Eastern reflector, 25 September 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I am now offering you one of the most complete line.-
at very reasonable pi ices. My line of
which is the of any market are fresh
When you to town give ms a
Your- to please,
Jas. White-
Don't Be Deceived.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which due to Its merit, and aim our vigorous advertising, has
caused others to put the market, which the; are offering
for less money and claiming they are us good the ROYAL
ELASTIC be deceived by We
as arc read at time to com
pare ours with others. It your local dealer does not handle them
write us direct for descriptive pamphlet,
Sole Manufacturers, GOLDSBORO, C
Get a good Safe
for ii. in
Every i i
safe i made in all sizes con-
office and general use,
with a guarantee to be lire
Or more,
Rise o'er the land.
You're up against it, sure;
You known the gall
Of government
Without the consent of the gov-
And we tender yon
Our earnest sympathy.
September is a slob,
That's what it is,
Or it would never loose the key-
To lock the fetters on limbs
give your
A to boom.
What's to you
When all you want is room and
To let your bodies have full sway T
The up may feel the
Of Loon bruins
Your work world wisdom
Call for stuff.
If it were so
That two times two were hop-
two eight
Or geography were a of
Earth's swimming holes,
Or grammar van the study of the
of a boat,
Bo much more gladly would you
True wisdom
Or if the young idea were taught
to shoot
With a shotgun.
How silently you'd
When sad September
Shoved you school.
The grown folk ought to go to
Because do like to play,
And you, who do,
Should be let run
Until you, too, have grown beyond
The play log age
of what is taught
that sot
V . J. the N.
by the Va. r.
Hope is the angel who
beckons onward to golden
Those people who want the
earth will get it the graveyard
when they die.
No wonder nails are high when
so many political lies are to be
fastened this fall.
The in every town
keep up a turmoil which makes
people awful tired.
The Republicans will lose many
a vote by the working of the
Teddy's throat.
The devil has a mortgage on
every man who makes money his
god. The devil has many
It is doubtless true that the
world is getting
skilled the arts lying, stealing
and deceiving.
You can always be happy if yon
listen to the disagreeable things
you hear never let a worry
make your heart weary.
Trade follows the say
the Republicans. Yes, they will
trade the flag for any old thing
give boot besides.
It used to be said that a man's
word was as good as bis bond, but
nowadays his word is much ac
count or his bond
The world is win-
some, the skies always sun-
the flowers ever fair when
loyal golden glow first fills the
s with its soothing sweetness.
When we were
used to think that
everybody was honest and sincere
that what they said was
ways true. We regret to say that
we are not so young now.
than cure. Liver
Pills will not only curt-, but if
taken in time will prevent
Sick Headache,
dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, torpid
liver and kindred diseases.
I Trains.
Price range from up,
Greenville, N. C.
r nil malarial mid ii
Guarantee I chills
ii. troubles. For tale by
Harrington, Barber
. N. V.
aim dinted
tires more people than
Hospital bulletins contain the
news of the weak.
A vain woman is like a street
pi mo- she is full of airs.
who isn't prominent
imagines be will be some day.
A can't learn to play
the violin unless she has a beau.
Now is the time to keep cool.
Don't overburden your liver or
Talk is rather cheap, but
people have a mania for trying to
monopolize it.
Women arc ever the same. Eve
shared the apple with but
ha took the first bite.
If you would keep your enemies
from knowing harm of you,
don't let your friends know any.
It doesn't
is cheap or dear, you always have
to pay the same for a
When you see a young woman
making a fuss a widower's
children, it's a sign that if she
doesn't soon acquire a right to
them it lie her fault.
I Cleveland News,
tot Public Bo.
i on the
schools and can supply what
I. We also have
slant .
Wholesale and retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Cotton Seed, Oil liar
Turkeys. etc. Bed-
, etc. Bed-
-I. double-I ill , Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ha
lens, -tales it,. Parlor
Inks, companion P.
o. A l
Key West cheroots, I
American Reality Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Hoar, Sugar, Coffee. Meat, Soap
I cent, n nice table with den Orange, Apples, Nut
cover I rent, crayons, with ,,., , Candies, Dried
in nice x lead pencil, pen Currents, Raisins,
I , rule, all in nice wood China Ware, Tin and Wooden
at big tablet of , Mara
Copy books to cents Stand-
. boar, i. Good an
s other Quality I
pap. e in mire.
ti see
Cheap for cash. Do,;
A Smile In Bach.
Fans won't be putting on
much longer.
Blank verso is the kind that is
usually on.
When a man tells a girl
he loves her better than any one
else in the world he means next to
There are folks that don't read
folks that don't Do
both you will be better off.
There is a good bit of fiction in
even a cook book
Not until the of time can
us take oar e's.
It isn't always the careless man
who loses his temper.
The shoemaker usually makes a
lasting impression on his custom-
Maude, dear, the Chinese
junks not always Bead in their
men gain reputations as
breezy talkers just because they
are all wind.
The farmer who comes to town
blowout shouldn't his
attention solely to the
When a singer is all wrapped up
in himself he may as well go the
limit and use his vocal chords for
Hosiery i multitude of
The may have a strong
pull, but that doesn't indicate
that he should enter politics.
The most agreeable people in
the world arc those who never
have any opinions of I heir own.
Ho, Maude, dear, the nurse's
costume is not designed with a
train, despite the fact that there
are trained
The man who write poetry
isn't in it with the mun who can
write checks.
Children gossips should be
seen and not heard.
the woman with a sharp
voice may be flattered.
in taking a
man at his
When it, leave a
man natural helpless.
The ind his customer
often Indulge in a join debate.
The in is too often
an inter a lion mark following a
it natural for crooks to be
There is in a clock than
pears on the face of It.
pawnbroker is the advance
agent of most theatrical
Two heads am not batter
one if they happen to be in the
tow ahead at the
The supply backbone had
been exhausted when
was made.
The Railroad World asserts that
American as a rule, get
no profit on their passenger
i. it says,
in to furnish a reasonable ac-
to the public, must
a great of its passenger
trains with too few to
pay the actual train expenses. It
must make enough profit on its bet
pat trails to make up
for this loss and leave a margin of
profit besides, else its
traffic cannot be said t j be on a
satisfactory basis. Taking the
United States as a whole, only a
little over one fifth of the total
earnings of railroads are derived
from truffle. A large
proportion of American railway-
lines are conducting their passer
at a loss, while others
are merely He
riving no profit proportionate to
the investment and the volume of
With regard to
the roads in our own section, we
have heard it said that the Sea
board conducts its passenger bus
at a heavy loss that that
of the Southern barely pays ex
If this is true as to the
latter, then Its branch lines must
be poorly patronized, for surely the
of the main
line must be profit-
able, nearly all of its trains
crowded. We do know-
how it is, but it is noticeable that
when a railroad adds a new train,
to accommodate business
it rarely ever takes it off. Rut
there are things about the
business that seem odd to a lay-
instance a railroad
company should pay the
Company for the privilege of haul-
its cars, instead of the
paying the railroad company for
this Observer.
go gee gs.
At the old Marvel us Moore
on Five whet we have
just opened a new and fresh
lock of
and Groceries
Consisting of Meals, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to be found in an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices for all kinds of
you to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor wit their
patronage we promise sat
at Five
of Superior Court
J Administrator of lb. of
deceased, notice u to
holding es-
present to me
duly on or before the 16th
of March, 1901, or this notice will be
w bar of recovery. All persons
indebted to estate are notified to
to inc.
