Eastern reflector, 27 April 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Reflector
owing the amendment
of the State
adopted the As-
deny the being of Almighty God .
Second. ii who have Save Your Money.
tea m On box
guilt mi I dollars hi
whether or
at tot
or or crime tor
the voters , . .
i which the ma
,, .; ti sick headache,
in the penitentiary. . .
Section 1- Thai article the.;. constipation
N . Reckless Assertion
If Of
Pens, Pencils,
All Magazines.
mil the same if hereby abrogated
and lieu thereof shall be
the following article of said
Section Every male
the United States, and
every male person
In Each.
Age tells mi girl and so does
since citizens the
or corruption . a million people endorse
malpractice in office, unless such PILLS
person shall lie restored to
rights of a STATE NEWS.
prescribed by law.
Sec. This act shall be in force Happenings la North Carolina.
from after its ratification.
Ir. J. I, resigned
as of the church at
bar little brother.
It isn't advisable to pick Progressive Farmer greatly
rel before it is ripe. , prove its
A fellow usually discovers that, Goldsboro Rifles won the
his views of lite are distorted when military prize. W, at the New
he first takes up amateur pm
When man doesn't blow his
own because he
either can't raise the wind or is
A man often improve SB April nearly
manners dropping some of them-, immigrants have arrived in
The girl who is worth her a eight bis country,
in gold usually has her own way. J. a prominent mi-
Virtue is its own reward, and in county, committed
man never gets any credit for pay- suicide by blowing up his house
give us a
Reflector Job Printing Office
V Card
Sheet Poster.
The Eastern Reflector
is f v a year and con
news every week,
am information i
th glow-
who has been
naturalized, twenty-one years of
age. and possessing the
set out this article, shall
be to vote at any
by the people in the Slate, except
as herein otherwise provided.
See. He shall have resided in
the of North Carolina for two
years, in the county six months,
the precinct, ward or other
district in which ho offers
to vote, four mouths next proceed-
the election ; Provided. That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
the same county, shall not ope-
rate to deprive any person of the
right to vole the precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he has removed, until four
months after such removal. No
person who has been convicted, or
who has confessed his guilt
court upon indictment of any crime
the which is, or may
imprisonment in the
Mate prison, shall be permitted to
vole, unless said person shall
restored to in
the manner prescribed by law.
Sec. it. person offering to
vote shall be at the time a legally
registered voter as herein
ed and the manner
provided by law, and the
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
carry the provisions of
this article.
Sec. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall lie
able to read and write section
of the constitution in the English
language; and, before he shall lie
entitled to vote, have paid on or
before the lust day of March of
year in which he proposes lo vote,
his poll tax as prescribed by law-,
for the previous Poll taxes
shall lie a lieu on assessed
property, and no process shall issue
to the collection of the same
except against properly.
Sec. 5- No male person who was,
January I, 1867, or at any time
prior thereto, entitled to vole
I be laws Of any Slate in the
United Stale;, wherein re-
sided, no lineal descendant of
y such person, shall be denied
the right to register and vote at
any election in this Slate by person
of his failure to possess the
qualification proscribed
section of this article Provided,
he shall have registered in accord-
with the terms of Ibis section
prior to I, The
The at Chapel Hill was
burglarized Wednesday
The safe was blown open and
cash and in stamps taken.
April showers forth um-
It's the rich people who usually
give poor excuses.
It doesn't take a bright woman
to last
with dynamite, himself in it.
There is plenty of smallpox talk
in the central section of the State,
with many new cases being
Dr. Lewis, secretary
JOHNSTON'S u a Blood Food Nerve I tho
SPRING m a S rich from
lo the worn run down. the overworked end debilitated. The tired
those -sinking languor which rise from badly nor-
nerves, from thin, blood sad underfed body, vanish as If by
spell. sad nervous prostration which the spring-
time and heat summer, are conquered and banished at once. Fur every term
and all ailments of the brain nervousness
generally. II Is almost a specific It furnishes the elements t out
tissues. II feeds nerve centers and and their U
makes rich, red. honest blood. Newness of life, new hope, new follow Its faith-
use. II makes the weak strong, and the old
It was the antiquated now happily method in the old lo
treat Sail Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other disorders from
BLOOD TAINT with powerful such as arsenic and other mineral
agents. It was expected by this treatment that the could be killed while the blood
was left to course through Its holding in It the of the
disease. But In this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased.
can be more terrible than a horribly blood taint. It not only attack
the different structure of th body, but times the bones are honey-combed
and destroyed. It seeks out the nerve and spinal cord, and It will bring de-
cay and death to some vital organ, as kidneys, liver or There is only one
scientific method for the cure of blood taint. Is. PURIFICATION I Every particle
of blood must be removed through the channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels.
liver and skin. First pure, then The great and
blood. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex-
removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, and other minerals,
sad fill veins arteries with the ruby, glowing; current blood Is
means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy. JOHNSTON'S
SARSAPARILLA, Is universally regarded as the Blood Purifier ever
This Is now established beyond question or cavil.
Mice . October
Home made bread is responsible to the State hoard Of health says he
for many a married man's crusty expects that by reason of the many
temper. large political gatherings this
When it conies to eagles a bird year their will lie a spread of small-
the hand is worth two in the pox.
