J. It. Galloway's.
The sum of was
A. Williams to lay out
the Black Jack and Clay Boot road.
Charlotte was added
to the pauper list to receive fl per
I. A. pauper
was reduced to per
Tom Williams was added to the
pauper list to 81.50 per
A petition was presented from
citizens of Falkland township ask-
for a public road from n point
near It. P. Smith's to near W. F.
Moseley's. across of B.
P. Smith. J. T. Corbett. W. C.
Moore, if. K. Gotten, I. N. Moore
A. M. Wooten.
The were drawn
Car December
Firs C E.
Fleming, A. Tripp, Z. V.
Hooker, w. it. Greene,
Fleming. Wiley Brown, W. G.
Alfred Moore. W. C
St., I. B.
Allen Jackson, B. F. Wooten, D.
M. J. C. Cook, Josephus
Ivy Smith and D. II. Alien,
Second A. Ku
Dixon. Sam Flake.
I . M. BOBS, C. K. Johns. II. I.
Harris. A. Pittman, W.
Home. W. K. T. Kit-
Joseph Cox. D. J. A.
B. King. W. II T. Boss.
I. Barrett, J. II.
delinquent were allowed
to list taxes for 1800.
Resolutions Respect.
To the M. Wardens
of Greenville Lodge No.
The committee appointed to
pare and submit suitable
regarding the death of Bro.
I. Wilson, report the
Whereas, sudden death has re-
moved from Greenville Lodge
A. A. M. our Bro. B. J.
Wilson, on Thursday the 13th day
of Sept. 1800, who was a good and
true Mason,
And whereas, he has been trans-
planted from this imperfect to
that all perfect and glorious Lodge
above, is proper we should
reverence the memory of our
brother who exemplified in
lie SO of the virtues of our
at honorable order.
Therefore be it
That while we DOW in hum-
submission to the loss sustain-
ed by his departure from among
us, we will ever cherish his memory
and remember him as a worthy
member of Greene Lodge.
That we will throw the
mantle of charity over any faults
that be may have had and will
cherish and emulate bis virtues.
That a blank page of the re-
cord book be dedicated to his
copies of the these res-
be to the Greenville
papers and Oxford Orphan's
Friend for publication and a copy
to the our deceased
brother with the assurance of the
sincere of this Lodge.
J. M. M,
B. Vt II
. W. II
Beaver Smith and
W. Bullock and
Bethel-B. A. Cherry Cad-
Carolina W. J. J. R.
T. Cox and W. L.
Worthington and J. J. Stokes.
J. R. Johnson
J. F. Harrington.
M. Wooten and
F. Q.
A. B.
. B.
Greenville J. C.
W. J. Briley.
Greenville, No
ton and C. D.
Jone and M.
T. Spier.
Swift Creek, J.
M. C Smith.
Swift Creek
ford J. A.
J. G. has disposed
of the cases his court
William drank
82.50 costs, total
A. E. Smith a Curly
drunk disorderly, one
and costs,
James A. drunk and
disorderly, costs, total
Samuel Bryant, allowing stock
to at large in
and costs, total 98.06.
There came being
other jail night,
but it was prevented by the
; lance of the guard. were so
X. C, Oct, 3rd., prisoners jail awaiting
court, that a month ago
Any and every one who is in j
need o a class cart. wagon, ., ,
eel at night. Mr. Buck was
employed for that purpose and
Cox can be satisfied both keeping
as to quality and prices. The de j jail nigh, It hag Mr
for the goods they Buck's custom while on to
has made it for them j
not only to increase their capital and
stock but to add to their
each individual t-Aw round
this firm feels a just He had , from of
the success of their undertaking. m- h,
With their motto-honesty is , ,,,
t. I
best they can never do else
than succeed.
jail. Thinking it was dogs, as
they had prowling
The Carnage Co., is ,
not compelled to supply a large started to
demand for their work here at drive dogs
home, but are constantly receiving Getting behind the jail instead
by telegram a distance of Mr
for their buggies, which naturally ,,,, out.
takes Whatever seen and used. the wall there was
They are not beauties but B large hole bricks came
very durable.
Our was honored last
Saturday morning by the arrival
of two Misses, one at the
from. He was just in time to
prevent prisoners from
as of them had started to
through the hole when he
The letter of T. J.
Jar vis,
bis candidacy for appeal-
ed in the of
last week. His letter is addressed
to the Democratic press voters
it he the high of-
flees Senator, etc. he
already held, implies that
the experience has had tits him
for the position,
is a frank discussion of his reasons
for urging and will
make him wherever read.
Wilson Times.
Anniversary and Reunion.
will the
of Rev. X. Booth's pas-
of the Greenville Memorial
Baptist church, the morning
service of that day will be made
the occasion of a reunion of the
church. The roll of will
lie called and every one who can is
expected to be
Absent have been written
to and asked to scud a letter to be
read when their names are called
if they be present in person.
There will also be reports of all
departments of church work
for past year.
lie Print n Now
When were
used lo thing that
everybody was and sincere
and said
true. We regret th it we arc
Mates Will now be Announce d
Washington, Sept.
to day finished the
of all cities in the United
States of inhabitants,
With the of Angeles.
Portland, Ore., Seattle and
The work of announcing States
will come next beginning with
Arkansas probably next Monday or
Tuesday. The Stales will be an
in short bulletins giving
the total population, the increase
over two preceding census re-
ports, population by counties
and the population of each the
Didn't Know It Was Loaded.
