Eastern reflector, 10 April 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i following IS the amendment
of the State
n mi. adopted
j 1899, mill to be
o voter for ratification
That article VI of the
of North Carolina be
tint the bum is hereby abrogated
in lion thereof shall be
the following article of said
oust it ill ion
sill I;
deny the being of Almighty God
I Second, nil who have
or their
guilt on needing, and
I whether or
or felony. Other crime for
which the may be
In the penitentiary.
since becoming citizen of the
United or corruption and
in office, unless such
person shall be restored to the
of citizenship in a manner
prescribed by
Bee. . This act shall be in force
from and after ratification.
Pens, Pencils.
received for
Since the of the year
more ban hundred
male I have been filed for
United State, and moat of are
who baa Western State. Nearly all
arc for capital, a small
for and a ill
this article, shall smaller larger amounts. North
To those living
it's PilL
., y ,.
item in perfect order and arc
an absolute cure
r sick headache. ;
torpid liver,
all bilious diseases,
i Liver Pills
ever male person
age. and possessing the
set out in.
any election made application for
by the people . each,
herein otherwise provided.
II have resided in
the State of North Carolina
year-, in the county months.
and in the precinct, ward or
election district which he offers
to vote, four months next
the election; Provided, Thai
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
in the same county, shall not ope undertook lo
rate to deprive any person oft .
shall and gave him
lays The judge
with thirty eight, all of 2.1,000
capital, i hive of
Wilmington Star.
Judge decides that a
United Slates commissioner cannot
punish i contempt but must
lily the mailer lo judge, so
latter can act. The case in
up from where
right to vote the precinct, ward IT
All Magazines.
give us a
Rector Job
r Full Sheet Poster
The Reflector
Is only a year
news week,
an gives informal ion i
especially c grow-
tobacco, that is worth
many timer,
subscription price.
or other election from
which he has removed, until four
months Mich removal. So
person who has been or
who has confessed bis guilt in open I
court upon indictment of any crime
the which i-. or
hereafter be, imprisonment in the
late shall be permitted lo
vote, unless the said person shall
first restored in
the manner prescribed by law.
See.. Every person offering lo
vote shall lent the time a
registered voter as herein
ed and in the manner
provided by law, and the General
Assembly Carolina
enact general registration laws t.,
earn into effect the
this article.
Sec. I. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall lie
able to read and write any section
of the constitution English
language; and, before be shall be
entitled to vote, have paid.
before the inst day of March of the
year in which he proposes to vote,
bis poll las as prescribed by law,
for the previous year. I taxes
shall lie a lien only on assessed
property, no process shall issue
to enforce the collection of the same
except assessed property.
Sec. 5- So male person who was,
on January I, oral any time
prior entitled to vote
the any Slate in the
Stales wherein he then re-
sided, and descendant of
. such person, shall be denied
the right lo register and vote at
elect inn in i his by person
of hi failure
I of this article s Provided,
lie have registered accord
ills the terms of this section
prior to I, inns. The
General shall provide for
v I u permanent record all persons
who register under this on
or before November I,
nil such persons -hall be entitled
I., Vote at all elections
by the people in Ibis stale, unless
disqualified under section J of this
Provided, such parsons
shall have paid their poll tax as re-
quired by law.
See. All elections by the
shall lie ballot, and all
shall lie viva
Sic t. Every voter North
Carolina, except as in this article
disqualified, shall be eligible to of
lice, hut before entering upon the
duties of the be shall take
and subscribe the following
do swear
I a ill support am
maintain constitution and laws
of the United Slates, and con
laws of North Cam
I inn I herewith, and
that I win discharge
of my office
help me,
Bee, K. following classes of
persons shall be disqualified
First, all persons
decides that the punishment in
tins case i- not only unlawful, but
improper Raleigh Charlotte
The Confederate Cabinet, with
the successive Secretaries of each
department, were as follows, in-
both the provisional
permanent Cabinet.
Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi ;
Vice President. Alexander II
Stephens, of Georgia.
Slate r t
Georgia, Feb. K.
M. T. Hunter. Virginia. July
Judah l. Benjamin, Loafed-
Feb., 1802.
I. Pope
Miss., Feb. SI, P.
La., Nov. 1861;
James A. Seddon, Va., March
Feb. 1886.
S. 1881, and March
1862; I. C,
I. .
March i., 1861, and March
Attorney General l P.
Benjamin 1861; Thus
II. Watts. Alabama. Sept.
1861; George Davis, S. Nov.
Elliot. Miss., 1865; John
H. Texas. March ti. 1861
1862 and 1868.
own ox
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
Mrs, Thankful lives the beautiful village Of
Livingston Co., Mich. venerable highly respected lady born In
the year 1812. the year of the great war. In Hebron. Washington Co.,
York. She came to Michigan In the year of and Tyler
All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re-
her mind Is full of Interesting reminiscences of her early
life, of early days of the State of Michigan and the Interesting and re-
markable people she baa met. and the stirring events of which a wit-
But nothing In her varied and manifold recollections are more mats
and worth of attention than are her experiences la the nae of
SARSAPARILLA. Mrs. Hard inherited a tendency and
disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive Mood taint which has cursed
and Is cursing the lives or thousands and marking thousands more
of the death angel. Transmitted from generation to generation. It Is
found In every family la one form or another. It may make Its
In dreadful running son-s. in In the or
or In eruptions of varied the membrane, it
mar be known catarrh In the bead, or developing In the longs It may be,
and often is. the prime cause of consumption.
of her case, Mrs. Hard troubled for many years
with a bad skin disease. My arms limbs would break la s of
sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very
unsightly In appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions-
My eyes were also natty Inflamed and weakened, and they pained me Tery
much. My blood In a very bad condition my head ached severely
at frequent Intervals, I no appetite. had also In my ears. I
tn a miserable condition. I bad tried every remedy that bad been
mended, and doctor after doctor had failed. One of the beat physicians In
the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as accesses
were beginning to form. I at length Was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and
his famous I tried a nettle, more an experiment than any-
thing else, as I had no faith In and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I
began to grow better. You can be sure I kept on taking It. I took a great
many bottles. But I steadily Improve, until I became entirely All
sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health,
and I have never been troubled with scrofula Of course an old
of years la not a young woman, but I have had remarkably good health
then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S la
greatest Mood and the best medicine In the wide world, both for
and as a This remarkably Interesting old lady did
not to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, believe my
life was saved by
The of American mer-
chant vessel was only too
war with Spam.
th, I- has
i; by British
tic liner-, our commerce
and the
of our foreign mail. We
should be a independent on sea as
on land. We can heal the world
in manufacturing and land trans
pollution. we lack the
ties for
mm to foreign
Of the live full-Generals of the
Confederate Army none survives.
There were twenty one Lieutenant
the Confederate Army
from first lo last, and of these all
were from the Coiled States Army
bin four, namely, Richard Taylor,
who was born in Louisville, Ky.;
X. II. Forrest. Wade Hampton
John It. Gordon. Of them the fol-
lowing are James Longstreet
Stephen Lee, Early, B.
Joseph Wheeler, and A.
Stewart, besides two of those not
Slates A nay
mentioned above. All of these
are Louisville lie-
union May June.,
of upon tin- estate
f K.
hi, day sen Issued to aw by the Clerk or
he Court of Pitt county, notice I
i hereby elver, to all persons holding ,
February j Lay Services every 2nd and lib
or tins will iii tr of their Sunday morning.
A II is i. said
tat.- will mate Immediate to sue.
-s V o.------
S. M.
Wholesale and retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Cotton Seed, oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. lied-
Malt losses. Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages,
Sails, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap.
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil.
Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Candies, Dried Apples. Peaches,
Prunes, Currents. Raisins, Class
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Cakes and Crackers.
Cheese, Best Butter, and mi-
melons other goods. Quality
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
This 1900.
it. s Jambs, a
a neon K. i,
i v ; A BLOW, Attorneys.
Having this day w-fore the
Clerk Court of Till ,
of the estate of K. Allen
deceased, notice la hereby given to all per-
sous add to
present me for
or the 3rd day of
notice will be plead in
recovery. All
will make pT-
to inc. Tins March Sad 1900.
