Eastern reflector, 7 September 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I am now n one of the most , lines of
pocket XV
at very reasonable My line of
which is the of any market are fresh and i h.
on Election.
When you come to I own again
give in- a
to please,
Jas. B. White
Guaranteed cure for chill
M, For Bale by
and Laxative.
and all malaria and billions
X. C.
B-29 -HI
Our Royal,
Elastic Felt Mattress,
The She election is a
bad factor in now.
July II it to on
have de-
gradually; but day before
they were at the
disproportion of to
Such of
success one hide is not justified.
It is foolishness, it tends to in-
crease the chances of success for
is ea led the for
the that it the
ready too pervading sense of sure-
which So-day threatens to par-
She vote.
The Democratic is at the
tremendous disadvantage of ask
tag the country to delicate itself
to repudiation, and to submit to
rebellion against its authority
the plea which was made from the
same MUMS In the time of the civil
war. there is the
racy a worship of the name
that itself with the
actual issues of and fur-
I ban that, I here is in Bryan-
ism. the genius of rebellion against
the existing peace of society, pas-
which four years ago, when
the splendid anti repudiation car-
thousands of into
the swelled the
Democratic vote ti s greater size
than had ever been cast
discipline I as
Boys thoroughly for
from 1-00 to W par mouth.
To get an early is
Your Satisfaction
guaranteed. information and
W. H
Select Female School
Th it n Sept.
I nave n teacher for thin
Mia Nancy K. a graduate
Notre I lame, a lady rare culture
several year ex-
and the t
to The
under hex will he
i for
both to manner and mental
Music. Instrumental and food
of each.
A of your patronage is
The following is from Town Top-
law be justified in a com-
but it is only fair to say
the of He York have
e To See gt. j Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret i
the to digest
This can never be done when
the liver does not act it's part.
know this
Liver Pills are an
for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
At the old Moore store,
Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Goods,
in fact everything
to be found in an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices fur all of
Country Produce,
either in cash or barter.
you want to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire sat
at Five Point
Vitality, Loot
Cm U-.
ail i,
M-l of
a or
to pale
What that next
fall no one knows,
some people are betting to l that
it will fail to elect its candidate.
The rational odds on
are no more than to I. less,
say loin and even these should
be the other way unless there
runs through the par-
and supporters of the
that it stands for an
understanding of I he danger which
is iii and i resolve to
overcome it by the individual
fort of every roan. Wake up.
St. X. .
Mess. Borden. X- C,
purchased a Felt Mat tress from I
you. After giving it a thorough
Pits In Greensboro.
Greensboro, X. Aug.
I find it the most comfortable About II today tire broke
the most satisfactory I ever used.
in all respects by
have tried and hair eS, and greatly prefer ibis
to either Wishing much success with your Matt rent, lam
Respectfully. Mrs- M. Matron.
Alter If it is all you even
hoped n lied, return it to us and we will refund
i, ii the full paid without you not being OBI
e cent, not even freight.
HOW If your local dealer docs not handle
mattresses, write to i direct for pamphlet descriptive same.
Manufacturer of Mattresses, etc., x. c.
Get a
Vt nit
I W iii
I'd it
made i all s
to I
L. At
house in South street. In the
basement were several barrels of
oils, varnishes and other
and the lire raged fiercely.
The Ii re was caused from
employee was holding while draw-
from a barrel of Japan dryer.
Alter an hour's lighting the fire-
men the with
small damage to the
building, which is the property of
O. The L.
sou Drug Company carries a stock
of about with in
Their goods are dam.
aged to the of or
Two ladies employed up
Stair were cut off by the
but were rescued by the
hook and ladder boys. One
them, a Mrs.
a severe cut in I he face by being
struck with a bidder.
brought trouble upon themselves
by the insolence of
their behavior on the streets,
tenement in the
They have not satisfied with
being considered as good as while
people; they have assumed to be
superior I be
committed a gross crime against
the republic by giving them votes
before the were educated to the
franchise, the Republicans are
always petting then
by I the de-
letter i-- order to win their
ballots. Puffed up by this
and presuming
upon it, the have
sections of York m
it able for the whites, and in
of the prevalence and
white persons find
it unpleasant to pass along Sixth,
and Eight
tween Twenty and Forty
fifth streets after night fall.
oilier racial quarter of the city
not even the Chinese
so haired against the majority of
our citizens. While these facts do
not justify they shew
that to some extent an application
of the law of retaliation.
We publish this not as any en-
of the indiscriminate
and outrageous violence the
In New York during the
growing sentiment
of youth By
par boa.
with our to
or UM paid,
copy our
Cotton and Ties always
on ban i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Lou of
of L of Opium or
Liquor. a
S for MOO
to In SO days or
for sale by i h
a ill
i n
C to I
; M
Ar Mount
LT Mount
ISM 1900
North Carolina.
Fail Term begins 12th,
on Application.
PEACOCK, President.
S. Went t o-1
tor the
II th j
el all death
j ii the for this
American it gas
to the of the weak;
ant food to the
worn-out the lire
to activity and ail tUt
j ea., Bat
day qualified before the
clerk of the Superior court of county
to the last Will and
of W. K. notice
given to all persona
against the W. K.
I l-.-in to for payment on or
baton day of July 1901, or Ibis
will be plead in bar of their recovery,
All indebted
to make payment to me
Thia the day of July
of the last will and testament of W. K.
Doctors, lawyers
cotton buy era.
dealers, opera
and tin- Law of
North for the year require
Sou to t out the in
year. the mat-
at once and trouble.
1-M A
i r at
IV, S la
m If
r m
By virtue of a of the Superior
Court of county in of W. M.
and other Joyner and
wife Annie Joyner. to land for
will sell cash before Hie Court
door in Greenville on Monday the day
of described
or lot of land situated in the town or
N. at W. O Lang a
lot at a on Wilson St. and run-
South west poles and link, to
a post VT. Lang's line, thence S.
East poles and links to a
line, then
and links to on
with laid Weal
and links to the known
the livery stable lot,
This Aug. o e
In tin Superior Court.
J. J. Cherry. Jr., against Maggie
The defendant Maggie Cherry
will take that an action entitled as
above, has been commenced in the Superior
Court of Pitt County, returnable at the
term cf said Court to be held at the Court
the Second Monday
after the Monday in 1900,
at time and place the will appear
and or demur to the
m In will he deposited in aha office of
Superior Court of mm County, and
the said will lake notice that
fall to answer or demur to said com
plaint within that term, the plaintiff
apply t-i the for the relief
therein. de will
lake notice that the said action is
by plaintiff to obtain a divorce from
Given under my at office In Green-
ville on this the 8th day of August, 1940-
k t.
X. C,
As the j it for
Pill County. handle the
State i for the
ever you need. e have
Public Books in
designated on the
and can supply what-
and vertical, mini j i
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens, pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes
Fat at Havana
Dunne Month cf
surgeon general of Marine
to-day a lei
of Cobs, at Havana, stating
that during the
up to then have In-en
eases of fever reported at
Havana and deaths, k Many of
the were mild. There were
new cases on the 37th,
On account of mildness of the
eases and the Irregular
tin- surgeon general has wired the
Atlantic and coast to use par-
oars to detect such cases.
And now the Sap-
rises lo ask why
marriage of a rich man's son to a
ii culled a
while marriage of a rich man's
to a disreputable and
bankrupt is termed a
The wife of a minis
Indiana town has lien
married three times. Her
husband was named the
Sparrow and present
one is There arc two lit-
Robins, one and
two little and they live,
on Bird street. Their fellow
townsmen at the game
years ago Japan didn't
have a mile of railroad; now she
has over miles and is adding
to the mileage every year. The
are hustlers and quick to
catch Star.
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Night Sweats and
Money bark if doesn't.
Soother s kind
with the Hi Cross nu the label.
Hold guaranteed by Woolen,
Bryan and Ernul, druggists.
above any
Date tittle
i are
lion Kc eon-
. hole, contain
i mi on ii. i o. Clinton and
street., III. For
all I
i .
; .
ton a s p n
I p in.
SO p in, ville D to
pin, arrives Wilmington
u D
a in, a m,
a m, Hope Mills a in,
rive Retaining
r . .
Hope Mill. p re
Red U, p m, U p
p m
with train He
the Carolina Central
at lied with the lieu
at Sanford
Air Line and Southern
Railway with the and
Train on Ilia Scotland Neck Road
leave. M pm. Halifax p m,
v,. s, at m.
pm. ulna leave,
a id, a w am, Halifax
at II a m, am.
