Eastern reflector, 13 April 1900

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The Reflector
deny the
been o their
guilt ponding, and
lie being of Almighty God
bell r
i following i the
of lac stair roost it a
Iron, As ,
, ,, . . , of
1899, and to be .,
led I i voters tor
Pens, Pencil's.
or felony, or for
tho punishment may be lot-
in the penitentiary.
of Ike
Called corruption
in miles-
person shall be to the
of of in a manner
by law.
Bee. Thai art shall be in
no from and after its
S-i ion 1- That article Viol the
-oust ion of North Carolina be
t M same is hereby abrogated
mil in lieu thereof shall
e. i I
ill not in ;
i. . in time will
Sick Mead
, a id kindred diM
Liver PILL
Major Grant Opposes Of-
received for
Every male person
born in th United States, Goldsboro, N April
every male person bent lily white county eon
twenty-one years of house
ace. and the qualifies- this afternoon. Mai. II. L.
lions set in Ibis article, shall I called the convention to order and
be entitled to vote at election a of
by the people in the Stale, except
herein otherwise provided. He said part, for twenty
Bee. Be shall have he had fought lo down the
the State of North Carolina for two
rears, in the county six months, lag the ascendancy of the to
and in the precinct, ward or
election district in which he offers that would eventual
to vote, four months next J H
the Provided, that respect t II. E. the
removal from one precinct, ward chairman the executive
or other election another committee. He said
in the same emit v. shall not ope assumption of power w improve-
ate in deprive am person of the dented and that be had
right lo vole the ward been paid for into attempt to ride
or other election district from rough shot as had done.
give us a call.
elector Urn
As Fate Would Have It.
Many years ago an Arkansas
youth, on leaving the home of his
sweetheart latent received
a severe kirk as he out of
door. His beloved had not
responded definitely to his
of marriage, but had assured
him she would soon let
know what she could do for him.
He mi fortunately two tender
hearts, took the answer
and departed for a far wild
country. Here he brooded over
and his broken heart
until his beard grew down to his
knees and became Roman.
As fate would have it. its fate
ways has it. he turned up late one
sad evening when the straw-
neck hens were quarreling on the
roost and row was low-
mournfully for her hungry off-
spring. A young man some six
feet tall met the lonely visitor. It
was one of sous, born, from
lime to tune, unto his old love.
Explanations followed. It wan
girl who him thirty
which ho has removed, until four Major put on v, ,,,,. Ber
months after such removal. N to the ,.,.,. She loved Mm. It
person who has been convicted, or but said time he was as all dear now. lie went
who has his guilt opposed to a holding office, ,, off Wini
Visiting Card
Sheet Poster
The Eastern Reflector
H l year mid
dip news e cry week.
Vt'S i die
r i
t,; . ,
upon of any crime
the punishment of which i. or
hereafter the
Mate prison, shall be permitted to
vole. Unless said person shall
be first restored lo citizenship in
the manner prescribed law.
See. Every person offering lo
vote-hall be at the time a legal
registered voter as herein
ed and in the manner
provided law and the General
of Carolina shall
general laws
into effect the provisions of
this article.
s-.-. I. Every person presenting
himself registration shall be
able to read write any
of the constitution in the English
and. before he shall be
lo vole, have paid on or
year he poses lo vote,
his tax as prescribed law,
for previous year. Poll
shall be a lien on assessed
property, and process shall issue
lo enforce the collection of the same
except against property.
See. N. p,
Ion I. lime
thereto, to rote
the laws of any State
. Wales wherein he then re-
sided, and no lineal descendant of
such person, shall denied
lo register and rote at
any election in tins state by person
of his failure lo possess the
section I of this article Provided,
he shall hare registered in accord
sure with terms of this
prior to December I, The
Assembly shall provide
a permanent record n all persons
who register under this section on
or before November I, and
all such persons shall be entitled
to and vote at all election.
by the people in this Stale, union
disqualified under of
Provided, persons
shall have paid their poll tax as re-
quired Us.
Sec All elections by the pen.
pie be ballot, and all
elect ions Assemble
shall be v rot n.
Sec livery
as in this article ,,,,.,
. ti shall to of-
lire, but before entering upon , j,, ,
duties of he shall lake ,
subscribe the following
do swear
I will support
maintain the constitution and laws
of the United Mates, and the
and laws of North Caro
that I will discharge the
So help me,
Bee. x. The following classes
shall lie
office First, all persons who shall
and i lieu lest of his
was made be
vole for a or give up his Re-
he would give up his
Republicanism. He took the
that an educated looked
to but
leaching and polities. He said
that while a under con-
had a right lo bold office,
yet public sent Intent was stronger
with the and kicked
himself down the
Daily News.
M. Schultz.
W and retail Grocer and
Furniture Healer, paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
than law. was steads, Mattresses. Oak Sails. Ba-
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
opposed to holding office,
of Congress
White, lie said, addressing
himself have
not a worse enemy to
Major Gran took position
that White had dishonored and
Suits. Tables. Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail
Meat Key West
American Beauty Can-
Cherries. Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, rap. Jelly. Milk,
Flour, Sugar. Coffee,
Lye, Magic Matches, Oil,
disgraced the Republican party by Cotton Seed Meal Hulls.
raw the color line, and had den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
virtually said. control the Candies, Dried Applet, Peaches,
. , . , . , Prunes, Currents,
control poll- ,,,, . . , .
. and i ware, tin and n
ties. n nominated, he said. Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
White would never be elected; tool, Cheese, Real Batter, mi
Democrats many Re- other goods. Quality and
publicans would see to his defeat.
Some Queer Law.
It is of course n mutter
to pass which there is
not some valid in some
feature of it, or one that dues not,
c circumstances, work
A case hen-
illustrates it. are given
for good reasons.
A well known
possessed of
died several years ago, leaving
two both of whom were of age
when he-lied. One was married
and other noon afterwards
married. Both of these sons died
Cheap for cash. Come
to see inc.
n v
JOHNSTON'S u t Stood and Nerve t
heaven to worn the run don. overworked and debilitated. Thai
i sinking which arise badly
thin, blood and an underfed body, vanish ., Iv i
The weariness lassitude and accompany the
time and the heat of summer, a-e conquered and at once. For every form of
and all ailments the brain Insomnia, hysteria and
it is almost a specific. It very to rebuild worn-out nerve
tissues. It feeds brain, centers and nerves, and their action; It
rich. red. honest Newness of life, new hope, new follow
use. It makes the weak strong, and the old
It was the antiquated now In the good old times, lo
treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula. Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising
TAINT with powerful such as arsenic and other
agents. It was expected by this treatment that the could be killed while the blood
was to course through Its channels holding In circulation specific of the
disease. But In this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased.
ran be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. It not only attacks
the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed
destroyed, seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again II will bring de-
cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or There Is only one
scientific method tor the cured blood taint. That Is. PURIFICATION I Every particle
of the blood must be removed through the channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels.
liver skin. First pure, then The great restorative, and
the blood. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and
removes but also removes all mercury, and other minerals,
tills veins arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. blood Is
Ike Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy. JOHNSTON'S
SARSAPARILLA, Is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever
This fact is ; x established beyond question or cavil.
. . t . ,. Byron. Mich. October 1.04
A Co.
In tact t JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA Stood Poison, caused
M c ct my I had SEVEN RUNNING SORES or my lacs. I t- N m
sis cured. I know It If hat cured me. C. W
f K
hit day to Clerk f
In- Coon of Pitt
is I., all persons
lo them
to tar duly on
or before the 86th day of
or tins will be in tr of their
A II raid i-
late will make i me
It. S. Jambs,
a E.
N- II Mi. I IN A
I I I .
j- In I
r Smith.
