Eastern reflector, 24 August 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

My Stock
is Complete
f Goods. Hats,
prices that will suit you.
. White
Famous m
Laxative. com to chills and
fever and all malarial and billions troubles. For sale by
Harrington, Barber Sc Co.,
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
Increased Activity A motif;
Filipinos In the
la Luzon.
Manila, Aug. from
islands show that there
has activity among
the I'm . during the last
six weeks. I in- American losses
the of last month
were greater than in mouth
January last.
General and
bunting the garrisons,
into the during daylight and
ambushing tiring
and then retreating upon, the
The an
ample supply of ammunition and
are organized to a considerable de-
The American's have garrisoned
three towns on two
of which shelter a tenth of the orig-
inhabitants who suffer from
els from the hills.
The third is without native
inhabitants, the rebel outposts, a
mile away, preventing their re-
turn to their homes.
When amnesty as proclaimed
it practically was without effect,
and the expectation that the
would not accomplish
much in the lime is
daily diminishing.
The Philippine Commission, is
now announced, will make all lit-
civil service appointments.
Several minor engagements
last week The
rebels used smokeless
The Worst In Tea Years. .
The Crop for the week
ending Monday, August 1900,
With an experience of over
ten years the author of the Crop
of the North
does not remember
more unfortunate for agricultural
interests those prevailing
throughout North Carolina since
August The weather
during the week Monday,
August 13th, is characterized by
severe drought and intense heat.
The maximum temperatures
from degrees near the east coast
and the mountain regions to
over in the central sec
The most successful merchants
of city are those who use ad-
space in the daily news-
papers. There be exceptions
but are not one in hundred.
Wilmington Every Even-
Tie hotel home
U common enough; a hotel
out home make
a hit.
Select Female School
school bar will
maid Milt hf
Ills u to their manners and mental
Terms as
Higher, 8.00
Music, Instrumental vocal
use of Mom, 3.00
A of your patronage is solicited
N. C. Aug. 1900.
St. Mary's School. Raleigh, X. C, 1900.
Mess. Royall . Borden, N. C,
few months ago purchased Felt Mattress from
you. After giving II a thorough trial. I Sod it the most comfortable
In all respects by far the most I ever used.
I have tried both cotton and hair greatly prefer
to either. Wishing you much success with Mattress. I am
Respectfully, tin. M. Matron.
After night's if it is not all yon even
hoped in a comfortable bed, return it to us and we will refund
you the full amount paid question, yon not being out
one even the freight.
HOW CAN GUT II your local dealer does not handle
our mattresses, direct for pamphlet descriptive of same.
Manufacturers of Furniture, Mattresses, etc., hT. C.
Get a good Safe
I lie Viet r safe is made in all sizes con-
Every sale h I with guarantee to lie lire
pi Tries range from up.
Greenville, N. C.
Seven Springs Hotel.
The lineal r mini waters, spring baa a different
Especially for stomach, kidney, liver
bladder wonderful restorative
Water free to guests, hoarding other hotels or
boarding and Seven Springs will be charged
1.60 per week A of improvements have been added
since l.-i-i season, among them are I lie bath being com-
a professional barber in hotel, and others too
numerous to mention. terms and other information
W. F. Proprietor.
Baron Springs, N. C.
tails In I
Hard and
The successful borrower always
gels credit for his efforts.
The Sunday school picnic lunch
is always eaten out of house and
The pol railed kettle black,
and vice In fact both were
This is shortest
year to small boy who loves
his dear teacher.
Kisses are always worth their
face value.
Yes, Maude, dear, of course the
nose is the of the face.
The distant relative is the one
who is in constant fear of your call-
on him.
Most man will become a mil
school will -in on Kept.
I secured as teacher for this school
Mis K- a graduate-
b of rare culture
with severs
and Piedmont Plateau, while sac the Unionists
,, , ., . . film those to
dally means have averaged
nearly eight degrees above normal.
The sunshine has been almost
and there was
an entire absence of
during the week the light
showers reported August 11th
quite insignificant. The effect
prolonged and severe drought
has very unfortunate; crops
generally have rapid-
all vegetation has been
parched by the withering heat.
The leaves young deciduous
trees have turned yellow, and the
foliage of the forests looks dull
and sickly from the accumulated
dust. Crops have suffered more
the previous drought
July lessened their vitality and
drought resisting power.
work has stub-
laud is too hard to plow; the
second crop of Irish potatoes
not be planted nor turnip seed
sown, since absence of moisture
prevent all growth.
Bran unable to with-
stand drought much longer.
Plate Academy.
Fail make
Twelfth present
The instruction discipline will he as
Boys thoroughly prepared KM
business course if
from per mouth.
languages per month
To get best results early is
desirable. . .
Your patronage solicited. Satisfaction
guaranteed. For further and
W. H
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
steal capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Cure Night Lou
of m or
he pink flow to
and tbs
Its of
IDs oar to
paid. Send fur
copy of our bead.
or Shrunken Organs.
of K.-r-s
and is heavily fruited, hut older
la falling leaves are
, forms are shedding,
and drying up or opening
prematurely. Old coin been
from the
lo the ground, a small yield
only can be obtained from early
matured ears. Young corn will
be a failure without
soon; much it will not silk as
growth has ceased; only crops
low or rich lauds with abundant
humus to retain moisture are still
good. Tobacco is up near
the bottom ripened too
curing is progressing with only
fair results; M a small crop was
planted the yield will lie short,
critic if he lives next door ton I Minor crops, especially peanuts,
We iii hit shore
of sick
we ran
n-t rare
Late cotton that was plowed early
August is still doing fairly ;
sad imitation-. Sent by mail.
MEDICAL CO. r. Clinton
Foe sale
J L Hi N c
young girl who is continually
rice, and sweet potatoes have de-
considerably. Pea vines
and pastures have dried up. Fruit
and men. hi are very abundant and
imp of Is expected.
Shallow wells and streams have
and stock is suffering
down along At-
Baptist Female University
N. C.
sad in i the
S a . I .
All m- men
Mil w-mien. Umbra la
d Si . Mull. Art,
In a molt
whom lure in Tan
and hr-l
. T.
There are predictions
next Legislature will be called
upon lo elect two Stales
Senators -one to till place
and one to fill
term. The latter
resignation lo accept the Federal
now held by Boyd, whose
is said to be tempo-1
We are o the opinion that
resignation will de
pond whether or not is
re We have an idea that
is looking to a soft, life-
time place from if
I he latter is defeated be will accept
such a place and resign Sen-
before goes out.
e think will
hold on lo until
the Sen-1 J, a huge birch canoe;
j was limit for the trip, and several
j weeks ago whose
other name is Frank
miner chief. Peter Nicola, started
down the river to the
sea. From the mouth of the river
they intend to paddle down the
coast lo Potomac and thence
ton. The trip they
is a big birch bark
It is occupied paddled
by two Indian chiefs. The leader
is old Thunder, head chief of
tribe, who
Tow n Island in Maine,
is SO years old. but he
is still a giant stature
strength. this spring
old chief matte up bis Bind
before lie died he like to.
the White Father at
his wigwam Washington.
To See
At the old
Five Points, where we have
just opened a new fresh
tick of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to be found an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce,
en in cash or in barter. When
you want to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who with their
patronage promise entire sat
at Five I
N. C.
Hugging and Ties always
has i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince j on.
D. W.
Grand Mich., Aug. lit.
The most terrible wreck in the
history of the Grand In-
occurred about
o'clock to day at M mill j
north of Grand The north undertaken is a trifle over
bound collided
head on with passenger train No.
J. Seven lives were lost, and sold lo a
many passenger,, were injured, one I who will pay
with the
The two Indians
gage i
When met
just dawning and the fog the they way I
so thick that the could able to catch way, and both
to pay respects to
President in the White
not see more than
The accident was due lo the
error of an operator, who
that one of trains hail
not passed his station, thus you really women are
leading train dispatcher into less cruel to dumb animals than
We, per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Night Sweats and
Money lock if doesn't.