T-i;. on Brunch leave
In if i iii
4-n in.
iii t i. in, m
so i a,
p in, p in, Ft
I, ; ; in ;. ii i f
M m i-i. HiD
tin I. m-Ii
a i
ft I
Mount .-, ,
I a in , ii
lot --i-i in
II m. at i. k
Ii a m, S p to.
Train on Branch for
Clinton dally, and
pin. at am
b i p to.
don all dally, all via
J. Ii. K
T. M. Ma-
Fall Sept. 1900.
In Superior Court.
The above named will take
Betas that an action entitled as baa
been commenced the Superior Court of
county to obtain a divorce from the
of matrimony; the defendant
will further take he is requited
appear the next term of the
Curt of county to be held on the sec-
Monday after the first Monday in
next, it being the 17th day of Sept., 1900,
Court House in Greenville, N. C.
an answer or demur to the complaint in
sail action, or the plaintiff will apply lo the
Court for relief demanded in said com-
This 30th day of May 1900
Clerk Superior Court.
t U for
Practical, common sense
Prepares boys and girls for
the life. Pupils take a
high stand at College. Success
measured by the full-rounded de-
of our Com-
and conscientious teachers.
A well organized Literary Society.
Moral influence good.
reasonable. For further
see or address the principals,
Bethel. O
or J. D.
N. C-
or Improve get
leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, Greenville daily 2-
P. M. for Washington.
Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at with
for Norfolk,
New York
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shipper iii order freight by
the Old I S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N.
Greenville, N. C.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Day Cold Our.
la head aura cured by
a. a tor
j. a. nu,
Line of Hardware.
J. B.
The Eastern Reflector.
Flowing south.
The Southern arc now
gelling lo work the right
down to
going in to in-
the population of the
by and by bringing
in people from the North. It is
population makes wealth in a
iv like The South has
superabundance of natural wealth,
and it only the labor of man
out. It is easier and
more certain to secure wealth by
bringing in people to develop than
by around for capital that
does little good to a if it
to begged to come in, for
then it the earth. Let the
people of the South show their
wealth to those who with the a
of hands OBI develop it
result will soon lie such
Improvement will come
in seeking for something to develop
will then become a real help.
The for a
thousand dollars a property having
in it possibilities of a hundred
I then sits down and wails
for some one to pay him for
his chances is of no help to the
country. The man who can show-
better results from tilling the soil,
who can get money out of his
or his minerals, or utilize a
water start a settlement,
is worth a dozen of the so-called
who are sitting down
on the chances of
out of somebody else instead of out
of the ground. The South is rich
in for settlers. It
was the settlers who made the
West. And the chances for them
n the South are greater and op-
more varied than they
were the West in the early days.
New York Daily News.
Ball Player to Death
As the of being struck
nose with a base ball,
Wilson, of street
lies precarious at his
home. The injury was received
daring a game at Park,
Oxford pike, last Wednesday.
tried to stop a speedy ball
which crashed against his nose
caused the blood to flow. Apply-
a handkerchief he tried to stop
the bleeding with the
game. The blood continued to
flow at an alarm rate and soon
Wilson was prostrate with the loss
of blood. He was taken home, and
Hanna and Boyer have been
in constant attendance upon him.
One of the arteries is ruptured,
because the constant bleeding it
impossible to give him any
He lies on stretcher which he
was brought from Held,
the slightest movement causes the
most intense His clothing
was cut from him on Thursday
order to afford some relief. Wilson
is a son of Charles Wilson,
recently graduated from the
School of Pedagogy,
a short time ago Wilson was a
pitcher for the Norwich, Conn.,
flood Advice to Southern Farm.
Au. second
annual of the
came to a close
row delegates will leave for a
trip through State, as the
guests of the North Carolina De-
of Agriculture. The
next of
be held at II Springs, Ark , in
the early purl of October.
The most of to day's was
devoted lo a discussion of live
stock seed the
encouragement of immigration.
most action taken
was the passage of a resolution in
regard lo marketing cotton
crop, the adoption of some
recommendations looking to con-
of the sale of seed, and the in-
corporation of an to
the by laws, g for pay-
of the expenses of
each annual session by assessing
pro each State represented in
association. The resolution
adopted urges upon the cotton
growers of
the sale of cotton over the en-
tire year so that the market may
not be depressed by dumping
i re crop upon it at once, and to
the end that the farmer keep in-
formed us to the statistical
of crop, the Department of
Agriculture is lo give
out to the press from time to time
any information they may have
touching the condition of the
the acreage planted or stock on
hand. The
regard to the sale of seed are as fol-
That this association
the idea of State inspection of
seeds the interest of the
That the association at its
present meeting a commit-
tee to draft a uniform law Intend-
ed lo secure effective control of the
seed market.
and lite spur,
Wean lien lo um
Oft lie carried a token her,
Whom he. worshiped as I and knight
And when surged the battle around.
And when close pressed the merciless
Twas token that
And gave victory's strength lo his hi
Not a hero of knighthood am I,
Hut a warrior in industry's
Where the I wield is my pea.
And lady I serve is my wife,
Vet a token carry each
Full m precious as any of yore.
And t heart the fray
Tis my love's morning at the floor.
For bis faith will the martyr endure,
the sunset artist's
At the blast and fife
Is the soldier to gallantly find,
but whatever others exalt.
For myself I shall ask nothing more
As a prompter to worthiest
the that I get at
Newark Dairy Advertiser.
To Reach the people.
The number of persons who pass
a store, office or other business
place may be large, but there will
always be many who will never see
its sign. If the establishment be oil
the most thoroughfare a
great proportion of the people will
not know of its existence. How-
ever, if a business lie persistently
advertised the newspapers it
will become known in time to
everybody in the
A newspaper publish-
ed regularly, gives the
advantages more than equivalent
those possessed by the most con
In the
Heard In the Room.
An exchange gives this unique
order of the editor to th foreman
of a sample of printing phrase
Washington on galley fin-
commenced yes-
Set up the ruins of Her-
stud distribute the small-pox.
You needn't finish the run away
matter. Look up Jeff Davis and
slide Ben Butler into hell and
leave the alone after din-
Put the lady's form to press
and go to devil put him lo
work on Deacon Fog's article
all U. Killed
Another boy has
his life defense of the Hag
foreign lands. His name is
Hicks, of I,
Fourteenth He kill-
ed in the recent at Yong
China. He was a son of
Mr. Wiley Hicks, of this city, and
was about of age. He
volunteered for ice
States army about two years
ago, was sent to the Phil-
for service, and was
transferred to China for
service. Those familiar with his
military record say that he was a
brave soldier who never
any services no matter how
We are still in forefront of the race after your
We offer you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found in any store in Pitt County. Well choice
selections, the creations of beat manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring. Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what yon want and to
sell you if we can. We offer you the very beat service, polite
attention, and the most terms consistent with a well
established business built up Strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
us and the following lines of general
Goods and Notions,
Hats and Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's Slews.
Harness. Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Scad ts,
Plow;, Castings Plow Rope.
Mr. attempt to play
politics v. the embroil-
by it appear that
government was acting In con-
cert with Bosnia, gave him a good
scare. His idea was that as Has-
was regarded by the American
public as England's traditional en-
it serve to lessen the
public belief in the existence of a
between this
government and England, if this
government appeared to be acting
in partnership with Russia, In chi-
The reception of reply of
ibis g . Russia's pro-
for the withdrawal of troops
from China, by the press of this
country and of Europe, frightened
him -ii badly be hastened
lave it given officially in
Washington, that this government
had not agreed to act with Bosnia,
inn bad informed Bosnia that tIn
United Stales troop would lie
withdrawn from ii the
sign troops were. The public was
also farther informed that If our
troops should be withdrawn at the
time those it
would not be would
with Bosnia, but because we
would act independently, all of
which is as clear as mod.
Secretary Hay's continued
from Washington, in the face
bis having to a
friend within forty-eight hours
be was
for Furniture and everything In line,
buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Our motto is and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
Slate of Ohio, City of Toledo, I M
County. i
Frank makes oath
that he is the senior the
firm of F. J.
in the City of Toledo,
County and Slate afore said, and
will pay the sum of
one hundred dollars for each
every case of Catarrh that cannot
lie cured by the use of Halls Ca-
Sworn to before me and sub
scribed in my presence, this
day of December, A. D
A. W. Gleaner,
Notary Public
Hall's t Cure is taken inter-
and acts directly on the blood
mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Co.; Props.,
Sold by Druggists,
ill.- are the best.
the Washington Democrats are a
long way- ahead of the
Poor large and handsome
Bryan and Stevenson banners swing
over Washington streets, but no
and Roosevelt banner has
yet made its appearance.
