Eastern reflector, 31 July 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Statement of Town Finances.
HI M . A
. I
Audited and Allowed by the Hoard Aid. r-
men the Town of Greenville from
July 1899 to June 1900.
I. Hag it.
tin., .
II l. J. I.
I- T. ii. ;.
; , Hi . ii k . .
J. . .
;. I.
i. W, ,
;.; j. c, i.
y. N
T. i.
s. v. n .
Win. hard .
M. r.
II. M. Stark, j .
HI A. A. .
M i .
I. W.
. I K i
V Chi I.
T. H. I
. Hi
n. j.
. King
I i
. . .
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mini .
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In t .
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ii in
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b at Sol
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I; M
I . i i. .
ii Button .
ii II .
White a- .
lint tin .
N s III. Co
William .
Pi ,.
William .
IN .
William House .
W. ii. Jam, i
i i .
J. a- .
i .
Bagley .
w II .
b B n .
Oral .
j. i- Con A- .
I .
Sam pry .
II I. Smith Co.
, A- Son .
n P. ft Co.
Ii i .
Sam . .
C ft
Pi i. i .
p, i. i .
J . A- .
While ft .
ii Hooker .
J . .
W T. Godwin .
i Ba .
j. ft Son.
Pi I .
J II Corey .
a h
i no
W. K.
W. II Smith
W. II Jam,
I;.,. Johnson .
U .
W. H. James .
i i. M. .
MO Johnson
Ml ii
H. s .
HI Trinity
Id Temper . i
in a
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I. M n .
M i,
i mi- i .-.
II. .
. . .
; .
I I-,
I Ml
a h
i ii
Brow n .
J II a i.
T. It. .
Allen Blown .
Brown .
Allen .
B. Ci.
W. J. .
ft Han .
T. H. Moor .
J II. Cherry a Co .
Allen Brown
j Cherry ft
II. A. While .
Baker Han .
s k a i .
Allen .
AH, n Brown .
T. R. Moor .
J II. II. A , i.
A Hart .
J. II. ft Co.
j A. Andrew .
M Woolen .
j. ii Cherry ft Co.
i M
. .,;
i n
; n
Tried Friends Best.
Pills have
n invalid.
Are truly the tick
A Known
and all kindred diseases.
given the book of
will I. from A.
M . of Iron, Thursday
June Saturday. July
s, t I Till, i
lion of
I. each Saturday during
i period and hour
In b the
at Points in
Oxford Seminary for Girls
Slit Am
Urge Bra
mil tin
By virtue of until
and of
now in I'm
will on
the In 1900, exp o
door in
N. c, o Hie
I lo nil I land in
lauds of
one acres
Tins June
. I
I . . SI N
I. I
l . .
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w. ii. .
W. S.
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P. Is
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Temper V.
it. .
It Jam. . .
V. II Sin
I . . .
W It. J ill. s
ii M M l i-
i It
r. m
Tan Refunded
Lin .
Attorney .
Mark, I II u,
. sins
. I and
i.- and Si
n i
we i I it
if ,
Pill, Who
with -r,. v
fall to He t
nil-. boxes pills. .
VI. I Mint
, u. ill
i I, N
and ti
Coal I., is
. .
V .
I. .;
,, M
-i i
K i, is
lo till I
W. K.
ii-i it u lo ma payment on or
r. day t July or
Moll, e . I , ill
All art i-
lo make immediate lo ma
Tic- of July
in A
o Hi, last of W. K
I v
In with Town of
malt ft W, I.
Police T. F
lie II. M K
of v-t
N. Mint
I, In W. II. lain
w. r. mi.- , inn . e
T .-mill. Polk
. i;
i it t
To v- nor nut
in. i th, Board Aldermen no
i. I are and upon
S,, i will lint lie of
piers tint during the year. i due to his paving
,.,,. , r Hoard when there n money In the
Famous CI
and Laxative, core
r all malarial and billion For sale by
Harrington, Barber
N . . V. ,
. , . .-
tub of
Dorm Carolina.
The Head of tho State's
Three loading
in Degree.
in Law,
School for Teacher.
i and
r . . Loans to Needy. Free
Tuition Tuition to Candidates
Sons Teachers,
In the
faculty. awl in-
r. v President,
Chapel Hill, X. C.
j In
Victoria vs.
above named will take
notice that as
I'm county lo obtain a divorce from
of the
mil be is required
lo appear at the next term of
the so
I after In Sept.
being the day Sept,,
t Ike Court in N. V.
answer or demur to tin In
ink a, lion, will apply to tho
for relief demanded in com-
May 1800
Clerk Superior Court.
K for pill.
A w hi
C. II who keep a
millinery and fancy tore at
Co., Mich., and who i
well known throughout the country,
r-1 was badly trembled with
catarrh and I bad
liver complaint and Tery I
in a bad condition; every day be-
to fear that should be a
well woman; that have to
down into a invalid, and
live in the of death. bad
cured my family both. I am Tery glad
that I beard of it. I would cheerfully
recommend it to every one. I have
taken man other kinda of medicine.
I prefer to all of
U CO., Milk.
; .
Vitality, -o-
Core of
i, all
tonic M.
blood builder. Brinn
pink to pail
C and
of Hy mail
e i-.- f
p-f t
The of
baring Liter.
to me, on the
lay May. on the ,, Thomas
I. Notice is
to the
lo to the i . b r-
and all. r, of aid or
their properly
the twelve
after dale notice, this
notice will be plead bur of their
This I he day of May.
Clerk of county a
of the Will Testament Nancy
notice g l
nil indebted lo to
Immediate and
all . , . claims
arc hereby lo the same
or before the day
April. be pi
day of April,
Executor of Nancy Wallace.
18.00. with our bankable
or th money paid. Send circular
. copy our guarantee
core for Lo-s of Power.
or AM
I'm I-, Ataxia.
Fits. tn
By mail In plain a
anus our. In or refund
money paid. Address
sale I
J I.
t .
r a. Hurl i
II ,
II cm.
i in
hard II.
-I ii,, ,. i Ill -ii
It .
i .
mi U h
. II
His ea
Clark ,
, . i
. i. .
. f urn i.;
, r Ml. Mm. .
i , , i i . i i i .
in. lilt tin. Its OUT -1
--i. x nil.- I. i r
.,., hi., iii T
ti- ii ii i getting .
i- l II, t,
i i .
r tin
, ii.
t A if I .-i
t i i in
,. it-t n i
Fall Term Begins Sept. 1900.
boys and girls bi
duties life. Pupils take
i full de-
our Com-
A well
Moral loll
I'm- further Informs
Bethel. X.
J. D.
hereby warn nil persons Prom en,.
upon of lauds
for the purpose of with nut
or Any one ., will
hi law.
O. It. T
A I. Win. ii Mm.
Trinity College
with and
t., be
spent past year. I
r I Mini
. ti p
, ,, K I
. .
I ,, III
. I .
a Hart
H I .
c i
I. I. Woolen
ii kin
.; . r . i ,
. 11.11 .
K, .
d ii .
v .
I-. ill 11.11 . .
I ,
w r
in i
I n
Seven Springs Hotel.
Tin. mineral waters,
bladder troubles All seven
i i
ring baa d
if at
nil P,
M .
Wool ii
. .
La rT. O.
I III ii
U ,. . I II I i
.- .
i; lib n
John I
Wilier flee t I of
boarding and Seven water will lie
;. week A number of have been added
season, among them the bath being com.
i .
plated, a
professional barber
W. F. Morrill, Proprietor.
Seven Springs, N. U.
size. OP
Ill KIm
, ii i in g i el I in
Juli j, I. no i r of
I Public low of 1900 pro-
tin all for
i i in ml A for
i f i the Township
i i Pill n-
iii paper, known bi
he printed in
i, I. -i. linens of which lime Is-, n
of Hie superior
i, county.
The sue of all ballots of Hie
nil Assembly In I'm M
and one wide one
Thai all in
live one half inch-
. i ., hie and that
all for die Township off,
in shall he two mi hill
of .
Chairman Co,
Greensboro Female College
North Carolina,
K. President,
-------I HI A Mil
. M. Schultz.
Wholesale retail Grocer
Dealer, paid for
Bides. Fur, Meed, Oil
Turkey. etc. Bed-
Oak Sails, Ba-
by Parlor
Tobacco, Key West
lied Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, finger, Soap,
Heel and Hulls, Gar-
den Meeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples,
mid China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, and Crackers,
ard Sewing an-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity, Cheap for cash.
to see me.
Whichard, N. C.
The in every
purl men t as low Hie
aid for country produce.
ton A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily m
I. M. for Washington.
Fridays at
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at ii A. sf. freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New Bark and
ton, and for all points for
with at Norfolk,
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Go. from
New York; Clyde Line from
and Line from
Washington, N,
J. J. .
Tho Ono Cold Cure.
CM in by
. .
J ,
or t
ml ,,, ,
J. II.
The Eastern
PH . .