Executrix of K. Allen.
every Son-
day, morning evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D. Rountree,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W F. Harding,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
qualified the Superior
Clark of Pitt county at
of E- Craft,
is hereby given to
to said to make pay-
the sad all persons
mi said estate must
sent for the
day March, 1901 or this notice will he
plead in of
This I nil day of March,
of s K.
Pitt Cot j
In tin- Superior Court.
seen In localities where
most need unity Demo-
arc most inharmonious. In
stance of this seen in North
j Carolina this year Craven and
New Hanover, both of which
count the Democrats, by every
which could appeal lo
white men. should stand together
as a solid wall, these
ions are not new in either county.
in New Hanover.
Action Divorce
Tin- named will take
notice that as how has
been In lbs Superior Court of
Pin county to the of
existing and
and the Annie Smith.
In lake
notice t she la to appear at t Ii-
c the Court if said
-M In ll on lbs fir. Monday
April. -in. Court House
N. C. or
in action,
I apply to the
j relief demanded complaint.
i This day of March,
Ky virtue of an order of the Superior
made tins day in a n
Proceeding therein pending, entitled Ola
Forbes against Jenkins and wife
Nellie Jenkins, w l s
the court door
sell tit sale fur cash, that certain lot
or pared of land in town of Greenville,
located as at the
of lot Ho, and U,
and runs with the lines of hits No
to the of loll No. SO, and
th. with Hie lots
sixty one half feet;
thence parallel with the line to tilth
thence with fifth street to
the containing of SO
acre more or and living a part lot
No. plan of said town. This the
day of March WOO,
ADM I x i-s
The New Bern Journal said of the
last week, that It was a s of the estate of M.
hones and lint this i given to
two mat tor mis B
lime washed soiled linen talc to present to me for payment
i I,, Wilmington,
ceding the of last week plead In of recovery,
lo said estate are notified lo make
. the Democrats carded
in newspapers at
It in I violently and secret cir
in o-position to one
dale staffed under doors
things ought not t
be so where, least of in eon-
id arc.
This lath day of 1900.
I. Ad
II. I.
A BLOW, Attorney
A. F. A. M. Greenville
No. meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. at. Reuse, Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Tuesday evening.
R. Ii. N. O. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. C. C; T. M. Hooker,
K. It. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Ling, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
O. F. B. While, Conn-
A. O. Council,
No. Ii, meets every first third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Worthy
Chief; S. Smith, Sec.
I. O. H.
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith See
you or j
or photo,
for fr
vs I
daily A. If. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily m
p. M. for Washington.
Steamer I v e s
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays A. It.
leave for Greenville
I and Saturdays
I at A. M. curries freight only.
Connecting Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. B, Co. from
i F
I Notice
No till paten. l
Whichard. C.
The Stock in every
prices as low M Buy
west. market Urn from
for country
Cum Cold In Head.
lo take to curt c la sad
Washington, M. C
N. C.
Id I now lie brick store by W. Brown. COME TO SEE J. B. u the E.
The Eastern Reflector
C. and intellect-1
mil power of the same
state and the restless of
Clay of Kentucky. Amid
of the political the
blight star of when
with peculiar brilliancy amid the;
April 16-21 inclusive, 1900
It v ill be a Exposition of the of
display, am
ts. Fine Stock and Urge and attract.
Fish, Oysters aid Wild
Exciting Races.
of Webster,
A splendid Line of Attractions, Including of Cairo
Animal Show, a I
of Illusion-, and many before shown at a Fail
this State
Cheap Excursion Rates
overall Lines,
and exiled from the comforts and
and attentions of affection caused
his health to give way and in
Sketch read Mi. Dr. E--v- Spring of it was feared be
Move before the Bod of Use Century was sinking under consumption.
and it was by his
Judge of he should return to the
Court of North Carolina was mild air of bis native climate.
I native of New Bern, Under the care of Rev Thorn-
her 19th, father, Dr. as P. Irving he was prepared for
Alexander Gaston, a native of Ire College.
land, and a man of letters, was ,,.,,,.,.
. class n Prince-
one of the most determined
his day
1781. He grad-
at the early age of i with
He was killed on the the the renowned
Aug. 1781, most pain ancient institution.
circumstances. He
and others. Hut whatever line of
conduct Mr pursued that
course was marked by
and the highest character.
ill Congress the
Duration and the Bill
are left lo us and have attracted
the of competent judges
for and eloquence. He
resigned at end of the second
term and did not appear again in
public life until 1827 when from
increased indisposition of Mr.
who bad been elected t
his place. This be accept-
ed as n matter of duly, net of in-
as a return of gratitude
for favors received with
hope of honors or to be
required. In 1884 he was elected
Judge of the Supreme Court
For Premium or other the vacancy occasioned by
the death of Judge
On of January 1844 Judge
Gaston took bis seat in the
Bench j
for he had felt for some days
chilly sensations, and of
breath. During an argument from
Hon. Robert Strange at bar.
he was attacked with faint and
carried from his courtroom to bis
chamber. A physician was called
in who soon relieved him. Thai
he seemed more lively
than usual. He told several
dotes at which bis friends laughed
heartily. It but the
of an expiring luminary. Me was
of a convivial j
parts Washington City
graphic delineation and spoke of
one whom that occasion announced
himself a Free on I be sub
jest of religion. the
I mind that man met ilia-
We arc still in Cue forefront of the race
We oiler you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found In store in County. Well bought choice
-eh ions, the creations of the beat manufacturers America
and Europe. ail the year round. Spring. Summer
Winter. We are work for and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want and to
s.-ll you if we cm. We offer you the best service, polite
attention, and most liberal with a well
established business merits.
When yon come to market you will do justice
if see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Cap-- Silks Satins.
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings Oil Cloths.
Men's. Women's and Children's Shoes,
Horse Blankets and Dusters.
t. The proudest moment of his life
a-,. r
boat, one oil f, home was one of no common char- to our deeds. We
I Load,, with all the honor ,,, ,,,,. ,,,., is
m and two of science and he an, Almighty
the feet of her who was the BU- v this wold
children, a son, of should A
Flour. Meat, Sugar, Head I
Castings Fixtures,
in Each.
but are fore
to begin the foot.
The average man re-
a He's
rein alter he- ill water.
A man expected
settle -a- the u
Phil be settle
o make an el
fort to live up their convictions
a are inmates of
remarked clerical
looking individual. indeed
assorted the maid.
notice ii so nowadays if you
This l is a de-
irate valid i
ii lo cure alter all
others failed, but
a bit of
ed the
all others.
and sail arc sea-
I Ii., I-
storm door
A long
w tit, a
People are
things no I lull tired feeling.
Tin- cook usually strikes
higher wages when she
fellow who profess I
and isn't a professional
is the name
o t a
ed pamphlet
be in the hands
of every planter who
raises Cotton. The
book is sent
. N. XI
Per Cent. Investment with
laves by Company.
I Ii
hie. I'm-.
s Vice
N II Any. I
i Allen,
s Primrose.
r shoe-
for and everything line,
buy strictly for Cash, bill sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Our motto is Honesty, Merit Dealing.
Your Friends,
of , ,.
Chief Justice la-lo. ,
for Judge an. U
of great energy of character and . bench
of devoted piety.
Naturally of a temper,
her counsel, example and advice
taught him to Th stimulated bin.
to Increased exertion. He not
his business into his hands which
St once became heavy and
live. To bis well disciplined mind,
laborious habits and
great object of
to prepare herself for a better
world and to train in wisdom's
ways the precious charge left to
her care under such and
circumstances. Bite fell
like the mother of Mows, the
words of Pharaoh's
this nurse it for me
I will give thee thy wages
success in after
life, his extensive usefulness and
sustained this responsibility,
hut bis reputation was established,
it continued to increase with such
rapid strides until be attained by
the of all, the head of
his profession. The people who
delight to honor merit, soon per-
the rich jewel that was
among them.
When only twenty two be mi
to give it great emphasis, a mo-
there seined to be a sudden
rush of Mood lo brain and he
fell back a lifeless corpse.
spirit lied from the scenes of
to meet his God In whom be bad
throughout his whole life trusted
whose Almighty name last vi
tongue. Of sin b
a man may our Stale improved.