No other as Get kind
with the Red Cross on the babel.
Hold and guaranteed by
Bryan and druggists.
ill kT
Notice In
Mum I
-T r l- y
E. D. C.
giving the orders which brought
about the collision.
indeed. A
can't flirt with a
Send Ike. b, photo.
for and
to fas of
Liquor. B mall in plain 01.00 a
box. e for 08.00 our
bond to corn in dam or
money paid.
by J L
1888 W
Greensboro Female College
North Carolina.
Fall Term begins Sept. 12th,
on Application.
PEACOCK, President.
i its
eat by ,
f memo
clerk of court of Pitt
as executrix to the last Will testament
of W. K notice Is
hereby given tn all persona claims
against estate of W. K.
to I i . i lo mo for payment on or
before day July 1901. or this
will lie plead in liar n their recovery,
All estate arc re-
i in -ii I to make immediate payment to
24th day 1900,
of the last will and testament of W. K.
Doctors, lawyer, bone
real estate an buyers,
keepers, and Wood meat
opera peddlers,
the Revenue Law of
North Carolina for year 1899 require
to t nut license the first Monday In
June each year. Please attend to the mat-
at once and save trouble.
Sheriff of Pitt county.
By virtue of a decree of the
of Pitt county in the case of W. .
Lang and others against Jason and
wife Annie Joyner, petition u. sell land for
division, the undersigned Commissioner
will fell tor cash the Court House
door in Greenville on Monday the 17th day
of Sept i.
or lot of land situated in the town of
N. C. at W. U Lang's
lot at a post on Wilson St. and run-
South west poles and G links to
a post on W. J. Lang's line, thence i.
pub and post
line, then North b poles
tad links lo n on St. thence
with street North West
links to the known a
the livery
This Aug.
In the Superior Court.
J Jr., Maggie
The Maggie Cherry
will take notice that action as
above, has been commenced Superior
Court of Pitt County, returnable at the
term cf said Court to be held at the Court
in Greenville, Second Monday
after the Kind. Monday in 1900,
at which and place she- will
and or demur lo the complaint
ii will be deposited of the
Superior Court Clerk of said County, and
the said will lake notice that if
she fail to answer or demur to said com-
plaint within term, the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demanded
therein. said will further
lake notice that the said action is brought
by the plaintiff to obtain a from
Given under my hand at office in
on Ibis 8th day of August
of Court.
North Carolina ,. o. ., ,, .
Pitt Co. W
will Ink
the Superior
I'll comity to k ii in the
of ; III., the tit t
will lit in
to the of the Superior
Court of to be held on
r Monday Sent
next, it being the of Scot.,
at the Court in N. C.
an . r or demur lo complaint in
or the apply to the
Court for t he relief in
This Hit day of May
P G for
Steamer leave
A. M. for Green-
ville, leave daily at
P. M. for
Mondays, Wednesday
and at A. M. for Tar
leave for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at G A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for West
with at Norfolk.
should order freight by
the Old B. Co. from
New York; Clyde front
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N-
Greenville, N. O.
Fill Tins Sept,
Practical, common sense
boys girls for
duties life. Pupils take a
high at College.
measured by the full-rounded de-
of our pupils.
and conscientious teachers.
A well organized Literary Society.
Moral good. Expenses
reasonable. For further
or address the principals,
Bethel. N. C
N. C-
W, R,
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in every do
mid prices as low as the
Highest market prices
aid for country produce.
Cay Our.
Cola In a.
a. tor
Also a nice Line of Hard ware.
J. R.
National Ticket.
For Presidential Elector, 1st Dint.,
of Carteret.
For Congress, 1st Diet.,
of Beaufort.
of the Splendid Bronze
Statue of Vance at
of politically newly and
I presume that molds have freed grand old State to any
not yet been destroyed, and it suicidal policy. Away with
that a the them Let stand from
statue now unveiled here For a new
lie secured but n small is to
of taut original. and i under
Lei law-makers take up this its victorious chariot all
matter when t bey at rive here next
mt mid
to own undoing.
The ill opinion,
worn; FOB TUB .,, , , .- .
iii nave lens show lo North I
Some radical Northern hereafter than at any
N. C. Aug.
chief event of the present week in
one lo which every Hue
North feels a personal
veiling of i lie life-like
bronze statue of the immortal love
Vance, great com-
and the most beloved man
have been print
ants on the
used II. Democrats, and while
people generally of Carolina
the recent and
over throw domination which
are calculated and probably do-
to injure the with
capitalist and intended investors.
That editorials have been
based upon false and hearsay
and rumors we all know. But
detracts little or nothing from
to injure among
those who know no But
we can disprove
charges and any bad
by our own in
lake care
Within live mouths nearly
Assembly will BOO
Irene. It will lie of a
body of patriotic end sen
of the people of his State ever
raised up among us. The unveil- history.
ability, They will
to face a most Important crisis
iV ex-
lake place will
Capitol Park, at Presented lo them, if de
east entrance to which and
the rising sun, about yards
from the east front of the state-
tidal wave of industrial prosperity
will set such a Carol
house the statue stands never enjoyed or wit
a native granite pedestal,
which rises through a grass-turfed
thirty feet high
The bronze statue, which is a
little larger than life size,
the great Carolinian in an
such as he assumed
when addressing the
dent and his colleagues the
S. one hand resting
carelessly a corner of his desk,
the other hall outstretched and
holding between his lingers the
eyeglasses he was accustomed to
remove while speaking, bringing
them into use occasionally as he
read from some authority or quot-
ed an extract coinage of
another's bruin. attitude is
unmistakably that of
writer had many limes
him in Senate -and the
and facial likeness,
mane and all, are very life-
like. In short, the bronze
lea splendid one, not
Only in its resemblance to the orig-
but the work is
splendidly executed in every par-
The statue has been
position for several weeks, but has
been kept veiled up to this time,
of course.
The will be moved by
Miss Vance, granddaughter
of North Caro
were wont to cull him years
after he entered the Senate; and
daughter of the late David Vance,
his second son. mar-
Louisiana young
lady is now a resident of that
State, where she has her home
with maternal relatives. She gets
her first from her
grand-mother, the Governor's
wife, who was a Miss
When the legislature meets it
ought to provide a statue of
Vance to lie placed in the national
capitol building Washington,
where space . provided for the
statue of two of the sons of each
of the States. North Carolina has
already been without rep
either niche of Ibis
of course a
before. Au opposite policy
contrary result.
with one of best men
in State today a sarong Dem-
a man of
relation of life, church. Slate
and said, among other
must, the legislature must,
through its disposition of these
questions, disabuse prospective in-
without our State of
two erroneous impressions which
have hugely taken hold of North
Western people, the one
following close on the heels of the
other, That are not a set
of wild eyed, cranks
down in State of Morion Bat-
who bate a because he is
rich or has been able to
late wealth by his industry and
wisdom, and disposed to throw hi.
down and take his wealth from
him divide it out pro
among us that we arc not
enemies of capitalists or corpora
disposed to deal justice
to them by hall measure and to
or keep upon the statute
books laws which impose
of our It lo the most
encouraging fact I Me in the blight
upon which of
industrial freedom and
prosperity is now rising so bright
encouragingly. Lei our
legislators, as duly selected
representatives of state, boor
in mind these
own self true.
And follow, as night
the day
Thou not then be false to any
H To So; Advertising.
English journal a
of its largest advertisers lo
give their opinion- concerning
the best time to stop advertising,
and following replies were re-
When population to
multiply, generation
crowd after you heard
of you stop coming on.
When you have every-
body whose life will touch
that you have better goods
lower prices than they can gel any-
where else.
When you stop making fortunes
right in your sight solely through
direct use of the agent.
of the shrewdest and most success-
men concerning the main
of their prosperity.
When younger fresher
houses your line cease Starting
ii p and using the trade journals in
telling people bow much better
they can do for them you
ca u.
