Eastern reflector, 6 March 1900

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The Reflector
To those living
i districts
they keep die
Book Store
office First. all persons who shall
the being of Almighty
Second, b shall
The n the amendment or their
In article ii of the Slate it it guilt on indictment System in perfect are
turn, adopted by As whether sentenced or not, under ,
MM, and to be submit- judgment suspended, any treason
to the voters for ratification or or any other crime for r headache,
next j the punishment may be
1- That article of i in the penitentiary,
of North Carolina be
mil the same is hereby abrogated
mil in lieu thereof shall
toted Hie following article of said
oust ill ion
Section Every male person
born in th Slates, and
since becoming citizens of the
or corruption and
in office, unless such
person shall lie restored to the
rights of citizenship in a manner
prescribed by law.
See. This act shall be in force
from after ratification.
. torpid liver,
all bilious disease .
Liver Pills
every male
By decree
person who has 1899. of Pitt to
Pens, Pencils.
give us a call.
Full Sheet Poster,
The Eastern Reflector
to ins i lie news every week,
run information in
th kc grow
hit; i, worth
many limes than
subscription price.
naturalized, twenty
age, and possessing
in Ibis article, shall
be entitled to vote at Boy election
by the people in the Slate, except
herein otherwise provided.
See. He shall have resided in
the State of Carolina for two
in the six mouths.
in the precinct, ward or oilier
election district in which he oilers
In vole, four mouth next
the election; Provided, That
removal from one precinct, ward
or oilier election district t
in the same county, shall not ope-
i tale lo deprive any person of the
lo vote in the precinct, ward
other election district from
which he has removed, until four
j months alter such removal.
I person who has been convicted, or
who has his guilt
coin t upon indictment of any crime
the punishment of which is, or may
be. imprisonment
i tale prison, shall lie permitted lo
unless the said person shall
be first restored lo citizenship In
the manner prescribed by law.
See. Every person offering to
i vole shall be at the lime a legally
registered voter as herein
led in manner
provided by law, the General
Assembly of Worth Carolina shall
general laws In
carry into the provisions of
this article.
See. I. person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able lo read and write any section
of the constitution in the English
and, before he shall be
entitled to vote, have paid on or
before the day of March
year in which he proposes to vole,
his poll tax as prescribed by law.
for the previous year. Poll taxes
shall be a lien only on assessed
property, and no process shall issue
to enforce of
See. male person who was,
on January I. 1867, oral any time
prior thereto, entitled to vote
the laws of any State iii
Tailed States wherein he re-
sided, no lineal descendant of
such person, shall be denied
Hie to register vole
any in this State by person
of his failure I. possess the
prescribed in
section i of this Provided,
he shall have registered in
with the terms of tins section
I prior lo December i, The
j General Assembly shall provide for
a permanent record all persons
who register under this section on
or before November
all such persons shall be entitled i
to vote at all elections
J. T. against Hurry Skin-
I North Weal Id to u pita
Was Ti potato the road then up
rood i pole to
mud ii, the dwelling of the
road s. W. S and K.
lino then with
hue in die -Hi
in Una of land in
in i ii A. Ho
hum. lbs
containing fully
dead from
I iii Q page and A I
One tract town-
Jr., an i others containing
SB more or leas, fully
in l page A
One tract of land
the of I ho late
Ho, J, A.
W and
Lot No in West
. as Beginning at the N. W.
people in Male, unless of Latham and Ward
Motion this
. Ii I Ni. the line of lot No
Provided, such persons J feat to tot Holt
, u
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices M low as the
market prices
aid for country produce.
and am
The named therein as Coin
will expose n sale before
the Court in to
for cash, on Monday the Sib
day of March 1800, the Urn described
property; The increase in the price
One halt inter. in coming at the time when
land the of Me-
the farmers are making their plans
Williams and others containing seventy- r,. planting another crop will III all
more leas, ,.,., .
Well known n the land f. r- a m-
j to la Julia
tally in a in Book
S One tract Greenville
crease iii the acreage planted in
the coming spring. We
have spoken to one Of two of the
merchants who sell guano and do
a time business and they tell us
basing calculations up
W. and
or fully
a deed from Jordan and Joshua Cherry to
Harry r, Book page
it One I known as the Council on the contracts made, the
land ,, ,,.
land- ,, r M. James, John
by their
year ago
ton was at least
a pound less than it is today solely
one hundred
Book j M
C pages last year. We are sorry to bear
One other in this for it presages no good for
kn as -Jam and , .- Z . ,
no one hundred more or, the farmers Coming
tan. I foil. isn't a farmer in Bob.
land of Benjamin in South, for that mailer, who
doesn't know that a year ago the
it i more or Ina, and
. the Council,,
I will or was
offered as also know had
of last a, as
when cut, within the period of ten the acreage planted would have
produced in seasons the
J timber will of- , e
price of cotton would be as
tract will be low, or lower perhaps, than it
u whole, timber and with . i. i . ,.
accept n lo
bring the money. There la acreage this year as last and grow
hall feet of standing limber on . ,, . . .
, upon it an average crop will prob-
S. It. J. cause a decline of i cents In
Cherry,, ;,, of
Hie r
land, containing too prices because the market will be
To increase
acreage last year will surely
bring a great fall in prices for the
supply will be greater than do
Sam containing too j prices because the market
more or let timber heretofore. fuMy
One tract known the land,
in lying on
J. V. H. ml
or It since
I., in J A , . . ,
to Harry Skinner in Book- were saying that unless
page---- acreage in Cotton was reduced
in the where steadily declining. The present
Ham Skinner containing crop last year, due to storms
One tract of situate In and unfavorable reducing
two Urge
Parker Fountain Pen
i i. .
v ; . .
shall have paid their poll tax as re
by law.
Sec. II. All elections by tile pen
pie shall be ballot, all
; elections by
shall be
Sec voter North
Carolina, except as in this article
shall be eligible to of-
lice, but before entering upon the
of the he shall take
and subscribe following
I will support
maintain constitution and
of the United THE
tut to Ward east will
Lot Mo. I in West
Beginning at B. K.
Third and thence
Milli teat lo the
line I I, No, IS, the line of
X and ID, then with line of
M lo Third
tin I.- Ii third went Mi, feet to
I ; of on I
i and Read and
W. J. k
one third ran fur
by Sill
the yield far below the average.
To take this as a reason for in-
creasing the acreage year and
make than ever will
all probability, bring the low-
est prices next year ever known.
such unwise step will
betaken, Lumberton
Th Congressman White
district of
stale baa made two speeches in
congress within the last two weeks,
that for vileness that for
which Manly, the editor was
run out of the state for, if they do
mil surpass it. A it lie
business would no doubt
do this black rascal, who on 00-
occasions baa triad lo force
himself in a social equality with
while people, a great deal of good.
The white people of the whole
state ought lo to
of Second district this
year down this so heavy
and make it so warm for him per-
that he will lie glad to get
out of
fever la a bottle of
Una not therewith, and Tonic. It
ii,, ii i ii i ., Iron and form,
I will the r. .
No pay. Price ODD.
i unites my as--------i
Bo help me,
B. The following classes f eL
poems will soon be
The fellow who thinks he i
good enough w ill bear watching.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
IN Tins.
ate .
I. Ike
I t. ion
hare come from
S from out
on lo, . that more
or pun are to follow U
la takes.
-i an
. are i
J . lb the
, Many a lingering, and many an has been avoided
Abbie J of Marshall, Mich.,
j. bad after suffering with It for Team.
out on neck
and ears, and then on my whole, body. I was perfectly raw with
suffered during those five me j
to H. I
to boy a I heard JOHNSTON b
from humors
or disease of any kind to try it at once. I had also a good deal
but A
The blood fa your lift and If you keep
disease or face contagion fearlessly.
fails for sale by all full quart bottles
S. M.
4.000 pounds Candy,
barrels Apples,
boxes Sweet Florida, Oranges
1.1,000 Nuts,
Mixed Nuts,
Figs, Dates, Pane
V V. C I J I, i
Come to see me.
Sou m Pitt County.
White, Cannon. Margaret
Hill vs . and wife,
Hy virtue of a decree of the
Court batted In a certain special proceeding
entitled as above, obtained on the 10th day
of February 1800, the com-
will expose sale to the
for rash, at the court
the town Greenville on the
day o'clock M.,
following described or of land
to-wit; An for the life
in that or parcel or land
and being in r
the Prank
wife, and Martha
tad known as ii,,, White and
devised In will
of Fred White lo Percy Jones
to an estate for lbs life of
lard which said to be sold
set out. This 10th day of
Wit. F.
a. in.
and every
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays at
M., and Litany Fridays at A
M., Rev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting Thursday evening. Rev.
J. N. Booth, Sunday-
school a. O. D. Rountree,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. pastor. Sunday
school p. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. in . E. B.
of administration upon the estate
Of K, deceased,
this day I n ii lime I lo me bf of
the Superior Court of notice
is hereby given lo all
to I hem
In me duly on
the 80th day of February
or this notice will plead in bar of their
recovery. All persona indebted In said ca-
late will make to me
February 24th
It. H.
U Attorneys,
A. F. ft A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. II. Reuse, Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
R. Ii. Q. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening,
R. M. C. C; T. M. Hooker,
K. andS.
B. Vance Council, No.
1690, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. R. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. F. hall. J. B. White,
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday Odd Fellows
Hall. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
owe Hall. W. B. Wilson
Invent or Improve,
f-r fr-o and
leave Washing-
ton dally at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
P. M. fur Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Bad Fridays at A. If. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
and Saturdays
G A. M. mi lien freight only.
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the West
with at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
j New York; Clyde Line from
Buy Line from
Lino from
N. C.
I'll Ml
J. i. WE,
-----DEALER IN-----
m in
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I now be found in
brick store formerly
by J.
W. Brown.
. J. R. COREY.
i i. m
PITT COUNTY, N. C, , coo.
