Eastern reflector, 2 October 1900

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The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
National Ticket.
of II
K.- Presidential Elector, 1st Dist.
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
of Beaufort.
from present indications New
York belongs more properly in the
than in
column; Plait claims it by
majority; by
and says it is
Illinois West
fairly doubtful, though
the chances favor the Republicans
in both. Missouri is a doubt-
but a Democratic State,
one of The New York Herald's
most careful and trusted men, who
last week made a tour
of Man land, says the Dem-
have the better of it in that
State. If we allow this
correct it would give
votes certain, Bryan
and raise the number of doubtful
The last crop bulletin to lie
issued this season was gotten out
It reviews crop
for the week ending Mon-
day, September It is as fol-
Splendid weather for gathering
crops and for other farm work
the week ending
Monday, September The
temperature was much
few degrees below the nor-
during the half of the
week, though rising slightly
I the latter portion. The
mornings of the 19th
were very cool, and light frost was
reported to have occurred at high
altitudes in the mountain districts.
vote from to
It looks now as if the fight were The weather remained very dry
in New York, Illinois ninny counties, while in others
All of which is respectfully beneficial showers occurred
submitted merely us a matter of at the beginning and the end of the
Estimates upon u result of human interest and for what it is week. The amount of the sunshine
election, from anything like Observer. , was abundant. the absence
whatever may think of
their reliability, and one of the
most interesting that has been
given in this was
published The New York Her-
of The Herald says
it got it from Republican lead-
who is in close touch with
the work and expectations of
the Republican national commit-
and that it the
latest estimate of the Republican
campaign It
votes necessary lo a
Several things might lie said of
this by a careful reader of
newspapers of every shade of pol-
and of no politics at all, mid
who, in addition of reading news
papers, keeps his ears open for
everything that is to be heard.
One of these Is that all the states
listed IS Democrats will
vole so. Another Is that
A Renewed Appeal.
; of rain is causing further delay in
fall plow a general or heavy
i rain would not ac-
Galveston, Sept, of the possible injury to
Jones and the relief com- cotton, with which tin- fields
issued a long appeal to are now dotted.
the American people, asking Picking cotton made fairly good
funds to relieve the distress still during the week under
the favorable weather conditions,
is endorsed by Governor Sayers j. counties the crop is now
Miss Barton. It j all open, and over three
gathered. Some correspondents
sent to the Governor and directly ii the
to the relief committee arc per- will mill.
haps sufficient to defray the c-1 die of October. All previous re-
removing the wreckage j crop have
and disposing of the dead bodies confirmed. Fodder pulling
and meeting the most urgent an- farmers arc housing
requirements. The home- Cutting the last to-
will still lie without shelter In northwestern counties is
when this is done. advancing rapidly, but no mi-
homes, be they is reported the late
ever so humble, must be provided Peanuts are Dearly all
for the people who are now harvested in the south are
huddled in ruined houses, public j to dig in the north portions,
places and Improvised camps, to The crop is short. Peas, sweet
the end that they may not become potatoes and fall gardens were
paupers, but may set up by the rains of
households wherein repose all that the week. Turnips are doing well,
is best and noble in American life. turnips were during
We arc still the forefront of the race after your
We offer you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
We believe that the well-to-do and
the charitable people of this nation
will not tie content to merely
hunger bruises, but
will every way contribute to the
restoration of this people to a place
of self support and self respect.
It is far this purpose that we inane
this further
The late Worth Bagley, an en-
sign in the navy, was the first
American officer to lose his life in
the war. The
particulars of his tragic and heroic
death are well known to readers o
The Post.
The government has done a
in recognition of his
bravery and death by naming after
him one of its new torpedo boats.
This is not only a graceful act, but
a distinguished compliment one
never before paid one whose i
was no higher.
Yesterday the new vessel bear-
the name of Worth Bagley was
moved from the stays into the
water, and christened with
ceremonies, Mrs
Daniels, sister of the dead hero,
performing the act of christening.
May the career of the new vessel
be a brilliant one, and like him
for whom it is named, bear itself
well in every discharge of duty.
All North Carolinians specially
will watch the future of the little
with great interest not mi
mingled with
the week and have come up nice-
A good deal of plowing was
done where the soil was moist
enough, sonic wheat, rye
oats have been seeded, but this
work is far behind the average for
the season. grapes
are ripe.
N. the weather
can have no further material
on the yield of crops, this
is the last of the crop bulletin for
1900. consequence, however,
of the special Importance sea
sou of format ion concerning the
harvesting of the crop,
respondents where cotton is grown
are kindly requested to continue
their weekly reports to this office
during October, WOO, tor the
of the cotton region
published at New Orleans,
Lit. The section director takes
the opportunity to to
respondents the the chief
of the bureau, to state Disown
appreciation of their valuable
vices during the past season. The
names of crop correspondents will
appear annual report for
1900, copies of which will lie sent
to all.
Former Governor Thomas
Jams has made it a quartet for
the United
his letter having issued a few
days ago. He is an man and
one who would look well to the in-
of the of North
if be were chosen to that
We elsewhere the an-
of Governor of
his candidacy for It is
just like the man throughout, plain
dignified, honest, and will have
effect. No one can read it with-
out admiration for the
ward, patriotic gentlemen who
wrote it. And there is a
county in the state In Which many
will not soldiers and
those acquainted with the State's
history for the past thirty
who will renew their confidence in
the old hero by their
to be found any store Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the beat manufacturers of America
Europe. Reasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual from December 1888 to and
vantage. I is our pleasure to show you what you and I. the sum
I lure i- much favorable comment
n the workings of the term
held here but week. Of
course Solicitor I. Webb gave
satisfaction. Be has always done
so know him. Judge
Shaw, who presided, was prompt
and resolute the discharge of
duty, and before the end tin-
week his name became a terror to
those who dreaded justice. One
thing in Judge Shaw's
court was that the game of
submitting, paying
justice didn't work. Fines
were imposed collected, the
BUm lines being turned
over toT i . . Mr.
say that in twelve
years that he has been treasurer,
We oiler yon the very service, polite I
I the
sell you if we
attention, the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits. I arts daring time
When you come to market you will not do yourself jostles amounted to
if you do sec our Immense stock before buying elsewhere. better for oar country
us the following of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness. Horse Blankets Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Bend ts,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Hope.
f all the
has .
It would
for the preservation of law
justice if we more men of
Judge Shaw's stamp wearing the
judicial Journal.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything that line.
We buy strictly for but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, and Square tailing.
Your Friends,
j. to.
A very wise and thoughtful man
one who is a close student of pass-
events remarked recently
there is too much antagonism be-
tween the people in the towns and
cities and people in the country.
The city and people do not
take as much interest the
people as they formerly
this in turn has caused tin
country people to feel indifferent
towards town people.
By some means the country
ill sonic places have come
the belief that the town
people are on and
the town people have also come to
believe that the people do
entertain the best of feelings
towards them.
This is all wrong. The city and
town and are mutually de-
pendent upon each other. When
A Few Applicable In
Present Day and
If yon can't fool one way try
even in a fool.
Some people arc fools sometimes
sometimes they get fooled, but
you can't fool all the people all
the u said a
truer thing.
