Eastern reflector, 14 August 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

As one of the depositories Public School Books In
Pitt County. We handle the books designated on the
State List for the public schools and can supply what-
ever you need. We also have
slant and vertical, double ruled practice writing boo
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens, pencils, slates, i
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes
pencils cent, plain lead pencils l cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil cent, a nice tablet with
pretty rover cent, assorted crayons, with metal hold-
in nice wood box cents. pencil, slate pen-
oil, and pen, all in nice wood box,
cents. A great big wide tablet B cents. of best
ink on the market. cents. Copy books to cents.
White crayons, gross in box, S cents. Good fool's cap
paper cents per quire.
for the Business Man.
We a nice line of double and single entry ledgers,
long books, journals, counter books, memorandums,
order books, receipts, draft and note books, time
For Society People.
We have all kinds and styles of box papers, card and
envelope e s. visiting cards, and tablets.
The Parker
And when it comet to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
Stand to the Rack Regardless
cut deal of talent is lost to
the Sydney Smith,
the want of a little
If a would accomplish any-
thing in this world, if he would
make bis mark in his age he must
be afraid of assuming
Of course it requires
courage to take chances of failure,
to subjected to the risk of
criticism for an unpopular cause
to expose oneself to tin- shafts of
everybody's ridicule; but the man
who is not true to himself, who
can mil carry out the sealed orders
placed in his bands at hit drill,
regardless of world's or
of its approval or
the man who has not courage to
trace the patten of his destiny
which no soul knows but his own
can never rise to the true dignity
of manhood or attain success.
It takes Courage for a young man
or woman to stand firmly erect
while others arc bowing and fawn
for power. t takes
courage to wear threadbare clothes
while your companions dress in
broadcloth silks. It takes
courage to remain in honest DOT-
when others grow rich by-
fraud. It takes courage to
Squarely when these around
you say It takes courage
to do your duty in silence ob-
although others prosper
and grow famous while neglecting
It takes courage and pluck to be
laughed at, scoffed, ridiculed, de-
stand alone
the world against you. It
takes courage lo practice rigid
economy while those about you
squander their earnings, but
are slaves who dare not be in the
light with It takes
courage to refuse to follow custom
when it is injurious to health
morals, lo espouse an unpopular
cause often requires more courage
than lo lead a charge in battle. It
takes courage to true to yourself
while others about you would
strangle their individuality than
be tabooed by Mrs. Grundy, I tut
remember that all things serve a
brave soul, and the world makes
way for the man who boldly passes
Books, Stationery Printing.
Will open first Mond . To tie conducted under
the supervision of I Lodge, Two experienced and
-.- i hen elected, other will be employed If
c i-- every particular i- what the school shall be.
TUITION MONTH; Primary Higher
cut each
per month, or two from same Dually 3.50 each.
A registration per term of live months will be charged
pupils to incidental expense, payable in advance. All bills to
be paid monthly. No variation from published rates, for further
Information address Dr. I. W. M Chairman of Hoard.
From The Wreck.
Amendment Station, X.
Aug. I, large force of tin
defunct Black Tan Company has
been at work, removing debris of
the recent wreck, recovering bodies
repairing road.
rived in due time. The remains of
Alie and chums were
sent to their respective homes.
While President
taring are acute, he has received
injuries, but the friends
Butler entertain the
gravest apprehensions. Attend-
physicians think if he cm pull
through within the next three days
a change of climate would be of the
greatest advantage to his exhaust-
ed however, hope
for the best.
U. H.
Mr. Batter bus fallen
a slumber and seems
well. it. b. A.
Henderson Herald.
allowed to
on some
. ii s -a . If
The North Carolina
Contrary to nil the appalling
North Carolina contest, the
in that Common wealth on
Thursday last. as the Associated
Press reports, exceedingly
quiet throughout the The
public car WM tilled with alarming
reports of the desperate and law-
less efforts of the Democrats to
cure in North
Carolina. Daily accounts from
Republican and Populist sources
related that the or-
in companies and
ions armed with rapid tiring
and sometimes provided
with mountain howitzers or
ling guns, were plying up and
down Slate in a campaign of
There was little or no truth la
these blood curdling stories. In
the district, with its large
colored population, the Associated
Press reports that the poll-
ed within fifty votes of their
strength, sonic of them voting the
Democratic ticket. The local mil-
under command of the
Governor, were awaiting or-
but was no pretext for
employing them. In Western
North Carolina, where there are
large numbers of
whites, the reports indicate that
many of them voted against the
franchise amendment,
standing that few white voters will
be affected by it, In other parts
of the Slate many Republicans are
reported to have voted for the
which serves to ac-
count its by the large
majority of votes.
The startling reports from North
Carolina were chiefly designed to
warm the cold ashes of sectional-
ism in the North, thus give
a fillip languishing President
campaign. was charged that
the object of the Democrats of
North Carolina by this amend-
device to deprive all colored
men, without regard
of the suffrage.
But it is probable that this
of partisan mendacity has met
with as little success in the North
as in the South. Whilst many col-
North Carolina voted
for the there is no
doubt that it will meet with the
approval of intelligent
of the race elsewhere. The
upshot is that every colored voter
North Carolina who can read
w ill have exercise of
suffrage. As education pro-
the number of illiterates,
white and black, will steadily
until time the amend
meal will practically become a
a dead letter.
A important result of
the North Carolina election is in
dissolving the Republican
list alliance by depriving it of it
of ignorant voters,
led by unscrupulous white
The place of Marion Bat-
the Populist, in the United
State Senate will be filled next win
by a Democrat, and the turn of
his Republican colleague, Senator
will come two years
hence, insidious appeals to
the Ignorant this
Tree Silver High Tariff coalition
achieved Us brief success over the
elements of the Old North
State. While Worked
one end of tin- combination with
the Republicans, worked
the other cud as of the
Populist National Committee.
Who will say that people
of North Carolina have not done
well in destroying this nefarious
coalition in protecting their
political from a dense
mass of ignorance Philadelphia
There is a case of smallpox in
It was pronounced to
be this dreaded disease by Dr. w.
IT. who there to ex
II yesterday, a
woman .- I he one. She
brought the disease from Norfolk.
The had sick for
I several days and had kept in
close -i i in- in of
which the do
not fear any spread of smallpox in
their ton Free Press.
Tho Effect i
The Chatham Record discusses
the effect of th constitutional
adopted Thursday,
many will
The number of
disfranchised is estimated at about
Hot while the amend-
itself may disfranchise a
larger number of yet it is
possible that many more
will not care to vote, lose all
Interest Or it may be
I he educated who do
By virtue of authority ft
mule in canst W. II.
Company and creditor, of
Moore against J. Murphy sod
now pending in Superior Court of Pitt
county, the undersigned will on Meads,
the of August 1900, expose to pub-
wile before House door in
own of Greenville, N. C, to the highest
bidder Tor the following described tract
Of land to tract of land situate in
township, adjoining the lauds of
Adams, James Kiss, Haddock
and others, one seres
more or less.
This the day of June 1900.
good digestion; sound sleep; a
fine appetite and a ripe old age,
arc some of the results of the use
of Liver Pills. A single
dose will convince you of their
wonderful effects and virtue.
A Known Fact.
An absolute cure for sick head-
ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour
stomach, dizziness, constipation
bilious fever, piles, torpid liver
and all kindred diseases,
vote, will divide like I Pills-
white people do, and vote less sol- s rill
idly than heretofore. This may-
be better tor them and bettor for
whites Certainly the
will be less rigidly
drawn polities, because there
will no longer great danger as
heretofore from domination.
of the best effects the amend
will have will lie the
or incentive it will give to
cause of education. It will nil-
elevate North
to a high rank among the other
States, and wipe on our present
disgrace of being the in
Before every white
child will be able to read and write
before be or she of age.
And what will be its effect on the
disfranchised They will
foe as fully protected in all their
rights as heretofore, and, we
they will be satisfied and
contented. They certainly can be
in no worse condition, for what
good bus their voting done them
They surely have no cause for
alarm or
This is excellent.
the will be less rigidly
drawn hereafter. It is to he hoped
that we have heard the last of
If these painful
cries are to continued the
pledges of the Democrats will have
been violated amendment
will have been adopted in vain
We The Record correct
saying that even the en-
titled to vote will hereafter take
less interest in politics, and
such as are still entitled to the
lot will probably divide their
voles. That the amendment will
be a tremendous stimulus to
cation cannot lie doubted, we
believe that under its operation
the disfranchised will lie
better treated by the white people
better protected than ever be
fore. We ca n see not h I bu t good
to come of the adoption of this
measure; and we repeat what was
said so often during the campaign
that it will disfranchise no native
white Ob
Select Female School.