She has inscribed bis name on her
towns and counties and as long a
talents are revered
ed and virtue the
His for We
was of an elevated character a . Single
which he bad cultivated to some
received n lot f Den
Double Call H
buying, also complete
i of the Senate
. . , who their fortune and
tells to mothers what t
holy charge is theirs; With to Wm fa
ii kingly power their love may run
the fountain of the new-lion, mind,
warns them to wake at early D
and sow good seed before the world
sows its
Judge has often
heard to declare Hint what ever
distinction he attained In life,
was owing to his pious counsel and
faithful conduct. her eye
his early education was conducted.
In the fall of be was
vice to the people that they re
quired, He did not appear again
public life until 1808 when he
was elected member of the. house of
commons from New of which
body he was chosen speaker. He
was again re-elected the billowing
year but declined, bill
lowed to remain from the service
or the people very long. WM
j elected a of Congress, in
1816 re-elected, This period
to the Catholic College at f extraordinary
town, then only years old -a prominent stand in
The rigor of this bleak climate, to the
it wan by utility of
A fashion note
skin sill worn a great deal by
women this knew the
poor rattlesnake would have to
come to it sooner or later, says the ,
Durham it was
left that women didn't
weir. Think woman
rayed in dress, soil-
kin leather hat.
goat skin hide boil-,
tortoise shell shell bill-
mink tail
bide pane, and now a rat-
necktie. Solomon, In all
his glory, wasn't such a menagerie
us we love them
no matter what they
just say and you
will MM them run.
Headquarters For
Builder's Ready
Paints, and
World's Ben
The man who I
lases Is scarcely u credit ti
Tin- average woman vi
hurl her.
people iii i,
lime. hearts
pi i- pail
A cold break
of making
love any warmer.
Ii is easier
rich girl than lo make a
by hustling.
Pride fall.
bicycle rider sometime.
i hi- row .
;,. -liar tiling
. tint they arc when
r. u.
If talks women t o
in good Idlers.
purple are so aristocratic
even have common
Ii sere even skin deep
he lo lip shop.
did they call
, I clause re were so
Nell So they went off go
married, did Belle
and they were always such
I r too-
man knows what
the morrow may bring
knew that
to-day would bring April
N,,. M
born with silver spoons In tin Ir
months are usually the ones
cal their knives.
wild the singe
Can you run the T
his scorn. Can
I run the be
made thirty live
a week last with a
. A I I S, with Semi
Coupons, each.
Payable in June December at
i and Hank of
Secured by
., ally double amount of loans, with
principal payable ten after
issue, are being sold a
i i-ii payment of which gives
lo owner live and one-third per
per annum free of taxes on
j first cost, and a of nearly
twenty rent maturity,
in a total of than per
cent, per This is one of
he and best invest on
market. made on rest-
properly of eight lime.
I'm further particulars, address
Mechanics Investors
Alien. Sec., Raleigh, N. C.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
local kill Ions as they can-
not reach diseased portion of
the ear There is only one way to
deafness, that is
fortune i initial remedies. is cans-
led by an inflamed condition of the
mucus lining of the
When this lube is
hue a rumbling sound or
hearing, and when n is in
closed, deafness hi the result,
and can lie
and tube restored
,, ii- normal hearing
In- forever; nine
case mil of ten are caused by Ca-
which is nothing but an in-
Illumed condition of mucous
i surfaces.
We give
for any case of deafness
ml lo catarrh cannot be cured
Cure. Send for
Co.; Props.,
Sold by druggists, Toe, Hall's
Till- are the
I Ho, n,
is e
as an oil product .
all bill and
ate I -r
way which trill
N, C.
over While
and is it bottle of
Chill Tonic. It Is simply
i Iron and quinine in B

. .
tin- Post
S. i
mi I 1900.
Dewey wept when lie
how the people regarded hi house
present caper some time ago.
he will some
more when he learns their i
of i he presidential spectacle be baa
just himself.
Hr. M
i i I e I
-Mi m the war taxes are
up ii Treasury
become dangerous by causing
it stringency, there are
three tea this edict, neither
creditable to the republican ad
The Ural is. that Mr.
adjournment, in order re
publican and
the good cause, however.
On Thursday, the day fol
Inter- State convention, there
will held a meeting of the X. C.
Pies- ion,
President Dowd the
i i.-i-,
K. C, April newspaper
Brunei of the Slate mania the State who attend
issued ,.,,,;, a., Raleigh will do an
l seek for Paris, Prance, where Borne of tin newspaper an
he go to arrange the North liar urging, through
exhibit at the forthcoming that Col. W. Mason tie re-
Treasurer Worth stales that the
debt on April as
Tue death of Judge Bat-
of the criminal court of the
log that he to we
were out of the and
that President bad
much backbone toy
chocolate After this, per
haps the leaders will
abandon the effort to the
governor to take the tail place on
ticket ibis foil the hope o
laving the Ii
they want a hero, why
take He bus softly owned
his willingness to run at the
head if the After
awhile, he will even put up with
second plans.
lives go home and try to ex-
the blunder of his to deeply deplored hem and all
to save him from
District, which occurred nomination
at Mount last Wednesday. ornament and ably
Proceeding April Tern.
The follow eases were dis-
posed of
Johnson and
way, guilty, judgment
upon of
Perkins to
I an-e month- in jail.
Plight, assault with
weapon, guilty, judgment suspend-
old position on the
Commission, to which am i
was appointed b ,,
fusion fol. Mason is, was sentenced to
also regarded
for the Congressional ,,,,,
Woolen, larceny, sentenced
mouths in jail with privilege to
Orinoco Tobacco Guano
Has the largest Sale of any Tobacco the World .
Lucama. K. f . March 3rd, 1900.
J. f. Hadley Wilson, N. f.
Dear Sits answer to yours of even date, will that we
twenty live acres 1899 the same
with Orinoco and our sales from the live acres up to the
present to 2,418.04 above warehouse charges, we yet bare
on hand to sell about probably 1,000.00. We will use
Ibis year. Yours
Orinoco is especially made Tobacco from Selected Materials.
Manufactured only by
F. S. Royster Guano Co.
Norfolk, Va.,
fears; is. that Boss
may have an opportunity
dicker with the big interests affect-
ed i war taxes for campaign
third is,
that a heavy surplus be men
in the Treasury to meet
Hit- extravagant appropriations
I Elected to the bench in 1898, be
had made a most enviable
as a and upright and
jurist, and of years be
had commanded and received the
admiration of his fellow citizens as
a man. Peace to bis ashes His
position to which ha was elected, y
There is a small exodus of , failure
from Charlotte. was sentenced
perhaps other Southern towns, to tog . jail.
the North. Yankee agents are arson, not guilty.
which an- contemplated at the
next session after the
election. This may
.- to the republican
bosses, inn bow about the people
win. ore paving In the neighbor
h . -i. capita war taxes
which an- to run the
government should be run.
The republicans a-ere
i at all pleased the an
Admiral that
causes a vacancy which the
will have to till
permanently by a nomination.
iconic one to temporarily fill the
until the election to August.
The new report the Labor
will show there
an- published
Carolina. Over of
is an average of more than
Democratic papers to each
agents arc
Offering them per mouth and
transportation to New- York. The
bait has caught quite a lumber.
They can be spared ,. g and Joe buyers, the recent decision
poor ones, form the majority plead guilty, of the Supreme Court in the
Bob pleads
judgment upon pay-
of cost.
The Mayor was instructed to
serve notice Evans street
property owners that they must
pave front of their premises, as
required by an of the
town, within days after date of
The Tax Collector was instructed
to collect taxes from the to
After two year
that most of.
Dewey w making another
of himself. dots stem a
pit v that a man win, a
while ago was so Idolized and
st worshiped so so. u
all his great in to the winds,
n Ills victory at
pill all people singing
praises, nod w hen be
h last year the
a our greatest
Then followed
present episode, which he grab-
b id iii so and behaved to
out many of his
friends tin
r it ion giving place
b i- j. on to South
where he In aid they
Would like to sec him President,
and reaching his borne in
the North is inn
that be is an avowed
President. Ami a candidate, too,
without party or platform,
that In- Is ready to accept
nomination from any party
may offer it, He I as lei
lies oiled by
his Nation
over bis achievement . Ma
he i-
candidate for
lot i-
William guilty,
to one year
Hardy with
President, I county. No winder the
i-it the to earn far
Hies to run as long the old ship of State
an independent candidate.
know that if he runs as an lode newspapers of Ibis state, and
pendant candidate be will draw his particular., those known as the
they also know
has no surplus
-experience proves mow j,,,,,,.,,, , payment
the who have gone North
have been anxious to return South,
and main hate done so at the first
. The average
genuine gee worth
a la because the North- L,, guilty,
tin people do not, and never have
and never understand the
Southern battery, guilty, judgment suspend-
The death of Mary Troy, ;,,,,,;,
old of Lewis
a Baltimore last week j
has caused much sympathy for the ; ,
guilty, Judgment suspend-
led upon payment of cost.
