Eastern reflector, 6 July 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Call of the Age.
Ii i- the impracticable-, more
than the idlers and
toil, who arc Chi-
then- arc lawyers, and
do all In
South especially we need In gel
away fatal the idea that a
la the only
potion for a gentleman. We have
too much practical work to be
done h-re many to conic
the profession to monopolize
the bra ins and energies of South-
cm youth. We only have begun
our Hen
is indeed a garden spot, and the fa-
tare for the youth of this
or n, I i
Pew people are of Ike hold
which soothsay or fortune loll
big, people. .
not allude the pool . .
devotees f this old
c-l of all colts, but to the well to
do and even the s. called .
the rich and the religious. In .-
arc bun-
people feeding their dupes
with sorry talcs, and h our know I
edge many stockbrokers, business
men so-called educated
and women habitual consult them
about investments and personal
fails. haps. g Io
health of self or others, to length of
Full of the
as Amended.
elections by the
shall be viva
Sec Every voter in
Carolina, except as in article
disqualified, shall be eligible to of
An Supplemental an Act I Bee, but before entering upon the
Act to Amend the duties of office b
Constitution of
of country to with promise life, etc., the fortune
if he is only trained
take hold of the
it is Hie i
who i lie The
age calls for manual training. Lei
ii be taken Amer-
tine Infant Kills Another.
A very unfortunate
resulting fa the death of a boy,
took place near Maple Cypress,
Mrs. Io
visit Mrs. s White,
with her. her sou. years of
age. Mrs. has a boy
about the age. While their
r- were talking boy
ii room and
v. n
was beard. a i-
I across u bed a nil a
bullet in bis bead and death
from wound. The s
h gotten hold of weapon in
while playing, with the
to one. The
lying on the where ii
dropped. i
The has been ex-
as due to the decline of a
genuine religious faith, to the
growth materialism in its social
and philosophic aspect.-, but such
explanations do not entirely satisfy
So far as ii pertains to pathology
and it to be a
the meat wave of barbaric
atavism, due to a large extent to
the dividing medical
ratified February 1890,
Two Hundred
and Eighteen of the Public Law
The General Assembly of North
That Chapter
Public Laws of 1809, entitled
Act to amend the ion of
North lie amended so
as to make said act read as
That of the
of North Carolina be, and the
same is hereby abrogated, and in
thereof shall lie substituted
the following article of said Con-
as an entire and
plan of
Section Ever male person
ll. 1.1
Cost of
London an-
with the enormous
expense the were put to in
matter of war telegrams in
pie the himself.
Tl. t. r .
science in its most
phases from born in the states,
every male person who has been
The e we advance scientific- naturalized, twenty-one years
ally the we leave the age, and possessing the
people, -o Unit we college set in article, shall
graduates and cultivated he entitled to vote nay election
addicted to social vices of such the people in State except
medic a- faith herein otherwise provided,
and To pop- See. Me shall have resided
truths id physiology the Slate of North Carolina for two
and i-an important dun year-, in the count six months,
the medical profession. in the precinct, ward or other
Medical Journal. election district in which be offers
j to vote, four
I here Was Mo fag election; Provided, That
I removal from one precinct, ward
afternoon two citizens or
in had been partaking same count, shall not ope-
Carolina corn, got into a
dispute in one of the Lack lot.
hie of them hi- bug-
while the other was near by in
mud. As tin-argument waxed
warm the citizen
used words
bended to bring on a step-
Post paid for Mi
Churchill's telegrams not
Ions mil chuckled
If the esteemed Post
re I hi- as a large bill I'm.
telegram, it would doubtless lie
staggered amount- paid In
American newspapers for dis
patches from the front during
war will Spain. NAY have in mind
one dispatch that
York Herald and there
were several others received
other journal- that Mere no much
Love at
weeks i Hi, and
., ,. . otherwise, takes mail n
were engaged ,,., belonging to them from
fails to return it at once. This
A a- well
i- was too much for the man in hereafter lie, imprisonment in th.
the buggy and be started for lib
bin alas hi-
and he fell sprawling in the -limy
downward. This was
too much for the other belligerent.
Hi- humor was lunched
and breaking into a laugh lie
helped the other man up both
started, locked arms, tor near-
est barroom to drink each other's
health, -Stalest Landmark.
rate to deprive person of the
right Io tote in the precinct,
or other election district from
which in- ha.- removed, until four
months after such removal, No
out or
court upon indictment of any crime
the punishment of which is,
in the ground person who ha- been
who ha.- confessed hi.-
shall take
the following oath
that I will support and
Maintain the constitution and laws
of the United States, and the con
laws of Caro
not inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of my office
So help me,
See. The following class- of
persons shall disqualified for
Office First, all w ho shall
deny the being of Almighty God
Second, all persons who shall have
been or their
indictment pending, and
whether sentenced or not,
or felony, or any other crime for
which the may be
in the penitentiary,
since becoming of the
I sited States, or corruption i
malpractice fa office, unless such
constitution undermined by es
gar the laws of nature, or
pit ii. i .-. all gone, if so,
i Liver will cure you.
sour stomach, malaria, torpid i
liver, biliousness
and all kindred disease s.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
A Word
No one yourselves know of the
suturing you Why do
you suffer It
lose your health and
one it followed the
f Don I feel weak
arid Impute blood is at
the all trouble.
ill purify your Mood and bring
the bloom of health back into you
checks. bottle
There are limes
is the available
log medium, and must be used.
Hut as a rule it will lie found lo
have outlived its usefulness.
mo.- eases, the poorest newspapers
sill be discovered to lie more
than the circular
Printers Ink.
person shall lie restored to Bight with Robert's
rights of citizenship fa a manner Chill Ionic at per
lit HI law. lo take. Money
refunded if it fails.
That this amendment to I petite, purities the blood and makes
you well. None other as good.
Sold and guaranteed the drag
ores of Bryan,
shall go into el
feel the day of July.
if a majority of the voles cast at
the next general election be
cast in favor of this suffrage amend-
Sec. II. This amendment to
.-hall be submitted at
the next general station to
Trinity College
i Hi. i- undergraduate an I graduate
Lo.- i
equipped and ad-
Large t.
. ., .,, .,. mi iv. i
qualified voters of I be State, in i to be awarded,
, , Sin
same manner under the same tor
rules regulations as is pro Durham, X C
the law regulating general
in this and at Oxford Seminary for Girls
tot In
Wit, and f If
hug,, of
lilt Tb.
milt Mail
A new rule just
gone line
or . it .
on any who, through and,
of the killed am
Mr, wound
Death worked no . ., . ,.,.
I'll . . ; .
n, .,
I .-
M , .
I- .
III ll .
to i . .
i nor.
other valuable mail.
v. lieu inking their mail
a the should i
II la- building; n
a and will
. o trouble.
mil viii cm
Ii . ruling--Kin-
, i
II . .; i
ii ml ii lull I,,. and
Heal. i. i .,
tale prison, shall be permitted t
Vote, unless the -aid person shall
restored hi citizenship in
the manner prescribed by law.
See. person offering lo
vole be the lime a
registered herein
in manner
provided by law the General
of shall
general registration laws i
carry into effect the
Sec. i. liven person presenting
himself for registration shall lie
lo read and any section
lie shall lie
entitled to vole, he shall have paid
on or day of May. of
the . in which . proposes to
vole, his poll lax the previous
year a- prescribed Article
person, who was. on
1st at any time prior
thereto, entitled t. vote under the
I of any Stale in
wherein be then resided, and
no lineal of any
pi- i -hall he denied the right lo
r and vote any in
reason of his
possess educational
cation Ii rein described
ed, be shall have registered in ac
with the terms of this
wet inn prior lo I,
I he A in I j
Annual Session Opens Aug. 1900
Large . Kim
Pull of
Course. School
i railed but twice during tendon.
Board n Annual
Si.-i ii Music Apply for
. ll I In,
I i
those per.-on- desiring lo
vote for amendment shall cast
a written or with the
Suffrage Amend-
thereon; those with a
contrary opinion shall east a writ-
ten or printed ballot with the
words Suffrage Amend-
See. III. The votes cast at said
election shall be counted,
ed, returned and canvassed,
the result announced and declared
under the same rules
and in same manner as
the vote for Governor, and if a ma-
of the voles cast are in favor
of i be said amendment, it shall
the duty of the of the
upon being notified of the
result of said election, to certify
said seal of
the Slate, who shall enroll said
amendment so certified
permanent records of bis office. t,
sec. iv. This ac shall be in
force from and after its I
trill par ii i.
P ,.
n i
tin- I pi.,
rill, when id.
Tl in in i, iii
rail I., i ,,.
, Milt, V
I. pill.
mill ,.,, Ilk. n
M .
sir.-. I- ill. .
Lost and
nil Ii-,. .