When you would rather have
your own way and fail than take
advice and win.
We are In the forefront of the race after your patronage
oiler you the best line of
General Merchandise
to be found any store In Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
Winter. arc work for yours and oar annual a.-
vantage, it is our pleasure to show yon what you van end to
sell you if we can. We otter you the best service, polite
attention, the mos liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
do no see our Immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Ken-nil us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Jar els and Capes, Mailings Oil Cloths.
Women's and Children's Shoes. and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters,
Flour, Meat, Sugar. Send is,
Castings Plow- Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
A Horrible Story.
There are jail
in Nash county, Griffin
his third wife, who some
en miles from Nashville on Tar
river. After his third marriage
and wife, tiring of his
by his former wives, put
I hem in an outhouse to live,
them little or no attention.
From hunger disease the little
ones were prostrated, and w
four weeks the four children were
dead. II is said one went to
its father the Bold, who boat
Headquarters for Furniture and ti.
We buy strictly for Cash, sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit, Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
some nervy things in the
claiming the bat the
claim of the Administration sic an
en the rescue the foreign
on I by the allied
a ii triumph for Mr.
Chinese policy is about the weak-
est r put oat. in the drat
place, ii i.-- for a man to
have a policy before policy
ran triumph, and in the
place, the foreigners went
n I an arm composed
soldiers from half a dozen nations,
lest of
Everybody rejoices
leans other for
who have been shut up In
have been that
rescue was no triumph for Mr.
policy, if bis drilling
along can be dignified by the name
policy . It was i ; lea c
luck for Mr.
much as . relieved strain
public, opened up another
drifting period for him, in which
be need . take any i
going wrong by doing something.
Ii is significant i friends of the
administration arc beginning
talk about the probability of
being compelled
take Chinese territory of
cash unity. This i-
to a 1.1 the public pulse.
was the only man
defeated when nominated for
i being defeated
when first nominated. Thai and;
i i. In re
recalled by E,
well-known Georgia lawyer, now
in Washington, when he
every .
m in. has n
nation for the presidency,
having been defeated time
baa been elected. In
s He ward
I he n all rs of this paper will be
pleased to lean, there is at
one disease that
. has a able to cure all
its stages, and that is Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh Core is the only
positive cure known to the
fraternity Catarrh a con-
disease, requires a eon
treatment. Hair- Ca-
is taken internally,
upon and
.-in lace- of system,
thereby destroying
of the disease, and giving pa-
strength by building up
assisting nature in
Us proprietors
so much faith in
powers, they otter
for any ease that it
tails to cure. Sena for list of
J. Props.,
Sold by Druggists,
Hall's Family Mils are the
Tin-1 and lawyers North
Carolina did their full duty in the
late cm I ting campaign, and
much praise for the valuable
vices rendered by
the adoption of the suffrage
The editors tilled their papers
campaign literature, in addition
to what wrote for
paper.-, I hey also published
In ever issue several columns of
matter famished by the State Ex-
Ive committee. All this was
published without or re-
in And
only this, but many editors
; . a large number of
papers every week.
The lawyers also did mock
and thorough can-
vans, going out among people
and speaking by day and nigh in
Many of shut
. on as defeated by John
Allan-. In Jefferson was a la
nominated again and elected. In the umbrella it is always
Andrew Jackson was defeated
by Adams but four When it comes to making love
how year later, when be was nominated better than one.
Robert Finlay, forth second time, a lamp ma j mil drink, but it
of a.- In William goes out
of a horse, age of animal Vail bill in ISM .; says
being the chief matter in dispute. tables and was elected. Philosopher, who
Is like talk
,,,,,, ; , .,.,, William there would probably more
-implicit-. if it wore
Made by Orin. Va.
Most men of mark an
it with a switch, and as
noon all such, f. ed If book to door it -as
. ,. that it fell and shortly at-
a swimmer.
Men of might are those who on
help you but won't.
Isn't man a
companion tomboy
The man who very
gets his knows mashed.
The sweetest meets of life are two
lovers folded In each other's arms.
Sb bow ,,,,.,,,, ,.,,.,,,
i. never injures
a. , . B
what authority do yon tin his first and torn to determine the girl's
swear Io age of the Sir
Robert asked.
am sure of reply.
Half a u more questions
foiled to from the witness
how do Jon know i
later Is . the t bis
with spoon.
exact justice lo all,
and lo
should and I doubt not will be our
motto individuals,
companies corporations, all,
should be governed by the same
laws, without opposing or favoring
happened of more than
which would have been
invested North Carolina several
ago had been for
transfer the reins Stale govern-
Into the hands of the pop
crowd, lead-
who largely on
war on capital and corporal
indiscriminately, solely for
reasons. Probably millions
have diverted elsewhere for
the self-same reason. must
get out of that now I We
must renounce, disclaim, throw
overboard and all such would-
be who, for
counterfeit of Vance should be poses, desire to do 1.1 to commit
died. For
the Griffins have
bound over to
Senator Head.
Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. Hi.
Former John
J. Lu
at a. in., today. Ho was
by his family, In
will be held
illness dated
March, when,
In in. He writing
political articles for
lie was
treated by several specialists, bin
received no relief, on I heir ail
vice, his family lo
At home he grew no
better. Ten months ago he sought
change of climate, I ravel
through New Mexico.
dead beats.
August days arc
most lime of
all the year.
Charlotte Drank the
Youth's Companion.
The new battleship
low who lo forever getting
left is Hie one who talks about
bis i
who lakes home
a box of candy lo bis wife cats
most of himself.
easy for a man lo belch c
t n the brotherhood of man
after has gotten even his
in a Well, all
The work of committee I the property of many a business
more advanced condition I man is in his wife's name; most
n is followed,
he will
i- no lo brag
or talk for
and his
rs demo
the nest toil I
are leaving nothing undone
Will in help lo
i- in a
than It v, u
leave this after-
. It I
for her official trial oil
lo lie . I
, I.
i, . ., to
to discharge i
who is one
h ,.,,;,, underway early no in
a charged with ball., in . .,,,. L .
. . I,,. lo sea k i
p. where the water sup
ply comes iron. The j
an alderman and cousin j
Brook I j.
she is lo be
The the talk here i
. . . . ,. I
now, and much Ml ,.
parties may be in . , .
L U knob
the formidable . . .-. . .
. t. n the I
. , likely to lie u factor In a
i of Congressional
i In ti -i asking for the speech
, , . those made
cans; are also showing the
i. realize the Importance
militarism. Che
them are sorry for it.
Following the races- a
walk borne.
It's tho man who is most
who boast that
of lira the
remember Adam and I've, the
very family, had no
and night with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic Hoc. per
bottle Pleasant to lake. Money
refunded If II fails. Restores
purities the blood and
you well. None oilier as good.
Bold and drug
Woolen and
war of
detailed several weeks ago
by of I be will
have charge of the trial, which
will be run on
tape Ann and
Cape Porpoise.
baa not been discovered in ti.
ranks. contra
reports from almost
lion the
,,,,,. i, arc In tho notion lo
aggressive fight,
It I on cards for
lo win I. and
Tilt . i III.
fever is a bottle of
Tasteless Chill Tonic. .-simply
on quinine a form
No cure no pay. Price
Ill l. I .
Fleming store.

MIDI I. in
J. V. .
the Post
K. C. Second Claw
Mail Matter.
Washington, X. C, Aug. j
Hut, Hotter, Hottest.
Several of the saw mills will shut
J. I fair has
himself a for the
It is said I to establish
a reformatory will be to
legislature. North Car-
has already too long
without an I
of Kentucky, who for
bat bet a
In in- murder of
sou had ordered anus for the
to populist. He
Met the populists to Mr.
This part of speech j
the rang u for ,
It got Mr. Peterson on A two addition is
ear, and morning he
hopped on gale a
i drubbing. I. is said that
Fowler to -lake
bill oil. W
Tobacco Department.
y O. I.