Looking wise, acting with
and a wonderful display of
sometimes fools school
but men of mature wisdom
and experience are never frighten-
ed I hereby.
Decay -a Cities.
According to the census figures
Slate City of Toledo, i
Locus County. I
Frank makes oath
that he Is the senior partner of the
iii in of F. J.
business In the city of
County and State afore said, and
that said firm will pay the sum of
one hundred dollars for each
every case of Catarrh cannot
be cured by the use f Halls Ca-
Frank j.
Sworn to before me and sub-
scribed my presence, this
day of December, A. 1888.
I A. W.
j i Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
and acts directly the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. ft Co.; Props.,
Sold by Druggists, Too.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
An Import.-int Work for the
The press of North Carolina
do nothing better than to constant-
demand better schools, We
turned our columns over to
campaign committees and publish-
ed everything referring to the
amendment, knowing full well that
an amended constitution meant an
educational advancement; that the
would not stop at
of blacks. Instead
of cussing each other out of the
party it might be well for I he press
to remember the work lying ahead
and lay to with the same earnest-
tie-.- us a few months ago. The
amended constitution makes a new
beginning of citizenship
under new We can-
not afford quibble because we
don't all think
a Cyclone.
Minn., Sept.,
details have reached here
of a terrible catastrophe which vis-
the village of Morristown, ten
miles of here, shortly before
this evening. The village
country thrives the town and WM
thrive; and what is the
helpful to one is also helpful to the
other. The very best of feeling
to prevail between
in and the people
the towns and cities. This
was raised in the air and dropped
directly on top of Paul
saloon whore in persona had taken
refuge from the storm. The saloon
collapsed and all the occupants
w j a buried the debris. Eight
so far announced, the cities of lean be maintained by the proper i
Omaha and j treatment on all sides. Let ii
City , la. and Albany, N. Y., show
a falling in population since
1880 of 86.08, 81.17, 12.43, and SI
percent , respectively,
ad decline in the case of these west
em towns is surprising, as the
greatest growth of the country is
still supposed to be in the West,
and we have seen no explanation
of it except that the census was prob
ably improperly taken the re-
turns were padded in Keith-
Be and three injured per-
I sons were taken from the ruins.
these suggestions is wholly
Slain a set of honest j satisfactory, however. There Is no
may be attempted, but it never apparent reason why there should gentleman
works and DO good ever comes
the effort.
You can pull the wool over the
eye, but won't stay there.
The second attempt to do it is dis-
If you have an ax to grind don't
exhibit it until you get the job
done; you might gel caught.
a man gets
when he don't even show bis ax;
his MS too simple and like
theme child.
Above all, if you Lave fooled a
don't take II for granted
that you can fool a wheat town full
of people; you'll slip op,
heart the outward
been greater fault of fraud in i polish is easily
case of the western towns than manners and in the tie is in
iii that of others. await fur- Inmate. A true gentleman aim
explanation with interest. pie, unpretending, He is
The small decrease In the ease and considerate, and has
Albany was not unexpected. personal dignity i.- of
mom Dispatch. respect, not self consciousness.
He treats every woman as a
do our best to keep up the of
feeling, for this is happiness and i A, ,.;,;,,, of
prosperity for Heck Purl, that such
. i
Familiarity with the prevailing
standards etiquette gives a young
man a distinct advantage, lie
who is sure he knows
g at conforms automatic-
ally lo serial requirements. -None
car perfect in who
has o consider how things
ought lobe done. If a man be a
expositions do pay exhibitors.
He lakes the petition that
same amount of money expended
In advertising tire wares in the ac-
credited and organs of
the trade, or in the personal
of orders, would lie likely
to in three or four times the
Volume of new business is
ever likely to from
in the mammoth exhibition
In a foreign land
la essential success
any undertaking. The people
the that they will
obtain the fullest by
dealing with the man
professional or oilier
man who In for
speaks well of others
hospitality as a mutual
you may in ft ,. pis ;, y,
few n on St.
Fools rush with advice where
wise fear lo d.
Loss of memory is some times due
to overwork and sometimes to a
ax assessor.
there i- i. r Ii
of enterprise can lie given
Philadelphia Record.
insurance for bathers is the new-
est enterprise In insurance line
It , . Ii
,,, the pi
in in machine along the
bench at all watering
i dropping a
policy four hours.
ii every telephone can
make the welkin ring.
The one thing that everybody
can succeed in borrowing is
and night Sweats with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic at per
bottle. Pleasant to take. Money
refunded if fails. Restores
petite, purifies l blood and makes
well. None oilier as good.
Sold and guaranteed at the drug
Ignorance is not bliss when it is
Ignorance of the law.
census gain in tan
wiped out in a single
and is a of Grove's
Tasteless Chill in simply
I quinine In a tasteless form
v u i -no Price
in. n.
Greenville, N.
Fleming store.

D. J. H. Owner
Entered at the at
Greenville, N. as
Mail Matter.
TUESDAY. 1900.
The States troops Lave
been called off at The war
in China is
over and peace negotiations will
now he in order.
History is a curious Ev-
body can tell us how Washing-
ton, and Line would
vote if alive but no one
to know how Cleveland will
cast his ballot.
The great storm that recently
visited Texas, was kid
enough, but blow has
struck portions of the State in a
cloud burst that occurred a
The loss of properly
and life was large.
Ken It to getting right dose t
a Presidential election and there
seems to be hardly enough
to make it seem like a campaign at
all. in all parties seem
indifferent. There may be a
change later.
The Baltimore authorities have
perm tied several to
register tor the election Ibis fall us
been by an-
This question will
so or later present a pretty lit-
problem for a solution by the
s Court.
who have been read-
the proceedings of the courts,
and observed the many
In which judgment
per I in pa; meat of
will And .-. in
article from the Monroe
appears elsewhere In this Is-
Prosperity hard times
ii- imp in vi at In-
of about ten years,
the l , it spends
too much money and has to
and i even. There are
such i i. of re-
is at baud.
will . I rely oat
i will i to the
party power even though be
world wide.
till Is extra from
notice i o
newspaper, published another
paper of I he pen
is silent; the ha e
laid away Io The still-
Desi of death
once the hoarse
voice of the devil, or
this was
wot i resound. The paste has
soured in it- pit. the is
eating the composition off the roller
and the bluebottle i dying in
folds of the
An untold amount of real
and suffering is
upon men and women striving to
serve God in by a lack
of appreciation of their of
view. I'm yourself their places.
Would not you being an ob-
of disapproval, or, when the
case is battered, an object of char
I Would yon enjoy feeling
your mini
your dollies were mat-
of comment, Hint Hie par
fell that money paid your
husband must be spent please
and not Minister's
in Hie
Home Journal.
en a Prom-
Tobacco inS
the of
American Tobacco
There has considerable dis-
relative to the low prices of
bright tobacco, especially of
class known as or cigar-
tobaccos. We of no
two gentlemen Io
handle this subject than those
Whose signatures arc attached Io
the following
ST. C,
Mr. J.
-New York. X. V.