. .-
National Ticket.
of Illinois.
For 1st Diet.,
For Congress, 1st
of Beaufort.
State Ticket.
For Governor
of Wayne.
For Lieutenant
For Secretary of
of Wake.
For Attorney
of Hay wood.
Fr Superintendent In-
For Commissioner
of Caldwell.
For Commissioner and
of Davidson.
For Corporation
of Macon,
of New Hanover.
Pot presidential
of Harnett.
County Ticket
For the Senate,
For f Deeds
T. It. Ml MIRE
For Treasurer,
For Coroner,
Fin Surveyor,
J. D. COX.
it. L. DAVIS,
Prom on-
Is there a understanding
between the administration and
the government of
by Secretary Hay and
other of the of
everything said to them by the
Chinese Minister as gospel truth,
is regarded as suspicions. Al-
though at by the entire
diplomatic corps and by
the public, Mi. Hay has
the cablegram alleged be train
Minister Conger Baying that
he and the other foreign ministers
in were all right, the
but in need of help, as gen-
and the other members of,
the Cabinet have even gone so far
as to throw Air. Hay
of votes.
i to be any trickery,
If there
it will be
concealed until after
seems to be a little early in
the campaign for Boss
henchmen to be putting Cakes
all the same they arc going It.
Several men known lo close to
have been idling up Wash-
newspaper men with stories
about worried the
was because of the refusal of sonic
of the heaviest contributors to his
campaign tend four year.-, ago to
give a cent this year, and of his
fear that the National Committee
would have to skimp its campaign
plan- for lock of money. The ob-
of these stories is to create tho
Impression among the democrat
that the republicans are going to
short of campaign money Ibis
by publicity saying that his getting
year. It is, of course,
that message
That message, lake
or genuine, was by the Chi-
minister for purposes of bis
about it, the credit is his. It is
whispered among European
mats that the ad-
ministration bits undertaken I
Hun spent
four years ago, and he es.
to spend quite as or more
this year, and he where
, to go to get it. If victims do
, he knows exactly how to
them wind he wants.
He must think democrats are
I easily gulled indeed, If bethinks it
in the forefront of the race after your patronage
he Lest selected line oft
General Merchandise
to Is-found in any store in County. Well choice
selections, the creations of the best of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year Spring. Summer
and Winter, We are work for yours mil mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show yon what you mid
Sell you if we can. We ii -1 en
attention, the liberal with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will do ell justice
if yon do not buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general
possible to
the favored trusts which have
profited so largely by
will allow the Com-
lo lack to an-
other election.
A Woman Holds
of keeping the present
Chinese government in power, re-
of any decision of the
powers which are assembling an
army in China for allied action.
His to believe that Mr.
bus made
agreement. His own Imperial
schemes are enough to keep
him busy, without bis
those of China. ,.,,,,. , , ,.,,,
Senator Wellington, who sonic i of the name of I Gould living
lime ago declared he would., N. V. whose
support for re wife has lived in the same
throwing nuts to and eat at the same table with him
administration which it cannot or j without speaking to him for more
will not crack. The Senator twenty years. They were
while in Washington, a day or two married in have
ago; the situation the who are grown three
is as favorable as the ad- them arc married. About SO years
ministration would have us believe j ago husband wife
there is no reason twelve letter, becoming angry at
men could not be j of his remarks, declined
from there to service In Chi-1 would never speak to him
I Blink that would be again until he apologized, He is
fair quota of the International I too stubborn to and she
force the relief of become accustomed to silence,
beyond the protection of American and ii
life and properly, this country has M wives. They
Goods and Notions,
Jacket.- and Carpets, Mattings and .
A I; Of Violence.
In the I f
the South the charge
mil in t hi ,
, while and black.
I never in
North Carolina attended the
same amount personal violence
has now
drawing to a el. and we do
in j single instance
a aggressor.
The . have on
in case. Two of
-in. -1 recent and outrageous in-
this kind arc reported in
of this
. . 1.1
i, n Ob 1.11111-
Mr. Job , i- i,. 1.1
of the Democratic executive
. Sampson, was a
Kelly, of South I
Ion, ,. in bi .- ed I
insulted by a n young
iii.-n. To a be
bis at, I
again I Mot
I, wit. . I,
lieu. .
the slightest u n his
, offer One Bandied Dollars
Reward for case of Catarrh
that ran not be cured Ball's Ca-
P. J. Props.,
We the undersigned have known
P. for the last IS years,
lib-in all business transactions and
financially carry out any
mode by the firm.
West Brag-
i-is. Kin-
Marvin, Wholesale Druggist.
Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
acting directly upon the
mucous surfaces of the
system. Price per Dottie. Bold
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
For s Own
i with interest that a
ed mil of Winston,
in hi to his
id i-1.1 of gel out of
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoe
Harness. Horse Blankets and Dusters.
part. The . is
Flour, Meat, Sugar.
Lard, Send ;,
no business to interfere with
the Chinese empire,
American soldiers should never
drive to town in the same buggy.
occupy the same pew
be bis sews
w bi f.
few days J. A. , ii, .
Senator from
bus an i, lid lie fin .
to the -i.
bis fusion opponent, on
of arranging a joint de-
bate, going there was ; upon
of thugs i ii. in,.
-1 I hi e, and
el beaten.
tis are to
of long news
for Furniture and everything in line, columns have told, from time to
We buy strictly for Cash, bill sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
Costings and Plow Fixtures. Nails and Rope.
form apart of an army for the con-1 buttons on his and fulfills all
quest of China. The European other wifely duties in Hie
powers have sowed the wind and commonplace way except
are now reaping the whirlwind. conversation, and the husband
They have been looking for trouble become accustomed to ail-
in China for a long time, and now by long experience, lie
talks to her without reserve, but
when is for her I
communicate with him HO
Mark well while man who
votes for the continuance of
rule in North Take
his name, make it a matter
of public record and let it forever
stand a witness of bis t to
bis rune and bis country.
lot such man receive the ever-
lasting of all good white
men. his memory
they have it. The tire they have
kindled is a one, and this gov
eminent should look well toil that
American troops are not used OS through her daughter, who lives
for the pulling out of Bu-1 with them and plays the pan of a
ad i nil ion hopes
over lo the Cubans within the
next eight or there
are still men who believe the
island will have string toil when
it is turned over to the Cubans,
that Morel schemes for annex-
are being worked and en
the purpose of milking it appear
when the time is ripe, that the de-
for annexation comes from
the Cubans, lieu. Wood had very
little about annexation when
he was in Washington last week,
and little was not Important,
although he was cornered by one
and made to ac-
knowledge he believed large
majority of Cubans now
independent government, rather
annexation. The
knows its altitude to-
wards Cuba is being closely watch-
ed by the people, and net
seems to imply
good would not be kept with
the Cubans, would make thousands
telephone for the old
here was ii big Democratic rat-
on Monday
which Gov. The 1.1
Grange correspondent of Kin
ton Press
Ex-Go V. T. it i was ill the
best and for hours
crowd variously
led from with in-
creasing enthusiasm as his speech
progressed, and
many votes for amendment,
The governor knows how to hold
the attention of the people -the;,
have confidence in him.
Me. OR bottle, Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Right Sweats and
Money back If It doesn't.
No other as mod, Get the kind
with Red Cross on the label.
Sold and guaranteed Wooten,
Bryan and druggists,
We have in id a lot of Si
it Chilled Single and
milt Hell i
horse. Call see
If would have been bet-
in . be said, if they
divided their votes, instead of
slaves to the
What he toys derives ad-
. fact he
i-n South Carolinian, in which
he are
and happier than in this State
I. .; of the fact that they do
. meddle with polities. Thus we
have from the mouth of a black
in the
advanced North Carolina in
view if the vote soon to be taken
the by
the best friends the have
. that the adoption of the
amendment will be greatest
to tho him.
self. His white neighbor is
together disposed like him, bin
bill cannot do so as long as he
rays himself solidly and consist
every election against the
white man's interest. It seems
that by his nature teachings he
will do as as he is In pol-
the sooner he gets
of ii better for all con-
The be.-l class whiles, in their
support of the amendment, are not
animated by a spirit of hate, but of
friendliness to the Tue
I V colored divine has it
should gel out of
polities for good. It is to
he regretted that be would
I his vote while he yet bud it;
that he has shown no appreciation
the responsibilities of citizen-
ship; ibid ii has been found
to remove forcibly from
lime, the past weeks, of
heaped upon
i in bumble while
no ii mi public highways, at
their at public
assemblage, in all eases ii was
were Republican or lie
This en he in North
.; ., lie
. puny II l I C the
; ii pi. par-
I. In viol
and insults lo
fellow party men have
subjected; under system
on fool by the
in worked through
Coiled in
upon the persons 1111-.
spirited men of this party have
H., .,; ., e general character of
upon i n lilted at their newspaper ii is easy to tell what
; Charlotte
Hon. ii in Moore.