This day of September 1900.
U this gnat
Doctors bicycle
dealers real Male cotton buyers
coal and wood d
dealers, open houses,
others; the
Law of
North Carolina for year 1899 re
the first Monday
to out license .
June each year. Please attend to toe mat-
once and save trouble.
U. M. Moon is.
Sheriff Pitt
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Night and
Money back if it doesn't.
No other as good. Get the kind
with Red Cross on the lab.
Sold guaranteed by Woolen,
Bryan and Ernul, druggists.
Vitality, u.
of Urn.
a II of fa or
pink slow to
By decree of the Superior
of I county In the case of W. at.
and others Jason .,
wife Annie u. .;. for
will sell before Court House
door m Greenville Monday the 17th day
of Sept. 1900, described price,
parcel or lot of land situated in town of
die N. C. Beginning at W, O.
tore lot at a post on Wilson and run-
Sooth weal poI and t links to
a on W. Lang's line, S.
poles and links to a post in Eli
Williams line, then North fast poles
links Wilson St. thence
with street Merit Wat poles
and link, to the known
the livery stable lot.
Th Is Aug.
of Superior court of Pill
a, to the last Will and
of W. K. notice is
hereby given to all persons holding claims
against the estate of said W. K.
to them to me for payment or
W or this
notice will be plead la law of their recovery,
all indebted to said estate era re-
to make immediate to mt
This toe day of July 1900
of the last testament of W. K.
, , , the Superior Court.
J J. Cherry. Jr., against Maggie Beasley
Maggie Beasley Cherry
will take notice that mi action entitled as
MM, baa been Superior
Court of Pitt County, returnable alike
term Court to be Ike Court
in Greenville, the Second Monday
after the First Monday In September, 1900,
at v. Inch time and place will appear
and or demur to the
which will be deposited in Hie of the
Superior Court Clerk of said County, and
the said defendant will take that if
she fall to answer or demur to said com-
plaint n that term. plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demanded
therein. The mud will further
lake notice that the said action Is
by the to obtain divorce from
the mi,
Given under my hand at Green-
ville on 8th day of August
C Moore,
am t. in-.
par I
Of. for
to ear
paid. Scud for circular
i bankable bond.
ears for Lon of Power,
Um Tobacco,
r mall in plain Bl
-.-. . .,. or
B mm in plain Bl-00 a
for our roar-
For by J L
Victor. George
named will take
notice that an action as above has
MB commenced -n Superior Court of
Pitt county to obtain a divorce from the
hoods matrimony; and the defendant
will farther take notice that he
lo at the next term of the Superior
Court of said county to held on the sec-
after Monday In Sept.
tn of Sept., 1900,
at the Court in
an or demur to the complaint in
aid or the will hi the
Court for roller demanded in com-
This the 30th day of May 1900.
D- C. Moore,
,, Superior Court,
r. O
will pay ,.,. for any cast
Nick Headache
we can
not with lbs list.
I ill, when tho are
with. They are slid
sire II.,; v ,,,,,
, no pun. He Boas,
boss, IS phis, lie wars
Sent by Main,,, taken
. and
l For by
At Cost.
Our entire stock
Dry Goods, Domestics,
Notions, Shoes, Ac.
V. I. M Co
Steamer leave Washing-
ton at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave dally at
M. for
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
at ii A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New and
ton, for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C,
Greenville, N. C.
Cotton Bagging and lies always
Fresh goods kept en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
W. R,
The Stock complete In every de
I no and prices low
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
j. a.
------DEALER IN------
Also a nice of Hard ware.
The On, Day Cold Our.
As Mart
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
National Ticket.
of II
Presidential Hector, 1st Pat.
of Carteret.
For 1st
of Beaufort.
Hon. P. M Refutes
moderate practice. neither lob-
in the last Legislature, nor
with its members sub-
connected with
not to general
such as the Constitutional
Amendment, the Election Law,
I am sure no of the
Legislature of 1899 will
this statement.
During the last three years,
I in Raleigh, my
whole income all sources has
been barely to support
my family, although we live
My entire estate,
belonging to my wife, would
probably bell for more than
seventeen or eighteen thousand
dollars it is by
unpaid mortgages of over three
years standing for
dollars. Even my home is
gaged half its purchase
do my banking with
Citizens Bank of this
For three years the enemies of
Democracy, with evil and vicious
eyes, have turned the searchlight
inspection upon my life
character. In the midst of it all I
have no
quarters none. I ask
none now, but there is a difference
between injustice from foes and
injustice from friends. The form
may be regarded with
the latter is shaper than a
My Democracy is without
stand i square
and for every principle
and declaration in our platforms,
State and National, and Mr.
Bryan, the great leader of our
There is a well and large-
successful movement certain
pins of tho State to
against favor of
my certain interests
which, though usual-
acting with the Democratic
Party, are out of sympathy with
city, its books will show I actually hostile to some of its
Falls, N C.
I am in receipt of
your recent favor, in which you
say it is against
me, as an aspirant for the Senate.
First, that Senator Vance op-
posed my confirmation as Collector
upon grounds derogatory lo my
Second, that I am charged wit
being a secret agent of the South-
Railway Company, and it
and other corporations have been,
and are now, paying me large sum
of money to protect interests
as a lobbyist and and
you express the opinion, in which
I concur, as I am a candidate
for their the people are
entitled to know facts with
reference to charges,
In reply, I beg to say that Sena-
tor Vance's opposition to my
was not based upon per-
grounds and no charge
against my personal character was
made in connection with that mat-
At the time of my appoint-
Collector, Vance,
the other Senator
and all the democratic congress-
men from North Carolina, favored
me. The subsequent opposition of
Senator Vance to my
arose out of
with the appointment of the
Collector for the Western District
of North The records of
the Senate and the delegation in
Congress from this at that
time will bear out t statements.
With reference lo the second
charge to which you refer, I beg
to say it is not true that am
attorney agent, either secret, or
other of the Southern
road. I have never appeared for
that railroad in any capacity. It
has never paid, me a cent of
in my life, except a
made to me as Chairman of
the Committee in which was
spent for benefit of the party.
On the contrary, have appeared
and am appearing against It ma-
suits. During the last three
since I to
law in Raleigh, I have been of
counsel in recovering a number of
judgments II, one of them
for as much its three hundred
dollars, and now appear of
In quite a number of
against it, in which my clients
claim damages for from thirty to
forty thousand dollars. I am also
of counsel against it the tax as-
It Is not line that I am, or have
at any time been, u secret or
attorney for or
person, nor I am a lobbyist,
nor that I have at time been in
receipt of any personal Income
twin source whatever except
legitimately to any
North Carolina lawyer enjoying a
have not had to my personal
at onetime during the last two
years as much as one thousand
When the campaign of this year
closed, the committee was very
much behind. There were a
of urgent bills to Ire met, for
which I was responsible. I
rowed, upon the endorsement of a
from the
Farmers Bank of this city, one
thousand dollars gave it to the
Committee as my contribution to
the campaign.