Hear 1901 have
with Hie warehouse
on this market. At that
time tobacco was at
our people to extend its
ratio. At that tints, also, cot
ton. which prior to the
of tobacco had formed the
principal money crop of the farm
was selling, and continued to
sell for number of years
lower than before, and
this course stimulated tobacco
as nothing else could. Hut,
mind, yon, our people principally,
the price of tobacco and cotton lie-
the same, had much preferred
to grow cotton, as they understood
cotton culture and it was much less
laborious. As time went on with
the Increased production of
co the price of this product
and the cotton crop
last year caused the price to ad-
and contrary to the
of wiseacres last spring
the crop in eastern North
Carolina In particular, was reduced
in acreage not less than per
cent, and is very probable
percent. account of extreme
seasons I am convinced that
the condition of the crop is not
more than per cent, as
ed with last year. I have gained
this information actual ob-
and from most reliable
Information from section of the
east. As one who has spout his
time an l a very liberal share of bis
substance . i. the uphold-
development of the
co industry here, I write to you as
one of the heals the largest to-
i concerns in the world, to ask
clews of the situation as re-
the pr tor better prices.
I know this, sir, that with the
present prices of the better grades
prevailing throughout this season,
with cutters selling at a fair and
prospects even better prices,
there not be enough tobacco
planted eastern North Carolina
year, i wen all I on
Greenville market, to give the
watch year's work.
There are hundreds of idle barns
standing now in the Boat-
era North Carolina, and with the
a- ab in
season, when
season lines around there
is them standing
as sad past dream.
I have written you mil because I
think your company any more re
than other factor's
i i know abroad
business man, and a North man where they stopped
Carolinian, and I trust you will would go no further. They wen
letter as seeking taken back apart of the course as
cigarettes in the
I States the past fiscal
year was a little over
short of the output in 1899. This
decrease in output of
is due mainly to
the cigarette
itself the pan
the legislatures of the
States. Tobacco which is used to-
the of cigar-
is taxed fifty per pound,
whereas that used plug and
smoking tobacco is only twelve
cents par pound, used in
from twenty
to thirty cents per pound, accord-
to of the cigar. A min-
of the Western Soul bean
States have
taxes the sale of cigarettes,
this is also towns
cities the West South.
believe there are more
In the Culled States
than at any time its bis
a large portion of them are
made from granulated tobacco by
the consumers themselves out of
such tobacco as
Among other causes which have
contributed to lower prices may be
mentioned the fact that consumers
of tobacco have through
that a lug of ordinary color
smokes just as well as a line cut-
which sells at two or three
times the price. A large quantity of
bright tobacco is being exported
annually for use foreign
tries, the supply be curtail-
ed for two years, prices in my
go to a point where the
raising of tobacco would bring
to the farmer It would lie of
great benefit if the inter-
in raising bright tobacco
would give more attention and
make greater effort the direction
of having Congress impose no
tax upon leaf grown in say,
North Carolina, and used cigar-
than does leaf grown in
same State and used plug
or smoking tobacco, or grown in
of Connecticut, and
used in cigars.
Von will me for affirm
in this connection our com
is earnestly that the
farmers shall make a upon
the tobacco crop, for two or
three years past we have
ed more than was actually
required, an effort to maintain
prices. We are carrying today
over pounds of leaf to
whereas a fair supply would
be, say pounds.
Yours very
J. B.
Run the Track.
The blood bounds belonging to
Mr. W. c. that were taken
to the store Mr. G. II. Tucker,
Wednesday to Hail the
robbers who broke in his did
a nice piece of work. The dogs
soon found the trail and began
running it. A short distance Iron
the store they mine across some
goods that had dropped by
the and they seemed to get a
fresh scent from this. The dogs
followed on without Interruption for
a course of two or three miles
went up to the door of a col
lion on a subject in which we are
virtually Interested. With best
wishes, I am yours truly,
. L.
It's a pity its
actual character be brought
home this country by
dead soldiers.
a lest and put on the track again
and went right back to the
same house. Mr. Tucker says be
never saw dogs trail anything
than did. No arrest bus
New York, Sept. 1900 understand
Mr. O, L. Joyner strong evidence is being de
Greenville, N. c.
Dear have received and
carefully considered your letter of
The price of leaf tobacco
North Carolina has
Closely observed by me for a mini I
of j ears The low price at
which it has sold since, the fall
ii due my judgment to a
number of causes chief among them
supply, causes for
this over supply well set forth
your latter, and are due. as you
to conversion of cotton farms
into tobacco
Along with this large supply of
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are still
the lead in handling selling
wagons, carts, cart back
bands everything needed and
farming purposes.
day they sold one
a large planter, ten pair cart wheels
to used on his farm. This
invites the general public t
examine their goods
it will be a paying investment for
those who such goods to
consult with them.
Mr. Editor if you the com-
who sets up my manuscript
do better. I shall be tempted
to come with my crowd ride
you both a rail. See one para-
graph lost items was just miser-
able. I'm no Dutch.
For the best cheapest cigars
the Cigar
Co. cannot be or
ed, as their fast increasing patron-
age fully attests. Give them a
trial and become convinced.
W. J. Wyatt, J. B. Carroll, Prof.
G. E. and Elder W. L.
left yesterday to attend the
Union meeting of the Missionary
which is to be
held at Spring Harden, Craven
J. E. Green, the railroad
is off on a few days visit to relatives
friends near Williamston.
Peyton Mayo, of Ayden, is attend-
to the depot during his ab-
A. Cox is still
seed and offers the very highest
cash prices for
Carlos Harris painted a
sign in the show of
Mrs. C. A. millinery em-
yesterday, Mrs. Fair has a
very pretty store and we bespeak
for her a nice trade the coming
The colored Odd Fellows
building and have nearly
ed a large two story building on
rail road street. When finished
they will me it for their Society
k N. C, Sept. SB,
I. II. White is very sick.
Many people from here attended
services at Hum Swamp last
day and Sunday.
Tucker, by
sister, Miss
at Great Swamp on
and Sunday last.
Dr. Nicholson, of
visited Hie home of I. II. White,
Yearly meeting at Pleasant
tobacco has come a largely
ed demand for this Sunday Conducted b
class of it which has. been grown in was very much enjoyed
Eastern North Carolina and South .
Carolina, and which is used for the Maggie Simpson,
many manufacture of cigarette. I need visiting her many
only cite you Hint the output Jack.
Miss Purvis is in town
J. W. Thomas left Monday for
northern markets to purchase
the second stock of goods this sea-
son for Cherry limit-
This thriving will
up another store in our town in a
few days.
Wade Andrews, of Tarboro pass-
ed Hi rough Tuesday on his
way to
Warren Andrews, Jr., of
down Tuesday to visit rel-
John I. Peal, of
ids, came down lost week to enter
Prof. D. school.
The thief has at last been caught
who baa been robbing here and at
Cross mil-. He was captured by a
J. E. was in Greenville
Tuesday on business.
W. J. is in town on
v. B. Station spent Monday night
with his brother in
Dr. It. J. Climes was in Green-
ville Tuesday attending court.
Sirs. W. Keel and little sou,
Howard, Tuesday with
W. J. May i has u
with . ion, Cherry and
Hi nut
H. II. Melton, of Wilson, is
holding it series meetings in the
Christian church this week,
will continue the meeting until
next week.
i M of
had his left hand caught in bis cot
early this morning,
will possible loose Nome of his
Ayden schools are about
students are enrolled, and new
ones entering each week.