Builder's Hardware, Ready Beady Mixed
Paints, Pumps, Mails World's Best.
Mil .
was one
1.1-1 heard
n opened,
ion. How white man could
., polls after hearing
urn the ion in cast
under rule and
vote lb i-
tend The
it bite will let pie
in thing
like is to be pitied Mr. night
, unite a number j
in it
the I. He is in
favor of measure because be
wants to the black incubus re-
ed from body politic.-
kind of readers it has, framing
bin advertisements the
man will conform to this
circulation is mainly due.
He knows persons
by a newspaper
will lie easily by ad-
lone. Philadelphia Rec-
and lever is a bottle Of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Ionic.
and in n tasteless form ,
No pay. Price
Chill Tonic Hoc. per
Pleasant to take. Money
refunded fails. nil-
pet pm blood and makes
you well. None other as good.
Sold and guaranteed at the drug
I'll III
the is to be found
n lb-en
Dr. D. L. James,

w n
D. J.
W men Only
r t
Do too want vote
in about what of the
Ike Port at roe want in your Out.
Greenville. daughter whether Committee, retained to
not feel safer with headquarter, this
on, of politics and under the con- and
of the white people. he
Who to rote to lei chairman of the com
Mail Hatter.
me talking or mincing nail
next Ibis
la going be a man's State,
with Ha interests controlled by
white wen,
I to notify Col. Bryan of his
The Trick Mot Work.
Mi. J. is la receipt of
a letter from his brother in
that tells how things are
done over there. a
big rally was bald it
hi that comity. Ike polling place
lot was about three
miles distant Iron the speaking,
it the
The lust as well
t the lace ill Pill
the keep the
not the white men Who are nomination, at Indianapolis. Au-
Kl political with the g Mr. reports tad to tow. hi. book
. , j t be campaign in New
Do yon think be yon to to entirely satisfactory to
east this rote to help you or to help democrats, say. he will not
Ike to help him keep the go so for at this time as to claim
office he got or hopes to get through more than a lighting chance for
which he know. electoral role, of Ike State.
the vote, am
he and his like could never gel
and let the thing be through the votes of white
The Democratic will be Doe. not all this hue cry
n huge that Ike effect will be Ike about of white
men come from those ho are the
political associates of the
who spend then time during
the campaign organizing him
against the white people
course for white men
to pursue is to have nothing do
with the Mack and-tan mixed tick-
go to the ballot box nest
vote straight
Democratic ticket Ike
polling place. It hail bean
that it being the day
for registration the Democrats
all being gathered at the speaking,
there might lie an attempt by the
to the
some trouble, guard against
this one or two men a
courier were asked to it the
Neil Tuesday u B
and two mule- were
lightning. Ike and the
mules were two miles apart. a
respondent t the Ob-
server mi- all were killed the
same I of lightning.
people in the
the were unhurt.
Information sent to democratic
Headquarter, from middle west
is decidedly cheering, instead of
Claiming Illinois and Indiana to
doubtful States, is now a dis-
position to put them in the certain
, ii, the a was at its
democratic column, and many la- , , . ,
,, . . , . height a mob about lop-
i desertion the re-
I . . . appeared
publican by voters, a i
,. . ,. at polling
Did i, stand imperialism will I
are simply trying to fool yon into I also give Wisconsin to the demo-1
casting a vote for the crate. Illinois has electoral
. . vote. Indiana and Wisconsin
.,, ,,., crowd came up be bicycle boy
, , ., all winch Mr re- . . , . .
Ike statement being by ,,,,., darted oil and out of sight
demagogue. ;,,,, ,,,.,;,. , claim-
.,,. ,,, . received and gave the
i alarm. This was enough
rushed for
horses and quicker than it can be
told seventy fit e of them were fly
C. C
J. K. in in.
And it turned this
caution was well taken. While
that be put the
I name, of Ike on Ike
II ration book. About the time Ibis
roles, Ike amendment will or;
lied by white
men i- a lie and they know it is a
White men, are you going to lei
voters -care you Into
voting to keep the in the
hands of the for their
The understands the name
and is mum. hut. if he
will to scorn.
Will rote for the or
lug as much us the
would justify them in doing, be-
cause they do not wish to create
that they are
Everyday the
increase the next
House be
Bryan and will
till, if the
country keep up their present
aggressive altitude,
. . . . , , made trucks tor the wood.,
Although edited by
down the load in a dead run.
The red shins only nine min-
in going the to
the polling and no sooner
did they come in sight than the
I last one of the Populists and in
The white man a ho is a relic-,
to his race in so important an for ,, state, mi e and family
n we Thursday, Tin
will and made feel the
Header, don't
sou I e of class, ion
-lain of us have
I Postmaster General Smith before
it made public, the report of
on the of
. Well and and their
I with i in- Cuban postal service
not a mother's son
insight, that was one Inn
when they knew what washed
north of a con vent ion
have been led along with black. j is defeat, will be the
,, ., , . ii i I affairs existed tuba. In which moat Important of the
aim gang come out ill become , ,,. , , , , ,
, . , rascally show- of other
ground for the ;
. , , i occurring in a
who will here, .
.,, . i Spanish
because will
denied there of equal
participation with white men in all
and .
lime is no
y you your.
The Amend-
inns he carried
roll up a Mp for
it. limes have
.- the
i rule. No-., lots show
h large ;. while majority we can
An to., Pay.
next week,
In r day
that day the people will vote
. .- r
. r . .
I. ill I
holiest, of t hem,
. in . ii . you
i an ii i . I tan
i .
. c ill me l and tin n i
ill ; hi pi . ;. m
Now are . lo
do in I tote for
the . . j ii . o
ii . . i you
it . ii next burs
ill y, August . and Nm iii
has ha I no more
taut i tn
V n two
Court Judges, ton
the i A men .
you vote I
Legislature, yon vole for
officers, you rote for
low i .
Six different tickets you
mi rote, all of
Thursday, AI
We are no. in majority and
have disfranchise
fit our year
; ii i to the
us, . ill soon
be in i and our eye.
are to the mistake we have
made, be too lute.
iii stealing
for the adoption of an amendment
Still, persons to the Constitution which has la-en
who express surprise because Cu- aptly a
bans do not recognize Americans the Ignorant and as a
to be superior to them. enfranchising the white
Senator Jones, Chairman of Ike
Democratic National Committee,
slopped in Washington on his
to to hold a conference
a number of
on the conduct of the cam-
which is to be at once star
I bus securing for all time
to come peace, contentment and
the Slate.
On that day the good people will
Charles of Wayne,
his ass. the various
offices of State government for
Tin . the
held a
l. Ill
n was and the following
sells. Of this
the Legislature should
I adjourned, be-
I--- is known certain 00-
. th i an- now
aged ii conspiracy t--
with, if
;,. i i
p . an
. lion and
led pushed aggressively until j they have been named re-
election day. He is full of which will insure in-
over the outlook, which be
says is far brighter than II was
Ibis time four years ago.
A message from Minister
dated Jill I. has la-en received
at state Department, saying
wits in a state
that foreigner, who
were all cooped up in British
legation and under constant lire,
were bound lo be killed help was
not at once had. Ibis message
i in- lo corroborate the opinion of
those who think
has allowed itself to lie
House work is
doe. not supply
and kind of women re
Ii Is automatic and
but one of me brought
The house wife should
seek c fresh nu I
take such exercise a- will compel
deep lull mil laborious breathing.
August I Home
. . . Sn l 2nd, null,
. . . hoodwinked In
her as, II Is duty lo ,,. , .
.,.,.,, . minister in Mr.
people Male, whose
. . ,, w Kb
. . re are,
. . I he I
i ; to thwart Ibis con- .
and to
in their count it lit j
In deal in -ii- a as the.
j law ml nil sock
ll It-I I III
i he ibis
, nu i.
I lien fore, resolved, by
iii at licit-
i . Ill
I i Thai th-
My. which meets today, adjourn
In July
Si i Thai said ad-
legislation shall
lie passed changing
w halt the
men submitted by the
Assembly at its session held in
With going
Dem on hi
from to majority, doe.
it not like foolishness for soy
while man to waste his role nu a
fusion We do not
believe will do a thing so
to act as a mediator its In
half, when according to Con-
dispatches, there is no gov-
of China, the capital be
in a stale of anarchy. Some
go so far as to express Ike opinion
that at Wash
-till Insists that the
foreign ministers safe.
has never a line from
kin since trouble
iii the legislature to rots
l. Submission of amend
mini In the people, and one
but one did. And now Is
it. Re say. he didn't In-
when he said he in
favor of ii. Did be the
Populist, in the to vote
for it without Investigating Ml
His plea lot stultifying himself dis-
credits his or his sense.
Wilmington Star.
It Isn't wise to rush the growler
in dog days.
The pensive maiden sometimes
expensive wife.
of the State's affairs in even
On day the people will
choose a General Assembly to lie
composed of the la-st citizenship of
Stale, representing ably and hon-
every class and Interest,
which will laws, pro-
rights of every
and interest absolute
I and equality of justice.
