Eastern reflector, 6 April 1900

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A Uniform Size Bale.
Savannah, . M Tin
Savannah cotton e- is
log oat a l
git lug I all
with lo balm which i
Into offset with beginning of
i in- next cotton year,
bur that after
I km- I, I Si u. sales of cotton
Savannah hi bales shall tie baaed
on packages of standard
and when bales of
mansions are tendered for
an allowance of cents per
shall be made to the buyer by the
Copies of the above rule are be
to the exchanges
of the States, requesting
operation, and to funnel,
men hunts, newspapers
inn bale. The cotton
exchange bus adopted
the rule.
Five That II Will Ho.
The Executive Com
I umbel mud but
bailed n ringing address
while men of nil
Constitutional In
co union ii sums up
ii gained the i
I. Rule of while men i
of ignorant
u -ii of cities, mi
ties the Slate.
I. will stimulate i
. will white
man u life nine i . vote
whether be can read or write or mil
if be will register by
will peaceful
.-. free from
Wheeler on Waiting
,. ml to
lie , nil Wheeler mill i .- .
nun d I lull h I
temporarily of ease
p acing i
rein as i
Wheeler in ice of the i iii
i I
in e bethel lie shall be
given an active
of a special rel ire
net, or mustered mil of
Is stated be
would mil lie obliged lo retire
Hie rules i regular lb
lull, so there
is still i the .
In ii i if he
ii Smile In Each.
I borrower, like
. la lee in
i in mi n in hap-
s some other woman
. i i i v. i do n the e
A negative is generally I
Most women are like misery
love company.
to his ways.
Anton are here to y.
bill who owns one wants
to go.
Ii that
a man is in politic the
more be la out.
I who courts trouble
lien trouble court.
o; en isn't
w i ii i a elite lug.
No., is of year when
i,. no-and
forgets the quinine.
same place. I
in prohibitionist who plays I
often complains because be
small ill tell that
fell slippers, under certain
l ii . are not felt as much as
other kind.
No. Maud, dear,
because a girl
she be high
road to success is seldom
In ride.
Poor penman give themselves
laid characters.
The piano has a lot of keys, but
i- seldom I. eked.
When critics roasts an actor
lie in I feels hot about ii.
Hen are working in an-
of the rush.
Why is it some men make a
face when they drink whisk
a very
When to tire, the street
conductor doesn't confine his
belief to love and war
Damage estimated at 150.00,
i due by rain I is week to veg-
crops about Tampa. Flu.
-Fortune doesn't always favor
the says the
bad egg is not
the one i soonest
lie was lying on the saloon steps
in a dazed condition.
l In asked a passer-by. I
i ink couldn't pay for
reply. tired
. I feel terribly pal
April inclusive, 1909.
It will K the
of and
Is. ii e ml Large and
Oysters ard Wild
MaCeS. Aggregate .
A splendid Line of Vitim including of Cain. Ex.
Wild n
of Illusions, many ores never before show n a
in this Slain.
Cheap Excursion Hates
i address
N r
printed stationery in not only a tonne
of continual to th m u
the firm up to date.
of I y. ,
of myth
the way
from ii i mil-
card to lull
potter, coll on
r write
The Reflector.
I i i toe amendment
lo of the Mate
adopted by the As
s-iii it 1809, and to lie submit
the voters
Section i- That article VI of the I
of North Carolina be .
mil la hereby abrogated
in lien thereof shall
the following article of said
male person
born tho United States, and
even male person who has
one years of
age, possessing the
In this article, shall
be entitled to vote at election
by the people in the State, except
herein otherwise provided.
See. lie Shall have resided in
the State of North two
years, in the county six months,
and in the precinct, ward or other
elect district in which be offers
to vote, four months next
the elections Provided,
removal limn one precinct, ward
or other election district
in the same county, shall not ope
rate deprive any person of the
right to vote in the precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he has removed, until four
months after such removal. So
person who has been convicted, or
ho has his
court upon of any crime
the punishment of is. or
hereafter be. in the
Male prison, shall be permitted to
vole, unless the said person shall
restored to in
the manner prescribed law.
See. person offering
vote shall I e the time a
registered voter as herein
ed and in I lie manner
provided by law and General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
general registration laws to
carry effect the provisions of
Sec. i. person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able read and write any section
of constitution in the English
language; and. before he shall bl-
led lo vote, have paid on or
before the day of March of the
year in which he proposes to vote,
his poll lax as prescribed by law.
for the previous year. Poll taxes
shall a lieu on assessed
property, and no process shall
to enforce I he collect ion of the same
except against assessed property.
Sec No male person who was.
on I, 1807, oral any time
prior thereto, entitled lo vole mi
i I he laws of Stale in
States wherein be then re-
sided, and no lineal of
person, shall be denied
tin- register and vote at
election in this State
of failure to possess
i in
I of Provided.
i have registered In accord
with the terms of this in
prior to December I, 1908.
General shall prov for
a permanent all persons
who register under this on
or before November 1908, and
all persona shall in-
to and all
people in I III- Slate,
section tin-.
article Provided, such persons
shall have paid their poll lax as re
quired by law.
Sec. All the
-lull be ballot, and all
elect ions by the General Assembly
shall lie viva
See Every voter in
Carolina, except as in this article
disqualified, shall eligible to of
lice, but before entering upon the
duties of the he shall take
subscribe following oath i
do swear
trill support
Slab-, tin con-
and laws of North Cam
Una not Inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge
duties Of
So In me,
See. s. The following of
persons shall be
First, all persons
deny the being of Almighty God I
Second, all persons win shall have
. i u
-i J
or confessed their
guilt pending, and
whether or not,
of any I Haw in
or felony, or any other for
which the be
since becoming citizens of the
or corruption
ice in unless such
person shall lie restored to the
rights of citizenship in a manner
by law.
Bee This act shall be force
from and after its
Annis Elder, an oil well driller,
shot and killed his wife
Reflections of a Bachelor.
The man who knows when he
hasn't succeeded generally knows
A girl always has I sneaking re
spec for a man who can propose
I i her in an offhand way.
Very women believe that
low cut dresses are unmoral unless
and made K, u,,,,., in
Ids escape.
If sin-could only see a photo-
graph of the fanny way it would
look when it began to turn ray,
no woman would livelier hair
When a man is in love with a
woman nothing he won't
give her. after they get mar-
there's nothing pro
York Press.
Mrs Wigwag of j
Gas escaping from a healer as-
John a clerk,
at Buffalo, X. V.
Damage from ice gorge,
broken in at
Monroe, is estimated at
Michael Fleming, III ,
set lire to the bed on
was lying, and she was
To the window Here comes Mrs.
of the Cross Society In differ- with the fondest coal on
cut countries. Barton w ill sail ever she's coming up
for April Mr Wigwag
A cleaning of Chinatown, in San I heard a wrap
Cal,, shows that
stories of plague existing
there are
Before a large crowd at
on Saturday night, Colonel
William i. spoke
money quest He is
sail Lake.
of composed
K W. I,
on the in tin-ton
Villi-. N. C. if
now ,,,., It. K
II. B. re-
. Urn from mill All
In the Seventh South Carolina it.
ex red
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
A oil Her
Mrs. lives In villas of
Co., Midi. This venerable was born la
year 1812, year of great war, In Hebron. Washington Co., New
York. She to Michigan In ISM. year of and Tyler
All her faculties ore excellently preserved, and possessing a very re-
memory, Is full of Interesting of her early
life, of the early days or the State of and the interfiling- and re-
markable people she baa met, and the stirring events of which she was a wit-
nothing In varied and manifold recollections are more mar
and worthy of attention than are her experience la the use of
SARSAPARILLA. Mrs. Hurt Inherited a tendency and
disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood taint which has cursed
and is cursing lives of thousands marking thousands more as
of the death Transmitted from generation to generation. It Is
found In every family in one form or another. It may make its
In dreadful running lo unsightly swellings In neck or
or in eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the membrane. It
mar be known as catarrh in the bead, developing In lungs It may be.
and often Is. the prUne cause of consumption.
Speaking of her ease. Mm. was troubled for many years
with a bad skin disease. My arms limbs break oat In a mass of
yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very
unsightly In appearance. My body Was covered with scrofulous eruptions.