The star route speculators must
have been refusing to contribute to
campaign fund, as it is an-
that the letting of
six thousand star routes, no bid
will be accepted by Post Office
Department, the bidder
lives near enough to the route to
personally superintend the work.
Speculators heretofore mono-
these contracts, subletting
them to local men who did the
work. It remains to
enjoying his usual whether the proposed change is in-
Trolley Boy
Paris has gone into
over a new recently pro-
at the horticultural section
The flower is
called and Is a
species of the China aster, or
Marguerite, resembling a
like an ostrich feather. II has
great variety of color, some of
flowers being white, others rich
purple, delicate mauve, old rose,
pale blue and golden yellow. It
yields scent, but has become the
fashionable fad of the hour.
The Electric Company
have just placed a new arrange-
their cars called a
The object of the
is to take up the slack in
trolley rope, to hold down the
trolley when jumps the line.
This prevents the danger from the
trolley breaking against some of
the cross arms when it has come-
off its and Ob-
white Republicans appear
to be a unit declaring they are
heartily glad that the Con
H. White is lo
leave. Some of them say he ought
to settle in Washington, which
they term the paradise of the no-
One lean said that the
Washington now,
but that some any before long there
will be a demonstration by
whiles there which will make the
brother in black take a I wok seat
laud lie mighty glad to get that.
Charlotte Observer.
Those Hyde County Fire.
The papers all over the country
are publishing under big bead
lines the statement made by Dr.
Capehart, that enormous fires in
Hyde county destroy trees and soil.
The soil is pithy bums like
tinder. One farm, valued at
MO, is burned that its
owner says it is now worth
Fire is burning far under-
neath in many
Dr. Capehart is informed as a far
driving along a highway
i lie soil gave way under him and
a and his horse fell into a pit
were burned to death. The smoke
extends many miles sit sea and by
obscuring the light at Oregon In-
let, has caused two wrecks a
News and Ob
good health, caused the circulation tended for a bluff or for a real re-
i Story that he and Mr. in-
were not of the mind
the Chinese policy of this govern- Cupid must making his head-
and that he would probably ; quarters in the Peru,
Cabinet. Assistant Be- tools. He got such complete
Cretan win. ha- been sign- session of the young folks that the
; fathers passed a law n it
out by this government, as Acting a to be caught
Secretary of State, since Mr. Hay courting, making love, or spoon-
wen, Boot has, any where on the streets
been the real Secretary of State- that town. Judging from the
hastened to inform phraseology there must be three
through a newspaper interview, grades of out there. But the old
he could for Mr. Hay fellows did not like it because
end Mr. being in per- on one of the principal
accord everything that had fores they were constantly
been relating Now, stumbling over wooing and
Mr would vouch for reminiscences, re-
Mr .-i might be more , minded them of what simpletons
generally accepted. once were
A member of the Star.
House who was at Democratic Con-
Headquarters, said of A New man who was
the campaign in his his ex-sweetheart
has effectually answered all
If yon want stoves or ranges constructed upon
principles which are economical, durable,
and convenient, as well as and artistic, look
for the
Swedish Government.
York, Angus
vice president Of the
National Park Hank, Mid today
that it was true that the bank had
beau approached by represents
lives of the Swedish government
with inquiries as to the of
placing a 1.0,000,000 loan in this
country at to bear per cent,
interest years. Mr.
he was not prepared to yet
whether the proposition hail been
favorably received.
boss gave all hands a pie
Saturday with
the beer could proudly
exclaimed a Kensington workman,
replied a friend; I
guess he had his
the alleging that be
loyally for the Bryan
Stevenson, by wagering
Bryan would be
President. Even if I bad en-
doubts of loyal
which I did not, wager
would have removed
an itemized bill for for
presents, ice cream and sundries
Which be had been presenting her
for three years. She reciprocated
by presenting an offset kiss-
es sit a dollar apiece brought
him in debt several hundred
enough to break him.
He ling like keeping tab in matters of
mills, if Col. Bryan is business
he will The man
who will do his utmost when j Richmond will put attire
much money i- personally j during the Fourteenth Annual
sin kc i- hard to find. You may be , of the Virginia State Fire-
his utmost men's Association, to beheld
the electoral votes of New 80-27-28. Fire fighters
trade mark, which i- upon genuine
stove on Bangs, and do not be deceived
by worthies imitation and
lead all others in yearly sales popularity.
Sold by
lien. Otis, Washing-
ton Saturday, and who
Joe who will
be retired Monday under
law, as Commander of the
Military Department of the Lakes,
seems to have a memory.
lie declared before Manila,
and again his arrival the
United States, In the most positive
the Philip
pines was over; will
lie over by the the
rainy season, Perhaps Is why
Mi. has failed to keep
bis promise to send the volunteers
home. There has been a whole
-ale int of official lying about the
war In the Philippines and it is
-nil being in.
When it banner-raising
from ail mer Virginia, and a
of from other states
will in it is con-
expected that thousands
of people will avail themselves of
the low rail road rates and
the big-bow.
No matter unscrupulous a
Woman nay be, when it comes to a
question pencil you could
scarcely call her a sharper.
and lever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill It is simply
Iron and quinine in a tasteless form
pay. Price
N. O.
n. Fleming store.

X. C.
D. J. WHICHARD, Ed. Owner
Entered at
the Office at
; Fall.
S. r.
Kai X.
sources. The result in that these
flt of
the material as well as the beds
themselves made at
nun selling hot
over the and
the already a large
The meeting here the
Greenville, X. ., as I lass. concern, will into one
Mail Matter ; past seek l tin- Mutes As .
print or patent outside sheet shall f . .
demand the makers of inch
Meeting at insert no ail
New Officers sat Other la. over which hr editor does not have
control. The other was
paper will North
The twenty eighth annual Carolina. A committee
of the Carolina Press pointed to investigate the cost of
State of to Association, held in Asheville such an enterprise and the .
mm M Interesting the and of August, while Vi of pledged its
one. a half home not at tended by all things being
were represented, I B. with with these editors of the State was every We understood that Gen. J. S.
Arthur Sewell, of Maine, who of Wilson i a mo-1 pleasant lad interest- Carr said he would bead the list
f- r and lb.
V. Prudent in , h
Pill. He was with of send then, a descriptive paw
Monday night and at last ; College of in detail the
not gained and were very product, a picture
j and interesting.
A vi OF I
Probably the most important out-
chairman of the Republican
Executive of the State
to succeed A. ft Holton. resigned.
He will continue the headquarters
at Greensboro, but it is not mid
whether the Abe
will be in
S. C. who was lust as.
Catted District Attorney
tor the district of West Virginia,
has resigned his position and de-
his intention of taking the
ill advocacy of Mr; an
come of meeting was the
mate, prepared and given out
careful Inquiry and
crop for the year 1900, viz.,
bales. The crop of ISM,
which short one i I sell, was
estimated at M
that the crop of will not
only of the smallest of recent
years but will be, according to the
estimate, nearly a million bales less
than or, to be exact,
bales less.
North Carolina is jut down at
Tobacco Department.
The July of the State
Board of Agriculture placed the
crop at per cent. H com
pared with last year and could
have been expected I here was a
universal kick from nearly every
tobacco section, for as those inter-
justly concluded those who
the tobacco
which to considered
a liberal estimate, for unless the official bulletin reports
balance of the season to very obtained from
President. His action mi- j and the of sources.
Republican- in state. said to in many I has just
ample to pick II. the crop this year
. . , ,. Will hardly teach those
Virginia to now in the midst . , , ,
Ibis short crop means that our,
a campaign like that through ought to will mitigated. judge
which North Carolina recently ten cents for cotton
passed. They are to vote on a raised and marketed the
amendment WOO-1901, and if th
market approach
of September Meet.
lag Most of those in at- with stock the mill,
stopped at the College, a The entire of the
place attractive alike beauty, was very pleasant and there
comfort and excellent entertain-; was present who did not
The it, as well as the stay in
lion were held the auditorium of Asheville.
the College. The selection of lime and place
The was called or- for holding the next meeting was
Wednesday morn- left with the executive committee.
by the J. Which-
ard. After the opening exercises,
call of roll executive com-
report the president read
his address, presenting several
matters of interest to
Association. The remainder of
the was devoted to
and present K. I. Davis, chair
of committees. w- Harrington, J.
In the afternoon W. C. Dowd, of. Tucker.