Ho man has a right to waste the
time of oilier people.
The man is sometimes
the one with a hill to collect.
is thee plaster
often heals a heart.
It that has
to be checked before it will go.
War Costs Britain a Minute
was yesterday received by the
that he will
sail from for York on
The Ohio Legislature has ignored
proposition for a State
The annual meeting of the In-
League of Press
will meet at New York July
Roosevelt has
the bill providing for less hours
work for drug clerks in York
The following statement of an
official of the shows that
the cost of the pending war South
Africa will only eclipse the ex-
for the Crimean war,
but will probably make it the cost-
of all Victorian
Taking the estimate of
as well within the limit dozen white men
probability we that for a moving train at
nine mouths this war will i Ky., after he bad created a panic
cost us at the rate of over by flourishing a pistol in the car.
minute, or an hour, night
and day. Thus, for the purposes
of our South African war alone,
we are spending at the rate of con-
over every
reek, in addition to our normal
1835,000.000 a year
Loiters of the
K. deceased,
day t, me by th Clerk
lie of Pitt notice
is hereby to all i
Mat I a
lo me for payment, duly on Lay Services every 2nd and
r before nth day of 1901., morning.
. I
every Bun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
w ill plead in of their
recovery. A II said
late ill immediate payment lo inc.
February 1900.
R. S. Mrs,
K II a.
BLOW, Attorneys,
this the
Clerk of Pitt coon t
of B. Allen
hereby nil
sons -slate to
present them to me for payment, duly
or before the Bra of
March r will be in
their recovery. All
will make immediate
to me. 1900.
of K. Allen.
Having Superior
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
tor of of Janice K. Craft,
i- hereby given to all
ed lo Haiti estate to make immediate pay-
to the and all
having claims against must
for payment before the lath
day of March. 1901 or tins notice will be
in bar of recovery.
Tub 14th day of March,
of Y.
i it -meeting Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school s. in. C. D.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. st. E. B.
Opera House every 2nd Sunday
morning and night. Rev. D W.
Davis, pastor.
regular services.
Having l Ins day before the
Clerk of Superior Court of county
a of the estate M. I.
is lo
persons against es-
lo present them to me for payment
duly authenticate., on or 13th
and a further a year
discharge of liabilities for wars
in the past.
V. e thus find ourselves in the
strange position of spending
alone the stupendous sum of
a year, or something
more than our
total revenue for
General Assembly shall provide for Weekly,
a permanent record all
maintaining our fleet I
I plead in bar of All
lo estate art to make
immediate psi lo me.
This the day pi March 1900.
I. II. Ad
who register under this on
all such shall entitled
to register and vote at all elections
by the people this Slate, unless
under this
Provided, such
shall have their poll tax
Ban, All elections by the
is item which shows
the hard struggle the politician has
to contend with, says the Raleigh
Visitor. It shows bow rugged is
I be path and what have
to lie resorted lo Ht limes to keep
up the procession, this is
item taken from an
editor who is
tobacco, that
many times more
subscription price.
wouldn't imperil his immortal soul
pie shall be ballot, and
the Assembly I ,,.,. candidates
shall I-. , were can-
Sec Every voter in North week. Both
Carolina, except as in this article
shall lie eligible to of-l,,,,.,. the hindmost one
lee, but before entering upon ., certain house, where a
duties of the office he shall to door,
and the following ,
. do L. of ,.,,,,.,
Fountain pen
for affirm i I will support and .
maintain Ike laws
of the United Slates, and the con-
and laws of North
not therewith, and
that I I faithfully discharge the
duties office
Bo help
Sec. . The following of
o i shall lie
. did, then he gave her
bit man
ahead of me give you
he gave her I nickel
and he give you
f sir, he gave me ten
Then picking her up
hie at in-, he kissed her
he kissed ma,
r, i i -TO
The line Co., of
G. M A. W. K.
Tucker by part-
on or the day of
All to the firm
will make settlement at
either of the above named. All
having against the firm will please
present their claim to M. Tucker at once.
. A i
n. II
A. K.
W. K.
Whichard, M. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices low as
Highest market prices
H.-M. I.
of u or I ho
Court of Pitt county
Martha Ann
Andrew Vines others,
l-r limit
a will bell for baron
the Sal-
May 19th, the K.-
panel or tract of
in Pitt in Pm
Adjoining the of Hue
containing acres, or it
known as the Arlen home tract
This April IS
Steamer leave Washing
ton daily A. M. for
ville, leave dally
I. M. for Washington.
Mondays. Wednesday
at A. M.
leave for
l and Sal
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. to. from
New York; Line from
Hay Lint from
and Line from
JNO. Act.
N. C.
Greenville, N.
Cure Cold In
as lake quick U Are is b.-n tor-
A. F. A. M. Greenville
No. meets first and
third Monday evening. It.
W. M. J. M. Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
K. l. G. E. E
K. of Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
B. M. C. T. M. Hooker,
K. of B. andS.
E. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, B. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday at in I. O.
O. F. hall. J. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. Smith, Sec.
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every add
fourth Monday nights Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. S. See.
