Eastern reflector, 13 March 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Pens, Pencils.
Hie following is tin
lo articled of the
adopted by the General As
1899, nod to be submit
to the voters ratification
next August
Section i- That article VI of the
oust it at ion of North Carolina lie
Hid the same is hereby abrogated
in lieu thereof be
the following article of said
Sill Tl
Section Even male
burn in the United Slates,
every male who been
naturalized, twenty-one
age, and possessing the
set mil in this article, shall
be entitled to vote at any election
In the people in the State, except
as herein otherwise provided.
See. He shall have i
the State of North Carolina for two
years, in the six months,
and in the precinct, ward or other;
i all bilious diseases.
Liver Pills
First, all persons who shall
deny the being of God . living
Second, all persons who shall have
or confessed their they keep the
and in perfect order and arc
whether or not, art
an, treason Q
or felony, or any Other crime for headache,
which the may lie torpid liver, C
in the penitentiary,
citizens of the
or corruption and
malpractice in office, unless
shall lie restored to the How the Best-Dressed Woman
rights of citizenship a manner Will Attire Themselves at
Sec This act shall be in force
from and after its and not with
waists as heretofore, will lie
much warn.
The separate waists will lie of
or other
I'm Court in materials.
cause of J. T. against . , . ,, ,, .
net executor and tartan- and Dew
other, which
The named therein as Goat-; makes them adaptable to the pres-
will expos to sale before of
to the
bidder for canto, on the 5th
of March 1900, described
election in which he offers
to vote, four next
the Provided, Thai
l Out undivided ball in a tract of
land the of
Williams and
or Indian ,
known at the rather wide
make the
waist line as long as
There are to be some lovely silk
muslins with of
sprays of vines buds
The smartest shirt-waist will be
made tucked back and front from
the neck down, and the tucks will
than otherwise.
waist line as Ion
The tailor and walking skirts
will barely sweep the ground, and
the lung trains have entirely pasted
away with the habit and closely
lilting hacks.
The return of the bustle is her
or in a deed aided. It is not a large affair, but
months after such removal. J. G. to Harry Book
.-.-.; .-., ,.;
removal from one precinct, of
or oilier election district to another
u. acres or lees, fully
in the same county, shall n it from inn
rate of
right to vote in the product, ward
or other from the lands of K M. Junes, John Mason and
which he has removed, until lour I
I One in
kn w , as ton
t II one or
person who has been convicted, or
who has confessed his guilt in open
court upon indictment of crime
the punishment of which is. or may
, e. , . a One i known as the
be. imprisonment in the .,.;.
tale prison, shall be permitted lo
, . , , I and other, i
vote, unless the said person shall
be lira restored to in I
the manner prescribed by law. i
as tie
Sec. II. Every person offering to I
Vole shall lie at the lime a I , n.
I i . ;, removing
registered voter US herein all
the manner
by law and the
n Daniel. George Janus
less, Known
i the
I lie
give a call.
of North Carolina shall
enact registration laws to
effect the provisions of
this article.
Sec. livery presenting
himself for registration shall be
on tract,
limber ill of-
i lie tracts will be
a a limber and land, with
accept bah that
Hie There la one
lion and Malt
feet of on
j small, well shaped.
Sleeves are still worn tight,
arc much trimmed. They arc
quite long, and the smartest ones
are made ending in a point which
covers the top of the hand to the
Collars arc to be high, but
not they have been.
The new huts are made of some
fancy straw braids, tulle, or silk
nets of the moat fantastic shapes.
Breasts, birds, wings and feathers
are much less worn, and can't
have enough Law-
In the March Home
Tie States Right Over
One tract adjoining It. Una, J,
A. Fleming,
able to read and write section i in known a the
Sam laud, acres manner of
timber heretofore
II Sheet Poster.
The Eastern Reflector
of the constitution in the English
and. before be shall be
entitled to vote, have paid on or
before the day of March of the
year in which he pi. poses to vote,
his poll tax as prescribed by law,
for the previous year. Toll taxes
shall be a lien only on assessed
property , no process shall issue
enforce the collection of the same
except against property.
Sec. 5- No male person a was.
T One tract known the nod,
ululate in lying on
J. H. I other
This is the and the
the possession
of by the voter, and every
who Can show in the one or the nth
of two ways that he
It, la entitled to vote under
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
in Tine
a Warning or fare fA
Nature, in her effort to correct mistakes, which hare come from
careless living, or it mar be shoots out pimples, blotches and
other imperfection on the a a warning that more serious troubles
tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary are certain to follow if
I correct the mistakes.
you neglect fa heed the warning i-
a lingering, painful and many an ha been avoided
because of warning have been and th blood kept
Miss Abbie J. of Marshall, Mich.,
I was cured of a bad humor after suffering with it for Are Tear. The
doctors and my friends said it was salt rheum. It came out on head, neck
and ears, and then on my whole body. I was perfectly raw it. What I
suffered during these five year, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me if
J did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure It. I spent money
enough to buy a I heard JOHNSTON'S highly
J X Improve right law, and when I
the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of it
. do me the tin I JOHNSTON'S
I would heartily advise all who are suffering from
or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. I had also a good deal of stomach
trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S
made me all
.- one dollar
Bro. Dickey's Philosophy.
Do longer I live de impress I
is freedom is
de jail.
president is so
high sometimes he a. in.
he can't see de people below
I don't believe In country
out so fur its arms
can't reach
way talks, de
is on wars, but
no doubt devil's all
In politics
kicks ladder down
lop; but sometimes
de ain't no
lire escapes in de
service and sermon every
Sunday morning and Ev-
prayer Wednesdays
M., and Litany Fridays A
Rev. I. A.
id Charge.
every Sun-
day, morning and Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, pastor.
a. m. D. Rountree,
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
Many de we school p. at. W F. Harding,
never heard turn thin
time. I Sunday, Rev.
Polities nicks
en never is
Loiter of upon the
of K, Rollins,
his day been la me by the
Superior Court of
a hereby given to all holding
ins against said estate lo present
to me fee payment, duly on
or day of February
or this notice will plead in liar of their
recovery. person Indebted to
will lo me.
II. S.
v Blow, attorney.
J A ,, , . , ,,
Trustee, to Harry skinner in there can Is
s One tract adjoining land of the
Fleming. and
in forks of where
U. w. Daniel . formerly
and described inn deed J. J lo
prior to vote and North Si Weal lo nine
the law
any State in tin
S. and K. IN
line then with bis
in the
States u herein he then re- of dwelling house
-bled, and no lineal descendant
J such shall la- denied
l right lo register and vote at
any election this State by
of his failure lo possess the
qualifications prescribed in
I of this article
he shall have registered accord i
with the terms of section L
I prior to December I, 1808. Robt.
denial of right of the
Slate to base the right of
upon the voter's ability to under
stand the nature and the effect of
the exercise of the This
right of the State is equally us
clear as its right to impose what is
known as an educational
by requiring the voter to be
able to rend and write, for this is
itself in nothing but an
One tract of land in Content- requiring the vote to show
in ii adjoining lauds A. He . ,. write is sole-
Hardy Johnson, the
poles to the road Hun up
road N sT Weal Tl
I hers, acres
in a deed from -l
Jo, ii in and A
h s a vi sir am
news every
Iv ill
U One situate in town-
f Hardy Johnson
General shall provide
a record all persons
who register under Ibis section One tract of land situate in
or In-fore i in i township, adjoining the land of the Iota
I. and place, J. A.
all such persons shall be entitled p. u. other,
to and vote all
the people iii this state, unless town
under section this ID I--t In
Provided, such persons
shall have their
quired law,
i Bee. All elections b the
pie shall lie ballot, all
the General
shall lie viva
Sec r. Every voter
Carolina, except as in ibis article
disqualified, shall be eligible to of-
bill before entering upon tin-
duties of the office he shall take
subscribe following
do swear
I Will support and
maintain the constitution and laws
of United Slates, the eon
and laws of North Cam
inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
of my office
So help ma,
Sec. . The following clauses of
j persons lie to
X. W.
us follows;
corner and Wind
North Latham street feat lo the Una
of II I No. In-Ill e with the line of lot No
in n comer or lot No VI-
i-. Ward strait east with
Ward street feet to the
I. West
at the B. K.
i and streets, thence
. II ii vi.-. In the
lira is, with lbs Has of
lot So Is. la It, the line of
i i i feel lo Third street,
i i . bat lo
I- i. I-I in tin- town of on
th. i front and streets
I- m a deed from j W. J. House to
i iii I, V
I. I ii. . . hut
i-r I lull i third rash an for
n in.
Tana J. ,,
v aid
lo ; r his capacity to under
i. certainly this may lie
proved just as well just as
in other ways.
which has recently la-en upheld by
the Supreme Court of the
States, not only imposes an under-
standing qualification but
goes lo the of permitting
the registrar of elections to decide
arbitrarily voter
and fever is a bottle of
Chill Tonic. It is simply
I a in I quinine in a form.