Au 11-year-old boy
dentally shot and killed himself
Friday afternoon in Swift Creek
township. His name was Bright
Tucker and he was a sou of
Tucker. the stole the
pistol, which had loaded
chamber, and carried it
by cotton field where the fatal
occurred. The took
feet the boy's forehead. He
wits alone at the time and the body
was not discovered for several
boon Post.
lion, John II. Small, Democratic
candidate for t and Mr.
Hawkins, Republican
date for Congress, j speak
joint discussion county, as
Friday, Oct.
P. M.
Bethel, Saturday, 18th, l
P. M.
C. i. Demo-
home of H. M. Dixon and the heard guard approaching,
other at the home of Elbert Smith. An examination inside the jail
e presume they will remain with allowed that lock
a while. We sincerely hope off of of
their among us may be pleas- and four in y had
BU come out in the corridor cut a
Wyatt. J. B. Carroll, I hole the wall at same
Prof. CUB. and Elder; place where all the
W . L. returned from the have been made. How they man
meeting at Spring Garden aged to break Mt that
report a very the lock outside the cell door is a
pleasant time as well as a hot it U supposed they
persuaded a crazy who was
The Winter Cigar j. is kept in the corridor to break it off
force of its The prisoners make so
Their patronage demand it. much noise jail that
The High school booming. work might inside
hive new in Monday heard,
and several pupils from the j
rounding country.
Cox is still paying highest
cash prices for cotton seed.
J. E. who has been on a Mrs Julia A. Hawks, mother of
visit returned Hawks, of
Monday. , at
Peyton Mayo who has been at- at home In Petersburg
tending the depot left for Va. Mrs Hawks was about
Capt. Mother Bead.
n food condition she la sweet and lovable,
and sings He's song on a joyful
string. order or unstrung, there U
discordance and J as there j
U one key note to all music so there Is one key AND
note lo health. A woman might as well I
to without wings to feel well end look
well while the make her a woman I I
weak or diseased. She must be healthy i
Inside or she can't healthy There j Timber. Will pay from to
are women suffering silently all for Mm P R
over country. Mistaken modesty urges I , , r ,, mm
their While there Is nothing more
admirable than a modest woman, health Is THIS WOOD must be round,
of the Importance. Every other con- nearly free from and
should give way before it. Brad- e i
Female Regulator is s , , J
women's His. K f long and as small as
i in diameter at small end,
i but no smaller.
the safest
est way to cute
falling of
the womb nervous-
backache and gen-
weakness. You
will be
at the result, e
if you have
en experiment-
with other so-
We are ml
you to try
Regulator has made
happy thousands of
women. What it
has done i others
It can do for you.
Sold in drugstores
for a bottle.
A if-
will m
J. H.
Goldsboro, N. C
Q 1866.
J. f. PERKY CO.,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
. Ties and Rags.
Correspondence and shipments
i solicited.
The Tar River Association will
meet with the church at
Hope, X. C, on
Tuesday after the second
in October. We hope to see all
the churches of the Association re-
presented, and all delegates ex-
expecting to attend, and wishing
New Home
dewing Machines
If you need a Machine see me
at H. C. Hooker's store, or write me
Jan. J. C.
Mr. W. A. says the jury
that made a mistrial of
against him on the charge of set-
ting fire to his barroom, stood six
homes provided for them, will I to six instead of tee to two as pub-
please send in their names to me a; in The
once, as there will only be homes I day. We published the figures as
prepared for those who send their us by the solicitor as
names. Those coming by railroad
will come by the way of Rocky-
Mount. Spring Hope is
miles west of that point.
also generally reported the
streets. The report was that only
two of the jurors were acquit-
and when they took the last
J. E. I vote it was two for acquittal, six
Spring Hope, N. conviction four not voting.
the same
Master Sheppard in
to see us yesterday. He has grown
to be quite a since we last saw
Mr. Jesse died on Fri-
day at his home in
township, and was buried Sat-
was years old, and a
good and true man, one
landmarks. Jes
as everybody called him, was
three old men his
neighborhood whose names have
been frequently mentioned in
He was a who
loved hi home paid close at
to the of bis farm,
made a of his work.
He came to about once a
year, his last visit here being two
months ago, never came
without spending a short while in
THE His name
was on the first page of subscribers
the ever had.
Mr was a man whom
everybody liked, and his life was
blameless and above reproach. He
was a member of the
Primitive church, pas
from this life to wear the crown
of the in the life beyond.
A out and suffer-
with smallpox came in Sunday
night from Petersburg, Va., and
was at once out to the
house. Hi-went direct from
train to City Physician
who had him to pest
house at The gave
his name Robert and
said much smallpox
in Petered News and
cities under
towns within Presidential will
nits. speak in Pitt county as
S. In has progress Friday, Oct,
el it appears likely that the pres-1 s M.
not so young i range Sen cut will cost in the Oct.
hood of
Strange as it may seem, a thin
man may lie very thick with his
while yon may only know
a fat man slightly.
Some people are so constituted
that they go looking for with a
telescope and see virtue with
a magnifying glass.
When a man dyes his hair he
years of age. She had been
feeble health for several years
her death, however, was not ex-
so soon. She leaves four
sons two
a host of relatives and
friends, to mourn their loss. Capt.
Hawks left yesterday afternoon
for Free
News has a copy of
the Reflector contain-
the announcement of Hon. T.
J. his candidacy for
States Senate. The article
is too for reproduction in
columns but we give a
sis it elsewhere. He has been a
hard worker for Democracy and his
ability, t ism and service
he has rendered the people of
North Carolina will draw to his
support a large vote throughout
the State.