I , . . ,,
i I
Victoria vs.
will take
entitled as
been Superior Court of
Pill to obtain divorce the
bonds matrimony; and the defendant
he is required
to appear at the next term of
after Monday in
next, being the day of Sent.,
the in N. C
an or to the in
rah. lion, or will apply to the
for in said
of Slav
Clerk Superior Court
I. for pill.
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pit
en the
lay -I Slav, 1900, on the Thorn it
J. deceased. I
n to nil indebted
to make to the
and m nil of said estate or
lo the
tin of
will I. plea I bar of recovery,
This Till day May.
James It.
on me I.
t A tonic and
lo us Is
of Br mall
i- -1 . II I
is the use of
patent a fact as I
fur of
. i Shrunken
Hie stale war
,,,. , , tin.
l am the en Powers in- Opium
in By mail in plain a
S fur SO with our
. fin per-
,.,. ,. .
prescribed, and shall, on or before
Pans, provide for
I r
-leads. .
by Carriages, tin fan-. Parlor
tides, Lounges, Safes
the making a permanent record
Key West Cheroots, of registration, all
Cherries. v,, . forever
this Government Amer-
I have been lauded on
invaded the
fought battles with China's arm
ed forces, If that lie not war
i- it I The question i- not whether
the action of the Government is
j i lied; nobody doubts that
right and duty to our
Imperiled envoy our
representatives in other
purls of the Empire, and to
all the force that may lie
to insure safely, lint the
hair-splitting arguments
from the vicinity
Department la war
exist are lather more than
i-i. a our
bond to cure in SO days or refund
money paid.
Clinton A Jackson I Lb
I V i
uvula, N
duly qualified the
Clerk or Pill as
ii and of
notice i. hereby given t.
persona indebted h. aid estate lo make
ill ii i- claims against said
ire to sum
for payment or or before the nay of
April. or will In in
of April,
people have a way of doing
that makes you mod.
It takes longer to recover from a
good lime than it does to have
An woman who has
one to her company as
a house party.
Fat people no doubt sutler as
keenly lean ones, lint somehow
it looks funny to see fat people
We Imagine that u would
easier to be old-fashioned and
have babies, than to belong to
women's literary clubs.
The average woman imagine
she looks pretty in her night gown
with her hair down her back, but
she doesn't.
A program-
at a meeting of a woman's lit-
society always us
An who imagines
she has a proud, imperious ma
would be surprised to know
I hat her friends speak of her as
We all from en.
of lamb along
of net
or hunting. Any one .-- will
be l-i law.
. II. A It, T Win,
A. mini.
I hereafter have right to
cut stock
Notions, Shoos,
i berries, Peaches,
Pine Apple-, Syrup. Jelly. Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, the people
bye, food, Matches, Oil, I this State, unless
Candies, Apples Poaches have paid
his poll as required.
I China Wore, Tin and Sec. Thai tin- Amendment to
Cakes and Crackers, M.,,., the is presented and
lo s ion-
Io see inc.
Deal the different parts, Io
dependent upon
whole shall
Bob. elections
by ballot,
Mr. h,,, an
in Sunday's Char
that bate
of the South v. as evidenced eve-
iii the recent National Be.
public in Convention from the m
to infamous
advocacy of Hie
m eliminate
Mr. is has done a good service
hi- letter. There i- no place
for o self white
man I Republican as
man who believes in White Bo-
and next
News and
Hi- virtue of In a
cause IV, II. A
and other of
M.-H H. and
now in of Pill
undersigned will u
day of lo
lie sale More in
fur tract
to will land
I die Muds
I. Mill A
i. lie i
or I
line- HI,
g i i
I ii ii-
II i.
I mini
Steamer have Washing-
ton daily u A. M. for Green-
ville, leave dally
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. II.
leave for
Tuesdays, and
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York
ton, and for all points for the West
With railroads at Norfolk.
Some interesting fertilizer
carefully Compiled for this
paper, are given Ibis week. We
note pleasure Hint cost of fer-
inspection by our Deport.
men of Agriculture the
year ending June was only
against for
the preceding year.
The Fowl r the
There is no better judge of
value of publicity than the silver-
He pays for it. The
merchant recognizes the
power of the press, and lakes ad-
vantage of it to the pub-
This great power lies
the reach of all, No man has a
monopoly of
Whichard, N. C.
Notice i hereby tin- Ii , k-
f. No.
will he o'clock A
June to Saturday, July . moo B.
II,,,, Ill,, legally ,.
And mi en, I, Saturday during.
III. . I I,. I u .,
i i. I,. k will be open in die polling
V. I,. Ra .-.
Tho Ono Day Cold Cure.
is to
in ,.
, J
No i,
Ad in., i
the Old from
New York; from
Washington, N. C.
N. C.
Highest market
aid lot country
Mil Ml Ml N H ,
. I V I'll y
I. . e
iv all roll war us
I. unit ,,,
k All or Ma
l-.-i,,. M I nil, Will.- -e
I all Ii on
ll I eon
i K,.
J. fl.
. V
improve i aim Mt
Also a nice
J. B,
The Eastern
D. J. M
U H.
Ed. H.
State Ticket.
of Wayne.
of Iredell.
For of
of Wake.
of Cleveland.
For Attorney
of Hay wood.
For Superintendent In-
of Caldwell.
of New
County Ticket
Fusion to Out
nil era
absence, to the city
to a reporter about
political nit nation, lie said was
evident that the and
their allies, the Pop-
were making their
to rapt the Legislature.
The of i.-. being
done in close counties and Sena-
the west and
white counties of the east. They
are paying very little lo
the counties or
tho block counties. They don't
hope to defeat the amendment at
polls, but they are using
amendment to stir up as much
as they can to mislead
the uneducated white
thereby lengthen their
Continuing, Mr. said
he had discovered a well laid plan
on the part of the to de
feat tho amendment, even though
the people may give it an over-
majority at the polls.
To carry their plan, however,
they will have to secure control of
Legislature. The plan, said
Mr. Simmons, is
they can capture the
when that comes to can-
the vote for the amendment,
h ill have out the en
tire vote of county after county
upon some charge
of fraud or intimidation, until
thrown out enough votes
to overcome the majority for
too amendment and then it will be
declared that it has been defeated.
They will throw out the vote for
nearly every county in the Second
end Sixth districts that may give
a majority
is not enough they will throw
out until they get enough.
said Mr. Simmons,
plan will not work, because
they will never get the Legislature;
On Which Side Ate You
The great battle Car So
in North Carolina i
coming hotter day. The
very best men the State have vol-
their services the
preservation of
arc stumping the Slate from the
the mountains In the
interest of the white men. the
while women and white
of our beloved Slate.
Who are those people that are
and day for the
Amendment which
will the permanent rule of
in Carolina;
Every Democratic editor in
stale is working for
lawyer is working for
almost every preacher ill Slate
is working for it; every teacher i
working for it; every banker and
man i-- working for
Yea. all these are working for the
adoption amendment. Hut
they are not The fair and no-
there are none
fairer or nobler in the world- are I.
and Maying I hat the great
measure may he
place the government of North t j Huts. It Satins, In. Trimmings
in the hands their and and OH Cloths.
bands their lathers, their
We are still the forefront of the after your patronage
oiler you selected line
General Merchandise
to be found in in Pitt County. Well choice
selections, the of the best America
and all the year Summer
Winter. arc work for nod our ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to you want and to
sell if We oiler you the very polite
and the liberal consistent well
established business built up on its own merits.
When you come Io market you u ill not do yourself justice
ii do not sec our immense stock elsewhere.
us the following lines of general merchandise.
and their sons, their
sweetheart and their kinsmen,
Are there any who seeking
to defeat tho amendment, and still
as a factor in North j -g
And who are
They are the is.
the poll the
I lit- census
torn and all
seekers who are upon j
Women's and Sic
Laid. Scad Is,
Sugar, Coffee,
Plows, and Plow
for little piece of I
Who will win in this great light
Will it he the and their
editors and the lawyers.
preachers mid the and
women of the Stall I
leave the answer to you, leader.
Which side you out Whom
will you work in this great
A gnat is
on shoulders. Let con-
science and your God guide you
and no mistake will be made.
Smith held Herald.
for Finn it and everything in
buy strictly but soil for Either I Approved
Our motto hi Honesty. Dealing.