My eyes were also greatly Inflamed and weakened, and they pained me very
much. My blood was In very bad condition and my head ached
at frequent Intervals, and I had no appetite. I had sores also In my ears. I
was in a miserable condition. I bad tried every remedy that had been
mended, and doctor after had failed. One of the best Id
the State told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as
were beginning to form. I at length Was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and
his famous I tried a more as an experiment than any-
thing else, as I had no In It. and greatly to my agreeable I
began to grow better. You can be sure I kept on taking It. I took a great
many bottles. But I steadily Improve, until I became entirely welt. All the
sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. gained perfect health.
and I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady
of years Is not n young woman, I bare had remarkably good health
since then, and believe that la the
greatest Mood purifier and the best medicine In the wide world, both for
scrofula and as a spring This remarkably Interesting old lady did
not to be more sixty, and she repeated several times, believe my
life was saved by
district J. II Ford- and W-B. Greene.
. , , . . . ,, . . day March
ham, colored, and . . K.
lace were elected Republican
Samuel Mark
and his will Boon return style of Patrick a the
having new partnership ill
II. K. Patrick having in-
II. I Patrick in tin business here-
from alumni Hartford,
and take up I heir permanent
Chin Ye. Envoy
nary and Minister Plenipotentiary
of Korea to the United States, will
sail next in day for Paris, to be
gin his new official duties at that
city, Vienna and
Revival services at the Third
Baptist church, of Indianapolis,
hid., disturbed neighbors, and
was made some out-
set the building on lire, and was
Confederate veterans say the
gathering at Raleigh lib. at
business under Urn.
u of Patrick
All el tho U
hereby by the AH
person indebted the old Urn will make
to u.
This day
w. ii.
K. Patrick.
In Superior Court
Edward Smith
r Adieu
Annie Smith.
The defendant above named will
notice that action entitled above has
been o lo lbs Superior Court of
j Pill to dissolve bond
I existing between Smith gad
Of Vance statue, Annie Smith j tin- Smith,
will be largest ever ill
North Carolina.
allies Harper, who shot
led Valentine Hart, last August,
Chester Hill. l., when be found
him Mrs. Harper, was acquit-
of murder.
Mi Harriet otherwise
Mrs. A. who was
tor grand larceny at New
York, on return from Europe
In i Tuesday, was taken to Haiti-
mole, Mil., yesterday.
Tho Chicago Times Herald coin
length on the many
of and pros
in the South, and stales
that numerous have re
located In this
especially along lines of
I system and the Southern
Hallway. Most of these colonists
arc from the Middle States and the
West, and are a tar more desirable
class than horde of foreigners
that pour into the Northwest. Of
however, -North
Carolina gets very little, of II
going In Georgia aid Alabama,
while Virginia and Tennessee get
a fair share. Somehow
nut fancy
aid Rt a consequence our pop-
bi v remains en-
and nearly all
I i, This is desirable fur
reasons, is to be regret-
I we
i Millers our big Slate will
populated, and
I I ii n in resources
will i
In this will
sue required to appear n
next of Court of Mid
county lo be held on tin- Monday in
at Hie Court of said
N. C. or
will apply to tin-court for
relief ill complaint
This 29th day of March,
Clerk Court.
Ally's for
Having day before lbs
Clerk i ill-Superior Court of Pill county
s of estate of M.
eased, is hereby given to
a I o i as claims said
to to for payment
duly hi mil . on before
Mo-1. notice will U
plead in i recovery,
indebted to notified to make
payment to
Ibis tin- Mill day March
I. II. mi .
DIM. L u
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices us low as
Highest market
aid for country produce.
in I. An
Bonn How
. u
too or
Lottery of upon j
tiny t o mo I ho
he of PHI notice
is hereby to nil i
able to them
to in fin duly on I
or More day of
or will in bar of
All to es-
will payment to me,
It. i.
i in- E.
If t BLOW,
Having this day
Clerk f county,
of K.
notice hereby lo all per-
balding to
tome for payment, duty w-
nu day of
1901, or Will in
ed to estate will make
to me. Mar, U 2nd
Executrix of K. A Urn.
Court of county as
tor of estate of James K. Craft,
notice II to nil persons
ed lo said to make immediate pay-
t and all
in; t Lit ins must
sent the same for the Kith
1901 or notice will be
plead in bar of
This of
Hy virtue of an order of the
day in n
Henry wife
I w In
before door In
at public sale for cash, that certain lot
or of in town of Greenville,
at the
of bits Ho. and 16.00 fifth street
and runs with lines of lots N,. and
to the of loll No- M,
lbs line of No. and
sixty and one half
with Oral line lo fifth
street; with fifth feet b
he containing one of
more of and being part f lot
No in the plan of Mint town. This the
dally A. M. for
daily at
I. M. for Washington.
Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. II.
leave for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at M. curries freight only.
Connecting at with
for Norfolk,
York and
i mi. mid fur nil points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. c.
a. m.
service sermon
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
M. and Litany Fridays at A
at., Rev. I. A.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. Rountree,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. Morton, Sunday
school a. m. E. B.
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
Monday R.
W. M. J. M. Reuse. Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday
R. L. N. O. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. M. C. T. M. Hooker.
R. and
R. Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. F. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec.
I. Conclave
No. meets every and
fourth Monday in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith Se-
cure Cold In Head.
to mil quick lo cure in lad
I j. oar,
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I now l found the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
The Eastern Reflector.
Ed. H.
Ed. H.
March Jury
in of Assistant District At-
Walter E. Billows, colored,
against W. J. B
restaurant keeper,
ed to serve a meal to Billows and
White, of North Carolina, also col-
a verdict to day
favor of plaintiff for cents.
Billows naked damages
Worth Constant Care
Every schoolboy and girl
has base the patriotic
j of thee,
Sweet laud
Of thee I
Laud where my lathers died
Laud of the Pilgrim's pride
From every mountain side.
Let freedom
Yet how few there are who
anything of its author,
Smith. Horn in the
first decade of the present
and in that slate which the
old I glim Fathers made their home, it
pot never is that he should have given
impatience rather than a physical expression to patriotic
fact. Whatever may be worth breathed forth in these lines,
having is worth constant care, j Dr. Smith loved every inch of
This is especially true of business, American soil and especial was
which should be closely watched; his native stale dear to his heart.
and every to its growth should Why should it bet The place
be employed to best that gave him birth, was within
The most potent of all such her borders he was educated, it
aids is advertising. With proper was for her people beg-aye his beat
attention advertising will make j energies, and return received
any business from her a people's love and
Record. j
lie was a graduate of Harvard
College a clergyman of the
Joe Wheeler. Baptist church. In Boston he ed-
j Christian Review
greatest benefits of, Baptist
the war with Spain was the Missionary Union , and in
poured into all the gaps betwixt , .;,, visited the
North and South open by the; stations of Europe
civil war. It was worth all the Asia. He contributed largely
cost to sec once more the veterans literature his time, bis
of the Blue and Gray work principally in the line
together to front under our of
flag. With the Our National
firmly established its while he was a
was confirmed both in home was
and foreign estimation. at , in the
it would bat further recognition park street church, Boston, on
of the pride and sense of renewed i Dr. Smith was a
strength which the nation feels mate of Oliver Wendell
In Drug Stores
a Held for girls in the
drag remarked a Four-
street druggist, then-
is constantly increasing demand for
their services. would employ
two myself if I could secure I hem.
know several druggists who
are in the same For
some reason which cannot under-
stand, there but little op-
for girls lo learn the
ding business until the past live
or six years. Our experience with
them, as far as we could secure
has been exceedingly
the law and
their doors to young
women sonic years ago, the colleges
of held out against them,
and the only way by which a girl
could lea pharmacy was to get
employment in a drug store.