All men-hauls dealers are
required by law to give in their
purchases for year, to the Reg-
of during the first ten
days of October. Register of
Deeds T. R. Moore is now ready to
receive these lists for Pitt County,
and if you have not already
it to him it should be attended to
at once.
Gone to Work Roads.
Au officer from Tarboro took
eight prisoners from here this morn
to work roads of Edge-
All these prisoners
were sentenced at the last term of
Pitt Superior court.
the Court Clerk Pit
m of Will an
of W. II,
notice i hereby to all
to astute to make
lo and all
claims against i.-
sent for payment on or before
2nd of Of this notice
will be plead bar of recovery.
Thia 2nd day of October, 1900.
Mai v A A.
of W. R. J
I have a new and well selected stock of
have secured the services of Mrs. Ella
Sheppard; as assistant for season. She is a
trimmer of long experience and I will guarantee to my
customers prettiest Hats
at the Prices ever offered.
Infant Caps Cloaks a Specialty. Dress Patterns and
Points Higher.
Means Cent per pound more for your
We have just established at one of the best equipped
Gins to be found in Eastern North Carolina and solicit your ginning.
We turn out the best cotton you can get anywhere but our are
no higher than others. ITS YOUR COTTON.
Pattern Hats,
GUARANTEED. Yours to serve,
Misses ERWIN
Its lime to
The putter off does not secure the cream of the stock, for the early
buyer has the opportunity. Now time is ripe a id we invite you
to inspect the most carefully selected stock Our
are under their loads of the best dotting ever shown in this
city, propose to that this is the place above all
others that is your consideration you ready to buy
your fall
Double and Single Suits, Fancy
Cheviots, light and dark brown
checks plaids. OUR SPECIAL FALL
OPENING PRICE on this well tailored suit
will be Dollars Fifty Cent;. Our
price this season will fit your pocket book exactly
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The Eastern for
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Can you realize that the year
Is three-fourths gone
Five Mondays, five Tuesdays
and five Wednesdays month.
Any one s second band,
wood, beating stove can learn
about it at office.
Horse shoeing by a first-class
workman, at W. O.
hill's shop on Dickinson avenue.
The man who sweats and cusses
and gets sooty over stove pipe
that he can't make fit, will soon be
on deck.
lie is not specially a
building boom,
get on any street without seeing
work progressing on
Osceola Rand are in posses
of new instruments and
the boys are making fine music
The Masonic Hall School
second month with six new
pupils, the total enroll-
up to
You will find a complete line
Hats, trimmed
newest shapes, at Mr. M.
Attention is called to the notice
to creditors by Mrs. Mary A. A.
Whichard, of W. R.
Fresh Goods-Shredded Wheat
Biscuits, Pancake Flour, Oat
Flakes, Olives Evaporated Peaches
and Apples at S. M.
Infant Clonks, long and short.
I Caps, white and colors,
Children's Furs. Tarn
and an assorted line of Walking
and Soft Felt Hats at Mrs. M.
Blood la the Old Man Vet.
Governor vis is the latest ad.
to the Senatorial canvass-
card is in excellent taste. As
Lady Macbeth said of Duncan,
would have thought the old
man to have had so much blood
In Herald.
Mrs. John S. Harris died at
o'clock this morning at home
near Falkland. She was years
old and a most excellent woman.
The and five children
survive her The burial took
place this Re-
lied or 1st.
Joint Discussion
H. Small, Democratic
nominee for Congress this dis-
and Mr. I. M. Meek ins,
Republican nominee, are making
a joint canvass of the district.
They will speak at
Friday, October
and at Bethel Saturday, 13th.
Leaf Distance Shipment.
Today Mr. D. D, Overton ship
a game rooster of his own
raising to Canada. If this
proves satisfactory to the
the shipment is to be followed by
a dozen more. This speaks well
for Mi. Overton and for Greenville
that he gets orders so far away.
Two Brothers
We learn that on Thursday at
Grifton two brothers, Messrs. Ruck
Bland and Kit became in-
in a fight, and the
out hitter so badly that it is
not thought be can live. re
tare terrible cuts, one in
one in the beck and
one under chin. cause of
trouble between the brothers was
not learned. It was a tragedy
much to be regretted.
Mall Carrier Strike
The driver who has been carry-
the star route mail between
and Tarboro via Hill
Holland, has gone on a strike
and thrown up his job.
J. J. Perkins is hiring the mail
carried on route other
can be made with the
Revival at
Possibly greatest religious
revival that has ever bad is
now in Rev. B. H. Melton,
of Wilson, N. C. is doing preach-
The meeting is being held
the College chapel which
ed night aid many stood
about the doors. There were live
conversions at nights
vice and the meeting will
through week.
Way to Help.
When The helps you
you should help
That is way to enable I paper
to serve you better be a credit
to Don't be a borrower
and read the else
pays for, but give, us your
We want
and job printing too. All these
help to give you a better paper.
Some Speak to Mr, Some to Yon
H. to
F. G. Whaley to Halifax
c. cuing
E. A. Move returned ill is
morning from
Roy Evans in back to h s gal
again after sick for
some lime.
Alice Harper little sun
returned this morning from Kin
Owing to the sickness of Judge
A. M. Moore he has not been able
to hold some of his courts.
Miss Dudley to
Saturday evening and re
turned this morning.