E. G. C.
Also a n ice Line of Hardware.
I can now In- found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. II.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
I ,
Ed. H.
State Ticket.
of Wayne.
For Lieutenant
of Iredell.
For Secretary of
of Pitt.
of Wake.
of Cleveland.
For Attorney
of Hay wood.
At B meeting of the Democratic
Executive Committee held in
Greenville on the day of
April, a convention for
nomination of
dates for the Legislature and the
various and for the Community,
and tell the public through their
columns every week about
articles suited to the season
service that have to sell.
It will cost you MM per year,
you will not say at the end of
the year, as those of you who issued
checks say, that it did not add
one dollar to your receipts. The
the best business
friends any town can have. What
would fresco have today, if
there bad been no papers printed
What sort of gratitude is it
that prompts business men to
every other in which to ad-
ignore their best
is no business in the
town that promotes its
importance so much, or that gives
so much in gratuitous contributions
as local press. If there is any
public or private enterprise pro-
the very thing done is
to rush off to the office,
and get a few free locals into the
papers; then, when the editors
have paid help, and bought paper,
ink, and machinery, paid for
rent, fuel and light to do all this
gratuitous work for every society,
religious, and benevolent;
many of the
For Superintendent Public
For Commissioner
of Caldwell.
For Commissioner
of Davidson.
For Corporation
of New
of delegates to the
First Congressional District
convention, was called to
meet the Court House, Green-
ville, at o'clock M., Saturday,
May 1900.
Township primaries, for the
delegates to Mid
county convention, were called to
meet at usual places nob
township Saturday, May 12th,
1900, at o'clock P. M. The said
primaries will also elect an
Committee for each precinct,
composed of live and
so nominate candidates for Justices
of the Peace Constable. The
of delegates alternates
each township will be entitled to
is as
Bethel I
Carolina I
Fa rm
Swift Creek U
All white men the county of
Pitt who favor the white people
Controlling the affairs of State
county, and who intend to vote to
that end, are cordially invited to
attend and participate these
L. Blow,
W. L. Brows, Sec.
persons led repeated favors of
this class by editors will give every
penny's worth of their advertising
lo some scheme that never
ed them or the community one
iota. Is this fair Is it business-
We are still the forefront of the after patronage
We oiler you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
to be ill any store in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations tile beat of America
Europe. Seasonable all year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. We arc at work and our mutual ad-
vantage. It la tn vital you want and to
sell if we can. We oiler you very beat service, polite
attention, and the moat liberal terms consistent with a well
established built up strictly on its own
When you conic to market will not do yourself justice
if our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
us and the following lines of merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Hats and Silks and Sal ins. Dress Trimmings
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings oil Cloths.
Dulles of Election Boards.
The provision, which is entitled
act to regulate
stipulates that discreet per-
shall be appointed by the
State board at least three months
before the next three mouths lie-
fore the next general election and
biennially there after to lie known
board of
It is the duty of the county beard
to appoint all registrars and judges
of election in their respective
ties, they have the power to
remove any registrar or judge of
election appointed by them for
failure to Qualify
the time prescribed by law,
failure to discharge the duties of
after qualifying, or for any
other cause. The
county boards hold at the
ids. l. 1900.
Notwithstanding, the awful
out in the war
with thousands of whom
were made aids and unlit
by eating the so-called canned
beef, the War
baa ordered a big lot of the stuff
ti, Philippines for the
of our over there.
Miles is nun h opposed to this
meal at be during war
with Spain, and the War Depart-
meal without consulting
was an Ohio Sher-
Cent. Invent meat
Taxes Paid by
c Drewry, Pres.
S Vice Tie-. I
J X II riding, Atty. a
Allen. Secretary i S
W Primrose. J
Annual Coupons, 18.26 each.
Payable in June and December at
Commercial and Farmers of
Raleigh. Secured by
gage on residence property worth
double if loans,
principal payable ten after
dale of issue, are being sold a
cash payment of which gives
the owner fire and one third per
it ii. per free of taxes on
who i the phrase I Ural coat, and a profit of nearly
which has sine, become so widely maturity, rank
going home lo look
after Mr.
who is in Ohio, week, Bald
before leaving Washington,
In was going to after repairs
to my which is a slight
bill means the same thing to the
initialed, a more coin
tho repairs upon
a total Of seven net
cent, per This is one of
lie safest and beat investments on
the market. Loans made on
property of eight
For further particulars, address
Mechanics and Investors Union,
Allen, Sec. Raleigh. N. C.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
house, at ,,., they
Men's, Women's and Children's and
Horse and Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Bead Is,
Plows, Plow Fixtures, Nails and Hope.
for Furniture and everything in Hue.
We buy Strictly for Cash, but sell for lather Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
should require bis personal
during the same week in which
Republican Slate Convention
will be held
Senator Wellington has
reach the diseased portion of
the ear There is only one way lo
cure deafness, and i-
remedies. Deafness is
ed by an Inflamed condition of the
lining of the
left the party, I Tube. When this tube la inflamed
and made this have a rumbling sound or
For Presidential
boards the various senatorial; s Are you single, married,
districts shall at a designated w, widower, or
will of the State and the general, ., married
W ill
New York, April
a German girl, having
lost all her money a board
house enterprise, j umped from
the Brooklyn bridge today
was not hurt enough to keep her
lied more than three or four days.