Painful as it is to do so, I deem
it proper to make this
about my private affairs that
people of the State may see how
unjust and cruel are the charges
which it is being sought to
injure and destroy my reputation.
the last three years I
have given to the Democratic
a year of my time w any
compensation, having actually
rowed money to pay, in part, my
expenses while engaged in this
work, and I ha-e also given to it
this year more than one-seventh of
I have done this
and if my State should ever again
into the horrible
from which it has res-
cued, and again wish my services
I shall not answer not now, but at
a more season. I have
not made, and do not to
make any demands the party
for the sacrifices. A party has a
right to expect, in time and money
sacrifices from its adherents, bill
no party exigencies can require the
sacrifice of a man's character.
During the last three years
have heaped upon me a
degree of slander and vituperation
which before fell
the lot of any man the Stale I
have borne these with pa-
counting myself fortunate
that I was considered worthy to
suffer the name of the for
which I was struggling. This
abuse has been directed me
not as an individual, but I
have denounced by the
mies Democracy everything
done by the Democratic
which has pleased them.
It seems that these charges
made by the e
revamped are circulated
to my detriment by men in my own
party, because, forsooth, I am
the way of the ambition of their
favorite. So be It, am not the
only victim. Others, yea
of others, have felt tho mailed
band of a which brooks no
opposition to the
of its purpose, and which, though
it was not has recently
become In country a power
mightier him-
principles and policies, and more
or less unfriendly to our candidate
for the Presidency. I have
apologies to make o for
my advocacy of principles of
the Democratic National platform,
nor for my earnest admiration and
support of Mr. Bryan. I stand for
principles separately and
collectively; apart of
but for each them.
I am that my position in these
regards is fully understood in
North Carolina, because I do not
to secure man's vote
upon false
Very truly yours,
F. M
We arc still in forefront of the ran after your
We offer you the selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found Store Pitt County. Well bough
selections, the creations of the best of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring. Bummer
We are work for yours aid our Mutual ad-
Vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want and to
sell it otter you the very lie-t sen ice. polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with
established business built up strictly on its own merits
Cotton and Cotton Good-
Bad American.
and are
confronted by the same
This is how make low-priced
goods out the high-priced cotton.
There are mills this section
which have contracts which cannot
lie filled except a loss, some of
these contracts based OB cotton as
low a B and it is doubtful
if the best managed mill could
buckle and tongue buying
cotton at prevailing prices and sell
Its product from clay at
Its market price. However, the
mills have bad a good
Slate of Ohio, of Toledo, I
County. I
Frank stake, oath
in- la senior partner of
J. doing
in the City of Toledo,
and State afore said, and
said will pay the sum of
one hundred dollars for each and
every case of Catarrh
be cured by the of Halls Ca-
Iii before me and sub-
scribed in my presence, this
day of December, A. l MM.
A. W.
Notary Public
I Cure i- taken inter-
and acts directly on blood
land mucous surfaces of the system,
times, and can afford to run for a Is,.,,, free.
, Co.; Props.,
time v, ii ; .
them, at a small loss.
They will all. of course, desire lo
running, since suspension
of labor and
if machinery. It is likely, too
the law compensation will
op us
you come to market you will not do justice j apply that there will l
a. . . . V ill t.
it lien hi ,. .---------
if you do not see our Immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us the following Hoes of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Caps. Silks and Satins.
Jackets Capes, Carpets, and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. and
Harness, Horse and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coif.-e, Bead ts,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
a nut
adjustment conditions.
Cotton is apt decline in price or
cotton goods advance.
i- much more probable as ii Is
much more to be desired. The
crop i- short, the best
Sold ,. Druggists,
Hull's Family PR's are the best.
The awful held over us
In Representative White, colored,
of second i i of this state,
If courts uphold the con-
amend men move
t i New York and that
The Those
of them who contemplate going
with Col. White to New York will.
along with him, be interested in
the following story in The
New York correspondence,
Sunday, of a parade of a colored
The oilier night the
Club paraded. For the size
club, or for of
paraders, it bad biggest escort
i of police eve teen this town.
estimates placing ii not above
bales, and with a
only this and an Increasing
demand, as the world's population
Increases and trade opportunities
expand, cotton is more likely to
advance ill price than to decline,
But until the adjustment above re-
to takes place situation
Severe Wind Storm
A severe fact, a
over a portion of
Wake and Franklin counties Sat-
and wrought
havoc. It is from Wake
Forest to that the
most severe damage thus far re-
ported was done. The path of the
hurricane was very narrow, rang-
from sixty to a hundred feet.
The most serious damage was at
where the Methodist
and Baptist churches were
as was a
completion, several
residences badly wrecked. A
woman, whose name could
lie was seriously in-
by falling timbers when her
house succumbed to fury of
At Wake Forest office of
Mr. J. the superintend
cut in charge of the new cotton
null there, was blown down and
the plans for the factory so badly
damaged as to necessitate
i-t. The scaffolding about the
walls was also blown down.
Raleigh Post.
Mr- for
marked impetus to
the educational spirit in North
Carolina, it is gratifying to
observe which indicate that
public in behalf
of of our
pie is not to I permitted to sub-
side. The press of the Stale is
alive lo tho importance of the sub
the favor with which Mr.
cock's pleas behalf of the
of the State were received d
rated the people are
ready for larger taxes for
school facilities, we
that Legislature will lie res-
to the public sentiment.
It's duty in the matter lie
too strongly urged upon this
failure to this
will bring with it disappointed
Headquarters for Furniture and everything In
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
Dr. Hunter
men and the dram and life
escort consisted of ten policemen
front fourteen behind, and
Presidential ticket
The country has a larger supply
a greater variety of
tickets than it Was ever bless-
ed with before. An en dozen of
them have been placed upon the
k co.
Ellis, of Ohio; Samuel T. Nichol-
son, of Pennsylvania.
Ii is impossible lo imagine why
some tickets were
or object their
hope to accomplish.
Bryan and Stevenson arc backed
political bullet in id, there by three parties, honor winch
may be one or two more other ticket ever
The list stands as follows up to enjoyed before.
Of minor tickets
president, poll the largest vote, but
Ham of for vice a mere trifle compared
president, Theodore Roosevelt, of to the vote cast for the two big
There is my closet.
New York.
Adlai B. Stevenson,
of Illinois.
Silver Republican William
Bryan, of B.
of Illinois.
Fusion Populist J.
Bryan, of Nebraska; Adlai B. St
Mid Populist
Darker, Of Ignatius
Donnelly, of Minnesota.
of Illinois; Henry B. Of
Social Democrat V.
nay, of Valentine
United B.
of Iowa; Charles M. Sheldon
if Kansas.
Bryan, Nebraska; no endorse
National- Donaldson
of M Howe,
Hunter who was Stone
wall Jackson's medical director
died his country home near
to day, from the of a
stroke of paralysis sustained six
months ago. He was one of I lie
most eminent surgeons
He was born in Mo-
1835, and received Iii-
education there and at
He beaded move-
to some III
medical during
to John
raid; had tilled of
surgery Medical College . r
Virginia, rounded tin-
College of Medicine hen. He
of several
taut medical works, bad served
leading position its medical and
organizations of the country and
was chairman of I he historic coin-
Camp, of
hundred, including do
along the sidewalks.
average of and a
fraction to each parader,
and will indicate to our
bow hospitable a welcome awaits
then, in New Ob-
a merchant, a m
all agent, a professional until or
other who depends on
patronage of the bare
prepared to do business, it will
ill be to tho fullest
to the people know
fact According to the experience
the successful men whose
have been with the gen-
public, the heal way
I to this is by ad-
Where May The
A former heavy in the
magazines explains ti- great
off In volume of
Hie monthly periodicals.