Aug. MUM.
i to
Aug. in repaid
t., marriage M. earth is burning
and Magnolia Keel, my already burned out.
ion your Tradition has it
things i-j regard lake. or IS
id Barring, tot mile long by miles wide
Stokes, burned out. there are
I-aM week farmers
. . of the necessity of handling
co in not tiring
it to all
i treat wads, or still, not bun
died at all, incidentally re-
to the mi of
, Too much be
has moved . , .,
. . . to grading When
the .
is sorry Muff, it
is true, looking economic-
standpoint, it will not pay to spend
to the academy .
The graded school will
good; keep boys of
mischief for a part of each day.
of Chuck
and is occupying
house on street. He is en-
gaged ill exporting log.
Crops are suffering fearfully in
sections of county
is on fire in various
jury his
and ought to meet
a similar verdict.
N. C. And in the next place I
am a this critic
lam Bathing mole humble
J. . i H by a
If, and this
your also. I write
So will
be out by the in
the that at
Tarboro nor.
Sot if Marion to
Dakota. u the hand we
a could be
to tin- both out
of the State.
the truth this
ha- sold his Inna
on main Street.
Mrs. of
has seriously ill at
this to lei your know there a
in Carolina township j transfer at Mack
that resent his insults off for ,;,
ii.-i-ht conies every other day.
Did ever see the local
very much time fooling with it.
Hut right here am reminded of
an instance in Ibis that
under my personal
a few years ago when common
tobacco, as is well known, did not
sell as well as it does now. I stop-
day at Mr. R. Home's
where he to
If I bis
had taken the second
Be With
the coal burner engine ha
been use on this an
e is noticed the
of the It
U trouble for the to
make schedule time and have some
time to spare at while
heretofore with the old wood burn i
engine about all the could
do at its best was to make schedule,
it was about as often behind
as on time. With this Utter en-
the service can lie much
proved, and the schedule
also be shortened.
patrons of the road will right now
interest themselves in the matter
and ask the railroad officials to
keep the good engine this road
and also to shorten schedule
according to the capacity of en-
that their request would In-
granted. It would be advantage-
Be Not Deceived
Clearance Sale.
WORTH OF VERY BEST GOODS will on the market.
growth and in my opinion, at both business
lime, I could not see that it would here along the road if the ached
the at the ;
brother. I except a
a their friends being
home of
Mi-s Mat
J. K. Taylor is rusticating in
invited. The attendants at
basil that J. has
the lice mill property,
Taylor, High-
I trust that happiness
and will convert it into mill.
I States lighthouse tender
people do not seem to ex
about the
of Small
rural of
mail in this county, m
mi;, o In u this meal de-
cry service ha- been
. f mi u-
iv. l-.-i think an
i i all
Pitt nut
mail I. eve-
attend their pathway through Jg ,.,
W. E. Limber Co. have moved
. . locomotive from their
Falkland to Aurora section and
are hauling poplar.
K. M. Short Co. have
stopped for The
Co. the
Another Centenarian.
that Mr.-. Nancy
a lei miles from Greenville.
was a years old. that
until next p I
I. lived in three ;
We see iI staled ill
exchange that just outside of High
lives a man who reached his
hundred old this month.
. if he lives until 1901 be will
also veil pail three diner
We venture that
few nob ewe the
people have saw-
It is that there will be a
mall steamer put OB from here to
pay to grade. It looked a
muddy brown,
to the general state of tobacco after
this growth, it seemed
lifeless. But while be wan very
much hurt over bis tobacco, be
had around the grading bench a
number of intelligent white people,
and bis wile herself was there
alter every detail of the
grading. While I did tell
so, did not believe that he
would ever realize expense of
his pains, lie worked that
co nicely, bulked it down smooth
and and it was sold
on the market he got average
of eight cents for it. Now I have
idea tin- tobacco would have
sold for more than five bad
it handled and graded in the
manner that most tobacco is sold
on the The extra
grading this tobacco would
not amount to more than
a pound, doubt if it cost the
half of it and even allowing that
much there is a saving in every
acre of tobacco that he had that
of fifteen or sixteen dollars. I
was slim t.-i. ii.
A Difference
The Southerner says that they
are on other extreme around
Tarboro are having too much
rain. It is not that way down
Clot hi n; for Men.
Suits reg.
4.00 2.50
4.50 m 3.10
5.00 3.90
7.60 5.25
10.00 7.90
Boy Suits to years.
here, just twenty-five miles dis-
More Protection.
The town is a lire well
dug Fifth street near the Greene.
Hooker building. It will
afford of that
of street sprinkler
also to lie tilled from that well.
D. Waters is m
meeting at AI hens chapel, or ,. v,. an of ,
King awl
an Falkland via- into Tue-day
and a few goods stolen. The
he drawer is broken open
about taken,
be If a
col.-.-nil i- tin- wanted the
fact i he i i
proper steps u w in
at time i here
, gained entrance to the
. . those . . ,
store prizing oil iron law
the wooden then
other step two panes of out of
i. window.
I not discovered until
Hodges has return-
ed from Lexington, Ky.
JIM u,
not in as bad condition, yet I
be saved by bis method
i at least
hundred, an amount well
j worth his which is annually
I thrown away by many
The I grade your with
care. It will cost you very little
The discussion goes as to if u
merits and vertical and to grading this way
slanting s,,. will be pleasure as well as
have their advocate. For having it handled nicely.
the former is much
more easily lead the other.
For the latter it is urged that it is
much more suitable for
the was opened, No j generally.
suspicion to guilty party. We do not purpose any attempt
Stole too Much
Plenty and styles to suit any.
Henry -as Me ad
captured by Deputy Leon
now w
jail Saint Dig value
day. He is
county for breaking into a
stealing some bed clothe
other articles. He was to.
Martin county this Ex-,
W, H. on ,,
whose place the MOD works.
On More In Jail.
The high and the low, the
v ii- i lie lean, the rich and
brought here this morning and poor get suited and fitted
in jail for giving a false mortgage.
He claimed to have a cow and for Men and Boys.
a mortgage on same, in fact j sizes
the did not own any ,
He was given u Magistrate's trial shirts now
and bond over to court. This 1-00 now
makes twenty six prisoners now
the jail trial at
September court.
shirts now
shirts now
shirts now
shirts now
Mary Ann Butler, not -l
i .- .
, North
.; i in -i. I
. no
i nil l -e
in Ii a. ml, issued
ii. fur a II
at taken charge by police.
Ilia cull for a monster meeting Dudley eon
the stronghold of populism to duel and using prolate language,
be red guilty, and coil amounting
on the pan o. lb i ll I lie ell c and
in y- orderly lined
On Mr. Caleb
was in our office
Mfg. Co., said
I earl wheels be
purchased . Cox, father of
I A. II. Cox one the
tout of the above company in
and that be bud had them worked
on only once or ice since, be
ha-another pair b night in I
and has never had
Ml, pair still iii good work-
. l , the -Hi-
am. ii ii., . in it u
lion nil
, and n v ,
Butler to
ever be soul hack to i nil.
Si -en to mi North
Butler u his
meet lug to d let
people, bl ii .- i
over being upon being
Butler, J. he he bad
I i.-i., and i mi- was with the result
John ii. were
speakers, and, with Butler dying
an I lull of
to decide We rise
Mayor's Court. to remark that whole-.
J, i. Move of I some, legible,
, la-e. the past week, a- is much to., rare, We I
.,,. ,,;, from observation of
i i. , i. . , i ., . and speaking of good work done
hi 11.111. mi to
guilty over to
court. made the I with oar and
.- in ran away. f,., ,,. in all professions
Saturday and was Nowadays
little is
typewriting is every-
We are Informed by the head of
a large house he has
in getting
who write rapid, legible
He can- whether
the Writing be vertical slanting,
bill In- is a dear lover of
and laments diva
in style observable the lei
be receives and in the entries
made his book-.