This school will on Sept.
o, into.
I for thin
Notre n of and
accomplish men with yours ex-
from those In judge. The
her will be
everything for their
manners and mental
A of your patronage lit
N C.
m Hi.-
r Si
ti i . Hat-
tN- c
box. lit
I. taken.
. III. r r
J I. N C
of Hem
of or
ha pink finer to pa la
youth. By
. fur
U BO, with oar
to car
flays only in
but eat nights seem
all seasons.
car for of
of or
In plain s
. our
lo curs In or
for by J L
. sari r,
I'm In
above named will
an as
Superior Court of
Pitt county to obtain a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony; the defendant
will forth notice he is required
to appear at the next term of the Superior
Court of said county to be on the sec-
Monday after the Monday in Sept.
next, being the 17th day of Sept., 1900,
at Court House in N. C.
an answer or demur lo the complaint
action, or the plaintiff will apply to the
Coon for relief demanded in com-
lay of May 1900
C. Moose.
Clerk Superior Court
The Clerk of Court of Pit
county, having issued Letters l
to me. the undersigned, on
day of May. 1900, on the estate
J. Notice is
I,, all persons to the estate
lo make immediate payment lo the
and to all creditor of raid estate or
present claims, properly
lo the within twelve
meats after the date of this notice, or this
notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery.
This the of May, 1900.
on the estate of Thomas J.
duly qualified the
or Coin t Clerk of Pitt county as
of the Last Will and Testament of Nancy
Wallace, notice is hereby given to
all persons said to
i payment to the undersigned, and
all persons having claims against said es-
are hereby notified to present the same
for payment on or before the day of
April. or this notice will he plead
liar of recovery.
This day of April, 1900.
USES Thomas Abrams,
Executor of Nancy Wallace.
hen by all persons from en-
upon any of our lands along
for purpose of fishing with
or hunting. Any one so trespassing
be prosecuted to law.
O. K. A ft. T
a. w
leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, dally at
M. for
Steamer leaves
Greenville Wednesday
mid Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, Saturdays
at U A. M . freight only.
at with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and j
ton, and for all points for the West
with Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight- by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Hay Line from
mid Line from
Washington, N. O.
J. J.
Greenville, N.
A Cir
Sirs. C. who keeps a
millinery and fancy goods store St
Louis. Co., filch., sad who is
well known
I was trembled with
catarrh and neuralgia I had
liver complaint and was very bilious.
was in a bad condition; day be-
to fear that I should never be a
well woman; that I should have to
settle down into a chronic invalid, and
live in the of death. I had
to me. I TOOK FOUR
cured my family both. I am very glad
that I heard of It I would cheerfully
recommend it to every one. have
taken many other kinds of medicine.
I prefer of
Having Ibis day before the
of the Superior court of Pitt county
as to lbs last Will testament
of W. K. deceased, notice
hereby to all persona claim
against the estate of said W. K.
to present them to mo for payment on o
before the 20th day of July 1901, or
notice will be plead In liar of their recovery
All persons i to said estate are re-
quested to make immediate payment to me,
This the day of July 1900.
A. Executrix,
of the last will testament of W. K.
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Night and
back if it doesn't.
No other as good. Get the kind
with the Red Cross on the label.
Sold and guaranteed by Wooten,
The One Day Cure.
Cold in M Bad sore throat cured Ker
Chocolate. laxative quinine. A. easy to
lake as land;. for
Fill Begins Sept, 1900.
Practical, common sense
Prepares boys and for
the duties life. Pupils take a
high stand at College. Success
measured by the full-rounded de-
of our pupils. Com-
and conscientious teachers.
A well organized Literary Society.
Moral influence good. Expenses
reasonable. For further
sec or address the principals,
Bethel. N. O
N. C-
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
Highest market
aid for country produce.
1838 1900
Greensboro Female College
North Carolina,
Fall Term begins Sept. 1900.
PEACOCK, President.
. Jim, or
for examination and advice.
Lawyers, WASH ,
Also a nice Line of Hard ware.
J. R.
The Eastern Reflector.
National Ticket.
of Illinois.
For Elector, 1st
of Carteret.
For Congress, 1st Dist.,
of Beaufort.
Below of it
papers other
States upon the recent election in
North Carolina. A reading of
these will show that out of all
Populist and
New York World,
to Democratic, is the
only paper that throws an insult at
our State.
New Orleans Picayune
It is to note that the ed-
ed for the constitutional amend-
which disfranchises
and thriftless of their
One of the
peels to be looked forward lo from
the North it the
succession of a Democrat to
seal in the senate occupied by lit
tie Marion
Augusta Tribune
Hon. Marion Butler got it in
neck heavy, and he is now wonder-
where he is at, or where he
might have been if he had
to the seductive voice
J. K. Jones and old Sen-
Chicago Times-Herald It
may be safely assumed the
will be rigorously car-
out. The ultimate
of its enforcement will
degradation of white voter and
the development of a desire on
part of the for education
which the state and
the Democrats cannot repress.
Columbia State Now
that the is lo eliminated
from the problem the Populists and
white Republicans of the state will
probably fuse, and in time they
will lie joined by a growing
BOW nominally Democratic, but at
heart for the Republican policies.
With the out of the way
North Carolina will again become
debatable ground.
Nashville American
We congratulate people of
Carolina on their great
We doubted the wisdom of
the of the
constitutional amendment, but, as
have said before, the people of
North Carolina know their
the manage-
affairs better than
any one else.
New World so
tar us it permits white illiterates
to vote, the amendment is as frank
a violation of the federal
as the methods of intimidation
violates by which it was car-
were a frank violation of the
usage of civilization. The
of the amendment is that it will ex
chide a great mass of wholly unlit
illiterates from the polls. evil
is that it is a monument to flotation
of law justice.
Birmingham News
With lint but a memory
laid on the shelf two
years hence, as be surely will be,
will be prepared to
resume th-.-. proud place it
the sisterhood of Southern
states when and Ransom
were its representative the
I States senate, and men like
Cut Sat In the
chair and white rule held
sway. The Democrats of the Tar
Heel State did a splendid day's
Memphis t
With restoration of
a period of
when the time-servers who have
been smirking at courting
dominant Populism may be
pated grounded in
faith, those who have proven
true and who have never wavered
or made compromises during the
dark days, be permitted to full
membership without probation.
There are many who have government of the State
Democracy practice j from who
Slate's interests at heart. The
. . colored vote was the stiletto with
Baltimore Sun There is
disposition in North lo .
. Commonwealth.
treat unkind v. His .-,, .,
, , , , lid
friends in that State are;., , ,, r
It was the force that Wielded it
among most ardent , , , ,
, , z i was Maine,
of the amendment ;
day. He will be educated and The adoption of the amendment
cared for in the future, as beneficial to North
past, by those who voted to dis-1 in inure than a political way.
franchise illiterate of his race. between the
. ,, ,, . , I races reduced to a minimum and
Philadelphia limes
dent Thus South Car
Mississippi, Louisiana and i
North have simply follow-1
In footsteps of the j Dispatch
can national leaders, who first Th
made the experiment of ; amendment eliminating the
suffrage and who were adopted, and the stale Dem-
compelled to make the first ticket returned, and
absolutely revoking the party secured an overwhelming
franchise by placing the District preponderance of the members of
of Columbia under a government of the
entirely removed from the power I ll V a majority of upwards
of the people. It is simply the was but the sequel lo
has come to North Wilmington revolution
Carolina, that it has conic i for that
was mil Ping else. It
not a riot or a sporadic up-
rising on the port of the whites,
it has been frequently and loosely,
against a worse than the
kings and princes.
tacitly, without regard to party.
This becomes more evident as the
issue flows over into birder slates,
where are fewer and Re-
publicans more numerous. This
race unanimity is
that neither federal
nor judicial decisions will
check of
into every stale where
the are a political factor.
Then the question of basis of re
presentation will a burn
Norfolk Landmark
This restriction of the franchise in
North Carolina will do the
good as well as while man.