No pay. Price
W. R.
Whichard, N. C.
The every
and prices us low as the
market prices
aid for country produce.
John White, Mary Cannon. Margaret
Hill vs. II. C. and wife, Francis
By virtue of a of the
Court in a certain special
entitled as on tin- day
of two. tin-
will public sale to tin
Udder fur cash, the court hi use
dour in the town of on III
of March, VI o'clock M., the
or parcel land
for the life
in that or parcel of laud
lying and
township, adjoining the Frank Tripp,
Jones and wife, and Martha StocKs,
and known White land
the same devised in the last will and
testament of Fred While to Percy Jones
lo an estate tor the life of Francis
winch lo La sold
above art out. This day of February
J. B. Minion, pastor.
school a. m. E. B.
regular services
Cure Cold In Mead.
to lake sail quick to cure in sort
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday B.
W. M. J. M. Sec
I. O. Lodge, No.
Meets Tuesday evening.
R. Ii. O. E. E Griffin,
K. of Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
B. M. C. T. M. Hooker,
K. of B. andS.
B. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, B. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
Jr. O. A. every
night at in I. O.
O. F. B. White, Conn-
A. O, Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith,
I. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hull. W. B. Wilson
J. J.
------DEALER IN------
soviet s lo
. ., is
daily A. M. for
ville, leave daily at
M. fur
Steamer leaven
Greenville Mondays,
and Fridays at A. at. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York and
ton, for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
I New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Also a Line of Hardware.
I can now be found the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Drown.
or Improve; aim
The Eastern Reflector.
What has the of
the Republican in the State
for last eight Such
deed no young or
old could vote a straight
can ticket, but through fusion, or
co operation or surrender arranged
by the hunger
of bis leaders he has forced to
for the last three elections
a ticket made up a
of men of all mid there-
fore of none, running for
under the flag of partisanship
independence as if it were a
crime to be a partisan. No matter
What they claim to he God in His
mercy has never plagued His
pie with that class so-called hide
pendent. A so-called Independent
is an ignoramus
In the first hasn't
enough to lie a partisan, mid
the next he lives too far
from his age to benefit
State. Consistency, thy name is
It is unnatural
to expect Populists lo be
in opposition lo an
amendment lo the Constitution
which if adopted redone for a
lime the strength of the
party to some number nearer
their even that party
lie one with which it has here
alliance. believe
another light along the color line
ill still further the
parties while
the ranks of the will
Chairman Simmons said
have read the account in yes-
News and Observer of the
speech delivered at Newton las
week by Assistant United States
District Blackburn,
which, after referring to the recent
of the Republican party on this
State its leaders, will make the
Undaunted but law abiding while
people of the State more than ever
determined to remove forever
unbearable condition which have
made such things possible in North
Tantalizing- the Reporter.
are still in the forefront of the race after your patronage
We oiler you the best selected line of
to It. And we are promised the the Dem
same kind ticket the coming
campaign. It Is this that makes an
other cause of among
for them arc many in
all sections of a ho e
that with the ignorance and in-
competence of the
ed the party will be in position lo
a Strong and healthy growth,
not dependent upon calamity
and dissatisfaction in the ranks of
other parties, and lime without
fusion or alliance with any party
secure the entire control of the
State Administration the vote
of the for its national
dates, tinder present conditions
North Carolina is not a
can Slate. It Inn not for
years. By an alliance with the
Populist party in it secured
one States Senator. In
1897 by a continuation of same
alliance an anti Democratic
was elected. Then the ac-
disruption of the Populist par-
began. Butler of the
Populist opposed the re-election of
Senator Pritchard alleging
unfaithfulness to the free
coinage of silver. Pritchard, how-
ever, by alliance with Skinner,
populist Congressman for the First
district, secured his re election to
the Senate of the United States.
Skinner since that time has had a
voice if not absolute control of
certain Federal patronage, in
State and he has used it to
utter rout of the Republicans of his
district and serious division of
his party. Butler represent-
the majority and
minority, became rival leaders in
in the Populist party. From the
ranks of Butler's followers the
Democrats many 1898,
and despite Butler's before
his committee, I believe will gain
more In 1900 on the issue of the
What support save inspired
by a desire for office can the Be
publicans expect from Populists
fight the amendment,
for the latter gain little or nothing
They by its defeat. There
is a while party, they say,
and gains its recruits from the
same race. well know-
that in every light yet made where
the Populists leaden has not had
some personal stake he
has been decidedly lukewarm if
not hostile in his efforts. The
fact of the matter But-
office is in danger, and as he
can expert no comfort from the
party he deserted and his own is
not he must needs
seek the help of the despised gold
men the re election of whose leader
ho and the majority of his party
opposed. His voice is no
the voice of many of his erstwhile
followers. It is the voice of one
crying for re-election; the voice of
one whose eyes mind and soul look
to march lie
Governor -elect of Kentucky
by the followers of Governor
the Republican usurper, he
the North
Carolina take warning from
Blackburn is very close to
Republican Slate Chairman Hot-
ton. is United States dis-
attorney of the western dis-
and Blackburn is his assistant
in that office and he is a of
Senator Pritchard.
Blackburn's warning lo
Democrats of what the may ex-
if they persist their
pose to disfranchise the
Data repetition of the threats
Violence recently made in Wash-
by his chief, Mr.
the only difference Black-;
is more aped He was Mr.
and boldly predicts murder
and assassination of Democrats.
meeting of the Populist executive
appealed lo the light-
qualities his followers and
asked I hem to join hands with the
Republicans fifths
and drive the white supremacy
gang out of the State, I said in
interview in The Charlotte Outer- j
that his purpose seemed to be
to stir up and incite the
to violent resistance of lawful;
purpose of the white people.
ton's threats, warning
attempt to secure Fed-
aid, threat to pass
force bill law through Con
the White's impudent
assault upon white women, the
and mysterious activity of the
revenue doodlers and the recent
sudden outbreak of insolence
and lawlessness not only confirm
that opinion arouse a strong
suspicion that fusion office
are engaged in sonic danger-
scheme and that, in carrying
it out, the is being secretly
organized and will be lived as a
tool. It would seem that the con-
have discussed and
over their of
so much that their minds
have become thoroughly sat united
with it, and, under the heat of ex-
General Merchandise
tube in any store in County. Well bought choice
selections, creations of the beet manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. work for and our mutual ad
It is our pleasure to show you what you want t.
sell you H we can. We offer you the very best service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly its own merits.
hen you come you will not do yourself lust ice
ii yon do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Jackets and Capes, Minings and oil Cloths.
If there is anything world
makes a newspaper man feel
like taking himself to a vast
and keeping himself com-
for the remainder of his days.
it is to seethe line ere of his
brain carefully painstakingly
brought out. by the
printer. Let prepare
lit for gods and intended to
be an exponent of his genius and
brilliancy, and it is sure to come
out in the paper, if is impossible
for him lo see proof,
sense, sound or sentiment.
For instance, the write-up of
an elegant dinner in which the
dishes were given, the
olives appeared in the first
After the whole issue of the paper
had gone out it was a
that the printer had onions in that and
course instead Of all t lie j
things on earth Another I
case, the neighboring
town, was more illustrious still, j Q
It was the account of a fashionable j MAW
dance. With his kind heart
warming with generosity, and with i
a desire to make others happy,
the reporter referred to a young
lady dancing us gracefully and
stately as Juno. Being
With the name of Jupiter's
spouse but having beard more or
less of Jumbo, the intelligent
in the latter and
gave it to the writing world.
Greensboro Telegram.
The Greensboro Record says that
the reason why Senator Pritchard
does not wish judgeship
fails is that Simon-
ton will soon be years old and
will retire and Pritchard Is to
circuit judge.
St. Mary's female
Raleigh has been bought
by the three in this State
and the diocese of South Carolina
Of only
has been paid, and Rev. A. A.
appointed agent,
is raising remainder. calls
on Raleigh to give
gives color,
flavor and to
all fruits. No good fruit
jean be raised without
Fertilizers containing at least
to lo,,; of Potash will give
a Masterly Paper.
North Carolina has a very de-id
of whom we do not
remember to heard
mini Monday last, lb-
in politics, a law-
and resides in county,
we do not know it is
heard of him before, for lie Is a
J man of capital understanding and
no little wisdom and penetration as
Raleigh and Observer of Sun for our pamphlets, which ought
day he publishes a paper on
North Carolina amendment to the in every farmer's library.
institution that fills very
Page. It is statesmanlike,
wise, able production from start to
i broad, conservative.
it mils do good ,
among all democrats who waver,
all republicans who think, ail
who an- not in favor of
They are sent free.