Ira with dead
pleads guilty,
and coat.
A. II. assault with
, i
A vole -i
ill be a vole i --I i
Vole cast a I
will he lit- n i -i lit i vole
any white man in
has cast hi- r it
will a vole the
a vote
the while i n will i II
on in- I lull In- thinks
the Is ii while
II w ill i i a Ids
part the w in
anything the docs not
have; w In- a vole fol tin
to lose Col. Bryan,
ready been chosen as
the democratic candidate,
and rather hope he will run
as an independent, ugh
be afraid hint if b got
the republican nomination.
a i h the
tariff bill
I. mo, round
a warning to his v. hen be
is a question of
and the people arc
Ii appeals to their judgment,
their sense of justice and
right, and I now warn you
that whenever I h e standard
of justice and right of
i differs from
the of the people
great Hie people rise up
in their might party goes
Senator of s .-.
made a hit with his maiden speech
In the Senate, was
the bill and ill ill
the mm
Constitution follows the
prediction i.-. heard on ail -id. ill
Carolina, without their
and active the so called
and the professional pol-
could accomplish nothing,
newspaper men
tin always receive just credit,
ever., for their work from some of
And we nil know is lit
tic that we succeed in
capturing. right
The p now be-
comes a -class no
one in the State. I lie receipts ex
laid claim to this
some time ago, lint it was later
shown the postmaster acted
bringing the receipts up
d a record which
was not kept up.
e. Ill ill lies to glow at ii
both North and South
Carolina. I p lo Ibis North
Carolina has led South
. I lit r
afflicted parents. Mr. Klutz is
said to have bean devoted to this
and the blow is a severe out-
to him.
Delegates to the Democratic
state convention will lie
to reduced railroad on ac-
count of to that
feel Simmons.
The d rates holds good from
April It inclusive. So you
can start for Monday and
if you tie
The Slate Pair authorities will
this year purses for
Of horse racing.
This is more than usual.
A number of and Pop. I
and machine
tors held a secret conference here
last week. It is said that pressure
is being brought to bear on
Thompson to make the race for
governor, but that that wily and
shrewd politician objects to em-
bracing a forlorn hope.
big crop of candidates for
Instruction nave sprung
up during the week or two
cultivated gentlemen
who arc actively opposing the idea
of nominating the Pop.
ease show that towns have
the right lo impose collect such
The Tax Collector Police
their monthly reports, all
the treas-
W. C. was exempted from
the payment of tax on the
three Mood hound puppies he re-
Dr. was allowed
to keep a sign front of his office
I ii. street.
C. was elected tax
list taker for 1900. He is to fur-
two complete books for the
Your Policy
Has Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance
works automatically,
Will be re instated within
three years after lapse if you are
in good health .
After Second Year
Dividends are payable at the I-
of the second of each
run -ling year, provided the
for the current year be paid
deadly weapon, plead guilty,
judgment suspended upon pay-
meat of cost.
lid. Cox, affray, pleads guilty,
not yet sentenced.
Henry Vines, assault with dead-
weapon, guilty, judgment
upon payment of cost.
W. H. Clark, carrying concealed
weapon, guilty, lined and cost.
John Creech, larceny, guilty,
one year in penitentiary.
assault with dead-
weapon, guilty, motion for
judgment continued.
larceny, guilty, I
mouths county jail.
Jason as-unit, guilty,
lined cost.
Susan vs. J. II.
for divorce, judgment for plaintiff.
larceny, sen
fenced t months in jail.
carrying con
weapon, not guilty.
Oscar and
of town be paid They may lie used
therefor l To reduce Premiums, or
, ,., ,. ,,, the Insurance, or
the salary of the . . . ,.
. , . , , To Make Policy Pa able as
Mayor s office was
reduced per month for the sum-
mer mouths.
Accounts aggregating about
were allowed and orders for the
same draw u the Treasurer.
an iii.-iii during the Lifetime
of Insured.
J. L.
K. C.
Over I years ago a sou of Sher-
Pace, of Wake county, went to
the Klondike. Vhf nearly eight-
mouths not a hail been
heard from him. and his father
thought bin dead, but Monday it
was ascertained that he was in the
o. i. mm,
leaders of
of race trouble ii
clash. bail man
I he no w ; X-
e pi as wages are
pi a . i f his product, null hen
u it in tin- the.
trust to the p ;
sells, i u pi c, in the
to low i the
receives for
when you place ii the
power to raise
price what buys, you do
farmer double
burns both
be i
and again when
W. J. at Chicago
Prom the number of candidates
i hat are being daily announced ill
The Hi ii run, there seems to be
no of sheriff limber our
neighboring county of Pitt,
And the returns arc no yet all
The April number of Werner's
M m . I tic contains of
lea urea . valuable lo
el is, bit in
let in. and instructive to
reading public. bile
con inning to be In
the who works in any pan
ii. id of expression; the
the reader,
1st, I singer, the entertainer, the
physical the In
aim lo
make tin general
per- will be a welcome
lo every home in the land.
There arc era thousand North
Carolinians son in
army in
I l lot in p
mg with its usual
has recently been enlarged in
Is now the largest daily paper in
State, and the beet.
in w mil
for about live since
January l-t this year South
baa incorporated more
new Carolina,
though our own .-tale has broke its
own record in the same lime. Over
live million dollars have Kin in-
vested in South I and
new mills incorporated during the
first of the year. In
Carolina mills have been
i . i;. i i. i with a capital of about
three millions, light millions in
the two in three mouths
in cotton manufacturing alone It
a great and rec
on I of a we should all be pi
Dr. A A. Marshall, of
has accepted a
call to the pastorate of tbs First
church of succeed-
Dr. W. Dr.
fuller wan the most eloquent
pit orator of which any
church could boast, and was
one of the most unaffected
pun of men. After I en
service here he returns to his Aid
borne in West Virginia, lo the re-
of the major portion
members of and at the
First Baptist shank, wish
hint every blessing in future.
of contribute
towards pay lug off the in-
of Hi. Mary's College
Here, trustees of which have
bought, largely lime,
fill property used by the college for
c half a century. Rev
cc-e. been appointed to
raise I lie funds
In he secured, I and he
will visit every
idly Slate. Others
have and will
We iii your paper the names
several estimable gentlemen for
the office of Sheriff, and yet we
I the opinion that strongest
most suitable man has been
He man who never
puts himself forward any office,
only once has he been called
upon lo carry the banner of De-
which he carried
to tin- front, leading a
Two ago be went into
campaign when be had lo lie hauled
on account of sickness carried
his of the county, which
was more than any other man
could, or ever has done.
Be Is a AM campaigner, and if
Dominated, he will make a
fearless Ida Doming
Ni-ii, and you will see
the y, ml st victory won in
II that has been wit
in I for nearly a
cent in t .
No man his age has ever done
fur his than he; be
ha- harder to bring
fun In than other man
ii He is a man
ways ready man,
and we are sure he II the on-
man can carry the section
of the in Which he loves,
If nominated his elect ion is sure;
and DO man, will till I he more
creditable than he.
and be will lie elected.
We present the name I,.
your issue of The Daily Bk
son, affray, guilty, judgment March some one
upon of cost. i written a letter my
Forbes William name in connection with Slier-
affray, guilty. office. I would say lo
Thus. Alex I known friend Hint I thank him for
guilty. Williams mil this kind words but I am not nor
guilty, not yet sentenced. indeed can I be a candidate
Laura convention for the of
pa-s, judgment suspended sheriff. Pill county has abler and
and defendant discharged. worthier men Hum I to fill her
Win maiming, offices ii ml I seek DO political
suspended pay-J ferment. Very
i ct. W. It.
Meeting of Board of Aldermen.
The Hoard of Aldermen held
their regular monthly meeting on
Thursday night.