She became three hours
after she wits taken from the river,
and told Urn hospital surgeons who
were working over her she
did not remember jumping from
the bridge, that
it was crime poor girl who
had lost all her money her
friends limp from a bridge if
she to.
Sermon on A
Under the beading quoted, the
Times gives its local
merchants a sound talking to
the subject of their publicity. It
seems that a number of these gen-
try have recently been seduced
from tho plain path of virtue b
certain glib pro
motors, who ostensibly proposed to
boom the business, i provided for in the
who really served chiefly their on or before the
may la- removed for cause
more than fifty dollars or
not more than thirty
days for continuance in the
of the of
after having been removed.
The law provides also fur the
of the county not
latter than the first Monday in May
1800, and biennially there after for
organization by the election of a
chairman and secretary and Ike
vision of the county into j
The. may adopt the present I
ion or may alter it, there j
lie at least one polling place each
precinct. Twenty notice
through public journal
must be given of any alteration.
Au entirely new registration is
election returns from the board
county canvassers and declare the
result of the I ion of State Ben-1
or Senators, and shall also
furnish of election to
How main children;
Number of children living.
Sex of these children.
Ill Where were you born If ill
the Stales, give Stale or
other successful candidates if of foreign birth, give
qualify officers so elected name of the country only.
on the Monday in December, ii Whore was your father born t
The chairman shall also on or be- Same condition
fore the fifth day after general foregoing. I
election transmit to the Speaker f of foreign birth, when did
the House of Representatives idled Slates
of the election for state of-
Chairman of county boards shall
employed, live cents per
mile traveling in actual discharge
payment to be made by the
several counties. Members the
Durham Recorder has issued
a handsome Industrial of
large pages.
ends. Roseate prospects were
painted tor their
but one leading
after due trial of the scheme,
tired that he bad lost by it.
All of which loads the Times lo re-
mark i
Times desires to say a word
to those business mm caught by
such transient, futile schemes for
advertising, and to those who are
so ready to give an ad. to any and
all sorts of temporary program,
pamphlet or poster enterprises for
which they ore solicited.
men, plant your advertisements
the newspapers, where they may
lie referred to every week. Make
a yearly contract with the editors,
June and biennially thereafter
county is required to
appoint one registrar for each
and on or
Monday in July it shall also name
two judges of elect ion for each
who shall lie men of good
and of political
persuasion. The board
shall also the size and
color of ballots to be voted in such
election and shall furnish
to the clerk of the Superior Court
twenty live samples of such tickets.
The board shall also provide ballot
boxes for the several polling places
general control of the
The chairman of county
Hi How many have
resided in the Coiled States
I Have you been naturalized
receive i per day for lime ac ow many since
Id What is your occupation,
trade or lutes
lion applies persons
county boards an allowed age or
day for service actually rendered. iii many months during
the are you employed
How many you
attended school
Can you read
Can rite
These are census questions Give main facts
be tolled upon to
When the Census Man Shall
Surname. Christian
Relationship of call member
to the head of the .
I Color rice.
ii Age at last birthday.
Day, month and tear when
own in
hull live
Do you I be hons
If you own th
is ii
lire or mortgaged same
to I'm ins.
was opposed lo the permanent ac-
of the to
the per cent, duty on
can imports lo United Slates.
This being position, I do
intend to support a platform that
is against my convictions such
Important particulars. I do not
intend to remain a member of tin
republican National Committee,
no, it, attend National
There arc numerous prom-
republicans both branches
if Congress who believe as
Senator Wellington does,
whether an of them ill show
that have courage of their
convictions by following bis exam
pie. remains to lie seen.
Made Or a ll lie
When meets liar then there's
music by the quire.
There's music
tho man who ii very
hi knows mashed.
in good deeds here, gather
the coupons of Interest over there.
boom is a
political sea in a rotten tub Without
a rudder.
A days are not so
alter all. If the palm hap-
pens to be bis mother's.
In the matrimonial combination
it frequently happens hat
band i
Some people make a shut for
Heaven, but gel side-tracked be-
fore the round-house -in
off lying in
half the population would
be without an
when hypocrites
j phrases each other greet, then
it i- the devil lake- time to ell
If the Russian bear should en
in British
lion, will cornea fearful
Fraud for fools
and i it'll people ill
lather Imagine
heart be
of jeans; a
hollow In ill under a of
Tho world is blind
and follies of man,
menu, east it n
perfect hearing, and when it is
closed, is the result,
and the lie
taken out and this restored
to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever; nine
COSeS out Of It'll are caused by Ca
which is nothing but in
condition of the mucous
We Will give One Hundred
for any of deafness
ed by that cannot be cured
Catarrh Cure. Band for
Co.; Props.,
Sold by druggists, foe. Hall's
Pills arc the best.
Dr. ii. u
N. C-jaw
Fleming store.
per Chills and
Malaria, and
back if doesn't.
Nu oilier as good. the kind
with lied Crow on the label.
Sold and guaranteed by Woolen.
Bryan and druggists.