M , York.
e agree with
Hen's, Women's and Children's Shot
Harness, Morse Blankets Dusters.
s. Saddler and
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Laid. Scad ts,
Plows, fixtures. Rope.
Headquarters for and everything in Hue.
We buy strictly tor Cash, but sell for Either Cash or Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty. Merit and Square Dealing,
Self-Destruction the Trusts
lawyer of ibis city
opinion that is the most
and most progressive
cation yet made in Carolina
on the franchise amend-
He even puts it above
senatorial speeches o- the amend-
Mr Cos does not discuss
the constitutionality of
That has been thoroughly
well done by Judge W. s.
Mr. and others
among North Carolinians, and bi
Senators Morgan, and
in the I Slates senate.
Mr. Cox In the beginning of
is purpose lo attempt
A In Each.
Even the social sometimes
develops into a bore.
Some girls are envious just be
cause they know
to I hem.
When a man complains that life
is a burden, he ought lo reduce his
Some men are born thirsty,
j era acquire thirst, but few have
inks thrust upon them,
The most unhappy woman in the
world is the one with a secret that
wants to know.
wear loud clothes to
drown the clamor of conscience
don't pay their tailor
hi bills.
Lots of men reputations for
when they simply have
any argument as sense enough to keep their months
well leave this lo those with Even the people who go through
Use Good
We have
just received
Double I
t hem
buying, We also ii
line f
they let drop hint
its dark purport. Under these
circumstances ordinary prudence
that the white people be
on their guard and watch every
movement of the and the
white emissaries who may be en-
gaged in secretly organizing them.
hope there may lie no
during the campaign or at
election between the whites and
the blacks and we will exercise
reasonable forbearance, but it
will know who has In-
it and who is responsible
for it. We arc trying
and in the way provided by law to
amend the constitution the at-
tempt to Intimidate date us
by threats of force murder,
Hi van, the the Nu I while it proves all we have ever
lion; Pritchard, the charged concerning the character
There never would have been
any Sugar Trust to pity upon the
consumers of the States but
for such manipulation of the sugar
duties in interest of refiners as
to encourage monopolistic plunder-
where the plunder is the
who fatten on it will II
The heavy dividends of
Trust brought into the Held new
when these
bought new ones appeared.
Alias the competition has become
so vigorous that the present Trust
has been compelled to reduce its
dividends and practically
edge the defeat of its monopoly.
It a matter Of rejoicing for the
victims of the greed of tariff de-
fended Trusts that
stars are not Invulnerable against
compel it at tack.
There has been of late much
Cheerful proof such
dated monstrosities a rule earn
within themselves elements
wreck. Public Information as it
shall lie enlarged by observation I Builder's
and confirmed by painful .
will hereafter make ii a P. Nails and Garland Stoves, World's Be.
mat of move to
authorities at baud which
may quote lo sustain them in their
respective views. Hut tin- state
often heard no man can
vote for ratification of
amendment without violating his
nth I., support the
tut ion the veriest rot, and only
shows to what extremities some
be driven for argument Io sirs
To vote ii or not
to vote for it matter of
point of matter in
hat doc- this
An educational
in voters, lint
were thousands
the stale mil
come up to I hit
who in war had proven
their fitness for suffrage, inserted
a clause excluding from the pro
visions of those in.
tied to vote in any
life leisurely themselves out of
breath when death finally over-
The man who cats with his knife,
ii been noticed, never needs a
tonic lo sharpen his appetite
Do yon keep asked the
young woman the fruit
The new clerk blushed. Yes,
he stammered. Where
shall I
Headquarters For
Hardware, Ready Booting Burlap. Heady Mixed
As is to do business
every day, it is necessary lo use the
public prints daily.
-lire I In- right After tin
year in a ho conic age
and for registration the pro
visions of the apply
n of South Ben and whether white of
road i lie t paper at
and ii delighted and
strengthened us, Ii
persuasive, thoughtful,
-all of these more.
We ii among the most memo-
of North Carolina discussions
that recall iii a half century
of hearing and reading, ii should
be circulated in every county. It
i- a capital paper lo road in every
township before White Mons club's
might be read at a meeting every
month until the election. Where
ever read it do good among
people of ordinary intelligence,
ho arc not are white
and who de-ire to servo North Car-
from the pen
of Dr. T. It- editor of
Messenger, la indeed
to Mr. Cox's A
higher compliment could not
paid it.
We oiler One Hundred Dollars
for any ease of Catarrh
that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
Toledo, O,
have known
i for the las. fifteen
years, and him perfectly
honorable all business
and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their
ii mi.
r ancestors were .
wholesale drug-
gists, Toledo, o.
forever in wholesale druggists, o
prior In
formation of
N. C.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken In-
upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, Price per bottle.
Sold all Druggists.
family Pills are the
Dr. D. L.
N. c.
A Fleming

There few mm
D. J. public opinion Ml
widely different as of William
the Bet who almost In bis dying
let rev.
c. Mar.
Office Into
Thursday night and
o'clock, some one broke into the
reigns the Mi-Kin ,
Greenville, the various and u. .,,,
Mail Matter. . that S to Is , a to the
. people
, ,,. casts light upon the char-
his remarkable man who
duties l
lies ed
, , ,. . . , hurried Into eternity by
c arc per-
to give
some extracts
. i
, i , ,. r. in a private letter written
will all-. take tor subs-tip I
Senator N. W.
. bar the upper K. u-
Our purpose in having a special tuck, Frank ton. to
personal friend and
Of the local of the milled
bis of
dona, advertising and job pr
reporter is to make local news
department better. It Will
give us opportunity
more attention to oilier departments
of paper, so it will be
all around. This step wall
as some other improvement, baa
ban in contemplation
and hope a In-
crease of patronage will follow.
We want
paper possible.
Mr. Harding is a young man of
talent, popular and of pleasant ad-
dress. He has been assistant post
masterful some years and is well
known to all our people. He IS go
to carry his usual
to succeed with him in his new
both he and
trill appreciate any
iii the way of news items or
business for paper.
Ban. who has been jump-1 ,,
over the republican , m ,
on the bull in it were not
lion. U going to be boomed The Sheriff he went around
re ,
publican candidate for the
In the last paragraph of the
tide in e paper about
Jarvis Harding being as
local The r. con,
the was printed in
place of We
the under could easily ace
Word was Wrong.
Where did get power
Its powers delegated lo it
the Constitution ii baa
any other body of respectable old
as Secretary once
the Senate. Once goes
tin- Constitution, it noes
nut of existence. It is only by the
Constitution at all.
Representative Payne, chairman
Of Ways and Means Committee
of House of Representatives
was stumped tin-other day.
He Hull the
the Winder-
bill a well known
resident of Ibis town.
Mr. ask me
what about
I receiving your letter
events have transpired
within this Commonwealth. Mr.
champion of the great
common people. He was
Bill his bitterest enemies
once accused him of faithless-
lo a public trust. He fought
poverty as a lad his parents,
ell college at eighteen death
bis father to for his mother
sister. He assumed the burden
caring for his mother and
ting the others, and succeeded.
dear old mother is ill Heaven,
sister, u of rare
culture, is married lo a
man of ion wealth, both
brothers, one a graduate of Vale,
an- men of large wealth.
During year of his life
Mr. practice was
a year.
was as a
brave as a Spartan, us
a as . and -l
friend never known, lie
friend ID
return, for I had give.
When stricken by assassin's
bullet he requested me to take
charge of
and act bis as
pro of the and
chairman of I be Steering Commit
tee. So more delightful tusk ever
fell lo lot, nor greater honor.
than the ill of tin
people and s. e Mi. declared
and of this
Stale before he died.
great church and state, i
I Hies man I ever knew .
nomination. The story, as
it comes to Washington, is that
Harrison i sure of Indiana
vote in convention to
with; that he U reasonably
Minnesota vote and has more
than a lighting chance to get the
Michigan vote, if Mr.
attitude towards war South
in his lie sent a man
around to the office door and he
to the window but the robber
bad escaped.
Sheriff Mooring says be
made a remark late in
the afternoon the Hank had
closed and he bad failed to make
his deposit. The room was crowd-
ed with people and he
Africa, and h is supporters in many ,,,.,, . or
standing near by heard remark
made the attempt at robbery.
was made to open i in-
As e have before He
Analysis of Professor W. State of
February 17th, 1900, from sample drawn totter
party, organization, i
is controlled the of the Ammonia .
120.000 who constitute
four lift hi of its Voting length,
will be forced by their
to oppose the
hat we are glad to kn will not
deter honest white
who are under no ob
and who lie
Have that the future of party
Available Phosphoric Acid
Potash O.
Value of at seaboard 021.88
To which add average freight 3.00
I rust of mixing, shipping 1.00
Actual cost of bags 1.00
The sale of exceeds any the world.
this any previous year. Do not
is hopeless so long as it is without it. For sale everywhere. Manufactured by
P. S. Co.
for ,,,. , ,
. ,,, , , m Norfolk, n a., Tart C.