R. L. lumber left Saturday
evening for Beaufort where his
family are visiting relatives.
Graham of who
has been v sister, Mrs A
M. Moore, left this morning.
Mrs. E. J. c and Miss
left this morning
visit friends in Martin county.
Miss of
who has visiting here, re-
turned Saturday evening.
Mrs. J. B. Cherry
home Saturday evening from
and New York where she
had been spending some
W. I. Render who is chief
machinist the cruiser Kentucky.
Navy, la home on a
furlough while his ship is in the
Brooklyn navy yard taking
stores. On the Ken-
will sail for China. Walter
is looking well and says he enjoys
life the navy.
Tuesday, moo.
. J. to
Honda- evening.
R. I. Smith left this morning
fur Richmond.
B. T. Bailey returned to Scot-
laud Neck
G. W. B. Hadley returned this
morning from LaGrange.
A. M. Perry returned from
Scotland Neck Monday evening.
II. D. Drake went to
Monday evening returned this
B. Patrick went to
evening returned this
Leon Smith has quit clerking
and gone to the to learn
a trade.
Mrs. Patterson, of Wilson,
came Monday evening to visit
Mis. W. A. Bowes,
came evening to visit
bis father J. O.
Rev. J. D. Waters passed
through to Grifton Monday to con-
duct u meeting in the Christian
church there.
Judge A. M. Moore,
by Mrs. Moore, left this morn-
for Baltimore where he goes
for treatment.
G. M. Mooring O.
W. Harrington left morning
for Raleigh to take several prison-
to penitentiary.
John of is
T. went to Washing-
ton today.
left morn-
for Wilmington.
II. M. and M.
to Norfolk
P. II. Harding returned
Tuesday Washington.
W. M. King Tuesday
evening from Rocky Mount.
W. H. Harrington returned
evening from Weldon.
S. R. is
visiting relatives here.
Bliss Bertha Patrick Ibis
for Greensboro to attend
I L. and family return-
ed this morning Beaufort
where they have DOM visiting.
Miss Julia who has
been Miss Mary Bernard,
left this morning for
II. . James
in mil
Bethel where they been on
legal business.
Mrs. W. H. and grand-
daughter, who have
visiting Roberson
returned Tuesday
And the Goods are
Our Second rip North was a Great Success in
And These Bargains Are Yours For The Asking,
markets like New York, Philadelphia Baltimore been searched
Bargains and we haw them, We are to sell less money anybody
else. Because more any other store in town
and get discounts; and we sell for the smallest p
profit, depending on a Large volume o
and no rents to pay.
and Undo sell. CASH Over
the and No Rents to Pay.
Let The Tell Their Story.
Men Suits tin- 0.00 quality, Bale Price.
Men Suits Bale
Suits the s, it quality,
Boys he and quality, Bale Price,
n Ci 1.11. Tailor Mode Silk Taffeta blue the
Men Suits 8.00 and quality, while they lust quality now
These Goods are All New. No Old Stock on Hand.
shirt Waists, worth i C .
and Checked worth
plain and Linen yards Lace, wort
Drop Stitch
extra heavy
German extra j Hose
Children's Fast Black Hose, worth worth
Bast Linen Canvas, worth Its.,
Heat I f
Knitting Bilk, all colon, worth Dress
English Woven Bedspreads, worth
Elastic Webbing worth
Side worth
Boil silk Stripe White
nil's, per
. Welted Pique,
Cheese all Curtain Cretonne .
Silk, worth worth
worth lie 11.00
Lace Curtains worth shin Waists sets, worth
ii Is Damask, worth
Stick Pine, worth IBo roller
Men's Colored and Waists
. and Patterns, the
Silk Pulley Bells, all colon , 91.00.
Cotton, worth Be left, while they
Big; New Store.
Open Nights.
N. C

Attention Farmers
I am now offering you one of the most
at very reasonable price. My line of
bib is tin- of any market are hard, and cheap.
When you cease to lB give me a trial.
Jas. B. White.
Don't Be Deceived.
THE great set i
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which due to merit, and also rigorous advertising,
i i them to mat on the market, which they are offering
and claiming are as good as the ROYAL
ELASTIC be deceived
that are and are read at any line to com
with others. II your local dealer doe not handle them,
write direct descriptive pamphlet.
Hole Manufacturer. X. C
Get a good Safe
safe is made in all sizes
, farm, general
with a guarantee to lie
range from up.
Greenville, X. C.
Al native and Laxative. cure for chills and
f. v. i nil nil malarial and troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber Co.,
X. c.
As our of the i
County. We handle I In
State I it
you Deed. also h
i Public School Hooks in
books designated on the
and can supply what-
shun l
crayons, col
red i rayons,
ruled practice writing books
pens, slates,
companion boxes
table with
East Prefer.
X. C . tot,
A very interesting conversation
several prominent Demo-
took place in the lobby of a
Raleigh Hotel a day or two ago.
the of comment being the
the race for which
so interesting already
i- get tine to more so daily.
The principal speaker a
politician from the western
part of the State, and as his re-
brought a new phase of
the case, which may have an
I many electors.
I f.-el that I reproduce
here, is well a those which
followed b other who were
parties to the a
matter of general to the
Democrat.- of the Stale.