Young women have been for
some years employed in many drug
Stores as cashiers and soda water
clerks, but somehow are never
allowed lo learn the art of com
pounding prescriptions, A of
homeopathic pharmacies broke j
the ice and Instructed young
men lo compound their
and with the bus-
as a starter many were in-
stalled In drug stores. They
proved themselves to be excellent
prescription clerks, and there are
many physicians who would rather
have them compound
than men. Of course it
is possible a girl lo
Hie drug business unless she has a
substantial education and u taste-
it. It represents a greater
amount of work and many more
hours in a day, and every day in
the week, than any other
calling. A fundamental
edge of is necessary, but
one gets the inside of
business will be found that there
is more everyday English in it than
for as compensation in con-
though the salary to learn
is small, alter a young woman
is competent enough to be
red as ii pharmacist, which nu
i necessary for all who
compound prescriptions
pare medicines, it will he found
the salaries paid are some-
what higher that those paid lo
average store clerk. The only
difficulty la the matter is it
means long hours every day and,
like preachers, we have to work on
are still in the of the
you the best selected line of
after your age
restoration the old time amity
brotherhood If President Ho-
should take advantage of
the occasion of the return of Fight
Joe Wheeler from the other
side world, where lie has
been doing under the Stars
and Stripes, and appoint him to a
Brigadier Generalship in the
army. General Wheeler j ,, on
his conduct and bravery earned the thee.
grateful regard of his countrymen. J
Why should he not have some Th
special token of favor at the hands
of the
who his reunion poem,
refers to us
is a nice youngster
of excellent pith.
Fate tried to conceal him by name-
Hut he n song fur the
brave and the free.
General Merchandise
to be found in any store iii Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the beat manufacturers of America
Europe. Seasonable all year round, Spring, Bummer
and Winter. We arc work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It Is our pleasure to show you you want and to
sell you if we can. We you the very service, polite
attention, and most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built strictly on own merits.
When you come to you will not do yourself justice
if on do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Hal- Cap, Silks and Satins.
Jackets and Ope.-. Carpets, Mailings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's
Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour. Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Stud is,
Headquarter for in
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honest . Merit and Dealing.
Your Friends,
by the Orange Va.
The latest thing in
hosiery is clean feet.
I -i a woman becomes a
beaut pot in a car load of nun.
figures wall paper
attract the most attention are the
Is hard to break a girl's
a young man breaks
pocket book in the attempt.
is jail, the
hinging, in on a jam
borne lite u of i
In Each.
A In- always finds more
faun a stupid truth.
who buys silk stockings
believes in putting something by
a rainy
I re is a great difference I e-
absent man aid
me who forgets judiciously.
be by
The has
loudest tick may hive been bought
on time.
Some people seem to think
ail the exercise they need is
there jaws.
Ton tin
on the under
When a girl a Mrs. she
Deaf mutes are always married
u the
gives color,
flavor and firmness to
fruits. No good fruit
can be raised without
Fertilizers containing at least
to of Potash will give
best results on all fruits. Write
for our pamphlets, which ought
to be in every farmer's library.
They are sent free.
Per Cent. Investment with
Taxes by Company.
Drew .
.-- nil. Vice
II S Treas.
N II Ally.
Geo. Allen,
CC Latta.
The Telephone.
The telephone has taught in
lesson in patience, ill used to
April 16-21 inclusive, 1900.
will be ii complete Exposition of
Eastern North
exhibits of
i in
V. and
ill it in i-i-j
s-r, the answer was not
Exciting; Races
Grand of Fellows,
prepared his annual report. It
shows members, a gain
year of tho greatest
in any one year since 1811. There
are lodges. Expended for re-
lief receipts
on hand,
Greensboro has the largest
members. Forty are
the orphanage at
The property is worth
There are no debts, bill a
hand for the of
The restraint and regulation of
the trusts; the just, honorable,
and patient performance of our
to Inhabitant of our in
including a wise
virtuous the
breaking down of
tariff measure, which was
through and
consequent promotion of
trade on which the bread of mil-
lions depends -these are the
issues which carry the
racy to
lieu. F. II. who MM
for years of this
Stale, died Saturday night in
given the oilier end, an
taut wrangle was started with
operator at the central station,
would seem us the least re-
ought to have shown
the operator could do nothing in
way of hurrying up the Callow
at the other end of line.
took unite a while for humanity to
become accustomed lo this but
now with those who regularly use
the phone lesson of
has fairly well learned and
the lesson impatience cannot
accomplish any thing has also been
learned. There course yet n
few people, not much accustomed
to use the phone, who allow them-
selves to become impatient when
get ft call, but great
bulk of humanity has lo
that it is no use lo blame the
central station than
is delay became
of the of gelling the
at end.
old maid doesn't
cigarette would be
Xii, Mamie, dear fortune tellers
are employed banks.
I feel rather Ibis morn-
remarked the in
When fortune knocks at a man's
do a- his ow ii fault if Hie knock
i- out of order.
Judging from plays,
theatrical manager, a- well as
he mi it. i- out for dill.
i, an hope to an
toward slats of a
show .
cherry In hi-
Even tin- baker can be weak
The hand-- a clock never .-
out on a strike.
I he soil
fertile a of country,
it is adapted to I lie sow of
wild oat-.
i bring May
Annual Coupons, each.
iii June December at
ill and Farmers Hank of
Secured by first
on residence property worth
nearly double of loans, with
principal payable ten years after
dale of issue, an- being sold for a
cash payment of which gives
in owner live and one-third per
per annum free of taxes
a of nearly
per cent, maturity,
a total of more than seven per
cent, per annum. This is one of
in and best investments on
the market. Loans made on
of eight lime.
For furl her particulars, address
Mechanics and Investors Union,
Bee., N.
, dear, ii
v a man is a veg
because be wants .
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as can-
not reach the diseased portion of
the car There is only one way to
cure deafness, and that is
remedies, Deafness is
ed inflamed condition of
in am.- lining of
when lube is inflamed
Mm have a rumbling sound or
hearing, and when is in
deafness is
Hid unless the ran be
oil I and Ibis lube restored
to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed nine
out of ten are caused by fa-
in i j which is but an in-
of mucous
-ill fail
We will Hundred
for case of deafness i
ed that cannot be cured
Hall's for
i free.
v Props.,
Sold druggists, Hill's
Fills the best.
A splendid Line of including of Ex-
Turkish Wild Animal Show, a
of Illusions, and many features never before show n at a Fair
in this State
Cheap Excursion Rates
overall and lie
Information, address
I'm Premium Lil
it not a
of continual r-, but
firm using it as to date. n
good printing good paper
of anything in
from a
i card t
r write
The Reflector.
Sh , I hardwood lac
tone- are 1st i in S i
Thomas was
struck a Hull road
train and
lot el Pan a, is reported, w ill
lake purl folio of Will mill Ma-
i in I a
Norfolk, Rail-
way Company on Inn
Norfolk line
inhabited entirely
landers, II
children of family
I It ii lb ass i inn death
jut I., the mother
Pi. D.
I hill
. SI
and fever is a hot lie of
hill Ionic.
Iron and form.

. N. .
D. J. I
c u
Pl I .
I In- Post HI
; Board of c
Was MM.
us Second met in regular session Men Ike bill.
Mail Mailer.
So far u large majority of Hie
their conventions have
for a
election to determine h
ball be elected United Stall
tor the next tire u
in favor of pi
election grows stronger every day I
until i a doubt
Convention next
reek will adopt ii. it.-
should be held November when
we vote tor Congressmen and Pia
day R L. through both Senate
Davis, O. W. this week, it U certain
. J. Tucker, that the Senate paw
.-int.- paid probable the House
out of the trill do likewise Liter,
bridges standing the talk of republican
tickets tick- members that they would vote for
eta court coat free trade if given another
arc likely to
it Mi-1 or in sue
Convention bethel Pearson or
., th
or Jerome for Attorney
n fa to
X. April If gels u . at the At-
Well. gentlemen, you General's place.
. V .
.-. r
a . Health . conveying
to jail Register
in HO n
Creek C intent
Stock Law
B. Cherry, I
, coroner,
The ate Washington
gripe and purchase
join for pan
have played out. believe
the Stale convention meet
expecting you.
all of ion.
ii re that over
gate- and alternates will
be to vi-
Orinoco Tobacco Guano
Has the largest Sale of any Tobacco in the World
K. . March 3rd,
J. C. Had to. N. C.
answer to of even date, will say that we
twenty five acres in the name
with our sales from the five acres op to the
Many are lie we
today people know there
would be no court. And when it
Mid Run W. A.
who last week
of Wake lad
week to spare, there
among be bad n
to cine and hold
of Pitt Court. No
man endeared himself to the
hearts of the people of all
more than Judge
in ail he
in bid demeanor to all
in justice with
in the of
disparagement to lie in
bill lists
an still to the
lie r to e at the
of in
he beta Senator Beverage,
be up lo
ridicule, for bis declaring
opposition tn the
bill In- intent inn to vote for it.