Sharpe know that the hangs
like a mill their necks TN not yet. The Philip-
of keep up the
party, that they will never lie cables one day that all is over
to throw off the , that the whole lay out has
long M follow the decrees of trampled under foot. The next
other states, it is too to say
how much then- is In alleged
Harrison boom, but he isn't
I of man lo say or do anything
without an object, audit is j
other object he can; of the Stale
have in thumping the Mm nomination by
policy, as he has been doing re State
than to try to gel Pus , M ., Superintend-
of Public Instruction. The
their party conventions, they
have lo put the In-
to the root of tree help to
eradicate evil. When the
Slate have boon from the me-
and incubus of irresponsible
nomination for himself.
When Mr. signs
reasons advanced are that Mr. Me-
The President says that every-
one is against Imperialism, True
enough Everyone this conn
had increased the value of the ho
hi II to lit cents i-
by a decree, lie was .,. The does
r x,,, , not consider imperialism bold
millions of people sub-
governed by nu alien people
without representation, and ,
asked Mr
the value of the
dollar could not be
raised legislation, Mr. Payne
could not I an any one
Little, of
burg count;. committed suicide,
She w run- lining
rash act was due to tin- faith-
of n in-in
having . n her love
then deserted her for
Tin-thief on the r
the he
yet, bus till .
weak would judge
that if any should be left
Without the pale of
is w retell who will so
with a woman's love as lo drive
her to self destruction.
A or our own
youthful mistakes and follies will
lead us to judge those of others,
with sympathy and Indulgence,
the recognition we hive
reached the time Of life when gen
He dignity and cheerful serenity
are more becoming than sparkling
vivacity or any affections will -a,.
us from being ridiculous, March
Homo Journal.
such rights Congress may
-co lit to bestow on them. If lie
did he Would be opposed to it him
self. But oilier
tin-sort of thing the rankest
they would like Mr.
just what he
11.- French are laying their
plat h on
i. .- v, ho indulge in a the
Paris ,;. this summer. If
one has holding the idea
i hut a cheap trip might be offered
that well abandoned,
pi. sent prospect Is that I here
wilt be advance in
across c can, is
hold ii is-aid, will be three
times as high alter April 1st, as
present. Verily,
an- expecting to reap it harvest.
The House mi by a
Strict rate Ii. A.
Bobbins, Democratic in
gild standard bill, which that
make the rich richer and the poor no bias and
which as passed ill the
and House this week, as re
ported from Conference com
be will cancel of the
heavy obligations he Incurred to
the moneyed interests of the
try during his campaign for
to the Presidency.
Senator Lodge is usually n good
talker, although always radical
ill his ideas, but lie couldn't do
his speech in
the bill giving Mr.
authority to govern the Philip
pines US he pleases, which ought
properly to be A bill
William Czar of the
Philippines, It is not i-a-y to led
the Senate that it should give one
man autocratic power over
of millions of
pun who a ere bought and
sold without consent. Ii
Congress ever passes this bill the
of this country will sorely
regret it.
The attempts of republicans to
shift responsibility for I be disgrace
exhibition given country by
the passing of the Rico tariff
bill by the House would be
if the matter were not too
to laugh over. The
among republican Senators over
the bill, which is now before the
Senate, has almost readied the
lighting A caucus is 1.1 lie
held to patch matters by amend
the bill to the extent necessary
to get the votes lo put through
the Senate. The sugar and
trusts, win h are credited with
lining compelled the republican
lo make this disgusting exhibition
are to have let become known
Republican Senators that
they have objections to any
may made to the
bill so long as tariff on
Hie in and sugar is not
Hulled, and if I bey don't object
Mr. wool.
Senator Mason is stirring things
up In the Senate again. He wants
lions discharged from further con
of bis resolution.
thy of for the Boers,
which has been hands -in, e
December Ii, and be says he i-
going to keep on hammering at
until something Is done to give
day the old donkey cables that new
complications have
that the are again
massing and they- have killed a few
of our brave boys. Thus war
and the great cost lo the people go
that as the office is not political he
should be ii tamed, that
Mr. has been a good officer
and which is true,
the see reason
for his nomination by the Demo-
State He is
not a Democrat, but a Populist,
and was elected by a fusion of
Populist, and K In
His office is a- much a political
one as that of any State
officer and could
as advocate the
Thompson, Hal
l other as
Mr. We want none of
and we believe nine tenths
Of the Democrats of North
do not want them. We do not
think Mr. stands ghost
chance for nomination the
Democratic th.- par-
docs not to commit
suicide -His nominal ion would
be binding on no Democrat save
those who for aim in the con-
and Democrat
would be required to vote for him.
voters are morally
bound to cast their ballots for none
but I and W hen t
Democrats are Dominated the mat-
left to their preference. The
editor of the has never
rated for a man who was not a
and docs nut expect to
as long as ho remains in the Dem-
If Mr. or
any not a was
the ticket we would not
him, nor would we
other Democrat to do an We
say tins because the question is lie-
not because we fear
t c nomination of Mr.
are numbers of Democrats
who will the position creditably
and one will lie named for it.
suffrage, and their party has the last old fossil in the
been freed from j service of this has had
they will, if they time to show that be is a hero
are lit to continue their allegiance an ass as many of them really
to republican party, become are. These foreign complications
the dominant spirits its Hut it will be
Mis, and Ibis Stale long years after all who now
will be what such men arc it are dead
shall make it
After two years
Premiums been
of Newark. N. J.
Your Policy
Has Value,
i. Paid up
Insurance that
I ire Lost
Philadelphia, March -A lire
estimated loss of over
early today
the retail dry goods district. The
originated the en
glue room of
dry goods millinery store, at
and streets. A MM
Hope of
Another The trusts has
gone into bankruptcy, and the
on stated fur it is that no Hour
trusts could be formed big enough
to prevent competition.
trust, as we told a few days ago,
has found the profits gone of its
business. It turns out to be not so
rather not so good -as
Ibis, bill it baa been forced to re-
duce percent, one
half. Taking the failure of the
flout is only one of
the many which has come to grief
for text, The Philadelphia
Times points out best hope we
seen for that the
country is not to be en-
by the trusts- Invention it
baa introduced and is still in-
new economies into the
of sugar, the making of
sled, Hour and other articles of
trust manipulation. It follows
that at any given tune there is a
of dead capital in
each of these industries invested
in out of dale and useless construe
A trust combination
of industries means is
sue of shales this
productive capital, and in many in
stances a liberal addition of water
besides The moment a new con-
on a sound basis
and employing only the newest
most productive methods, takes
the Held aggregation is at
a disadvantage, sooner or later
must absorb Its new rival or go to
the wall.
There is hope this view
matter. The progress of invention
keep the trust tearing out old
roach I at enormous expense,
and i ii with new, or put
it a disadvantage the pres-
ever-present new
though of smaller cap-
ital, which starts with the new
The Halted Stales government is
now new
seas, and if nothing else,, on
will result the expenditure of
billions of dollars and a
and tormenting debt, all of which
will go to the present
the He says the Senate
would adopt the resolution if a
has been discovered that a lot
of expensive furniture In the Hap-
at Washington, though
chased for solid mahogany, is only
thinly veneered with that wood.
Philadelphia Record.
No doubt there is a great
of this kind of fraud and job
practiced by those whose
goods to the government.
Because he voted against the
from the fourth Alabama district, Puerto Mean Tariff bill a
and seat to I has lo Indian
packer for
alarm was sounded, but all
forts to save building were
fruitless, and it was leveled- The
lo.-s is placed at
dry goods store,
i.-- nit.
entailing h i loss of
th.- building was
four and Mark's live stories
The spread lo
the building on Cherry
sin- . n by Broth
of women's and
and the
Nothing was left of Ibis
place, but the walls and loss is
were more or less serious
damaged. About persons
men, women children, were
thrown out of employment by
Advertisements Point the
the most inveterate
occasionally likes a hint as lo
w hat she should purchase ;
she gels that hint from the
she reads her favor-
newspaper. If
can thus be moved thousands of
other purchasers can lie more
easily Advertisements
point the way to trade.-
There never was a lime, in fact,
in the history of American social
economy when old domestic-
service problem was so dose to its
natural and the
whole of
woman was so near to its own log-
adjustment as at present.
The twentieth century will in no
oilier aspect tie as
and division of the world's
labor which America is destined to
present world men for bus-
in.--, and women for the home,
with equal standard in each
ease for both employer em
in the
March Journal.
It is stated
ton reached with the
body of her husband she found
letters awaiting her, each one ask-
for a portion fund raised
for her benefit by American
There are two problems
under one is how to get I
money and the is bow to
keep There are perhaps few
men in the who, if
asked the question, would not an-
that if they responded favor-
ably to every application made to
them, personally and by loiter, for
money, they would in little while
he paupers. Of course
Sage would prove exception to
this rule, for everybody knows that
it would be no use to apply to him
for any
in good health.