For the Senate,
For Representatives,
T. H.
O. W.
Horn on
Bo poor white man, no
d white man in all
will be touched or in
It is it lie out of the whole
cloth lo Hoy otherwise. your
poll lax and your right of suffrage
will never be with in
least degree. The criminal
class will be excluded from
The object of tho proposed mil- A
is lo eliminate in a ii-e at the hall
the from in I Tile little girl was
and to prevent a -mall . y it n
of the whiles from join-1 whether or not her
solid mas-, ll, Judge Lev i-
outvoting and controlling in a manner look the lit
great bulk of white people, I tie girl In bis lap. He Inquired
And how can . received a
white man be opposed lo this reply. Then he asked,
How can think that ,,,,. ,,, ,, , go when
can be rued bettor ,
Mid with the votes of Ignorant e- j one do
than without them I How the judge
. lion and all the .
lit forth. a.- white
ed all aid of
Ho not that the
Ii.-t of were
i. This was done to
make triumph of car-
. and . i j
Ii limes for North Caro
Hi i
iii-i . black and tail radical
at on piled up
. . of i Ids
N recently
.;., . false black lad
. in In rill.
Ho not I the lei
i radii or Hill
n when lie I ens wen
arrested warrant of
law and w.
the guard of i I
folks, under n scamp
forget that n white rad-
was killed house
ton was held in
court room Ii w-a- to
fasten suspicion up u the demo
an-. ii was that it
Home few years later i.
to well ;
in, at rs,
dot by radicals and cap-
lo not forget the con
of tho fusion within
ti us lion law general
not of
wrong doing, of waste,
etc., in and
departments under
Do forget the challenge of
Manly that the
WON a- good as a white man.
ll i forget the article of
He Ii slandering pure,
white women
i a ml then lied lo
save tr-
I-., mil forget lies
ll i that this v
his villainous
tiers of while women, was in
spired by the while for
i i, thumb r.
not Hint lie fellow
radical state chairman,
Following i- a circular letter
which has fallen into The
II came from
w and i-
a of are being
I in that count
S. C .
am billed to
pi . county on
this get eve-
your neighbor-
Have you held your con-
vet If SO, have you or-
. la operative ticket with
Id If not, I
that you hold a county con-
In on Tuesday,
ii .;. the day that I there.
Al Ibis I think you
I . can-
. Legislature, and en
I remainder of the
I ticket. appoint
conference and ask
in the interest of co-
operation to take down their can-
for the legislature. We
tilth entitled to one mall
ticket and we certainly can
put up a man can poll more
i-. can after hat
in ti --It a fool of himself,
I will mail posters to-
advertising tho speaking.
Get all of our people to goto each
lie their Voting next
and register without fail.
I sent you a few days ago a blank
form of petition asking you to get
signed voter if possible
in your calling upon
Democrat board of elections to
Judge of election of
our own selection to present
the board on July
when meet to appoint
fail attend
lo Ibis,
I'm-, in. have Hie pleasure
of seeing yon In on
day week.
ours truly,
Signed M it ion Hi
.; lotto t
i John ll. Small, of
tin district, strongly
tales local p
lie is an earnest
of progress,
with most of I he other
i In believing
this heal means to Improve the
school and give u longer terms.
For of I
T. It.
For Treasurer,
J. II.
For Coroner,
C. Oil.
POI Surveyor,
J. cox.
for Commissioners,
C. J.
B. L.
W. G.
but such a plan should I,;, a-. ought to he.
been discussed and agreed upon,
I am reliably Informed
has by the shun .
reckless of
the will of the people this corrupt
ion Post.
in n while men
Diana have the
girl. She is
with n bow,
The making a
foolish light the amend-
sari lo
Many of
these been for
if for all. bill Hi
publican have sol
hair on and made of
workers. a policy
lion opposition, the
might have defeated
amendment Hill their
partisan hale have
aroused ire of the Democrats
When they wake up to ml
selves in august they limy
know have done most lo
always bat Ob-
Tin- amendment is all
Will in the end prove a great bless
to Carolina. II will nil-
it will increase
will set
es will be of much service In
the poorer classes, h will
the reign
law and govern
Bo do not be the
II is in I
Industrious pool man's friend.
With while supremacy, which
while man's
there will lie Just and
rule and a better feeling
night Sweats with
Chill Tonic m per
to lake. Money
reloaded If up
petite, too blood and makes
you well. oilier good.
Sold and ; the drug
stores of
all give gov
that given
great bulk best white pen
Which i- hotter by
birth training to
be a while
with all
then vole the
old Stale
nun tie better governed treat
bulk of her I. white men,
vote for tin hum lint
the ii
mid ,.,,., .,
white radical In Western Carolina Malaria, Night Sweats and
n Mi; I hi Hut nil back it'll doesn't.
with us i.-l kind
; Ill of
sin and Marion culled
Do I'm I and all
the Cross Oil the label.
and druggists.
i Negroes
I a. ts.
, events
a Negro's View it
A in with
I I don't can- thing
about a-- i
will be II deal a
ll- m -i. So far am
concerned I am lo
trust the white people. Tho
no SO a race has never
voting, time D
great Who don't
know arc voting for,
when tiny do and
It sits from
let id the
Dial tin iv
hi . claiming hat
ii place residence,
III ii
S milt i .- I id re
I, in
to i
year. Ml this i
V. I M p
ear in
i the election in a collision
, course
all in.-.
n HI, i nurse, hi
HOW'S this
j .,,,,.,,
c i i Hundred Dollars
for case of Catarrh
u not be
en the races. The long Cure.
iv bites for a or K, s v c. ProM.,
. sublime. Ohio.
,. men now that We have known
s lions
1st that in
l, , in involved We-I S
I , it, ,. Kin-
. ., u . A
i brine i .
. l . in i
on ill in I mucous surfaces of the
v I per Hold
all Druggists,
. iii
n ti,, lo out any
ruder, law. I obligations
i .
Hall's i i
. acting directly upon the
Tho has been
Stale nearly two and a hall years.
ll Is much now
year ago. the year i I
May, there were
h look a it would never i.
hang . to
elite Chinese is lo cut
heads of the i .
unity In leaders M
p. come In lo have their head
i hopped off, art
fellows w Star.
Hall's Family Pills ore the boot.
ii White

l. J. Owner
Dull lour I mil
Eventful Election
by the local workers. If they do
their duly, a victory
awaits us all.
Remember, the Registration
hooks are now open to you and
that an entirely new registration.
is required voter, and
the Post at x
as Second-Class
from this dale ,. sets on
lakes place- OB Jo, .,, ,
i; WOO. the this
August it will
Mayor than he made.
White he has upheld the law and
demanded respect by all who
were brought before him. he has
never been Every
decision rendered by him has been
exactly what he conceived to lie
The wharves of the North Ger
man Lloyd Steamship company at
N. J., opposite New
York, were destroyed by lire Sat-
afternoon. Pour ocean
an day for North Carolina.
pregnant with possibilities of a
bright future of peace and
and tor her people
or else the getting sun will register
I a black curse put upon State
steamers and a number of for indefinite period, and than I
if your name not I right and for the beat interest of
the community. of-
doer of the Board of Aldermen he
has held highest esteem of
every no ml. i the Board.
The splendid work done by the
Board Aldermen the past year
will be shown in statement
when published. We have had a
good, careful and conscientious
boats and lighters destroyed
with wharves and buddings.
lives were lost. The money
loss by is placed above
It was an awful Hie. and
people were hemmed in between
which no demon wishing her
could conjure and upon us
n worse more damnable one
is your heart
on this question. Is
the mind of your neighbor full
Dames and the water and per- up to votes white ticket four
like rats, being unable to es-
While men of Hit do
you know registration
books of precinct are now
open, and that you cannot vote
less you register Have you reg-
If what wait-1 more strongly of the heroic and
how stamped you a patriotic
Weeks hence, and to thus do his
part of the great duty now resting
upon the shoulders while
man who respects himself and
loves his wife children
You were never called upon to
perform an ail fraught with mote
importance to yourself and poster-
you never registered a vow,
executed a duty smacked
crowded Mound the places of reg-
last and how
every is to register
Every who can i- going to
register, and you cannot afford to
do less, at once and have
name enrolled, then see
there is not a white man in
neighborhood a ho fail to register.
This a time when bile men
;. he
Chairman upon return-
from a trip on political
la-l week, stated that he had
the enemies of the
have determined to
direct I belt strongest efforts to-
wards the defeat of the Democrat-
legislative nominees, and by
trading, means possible
to endeavor to elect a ma-
in next General Astern-
Now, the one primary sole
object of this is to enable
to defeat Amendment
after it has beau adopted by the
people throwing large
of where
legislative schemers can find
the shadow of an excuse for so do-
tinned carefully legislative
ticket. Democrats, and refuse to
a or otherwise
imperil the election of your
dates for the Senate House.
V. mm
The Democratic at
here express the
As soon as the old Board
From OB
is no new
bill a striking of it is
attempt of some republicans lo
about the Treas-
surplus for the year
ended Saturday. If it had not
been for 9100,000,000 produced
by the war taxes, which lie
to reduce
e would have been a
deficit instead of a surplus,
and even with the war taxes
repealed, there will be no surplus
next year, if the republican Con-
keeps up its extravagant
at the next session.