The Usual committee reports
were made, showing the work done
and condition of things their
Dr. f I. i van
and addressed the Board, making
some suggestions is t tiling treat
drains and building cisterns or
wells to furnish adequate
supply in of lire. He
expressed hearty of
the work had
done hi inaugurating the use of
tiling pulling in the place of
the wood drains so were
able, lie be hoped
and their successors would emu in-
The cistern I lark property
on I reel, holding some
over gallons lo
tin-use of town provided the
Board make arrangements for
keeping properly filled. The
tender was accepted, cost for
pulling cistern u for
use not to
Cotton Hugging Ties always
on has .
goods kept en
band. Country produce and
Old. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
But, Cattle.
lone. I pay
n ink p i
E. M. .
Till, Kt-
. .
. I. .
II . i . , U . i. .
i . i. . l
. .
f . C BOO
., t.
. . , i i . u
. i -y .- ; having
i iv I
vet to
. r Mt,
, ,
. tow.
II . .
Dull I
i W I
. I. . I
. i, . . . III. It TIM
. till lilt
I-i I
l,. i suit
nil . . I.
. of if- I i . i . to l mil be by
. t
proper it If a cheap and if
to at a very oW take
it, it isn't while. These ate is
it can be it is and
an A it to
t he at Invest pries that are
stuck jot
Spring Suits
Some Speak lo Me, Some to Von
Tin . A run.
I is
T. W.
K. Ii.
l his
Lizzie is
Ir. C.
V. aT. mill. ad
A. .
I In- Car .
ill make then
Don who ha been i. re
this week attending court. .
ft--i B. V.
i;. . Cotter
of Wilson,
of came
attend here
mid must of them are
at way below
Me .
Informed that it is
very probable that the Osceola
If there MARK Hand. Of Greenville will, furnish
in the margin Of this paper it ; music for the New Ban Fair which
so to remind yon that owe I begins April lath.
fair have been
subscription and we with the secretary of
you to settle as early as ,,,,, ,,
We need what will .
owe us and hope yon will committee
keep us for it. , , . . , ,,,,,
This notice is for those no band Ike Slate that
find the cross mark on their would make better than this
and are hope that the arrange
for the baud to
spent the
lust night to
this week.
E. L. of I
county. the day
S. W. of
night here
J. Pulley went down the
road Wednesday evening and re
turned this morning.
Mrs. A. . Black, who has
several days here at James
Hotel left this morning for Wilson.
Miss Ban who has
visiting Mrs. A. Move,
home Wednesday even-
w. Barnes, Jr., of
representing S. Jones
Co., Produce Mer
chants of York, spent last
night here.
Miss up
morning from Ayden.
King this morning
from a trip to Wilson.
Mrs. M. T. Unwell left
evening for Winterville.
of Tarboro.
spent Thursday night here.
Bar. V. -V- Bishop went lo
Washington this morning.
Robert Cur. of Greene county,
the Greenville.
It. I. returned from
Scotland Neck Thursday night.
n i . N.
I. Its
v W.
J Sal .
rage fr
ii fifteen and la
Miss Mable Saturday. ,
land evening to u,. -i .- et I . Hum
visit family F. . the greatest id all and alms
, iron, best materials.
Blanche i Mai.-i I. oil l w
., , N-
spent in Greenville.
t for
to visit
W. a-ho has
clerking for Tali
January, left
Mi-. Irene and .
Al water, of . ,.,.,,
,, . Mr ,
are visiting
C on the train last night m as-
tin- materials, j
F. S. Royster Guano Co.,
lo I.
Miss a Harper, who has
visiting her sister, Mrs. H. L.
Carr, this morning to her
V. ti. Flanagan returned
evening where he
ha-. the
Bar. N. M. Watson returned
Friday evening from
where he has been tending the
wife left this
morning for Mr.
auctioneer for
Warehouse past
Frank Stetson, advance agent
the Herald
spent here arranging for the
appearance of bis in
Greenville on Wednesday night,
i-t Mr-.-1. m her
A man i
their fence-, but
if W. Parker's a-ire
with double barb wire at lop
the man the fen w the one
Hi- garden fence
for lots.
Prof. A.
in the and at
the Bud played
several on his cornet for
young ladles in cigar
for which he then
We call attention of all dealers
in line,
. brick T I
i demand
is Complete
At prices that will suit you.
. Wit
Come To See gs.
At l In-old store,
on I Points, where we have
opened near and
Our Kind.
a fee weeks pant Kb-
i job presses have frequent-
i had lo run until late -ii night to
,.,., . an This
planters, d- ,,,,., .
Banes Perish in
gel an order Oiled one half
lime wiring or it to
Us. need tear to do this
as re arc in lo ship
not lee
nun- mil a
work and prices are as low
. cm Is- done for.
and Fancy Groceries
L. V. left this
a trip to and Baltimore, i
Ii. F. returned this morning I
o Panacea Springs for his health.
W. S. who has been
spendingS few days here left this
Three or four new planters
for sale at IS each. Mayor Move has had four cases
K. L. before him since last reported, as
This cold snap found nearly
in town out of coal. i
J plead
D. W. is having a six , for their
room dwelling built on one of his
Wednesday half past
the -tables Mr.
Alfred were found lo Is- on
The alarm was given, but the
stables burned down before
company get a of
water on building.
wind was blowing from the
Other buildings nearby and a
buckets of water kept them from
Jarvis Sugg came up from Wash-1 burning.
Thursday and spent the were
the stables at time tin
lire and were to death.
positive idea be given as
S. c
Ia I
of Flour,
Sugar, Coffee,
lions. Fruit-, in feet everything
lo I.- found in an up-to-date
i. i-r.
We pa i in- highest
rices for all kinds of
Laid at
B. II. returned Thins
day evening from a short trip up
the road.
Mr. W. has
ed house on the of Co
lunch and Fifth streets and is
it moved on one of his lots in
South Greenville.
A traveling man said yesterday
be had seen anywhere in
North Carolina a handsomer dis- i
play of goods than J. B. Cherry
Co. have made at their spring;
appearance before the September
term of Superior Court.
II. C. drunk and dis
orderly, guilty lined and coal
amounting to
Carter and James
drunk and disorderly and
not guilty,
guilty, and cost
Taylor, riotous and
Mrs. W. F. Harding left tills
for to visit
her mother.
Thursday evening for to
attend school.
Smith went to
Thursday evening and returned
this morning.
origin the lire, as the building
was burning all over when it was
conduct and assault, guilty,
evening the lender to cost amount to
caught on and lo
stopped mar Pamela for the, not
lire to he extinguished.
A poor girl to go
Well Sold. school, that she might be able lo
April Henry teach, and thus help her aged
Co., Washington Hi., mother.
New York, report sales of N. C-l She wrote to a man
News come-lo us of
of Bros, slot
House station, Tutsi night. U
Mr. Randolph was sleeping
theaters was awakened by
hearing sonic one breaking
the rear window. He got bis pistol
and went down to
I found u man living open
I the sale. Mr Randolph snapped
Thursday , . ,.,
evening from Ohio, where he has I
been purchasing a car load of I -t it felled to lire.
The corporation has
made -i report there
are this Slate towns, rail-
ways in mil of T
companies. bank- and
loan Country Produce,
lay and
II. i . Brooks arrived home
Kentucky, where he been at-
school. , remain, Mi-- Sarah
M f New I Hooker, who died
. ; were interred in I
went to Kin- j Hill
Wednesday evening
i P. A. Bishop. The music was very
J. B. Vaughan, the greet impressive. solo
lecturer, here m
i man beautiful
Mrs. from friends.
Mi- Katie I law.-n i- visiting The pall bearers were M.-.-i-.
her Mrs. Clayton Wiggins. . K. House, M. .
II B. I mer stock extend a cordial in
,,.,. to look over. very
i . ii.-.
in cash or barter. When
want to sell when
to buy tome to sec us.
To nil who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire sat-
at were con
grave Presiding
at Points
is hereafter j
i i and
To th-.-i i who have
our Spring and Sum
A. Andrews left this morning
for Martin county, to see his moth-
who is quite auk.
Miss Mamie
as here Thursday
route lo Kin-Ion.
evening en
H. It. Hardy, who been here
this week representing News
and Observer, left this morning for
Miss Battle Tyson returned
Thursday evening from Baltimore,
Where She has been visiting for.