We of the said
he, considerably embarrassed
over this senatorial contest. The
unwritten law of the party for
many years has been that the east
should have one Senator and the
west the other We rec-
the fact, of course, the
this time belongs to the
that we will select the
two years hence. Our
p of the west, therefore, are
disposed to and support a;
in.- time that from the east
w the majority of the eastern
I Democrats prefer. We feel that
this be the proper course-
It is the course we should expect
the west to follow We
would not relish our fa-
turned down at that time
became the east should prefer an-
other, we to guard
against such a precedent
this not disappointing the
cast in its preference. Bat the
trouble with us just now is that
we do know which candidate
the prefers, and possibly we
may not the fact until after
the day of election, definitely, and
then u would be everlastingly
late. Suppose it should develop,
when the senatorial returns are
in printed, that the
p candidate in the cast had
been defeated by the west. Such
a result net only
but unjust to the east and
generally to
it might react upon us of
the west when we come to select
our Senator. Besides, it might lie
productive of dissensions and other
had results. I people, the
greet majority of them, arc very
anxious a condition;
the great majority with whom
line talked and I have
the of the west pretty
thoroughly feel this way, many
being pronounced in the statement.
But they don't know today which
man the east it
is Simmons, arr, Waddell or
Jarvis. And that is why I we are
greatly embarrassed. As far as I
am individually concerned, I in-
tend to Inform myself on this sub-
and then vote accordingly.
Whichever of the four gentlemen
named he may
Those present seemed to
at once the force of the above
sentiment and one gentleman
mm the reel agree
with you that i would be very
fortunate if the most popular man
in the east should be by
the western vote, but how arc we
to avoid this danger I think fur-
all things being
and Witt no special or personal
to interfere, the
if tint west should give preference
to one preferred by the
Au eastern man then spoke up.
lie has a wide acquaintance, and is
said to be one the best posted
men on the political conditions
his section. Said
can lie easily shown. I
do not think there is any doubt in
the mind of any one who has taken
Hie trouble to acquaint himself
any one, although there were see-
eastern meat present.
replied the original
speaker, that is the I shall
certainly vote for Mr. Simmons.
A la Back.
is in its last throes.
A leader of men the
A man may wear whiskers and
I think it will be the duty and the be bare faced liar,
pleasure of most western Even the church choir singers is
to inform themselves, as far as they not averse to a game of
can. as to the choice of the east and
then act accord there
is some strong personal reason to in-
and I feel sure they will
take pains to acquaint themselves
of the real fact and governed
thereby. Such action would in
sure a result that be
factory to all, would avail the
dangerous consequences of an op
termination of this friendly
political family contest and its
effect on the future of the
The ether western man.
alluded to. observed as the crowd
broke, shall pursue the
same and will vote for
Simmons. Carr, Jarvis
just as I am satisfied which one
them is the man in the
eastern I have no
or attachment or for
either to with that course,
which I take because I know, it
will be for the good of the
It is wring In the Filipinos to
continue killing
soldiers after the war
has been declared ended. They
seem to force us to con-
t the warfare whether we will
it or Herald.
pencils i plain lead
rubber tipped load pencil I cent, a
I crayons, with
Slate pen ,, situation in the
box, ii r that Mr.
Simmons will lead by a large
Is nearly all of these
A great big wide tablet cents. Bottle of best
ink on the market, cents. Copy books to cents.
White crayons, gross in box, Good fool's cap
paper per
due of the greatest gushers for
an oil well yet struck is in West
Virginia. It began operations the
other day with an estimated flow of
barrels a day. most of which
goes to waste because they can't
catch Star.
J. B. is sick. His Green
ville sympathize with him
wish he may a speedy
A Little Anatomy.
How many bones the human
fourteen, when they're all in
How many bones the human
my child, as I've said.
How many bones the human
Four in each and they help to
How many bones in the human
Twenty four like a climbing vine.
How many bones in human
Twenty lour rib- and two of the
How ban the shoulders
Two each, one before, lie-
How many in the human
each arm one; two in each fore-
How many bones in human
wrist f
Eight in each, if none arc missed.
How many bum in the palm of the
Five in each, with many a baud.
How many In the lingers
Twenty eight, and by joints they
How many in the human
in each, and deep they lie.
How many the human
each, the kneecap, please
How many in the leg from
Two in each, we can plainly see.
How many bones in the ankle
at role J
Seven in but are
How many in the ball of the foot
Five in ash, as the palms are put.
How many in the toes hall a
and there an
And now altogether these
may wail
And the total sum is two hundred
The dinner pail isn't to be
mentioned in the same breath with
the full coal bin.
The man who wears his religion
on his c sometimes rinds him-
self out at the elbows.
a man never gives a
to charity he ex-
to give anything more sub-
rule won't work
both some men are
poorer because won't work
either way.
The accented definition of a rag
is something to stop the
but the perpetrator of stale jokes
doesn't see it in that light.
The fellow who raises a row be-
cause dinner isn't ready the minute
he gets in will often spend half an
hour on his way home watching a
dog fight.
The average girl admires
extravagance a man, until she
marries him.
The woman who marries for re-
may discover that revenge is
not always sweet.
Toe person who always tells the
truth gets himself into an lot
of hot water.
The men who six-
days walking match should be en
title of the gait receipts.
The who backs a
triad enterprise sometimes realizes
that riches take unto themselves
Maude, we do not
believe that the hanging gardens
of Babylon were used to dry clothe
in. You have evidently been mis-
A person may fall money
without hurting himself, even if
it's hard ea-h.
The literary tramp probably re
fuses to cut wood because he dis-
likes hack work.
Some men don't realize that
they need a rest until they
home from their vacations.
When a man takes too much
rock rye to break up a cold it's
the rye that makes him feel rocky.