I .-.
K. S.
E. Cannon.
die, the new Board There is more for the republicans
were sworn in by Superior Court lo
Clerk D. C Moore. The Board
composed of Iv. M.
B, Warren. White, J.
about in that surplus.
That Chinese puzzle grown
worthy of your race those de
upon you, than the our
you should register to day and ex-
on day of August, by
voting to secure yourself, no registrar of election
neighbor, your children White will allow himself to be fright-
Supremacy and freedom I or the
domination for all time lo come threats of Lieut. Bey-
your Moved old stock of bruins was
that now cries out to you to save never any too and other
her from becoming the only schemers,
State in the sending I. S. marshals to
I faith in Democratic registrars who
The matter of registration is
in in d
Tho book-will lie kepi op. n mil
until the 1st of and
cannot register
less you Income age
then and . And II
you do not register you
II yon fail to do
u .-loud
to stare on the lineal
en the welfare of your In. ind
your State. If we fail to
It Amendment it will
give Carolina a set back
from which will re-
cover a quarter of a century
even if within lifetime of any-
one now. living. It is u great prob-
confronts the people. To
win means a victor if
and safely;
while lo tie defeated mean- the
domination of strife,
disaster. While men,
where do you i-1. i-
a id your
and patriot-
ism of North Carolinians
refuse lo
under age and others not entitled
to new election
while common the chairman Simmons t who is
and sinew of Democratic while one f tin slates
man's party in the past to d. lit, there is absolutely no of Con
for a moment the result ill ;,,. m, to
be, if each of them is en- mi interference
of his duly. Sec the Putted Slates officer,
this M ,,.,.,,. state providing
and let's adopt While Supremacy n. punishment of
by a so large as never such other per-
have been in North Car- interferes with a registrar
. history.
or poll-holder. Pill the one
that troubles you in your county
n on
seems to have started lately.
converts are coming by
hundred- and
while men who. although
heretofore with the Pop-
some economic or local is-
sue, i o see that duly calls upon,
them to i i-e superior t,, Though the of the
partisan when the the town
lure of their race beginning a
wives and new year, there was
-take. change in the of
I either Hoard of Aldermen or
II In-oilier-elected The
Hoard met at II o'clock and re
is Come in Every
Southern State.
North Carolina is now trying lo
do South Carolina did in
that is. gel a clause into
State constitution as will dis-
franchise the great mass
voters while saving the franchise
was an easy task in South Car
because b bites in this
s ate arc practically all in
Democratic party, the. were
confident, therefore, their
lit rights would preserved.
Hut in forth Carolina a large
ion Hie whiles are in
Republican pally Populists,
who arc assistant Republicans
there, and these white,
Populists will vole
There Is a deal of
ire, whether scheme will
succeed now. Ii is
to this sometime ever South
here ii ban come
ready, The whole country
the of some
means of white
. those sections
that ago regarded
the the ward
the nation and to vole
one of the most sacred rights
ii vi I
h'm-I-o and cease-
Ii iii- . and whom
no party ever ha a more capable
and earnest determined and
and leader, is
. i i v till ii splendid v i.-ion .
lie bus campaign well ill hand
i- pilot Hi- old
ii and us capable
a hand a- the part could
have secured. Indeed, we ma
ourselves fortunate tint we
reports of all the
The Mayor's report fol-
lowing interesting figures
of warrants untied
cases tried number of war-
rants returned of
I ii i number
cases bound over lo Superior court
number of cases returned to
-Magi-Irate I. whippings
administered by parents by order
of Mayor I, amount of lines and
in -in-11 a crisis a-
white men North Carolina
should he thankful that they could
a magnificent leader
at lime when the brain and
courage and experience i- needed
to cope with Iv and
lenders of the opp
costs collected in cash as per
lice reports amount work-
ed on
The statement of the Clerk
Showed that the total amount
claim- audited by Hoard was
lint Chairman and the T,, ,,,,.,., ,,.
State Committee do II all.
A great deal depend- upon i In lit.
county chairmen com
h the Federal constitution
now look upon hi- disfranchise
with if
with S. C.,
published in The Be-
lit;, which will appear Liter.
After completing the work in
hand Alderman I. Woolen
stepped forward behalf
Hoard presented to
II. u beautiful in
appreciation of with
which he had discharged his
ties, and the exceedingly plea-ant
relations bad existed between
the -Mayor and the Hoard. Mayor
Mo e very
Till takes pleasure
aye, down to the
chairman and workers, for
last their work when per-
formed lathe basis of every
If there i- any or town
In which your
per circulate-, where the local Ii el
era have been is active
zealous a-the;, should, lei me Leg
of them now to begin lo to
buckle on anew the armor of en
hi grass grow D adding a tribute to the excel
under their feel for or the administration of May.
weeks. Ibis is all needed , r In ail knowledge of Cash down is the thing that
I now earnest DOM, effective work
B. F. J. X.
Hart, W. B. Parker and J. B. Tun-
stall. All but Messrs. Warren,
and were
of the old Hoard.
Aldermen W. Parker was
elected President protein of the
All of the officers were
elected by acclamation, as
follows J ,
Chief Pollen T. Smith. J
Assistant PoliceS. D. King.
Night II.
N; Hart.
any easier to solve during the past
week. The Chinese Minister's
news that the foreign ministers
were safe in has been con-
firmed, but with confirmation
came the allegation they were
there because they refused to gel
out within hours, although or-
to do so. II is slated
who ordered them to get out, but
ii is clear that the is desired
to infer it was the Chinese
government. The news the
Imperial Chinese troop- attacked
the marines, under Admiral
heavily in killed
and wounded, in bis unsuccessful
attempt In gel lo seems also
I to be intended public sen
Old Greenville
We, lite undersigned, desire to place our names before the
tobacco formers of Pitt and adjoining as solicitors of
patronage for sale of Loaf Tobacco the coming season, be-
August 1st, 1800. Knowing we the
means and judgment of Leaf Tobacco necessary to run a
good we assure yon that you will get the very highest
market price for your tobacco.
H. S. EVANS, known among the boys as noted
for his good judgment of tobacco and liberal country buying,
was cashier and a partner of the late firm of Evans, ditcher
Co. who is thoroughly familiar with all branches of
the trade, will run the sale.
II. A. who was formerly with the Star
now with us. He is a good judge of tobacco,
and as auctioneer, will assist us in seeing that every pile of
tobacco brings its worth,
II. C. CANNON, who will have charge of the books, will
see that you are not delayed in getting your bill and check.
When you sell tobacco with we guarantee you the
price on all grades. Try us with your load.
the saving of in drumming, keeping our own
books, and other expenses cut at the start, we will put dollars
in the pockets of our patrons through the sale of their leaf.
We invite all to visit us this coming season and note
our prices. We are yours to serve. EVANS, CANNON CO.
Special Notice.
We have decided not to hire any drummers, believing that
the farmers are tired of so many men riding through the
country. Bring us your tobacco and prove to the market that
you are tired of it. With this expense saved we can help you
much more in the sale of your leaf.
Collector and Treasurer in this country against the
government in the ab-
The Ti
presented their bonds which were
accepted, all the took of Mr- who
the oath lo
a part of the special taxes bathtub, and other things
were levied at this meeting. Those members
levied as follows administration, Secretaries
dealers j. per
dealers per year.
Hay, Boot and Long, especially,
are posing as very consider-
ate toward the eminent
thing- as war. I are doing-i
I much talking that they
drinks and
Peddlers of cold
fruit.- fa per year.
for each horse;
and meat dealers ft per
dealers -2 per year.
horse dealers per
per year, written
application for same lo be made lo
License to retail spirituous
were granted to E. Cheek,
Dudley, L, Hooker
Hooker, E. A. Brady,
W. Jolly, II. V. H. A.
Nichols aim Joe
License ti retail malt liquors
granted I'd. II.
License lo run pool table granted
to Cheek.
The Mayor appointed the follow-
standing committees
II. Parker, J. B.
While, B. P. Patrick.
X. Hart. K. War
ran, w. k. Parker,
Lights and c.
ton, Tunstall, I. While.
Market K. It. F.
While K. Warren.
Colored B, Tun
X. Hart, B,
Patrick, W. C, Parker.
Our Royal
Elastic Felt Mattress,
Department and W. Hard
Assistant Chief.
Peter teamster
Duff, lamp lighter and
were retained the Board,
All salaries of officers remain the
same heretofore.
The Board will hold its
meeting on Thursday afternoon at
aroused I lie suspicion that they
are doing it for effect and
bl lo lent ion from the
real designs of
China, The superstitious arc
inclined to regard the knocking
n hole in the bottom of the battle-
ship Oregon by a rock on coast
of China, as a bad omen.
According to an official report
Davis, a large number of
will not do any work
as long as they con draw free
from government. Gen.