He says most of those persons
who purchase extensively live In
cities and small commit-
the cities; and as scores
these people read a newspaper
to every one who looks
he and many others
It profitable to do all their
the newspapers. Virtually
all leaders arc also new-
paper readers. Bee-
A number of traveling men
were in yesterday, and
while depot waiting for a
train, discussed politics. A
expressed themselves having
been lo but
bad seen their error and were
Kl-cw hi in this paper appears to support him in No-
the letter of T. J. Jarvis They said it was just
his candidacy for the tin-way all over that
States Senate. The reader I the tide was turning the
Our- Letter
You can't convince sonic mar
Women the noblest work
is man.
men arc so they don't
like to bear about a run on the
of like tilings it Is better to
give than receive arc B plugged
bad cigar and advice of
tiny old
of Ibis Utter call not fail to be
Impressed with its and the
plane upon which
place- bis candidacy. Accord
lo all Other candidates the
same pin asks for himself,
and without a word or murmur
one. be place- ins can-
before the Democratic
voters purely upon his own merit.
If there is a man in North Cam
i Democratic party
return for services rendered,
man is Gov. Jarvis, Always lo
of light, be has
bis lime and efforts In every
campaign for the
ask bit
Idler reading, and that
his candidacy may receive the con-
pie were
of tho and would
lone- in I he election. Win-
Free Press.
and Sweats with Hubert's
Tasteless chill Tonic at par
bottle. Pleasant lo lake. Money
refunded If ii fails,
petite, purifies blood and makes
well. None us good
Sold and the
fever is a bottle Of Grove's
Ionic. It IS Simply
iron quinine form
It's a the teller
the doesn't tell all he
No pay
Dr. D.
N . O.
over White

N. C.
Entered at the
Greenville, C,
Mail Matter.
Post Office at
as Second Class
What is Well,
every time you lick a stamp to put
on a check or a telegram,
comes forcibly borne to you.
Do like its
In both and Maryland,
the peach crop has enormous
but in neither state have the grow-
reaped the as the can-
trust, which buys three-
fourths of the output, refused to
pay more than a bare starvation
price for the fruit.
His Candidacy Far
He, C, Sept.
I have so lung enjoyed the
of its adversity and defeat as well
as in the days of its pr .-peril and
While the Democratic thy heart learn
always has and always will,
. . ,, Before thy feet could torn
reward Us young men, it The
never has and never will, my sin could wound thy breast,
judgment, close its doors to its Or sorrow wake the tear;
faithful veterans. The I We to thy home rest;
of today will l the veteran celestial
Little Paul, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas Mr Arthur, died at
and of the Demo of tomorrow and the party will, in
Press of the State that I con- j of opportunities,
ask the use of its columns I do to both and fittingly re-
word with the Democratic i each if, therefore. I have
voters. I shall publish this letter to the Dem-
Thousands of voters
colonized in West Virginia
and Kentucky, in preparation for
the election this fall. If either
state permits its be stolen
this means, it will deserve the
sort that it will as-
It is bard to Satisfy some people.
Mr. Bryan spoke on Imperialism
and charged
with abandoning free silver
and other issue. Then be spoke
us silver and that be
afraid to tackle the Sow
ha- on trusts, and they
be la so diffusive in bis
loves he cannot be devoted to
One of the meanest rec-
hat been perpetrated by the
Office. Recently. Director
Merriam promises promotion to all
clerks who should certain
amount of work Nun bun
in mg home paper and I respect
fully and earnestly request all
Democratic papers to give it to
their readers. I am so
they will do me this favor, no mat
whom they prefer, that beg to
them in
On the 4th of March, 1901, some
Democrat will Use his seat as
the Senator from Carolina,
the greatest body on
earth. Who that man shall be is
for you to say. It is the first time
the of our party, this
State, when you have had the op
of determining such a
question by a direct vote, at a
Primary election, held for that
pose. For one I believe this
method indicating our party's
choice for Senator; I trust this
Primary, in all its phases from start
to finish, will be a
manner so fair and honorable as to
be free from complaint above
criticism; and that the system will
itself to all fair minded
in the rule
of the people. I a special in-
the this system
because I believe l the first
man in the State to publicly
it. Since then it baa grown
in popular favor, the last
Convention of our party, it
was adopted and ordered to be
held. I therefore beg modestly to
By that I WOUld be glad to be the
Senator chosen by this
and I hereby announce myself
a candidate km that high
in making this announcement I
am aware that I am aspiring to n
high and responsible position. A
Senator is not only charged with
the duty of taking part in the dis-
and determination of great
questions national importance.
but be is a part of the treaty
of these have attained log power, and upon his action
the required proficiency only to
find that they will get no promo
unless they also bring
to bear upon Director Mer-
Loss About Two Thousand
J. I. kins Co. .;
lost their entire mill plant by fire
Wednesday night about J o'clock.
The mill first caught
o'clock when it
in I the lire though From this class of bar distinguish
at the time, and to ed citizens out State has
depend important events in our
foreign relations. There arc but
few fields which open up so great
opportunities labor, usefulness
and the Senate of the
States. I trust I properly
tho dignity the
of the position I am seek-
I am also aware that it has
the policy of our State to choose
her most experienced and best
equipped men for this high
lion and these grave duties. The
that these had already
held high offices was not a
but a help to their selection,
again, But that it was
stopped temporarily a the
fire rekindled against and
bad gained such bend way that
was Imp i when dis
I he is foil hale of
cotton, and bush-
els cotton one plaining
mill, one grist mil . -r and saw
mill, estimated at
Mr. Perkins tells a be
the I; in at
and have one the
veterans, I do not believe
that a generous and just people
will allow me to cast aside on
If this coveted prize is to be the
reward of party service then I may,
I believe, ask to lie allowed to en-
the race. For more a
third of a century I have been in
the thickest of our party's battles,
the several campaigns from
to 1900 will testify to the
fact that I have worked as hard for
party success when I was not a can-
as when I was. Indeed I
have only twice been the nominee
the party in the State at large
for office, once TO when I was a
candidate for Lieutenant Governor
and in I was a candidate Gov-
but there has not been a
State campaign in which
I did not take an active part, and
do my full share of the work, except
the campaigns of when
I was out of the country. But, if
the consideration of party service
is to be limited to the last two
campaign then I believe I can make
u respectable showing without
detracting from the services of
others. these two campaigns all
did their duty, as it was given to
them, from our able faithful
Chairman down to the township
the great Dailies
to the teaming no
one HUM has a monopoly of the
victory, our won its heroic
and determined effort to establish
aim maintain good
I have not shall not have
one word to say against the worthy
gentlemen who are contesting for
this high honor. They have
wrought we for their party and
their State; and they deserve well
Of both. They have a right to be
candidates if they desire, and I
have no right to complain of them
for it. We all have a common en-
whose policies tend to under-
mine endanger the very
of this and which
if not checked w ill time convert
it into oligarchy, if not an em-
I shall reserve all my
and denunciations for this
common Republican
This is the only last word I
shall have to say for myself. All
time lean spare the
ties upon which my daily
depends, will lie given to speak-
for Bryan and Stevenson and
our candidates for the House of
Representatives. While would
be glad to be chosen it is
not the only thing that gives me
concern. that the
of our party in November is
to the welfare of our conn-
BI. Monday,
Age four a d one half months. In
the of their pastor. Dr.
the burial was conducted
by X. M. Watson. The inter-
was made Tuesday afternoon
in the family burial ground
ten miles from Greenville.