I From On-
I Washington, U. c, Sept.
Mr. extraordinary
and apparently unaccountable
friendship for China, which has
been so plainly shown from the
beginning of the trouble down to
his abandonment of the allies
the order for the sending of the
American troops in to the
Philippines, has caused a lot of
thinking. Attention has been
called to the fact that the
platform failed Io say a word
about the continued exclusion of
Chinese laborers from the f
States although it must have been
well to the makers of that
platform that the present Chinese
exclusion law will expire by
1902; and that unless it
is by our ports
will then lie to Chinese
laborers. It has noted
that Minister to the Unit-
ed States has done considerable
; talking of late about the
of the friendship be-
tween his government ours re-
in the removal of
lions That large em-
of unskilled labor this
country, not to mention the sugar
planters trust of Hawaii, are
to see the restriction Chi-
immigration removed is well
i known. By putting ail these
things together Mr. is
placed a suspicious attitude to-
ward American labor. Perhaps
mention of the Chinese exclusion
was purposely left out of the re-
publican platform, in order to
the republican in not
renewing that restriction, and tbs
of Mr. may
mean the Hooding of this country
with cheap Chinese labor.
such intention would
account for Mr. Chi
policy, should not be over-
looked the democratic nation
platform contains this
favor the continuance and
strict enforcement of the Chinese
exclusion law and its application to
the same classes of all Asiatic,
It is not surprising that
interested in the
, American labor arc do-
some deep thinking. It is
time for them to think to
Senator Morgan, in a speech lie
fore the Jackson Democratic As-
devoted himself to the
question, which he declared
was the most interesting topic to
him. He only
settle the question is to
pay public debt, and it would
be very easy to do so by saving
some of the wild expenditures we
are now making, the course
a few years we could save over
and we should com-
today order to save the
interest which the people arc
paying. The system by
the last I is designed to in
crease the national debt, and under
that legislation the debt cannot
and will not be paid, but will be
increased year to year. The
of the would not
underpin the national banks, but
would force them to the old Jack-
son idea of a specie basis, and we
would not be dependent for a cir-
medium on government
bonds. In-n that is done
question will be settled
and settled
Mr. II. of
Maryland, made this reference to
our trade with tin- Philippines,
a speech this week to the
and Stevenson ex-
ports to the have
at a cost of
Our imports have
I. diseased, and
Senator whose
judgment is to be
as good as that of any man the
country, was Washington this
week, and said of the
is a very decided
drift favor of the democrats
which the hope that
will be elected. Political
seem much us they were in
The men who are
for the democrats New York say ,
that they are going Io carry
stole. They are sincerely
They l hey am going
to succeed. The democratic man
general situation and believe that
Mr. is going to lie elected.
The drift is strongly that
Is hard enough as
it is. It i to that
we owe our world.
and e v e r t h i n k
be -u
easy its for
lit at the time of
childbirth. This
is just what
baby's easy
and painless, and that
dangerous drugs into sys-
It is to be applied to
the Bucks, the abdomen. It
through lbs carry.
strength sail elasticity with It.
It strengthens the whole system and
prevents all of the discomforts of
The mother of a plumb babe in
Panama, Mo., I have used
Mother's Friend and can praise it
Gel Mother's Mend the
Drug Store, Si per bottle.
The Regulator Co.
Write for oar fro illustrated book,
Baby is
I New
Joel Patrick from New
Bern Wednesday.
Miss returned
home after several days stay at
i i nine purchasing millinery goods
for her sister Mrs. Lula
of i Kins ton.
Mrs. K. P. Heard left for her
home at Norfolk today.
J. new
rived and he is his new store
which is just completed.
Willie buyer
for Son, of Wilmington,
went up to den today.
today is worth Hi on
Another big break of tobacco
yesterday price.- satisfactory
Nat Whit field was here Thurs-
day and left the morning train.
Union meeting the Christian
church of this place today and Sun-
day. All are invited to attend.
and tinnier on the grounds both
Mr. was pounded
Thursday night, which
agreeable surprise.
The Governor to com-
mute the death sentence of Chancy
of burning
the Rattle residence in
He will be bunged at Tar-
The custom making special
displays of the season's new good s
has become an attractive feature
with some of our business houses,
and they h much pleasure to
the trading public, to the
ladies. Greenville is abreast with
the times in this respect, some of
our dealers making displays that
would do credit to a large city es-
Take the firm of J. Cherry
Co. for instance. A look in their
store just will astonish yon.
To say it is beautiful does
to express their display, and a de-
I signer in a city store could not
have mode it with more taste and
of colors and
fabrics. The very newest in
and style is shown. Their
store a credit to the town.
the milliners, you will
find a more up-to-date town any
where than Greenville is in this
line. Mrs. M. Higgs, the Mis-
Erwin and Mrs. M. A. Leggett
all have special display of new
fall styles on. Each one of
them has a display of special merit
that shows the highest work in the
millinery art. A large number of
ladies have been to
did openings.
In the wrecking of a freight
train on the Carolina Northern
railroad near
the engineer and fireman,
both lost their lives.
New Home
If you need a Machine see roe
at II. f Hooker's store, or write roe
Jan. J. O.
Timber. Will pay from to
110.00 per cord for same, F. O. B.
Goldsboro, N. C.
THIS WOOD roust be round,
nearly free from and sawed
both ends. Will take feet
and H feet long and as as
inches diameter at small end,
but no smaller.
J. H.
Points Hi
Means 1-4 Cent per pound more for your
We have just established at Greenville one of the best equipped
Gins to lie found Eastern North Carolina and solicit your ginning.
We turn out the best you can get anywhere but our charges are
no higher than others. BRING US YOUR COTTON.
N. C.
ladies Greenville a id
rounding country are invited
to call and see our display of
Pattern Hats, inst.
Misses ERWIN
g in
of Winter.
Its really time to think
The putter not secure the cream of the stock, for the early
buyer bus the opportunity. Now time is ripe invite you
In inspect the most carefully selected stock in Greenville. Our tables
are groaning under their loads of the best clothing ever shown in
city, and we propose to that this is the place above all
others that is to your consideration when you a-c ready Io buy
your fall sum.
Double and Single Breasted Suits, Fancy
Cheviots, light and dark
checks and plaids. OUR SPECIAL FALL
OPENING PRICK on this well tailored suit
will be Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents. Our
price this season will fit your exactly
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The Eastern for
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
rind the cross murk on their
Lou Hart of Finger.
Thursday while working about
his printing press, Mr. II. T. King
editor of King's Weekly, got bis
right hand caught in the press and
lost end of his middle linger
Register of Deeds Moore issued
only two marriage licenses
week, both for colored couples.
The total number issued in
was seventeen, six for
white eleven for
M. Schultz's store will be
closed Wednesday Oct.
have calls for Standard Sew-
Machines. That's satisfaction,
cheap, at S. M.
W. J. Clark Co. have bought
the restaurant business next door
to their ice house on Fifth street.
Horse shoeing by a first-class
workman, at W. O.
hill's shop on Dickinson avenue.
The acknowledges
receipt of a complimentary ticket
to Weldon fair, Oct. to
Nov. and.