Davis bus been ordered lo give no-
to the the is
sue of free rations will lie
Senator Daniel, Virginia, who
has gone lo Kansas City to attend
Convention said, just before
leaving Washington am not,
have not been, and will not u- a
candidate for the Vice Presidency,
and I do not desire that my name
be mentioned in that connection.
I have never or made
any other Senator
Daniel declined to my who he fa-
for I he second place on the
ticket, lie is enthusiastic
an man and been right along.
That there has been
as well as stealing in the Cu-
ban Postal Service was practically
acknowledged by Assistant
was elected chief of General who
has returned from Cuba, when
be said that he made
In postal salaries while there
that aggregated a year,
and acknowledge-
when he clerk-
have resigned since the reduction.
because ill-paid, and l am
satisfied that they are now paid
all the work is worth. If an of
I hem should resign, there would
be no difficult in their
Tin- Charleston struck at the same
on a hidden reef In Philippine man Dick has
recently and wen to pieces,
and new- that the
Oregon, the battleship in
our is aground on a rock
she cost up-
ward- and we
in limes the rocks
and reels every few months,
only way we can ever lie resigned
lo the loss of our great ocean fort-
is near of I heir going down
in the sea there is
anything afloat lo send them
to the
losing the Herman vote-
Oh no To be has had
himself interviewed to the
of half a column of chest-
nuts. The German voter i- no
fool. He can't be caught by such
chaff as Dick He
knows be foundation for
the town has had no feathers many a man's nest.
It lakes a traveled actor to mas-
the role of
pedestrian is one man who
pills his whole sole into his work.
Maude, dear, rushing the
growler is not a is re-
entirely to dog catchers,
St. Mary's School, Raleigh,
Mess, Goldsboro, X. c,
-A few months ago I purchased a Pelt Mattress from
you. After giving it a thorough trial, l find it the most comfortable
and in all respects by far the most satisfactory I ever used.
I have tried cotton and hair res greatly prefer this
to either. Wishing much success with your Fell Mattress. I am
Respectfully, Mm. M. Matron.
Oil After night's use, if it is not all you even
hoped for in a comfortable bed, return it to us and we will refund
you the full amount paid yon not being out
one cent, not even the freight.
now if your local dealer does not handle
our mat tresses, write to us direct for pamphlet descriptive of same.
of Furniture, etc., N. C.
Has lost a dollar for business men. If a man is
lodged by the coat he wears, he is also judged by
letter-head he uses. Au artistic, nicely printed letter
head may be looked on as a good investment.
your order lo
The Reflector Office. I
It will be right.
The price doing It
will be right, too.
Get a good Safe
The Victor safe is made in all sizes con-
for home, office and general use.
sale boll with a guarantee to be
Prices range up.
Greenville, N. C.
The North Carolina College of
Agriculture and -Mechanic Arts.
IN Agriculture, Stock -raising,
Mechanical, Civil Textile
Machine-work, Mill-work, Boiler tending,
and r.
Tuition, a year; Hoard W a mouth. Next session opens
6th. Entrance in each County Court house, July
o'clock A. at the and 5th.
For full information, address T.
They Stand The Test.
That is what Every Pair of
Some to Some to
Kiss i visiting
I. 1900.
II. Alston
Tom returned I
night front
O. Welch,
l. Pulley spent Sunday j Mrs. N. S. Fulford returned
M. Woolen came
day from Norfolk.
Sugg returned thin mom-
I Bock Mount.
It. s. Sheppard canto up this
morning from
Is guaranteed to do. Canyon imagine a severer test than to
tie one leg n pair of pants to the ceiling; an I swing a keg of
nails weighing pounds to the her leg That, is test
seen in our window and hundreds of people have looked in
built to stand any kind of and a guarantee goes
with every cents if a lull ton pulls off or if they rip.
Gel the best when buy and sure you the
None genuine without the name on the button.
it I
Virgil Lee returned Saturday
night from Springs.
If there MARK
in margin of this paper it
so to remind you you owe
subscription and we request
lo settle early as pis-
Bible. We need what YOU
owe its and hope you will
keep us waiting it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
June Weather.
Mr. Allen Warren gives This
the following report of
the weather for the month
Highest temperature
Lowest temperature
Number thunder storms
are line
load sheep, o.
T. Tyson, N.
cattle, fl, T. Ty-
sou, Greenville,
and Harrow put
a barn of tobacco Wednesday
finished 30th.
This is Democratic National Con-
week. It is going to lie
Bryan tell you the
Have you registered, and have
you seen if your neighbor is
A man was leaning against a tel-
pole when a passer by ask-
ed how he fell. was the
prompt reply.
A of Orphans from the Ox-
ford Orphan Asylum will a
concert here on Thursday night of
next week, 12th.
D. H. Fleming, Washington,
is here. He Will open a furniture
store in Mrs. M. A. store,
formerly Occupied by B. Cory, j
for II. Bosnian, of Washington.
I have just moved Into my new
photograph gallery Dickinson
avenue and am now better prepared
to take your photograph ever
When you want your photograph
taken, go to Hoy Evans on
son avenue. just moved in-
to his new photograph gallery
and guarantees satisfaction, just
across the street from B.
Greene's residence.
Hon. U. II. here
Saturday to a large and
tic crowd. Many say that they
never heard a better speech in
their lives. He spoke for two
hours fully discussing the political
issues of the day and we feel
ed that his-speech here won many
votes for the Democratic ticket.
We only wish every white man
North could hear
On Tuesday of last week at beau-
fort, N. C, Miss Lizzie Bedding,
formerly of Slid well
known here, was married to Mr.
Ernest A. Brown, a former Pitt
county boy but now a resident of
Hatches, Miss. After the
they left to spend some days in
Western Carolina before
lo their home in
The bride is a daughter the
late Dr. P. Redding and the
groom a sou of the late Mr. Henry
W. Brown.
; morning to Washington.
Hiss Falkland,
is visiting at It. Kings.
W. l. Brown returned Tuesday
from a trip iii Virginia.
Jr., this
morning to visit his
Mrs. W, C. and little sun
left for Sam
Miss Blanche Draughn is to visit Mrs parents,
her sister, Mrs. Moore. ., ,, . ,, ,
Kev. M. I. been
Hugh Sheppard returned a few days here with bis
morning from City. I-3. A. returned this
W. O. Dudley and little son, of
Washington, spent Sunday here Hisses Lottie Flora
,, . . and Rosabel came
Mrs. A. M. left morning to via-
her sis it ,,,., c ,,,
Mrs. D. S. Smith and child re-
turned this morning from Grimes-
Rev. T. of Wilson,
came Saturday to visit his brother,
K. A.
My Stock
d Mattie Crime. a .
is Complete
-IN all lines.-
On; Hats.
At prices that will suit you.
i. July ,
l .--i and Mattie Grime
Hiss es Li ind Mayo
Inn- lei i lo visit Miss
II. K mil in Mi.
in ii.
I so i,
Thomas Moore, of Is
friends here.
M; Ii. is
Mrs. Sam is on I lie i,
I . . are still shipping
W. V. Keel, here,
horse last Wednesday, June, 27th.
i . II. James to J
Mayor's Court.
Picnic Lang's Church.
Among social and religious
,. i i , n events in Pitt we ought ion
Mayor bail
i,. . . ., i. the gathering Lang s on June I
large court the week,
disposed often cases follows i
Cherry, col, leaving his
horse standing the street,
B. Cos mid Murk Hew-
of spent Sunday Judgment suspended.
Little Miss of
Rocky Mount, came Saturday to
visit A.
Hiss Lena Carr, who has been
guilty, lined one
and cost amounting to
Bose Evans, failing
of way to pedestrians, guilty, lined
Misses Cox and Bland,
of Mills, are visiting and cost,
Mrs. W. In South
intoxicated, guilty, lined one
visiting Miss Mary Alice Move re- dollar and cost, amounting I
ii ii hit crowd,
old men and women, parents and
children, infants and
greeting other. Be-
fore dinner lime tin church was
fall of people, to singing and
prayer. The hundreds
found oil the long tables the
grove much more . i than they
could There wits no
mod. After din-
songs prayers wen again
engaged the church, where pen-
were pointed to
turned to her home
Greene county.
Ed. Matthews and
left Saturday afternoon for Kin-
City, and re-
turned this morning.
Judge Moore left
day afternoon for Kinston lo lake
Sunday I rain for
where lie holds court this week.
Louis C Skinner returned home
night from Baltimore
where he studying
cine Col
M. wife left this
morning for Baltimore. Mrs.
Annie Knight, disorderly and
disturbing the peace of the town,
Con. allowing horse lo
run at large on the streets, guilty,
judgment suspended.
Minnie Randolph, disorderly
I I . July I.