I were in a
continuous roar of
the Lug to end re
Labor is
If Lucy is defeated
for Treasurer it will be hard for
. for his old
shoes to the
in fur then Var
will for Labor Can-
The west also gets the
sou will be
of the
Mr. the
cit The w est already
l . be counted a.- possible w to warehouse and we yet have
baud to sell about We will use
Yours truly,
eel baa held
Slate year. Many
of these old lime will
and after the ticket is
the convention will form It-
self into a sort White Brother-
hood jollification meeting.
Mrs. fucker was refunded Senator After
the part of taxes n it in oil for
charged for nil those
Mi. Julia M. kiln, with to
listed in Falkland town Mr.
ship for was from
of taxes low u
I . town-
. was released from poll lax
,. year ll.
.;. K. Pope wife, pauper,
cm unit increased H per
i dead; -trick
en from the pauper
was added lo Ike
1.1 list per in
if Ken-
-Me and a
Vi son Job and bis wile
I.-, ; .
made a
in which he referred
to Payne,
.-. leader
,, , r, as
in 1.1 be Slate Librarian other
Of we all is going that will
be mil by well provided for.
for. I Mr. man
from the front the
Pet tut the ticket.
In 01- the The 3rd district has only one can
1- duly of every true par All the Other
in in 1.1 listen to Lets have wore than one
his and it is rapt for honor.
to accept any trust lug to he temporarily
sues tit to Impose upon of course, but is going lo
bun and to t lie tight for bis m sour W cross sill-
people. bit.
It is probable Is going to i week
is made for Tobacco from Selected Materials.
F. S. Royster Guano Co.
p be i-a
need- a law
and such n law badly.
Tin re at r c Ion many
,. . lie reels. II
people will work s
r. of w of people
v. ho have to A tn
This . ii to . .
ii. . .
.-. up I Mill A i- get-
ting to be a bit
Henderson Leaf,
have Greenville your
mind at you tea I the as it
applies well a
on, I. a any-
where you I hem.
Ordered A. I. of ,,. Ohio, who act.-as a
notified to appear hue
and show cause picturing various phase.- of
is failed to Iii for which he
land- likened to the track Mr.
h I
To lie l
Court to
tin. lute I. H H I
He lie- ; I
. ill oft
Augustus M . i -1 .
lot r ell has n
of let
bill i I on
g . id lull I lie I
is only inn mm
ex a id Mr
i-i hi
made I; no It n
In- I'm fill
Hie It, n.
tendered him by
a In- ;
lie n .
looks will ,. ; i.
aspirant for H
judging from isl i- .
1.1 Hi . Hie
place go vacant I prop we .
out a man ii if .
inure strength to ii.
man I 1.1. .
He is active
and a gun lie
lie has naked tor,
i kind ii 1- ,.
to In- It nil I he go I
tin- Democratic
him will his
for I think Unit
there can lie while men sailed Horn
found in bill w Manila
would vole for I nil ,
handsome J. and tons of army
Sheriff Instructed
tax list King's
The following were
list for year .
n II A Blow.
. M Moore
.- . . reek I K .
l t
. . V II
Si were allowed
t . -1 for year
Had a
. April
o a mm k .
lie here,
small their live
y. pl illy,
I Inn. up by lit
In inly arrival of
sou, fat In of of la Is, a ho
v. as I'M
led -i .
boys to was
a . el
which hi
n rough ill s. i . .
. he era I hat
re such in
W lien lie 11.1
pi- the her
bis I ice In be
. of
Mr. M found
II. in ire in
Port , In- a
III W in a new Loin.
1.-allowed on
I hi lifter p. in
Hull has a pas- by
. All nun are
lineal the Police
he .
ii several ten
hi . tin State, boa mini
Wile III
Showing their I
Bethel for Sheriff. A
hi Oh,
Mush; Ob. Mr.
are sputa-
lie dial ever rallied helplessly
in the seal ailed by
. Jefferson and awl
which will be tilled by
are pitiful
up, .-. which made you,
you, still
The the House
nun bill, as grounds
ships ill yards and
general extravagance of bill,
for the
report favors
ilium plant.
It is suspected that a desire lo
ibis year is hi
the U
ii hi war which are
piling up a surplus in the Trees
the the
Horn tariff are
. low the advance
Hie luxes there would have
I., too,
instead of a surplus
the of the
in It 1.- Mild that
brewers are as r-
h contribute h
to Han
en if III
in will ml
lion the bid to DODgeMS,
ham will nominated for Lieu
least after one vote
been taken, if not before. is
Mil evident I hat he is choice
of majority and will be
ballot by a
w ill his duly lo accept.
Most whom I
heard especial
state they think
Oil April the Odd
lull will
American Odd In
there are three prosper
mils Lodges of order with
I and now taking step.- to
k.- . . ,
publicly . Hon. B.
who i, a of the
a by , . .,
,. . ,. . . , order, will deliver an address on
in I and , ,,,. .
,. , ,,, . that occasion. Other will
It be tendered
all the .
It probable
that State Primary lo
of Who the
, will be by
to the
of the
Stale ill meet
will be set for
Of the
and Presidential are to
for. This is believed, by
most of party and the
in lo be by
and most of
the II
will be ill of in
candidate, awl
from and
not be allowed to inter
is it other wise would.
I lie people ale now demanding
voice in
it. . I their I . S, Senator, and
a Stale lo
hi Bacon,
latter approving of plan.
Carolina and a
score of other States the primary
plan been in for years,
Km ion
We must bring out
I la man. lie was e lime our
Carolina What
has said suits us regard lo
Mr. J. II. for
we know feel
place. We can baud him up
Is votes the day of the nomination
and uh our low to
After two
Oil I
Newark. N. J.
know no bitter Your Policy
He been show o up to you
the pen, but not hall has
told, you know bun
lint few winds will do
Ha Cash Value,
i. Value.
i. Paid up Insurance,
we can say he is as strong a man as
Will be re instated within
three years after lapse if you are
good health.
After Second Year
No Restrictions,
Dividends are payable at the lie-
and it of its
will mil or
lo a change of
lime baa evidently come when
North Carolina demand- also,
is beginning to look as if
in Ken
did have knowledge of n
lo a
In help it along.
Kurt her than tin-
deliberate lender of a pinion lo
l Powers, Stale
com lull, I- .
indignation Kent
and lo w
elsewhere. -So far as we
know, of pardoning
In- ban been fund is
an innovation. Norfolk Land
In saving a woman limn front
a train , N. V.
James police
force was killed. The woman was
made and cresting
program is
Odd Fellows in
occasion will a cordial M
and experience a
M-inn urn
have heard great many
men allude lo of Maj.
Hale. able editor of the
for delegate
large to the national convention
and without exception lie has been
endorsed. Pour year ago he via.
at Chicago in bunging
about the Domination Mr. Bryan,
going into details
paw, may be slated
he is
this year again. There is hardly
a doubt hi-, by
Stale next week.
we have the county. No
kinder or more
be. H.
Many men's names have J ginning of the second each
been suggested for high office succeeding year, provided
and other excel for the current year lie paid
can be med
who would I Tb reduce Premiums, or
lo themselves and to To Increase Insurance, or
county. our people, or at To Make Payable
least many of them, warmly sup- an during Lifetime
port name of J. M. Insured.
No and
lite man lives Pill
no man has
lie is a wage earner and
class of our people has never had
a the ticket. He
is thoroughly to fill
and is one of most
l men lo
all liberal in his opinions. He
is a .-1 man this instance
the office is seeking man and
the man running after the
office, and that is what
us and he
hi mil in. any man on
Inside giving strength lo every
other candidate and his
in- county.
J, L.
K. C.
a. w. mm,
Al of the
of the Carolina
. . Association, I
call a said
lo be held ill city of
Raleigh Thursday morning,
April o'clock.