Greene are
large seed built near their
gin plant on Fifth street, below
Edwards arc having an-
other building put up on their
property the John Flanagan
Buggy Company's factory.
A good advertisement in
is a trade fetcher. You
can walk around the stores of our
best advertisers and see this.
ins become Wash-
heard from him since the lire there.
Hope he did get
The Free Press says
Jacob two hales of cot-
ton in Wednesday, that be
held for years. The price
to bring it out of its hid-
Mr. J nib
of the County Home, tells us that a
chicken with only one wing was
hatched at Home a few days
ago. The one chick is get-
ting all right.
Mr. L. a Pitt
who is living Tex-
as, sent us a copy of the
Post of Sunday's issue. It ion-
tallied much Interesting matter
about the great storm at
6-months old puppy,
blank white spotted, cross be
tween cur, well grown
for followed a buggy from my
home Sunday night.
I will
leading to recovery of the puppy.
W. A.
N. C.
Not tills Court.
The James murder is still
Mistake, brother. The trial him
not been going on at all and will
not lie until
A meeting of Pitt County
co Association will lie held
Greenville Saturday. October
20th, at o'clock, P. M., for
purpose of selecting delegates to
attend the State Tobacco
to be held Raleigh October
J. J.
A Smart Boy.
doubt if any paper has hail
a reporter than Re
court reporter for the
term of court just closed. Master
Thurman Moore, only years old,
a little sou of Court
Clerk, D. C. Moore, did this work
for us, making u record
tried, and he reported them as
well as could done
The MM against W. A. Bright,
the charge of set t lire to his bar
room, which occupied nearly two
days of the court, resulted in a
mistrial, the jury failing to reach
a verdict. Report says jury-
was ten for conviction and two for
His bond was increased
to which he was required
to give for his appearance at Jan
Some Speak to Mr, Some to You
IT, 1900.
O. E. Warren went to Wilson lo
Earnest Forbes left Wednesday
evening for New Item.
J. E. Fleming returned
day evening from Washington.
Mrs. Swindell and
Miss left this morning
for Raleigh
Miss Lillian led this
morning for to
school there.
Miss of ,,, . j
who has been
returned home Wednesday.
Mrs. A. J. Moore, of I
arrived evening to
visit her son, L. Moore.
O. . Webb, of Winston, Slate
Vice of the Jr. O.
visited Acme Council of
Greenville Wednesday night.
Mrs. L. W. Lancaster
of Raleigh, who have been
visiting the family of J. S.
ton other here, re-
turned home today.
Rev. F; A. went
toe today.
T. H. went to Scotland
Nook this morning.
Rev. D. of Washing-
toil, was here today.
J. F. King returned Thursday
evening from New York.
It. L. Smith and wife and
daughter returned Thursday even-
from c.
Miss Annie Kitchen, of Scotland
neck, arrived Thursday evening to
visit Miss Rosalind Rountree.
Mrs. Moore went to Bethel
this morning.
Donnell returned Tar
this morning,
B. T. came down from
Scotland Neck Friday.
Judge H. R. left this
morning for Henderson.
Miss Mary Boyd returned Fri-
day evening from Wilson.
Mrs. K. A.
Friday evening to visit
Miss Langley returned
Friday evening from Washington.
Rev. D. W. Davis went to
ton Friday to attend a union meet-
B. C, Pearce, of came
this morning lo spend a few
days here.
Mis. Adrian Savage and
Friday evening
from Whitakers.
Miss of Whitakers,
arrived Friday evening to visit
lira, Adrian Savage.
Solicitor L. I. Moore left this
for where his
next court is held.
Mrs. A. J. Moore,
who has been visiting her sou, L. I.
Moore, returned home today.
II. P. Harding left Friday even-
for New to resume charge
of the graded school in that
Mrs. Alice Harper sou,
Alexander, and Miss Alice
left Friday evening for
Blanch came In
Friday evening to spend Saturday
and Sunday with her litter, Mrs.
no Moore.
N. Booth, If n, Booth and
Miss Annie Perkins went to
Nest this morning to th
Will Greer, of Baltimore, is in
town. He i more than
the ground before lie winded I
know if was
And the
We have hunters who pretend
to have a great respect for law, yet
a month before the season opens
for turkey and bird hunting begins
they are on posted land violating
the law. Would be wrong lo
make some of them pay for being
so far ahead of lime t dollars
for a bird or turkey or a month
Jail would make them a little more
careful. We think it will be tried
this full. X.
One Man Killed, Two Others
A telephone message today from
Ayden tells of
explosion the gin of
Commissioner Calvin J. Tucker,
near early Ibis morning,
some boiler lo en
exploded killing a
man, named Perry Williams, and
badly scalding another Mr.
Tucker wits also scalded and Wei
struck the face by bricks that
bruised hint considerably.
We could learn the cause of
the explosion or lo what extant the
gin and building damaged.
Reflector 29th.
Our Second Trip North was a Great Success in
And These Bargains Are Yours For The Asking,
Hie great markets like New York, Philadelphia and have searched for
and we haw them, are to sell for less money than anybody
else. Why Because we buy more goo-Is than any other store in town
and get larger discounts; and we sell for the possible
margin depending on a volume of
no rents to pay.
and Undo sell. CASH Over
the Counter and Pay.
Let The
es Tell Their Story.
Men Suits the 9.00 Sale Price, the s. l and quality. Sale Price,
, . , ,, ,.,,,. . . --Boys Sulla Band quality, Sale Price.
Men the Price, 2.75
Suits, sir; i
Men Suits Jibe
These Goods are AH New. No Old Stock on Hand.
Shirt worth
11.25 and
plain unit
white Dollar
extra heavy unbleached
Chi Mien's Fail Hose, Worth
lies Linen So
Knitting Silk, nil worth
Collar, worth
Silk Webbing worth
Checked worth
yards Lace, worth
Drop Witch I lime, worth
Children's extra Hone
Drew Si
Won i worth
Inch Lining, worth
Steel Hod t silk covers
i Cloth, all colors,. .
Bilk, worth
i worth
Lace worth
in Imported Irish Damask, worth
Fancy Slick Pin-, worth
Men's in Collars and
Silk Bolts, all colors
Embroider worth
Bide worth
Fancy White
Men's in per
Pique, nil
English Curtain Cretonne.,
Nancy worth
shin Waists sets., worth
Men. Silk
Best Corset
lion Fancy
Window Shades, spring roller
Mercerized Batten
New styles and Patterns, the
12.00 quality 81.00. Only about
left, come while they lust.
Big; New Store.
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C

Attention Farmers
I am now offering you one of the complete lines of
at very reasonable prices. My line of
which is the of any market are fresh and cheap.
When you come to town again give me a
Yours to
Ne Over.
Jas. B. White
Don't Be Deceived.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which due lo its merit, and also advertising, has
others put on the market, which they
and claiming they are as good as the
ELASTIC he deceived same. We
deny that they are as and are ready time to com
pare ours with other. your local dealer does not handle
write us direct for descriptive pamphlet.
Bole Manufacturers, H. C.
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
home, office and general i-e.
Every sale with guarantee to be fire
proof. Prices range from up.