Charlotte News, presented the The following orders were issued
Historian's paper. Col. W. the
Pearson, of i For paupers, elections,
essay on Press serving road orders,
Its Duty to and Rev. J. burial of pauper, 1.75; jail, 191.-
of Trojan's read SO; bridges, conveying
an Editor's prisoners to jail, 2.00,
Etch of these was County Home.
of an exceptionally high order and Court House roof, 11.79;
declared by all o lest that ferries. coroner,
hare Before
birth of last one four
or MOTHER'S If had the
pictures of our children, job could sec
a that the
of all.
y thinks
Friend Is the
remedy In the
world for
by a Ken-
tacky -a I
The Hoard of
in regular monthly session crisis
nine-tenths of
Incident to child-
disposition and temper remain
the ordeal, because this relax-
tot. liniment
usual distress. A
Is hare a lured child.
The patient Is kepi In a
condition, which the child also Inherits
Mother's Friend takes a wife
that might possibly have resulted
have been presented at any meet,
from the number has m to
publican speakers from New Bag .
hire ill start it will be good
land are being Imported into ,.,,
State by the the j,,
cotton, and
are. We hope they will carry the I hold it as long as he can. for the
by a large majority, to certain to reach ten cents
log of the association. woman to Home, 1.00;
After adjournment the editors Sheriff, prof, service
ladies Home, 2.15;
were given a tax lister, stationery,
of crop time in the by the Street county attorney, of
held, fin after various points of interest. Deeds, 21.90, making tax list,
reports from sections of around the city. At night a summons,
the Slate it places condition
at fat below the July report
asking n. Assembly
state I
Ax, step taken by , is,,.
North Carolina Press Association Natively even shorter than in the
its recent meeting in Asheville. Slates and of course the
was adoption of a resolution demand for our cotton will
I.- heavier than usual.
to nil these, and other fads
tending in the same direction,
It has to the of the there has been an unprecedented
State institution was growth in the cotton
long ago. this country, par-
that the Press bus championed it, South, and bun-
such interest will be in of new
,, he id tin- the tit.-i
the at lo .
into consideration the shortage in
before the season is fat advanced.
The foreign crop, especially in Ii
them at the
hotel. The menu, which law. 1.50; making tax list,
then comments after taking was seven was excellent, The following were allowed re-
and When full justice to that liquor for ti months
been done, Will of
pail of the Stale the crop of 1900
will exceed at per cent of
as compared
the Asheville Citizen, charge
of the banquet as toast master and
on hour wit and brilliant repartee
An Institution .-1.
might well lie j i ii it
home seek
spent an very
time, the price will
largely our farmers for
the damage done by the drought
I am very glad t. lie able to add.
. I., i
I m t imp and
gratifying points made by S.
Secret a Agriculture Wilson
and was the declaration
pleasantly j the South non has more lo do with
a crop at the
with isl year
Now this sounds
an I suspect that If the officials of I being added
Harrell, Penny Hill; B, c.
James H. Cox,
Greenville; Tucker
Mowed. Recalled for several Jno. H. Howard Jr.,
the Greenville.
In her rapid recovery, and
off that so often follow
sea b
there, and Dr. Venn, President price of than
the University, showed us be
through the different
if the great building, i-
a school for girls in the State
batter than this, not-
withstanding n additional
building has recently been
chased, ire found the and
it s ii to do so absolutely,
of having it set in Liver-
, other
of be agricultural department will
go a little further in their
they will and the shortage
even below its latest estimate.
I know is a difficult matter to
get t a true understanding of the
crop condition especially a year
like this there have been such
extreme seasons.
In some sections of Pitt
their have been plenty of rain to
make a good crop, while probably
Dot tea miles distant it. the same and the of officer,
county rain enough lo wet the latter took place at a. in.,
thoroughly has not for the next
since the spring, hence reports being as follows;
to by one having been notified
in advance he was to lie called
upon. It put one's
thoughts into activity it all
must be done after getting on his
feet, yet the emergency found its
equal subject spanker
were introduced.
Thursday's session of the con-
were given to
business, discussion of topics
suggested presidents address
have been conflicting and
Board of
T. N. hey, of
the Christian Advocate
culture slews first vice president, J.
approximately I be same as vice president, J. A. Bob-
Polled states from I and treasurer, J.
State, yet I am inclined to believe II. nil;
their reports have been rather orator. Rev . J. C. Troy; poet, J. D.
rely In
from other
committee, T.
N. Ivey. J. Sherill, H. A. Lon-
be in
how to take care of ,
we arc to
N.-, .
B- Manning,
h -.- B, B, B. A.
I b Th, W the national con-
Buffalo, H. A. London,
should year will no. exceed per cent. J. II. II. Jr.
as compared with last year. The w. c. Dowd, Will alter-
writer does not claim to have abet-
J. A. Thomas, J, J,
one, and this
girls who had sent In their Association of Cotton states i
I. a
the ,,,., ., v. More fr. Z S
buildings are needed prov
all who lo attend. The I
will do a work for
the girls of Carolina.
Mu its
Diamond Shoals Lightship No.
Cap Henry at
hi in in and 1,111-
Orleans .;. It, with the
I heir own In
of their
on the hoe been the
IN v
Carolina 1-
to iii. rapidly, in
of a reputation the
nightfall t. resume her station world, as a manufacturing
Tape She guards Die
dangerous spot Allan
coast, She has ex-
tensive via-, in
frightful storm a year ago.
parted her great chain- ,,.,.
pile steam power was
high dry upon the
been hen- wick taking OB
largo supply of fuel
the must because time
Not as the cotton man-
leader of Booth, but
along other new
Is especially attracting
present, via., splendid
patent Pell man
of Royal -v Bar-
den whose claim of
the comfortable
best bed the lace of
has met with a great
eastern market, their year's dropped in t the convention
work next May will have been Hon. J.
that of a Murphy, of and J.
was n very conservative of Durham. Bach of these
and t should not be at all were and made short
fit does fall even below I talks,
gore, was present one
short while. He is
he never Id
when about
N. Sept.
A was killed at Pantego
Jud, ab p. m. The
killing was claimed as accidental
but there were three shots Brad,
the mail shot run around and
endeavored to shield himself be-
weeks way two of the greatest
which no vessel may the year, one m
her Va., Slate another Die
Dispatch, 1st. West, unit from other outside i
ml ex -editor and said
n on at home than
newspaper office or
among newspaper
notice of the
coming, in. editors to the city,
bin was m Iv I. give most
to sec that
bind another man, The murdered t mountain city
man was shot in the head and lived was made The
about forty mid were p under
was that tin- killing was in- to the lone of the Asheville
Daily and also to o. L.
The three young man of whom of the
we wrote, skipper,
Swindell, were not drowned as were passed by the
feared, but were off by
other craft, and in all right.
two of the
offered by the President.
Ordered that the of Win.
Wills and Hardy I
stricken pauper roll.
Ordered that tax on foot peddlers
be the same for 1900 as
Ordered that of Deeds
make the proper order on the tax
for turn over the
to the sheriff.
It appealing to the satisfaction
of Board that the prisoner, Tom
Woolen, who was hired out to
John J. Nobles, has escaped, it
was ordered that the said Nobles
be relieved from the amount of
hire for the remaining two months.
Ordered that j. at. Smith be ad-
to the County Home and
his name k- stricken from pauper
Ordered Hannah
sou be allowed per month as
that t . Tucker be
a committee with J. J.
B. Cox to investigate and make the
in the stock law
fence th rear of J. P.
Ordered that Wm. H.
lie thirty days to settle for
property in front of court house.
On petition L. it
was ordered that the valuation on
the forty acre tract of land owned
by him, the Prince Moore
laud be on tax books from
one hundred fifty to sixty
S. I. having
u similar the valuation on
his tract of Prince Moore land was
led in ed tax book from one
fifty to sixty dollars.
Ordered that the valuation
two town lots owned by M. II.
be one thousand
dollars addition to valuation of
1899 on account of buildings erect-
ed thereon.
Ordered that the Sheriff employ
a guard to watch the county jail at
beginning September
ending September
to lie allowed 91.50 per night.
Ordered that peddlers license be
Ranted free of charge to
Book old veteran.
C, Laughinghouse,
of Health and J. U. Cherry, Treas-
filed their monthly reports
were approved and ordered
Ordered that Clerk of Hoard
chase some extra shelving for vault
in bis office.
Ninety two delinquents were
Good Opening- of Fall Session.
All schools began their fall
terms today, i and some have the
best opening in their history.
The public school for this
began with AS pupils present.
The Male Academy W.
opened with
the largest number ever
present the first day.
The Masonic Hall School had
present with several more enrolled
who could get the first
day. This mm a splendid
the new school.
Mrs. School had eight
present with more to lie added
during the week.
Miss Annie
ten school opened with M present.
We learn by telephone that C. C.
College Ayden had
with more expected soon.