. I ll
. t r Divorce
we named will lain
i as above
tin- Superior
tin ,,
Having this day qualified the
Clerk Conn of cons t.
notice lo all
claims said state to
to for
or before the
March 1901,. r will be In
in. recovery All
will make
to me. 2nd loon.
Executrix of K. Allen.
Court Clerk as
of B.
notice i-. hereby to
to said to make pay-
and all person.
h.-o ins
lay of tins notice will lie
in bar of recovery.
Tun mil day of Natch,
in--. and
i.; the sail Annie
will take
i i r- la to th.-
I. the said
i- on be Monday in
April. l i Court
X. C. answer or
i in or
, the will apply to the court for tin-
a after lbs rather, one of relief
then, leaving one child.
This child died recently and now Superior Coin
virtue of an order of the
Court, made tins in n certain
Nellie w III
the in
soil at public Mile fur certain lot
or panel of land in the town of
located i I be
of Mo. mill on
run. with the lines of Iota .
to i- . lots M
with line of lots No.
sixty and one half feet;
I with the first line lo fifth
trod; tin with fifth to
containing one of an
acre more or less and being a part lot
No. in the plan of said town. This Hie
day of March won.
under law all tin- property in-
from her grandfather re
I relatives, lier
raised her loll without,
ti,,. i i i Having tic day in
anything, Her father died When Clerk of Superior CW of
she a baby and her moth-1 of the estate of M.
. , , . notice is to
had to rear her . i .,,.,;., ,.
Of course the intent of law is to ma for par mm I
., . n In-fore tun
property must Stay in the notice will be
not be bawled down to the recovery
, . ,, to said arc lo make
t bar death II would re- i
w ho
. ate., and the share of
now to them,
he is left nothing,
ins day of March
I. II Ad
M I,.
i a Blow, Attorneys,
Whichard. N. C.
Stock It
photo, i 1111-11 a. market prices
Ours In Hood,
and re run cold In sari
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at l A. M. for
ville, leave daily at
M. for
Greenville Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. fur Tar
leave for
A. M. carries freight only.
Washington with
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for nil points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Boy Lino from Baltimore;
Men and Line from
Washington, N.
Greenville, N.
a. in.
Lay Services every 2nd and 4th
Sunday morning.
every Sun-
day, morning evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev,
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D. Rountree,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. in. W K.
i ti t -ti d en t
Sunday, mom i i evening,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday
a. m. E. B.
regular service, a
A. K. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. M. Reuse, Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every evening.
It. O.
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. M. C T. M. Hooker,
R. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. II. Wilson. It. M. It.
Lang, Sec.
In. O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
o. K. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. Smith, Hoc.
No. meets every second and
fourth nights Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith See,
a a. a a. a
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
can now lie found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. B.
The Eastern Reflector.
I ;
. H.
Ed. H.
Sat Down On Them.
When Hawaiian
bill was under discussion the
House of Representatives Thurs-
Congressman White
and of this
of Kentucky, of-
amendments to strike the
educational property
and the House very
sat down upon all
of although Mr. M
his amendment with a
frantic attack on the proposed eon-
for this
The position in which While and
found themselves was a
somewhat one, for if
they passed over in silence this
fort to establish
in Hawaii they could not consist,
oppose ii in North Carolina,
and yet they had reason to know
that these amendment would be
and thereby this
Republican would he
practically endorsing justify-
in the South,
for the arguments advanced for its
justification in Hawaii are the same
arguments as are advanced for its
justification in the only
difference being that have
illy more application and force
the South than they have
Hawaii where the purpose is
parent to get the native as a
voter and put the government in
control of a few thousand
cans and other white people of the
By this act the Republicans in
Congress them-
selves from movements
to restrict suffrage the South-
Wilmington star.
Some Things.
An exchange says that this is a
funny world Funny men When
everything does nut go just to suit
some they rash around to the
paper and order their ad stopped.
The cause may Is- jealousy of a
rival, and of the space betakes, it
may because ho can't keep his
rival off the same page with him-
self. Not willing to pay enough
for bis ad. to pay for the blank pa-
per i is printed upon, he expects
disposition of that
dictate who is who is
not to be admitted to the same
In their Jealousy and bigotry they
forget the hundreds of nice things
the paper has constantly said in
the past years, the many
extended, etc. Perhaps some
time in the past the paper has gen-
refrained from ventilating
that would have been a
hurt to the firm or members of the
firm. There nearly always
a lime when the paper, by speak-
or by keeping silent,
an angel of mercy, but nu-ii
gratefully forget
they rush in and order their ad,
topped tin a breathlessly
to see suspend the next
day. Funny men
Constitution In Bad Way.
I We hear a heap of chat these
whether or not
it follows It
used to. Of course it went slower,
I but it When the flag Hew
over Mississippi Texas and
the great western territories, the
constitution down on the levee
on the east bank of
took oil her shoe- and stockings,
and then like Cousin Dillard
her and waded over
I into the new empire. But the
j constitution la unwell. Sue
as pretty as she was when she was
is not as much thought
of. She's Sick, too, and even such i
good doctors as Ir. Rally, of Texas, j
Dr. of Maine, can't
I Hire her. the constitution I
I follow the An impaired;
it ion can't follow anything.;
Charlotte Observer,
Damaged By Tin Cold
The continued cold weather and
light frost part of
I the without a doubt re
; suited illustriously to some extent I
to the growing truck crops in the
Baa torn Carolina licit, ti rowers
who were here yesterday from
section, did not hesitate to
say besides being injured by the;
the crop is retarded material-
The wind yesterday morning I
kept off the but the tempera-
lure, which was only two degrees
I above freezing, considerably worst-1
led the young and tender plants of
I various varieties. Mr. W. J.
Boney, of Wallace, who here
yesterday told of material damage
to berries in low places and
reported some ice. Mr. W
Wells, of Columbus county, also
reported ice and spoke of damage
lo crops in his vicinity. Last
truckers do not speak so
of the prospect but
admit some damage to
the like. The moderation
which came
last night, was welcomed by the
may Is- behind in
things, Inn she has some unique
laws relating medicines.
Dr. that In Hex-
if buys a
of hair oil on which there la a label
stating that the preparation will
restore hair on if it fails
to accomplish the job he can have
seller arrested thrown into
Crowding of Professions.
The colleges and universities
and the law, medical and
schools are turning out too
many for professional work for
comfort for those who are striving
to make a livelihood in the learned
professions. The same I
in where we are told
a journeyman brewer makes batter
wages the salary of a
a Herman university.
Henna a good assay of the over-ed
who cannot make a living
by their learning are enlisting in
the socialistic and anarchist ranks.
Mechanical pursuits are as over-
crowded as the professions. The
over-crow it the professions in
Chicago is becoming
u estimated that out of a total of
lawyers Chicago are
handling the litigation of the city,
and only about are making
16,00 or over each year. While
the legitimate business of the
courts has not shown any marked
increase, the Influx of lawyers
the country baa been
and uninterrupted, and the stream
of been yearly
augmented by heavy contributions
the colleges and universities
Of doctors the number in
go is estimated If the
has a population of
this would give a physician to
inhabitants, which means
that there are four or live times ;
as arc needed.
on the conditions, the ;
Chicago Times Herald
a matter of fact, almost any
now commands a
annual Income than three-fourths
of tho lawyers doctors, while
the mercantile pursuits are much
more pit In spite of the mod-
tendency toward lug
Kind Deed
TO PEOPLE, nil Kits OF
We are
We offer
still in the forefront of the
yon the best selected Hue of
race after your
will always ft ml a ready
w Ling
halo i mi,
General Merchandise
I,, be found in any store Pin County. Well bought choice
selections, Ike creations of the best manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring. Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours our mutual ad-
vantage. It Is our pleasure to show you what you and to
sell you If we can. We offer you tin- U-t service, polite
attention, and the must liberal terms consistent with a well
established business up strictly on its own merits.