NO lg
i ft m
Dr. of Virginia
Prophesies Terrible Things
for the Hereafter.
Dr. B. P. ringer,
of Virginia, sail
address here tonight before the
State Association on
ages of degradation under which
the was formed and
of historically recorded
savagery he came to
America could not be permanently
one or two centuries
of enforced that when
the force was removed
the like the released plum
met, begun to fall. What has
been, the speaker said, is
evidence of a ascertain
in its result us the law of
Dr. Barringer
in before
Christian era, be was in Car-
and in when these
nourished, and always us a
slave. He is the of the
accepts that condition
contentedly if his animal wants are
supplied. Wherever he has at-
Wee Dead
of clowns, d this evening
at Long Branch, X. J., where he
had been ill fur several weeks
In bis life he was most noted
of all knights of the sawdust ring.
He was years old, and his his-
was practically that of the
real, old Yankee cir-
His real name was Daniel
and ho was in New
city. father nicknamed
him after a famous
clown whom be had known In Ire-
boy stock to the name and
touched the heights and depths of
circus luck, making in his time
three Independent fortunes and
losing them one after another, lie
died comparatively poor, but to
he was cheerful, and bad a
jest ever ready. He had owned
three different shows and I raveled
mil only every portion of
United States extensively in
Europe as well. He was married
three times, and a wife, who is
said to own a valuable ranch in
Texas, survives him.
The old clown had started to
write a book telling of his career,
any civilization it has Infirmities proven-
when lie was under control it. He
a stronger will than his own, for in engaged upon the last chapter a
Africa, where has been left to days before his death. The
himself he is a cannibal
the savage that he always has been. I first appeared as a j
Speaking of the in Gale III., home
the general ion, Dr. Gram, in and
from that time forward his
the time he is fully grown j as a circus jester increased j
he is fur from home and has almost rapidly,
parents that gave But life was not a jest to;
birth. He is a liar, a thief, a
Tor Instance, he figured in
gambler, perhaps murderer serious accident in
high fearing neither God
nor man. This man is a unit of Walnut Street The
that dark cloud which there bad displayed
the blank belt of the Be- j sentiment.
fore another generation of were with the North,
is allowed to arise worse, us -c be look occasion to read
must see, than present, the I
The Una
The following Gerald Stanley
Lea in February Atlantic i- one
of truest, moat pathetic,
accurate descriptions of the aver-
age newspaper man we have
lead. There is nothing to be ad
In every city of the land
newspaper man is an outcast. He
knows people to be a stranger
to than any other being in the
world- He has no holidays. Mis
Christmas is record of other
men's joys. His Thanksgiving U
a restaurant. Even the fourth of
July and Sunday, servants of
commonest man, refuse him their
cheer. The Fourth of July is
day he must be in every place at
because everything is hap- l
and is the day be I
must make things up, because 10th.;
is happening. Ills Is j
our pleasures, lie gets his
man's work, I
and earns his living by watching
other people live. The very days;
and the nights turn their
backs upon The lamp is his
night, and is his;
night by and be eats his sup-
per in morning. His business
is reflection of life. He is the
spirit behind the mirror. is
left to us is right to him, and right
la left; sometimes right side i rip
side down. The world is all awry
to newspaper man, It whirls
across the hours In columns, now
in one edition now in another
hut it heeds him never in return.
is a spectator. The show pas-
before his shut out tin-
sharing face. Me lives year
go on, a notebook under slurs, j
when the notebook is scribbled
he dies. . . . Men might
be immortal, morning mom- j
week after we.-k, year
year, lighting lo lie allowed to live
n current of a day. reaching
u vain something lasts
than a day to hold to, only to
I find a ready
We arc .-nil the forefront of the race after
We offer you best selected line of
General Merchandise
Persian Priest In That City
to His Cull
Ottoman Z u an raise them who has studied
Persian priest, , secret how to ob-
, stall a l 1-e . . , ,. ,
. . . , quality and quantity
. I lo and
tout i lo I he i-
II. will talk
Sunday in II eh f Yoga.
he is not i I I lie .
mi the
i- tall spare, l.
n moot.
man parentage, but was born and free of charge.
fin be I pal Ti I
Persia. be
ii , ling to the claims
In old la .
no in and . .;
ti Thus, Sun Worship
arc i
. Mil tide i in- being
by th ; use of w-ll-
. ,. can produce
yield unless it contains
at lea i Potash. Send for
our books, which furnish full
information. We send them
to be found any store in Well bought choice
selections, the creations of beat of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year Spring,
and Winter. Wean-at work for our and our mutual ad-
vantage. It Is our pleasure to show you what, you want to
sell you if we can. We offer yon the very best service, polite
attention, and the mo- liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice j i,,; though and being i
rather than literally,
there is nothing novel in
. U I
, . the Worship
believe, the that
this rid i n shadow world
H , S i Vs.
Buy Stamps lo Book.
if you do not sec our immense stock buying elsewhere.
us and the following lines merchandise.
Dry Goods and Notions,
Carpels, Mattings Oil Cloths.
and that is except I books will have oiled
All eh had r ii the stamps, which
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Lord,
Plows. Castings Plow and Hope.
pie South must act. They
must remove the from
and give the ballot lo Iii in
considered their duties under the
He sent to of them passes
for Furniture everything that line
bay strictly for Cash, but sell fur Cash or Approve
only when it can be given as a re- j admitting them to bis and;
ward of progress not a weapon expecting to be amused. I
of revenge. The must be had dolled his cap and j
educated along new lines. bells and them at
of two things may then be length for their outbursts in favor
expected unless a remedy is found.
Some race will probably
arise which will stir the passions
and their will come a struggle, a I disorder resulted.
Be did not retire from the
1888. Since time be
has spent much of his time
of the at a time when the
fate of the was in the
and much
day for folly piled upon
folly. As all classes of South
are of pure Saxon blood, the
their ancestors will j York, he was a familiar
humane with White haired, vigorous,
the records of and cheerful for Ills years,
recently he was able to go out
i for an occasional drive. On Fob-
was forced lo go to bed
Story fall mil death
two inch obituary motto is Honesty, Merit and Dealing.
at the bottom of a column, by the
man who is going under next, and
the Story i told. The man who
can furnish quantity and quality I
on.-e who can thrive on Hie Ira- ;
possible, who can swim in j
Whirlpool Instead of being carried j
with a man who sums up Its
himself not only the definition
the problem is, literature
to-day, but the answer to the prob-
illusion, of
i God i- thought,
In l i involve ii
ml day be ins, If we
look i her i ,
i i jarred off t e,
mi, goes death i,.
I all
Mr. the is not
hard to grasp. lien is I i
I eh i i. ism the in
, i . i , by. is
ml i
,.;.,. i . .
and i
An was ill IS l to
i i . hip Ni-w
bill .
peels to do
i-a.;. i ii- tell, i I,
t. I L .
i . I
i . ti.
. people lo
, i I In bile p
it ., i limn is a I el
t; i Northern
. . tin-
W. Lee i; a one.
some will say, That is
the way of your preachers of right
lint hold that is
Wondering how Thompson
history of one man, just one, gel around saying do not
fact that his fall Is given so j think people who have
much notoriety and so much given the Democratic party power
newspaper Is devoted lo it will be satisfied with anything else
shows that it is something oat of the elimination of the
the ordinary, Before loosing con-
in the ministry just think
of the thousands of faithful and
true men who arc making
from politics North
is a waste of ammunition,
of this particular brand of
Populism can get around anything,
and enduring hard-hips lo The evolutions of for in-
the who remains stance, outrank any rider
true in every principle of the re-
they profess, Their names
never get into the papers, they
never notoriety, but live and
die true in cause they
love. The preacher who goes wrong
gets a column In the newspapers
because it is seldom one goes
wrong. To publish even the names
and daily good deeds of tho minis-
country who lecture in interest
aside from path of right would twentieth He
fill every newspaper lathe will be gone three weeks, mid will
Monroe deliver fifteen lectures.
ever in the ring. Banning
the Democrats one election
the Republicans is a feat
incapable of except
by and his
he Greensboro Recoil.
Made by Va.
Hypocrisy is counterfeit
of Christianity.
Wooden men are those who allow
others to think for thorn.
Sever look a mule in the bee's,
or a in breath.
will surely adder.
The mills grind slowly ,
but they grind mil many a fine. then
A wife's greatest charm consists
wearing a last year's
without a murmur.
Love is the liquid glue of the
soul, for ii makes some mighty
likely people together.
If some women were to lose
ate tongues, life for thorn
would not be wot living.
The devil bus a grip upon
many a man the amen
corner and long prayers.
lea humanity's
citizen of Raleigh will be
in the not distant future be
lie to purchase stamps
the book form.
ii prove a populations
ton, No more will stamps lie
purchased in sheets, lo be folded,
and in time become
on each to the de-
of their usefulness; for
oiled leaves
around until the last one
i without their becoming
; illumed
The hooks will lie of various
sizes. The smallest will contain
i. and w ill cost
cents for each stamp and
, ., tho book. For cents,
i stamps w ill be
larger sizes
ill put prices correspond-
to the number of slumps. In
i slumps of various
will be put the same
k for the convenience of patrons
who have use for other than the
i variety.
A stamp books will be
secured us
offer One Hundred Dollars
ward for case of
can not cured by Hall's
V. Co.; Props.,
Toledo, O.
undersigned, have known
for the last fifteen
rs, him perfectly
in all
as and financially able to carry
mil any obligations made by their
lb a.
wholesale drug-
gists, Toledo, O.
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
. eve i
All slaves are all was
mil e
lave r, the a o
was to the between
iii was not a sentimental Free acting upon the
Dr. J. of
Trinity College, has gone to Texas
labor triumphed, and the Wood and surfaces of the
; system.
s Id
We have just lot of South Ben I and
Chilled Single and lion
Inlying. We a
line of
showed Hint i
white free labor to labor.
at and Illinois,
n short lime ago, men armed by
, lie Slav .,. a id
, by a
mi ii dim o
. s 111.1 .,.,.