On that day the people will elect,
what is of the fullest Importance to
them, because nearer to them, the
men who are to administer their
affairs for the next two
sheriff, reg-
These are all to be Voted for and
elected on Thursday, the -ml day
of week. Lei
every citizen make sure, by
bis rote there can be no uncertain-
in the Post
Senator T. J. Jar vis
several hours n yesterday
. points in
win re In- made
during lb.- turn days, to nil en-
In speak
of tin pi.
the .-, Haiti that the
I i lolling up a very large
for the was
very mil is increasing daily,
and . Work moves
with so, force OS it certainly will
for the days which
the there is no
mating the majority
BUM reach, and certain is that it
will be so overwhelming that no
of contest ever Is-
it will lie so clearly the
will of Ike people that
the power to it's pro
visions would make advocate. Of
rack iii the eyes of
the people of Hie whole country.
Wilmington Messenger, 27th.
In China mere area million souls
to every preacher.
I he position women ill China
is practical slavery.
China has nearly 100,000.000 of
without Christ.
china has area of two mil-
lion miles territory for her
four bundled millions of people,
China is one half as large as Ku
rope, nearly as huge as
States, eighteen times that of Great
Not one man in every hundred
iii China can read, and women
rarely away from the hither class
The Chinese wife is never seen
to walk the streets with a man, not
ever her own husband.
China is the largest mis-ion field
in the world, having a million
more than India and two million
more than Africa.
One hundred and fifty millions
of people in China use the BUM
dialect and are governed by the
same laws.
It is a mistake to judge China
by the people that come to this
land, for they are, nut the
The Chinese are a intellect
Dal, a hardy, frugal people, and
when convened make loyal
Chum one of Hie greasiest
commercial futures of any country.
The gospel must go wit this in or-
to save her from the ruin to
which this will subject her.
Southern Baptists entered China
in they now have
missionaries, native assistants,
churches, outstations, 1,364
members, last year,
Sunday Schools, scholars
contributed during the
China is the oldest
Before France,
Germany, Rome Babylon,
has liven dead years, before
Israel went down Into be-
fore them all was China and the
The great wall of China in
miles long, feet high, with a
thickness at the base and
foot the
W e, the to place our names baton the
tobacco of P, ad adjoining counties
patronage for the of Leaf Tobacco coming
ginning August is, woo
means and judgment of Leaf Tobacco necessary to run a
good you will get the very highest
market price for your tobacco.
S. known among the boys noted
for his good judgment of tobacco and liberal country
was cashier and a partner of the late firm of
II. A. who with
is with us. He is a good judge of tobacco,
and as auctioneer, will assist us seeing that every pile of
tobacco bungs its worth,
H. C. CANNON, Who will have charge of the will
When you sell tobacco with we you the
price on all grades. Try with your first load
the saving f In drumming, keeping our own
books, and other expenses cut at the start, we will pot dollars
In the pockets of our patrons through the sale of their
We invite all to visit us this coming and note
our prices. e are to serve. CANNON CO.
Special Notice.
We have decided not to hire any drummers, believing that
are tired of so many men riding through the
country. Bring its your tobacco and prove to the market that
sire tired of It. With this expense saved we can help
mole in the sale of your leaf.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
As lo the Amendment.
South not produced a
Jackson, a Jefferson, or a
since reconstruction days. They
could not grow in political at-
at this time. They dis-
cussed issues; tins appealed to a
people whose judgment and
were not kept in subjection by
the presence of a race problem,
The enfranchisement of a
emerged from slavery has made
slaves of many of their for
mer masters. Many good people
believe that the amendment will
by making the state's ratio of
population s whites i
render rub- Impossible in
any county, remove Hie from
politics, give greater liberty to
people benefit whites and
blacks alike. To that they
are act only by desire for of-
or by undemocratic ideas is as
futile as ii IS unjust.
charge the the educational
means an
does not seem to be
rounded. be an
then it is one practical-
all white boys of ordinary Intel-
Industry can
that ought to stimulate Inter-
est our schools and elevate
Nor tin we believe that there is
elimination of the
grandfather clause, inn In fores
educational test tor whites
Macks Progressive
St. Marj's School, X. C, March 1900,
; Mess. x Borden, X.
A few months l purchased a Mattress from
yon. After giving it a thorough trial, I it the most comfortable
and in all respects by far the most satisfactory Mattress I ever used.
I have tried both and hair mattresses, and greatly prefer this
to either. Wishing much success with Felt Mattress. I am
Respectfully, Mrs. M. Matron.
After night's use. if it is not all you even
hoped In a comfortable bed, return it to us and we will refund
you the full amount paid you not being out
not even the freight.
now can If your local denier does not handle
our write to US direct for pamphlet descriptive of same.
Manufacturers of furniture, Mattresses, etc., N.
Get a good Safe
Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
for home, office and general use.
Every sale b with a guarantee to be fire
proof. Prices range from up.
Greenville, N. C.
The pecan crop of Tens prom-
lobe largest known in
years. Last year's crop was
a small one, caused principally
Hoods in the Valley,
but this year the trees arc loaded
with The price is better
Until to the fact that
there is from last year,
that the demand for the nut
grows, St. Louts is the
great market for the Vans
thence they are distributed all
over the world, London, and
taking quantities
Tiny are almost
Offer lo young women thorough literary, classical, scientific
special training. Annual ex-
to f-T lion-residents. Faculty of members.
More than tun regular students. Has matriculated about
dents, representing every county In the state except one. Practice and
Observation School of about pupils. To hoard In
all free tuition applications should be before August I.
Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent trained
teachers. For and other information address Aug.
PROF. J. V. Dean of College,
H. President.
The North Carolina College of
Agriculture aid Mechanic Arts.
TECHNICAL IN Agriculture, Stock raising,
Mechanical, Civil and Textile In
Machine work, Mill-work, tending, Engine lending,
Tuition, MM a year; Hoard a month. Next session Hep-
examination in each County Court July
28th. o'clock A. M.; aW the College and Mb.
For full information, address
They Stand The Test.
That is what Every Pair of
Some Speak to Me
. F.
DO. Miss Sugg and little sis- I
Jessie, and ii j
, Some to ; Ki. evening.
Hisses Katie and Mamie
Tunstall returned ibis m,
returned lo .
lip them In nut .
Is to do. Can you Imagine a severer lest to
tie one leg of a pair of pants to the ceiling and swing a keg of
nails weighing pounds to the oilier leg I That is the test
seen in our window and hundreds of people have looked in
are built to stand any kind of service u guarantee goes
with every cents if a button pulls off or if they rip.
Get the beat when yon buy and be sure you get the
None genuine without the name on the button.
A in, Day in inn.,,,;.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that you owe
Eastern for
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU coming season. There are several
owe us and hope you will ways which the farmers can
The . Will be filled
The Planters and Farmers Ware-
houses have strengthened their op-
of working for the best
interest the farmers by uniting
under one management the
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
And the cross mark on their
What's de use of kicking
tie white man's rule f
Let all kick did want to,
Dis nigger ain't no fool
No sub
while pays taxes,
So let him run mill.
He's been a doing of ii
And he's to do it still
bat he is
He trash you been a voting
Ain't never done no good,
when do winter snow comes,
Who is it gives you wood I
I knows.
Who was it built your school house
To kid f
none of de trash gang
You been a voting
it I
Who built your insane asylum
the house for your
In course
Of you very well
You never predated
The done for you,
So you hadn't kick about
The are to do
Had f
For when the gang got in
your own confounded doing,
Hey was rushing
Kite down tie hill of ruin.
Weren't t
Hey axed you to help
And save from de wreck
By voting good folks,
But didn't help a speck-
Hid f
So now arc going to fix you
So you hurt any
By voting trash gang
Line you doing here to
blame f
I by this union of forces.
First, two of the best and most en-
on the
market their experience
energy can serve yon
than they could single hand-
ed. by having a smaller
number of employees and thus re-
expenses, they have the ad-
vantage of being able to pay more
for tobacco. Third, having two
warehouses they have sale
twice a week and have last
sale at both, so you could carry
tobacco to One or the other and
always avoid last sale. And no
two have done more
fort lie market than
and Ola Forbes, and when you
carry them tobacco you will get
best price to be had for it.
Complimentary to Miss Latham.
The City
dent to the Post has the
following to say which will lie of
interest to the Greenville
One of the most charming sailing
parties of the season was given last
night by Mr. Steve of
honor of Miss
Louise Latham, one of the prettiest
of North fair
There was a large and happy par-
on the sharpie and they enjoyed
Q. Moore left this morning
for City.
Forbes left this afternoon
J. A. Staton. is visit-
Solicitor L. I. Hours returned
home Wednesday evening.
If. of Washington,
came up Wednesday evening.
W. Willow
spent the day in Greenville.