All who arc familiar with the his-
of the past decade that
Slate know very well that col-
vote- has voluntarily
made himself obnoxious, but that
he has been a tool in the hands of
designing politicians who
the iniquitous game of fusion to
which these schemers wounded the
In itself, file
very dangerous.
1.1. mm
We are still In the forefront of the
We yon the best selected line of
after your patronage
General Merchandise
Hon. W. P. Porter of Hay
and the Hon. Law-
Huh. of a are the
two vice presidents appointed
Governor Russell to look after the
interests of North Carolina the
exposition. Mr.
Holt has been absent In Europe
some time and therefore to
sake the work. Mi. Porter,
however, matters In hard
has been spending some time
in in touch with
the enterprise which shall
year astonish the in its
proportions and surpassing
magnificence, it is Mr. Porter's
return noon ; the
id can
i of i lie splendid t .
up ii i the
mutual of an ad mate representation
and to Carolina next
year. He think- this an
of such value to all the
while icy assured, the
development the stale
will be greatly promoted.
violence and lawlessness only
proves how supreme was the
for eliminating the race is-
sue North
Richmond Times i Once
more we ask what good things has
Mr. Butler accomplished,
fur himself or for his He
has gained notoriety enough to sat-
any politician's and j
he has gained position, but The waist is,
today the most cordially hated the man about a
in his state, if not in any state shirt, without a coat, is be-
the Union, The great body more numerous in pub-
to be found any store in Pitt ;. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacture of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year i-. Spring, Bummer
and Winter. work for yours
vantage. If pleasure to show you j
sell you if can. We you the . polite
attention, and the i with a well
established business built i .; ts own merits.
When you market you I no do yourself justice State interests that would
if you do sec our immense stock before buying elsewhere, -1 sighted not to have
Remember u.- and the following Hues of general merchandise. , ,, , He will tin
to out what people
and Motions, he state think about n when
understand the
I and Satins, ,,,,.,. ,,,, m
and apes, a. pets, Mattings and Oil I . , , g
of the State sell lug forth bis
sens for urging a first class
North Carolina. With
and ,, ,.;,.,,,
i ml fort wealth and her
. for business
ii vi of all kinds
Ca I inn Hi r to the
In investor. The
Pun v, ill cost
i; ms of doll ti re
the National
alone expending half
its Within
. II III i I
We boy strictly for Cash, sell for Cash or Approved people reside. Chicago bad
I many II name
Men's, onion's Shoes
Horse and
Flour, Me
Sugar. Coffee, Head t.
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture an i
read rs of this papers ill be
pleased to learn that there is at
science has teen able to cure in all
its stages, and is Catarrh
Halls Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure known medical
fraternity Catarrh being h con-
disease, require b
Ball's ca-
Cure is taken internally, act-
directly upon the blood and
surfaces of the system,
thereby destroy the foundation
of the disease, and giving the pa-
strength by building up the
constitution assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors
have much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hun-
Dollars for any ease that it
tails to cure. Send for list of
P. Co.; Props.,
, Did by
Hall's Pills are the best.
Can't be Accounted to by In-
North Carolina's Democratic
i grows and grows. Bo
grout general a majority can-
accounted for by
for in the mountain c unities,
normally there are
comparatively few and us
both were represented on the
boards of election there is no cry
mi fraud. The Democrats seem to
have captured Populists and white
Republicans in large numbers
the race Issue and the gen-
I from pulls.
Columbia State.
Our motto is Honesty, Merit Square Dealing.
Waist Alan is Numerous.
in As extra
lion i the
I all i, bin i hour's ride
if i- hi re is
I largest it r
in Vine-Preside . Po
u ; and public .-- n
North Carolinians despise him and
hold in contempt, there is
such as has rarely
known North Stale
Marion Butler bas been
retired. Marion bas a
for and lie
has employed it against bis own
kith and kin. He has succeeded
in his native stale,
he is responsible largely fur
race troubles that have existed,
and the blood of , -k men
trusted him is his hands. He
arrayed race against race, and
even brother against brother,
he aroused the Bed Shirts of the
state to the lighting point. lie
tried, what other shrewd
tried this Southern state
and the
and through to govern
whites. He succeeded for a time
as his predecessors in other states
succeeded for a time, but day
of his triumph was short and the
punishment was sure. Let others
who would attempt this damnable
thing take warning from tin
fall of Marion Butler.
New York Commercial
The certain
discouraging fact Is nearly all
local public opinion of a quality
that would be taken into serious
account North supports
openly or
places New York every
day. Down town, in the gold
district, you may see on
any hot day scores of the best
known broken and bankers walk-
about without coats. Iii the.
roof gardens la becoming the
proper thing to appear in
shirt-sleeves. It Is thought that
summer the fashion will
have established itself thoroughly .
At present takes a little nerve
and knowledge that the lit of
one's shirt, haberdashery and
is perfect to enable a man to
promenade Broadway
that until now been regarded
as impossible dishabille New
We have just received n f
Chilled Single Double e.
them before buying. We n complete
Ben I and a.
e. Call and see
. r
The Next
Argus, in n band-
tribute to fellow-towns-
man, Chas. II. Aycock, Esq.,
has t elected i
gays that canvass bus hi i n
the plane of
the and I lie cause he rep-
by his and el-
an I he won
i, the
II is
i Vs ab its his . .
i v.-.- ii i much
. the
v. pitch ;. said
lb any
have heard; he said nothing to
In a letter received last
night the point made that ii
is not the who have
with automatic exactness for
Republican l- all these years,
who will be from
adoption of the constitutional
the white men
who have voted
with the The
point is a new and a gout I one.
The have never
from their alliance with the whit
Republicans; it is whites who
have reaped all benefits of
Plow Gear
Headquarters For
Paints, Pumps,
Gar I
World's Best.
Duties of Election Boards
Chairman wishes to
call the attention of Chairmen
if County Board Eli
Section the
lion Law, relative to the duties of
chairman of the county boards of
Section of Election Law
. chairman of county
of elections to with-
in ten days of election i
under his hand and seal, to
or members elected to House
of Representatives from bis con-
t. also to the Senator elected
from his district, if the district is
of more than one
, chairmen
of count board of elections in the
various senatorial districts com-
posed of more than one count
after receiving returns from
county beard of canvassers, to
meet the ninth day after the
in place in
that section In their respective dis-
and examine the polls
several in
issue of election,
under their hand and seal, t the
late for the senate who is
lo arouse anger or wound proud the
in lie
v.- ill nun con-
i always. That I In c
s in K
that appeal the
led b the
m given majority
that any
for ever received in North
Carolina today, after
traversed State from end
lo end and spoke in every
count in it, he i- b far the
I of Common-
wealth. The democrat ii p
mode no mistake in
, o
p nil nude no mi-lake
in him. He v, ill justify all
. a ii- and
ill do lea men ii,, go
of as he when
he went in.
postmaster is
., done b bis The total
., was an In-
14.78 over 1808,
and of ill over last year.
hero will be 1522 places
the renter New this year.
There are 1583 in Nebraska
in Carolina.
night with Robert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic per
bottle. Pleasant to take.
refunded if II Hills. Restores
lie, blood and makes
you Well. other as good.
Bold tho
stores of Bryan, Wooten and
Dr. O. Ii. Jam
M. .,
Greenville, N.

EASTERN REFLECTOR Tobacco Department.
D. J. WHICH Ed. Owner
Entered at the Post at
have coin-
Greenville, as , . .
. lo market tobacco in
Mail Matter. .
a mid like
Heretofore be middle
I. 1800. at least, there
breaks all
The Ninth has
bated Crawford
And this time he is going to
Richmond so that the
The A. Mfg. Co. are re-
almost daily away
thus print overcrowd- from homo
log the i l Hie very
season hi the year, at a time when
the tobacco is in no condition at ail
I sell. And in it
at W.
J. Bryan and A. were
officially of their
for and Vice
by the Democratic Nation;
And the people will
Hive them notice of their election
In November.
latter will not have a chance to; uttered on the before the
steal his scat again. coring process has
that is, while there is yet a good
deal of green matter visible on the
leaf, which it allowed to in
balk for a short while would
most entirely disappear. Then,
too, the condition of weather at
this time is such that there is a
deal risk in carrying luge
Stocks tobacco bulk. One
hundred farmers owning two
thousand pounds of
better condition and
better prepared to take care of that
quantity of than are live,
six or more buyers at this hot sea-
sou of the year, besides if this to-
should begin to damage in
the hand of tho formers can be
very easily stopped, but if it
longs to one man may lie that
damage will be irreparable be-
fore it is discovered.