Prof. A. J. Manning is principal;
Prof. Hodges teacher of
mathematics and book keep
Miss Lizzie Anderson, of
teacher primary
and elocution; Miss
Moore, of Washington,
teacher of
This morning Joe Forbes, a
Fifth Street bar keeper, was before
Mayor J. G. charged with
violating the law against selling or
giving away liquor on Sunday.
Chief of Police J. T. Smith caught
a crowd in Forbes- bar last Sun
day, hence the warrant against
There a crowd at the
and a number of witnesses were ex-
These were young men
who admitted that they were in
an adjoining room to the saloon
Sunday morning playing
and while all of them said
they drank some liquor out of a
bottle one of them had along in his
pocket, it took much pointed
by the Mayor to get one of
them to admit that he got a drink
in the barroom. Forbes was rep-
resented by counsel, H. Skinner
and F. O. James appearing for
him, but all they could do was try-
to take advantage of some
The Mayor fined Forbes
and revoked his license. The
defendant took an appeal to the
Superior Court and was re.
quired to give a verified bond
the sum of
It Was a Treat
The Hand was out Tues-
day night giving a serenade with
their new instruments. Those
with an car for music could readily
distinguish the difference tone
of the new instruments. The boys
also have several new selections of
music which they ployed on the
serenade. Now the folks see what
the can do, and the boys.
New Instruments.
Saturday the Hand re-
ten new instruments to be
added to band equipment.
came from C. Conn,
who makes the
finest band instruments in the
country. Those received here are
beautiful. The ten instruments
cost something over and
this week our people will be
N. C, 5th.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., have
commenced their full
supply of Back Bands and Cart
Saddles. The demand at this sea-
son for this line goods is usu-
ally great, especially in the
Wilmington and Morehead City
sections. It is amazing how the
Back Band and Cart
Saddle have grown in public favor.
Only a few years ago they were
on the market and very
few of them were sold, but to day
hundreds upon them
arc sent out from the factory.
They are cheap, simple of
and very durable and where-
ever tried and are very pop.
The High
opened its fall under
most gratifying indeed.
Beside the large number present
on the first day boys and girls
from a distance have board
for the term these will be
greatly added to by others from
the country.
is Smiles to day
there are clouds
the fact all
The man h . smokes,
And does smoke
Is like a man
Who does not
That this is the Fall of
Just simply behind the times.
Messrs. and Kittrell are
prepared to do ginning for the
public. They are both good men
and will treat all fairly who have
dealings with
W. B. of the A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co., is spending the week
at Morehead.
, Miss Jenkins, of Bethel, is
visiting Mrs W. M. Dixon.
W. M. Dixon has accepted a
on for subscriptions us I as section master the rail-
Hist in them, The road.
arc entitled lo your help and will J. C. Lanier, of Greenville was
appreciate any donation. here yesterday.
Attention Farmers
,, . ., ,, v
One that the users of ready I lowed Ii list taxes for
am now offering you one of the most complete lines of
hi very reasonable prices. My line of
which is the of any market are fresh and cheap.
When you come to town give me a trial.
Yours to please,
Jas. B. White.
it. J
i am a
The Northern Markets
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The Eastern for
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Jars, Fruit Jars, Fruit
Watermelons are playing out
and wining
to take their place.
FOB Bill One O-horse Cooper
Eugine wheels. Apply to J. H.
Greenville, N. C
Pitt has no Bryan and
club yet. Several counties are
ahead of us in this particular.
shoeing by a
white workman, at W. O.
bill's Dickinson avenue.
Attention is called to the ad-
of the the mortgage
sale of bind by G. A.
Greene Hooker's new ginning
plant turned out its first bale of
cotton Saturday. The plant does
good work.
The child of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Lang died Saturday evening
at borne just east of Green-
ville, The remains were taken to
the family burial ground near
and entered Sunday
On last night the store of
J. J. Rio., at
war. into by robbers.
The was made by
the back door. The robbers
got money, only about
worth of goods, consisting mainly
of liquor, pistols and shoes, baa
been missed.
t School.
Mr. J, It. Harding, who for the
last few months has local re-
porter on left
morning to enter the A. M. Col-
Raleigh. was in-
deed a valuable helper on the pa-
per and we never saw any
faithful to his duties he.
While we regretted to give him up,
It is commendable that he desired
to complete his education and
college for that purpose. He
will make his mark whatever
calling he applies himself to.
Some Speak Me, Some to You
Leslie Newton went to to-
W. Brooks left this morning
for Norfolk.
W. Erwin left this morning
for Baltimore.
J. II. Farrow went to Kinston
Saturday evening.
Rev. B. H. left this
for Washington.
Mrs V. H. left this
morning on a visit to
Zeno Moore left this morning for
Baltimore to purchase goods.
N. H. Whitfield returned from
Scotland Neck Saturday evening.
W. B. Wilson, Jr., this
morning for school at Ox-
Mrs J. C. Jordan child
rived Saturday from Dan-
Frank Webb, of Kinston, came
over this morning to visit n. E.
The Misses Erwin left this morn
for Baltimore to purchase
Mrs. B. J. Cobb left this morn-
on a pleasure trip to Baltimore
and New York.
M. D. Higgs left this morn-
for Baltimore to purchase her
fall millinery.
D. J. Whichard returned
from the Press Con-
at Asheville.
J. G. Whaley came from
Halifax Saturday evening and re-
turned this
J. H- Harding, C.
and John White left this
for the A. M. College at Raleigh.
Mrs. Julian Timberlake, of
who has been visiting her pa-
rents at returned home
H. T. King returned Saturday
from where he
had been Press Con-
Miss Florence of
Hope, who has been visit-
Mrs. E. II. Thomas, returned
home today.
Miss Amelia White, of Hertford,
who baa visiting the
of J. White, left this
for her home.
Mrs. W. O. Dixon, of
ton, has visiting
Greenville, returned home
Miss Ferrell, of Clinton,
came in evening and
went today to
resume her school.
Miss Nancy E.
Princess ltd., arrived Sat-
evening lo take charge of
Mrs. school.
B. E. Lee is very sick.
i- on the sick list.
K. T. Follies
from New Bern.
Mrs. Henry Sheppard has
very sick the last few days.
Mrs. J. A. Ricks returned Mon-
day from
Mrs. W. II. left this
visit in
W. S. Bernard left
for I Hill.
Miss Banana Taft
from Washington Monday evening.
J. F. Stoke- left this
Chapel Hill lo attend the
Miss of Hamilton, is
her sister, Mrs W. B.
Miss Ada returned Mon-
day from a visit to South
W. H. Cox, of return-
from New York, stopped over
here Monday night.
C. D. Williams, of Raleigh, came
down Monday to tune pianos
the Masonic school.
Miss Mamie Hines, of Kinston,
who has visiting here, return-
ed home Monday
Judge A. M. Mrs.
Moore returned home Monday-
evening from
R. left this morning for
the northern markets to purchase
new goods for J. C. Cobb Son.
Rev. F. A. Bishop returned
home Monday evening from a visit
to churches in other
Mis. B. M. and children
returned home Monday evening
from a visit to parents
J. N. Gorman came in from
Richmond k outlay evening. He
brought bis family to remain here
during the tobacco season.
Mrs. R. B. Whitehead, of
son, who has been spending some-
time with her father, J. B. Harris,
near Falkland, took the train here
this mu for home.
Miss Minnie this
for Baltimore. After
spending a weeks slit-
will come back to Roanoke Rapids
to take charge of ii millinery store
for her uncle, T. M. Moore.
Wednesday, September
S. W. Brooks Tuesday
evening from Norfolk.
Eugene Tucker Tuesday
from Baltimore.
Jesse Tuesday
evening from New York.
Bellamy Harris, Wilmington,
is visiting bis sister Mrs. J. A-
Norris White, of Greensboro,
arrived Tuesday evening to visit
his brother II. A. While.
Mis. m. B. Norman, of
arrived Tuesday to
visit her son, J. S. Norman.
Mrs. Brown, representing
Friend, of Oxford, spent to-
day here canvassing for the paper.
D. A. the double
auctioneer from Danville,
today mi the Greenville to-
Miss Beam Patrick left this
morning for Durham to resume her
studies of music at the Durham
Mm. W. F. Burch and
left this morning for
to visit her Mm.
E. M. Williams.
Mrs. J.
Miss Helen, of Ayden,
i p this morning to spend the day
Mrs. F.
Mix. S. B, Wilson and daughter,
Miss Nannie, and of the little
B. Wilson, left this
morning to visit relatives at Con-
J. It. and M. Jones re-
turned Tuesday evening from
northern markets where they
buying goods for J, Cher-
a co.