Superior Court.
The following case have been
Aaron Cox, resisting officer,
guilty, judgment suspended on
of costs.
Arthur Forbes, larceny, pleads
guilty, judgment suspended on
payment costs.
Aaron Cox, assault with deadly
weapon, guilty, judgment
on payment of costs.
Alonzo Williams, assault with
deadly weapon, guilty, six months
in jail to be assigned to the roads
Edgecombe county.
James Brown, resisting officer,
guilty, also guilty of assault with
deadly weapon.
River, larceny, guilty,
suspended on payment of
Jason Joyner Spencer
conspiracy, guilty, judgment
U. S.
I My Mm
I received your nice
long letter written in Milwaukee
I and enjoyed it very much. I hope
the papers will come soon, so I can
read all about the Mother's Con-
I know you enjoyed your
I trip out West. I also had two let-
I from father recently.
know the papers give you
much later news than I can write
of the developments out here, but
nevertheless I think it will interest
all at to hear of my
visit to the scene of the battle at
the fall of that
city I took a days off and went
to the scene action, but no
words can give an idea of what I
aw. I left here on a tog one
and went to on
the Ho river, where the V.
S. Monocacy is anchored. A tug
there about midnight for
T.-in, about sixty miles distant by
the river, but only half of
that by rail, f had to sleep on the
deck of the tug, but even that did
yesterday. We hear many reports
Peking, but I think up to
this time the ministers are living,
although they are likely to be
killed at any time. The powers
are still working in apparent
I have a few very interesting
A large Chinese flag
from one the arsenals the
walled city, an old pistol, a rifle
and a sword belt. They are very
interesting If I can get them home,
and put them with the Spanish
flag the Filipino flag I sent
you from Manila. I wish I could
be with yon all at and
hope I may be there in one more
year, though it is not certain.
With a great deal of love for all.
Your devoted son,
Lyman Gotten.
from tin-
which were braced to the brick I'm already bad lbs party's
the hollers, a and the people's honors to a
heavy and also to the degree, and I
men who became great Senators
I . Dose name- we love to revere.
and whose services are a part of
om country's While I
cannot hope to reach the eminence
held by I shall constantly
endeavor, if chosen, to attain a
,,, i , creditable to myself and
honorable to my state. And may Stevenson will mean the break-
I not point to my brief service f,, the lightening grip of the
the Senate as an earnest of eon- setting free in
effort to State and now en-
people faithful and well. them; and the bring
of our
government to the safe moorings
not disturb me, and at light I
turned out to see what was to be
We were then about twenty
miles from but every-
where could be seen the evidences
of war. soldiers
encamped or on the march, and
last, but not least, lots of dead
Chinamen floating down the river,
while scores of dogs watched them
Murphy, of Snow Hill, ware here
and made several p
of buggies and wagons
Work has commenced on the
High School building.
Lumber has nearly all been placed
on the grounds, the brick laid for
its foundation and much of
the framing work completed. It
will be very handsome appear-
and people feel a deep in-
in Its success.
Elder W. I. will hold
regular services in the Missionary
Baptist church today and
row, both morning and evening.
Rev. A. D. of Ayden
preached here the Academy
last Sunday evening. He is of the
Methodist church.
Mrs. C. A. Fair has received
her fall stock of millinery and the
ladies are invited to call and ex-
Mrs. Fair is an
milliner and has reason to
believe she can suit all who may
honor her with their patronage.
If you wish to see something nice
and pretty call before her goods
have been picked over.
N. C, Sept., 22nd. j
We receipt of E. T. Fault's
Liberal inducements will be of-1 ,
any worthy enterprise
suitable location in a prosper-1 The of of
well Surrounded country., the
These inducements hold good only a copy lot
cents to any one who will mention
this notice and For two
cents to pay postage they will send
suspended upon payment of cost. I from for
Henry and
disturbing religious and
not guilty , m made
guilty, judgment suspended ft
upon of costs. I
Clayton Harrow, assault with; g drew , or
deadly Weapon, guilty, months I . here
county jail with leave to a were going
I coming, while on the river
Clayton Rat row, carrying con of were at
weapon, guilty, judgment
supplies for the troops. I found
Hoyt Little, bigamy, guilty, j my r g Marine bead
years jail with leave to hire and got a friend of mine
. who was there at the light to show
Mai Brown, assault with deadly me We took in the
weapon, guilty, six months in jail
with leave to hire out.
shade Adams and Hob Johnson,
assault with deadly weapon, guilty,
Adams, pay all costs, Johnson
John assault with
deadly weapon, guilty, four
months jail.
foreign settlement that was
baffled by the Chinese for so long
a time. Everywhere we saw ruins
and soldiers. Large store houses
wrecked by shells and burned, trees
down and even the walls left
standing were peppered with
balls. Then we crossed the river
went over to the railroad
earning conceal- of
ed weapon, guilty, judgment jawing
upon payment costs. platform a
Marion Perkins, carrying of seldom
weapon, judgment to ., We were the
Upended upon payment of costs. ,
Sam Brown, assault with city f .
weapon, guilty, days in
with leave to hire out. , of
Van Harris and mi, ,,
affray, guilty, each and j Two were
still standing, but were mere
which you could
scarcely lay your hand without
a bullet hole, It was cs
to those that are worthy. No
will be given consideration.
is the time to sell your cot-
ton seed. A. O. Cox is paying the
highest cash prices. Bring them
along. He will buy all you have
for sale.
Small farms and town lots de-
located for sale on reason-
able terms by A. Cox. II yon
wish to make a good investment
see him at once.
Our town seems to have a de-
appearance for the last few
days owing to the of
of our male population, who are in
attendance court at Green-
ville. Some of us arc still here,
however. And thank goodness the
girls are here too So it's all right.
We are satisfied.
in on has added a nice as-
of shoes to his line of mer-
He does a nice
thing here is so busy there
is no time for dying or getting mar-
lied but the courting list is never
forsaken. We are indeed a pros-
happy people. It you
don't believe it come down and
live among us see.
R. H. Hunsucker went to Kin-
yesterday. That is a mighty
nice place for some folks,
take honey in their's
Prof. John of Lumber-
ton, was here yesterday.
Messrs Patrick and Will
Cm .
Maggie Nelson in
Miss returned to
It. H. the Dies Hat.
m, j not be said in
wan la town Monday. that the training and
pointed out by Washington and
I have BO organization I
shall not try to affect one. I shall
send printed tickets to our
Chairmen and request them to
cause these tickets to be placed,
through their us
hi to retire to private life. I
acknowledge with feelings of the
gratitude that I have
greatly honored, affirm
Sept. that have tried to lie true and
faithful to the public interests in
town today. I every it baa ban various
to me. While the fact I have to the voters
held these positions is being urged the Primary. Th s
is a reason why I have bad all our county Chairmen
county and
n, ices w ill i do, without any
ed weapon, guilty, judgment
pended payment of costs.
Charlie guilty,
days jail with leave to hire
Charlie carrying con
guilty, judgment
C. Tuton, assault with deadly
weapon, guilty.
John assault with
deadly weapon, guilty, and
Penny Barrett Helen Lucas,
affray, guilty, judgment suspend-
ed upon pa;, men of costs.