All members of the association
arc urged lobe present. All
tors of Democratic papers the
eligible lo
and are nulled lo lie
the above place
although here been a studied I time and become members
Of the some
some of local lead-
I mil tell you who
the In or of
or or
will be, ti less of
likely lo escape
I In of defeat.
i I Henry A.
do. a
ed, fur but
are still
For of Stale Col. J.
Mi la an to be the
the friends of Hon. W. Any man there's
P, Wood are active ,, place like home, providing
title applied
For informal ion of
I will stale Ibis uncling
la called of Chair-
man the
regarding the cam
lot w in North
Carolina. view of the
lance pending campaign to
the best all people
of I hope there will lie a
large the members of
this association, unit of all
Milton who may desire tn
Jam. A.
Durham, N.
n n President,
Well Advertised Are Half
A proverb from French says
which pleases is
ready half Thin constitutes
tribute to power of
advertisement. The
reads an advertise-
becomes pleased with
and prices of certain
goods, thus a purchaser is
t ton Bagging Ties always
on ban ,
Fresh goods kept en
hand. Country prod no- and
old. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
K-. In I, GUI fl
Hut. Lilts,
If o, bring In I pay
iii ark i
B. M.
. Practical,
. -en
,,,.,. emu
any hook
, I ,
.,. -in.
. II. I.-I I I
I ;,,.,,. ii,
1.1 .
. n
Ilk I. I ill. It. I
i i it.
A l . I Ii ; I i , I. I.
u .
., . -i I
Weal, Mid
. Co, Horn or
I I. 1,1.1,1. ii,,
1.11.1 II. ,. . , ,,, i
I Hi. , Mill,
, .,. I , , M, ,
lO My A I'll.
III. 1,11.11 BOOKS A-
SM . .
. . .
A Starter For
The Spring Season
c Speak to on to Old.
Ames, m. TL,,,,,
J. J. went b II
to I. M
m- She is Mia. Martha
H. P.
; left morn
.-r J.
X. .
new -1
I Miss OTES.
To pi
; ,
Sack Suits For Men,
it tail-
this very
will -ell t I be 1.1 y low
b ti
Mill . -it this
are u
i,. but
t. do
r, It.
hernia la -i of
., u w.-will do it- will
will native.-.
of Mr. Geary Teri.
aha 1-
Years old and a- Mr-. 1-
youngest child, sale
old in- .-
ad M . d,
. wan
age- There
. II.
for Wilson.
. I
Mi-- K vi I lo
I-11 S
V. 11-011
W. H. Al-ton bit this
W N r.
Hi. . .
i. J
l. ii. advertising
1.- I . M ml, id
I . . .;.
. have en ire
n ,. M . I. e ,
. a
I I , i- . I . .
KS .
t o-I
1.1- Is saw olive crop, if
. . reliable
i-l by
F. S. Hoy Guano Co.,
for in
Tad i- least .
P. M. to in-
home in date id
tier birth She 1- . . .
J. A. to Sit
night and returned
J. X.
a trip to
i;. who
Mis. B. It.
turned to U Sunday.
Mi. W. M. King to
son to -f her grand child,
is quite act
for a person age.
pines Ml,
Amount Climbing
for the cotton factory now
If is a MARK
in of this paper it
to you too owe
for fl. -i. e
and we W he-Hale
you t as as . for
We lined what YOU
11- will not i
Miss. Minnie returned
bun been attending the
Tuesday, S, 1990-
W. M, of is
to Tar
returned lo
us wailing for it.
notice is for
find I he cross mark on
has been sub- j this morning.
of j M. j j return-
en will for purpose of r, a visit to
went to Norfolk
Ibis morning to spend a few days.
Miss Helen Atkinson left Ibis
turning for to visit her
of Willow spent the
f N. C, April .;.
Mi Rollins vent lo
W lo spend a fen
days wit i, relatives.
I veal t .
Warren. Jr.,
here .
C. E.
W. Mizell,
of Is able t. be out
P. tor A.
L. railroad here, to Wash-
i- very
heart trouble.
pay you the price for
produce, win sell you
of Carolina
p. is very ill grippe.
Mrs. Alice of
spending a few days here
Mrs. J.
, hi II . j r .
i a -ii- i in
is Complete
gods, gaols
At prices will suit you.
one case day here.
Are you on list for in
the cotton factory t
Stock in factory
be a investment.
Mayor's Court.
Mayor hail a very
court this morning only
coming up for
charged is visiting
being drunk and was in Salisbury.
Kev. X. M. Watson left this
morning for to attend
Miss Hint's returned Mon-
day evening from Wilson where
she has been visiting I datives.
found guilty, lined one dollar
cost to 19.90.
Mr. J. Cherry request the
;. A.
The pump the BOOM
has been nicely boxed in.
Bret body work for cotton who Mr.
iv will gel it. lover coat of his silver
lo please urn The
left overcoat is yet Mr. Cherry
wailing for owner, while Mr.
new planter wailing I'm his.
for Kile at
Lively scrap.
Sweet Two An.
and Sour at S. M. ,
something Points Monday night,
to the subscriptions for the cotton The two got in a
which resulted
funny a fellow isn't
when throat, while
There is some more talk,
we hope the
factory will both develop.
skipped for parts unknown,
has not yet been caught.
Three Days Court
convene morn
will continue through this
If you lo have
u future worth of you
encourage the for I There will no next
a cotton factory. I f a judge, H Judge
of the famous who comes to the
Parker Fountain Pen ever on baud place of Judge who I
one time will have to go
at Store. ; be here re-
The and W ,
Saturday evening for,
Purl of
over in and gave a per-,
Sat night.
w. F. Parker returned Monday
evening from where
he has recently bis family.
Miss Nannie of Tarboro,
who has been visiting Mrs.
Cherry, returned to her home this
Miss B. M. came over
Monday from Stokes, where she
been nursing Mrs.
and left evening for den.
A. B, Palmer, who hat been
Ibis season for the Lib-
warehouse, left Ibis morning
for his home in Boston, Va.
Flanagan left this looming
for to attend the Under-
taken Convention. He will also
bike a course Instruction In em-
while away.
I, 1900
p. returned
. hut this morning
for Scot laud
spent yesterday here.
Hardy, of i- heir
Marriage License
of Deeds Moore issued
nine marriage licenses last week.
Three white and six colored, as
and kirk
It. F. Stoke, Tripp.
Sun and
Basic and
II. II. and Mary
Herbert , I
Henry Andrews and Lizzie Dan-
David and
Tuesday night some
one broke in -tore of D.
by prising open the rear
window. not succeed
in gelling any money but look
several boxes of cigar-. He
good smoke
from the number taken.
Mr. Hardy In- no suspicious
who the guilty part.,
e .
i be-
he a Sal
lumping on train while run
oil g, I and cost.
morning Win. Spark-
man was taken
in mi Parker, May-
or, and for firing a
ii i night.
Wire fence lasts so long it re-
quires p -t-. Who
baa some for sale We want them
Ii---- Rig Prolific
need sale A.
It i- highly
mended by
yield of kinds tested.
Is it yon
If not who
Will get a buggy new.
Through and
Pretty and cheap too.
Preparation for to.
truck can now be made
farmers in laying off their
rows, and urge
doing, a- the .
g in trucks i- no small
Item. We ma styles.
A. l.
Jarvis, of Washington,
slopped a few minutes yesterday.
He left putting a Winterville cigar
That was only a -in ill putt, bill
Jams will give the factory a big
enjoying I bat smoke.
go will tell.
Miss Sarah
It sail
I was u as
that Sarah is dead.
She paused away o'clock
home her mother, Mrs. Betti
Hooker, in South
death was hepatic Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Ai i in-old Marcellus Moore store,
.,. Point- where we hoe
opened m
and fresh
Mm .-. N. r . Mar.
I., B. fox finished plant corn
W. II. of the
colic. She bad sick only
i days, being a bib at the
dinner table at i
her did not she
was ire he
death caused nil more surprise
, and pain.
Mi-- II u . year old .
She was a young
. . Country
to her n i
do an act of she es
an love I by all. In early
childhood she became a member
the Methodist church, took
great Interest i. church .