Again, we arc told that court
records, and many other public
records, arc not as neatly and
kept formerly. Certain-
sonic them are not.
We hope to sec a reform in this
should like to see the
penman conic Into favor
Marriage Licenses.
led- T. It. Moore
lined four marriage licenses
pa-i week all for colored
part it as
Guy Peyton and Harris.
Edward Mamie
William Ann
Negligee and white all tip-
to the minute.
e and amount
i I,,
her of how adv
Saturday there appear-
ed i., v a 10-
notice of a lost by Miss
Mollie The paper went
Io that night the
vi as read by persons who
beard later of a having a
I hat lie wall Ii came back to
owner The
Watch was tin- in
in. t and the Under had
.-.-- tied it to for
again, and doubtless In Kill. The
u of time will In him
his revenge. In many eases the
i oil notice Tin; Bra i n int; take place.
his Month In ii, Ism young v might never have i. j There are should
. he. watch . Is- upon
Other he II lo have and fashionable society does well
denounced Sir, a U now going to frown upon such productions;
and in use it docs III mil
of telling
that Mi.
tin- I hey are classed as scrawls in their
divines. Dispatch.
lag order. How Is The
makes wheels today out of the
same kind of material used by Mr.
J. in I he
Yesterday the Cigar
o. -h seventeen and
still go.
Mis. V. . I,. Hurst left for
port News
Misses Nichols, of May
Can I of I-. , are vis-
it lug Minnie
The for week or so
l nil so says Jim
he ought lo know.
I'm Trip, of
paid us a visit and we
were glad to see him
Miss I, i, of Seven
who bis been
lute, left for
II I V .
In Hat evening the pas-en i
was delayed here for
more than half an hour owing to
some of about the
being out of order.
a St. r t j
I After He
be bate bard,
that the expectant mother
child she should
do. of greatest
do. must have health her.
sell. She use every
lo i her physical
She by supply
t will like her
quickly. It lit
liniment which
vigor to the
muscle. Com-
sense will
how you
muscles are,
which bear the
the less
pail there will be.
in Fort Wayne.
for God for
in j
all w. t ii
Get r. at
More. Si per batik-.
i Atlanta,
S lot f
Shoes for Men, Ladies,
Boys and
regular now
i no
A. Banister Company
Bay State Shoe Co., Hamilton
Brown Shoe Co., John S trout-
LAWN and now
Pique and
now go
now go lie
now go
now lie
All go at
Woolen Dress
in. Cashmere all colors
in. Wool Serge all colors
Fancy Woolens
All colors fancy
All wool Serge, solid colors,
regular now
in. Henrietta black,
price now
in. black silk finish Hen-
good at now
in block all wool Serge
regular now
in. black Serge silk finish
fine import now
in. silk warp Henrietta
fine quality now
All wool Fancy v
reduced to
All lines cat down to figures
which will move them. Come
early for they will go.
Hosiery for all.
now now lie .
now C
China -22 in. always c
in. Black Gloria, regular
Satin all colors now
in. black Taffeta always
sells now
in. black
good value now
Fancy how
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
now lie
now now
The Carpet Matting the best floor
covering on earth, regular
This is fake sale of odds and
ends, job or damaged goods
but the best straight goods
Trunks and Valises.
These are to go lower than any
thing else as we have more on
hand than think can sell so the
price is not the object.
H. M.
Summer Millinery
At and below Cost
For The Next Days.
We must have room for our fall goods. Cull gel bargains.
Yours to please,
Misses ERWIN
Are Our First
USE, fr. that
STYLES will in shapes.
Men's New Puffs, As-
cots, Club Ties
Bows, Imperials, etc.
A Assortment,
TIES than ever sea them, as
y u what we have will
great even if yon don't
Washing in,
If there is a CROSS
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that you owe
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
The warm weather, like the
poor, is yet with us.
There seems to be little let up in
the hot weather.
Sweet and Sour Pickles
at S. M. Schultz.
The sale of fruit jars indicates
that there will lie a large quantity
o fruit put up this season.
The Osceola Baud has ordered a
new set of instruments which
expected to arrive in a few flag.
After a short stay here II.
closed his furniture
moved back to Washington.
As watermelons have
been, they have reached a
price that might be culled cheap.
What say yon to Pitt county
taking the lead In organizing n
Small club
We will
The weather bureau reports have
become so uncertain that for some
cause they are not now
by to the station here.
Bo much shooting around town
at night is really a nuisance.
fail to where it
to anybody.
The Boy and Girl is the name of
the paper now being sent out from
Ayden. J. W. is editor.
It is published in interest of
the schools of that town.
We beard a cotton expert say
that the cotton acreage in Pitt
county this year was per cent,
larger than last year, yet the
crop would tie per cent, small-
In Jail
was a general fur
light between some of the
prisoners jail Monday.
Deputy Sheriff Leon went
the jail to slop the tight when
some of I ho prisoners him.
With help of the Chief Police
or two others the prison-
era were soon put back in-
to the cell s.
Some Speak to Me, to You
H. M. to Norfolk
Kin ion went to
Saturday evening.
W. H. came up this morn-
H. Hooker Saturday
from New York City.
Miss Bessie K. Vail returned
this morning to Baltimore.
B. T. Bailey arrived Saturday
night Neck.
has accepted a
with Dr. J. W. Bryan.
Miss Martini Dudley to
Ayden Saturday afternoon.
W. F. Morrill came over this
morning from Seven Springs.
Leslie Newton has resigned his
I position With Dr. Bryan.
returned Saturday night hum
Mrs. J. It. Moore children
returned Saturday night from
J. Smith re
turned this morning from a trip to
Mi i ii-hen. I.
Horace Bawls, of Wilson, who
been visiting Kim hen
returned home today.
Miss Amelia White, of
ford arrived Saturday night to visit
the family of
O. T. Tyson, of Beaver Dam
township, returned Saturday
from ho has
to a load rattle.
id Jarvis ha a
with the
Co. at New Item. He left Then.-
day to hi no.
J. K. I. If.
left this morning for
City lo fall
Cut the J. B. Co.
ii, 1800.
W. returned I
ti. Whaley went to
P. Harding left this
noon for New
Miss Em ma Taft left this morn-
for Washington.
H. L. Carr left this for
Norfolk and
W. T. Godwin and wife loll this
morning for Baltimore.
W. K. Morrill returned Monday
evening to Springs.
spent tin
Miss Mollie returned
Monday night from Scotland Neck.
Miss of
is visiting the family of D. C.
W. M. of took
the train here this morning for
I. A. Sugg and Sou
Julius went over to
day evening.
left this morning for
to unveiling
Of the Van.-o
C. Cook who has visit
his daughter, Mrs. X. Hart,
left this fir Wilmington.
Miss Lena Spain, of who
has been visiting near
took the here Monday even-
for her home.
Andrew and Thomas J. Moore
left this morning for to at-
tend the unveiling of the Vance
Monument tomorrow.
R. A, Tyson and daughters Mimes
Leonard left this morn-
for Ball Miss goes
to take music at Institute.
Wednesday, 1800.
W. F. to
Tuesday cuing.
Ola Forties returned Tuesday
H. M. returned Tues-
day evening from Norfolk.
Rev. F. Harding left this
afternoon for Washington.
Miss Bertha Patrick returned
this morning from
Beta King, has accepted a
with J. L. Starkey Bro.
Col. f. A. and son
returned this morning from Kin-
and E.
returned Tuesday evening from
L. M. Savage R. C.
of Lawrence N. arrived
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. M. and
Miss of Hartford,
arrived Tuesday evening to visit
her son, II. W. W bed bee.
Only Miss Bessie
Ives, of stood the exam-
here for scholarship to the
Normal and College
For The
The great markets like New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore have
e are
more goo-
Is than
have them,
Because re
larger discounts and we I r
. law
money than anybody
other store
in town
profit, depending
to pay.
Let The Their Story.