Miss left Wed-
afternoon for
Hiss dam Bruce return-
ed this morning from
Miss Agnes of Smith-
held, is visiting Hiss Sophia
Miss Herring, of
county, is visiting Miss
Hiss Lena of Willow Green
Greene county, spent the day
Mrs. Moore and little son
returned Wednesday evening from
Holt, of Oak after
spending S couple of days here, left
this morning,
T. M. Hooker and S, Forbes
left Wednesday evening for Kin-
and City.
A. Ii. Hart, of Va.,
Wednesday evening to vis-
it Alderman J. N. Hart.
Will Hooker Harvey Jones
went over in Wed-
and returned today.
Misses Doll and Bettie
Harden, of county, are vis-
Mrs. Alice Harper and little sou,
Alexander, left Wednesday after-
noon for in visit
Mi-. i. Wooten little
daughter, returned this
morning from Seven Springs
Little Miss Gertrude
of accompanied
Minnie Matthews, of who
been visiting Hrs. T. Hat-
thews, returned home Friday eve
Hiss Cheek
the in home.
Mr. I-. . Ash
Mr. is graduate
of Wake Forest
end years experience teaching,
v, ill in in
Prim of I he school here.
Hi K Mil you notice lost
what we bad to asking
our friends who have been using
our goods to be kind enough
In.-.-, the M
fail you come
in to drop in A. ;.
and tell n- how
My Stock
Hat, Caps,
At prices that will suit you.
. White
for some days the Democrats of
Bethel bi had Is en
for a grand rallying, closing
Democratic The
in the morning
ii turned
out to lie an ideal day for I his
grand rally. M
Bethel township and the Detune
of county. The crowd
was estimated from
to including something like
a ladies.
At half past o'clock Mr
and ii in
storms nor
storms seem the ardor of
of But
When the train bringing lions,
l II. Mi II. roll-
o l the
who haven t am thing else to do
like the wagon, wheels, buck
band or whatever you bought of
us. If you can't come just a note
will be sufficient, and will
A. ;. Mi. r.
loafers can't stay here. Tho
in the
the ,, .,,,.
speaker o, the day Hon. H. carried ofT three Hunsucker
of lie greeted top buggies.
A- U. H. W.
came the crowd. Mr. j. Wyatt, WU Annie Stocks and
spoke nearly two hours and
made one of the most convincing
arguments for white supremacy
others left yesterday to
attend the Union of
after few days here, vis j in ladles t.
L. Coward, returned home men
. , .
the barbecue, bum, chicken, pick-
have heard. plain.
strong, forcible, pointed cut
in everything he Bald,
of his hits, and did not fail.,, make a wagon load on hand,
them few struck a Bros,
chord in of have
Ins hearers did not foil to road by
signify their approval with walk front
bursts applause.
After this speech was concluded I There is an here
Mr. Moor. of Greenville,
nil to Hi
It seems that farmer com-
lo town brings a load of water-
melons. the store here
if their stores
i w shingle roof.
newcomers in or near the low u.
Those wanting choice lots had bet-
apply onus lo A. ;. Cos.
Come To See Us.
s J
Al the old Moore store,
in Five where we have
opened a new fresh
lock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
of Meats,
Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
lions. Fruits, in fact everything
lo be found in an tip to date
pay the highest market
prices far all kinds of
Country Produce,
. In or In barter. When
you to sell or when you
wain come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
patronage we promise em ire sat
F. James returned
Wednesday evening from
where be had been to attend the
special meeting of the Legislature.
Funny, July,
etc , Were abundant some
In spare.
In lion. Dan Hugh
was Introduced to
crowd by Senator ;. James and
Gun x. c. July j;. moo.
over in
en. of Johnson's
,, ., .,, ,,, one of most Miss Woolen,
I. came . . , . ,. ,
speeches we ever heard. Mills was here
A. Bishop
for Kim City.
left l bis
Col. Harry Skinner left this
morning for Virginia Beach.
Miss Rosalind
this morning from
Miss Winnie Skinner returned
home Thursday evening from
Mrs. and daughter,
Nina, returned this morning from
Seven Springs.
Nathan Window, of
is a few days here with
K. II. Thomas has moved into
one of I. W. houses
South Greenville.
T. M. c. S. Forbes
returned this morning from
and City.
The crowd continued to gather B. W. King stopped over here
nearer nearer to him night,
wound up, until a mas-, of T. Barber auctioneer for I he
humanity was surging around of
lie gave some hard hits to through
covered blackness th
were pealing, lightnings
Hushing, and there hull
storm, n did not
burst n; i . . and even
though -iii threatening a
large crowd gathered In the Court
ladies also graced the
with their present c.
Mr. spoke and for
hour thrilled audience
his His speech was i
strong one, giving
argument in favor of Amend
should vote for It. His tribute
tho valor and patriotism of old
soldiers v. ho lo make a
while grand.
Mr. -I u hour
and he -i tit
r. Hi
along i
drink in every word. He said you at this time.
i lieu- is no use mincing words or Thrice-a week World's reg
to the of subscript ion price Is only
Hie Constitutional Amend men I ii We offer
I Be-
are going to twice week one year for
the p the
mid ; in ii next
at Five Points
furnishes more at the price
than any other newspaper publish-
ed in America. Its news service
covers all the globe and is equaled
by of few doilies. Its reports
from the liner war hove not been
ailed iii thoroughness and
all I promptness, and with the
now progress
. right
news at impartial. This
fuel makes it of especial value to
government us it bad been
by the The
showed the crowd was with
Mi. F. C. Harding presented
tho audience our Mr.
K. Victor Cox. He received
an ovation. The crowd
gathered up close around, every-
body stood upon seats, all
anxious to hear what he had lo sir.
on mi advertising tour.
First second of are
being looked forward to swell
. The tobacco
opt i. upon that day,
the first, election on the
I meets
lb- nays are
three classes the
is going i i stop
poll i , ml
. read;, .
and lime . . e ugh
them e classes ill in-
i them ho ill mil step
up to kill white
men's oles more.
All through lie was interrupted
with Urn sis of applause. In fact
ii i in-in were the kind of
speech, i do I I
, love lo hear.
The Band met
and dinner on the ground
and Sunday.
shot and killed
Mr. Cos is a speaker and did
himself great credit in this effort.
No speaker of the was seven feel Ion
more and his re purl ion.
by his own people I. Harper is
ii tiny chicken snake ill bis hen
house Thursday night, he full
and as large ill pro
ll the i lion-
have been exceedingly gratifying
lo him his friends. He dealt
some sledge hammer blows and
a of meetings
The time is coining when there
h iii be one job open for
; smokes That
ton Bagging and Ties always
on hull I
Fresh kept constantly on
baud. Country produce and
sold. trial will convince you.
D. W.
There will be several rood and
Mrs. M.
Jr. sou, Alfred. predicted that while supremacy aide preachers
this morning for I would be North Sunday. Revs. liar-
. ,,. , j ,,. , Care I by Johnson, Arnold,
Neck, came down Thursday even- and others invited.
to visit bis father, A. J. outer- Senator James was called by a crowd to
a pleasant sail lo picturesque bridge. crowd he responded very was
Fort Macon, Shackelford bank- Julian of of about ten glorious and will on Angus I he
and other places of interest. arrived this morning I minutes. cause a victorious day to the
which they regaled themselves with
choice refreshments. Miss
a charming entertainer
Morehead and went out to Cotton
dale to visit her parents,
Mrs. c. w. Harvey
assisted the host in making even
pleasant for their friends. their home
during the coining season.
Annie daughter
of Mi. and Mrs Wiley aged
H mouths, died this at
o'clock. The Ml one
very sick for sonic weeks. The
parents have the the
in bereavement.
Teach Children Economy In
went over
Friday evening.
Teach children not to waste
which they en throw
without thought, if
saved might lie of use to others if
not to themselves. Wrapping pa-
per, pieces of twine, and ends
Of various kinds may Jo service a
Second time If put away until the
need for them arises. The habit
of economy is one ought lo be
cultivated, for saving makes
lavish giving Hoarding
is not a vice of childhood, nor
should it lie encouraged, but the
wise husbanding of resources for
future is a valuable near town .
lesson cannot lie learned too
A the was the
sic b the. Hand. Tin W. J. the sick list-
played all the time when the photographer,
the speaking was going i hen i few
now 1900.
r. Ford i
Friday afternoon,
Cherry left
evening for Morehead.
Allen lien Hint's, of
came over this
Charlie Miss
Nina, left this morning for Wrights
j Mis-. Bliss Woolen, of LaGrange,
I arrived, this morning to visit Miss
I Mrs- V. I. of
, is visiting Mrs. A. J.
Miss Ophelia Unwell, of Golds-
who has been here a few days,
left Friday evening.
great crowds rouged around
them. looked
might lie by
the of ladies I hem.