Mime time-
He then ran
to gel a gun. but
made his escape through the win-
before he returned.
Mr. says he is
was a white man
No goods were stolen.
I Kindness,
One cold wilder,
not from convicted criminals.
Allen Brooks, colored, who a
Mrs. P. W. Hurt, a
woman, near tin.
colored, . Mr. It. drove home
for attempted murder, and told bis
at Va., lire to the
jail and was burned with
Because of a misunderstanding
will, workmen the entire plant
the New Air die
i-i-i line
Domestic Cloths,
ill V. i
men are idle.
Ii i- reported Colonel
r. p. leave
asked him to loan her some
money. He wrote and told her to
get ready and go to a certain
College and she would all her
bills paid.
lie asked for no note and said
nothing about even paying
I that pity upon the poor
Our townsman Mr. ft Flan- unto the Lord; and that
I II n t I mill I III I S. . t. . .
Charleston Asparagus
par and per
crate. Florida Choice Strawberries
a quart. They want your
Mr Flanagan Honored.
bad while at be was
to return.
Miss to,
Ayden Friday evening.
who is In Raleigh attending
meeting of North Carolina
Association, was
Treasurer of association,
be was also placed on the commit-
tee by-laws.
The of
M Harry, of
which he hath given will He pay
aim v. i.
Ayden, N. C
Surgical Operation.
Wednesday morning On,
A. performed
operation on Mrs. R. Pi Burnt,
from her a large
. I She is doing
Vice C.
Superior Court,
tending the A. M. College,
evening. His health has lawn s. ,,, ,. beginning so
late the week the Judge made
only a brief charge to the grand
Ami ill UP
soon as possible.
The following compose the grand
jury W. Stokes, Foreman;
of county, HI Blaming, A
Hie day j If Warren, J Parker,
W ft lie-torn, of A D W Little, J It
spent Friday in J R Gray,
Mary came over Horn
J W. Perkins came In this
morning from u trip down
Democratic parts and become
HI chief
a Republican m an.
well and some Friday here lo
she will be able, i
in a few days, to return to her j. in, after a short
left this fol
Third Vice -President- -J. W.
n mi i i. in
Secretary-W. I. Hell.
A lull t., allow women to vote His. oft la.
Treasurer-H. O. Flanagan, of win, in
applied lo Ii merely a
of speech
is proper lo advert i-e all
the lime. who know-
no especial season fur promoting his
advertising, who
ii every day, la the one
who annually counts up the
Worth ad.
A to Jarvis
the John
morning at six forty-five o'clock.
It will to remembered Dr.
Worth ran on in
Vance and
and then on Iii- with
In He
Slate Treasurer during
entire and
relation existed them.
Jarvis wired the follow.
reply the
Dr. death.
family my
A noble man
has gone, lie was my friend.
Regret at tend
Dr. Worth held other
place- of public trust. He
and In thorn all.
lie lived and died honored and be
loved. The ha-
cream of the market In I
, ,.,,. Worsteds, Flannels,
,. Cloths and
, novelty staple suitable
road a few miles away. i use of careful and
After horse had 1.1,. As to
we should for
,,,., bike you back ,,,,,.,; and therefore ask
I your order as possible lo
atom l o'clock the usual
drunk In a fence j
,.,,,. i. saved him.
I bill told me
of that case, I put m arms around
gave It. V. class
May the world full
pie to go and make sacrifice
S. C.
When conies to courting B
girl, the to no always
Tailoring Co.,
pin if 11-,. ,. , men. lie was over
law h
. .
is. gnat
. r i
it get Pop h
and Window Frames and
Inge, and
deed thing to be made of
Went or Pine, of
N. c.
t hem for what

The Reflector
deny the
been o their
guilt ponding, and
lie being of Almighty God
bell r
i following i the
of lac stair roost it a
Iron, As ,
, ,, . . , of
1899, and to be .,
led I i voters tor
Pens, Pencil's.
or felony, or for
tho punishment may be lot-
in the penitentiary.
of Ike
Called corruption
in miles-
person shall be to the
of of in a manner
by law.
Bee. Thai art shall be in
no from and after its
S-i ion 1- That article Viol the
-oust ion of North Carolina be
t M same is hereby abrogated
mil in lieu thereof shall
e. i I
ill not in ;
i. . in time will
Sick Mead
, a id kindred diM
Liver PILL
Major Grant Opposes Of-
received for
Every male person
born in th United States, Goldsboro, N April
every male person bent lily white county eon
twenty-one years of house
ace. and the qualifies- this afternoon. Mai. II. L.
lions set in Ibis article, shall I called the convention to order and
be entitled to vote at election a of
by the people in the Stale, except
herein otherwise provided. He said part, for twenty
Bee. Be shall have he had fought lo down the
the State of North Carolina for two
rears, in the county six months, lag the ascendancy of the to
and in the precinct, ward or
election district in which he offers that would eventual
to vote, four months next J H
the Provided, that respect t II. E. the
removal from one precinct, ward chairman the executive
or other election another committee. He said
in the same emit v. shall not ope assumption of power w improve-
ate in deprive am person of the dented and that be had
right lo vole the ward been paid for into attempt to ride
or other election district from rough shot as had done.
give us a call.
elector Urn
As Fate Would Have It.
Many years ago an Arkansas
youth, on leaving the home of his
sweetheart latent received
a severe kirk as he out of
door. His beloved had not
responded definitely to his
of marriage, but had assured
him she would soon let
know what she could do for him.
He mi fortunately two tender
hearts, took the answer
and departed for a far wild
country. Here he brooded over
and his broken heart
until his beard grew down to his
knees and became Roman.
As fate would have it. its fate
ways has it. he turned up late one
sad evening when the straw-
neck hens were quarreling on the
roost and row was low-
mournfully for her hungry off-
spring. A young man some six
feet tall met the lonely visitor. It
was one of sous, born, from
lime to tune, unto his old love.
Explanations followed. It wan
girl who him thirty
which ho has removed, until four Major put on v, ,,,,. Ber
months after such removal. N to the ,.,.,. She loved Mm. It
person who has been convicted, or but said time he was as all dear now. lie went
who has his guilt opposed to a holding office, ,, off Wini
Visiting Card
Sheet Poster
The Eastern Reflector
H l year mid
dip news e cry week.
Vt'S i die
r i
t,; . ,
upon of any crime
the punishment of which i. or
hereafter the
Mate prison, shall be permitted to
vole. Unless said person shall
be first restored lo citizenship in
the manner prescribed law.
See. Every person offering lo
vote-hall be at the time a legal
registered voter as herein
ed and in the manner
provided law and the General
of Carolina shall
general laws
into effect the provisions of
this article.
s-.-. I. Every person presenting
himself registration shall be
able to read write any
of the constitution in the English
and. before he shall be
lo vole, have paid on or
year he poses lo vote,
his tax as prescribed law,
for previous year. Poll
shall be a lien on assessed
property, and process shall issue
lo enforce the collection of the same
except against property.
See. N. p,
Ion I. lime
thereto, to rote
the laws of any State
. Wales wherein he then re-
sided, and no lineal descendant of
such person, shall denied
lo register and rote at
any election in tins state by person
of his failure lo possess the
section I of this article Provided,
he shall hare registered in accord
sure with terms of this
prior to December I, The
Assembly shall provide
a permanent record n all persons
who register under this section on
or before November I, and
all such persons shall be entitled
to and vote at all election.
by the people in this Stale, union
disqualified under of
Provided, persons
shall have paid their poll tax as re-
quired Us.
Sec All elections by the pen.
pie be ballot, and all
elect ions Assemble
shall be v rot n.
Sec livery
as in this article ,,,,.,
. ti shall to of-
lire, but before entering upon , j,, ,
duties of he shall lake ,
subscribe the following
do swear
I will support
maintain the constitution and laws
of the United Mates, and the
and laws of North Caro
that I will discharge the
So help me,
Bee. x. The following classes
shall lie
office First, all persons who shall
and i lieu lest of his
was made be
vole for a or give up his Re-
he would give up his
Republicanism. He took the
that an educated looked
to but
leaching and polities. He said
that while a under con-
had a right lo bold office,
yet public sent Intent was stronger
with the and kicked
himself down the
Daily News.