After Second Year
K.-i i i.-i ions,
Dividends arc payable at the be-
ginning of second and each
succeeding year, provided
i ii in in for current year be paid
They may lie used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To Policy Payable
an Endowment during the Lifetime
of Insured.
J, L.
N. O.
If our looking glasses tell us
palatable truths, we may always sec
t our best the mirrors
Of loving and friendly eyes. Let
us at least study how to keep our
hearts warm, to preserve as much
sunshine us we may, and often
up what treasures we have
The warmth in our own hearts
will depend upon our power to
warm those of La-
Home Journal
Clocks arc not obliged to shake
hands for the wind-up.
Cotton lies always
on i
Fresh goods kept en
produce and
old. A trial will you.
D. W.
Have KB. n
j J I
If m, bring Item to m-. cu
higher prices.
E. M.
A r. el -it.
,. .
. . . . he Illustrated.
. it . HOOK
n It-. Si Wars Sow I
. .
I- . In
.,,.,.,,., Hi c. life
. I Mill,
I I,.,. .
H .
IT .
as W II l . .
J . I
I lo hall-
Th. ii .,.
Mia, i
l. .
. Kt and
i . i , . Hone, Cow. Hoc or
ft v. . t mail to Mod
my it, The
I. raw not It U
if t lilt
i,. ii In
Mm l M In
j i . i. . i M v will be b Mail
, a
Fall and Winter Clothing
Special Price
Some Speak to Mr, Some to You
1.11 MI IT. Mail it .
Lee Stewart it, sick.
It. Shaw, of is
and Be
went to
i today.
Smith to
Charlie Beet,
over m
W. T. Hunter came up
Miss returned t
I Station this
J. left
for Washington City.
is visiting Miss Ellen
Mrs. Winstead returned
home .
Wat who has been vis
. It, to Ayden
E. X. Wilson, of
I who has been visiting here several
who wants to do returned home today.
hide his light
. , i , ii I II. Cowan, advance agent
a He make, . . . . . .
.,, ,, , , the Boston Star Concert Company,
Known and lie must ask for ,,,.,,. ,.,.,.
the he desires. This cannot I for the appearance of his
lie done verbally. He must there- next Tuesday night.
If there MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe I
mid we be must ,
j to settle as early as pis
We need what
owe and hope yon will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
much thought and attention to his
matters pertaining 1.11 lie proper
conduct of bis business.
Nearly n Killed.
Charleston, W. Ya., March ti.
The greatest mining horror in
I the region occurred
ltd Ash.-, o'clock this
u as ever,
good, Mullet B
cents ii pair at S. M.
T. V.
weal her we arc
lately remind Hi all that we
have seen better days.
The shad catch is improving
the price of a conies a little
The length of some faces
is with the squeezing
they get when cotton slumped.
The John Buggy Co.
have put a gasoline and
in a few days will have their
A Balm o Advertising.
Lives men all us
We can make our lives sublime
Just by doing all do;
Advertising all lime.
, morning, explosion
drift mine of the Red Ashe Coal
Company. The mine was full of
men and the explosion occurred
near the entrance, was
ed by falling slate. A relief crew
was quickly at work. I. is
ed over inn in.-n were the mine. I
DO bodies have been taken
out and the work of rescue is still
going on.
C. Franklin Wilson, Attorney.
From the Banner, of
X. J., Unit Mr.
c. Franklin Wilson was among the
recent successful applicants in that
State for the license. The
Banner says Mr. Wilson passed at
head of his class, and all bad
high averages.
Mr. Wilson is a Pitt county boy,
and was connected with
for some time beck in the
Messrs. J. Q. Smith, E. T.
Forbes, A. F. Kennedy
as Duke went to Strawberry Hill,
Monday, to spend it few days
They returned today re-
ported a catch of
A Lung Case
ease of vs. Tripp was
token up the Court
Wednesday morning and for three
days the court has Been running on
testifying, arguing and ruling.
At today the evidence was all
Jarvis began his
tin- plaintiffs. This case
will probably lie the last tried this
Five Babies in Months.
Paul Minn., March
children have been to Mrs.
of in
mouths. Friday night she gave
birth to triplets, two boys and u
girl. Eighteen months ago she
became a mother of twins, a boy
and girl. live babies are
healthy and strong.
Reward for
To him who things
within reason are possible. Hy
who bus wisely and persistent-
advertised success has
been achieved. The sumo re-
ward of continued effort can lie on
joyed by any merchant who may
so will. Custom comes to
who Invites It.
A until never fully realizes w hut
i world this is until he steps
skin and lauds bead
tint the asphalt.
The Champion
Jo. Mitchell has the champion
cat in the State. It
caught four ruts at one time one
day recently and held them. They
were cleaning up the and got
into mime ruts. Two inn out and
the cat caught them and got them
both in its mouth. Before it could
kill two more run out and
caught them, one under e
foot. Mr. Mitchell went lo the
and killed the two
under her feel and the eat soon die-
patched the other
the Wednesday to return to
work, had to lake his bed again to-
day. He is having a bad lime
with the mumps, this being his
It la week of sickness.
E. II, Friday in
lion left this morning
morning for
Dr. returned from
Washington Thursday night.
t. I. Aycock went down
the road last night and returned
is visiting her sister, Miss Ophelia
at Mrs.
E. Brown came in
night from where he has
moved his
who for past
year bus In. buying tobacco on
the Scotland Week market, name
Thursday night.
Denmark and Miss Lucy
Cox, of Kinston, came over this
morning to spend the day with Miss
Florence Starkey
Miss Julia day operator
tit the bus been
quite for some lime. sis
tor, Miss Annie, is filling her place.
Saturday moo.
Barrett is sick.
F. ti. came home Fri-
Luther went lo
;. ii. Leggett
Wash ton.
John is quite I,.
Mis. went to last
Mrs. Tyson i- improving,
e a re glad to say.
to learn that Mis-
is about us.
We glad to M e
aide to be in his store again.
It. Cooper and wife are now at
in the dwelling near
Collins has finished hi-
-re, and just moved
into it.
la North Carolina
will meet this year at Ashe-
. ill.- June 27th.
A school at i file i d
for two weeks an
of grip among lb pupils.
A fire night
M. ii
ed about data-1
Bone Fertilizer.
of B. W- State Chemist of Caro-
from sample drawn in bands of R. O. Cotter Co.
N. f., 10th,
Ammonia .
Value unmixed ingredients seaboard 118.50
Add e at
Actual cost mixing 1.00
us of bags.
bar 11- u used on fifteen consecutive crops, and is
.-i all Cut ton Peanut reliable;
I -I. in I, has made from the best Is. Manufactured
been I from the go as
a picnic ground for visit-
S. Royster Guano Co.,
M won,
i th.- so district
The body of a man to
W. Mount,
is to ,, ,. i- , ,;,.
rail fence. That
Wednesday morning.
Bishop is.
done With by
Barker's a ire fence.
Cotton planters and back bands
are shipped from here to
Texas, Arkansas, and
Slates. In-side- the Carolinas.
was a here for
Archer, Mew
borne, Moore, perhaps , ,,., ,
cl I
hall a dozen other- wen- coming
t , , , , ,. .
h holding court at
ton, announce for g
the in . in ; for V
is Complete
At prices that will suit you.
Railway, near Clayton,
make addresses n this State on the
Winston, Charlotte,
The hotel at Halifax was burn
There no in-
building or fur-
Judge who was
t what
man was here yesterday. Thai-,
legal papers and other
in is handling a special I , , , , . ,
, be had him.
cheroots made by
At court week
A. Sugg, Jr., went to Kinston
Wednesday night have his eyes
treated, returning Friday morning.
Ir. Hyatt said he was just in lime
lo save his left eye.
Turn On Light
Come See gs.
judge jury, seven la., u-r- and
for four whole days
A. i. Cox Mfg. Co. are now
working a full of fifteen
hands, with even I hill
do. There is a premium
going with every pair of cart
left today fol
of losing liberty in as
as this. The gets
his rights. This I stands for
the i properly. is
Those w favor adoption
the amendment haven right ex
that they will b . din
of rather than an
attempt to frighten the citizens of n
suggestion Heavy and Fancy Groceries,
Mil, Moore store,
. where we
opened a new and
i of
been discussing
and candidly
as ii- friends arc determined
shall be, wear.- confident that the
the State will ratify i
always held here by a large majority. The year
limn will mark n forward and
upward by the people of this Com
Mr Win. Brand, one of the oldest which will give new
Consisting of Meats. Flour.