The woman who is continually
giving her husband a piece of her
mind is not conductive to his peace
of mind.
MaSc the Va.
Tin weighs of the ungodly
not prosper.
Women always keep a secret with
The some people live the
leas they learn.
The of the brings
prosperity to the few.
Competition is the life of the
often the death of the
Know thyself is sensible, but
know thy neighbor is more fashion-
The liniment of is the
best remedy for a sprained cons-
If silence is golden, how many-
women are worth their weight in
A sweet girl is often bitter
if you don't admire her shirt-
waist or agree with her
If every river was overflowing
with milk; every field with honey
every ban stacked with bread,
some people would still complain.
The famous Parker fountain
Writes flatly fate.
tics. My individual
ion Is Mr. Simmons will get
three votes to one for either of the
a her the
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Night
Money back if it doesn't.
other as good. Get the kind
with the Bad Cross on the label,
was not denied by by Wooten,
I Bryan and Ernul, druggists.
Always we let me at
Where yon can get
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Pants
At lime Prices
disease by the timely use of
Liver an old and
favorite of increasing
sour stomach, malaria,
lion, torpid liver, constipation
and all bilious diseases.
Wt will pa reward for
of Complaint. Sick
we cm
not cure with Ito-la
Pin. when direction are
compiled with They are purely vegetable .
never fall to V con-
contain J V
and Imitations, sent by mall. Stamp taken.
Chicago. Ft sale by .
Cora Impotent, Leas of Mean-
or, a u--------,
U affect of or
A. tonic and
pink flow to pal
and the
of By mall
copy our
or Shrunken
and th
of or
con In or
Dour paid-
for sale by J L
All persons art hereby warned and for-
bidden to hunt with or without gun or
. or in any other way trespass upon the
lands of the Town-
the north of Creek.
J. B.
J. II.
en. wife and Mies It hi I,
if. I t Co
Wholesale and retail
ii r n ii ii rt- Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
r.-l-, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
by Carriages, Carts, Parlor
Suits, Tallies. Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Meat Key West
American Can-
ii.-iI Apple,
Pine Apple, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Meed Meal and Hull-. Gar-
den Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and Ware, Tin Wooden
Ware, takes and Crackers,
rout. Best Butter,
Sewing i n , and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to inc.
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
a of the of Henry
notice U hereby to
all persons ling claims said
late them to me for
duly on or before the
of March, 1901, or this notice will be
in bar of their recovery. All
to notified to
to me.
the day of September
W. M. r
of I I- in v u c
by the Quart
a mi
um i
tones Um
and male lea
ore Una
art of Um
Um at
UM color of
and liter, and tor ail
of and children.
Steamer, leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily ac
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. O.
At the old Moore store,
on Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to be found in an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
price for all kinds of
Country Produce,
you to sell or when yon
want to buy lo see us.
To till who favor us with their
patronage promise entire sat
at Five Point
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
pertinent and prices low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
j. s. com,
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
On Day Cold Ours.
CoM In and cored by
Milt As easy lo
anything yon or in
for and
The Eastern Reflector
TO P. .
f 1.00
mi m
National Ticket.
of II
Presidential Elector, 1st Dist.
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
of Beaufort.
Price of Cotton.
If a hundred thousand dollar
ton mill afford down in
to get cheap cotton, a one
horse cotton farmer can afford, lo
shut down in order lo prevent sell-
his at n sacrifice.
The fight for low rot ton by l lie
spinners is . They will the
fight if cotton farmers rush their
cotton to market. If the farmers
hold most of their cotton and keep
down receipts, they will win their
fight for h cot Ion. The price of
cotton is largely based on
with small receipts
the price will go up. If they let
the cotton buying world see
big receipts, the price will go
If farmer sells his cotton for
less than it is worth, his loss is
complete and he is a
loser. If the cotton mill
has to pay what cotton is worth, he
may be troubled for a few weeks,
but he and his associates can put
up the price of the product the
mill and suffer no permanent
It is to the interest of the south
to have this small crop of cotton
its lull value to the men
whose toil has made it. Comfort
at home and the education of the
children arc absolutely
upon this. It is to the interest of
the south for the mills to do well,
to pay good prices for cotton and
get good prices for I heir product.
The motto is and let
Hold part of your
cotton if you wish to get Its
Tit For Tat.
A red-haired boy and a
ion his own age sat in a secluded
corner of s ferry boat
ed to their lives by
in the cigarette habit.
gimme a light,
said the red-haired boy to a face-
man who sat near by.
don't need any
was the reply, with a significant
glance at the boy's top dressing.
With a scornful toss of the head
the boy with scenic hair
promptly dis
boat need bellows nor no
hot air you're
The facetious man sought a scat
Francisco Wave.