Men Suits the and 9.00 Sale Price,
Men Suits the 5.00
Miss Mattie Moore, of W
and Miss of
Rocky Mount, ate visiting Mrs. K.
A. Move. Miss Moore has accept-
ed the position of
re with the
and sou,
W. C. Cook, of N.
arrived Saturday night to visit his
daughter, Mm. J. N. Hart.
Mrs. I. and son, of.
arrived this g to
visit the family of J.
W. B. Wilson and Miss
Jamie Bryan returned on the fright
train this afternoon Plymouth.
Mis J. Z. and child left
Saturday afternoon for
and from there will go to Jackson-
ville N. C.
Mat hews, J L. Anderson and
Frank left after-
noon for K and this
W. P. Edwards left this morn-
for Henderson response to a
telegram announcing the death of
his grandfather.
Mrs. R. M. sou a.
rived night from Wash-
to visit the family of ex-
Sheriff Allen Warren.
T. W. foreman of The
office, left this morn-
to spend n few days with rel-
Miss Nannie Coward, who has
been visiting Mrs. II. L, Coward
Flake is good on finding
curiosities, and gave The
to It another one this morning.
This time it is egg three
inches long and inch and a
in diameter, having very much
the shape of a watermelon.
Sometime tie
There will soon be some more
moonlight nights that would
a lovely time to stroll out to the
academy grove hear the
Osceola Band play. But the band
stand for to play on is not
there yet.
First Boy.
W. Smith, Superintend-
of the County Home, is the
father of children, three of
whom arc already grown, lie
seemed to be smiling more
usual when he came to town today
the story came mil on that
In lie
Suits I he an Sale Price,
the n quality, Price,
Suit-, Tailor Made Silk Taffeta Lined,
These Goods are All New. No Old Stock on Hand.
Shirt worth Joe.
plain and Val
while and t mis. .
worth Hose, worth
extra heavy .
extra heavy JOt- Hose
Children's I Hack Hose, worth Silk Windsor lies, worth
Shirts, worth
Linen worth Se j
I test her all Honey good out .
Knitting Silk, all worth Drew
Woven Bed Spread-. o. I Ii
Men's Collars, worth
Webbing, Lining, worth
. I.
; i .
Cheese nil color .,,
Fancy Foul Silk, worth
I worth
Curia worth
Side Cull--, worth
Stripe White Lawns.
Cuffs, per pair .
Welled Pique, all colors
. h i Cretonne .
Shirt Waists sets, worth
Men's Silk
Window Shades, spring roller
Men's Colored Shirts Collars Mercerized
New styles and Pattern, the
Silk Belts, all colors 91.00.
C worth Go. Ku. Dome while they last.
Imported Irish Unmask, worth.
I'm. worth
evening to her boy had just added
Open Nights.
Greenville, N. C

My Stock
is Complete
-bIN ALL Um.
tAt prices that will suit you.
far the Campaign
. White.
since, met last
other business transacted
adoption of
North Carolina
Farmers State Alliance has been
from the time of its foundation the
earnest friend of education, and
whereas there is now imperative
within the of North
than ever before. Now
lie it
Thai the
of Nm In- and hereby
. is, petitioned.
t q T l 1st. To a special tax,
schools tot four mouths, and
that in addition the
and Guaranteed cure tot and of be continued.
malarial and billion troubles. For by -To appropriate a sum
for the support of the Slate
j a permanent basis. such
to enable free tuition In those
institutions to be offered to every
I while in North Carolina.
To such laws as will
compel attendance of all
fourteenth session of Chicago, August
the North Farmer's lowing was issued
week the Democrats of the
n , for the support Ma
th Agricultural
N. Mechanical t the
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
St. Mary's School, Raleigh, X March WOO.
Mess. h Goldsboro, N.
few months ago purchased a Fell Mattress from
you. After giving it a thorough trial, I find it the moat comfortable
and in all respect- far the must satisfactory Mattress I ever used.
I have tried both cotton and hair malt and greatly prefer this
to either. Wishing you much success with your Fell Mattress, am
Respectfully, Mrs. If. Matron.
Alter night's use, if it is all you even
hoped for in a comfortable bed, it to us and we will refund
you the full amount paid without you not being out
one cent, not even the freight.
HOW If your local dealer does not handle
our mattresses, write to us direct for pamphlet descriptive of same.
Manufacturers of Furniture, Mattresses, etc., N. C,
Get a good Safe
safe in all sizes
Every . to
between the ages of and
the public schools.
To prohibit the employ-
of Immature age
manufacturing industries.
5th. To establish reformatories
fur young
A was passed the
death of Elias
ex Alliance.
ii- in ions thanking
Winston of A. and M. College
for address before the
b commending and endorsing
the official organ, The Progressive
Farmer, and Its non-partisan
and appointing a lo
confer with the A. and M. College
authorities about tho education at
college of practical
The Alliance also decided to of-
fer a of premiums
cultural displays at Fair
Poe of The Progressive
Farmer, when asked the
present and future of the order,
never care to refer to the
of A officials, as such
matters are not considered j their
selection, but to show the falsity
of the prejudice of some, it may be
well to say that the president and
trustee, the secretary-treasurer,
and Stale business agent, and
taut lecturer are all Influential
Democratic farmers, while the re-
office are tilled by wide-
awake farmers and educators, be
longing to other parties or none.
The prejudice against the Alliance
is rapidly dying out and the out
look for re organ Mat ion is wry
bright. Democrats, Populists,
Prohibitionists Republicans
attended tin- Slate meeting, all
worked in harmony devoted
themselves lo agricultural and
educational lines along which the
Alliance Will work, and all will as
in to lie
this fall and
order that light for the
rescue of the country from Re-
publican policies may, be carried
everywhere with vigor and ear-
we urge all citizen
throughout the States who
are willing lo the Kansas
City platform to meet in their tea-
V dive communities Saturday
afternoon or evening, September
1st, fur the purpose of or-
city or precinct Democrat-
clubs, where such clubs have
been These
should avoid ostentation and ex-
The fight must be
carried on by American citizens
behalf of American
there should be no delay in per-
feeling club organization. When
a is the secretary
should once send to B.
Hearst, of National
Association Democratic Clubs,
No. 1780 New York
City, the name of the club, list
of officers, date of organization
number of members-
William j. Betas.
M K.
National Association of
MM m
To See Us.
At the old Ma reel Moore store,
on Five Points, where we have
just opened a new and fresh
Heavy and Fancy
Consisting of Meats. Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned
Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
lo be found an up-to-date
We pay the highest market
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce,
cash or in barter. When
you want to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire
at Five P
To those
in Tint's
arc they keep the
in in perfect order and are
an absolute cure
for sick indigestion,
malaria, torpid liver,
and all bilious diseases,
Liver Pills
Cotton Bagging and Hes always
goods kepi constantly on
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
At Cost
And when ii comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Beat.
Books, Stationery Printing.
No. Maude, a woman is not
generally referred to as dove like
she's pigeon-toed,
Give the average man a million
the thing he'd do
would lie to wish he had another.
justice guides
a Case Of the blind leading
Dealer in will pay a
big price for last which
broke camel's bark.
A good advertising
Using neither too much nor too
little space.
is a of poems
en of as
that's what is to read
The population of Greater New
la officially given at
an increase since of
I. percent.
Me. per Cures Chills
Fever. Malaria, Night s.-.
Money if it
No other as good. Get the kind
with the lied Cross the label.
Hold and guaranteed by Wooten,
lb and druggists.
Our entire stock
Dry Goods, Domestics,
Notions, Shoes. Ac.
. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Far. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
Heal Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples. Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour. Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar-
den Heeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut-,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Macs
Best Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to see inc.
m pa, tot
i Ii.
.-r . .
with m
u -v
sir. I. UM, III. For l-J
of Mm-
Orr, all
all of or
A tonic led
-glow to .
chock and lb
of south. mail
par box. for
OUT m to
or wand paid. Send for circular
copy of our
core for Lon of
of of Tobacco. or
By mall in plain
box, O for oar
to oar la SO refund
J I.