Will Page, assault with an at-
tempt to commit rape, guilty,
years in State prison.
II. and . D. I gamed have on-
, , , , , . and I U-g to tender my
on business. the better me . dis t
i he barrel here will the grave duties tote toe matter I am
gin work let. devolve upon a is with the Democratic
Baker and D. A. I In it this is the It is for to say who
am In , , ,. . ,. . shall be Senator, While I shall
he young . r
. i i . i . T Hold in those
barge crowd here do not understand by this that the who may
excursion train for Wilmington day has come, in the history of Hike any interest, in any way, in
returned morning, our party, when the door of honor I shall cherish no ill
able reward is to to s
The with the have been and true in ,
fill actor is that it's all work and storm sunshine and who
no play.
have fought its battles the days
in the roof of one of
these houses v, ere no less than six
thousand shot holes, large and
i small Below us were the trenches
occupied by the allied troops pro-
the station. Scattered over
the ground were shells,
pieces of and rifle balls.
It was indeed impressive sight.
the afternoon we out to the
walled city. All the way out,
four miles, as we wound our
way among the ruins, here and
there could he a Chinaman
viewing in silence what prob-
ably a few days ago bis home,
thankful to have escaped with his
a of their publications
containing thirty pages. Address
E. T. W. 29th street
New York.
New Home
Sewing Machines
If you need a Machine see me
at H. C. Hooker's store, or write me
Timber. Will pay from to
per cord for same, F. O. B.
Goldsboro, N. C.
THIS WOOD must be round,
nearly free from knots, and sawed
off at both ends. Will take fee
Folks I and feet long and as small as
inches in diameter at small end,
but no smaller.
J. H.
N. C
Points Higher.
Means 1-4 Cent per pound more for your
assault he probably realizes that the
deadly weapons, guilty,
suspended of costs.
Henry assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Will Lea and Sam Cobb, Bur-
hands of the foreigner know how-
to wreak vengeance and that soon
will hare to beg for
mercy from those hands.
In the walled city was a
guilty, Cobb not of ruins. After looking
to three years around, awhile, we went up on
y. wall got a birds-eye view
Chas. Smith, larceny, guilty, of the battle field and city. Their
impended. . position looked almost impregnable.
arson, not The walls are thirty feet high and
John Jane Cox, twenty feet thick while the conn-
pleads guilty, I try is almost as flat as a
suspended upon table. The wonder is that in
of costs, mil pros as to Jane this walled city did not
resisting officer,. lose more it does seem
not guilty. to practically wipe out of ex-
a city of over a million
Some never think of mar-
until they begin to lose their
habitants, and which i. almost as
old as the hills.
The advance on Peking began
We have just established Greenville one of the best equipped
Gins to be found in Eastern North Carolina and solicit your ginning.
We turn out the beet cotton you can get anywhere but our charges are
no higher than others. BRING US COTTON.
Northern Markets,
Pattern Hats
Yours to please,
Misses ERWIN
I am Back
From the North
The New Goods are
Coming Right Along.
As usual My Store Leads in
Quality and Price.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
to Work.
R. Greene O. Hooker have
got the at their in
good working order now and the
is doing work. They
are ready for people to bring on
their cotton now.
W. C. Hines has re opened
restaurant on Evans street.
Election draws nearer and
Bryan Stevenson club yet.
Anybody loafing now it is
own fault. There is work for
who want it.
From China.
The Reflector has the pleasure
today of giving its readers
Interesting letter from I Ly
man Gotten. It was written to his
mother from China, where he has
been during much of the war with
that country. All will read the
letter with much interest.
. S. M. store will be
closed Monday Sept.
one month to the State fair
at Raleigh. The railroads are an-
Register of Deeds Moors issued
five marriage licenses the past
week, all for colored couples.
Horse shoeing by a first-class
white workman, at W. O. Barn-
hill's shop avenue.
The Greenville Light Infantry
was out Friday evening. Tho boys
are getting in good trim.
Miss Leggett will be
Farmville the first of October with
a big line of millinery. Wait for
Way out the west they
have commenced putting on winter
airs. have actually had a
snow storm.
This little touch of cooler
reminds us that wood-pay-
log can begin tilling
up our wood house.
We do not remember a summer
when country have been so
scarce and hard to get as during
the last month or so.
The Sunbeams lawn party at the
J. N. Booth Friday
night, was a lair success. A large
crowd was present and a nice sum
Tho ladies especially will de-
lighted with tho fall opening dis-
Ky by J. B. Cherry Co.
27th. All are cordially
Mrs. M. A. millinery
will be more up to-date, liner and
cheaper ever before. Every
body Invited to call and sec my
fall winter stock of
The different lodges of Green
made liberal
to relieve the distress of their
brethren at There are
ties which make the whole world
Mr. F. C. general
manager of the Carolina
Telephone Company, U here
with a of hands to overhaul
the exchange here. He tells us
everything will he gone over, new
poles put in many places and the
entire system improved.
Some Mr, Some to You
J L. Grimmer left this morning
for s.
H. M. returned
day from Norfolk.
Miss Lime Blow came Wed-
evening from Durham
Mrs. B. Ricks and children
left this morning for Tarboro.
Ilia A. P. of
came on morning train.
R. Parker returned
day evening from a trip up the
Miss Nannie left
morning for Raleigh to attend
Mrs. Bettie Taft daughter,
Miss Emma, left this morning for
New York.
Mrs. W. B. Greene returned
Wednesday evening from Wash-
B. J. Pulley went down the road
Wednesday and came back
again this morning.
Miss Minnie Matthews, of
who has been
T. Matthews, returned home Wed-
W. L. of
and B. Carlton and Tom Tyack,
Danville, were on the Greenville
tobacco market today.
Mrs. M. Higgs returned Wed-
evening from Baltimore
where she had purchasing
her fall stock of millinery.
T. Carson, cf was here
W. A. Fleming, of
pent today here
F. C. of Henderson,
came in Thursday
Rev. H. Harding went to
Washington today to visit his pa.
L. Joyner and Miss
left this morning for Haiti-
Mrs. J. C. left this
morning for Rocky Mount to visit
Miss Ida Tucker, of Plymouth,
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. A Bowen, returned home
Miss Lena Matthews has taken
a position as clerk at the store of
J. B. Cherry Co.
George Credle, of Ocracoke, came
steamer today to spend
awhile with old friends.
Misses Mary Vivian Reeves,
of Martin county, arrived Thurs-
day evening to visit the family of
A. J.
u to
And the Goods are Coming Daily.
Our Second Trip North was a Great Success in
And These Bargains Are Yours For The Asking.
great markets like York, Philadelphia and Baltimore have been searched
Bargains and we have them. We arc to sell for less money than anybody
else. Why Because we buy more goo-ls than any other store in town
and get larger discounts; and sell the smallest possible
margin profit, depending a large volume
and no rents to pay.
and sell. GASH Over
the Counter and No Rents Pay.
Black Jack, N. C., Sept.
Protracted meeting at this place
closed last Monday night.
Dr. W. II. Dixon from Edwards
Mill came Thursday to visit his
father and relatives at this place
and returned Monday
Miss Missie Harper and brother,
H. spent Saturday night
here visiting Miss Maggie
Miss Maggie Simpson, of Vance-
is visiting Miss Dix-
John were tho guests of Mi- Mag-
Smith Monday.