Hi , I; free
for l
men. Thirty c
men were bathing our h-
Headquarters For
per bottle.
Hull's family Tills are the host
All machinery for the Wells-
factory has
arrived, and is being unloaded.
This means that the factory will be
at work in a very short while.
The company hi going to make
things hum. Keep your eye on
work will
Builder's Hardware, Ready r
Paints, Pumps. Nails and .
, ii
fl H H
If, C.
ton butchery, Are these the
friend How
ninny from the n
. . i
I i in I'm
i . .,. .
go is lime
. p
. I
A. D. I OM i, i Rep.
n in u i. hi ., ii fails
mast be pi. pared lo
Dr. ti. Ii, James,
ti. C-,
over White , ,.,;
Hi f

L I .
taxes in th. west
the attempt to carry
D. J. which aim-. through Hi- -n c. Mir.,
If went west, lie, , ,. ,
republican leaders of
Entered at th Post Office th-.-bill, while in the
Gm-in N. as class
Mail Matter.
Crone Surrenders to Robert.
Now of the
Territory of Alaska.
It is said General
had to as Ii
art under
familial- only, with the
for surrender.
Mr ill probably, be
Mi .;. A Senators
who were to against
the not be
able in resist his per-
when ii conies to a
vote on the question.
Is Mr President or
is be only Congress
The above was
lithe last of the Weekly
Why be is president, If he is
president what is lief
are that the Mouse
has into , I In
hill, i- believed
the Senate will knock the two
years out I he bill will
raise the back to
Then in the will
recede from its position.
n in run
with I he idea I he nation-
ill campaign will
low up local Ibis fall. The
party stands
and honest will in
i ii them no matter bow hot the
national election may be.
bad a tin- on
the 27th of February . The at
destructive in several years,
supply was miserably
The in Fugue's To-
warehouse from u defect
flue swept across the
and burned several buildings.
There was insurance.
Raleigh Post.
given then by their narrow
particularity, a humiliating
to cue much about the
mat t The House galleries
wen- poorly filled throughout the
whole debate.
I. K -The
lag official dispatch baa been re-
street waif to governor-
that is the life story of John Feb.
Brady. he roamed the forces capitulated mi-
st reels New York until the at daylight an I
Aid picked him up
The Republicans have been
forced to hold up the Raj
to modify
the ship steal, to
their platform pledges the
i-i Mil by Inserting a
looking to bimetallism and to mod-
the tariff order
it. Altogether, the
P. i- in tolerably I ad position for a
presidential year.
The statement of Captain Con
ca. of the Maria Theresa, one of
sack cloth and ashes of
Asa Wednesday came very near
being real for thorn
of his force will coin
later. I hope Her Maj
will consider
on the tariff bill. The
and sent him out west grow up
with He was adopt-
cry by good family who, though will
I bey amended the bill by reducing l , , for ,,,.,,. , D the anniversary of Hill.
the tariff to IS per cent. ; th ;
winch aptly j l
said changed the m
from grand to petty ,,,, a, j.,.,,,,,,, this When Laos
limiting its operation to two , Z. , , . . I, , , .,
. , i a I minister, t the House
was an ,.,. , , ,
. decided to do missionary work that about
that the whole principle . , , . ., , ,, .
v the west went to three thousand. will be
the bill was a wrong one. and , , . . , . ,. ,,
, , land and then to Texas. sent to Cape Town.
could not get the vote- needed
pass it without resorting to every
known form of political bull
and cajolery. Had the
cans of i ho House voted their real
sentiments the bill would have
defeated more than a two-
vote instead of being passed
a vote of to Hit. The
the Spanish vessels engaged in the Involved in
this bill down. It will
light, published, says
his vessel under orders to
nun the Brooklyn, supposed to be
only fast vessel in the
be heard when the bill is taken up
in the it will be heard
all during the coining Presidential
campaign, like other great
tan and that he would have questions until it is settled right.
prove the President
took the winning side in the
. f .,,
s been
contrary lo ii the Pies-
i Id still lane i
side, ii.- on
the until the was taken
lion down
At In.-i i u
bus been
by the Hi
This upon
the id
seen us If the
be, d ere
must loyal u .,
to tin crown. In bin ,.
d .;.
es, schools, in . ; . ,.;,
the . .
to have a
the political mind, and II , .
icy Unit n if
craft, as as in a
-I me individuals.
u province of
Britain, and Contented,
Free, wanting be-let alone, Ger-
man Boers, must become British
then -e hope the shake
up In a stop forward in
the great civilizing
England pretends to have
rated wherever her grasping
reaches and where, her
guns soldiers go.
It to be Hi,, taking away
from him who hath but little and
big to him who hath more than
he needs.
done so had ii out-
war loop of the Brooklyn ordered
by Commodore which o
much has been said. This should
certainly settle
is not policy of this paper
to engage in or to encourage lows
paper controversies, but in
to the vigorous of Dr.
that a plain statement if facts con-
cause Mr.
failure in business was given l-y
him to tin Charlotte Observer and
that statement was in this
paper. We are not
in deny of
that statement, hut think the pie-
is in favor of Mr,
as he is presumed lo more con-
with causes which lend
to his downfall in business that
any one yet heard
was upon
tin- Dr.
were made. If Mr. state
stick lo all that
has been said and have nothing to
lake back. If ii be no tree then
what has said hints no one.
ii is not an unusual
to men women discussing
the war, going u now
Britain and Transvaal
lie. and in most cases sun
pithy is expressed In favor of
Republic, In the for
F.-I man i a very clear, aid com-
discussion, of the
cause which lead up to con
Hi i. The article Is by Harry
Tbilisi. Peek, curries it-
head the inscription.
Opinion South
Ii is evident where
lies now, bill in
this the render is taken over
the pathway where
em to have and
the I v mean- bill e had
a on ii.
I- discussion is forcible mid
full facts concerning the
the cares of the war, and the de-
drawn therefrom, ore
reasonable and satisfying. One
Could not do better than spend an
hum reading what the
has to
A High Point special to the
Charlotte Observer says s A
was banded the Snow Lumber
company signed by white
operatives of the factory requesting
that the men working
them in the be removed,
They don't to the
working on the yards, bill refused
to be with
shop. The refused to
giant the and at
o'clock sonic one blew the whistle
and all the white hands walked
Senator explained tin-
gold standard bill agreed upon by
the Conference Committee, to the
Senate, but he did not attempt the
Impossible task of defending the
measure, which ought to be
entitled. A bill to put
money in the pockets of the rich at
expense of the poor.
Within of the time
that the House was passing the
the bill lo rob the poor Ku-
ans by imp -sing a duty upon the
products they have the Sen
ate was taking step to-
wards making Hawaii a state, by-
passing the bill providing a
rial government for Hawaii. If
there is any logical reason for
this unjust distinction be
tween prosperous Hawaii and hall
starved it has been
carefully concealed from the pub-
The House Military Committee
has endorsed two pet schemes of
the administration to provide pro
motion for favorites to give
the Adjutant General of the army
the rank, pay and allowances of
the major genera, which will lie
in the nature of reward to
for his to
and his underhand attacks
upon Miles, his superior
and that Pres-
to a retired
general from to
tally he settled in where London, Feb. The Roberts
he found a wide field. He was posted at the war of
into Hie work making that conn as soon as press dispatches for
try better in a business and moral opened. Few besides news-
way, and went into polities so paper were The news
he could do more for the people spread quickly and crowds rushed
Today be is the governor of that to the War Office, where was a
little known territory scene unparalleled begin-
and the bead of Presbyterian of the war.
church affairs our great north- j excitement and enthusiasm was en
western He is at the stock exchange. The
one more example of what filed into the streets,
American boy grit and pluck and singing the
has a chance
Anthem. rose a
quarter, but subsequently receded,
South Africans and Rands
ed live eights Then- is a general
feeling that the worst of the cam
is over, and that the
will not have to encounter such
difficulties M heretofore.
Washington, Feb.
major general, which is intended Competition that springs up against
them is endorsed and supported
popular favor.
The people are joyous over the
downhill of the Flour Trust, and
to give Gen. Shatter the differ-
the pay and
brigadier general and
u major general, as a re
ward for the Cuban campaign, the
greater part of which lie spent
in a hammock. old
of course, the disagreeable
weather In Washington had nothing
to do with the departure for Cuba,
via of Secretary Root.
He is going to make an
of Cuban ports, using
a government transport after he
reaches lam pa. What part hi-
-hi and daughter, who
him. are to take in the
is a question
which he may be able to answer.
To some persons this trip looks
like a junket for his family
at public expense.
The bill providing for the ship
subsidy job has been favorably re
ported to the Senate The report
which was made bill will be
widely circulated by the
cans for the purpose of trying to
a public sentiment for the
job, but it is very
doubtful whether they will try to
the bill through until alter
the Presidential election, as word
been passed around among the
republicans in Congress lo keep
the total of appropriations made at
this Session of Congress as
much as possible, with the under-
standing that the money can safely
made to at the next session
which will not be b, hi until after
i be Presidential election,
The man who monkeys with the
kitty a poker game is apt to gel
Pate of Trusts.
The recent collapse of several of
the big trusts calls attention to the
internal, as well as external,
harassing their career. In-
stead of forcing itself to the fore-
front of success, there is more than
one on the verge of disintegration.