Again the markets abroad are
not established and there is an
element of uncertainty that makes
sales this season of the year very
unsatisfactory. I don't have the
least don't that the farmers who
have sold tobacco the entire
markets daring the last four years
have lost annually not less than
forty thousand dollars as a result
Of crowding the markets during
the last half of August and Ural of
overloading toe
market at this time it, as a natter
of course, has a to lower
prices and it takes considerable
time for the market recover. In
meantime those of you that have
are the losers.
I speak on this matter from
actual experience, and the ware-
houseman or drummer who mil
urge you to throw
the market at this time in
great quantities la either woefully
ignorant or recklessly
to your interest, and yon will not
s i watch him lone to find him
A Word Fit You.
The tobacco season has opened,
fall is drawing near, and it is get-
ting time for people to begin band-
ling money. There are a number
of leaders of THE
who have been promising
us that just as soon as this lime
came they were going to bring us
some money. Along at intervals
during the last few months we
have been cross marks on
the papers of those in arrears to
remind in the fact. Borne
seemed to hate seeing the mark on
their paper and told us if we would
not put it there any more they
would come right on and pay up
out of their first tobacco money or
goon OS fall opened. Now we
do not love to mark
paper, and it is not pleasant for us
to even have we
promise u it to do either of these
things If you will keep your
promise and come on and pay as
like you ought to. Unman owed
you for bushel potatoes or
barrel of coin and made as
promises about paying as do
ab the r you would
b lo and
I i.- How we arc
pot asking you for a except
what you owe us. and we
I to that mil l. The
keep the en in irks or
avoid being is lo Die .
and pay
shipped four two to
Snow Hill. Good goods will go,
and good work always tells.
Dr. of Green-
ville, was here con-
with Dr. Cox as regards
Mr. who is quite sick.
Nat Whit Held WM a
short while this week.
The Carriage
seem to be growing popular
favor. The demand for their work
is far ahead of their capacity to till
orders. Though a new here,
they employ skilled workmen.
Hence their success.
Official absenteeism had up lo
the week merely a
cause of regret that Mr.
and members of his
should so far forget
of the oath they took
assuming office as to go away from
their official posts, for their own
personal pleasure, while the Chi
situation was at such a
cal stage; hot this week it has been
and deep
to even patriotic
can. When Minister Conger's
message, saying that the Imperial
Chinese troops were daily firing
upon the British
kin, in which he and all the other
in s are cooped up as
prisoners, arrive. Washington,
neither the President nor the Sec-
of State were hand to
deal with it, and nobody can say
now what this Government intends
to do about it. That public
Mrs. Robert Greene and children j,, . it to do more than
of Greenville, who have been visit-
Mrs. J. for the past
fear days, returned home
of Greene
county, spent part of Hie day
here Tuesday.
Drummers are abundance have done weeks
they are complaining that all over ., hr
hobnob with the Chinese Minister
to the United States and endorse
all the fairy tales lie invent is
extremely probable. Much as Mr.
dislikes to call an extra
session of Congress to decide what
this government shall do. which he
ago, it
the State times dull, but j he able avoid
when strike here they us j
a hustler, factories j something or to make a bluff at do
busy, buggies going, that would be
and along
for some opportunity to do
shipped constantly, wagons,
back hands and saddles all on the
move and the prettiest girls they
say all Christendom. This is the
place. for us We get
there all the time. Don't you see t
There was at Dr. Cox's
Ian night. Most of our
people were in attendance.
Another of White's Coons docs
Tarboro, X. C, Aug
the name of George Dancy,
ho Has been an assistant it. the
here for a unrulier of
years, was arrested this morning on
the charge of robbing money pack-
ages that were at this
Detectives have been working on
the case for sometime and caught
up with him last night. They
I discussing this subject mailed to Crisp, a letter con-
few since with one of our fold piece. This let-
largest an best buyers i he eon- raced to went
can I with fall in views.
be a I
l th .
. . . m
sub . . to
to institution shall into
feet on the 1st July, A I lb
the same lime wish
of the east
get and agree not
pen an; the i
the 1st of September a
be means
.- thousand dollars and
. vote,
. ix i .
cast in ml
rate u i ate
In coining S ill
but after that. liar tie Ob-
no further. They Investigated
here and the money the
person of The detectives
took him to Halifax this morning
There he will be given a trial be-
The acknowledged he
went in the letter took the
risk which we then tore the letter up and
carrying heavy stocks been steal-
tobacco during the hot, sun robbing packages for some-
I time, but it was not until last
that he was caught up with. When
I made full confession.
the markets until gold plane was found on him
the expediency, he broke down and
there are numbers of farmers who
-ell some tobacco lo
them to save other crops.
But haven plan which If all the
I i mi is will adopt I think it will
prove practicable and know in-
beneficial. It is
j Let every former divide the
proximate number of pounds of
tobacco that he will make in the
number of months the markets
arc open. the mar-
opens i-i. and
closes April 1st are well cared
principle then sell there.
of praise for ii
I ,
Trip to Windsor.
The Confederate Veterans, of
Bertie, had their I lib annual meet-
at the Court House Thursday.
There are in the county, of
whom were present. Of
present claim to lie soldiers of
Christ. One old brother had just
come from the Home in Raleigh,
praise will Induce an id
requiting ire time
of Increased salary,
ambition in n -i
faithful helpers. To n i-
worker who has done u
Let every reader pray that every
one may be comfortable here
his entire crop each month.
While in every case this cannot
In, I . . . . line
one, yet if there is a concerted r ,,
most of the when
is it will do more toward T A. l.
mating the bad features of
, markets anything a New York clergyman, lie v.
who has secured ii ed i e
bun or i i lea
valuable to hi-
of appreciation is more
ting Hutu inc. i he mi mar II
will outweigh times the
I U f and will
spur and nourish ambition and
go work u nothing else can. A
kind, appreciative word m I
log to express, i,;.
iii-iii lo; ,;,,
thing when the Thai
Is why they put their advertise
meats Tin;
Home w ill Oh,
Dr. Hamilton, preached
want to gel .
with my tobacco by j
So yon may, Von may Newport,
work needs yon home while
are j
i mouths i
ma led
lime grade
think a
you will not have
it. Hut stop and
moment. There will be
last. He declared bis
bearers were not a group.
burdened With heavier moral ob-
ligations than any other people in
This is in every re-
true, j list as as is
assertion a man with plenty of
I days you work this country.
doors which to prepare
tobacco for market. Besides
V II have to hire it all done , ,
you pursue this plan M
antes yon will gel to the
more for lo pay than those not so well en-
for all your pains and outside help, but
have a handsome balance to. i. ,. , ,
This is a
I nearly all the outsider arc trying
to bis mining political for
tunes. The time for drifting has
passed. Mr. so-call-
ed lo the Chinese
government, through Consul-
General Fowler, at Shanghai, in-
forming China that the situation
by Conger was
intolerable, will hardly scare the
Chinese. They are not fools.
They know that in this
Congress alone has authority to
declare war. Tor that reason, if
for no other, Congress ought to lie
called extra session. It would
convince the Chinese that we meant
Democrats are delighted with
Col, Bryan's speech of acceptance,
especially that portion of it which
so clearly points difference
between legitimate
quiring territory to become future
I he imperialism which
acquires islands to become colonial
possessions. The Speech is
the most complete argument
against imperialism ever presented
in a single publication, and should
Is- carefully studied by every
who wishes to lit himself
demolish every argument the re-
publicans have yet advanced in
favor of the imperialistic foreign
policy of the
In fact, the speech might
be celled the democrat primer of
the present campaign.
The periodical statement that
this government had sent an
to the Sultan of Turkey de-
immediate of
those American missionary claims,
which came out this week, has
grown tiresome and farcical
It was from the first laughed at by
the diplomatic corpse, the
members of which know
something of now the Sultan treats
demands upon him for money. A
gentleman who It in a position to
make a good guess would
not surprise me if in the last weeks
of campaign Mr.
sent a strong naval force to compel
Sultan lo pay these claims nun
incidentally to inject a little
Into the political campaign at
II is not customary for candidates
for President lo take any hand in
the of cam
but Mr. Is doing
it. He recently became so
alarmed that he told
he intended to reserve the
vole right every important
move by the Nation-
lee and that nothing
outside lie-regular routine pro-
gramme be done by the Com-
i a submitted
In by him. Mr.