A woman who bad ignored a sub-
to appear a witness in a
laud, Km. before the
by tho Sheriff to for
the Judge, severely,
have you mil obeying
none. Mi she replied,
I we down at
our . id i thought you
might be kinder
Court was instantly
adjourned and Judge, Sheriff
onlookers fur

Book Store
i the
i ;, ii of State
adopted the General An
MB, to be submit
to the voter for ratification
I next
That VI of the
of North Carolina I
mil the same is hereby abrogated
and in lieu thereof shall be
the following article of said
Every male person
born the States, and
every male person who has
naturalized, twenty-one years of
age, and possessing the
set out in this article, shall
deny the being of Almighty God
Second, nil persons who shall have
been or their
guilt on indictment pending, and
. or not,
judgment suspended, treason
or felony, or crime for
which the may be
the penitentiary,
since becoming citizens of the
lulled or and
in office, such
person shall be restored to the
rights of citizenship a
prescribed by law.
See. act shall be in force
from and after its ratification.
Arrest .
as by the timely use
T I v.-r old and
. it i. i of increasing
Always cum
all bilious diseases.
Pens, Pencils.
an i bonanza
bold II.-
All Magazines.
M Matte
Full Sheet Poster.
The Eastern Reflector
is only a year
news week,
Information lo tin-
especially ill grow-
tobacco, that
many limes more than the
subscription price.
Cum s Parker f Pen
be entitled to vote at election
by people in the State, except
us other prov
See. He shall have resided in
the State of North Carolina for two
year, the six mouths,
and in the precinct, ward or other
election district which offers
to vole, four mouths next proceed-
the election Provided, That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
the same county, shall not ope
rate deprive person of the
right lo vote III the precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he removed, until four
months after such removal. No
person who has bean convicted, or
who has confessed his guilt in open
court upon indictment of any crime
the punishment of which is, or may
hereafter lie, imprisonment in
prison, shall lie permitted to
vole, unless the said person shall
be Oral restored to citizenship in
the manner prescribed by law-
See. person offering to
vote shall at the time I legally
registered voter as herein
and in the manlier
provided by law, and the
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
carry into the provisions of
this article.
Sec. Every person presenting
for registration shall lie
able to read and write any section
of the constitution in the
and. before lie shall be
entitled to vole, have paid on or
before of March of the
year which he proposes to vote,
his poll la us prescribed by law.
for the previous year. Poll taxes
shall be a lien only on assessed
property, no process shall issue
to enforce the collection of the same
except against assessed property.
gee, No male person who was,
January I, WOT, oral any lime
prior entitled lo vote tin
the laws of any Stale in
Stales wherein he then re-
sided, and no lineal descendant of
j such person, shall lie denied
the right In and vole at
any election this Stale by person
of his failure to possess I he
section I of Provided,
be shall have registered accord
the terms of this section
prior to I, I MM. The
Assembly shall provide fur
a permanent record all persons
who register under I his ion on
all such persons shall lie entitled
The wen- mining stories
Che com law
of lb
TUe oilier la era around
bed Br of ll
I walled for to begin Mr.
Reese Inn row a chew of
co tail
of Be
miners well have
a great deal of looking
for of range,
are for It yet-
famous a found and
Id the fall of A of
from Iowa county, Colo.,
lo the tall a
trip party Hi
II Steamboat
In of
moved up Into camp on
Bock range of
Colorado One of
a druggist. bail trip
for but health lie knew of
bad been by an
old miner I left Iowa not to be
fooled, as a bad been,
by what Is as or
Iron pyrites So druggist no
. rocks, but
lo bunting and
fl i-ii while hunting for
deer be Ma l a line buck in
ruled him The buck fell,
but git up inn before the
could get Where he fill n a
pool of showed that he
badly wounded. trailed
by till blood on the
and graM for a mile
found butt bad lain
I rising gone on again
Ibis way the
and who
was sat down on an
Of lo rest
of the h.
bad not which way lie
and be be was lost in Hie
heavily timbered with
coming on lie knew
be useless to
night, so he n pile of
dead and a lire
the ledge of risks laid down With
feet to bin and lo
loop. lying lie noticed
the rocks sparkled In lie
got up and it, supposing It
was be bad been
ed against. Hut rock looked so
pretty that be broke on several piece
put them In the pocket of his
coat, intending
back to low as curiosities.
next day lie all Hie
Hun found the
pass road over range and followed
II lo the camp That very
regular begun.
and I be broke returned to
Springs from there
. name I have
-ii-ii. for a few
day-- on Ida way lo his Iowa
In lobby of a hotel in the
talk drifted to mining, and the drug-
d of
be I and
An old miner never a
a s-i and ill this group
the hotel I
or lie lo shown
III Ills
up the old coal from
Ills and look mil
Money makes de boss go. but it
lakes a pine persuade
Oar's blossoms enough in de
lei bide all de graves
sorrow kin make.