1.111 T
in or or
Hi full
only by
Ar Mo-mt
I .
ah i-a
l m t
J i. H
t a am
t a ii
t iii r. -so
r a
iii m
North Carolina.
Fall Term begins Sept. 12th, 1900.
on Application.
aim bi.-vile
and wood
I Law of
fur rear r.-. lire
., h vi-ii id.
Sheriff Till county.
of in the cum M.
I unit -mil
petition to for
I ii.-
will the Court House
in mi the tiny
of Sept.
lot ill till- town
N. C. W. II Lang
lot a no Wilson St.
South west polos and G links to
a post oil Lang's Ha, S. ISA
poles in links lo a in
line, then Ninth
links to thence
with North IT, West
to the U-ginning. known u
livery stable lot.
F. o. Jams.
This e
day the
of the court of
lo hut Will and testament
of W. K. deceased, notice is
hereby given lo all persons holding claims
against the estate of said W. K.
to them to for payment on or
of July 1901, or this
notice will be plead in bar of their
All indebted arc
to make immediate to ms
This 24th day of July
of the last will and testament of W, K.
Select Female School.
This school will on Sept.
I have secured as for this school
Mis Nancy K. a graduate
N-1 ii- I lam.-, a lady of rare
s several years
with the highest
limn judge. The
r her will be
g desire for their
manners and mental
Inn 2.60
. 1.00
and vocal with
A , your is solicited
to j
I., i r.
I. c.
a e .
ii an
rt it
t X II
i so t K a
a y
Ar II-
Main leaves
Um p
p Hut
i p i-. f p m
I pro, arrives
S a in, a in, I
Springs Mills a
rive Hemming leaves
p m, Mills p n.
Bad Springs p m, Manton p n
p m
at with train
with the Carolina
Springs the K-i
with the Air Line Southern
at the and
on ii--- s.
leave. , in, p
s. l OS p m. S X
at II IS am, II IS am. dally
i-i ,. in I . ; arrive
a m suit till pm,
. i ii., arrive am
and pi Sunday
Train leave. dally Sunday
at p m. Sunday pm, arrives
. in. pm. leave. Ply-
dally, and S
s VI. am.
Train N C
r -r,, dally, except ft S a m.
in. r, I
Train on Nashville leave
am. p m, arrive lit
Pa m, pm. Sprint Hope I a in. SB
II. leave Hope Ho am
p m, II a SB. arrive at Ito.
Train on Clinton Branch leave. Warsaw lot
dally, except Sunday, s am and I
pm. at S a m lad
Train No Wei
for all point. dally, all via In.-.
II. M.
J. R. K
T. M. Ma- ager
I ,
Ni in
In the Court.
J J. Cherry. Jr., against Maggie
The Maggie Cherry
lake an
iv in r,
it which lime and place she will appear
or the complaint
whit will tho the
Court of said County, and
he said defendant will notice that if
-he fail to answer or demur to said com-
plaint within that term, the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demanded
therein. The said further
Jake notice that the said Is brought
by the in i. divorce from
the bonds
under my hand at in
on this the day
In Court.
Victoria Move vs.
The defendant i aim will
notice that an action entitled as has
commerced the Superior of
county to obtain a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony ; and the defendant
will further take notice that he Is required
to appear at next lam of the Superior
Court of said county to he held on the sec-
Monday after the Ural In Sept.
Best, It being the day of Sept., 1900,
at Court DOOM in Greenville, N. C.
an answer or demur lo complaint in
action, or the will apply lo
Court ft lief in said com-
Clerk Coin.
try for pill.
r n
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. If. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave for Greenville
Tuesdays, Thin and
at ii A. If, freight only.
Connecting Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
um for nil for West
railroads at Norfolk
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion H. Co. front
New- York; Clyde Lino from
Bay Line from
Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
in m
Fall Tera Sept. 1900.
Practical, sense
Prepares boys and girls for
duties life. Pupils take a
high Miami at College. Success
measured by the full-rounded de-
of our pupils. Com-
conscientious teachers.
A well organized Literary
Moral influence gum I. Expenses
For further
sec or address the principals,
N. C-
W. R,
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
Highest market
aid for country produce.
Is set
J. i 1ST,
Also a j Hardware.
J. It.
The Eastern Reflector.
. .- i
mi m
Killed by a Joke.
A of
died as the
of a joke.
Mrs. who was but twenty
two years old, took her three
mouths old baby to home of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ralph Per-
for a short visit. While there
Mi. Perry took
stairs to show to a neighbor who
had railed.
The had with her a
child a big wax doll. Mrs.
Perry doll, with a cloth
thrown over face, back to Mis.
instead of baby.
seeing the wax face closed
eyes Mrs. went Into
which continued at intervals
until she died three days after.
Before she died she said she
was being pursued by a dead wax
face with closed eyes.
Physicians stated that heart
trouble hastened the cud.
Negro Problem Solved at
Detroit, Aug. State
of Colored Women this
a memorial to
President petitioning
him to ask Congress to pay the
widow of late Postmaster
of Lake City. S.
lieu life of her
was lost liming a race riot
that count.
The . I also
would like lo for a law to be
enacted to that, should
Stale lie found of mob
law it be expelled
The blacks
could evacuate and all the
haters could State of their
own, need not see a
black face. Thus we the
l-ired by
Charlotte, X. C,
During the worst electrical
of yen tonight lightning struck
the large barn at plant of
Charlotte Oil Fertilizer Works,
Setting tire to building which
with contents was entirely
The barn was about a
hundred feet long right in the
of the largest cotton seed
oil plant the South.
Workmen immediately went to
work to save the more important
buildings, and after an hour's
fight succeeded in rendering re-
of the plant safe. The
barn contained thousand
bundles of straw which were en-
consumed. The fire at first
caused excitement here
as it was thought the entire plant
was burning. The loss will not be
very serious.
Philadelphia . takes
this view of the
So far as a suffrage amendment
is concerned, in
Alabama arc considerably different
from those in North Carolina.
The proportion of illiterate whites
in Alabama is so small in
with the total population that
there is no Deed lo make a
nation in their order to the
suffrage amendment
Carolina a very large pro-
portion of the illiterate whites are
Republicans, especially in the
western of State. But it
does not follow that they
cannot read they have not a fair
knowledge of the political issues
that arc presented to them on
stump or explained to by
illiterate members of family,
as it is in its discrimination,
the suffrage amendment in North
Carolina is largely favor of white
A Snake In the Beer Keg-.
Pa., August
Sunday three men named Tony
Pete Mike
took a keg of beer with them j
to the the Penn-
n an in Railroad, which they
were employed as laborers,
Newport. Last night the
Una were found dead on
ground. The keg was almost lull
of beer.
When the head was knocked in
a dead copperhead snake was
found in the keg. The poison
from ft glands had communicated
to beer, causing death of
those who drank it.
Bribe Uttered Fit.
New York, August
World tomorrow will say that Bob
by a Canadian of high financial
standing to lose his tight with
and that
treated the suggestion with ton-
The proposition is said to
have come in a letter from Mon-
In a New York Police Court the
other day a Boston man who bad
been arrested the instance of his
wife on the charges of desertion
nun support presented a novel
defense. He alleged that his wife
had consulted an astrologer, who
told her that she was to
lie married at least twice. was
her first said
man. I saw that it was
up to me to get a move I had
to either die or skip and I
preferred lo The court,
however, declined to follow that
line of reasoning, put tho man
under to support hi wife, re
of the astrologer's
To Farmers of North
You are especially invited to at-
tend the sessions of the second an-
convention of the
States Association of the
of Agriculture at Raleigh,
Aug. in the
Carolina agricultural build-
Many topics of interest u
the farmer, gardener and orchard-
will be discussed. Hun.