M. Schultz.
W and retail Grocer and
Furniture Healer, paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
than law. was steads, Mattresses. Oak Sails. Ba-
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
opposed to holding office,
of Congress
White, lie said, addressing
himself have
not a worse enemy to
Major Gran took position
that White had dishonored and
Suits. Tables. Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail
Meat Key West
American Beauty Can-
Cherries. Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, rap. Jelly. Milk,
Flour, Sugar. Coffee,
Lye, Magic Matches, Oil,
disgraced the Republican party by Cotton Seed Meal Hulls.
raw the color line, and had den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
virtually said. control the Candies, Dried Applet, Peaches,
. , . , . , Prunes, Currents,
control poll- ,,,, . . , .
. and i ware, tin and n
ties. n nominated, he said. Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
White would never be elected; tool, Cheese, Real Batter, mi
Democrats many Re- other goods. Quality and
publicans would see to his defeat.
Some Queer Law.
It is of course n mutter
to pass which there is
not some valid in some
feature of it, or one that dues not,
c circumstances, work
A case hen-
illustrates it. are given
for good reasons.
A well known
possessed of
died several years ago, leaving
two both of whom were of age
when he-lied. One was married
and other noon afterwards
married. Both of these sons died
Cheap for cash. Come
to see inc.
n v
JOHNSTON'S u t Stood and Nerve t
heaven to worn the run don. overworked and debilitated. Thai
i sinking which arise badly
thin, blood and an underfed body, vanish ., Iv i
The weariness lassitude and accompany the
time and the heat of summer, a-e conquered and at once. For every form of
and all ailments the brain Insomnia, hysteria and
it is almost a specific. It very to rebuild worn-out nerve
tissues. It feeds brain, centers and nerves, and their action; It
rich. red. honest Newness of life, new hope, new follow
use. It makes the weak strong, and the old
It was the antiquated now In the good old times, lo
treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula. Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising
TAINT with powerful such as arsenic and other
agents. It was expected by this treatment that the could be killed while the blood
was to course through Its channels holding In circulation specific of the
disease. But In this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased.
ran be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. It not only attacks
the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed
destroyed, seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again II will bring de-
cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or There Is only one
scientific method tor the cured blood taint. That Is. PURIFICATION I Every particle
of the blood must be removed through the channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels.
liver skin. First pure, then The great restorative, and
the blood. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and
removes but also removes all mercury, and other minerals,
tills veins arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. blood Is
Ike Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy. JOHNSTON'S
SARSAPARILLA, Is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever
This fact is ; x established beyond question or cavil.
. . t . ,. Byron. Mich. October 1.04
A Co.
In tact t JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA Stood Poison, caused
M c ct my I had SEVEN RUNNING SORES or my lacs. I t- N m
sis cured. I know It If hat cured me. C. W
f K
hit day to Clerk f
In- Coon of Pitt
is I., all persons
lo them
to tar duly on
or before the 86th day of
or tins will be in tr of their
A II raid i-
late will make i me
It. S. Jambs,
a E.
N- II Mi. I IN A
I I I .
j- In I
r Smith.
. I ll
. t r Divorce
we named will lain
i as above
tin- Superior
tin ,,
Having this day qualified the
Clerk Conn of cons t.
notice lo all
claims said state to
to for
or before the
March 1901,. r will be In
in. recovery All
will make
to me. 2nd loon.
Executrix of K. Allen.
Court Clerk as
of B.
notice i-. hereby to
to said to make pay-
and all person.
h.-o ins
lay of tins notice will lie
in bar of recovery.
Tun mil day of Natch,
in--. and
i.; the sail Annie
will take
i i r- la to th.-
I. the said
i- on be Monday in
April. l i Court
X. C. answer or
i in or
, the will apply to the court for tin-
a after lbs rather, one of relief
then, leaving one child.
This child died recently and now Superior Coin
virtue of an order of the
Court, made tins in n certain
Nellie w III
the in
soil at public Mile fur certain lot
or panel of land in the town of
located i I be
of Mo. mill on
run. with the lines of Iota .
to i- . lots M
with line of lots No.
sixty and one half feet;
I with the first line lo fifth
trod; tin with fifth to
containing one of an
acre more or less and being a part lot
No. in the plan of said town. This Hie
day of March won.
under law all tin- property in-
from her grandfather re
I relatives, lier
raised her loll without,
ti,,. i i i Having tic day in
anything, Her father died When Clerk of Superior CW of
she a baby and her moth-1 of the estate of M.
. , , . notice is to
had to rear her . i .,,.,;., ,.
Of course the intent of law is to ma for par mm I
., . n In-fore tun
property must Stay in the notice will be
not be bawled down to the recovery
, . ,, to said arc lo make
t bar death II would re- i
w ho
. ate., and the share of
now to them,
he is left nothing,
ins day of March
I. II Ad
M I,.
i a Blow, Attorneys,
Whichard. N. C.
Stock It
photo, i 1111-11 a. market prices
Ours In Hood,
and re run cold In sari
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at l A. M. for
ville, leave daily at
M. for
Greenville Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. fur Tar
leave for
A. M. carries freight only.
Washington with
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for nil points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Boy Lino from Baltimore;
Men and Line from
Washington, N.
Greenville, N.
a. in.
Lay Services every 2nd and 4th
Sunday morning.
every Sun-
day, morning evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev,
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D. Rountree,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. in. W K.
i ti t -ti d en t
Sunday, mom i i evening,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday
a. m. E. B.
regular service, a
A. K. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. M. Reuse, Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every evening.
It. O.
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. M. C T. M. Hooker,
R. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. II. Wilson. It. M. It.
Lang, Sec.
In. O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
o. K. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. Smith, Hoc.
No. meets every second and
fourth nights Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith See,
a a. a a. a
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
can now lie found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. B.
The Eastern Reflector.
I ;
. H.
Ed. H.
Sat Down On Them.
When Hawaiian
bill was under discussion the
House of Representatives Thurs-
Congressman White
and of this
of Kentucky, of-
amendments to strike the
educational property
and the House very
sat down upon all
of although Mr. M
his amendment with a
frantic attack on the proposed eon-
for this
The position in which While and
found themselves was a
somewhat one, for if
they passed over in silence this
fort to establish
in Hawaii they could not consist,
oppose ii in North Carolina,
and yet they had reason to know
that these amendment would be
and thereby this
Republican would he
practically endorsing justify-
in the South,
for the arguments advanced for its
justification in Hawaii are the same
arguments as are advanced for its
justification in the only
difference being that have
illy more application and force
the South than they have
Hawaii where the purpose is
parent to get the native as a
voter and put the government in
control of a few thousand
cans and other white people of the
By this act the Republicans in
Congress them-
selves from movements
to restrict suffrage the South-
Wilmington star.
Some Things.
An exchange says that this is a
funny world Funny men When
everything does nut go just to suit
some they rash around to the
paper and order their ad stopped.
The cause may Is- jealousy of a
rival, and of the space betakes, it
may because ho can't keep his
rival off the same page with him-
self. Not willing to pay enough
for bis ad. to pay for the blank pa-
per i is printed upon, he expects
disposition of that
dictate who is who is
not to be admitted to the same
In their Jealousy and bigotry they
forget the hundreds of nice things
the paper has constantly said in
the past years, the many
extended, etc. Perhaps some
time in the past the paper has gen-
refrained from ventilating
that would have been a
hurt to the firm or members of the
firm. There nearly always
a lime when the paper, by speak-
or by keeping silent,
an angel of mercy, but nu-ii
gratefully forget
they rush in and order their ad,
topped tin a breathlessly
to see suspend the next
day. Funny men
Constitution In Bad Way.
I We hear a heap of chat these
whether or not
it follows It
used to. Of course it went slower,
I but it When the flag Hew
over Mississippi Texas and
the great western territories, the
constitution down on the levee
on the east bank of
took oil her shoe- and stockings,
and then like Cousin Dillard
her and waded over
I into the new empire. But the
j constitution la unwell. Sue
as pretty as she was when she was
is not as much thought
of. She's Sick, too, and even such i
good doctors as Ir. Rally, of Texas, j
Dr. of Maine, can't
I Hire her. the constitution I
I follow the An impaired;
it ion can't follow anything.;
Charlotte Observer,
Damaged By Tin Cold
The continued cold weather and
light frost part of
I the without a doubt re
; suited illustriously to some extent I
to the growing truck crops in the
Baa torn Carolina licit, ti rowers
who were here yesterday from
section, did not hesitate to
say besides being injured by the;
the crop is retarded material-
The wind yesterday morning I
kept off the but the tempera-
lure, which was only two degrees
I above freezing, considerably worst-1
led the young and tender plants of
I various varieties. Mr. W. J.