Then . . rat i.
hen Let hear from ii
. e i i spare.
ti. tux.
Miss TI i. ,,. h ho I
i. ii -i, . rel ; home Honda
i evening.
i rein i nu ha
cleared away, and mil ii e
j in i re net
the street with the words
i ii r
in ml ti nil i d . . We are go-
let lo remind u
,.,.,.,., , , , , el lo remind
and met blessed ., ,
, . he . i a he id. when we
by such meetings.
Come To See Us.
Al the old Moore store,
on where we have
opened new and fresh
Heavy Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Heats, Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
lo lie found an up to date
We pa the highest market
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce,
eh her in cash or in barter. When
yon want to sell or when yon
i to see us.
To all who favor us with their
c promise entire sat-
T, F. CO,
Five Points
lo i ii government
I fl more at the price
l ban any other newspaper publish-
conduct, guilty, lilied one
. . . about
. died Moll la
night little II was bailed
Bishop Harris, daughter of Mrs. bereaved ft in the Boer war have not been
died alter an . M Mis. J. S. tin thoroughness and
ed in Its news service
covers the globe and is equaled
b of dailies. Its reports
and amounting to
duct, dismissed.
drunk and ilia-
W and cost,
Robert Alien,
She had In i
. line I i he
hale our deep s nip .
i, l . tic,
Hodges will be treated Baltimore affray, to at
and little Churchill will spend September court.
until their return.
Senator F. ;. left Sunday
for Raleigh where be joined
other delegates from North Caro-
logo to the National Demo-
convention in Kansas City.
The delegates a body In a
special car.
Tuesday. July
W. R, Parker spent the day in
I. left this morning
for Henderson.
Miss Mamie Tucker left Monday
evening for den,
Thomas of Goldsboro,
came this morning,
from Danville, Ya.
i .
The Hi i i inn i the
bereaved family Its hi
hour of
Notice Tax Payer.
Notice is given
Board or Commissioners if
county will in the
Court Douse in
the 0th of July, for the
purpose of list and
valuation of property reported to
them. All persons objecting hi
the valuation of their
be then heard. pen in w
hits failed to property for tax- .
upon application day
will I lo list the same.
the of
sinners of .
with the
in progress
ii ill lie Its political
some time in I lira throe hipped Co. us is impartial. This
was i In p tint of death all hough this is iii makes it of especial value to
got and her in this lime.
hop, would recover bet It. . a week World's reg-
, ,. , .,, ,, ,. nil nil ion
., . per year. offer this
night and died o'clock. when hi will spend newspaper Tim
remains were i k. one year for
in Hill Car mi pump fl
running every day, furnishing
h N. M. Watson water free. Our business
The 1- i rep -i
A. C. m. A. A. Forbes, J. om goods
II, C. M. . I.- give . . in i . .
. i bin
him up
tile child and undertook to catch
him but the -wilt.
L. II. Fender returned Monday
night from Tarboro. have a ail my be mil over the boy, the
life. Have never made a political the up the
full c .
A. I
fail and B. ii I
em hen awhile
. m.
e read u the
from u man who has just
pit a .
tins u lie
Dickinson avenue
ran over om ii C u
and no will l
ii- big
lies always
ban i
me Hi. i good, kept en
when he ma i hand.
Miss Ada this morn-
for Dillon,
Big Barbecues.
There arc two more big barbecues
and rallies announced for the white j
folks county and great prep-
are being made both of ,
One will he held at King's X.
Roads in Falkland township on
Wednesday, July when ad-
dresses will be made by Hon. Lee
B. Overman and prominent
The other will be held at black
Jack on Thursday, when
will be made by Hon. T
Bickett and J. Bryan Grimes
The will furnish
music both occasions, there
will Is; plenty lo eat for everybody.
Let all go.
Masonic Installation.
Monday night at Greenville
Lodge No A A M the fol-
lowing were Installed by
Fast Heater R.
W B L Carr.
E Griffin.
Tress J Han.
S D It Williams.
J It Harris.
C lollies J
J Griffin.
Unprecedented Offer.
Everybody knows the sub-
pries of The Ladies Home
Journal is a year, and price
of the Saturday Evening is
12.60 a year, making for
both. For a Untiled time you can
gel then both a year a
little more than half price If you
are a subscriber lot the
Journal you can have for
l. Hand your order to l.
or J. B, and
will have prompt attention. Take
advantage of this oiler before it is
Ernest Forbes
night from Bern
W. s. Bernard came Honda
night Chapel Hill.
speech nor written a Hue on
tics. Hut I feel I ought to say
a word today, The Southern
w are the friends the lie-
ever had. is grail pit
was ever put to lot lug
l. A. and wife -nice,
is morning from I The whites have noble purl
Few people have such sensitive
organs that they turn
op the noses lucre.
over to this morning.
Dr. C and sou
this morning
Skinner left this
morning a visit lo
W, F. Button, wife and child
came Ibis morning from range
to visit Alice Harper,
Hue who has
been visiting A. A. re
turned Ibis morning to her home
E. and family and
L. Fleming and family left
morning lo pend some time at
Nags Head,
E. Wilkins Mm, W.
W ilk ins, i
villa Knitting Hills building, came
Monday evening,
Mrs. N. spend
a few here with her son,
John Garden, this morn-
toner home in Henderson.
Hiss Kay spending
a few days here visiting, returned
this to her home in
Washington. Hiss Bertha
bet home.
-tree. Mr. one
two others in pursuit,
the I -u Five
pill lie
lo appear SI
or afternoon for trial.
In bun and do more hi
elevation and salvation,
Ayden. N. C. A. D.
Master Bascom Wilson, a little
son of Mr. W. B. Wilson, gave n
to his little friends
night. A largo number of the
tic folks were present to
occasion they hail a most de-
with innocent games
and old lime plays, I lie ii
n and songs told
of were
ml be line
v, i
Light Infantry
had a meeting in the Court
night. The
of member reached and
were adopted. The requisite
of members will be added to-
and the muster roll will ls for-
warded to The
company will haven meeting for
drill Thursday
bug the can
Home in i j
hi- in ma
, for tins district meets
i. Jut.
old. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Marriage Licenses.
of Deeds Moon- issued
the following
Will I
. I. and Mattie
M. and Annie
i i
Andrew an I I i A.
stocks and Mart i
, in , t i
i l j
ill.- lip In dale
el he i
has there been so much
tick in Thorn is ii family
town the
doctor measles, i eon th.
Vi . i . oft pa-
b e a e lull
ton iv.
COM tor
Friday Mr.
John showed a walking
cane that he is making for
B. Aycock. our Governor, lo
be presented lo him after the
Besides being n handsome
cane, it i- unique mid -hows
kill its make. The wood is
along regular inter-
are inserted small walnut
s lo represent knots. By
knot i- veil a heart
, tiling hearts of the
.,,, ,; ii k. The bead of
the en lie is buck horn. Both Mr.
the cane, as well as the
the former will be
Keep Improving,
Buggy Ca,
, i , i I in
., hops iii for
mill oil house ha
. i mien I and I led in
. days.
Tin w ill lie tilled up
w an elevator suet ion lo carry
I In , to i lie gin. pan of
ill ii scab In for
of There
w ill i from lire as their
entire plant Is run by gasoline
the columns of
i mi. nut Ho

. r
As one depositories ox Public Books in
Pitt County. We handle the books designated on the
State list schools and can supply what-
ever yon need. We also have
slant vi
tablets, cap paper, pens, slates, whit
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes, tic.
S pencils I cent,
l rubber tipped lead pencil i
pretty cover l assorted
it, iii nice wood box cent
and pen, and rule, in nice wood box, P
A great big wide tablet cents. Bottle t best
ink on marker, cents. Copy r to cents.
White crayons, gross in box. Scents. Good cap
paper cents per quire.
For the Business Man.
Full Text of the
as Amended.
An An Supplemental an
Entitled Art to Amend the
Constitution of j
ratified February Slat, the
Two Hundred
Eighteen of the Public Law
of 1899.
General Assembly of
, do
Section i. That Chapter its,
ruled practice writing books, r ,.,.,,
in tin- Constitution of
North amended
a, in make said act
Thai of the i
lion of Carolina
Mine i- hereby abrogated, in
Jam lead pencils I cent, thereof shall be substituted
cent, a nice tablet with I the following article of said Con
i-rayons, with metal hold- as an entire
pencil, slate pen-1 of
elections by
shall lie viva
Sec Beery voter in
except as in this article
shall in- eligible to of-
inn before entering the
duties of office lie shall take
subscribe the following oath i
do swear
that I will support and
maintain constitution laws
of the United States, and the con-
laws of North Cam
not inconsistent
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of in
So help me.
Bee. s. Tho following of
persons shall be disqualified for
To those
in is .-.
are they keep the
system perfect rand are
an absolute
r headache, lion,
in . torpid liver,
land all bilious diseases.