James Wilson, secretary of
culture, will lie present, besides
many other distinguished men of
A rate of one and
has been secured, and order to
secure the benefit the low rate
you should purchase a straight
fare ticket from your station, ask-
for a certificate of purchase.
This certificate will be signed by
the secretary of the association at
will entitle lo I
return ticket at one cent a mile.
Be sure to get certificate When you ,
purchase your ticket.
I hope many of the farmers of
Stale will attend.
s. L.
Two weak partners arc seldom
able to make a business firm.
When suspicion enters the door
goes out el window.
Men like to be laughed at for
their wit, but not their folly.
No man ever succeeded in
a will that was satisfactory to
alibis heirs.
wisdom of the sage is
ply the art of concealing his
from others.
If you once get into habit of
telling the truth you will find
much easier than lying.
The real proof of the pudding is
in stale of your
morning sifter you have eaten it.
Chicago News,
Starts to
London, August
to a Si. Petersburg special, a
gram has been at the
Russian capital from Shanghai an-
the departure of Li
Hung Chang for
Fire at Norfolk.
Norfolk, Va. August
wholesale and retail hardware es-
of The Henry Walks
Company, was visited by lire this
morning between five and six
o'clock. The blaze started the
office and was discovered by a
who sent a general
alarm. The spread rapidly
but after a hard light for forty
minutes fire was extinguished.
Of lire is unknown,
but Is supposed lo have been an
electric wire The ear
a stock worth
The loss is roughly estimated at
fully covered by
i ranee. It the cum
will resume business in
thirty days.
Valentine Turns to
John Valentine, president
of the Express Com-
who was a strong supporter
or President
contributor to the
fund four years ago.
has declared for
A letter from him dated San
Francisco was given at Democratic
national headquarters, In which be
Believing that, bet ween claim
Of that all men are en-
titled to equal lights and
the dogma of tyranny might
snakes right there is no mid-
ground, I favor the
meat of Bryan aid Stevenson stud
straight support of the Democratic
As bead of one of the greatest
express corporations
and employer of thousands men
in the Western, Middle Western
and Pacific Coast States, President
Valentine is considered by Dem-
leaders a factor in the
and his declaration for the
Democratic nominee is expected to
have considerable effect.
Mr. H. Wilson has a com-
in Sunday's Charlotte
Observer calling on the Old Whigs
and their descendants to get to-
form a white
this Stale that will com-
the confidence and respect
of all classes.
was eliminated by the
of amend-
many us who advocate
greater liberty of political opinion
and action fondly hope and believe
-then Mr Wilson's idea may
root later the time
while people can
without endangering the
Commonwealth. There are
questionably a good many people
Ibis State who have in recent
years remained in the Democratic
almost solely account of
the color are really Re-
publicans on national issues, But
what we stalled out to say is that
if the national Republican
ever hopes lo besoms really res-
it must change
its style of doing business, II
must in this section eliminate
from prominence in party
councils and holding,
and it must also eliminate its
while leaden who hate, by
their association the
become a offensive, if not more no
than he is. Whenever the mil inn
party does this it
nay some accessions in the
South. it its ways
lo the South its pen
pie, its increase membership in
this section will lie least
for many years lo
ville I mail,
We are still in the forefront of the race after your patronage
We oiler the best Selected line of
General Merchandise
lo be found in an;, store County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of Hie best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Bummer
and Winter. We are at work for and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure lo show you what you want stud to
sell you if we can. We you the very service, polite
attention, and most terms consistent with a well
established business built sip strictly on own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and following lines general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats Caps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil
Men's, Women's and Shoes. and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Meal. Sugar, Send Is.
Plows, Casting and Plow Nails and Rope.
for Furniture and everything that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
be weekly crop
sued says.
In crop ions caused by
areas, the
reports of crop c
the week Monday, August
WOO, are generally
Thunder showers
curred Mi i ., i Thurs-
day nights, v. most
precipitation along the
line from Charlotte through
to Norfolk, hut north
south of this line, a well r the
majority of onus near the coast
and in the very
r., . .- in those
counties here and the
soil is hum dry all ruin did not
cur its influence was but temporary,
and soil i- now as dry j
. The heal hi-
. n was again
degrees daily above the
with maximum from degree
degrees every tiny of the week.
The readers of this paper will lie
pleased to learn there is at
one disease that
science has teen able to cure in all
its stages, and is Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh Cure i- the only
cure known to the mi
fraternity Catarrh being ii
disease, requires a eon
treatment. Hall's Ca-
Cure i- i a ken internally, act-
directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of system,
thereby destroy the foundation
of the disease, and giving the pa-
I strength by building up the
in ion assisting nature in
doing work. The proprietors
have -H much faith its curative
powers, they offer One Hun-
Dollars for any ease Unit it
to cure. Send for list of
Sold by Druggists,
Family Pills are the beat.
Use Good Plows.
We have just received a of South and
Single and Double home. Call and Bee
before buying. We also
Plow Gear
Headquarters For
Builder's Hardware, Heady Roofing Beady Mixed
Paints, Nails and i-,
the drought
-iii tilt almost
lulled , and is i,
which have retched no rain what-
ever. for full
possible; very have
been sown; fodder pulling however
ha made good headway.
holding well
on clay land-; ail crops
have unquestionably
very much; the rain of the 10th
caused some places
a large of correspondent
Mate i cotton bob are very
small and arc opening prematurely
and In,; mi cotton cannot
tail to be short and inferior
fresh blossom are n forming
and shedding All re
port agree that the cot ion crop
in the Male, once the most
crop in state, ha been
cut short by drought.
Picking has c
Oral been
throughout the sec-
where showers occurred ibis
k may y h Id a fair crop trader
fill i i con lit ions,
lie ill; col ii n. I, i- no very
in i I it r . dried i p
be u the ha, c
. . I. i
-1 . i . . n In , i . p
oral; mil curing have ad-
potatoes rice do u In be
well, though refreshed by
showers here In
are Worthless.
apples bate -an
have dropped
apple- are poor, and on
the a h apple . i
through many counties of
Blue report a full line
i h.- pupil a New
school v ho bad sent from
her for two weeks
ill- u i i from
her n absent
Monday. please .-m use in i.
absent -he had a
-he had a sore
i- tin
had e was ah
soul ii i lay, ill a i re
limit lain
v. el.
Near ST. V., far-
mi are digging baked potatoes
from their Ids. The farms
adjoin a peat bog,
peal inns back under the land.
the bog look lire from
some source, has burning
i since. In tire lists
back under potato
patches, and the potatoes
bet nicely iii the ground.
Dr. It. house at
was burned yesterday.
During wind storm yesterday
afternoon spark from u tobacco
set the woods Ore near the
house, sparks from the wood
et tin on Ore. In a little
Million would lie
to attempt to save house.
other buildings
wen from Had
. been a lack of water in
i ell on account of drought,
have been saved.
Dr. w living at Dover
h id pall of hi- furniture burned
in building. The residence
was valued at was la-
for Free
intelligent and observing
gentlemen were discussing in our
presence a few ago the power
y, and how people
the m who i gifted at
ii g alongside man
who Is not so gifted. These gen-
ii a . ed that the
money the
a man's excellency i- growing.
Many people who ought to have
ii is i come regard
purely by I heir power to make
i- true with many
who stand high in church
circles. They forget many nobler
when the special gift sit
j making i- lacking a
snake up. Scotland Neck
N C.
Ai Middleton, N. hitch-
i i by -i I;. et the
track two
year ago, lime was
population is
years ago.
They are either playing a game
or Republican manager an
-cased. From private source it
recently come to our
edge that In
Illinois, and Hull I
North Carolina. This is
sin indication of how political
Inn may I o fault, Tho
Republicans have tin more chance
to carry North Carolina in
the Democrat to carry
-which I all.
i In pi i.
not worth much just yet.
i i
tut b
and fever i- a bottle of
chill Tonic. It
I inland in a form
No pure no pay. Pi hie
Dr. Ii.
. .

Eastern reflector, 24 August 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 24, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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