Mow to Save School Children.
the October Home
Journal Edward lakes up the
cudgel against
inflicted on school-children,
and urges as a step toward a re-
form of the abuse every pa-
rent who has a child at school will
send a note to the teacher
under no circumstances whatever,
will the mother permit
any home study U the child.
may seem to lie a very
thing lo he contends,
often the simplest things are
most effective. If the teachers
of this country should, the
next mouth, receive thousand of
notes from parents to the effect
pointed out, which they could
I can speak for hundreds of
teachers when that they
would gladly do so hand lo the
heads of their schools, it would
practically mean a readjustment of
entire system of study. This
may lie batter understood when it
is realized that the entire system
Of study during school hours in
many of he schools is so arranged
as to allow for some of I he work to
be done by the pupils at home, other generals in the field, and arc
to tell the Troth
The Washington I Vast is
right declaration that there
is no reason, morals or
political expediency, why the ad-
ministration should pullet in its
efforts to deceive mislead the
American people with regard to
the of affairs the Phil-
It to succeeding and
effect is worse than if the whole
truth was The report
if the Philippine commission was
flatly contradicted by Associated
Press dispatches
which in the same pa-
side of it. and
then still worse reports have
received. The administration has
all the while, in the face of per
feel well known facts,
In giving nut stories to the
the war is over
the islands arc rapidly
pacified, and on pa living these
or following on their heels arc re
ports of engagements in which the
lean troops are worsted, and
which show a high degree of in-
activity an I I
These mine from MacArthur
We art still in the forefront of the race after
We offer best selected line of
General Merchandise
lo la- found in any stare in County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the bast of
and I'm.-p.- Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. We work for and our mutual ad-
vantage, Ii Is oar to yon you want and to
sell you if we can. We otter yon the very service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established built up strictly on own merits.
When you conic to market you will not do yourself justice I of
if you do not sec out Immense stock before baying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Let this granted home
study be stopped, and a change
would at once have to lie made
The stud es at school cannot be in-
conclusive as to the facts. There
would be a shadow of excuse
though the immorality would not
be the fables with
creased in number, for already which the White House and the
there are too many. The school War I input uncut furnish the ,
hours be lengthened because. pie fooled anybody or
the tide basset in any good purpose; but they
Hence some studies would have to j neither, and thus for every reason
be thrown out, if home study it were batter if the simple troth
eliminated. And this is the result; about the situation in the Philip
pines were
Hats Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Carpets. Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Rome Blankets and Dusters.
The Woman On The Throne.
Orel not III Land
literary people speak of our
times as the Victorian age. The original song.
Victoria- has thus put her impress was in 1839 by
on the times live in. the Daniel Emmet an
assassination of the King of Italy,; for Bryant's Mr.
His royal widow, frequently heard the
Meat. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses.-Lard. Scad Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, fails and Rope.
Washington, v. v., lib
Rebuilding a part of burnt
district has been
K. Lumber Co .
Lumber Co., and
Co. have started up. but the
purchasers are not moving lumber
on account the c of
yards and should this eon-
Hone long it will necessitate
another long period of shut down.
The surviving of A.
Co. has bought the stock,
name w ill, and S ill con-
the business.
The sheds on main street are to
conic down. Public opinion
M the question.
The order seems from one stand-
point to be a good One, and from
another it seems to working a
Rumor has ii Mr. K.
Bishop, of Bishops, and Miss
on lat Sunday, or that they
will on the next, the
lust. Mr. Bishop the shady
side ill sixty, and she on
side of -i. It is also reported that
his marry her sister.
The moved
their store back from street at
and the little
the is taking on airs. Ms
growth is rapid
It is possible that another planing
g up at place. Very
tunny buildings are going up.
The Hyde Union of I he
church was held near
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as they
cannot reach the real of dis-
ease. Catarrh is a blood or con-
disease, and in order to
cure it you lake internal
remedies. Hail's Catarrh is
taken internally, and nets directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine, it was prescribed by
one of the last physicians in this
country for years, and is a regular
prescription, It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, act-
on the mucous surfaces
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients is produces Mich
wonderful results in curing
Semi for testimonials
A Co.; Props.,
Sold Druggists,
Hall's family Pills arc lest.
His Ads
The late Bab-
bit was due to two things above all
others be made an article that
people wanted, and he advertised
in the newspapers until be con-
people that they wanted it.
Every year for twenty years be put
up an entire block of factory build-
met t the demand created by
his newspaper advertising. The
experience of Mr, is
the same as that of every
oil or successful business man.
Philadelphia Record.
May Seize Paul.
said to be the dominant force
Italian politics, and will the
new King, her son, with her ma-
will. Spain, what there is
in a circus make the remark
wish I was in as
the Northern climate began to lo
too severe for the tent life which
left is ruled by a woman, the, they followed. This expression
Queen Mother, during the the song,
of the King. The fair little Queen
of Holland, Wilhelmina,
in governing the men of her
realm. She is said to have put
her neat, small foot down
every proposition for her mar-
until a good Prince was pick-
ed out for of youth
who doesn't drink, say bad words
or smoke cigarettes, etc. Her
mother, before her attainment
her majority, was Queen Regent of
Holland. One of the conductress-
es of a woman's department in a
big New York com-
these facts and then asks
why it is that the men raise such a
racket if a woman is elected mayor
of some little town out West where
female suffrage goes. Perhaps I It I
It made a hit at New York
was speedily carried to nil
part of the Union by numerous
hands and wandering
the fall Mrs. John Wood
and Leroy of
Brunswick Ga, made their many
glad by their visit to
old home. The preachers
I present I ho were C. I.
Headquarters for Furniture everything in line. Davenport, W. Davis,
We but sell for Either Cash or on Approved Greene, A. Latham and Smith
London, Sept.
Kruger Is packing his possessions
at Marques,
on , . be
Quite may were in i next week
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Dealing
Your Friends,
on Dutch
Mrs. Kroger is very feeble, and
will accompany him.