N. C.
Famous U to.
and Laxative. cure for chills and
fever all and billions troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber o.,
N. C
As one of the depositories for Public School Books In
Pin County, We handle books designated on the
for the public schools and can supply what-
ever you need. We also have
slant an vertical, double ruled practice writing bi
tablets, fool's paper, pens, pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes
in u
soapstone pencils I cent, S plain lead pencils I cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil I cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover I cent, sorted crayons with metal hold-
in nice wood box cents, lead pencil, slate pen
and pen, and rule, all In nice wood box,
a great big wide tablet r cents.
Ink on the market, C vents. Copy books to cents.
White crayons, gross in box, cents. Good fool's cap
paper per
famous barker gen
flight Query
It is clear that the Republicans j
no expect to have a walk-
over in the presidential race. Their
candidate find himself very
handicapped by the strike of
Pennsylvania. When
the administration's stump speak-
get up declaim about Me-
and the
they tremble less the
miners strike should be
at them.
That's a condition, not a theory,
and it must be observed that the
strike is a boss ridden
state, which has profited
greatly by protection, and that the
mine owners arc, for the most part
supporters of the administration,
are friends of Han-
In dealing with this particular
subject, the Republican orators
must either that
prosperity has not reached the
coal regions, or else that the
have grievances. There
is other course tor them to
The Democrats are making a
powerful tight Indiana. Trusts
and the latter
have thrown thousand- of
awn in that State out of work,
and the contemptuous in
which has treated the sub
has angered them greatly,
the vole were taken to-day, we be-
and Stevenson would
carry Indiana.
Illinois we regard as hopeful.
Maryland is, too, but our friends
there ought to make it certain.
of the fiercest tights now
going is West Virginia.
While both sides claim that State,
the Dispatch cannot but regard the
chance as the
The Pennsylvania strike cannot
help the Republicans; it may mi
prove the prospects of the Demo
much. Kentucky seems
all light our party. in
New York city and State the out-
look appears to be improving
So we say Boost
have walk-over. hat is
admitted to be a fact, not only by
numerous intelligent Republicans,
but by many icily partisan,
but selfishly calculating operators
in Wall street. Thus, it may be
that Dick which
he has put the election of
Bryan, may bring him in
Violating Revenue Act.
State Treasurer Worth receives
at frequent intervals letters from
business men making inquiry as to
what sewing machine companies
have paid the lice use tax
posed section of the revenue
act of Legislature. It seems
that a small number of companies
which manufacture machines and
have not complied with the law in
the matter of license to do bus-
will at intervals consign ma-
chines to dealers and others
different parts of the Slate and the
consignors ignorant of
the fact that I he company has no
right to do business in North Car-
will sell them mil the viola-
of the law is not discovered
until the agent of
ed company calls at a home where
the machines has been sold
and reports the violation which
invariably do.
of l he general public. Mr.
Worth bat hail prepared the fol-
lowing list of licensed companies
the dales on which their
While Sewing Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio, February
Singer Manufacturing Co.,
Va., April 18th,
New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Mass., June tool.
Wheeler Wilson
July 16th,
New Domestic Sewing Machine
Co., N. J., July
I Co., covers the
The Young Manner
Society asks little of a young
and man except to behave well. If he is
The license of the New maul in looks, If he has a good
Home Sewing Machine Co., covers manner, is civil to his elders, if he
the has any little gift of entertaining
New any he sends a
The license of the Stan-
Sewing Machine Co. covers
the and
A Mite.
few occasionally, looks
is polite, his way will
be smooth to pro-
that he is really a gentle-
He never joins her on a thorough-
fare unless the friendship be an es-
one and only with her
The tiniest mite of in will he stand and
New perhaps, is toe new- with her.
born baby, boy of Mrs. William
of Cedar Brook.
Though a child
with fully developed power em-
its feelings the way that
babies do, this weighed
two ounces lees than two
when he was ushered into the
The usual preparation for the
coming had been made
with motherly care but the mite
disappeared entirely in the
white slips which the
enfolded him. An ordinary
tea cup engulfed his tiny head, and
bis mother's ring made
him a which lay loose
about his arm the elbow,
bis tiny pink toes were like tea-
It is to walk
between two women, to
stare, or look after any one who
has passed.
la public conveyances a man
does pay a woman's fare unless
he is her escort except in
when he must ask if he may.
Introductions are rarely made in
public places or conveyances.
A man precedes a woman when
entering a or public place.
Id a church the lady goes first.
He may precede her up a public
staircase, but in a private house in
descending, he fol-
In picture-galleries, elevators in
public buildings, hotel and
corridors, they being thoroughfares
berries, and his wondering, dark a man retains his hat. In a hotel
eyes like glistened glass beauts.
The little fellow quickly
oped a normal appetite and is
nourishing, but his fond mother
lays she realize that he is a
real, live baby. are
of the average
For Union of Farmers.
Christian Becker in Southern
Farm Magazine, of Baltimore, for
Let the stand in with
each other take care of
selves first. Business would then
turn toward them, cotton would
never sell less than ten cents a
pound, the merchants would
need half their clerks, and a great
many people would have to leave
the town and go to raising their
own bread meet on the farm.
If the farmers would stay at home
and board at the same place they
would have no mortgage forced on
they would owe nothing;
they would sell what they have to
spare when prices suited; they
would more be indirect slaves to
the merchant and the cotton buyer
would lie bosses of the world,
of its slaves, as they are
today. The world does not care
how the farmer gets along just so
the world gets all the farmers make
for small a price as possible.
That is the nature of people. But
farmers live at home they
need not I cotton to pay for their
bread and meat.
Mister Money wink he eye,
K no. Mil, at de
But Mister rise so high
He'll cut my
He tell me, you see
En no
But tie rise en bit de skies
He'll cut my
O Cotton,
I hails you on de way;
Dixie ain't
Atlanta Constitution.
A Tioga old maid that a
man who remains a bachelor must
lie ashamed of his ancestors.
No, Maude, dear, when a man
boasts that he is a sou of the soil it
equivalent to saying his
father's name is mad.
When a gets married she
think so much about the
past she Is leaving behind as she
does about he presents she is go-
to get.
ale. Cures Chills and
aria, Night Sweats and
Money hack if it doesn't.
as mud. Get the kind
Bed Cross on the
January and by
I Bryan druggists.
Standard Sewing Machine
Va., April 1500
I will abort an
I No other
Illinois Bowing Machine Co., the
he removes it if are pres-
If a lady bows lo a man a
restaurant he rises slightly from
his seat in acknowledgment. When
he is with a party, if a lady with
her escort stops to speak lo his
friends he rises remains stand-
she passes He also rises
if a man is introduced to him
when with a stag
If a bachelor shows some little
hospitality it advances him much
in favor. If be has attractive
rooms, or has anything to show,
he may give an afternoon tea or a
chaffing-dish supper. Simplicity is
in order A bachelor's entertain
is usually regarded in the
light of a frolic and his efforts
diligently considered.
A bachelor may live where he
likes without loss of social position,
if he belongs to good club,
which he may only use for the ad-
dress on his cards note paper.
October Home Journal.
A Market street has
discovered that none of his clerks
is too sick to come to work during
house cleaning time.
Always welcome at
Where you can get
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Pants
At Hard lime Prices
. I. Co
II , .