Brought Home for
The remains of Mis Eugene
Tucker, who died last Saturday
evening. The burial look place
this afternoon near the home of
Mr. W. II. Tucker, two miles
south of
stop This
A colored boy was riding a horse,
from tobacco town this
morning. The boy Could not hold
the horse the animal came tan-
through Dickinson avenue
and Evans boy holler
for every jump this
The boy meant his cry,
too, and he was lucky to
stick on back of the horse, so
i. u
Goods Selling Like Wild Fire
The great markets like New York, Philadelphia a; have been searched
Bargains and we have them. are going to sell for less money than anybody
else. Why Because we buy more got Is than any other store in town
and get larger discounts; and we sell-for the smallest possible
margin of profit, depending a large volume
no rents to pay.
and CASH Over
the Counter and No to
Let The Figures
I Their Story.
Men Suits the and 0.0 I quality, Sale . B quality, Sale Price,
; Sale Price,
Men Suits the 6.00 quality, 7-
; Suit. Mad. Silk Taffeta Lined,
Men 8.00 and while they last quality now
These Goods are All New. No Old Stock on Hand.
Shirt Waists, worth c
Checked worth
plain fancy Linen
Waist, white Collars and Cads,
Children's extra hen
Children's Fast Black worth worth
Best Linen Canvas, worth Re .
Deal Feather colors. Honey ones, I
Knitting Bilk, all colon, worth Dress Shields
Woven Bedspreads,
Men's Collars, worth
Elastic Webbing worth 10-inch Embroidery Cotton, worth left, come white they last.
I nil
Fancy F. Silk, 7.-
Fancy worth
Curtains worth Waists sets, worth
v. Men's Bilk Bosom shirts.
Is Imported Irish Steels.
Combs, worth
Fancy Stripe White
Welled all
Pane k Pins
Shirts liars
Silk Hells, colors
line Box
. I.- Window similes, spring roller Ho
v. styles and Pattens,
Big New

Healer's Cotton Report
A la Each.
Some men kick they
New Orleans. Sept. to- have nothing to kick about.
report of the cotton crop of the
I United States to
. They show receipts of cot
UM at U States ports for
the year of bales against
last year; overland to
Northern mills against
We have and cheap I Southern consumption
taken direct from interior of the
belt 1.-
making the crop of the
United Stales for
to against
year and the
year In lore.
Mr. Healer has made unusual
For Summer and Fall wear
t line ever brought to an -till
selling our Summer J and below cost.
You re to please.
men give their wives wraps
and others give them raps.
is believing until you
look at yourself one of those
It is not until they gel into a
tight that some men become
To See gs
I than cure. Tint's
Pills will not only cure, but if
on Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and
lock of
investigation into the consumption
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
st. Mary's School. Raleigh, N.
X. C., .,., .
few months ago I purchased a from
after giving a thorough trial, l find it the most comfortable
in all respects by far the most satisfactory Mattress I ever used.
I have tried both cotton and hair greatly prefer this
Wishing too much success with your Fell Mattress, lam
to M. Matron.
Alter night's one, if it is all yon even
honed for a comfortable bed, return it to us and re will refund
you the full amount paid question . you not bring oat
t one cent, cot even the freight.
array CAN GET ONE; fl our local dealer does not handle
our mattresses, write to us direct for pamphlet descriptive of same.
Manufacturers of Furniture. Mattresses, etc., X.
Get a good Safe
of every cotton mill the South,
Including mills that have
used cotton, and the results show a
total of bales, but of this
hales were taken from ports
including in port receipts. This
total shows that the mills of the
South have used up boles
more than during 1896 against
a by the North of
He makes the actual cot-
ton crop of Texas. Including Indian
Territory, or say
bales less that list year. His
report on crop fr the
State show that thou
pi Arkansas
Tennessee Texas
Booth Carolina in this instance.
include Kentucky and Virginia;
includes Oklahoma, Mis-
Kansas and Utah; Texas in-
dudes Indian Territory.
Mr. Hester's lull report, which
will be issued tomorrow, trill con-
Interesting fads in relation to
Increase in the spin-
dies of Southern mills, and to new
mills now building. He will also
show that while the past crop was
bales less than that last
year, it produced In money
012.000 mote.
a luau's doesn't agree
with him he usually makes things
disagreeable for his wife.
When it comes to board, every
man should expect U plank down.
The marriage tie con
a man with his wife's apron
The faith cure would be ail
it would their
The man who lends money pro-
usually borrows
can't always tell how
your arc by the quantity
of ice they buy.
When blames himself for
his own bis friends
say he is
When a millionaire dies without
heirs the undertaker regards
as dead easy.
with some people, is a
disease that they take every
hie precaution against.
From view the drug
author the editorial
position is on the decline.
in yon blame a young man for
his sister
wears bis Milan and neckties.
taken in time will prevent
Heavy and Fancy biliousness
Consisting of Meats. jaundice, torpid
Coffee. Canned . . ,.
kindred diseases,
lions, Fruits, in fact everything. PILLS
to found an up to date ABSOLUTELY CURE.
We pay the highest market i
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce. VITA PILLS
or to barter. When l
yon want to sell or when you M Ll V.-m
T. F.
at Five
w ant to buy come to see us.
r all who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire suit and
sod mum His
of south. Bail
its b
soy U the a
statistic show that nerve m
y among
I It far this great I
American distant, because It gee
I to the weak; I
bonding op and
at and to the I
worn-out the liver
to and all the
to ova
-----.-1. .
our dodo.
I of the body.
tor or
Flu. and
f or
la SO or
For sale by J I.
per bottle. Chills and
Fever. Malaria, Sweats and
Money back if it doesn't.
Soother good. Gel the kind
with the Red Cross on the label.
Sold and by Wooten,
Bryan and mil, druggists.
Cotton Nagging lies always
on has ,
Fresh kept instantly on
baud. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Ill I
The Viet safe is made in all sizes con-
for home, farm, office and general use.
Every with guarantee to lie lire
proof. Prices range from up.
Greenville. X.
The New Jersey mosquito held
record until the
was with which it
compares about as a sparrow does
to a vulture. It is fortunate bow-
ever, that the Alaska product is
not en to long Bights nor to pros-
by the
f certain am
Annie J.
B. K. A.
of May, in
in Him-
in N. public-
fur cash
in Iowa of known
a frank la
K. K. K Knight by last will
of Or. I. also one-half
in lo sad lot
by ,. A. sum-ill.
Having- this day before the
clerk of the Superior court of Pitt
n to the last Will and
of K. notice l
l-i vi-h to all persons claims
against the estate of W. K.
lo present them to mo for payment on or
before day of July 1801, or
will be plead In liar of their recovery,
All estate are re-
lo make immediate payment lo mo
ThU the 24th day of July
of of W. K.
will in II-
a MS
we .-an
. auk lbs I
.-emptied ire
aim pills, e
Seat by mail. liken.
street. III. .
J I. t.
As one if the i. for Public School Bunks in
Pitt County. designated on the
State schools and can what-
you We also hare
slum vertical, I I i
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens, pencils, slates,
crayons, colored crayons, Inks, companion boxes
Some of Our
pencils l cent, plain lead pencils l cent,
robber tipped lend pencil l cent, nice tablet
pretty cover l G crayons, with metal hold-
in wood boat load pencil, slate pen-
and i en, and rule, nil in nice wood box,
A great big wide tablet B cents Bottle
ink on the fl cents. Copy S lo cuts.
White crayons, gross In box, cents Good tool's
paper par quire
Parker gen
Greensboro Female College
North Carolina.
Fall Term begins
July S.
L Rocky Mount
Leave Wilson
Ar Florence
l a
l a
a. IS M
m am
e on
undertakers, house
keeper, coal sod wood deafen, fresh meat
dialers, opera
dealers and other the Law of
North for the require
y.-ii to oat Monday in
J mac each
ones sad save trouble.
Sheriff of
is at,
And when it comet to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
Kansas to hold its usual
fall this year, and the
baa decided to
a novel feature con-
with the parade
of men stills. of
still walkers arc expected to par-
in the parade, and as all
are to lie gorgeously costumed the
will lie extremely
Speaking smoked
there is a promising specimen in
Kansas City school teach-
who profitable thing of
his color baying houses in
neighborhoods, ex-
acting good bonuses from adjacent
property owners who wish to get
him out of the neighborhood. He
admits lie plays
skin game, and says that he has
a right lo Louisville
Journal, lie III.
The Salisbury Sun has started an
agitation in the hope of securing
the enactment of laws for
the collection of There are
two sides to the question the
debtor's and the
when lo a of pay-
lug what thou owes there should
one side. The man who
wants to pay bis debts and cannot
is to be pitied, The man who
can pay his ill in. is to
condensed, The man who
would take advantage the con
of a friend or
order to get something for nothing
a provision will com
to pay up or take the .