Charles Comptroller of
Cm i e.-y, is one of Mr. Me Kin
go-between transmitting mes-
sages to and the National
when is not
A letter to tells
us there has been a over
near in township
The unusual things with
the obsequies are that it occurred
at night, there seems to have been
no previous
friends the deceased were not in-
The fact is, our
says about all that be learned
of tin is that a newly made
grave was on which an
inscription has been found that tells
its story. A copy of the in-
was us and it reads as
Here lies the last of poor old Teel,
Who died beneath the white man's
Tis true the fellow died while young
Unwept, and unsung.
The men around
And white men, too, he thought to
fool ;.
He met them on the poplar old,
Where he did hold.
I know he did misrepresent
The Constitutional Amendment,
The like, he said, before,
It all the poor.
lie rode out there bis wheel.
This poor old corpse, his is
Am set the all on lire
By say big poll tax would be higher.
Poor man white people are too
They know they wont
Your midnight meetings will not do.
The people have back you.
The white men now are far ahead,
And Pops like you forever dead ;
We sing the praise of Nichols still,
And honor noble Tom
Now your head in deep dis-
For bringing shame upon your race,
And go out in the woods and grub,
Or else go off to
Proceeding-s of the
Be Not Deceived
Clearance Sale.
OF BEST GOODS will be on the market.
Clothing for Men.
Suits reg. now
Boy Suits to years.
Regular now
1.60 1.10
2.00 1.25
2.50. 1.60
8.00 1.75
5.00 3.25
Plenty and to suit any.
Men and Boy Pants.
Big now sell
1.60 1.05
2.00 1.30
2.50 1.00
3.00 2.20
4.00 2.00
The Board of
met in regular session Mon-
day August It. L.
Davis, O. W.
ton and
The following accounts were
lowed and orders issued on the
Paupers List takers
Elections 1883 Constables
Stationary 10.88, Jail
Insane Supt of Health j
Bridge Books
ville Military Co. Supt Home i
mi, to the minute.
Court Cost
The Board ordered that one
dollars be donated to the
Military Company.
Wright Williams was given
him in going to Baltimore
for treatment. His name was
from the pauper list.
The names of Hannah
and A. Mines were stricken from
the pauper list, and the names of
D. II. Smith
were added to the list.
C. Supt.
of Health, J. B. Cherry, Treas-
filed their monthly
which were accepted.
D. T. House was grouted retail
liquor license in
was released
from personal
properly having been
erroneously charged,
The high and the low,
fat and the lean, the rich and
the poor get suited and fitted
in this line.
Shirts for Men and Boys.
See colors, sizes and styles.
shirts now DOc
shirts now
shirts now
shirts now
shirts now
shirts now
Negligee and white all
Shoes for Men, Ladies,
Boys and Girls.
regular now
regular now
regular now
James A. Banister Company
Bay State Shoe Co., Hamilton
Brown Shoe Co., John
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
regular now
LAWN and now
Pique and
now go
now go
now go .
Hamburg. ,
now lie
All these go at once
Woolen Dress Goods.
in. Cashmere all colors
in. Wool Serge all colors
Woolens Be
All colors fancy
All wool Serge, solid colors,
regular now
in. Henrietta black,
price now
in. black silk finish Hen-
good at now
in. black all wool Serge
regular now
in black Serge silk finish
fine now
in. silk warp Henrietta
fine quality now
All wool Fancy
reduced to
All lines cut down to figures
which will move them. Come
early for they will go.
Hosiery for all.
now An
now now lie ,.,
Valentine Lace
Regular Bo now
lo now
China in. always
good now
in. Black Gloria, regular
all colors now
in. black Taffeta always
sells now
in, black
good value now
now now
Carpet Matting best floor
covering on earth, regular
This is no fake sale of odds
ends, job lute or damaged goods
but the best straight goods.
Trunks and Valises.
These arc to go lower than any
else as we have more on
hand than think can sell so the
price is not the object.
vital question to all,
lamer friend, and hope
will consider it.
lighten the loads of the burden-
I Observer.
The have carried
North Carolina and the
have taken but at last
it seemed doubtful
the bold China.
Chicago New
Jack, k. c, Aug.
L. II. White instill sick
K. H. has gone lo
to visit his mother.
Quite a of our people
attended at Creek
White is quite sick.
Mrs. II. II. White and daughter,
Miss Annie, to
land today.
Mills, was
down to see bis lies Sunday.
Home of our people are gel ting
ready for to
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon are
the happy parents of a
little girl.
B. M.
My Stock
is Complete
Hats, giants
prices that will suit you.
They Stand The Test.
That is Every Pair of
Is guaranteed to do. Can you severer test than to
tie one leg of a pair of to tho riling and swing a keg of
nails weighing pounds to the other leg I That is the test
seen in our window and hundreds of people have looked in
Dutches Fa i
are built to stand any kind of service and a guarantee goes
with every pair-10 cents if a button off or if they rip.
Get the best when you buy and he sure you the
None genuine the name on button,
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Knitting Mills will be
ready to begin the
first of Any girl de-
siring employment the mills
should tile their application early.
W. Atkins, Secy.
Mr. arrived
Wednesday evening
with his bride. He was married
that day to Miss Annie Wood, of
Scotland Neck. A reception was
held at at the home
groom's mother.
Male Academy.
The advertisement of
Mule Academy appears this
issue. This school is now in its
twelfth year under
of Prof. W. H. Its work
is always thorough. There is not
a place to which yon can
send your boys.
Saw and Mill
W. II. Harper, of
W. O. of Greenville,
have leased a piece of land at
end of Greene street and near the
river from CM. Bernard, and will
erect a sawmill there. They will
a grist mill in connection
with the saw mill. The old school
house, which is a part of the prop-
leased will lie used for the
present, for the grist mill house.
Work will commence the saw
M union. Sale.
C. T. takes a lour col-
space in Tim to-
day to tell yon the
bargain prices his big new store.
His store stock just over-
reach anything that is going, while
his prices talk for themselves. He
has already made his first for
the season the great northern
markets, and he proposes to keep
in constant touch with those mar-
so as to have now bargains to
offer every few days. Watch his
Special Sale.
gins his special sale preparatory lo
closing out his business
ville. The entire stock of
worth of reliable goods will be put
on the market at prices that must
make them go. His force is busy
marking down prices for
sale. Yon will see some of
figures printed his advertise-
this paper.
Passed Mark
a has had a most gratifying
growth in circulation this year,
though we have not made much
noise about it. The thousand
mark has now been passed and it
still keeps climbing. One thing
about the circulation of The He-
that is of especial
to the advertisers, is that
every copy of the paper sent out
goes into the hands an
gent reader. People lake it for the
news it contains, and the class of
people who read this paper have
money lo spend with the
Tobacco Department
Mr. O. L. who since
beginning of a tobacco market in
has done more to pro-
mote its advancement than
other man, has resumed his de-
in The and
says that from on through
season be will contribute regularly
articles of especial interest to the
tobacco trade The articles he has
contributed to this paper years
gone by have a great factor
advertising the market far
near, and no one feature did the
market more good. Mr. Joyner i-
excellent writer, and our read
an will much interest it
up with his articles. to-
farmers will articles
profitable to them and can often
save money by following the ad-
vice he gives.
Miss Mary E. died Fri-
day night half past eleven
o'clock, at the home of Mr. W. It.
Parker, alter a
severe illness. She had been
very bad health for several years
and for past months had
been confined to her bed.
She was an excellent woman
held in the highest esteem by all
who knew her. She was a sister
of Mrs. W. Parker Mrs.
Julia Barrett, Greenville, and
Mrs. Henry Harris, of Falkland.
The funeral of Miss Mary E.
will take place at Farm-
ville tomorrow at
The remains will leave
the residence of Mr. W. It. Parker
at o'clock A. M. The funeral
services will be conducted by Bar.
D. W. Davis.
Some Speak Me, Some to You
has d la
Harry Wall retained ibis m aw-
to Wilson.
A. Tail returned Wednesday
from Middleburg.