Notice i siren that of
ova clock A.
II,, i from Thursday
for the
tillers of Um
Ami on each
period and
tin- will be open the place
Kite Points in Iowa
Trinity College
fit In
ii v.
Section Every male person
born in the United Stales,
ever, male p who has
lain i Had I-
First, all persons
in paw Beau
deny the being of Almighty God for
Second, all persons who shall have N
been convicted or confessed their--------
gum on indictment pending, Seminary for Girls
whether sentenced or not,
51st Annual 1900
Large patronage. CUM
Pull of
, , , .,.
We carry a nice line of double single entry naturalized, twenty-one years
day books, journals, counter books, memorandums, age. the qualifies
order books, k and note books, time book, out this article, shall
lie entitled to vote election
For People
have all kinds and box r, card and
s. visiting cards, note papers tablets.
Parker Fountain gen
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
Books, Stationery
Seven Springs Hotel.
V Prop
The of Haiti-. spring a different
analysis. kidney, liver
troubles All seven have wonderful restorative
properties. M. KT AT
Water five to guest. at other hotels or
boarding houses and Seven Springs water will be charged
; A of have been added
. ii. . tin in , bath houses bi com-
a professional the and too
to mention. Km t. and information
W. F. Proprietor.
Springs, N.
. . f
ii .- . .- i . , , i
t perform I .
l N rat i . i ., j our
i mi . i i ,,,
ii. .
, . .
F -i-.-. . . . in . . I
I t kt . . nm n
are prepared to furnish
Fines and . repairs now at
lowest prices for cash.
lie to vote
the people in except
as herein otherwise provided.
Sir. II. have resided in
years, in the county months,
in the ward or other
election district in which be offers
to vote, four mouths
the election; Provided, Thai
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election
in same shall nut ope-
to deprive any person
right in vote precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he ha removed, until
after such removal. No
person who has convicted,
who has confessed in open
court upon indictment of any crime
the of which or ma j
hereafter Imprisonment in the
Mate prison, shall be permitted to
vote, unless the said person shall
lie first restored to citizenship in
manner prescribed by law.
See, Every person offering to
vote shall be time a legally
registered voter as herein
id and in tho manner
provided by law. and
of North Carolina shall
oil i general to
into the
See. I. person
himself registration shall be
able to and write section
of the the English
language; before he shall lie
entitled to vote, he shall have paid
mi or the day of May. of
the year in which be proposes to
vote, poll tax for the previous
year as prescribed Article
the Constitution.
do male person, who was, on Jan
1st 1887 at time prior
thereto, entitled to vote under
laws of any State in the
herein ho then resided,
no lineal of any such
i -hall be denied to
register and vote any election in
I this State reason of bis
i , possess
ml ion h rein
I. hi have ac
the lei of
section prior to I,
The shall pin
the all per
entitled to vote without the
prescribed, and shall, on or before
1st, provide for
making of a record
of such registration, all per
sons -n registered, shall forever
thereafter have right to vote
in all elections by the people in
this State, disqualified
Section of Pro-
i such person shall have paid
i his poll tax as above required.
Bee. Thai this lo
i presented and
adopted u am Indivisible plan for
the regulation of the suffrage, with
I be intent to so eon
the different parts, and lo
make them o dependent upon
rah other, that the whole shall
-land or fall together.
Bee. All elections by the
lie by ballot, nil I
Greensboro Female College
North Carolina.
iv.- will . reward
ii. ,
. . .-um.
ran i
mi. Um
i i ; 1.1 v v . lS
lain- Pill. W
bi mull
I'll . .
-i. Ill
j I. N
judgment suspended, treason
or felony, or any other crime for
which the may lie
in the Mu-;.
, , ,. lint
Tuition for Annual
Coiled or corruption Apply for
. , , I
in unless P j,
person shall be restored to the
rights of citizenship in a manner
prescribed law.
Bee. That this amendment to
he Constitution, shall go Into cf
feel on first day of 1902, ,
, , , Fall he
if a o es at
in. on Application.
next general election snail lie
See. ii. Ibis amendment to
shall be submitted
the next general election to the
qualified voters of State, in
same wanner and under same
and regulations as is pro
in the law regulating general
elections in Ibis State, and at said
elections those persons desiring to
vole for amendment shall cast
a written printed ballot with the
Suffrage Amend-
thereon; and those with a
contrary opinion shall east a writ-
ten or printed ballot with the
words Suffrage Amend-
III. votes cast at said
election snail be counted,
cl, returned and canvassed, and
result announced and declared
under same rules and
the same manner as
t in- vote tor Governor, and If a ma-
of the votes cast are favor
of the said amendment, it -hall be
the ii t of the Governor of the
State, upon being notified of the
result of said election, lo i lily
said the seal of
the State, who shall unroll the said
amendment so certified among the
records of his office.
Sec. IV. This ail shall be in
tone from after its ratification.
By in
in III.- W. II. Heir. A
Company and other f
II. Unroll
now in Hie Superior Coon I'm
sin pub.
lie door in
own of . r., to
I ii of land skunk- in
a township, Um of
Jana Haddock
lid acres
28th day
N mm i , . ,,
I'll r j Superior Court.
rue above named will lake
that an action n above
ii commerced of
to obtain n from the
will lake ha is
appear term of
of tab county to be held on tin-
l Hun lay after Monday in Sept.
next, ii the day of Sept.,
Court in N. C.
an or demur to
lion, or will apply m
Conn for in com-
day of Hay
G for
Weekly gives fol-
lowing of the
prosperity of its farmer
encouraging sign of
progress in of
machinery farmers
h lying. They
plows, disc harrows, mow
era, binders, etc., In their work
the wide awake ones
and are thus saving money.
baa been no uncommon tight the
past week or two to sec a farmer
driving out of town sealed on a
reaper and
At Cost.
Our entire stock
Dry Goods Domestics,
Notions, Shoes,
;. T.
One nut paid is worth a in
your pants.
your pants.
At last John Bull Into
a china shop, and a smashing time
may be expected.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Healer, paid for
Hides. Seed,
Turkeys, etc. lied-
lead-. Oak Suits.
by Parlor
s, . Safes, P.
Mi at I Key Weal
American Can-
nod Peaches. Apples,
Pine Apple, Syrup, Jelly. Milk,
flour. Hagar, Coffee, Heat, Soap,
Lye, Food, -Matches, oil,
I Meal and Hulls. Gar-
den Oranges, Apples, Nut-,
Dandies. Dried Apples, Peaches,
I'm. in . Current
Tin and Wooden
Batter, Stand-
ard Sewing If a a nu-
other Quality
for cash. Come
to see me.
Lost Vigor aid
Live of
tho pink
. M tho
of loath,
with our bankable, to
or refund for
rum Lo
. Of
too. Pit. Md
tr tr
ti By in a
it, for with our bankable
bond to car In HO or
Clinton. Jackson
PH -rile hf -I I.
Tin. One Day Coin
Cold in hi , i kl
molt I ., I. .
I.- Ii. n . i HI
. m . .
anvil r a . r
Hook m
I- .
LE. i c. j
r ii i
A. CaM.
C. H. who a
millinery and fancy at St
Co., Mich., and who is
well known throughout the country.
troubled with
and I
complaint and Tery
was In a bad day be-
to far that should be a
well woman; that I should have to
settle down into a chronic invalid, and
live in the shadow of death. had
to me. I TOOK FOUR
cured my family both. am very glad
that I of it. I would cheerfully
it to every One. I
taken many other kinds of medicine.
I prefer of
Mil U CO. II,
Hie i.
all or
present their properly
to twelve
after notice, or
will be liar of recovery.
,.,.,, .,, in
Thin the of May,
i Ike estate J.
duly the
or I Clerk of Pill
Will and Testament
notice i lo
indebted lo lo make
immediate payment to undersigned,
nil .
late are hereby to the
for payment on or before tho day of
April. 1901, or notice will he in
of recovery.
of April,
of Nancy Wallace,
warn nil persona from en-
i, upon nor lamb
of act
Any one . will
be t,
O. T
leave Washing-
ton daily ti A. M. fur
ville, leave daily at
V. M. for Washington.
Steamer I c u v c s
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave for Greenville
sad Saturdays
at A. H. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk,
Ion, for all points for Hit-West
with railroads at
shippers should order freight by
the H. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Hay Line from
and Line from
S . i -111 I. H. V.
J. Art.,
NO Ml I in
in, I In
and i. i.
nil a.
n. . i ,;. , of
it. All to
. v,. , v v
m invent
fur and it
a in.
every 2nd
Sunday morning.
day, evening. Pray-
Be. J. N. pastor.
school a. in.
lay, morning evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday Kev.