At Cost.
Lt Hooky Mount
Our entire stock
Dry Goods, Domestics,
Notions, Shoes,
II u
4-0 ST IS
. n l is
i I i If a
i as
In the Superior Court.
Jr, against
Maggie Cherry
will take that at
In the Superior
Court of Pill County, returnable at the
term Court to be held at Court
the Second
after the First In September, 1900,
t which i i m.- and she will appear
sad or demur to the complaint
which will in slit of tho
Superior Court of said County, and
the said de will lake that if
she fall to answer or demur to said com-
plaint term. Hie plaintiff will
to the Court the relief demanded
therein. The said defendant, will
lake notice tho said action Is
by the lo a divorce from
the bonds of
under my hand at office
on this the day of August
C. Moons,
r M
a decree of
Court of Pill county in case of W. M.
Lang and against Jason
wife Annie petition lo sell laud for
Ike Commissioner
Will sell cash baton Court
in on day
of described
or lot of land situated in the of
N. C. Beginning ti
store lot at a post Wilson St. and run-
west i poles links to
a post on W. V. Lang's line, thence
t poles and put in
line, North i poles
links to
Said Strait North West piles
and links the known
livery stable lot.
F. James.
This Aug. lone
and night Sweats with
Chill Tonic at per
Pleasant to take. Money
j refunded if it talks. up
petite, the and
well- None other an good.
Sold and guaranteed at the .
stores of Bryan, Wooten
and retail Grocer and
nil tire Dealer, paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Heed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, etc. lied-
Oak Baits,
, Go Carts, Parlor
Suits. Ta is, P.
Meat Key Weal Cheroots,
Cherries, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Food, Oil
Cotton ; Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Apples, Nuts,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers, Mara
Best Butter, Stand
aid . h i ii cs. and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
a in, arrives p
ford m. Returning
p arrive p
pm. Wilmington
am, MaXIM a m, Bed
Springs a m. Hope Mills a
rive leaves
p m, Hope Mills p m
Springs p m, IS p r.
with train
Bad with the
with Air Line and Southern
Railway at with the Durham and
Charlotte Railroad.
Train on -s
riven p m. t
m, M am. arriving
at u am, II am.
Trains leave
a m ant -r SO n m. arrive B
S pm.
Fall Tera Sept. 1900.
above will
that an
been n the of
lo a from
of matrimony, the
will further take notice that he Is require
to iii-pm at the next u-rm of the Superior
Court of Mid county to held on the hoc-
after the Monday in Sent,
next, it being the 17th of 1900,
at the Court Doom in N.
an t or to the in
Mid action, or the apply to the
Court for the relief demanded inlaid com-
This the 30th of 1900.
Clerk Superior Court.
P. Q a a for
ave Parmele tit
arrive Washington
and T p m,
Train leave. dally Hands
p IS pm, arrive.
pm, I IT-
Ms It. a
am, Kl s m. II am.
Train on Midland N C Is,
s a m, returning learn Smiths, -w
a m. arrive, at t am.
Mount am. p m. arrive
lo SO a m, pm. Hope. II am, ,
n. leave
Nashville II a m. at
Mount IS urn, too pro. dally
Train on leave. Warsaw
Clinton an, and lira
pm, loaves at a m
W p m.
Train No l
don all dally, all via
J. R. Malinger.
T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Ma- ager
ton daily at A. M. for
ville, leave Greenville daily at I
P, for Washington.
Steamer loaves
and Fridays at for Tor-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at with
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for nil points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the om s. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. O.
Practical, common sense
Prepares boys and girls for
the duties life. Pupils take a
stand at College. Success
measured by the de-
of our pupils. Com-
and teachers.
A well organized Literary Society.
Moral influence good. Expenses
reasonable. For further
see or address the principals,
Bethel, N. C
N. C-
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
The One Day Cure.
Cold In and am throat by
mutt to
Also a nice Lino of Hardware.
i UM K i BEE Ma.
The Eastern Reflector
National Ticket.
of II
Presidential Elector, 1st
For Congress, 1st
of Bean fort.
Dr. S. J. Love, who lived
Longs store, in Data died
yesterday afternoon at o'clock of
arsenic poisoning. His brother
and sister bis mother, Mrs.
Thomas Love, and live men whose
names could not lie last
night, from
of the same arsenic poisoning,
which was last Fri
day afternoon o'clock.
of the tragedy
telephoned lo The Observer
last night by A. Austin, of
Oak drove, com he
staled Unit last Friday Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Love, whose
is in
across the river from Long's store
had their wheel threshed,
following the usual custom, enter-
at dinner all the men
ed at the threshing.
Mr. and Mrs. Love, Dr. Love,
Congress takes up the
question of wit
Representatives st will be brought I of The
face to face with the problem of . ordinary bountiful
increasing the number of
ratio of
the House has
members is unwieldy
body. The basis of
is at present one member
constituents. Should this
be there will be ad-
to the membership of the next
House about fifty six
total membership
Aside from the difficulty of doing
business in a body of such
there will be the greatest
difficulty in seating fifty-six more
members in the present chamber.
There is room for a more
than now sit in the chamber, but
it will be impossible to add fifty
seats, with desks, without taking
up all the space leaving
room for passage behind the rail-
As each member is entitled
to a year salary.
a clerk, for stationery and his
mileage, the addition of fitly
members would increase the ex-
of the House about
per annum, to say nothing of the
additional cost of carrying their
franked matter in the mails.
On the other hand, to increase
the ratio representation to
which would leave the
about or almost the
present figures, might endanger
the representation of some States
in tho House and would certainly
shift the lines of some Congress
districts so as many cases to
throw two members of the
House in the same district. It has
always been the custom to fix the
ratio of representation so as not to
reduce the representation of any
State. serious question
in connection with the House is
the reducing of the representation
of those Southern States which
have disfranchised the
The census returns will show the
number of male inhabitants of a
voting age, comparison with
the election returns will form the
basis for an estimate of the
i as
meal was the ordinary bountiful
repast for such occasion. With-
in after it had been
eaten Dr. Love became Violently
ill suffering with intense nausea.
His mother, sister and brother and
five of the threshers also became
sick with the same symptoms,
suffering greatly the latter were
not taken to their have
since pronounced out of
It that Dr. Love
lowed a larger quantity, of poison
than and of the other sufferers; and
his condition was alarming from
the first. His nausea was not re-
until twenty-four hours
he became tick, by this
time he was so completely exhaust-
ed that he never
gradually until the end. The con-
of his brother and sister has
improved and Dr. Austin is sure
that they will be well again. Their
mother, Love, continues
dangerously ill her recovery is
doubtful. Mr. Thomas was
by the poison.
When questioned as to the
of poisoning Dr. Austin said
that there were every indication
that form, had
been put one of the dishes served
at the dinner, but by whom
the deadly drug was placed in the
food is a mystery. It was under-
stood that the meal was prepared
by several members of the family,
assisted by some neighbors who
were for the day. The
symptoms of every sufferer, and
especially the symptoms of Dr.
Love, said Dr. Austin, tended to
prove beyond question
was the used, but to
sure as to this point, it is expected
that Dr. Love's stomach will be
sent to a chemist for analysis.
A Grant Discovery.
Some of the newspapers have
that the race question
is forever settled in North
They have op
tics. So as the amendment is
concerned, it does not go into
before months more
have passed. If the
republican can possibly it.
it will never go into effect. It is a
powerful and far reaching law to
settle the most vexing question of
this age in so far as the south is
ate his nearly
two years before it begins
as a law. What a pity it was
tried long ago. It would
many have freed
North The race quest ion
is settled, quoin the for
all time. So do hence
forth to make any reference to the
history of rule in Oar-
for thirty years, and tread
gingerly when is named
and do not make any reference to
his officials
in the south and particularly in
North Carolina, is
el to wound his very tender
it is a great crime to
say ought of postmasters
for North Carolina, seven of whom
are known here to have been
rogues. The question is set-
If true tire an hundred
rounds by all the military and let
the people rejoice in mighty
We are in the forefront of the
We offer yon best selected line of
race after your pair
General Merchandise
The Pratt Wheat Crop
Messrs. M. L. Brown Bro.
have j finished threshing their
crop of measured bushels. By
weight this crop weighs
bushel-. wheat was raised on
land, drill mess
ore. Tin- wheat a
clean of cockle, cheat, oats or trash
of any kind. Th fol-
Plowing land harrow,
log drilling value
per bushel
harvesting wheat hauling
wheat hauling wheat
to mill for Back-
This up
This i-i a cost of per
acre. The value of 1481 bushels
wheat cc per bushel i
113.3. Messrs. Browns
Bay the straw and chaff is worth
to be found in any County. Well bought choice
and Winter We are at work for and OUT mutual adj.,, and you have
II is our pleasure to show you you total leaves
sell you if we can. We offer you the very best sen ice, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent With a well
established business built up strictly on Its own merits.