Boney, of Wallace, who here
yesterday told of material damage
to berries in low places and
reported some ice. Mr. W
Wells, of Columbus county, also
reported ice and spoke of damage
lo crops in his vicinity. Last
truckers do not speak so
of the prospect but
admit some damage to
the like. The moderation
which came
last night, was welcomed by the
may Is- behind in
things, Inn she has some unique
laws relating medicines.
Dr. that In Hex-
if buys a
of hair oil on which there la a label
stating that the preparation will
restore hair on if it fails
to accomplish the job he can have
seller arrested thrown into
Crowding of Professions.
The colleges and universities
and the law, medical and
schools are turning out too
many for professional work for
comfort for those who are striving
to make a livelihood in the learned
professions. The same I
in where we are told
a journeyman brewer makes batter
wages the salary of a
a Herman university.
Henna a good assay of the over-ed
who cannot make a living
by their learning are enlisting in
the socialistic and anarchist ranks.
Mechanical pursuits are as over-
crowded as the professions. The
over-crow it the professions in
Chicago is becoming
u estimated that out of a total of
lawyers Chicago are
handling the litigation of the city,
and only about are making
16,00 or over each year. While
the legitimate business of the
courts has not shown any marked
increase, the Influx of lawyers
the country baa been
and uninterrupted, and the stream
of been yearly
augmented by heavy contributions
the colleges and universities
Of doctors the number in
go is estimated If the
has a population of
this would give a physician to
inhabitants, which means
that there are four or live times ;
as arc needed.
on the conditions, the ;
Chicago Times Herald
a matter of fact, almost any
now commands a
annual Income than three-fourths
of tho lawyers doctors, while
the mercantile pursuits are much
more pit In spite of the mod-
tendency toward lug
Kind Deed
TO PEOPLE, nil Kits OF
We are
We offer
still in the forefront of the
yon the best selected Hue of
race after your
will always ft ml a ready
w Ling
halo i mi,
General Merchandise
I,, be found in any store Pin County. Well bought choice
selections, Ike creations of the best manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring. Summer
and Winter. We are at work for yours our mutual ad-
vantage. It Is our pleasure to show you what you and to
sell you If we can. We offer you tin- U-t service, polite
attention, and the must liberal terms consistent with a well
established business up strictly on its own merits.
When you come lo market you will not do yourself justice
If you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
us the following lines of general merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Sal in-. Dress Trimmings
Jackets Capes, Carpels. Mattings and Oil
Women's and Children's
. Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour. Meal. Scud Is,
Casting-, and
Fixtures, Mails Bop
i in
for and in Unit line.
strictly for but ill for Kit her Cash or on Approved
I to is and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
St CO.
The New England small boy gen
shows capabilities
at a tender age, if he is ever going
to have them. I have heard of a
certain small boy who got
into the of leasing his
for pennies until last she said
to him; Willie. I don't
like in give you pennies if you
money you should go to work
and earn The boy remained
thoughtful for some lime. Then,
within a nays, the mother per-
that Willie bad plenty of
pennies. She wondered a bit
where he got them, but did not
question him. But one
day she noticed that some of a I . . . . . t
hullabaloo was going on back j April 16-21 1900.
yard. Looking out, she bow
lie surrounded by a mob of boys,
who yelling with delight,
She down Into the yard
w was
hack wall of house, ll
notice, quite neatly out
w a
small green worm, for cent
large green worm, for cent-
New-papers tell u- of murder-, only that farmer
rapes, thefts and such like, But , , , ,
raise them who has studied
die threat secret how to ob-
both quality and quantity
by the judicious use of well-
balanced fertilizers. No
can produce
a large yield unless it contains
at least Potash. Send for
. our books, which furnish full
information. We send them
free of charge.
them. Thai took her from her
work and cut off their bread. The
neighbor found it -cut in
abundant May
bless them. A.
Advertisement Point the way.
Advertisement point the way to
commercial bargains. spring
shopping begun, and careful
i. . columns of
favorite before starting
out to make purchases. With the
special of explained
to I in well-worded Use-1
Cent. Investment with
Taxes Paid by Company.
shopping is made easy, pleas J Drewry, Pres.
the breaking of
Colorado i several i in
rile city of .
damage. of dollars ii
I s Treas.
N II Ally. t
Allen, I
with Semi
Annual Coupons, 93.23 each.
June and December at
Commercial and Bank of
Secured by first
on residence properly worth
properly lives were lost. ; of loans, with
In . house near I
Petersburg seven
their lives.
, of i- arc being sold for
cash payment
. live and one-third per
annum free of taxes on
cost, a of nearly
percent at
a of more than seven per
cent, per annum. This is one of
the safest and best investments on
the market. made on
property of eight
For further address
and Investors Union,
Geo. Alien. Sec. N. C.
Pa., had a
dollar lire Sat
The Democrats carried the
elect ion at Load ville. Col.,
a luge majority.
Nathan Baldwin, u Ira veil
in poor health, cut his
yesterday at
protest against high loll
masked men blew up two lull
bridges and burned loll
Burlington j
pike applications as they can-
. . i i. reach the diseased portion of
A i,, ,,., ,
. the ear. I here is one way to
care deafness, and is
remedies. is cans-
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Philadelphia's Temple
has been placed on tax list,
despite the exemption of
property, became it was giving
promiscuous entertainments in
church building, to which
was had by the purchase of-
tickets, which were on Bale to tits
public tickets lo any other
secular entertainment art
It will a complete of the
North Carolina. of Farm and
I-. Film Stock Large and
exhibits o
product ,
saw up Oysters Wild
worm, for
I small green load, for
Willie apparently doing a
thriving His
interrupted any rate in her
ran hack yard. I don't
she had any Basil ranee
be still carrying It on some-
where Transcript.
Advertising undoubtedly lakes
away badness from those who
do not and gives lo
thane Who do, and who have
succeeded best, growing day by
day, have been those who have
bean the moat advertisers
in season and out of
A splendid Attractions, including
Wild Animal show. i
of Illusion-, and many before shown at a Fair
in this Stale
Cheap Excursion Rates
and Steamboat Line-.
Information, address
For Premium ,,;
nicely printed ., only
of continual to the user, but
In-lit ii to . m
of trier
I .
fl, n I
cant a lull
ilia i nil oh
The Reflector-
liver memorial adore
the of May
Al Chapel Mill
bill last
X. V.
A pap e did The i-c
ill i.-a I,
Pan inly, by T. Cab
. Moil bus lib ill i u
from the nice a- u candidate
the auspices Ann i
of Religious Education,
will be in Foundry M.
Church, Washington, i. begin-
on the instant.
Mix W. I. l. formerly
Alba de
la. n i from Cuba, I
a n i
late dealt i New
The jury. Xe York, in
of the Beau Co. bucket
last night returned a verdict of
guilty of larceny.
Fred at
I Indianapolis. In, fatally shot I
whom he for charges
him as an Fellow.
Greensboro and
are proposing to expend
r improved country roads.
C. w. former cashier of
Vt. has held In
for Court, on a
having waived a
The lower of the town
has n bin pro
-mis under Hi years age and b;
all pupils public
-i Sale- mi
had been
lied the Slate, I lie Ian-
led by an inflamed of the
mucus lining of the
When this tube la
you hale a I sound or
hearing, and when is in
closed, deafness is t be result,
Hides the can lie
this lube restored
lo ii- hearing
will lie destroyed forever; nine
of ten arc caused by Ca-
is nothing but an In-
lamed of the mucous
fin i
W- ill give Hundred
case of
ed catarrh cannot he cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
i free.
r. ii Props.,
Sold by druggist-. Hall's
are I.-1.
Dr. D.
S, T,
and fever is a bottle of
It is Simply
I ion and quinine Inn tasteless form,

Eastern reflector, 10 April 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 10, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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