Coffee, Canned Goods,
Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
to ii f mi I in an up-to-date
, ,
We pay the highest market
.,; for all kinds of
Silver Wedding.
handsome have been
issued bearing the following an-
of the silver wedding
of two of our most
Mrs. Cherry
the honor of your presence
at their
Twenty-fifth Anniversary,
Friday evening March sixteenth,
nineteen hundred,
from nine lo twelve o'clock,
Greenville, X.
These cards so d only to
friends living outside of
being understood that all
town are invited.
In advance of it
and lust wishes.
and a highly respected citizen in hopes and inspiration to the
this county, did his near manhood guarantee a sense ,
y, peace and to those who
have weathered the inn.
a I.-., days
fought Mexican Will. ,
and with his death there passes
away the last of .-
cash or in barter. When
.,, i want to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with
patronage we promise entire eat
Almost Drowned
Two I raveling Me-
II. Mallard and A. M. Stevens,
near being in
attempt to fowl th creek
c and I I .- on
last morning.
It those
who were traveling con
the stream which had
The thing In I'm-
I is a woman who thinks she is. o m
j The marriage of convenience has J, f,
no it, but I be love in goner-
ally wailing around
A keeps In r
mil -s up her mind
that she to wail iii
she g.-is lo heaven lo gel man led.
When women of n town
up their minds that two
to get engaged they re
Docs to Hear It
Cod loves lo hear people to
in Him. He to
hear people speak words of warn
instruction, en-
to their fellow be-
He surely docs not love to hen
men talk of politics on Sunday.
does He love to hear axes
on Sunday. A.
Ayden, N. C.
The Heaviest Mortgage Ever
Recorded Here.
of Deeds bus
just recorded the mortgage
ever put upon the records of Vance
It was for and was
by the
Company in favor of the
Trust of
Haiti more.
Miss Cox returned
Denmark returned Friday
evening to Kinston.
Mrs. M. Powell left this morning
for Scotland Neck.
F. M. returned this
morning from Washington.
Miss Harris returned
Friday night from Richmond.
Frank Wilson is the Northern
markets purchasing new goods.
c. Nichols, of Franklin
is here representing the J. Van
T. W.
ton Messenger, lain made
us ii call today.
Mis. Nannie Stafford, who has
been visiting her father, J. M.
Proctor, returned to Plymouth
tins morning.
M. M. Junes, who has been here
several days building a new draw
for tho bridge, returned to Wash
this morning.
I,. Tew and Miss
Annie, who been spending
Mine days with W. F. Parker.
went to Kinston Friday night.
tiled I n-s ii-tin , .
, , , it around have
. reason ,. v. v .
, , u ml i New
river, not deem
. . , Press,
in his speech at the Ohio So
dinner at the
hotel, New York, on
day President
can be
no What can be
by Ibis
Is he going to veto Hint Puerto
Mean tariff bill, after all The
President is becoming an
A convention of the Democratic
Party of County is hereby
called to mental the curt House
Greenville Saturday.
o'clock M., for the
pose of appointing delegates lo the
State Convention be held in the
city of day of
April, the nomination of
candidates for the various state
Township Primaries will held
Saturday, March
I o'clock P, at., to appoint delegates
I,, the County Convention.
several townships will be
entitled to appoint the following
of delegates,
Heaver Dam, I.
I ill nil,
Swill Creek.
All persons who are in favor of
the while people controlling
State and County governments are
invited to participate In these
By order of Democratic Es
of Pitt County.
W. It. . Chairman.
See a
Well Sam.
; inn its . North
i- ; i- d tight b
lug ii past folding, lint very, soon
after entering the found them
wives wale, several feel ; .
The team becoming
the driver jumped out tin i t
to shore, Inn of inters,
Mr. succeeded
,.,,,,, ,, campaigns have
on the vehicle but the other ,, ,
. , ,,,, ,. meant to the
caught the rush
the vehicle and narrowly cs and yet complaints have b-en
cape. However beard
hard work on the part
he was gotten men
I the
As heretofore guarantee per-
fitting, stylish, dressy, gar-
. samples stock, now
for your inspection.
been show u tin
Cut Prices.
W. T. Lee
. Main
K. C.
ill-., their pa. 1- . V
,. news which gave
the have toiled in-;
shoes, at
Both the j were given the
all their bar gage cases, welcome the when the
only of the horse
I may have of Its
A Shrewd Collects those who public office
Taxes. next January.
one of the it a- A. London, of
taxes were be nominated for Slate
coining III Slowly, a In thus Jg
scheme that for and Mr. will re
would hard l I ha I Hie State
he went been mid justly-o. w n Vice President,
preachers tin for services in ,,. gee. Manager.
ton dollar and u half, people, nil the
he engaged in lo announce Journal.
that unless luxes weir
March 1st. not paid
would lose voles in future
elections, were
made in due course and there was
a great iii-h to in that
section. At place where the
sheriff was waiting there was u
rush . hand in their in
and the sheriff employed four
to assist him. A good
while pen pie were caught the,
A large force of men has reached
build nearly
miles of new telegraph line through
We don't believe that the and
There were worth of rev
stumps the
,, , ,. ., . even quite muter-
Kinston Mantel Co.
for Business.
A girl may all
literature, even higher
but when tackles
with the ,, .-.
Hold leaf.
things m I
.- i
A of the lutes
Improved machinery.
Mantels, Door and
l a-d OUT-
j, and Store
i Counters and Office All
Scroll and Lathe work,
I fair dealing policy, to

The Reflector
Book Store
The following is the
to article U of the State
adopted by the As
UM, and to be submit-
to the voter for ratification
next August
Section 1- That article VI of the
of North Carolina
the same is hereby abrogated
ad in lieu thereof shall be
the following article of said
or as
office First, all persons who shall
deny the being of God
Second, all persons who shall have
convicted or confessed their
guilt on pending, and
whether or not,
judgment suspended, any treason
or felony, or any other crime for
which the may lie
in the penitentiary,
since In-coining citizens of the
in- corruption and
in office, unless such
person shall be restored to the
rights of citizenship in a manner
by law.
Sec. This act shall lie in force
from and after
Pens, Pencils.
. removal one
. or other election
Section Every male person
ill i United State, and
every male Demon who has been
naturalized, twenty-one j cars of
age. and possessing the
set out in this article, shall
be entitled to vote at election
joy the people in the Slate, except
as herein otherwise provided.
Sir. He shall have resided in
the State of North Carolina, for two
in the county six months.
and in the precinct, ward or other
election district in which be offers ., recorded in Boot I
to vote, four months next
the election; Provided, That One
By matte September
Term of Superior in the
of J. T. Harry Skin-
i .-. an;
The Mined I Herein Com-
missioner will
the Home to the
highest r cash, on the
tin described
One ball
the of
William others seventy-
five r less, m
Well and known as for-
to on I Julia Bra
give us a call.
V Card
Full Sheet Poster,
Is only a year and con
the news every week,
and gives information to
r, especially th grow-
tobacco, that is worth
many times
subscription price.
from one precinct, ward
i lo another
in the Mime county, shall not ope
rate lo deprive any person of
or other election district from
which he has removed, until
mouths alter inch removal. No
who hat been convicted,
confessed his guilt
the punishment w is, or
hereafter lie. imprisonment in the
prison, shall be permitted to
vote, unless the said person shall
tie restored to citizenship In
manner prescribed law.
See. person offering to
vote shall be at time a
registered voter as herein
in the manner
provided by law, the General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
carry into effect the provisions of
tills article.
See. I. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able to read write any section
of constitution in the English
and. before he shall be
entitled to vote, have Paid on or
before the Hist day of March of the
year in which he proposes to vole,
his poll tax as prescribed by law,
for previous year. taxes
shall be a lien on assessed
property, and no process Shall issue
to en force the col led ion of the same
except against Md property.
Sec. 5- male person who was,
on January I, oral any time
prior thereto, entitled to vote
tin-laws any State in the
Slates wherein lie then re
sided, and no lineal descendant of
J such shall be denied
right lo register and vole at
any election in this Slate person
of hi- failure lo possess the
qualifications prescribed In
section l of this Provided,
In- shall have registered in accord
with the terms of this section
prior to December I, The
General Assembly shall provide for
a permanent record all persons
who register this section on
or before November I, 1908, an I
all such persons shall be entitled
lo and vote at all elections
by the people In this State, unless
disqualified under section this
Provided, such persons
shall have paid their poll tax as re
by law.
See. l. All elections the
pie shall lie ballot, and all
i elections by the General
shall lie viva
See Every voter in
Carolina, except M in this article
disqualified, shall be eligible to of
lice, but before entering upon the
duties of the oilier lie shall take
and subscribe the following
do swear
I will support and
maintain it ill ion and
of Slates, and con-
null laws of North Cam
Una not inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of my office
So help
Sec. The classes of
persons shall be disqualified
the lands of Silas
j. or fully
need front to
i. P pant
One known as the Council
hi lo vote in lite precinct,
the lands f K M. James, John
r and n
G. Harry
Qua in
I I . ii
one or
i in
i i -i known
tin- lands , the Council
James lain .
offered a-
all limber or i above in
t-t when cut, x period often year
on all the above named
timber of-
whole, Umber nod
those bids that
wing money. There Is
lion hall feel of Handing timber on
i. One tract R. U. J. D.