In the closing Mr, Poll's speech
he said been
North Carolina but nowhere had he
heard superior
The mo i one,
crowd line,
the dinner the music de-
Hie Indies handsome,
men determined everything n
-in for
ii Run
lure in come iii North Carolina he
could not enough of his .
holders ill post of duty lo tin
a guard, are
carrying tho Pilate for the
think are making votes for
In d the kind c
M has a
member n lo engage in
wholesale goods business in
Norfolk, will necessitate bis
in ; to city the n
year. He worth
goods in his here must
on. in meantime, and
mi i i of lie i-
lug gin a special de the
entire -tuck, everything
down to closing price-.
It will lo keep a wall on
is going to
n are
ind II- m ;
i ii
I. . .
I . ,.
lie ii chance barn,
do not strike every
. I
. I
i. i in.
, Ml . .
W X. C,, July
A base ball game is on for
tomorrow M.
and Bryan teams. Short,
Captain. A and C.
Bryan teams. those who
are to take part Messrs. w.
n will
hen big game
Ir. for a good while
B. is danger
We sure pleased to learn that
mi part lea Baltimore,
Hiked for and with
ii inn i.-l. and found it of
. much
Hot. hotter hottest.
Mr. ha- pun n
e i W. Second street and is build-
III n i-
Jones and George
c iii . their real-
i- i i-i street.
M K, A. No Initiated two
their la-, meeting.
I No I is many
i they an-
in. young men who will add
much . Lodge,
Louisiana has a law designating
village, towns
cities, according to population.
When a a
the governor
fill i.

was known Bathe
near Fasten, was
fur reputed to be
by the ghost of a former
pant of house ho ha banged
writes S. King
of Haunted Houses of-
New In the August
No Man a Hero in a
re into onward-
j in remarked a
Orleans lawyer who a
the 18-1
anybody ever lived stood
up and made a square stand against
amorphous horror
pursue us in visions,
; lien I bale a
Home Journal ,
. . usual gels on Iran my
stones are told the annoyances .
tenants at
all hours of the night, I'll I In.
were never wired a sight of
none of the chaw
old fashioned corded
bedstead, on several
Us occupant was awakened sudden-
finding himself on the
the Cords which sustained tin
having been removed by unseen
hands without breaking or catting.
times the whole were
alarmed what sounded like a
wagon-load of stones from
a great height on to the roof,
threatening to crush it. These
became so frequent
it was with difficulty ten-
ants could be found for the house,
so much dread did people have of
blood terns to water and my on-
duet would disgrace sheep. I am
myself with stark, down
right tear, and i have no idea left
in my to run like a
The General Assembly of North
Carolina do
Section I. That Chapter SIS,
rabbit. All pride,
dread of ridicule and even the i-i Al the Constitution of
of self are Mattered lie amended H
to the winds; I believe honest
Full Text of the
i Amended.
An Supplemental to an Art
Entitled lo amend the
Constitution of
ratified February ISM, the
Two Hundred
of the Law
pie shall be by and ail,
the I tars
shall be viva roan. I Liver Pills keep the bow-
See voter in North cleanse
Carolina. i as in this article system of all I i Ail
disqualified, shall lie eligible to of absolute cure for ski hi
lice, bill entering upon the i. . i
i . , ., at , i u . i sour stomach, c n-
of the he shall . . , , . , , ,.
and subscribe the
do swear
that I will support
maintain the constitution and lawn
of the United Slates, and the con-
laws of North Caro
not inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of my office
So help me,
Sec. The following of
persons be disqualified for
office all persons who shall
Independence was the heritage
Of our fathers, and North
come again now to work out
and write out a new declaration.
The great motive that now stirs the
minds of the people of North Cu-
a to change their fundamental
law is an intense longing for
from political bondage. Let
no man think it is hatred the
colored man. It is not. Let no
man think it is simply repudiation
of any set of men. white or color-
ed. It is not. motive lies in
a powerful desire to be rid a
general political system, for which
all the The
Ignorance has made this
system possible, and it is hoped
that his retirement will destroy it.
We been free to think or
load in North Carolina.
have had one. unending and
lightening paramount concern
has compelled absolute neglect of
ail others. For thirty years we
have had but one Issue and
an element . This bus led
naturally to political degeneracy,
While State- have risen Horn
issue lo issue. have
men hanging on In all parties, we
have political heelers in great
in all panic-, we have office-
seekers instead public sen ant,
have while unlit
C HI -e Id
In . lit . Mei i
pi. ml
III. B I . .-
necessity . i ruble
I in m bat e fell I hi
pule- leadership
but h- I . . . bill
. ., l . IT
Wile 1.1 . i Mil
I i bit it I I III .
1st i i in the I . . .
mi It i , u
. ,, lb .
-1 in hi
repugnant c lo m
for ii moral .
t l III lot I i
of . . i i.
t see now t mil in w
nail methods,
we do not i or
interest i In
I would be capable of any in
in order to escape. I have
no hesitation in confessing this
because, as far U I have been able
lo acts exactly
the same way
mare and I feel certain I would
not make such a pitiable spectacle
of myself in real life, no matter
what alight befall.
think that the explanation of
the nightmare panic is to be found
in the fact that the dream is
most accompanied by even male person who has Inch
sense of suffocation. It is well as- naturalized, twenty-one years of
shut- age, and possessing the
ting off one's wind, to u-e a home set out In this article, shall
phrase has an upon I be entitled to vote any election
mind which is entirely distinct and by the people in the Slate, except
as to make said act read as
-That article U of the being of Almighty
of North Carolina c. and
same is hereby abrogated, and Of confessed their
thereof shall be substituted
the following article of said Con-
as an entire
Section I. male person
born in tie; United States, and
whether or not, under
judgment suspended, any treason
or felony, or any other crime for
which tin- punishment may lie
in the penitentiary,
since citizens of
or corruption and
ma I pi act ice in office, unless such
I person shall lie restored to t
H do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Liver Pills
Oxford Seminary for Girls
Slit Annual Session Opens 1900
Science Full
sad for
s.-. ii . M;. Apply
r v
t. i NO
will from A.
I from
will be open at polling place
five in n
W I.
W. will pay r,
; I I.,. Mi-k
, can
. cure I 1.1. Oil.-
, when I lie SM
He wild arc and
rights of citizenship In ft
from produced by
any oilier form of pain or peril.
us herein otherwise provided.
See. lie shall have resided in
Ii mis the victim such horror State of Carolina for two
and distraction mat be is for toe I years, j n. county six mouths.
moment insane, lie will do any- j the precinct, ward or other
thing to get relief. This been election district in which be offers
brought out mi more than one
in the of wen who
have been choked and killed their
assailants, and judges have held
that the circumstances of such an
Attack should he given special COD-
lo vole, four months next
I lie elect ; Provided. That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
in the same county. shall not ope-
rate to deprive any of the
of extenuating deed, right to vote in the precinct, ward
nervous other election district from
is and Is natural t. which lie has removed, until four
suppose that the mental of after such removal.
suffocation would or
upon Indictment of any crime
have for my sprints through
nightmare Orleans
rime- Democrat,
The Negro Party
the Black and
leaders get very squeamish and
object to being call Negro
should they object
when the furnishes three-
fourths membership of the
taking i
In some count II n- in
whites lumber
i the I p an p but there
he party is
., ill . i. for Iii
other c in II the
party is composed of
in round numbers 1,800
in county.
this number 1.405 ate
I i. invention
there were -50
and box while
Ii one man
i-. a revenue officer,
v. l was read from
directing them not nominate
but lo a committee
mi Id Inter name ii ticket.
I he punishment of which Is, or may
hereafter lie. imprisonment in tIn-
prison, shall lie permitted to
vole, unless the said person shall
lie restored to In
the by law.
person offering to
vote shall lie the time a legally
registered voter as herein
ed and in the manner
provided by law. and General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
carry into the provisions of
this article.
Sec. person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able lo rend and Write any section
of constitution in the
language; and, before he shall lie
entitled to vote, he shall nave paid
on or day of May, of
the year in which he proposes to
vote, his poll lax for the previous
year as prescribed by Article .,
Section Hut
no male person, who was. Jan-
1st or at any time prior
thereto, entitled lo vote under the
laws of any State in United
Slates w herein he then resided, and
prescribed law.