Their troubles have ail today sent to the Senate
from natural causes, chief among a letter from General Davis with a
these hat been the blunders made petition from asking
during initial of the for free trade with the
concerns. Nearly all of the morel States. In the letter, which is
recent ones were organized on San Juan, February
theory the public was Davis
ignorant and gullible. The pro-1 transmit five petitions which
motors calculated on finding a pub are signed by several bundled to-
too hungry to swallow any- merchants, growers and
thing. A. speculative fever, It was manufacturer, asking for free
thought, had excited a popular trade relations with the United
desire to bold stock In some States so some market may
tic combination. As a result, for not only surplus crops
everything was combined in 1880, but also for the
to feed the popular appetite. All crop of 1800. The
kinds were planned and referred to available for ex-
then Hunted ocean of water-. pounds,
ed stock. People were duped, portion of the maturing
to awaken later to their foolish- will not be required for
This late awakening is estimated at
generated the troubles which the
trusts must meet. A popular dis- my reports to the
bas finally developed into I have very fully staled
p hostility. Every of the industrial
tire measure that is aimed against I cannot in any words at my
them is applauded by the people overstate the urgency
I and gravity of the industrial
paralysis now
After giving a resume of existing
Conditions, he
remedy tor the Indus-
enthusiastic ardor. Every
they are very much is the
Sugar Trust's embarrassments, markets for
Those delights will grow more ex-
each time it is known
that oilier trusts are entangled.
What people perceive is the
evil known as the trust.
They know that it is odious and
detrimental. As a
they have declared
an uncompromising warfare. The
effects me already visible. New
trusts are not half so easily
ed. Old trusts are not greatly
feared. With each successive col-
lapse faith will grow weaker in
what still remains. In fact, pop-
sentiments has forced a
of the tendency. The trusts
are loosing rather than gaining,
strength. The threatening
which loomed over this land is
likely to be after all,
Las. T evening two
brothers, i inland George Dowdle
were digging a grave on in
which lo bury Mr. Mrs. Joshua
who died the day. before. They
corking with their backs
tun . inward each oilier when
Bird back his
on the head with the
part off it, chipping up a
of the skull about the size of
a silver dollar. He fell and was
apparently dead for several min-
but finally revived.
Rogers were called
dressed his and he bids
fair to Press. I
surplus of productions and I lie
establishment of trade conditions
by Congressional legislation as will
give confidence to Investors sod
the development of the
I Until this is
paralysis continue
and the pi or and helpless in-
creasing must lie fed Of
they will starve to
Negro Domination Ruinous.
The political of the
class who the vote
the South bas always, without
a single exception, been character-
by scandal, corruption,
and the State's disgrace.
The is creature
but he is controlled by bis passions
and follows the of
those who will arouse appeal
to his lowest prejudices. He is a
vicious partisan in politics. He
looks upon one the party
ranks as a renegade and a deserter
to be and persecuted.
He will know no party
except color, and recognizes no
principle, except the passion of
race against race. To make
numerical strength the basis of his
political power is ruinous lo
State. This power should tie taken
from him until he CM learn to ex
the realization of the
responsibilities of citizenship.
Locke Craig.
Has the Largest Sale of
in the world,
manufacture by GUANO CO.
am somewhat surprised that
from the abundance of current mat-
from which to select that you
should choose to give so much of
valuable space to a vile, ma-
and vituperative on the
character of Dr. President
of Trinity College. I have never
been counted among the
admirers of Dr. he is
not above criticism, not with-
out plenty of them ;
but I can not for a moment believe
that either the editor of the Char-
Observer, or the editor of the
Greenville thinks that
Dr. by low and base
sought to use bis
as a minister the
Gospel and President of
College the business of
Mr. or any one else.
do these newspapers be-
the base imputation that Dr.
is personally responsible for
the difference between the
and liabilities of Mr.
Hid Dr. steal this money, or
did he and his friends conspire to
purchase worth of
from Mr. a credit, and
never pay for them If so, these
unpaid accounts ought to swell the
amount far beyond the
named as total assets.
should at least have some
plausible foundation upon which
to base their charges they
undertake to break down the char.
actor of a College President and
minister of the Gospel, and inti-
mate though they do not affirm it
that he is a a thief and a
Doubtless the of Mr.
injured by the
and deplorable affair in which
he became involved, it simply fol-
low as results always follows ante-
Dr. was simply a
occasion- -the causes be-
came many.
Finally let me say the
tees of Trinity to whom
advice is so graciously given are
perhaps neatly as competent to de-
who shall or shall not be
President of that Institution as any
newspaper editor, and the
dist church has not hitherto found
it necessary to ask any editor of a
political newspaper to determine
who shall, or shall not be ministers
or members within her pale ; and
perhaps which a
man lives is equally to
determine whether or not a man is
a menace to society and a blight to
to the of
X. M.
After two year
Premiums but
i a
Your Policy
Has Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Will be
three years after lapse if yon are
in good health.
After Year
Dividends are payable at the be-
ginning of the second and of each
MOTS ling year, provided the
ulna for the current year be paid
They may lie used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the insurance, or
To Make Policy Payable as
an during the Lifetime
of Insured.
J. L.
K. C.
Bagging and Ties always
on i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
old. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Beef, A
bring them tome. I pay cam
B. M.
I.-i- ii g. C
f.-; V r
u r.-j if
and I .
. in ii
tar i . v. .,
All I u- ; Hook In I
I ; like reproduction
I air ii ii. ; i, i dim
an ml the having a
sale. in.
l ltd, win- I
l an
etc Sn
I v
Weal, and
Swab. one ho Co, or
., .,, small lo tend
Is roar made for yon nod II U
nod ppr In
vi h
Any ONE of the and the FARM JOURNAL
of i will U teal by BtU
lo l A i U
. i
Fall and Winter Clothing
Special Price
Good Suit
Some Speak to Me, Some to
position with W.
Mrs. Alice son
have from
In North Carolina
arc ;. i,.
of . their
for Governor.
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
In, tot be Judge. Who
Will Be
Things mound the Capitol seem
to indicate that
lie rejected by the Senate. The
Matter is now before the
Committee and will be reported
next Monday.
predicted that full com-
will report
against him.
This the month for kites.
This is the first spring month.
March gives us two new
Board lo night
March gives us five Thursdays
and live Fridays
March started off with a high
wind and heavy rain,
Something good, Mullet Hoc
cents n pair at S. M.
People could be seen chasing
their hats on the streets this morn-
Attention to the notice
to creditors by Nannie Tucker, ex-
the estate of E.
Allen, deceased.
Republicans Scared.
There members of the
German in Illinois
who can vote. branch has
paused resolutions the Me-
Administration. The col-
policy, the secret
England, the retention of the
war tax, and militarism hare
en the of that State
the worst fright they have had in
twenty years. If the Democrats
get one half of the German vote in
Illinois, the State is safely
If the German vote, as now seems
certain, is cast
in Illinois it will also be cast
against him in Indians, Ohio, Wis-
Michigan, putting all those
States Democratic column.
New-sand Observer.
It's much more important to
make plain the goods advertised
than to bring out the name.
If people arc interested the
sec the firm name
they'll make it a point to see it.
Space is too valuable to be used up
by printing firm names with, the
biggest type in the
February Weather.
Mr. Warren, of The
Nurseries gives us the fol-
lowing weather report for the
month of February
Highest temperature
Lowest temperature and
Two snows.
Two blizzards.
On 86th, and 27th the
temperature was and on the
This is the coldest
weather ever known here for the
lust four days in February.
Stolen from a Mall
New York, Feb. became
known at noon today that several
money packages, said to contain
about Intended to pass
through the Long Island City post-
disappeared yesterday after-
while en route from New
York to Long City.
William Our, the driver of the
wagon which carried the mail from , ,, ,
,, ,. T ., . .,., merchant will, them
the terry in Long Island City to i . ,. ,, ,
. . , ,. . what ho wants to sell. There is no
has disappeared, . . . . .
j t i i . ., . better way to the desired
suspected of having stolen the , , .- , , , .,
, ion
money packages.
I advertising. His store news t
come by telegraph, or over the
For E m By editor's desk, but it is news
all the
the People Informed.
these days of universal news-
paper reading the people look for
something more in their journals
than what is ordinarily spoken of
as Few things of every-
day life are more important to the
whole public than the purchase
sale of com Tile wise
Marion, Feb. Leonard R.
postmaster at this place,
was arrested this afternoon under
a warrant by United States
Commissioner J. W. Johnson on a
charge of embezzling the funds of
the The warrant was
issued at the instance of
Inspector Meyer, who for several
days has the
condition of the has dis-
covered a in the post-
master's accounts amounting to
over At a conference of
Mr. Owens bondsmen, who arc
highly reputable responsible
citizens. Mr. T. Lanneau a
capable and young gentle
men, was selected to till the
of and
bas entered upon the discharge of
his State.
Lily Charlotte Sued.
Charlotte, N. C, Feb.
day G. W. Helms entered suit
against the city of Charlotte for
one thousand dollars damages for
false arrest. Helms, his wife and
child were put the station house
when all were sick. They refused
to be vaccinated.
J. L. Jackson has also had Chief
of Police Orr and three officers
rested on a charge of assault.
They forcibly vaccinated
Rev. and left
for Snow Hill where they will
make their home.
Misses Burnett, of
Hamilton, who have visiting
Mrs. J. W. Bryan, left this morn
H. Moore returned Wed-
night from an vis-
it in
R. J. is from New-
York, where he has milking
purchases of Spring goods J. C.
Mrs. V. II. Whichard, who has
off on a four mouth's visit to
and returned
home Wednesday night.
left this morn-
for Wilson.
Mr. Jan Flanagan went up the
road this morning.
Gary left this morning,
he said, for New York, f
J. L. Taft returned from Wash-
Thursday evening.
J. L. Fleming went up the road
this morning on legal business.
II. A. White came in Thursday
evening from a trip up the road.
Zeno Moore returned from
a visit to Whitakers Thursday
Mrs. It. White returned
Thursday night from a visit her
parents near House's station,
It. C Smith has the
Mrs. U
Little Mary Brown is quite
with pneumonia.
Maj. Fleming went to Wilson
this morning.
N. II. left this morn
going north.
Miss Harris this
morning for Richmond.
Pearl Campbell went to
this morning.
I. J. went to
Tillery this morning.
P, G. Whaley returned from
Weldon Friday evening.