Carolina towns known as
Sam land, acre
more or less timber heretofore
tract known as the
in township, on
Creek, the
J. w. H. w hit-hard others
less nun J A.
to Skinner Book
h adjoining the lands
late John Jordan Daniel and
In the forks of where
O. was hunted
and inn deed J, J Nobles to
tract of in
at two large pines
and runs North West lo a then
Weal the road up said
road North West poles to
the dwelling the
late Jerri and runs with said
road S. to W. poles thence S and Iv 1311
ii tit;, n's lint- with his
hi e to the containing
i i One tract of land situate in Content
i the lauds of A. M
tardy Johnson, the Turnage
others containing acres fully
ma deed John
ill page and
II One Had situate in town-
i-hip. the Hardy Johnson
Jr. others containing
i-i acres more r less, fully
described Book I pare and A IV
IS One of land tunic in
township, adjoining the lands of
He Porter's place, J, A.
and others, containing
live bundled and seventy
more or leas.
IS in West
Beginning at N. W.
corner of and Ward
North Latham street to the lino
No. hence with the line of lot No
feel to the corner or lot No
net to east with
Ward street feet to the
I.- No. In West
n- S. K.
and streets, thence
street feet to the
line-f l.-i N thence with the line of
lots and then with the line of
tin fit i vi West feet lo
I . lot in the town of Greenville on
-r of Front and and
. d in a deed from J W. J. House to
i i in Hook L pages
Th i are cash, hut
en pay . third cash can arrange for
ii l H i
J ,, .
b v
Save Your Money.
On i box i I save
many dollars in
of stomach, or
No Reckless Assertion
r sick headache, J
i constipation
a million people endorse
a Failure
I lie washes
plant is duo of most
in nature.
to tin- result
even more than composition of
the wash.
has to j
be I lie for specific tor
San Jose scale. The writer has re-
this upon
apple, plumb trees
by San Jose scale;
location of orchard, Wake county;
aye of trees, four to years.
The trees hail been carefully tend-
ed were well grown
healthy, barring the The
was applied February
dry, day. The Deem-
pump and
were used. Two strengths oil
pure nil oil diluted OH half
were used. The Ire-- were as
welted as is possible
with a pump, lull not enough oil
was put on to drip or run down
the trunk.
March The bark of all
Sprayed trees is greasy brown, but
the oil has not penetrated into the
living cells. All scales by
the oil are dean, but in no did
the scales amount to above
percent of the whole. In other
words, about HI per cent of the
original number of scales escaped
the wash and are still alive.
The buds of apple trees were
not injured in any way. The buds
of the peaches were killed to the
extent of about to per cent.
The buds of the plumbs were kill-
ed to the extent of to BO per
cent. particular difference
could be between half and
full strength of wash.
The general is that
for this section crude petroleum
the same upon
scale insects as pure kerosene.
It is no better and as
to use Persons who wish
to experiment with mineral oils on
nil trees should go very slowly.
Oils are dangerous, especially upon
to Coma,
or I
I c Half War o II.
Nature. In her efforts to correct which mistakes hare come from
careless or it mar be from ancestors. out pimples, blotches and
other imperfections on the a warning that more troubles
haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary arc certain to follow If
you neglect to heed the warning and correct the
Many a lingering, painful disease and many an baa been avoided
simply because notes of warning have and the blood kept
pure by a right us.- of JOHNSTON'S
Miss Abbie J. of Marshal Mich.,
was cured of a bad humor after suffering with It for Are years The
doctors my friends It was salt rheum. It came out on my head, neck
and ears, and then on my whole body. I was perfectly raw with it. What I
suffered during those fire years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me if
I did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure H. I spent money
enough to buy a I heard highly
praised. I a bottle of it. I began to improve right away, and when I had
finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of it
I never got any thing to do me the least good till I tried JOHNSTON'S
would heartily advise all who are suffering from
or akin disease of any kind to try it at once. I had also a good deal of stomach
trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S
made me all
The blood is your you keep it pure and strong can positively re-
disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S never
fails It is for sale by all druggists, in I quart bottles at only one dollar
Hosts OP
Pitt County. B, fore the Clerk I I I
Ola Forbes Henry and
Nellie bis wife.
Henry Jenkins and i
Mettle Jenkins will take Hint
Proceeding, entitled as above
in the Superior Court of
Wore the Clerk, for the sale j
of estate for partition; and said
will take notice they
to appeal at office of the j
Clerk of the Superior Court for the County i
of Pitt, mi th 10th day of March
and answer or lo petition and ,
tiled in or the
will apply to die I
relief in said petition and
This Jan. loon. n. c.
A Blow, Clerk Court.
Ill virtue of a of the Superior
Court of Pitt County made, on the 17th
1909, in a certain Special
and wife
and and numbered as ens- I
will on MARCH 1900.
public Kile before the Court House
door in Greenville to the highest bidder for
a certain piece or parcel of land situ-
ate in Township, Pitt County,
Lot No. in the division of the
lands of Mary B. and
which was allotted to Curl by
the 4th of Lot
on ton load, South W.
n sweet gum on creek. corner
of No. 6- to n black
poles lo stake
on road near South of its
be d thence road lo-
i in infilling, acres more or
This 1900.
a. in.
service and sermon every
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays at
M., and Litany Fridays A
Rev. I. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D.
every Sun-
day, evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W F. Harding,
J. B. pastor.
a. m. E. B.
man says that Indiana
will Ira Democratic Ibis year by
Escaping gas killed Henry
No. Boat Twenty-lint
street, New York, and rendered
his brother unconscious.
William IT. Ferry, owner of the
Late Forest polo at Oh lea-
go, . was struck by a train
a that city on Sunday.
lost bis life in
the at Buffalo, N. Y.,
Saturday is believed to have
been Ashton Smith, of Fort Erie,
Line ha
Champaign Is detained at
tine, New York, pending dis-
infection if a sick steerage
The Ono Day Cold
For colds and use
late Easily as candy
and quickly cure.
and fever is a of
Tasteless Tonic.
Iron and quinine in a tasteless form.
No pay. Price
A an dis e
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
mid prices as low as
Highest market prices
aid for country produce.
Hook I .-.
By virtue of a decree of
Court of in the
ease of j. c. Griffin, Addle E.
Brooks, Alice M. Spier, Pat-
rick, Joel i. Patrick and Joel Pat-
rick, guardian,
to sell laud for division.
Coin will sell
for cash before Court House
door in on Monday
day of March 1900 follow-
described piece or parcel of
land in the tow u
on the west by J. C. lot
on the north by E. Lang's lot on
t east by Alice M. lot
on the South by con-
two acres more or less.
P. C.
Having day
Clerk Hit- Superior Conn of Pill county,
as in of I lie estate of Alien,
hereby given to nil per-
-late to
present to for duly nu-
on or before the day of
Jinn h 1901, or notice will be in
recovery. All persona
to will
to me. This March
of A ban In K. Allen.
leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for
ville, leave daily
P. M. for Washington.
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, Saturdays
at II A. If. carries freight only.
in- iii Washington with
for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Hay Line from Baltimore;
and Lino from
Washington, N. C.
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
thin Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. M. Sec
. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
U. b. O. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. M. C. T. M. Hooker,
K. of R. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
V B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
hall. J. B. White, Conn-
A. O. Council,
No. meets every and third
Thursday nights Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hull. W. It.
J. i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I can now lie found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
Tm Invent also rat
Uriel i-i-l,.,
foe fro, advice.
I patent.
The Eastern Reflector.
Ed. H.
Ed. H.
A Successful Precedent
tobacco farmers, who are
secure fair prices for
their adopted plan known
M the plan, which looks lo
product of
Many have doubted
whether it was though
they bad no plan I bey regarded as
better. There is a successful
for the plan adopted. Mr.
J. G Johnson, of Kansas, vice-
chairman of the Democratic nation
executive committee, has written
No Sympathy
A Suggestion
is nut habit to lender ad-
vice lo the hybrid, I dark and Ian,
streaked and party
Composed and low white
office seekers, that is called the Re-
publican Party, but will deviate
from our custom and assist them
with advice their quest for Be-
publicans to till the Stale Offices
in North Carolina. We know
Boiler, the Simian, whom the De-
in mercy has written I he word
all over his frightful
We know that he is now in
search of some weak or degraded
Democrat to put up as the Candi-
date of the Republican for
the office of Slate
at the next election for State
We know the
and Butler himself knows
not to such a
frontispiece as Butler before the
people of forth Carolina for
highest their There-
fore we suggest with ail due con-
for the party that we ad-1
dress, it would lie well, and I
proper, and becoming lo I
put in nomination Don.