When you come lo market you will not do yourself justice
If you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
us the following lines of general merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Sal in-. Dress Trimmings
Jackets Capes, Carpels. Mattings and Oil
Women's and Children's
. Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour. Meal. Scud Is,
Casting-, and
Fixtures, Mails Bop
i in
for and in Unit line.
strictly for but ill for Kit her Cash or on Approved
I to is and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
St CO.
The New England small boy gen
shows capabilities
at a tender age, if he is ever going
to have them. I have heard of a
certain small boy who got
into the of leasing his
for pennies until last she said
to him; Willie. I don't
like in give you pennies if you
money you should go to work
and earn The boy remained
thoughtful for some lime. Then,
within a nays, the mother per-
that Willie bad plenty of
pennies. She wondered a bit
where he got them, but did not
question him. But one
day she noticed that some of a I . . . . . t
hullabaloo was going on back j April 16-21 1900.
yard. Looking out, she bow
lie surrounded by a mob of boys,
who yelling with delight,
She down Into the yard
w was
hack wall of house, ll
notice, quite neatly out
w a
small green worm, for cent
large green worm, for cent-
New-papers tell u- of murder-, only that farmer
rapes, thefts and such like, But , , , ,
raise them who has studied
die threat secret how to ob-
both quality and quantity
by the judicious use of well-
balanced fertilizers. No
can produce
a large yield unless it contains
at least Potash. Send for
. our books, which furnish full
information. We send them
free of charge.
them. Thai took her from her
work and cut off their bread. The
neighbor found it -cut in
abundant May
bless them. A.
Advertisement Point the way.
Advertisement point the way to
commercial bargains. spring
shopping begun, and careful
i. . columns of
favorite before starting
out to make purchases. With the
special of explained
to I in well-worded Use-1
Cent. Investment with
Taxes Paid by Company.
shopping is made easy, pleas J Drewry, Pres.
the breaking of
Colorado i several i in
rile city of .
damage. of dollars ii
I s Treas.
N II Ally. t
Allen, I
with Semi
Annual Coupons, 93.23 each.
June and December at
Commercial and Bank of
Secured by first
on residence properly worth
properly lives were lost. ; of loans, with
In . house near I
Petersburg seven
their lives.
, of i- arc being sold for
cash payment
. live and one-third per
annum free of taxes on
cost, a of nearly
percent at
a of more than seven per
cent, per annum. This is one of
the safest and best investments on
the market. made on
property of eight
For further address
and Investors Union,
Geo. Alien. Sec. N. C.
Pa., had a
dollar lire Sat
The Democrats carried the
elect ion at Load ville. Col.,
a luge majority.
Nathan Baldwin, u Ira veil
in poor health, cut his
yesterday at
protest against high loll
masked men blew up two lull
bridges and burned loll
Burlington j
pike applications as they can-
. . i i. reach the diseased portion of
A i,, ,,., ,
. the ear. I here is one way to
care deafness, and is
remedies. is cans-
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Philadelphia's Temple
has been placed on tax list,
despite the exemption of
property, became it was giving
promiscuous entertainments in
church building, to which
was had by the purchase of-
tickets, which were on Bale to tits
public tickets lo any other
secular entertainment art
It will a complete of the
North Carolina. of Farm and
I-. Film Stock Large and
exhibits o
product ,
saw up Oysters Wild
worm, for
I small green load, for
Willie apparently doing a
thriving His
interrupted any rate in her
ran hack yard. I don't
she had any Basil ranee
be still carrying It on some-
where Transcript.
Advertising undoubtedly lakes
away badness from those who
do not and gives lo
thane Who do, and who have
succeeded best, growing day by
day, have been those who have
bean the moat advertisers
in season and out of
A splendid Attractions, including
Wild Animal show. i
of Illusion-, and many before shown at a Fair
in this Stale
Cheap Excursion Rates
and Steamboat Line-.
Information, address
For Premium ,,;
nicely printed ., only
of continual to the user, but
In-lit ii to . m
of trier
I .
fl, n I
cant a lull
ilia i nil oh
The Reflector-
liver memorial adore
the of May
Al Chapel Mill
bill last
X. V.
A pap e did The i-c
ill i.-a I,
Pan inly, by T. Cab
. Moil bus lib ill i u
from the nice a- u candidate
the auspices Ann i
of Religious Education,
will be in Foundry M.
Church, Washington, i. begin-
on the instant.
Mix W. I. l. formerly
Alba de
la. n i from Cuba, I
a n i
late dealt i New
The jury. Xe York, in
of the Beau Co. bucket
last night returned a verdict of
guilty of larceny.
Fred at
I Indianapolis. In, fatally shot I
whom he for charges
him as an Fellow.
Greensboro and
are proposing to expend
r improved country roads.
C. w. former cashier of
Vt. has held In
for Court, on a
having waived a
The lower of the town
has n bin pro
-mis under Hi years age and b;
all pupils public
-i Sale- mi
had been
lied the Slate, I lie Ian-
led by an inflamed of the
mucus lining of the
When this tube la
you hale a I sound or
hearing, and when is in
closed, deafness is t be result,
Hides the can lie
this lube restored
lo ii- hearing
will lie destroyed forever; nine
of ten arc caused by Ca-
is nothing but an In-
lamed of the mucous
fin i
W- ill give Hundred
case of
ed catarrh cannot he cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
i free.
r. ii Props.,
Sold by druggist-. Hall's
are I.-1.
Dr. D.
S, T,
and fever is a bottle of
It is Simply
I ion and quinine Inn tasteless form,

pippin grower
. .
tend i iii-
i, rills, N. C, a-
, hen will be
B mention,
f ii u choice. The mm i
late Met hare a long i nil.
here the real succulent,
thoroughbred pippin
. i- ii slopes of
null these
and Other Nate
s;. r.
the Constitutional Amend- E of Book Club
and White Supremacy, and R remained r Mrs
everybody is Kin-. whole well earned reputation
m for planning and
Tin- annual of long been es
. ,, , ., , League of Christian to M the to the
. ,,.;, bring April . Has ,.,,, ,,, mi., beautiful i., b
, Al these lines H the of the Cent Utah
in print the State oaring the put winter.
ill be ready to be-
I movement in of sen city. At ; s. c-arr. evening the
rial primaries assumed such all point to one of Bas -Laymen and roll call with the exception
. lie I
. , . . .
Ii is accounted for increased
we believe
the politicians will have nerve
ii defeat it. Toe
Ion a ho in the machine
do a favor ii but the people
have no reason for opposing it.
mi Herald.
largest, most harmonious and most . ,.,.
conventions ever held
It was an excellent Will Harding, and Mrs.
Correspondents of m no i
Si have
i selection of candidate
j. of Public u
b left to the
Tim will hardly be
but the suggestion mi
u are ion.
do r
from all ill
toward Raleigh
will el could u-.
is to have i new
The trustees
of the
in on plans for this
structure. to
high and of brick, stuccoed.
Hie frontage will be feel
wing length.
The building will contain the
dining hall and an
urn that will seal people.
r v money for the new
ion subscribed Char
lot people.
and finely red. Jordan, who out
in the I Mrs. Ar
which it ill offer the of the a y
Of the best and strong , state glass vase Oiled with
eat, iron, -very point of view, that ha ,,. Mrs R. the gifted
-II, chosen Ionian ,,,., was the autocrat of the
Orleans ii
Dr. has not yet indicated j The the
his acceptance, and it is J first and Mrs.
n ml
. the Stale.