Miss Pattie Skinner returned
from a visit Friday eve-
Mrs. Pattie of
Mount, came in Friday evening to
visit relatives.
Mrs. Annie Pearce, who has
been visiting Mrs. II. A. While,
this morning.
W. II. Brown returned Friday
evening from New York where he
has buying spring goons.
Miss Katie Johnson, of Tarboro,
who has been visiting Sirs. C. T.
returned home this
Town Matters.
The Hoard of met in
the Mayor's office host night.
Present G. Alder-
J. I. W. It. Parker,
J. N. Hart, S. J.
Tho street committee reported
that the tiling fur gutter
the Presbyterian church have been
secured and was being put in place.
Alderman White called the at-
of the board to the branch
running from tobacco town by the
academy that there seems to be
some obstruction there which
should be removed,
gin committee reported
the city are in good
Finance coin mil Ice reported
in hands of Treasurer
that the old May-
or's office had been repainted and
turned over to Chief of Fire De-
Alderman Wooten reported that
the suit against the town for the
payment of the old hand pump had
been satisfactorily com promised.
A few ago M. C. Lawson.
of county, lost a team of
and a girl who was with i line horses and had a narrow es-
her at tho time. from death. He undertook
these cases resulted from i to ford Tar river when the water
the vaccination regulations recent- . was very high, with the result
enforced by the city authorities, his horses were washed and
Post. I drowned.
completed their t
lion to build a female college.
aldermen of
hare resolved to exterminate the
houses of ill fame in that city.
Northern men are still buying
op great of North Car-
land. If it goes a few of
them w ill the State.
Mr. E of
Cross died January
years and six
months News.
county, makes a gill of to the
Baptist Female University, to
expended in fitting up the room of
one of the literary
There have been more people
killed by trains in Durham during
the last year than have died in the
whole Slate smallpox. This
suggests that better
against the rail roads.
Durham Herald.
The have decided to hold
a big Industrial and educational
exposition in park
Winston, 20th to
Booker Washington, the
orator of Alabama, will
be Invited to make the opening
are surging ahead the
line of industrial progress- A
knitting factory, with a capacity
Of dozen pairs hose per day,
and to give employment to over
persons is under to be
completed by the tint of July.
Populists arc saying very freely
that they do not propose to allow
their State convention to make the
constitutional amendment an issue.
This means a knockout for
Butler his allies, who win seek
to drive the Opposition to the
amendment over the convention.
Wilmington Messenger.
Mr. W. T. return-
ed yesterday from Snow Hill court.
He says that Hon. C. H. Aycock
made a line speech at Hill
yesterday an the constitutional
amendment ; that he was listened
to by a large crowd, aroused
immense enthusiasm.
Free Press
A suit was Instituted at
Monday by Prof. Gerald
against the beard if trustees of the
A. and M. college, asking for
for balance claimed on
as Stale botanist. He alleges
that he was elected for a term of
three years and I hen dismissed,
without cause, before the
of his term.
The attorneys for the railways
w ill ask Judge to
Standing Master Shep
herd to begin March 20th the
of testimony as to whether
railway properly is not assessed at
a higher valuation than other
property In the State. As yet the
standing master has no orders,
it Is estimated it will require
III least a year lo take the testimony.
There will be thousands of
i ii Free Press,
At on morn-
Frank Henderson, a
while man. look a of
nine, and died Its a
few hours afterwards, Henderson
lived on the Watson
place, mill hail been drinking
heavily the day before, which is
Supposed to his mind,
He leave a wife and one child.
county a young man
who was courting a young woman,
was forbidden by her father to
come on the premises, The girl's
mother told him he was welcome,
MM he followed her advice. The
angry father sued him for trespass.
The mother signed his bond. The
ease was tried and the father lost,
the holding as has.
band and wife are one she had a
right to invite young man
An appeal was taken by the rather
to superior court. The
lion will then be settled as to a
wife's equal rights
LB, Mar. 1900
Several new cases of mumps.
J. King, of Greenville, was
here Tuesday .
Three new dwellings are going
I. and Pearl Camp
were on a visit to Miss Lillian
stopped over hero yesterday from
mail to freight time.
Agent Green is back from Wash
and busy making daily
shipments for the Manufacturing
Co. and Cigar Co.
farmers are beginning ti use
more agricultural Marshall
Cox, living several miles east of
here, Las a carload on the track
here now.
are lighting the
fertilizer in the right way.
Instead of buying less they are
buying about as much as ever.
If your team does sail yon
perhaps you can make an ex-
change here at J. J.
It is not Impossible a trade to
work to the advantage of both
Those who come here gel
well. These w In, arc well gel bet-
was been just the reverse
with several parties leaving here.
The secret lies iii
era water.
t for goods are
Home made right hen
Carolina. Pitt county,
folks. Special brands
order. n I t n. Co.
Attention are
Hie following
The back hands.
The best saddles.
The best carts and wagons.
The best Cotton Planter CoX I,
The best fertilizer distributer,
cheap enough so every farmer can
afford to ow ii one.
pair of our cart wheels also
gets a nice premium,
made t
My Stock
is Complete
Hals, Caps,
At prices that will suit you.
Jas. B. White.
a l NEW
Come To See Ms.
is His
Net the
eighteen steerage of the
who were lauded Heavy and Fancy Groceries,
Al lie-old Moore store,
in five Points, where we hive
me I a new and fresh
at the barge was
to lie a
leper. He i- Maude
ii mulatto. He told Dr.
that hi- home was in
Bridgetown, where
father a while sergeant major of
. police. lie had up a clerk
. ship the customs to lakes
home I
for his health,
adv ice of his physician,
did your physician say
was the matter asked
I have been attended three
physicians of Made-
I and French. They all said I
would recover more quickly in a
Consisting of Meats, Flour,
Sugar. Coffee, Canned floods,
Tobacco, Snuff, cigars,
fruits, in fact everything
lo be found in an up-to-date
We pay I lie highest market
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce,
either in cash or in barter. When
you want to sell or when you
want to buy come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
. promise entire sat-
T, F, CO,
at Point
a Bet of Teeth,
I AI la City has a new
to of. Phillip a
cigar years old, has been HAS PROVIDED FOB YOU
suffering severe pains for sumo
lime for what was diagnosed by the
attending physician as neuralgia.
X. c U. Yesterday the interesting
C, I. and W, was made Unit he cutting
left Sat- j three teeth, his third set. Two of
for are in tho upper and the
Miss Dully, of i molar in the buck the
burn, and Miss Wooten. of
Dover, are visiting at Miss
pounds Candy,
barrels Apples.
Sweet Florida
pounds Mixed Nuts,
Seeded Citron
near here.
Bar. Harper
Held via Kinston
Mr. Goo. of Kinston.
through the city today.
c. W, Howard came
through from to
in i ; . ; ;
Johnson's Mills, N. C . Feb.
The young people had a dance
Mi. M.
Dr. Noble's went in
on Monday.
Mumps, measles and whooping
Miss Woolen, of Johnson's j cough are raging here.
Mills, was lure Saturday. Mr. was here yesterday so
Messrs. Joel Patrick. A. for Sup
Felix ply
kins in Johnson's Mills Sim- Mi Dollie Anderson spent a
week ill Mr, I. B. Cox's and
I. u. Cox returned home with for Kinston,
the from where . i Washing-
has been taking ii business last Saturday lo visit her
Near May was hen
last on bis dwelling
arrived Monday
spent lure
II. Skinner, of den, was
here .
parents, Mr. and Mm. I. II,
will return week,
A at M- I all,
a mill
a fellow named
i hi Wake
Loses His Suit.
The Iron
Charlotte recently brought suit in
the courts of Wake county u
tho Sheriff of Wake, II. T. Jones,
to recover the sum of
penally failure to
on execution in judgment in favor
of Mecklenburg iron Works. The
led on last Wednesday
and the verdict was against the
ALL of
to see me.
Shoe Sale
This Week.
an iii
and II nice pair cheap.
If the
no to Styles best Ilia
clothing made
Us .
a U
en., Atlanta, Ga
W. T. Lee Co.

X. C.
D. J. Owner
II is i tis fact that in in-
w. taken in west
in attempt to carry ma
through Ike liken Mr.,
a went lie
a. . .
Surrender to Roberts.
Now of the- Immerse
Territory of Alaska.
Entered at t lie Post at
Greenville, N. as Second Class
Mail Matter.
It is said
had to Inquire to the forms of
them. Heretofore, the Boas have
familial only with
tor n surrenders.
Mi will probably be
A Senators
who were willing to against
the matter will not be
able to resist hi- per-
when ii cornea to a
vote on
was sore to back to
the bill, while in the east and in
Washington .
a sued to care much about the
Tin- House galleries
were poorly filled throughout the
whole debate.
The Republican hive
forced to hold up the Hay
surrender, to modify
the ship subsidy steal, to
their plat form on He
bill by inserting a
looking to bimetallism and to mod-
the Mean tariff in order
It. Altogether, the CO.
P. i in tolerably l ad position for a
presidential year.
N Mr. or
is he only Clerk of Congrats
The above quest Ion a as asked
last issue of the Weekly
Why he is president. If be is
not president i- bet
The chances the House
has I linnet ed into pan a In
Rica bill. It i- believed
the Senate w ill knock the
out of I he bill will
raise the duty buck lo per cent.
Then in the House will
recede from its position.
Local m t run
away iii the idea the nation-
campaign will altogether
Ion local this full. The
Democratic stands for decent
and will in-
isl n them no matter bow hot the
n elect ion may be.
bad u Ore on
the of February . The m
doll active in years.
supply was miserably
The in To-
warehouse from a defective
Hue i-1 swept across
and burned several buildings.
There was insurance.
Raleigh Post.