See. B, Thai this amendment to
the Constitution, shall go into
on day of July,
if a majority of the votes out at
the next general election shall be
cast in favor of this amend-
See. II. I his amendment to the
Constitution shall lie Submitted at
next general election to the
qualified voters of the Slate, in the
same manner under the same
rules and regulations as is pro-
in I lie law regulating general
elections In Ibis State, and at said
elections persons desiring to
vole for such amendment shall cast
a written or piloted ballot with the
thereon; and those with a
contrary opinion shall east a writ-
ten or printed ballot with the
words Suffrage Amend-
See. III. The east at said
election shall lie counted,
ed, returned and canvassed, and
result announced declared
under the same rules and
lions, and in the same manner as
the vote for Governor, and if s ma-
of votes call are in favor
of amendment, it he
the duly of the of
Stale, upon being notified of the
result said election, to certify
said the seal of
State, who shall enroll the said
amendment among the
permanent records of his
Sec. IV. This act shall lie in
force from and
.- an end to the descendant of any such
person shall be denied the right to
register and vote at my election in
this state by reason of his failure
to the
nation herein
ed, lie -hall hue registered In
with the terms of this
section prior to i,
. t lie party
News and
lei .
upon thinking men with n pleasant occasion was that Assembly shall pro
hearts. We can write n i breaking of mm,
lion of new
shall. -Biblical
a id e
lion Pack I i-s tor I.
fee a n i in the
The yolk of the can much
quicker white, this
Should be a layer
of the white. placed
on side or the
settle and
come in I u HI, I lie In II,
which admits air. If it is
placed on tin small cud it will
ways i layer of white between
it and He shell, absorb
odors easily, therefore township officers,.
Angus lent tickets, which read
Home Journal. voling.
on ii led o vole without
ed unit herein
prescribed, and shall, on or before
1st. provide
encouraged . all
I h
inn inn a,
steps In building
M the the
enterprise threw din. J,
of welcomed
town hall and a
thereafter have the right to rote
in all election- the people in
this State, unless disqualified
Sect of this
have paid
his poll tax as above required.
Sec. this Amendment to
ting place there ill the Constitution is presented
boxes, due box U
Tim Penniless Gin at college.
upward of fifty
methods by which a girl can work
her way through college, a Cornell
graduate writes In the August La-
Home college
education Is possible for anyone
who is determined to have It. It
may happen that the prospective
is obliged lo stay at home
Work several years en-
compensation. It is
however, to defer entering until
every necessary for a four
course has earned.
Many girl- perhaps give up tin
idea going all
cannot go soon alter leaving the
high school, is not
unusual to in
universities, open during sum
Mr quarter, teacher, along
In the who in their youth
ere ill I d i college
It i- said that the nut hoes
III alone could, if
provide all
ye for a total
I loll II Mines greater than
present it bus pointed mil
lo the W of
grow in
ii taken.
III. .
J I. N
tub of
The Head of the State's
Three academic courses leading
to Degrees. courses
in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy.
Summer School for Teachers.
Scholarships lid
Tuition to
i Sons and Teachers.
students besides In Sum-
mer School. teachers in the
faculty. For and in-
formation address
P. president,
Ml Chapel Hill,
Hits qua lid the
clerk if the Superior.-. n
In Ho- last W ill
K. i
given i.-all
against of said K.
tn to in.- for on or
day of or
All estate arc iv-
in to
of July lint,
W. K.
virtue of h, a
in cause o II.
sad other of
J. .
is Court of
will on
In sale Mon in die
N. o
fr cash fallowing
I tend to wit i land situate
I lie lauds of
one acre
more less.
This the
. He Schultz,
regulation of
,,, intent and purpose . J
the parts, am to
so dependent upon
load, other, whole shall
I or fall
as one Indivisible plan tons of
are every year; with
mils same many
Ires. ground in various ways
ate rapidly coming into and
it is in near
lure mil Hour will compete
See. All elections the
M and retail and
Healer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, oil
Turkeys. etc Bad.
-lead-, Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
Suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes,
and A Ax I led
Meat Key West Cheroots,
American Can-
Cherries, Teaches, Apples,
Pine Apple., Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sic , Coffee. Meat, Soap,
Lye, Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Mars
Cheese, Best Stand-
aid Sewing h i lies, and mi
oilier goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
I , , .,
j Curt.
Victoria Move vs. Move.
Hie will take
last SB action entitled as stove
the Court of
lit to obtain a from the
mil further W is
to at the next term of the Superior
of to In- held on the sec-
Monday after Monday Sept.
next, it being the 17th of
at the Court House iii N V.
an answer or demur to the complaint
said action, or lbs will to lbs
for the in
This f May
Clerk Superior Court.
r Tor pill.
f Court of Pit
county, having issued Utter, of
lo inc. the the Tin
Jay of May, the
I. Notice is
given to all to the
to Blake payment to i-
i nil or
their property
t the
date , notice, or this
notice will far of their recovery.
day of May,
it. Adair,
on of J.
Having before the Be
Pill an
of the Will and Nancy
Wallace, i given lo
all t said estate I., make
Immediate payment to the
all having claims es-
are her. to present the same
for payment on or before the Nth day of
April. or notice will be
of April, I son.
of Wallace.
A ruin
Mrs. C. H. who keeps a
millinery and fancy foods at St
Louis. Co., filch., and Who U
well known the
I badly troubled with
catarrh aid I had
User complaint sod very X
was in a bad condition; day I be-
to fear that I should be a
well woman; that I hare to
settle down into a chronic
live in the shadow of death. I had
to me. I TOOK
cured my both. I am glad
that I heard it. I would
recommend it to every one. have
taken many other kinds of
I prefer JOHNSTON'S to all of
memo a a sire ox.
of tr
pink to pal.
of mail
99.50, With our
ad. baud
M circular
Or money paid.
of oar cut
car for of Power,
and to
Tobacco, or
Br mail in plain a
, for our
bond to car la day or
Jackson eta ILL.
-ale by I.
Greensboro Female College
North Carolina.
Term begins Sept.
The One Day Cold Cure.
Coat in cured by Ker-
warn all person from en-
tiling upon of our
or hunting. Any one . will
l- law.
Fill Tim Sept. I
At Cost.
ton Ii A. M. for Green-
ville, leave daily at i
P, M. fur
Fridays at A. M.
leave Greenville
Tuesdays. Sat n
at Ii A. M. only.
at with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, and for all points for Went
with Norfolk.
should order
Old Dominion B, B, On.
New Clyde Line Iron In-
mid Line from
N. 0.1
N. C.
oils. Prepares mid girls for
the duties life. Pupils take n
high stand at College.
the full-rounded de-
of our pupils. Com-
awl conscientious teachers.
A well organized Literary Society.
Moral good.
Tor further
see or the principals,
or j. d.
N. C.
Whichard, N. C.
complete in every
mid prices as low as
Highest market prices
aid for country produce.
Our entire
Notions, Shoes,
W. T. M Co
. or rt
. I, It, m
f-T n
AM .
Mei .
J. a.
J. K.
Ed. H.
A from Cuba
Almost every one sees
a buzzard some part of the
county with a bell attached to it.
The one this year was found last
week at the place, near
Ht. Pleasant, by Mr. D. M. Black-
welder. Mr. Blackwelder says
that the bird was on the ground
unable to fly. Around
its neck attached a small brass
bell with the following inscription
B., Havana, Cuba,
The date will to many tend
to make it but prob-
ably buzzards are like
known to die a natural death.
Concord Standard.
Sighing is but another name for
oxygen The of
sighing is most frequently worry.
An interval several seconds of-
ten follows moments of mental dis-
quietude, during which time the
walls remain rigid until the
imperious demand is ox-
thus the deep
It is the expiration follow-
the inspiration that is proper-
termed the sigh, and this sigh
is simply an effort of the organism
to obtain the necessary supply
oxygen. The remedy is to cease
worrying. One may lie
but there is no rational reason for
worrying. A little philosophy
will banish at once. Worry
will do no good; ii will rob one of
pleasures when blessings do come,
as one will not be in a condition to
Home Journal.
It that tit the
boycotting the
of those who are work-
for White Supremacy.
the latter says he his family
have had to live three weeks at a
hotel. Two years ago Booking-
bum the cooks tried this
game. The white men met and de-
to discharge every
man they employed. This
the women to their senses.
Two men named Hen-
and are
candidates for superior court judge-
ships. hence come they. Are
they foreign born, or or
from Hawaii If elected it is
to be hoped they will prove to lie
better informed and with a higher
sense of equities and manners than
some others that have been set up
North Carolina by the curse and
degradation of fusion.
The campaign in North
is not one of party party,
but the light is white man versus
black man, The white who
believes he is superior to the
will stand by his rare. White
men of all parties every section
the State are standing by their
race and will support the amend
of party
This is the wise thing to do.
The elimination of the from
means the betterment of
he State morally, financially,
Free Press.
At Their
The News Observer is able
to state positively that the
have bad printed three
and d i net t
One of Fusion ticket
beaded by meant
to be voted by all good Populists
and Republicans.
The other straight Pop-
a straight
meant, to use Butler's
and own alliteration,
fool folks
The ticket was printed
by Barnes has already been
distributed. The straight tickets
are now being printed by
and not meant to be thorough-
They are- j a fool
folks who are against
The plan is to distribute a few
of the straight tickets at places
where it is known positively that
there are Populists or
who will not vote a ticket,
and might, unless they can get a
straight ticket, support the Dem-
Such a ticket, however, will be
offered them by the managers on-
as a last resort, all Republicans
and alike being urged to
vote Fusion.
can easily explained a
Republican yesterday, we
will gain much by this arrange-
If a Populist voles a
straight Populist ticket ho votes for
at least half of the unities on the
Fusion ticket. If a Republican
votes a straight ticket,
he likewise votes half the Fusion
ticket. Of course we'd much
he'd take the whole pill, but if
he then give
half, and anybody in the State lint
a Democrat can vole one of those
three tickets.