North Carolina
I her of her ablest II
i bus u
. at X
, i leading i
. . I his selection
Lr. Alderman i
lie c i . h
aid regret to Hi.
. e. he could
an oiler, lit
and i, ., , .
the p--i
his ow n
. when a place Bo . .
and more in . Ii i
aspirations is II It
natural that he w,
, . Beside bell g so mm
rank, the salary lit
than la . us
u. . ii
The of
ho Is in trust a fund Interest
of which must be used each year
for a medal
to the
lent. This year the hap
to to as much as
ii ml regents of the
i . sere at Brat how I-
i i large sum into one
which i held would
. . the
medal and
in cash, as was proposed, so
. d to enclose the n in a
i which gold
. no worked that ii could
lie taken and disposed
of us bolder might lit.
Wt arc the Fourth i
In the World
the Id Ship of State.
this result is more
reached this year than usual
for la out an for any
be who is not worthy
of nomination and who would not
a discharge its
the credit of himself, his and
his Male.
a of the leading
Democrats of the state have
here for several days, some of t hem
with head quarters established at
the hotels where they open
these arc not confined to the
hoped by his friends of the X.
that he to re-
main where lie DoW is.
White Supremacy campaign but.
tons have to make their
in the State. Chairman
has arraigned with a
for the manufacture of luge
numbers of them.
At the V. M. A. convention
at Charlotte last Friday W. N
Winston, was elected
president and W. B. Marks,
College, Secretary.
The death of ox State Treasurer
. woman in
line Mi u
two II .
a a old.
in cistern urn I i
or, then i ; .
, Jumping in
Of coin-. .
The w ii
I little hot,
her i. .
.-lie owe .;
. and ; .
f list
I , seems an ii i
. hut,
ever been bu
i; Traveler. Ii.
where yum
w lo come from And
s I, have i
II to secure ml i
W I, mil you bun .
i do in i i i
line i. I he
I like
n before Iran
T of
k ii. John Ii
l. of ii, ; I
o Is You give your
I. libraries and
W do you do for I
hanker, was
u line
for deposits
he knew bis bank, I be
Savings, of Chicago, III., was
he report which
.- to the house wit I
the naval appropriation hill i- .
comprehensive and artistic
tilled with
c riling our own and the other
vies of the world, and shows tin
result of his visit lo
Summer, According lo Mr.
I we stood So in the list of naval
power- years ago. Since then
we nave new ships MM,
and- the vessels
rank fourth naval pow-
a fourth . j
We are ahead of
i i day only i
. i he size of the Atlanta.
Another fact in the
Mr is that m-i
, whole of
in n ivy
ill bile
p i. i the h
en mil their first i
the . . mi n ;
ire and of lees
over i cent, are
positions the state
There is no going M. Worth, at
real Democratic reunion, and last week, was here by
if the best and a display of Hags on the
bravest and moat patriotic men at half mast.
the State. All
f the Amendment,
on a
me of the beat Treasurers
has ever had.
E. D. formerly of
, ail Bides one can hen then count of late years
-What are the Norfolk, was week elected
Amendment your physician at the
And as often heard the almost Central Hospital for the Insane of
unfailing Sear-1 Haleigh to succeed Dr. Davis, re-
or all the w bite people are signed.
it, and will vole ill The belief is growing here that
almost to a Sometimes Secretary state Cy. Thompson
frequently, will be beard will be the nominee for
the that there are a few J Governor, if he will accept
st ill holding against It. But honor. As to that, he refuses
ii is always added that this is be- to speak present.
erroneous impressions Ai exceptional lime this let
cl rough false allegations and as- is being just on the
o some of the of of Dem
State ticket, it is both
I I-. c In an
holding gang, particularly a few
western counties, when- the rev
heelers and other official hire-
ling have been industriously at
work trying to mislead
ale while men. Hut even these
have eye open to be-
fore election day. and their
or lethargy will over-
c mo.
One of the meat encouraging fen-
tuns, i present gathering is
I he presents of numbers of
old-time Democrats, who were
fooled and seduced by Butler and
his crowd in deserting their old
temporarily, but who are
now once aboard the old
craft again at her original
some of them arc now
In ti.-r and -longer Democrats than
because of their sad coat-
i u nun pi political trick-
-His. are the men who an
ill lo ii iii rolling
ii d majority for
ticket and the Amend cut in
August. Aid we arc glad
hack, for moat
were honest in their Intentions,
even if the ere made
of designing self seeking
time until
add impolitic to be engaging
and I will cut
ibis letter short without indulging
that sort of thing. Next week
we will have a great deal to talk
ace through the letter's rank
f an April .
A re-ii It
f to
he i friends here, Is
i lobe dying Mi-a Ii is
i I v y nervous temperament.
she came lo this city a week ago to
, . ,, . be in all noun
is, and in family . . .
The follow in bas been
ranged for Hie White supremacy
Italic Ratification to
where she is stopping i -i young
fond of practical
II Kin were bat
and be determined to bare
s no her expense
i table, ii
live mouse he ii
Paris. This was brought in
with the breakfast, and when Sites
broke the tin-
ate i made m ape,
scream and minted
being restored a
red and daring the day she had
I nervous fits. The physician
called the
pale one acute hysteria
n by
ion, X. V. Dispatch, 1st.
Stale .
rial in follow
Monday, April
Winston April
Tuesday night April
Hickory, April
Thursday, April
City, Monday, April 23rd;
Tuesday, April 34th;
Shelby, April
Charlotte, Saturday, April
Monday, April 90th
Mount, Tuesday, May 1st;
Wilmington Wednesday,
May, Din
lily, Saturday, May, 6th.
At these meetings the several
candidate will present lo
A Pitiful Spectacle.
What a pitiful spectacle poor
old Admiral is making of
himself His announcement that
be i w tiling to
would lie funny were it so sad.
lie has lost his completely.
It be charitable lo pass
the house-taking incident, the ex
at the yellow cur at
the deliver
oilier numerous
dents in the career of the Admiral
since he landed from Manila,
b Ii ink of him only as he was when
In the Manila
Shot Ii While
hit ago, A verdict of
death by an accidental wound
the coroner's
In Captain
of the First stales
Artillery, who was found dead
night in apartments tin
Auditorium Annex. He had been
health since returning from
the Philippine and had been
from insomnia.
The revolver with which tap
him shot himself had
been purchased by him for self pro
as he carried a
ii. mil of money with him.
It lathe theory of his friends
the awoke morn-
in um of his nightmare and
self, knowing what he
T an I tobacco Company,
out all snuff
companies, has
cents a
Albert Davis and Samuel U.
O., of robbing the the have
been sentenced to four year each
Any ONE o I
lo soy . ,
n mi
HAS Ml.,
Harry Skinner reading
sketch which displayed
able historical research, and was
entertaining. Mrs. w.
had read an exceed-
intricate, yet clearly denned,
delineation of character of
Gilbert Ward, the hero of Via Cm-
sis. Mn. Grime displayed a re-
markable capacity for a clear cut
analysis of the many conflicting,
yet i hoses element
which Marion had en-
depicted in that
Mn. read an
arranged sketch of
of as she
pear Via That i as
the Seventh cotton mill is now
bin feeling that and
wicked women, was hardly be decided to call a meet-
gnu iii Craw lords book.
Harding gave the club interesting, This meeting
of the salient episodes of her j will be held the Court House
long life a Queen of England and P- i which time
ft am
. .
I t--d and how ;
i In
n c
. i j
. ; n
. I t i;
U-.-Till M
Feeding. Butch-
i t r half-
ice. y
. in t They
en -ti. . Weal. North ad
Cow, Hot or
lo right
a r It is
u. lilt nail-on-the-head.