Sunday school work.
-he was
of b . death i-
.-. had. Only la-i i in.
I ice. I her returning home from
Then she in
em health, light hearted
i of Meat-. Flour,
.-. Fruits, in fact everything
tn be found in an
We pay the highest market
. all
in i in barter. When
you to sell or when you
b. buy come lo see its.
To all who favor u- with their
patronage we promise entire sat-
at Five Points
Navy happy, with of a
., V. long and useful no lb.
. .- . i island Me cold embrace Juntas
. were the guests reaches its full and
B. Saturday j fragrance, it fades
A mother several brother-
Mrs. stoke- came sisters deeply
day lobe by Dr.
She i- slopping with
F. M. was
to fro II
this neighborhood Saturday.
s. I. Dudley and Leon Tucker
were here Friday. say they
are coming again soon collect
some taxes.
these have the of
cut ire He
Hector, April lib.
Follow- Crime.
whoso burial
slopped police
because were signs of life,
was interred morning. The
representing the-Sews of the man was
Latest Crop News
advised by our corn's
,,. , excessive rain-
Si MM. M
If you read this Horn and many Potatoes recently planted, to
not u subscriber, let us send rot. Carolina Vegetable
the paper to you. I Crops every description, under
Senator Willis II. Williams will favorable conditions, have
Address the While Supremacy ed fully of
club Chapel In Beaver indebted to . do.,
Hum township Saturday Commission
April o'clock. St , New York for
After nearly above
body town, who never II be I
fore, the measles Is now spreading
out In country. The
say II Is every w he re.
is now in
purchasing boner and mules. He
will be back hist of week with
some fumy drivers, single and,
double, lie will also bring some mother myself will , Her grand
line all work move in us soon as you set little Miss
Mrs. II. King in tied Tues-
day evening from a to
Edgar Hack in last
from returned Ibis
Mrs. Mellie Harris, left this morn
for Mount to visit her
son, J. I. Harris, who is sick.
K, F. Billiard, editor of
spent here and returned
this morning
parent, would n,,.
I Warehouse, left this morning for
port a futility can, re-j his home In Henderson.
piled the trembling w
Take her once, my evening from an extended
lie been for highway
robbery In stealing a watch. When
taken into the magistrate's office
he denied bis guilt, but when
searched the Was found
his person. He was asked lo ex-
plain hi- conduit. He turned
white fell to the
the planing mill the
Lumber Co., at
City, together with two and a half
million feel of lumber.
by Ore. The i climate I
and two hundred people
are thrown f employment.
From the fool of Mr-. Dims
of Boston, Mass., which
swollen, a surgeon removed a
the exact counterpart
an incisor tooth
. April
W. X.
a series at baptist
assist Hut-
sun, of Richmond, Va.
Samuel Smith accepted II
with Hi.,, a-
We are glad to know that Ml
Alice able tn art
up work about weeks
Of a severe of
coke to spend a few days with bis
daughter. We hope it will be
unite n recreation for him.
Who would think it the nation
buy going lo leave Bethel.
-till sad
Mi-. B. Car-oil I- mi sick
with Hope she any
soon make
S; own in know
in this Mr.
Mi-. ill
visited the northern markets and
have ii-i d great ire in I heir sell i
lions, and city u- I
in their display for their opening
Democratic Hens.
A few days ago acre
telling of a Beaufort hen
lay tin initials j
P. mi it. This egg was
warded to Washington to
Small to be lion. W.
J. Bryan. Now the same hen has
laid another egg, . having
the initials C. It. A. on it. This
egg was here Io Mr.
I. Fleming and be showed lo
lilt I In-morning. The
letter- ale large I dear. Mr
Fleming will take egg
Stale convention week and
will be presented to Hon.
Aycock n
Thai you can get the heal Porch
finishings, Stair Casings, Door
Window Frames and
Stole Fronts, Counters and
Fillings, Church Pews,
Outfit, Mantels, and in
deed any thing to be made of
Hard Wood or Pine, of
Kin-ton. X.
Try in for what you need.
be i- nominal.
With the hen- for mil inspected our Spring and
I who will stock we extend a cordial in-
say a r.
a ill Hi-
i will re-
,. a
. . ll
i pains, torture
. i.
. . i,
to over our very
line of
Domestic Cloths,
I j of the market in Casi-
lots, Cloths and
every novelty staple suitable
In the and
ii-. As in well known,
Tn give
we should
m early u lo
Inn usual Baiter Rush.
respect fully,
Greenville Tailoring Co.,

i following IS the amendment
of the State
n mi. adopted
j 1899, mill to be
o voter for ratification
That article VI of the
of North Carolina be
tint the bum is hereby abrogated
in lion thereof shall be
the following article of said
oust it ill ion
sill I;
deny the being of Almighty God
I Second, nil who have
or their
guilt on needing, and
I whether or
or felony. Other crime for
which the may be
In the penitentiary.
since becoming citizen of the
United or corruption and
in office, unless such
person shall be restored to the
of citizenship in a manner
prescribed by
Bee. . This act shall be in force
from and after ratification.
Pens, Pencils.
received for
Since the of the year
more ban hundred
male I have been filed for
United State, and moat of are
who baa Western State. Nearly all
arc for capital, a small
for and a ill
this article, shall smaller larger amounts. North
To those living
it's PilL
., y ,.
item in perfect order and arc
an absolute cure
r sick headache. ;
torpid liver,
all bilious diseases,
i Liver Pills
ever male person
age. and possessing the
set out in.
any election made application for
by the people . each,
herein otherwise provided.
II have resided in
the State of North Carolina
year-, in the county months.
and in the precinct, ward or
election district which he offers
to vote, four months next
the election; Provided, Thai
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
in the same county, shall not ope undertook lo
rate to deprive any person oft .
shall and gave him
lays The judge
with thirty eight, all of 2.1,000
capital, i hive of
Wilmington Star.
Judge decides that a
United Slates commissioner cannot
punish i contempt but must
lily the mailer lo judge, so
latter can act. The case in
up from where
right to vote the precinct, ward IT
All Magazines.
give us a
Rector Job
r Full Sheet Poster
The Reflector
Is only a year
news week,
an gives informal ion i
especially c grow-
tobacco, that is worth
many timer,
subscription price.
or other election from
which he has removed, until four
months Mich removal. So
person who has been or
who has confessed bis guilt in open I
court upon indictment of any crime
the which i-. or
hereafter be, imprisonment in the
late shall be permitted lo
vote, unless the said person shall
first restored in
the manner prescribed by law.
See.. Every person offering lo
vote shall lent the time a
registered voter as herein
ed and in the manner
provided by law, and the General
Assembly Carolina
enact general registration laws t.,
earn into effect the
this article.
Sec. I. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall lie
able to read and write any section
of the constitution English
language; and, before be shall be
entitled to vote, have paid.
before the inst day of March of the
year in which he proposes to vote,
bis poll las as prescribed by law,
for the previous year. I taxes
shall lie a lien only on assessed
property, no process shall issue
to enforce the collection of the same
except assessed property.
Sec. 5- So male person who was,
on January I, oral any time
prior entitled to vote
the any Slate in the
Stales wherein he then re-
sided, and descendant of
. such person, shall be denied
the right lo register and vote at
elect inn in i his by person
of hi failure
I of this article s Provided,
lie have registered accord
ills the terms of this section
prior to I, inns. The
General shall provide for
v I u permanent record all persons
who register under this on
or before November I,
nil such persons -hall be entitled
I., Vote at all elections
by the people in Ibis stale, unless
disqualified under section J of this
Provided, such parsons
shall have paid their poll tax as re-
quired by law.
See. All elections by the
shall lie ballot, and all
shall lie viva
Sic t. Every voter North
Carolina, except as in this article
disqualified, shall be eligible to of
lice, hut before entering upon the
duties of the be shall take
and subscribe the following
do swear
I a ill support am
maintain constitution and laws
of the United Slates, and con
laws of North Cam
I inn I herewith, and
that I win discharge
of my office
help me,
Bee, K. following classes of
persons shall be disqualified
First, all persons
decides that the punishment in
tins case i- not only unlawful, but
improper Raleigh Charlotte
The Confederate Cabinet, with
the successive Secretaries of each
department, were as follows, in-
both the provisional
permanent Cabinet.
Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi ;
Vice President. Alexander II
Stephens, of Georgia.
Slate r t
Georgia, Feb. K.
M. T. Hunter. Virginia. July
Judah l. Benjamin, Loafed-
Feb., 1802.
I. Pope
Miss., Feb. SI, P.
La., Nov. 1861;
James A. Seddon, Va., March
Feb. 1886.
S. 1881, and March
1862; I. C,
I. .
March i., 1861, and March
Attorney General l P.
Benjamin 1861; Thus
II. Watts. Alabama. Sept.
1861; George Davis, S. Nov.
Elliot. Miss., 1865; John
H. Texas. March ti. 1861
1862 and 1868.
own ox
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
Mrs, Thankful lives the beautiful village Of
Livingston Co., Mich. venerable highly respected lady born In
the year 1812. the year of the great war. In Hebron. Washington Co.,
York. She came to Michigan In the year of and Tyler
All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re-
her mind Is full of Interesting reminiscences of her early
life, of early days of the State of Michigan and the Interesting and re-
markable people she baa met. and the stirring events of which a wit-
But nothing In her varied and manifold recollections are more mats
and worth of attention than are her experiences la the nae of
SARSAPARILLA. Mrs. Hard inherited a tendency and
disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive Mood taint which has cursed
and Is cursing the lives or thousands and marking thousands more
of the death angel. Transmitted from generation to generation. It Is
found In every family la one form or another. It may make Its
In dreadful running son-s. in In the or
or In eruptions of varied the membrane, it
mar be known catarrh In the bead, or developing In the longs It may be,
and often is. the prime cause of consumption.
of her case, Mrs. Hard troubled for many years
with a bad skin disease. My arms limbs would break la s of
sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very
unsightly In appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions-
My eyes were also natty Inflamed and weakened, and they pained me Tery
much. My blood In a very bad condition my head ached severely
at frequent Intervals, I no appetite. had also In my ears. I
tn a miserable condition. I bad tried every remedy that bad been
mended, and doctor after doctor had failed. One of the beat physicians In
the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as accesses
were beginning to form. I at length Was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and
his famous I tried a nettle, more an experiment than any-
thing else, as I had no faith In and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I
began to grow better. You can be sure I kept on taking It. I took a great
many bottles. But I steadily Improve, until I became entirely All
sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health,
and I have never been troubled with scrofula Of course an old
of years la not a young woman, but I have had remarkably good health
then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S la
greatest Mood and the best medicine In the wide world, both for
and as a This remarkably Interesting old lady did
not to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, believe my
life was saved by
The of American mer-
chant vessel was only too
war with Spam.
th, I- has
i; by British
tic liner-, our commerce
and the
of our foreign mail. We
should be a independent on sea as
on land. We can heal the world
in manufacturing and land trans
pollution. we lack the
ties for
mm to foreign
Of the live full-Generals of the
Confederate Army none survives.
There were twenty one Lieutenant
the Confederate Army
from first lo last, and of these all
were from the Coiled States Army
bin four, namely, Richard Taylor,
who was born in Louisville, Ky.;
X. II. Forrest. Wade Hampton
John It. Gordon. Of them the fol-
lowing are James Longstreet
Stephen Lee, Early, B.
Joseph Wheeler, and A.
Stewart, besides two of those not
Slates A nay
mentioned above. All of these
are Louisville lie-
union May June.,
of upon tin- estate
f K.
hi, day sen Issued to aw by the Clerk or
he Court of Pitt county, notice I
i hereby elver, to all persons holding ,
February j Lay Services every 2nd and lib
or tins will iii tr of their Sunday morning.
A II is i. said
tat.- will mate Immediate to sue.
-s V o.------
S. M.
Wholesale and retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Cotton Seed, oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. lied-
Malt losses. Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages,
Sails, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap.
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil.
Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Candies, Dried Apples. Peaches,
Prunes, Currents. Raisins, Class
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Cakes and Crackers.
Cheese, Best Butter, and mi-
melons other goods. Quality
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to see me.
This 1900.
it. s Jambs, a
a neon K. i,
i v ; A BLOW, Attorneys.
Having this day w-fore the
Clerk Court of Till ,
of the estate of K. Allen
deceased, notice la hereby given to all per-
sous add to
present me for
or the 3rd day of
notice will be plead in
recovery. All
will make pT-
to inc. Tins March Sad 1900.
Executrix of K. Allen.
every Son-
day, morning evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D. Rountree,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W F. Harding,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
qualified the Superior
Clark of Pitt county at
of E- Craft,
is hereby given to
to said to make pay-
the sad all persons
mi said estate must
sent for the
day March, 1901 or this notice will he
plead in of
This I nil day of March,
of s K.
Pitt Cot j
In tin- Superior Court.
seen In localities where
most need unity Demo-
arc most inharmonious. In
stance of this seen in North
j Carolina this year Craven and
New Hanover, both of which
count the Democrats, by every
which could appeal lo
white men. should stand together
as a solid wall, these
ions are not new in either county.
in New Hanover.
Action Divorce
Tin- named will take
notice that as how has
been In lbs Superior Court of
Pin county to the of
existing and
and the Annie Smith.
In lake
notice t she la to appear at t Ii-
c the Court if said
-M In ll on lbs fir. Monday
April. -in. Court House
N. C. or
in action,
I apply to the
j relief demanded complaint.
i This day of March,
Ky virtue of an order of the Superior
made tins day in a n
Proceeding therein pending, entitled Ola
Forbes against Jenkins and wife
Nellie Jenkins, w l s
the court door
sell tit sale fur cash, that certain lot
or pared of land in town of Greenville,
located as at the
of lot Ho, and U,
and runs with the lines of hits No
to the of loll No. SO, and
th. with Hie lots
sixty one half feet;
thence parallel with the line to tilth
thence with fifth street to
the containing of SO
acre more or and living a part lot
No. plan of said town. This the
day of March WOO,
ADM I x i-s
The New Bern Journal said of the
last week, that It was a s of the estate of M.
hones and lint this i given to
two mat tor mis B
lime washed soiled linen talc to present to me for payment
i I,, Wilmington,
ceding the of last week plead In of recovery,
lo said estate are notified lo make
. the Democrats carded
in newspapers at
It in I violently and secret cir
in o-position to one
dale staffed under doors
things ought not t
be so where, least of in eon-
id arc.
This lath day of 1900.
I. Ad
II. I.
A BLOW, Attorney
A. F. A. M. Greenville
No. meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. at. Reuse, Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Tuesday evening.
R. Ii. N. O. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. C. C; T. M. Hooker,
K. It. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Ling, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at I. O.
O. F. B. While, Conn-
A. O. Council,
No. Ii, meets every first third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Worthy
Chief; S. Smith, Sec.
I. O. H.
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith See
you or j
or photo,
for fr
vs I
daily A. If. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily m
p. M. for Washington.
Steamer I v e s
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays A. It.
leave for Greenville
I and Saturdays
I at A. M. curries freight only.
Connecting Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. B, Co. from
i F
I Notice
No till paten. l
Whichard. C.
The Stock in every
prices as low M Buy
west. market Urn from
for country
Cum Cold In Head.
lo take to curt c la sad
Washington, M. C
N. C.
Id I now lie brick store by W. Brown. COME TO SEE J. B. u the E.
The Eastern Reflector
C. and intellect-1
mil power of the same
state and the restless of
Clay of Kentucky. Amid
of the political the
blight star of when
with peculiar brilliancy amid the;
April 16-21 inclusive, 1900
It v ill be a Exposition of the of
display, am
ts. Fine Stock and Urge and attract.
Fish, Oysters aid Wild
Exciting Races.
of Webster,
A splendid Line of Attractions, Including of Cairo
Animal Show, a I
of Illusion-, and many before shown at a Fail
this State
Cheap Excursion Rates
overall Lines,
and exiled from the comforts and
and attentions of affection caused
his health to give way and in
Sketch read Mi. Dr. E--v- Spring of it was feared be
Move before the Bod of Use Century was sinking under consumption.
and it was by his
Judge of he should return to the
Court of North Carolina was mild air of bis native climate.