News Observer.
Republican Party Responsible
Metro Suffrage.
The party put
suffrage us. In the election to
decide this of
every was allowed to
vote to determine whether he
-In hi id become a voter, while
of our best white men,
man who had held civil or
military, under the
WM not allowed
to vote.
This election lasted for three
days Every election was a
Republican. They were guarded
while election by Fed-
soldiers; the ballots, when
were taken to South Carolina
and counted by a Federal General.
Yet when we right this great
wrong against our race
em. the party that thrusts the
upon us a a voter by these
infamous methods dares talk
violence, fraud, or unfair election
This party that disfranchised the
brave men who fought at Shiloh
and Gettysburg, order to
the hypocritically pro-
fesses solicitude for the old veter-
ans and audaciously charges that
the sons and coin of these old
heroes want to disfranchise
In whose interest are the
making this charge I In the
interest of the old soldier or the
All Who Love the State Will
Vote tor It.
Republicans Populists alt
over the State are daily falling in
lino with the Democrats in I t
They re. that
this measure is party; that
it is for the interests of the
whole the interests
of the white people and the colored
In many counties Re-
publicans and Populists nominated
for have declined to be can-
they favored the
Oh that all white
men, regardless of party, would lay
aside the narrow prejudice and the
blind zeal of the .
measure as it great bless-
the people of t be Common-
wealth; a measure that is designed
and that will promote the peace,
happiness and prosperity of all
classes and conditions. When the
amendment is adopted, as it will
lie, there will be room for liberty
of North Carolina.
White men can differ divide
on public quest ions without
log it to danger from the
and God speed the
Why he Supports the Amend-
Mr. J. Z. Green, editor of our
the leading Populist
paper in North Carolina, writes
as follows his paper this
the amendment is carried
this year the race question will be
the issue two years from now. If
some solution is not put into effect
then it will be the issue in the fol-
lowing campaign on and
until it is eliminated. No reform
can come until the question
is removed from politics. We, as
a Populist, have heard enough of
the racket and we'll be glad when
the-ml day of August comes so
we can cant our ballot to remove
this question and elevate politics
to a higher and plane.
We can I how-
leaders who make
of the votes who
ride him into through
motives, oppose the amend-
but we can't understand
any Populists can oppose it, unless
he has been misled the Fusion
pictures and literature sent oat by
the Fusion managers. get
above prejudice and act
and in such a way us to
bring stoat better political con-
A good deal has been said,
slicing said, about the
of the proposed amend-
it has been said
The people have been
to discussions
about which they are not con-
upon which they are
not to pass judgment. The Char-
Observer takes precisely the
right view of the question when it
is no need tot any
voter lo worry about the
Humility of the amendment. II is
the duty of nil white men to vole
for it. As to whether or not it is
unconstitutional, let the courts
worry about is what
they are paid
me still in the forefront of the race after your patronage
We offer yon the heal selected line oft
General Merchandise
to be found In in store in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. We arc at work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want and
sell you If We offer you the best service, polite
attention, most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business up strictly on its own merits.
When you to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
us the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats and laps, Silks and Dress Trimmings
Jackets Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Women's and Children's Shoes. and
Harness, and Dusters.
Flour, it, Sugar, Scad ts,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Hope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty. Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
who the amendment
do not seek to mislead anyone.
he amendment is only Intended j
rid oil he nigger politics.
They do mislead the nigger
They tell him that i- meant to
get him out of polities. Bat those married lo
who oppose it have resulted to furniture.
Hi end Is the staff of life, but the
roll isn't always
Many a man it ens-
A Wrong- to the Negro
One of the greatest that
has ever been done the colored man
was giving him ballot before
to do with it. This
fact is now generally
by thinking people both North
and South, it has alienated the
not -a- nothing else It has
and made him a tool, a foot
ball, politicians to ride into
the peace
whole South.
Manx the most col-
men. those who have
property, and most highly
respected by the while people are
free to n it i I i be in Hie
ignorant man
has worked great injury to the
whole race; and they express the
hope that the right of suffrage may
be abridged. Alter the adoption
of the amendment to be voted
upon in August the Colored man
will endeavor to educate his
and the education will
be along different lines. The youth
of this misguided race will no
be educated with the express
purpose of holding That
the amendment will adopted
there is no longer any doubt.
Roanoke Times,
A who applied to register
Mecklenburg swore he born
on the day of March and stuck
to it. The registrar that
he too of a to reg-
and stuck to he didn't.
They have said I hat it would make
men Day poll tax till they were
sixty years of age, when they
knew I bey were making false
statements. They have said
it would while men
when knew H would not.
Their object is lo scare poor while
men and they know it. Their ob-
is lo get pool white men to go
with Diggers and they know it.
They lire not they know-
it. Their hope lies fooling and
misleading while men and they
know it. are for a
bad thing an I know it,
can't win and they know it. They
ought to Tail and know
Lexington Dispatch.
for something lo rail at can
it in a minor. i News.
Subscribe to
Tell one of these
that the Rays a poor
I white man is bettor than a
be will tell you it is
Tell him this is a while
j man's Stale lie will say
Tell him that white men
to stand together be will Ms
Tell lino that
the whites burdens
and he Bays unconstitutional.
Till him some white think it
until to vote he say an
constitutional. Tell him that u
while man is better a Bigger
and he will say
I Dispatch.
In the last years of his life Sen
Vance, unable to enter the
campaign, counseled his people lo
some extent through the press, and
on one occasion told them that be-
smoke of the
Conflict, he was in a position lo sec
the whole situation dearly. This
appears to be the condition of the
Virginia newspapers, they are just
far enough to get an unobstructed
view of the white man's burden in
Carolina and have written
some exceedingly clear and per-
editorials on our light.
The white people the State owe
gratitude for the help they
have extended. When a big ma-
for the amendment is an-
next night there
will who will applaud loud-
than these good friends across
mines People
For a country man to mix nest
eggs in with fresh ones and soil
them for fresh eggs i- mean.
For n country man to stale
and peddle them the
is mean.
For a country man to place nice
fruit on lop while underneath is
in and rotten is
for business or res-
to of
using next door neighbor's
rat bet than take a phone
and of the is
But for a man to use a toll line
who has no phone himself and try
it charged to the whose
phone he used is meaner the
who changes sea-
sou for ii venue.
Hi i. Is too stingy
ii iced bis them to
go to without supper
steal- the amount before break last
Is as mean as Hie man who will
ran evening paper be lore he will
subscribe for
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any of Catarrh
that can not be cured by Hall's Ca-
P. . Props.,
We undersigned have known
for the last years,
and believe him
in all business transact ions
financially able to carry out any
made by the
West Wholesale Drug-
gists. Toledo, Ohio;
Marvin, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
v. Amendment is.
The Wilmington Star in a few
sentences tells what the amend-
A peace preserver
A ballot box protector
A put of elections
A promoter of quiet elections
A test of the sense of the
A remover of the venal clement
from politics
A remover of the trilling
worthless element
A remover of the friction be-
tween races
A remover of the incompetent
A preventer of fraudulent
A preventer of perjury
of the
of voters
A preventer of mob gatherings
a preventer of strife and
on election days
An eliminator not only of the
mob politics, but also
of the unscrupulous, mercenary
and incendiary leaders of the mob,
who being wit limit material to work
upon w ill be without a vocation.
It will prevent Corrupt bargain-
by leaden, who
will lie deprived of the ignorant
to trade upon.
The school board was In session
lost evening for the purpose of
electing the additional teacher
whom they decided at a previous
meeting to engage. They heard
results of the examination
held In the superintendent,
I lie applicant who made the
; average. She is Miss
Ophelia D. of Goldsboro.
Miss Unwell was prepared for
Hie Stale Normal College
has bad three years experience
in leaching, being especially well
qualified in science and
music. The w ill lie
an early
Messenger. 20th.
In the of every man's
heart there is an ideal
fair face of a winsome woman who
St some time has thrilled bis soul
lib the sweetness of her smile and
mad, his life luminous with the
seraphic light of her eyes.
fever is a of Grove
Tasteless bill Tonic. It is simply
lion and quinine In a tasteless
No no Price
A woman In a Pennsylvania
town the oilier night saved her
doom from log robbed de
t. a very peculiar odor in the
i- . i m I i . u
upon Hie
o who was
crawling Iron under It. She yell
and the seared lit
grabbing a lo time himself
as he ran. Star.
and night Sweats with Hubert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic at per
bottle. Pleasant to take. Money
refunded if it fails.
the blood mid makes
yon well. None other as good.
Hold guaranteed at the drug
of Bryan, Wooten and
Dr. D.
over White
Fleming store.

Eastern reflector, 31 July 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 31, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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