Machine with Mr.
Richmond, Va., January
W. I
. M.
W retail Grocer
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
Suits, Tables, Safes, P.
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Hour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
Mai, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Mac hi , and nu-
other goods. Duality and
cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
or w. cad
, i.
His are
. art,
v ,
Angus, 1901 W
of B.
I. Oat,
N o
Twenty Years Proof.
Li keep the bow-
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Liver Pills
Prospect of Paper Mill.
W. chairman
committee appointed or-
a to operate a pa-
per mill, has ascertained that it
will require to build the
mill and that an additional
in capital will be
It will be remembered
that when the matter was broach-
ed at the press convention Gen.
Julian S. Carr offered to take stock
to the amount of The
Wilmington Dispatch says a gen-
in Raleigh, whose name is
withheld, has offered to subscribe
This gives already
sight one-fourth of the capital
Mr. is in
with parties in the
north in hope of finding a northern
paper manufacturer who will be-
come interested the enterprise.
It would have the patronage of the
North Carolina papers without the
cost of soliciting and that would be
a big from the start.
To show the increase in the
price of white paper since the or-
we may state that it is
a tax of per day the News
Observer All
papers are taxed proportion.
Raleigh Observer.
Night of Hi
of or
w tonic
blood Brines
h pink to pal
add th
of Tooth. Bf mail
. . boa. O for
with our
ox refund paid- hood
tad copy of our
or circular
am for Low of
or Shrunken
M. Fits.
nulls I'm of
mail In plain
MM to can la SO or
a Jackson Kan CHICAGO,
for wile by J L
All SN and for-
to hum with or without gun or
or in any way upon the
of the In Town-
on the north of Creek
J. B. Lima,
J. II.
wife and L
qualified before the
Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt county
of the estate of Henry
notice given to
all persons claims against es-
W to me for payment
Mn or l--f. re tin
of March, or this notice will be
in it law recovery. All persons
to estate are notified to make
immediate payment to me.
the 17th of September 1900.
w M r.
To See
At the old
Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to be found in up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices all of
Country Produce,
either in cash or in When
you want to sell or when yon
to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
pat we promise entire sat
at Five Point
The One Day Our.
Cold in cured by
a- . them.
I is the specific Oils
American ft goal
straight to the of the
Bail, building op health and
strength by supplying
ant food and blood to the
worn-oat loosing the liver
to and regulating all the I
of the body.
lassos Sols am sins,
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
S. I.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
Fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
part and prices as low as
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
modal, or
for c f nation and
of II
Presidential Elector,
of Carteret.
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
When Yon Make Calls.
milking an afternoon call a
usually leaves his overcoat,
cl a s. ck, hat gloves
in in.- hull the
drawing-room. He may if he
chose, carry his hat and stick in-
to the room at a tint or formal call
if it is to be very except at a
reception. Ho removes his right
glove be ore offering to shake
He never offers his hand first,
but waits the invitation of bis
busiest. If she is behind her tea-
table, she may rise to greet him
but gracefully includes him in the
and perhaps bows her
It is an evidence o good breed-
to and leave a room
It is not usual to introduce
guest his entrance to more
than one other. He never shaken
hands when presented to a woman,
but alway when introduced to a
He leave upon the rival of
of other after min-
turning back as little as
possible upon the company and
bowing comprehensively at the
A woman never accompanies a
man to the vestibule, but takes
leave of him in the drawing-room.
It is no longer customary to press
one's guest again.
The lady always gives the
to call. A man must not go-j-
beyond an evident pleasure in her
society by suggestion. Some
time a woman friend will exert her
self him. The sooner the call
follows the invitation the greater
the compliment. A fortnight is
the usual Burton
in October Ladies
Home Journal.
Ga., Sept. 18.--After
I a quarrel which has over
weeks, young of
families, of East Point
a suburb of met this even-
and with pistols. One
of the men, Sheffield Harrington,
was shot in four places, and the
other Waiter Hudson, wounded
once. Both are believed lo be fat-
ally wounded.
It is asserted that both Walter
Hudson and another man at
Harrington. As a result of the
meeting George Hudson is jail.
charge against him,
however, is not made public Four
bullets struck Harrington, one
the thigh from the back.
Harrington tried, time after time,
to fire second shot, but
each time the hammer his
revolver failed to explode the cart-
ridge. Hudson, i is alleged, was
It is to the interest of
merchants, mechanics,
etc., to pull together.
The ion of our business in
country lies in fanning. Mer-
chants should encourage farmers,
for if farmers fail to make good
crops how can they buy from the
merchant and pay him They
should pay the farmer a good price
for his products.
Bankers should also favor the
farmer all they can in advancing
him money. Any combination to
break down the price of cotton is
country. It
interest of all classes our people
and other farm products
to sell well. Manufacturers seek
to down the prices of cotton,
tobacco, etc., that they may gain.
But suppose cotton and tobacco
should sell so low that there is no
profit for farmer, how can he
We are still la the forefront of the race after
We offer you the selected line of
General Merchandise
W Oct.
There win be a ma-
cf not leas lea in the
next That is way
Congressional Cam-
Committee figures it out.
and in doing the figuring allowance
has been made for every reasonable
contingency. Republicans
admit that these figures are
very conservative, and that they
have almost given up hope of re-
control of House.
unless there is n change in public
sentiment amounting almost to a
stampede before election day.
been patting
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
Local Applications, as they
cannot teach seal of dis-
ease. Catarrh is a blood or con-
disease, and la onto to
cure it v., moat lake Internal
remedies. Ball's Catarrh Cure is
taken Internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh is not a quack
medicine. was prescribed by
one of the best this
country for year-., is a regular
prescription. It is composed of
tin heat ionics known, combined
with the be-t blood
directly on the mucous surfaces
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients la what produces such
wonderful results in curing
is,.,,, tree.
Co.; Props.
Sold by Druggists,
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
love with Harrington's sister buy the products of the factory, or
and there were reports they h's or pay his bank
were to be married. These re
were accepted as true for a j cotton is much bet-
lime, but finally Hudson denied twelve months ago,
the truth of the rumor. A few-
days ago the young lady left for
Harrington, it is
said, stated at that time if Hudson
did not go there and marry his
sister be would kill him. Matters
stood in this position as far as re-
liable information is obtained
to day.
A Glut of Cotton.
The shipments cotton for this
port are very heavy now.
day the freight yards of the
the crop is short, and the sup
ply is now limited and will
to be so.
If farmers would rush their
cotton into market so rapidly they
would obtain prices.
There has been is, now a com-
of cotton manufacturers to
beat the of
These manufacturers have made
very large profits the last few
years. Now when they are not
making so much they seek to break
down the price of raw to
the Why
lo be in any store in County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Boring, Summer
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you o
sell you if we can. We oiler the very best sen ice. polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business limit up strictly it own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself lust ice Babcock, has been wholesale claims
out any claim, except In the most
perfunctory way, a republican give more
j majority in the House. On the I votes than he had in
contrary it- chairman, The idea is said to be that such
if you do not see our Immense Stock before elsewhere, his part j for defeat. Among
us and the following lines of general merchandise, the contingencies allowed for by
the Democratic committee arc loss
Goods and Notions,
tic Coast Line were el nag his
cotton, to be discharged, j and then he will be better
Altogether of to the cotton goods when
cotton in the yards and at sidings I manufactured
A Sad, had Sight.