II. left Ibis on s
to Plymouth.
down Wed
evening from
Miss Cornelia Manning, of Beth-
el, is Mrs. Moore.
Mis. J. It. and children
left this morning for Wilmington.
W. B. Garrett has moved into
the house
Prof. Joseph Kinsey, of Wilson,
spent Wednesday here left this
Vi ill Blow, of
down Wednesday evening to
Dudley came up from
Washington Wednesday and H
turned this
James was all smiles
this morning over the arrival of a
Mi- Brown his house.
L. I. Pass, who has been
as assistant the depot, left
for s. c.
W. I. of Richmond,
spent Wednesday here and mi
evening train for
Jesse returned
I from Norfolk and all lie
I is looking as natural as ever and
I will open his office here again.
i Charles Parker, of Mount,
i has moved Into Mrs. Mellie liar
house on avenue,
recently occupied by C. W. Harvey.
Hawks, of the pas-
train, is off on a few days
vacation, of
Florence, S. C, is the run in his
August WOO.
Miss left this morn-
for Tarboro.
B. T. Phillips, of Ayden,
spent the day here.
For The
J. A. Crews, of the Wilmington
Messenger, is
Miss Jennie returned to
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. K. Greene children re-
turned Ibis morning from Seven
A. came Thurs-
day from Scotland Neck
returned this morning.
Miss Jesse Lee Sugg and brother
Julius, runic this morning from
to visit Mis. J. L. Sugg.
Misses Evelyn and Carrie Hart,
who have visiting Mrs. J. X.
Hart, returned this morning to
Miss Una left this
morning to spend a few days
From there she will go to
and Hot
Miss Abrams, who has
visiting her sister, M.
returned this morning to
Mount. Master Alfred
accompanied her home.
Saturday Aunt
returned to Wash-
J. G. returned Fri-
day nigh I from Cary.
Miss Patrick left Friday
afternoon for
II. T. Bailey arrived
i from Scotland Neck.
Mrs. L. c. Arthur and little sous
loft this for Virginia.
Williams and
this morning for
Misses and
Nobles arc visiting Miss Olive
David c. to
Friday returned this
A. Hicks and wife left this
morning for Wilmington and
Miss Mamie and Jar-
vis Sugg, Washington, spent Fri
day in Greenville.
Ha, of Mount.
been visiting Mrs. W. II.
home today.
Mis. N. s. of Washing
ton, who has been visiting her
parents here, returned
Miss Adelaide Peck, of New
Ban, arrived Friday afternoon to
visit tho family of w. B. Wilson.
The great markets like York, Philadelphia and have searched tor
Bargains and we have them, arc . -ell for less money thin anybody
Why Because buy more goo Is than any other stoic in town
and get larger discount; and sell ; r the smallest possible
mat gin profit, on a volume
and no rents pay.
, Let The Figures Tell Their Story.
Men Suits the quality, Price.
; mid quality, PrU,
a and Bale Price,
Men the 5.00 and quality, Sale Price, . . ., ,, , . ,
. Suits, Silk Taffeta Lined,
Men Suits and 8-60 quality, while last ,
These Goods are All Nev . No Old Stock on Hand.
,. , ,,;
Checked silk cove. Stripe White
plain and n
Collars and . a n, I ;.
. worth t Cretonne
Silk, Fancy Shirts, worth
Men's Collars, 12.-V ,
sill. Elastic Webbing, villi I. . i . left, while they hist.

Our Royal .
Elastic Felt
the . ft M. Cot.
Train Track
Winston Salem. Aug.
A freight train which left here at
today Charlotte was
wrecked near The
Wilmington. N. Aug.
The College Senator visited
Art Raleigh will tern Carolina for the
pen Wednesday. 5th.
will beheld election Decline down to In spreading
at the College the day A and went to bis home
very large attendance is already Sampson county. He was
Hand far next session. by an of
cants expecting to get armed
men, well
should be on hand armed, came to
the Aral day. stayed about o I with no
A new building bus erected no t any
dining the for them or Baring any
a- to then e until Wed-
building the students conduct ,.,., v. hen Senator step
of all with the by
I machines, preparing to U- several other armed and wee Orphans on their
practical Electrical Engineer. A met by them.
considerable lot of new Deeding loss i
machinery bee j home. M i thought
in Warsaw that the object of the
St. ST. March
I purchased a Pell from
you. Alter giving it a thorough trial. I Had it ill- comfortable
and all by far the most I ever used.
I have both cotton and hair es. prefer this Textile Department advance I
to either. Wishing you much success with your Felt Maltreat, I tun I received a carload of machinery
Mrs. M. Matron. I donated by Smart W. Cramer.
After night's u.-c. if it is not all you even t C for the
hoped for in a comfortable bed return it to us and we ill refund Whitings-
you the lull amount paid question . you not bi mg out .,, . ,.
one cent, not even the freight. ville. Mass. o
HOW CAN GOT If your local dealer docs not handle
our write lo us direct for pamphlet descriptive of same.; Another car load of
machinery ii expected reek.
BORDEN, third ear-toad will earn, ft m
of Furniture. ate., N. C. j
Draper Company Hoped.
The train ran a quarter of
a ear off the track.
en i ears I left
rails and gone together in a
The staging class from
ford Orphanage, sixteen
the manager, were
In the but ii
did leave the track.
raps was considered by rail-
road to lie miraculous. The
way to
Masonic picnic.
good digestion; sound sleep; a
fine appetite and a ripe old age,
are results of the use
of Liver Pills. A single
dose will convince you of their
wonderful effects and virtue.
A Known Fact.
A n absolute cure for sick head-
malaria, sour
bilious fever, piles, torpid liver
Their and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
Get a good Safe
lie Viet r safe i all sizes
for home, office mid general
Every b with a to
proof. Prices from up.
Seven Springs Hotel.
I Mass. Valuable have
I been by the
Machine Upper
the l. A.
Ob., X. A
I Pa.
The contra, t for
for has bees
. to Bona, t Phil-
The uniforms will
in Char-
Virginia, and cost
The College will be
for make
studies before the regular Melon
A re
every lo make up
all before be
on with an
The waters, .-i m t, i
Especially recommended kidney, liver
and bladder troubles All have wonderful
Water free
since- hit-,
ugliest. at other hotels or
and n n will be charged
eek A of in , have added
them the bath houses
barber In the hi . and too
to mention. For terms and information
W. F. Morrill,
n untie N. C.
sin an
Baptist University
N. C.
block . i la i ill .,,
. i . ,
In H
k, , .
o. . f
I .,;,.
. I. t
. ,,
; .
S. M.
and retail tinier and
Healer, mid for
Hides. Fur. Cotton Bead, Dar
Turkeys. etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Stilts, Bo
by Carriages, Go Carts, .
Balls, Tables. Lounges, Safes, P.
A .
Meal Tobacco, i
American fan
Pine Apples, Jelly, Milk,
Hour, Sugar, Meat, Soap,
Cotton Bead Meal Hulls, ;.,
den Beads, Oranges, Apples,
and Ware, Tin Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Boil Butter, Stand-
ard and
Other goods. and
Chain for cash. Come
to see inc.
At Cost.
Phone K.
Dry Goods,
All its.
In a small town not far limn
one of the
As he
Mailed for change there en b red
a dressed
appearance of wealth and
patriarch origin. re
dents o the are
wealth, and are
usually persons of money and i
she visiting the shop
In cause-he letter paper
she have a Of
the asked. the
woman replied,
Why, she only d a pa
she in am
had a few letters to write. Well
what did wan lo pay. the pi
trying to ill-
cover and lo
cents or i. o
the woman she did
think she need pay M seats or
events, Why, she only wanted a
few sheets of paper. Well Hid
the politely, think
yon will find just what you want
ii shop across
where they sell supplies
A mil he dressed
departed, and in a
momenta emerged from the
shop with a -mall parcel her
hand and a contented in
upon her fan-. The waiting until
had the
feeling lather ashamed for
remarked to he
exclaimed shop
keeper, heaving a of self
nothing to some
Why. came Inhere
oilier day and wanted
-id, water, she
Want a lull glass, and, more,
he didn't want to pa for one,
to know if we st-l
a glass of soda. We did
charged her three for and
she wen.
was to investigate i to what risk
would run in coming
and that no red shirts
or others were in him.
i that had it
known that was coining he
would not have allowed to
at Warsaw, As it was, be-
fore his presence
around sufficiently lo in any
Bolted action, he and his body
had passed out of town, and
were well to
ward the Si home.