I o
i -r
. . iv l lie Kilt Ly
Now for the Cotton Mill
The subscriptions to establish a
. L .
After two years
dark of ill fated
Mr. gave a brief critical
synopsis of Via as a
contrasting it with Scott's
man, which sou Rich-
ard, The Lion Hearted is so
tally in history atone.
room was beautifully
and all others interest-
ed are to be
Those who arc in the
future of Greenville and want to
see a mill established should
help the movement. This
opportunity should not lie allowed
to pass without getting a mill. It
would prove a vast to both
town and county, and every-
decorated with Outer work for it. Beery
red carnations, with yards of trail j cotton farmer in county should
The light from many
candles shed a glow over the
room and table decorated with es
lace, cut glass and
The hostess assisted ill
her sister Miss
of and her
two little daughters, the Messes.
MaMie Annie King.
Asylum Officers Are Not
Referring to the lack of
loom for the insane of Stale
the Wilmington Messenger, con-
a sympathetic and well
considered editorial,
of hearts and
much human sympathy must move
in this The insane should
be carefully and generously
for. All philanthropists, and
all who love and their
act and see to that
the in rt insane shall not
and I
Thee-i herein is truly slated.
This is one for the
be interested.
Succeeds Battle at Judge
of the criminal Court.
A telegram to Mrs A. M. Moore
brings the information that Hon.
of Newark, N. J.
Your Policy
Has Cash Value,
Loan Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that
works automatically,
Will be re instated within
three after lapse if you
in good health.
After Second Year
Ho Rest ions,
Dividends are payable at the be-
ginning of second and of each
year, provided the
for current year be paid
They may be used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To Make Polka Payable a
Aug. M. Moore has been appointed an Endowment during the Lifetime
by the Governor, Judge of the of
Eastern Criminal district court of I
Carolina. Mr. Moore will
hold his court in Charlotte i
this week.
We are informed that Judge
Moore will to make his
home in Greenville. The
is glad know that Mr. Moore
has been appointed feels sure
that he wear the mantel with
dignified ability deal judicious-
with all.
True Heroism.
J. L.
D. f.
The Charleston News and
.; m but protected h tells a pathetic story of
two of whom fell battle for .
third himself. O. W. H A U C C.
of ii with his eyes
to the light Beef. Cattle, fl
world. Moore was of HOgS,
heroic build, since the he l I
en Moore, that city last week,
and whose could have Cotton Bagging and Ties always
scarcely been more impressive had . on ban .
representatives of I he I he borne a commission and render- Fresh goods kept constantly on
people, The Observer feels war- some service of conspicuous gal- hand. Country produce and
in saying for the Stale lies- He three broth- old. A trial will c invoice you.
embraces a good deal more than
hall of the In whose dis-
there arc lunatic
ho should lie there who not
there- its management is
tired of going before legislative
null begging for
print ions which are In
order to discharge what may be
Called plain Those
appearing before these commit Ices
are put in I lie altitude of
cants for personal favor, where,
what are doing is personal
and without
Mo far as Stale Hospital
at is concerned, its
needs will hereafter be presented
with dignity before legislature
after its members
i in- of good govern- the penitentiary.
was shot and killed by
Davis, who resented his attention
to Mrs. Davis,
privation, and with
energy and labored I
his own support
his says the Hew and
Courier, ready always to
care for him, he would not accept
willing aid, but as it supple
his own effort. Working
with his own n toil for
which of his
friends had equipped
him, he was led by hand
through the streets to him-
self to the of the fruits of
his labor, hearing everywhere a
smiling face and honored every-
where as an upright man nod con-
If n, bring thrill o me. I my
E. M.
I I I Ml X
into the post-
Mice and stole
COO in and cash.
Self Others
Miss was lunch-
in Atlanta, Ga., for
dollar a year. She
thought of of
children in Chin i, and
felt that she go and spend her
life in them
She has been thorn for some years.
Her health is falling. Surely the
angels will rejoice when
her soul from China lo Heaven
when they come lo lift her
from grave yard to be
to the
Ayden, I.
in i
Looking for Money
Some Speak to Me, Some to You
SI, 1900.
C. T. spent
A. M. Moore morn-
don tins
Ii so, we are--;
Ready, with the best in Clothing you ever
ed eyes r No matter if you paid some tailor
18-1 you couldn't assure any more any batter lit or
or absolute worth than in SO and suits
of ours. Our clothing appeal directly to the men who
know the value of being well at moderate cost. Of
course you're not limited these lo, 118.60 and lines.
We b read an array of
Men's Clothing at
You will he best suited where the best clothing
here. None dispute quality with our store. The other fellow
us in low prices, but they're out of the lace with
Trade at our store and save
quality for the low
If there is a MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that owe
for I o'clock.
subscription and We request
you to Settle as early as p-S Mission Service
Bible. We need What i
owe us and hope you will
keep us waiting church Sunday
This notice is for those who a in
find the cross mark on their which the children took part. A
paper collection was taken for foreign
Week of Prayer
The Woman's Missionary Society
of the Baptist church are
Ibis week as a week of self-de
and prayer. A service will be
held in church each
with a
A of gypsies are
near Mr. K. II.
drove of horses.
If past Sunday had
Easter new bonnet wearer
New Church Building
Lumber-ii being placed on the
lot to build a church on
Dickinson Avenue,
the of this
chased a desirable lot for a house
would have been delighted of worship and they are now get-
the weather. ting ready to build. They expect
We don't want to gel all fair
sex after us at once, bin right now to bare the building ready for
we venture prediction that cation by next fall. It will cost
Ruder Sunday is going give us about
bad weather.
If nomination-,
in you can prepare you
The county nominating
will lie held May.
dare all
The Kinston Daily Free
is two years old. It has with
much success, which wan well de
mid will soon be improved
A will can
ii woman's won't.
Blessings seldom come singly.
except in the of single .
st lib s and Team Burned
Sunday night
on Mr. II. place,
live miles from
Press were completely destroyed by fire.
There were stables three
mules and one home which were
burned to death, twenty
live barrels of corn were lost.
Mr, says he has no idea
how the lire originated. The loss
Vertical and slant copy books at
Book Store. Out Again
, . . , . , , , III friends are glad lo
A. A. Andrews has started , , , ,
a brick yard Just f in, who
nine lime ago, while mil
A day or two more and you Will j and broke his hip, is able lo
get around some the use of
The Male Academy is closed this
week, Prof. being in Bel- t Is Coming.
is going to have a
Hand is practicing cotton mill. Subscription for that
of new music for the New purpose
know who are
to be Slate
r. ii. Whaley Hali-
X. of
pent day here.
Capt. A. for Nor-
folk morning.
Henry King ibis
for attend the Stale
I. E, Dan-y
from Scotland Neck lo visit
Mn. Ii. James.
Miss Nannie Move, of
Came over this morning to visit her
Slater, Mrs. It.
Gov. T. left this morn-
for Haleigh to attend the Dem-
W. Davis preached an
excellent sermon in the opera
house Sunday and left this morn
p. has received an
appointment as storekeeper and
ganger a distillery Trenton,
Jones county, and will soon leave
to take charged it.
Beth Peel and wife, who were
herewith Williams Cum
my returned ibis morn-
bare accepted an engage-
W. II. Cox, of Kinston. is in
W. T. Hunter this
for Kim City,
L. P. of Kinston. spent
the day I
Dr. c. J. returned
Monday g Weldon.
F. A. Bishop returned
Monday evening from a trip down
in Beaufort and Craven counties.
Miss left this
morning for Haleigh. She will
have her eyes Heated while away.
C. Jordan and wife and little
sou Julian morning for
Danville Va., where they will
spend summer.
K. D. Brown passed through
this morning on his way
to attend Presbytery
which meets in Washington.