I native of New Bern, Under the care of Rev Thorn-
her 19th, father, Dr. as P. Irving he was prepared for
Alexander Gaston, a native of Ire College.
land, and a man of letters, was ,,.,,,.,.
. class n Prince-
one of the most determined
his day
1781. He grad-
at the early age of i with
He was killed on the the the renowned
Aug. 1781, most pain ancient institution.
circumstances. He
and others. Hut whatever line of
conduct Mr pursued that
course was marked by
and the highest character.
ill Congress the
Duration and the Bill
are left lo us and have attracted
the of competent judges
for and eloquence. He
resigned at end of the second
term and did not appear again in
public life until 1827 when from
increased indisposition of Mr.
who bad been elected t
his place. This be accept-
ed as n matter of duly, net of in-
as a return of gratitude
for favors received with
hope of honors or to be
required. In 1884 he was elected
Judge of the Supreme Court
For Premium or other the vacancy occasioned by
the death of Judge
On of January 1844 Judge
Gaston took bis seat in the
Bench j
for he had felt for some days
chilly sensations, and of
breath. During an argument from
Hon. Robert Strange at bar.
he was attacked with faint and
carried from his courtroom to bis
chamber. A physician was called
in who soon relieved him. Thai
he seemed more lively
than usual. He told several
dotes at which bis friends laughed
heartily. It but the
of an expiring luminary. Me was
of a convivial j
parts Washington City
graphic delineation and spoke of
one whom that occasion announced
himself a Free on I be sub
jest of religion. the
I mind that man met ilia-
We arc still in Cue forefront of the race
We oiler you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found In store in County. Well bought choice
-eh ions, the creations of the beat manufacturers America
and Europe. ail the year round. Spring. Summer
Winter. We are work for and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want and to
s.-ll you if we cm. We offer you the best service, polite
attention, and most liberal with a well
established business merits.
When yon come to market you will do justice
if see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Cap-- Silks Satins.
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings Oil Cloths.
Men's. Women's and Children's Shoes,
Horse Blankets and Dusters.
t. The proudest moment of his life
a-,. r
boat, one oil f, home was one of no common char- to our deeds. We
I Load,, with all the honor ,,, ,,,,. ,,,., is
m and two of science and he an, Almighty
the feet of her who was the BU- v this wold
children, a son, of should A
Flour. Meat, Sugar, Head I
Castings Fixtures,
in Each.
but are fore
to begin the foot.
The average man re-
a He's
rein alter he- ill water.
A man expected
settle -a- the u
Phil be settle
o make an el
fort to live up their convictions
a are inmates of
remarked clerical
looking individual. indeed
assorted the maid.
notice ii so nowadays if you
This l is a de-
irate valid i
ii lo cure alter all
others failed, but
a bit of
ed the
all others.
and sail arc sea-
I Ii., I-
storm door
A long
w tit, a
People are
things no I lull tired feeling.
Tin- cook usually strikes
higher wages when she
fellow who profess I
and isn't a professional
is the name
o t a
ed pamphlet
be in the hands
of every planter who
raises Cotton. The
book is sent
. N. XI
Per Cent. Investment with
laves by Company.
I Ii
hie. I'm-.
s Vice
N II Any. I
i Allen,
s Primrose.
r shoe-
for and everything line,
buy strictly for Cash, bill sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Our motto is Honesty, Merit Dealing.
Your Friends,
of , ,.
Chief Justice la-lo. ,
for Judge an. U
of great energy of character and . bench
of devoted piety.
Naturally of a temper,
her counsel, example and advice
taught him to Th stimulated bin.
to Increased exertion. He not
his business into his hands which
St once became heavy and
live. To bis well disciplined mind,
laborious habits and
great object of
to prepare herself for a better
world and to train in wisdom's
ways the precious charge left to
her care under such and
circumstances. Bite fell
like the mother of Mows, the
words of Pharaoh's
this nurse it for me
I will give thee thy wages
success in after
life, his extensive usefulness and
sustained this responsibility,
hut bis reputation was established,
it continued to increase with such
rapid strides until be attained by
the of all, the head of
his profession. The people who
delight to honor merit, soon per-
the rich jewel that was
among them.
When only twenty two be mi
to give it great emphasis, a mo-
there seined to be a sudden
rush of Mood lo brain and he
fell back a lifeless corpse.
spirit lied from the scenes of
to meet his God In whom be bad
throughout his whole life trusted
whose Almighty name last vi
tongue. Of sin b
a man may our Stale improved.
She has inscribed bis name on her
towns and counties and as long a
talents are revered
ed and virtue the
His for We
was of an elevated character a . Single
which he bad cultivated to some
received n lot f Den
Double Call H
buying, also complete
i of the Senate
. . , who their fortune and
tells to mothers what t
holy charge is theirs; With to Wm fa
ii kingly power their love may run
the fountain of the new-lion, mind,
warns them to wake at early D
and sow good seed before the world
sows its
Judge has often
heard to declare Hint what ever
distinction he attained In life,
was owing to his pious counsel and
faithful conduct. her eye
his early education was conducted.
In the fall of be was
vice to the people that they re
quired, He did not appear again
public life until 1808 when he
was elected member of the. house of
commons from New of which
body he was chosen speaker. He
was again re-elected the billowing
year but declined, bill
lowed to remain from the service
or the people very long. WM
j elected a of Congress, in
1816 re-elected, This period
to the Catholic College at f extraordinary
town, then only years old -a prominent stand in
The rigor of this bleak climate, to the
it wan by utility of
A fashion note
skin sill worn a great deal by
women this knew the
poor rattlesnake would have to
come to it sooner or later, says the ,
Durham it was
left that women didn't
weir. Think woman
rayed in dress, soil-
kin leather hat.
goat skin hide boil-,
tortoise shell shell bill-
mink tail
bide pane, and now a rat-
necktie. Solomon, In all
his glory, wasn't such a menagerie
us we love them
no matter what they
just say and you
will MM them run.
Headquarters For
Builder's Ready
Paints, and
World's Ben
The man who I
lases Is scarcely u credit ti
Tin- average woman vi
hurl her.
people iii i,
lime. hearts
pi i- pail
A cold break
of making
love any warmer.
Ii is easier
rich girl than lo make a
by hustling.
Pride fall.
bicycle rider sometime.
i hi- row .
;,. -liar tiling
. tint they arc when
r. u.
If talks women t o
in good Idlers.
purple are so aristocratic
even have common
Ii sere even skin deep
he lo lip shop.
did they call
, I clause re were so
Nell So they went off go
married, did Belle
and they were always such
I r too-
man knows what
the morrow may bring
knew that
to-day would bring April
N,,. M
born with silver spoons In tin Ir
months are usually the ones
cal their knives.
wild the singe
Can you run the T
his scorn. Can
I run the be
made thirty live
a week last with a
. A I I S, with Semi
Coupons, each.
Payable in June December at
i and Hank of
Secured by
., ally double amount of loans, with
principal payable ten after
issue, are being sold a
i i-ii payment of which gives
lo owner live and one-third per
per annum free of taxes on
j first cost, and a of nearly
twenty rent maturity,
in a total of than per
cent, per This is one of
he and best invest on
market. made on rest-
properly of eight lime.
I'm further particulars, address
Mechanics Investors
Alien. Sec., Raleigh, N. C.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
local kill Ions as they can-
not reach diseased portion of
the ear There is only one way to
deafness, that is
fortune i initial remedies. is cans-
led by an inflamed condition of the
mucus lining of the
When this lube is
hue a rumbling sound or
hearing, and when n is in
closed, deafness hi the result,
and can lie
and tube restored
,, ii- normal hearing
In- forever; nine
case mil of ten are caused by Ca-
which is nothing but an in-
Illumed condition of mucous
i surfaces.
We give
for any case of deafness
ml lo catarrh cannot be cured
Cure. Send for
Co.; Props.,
Sold by druggists, Toe, Hall's
Till- are the
I Ho, n,
is e
as an oil product .
all bill and
ate I -r
way which trill
N, C.
over While
and is it bottle of
Chill Tonic. It Is simply
i Iron and quinine in B

Eastern reflector, 6 April 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 06, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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