As events prove the President
look the winning side
debate. Ft may also
s i; bud been
contrary lo was, the
would still icon on
stayed on
the lei cc the vote wan
and lion hopped down the
I. -j; -The
dispatch has been re-
From street waif to governor- Lord
that is the life of John i. Feb.
he the his forces capitulated
streets New York until the daylight
Aid picked him up camp. The
and sent him out west grow up l f
; with Be
A-h very family who. though M
The republican leaders of the
House MO shaking from the
given them by their narrow
from a
the tariff bill. The
suck clot h and ashes of
real for them that day.
amended the bill by reducing
poor, sent him to the district school.
where he got a taste for education.
will consider
this event satisfactory, occurring
the anniversary of MR.
the tariff from to cent,; .
r I later worked his way through
which Berry , Yale college Then went to New, The number who surrendered
said merely .-hanged the crime was know, until
from grand to petty larceny. as .,,;, this afternoon, when
by limiting its operation to a announced to the House
He decided lo do missionary work . that the prisoners numbered about
, the west and went to Colorado three thousand. will he
the bill was a wrong one. and they
meat that the whole principle
Idaho and then to Texas. , sent to Cape Town,
could not get the voles needed to ,, , . . . . , , ,
settled Alaska where
it without resorting to every . , ., . . . . .
,.,,. i he a wide He plunged dispatch was posted at the
political ,, . ,. , . ., . .
. into the work making that conn- as as press
Captain Con-
ca-. tin- Maria Theresa, one of
t Ii vessels engaged in the
light, just published, says
it his vessel was under Orders to
ram the Brooklyn, supposed to be
fie only fast vessel in the
can fleet, and that lie would have
so had it not been for the out-
war loop of the n ordered
by Commodore Schley, of which
m been said. This should
cert Bet lie I he quest ion.
Ii is not the policy of this paper
lo or to
paper controversies, but in
to lie x Dr. K
gone yesterday's issue will say.
that a plain statement offsets con-
cause Mr.
failure in business was by
him to the Charlotte Observer and
that statement was in this
paper. We are not I
ii or deny the of
statement, but think the pie-
lain Cams
as he is presumed to I e more n-
with he causes which laid
to downfall business
any one jet beard from.
was upon that statement that
Hie concerning Dr.
were made. If Mr. state
be true, we stick to all that
ha been -aid and have nothing lo
take back. be not true then
what has lien said hurts no one.
At last comes rm ;.
baa been red
follow so quickly upon
the .-. ; j. .,
II s as , ,.
be, mid ere liberty lug
Ii era must become loyal subject
to tin row n.
in this day
es. and Christian education
the Idea I lull
seems to have u in
the political in , id-
mines cot
Mate CrUft, as as in I
of n me ills, ii if, .
., n .,. ,,,
and the Contented,
wanting to alone. Ger-
man Boers, must British
subjects, then hope the shake
up will result in a step forward in
the civilizing movement,
England pretend to have
rated Wherever her -rasping
hands reaches and where. her
guns soldier go,
in be the taking away
from bias who hath little and
giving to him who lath more than
he needs.
I is not an
to hear and women discussing
the war, going on now
Britain and the Transvaal
lie. and In most eases
in favor of tie
Republic, in the for
i- a very clear, com-
discussion, of till
causes which lead up t the eon
. The article is by Hair.
Peek, and lb
head inscription.
Opinion On I he South
Ii is evident where Amer
lies now, but In
this the IV id is
the where American
i cm- lo have and
th- l-y no have had
a it.
The discussion is forcible and
full of facts concerning the
tic of the war, and the de-
drawn therefrom, are
could not do better than an
hour reading what the
ha- to
A High Point special to
Charlotte Observer A
handed the Lumber
company signed by the white
of tin- requesting
the men working
in the be removed.
They don't object In the
working on the yards, but refused
to be with them iii the
shop. The company refused lo
grant the and at
o'clock Rome one blew the whistle
and all the white hands walked out,
and cajolery. Had the
tans of the House voted their real
sentiments the bill would have
defeated more a two-
thirds vote instead of being passed
by a vole to The
constitutional question Involved in
this bill down. It will
be heard when the bill is taken up
in the it will lie heard
during the coining Presidential
campaign, and like other great
until la settled right.
Senator explained tin-
gold standard bill agreed upon
the Conference Committee, to the
Senate, but he did not attempt the
Impossible of defending the
measure, which ought to be
dally entitled. A, bill to put
iii pockets of the rich at
the expense of the poor.
Within hours of the time
that the House was passing the
the bill to rob poor
by imposing n duty upon the
products they have to sell, the Sen
ate was taking first step to
wards making Hawaii a state, by
passing the bill providing a
rial government for Hawaii. H
there is any logical reason
this unjust distinction be
prosperous Hawaii and halt
starved it has been
carefully concealed from the
The House Military Commute
endorsed two pet Schemes of
the administration to provide pro
motion for favorites that to give
the Adjutant General army
the rank, pay and allowances of
which will
in the nature of reward to Gen.
Corbin for his to
Alger. and his underhand attacks
upon Gen Miles, his superior
that authorized the Pres-
t., select a retired
diet- general from to
major general, which is intended
give Gen. Shatter the differ-
between the pay and
brigadier general and
a major general, retired, as a re
Ward for campaign, the
greater part of which he spent
in a old
Of course, the disagreeable
weather in Washington had nothing
to do with the depart lire for Cuba,
via of Secretary Root.
He is going to make an
of Cuban ports, using
a government transport after he
reaches Tampa. part his
wife, -on and daughter,
ponied him, arc lo lake in the
is a quest ion
which he may be able to answer
To sonic persons this trip looks
winter junket for his family
at public expense,
The bill providing for the ship
subsidy job has been favorably re
ported to the The report
which was bill will be
widely circulated by the
can for the purpose of trying to
create a public sentiment for the
job, hut is
doubtful whether they will try to
push the bill through until alter
Presidential election, as word
has been passed around among the
republicans in Congress to keep
tin- total of appropriations made
this session of Congress as
much as possible, with the under
standing can
be made to fly at the session
Which Will not he h Id until after
the Presidential election.
man who monkeys with the
kitty in a poker game to gel
scratched, ,
Feb. The
press dispatches for
try in a business moral opened. Few besides
way, and went into politics m that paper men were The news
he could do more for the people spread quickly and crowds rushed
Today he is the governor of that to the War Office, where was a
Immense and little known territory scene unparalleled since the begin
and the head of the war. A scene of great
church affairs in our great north- j excitement and enthusiasm was en
He is only I acted at the stock exchange. The
one more example of what tiled into the Streets,
American grit and pluck j singing the
has a chance to Ga- Rational Anthem.
quarter, but subsequently Needed,
South Africans and Rands
ed live eights There is a general
feeling that the worst of the
I is over, and the
will not have lo encounter such
difficulties as heretofore.
o Trusts.
Has the Largest Sale of
any Special TOBACCO
Premiums paid.
Rico's Distress.
Washington. Feb.
The recent collapse of several of
the big calls attention to the
internal, as well as external,
harassing their career. In-
stead of forcing to the fore
front of success, there is more than
one on the verge of disintegration.
Their troubles have all Root today sent to the Senate
from natural causes. Chief letter from General Davis with a
these has been the blunders made petition from asking
during the initial for free trade with the United
concerns. Nearly all of the more I Slates. In I lie letter, which is
recent one were organized San Juan. February
theory public was Davis
ignorant and gullible. The pro- transmit live petitions which
calculated on I pub I arc signed by several hundred to-
lie only too hungry to swallow any- j merchants, growers and
thing. A speculative fever, it was j manufacturers, asking for free
thought, had excited a relations with the United
desire to hold Stock some Slat-- so some market may
tic combination. As a result, found for not only surplus crops
everything was combined in order for
to feed the popular appetite. All crop of The
were planned and referred lo available for
then floated on an ocean of is pounds,
People were duped, portion of the maturing
to awaken later to their foolish- be required for
This late awakening has j is estimated at
the troubles which pounds-
trusts must meet. A popular dis-1 my reports to
gust baa developed into a department I have very lolly stated
p hostility. Every industrial
live measure that is aimed against ; Hon. cannot in any words at my
them is applauded the people overstate the urgency
with enthusiastic ardor. of
competition up against in
then. Is endorsed and supported by
popular favor. After giving a of existing
The are joyous over the he adds
Flour Trust, and remedy for the Indus-
arc very much elated over the is the
Trust's opening of markets for
delights will grow more x. surplus of productions the
I am somewhat surprised that
from the of current mat-
from which to select that you
should choose to give so much of
valuable space to a vile, ma-
and vituperative on the
character of Dr. President
of Trinity College. I have never
been among the of J.
admirers of Dr. he is Your Policy
not criticism, and not with- L.
out plenty- of them ; Has Cash Value,
but I can not for a moment believe Loan Value,
that either the editor of the Char- Paid up insurance,
or the editor of the
Greenville thinks that works automatically,
Dr. by low and base Will lie re-instated within
oils, deliberately sought to use bis three years after lapse if you are
as a minister the in good health.
Gospel President of Trinity I After Second Year
College the business No
Mr. or any one else. i Incontestable.
these newspapers lie- Dividends are payable at the be-
the base that Dr. ginning of the second and of
is personally responsible for succeeding year, provided the
the difference between the for the current year be paid
each time it is known
establishment of trade conditions
that Other trusts are legislation as will
What the people perceive is the to investors and
evil known the trust. I the development of the
They know that is odious and
detrimental. As a
Consequence, they have declared
an uncompromising warfare. The
effects are already visible. New
trusts are not half so easily
ed. trusts are not so greatly
feared. With each successive col-
lapse faith will grow weaker in
what still remains, fact, pop-
sentiments has forced a
of the tendency. The trusts
are loosing rather than gaining,
strength. The threatening shiv-
which loomed over this laud is
likely to he averted, after all.
Las T evening two
brothers, inland George
were dig ting a grave on in
which bury Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
who died the day They
we. forking with their hacks
toward each other when
. back his
stink lie on the bead will, the
part oil chipping up a
of the skull the size of
a silver dollar. He fell was
apparently dead for several min-
but finally revived,
and Rogers were called and
Until this is
done paralysis must continue
and the poor and helpless in-
creasing must be fed or
they will starve
Negro Domination Ruinous.