I got no fault at all dis
It's so bright
git's blinded at it
Some folks think day
is so fur kin long
Satan ketches bolt
liar's alias one river
cross; but sometimes tie
is asleep, you got swim
lie only way make a garden
dis is lo take good
tie en see
plenty en
De com-
business pleasure. He
his whilst he is a
en God
for it,
makes sound sleep en pleasant
dreams at night. Hut some folks
ever II cornea a rich
to the worn run down, and That
the from badly
thin, blood and an body, a by a
The weariness, and nervous prostration which accompany
the heal of M and once. For
and all ailments the brain and nerve, insomnia, and
It Is almost a specific. II furnishes the very lo worn-oat
tissues. It brain, nerve and nerves, calming and their n
makes rich, red honest blood. Newness of life, new hope, new
use. It the wee and the old young again.
It was the antiquated now happily method lo the good old times, W
Vest Salt Rheum, and other from
BLOOD TAINT with powerful such as mercury, and other
MM It w by treatment that the poison could be killed while the Wood
was to course through its holding in circulation the of the
But in this way. every part of bod, became more or
be mow terrible than a horribly blood taint. It only
the structures the body, but many the bones are
It oiler, seeks out and cord, and again It will bring de-
cay and death to some vital organ, kidneys, liver or only one
cure of blood taint. That la, PURIFICATION I
the blood must be removed through the the lungs, kidneys,
and skin. First pure, then greet restorative, and
the blood, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex-
the taint, tut also removes all mercury, and other
and fills veins arteries with the ruby, current of vitality.
life Good means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON a
SARSAPARILLA. Is regarded the Blood Purifier
This fart la now beyond question or cavil.
. October
and Night Sweats
Chill Tonic at per
bottle. lo lake. Money
refunded if it fails.
petite, makes
you well. None as
by Drug
Co., Va., sold and
guaranteed at drug stores of
Having this day before
of the of
s of the of M. I.
notice i
all against
talc in them to tor
duly on tin
1901, or this will be
plead in bar of their All persons
to said MUM are bi nuke
immediate payment lo me.
This day or March 1900.
I. II. Ad
M. I.
i blow. Attorneys.
notice to
S. M. Schultz,
Wholesale retail
Furniture Dealer, lash paid for
I'll r, Col I oil Seed, Oil
Turkeys. Egg, etc. lied
Mattresses, Oak
by Carts,
Suits. Tables, Sales, P.
Meat Tobacco, Key West
Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Soap,
Lye, Food, Matches, Oil,
Col ton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Candies, Dried Apples,
and Ware. Tin mid WOOden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Sewing and nu-
goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap Come
to see me.
mM M
Clerk of
K. Allen
notice la hereby given h all
sons claims against -slate b
payment, duly ail-
1901 or this notice will be plead In
their All persons
ed to will make pay-
in me. March 2nd 1900.
of Allen.
Service every 2nd lib
Sunday morning.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Kev.
J. N. Booth,
m. C. D.
I superintendent.
I every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening.
N. M. Sunday
I p. m. W F. Harding,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
a. K. B.
Court Clerk of Pitt as
tor estate of Craft,
it. to all
lo Mid lo make nay-
lo and all
having claims said estate must
game for payment before the
day March, 1901 Ibis notice will be
plead in bar of
day of March,
I r r--1
James K
-Mail. Hulls
and vole all elections I f gold I have ever
people in this Slate, unless
under of
such persons
shall have paid their poll as re
by law.
See. Ii. All elections by the
pie shall be by and all
i shall be viva
See Every voter in North
M in Ibis
shall lie eligible lo of
before entering the
the he shall take
. tin swear
I ill
maintain and las
United and con
ion laws
Una not
I ill discharge
duties of my
So help me,
Sec. following classes of
persons shall lie
First, nil persona who shall
The Si Co., of
ti. M I A. K. Tucker W.
Tucker by
or day of
m All indebted lo the
will please make settlement with
either of named. All
having the Arm will please
their tn ll. at. Tucker at mice.
Ii. M kill,
A. K
virtue a the
Court of Pitt county in a
Martha Aim Tyson mid others
against Andrew Vines and
In sell land I partition. Tim
t will fur
Court House in Hal-
May the
piece, parcel kind,
in Bearer Dam
containing Hires, inure or less, it
K. ll-
This April IS moo.
The in Ural Hun
lie With bill III lust
he obi lo lake I
II Of to
ii,, tin was sails-
lie until her piece of
U. i . i in mi
Hull n gold
. i ISM lull
i i. nine to
ill ,. ill. i.
, i. . i. HI lull, lo
. ii .
. every
II ii harking M
i s inn it.
. i n In en
I'm Kier
the l
ten l
In i.
Opera House every 2nd Sunday
morning and night. D. W.
Davis, pastor.
A. F. ft A. M.
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. M. See
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
B. O. K. Griffin,
K. of Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
It. M. C. T. M. Hooker,
K. I,
B. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday
W. B. B. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. F. hall. J. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first third
Hall. J. Z. Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, San.
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday Odd
Hall. W. B.
in i ii i-.
Whichard, N. C.
complete in every
and prices as low its the
Highest market prices
aid for country produce.
. i
i hi. H
I l of
the ll .
of -i nil of
la not
us In. In
In a pa
The rills
child has at
iv. i
a very and useful re
v l
My res Washing
ton daily at I A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville
V, M. for Washington.
Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M.
leave fur
at ti A. M. curries freight only.