We are
still forefront of the
the best selected line
after your patronage
towns in the State
arc sued by persons who
or imprisoned,
as the case may be, for
the compulsory vaccination
Boob people deserve
sympathy, for Governor, and Hon.
the truth could be know u, it would j George White of color,
develop they made trouble for I
no other purpose than to work of Buffalo lineage
municipalities for damages. White is a pale fare
does not require aid of law to instincts of worst
compel a good citizen to lake every elements of the race. He is
precaution possible to prevent his race in North Cam-
General Merchandise
to be found in am store County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. all the year round, Spring. Summer
and Winter. We arc at wink for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It is our pleasure lo show you n hut you want and
sell you if we can. We offer you the very bust service, polite
and the most liberal terms with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
you lo market you will not do yourself justice
ii yon d. not see our immense stock buying elsewhere.
us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Hats and Silks
Jackets and Capes, and i I
He is
. to Mr. W. J. , of
Guilford county, that the be re-us. He has, public
Jordan plan is the most I, w speech, invited a race with
method of dealing with rust. who white nice and then,
has yet beard of, and adding y I to contest for in
account of this of North Carolina. He made Ibis
in moat cases for trivial causes, isl Indiscreet in a
it is practically the same thing convention
as has adopted with very sat- UM
I he grape grow-
in western New York. Prior .
to their adoption of Ibis scheme convention,
they were all at sea about prices, A of
and nobody was making any money
Now, instead of selling grapes meet at the ,.,.,
Men's, Women's and I
Harness, Horse
way, they are
ii to the mutual company which
Raleigh ant
on the 23rd of February on
floor of the
he made a speech, which was
to have inspired by Jet.
which arraigned the
State of its treat
of criminals, and
Greenville on Saturday. March j composed of many mite state-
31st. at IS o'clock at., for the that he was to con
Flour, Meal, Sugar, Sculls,
Plows, Castings and Fixtures, Nails mid
they have organized. There , of to the
to w it
and the total proceeds for the sea-, of m , h q
distributed among the growers,, and
who are the pool, in proportion for various Stale I d, when published Con-
production and j all win dirty
grade of his Township will be held j it is said, was the bandy
Since the organization of , o
Tobacco Trust, it has ,, t M delegates
robbed the farmer of at least o
one third of the true value of j The several townships will lie
he has produced, and to appoint the following
growers of from j DaBber of delegates, to-wit t
successful farmers to i i
the verge In day of .,
general rise in prices, the trust has
been powerful to keep the.
price of tobacco down to the price
of cultivation, it is to be hoped
that there is relief for them
present intolerable conditions.
Raleigh News
He was shot old Kentucky,
where they make the mountain
dew, and
on hot revolver stew; where you
Swift Creek, II.
All are in favor of
the white people controlling the
State and County governments are
invited to participate these
flout the people of North Carolina
with the speech, as it was deliver-
ed in the House of Representatives
work Senator These
two dirty, disgraced
lives from Carolina are close
friends, socially, and politically,
and working together on the same
political lines. Until invoke Fed-
military intervention In the
political affairs of North Carolina,
lo control the election
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Broth r
offices what seeks
mens i--
j i
rainbow often keep his
I promise; comes long
w id
He rain mi -n
jest; en do better thank de
ain't enough
We i tor live for heaven
ii dis but ex soon
time comes go for
de doctor.
De lie better,
en bit may in- but
bit's r wuss
in it.
I man what go bid u id
up only
find dill his I done run
vi id de
Many simple people, who obtain
marriage license of clerks,
that clerk some
responsible their mar I
and arc In duty
bound in t . him afterward
and .- him keep k
A Suit
ginger hair and a fierce
expression of lately
came to county clerk of
in that State.
the man that keeps
he answered.
What book do you sec
you find out Peters
Search developed I In- of
John for whose n
had been t-o vent
is the name
of a
ed pamphlet
which should
be in the hands
of every planter who
raises Cotton. The
book u sent Free.
. M. Schultz.
HAS i poll YOU
1.000 pounds Candy,
Sweet Florida Oranges
Coca Nuts,
SOU pounds Nuts,
pound Raisins,
Seeded Currants, Citron
. v v f i r
Come to see me.
I l hough I
said woman.
Waters, didn't
license is issued for a mar-
Well, I'm I
though I I'd ought to in and
tell Jack bus es
Sew York has
reported a bill to prohibit
publication of any paper which
, be found who
dangerously wounded,
r hi, in in suicide or
u who dead, unless
such paper shall hive been pro-
before a at an
Made by the Orange
Advertising as
the midst lite must people
are in debt.
The wages of -in are
the Constitutional Amendment in
protect the Slate
any. and White to control the gen-
., . i- home aid people
as it applies to
about and costs.
Home made go ids arc bought
A well known merchant
would of doing bu-i
without clerks as ad
The fact i- it he
should nut advertise he would not
need the army of clerks which he
now employs; for there would
untiling for I bent to do.
Using, therefore, not wily helps in
wake up ill the morning shot full Oil
bullets holes, your sole j y f , ,,.,,.,,. ,.;,
art; disembodied i
souls. He was shot in old Ken-
where aim is always
true, and the principle
is shooting people through, where
the doctors use as medicine for all
the human ills, a dose or two of
bullets instead of giving pills. He
was shot old Kentucky, where
the grow on trees, and
the bullets from the lilies
through the air likes bees; where
the instruments they play on when
I bey give a dance or hop, are their
musical revolvers and
with a Vs., Ob-
Motive Committee Of Pitt County.
w. L. Chairman.
to Tub
All parts of Ohio are suffering
from severe Hoods.
asphyxiation caused loss
of speech for M. Diabetic, a
scientist, who is now in a New York
The Democratic Semite in Ken-
to appropriate
lo a Slate
under Democratic Governor Beck-
Let and White lie
candidates and running mates for
Governor and Lieutenant Govern
or of Carolina, and the true
white sons of Carolina will
unit them in a Square stand up
City Economist.
is the expensive daughter
pensive father.
The greatest of all nice prob-
Which horse will win
w believe In the elevation of
public morals and horse thieves.
The hen is not a good singer be-
cause she chanticleer,
Love is a delightful
is the homesickness of the heart.
Tin- pickpocket can dis purse a
crowd than the police.
Tears are the showers rained
the-citing of goods, but
The revenue special imported of-
were in tin-
two weeks and while about every
democrat distiller was seized,
there has not been a seizure of a
single distillery where owner
is ram pant against the amendment
so far as we can And out. one of
I be Officers was heard to remark
that they slashing up n
few selected s. as to
keep with
no doubt means a nigh doctor.
and political
Such discriminating rotten
or whatever it is, ought to
Bays the
of Charlotte
There arc people in town
whose principal nourishment
now i cotton future. A well
known law who i-
known a- a politician, is i,.
have made something
on the recent
tempest of heart. is B several young
The hog i-somewhat of a have made mi
being fond of a square a few people
money dealing in in
man who likes whiskey bet and other people of
than beef, walks not after with the idea
but the spirit, log for nothing and
Ho matter whether a has eye rich. how
troubles or n it. when he of be
who lo-e who lose
have but all steal
from How many
lions do we read in which
was the of j v
The old way ; iii Si.
Subscribe to Kill t
. la Bach.
Tit king ml vice cures a cold.
It- an ill wind blow- the
doctor good.
The should feel
in ti mi.
old is probably the Kind
ii i- cool mid
The p believe- that
people should in
Stolen fruits lie
bill e -i ill
tin- end.
be one -.-. w a
mini measures her words i when
-In- sends ii telegram.
do March
n fellow fulls in
ii-. in Ills ii e-i limit ion.
a start a girl -be
thinks him rude, mid if be
-he thinks he lucks taste.
umpire should
is used lo calling mil on
The girl ho in u
lo have husband lording
A in drop into iv
Unit's a v lo take of it.
no K i-
chased nil It a saves by
We One Hundred Dollars
for case of Catarrh
Unit can not be cured by Hill's
J, Props.,
Toledo. O.
have Ii
for the fifteen
years, and him perfectly
honorable all business
and able to carry
out mi; obligations made by their
i.-i I'm w. wholesale drug-
gists, Toledo, O.
wholesale Toledo, o.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
acting directly upon the
mid mucous surfaces of the
system. Price per bottle.
all Druggists.
Hall's are the b -t
The silence of the wise is
like silver, but
a the air like brass
Wiggle, wiggle, little worm, how
we wonder why you down
in deep, where bard work,
lying can peep. a little I
A com in tee from
to strike within
Dr. D, I,. James,
Greens X. C.

Eastern reflector, 13 March 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 13, 1900
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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