II, 1800
W. II. Cox returned to Kinston
Tuesday evening.
night in
II. A. White went over to Par-
i morning.
Young- Man Killed a
way Team.
; i. r. i
Hedge-, son bu
of the ill Day and
Hedges, of this place,
by runaway bones
I In- young was in
baggage and stand
w n. . lib.
i. It.
A. i. ox yes-
on the singletree of I ho
wag. ,
when the hone
and dashed oil, throwing young
Hedges between them, dragging
fully two hundred yard and
I i
sad accident awl I hi
is iii gloom.
S H-
tow II
Mi Frank II. I toll ins and
A Ii.-. of Washington, are
tn be married the 18th. The
groom elect is Pin county
and a sun l Mr. Rollins,
Card are the marriage
of Mr. James Wiggins, of
Miss Carrie Smith
of Washington, in the
Presbyterian church at
Ion, Tuesday morning, April
at o'clock.
error occurring in dale as
published yesterday, we
article calling a meeting of the
subscribers to the cotton mills. Ii apply
was intended lo hold the
meeting on bin that
coming during the New fair
the date bas been changed lo the
were in lot day .
Mi-- Alb- Trip i n
days her sister here.
It. II. his quite an
baud a spider
Tin- Cox's
p m rapidly.
Dixon II i-
in line tin are
fixed up ail o. K. in
We are to -.- g
minister, B. Jackson out again
after about two weeks
He will return to Kinston in a few
T. r arrived
trimming for Hun-
sucker Come around and
sec one of their buggies finished
I don't let furniture
question drop, but keep it
until the factory. Ii
cm with work.
A. Cox in.- a good farm
known as the Fred farm for
I My Stock
is Complete
At price that will suit you.
A good
II. 1.1 V.
an- in
1-. lie
a successful a life
Democrat, and would fill the office
m iii himself and great
to all. He would add
strength to our State .
Come To See gs.
Mir.- -Ibis store,
Points, where in- have
opened a new and
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting Meats, Floor,
lions, fuel everything
in an up to date
no pay highest market
prices fur all kinds of
Value of a
Sir. II. ids, of
Toe re-1
viewing industrial develop Country Produce,
m. . b, says such places j either cash or in When
were up I be -i.
Of new-, The
an I
sale. Any purchase helped the people.
chased soda fountain and had II
put place ready for summer
This make- soda wagon will start up again.
fountains now in We have some wheels ready for
With this number seems that -ale on hand ii
e. Terms easy,
has been thin
few weeks on
we hope
old pupils III return as soon
Dim that we are
headquarter for tobacco trucks,
and that as h. ; the Cotton
Planter and Distributer
rush i- over with, the can and
re Durham
ought mil In have
trouble in keeping cool during
summer days.
Ibid due ha- quite a i
his eye. lie wan sill
porch asleep Sunday
A Series of Service.
Tin- Castor of the
series of lit
gin on s in 1.1
J, 1-.
Monday and do .
preaching, r
in a the hole
should be d, for
need- genuine revival of
religion and
you to sell or when you
buy come to see us.
II who i. with their
luge we promise entire sat-
T, F. CO.
Five Points
. v
noon In
fell doors
W. II. Harrington went up the
road this morning.
Beth Peal and wife left
morning for Richmond.
I., Fountain returned Tues-
day evening from a trip north.
Joe Powell come over from Par-
night and returned
this morning.
Little Arthur left Mon
day C. and wife, on
a Virginia.
a former clerk of
Powell Co. came over morn-
Mrs. K. A. Tie-
day night from where sin-
has been visiting relatives.
IS. and Frank
this morning for Washing-
ton oat tend the
I cry.
W, Tuesday eve-
for Trenton, where he has
been appointed ganger for a dis
free Trip tar Two
M. Mooring took lo
prisoners. John Creech and certainly have la
Ham up to the penitentiary j ,
the April term
o Conn. being
sentenced to one year for perjury
one year fur
Sheriff Mooring will also attend
the State convention while awns.
lost his balance and
very near breaking bin neck,
and he sail d three limes
before be struck
The following people
morning for to attend tin
I. M. Moor
D. c. Moore, J. Laughing-
Prof. W. H. W.
J. W. I,.
Brown, It. W. King.
A. D. and Jesse
s. April
It. Davenport's store was rob-
night, Amount
Runaway Accident.
balloon ion
Tuesday, evening Misses
Ne were
horse frighten-
falling balloon
into a tree near stables
breaking the buggy.
young were bur;
ever. as the
buggy struck tree.
Mr. on hearing the
dent went around to see Mr.
mid offered to pay nil damages.
you can gel the best Porch
ii Stair Door
Window and
Store Fronts, Counter and
Fittings, Pews,
and in
H--I any thing to be made of
Hard Wood or Pine, of
K. C.
I iv for what you need.
Dr. C, I.
Was here .
J. went
Thursday t
over to
lie I Officer
At monthly meeting of Hope
Fire Company, Monday night,
were elected ensuing
F. Harding.
1st. Assistant Foreman -W.
I ill I ell.
II miner,
S D.
down to
I. Harris Dead.
st I the lent
i . to i- i
brother, Jas. I. Harris
Mr. i-s i ill ;
Mo inly Monday night, he had
in bud for inn- ii. -i- I- II
bis death was a k lo his
and many friends.
Mr. ;
two children, m-1 In and live
ulsters and hos of
mourn bis death.
lo of our pillions who have
inspected our Spring and Bum-
mer in- extend a cordial In-
o look over our very
i.-.-i line of
Imported And
Domestic Cloths,
cream the market Casi-
. Worsteds, Flannels.
j every and staple suitable
in use of careful and
As i well known,
Ibis we should have ample lime for
Hue -I faith work, therefore ask
son. brother possible to
Ion stall die usual taster Hush.
S ours re-peel fully,
I In
the New purpose have already reached
and a meeting of
A new supply of Campus and others interest-
ed is called for the We lie-
at Book the subscriptions for mill
It is gratifying, as the season I
opens, to find that I hose who
us for years are
loyal. Monday
encourages us to
conservative week is the New fair,
course that has induced many Many people will go from this sec-
of the largest Vegetable Growers Coining later In the year
Will the lair
The Hand has closed a
the Secretary and
will go down and make music for
the New Fair next week.
The people who attend the fair j
year will nave pleasure of
hearing some very lino music. We I
congratulate our bays on their be-
being selected musicians for the
fair, more than their
merit deserves.
A Good Suggestion.
i hie of our .-it w ho is n hug.
tax payer was talking with Tut
about the work of the
present town and
it as his opinion Dial Hoard of
Aldermen ought lo lie re-elected
lien lo make
C. will I
I,, in
Washington Monday .
and wile
if. II. Fleming for .,,.,.;.,
for his mill even day.
feeling good in ,. ,.,,,
section, hoping to receive a reward M,.,.,., . .,,., ,,. ,,
next fall. Ten cent for moved
Some one naked question the ,.,.,. v .,,., ., ,,.,, i; ,
daily, but owing in iii licit I III had
to ii.
We join the in their
to I lie bereaved
oilier day, -Heel.
of N. c. and Va. to their when the weather
shipment to us. Henry
able is going lo lie the best
Aycock Nominated
The following was received
I Raleigh before going to
Bi Aycock by
will be our Sheriff, Answer,
Why of course II. W. King, lie
is man county.
Balloon Ascension.
A was here Tuesday
in ascension
Urns. Show,
evening live o'clock.
tat levy for another tear, so that proved n
good work begun may be ear- parachute breaking from
Besides paying a lot of the balloon before it had risen more
old debt and having Home cosily than ten feet from the ground, I
emergencies lo meet, the present balloon after ii
and lull it
time, the man going up lime
several hundred fen and coining
bi.-. while the
near Baptist
show gives a performance in
remains a ill rite
train tonight and be -I
Cherry Hill
Board has done more for town l
than tiny it.