Admiral Harris, with a
Heel of swift cruisers, is waiting in
the harbor, and mere is much spec-
as to what he will do when
Kruger sails.
from Baltimore, Md. The
Mission will be held Scranton,
Hyde count v.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Latham. Jr., cruisers for
arc quite ill at their home in west which bids have been invited by
Second st reel. Navy I will compare
favorably in magnitude and engine
The grower- of South Car-
Georgia Alabama has
j, I effected an and II
New Orleans the burlesque
of and before a
week bail panned the whole city
had taken it up. A New Orleans
publisher saw possibilities in the
music, and without authority
of the composer had the air liar
and rearranged, is
slicing it with words embodying
the strong Southern feeling then
existing in New
Home Journal.
Robbed of
said North Carolina and all
oilier States will be
taken into the unsocial ion the coin-
log fall and winter, and that a
strong compact organization will
be perfected by the time
is just what our have
needed, and till of them should
heartily cuter into the new
which has DO politics con-
n rated anywhere about it. so
promoters declare.
Oscar Williams, who was
Consul General Slates
at when the Filipino in
says that in
j the maps of Europe which were
used in the Filipino schools under
the Spanish regime a large place
the of that Continent, us-
occupying more than one
hall the page, was marked Spain;
planting time comes again. This
Waters will begin on
Sun lay series of meetings
at the Christian church this
Beth and wife are
spending a few days
The woman who was
charged With killing her infant
babe was too ill to be jailed, and
she has taken
The Freeman Hodges Lumber
Co. will erect a saw mill
Bryan property near
Miss Lawrence, a daughter
men think the women ought I o r. Mrs. N. M. Lawrence,
what am de differ-
between man and de trusts
I can't say, Theodore; what is
the difference man the
st rusts I
wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long;
De t Is wants all do people's
Gabriel bangs bis
Our genial interlocutor will
give bis side splitting
speech entitled, Are No
York Journal.
satisfied with home rule not
to the town or the State
or the government
Special Sale.
Announcement appears today of
the third annual bargain sale of
Taft which will begin tit
o'clock next Tuesday
They will keep their store closed on
Monday while going over and mark-
down everything their stock
from to 3.1 percent. The prices
they are quoting are worth careful
attention. their store will
lie closed Monday to make ready
for starting the big sale Tuesday.
the housewife, I'll set the dog
on wouldn't hatch
shouted back the
tramp. bad
who lives Tryon reel,
discovered Sunday that she
been robbed of gold.
This money, together with HO
in silver and bills had been placed
In a box in a in Miss Law-
About ten days ago
she missed the key lo box and
search has not enabled
tier to find it. Sunday she picked
up the box and found that the
top had been off and
that gold had been
taken. The is silver and bids
were not stolen.
The matter has been reported lo
the police, who arc work the
The War Department issued an
order to General designed
to prevent abuse of
Chinese, and the same
discipline in China as is maintain
ed in the United Slates.
the edge. Thus mill,
the young Filipino came to have a j n,,.
idea of the mag-; iv , ,.,, .,. forbids
c country of His op-i ,,,, ,,. the
Even Aguinaldo ,
to learn that America . ,,,, , at dis
overs a greater area than Spain .,,, This is no
A highway robber met death
Saturday in j A
He was a young white man named j ,,,.
Herring, who with two , i that he went on the bond
waylaid former, Taylor, an
who was on his way home WM
hundred dollars. ,,,.,, n,
the sprung at
estimate pecuniary I-
This country was settled a
deal earlier Hum is generally
posed are
Long island and
lay the
taking hold of the horse
and while Herring attack
ed Taylor with a bludgeon.
drew a knife Herring's
throat. The robber foil and his ac
The state I of education hat e
just sold acres of school land
in Jones counties for
to Charles of Phil
land has bean in
dispute Wilder and other
alleged heirs and Stale, and
the sale is virtually a compromise
of the suit, ft to swamp land and
contains timber. What use
the will put it to is
Franks swore he was worth
above homestead, ate., but the
execution sent to
count he Is not follows,
and the bond money cannot Star.
Franks has been a
for several; Southern Tobacco Journal
years. one factory in Winston
i work- to white girls in it
plug factory leaf wages
to week. Thai whiles
power with most modern ocean pas-
steamships. A ship
feel long. reel beam, tons
displacement and horse
power her engines is bound to
be U ll and no mistake. With
such an equipment the speed limit
knots per hour assigned to
these vessels should be surpassed
without much These
fast cruisers will also carry
usually heavy batteries, beginning
with eight inch guns, and Ibis
will be protected by
Krupp armor ranging from three
and one half to six inches iii thick-
Panoplied like battleships,
Hie new cruisers will sail like mod-
Steam packets, and need fear
no attack of an enemy the high
seas. These ships will represent
j the latest achievements and last
work of science is applied to mod-
i.,,,,, em vessels
iii young man
id the anxious mother.
I worry, replied
can't get
1790 North Carolina had
representatives In Congress.
had twelve; lo 1810 have to take place of
it bad thirteen; in 1840 ii in factories baa beet
reduced to in 1850 to in hong coming, has come
to seven; in it had eight, .
and lo 1880 and had nine. I .
If it had the Dumber to which is, , ,,,, work
really entitled II would have had phone people are having done
and fever Is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. Is simply
I roil and quinine in a tasteless form;
No no pay. Price BOO,
and Sweats with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic Mo. per
bottle. Pleasant lo take. Money
refunded if it fails. tip-
purifies the blood and makes
you well. None oilier as good.
Sold and guaranteed at the drug
stores Bryan, Wooten and
ten dining all the past ten years.
Dr. D. L. Jam
N . C. .
bore. The
will be Fleming store.

Eastern reflector, 5 October 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 05, 1900
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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