The political of the
class who the vote
in the South has always, Without
a single exception, been character
by scandal, corruption,
and the State's disgrace.
is a kind, docile creature
but he is controlled by his passions
and follows the leadership of
those who will arouse and appeal
to bis lowest prejudices. He is a
vicious partisan in politics. He
looks upon one who quit the party
ranks a a renegade a deserter
to be and persecuted.
He will know party distinction
except color, no
principles except the passion of
race against nice. To make thin
numerical the basis of his
political power is ruinous to the
State. This power should lie taken
from Inn. until he learn to ex-
of the
and liabilities of Mr.
Did Dr. steal this money, or
did lie and his friends conspire to
They may be used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
purchase worth of books To Make Policy Payable
from Mr. a credit, and an Endowment during the Lifetime
never pay for them f If so, these of
unpaid accounts ought to swell the j
amount far beyond the
named as total assets.
should at least have some
plausible foundation upon which
to base their charges when they
Undertake to break down the char,
aider of a College President and
minister of the Gospel, and inti-
they do not in it
he is a robber, a thief a
Doubtless the business of Mr.
was injured by the
and deplorable which
he became involved, it simply fol-
low as results always follows ante-
Dr. was simply a
-the causes be-
came many.
Finally let me say that the
tees of Trinity to whom
advice is so graciously given are
perhaps as competent to de-
who shall or shall not be
President of that institution as any
newspaper editor, and the
dist church has not hitherto found
it necessary to ask any editor of a
political newspaper to determine
who shall, or shall not be ministers
or members within her pale ; and
perhaps the community which a
man lives is competent to
determine whether or not a man is
a menace to society and a blight to
to the of
X. M.
J, L.
K. C.
Cotton Bagging always.
on baa
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce
old. A trial will convince you.
d. w.
Beef. Cattle.
If no, bring them to me. I
market prices.
dressed his wound, and of citizenship.-
fair to Press. I Craig.
K. M.
wills, N.
l it
. illustrated.
l , , . ;
In ; Hit Book In i
. Licit.,,
Mt, y
ill C-.-i-. unit I lie i
-1 All Butch,
s. half-
Price, Cents.
In -ins
m n . . . and
one who a Horse, Cow. Hot; or
Chicken, it irons, small ought lo Had
for nod not It U n
Old, it 1st hit head,
ti., . u. and ppr
ii- Staff
h mi
Any OWE of the BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL
YEARS of i , j will be p Ball
-f A
c .,
Fall and Winter Clothing
Special Price
Good Suit
Some Speak to Some to You
it- Newton has accepted
position with W. Bryan.
Alice Harper and eon Alex
Slider, have bone from
Bar. today
for Snow Hill where they will
Misses of
Hamilton, who bare been
Mrs. Bryan, left this
are i.,.
party's nominee tor Governor.
Charlotte Presbyterians hare
to a female
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
you to as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
t net be ml ire. Who
Will Be
Things the Capitol Been
to indicate that Judge would
rejected by the Senate. The
matter is now before the Judiciary
Committee and will be reported
next Monday. It is now
predicted that the full com-
This is month for kites.
This is the first month.
March gives us two new moons.
Board to night
March gives us five Thursdays
and live Fridays
March started off with a high
wind and heavy rain.
Something good, Mullet Roe .
cents a pair at S. M.
People be seen
their hats on the streets this morn-
Attention to the notice
to creditors by Nannie ex-
estate of E.
Allen, deceased.
Republicans Scared.
There ate members of the
in Illinois
who can vote. Every branch baa
passed against the Me- Thursday night from a visit to her
Administration. The col-
policy, the secret alliance
It. Moore returned Wed-
night from an vis-
it in Beaufort county.
B. Cobb is back from New-
York, where he has been making
purchases of Spring goods J. C.
Cobb Son.
Mrs. V. H. who bus
been off on a four month's visit to
Raleigh returned
home Wednesday night.
Charlie left this morn
for Wilson.
Mr. Jno Flanagan went up the
road this morning.
Gary this morning,
he said, for New York.
J. L. Th ft returned from Wash-
Thursday evening.
I. L. Fleming went up the road
this morning on legal business.
II. A. White came in Thursday
evening from a trip up the road.
Mrs. Zeno Moore returned from
a visit to Thursday
Mrs. White
Firm Names.
It's much more to
make plain the goods advertised
than to bring out the name.
If people interested the
goods, sec the firm name
they'll make it a point to see it.
Space is too valuable to be used up
by printing firm names with the
biggest type
Stolen from a Mall
New York, Feb. became
known at noon today that several
money packages, said to contain
about intended to pass
through the Long Island City post-
disappeared yesterday after-
noon while en route from New
York to Long City.
William the driver of
wagon which carried the mail from
the ferry in Island City to
has disappeared, and is
suspected of stolen the
money packages.
England, the retention of the
war tax, militarism hare
en the Republicans of that Slate
the worst fright they have had in
twenty years. If the Democrats
get one half of the vote in
Illinois, the State is safely Demo-
If the German vote, as now seems
certain, is cast against
in Illinois it will also be cast
against Indiana, Ohio, Wis-
putting all those
States the Democratic column.
February Weather.
Mr. Allen Warren, of The Riv-
Nurseries gives us the fol-
lowing weather report for
mouth of February
Highest temperature
Lowest temperature and
Two snows.
Two blizzards.
20th and 27th the
temperature was and on the
28th it This is the coldest
weather ever known here for the
last four days in February.
parents near House's station,
Smith has the
Postmaster Arrested For Em
ill .
Feb. R.
Owens, postmaster at this place,
was arrested this afternoon under
a warrant by States
Commissioner J. W. on a
charge of embezzling the funds of
the The warrant was
issued at the instance of Post office
Inspector Meyer, who for several
days has been investigating the
of office and has dis-
covered a in post-
master's accounts amounting to
over At a conference of
Mr. bondsmen, who are
highly reputable and responsible
Mr. T. Lido,
capable and reliable young gentle-
men, was selected to till the
of postmaster temporarily,
has entered upon the discharge of
his State.
Keep the Informed.
In these days of universal news-
paper reading the people look for
something more in their Journals
what is ordinarily spoken of
Few of every-
day life arc more important to the
whole public than the purchase
sale of commodities. The wise
merchant will, therefore, tell them
what he wants to sell. There is no
better way to convey the desired
information by means of daily
advertising. His store news doesn't
come by telegraph, or over the
city editor's desk, but it is news
all the Rec-
Urn. W. B. G.
Little Mary Brown is quite
with pneumonia.
Maj. Blessing went to Wilson
this morning.
K. II. Whit this morn
going north.
Miss Emma Harris this
for Richmond.
Miss Pearl Campbell went
Richmond this morning.
I. i. went to
Tillery this morning.
F. G. returned from
Weldon Friday evening.
Skinner returned
from a visit to Tarboro Friday eve-
Mrs. Winstead, of Rocky
Mount, came in Friday evening to
visit relatives.
Mrs. Annie who has
visiting Mrs. II. A. White,
left this morning.
W. Blown returned Friday
evening from New York where he
been buying spring goons.
Miss Katie Johnson, of Tarboro,
who bus visiting Mrs. C. T.
returned home this
The aldermen of
have resolved to exterminate the
houses of ill faun- in that .
Northern men are buying
up great quantities of North Car-
land. If it goes a few- of
them will the State.
Mr. K of Lennon's
Cram Roads Church died January
years and .-i
makes a gilt of to the
Baptist Female University, to be
expended in fitting up the room of
one literary
Bern Journal.
There have been more people
killed by trains Durham during
the last year than have died in the
whole State from smallpox. This
suggests that we had better
against the rail roads.
Durham Herald.
The have decided to hold
a big Industrial educational
exposition in Piedmont park at
Winston. August 20th to 20th.
Honker Washington, the note I ed
orator of Alabama, will
invited lo make opening
We are surging ahead in the
line of industrial progress A
knitting factory, with a
of dozen pairs of hose per day,
and to give employ meat to over
persons is under contract to be
completed by the first of July.
Populists are saying very freely
that they do not propose to allow
State convention to make the
constitutional amendment an issue.
This means a knockout for Senator
Butler his allies, who will seek
to drive the opposition the
over the convention.
Wilmington Messenger.
Mr. W. X. Worthington return-
ed yesterday from snow Hill court.
Hon. C.
made a line speech at Snow Hill
yesterday an the constitutional
he was listened
to by a large crowd, and aroused
Immense enthusiasm.
Free Press
A suit was Instituted at
Monday try Prof. Gerald
against the board if trustees
A. and M. college, asking for
for balance claimed
as State botanist. He alleges
that he was elect ed for a term of
three years and then dismissed,
without cause, before the
of his term.
The attorneys for the railways
will ask Judge to
Standing Master E. Shep
herd to March 20th the
of as to whether
railway properly is not assessed at
a higher valuation than other
property in the State, As yet the
-landing master has no orders.
It Is estimated ii will require
least a year to take the testimony.
There will be thousands of
Mar. 1900
Several new eases of mumps.
J. King, of Greenville, was
here Tuesday.
Three new dwellings arc going
J. I. Smith and Mis- Pearl Camp-
bell were on a visit lo Miss Lillian
Campbell Wednesday.
Sain of Grifton,
topped over here yesterday from
mail to freight time.
Agent Green is back from Wash
busy making daily
shipment for the Manufacturing
Co. and Cigar Co.
Farmers arc beginning to u-i-
inure agricultural Marshall
Cox, living several miles cast of
here. Las a carload on track
here now.
Farmers am not the
fertilizer trust in the right way.
Instead of buying less arc
buying about as much as ever.
does not suit
perhaps you can make an
change here J. J.
is not impossible for a trade to
work to advantage of both
Those who come here sick gel
well. These who are well gel bet-
was been the reverse
several parties leaving here.