No stronger argument was ever
advanced for the establishment of
reformatory in North Carolina than
a spectacle witnessed at the depot
yesterday morning. A young boy
years old, with handcuffs on his
wrists was in the custody of Deputy
Sheriff Leatherwood, of Haywood
county. The boy was arrested
some time ago for larceny and the
burning of some hay stacks a f
being guilty was
to a year the penitentiary.
The boy had none of the hardened
lines of the criminal in face. It
was an open, frank He was
attired in overalls and a
dirty shirt with splits in it
He gave his name as Jesse
and seemed to feel his position
keenly. The State sends him lo
Raleigh and imprisons him
hardening criminals, re-
making a criminal of
him. A reformatory might make
a man of Truth
The suffer from the ex-
beat can gain flesh at
the butcher shop.
along the railroads for
The railroads are hold-
back the cars as the yards are
already glutted, but it is expected
they will be bought by
row or next day when the cotton
receipts will take a
This great movement of cotton
and the of both coin-
presses give to all the
surplus labor about the city
there is consequently a great scar-
city of labor. The naval stores
men find it impossible to get hands
to load their vessels, and several
ships now taking on cargoes of
spirits turpentine, rosin, tar, etc.,
are detained by the slow process of
loading them with the few hands
that can be picked up. One
naval stores man said yesterday
that it was impossible to gel
With the city from to
laborers at good wages
permanent work, and with the
naval stores people anxious for
hands, there is plenty of
for who can come here
A Cate Of Hoodooing n Durham
There are some colored people
still left who believe in
A case has just come to light in
this city. A colored man who was
sexton at Trinity church lost his
job and another man got it. The
new man, so the story goes, on
occasions found the door
knobs of church whitewashed.
He come to the he
was conjured or that something
would befall him, he throw up
his job and quit.
then look
The same thing was attempted on
him as on the previous one. He
concluded to watch and catch
conjurer. His efforts were reward-
ed by discovering tin t the first
mentioned ex sexton was the party,
and he at once proceeded to turn
the tables and do a little
with a Sun.
Let banks help out, and
let merchants do likewise, all
will be
P. D.
Wilson Times.
The national election is an after
thought. are you for for
is the paramount issue
in North Carolina. I have been
ten days. The day
four button two for
Carr and two for Simmons,
the square as I was waiting on a
street ear. Each had his grip and
was on the run, like Colonel Ben-
Shot steer going through
cane thicket. At Concord I saw
the same kind of men bearing grips
and on the go; at Salisbury,
High Point, Greensboro and Win-
Colonel Gov-
will not get an
of votes a piece, unless
tide turns, though many people are
certain that either would make a
better senator than Mr. Can or Mr,
Simmons. Mr. is popular
the most intelligent
It i superb combined
with his splendid native ability
make him the fittest man for the
E C. Bryant in Char
lotto Observer.
America's Most Artiste House
After two search
and inquiry the general assent of
competent critics decides that the
most artistic house America is
incited one of
tic Slates. The house is
externally and is little heard
of outside certain circles, but it
la Indisputable
in interior decorations and
furnishing. Its owner and
pant has graciously consented I-
reveal its artistic beauties to the
public through The Home
Journal, and two whole pages of an
early issue of that be
devoted to picturing the interior
of this superb home.
Bats and Caps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat. Sugar, Coffee, Lard. Scad Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
will catch voters who wish to be on
the winning side.
seats in New York and Many of the characters in the
which the party managers in Chinese language are very suggest-
those states are confident of of the between
husband and wife, and leave no
Mad as the republican leaders doubt as to the subordinate peal-
I are with the lust of power and ODD- lion which the woman occupies
quest, and determined as they Chinese domestic life. The part
this liberal-loving the Chinaman plays in
n-public into a world conquering his bride is vigorously
empire, founded mi no higher last rated in the world to seize the
than that dominated for woman crouching an-
ages f the Chinese symbol for claws
makes right do not dare to while th character for wife,
publicly that purpose as ; ,,,.,, ., .,., ,,,.,,,,,
plainly as Dungan broom, is evidence of China-
of Ohio, once a democrat, did in a man's opinion with regard to the
I speech made in Washington, proper position of his helpmate in
which be attempted to justify Mr.
his imperialistic
i policy in the Philippines. The
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line., following sentence from Mr. Dim-
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Hither Cash or on Approved reveals the in-
Credit. Our is Honesty, and Square Dealing
Your Friends,
Home Journal
republican policy, dispatch.
which they s.
trying to conceal by general talk
about bettering condition of
the poor natives and improvement
In American
There are four good habits-
punctuality, accuracy, steadiness
Without the first of
Subscribe to The
If you stoves or ranges constructed upon
is wasted. Without
second, mistakes the most hurtful
to our own credit and interest and
that of others may be committed.
my Without the third, nothing can be
opinion, title is fixed only by the well done, and without the fourth
survival of the fittest, is I opportunities of great advantage
Why America is going to rule which
In other words, no
pie s title to their own country
good against the
it is impossible to re-
country, surely persimmon crop
of Americana are not .
ling to enter the 20th
championing such a document.
Representative Livingston, of
Georgia, thus sums up the attitude
Of the two parties towards
recent speech made by Sen-
this statesman
the party, is
opposed to trusts, while the
would do nothing.
Now, tills statement was made lo
intelligent people. It mis Is so,
how could Mark go to Hal
gel from the trusts of
to recognized weather
prophet, hi a sure sign of a hard
Winter. In Person county, near
by. the persimmon crop is poor,
which must Indicate a mild Win-
We have assortment of
climate our
Is reported that J. Q.
Republican nominee for Congress
in district, will be pulled
down, before Klutz gels a chance
scientific principles which are economical, durable, j that city while
an eve had ho Mad It something
and convenient, well beautiful and artistic, look wouldn't
nave got NO Senator Dan ,, ,. . ,.
. . , ., , e hard lo in his
has said there are trusts, c .
, , , ,. , .-star.
knows so does every thinking
for tin-
man that this is
Here is an evidence of the trusts.
This year it takes DO per cent,
more wheat to buy a plow than H
did last year. It per cent
more corn it takes from i to
month more than
it did a year ago. Why is this
It is trusts.
desperate the republican
Two boys near Charlotte were
bitten by a mad dog Tuesday.
trade mark, which is shown upon every genuine
or Range, and do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitutes. ed from their ordered
lead nil others in yearly sales and popularity
gold Exclusively
N. C.
and night Sweats with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic per
bottle. to take. Money
refunded if it fails.
petite, purities blood and makes
you well. None good.
ore getting may .,,,, , the drag
i id Bryan. Ernul
press to Irv I
capital out
Lookout for post
claims. gone
in in S
Headquarters to the party news
papers lo print continually and
during the three
weeks previous to the election par-
claiming talcs to
a id lever is a of Grove's
1.1 I Chill Tonic It is simply
I quinine ill tasteless form
Sc . pay. Price
Dr. D. L. .-
Greenville, N.

Eastern reflector, 2 October 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 02, 1900
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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