Abram and Dixon went
to Washington Saturday.
Miss Lucy of Ayden,
came Saturday to visit friends here
returned Sunday.
to see J. P. and
Johnie Mathews take their de-
this morning for
Quite a number of people are
preparing to go to Gum Swamp
Saturday and Sunday.
Little Jerry White is quite sick
from a over his eye.
Miss Annie White is suffering con-
from cutting thumb
on the right hand while
with a knife.
F. O.
Henderson today.
T. went up the
Donnell returned to Tar
this morning.
A. M. Bowling, of Philadelphia,
came in Friday night.
Prof. John
came this
Mia Mary Alice went to
Kinston Friday night.
Geneva Gardner left this
morning for Hamilton.
Miss Ada Hearne returned Fri-
day night from Kittrell, N. C.
Miss Hattie returned
from Baltimore Friday night.
Mrs. and Mrs. Ruth Ed-
of Henderson, came Friday
Let Tell Their Story.
Men Suite th, 8.00 and 9.00 quality, Sale U
Men Suits the and Sale
Men Suite the 8.00 and quality, they 1.92
I Suits the N, and n quality,
Man Suite the on, and Sale ,. . . . .,,.,., i ; i i,.,
Colt Suite, Pallor Made Silk taffeta M
All quality now
Bar. F. A. Bishop left this
morning to hold his quarter-
Mrs. Fannie Barrett, of
who has been visiting her
bother, J. W. Bryan, left
Hattie Leggett returned
Friday night from Baltimore
New York where she has been to
purchase fall and winter millinery
for Mrs. M. A. Leggett.
These Goods are All New. No Old Stock on Hand.
O. Horton, editor of tho Eden-
ton is a for
door-keeper of the Senate In the
next General Assembly. Mr.
ton once a citizen Green-
ville and worked on a newspaper
My father, Moses Sutton, color-
ed, who is not of good mind, wan-
from my home at
den, where he stayed, on Tuesday
afternoon, September and I
have been unable to learn his
lie is i
years old, has chin whiskers,
dark complexion, and had on a
Prince Albert coat he left. I
will appreciate anyone detaining
him sending mo word, or
me any information that will
lead to finding him.
Ayden, N. C.
Shirt worth
plain and fancy Linen
Waist, white Collars and Cliffs.
inch extra heavy unbleached
Children's Fast Black Hose, Worth
Beat Linen Canvas, worth So
Best Feather Bone, all
Knitting Silk, all colors, worth Hie
Men's Collars, worth
Silk Webbing worth
Checked worth
yards Lace, worth
Drop Hose, worth
Children's ex I
SilK Windsor Ties, worth
Laundered Shirts, Worth
Honey good ones, I c
English Woven worth j
inch Lining, worth I
steel Rod silk covers
Cheese Cloth, all colors
Foulard Silk, worth
Fancy Sateens, worth Be
Nottingham Lace worth
it is Imported Irish worth
Men's Colored Shirts Collars mid
Cull's .
silk Pulley Bolts, all colors .
Embroidery Cotton, worth
Side Combs, Worth
Fancy Stripe White Lawns. .
Men Cull's,
Welted nil colors.
English Curtain cretonne
I Fancy Negligee Shirts,
Shirt Waists sets, worth
Shades, spring roller
Ladies- Sat teen Waists
New styles and the
12.00 quality 11.00, Only about
M left, come while they
New Store.
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C

Attention Farmers
I am no- oh of the lines
at very reasonable prices. My line of
which is the of any market are fresh cheap.
When you come to town give me a
Yours to
Jas. B. White-
Don't be Deceived.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
which is ii merit, also our rigorous advertising, has
caused others to put mattresses on the market, which arc offering
for money and claiming they are as good as the ROYAL
be deceived same. We
deny that they are as and at any time to com
with other. If your local dealer doe not handle them,
write ill direct pamphlet.
Bole N.
Get a good Safe
Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
for home, and general
Every safe sol with a guarantee to he lire
proof. Prices range from tip.
Greenville, N. C.
Bps Famous H Tonic.
and Laxative. for chills and
fever nil malarial and billions troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber Co.,
N. C.
As one the depositories for School Hooks in
Pitt County. We handle books designated on the
State List the public school and can supply
ever you need.
vertical, double ruled practice writing
tablets, tool's paper pens, pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes et.,
Some i
C pencils cent, S plain lead pencils cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover cent. crayons, with metal hold-
ii. nice B cents, lead pencil. pen
an I pen, and rule, all in nice wood box,
cent. A great I f cent.;. of best
ink on tin. market, cents. Copy books s to rent.
White crayons, gross in box, Good fool's cap
pier lo cants per quire,
famous fountain
President J. Bryan Crimes, of
the North Carolina Tobacco Grow-
Association, addressed a letter
recently to Mr. O. L. Joyner,
warehouseman of at
N C, in which this
i was
of the acreage
in la Virginia. North Car-
and South Carolina, it would
appeal the type of tobacco,
the of which is confined
largely to those States, should of
necessity advance. What is your
opinion of the outlook for prices
this fall I will be glad if you will
the of tobacco
farmers careful, serious thought,
and views of the our-
look and remedy in article in
the Southern Tobacco
Mr. Joyner's article
Hon. J. Bryan Grimes, Free. N.
H. C.
My I received
your communication of August S I
have given the subject to which
you refer considerable thought.
If we are to judge from the report
of the shortage in acreage the
crop condition, which in my
ion are not exaggerated, it would
seem that tin
advance very materially over last
It been argued that
been a surplus of made for
the last live veal's, and this will, it
is said, tend to keep the price
some How true
Ibis is do not know, but I do
the price of tobacco
advances, especially the letter
grades of it, very much over the
prices of lust year, the thousands
of idle barns in the fields of eastern
North Carolina next year will em-
the fact that this section
of the State will no longer
to keep the surplus up.
Farmer are generally slow to
act, usually take a conservative
view of the conditions surrounding
them, and will continue longer at a
losing game and keep up better
cheer than any other class or pro-
of men in the world; but
like a herd of buffaloes frenzied
and crazed by heat, when they
stampede for some stream from
which to their thirst are
headstrong and determined, so it is
with the masses of farmers. They
continue from year to year to plant
tobacco, hoping that each year will
bring prices, and they have
gradually seen prices go lower and
lower until now they are on a verge
of a headstrong stampede for the
first relief that is offered; and here
in eastern North Carolina, where
our lands are generally in a high
state of cultivation, that relief is
offered in the cotton crop.
Cotton is selling at better
than it has brought in ten
fer tn grow cotton, because they
have inherited it to some extent
and it is less laborious. The same
cause which has advanced the price
great law of supply
demand, which is just as
incontrovertible as the laws of
in my opinion
surely advance the price of
co when the supply only equals
I do not say. however, that sup-
ply demand absolutely
prices, for systematic organization
and combination of tobacco buy-
even when the supply is leas
than the demand, can will do
a great deal toward controlling
the price; but I do assert that the
law of supply and demand is the
chief factor in controlling prices,
and by thorough organization of
the tobacco farmers I shall attempt
to show conclusively that the grow-
complete masters of the
situation from
prism. The trouble
is gelling at approximately ac-
curate estimate of the supply.