New York
ton, mid for all points for the West
with railroads Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
i Mil s. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Hay Line from
and Lino front
Washington, N. U.
Greenville, N. C.
soviet Al to CD
. r
No p
I can now lie in
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J, B.
The Eastern
OUR l c-k.
Beware lb Man
State Ticket
Folks who U,
as it may appear,. , of
smoking is practically
of Wayne.
For Lieutenant
For of
of Pitt.
Bl It. LACY,
of Wake.
For Attorney
of Hay wood.
Superintendent Public
of well.
For and
of Davidson.
For Corporation
of New Hanover.
For Presidential Electors at
of Cumberland.
How a
Appeal Funds.
known Cuba or Puerto
observed an who
has recently returned from
islands, as well known,
is principal crop
very one uses They regard it
as so much time lost to use tobacco
in a pipe. to
use pipes they cannot net them, for
the simple reason is no pipes
for sale. Th natives them-
selves cigars, cheroots
cigarette, and many of them did
not know couple of years
ago there was some benighted
people who supposed that smoking
tobacco a pipe was enjoyable
mI to any great ex-
tobaccos are, of course, not suited
to pipe smoking, for it is grown
with idea of lug as large
as possible and as
can get, not considering that
stems have any value,
regard lo smoking In-
is remarkable. indeed,
there Is no word the Spanish
for smoking
Bits -I News Cur Both.
Raleigh, N.
To the Democrats of North Caro-
We are engaged in n campaign
of We every
white man North Carolina, to
understand amendment. We
want no in North Car-
to be misled by the
falsehoods and
that our are
ting with reference to this
it la certain that if while
of Slate do understand the
amendment, its effects upon
State and the
that they will give it such a ma-
as no measure submitted to
the people has ever Wore received
in of Slate,
will give ticket representing
this measure the most decisive ma-
of recent years.
To print and distribute
and to circulate papers and to
defray other expenses of
such a campaign us we are now on-
gaged in is expensive requires
ready money. Your committee i
practically without funds. Indeed
for last three weeks it has
been borrowing money to meet
current expenses.
The committee takes this
of appealing to the Democrats
all the of good govern-
and White Supremacy in the
Slate to pay the
of the campaign. We feel
this appeal will not lie in vain.
Contributions ran lie sent direct-
to the Chairman of the Commit-
tee at Raleigh will be duly
Yours truly.
F. M.
Two girls met a dry goods
store other day. They hail
evidently not seen each other for
some lime, the trend of their
conversation proved.
limes we used lo
have at the said one.
Hike our own
replied the other, than on
the Ob, say, where is my
old Hume Ferry I the world
don't say Who
of all replied
friend, Hushing.
The conversation drifted, but a
short time later its old
Say, remarked Perry's
wife, you meet in
Sun added,
told me that summer he was
there I he could not live with-
Yes, I met him in
fellow I feel sorry for
him. He is ii yet, I
You don't say Who
Luke Herald.
who peddle
a and profitable source
of fraud. But folks to
be humbugged. They ea it
live without it.
A few days ago a citizen who
represented himself a brother
of Kev. of
bury, went town sold
spectacles to various unsuspected
ladies at a high price. Some
of them bough from him
he was supposed lo Is.- John
latter is
minister of Sails
thought that the
a preacher must
lie a good man. Alas for human
But other bought
the idea that the man was Dr.
of Charlotte--who is a
Brother of
the representative.
Anyway they bought spectacles
of paid for
them in of the realm at
the late of three or four times their
value. Now they are
bill good Mr. or who
ever he is has gone lo greener
fields and new.
Bring along the next humbug
We'll lie ready to give him
I ml mark .
We are still the of the after your patronage
We offer you beat selected line of .
General Merchandise
to any store Pitt County. Well choice
selections, the creations of the beat of America
and Europe. Seasonable all year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We arc work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage ll is our pleasure to show you what you want and to
sell you if we can. We offer tin- very beet polite
attention, and moat liberal terms with a well
established up Strictly on its own merits.
When you coma to market you will nut do
if you do MB our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
us and the following line of general merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Caps, Silks and Satins,
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Everything; Is
With Mrs. Eddy but v.
crop can
grow with-
out Potash.
Every blade of
Grass, every grain
of Corn, all Fruits
and Vegetable
have If
enough i supplied
lbs. Mary Baker
Christian i- generous
enough to counsel her fellows to
to vaccination the
law it. Eddy no
doubt knows, or thinks she knows,
poi i- a mere deli
of the which will.
give way at once when the mind must
Is made right; but to, for that mat-
U limn her stand-
point. The thing, however, j you can count on a full crop
Mr- Eddi treats real
atone .
goes will be
genuine money, and U takes of
a book.
if tun little, the growth will be
Cut i- u
Mrs. Eddy puts money on the same
her evil-
ideal, she a
plain- a
U, mere
nut lie Christian or wholly I
Cent. Investment with
Taxes by Company.
from the standpoint of
her ton .
-J t
iii i Journal.
r Summer School
It looks if Uncle Hum would
have Doth before
many yours to his age.