When come to market you Will not do justice
if do not see om Immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Jackets and Capes, Carpels, Mattings and Oil
the nice Mini of
This i a profit of per acre,
or we say allowing
the for tear of ma
laxes. There was not
a pound
Assignment New
Central Carolina Fair
An to which a great
many people in North arc
looking forward with is the
Central Fair, to be held
in on October -13th.
It will one of the biggest fairs
ever held in the South, and will be
attended by many thousand
The officers and directors of the
Central Carolina Fair Association
are men of North
Carolina. They are receiving the
of the business
men of the State, and neither
will be spared to make
the fair a complete success.
It is impossible to enumerate the
attractions of the- week. Suffice
there will be Interesting
and entertaining features on each
of the four days. The
will be full and complete,
everything seen an up-to-
date fair or exposition, while the
very latest will be
cured for the
For those who are fond of such
sport there will be racing on
each of the four days of the fair.
The purses art the largest ever of-
In North and a
number of the fastest most
noted horses in the country will be
Men's, Women's and Children's and
Harness, Horse Blankets and
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lard, Scad ts,
Plows, Castings and Fixtures Nails and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in
We buy strictly for Cash, sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
New Bern,
Neal. contractor and mill owner,
has assigned. He is well known
in this section has largo con-
tracts including the building Of
bridges Trent
livers ill New Bern and the two
new warehouses hero for At-
North Carolina Railroad.
The assignment was made to . H.
and John Dunn. His
are between and
The assets are a saw mill
near City and timber-
lauds. These are secured demur
made last Biggs
Co., of Norfolk, Va., who have;
against Seal tor
The balance of liabilities are main-
due here to merchants, feed
men and mill supply arms, vary-
from small sums up to
Which is the largest single amount.
up th Courtship.
reason of failure seems
from stocking up high
poor business methods.
lo be
Columbia, Sept. 8.-W. Tuber . A bread being
a restaurant keeper at See- in Milwaukee, is to
has been raying attention to el, but very desirable,
tS woman All the are
g e miles Iron, the to be tested in a laboratory before
couple met clandestinely. In fall view of the public
The entire neighborhood said there
Dr. Austin, is greatly excited V
the occurrence and the
impression is that some person, or
Chic Tan Sun, who lives Cal
is said tube the wealthiest
Chinaman in the United States.
He came to the Golden Hate in the
steerage of a steamer, tho penniless
son of a poor farmer the Sun
of China.
d as cock, but, very enter-
prising, rapidly became wealthy,
at he employs several
hundred white people in his
and canning establishments,
owns real estate and big cattle
ranches, lottery and
several merchandise stores in San
Francisco, the real estate
business in Hong Kong, Chin Tan
gives a share of the credit for
his success to his white wife, to
whom ho is said to be devoted.
persons, put the arsenic the
food with murderous It is
believed that the legal authorities
will at once make a searching in-
in the matter.
The death of Dr. Love is much
deplored. He was only years of
age, but he had built up a large
and lucrative practice and had the
respect and confidence of all who
knew Observer.
everyone lo attend. The rates
w ill la as low as were ever offered.
The progressive
will do everything in their
power to make occasion a me-
one the history of the
State. visitor will
welcomed and assured of a
pleasant time.
mm Mm.
The Advance of
While no official announcement
has yet made it is said the
census figures corrected indicate
that the United States has it pop-
of nearly
The has decided to
place Major General S. Otis
in the of
who will retire from active
vice on the 10th of tho month.
Tho age of man, we are told, is
years and ten. From
to if the health be good, no
material alteration is observed.
From thence to the is
greater. Fifty-five to CO the
startles; still we are
bowed down. tho earliest
of our life the body strength-
ens and keeps up the mind; in the
later stages of it the reverse takes
place, and the mind keeps up the
this and
keenly felt by both. Such is
riding Into the country on his bi-
cycle, In a
picturesque spot on the Seneca riv-
near her home.
Saturday, all true of him
being lost. Someone saw and
the girl together and the
was she at Bret
denied knowing about
whereabouts, but confessed
that her two brothers and her
brother-in-law, H. Sims, bad
secretly followed her Saturday and
conic upon and by
the rive. Despite the entreaties
her lover, men proceeded to
shoot him to death. ThU done,
they tied his body to
added weight and threw
it the river.
The woman took the to
the spot and the body and
wee ashed up. Her
threatened to kill her If he
information. The young men have
been arrested.
tables stationed in front of wide
plate glass windows. man
will be required to wear a special
suit of clothes provided by the
one a day in the bath room
that is connected with the lockers
the upper Moreover, he
ma smoke, chew or drink and
a worker bread
This sanitation is to extend even
beyond limits the factory,
for every loaf of bread on being
taken from the oven will be wrap-
in ashed paper and
so sent out lo the market.
platform on which Mr.
Chicago, gave way, causing a pan-
and stampede among the crowd
of people on it be a
Democratic platform. There are
in jokingly
said Mr. His coolness
Up at New Haven,
an so many people named
Bomb that to avoid confusion
are thus designated
Big Ike,
Ike, Ike on the Hill, Ike the
Hollow, Rosa's Ike, Sol.
Virginia Ike, Aunt Cos-
Ike, Drummer Ike, Fourth
Virginia Hartford Ike, Dam
Ike, Ike, Sally's
he. Trotter Va, of
Ike, Ten Mile Marl's Ike ,
Una wont of late to do tall
boasting of the development of the
cotton manufacturing industry
State, which U something
worth boasting of
do Write and say
enough the remarkable
growth tobacco Interests.
In years North Car
risen to be the largest to
Slate in
South and I bird largest in
United States. In the production
of smoking tobacco she leads all
others; in log she is
surpassed only two Stales.
North crop
has the decide to
In to that of Kentucky
the leading State of the Union.
j has almost brilliant
I record as a town builder.
weed morn
anything else to
the advancement of the State.
Southern Tobacco Journal.
Slate of Ohio. City Of Toledo, i M
Locus Con my.
makes oath
that he Is the senior partner of the
firm of P.
business In the City of Toledo,
County and State afore said, and
said firm will pay the sum of
raw hundred dollars for each and
case of Catarrh that cannot
lie the use of Halls
Frank J.
Sworn to before me and sub
scribed in my presence,
day of December, A. D 1886.
.- A. W.
Votary Public
Ball's Cure is taken inter
acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of system.
Send testimonials, free.
p. Props.,
fills arc the best.
The Democratic campaign own-
has taken up tho argument
advanced the publicans that
the former i- prospering under Be
publican rule and turned it
to show in reality he pays
for everything because of the
Here are the points made
by the
requires per cent, more
wheat to buy it did
It bushels more corn
to buy in
requires per cent, more
corn or wheat lo buy a copper
in 1886.
requires twice as much com to
buy a coil of rope as 1890.
requires per cent, more
grain to buy a plow than in 1898.
requires per more
grain to buy a hoc, a rake
el than in 1888.
a set of common wheels that
cost in 1898 now cost
I he price of and
farm Implements has gone up
Galvanized barbed wire costs
from i to 84.50 per hundred more
than In 1896.
requires per
corn or lo buy a pound of
sugar than in 1896.
have to pay per cent.
more glass than 1896.
rates have climbed back
lo exorbitant figures a few
years ago.
The price of oil, coal, lumber,
tools and hardware has gone up
from in to per cent.
all these things have been
done by trusts.
A trust robs you walking or
sleeping, eating or drinking, work-
I. r resting, living or dying and
the trust gets you
Laura Howard, of Bel-
recovered damages of
a railroad company tot
damages lo Mrs. Howard. They
arc now having an animated mill
in court to decide which shall have
the star.
There hat e been sold at
since March 1st. by one railway
Ticket tickets to
going states to live,
including going sway to
live temporarily. The majority of
the who have thus gone
pen have made their
home in Massachusetts.
Amen the panic.
I Tribune.
Huge Irvine brought a
to work In hi
paying their here he was very
much that I i
them had skipped. He went over
to Greenville In scorch of his stem-
ming tourists last
night of them, as happy
us distillery hog- and in nowise
seeking to
11- is and
A in be said to have
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Eastern reflector, 7 September 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 07, 1900
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Joyner NC Microforms
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