The man ho is able lo convince
the public he can do
is man who will gel the
do. Persistent advertising
will apprise public of his com
ability bring him
Greenville Tailoring Co.,
I once, Tailor
. M.
V retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Kin. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
I-, I in k.-y. etc. Bad-
Mat oak Sails, Ba-
Carriages, la Curia, Parlor
Suits, Tildes, Lounges, P.
Meal Key Went Cheroots,
neurotics, Cam
I nod Peaches Apples,
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Sugar, Coffee. Heat,
Magic Food, Oil,
Meal and
den Heed-, Apples, Huts,
Candles, Apple. Peaches,
China Wave, Tin Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
. Cheese, Stand-
Hewing Mn eh i lies,
Cheap for cash. Come
lo e
; .
Isaac M. Wise, the noted divine,
died in hi year at Cincinnati,
I It

MONEY ON S. Collins Pike Road.
,, , . ,.,
Patron cl din
Tell Their Big Pi
the being of Almighty God .
all who shall have prevention
b than cure. I s
Incomparable square i.
pounds; Cited or corruption and
.,. u would have been f malpractice in office, unless such
person shall is- restored to the
The season
sup of The American
were samples, and weight,
who had their pm up ill in warehouse charges,
bales, but even tIs- pa betides and railroad
Irons of gins profited
the English Gin Company, which
tin m. operate a plant
all our the ArV., M,
hare written Setters lo -We are very much pleased with
of plums bale press, hi-a
of the profit that I Become t,. ii . m nixed fact in this community
from having their cotton put up t but , have made the price of
in Sir W. cotton from to . cents higher
Hartley, Sr., who patronized j, would have been. Only
Second, nil
been contacted or confessed
n ,,,,,, p,,,,,,,,. and Pills trill not only i
. .,,,., , , taken in time i win
is v- . . . . . . ., , ., it.
Sick Headache,
or felon t, or any crime for
which the punishment may lie
in the penitentiary.
are ale. I
Bonn p .--
County. I It has saved
in our of eight or
.,,,. Section That article VI of the v,,,;,,,, of the
and in lieu thereof shall be
the following article of
r kindred diseases.
Liver PILL
right of citizenship a manner
by law.
Sec. . This act shall be in force
from after its
Section Every male
., ,. , . . photograph album.
in tie I States, and
even male who has been
Made by the Va.
la is method In
When every man.
she usually tries to conceal the There is a
Aid . plant, wrote Feb.
p e bale's favor
to the farmer is the advance
price of the square
. It the
pa per bale more
than bale. Mere than
a ha- been in
ti ii i caused
b i pr s
Mr. w also wrote
from Greenville, have
i id from lo on per pound
mo c than iIi- in., i pi ii i hen
for square bales. The
i. . -at lo the n
and bus saved in If i f
dollars in a few
Mr. J. I. lie.
Mis., wrote I e. I. I Mi
the i-
price that the rs I
cotton have forced in
put h prices up. Thus
i are in a lo u
hire is ii Rom
Mr. Simonton, e.
T 1-. have
i from i to per
bale mole lay cotton
;. and sold In e square
bale. I know
bus paid for -i--1 cotton have
been I lie l ill buying i In
bale pi from to
l more for
Mr. J. I. W . Tex.,
Dec. The
American I ii-
East Warn hale
was . the
bale system in Want.
and have been selling my i
in ill to you since lime.
P. ; last three including
ii. I lo
V us plan. I can safely say
that I have made per de
more by selling mi
would bate ii . I
last week when e were out
tin- market four days seed
cotton dropped from to cents
Kan Flames.
N before last two cars were
That an arrow re-
twenty-one tears of marked thee bachelor, as
age, and the
in this article, shall Wealthy real estate dealer Al-
to vote at election C. Green suicide by
the people in the Slate, except at New Orleans.
as herein otherwise provided.
Bee. He shall have resided in
the Slate of North Carolina for two
years, in the county six months,
and iii precinct, ward or other
tween a cold standard and hon-
est one.
Many a rascal tries to play you
for a sucker when he appeals to
you for succor.
It is by the hardship of
that yon reach shining
The Trade Council at shore of
III. Is trying to end the The crows have great for
war complaint Ibis spring, as corn
ration committees. planting is so late.
The girl who uses invisible ink not make the
can usually write a letter that's but it does make
out of light,
When a wife hints at Raster ton- Then la no tariff on tongues in
burned on So. the fas. mail election district in which ha offers
which passes to vote, four
. The train after leaving the elections Provided, Thai
retains its number removal from one precinct, ward nets we may k
name. Here it U the South- or other election district
here beyond is Mat in same county, shall not ope
i ,,, Plant On rate lo deprive any person of the
right . vote in the precinct, ward elevator n handsome new Raster bat.
Lawyers arc looking for
each other liars any time,
a luting wife who
wouldn't swap her husband for a
MEDICINE ever discovered. rich from
to worn the run down, the overworked debilitated. That tired
those tad despondency which arise from
nerves. Iron. thin, vitiated blood and an underfed body, vanish as by a magic
The weariness, lassitude and nervous prostration which accompany spring
time and the heat are conquered banished at once. For term of
and all ailments the brain and nerve. Insomnia, hysteria and nervousness
generally, it is aim a specific. furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve
tissues. It feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing their action; H
makes rich. red. honest blood. Newness of life, new hope, new strength follow its faith-
use. it makes the weak strong, and the old young again.
It was the antiquated now happily method In the good old times, to
treat Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising from
BLOOD TAINT with powerful such as mercury, arsenic and other mineral
It was by this that the poison could be killed while the blood
was left to course through Its channels holding in its circulation the of the
disease. But in this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased.
can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood Wat II not only attacks
the different structures cf the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed
and destroyed. It often seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again It will bring de-
cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. There is only one
scientific method for the cure o blood taint. That is. PURIFICATION Every particle
the blood must be removed through the the lungs, kidneys, bowels,
liver and skin. First pure, then The great restorative, and
of the blood. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. not only radically and
removes taint, tut also removes all mercury, and other minerals,
the veins and the ruby, glowing current vitality. blood is
Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy. JOHNSTON'S
SARSAPARILLA, is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever
This fact is now established beyond question or cavil.
Mich . M. ISM.
a Co . .
is O cl n-y arr-l. SEVEN RUNNING on m I l
eel mm I U what cared me. g. W.
. i i ml between Georgia and
some where in tropical or other election district from
by the name of which be baa removed, until four
W -.-. Wednesday night, or mouths after such removal. So
rather, the person who ha been convicted, or
were on Ore. who has his-nil. in open
The engineer of did not court upon indictment of any crime
,, , the fact that the the punishment of which r, or
extending toward the truck hereafter imprisonment in the
late. The train ran right Male prison, shall permitted to
The engine was vote, unless the said person shall
and cleared dames, restored to citizenship in
but mail express care the manner prescribed law.
lire, and burned up. The Sec. Every person offering to
the cars were saved, vote shall be at the lime a
were total wrecks. The registered herein
i-.- of the I win was saved The the
lire was the on provided by law and the General
A. yesterday. The Assembly of North shall
hum-dog train did not reach here enact general registration laws to
until last carry into effect tin- provisions of
people down. The average an
ambition to climb to the top herself, but she can see
right ton have to sleep through every oilier woman.
in an upper berth. This is the when
Some men are so well known boodle takes the place of brain, and
that can't even borrow an la substituted for merit.
umbrella. There is said to lie a new kissing
f K
the of
t., nil . m
t . . . ,,.,
,., on Lay every Ind and 4th
the j
bug Well, ii can't
any sweeter than the old
who loves you so.