To Take for the
lawns snip.
survey Blake
cached Town Point, near
to day. and preparing her
work off Cape
This is to Slid the available
anchorage ground for the DIam mil
Shoals light ship that guards the
on At-
Blake will
the I Inter I . shoal and char,
The will have lobe
done by in small beats and
their work lie perilous, for the
is always wild along these
The is a
and will not put to
until weather conditions
are favorable.
A Woman
The wile of Hooker Washington
if woman of her rare in
phis and, I judge from pub-
reports, her utterances were
very sensible and to do
good. In part she
too little or poor
food. We arc ready lo buy showy
Clothing, and we our
to do this. Let as eat more
and better food.
Keep regular Ho not
lay o'clock
at night, to bed a o'clock
especially If yon labor through the
Teach boys well as bright
girls respect for marrying tie
and home. companions for
join sons daughters if
would slop tide of I
Teach lie boys to conic home all
Bight. Teach I In in of
some man's daughter.
These lessons can
The two most a
titles women, to
representative of the
race, sounder, healthier
and a cleaner high- r-
inc. t
between two was
pointed on the fact being Impress-
ed the assembled women
to baa strong ran- physically they
live moral lives. were
reminded every city of
country the race is losing more by
death than it is gaining by birth
that as well as
poverty ii . Is
for tin- low slate of vitality
which young and old to all
forms of death,
No who voted last week for
the amendment consistently
vote for next
bis vote for amend-
was a vole for white
but bis vote for
would be a vote for post-
Yes. we do not m how a man
an favor of white supremacy
and then vote for u President who
appoints post masters here in
per Chills and
Night Sweats and
Money back if it doesn't.
No other as good, the kind
with the Bad Cross on label.
and guaranteed by Woolen,
Bryan and druggists.
Greenville Hale
lion will be as
Boy fur college.
if I.
per month
To i
further and
W. H
Core n Lou of I
all .
of or
m and
pa la
Greensboro Female College
North Carolina,
Fall Term begins 1900.
on Application.
PEACOCK, President.
C H. who keep
and rood store at
Co., Mich , who
wait the
badly troubled with
catarrh and I had
liver complaint and was very I
in a bad condition; every day I be-
to fear that I never be a
well woman; that I have to
down into a chronic invalid, and
live in the of death. I had
lo me. I TOOK FOUR
cored my family both- I am very glad
of It
that I heard
takes man
y f
I would cheerfully
recommend it to one. I
other Winds of
I prefer JOHNSTON'S to all of them.
h in a s lit to., mail. Mica.
with oar to
th money for I
ed of our bankable bond.
for Los of Power,
Select Female School.
This m bind will on Monday St-pt
I have an teacher for
Miss K. a graduate o.
lam, a of ran- and
with year i
and tin
f out the competent Judge.
under will
d.-sire fr their
both lo their and mental
I h
use of each.
to cur in HO d. y or refund
bi. e
Jackson CHICAGO,
by J I.
Tho One Dy Cure.
in ere cereal by
mot C
At Hie nil Mo
mi Five we have
just a new
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
of Meats, Flour,
in fuel
lo lie an
We pay I lie
fur all of
Country Produce,
in barter. Win
you van In sell or when
I y to
To all ii favor with their
roll- .- we in-1-.
at Five P it
The is ask-
I why It Is of
I Kurt Monroe. The ion-
the I lint a In; I is
I the
u is often it Ii many
example, bus of
I p. 111.1 ii n-.-.
I lbs DON
taken to heart by
aorta goad
A of
V., him won a suit for
Mills for lining
w limit permission n an
of The judge
of the
fair her of
I always
kepi on
A dial will you.
D. W.
anything Invent or
Henri or,
o. A. SNOW
A of i
Ta will tor any
i sink
-1. ti it in wt- run
mil Ilia i
I -.-
i are
to con
J I m i I . I , N Q
of Pi It
executrix to last Will
of W. K. notice i
pi claim
against the W. K.
In lo me for on o
be plod Ii
All in n-
to make In me
Thai of July
A. in.
of last Hill of W. K.
Id tin Court.
J Jr.,
The Maggie Cherry
will take notice u
been in the Superior
Of Pill returnable the
term cf t Court to be at the
alter Hood in 1900,
time mid will appear
or the
will int of the
Superior Court of I County, and
the will take notice that if
she fail to demur to . com
within the plaintiff will
apply lo Court for the relief
therein. The will
it MM action i- brought
by the to a from
my hand at in
lie on n of
I I ,. ., .
Pitt M
Move vs.
The will take
an action
beta i Court of
Pill enmity to obtain a from the
mil further he Is
lo at of Hie
Court be cc
in Sept
in it rib of
at Conn In N. U.
an demur to complaint in
in, or will apply
fur demanded in
This MM
C. M. oil I,
Clark Superior Con
Fill Sept. 1900.
I i girls for
the life, take a
high at College.
by the full de-
of our Com-
and teacher.
A well organized Literary Society.
Moral good.
For further
i urn or
Bethel. N. C
or J.
V. O-
ii Ii A. M. for
leave i daily at
I. for
and Friday at A. M. for
o, leave Tarboro for
Tin mid Saturday
at II A. If. freight
Conies with
New Yo end Boa-
V ii, mid for all the West
Inn by
. H. Co.
York; Clyde from
Line Dram
Line from
Washington, N. C.
N. C.
i .- a i
W. R.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock in every
and price a low a
-i. market prices
aid for produce.
nit i Line of Hardware.
The Eastern Reflector
; T I
mi m
Ed. H.
Ed. H.
National Ticket.
of- Nebraska.
of Illinois.
For Elector, 1st
of Carteret.
For Diet.,
of Beaufort.
Constable and Magistrate
The following in a list
for the
township in the county
A u-n-l 2nd
Mill Smith.
Justice of the Pence, Ty-
son, Smith and Edgar
Justices of the Peace, I C
row, W M and J
Constable, O Ballet.
Justice of Peace, S T Carson,
B M S a mid
Caddy James.
Constable Joseph F
Justices of the Peace E
Warren, Ii L Bench mil II A
Constable John
ii-i in--, of the H i I
Win Ii Smith, John M
and J A K Tucker.
Constable Mr limn.
ill I In- Pence John It
Henry L C
Cannon, Joseph J George
John It
Constable Newton.
Peace A M Woo-
J and E
Justices of the Peace A J
and I-
J Million.
Just ices the Peace L A Mayo,
EH B Smith, J Jen
i. I and It A Ty-
Constable linker.
Just ice of the Peace, I'll
II M and J J
Lev I
Peace, Henry
Chas Gardner, William
B and Nathan
By all means let the while folks
sustain the movement of Chair-
mail to have Federal
holders for their
infamous conduct in Campaign
over. They violated plain
and spirit of I be civil service
law, and a most dis-
graceful and even violent manner.
They should be driven nut. if
would have any
showing friends say he in
the to carry North
Carolina, he must vindicate
decency political
rights, enforce and
strictly the law. Chairman
mons urges the county Democratic
Chairmen to BO -operate with him
iii securing information and
should lie done at once.
sue. Clean up clean out
black radical Augean stables and
little is fellow to do
it if he is honest and capable.
Wilmington Messenger.
Our Duty to the Negro.
The state through
another exciting
the moat in its history,
A victory has been won not for
any party, Democratic,
can or Populist, but for a principle
deeply embedded in Southern
heart fact in the heart of
the whole nation. A of
voters has recorded Its conviction
that rule this
and that Caucasians, from the
human standpoint, must be
biters their own destinies. Let
all citizens bend their efforts to-
ward promoting by wise legislation
of our common country. Let it not
lie forgotten l In black man,
more than ever, demands our good
will and good offices. May all dis-
charge their duty the fear of
God and with good will lo all men.
Christian Advocate.
Help Any
There very fen. if any, en-
Dial cannot lie
by judicious newspaper
The president Western
telephone company
thought my business had nothing
In by advertising, but I
challenged by a newspaper man to
try it for a year, he In write
At the end Ilia time we
the increase of subscribers
was and a large
of the new said
persistent culling of
advantages telephone
caused them to have the
put An insurance mini
and a banker told they bad bud
The average
the seashore baa no jealous
her husband town, for she man-
him safely broke.