When known, in my opinion
this chief controlling will
begin lo assert itself. There are
other very powerful agencies which
operate the price of to-
. chief among which is the
lack harmony
concerted action on the part of the
farmers themselves in planting
marketing their
Notwithstanding there is a
of opinion that
the crop in three principal
bright tobacco is re-
in acreage and condition
something near forty per cent, yet
if farmers begin marketing their
tobacco so as to sell ail of it in two
or three months, it is sore to fol-
low that there will be glutted mar
blocked sales, broken down
buyers and con-
low prices. These
ed sales, as I may call them, give
the impression also that the crop
has underestimated.
those governed by the sup
ply their orders on the sever-
markets, and judge the
crop by their receipts as compared
with a similar period last year.
Hence when the crop is thrown
upon the market in a time,
say two or three months, the re-
for this time may be as heavy
in a crop of forty million pounds
as if it were a seventy
pound crop.
In reference to the organization
of the tobacco the bright
tobacco growing States, I should
say by all means let the work be
pushed continuously vigorous
from the counties that produce
the smallest quantity of tobacco to
those which produce millions.
Let the work of the organization
education lie carried until
every man, from the poorest plow-
man with his one acre patch to
mightiest landlord with his vast
estates are their names
enrolled as joint
partners in the same cause.
There be no possible
by any one to an organized
fort on the part of the great
co producers for the betterment of
their condition. Organization
will bring the farmers together;
thus the work of education
by interchange of
ideas and views. Education is
nothing but the ex-
of the natural talent or
sense, and if coming together
exchanging ideas opinions
liberate the mind to a more
generous construction of our
and our duty one to the
the effort will not have been
vain. By complete and thorough
such can be affected.
If the farmers, or a few of them in
each community, will take act-
interest it a better under-
standing of the situation can lie
had. One half the misery of the
all the disagreement
man and bis fellow
is the result of not properly under-
standing the position each
pies. The relation of the producer
to the manufacturer is mighty
closely allied, and yet how far
apart are they the conception of
duty each to the other.
By organization he who sweats
and toils to make it possible for
the manufacturer to make wealth
and comfort from his scanty sup-
port and will get closer
their relation to each other,
and when we understand the
motives which prompt each other's
action, the responsibility can be
located and from the vantage
ground thus gained our rights can
be enforced and our wrongs made
If the manufacturer converts
your raw material into greater
profits you have realized, it is
simply because he is better organ-
has advantage and uses
it. If special laws are passed that
protect his interests, it is the result
combination of if-
If your crop of tobacco, that has
cost you seven cents a pound
i mil outlay of cash on an economic
basis, Haying nothing about the
risk of and flood the
sleepless nights you have spent in
curing it, sells ten cents a pound
it does not sell for more because
you arc nut I, and do not
work in ninny. Your energies
are -wasted in aimless effort to
accomplish something without the
knowledge how to start.
I repeal,
these tn words lie the salvation of
the farmers. Let the work
of begin at once and
continue until this compact of far
shall be practically
of every of tobacco from the
red hills of old Virginia and the
rocky cliffs of Tennessee to the
wave-washed shores of the entire
south coast.
shall not attempt to point
the innumerable to fee
rived from such an
but will say if nothing else Is
Doctors Say;
which in dis-
arc invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and I ton els.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great driving
in the mechanism of
man. and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
save the collection of
data relative to the supply and de-
the regulation of the
acreage to supply only the demand,
together with a systematic arrange-
of marketing the crop, it will
result in incalculable benefit. Wis-
and conservatism should con-
organization. The accomplish-
of the greatest good to the
greatest number without impairing
the interest of any one be
the highest object aimed at. Wild,
revolutionary and impractical
measures; such as seem to be the
disposition of some, should not be
allowed serious
The efforts of the
should be directed in uplifting
bettering the of the
grower trying to drag
down and rain any Let the
organization lie governed by the
highest standard right regard-
less of consequences, and the effort
will not be a failure.
O. L.
Southern Tobacco
ft See gs.
At the old Marcellus Moore store,
on Five Points, where we have
just a new and fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fart everything
to be found in an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices fur all kinds of
Country Produce,
in cash or in barter. When
yon to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with I heir
patronage we promise entire sat
at Five Point
Waste taste
Can N Loss of
OR, all
en-sets of or
new indiscretion.
flow to pal
restores lb
Tooth. By
per B boxes for
SO-SO. with oar bankable to own
or refund paid. Send for circular
copy of our bankable guarantee bond.
care for Low of
Liquor. B
box, for
an I bond to
Fit. sod
of Tobacco, Opium or
. a
In plain
For sale by J L
ll Disease.
U the
I o lbs American nation, and
I statistics that deaths
I at all deaths
recorded, the mortality being main-
I Is the grand specific for toil great I
American It
to the the
Best, building tip health
I strength by rich,
ant food and pure Wood to t.
worn-out the I
lie all the I
I body
-Same old Stripe.
J. J. Martin, Republican
for congress in the dis-
is postmaster at Tarboro;
Spencer Blackburn, in the eighth,
is assistant district attorney; Jim
Moody, the ninth, was major of
the baked beans department in the
Spanish war; Holton, in the seventh
is brother to the district attorney
for the western district, was
revenue officer if he is not now
Joyce, in the is stamp clerk
in the revenue in
the fourth, is supervisor of the
The other nominees will also
be federal officials or controlled by
That is the kind of
the Republicans will ask the
North Carolina people to vote for
as representatives in congress.
Every one of these fellows used
his influence to defeat the
amendment, and they are
all running on a platform that de-
that our amend
The Republican party in North
Carolina pots today the same
stripe of
they have nominating
thirty years, and then has
to appeal to the
to to undo vote they
cast in August. It will not avail
and Observer.
Having thin day before the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt county
of the estate of Henry
deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persona holding claims against said ea-
present to for payment
duly authenticated, on or before the 16th
day of March, 1901, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to estate are notified to make
immediate payment lo me.
tho day of September
W. M r-
of Henry
A Smile In Each.
The should have
plenty of time at his disposal, but
when business is bad time hangs
heavily his hands.
Some people arc talked about be-
cause they achieve success, and
others because they have gossiping
says the
Philosopher, one form of
When a girl is presented with
she usually has a good bit of
snap and go about
The homely takes
in the fact that things are not
always as bail as they appear on
their face.
Autumn gives an impetus to the
A bird on toast is worth two in
the bush.
Foot hair will be getting Ion-
will par the above reward tor any
of Um Complaint.
or we ran
not run with the
Liver Pill, when the direction,
vegetable and
Ion. hoses
Thy are purely
never rail to
Ulna Mis
and Imitation. Seat by mall. Stamp, taken.
AL CO. Clinton and
Jackson For sale by
J L Greenville, H C
. hose, pills.
pill. of
Always welcome at
W. T. LEE Go's
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer Edgecombe leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Sat
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and lane from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N.
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Malaria, Night Sweats and
Money back if it doesn't.
other as good. Get the kind
with the Red Cross on the
Bold and guaranteed by
Bryan druggists.
The On Day Com Our.
la head and throat cured by Ker.
Child tea cry
Where you can get
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Pants
At Hard Time Prices
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bod-
steads, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
Suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Gail Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Gaudies, Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Mac
Best Butter, Stand-
ard Hewing Mach I and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap fur cash. Come
to see
Phone St.
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on baa i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N, C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
j. a. mi,
-----DEALER IN-----
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.

Eastern reflector, 25 September 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 25, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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