N. M. Watson, pastor.
school p. m. W F. Harding,
B. Morion, pastor.
IS. B.
Opera House every 2nd Sunday
morning and night. W,
Davis, .
A. K. A. M. Greenville
Lodge. No. meets first and
Monthly It.
M. M. Beats, See
I. O. O. F. -Covenant
Meets every Tuesday
K. ti. G. K. B
K. of P. Tar
meets every Friday
B. M. C. T. M. Hooker.
C. of K.
It. Vance Council, No.
meets every even-
W. B. Wilson, B. M. It.
fang, See.
U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
O. F B. White,
A. O.
No. ti, meets every first and I bird
nights Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec.
I. O. Conclave
No meets every second
Monday nights Odd
Hull. W. II. Wilson
l. S. Smith
W, R,
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in every
prices us low as
country produce.
I. KT,
J. B,
The Eastern Reflector
,. ft
Seven Springs Hotel.
of mineral waters. has a
analysis. Especially tor stomach, kidney liver
bladder troubles All seven have wonderful
Water free to guests. People boarding at other hotels or
boarding and using Seven Springs water will
week A number of have I, .,.
last season, among them are bath being com-
a professional barber In the miters too
numerous to mention. For terms and other i
W. F. Morrill, Proprietor.
Seven Springs. N. C.
State Ticket.
of Wayne.
of Iredell.
of Pitt.
of Wake.
of Cleveland.
For Attorney General
of Hay wood.
For Agriculture;
Kl, l.
of Caldwell.
For Commissioner Labor
For Corporal Ion
of Macon,
of Hew Hanover.
of Cumberland.
County Ticket
A Kansas
A Kansas girl graduate
been given the theme
Alps Lies promulgated
whether Italy Alps
Many arc watching
the war in China with the deepest
interest. If t is thrown
to the world, it will mean a main
moth market for all the tobacco ex-
porting place the world, live-
grade and class of tobacco men
will be to a great meas-
Years ago, though not so very
many, Japan was closed lo
ling people of the world. Today
thousands and thousands of
Of American -0 i-
sold Japan. A great industry
has up. The Japanese
have great their
own, they send their agents
here lo buy weed for
there an- something like
people in China. If had
a chance. of
i chew tobacco,
men. would
be lots better for than
which they douse.
111- Count.
a re
ill in In- forefront of race
t best selected line
General Merchandise
in Missouri. I do people America I
to set the river on lire j any form. Al this
future career. I am glad I have China would e a market
good, very good education, but ten limes us
am mil going to misuse it by writ-
poetry or essays about
future woman. It iii enable me
correct the grammar of any
I may have, should he speak of
in my presence or say he
went somewhere. I will
handy when I want lo figure out
how many pounds of soap a woman
for three dozen the
grocery. So not begrudge the
time spent in acquiring it. lint
my ambitions do not so high.
want to marry a man
of his weight in
township, who can run eighty
acre farm and who has no female
relatives to come around try in
boss ranch. I agree to
cook dinners for him that won't
send to an early grave,
lavish upon him wholesome
and see that bis razor has
need used to cm broom wire when
he wants to shave. low of all
this I do not care if I do gel a little
rusty on rule of throe and kin-
things as years
whole of America.
Little wonder, then, Dial tobacco
concerned destiny of the
Celestial kingdom. They
every poll market in
China open to all products of the
world. Sentinel.
I., he in store Pill County. Well bought choice
selections, creations of the America
an. Europe. year round. Spring.
and Winter. at work for yours and our mutual ad
vantage. II is pleasure you sou and
We ;,, ;,,, .,,;,,,
at en ion, and the terms with a well
business bum up on Us own merits.
hen you come lo v ill not do list ice
you do not buying elsewhere
awl following lines merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
. i. Mr.
Bryan and u male, the
cull n- for
n ., .
ill In . ;
on , i. . I he cm
In order to estimate i
from a n c start
is well lo l-
n lib an eh i
. was at
For c
Votes. Who
raises Cotton. The
.; book is
. is the name
of a
ed pamphlet
which should
be in the hands
. . .
I i., . r
Hals i
. ,,;,
mid Capes, Carpels, Mali Oil Cloths.
Men's, Children's
Harness, and Du-
lien. J. b. for Visa
Kansas City, July; .
Carolina delegation head-
night, made I he
But member of commit-
tee on credentials, A.
member of on
organization, I
for member of
on rules and order, Dowd;
for member of committee on plat
form, A for member
national committee, Joseph us Dan-
Plows, Castings Plow
Mi ;
Dal i I i I
i . .-
W V l ;
i., Orange v.
world love the man who
no ii-.- phi-
whose face is
world j, undoubtedly grow-
, in ii- methods of
and holding on lo n,,. all
no has lo
el I-.
I for I'm-
Vail- ., ope.
,. Credit.
for everything in Dial line,
buy Inn sell for on Approved
i- Dealing.
II .-I
the Senate,
K. ti.
T. II.
O. W.
For Deeds
T. It.
C. OH.
For Commissioners,
O. J.
To Avoid Cotton I ii
The awful catastrophe in Hobo-
ken which started from the
of a loose cotton bale again
calls attention to danger in-
in storing or transporting
in bales.
There is no one mil even
petroleum, sent from this
oversea that carries a much
liability in lake Ureas cotton pack-
ed in the ordinary manner,
tanks petroleum may be isolated
from all danger, but ordinary cot-
ton bale.- cannot be lauded com-
enough to remove the
of lire through
friction or spontaneous
of a rock, to the
dimensions of the bale- us
packed, them is no safer cargo
Several methods are ill use to
effect such
which successful
having exhibited the late
in this city.
There is those
methods should be pill into
use with every bah- cotton ship
Iii may the
constantly present
sea on ships carrying cotton he
the steamship companies them
selves shall be so blind their
own Interests as not to compel the
of one of the methods of
baling compression,
then every intending passenger
vice president,
for honorary
E N for member of
tee to notify President, J A
with II Nell Robinson
for of committee lo notify
Vice President, Harvey,
T U for
chairman of E Hale.
The ion arrived here this
evening d is ill flue shape. All
of delegation are here except
Judge A W Oxford,
I P Walker, of
was decided lo place i Julian
ti Carr nominal ion Vice
Mi s m of
Hill-born, will pine Carr
I'll lid
i, i
S mill D
To .-
I lull
, ,
. ; d ii subject in Hi,,
a ii ago tin- Israelites
i hi well a
limn at.
i . i old
American plutocrat
. i;
New -paper iii-in- In inc
pi of process.
I- in the
. , l hi arrival
I In developed a
making such an-
I teal of arc
i primitive
Is arc mad for the
Hi give,
ii .
i I.
It v ill I c i that in
i l . iii
. . In
i i Iii public
i . hows i decrease dating
June -i
i, i- ii boll of
i lull Tonic, i-
I in a in
Kl keep a
says Brother should refuse to
teller credit
i;. Republican steals.
lo this dale the
led by the government- -h us fob
Surcharged stamps ills
charged, hut In
W. Neely. aided
Waste, as bi lo i lo
lo dale,
ill ad-
I ll I. mi
Director's paid mil
of Cuban revenues,
in house,
Miscellaneous expenditures,
Total known thefts,
New York
ii ill lieu I
Single Call
also v , mil Mm i
.,. ., I
i ; ii . . licit ,.,.,, ,,
ware's i and
land's ale b
i county will have no Pop-
year. Tho Pop
have united w the Demo
some of leaders are
making speeches fur
Headquarters For
Paints, Pumps, Nails Tin i.
. . , -i-
, ; lie Mi-
i . iii addition In tin
i- ii i . In
. , , ill,
lie Indict I
Stale ill lie It- In Mi Mule.
I . i . I i la
iii ii ft pi a
lion Mi i , ,
would mm
lie lo In i ll , i I, i I
I hen i i, It
Si i
l lie I, ii c
Mi mil
mi. ill lie i , um- ban e
ground n II
ii I In- pi
I lie III, II H I
um lie ;. a
the i,,
ii nit -i I-, fore i i a
pool I
N, C.
i . i . i i,, -1 .
have been I mil
mail set ice .,,,.,
m i. Night and
-i . Mime bark If ll
i as kind
with Cross ,,,, label.
Sold and
i mil Ki mil,
in i hie Hundred D ilia in
inn case of Catarrh
i lie en red Unit's i a
e inc mull i -i
fur 1.1 j cut .,
Iii him pet
hit- all ii . in,.
able In mil an-,
in In Hie In tit.
v. i Wholesale ll.
-i Toledo, l Kin
K dill l III, i
I Hi
i i a i i- in
b i I III III upon
million e. the
in . not tin,
all Druggist
Hall's pills mo
Hi. II.
ills, N .
over V,

Eastern reflector, 6 July 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 06, 1900
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Joyner NC Microforms
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