With to year
inquiry iii
and your answer that you do not
know details of the
I tonal primary, which is to
; take place at the
lion, I will slate bets briefly
for in unit ion of those who are
The platform committee of
, Democratic State convention,
April II. adopted the following
the was
adopted by the
We hereby the Slate
executive Committee to make pro
I vision for a primary
on first of
bar for the selection of a United
States Senator by the Democratic
voters of the at
elector who has voted Demo
ticket In the election
shall lie entitled lo east one vole
. for one man for United States Sen
and candidate who
calves the majority of votes so cast
in whole shall receive the
I support of Democratic members
of if no
date shall receive a majority the
committee shall hold a second
at which only two high
isl -hall be balloted for,
and the one majority of
the votes so cast shall receive
support of Democratic
of the Legislature.
Provided, That if any third can
shall receive at the Aral
so held within voles of
second highest candidate, then
in that event three
shall be balloted for at the second
primary, one of the three
receiving highest number of
votes shall receive the of
the Democratic members of the
Legislature for United states Sen-
This is whole story. Mi.
Larry Moore, of Pitt, member of
the platform committee, who
the draft for senatorial
i primary plan insisted upon
adoption, bad drawn it lo read
i that all I hose win, voted for
at the Nb-
election should entitled
I to vole for senator. idea was
I vigorously a member
of the pointed
i many persons would probably vole
j the I at I he A
election who might not vole at all
in November election or who
might refuse to vote for Mr.
ibis member himself served
i notice be would mil vote for
Mr. on a fusion ticket
in the arrangements It
was further pointed out that If, In
advance, might refuse In
accept I national ticket were to
lie excluded from the senatorial
, they might exclude them.
selves from the
This view was readily accepted
Mr. Moore and the oilier members
of the committee and Mr. Moore
then changed clause lo read
who vole the entire
Democratic ticket in the State
shall be entitled m vote
In the Democratic primary. The
member who objected lo Mr.
Moore's Hist asked In
strike the word
which he also agreed lo do, or-
that there might be
us lo Whether a man who
a candidate for constable
Off coroner should ill
Everyman, who voted the
Democratic ticket August
election is entitled to express his
preference fur Senator the
at November election, no
matter how he vote Non ember
or ho vote at all.
These are facts us I hey were
Understood by the pin form
B. B. Cl
N. C, Aug. S,
e are still in the forefront of the race alter your pate
c offer yon the line of
General Merchandise
W i . A.-.
a- dickering w
; England . .
i ii. where there
bad bi ms t t lei
naming the
of I
k foreign minis-
I . i i the V
Minister, Into going out if
Pi-kin i I i . i . sol-
arc . i of the
items i f news bat
come the
In-; few i bad to be
. in ii-
I he d
Goods and Notions,
Hats and Satins, Dress
Men's, Children's
Harness. Horse Blanket and Dusters,
to be found In any store In County. Well bought choice
selection-, the creations of beat manner of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Summer
and Winter, We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is oar pleasure to show you what yon want and to O Haw. One message sent
sell you if we can. We offer you the polite that was
attention, and most liberal terms with a .
business up strictly on its own merits. ., . ,. ,, ., ,
When you come to market yon will not do
if yon do not s--c our immense before buy elsewhere. leaves
and the following line of general merchandise, In
. .
. . ml
take. Tim c of i r
; . .
v. ho an it I hi so called
lied army. bid ha its
about one fourth I
re between Ti id
I. an eon
If everything
i i hey can be
implying the perfect confidence
if anything goes wrong ii lie
ed to lack of judgment or
pail In .
ill I. -l man
inti ii lion Middle
mis the . Ii lent of i on
are cab lo in
i n of u .
nil, well
know n la ha
a to
. I ;., i i home, -n .
of his I be
We i i p
n lie
I to learn that there is at
i disease that
in all
its stages, and i Catarrh
H Cure i- the only
e cure n . mi
fraternity u mo.
a en.
d treatment. Ca-
Cure la taken act-
upon the blood and
mm mi- surfaces of the
I hereby the
disease, and git the pa-
up the
constitution and nature in
doing ii- work. The proprietors
have much faith in curative
that offer One Hun-
Dollar any it
to i ire. Send for tea-
r. v Props.,
Sold by Di
Hall I are beat.
i- another
I ilk to a
ad t-,
Flour, Sugar. Coffee,
Plows. Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nail and Rope.
for Furniture and everything line.
We for Cash, but sell for Either or on Approved
Credit. Our motto Is Honesty, Merit Square Dealing,
In Each.
Foil unite on some, but to
. -be merely give
idea of a
give back
I enough lo pub-
ii you can only scatter the
human to says
Philosopher, it's
nature to say -l told
Tho Next Issue
,. Protest.
Hoy who was
low about getting the cows
this veil m
I've got Borne money
in a flying machine, said the
facetious man; -but it's
merely a
Sonic men will
to church on Sunday
i i plea bard work to
folios the minister sermon.
is said corsets arc
I What's matter with the
poor things they need any
more tn cuing
f necessity mother of In-
she must be a
judging from the
lions, bill tin my lour-;,
inventors there are.
Hi melon's of the
in i I numerous p
lo things e .
We endorse I bad man; intimate
The next step in North Carolina , is being agitated by several of our I talked with, late executive
is to rid the old Stale folk they intend to . i . . of them without in asked if
licensed The . . which I sane in the
bean, as a man who voted and worked to fin this State
of tho liquor which I tho amendment, being placed in a very favorable lot hi . that the campaign
with politics, baa been bis charge of any of the public schools. Democrat, I can give you , .,,,,
wont enemy. If we have been Informed correctly, i Cits Mis
should he passed I Of the in , . of men V ho to ,;,,., and bis i- ill
by the while men of i he stale, public school hove taken an active; Id , with the pledge of the
we believe will, when part in trying to defeat the amend- of h ; Pig- ,,, . n l.,.,.,
they fully comprehend the ease and place white race on I more., t
which is daily mid. with the rue, ,,.; ;,., . .,. ., ,. tho
saloon, vote out going so far to adjourn bi- ., m u . . e in, and
stale. to consult with the four in i
Issue before people. There i another shut himself up all in
arc hundreds the best men of j a school room near where
the slate ready to take slump lion was being held spent
and talk with their fellow men, to day in ticket for
lime a I directing him bow lo
w inning warfare again.- drink place them In box. That these
The new year of new
century would be
in ibis state by
selves of great
of i. the
. . cl I hi he
Is M i. He i-
n ii n of i part
led. he oilier
in.-1 I i Iii mind is W. v . b
were a disgrace their in I .
will deny, and we are glad i and an c M
ridding white men ,, i.; In lie
weight which propose
ion would
i i i If we are to
continue lo bear
people will wonder why
election was held, and a
good oft hem will gel very
not say disgusted. The
. I all Democratic
was with
licensed they will be
Let it be such men being employed In teach
fill rinse I lie campaign
lo an end,
When lo Advertise.
he in;. Mr.
I heir children, The eh learn elect ion. There tier ,
meanness enough at our man. SI
w here best them I taken mail vole ibis will lie ., of Grove's
we do need for them to .--
are i the of j quinine Inn form
in ii ii
which cut down m, a
in dull sea. Others
follow course of a successful
merchant, who
trade falls below Its normal
I either Increase my advertising
off else enliven II with special of on tho between Charlotte ibis year with
as in bus;,, night, . and could
there Is patronage to l-e gained by, relieved of and , ,,,, ,,, u ,,,,
on the Train.
Two traveling men were robbed
Mi K ill mil sup
him I I i k sonic pain
In secure on
W . Prevail i In cu
cm e no .
Price BOo.
advertising, and I it most I over They boarded the
when business slack, a small I train at Charlotte, and being very
then is as grateful as a larger tired, soon fell asleep. When
me when trade is
i bey awoke before reaching
their was
in hi- patch be saw a
large terrapin liming u on
ionic hi Ions, thus the
el the Hull explain-
i . mm . .
Ill w lib
i. i Hoc, per
bottle Pleasant to take. Money
If ii fail-.
petite, makes
well. oilier as good,
Sold and guaranteed at the ding
store Woolen
Dr. D. Ism,
Greenville, N.
k Blaming

Eastern reflector, 14 August 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 14, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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