There is talk now in Europe
that Monroe doctrine, that may
yet get this into trouble
unless it is dropped. The idea of
this country to dictate
to the nations us to the countries in
America, is moving some of
to talk with some
It Is almost certain that if
Slates shall ever attempt to cur-
out the principles of the Mon-
roe doctrine that of a very
character will follow, and
more than one will
have to be it is
said that Herman has its eyes
upon and other
South it-nil countries. lie-
ii to an appeal
grout Weekly,
Spectator, the
says that proposition is that
while has not the least
III will toward the united Mates,
lint, on the contrary, very Ion-
affect Inn, tho
of empire
doctrine as a
manger attitude which
will not for
moment after having Tully
Shippers the War Tax.
The Supreme
Court, with
bus decided that the express com-
cannot be prevented from
to the shipper the
Of stump taxi's by the
war revenue act. When law
was passed it was claimed
the rich carrying corporations
would be compelled to hear u large
share of the burden of taxation.
The lobbyists of these corporal ions
evidently were on hand earning
their salaries, however, for the
language as pass-
ed so ambiguous as to leave
much doubt as to the intent of Con-
with respect to the incidence
of luxes Imposed. The express
companies at proceeded to re-
th shipper tO affix
stumps, and the of
lust resort now sustained their
right to do so. Thus entire
burden of this portion Of war
taxation is shifted to the people,
while the corporations was in-
tended to reach go free.
II is time that u large portion of
the war taxes were repealed, and
Hume bearing most heavily on
people should be lo go.
Mao's, Women's and Children's and
Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour, Sugar, Collie, Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Halls and Hope.
fur Furniture and everything in line.
We boy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
seventh will begin
next continue for
four weeks. The faculty will In-
inure than eminent
instructors There will U-
instruction in the boat methods of
teaching ail of the branches taught
in the lauding public and private
schools, high schools and
mils in the South. Since its es-
sis years the I
summer school has c
ranked with the best
of the count I . The
of this year surpass
of former y ears.
This year for the first time
history, the University have a
summer term offer regular
university courses.
Many a teacher desiring to
sue advanced course during hi-
vocation, many a college student
who wishes to early on his Studies
the summer months
S Wynn. Vice Pies.
X Holding. Ally,
t Allen. Secretary.
CO Latin.
with SO Semi
Annual Coupons,
Payable in June and December at
Commercial and Farmers Bank of
Raleigh. Secured by first
gage mi residence properly worth
double amount of loans, with
principal payable ten years after
dale of issue, are sold for a
cash payment of which gives
to the owner lire and one per
per annum free of taxes on
Oral cost, and a profit of nearly
twenty per cent,
a total of than seven per
cent, per annum. This is one of
the safest and best investments on
the market. Loans made on red-
property of eight
For furl her address
Mechanics and Investors Union,
Goo. Allen, Sec., N. C.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
thus hasten his graduation, local applications as they
many men and women who can at-
tend college in- the University only
during June, July and August will
learn gladly of this new departure.
Members of tho summer school
during the four weeks ii is in
attend summer
classes free of
For circulars giving full
board, and courses taken
f study, address
vi vs.
in M. C. S.
of the
Summer School,
Chapel II ill,
Doesn't Live Hare.
The people
in towns is will mil their
bread waters unless
are assured in in u
days will comeback lo I hem
in a full grown sandwich, all
with ham. butler inns
turd and rolled in u deed
for one half the earth and u
on Other
It perfectly right for men lo
be. miking
but a mini who has made
in a even
from by of bis own
and energy, owes the
community some liberality in re-
turn. If he not had public
he not have
his money, and he ought to
this when publics interest
appeals lo In ml Neck
Common wealth.
We have just n lot of Hen I
Single and Double horse. Call and s-e
them before baying. We also curry a lino of
Headquarters For
Ready Roofing Ready Mixed
From all over the State
news that the lead-
taken back seal and lei while men
be nominated. Nothing shows so
completely the of the
groan a voter. One
It went live
bi lei Duller and
ticket, and
vote for without truest ion. They
land as an mass,
out motion and without sense. A
hundred mules would
vote as Suppose it
was suggested to tho two hundred
and odd while voters of
they should
and hall a lie-
nominate a ticket of
for vole The Unfit-
of the to vote Is
no mailer whether he Is
demanding place to Oil,
w her he is
and v w
the of some party lead
mil the diseased portion of
ear. There is only one way to
cure deafness, and that is contain
remedies. Deafness is
ed by an Inflamed condition of the
mucus lining of
When this tube is inflamed
have a rumbling sound or
perfect hen ring, and when it is
closed, deafness is the result,
and unless the can lie
ml this tube restored
lo its normal hearing
will be destroyed forever; nine
eases out of ten are caused by Ca-
which is nothing but in-
condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred
for any case deafness
ed by catarrh I that cannot be cured,
by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for
F. Co.; Props.,
Sold by druggists, Hall's
Family Fills are the
The mot her of Hon. W. Turn
nominee for Lien
died Monday
morning her home in
years old.
The in
Wake County, was nibbed Monday
night, The safe was blown open
in Stamps and cash
was taken. The postmaster also
own money.
Office over
and fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill It is simply
quinine inn tasteless form
No pay. Price Mr.

Eastern reflector, 27 April 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 27, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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