An education built not upon the
foundation of common sense
is hut varnish which bides the
A woman her age
when she doesn't ears who looks
over the family Bible,
A III my have tried to
kill time, hut has seen them
all graves.
The actress is fond of scrubby
making a Mine, and some of the time a man eon-
ear, spoil one, eludes that all the wisdom of
When a man's wife plays poker world is concentrated in his
he in retelling to world discovers that his
his bettor half. bead is as barren as the desert of
take unto themselves
or this will in of their
A II t l s till.- is-
late will mass t.
It. K a.
a K
Bi. . attorneys.
The Graveyard of American
S a famous Diamond
Is off Hat tents is well termed
Is in lightship. Tins
imp. is being constructed in
for the service and Is
ii I l-i-ii.
ard realizes the
i bat a beacon this
point i- In
. they have paid in . I .
this article.
Bee. I. Every person presenting
I himself for registration shall lie
able read write any section
of the constitution in the English
and. he shall lie
entitled to vote, have paid on or
before the day of March of the
year in which he proposes lo vote,
his poll lax as prescribed by law.
j for the previous year. laves
shall In- a lien on assessed
property, and do process shall issue
lo enforce the same
except against property.
wings. That is probably the
son some people experience no
making money fly.
The man who makes a trip
around the world makes his money
ago o long way.
The Idle in
The popular idea that a foil-
The one secret a woman can keep
her age
this I stars Hie
onus Conn of cunt,
hereby t all
s.-n U
present t tor payment.
.-ii or the day of
this will be plead in
stat. Mill make
to me. Tm- March
of K, Allen.
O Court-
Edward Smith
vs. v Divorce.
Annie Smith. I
The will take
notice action entitled a above ha
iii into square I building of this vessel
have as for as
ill street In ti, for which
fuel the custom . can arise reason of the fearful
up opposed ii-- I I which visit
.,;, iii d i
;. . . . ion I
spends bis time sitting been In the Court l
, ,. ., . , lo dissolve tin- bonds
around of Wash- and
driving over asphalt end the said Annie Smith,
., ,. in n, will lake
attending receptions ;.,, ,,,,,.,.
and elaborate dinners is far from next term of Use of raid
. . , county tic held on tin- Monday in
the truth, popular eon- ,,,, ,.,, court
The Congressman is M. U- or
demur in
on January I, oral any time bird worked even if he half m saw or
u in ii ii up w-iii to the
prior I hereto, entitled vote an- complaint.
. . . asked u
Mr. P. II. M ill. ii
lit . . loll
deemed to
mp, lo keep a boat
place thin, notwithstanding
ii is of in
ml on
;,, . that was i ,
. . ;. to M---I-. he almost I
Jones, but man's
p ;. lulu play,
lot . i I
and l in I u iii n
inly i e . ,.
ii. Al lie buyers in in u As in-tie other which
. dime think inn I , this point, this
On one fill have a number
. . rents, i urn hers sill be She
and another l will I c one of boots
the time In the lighthouse
bidding ii full sixteenth Her dimensions are feel
more than the lot of cotton was teen perpendiculars, feet
any State it. rt let Mm to idle if he were
States wherein be then re-; ,, Clerk Court,
sided, and no lineal descendant of s,,,,,,. ,
ah person, shall to denied i gathered from the
the right lo register and vote at Representative
election this State by r who thinks he
of his failure to possess is . to re election. He is
proscribed in Ines a statement to
Provided, j WM. ,,., done ,. term.
he shall have registered in accord .,
Having tin- day
Having the
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
of the estate -lames i-
notice i- hereby given to all
said to immediate pay-
t the all persons
estate must
day et tins will
in bar of recovery.
This I HI day of Mulch,
K. Ural
By virtue of an order of the
made this in a certain
Jenkins and wife
Nellie Jenkins, n
before door la
at for cash, that certain lot
or pan-el lend in the town of
as the
of lout and on fifth
and run with th.- and
Clerk of th, superior Court of , of lots sad
s i- ml r of the of M. I., with the line of lots No. and
sixty and one half lest;
i, h Of- j theme with the first line fifth
I In- terms
pi t.
this section j twenty-three
I, the war pill
i Assembly shall provide for r
permanent record all bills.
register under this section on, . in
or before November i. and by his influence.
all such persons be entitled Twenty-nine postmasters up-
lo and vote at all elections pointed
tale to ., to me for .
Mo,.,. this notice mil
in bar i All
to are to
this the 18th day i
M. I.
Jam is it- Attorneys,
it with fifth street to
the containing one of
more or less a part
HO. ill the plan of said town. This the
day of 1900.
Alex. L. Blow,
by the people in State, unless rs.
under ibis
Arm of A- composed of
ti. M A. K. Tucker and K.
Twelve thousand culls a.
bids I had received in fuel I did
ii-ii you h
yon offered paid me
for the . which
, beam, feel inches
. .-;. The hull w ill is- divided
watertight steel bulkheads into
compartments, and there will
., i., hollow steel musts, through
shall have paid poll tax as re-
quired by law.
Sec. o, All elections by the
shall be ballot, and all
All Indebted to the firm
will please make at ones with
Twenty-nine thousand packages either the above named, All
u clear , wiring for masthead
of the I flashlights will run. These lights,
believe the i number on each mast, are
us effects to lie adapted for or for
a large tat of waste, and I oil lamps. The cluster
. i gel a higher lights will he nine feet
of seed
Twenty seven
elections by the General Assembly I lets sent out.
shall to viva One n. Ired and sixty seven
See voter North I thousand rues of his own
Carolina, except as in this article es sent nut,
the firm will
to Tucker one.
A. K.
every Sun-
day, morning evening. Pray-
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. at. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W F. Harding,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
at the
Opera House every 2nd Sunday
morning Rev. W.
Davis, pastor.
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
thin Monday evening. B.
W. M. M. Sec
. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
R. L. N. G. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. M. C. T. M. Hooker,
K. of
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday
W. B. Wilson, R. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
night at in I. O.
O. F. hall. J. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. G, meets every and third
Thursday nights Odd Fellows
Hall. J. X. Gardner Worthy
Chief; Smith, Sec.
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights Odd
Hall. B. Wilson
price for bis
Mr. Minim Williams, Nov.
I role Messrs.
pucked mi your
pr.--. for which
. ; nit- i per pound,
i in- line Tin- masthead
will of six
toll these
lights will to controlled an
flashing device. The
lie steam propelled and lit-
w land
and she will have
ii only j steam wind-
shall to eligible lo of-
before entering upon the
duties of office he shall take
following nth
I--------, do swear
I ill support
maintain and laws
of the United and the con-
and laws of North
Una mil Inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of in office
help me,
See. H. The following of
shall lie disqualified
office all persons
Furl t seven thousand Idlers to I
in. m IS
which may there r
who cam st
Whichard, N. C.
Send model.
f inn
BOOn oh P i
Steamer leave Washing
ton daily A. II, for
title, leave daily at
I. M. for Washington.
Steamer e a v c
I Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and at A. M. for Tar
leave for
I at A. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
i New York and
j ton, for nil points for the West.
with railroads at Norfolk.
should order freight by
I Bi
, I
till patent k
I. 0- C.
I J. i M,
The Slink , ., every .
and prices as low as Old Dominion S. S to. from
lowest. Highest market prices York; Clyde from I
aid for Hay Line from
Line from
Cure In Head. JNO. SON,
Washington, N. C
eta. Miss J. J.
I Greenville, N. C.
Alto a nice Line of Hardware.
I can now be found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.

Eastern reflector, 13 April 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 13, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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