The secret lies in our
era water.
Our goods arc
I Ionic made right here
Carolina, lit county,
folks. Special brands
order. d.
Attention are
best back bands.
The best car. saddles.
The best and Wagons,
The best Cotton .,
The best distributer,
cheap enough so every farmer can
afford to one. Every
of a pair of our wheels also
gets a nice premium.
A. Cox
in v
My Stock
is Complete
Sods, Hats, Caps,,
At prices that will suit you.
. White.
He Comes ProM
Is Traveling Hi-
New -One
eighteen steerage passengers of the
steamer who were landed
at the barge office today, was de-
the physicians to be a
leper. He i
ville, a mulatto, lie told Dr.
Stafford hi- home was
where his
father is a white major of
,. ,. lb-had a clerk
in , . , ,
, , , in tin-i ii-loin- lo take a
, tot an id tot In- health, under the
made . , . ,,. ,
lee III-
did your physician
was the matter with asked
I have attended three
mi Five Points, where we have
list opened a new and fresh
and Fancy Groceries,
Consisting of Meals. Flour,
Sugar. Canned
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
lions, Fruits, fact everything
to be found in an up-to-date
We the highest market
prices all kinds of
Country Produce,
her cash or in barter. When
yon want to sell or when you
to bay come to see us.
To all who favor us with their
patronage we promise entire sat-
i-f u-i ion.
physicians of C A M
ville replied, them mm
and one French. They all said I
would recover
in quickly
Town Matters.
The Hoard of Aider met in
the Mayor's last night.
Present ti. Move, Alder-
men J. I. Woolen, W. It. Parker,
Hart, and
It. White.
Tho street reported
that the tiling for the gutter near
the Presbyterian have been
secured was put in place. . p,,.
Al Sunday morn
Frank a
while mail, look a dose of
nine, and died from its effects a
few hours afterwards,
City Charlotte Sued.
Charlotte, Feb.
day O. W. entered suit
against the city of Charlotte for
thousand dollars damages for
false arrest. Helms, his wife
child were put the slat ion house
when all were sick. They refused
to be vaccinated.
J. I. Jackson has also had Chief
of Police Orr and three officers
rested on a charge of assault.
They forcibly vaccinated Jackson's
Alderman White called at
of the board to the branch
running from tobacco town by the
academy that there seems to he
some obstruction which
should be
committee reported
the city ilium millions arc good
Finance Committee reported
In hands of Treasurer and
that the old May
or's had been repainted and
turned over to Chief of Fire De-
part meat.
Alderman reported that
the suit against the town for the
payment of the old hand pump had
been satisfactorily compromised.
Ins u Third
has a new at tribute
to boat of. Phillip a
cigar dealer. years old. has been HAS
severe pain- for some
time for diagnosed by the
attending physician as
was that be was cutting
hi- third -ii. Two of
them arc In the upper jaw and the
. hi molar in the back of the
The young people had a dance
Mr. M.
Dr. went lo
measles and
A few ago M.
of county , lost a of
and a girl who was with horses and had a 1-
her at the time. cape from death. He undertook
Both these cases resulted from to ford Tar river when the water
the vaccination regulations recent-. was very high, with result that
by the city authorities, his horses were washed down and
Raleigh Post. drowned.
lived on Watson N
place, had been
heavily the day before, which is
supposed In have affected his mind,
lie leaves a wife and one child.
New Bern Journal.
In county a young man
who was COUrting a young woman.
was forbidden by her father lo
come on premises. The girl's
mother him he was welcome,
and he followed her advice. The
angry father sued him for trespass,
The mother signed his bond. The
i-a.-c was tried and the father lost.
the holding as
band and wife are one she had a
right lo invite young man
An appeal was taken by the father
to the superior court. The
will then be settled as
wife's final rights
tint x.
. W.
left on Laura Sal-
for New Bern.
Dully, of Greens
and Mi.-s of
Dover, are visiting Ethel
near here.
Harper left for Smith
Held via Monday.
Mr. of
passed through the today,
W. Howard came
through from
Mi.-s of Johnson's j cough are raging here.
here Saturday. Mr. was here so
Messrs. Joel Patrick, A. N. for Sup
Felix t .
kins went to Johnson's Mills Sun- Miss spent
day. Mr. I. Con's and left
I. Cos home with for
the where It. Washing-
he has been lulling a business lo visit In
course. pan-Hi--. Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Cox
I War May a- lure will return week,
progressing very
A homicide n-d Mel all,
a mill operative
m New a fellow
1.000 pounds Candy,
Iii- Apples.
2.1 boxes Sweet Florida Oranges;
1.1,000 Coca Nuts,
Mixed Nut.-,
led Currants, Cit
i -.-. Date-.
; ; i
house near the
fa-l his
and W. I
arrived Monday II
spent day
Ii. Skinner, of
lure Sunday.
la id.
Shoe Sale
This Week.
in M-
. hi Jones of Wake
His Null.
The Mecklenburg Iron Works of
Charlotte recently brought suit in
the courts of Wake county
Sheriff of Wake, II. T. Jones,
P. recover sum of the
penally failure to levy
on execution In judgment favor
of Mecklenburg Iron Works. The
was levied on last
and the verdict was against the
. .
2.28 11.5
body . Call early
and get a nice pair cheap,
II you want the
ii. lo dale My es and best Ills have
your clothing made by
I, . I
. ., G.
W. T. lee

M. .
. m
all persons who have
The following n the amendment or
toil of tin- on pending,
lion, Adopted the A- sentenced or sot,
i .-i i and lobe submit- judgment suspended, treason
led d voters lo ratification r Moor, or any fur
may If
Section in the penitentiary
y the being of Almighty God , .
. . k. districts I r ; j
1- That article the in the
I of North Carolina he citizens of the
j ind be same abrogated United as corruption and
i r i; j i. in office, unless
.-ii in xi a a l
n absolute
aria, torpid
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
a f
la. Out hair
toted following of said person shall restored lo the
rights of in a
prescribed by law.
Sec. . This art shall be
from and alter its ratification.
in tho United State, and
ace, possessing the
set out in this shall
be entitled to vote el
b the people the State, except
T l- i ax as herein otherwise provided.
, B nail September
even male pi ism who has of In the
naturalized, one man Brace Harry Skin-
. .,. u- and an,
Tin- Bin as Com-
. i will expose in pub ii- sale before
the Curl in to the
night, bidder cash, Bonder Ma
Pens, Pencils.
Sec. He shall have resided
the State of North Carolina for two
One inter. in a tract of
ind the of Barton Ml
i t n
m . Son., Mot
W Mr ll .-a Ike U
the Ml III.
Nature, her effort to correct from
Mo or it in. be from out and
other on skin, that more troubles
tumors, or are to follow ii
you Deflect t heed the correct the mistakes.
Many a painful disease r. any an been amid rd
because of Wave hi-en and the blood kept
pore hr a right use of
of Mich.,
-1 was cured of a bad humor after with it for fire The
doctors and my friends said it rheum, it out on my head, neck
and ears, and then on ray whole body I was perfectly raw with it. What I
suffered during tire years, is no use telling. Nobody would me if
did. I tried medicine that was advertised to cure It. J spent money
to buy a borne, I heard SARSAPARILLA
I tried a bottle of it. I began to improve right away, and when had
the third bottle I was completely have never had a touch of it
, since. I never got any thing to do me the least good till tried JOHNSTON'S
f would heartily advise all who are suffering from humors
lit Q arable try I had also a good deal of stomach
trouble, and was run down and but JOHNSTON'S
Whichard, N. C.
removal from one ward
election district
. r i
SlateS, not op.
ears in the six
and in I In precinct, warn or oilier .,, ,., king on Indian
election district offers
t- vote, lour ii foil in in Book P
log the election; Provided, That
One trait situate in Greenville
Hie lands of Silas
sod others,
1.1 n or bet, fully
I rate deprive any Of the Book P pate
lo rote the precinct, ward s One known as tin
j or election k N. John sod
which he has tour
alter such removal. Ho
person been or
who has confessed bis
give us a call.
I tut
Card r
upon of
I the punishment of which i-.
In-, in the
tale prison, shall . permitted t.
vie. said person shall
restored to
by la.
person offering to
vole .-hull I e the time a
registered voter an herein
ed and in the
provided law and the General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
general registration laws to
into the
this article.
See. person presenting
himself for registration shall be
able In read and Write any section
of constitution in English
language; and. before he shall be
entitled lo vote, have paid on or
before Hist day of
year in which he proposes to vole,
his poll lax as prescribed by law.
for the previous year. Poll taxes
shall lie a lien only on assessed
property, and no process shall issue
enforce of he same
See. 5- No male who was,
January I. 1887, oral any time
prior thereto, entitled lo vote
the laws of any in
rimed Stales wherein he her, re-
sided. lineal of
shall be
the right to register and vote
any iii Stale person
failure to possess the
proscribed in
The Stock in every
and prices as low the
Highest market price.-
Hid for country
V la Each.
When a is unraveled
to be a pretty long
About the only way to make I
w horse is to slop his feed.
be baas dram's tone may not be
liquid, but it ran the
The cm readily see bis
finish bur opponent proceeds
polish him
part house keeping
runs turning place Upside
r e. and described m
made me all
The blood is your life and if you keep it pure and strong can positively re-
disease or fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S never
It is for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollar each-
S. Book
C sod
Due sit.-.; t- iii
m the Burton Jan and
aerial mere or
and man's lo raising
Fame la all rich in its way. but
I u weighs more.
No. shoes do
One It as grow on robber
I . I'll township, ,, ,
Lands of Ben In Ames No man with a bad can
lining three , ., liar.
acres men. . . , ,.
tracts, alt.- The devil la a walking
has, sad aim is to wages
as But. lands . I . .
Jain. r land will
ii doesn't makes
The pi a , , k , , ., ,
all in aboves In
h-r when cut, within often years,
on all tracts.
In Court,
County. Before the Clerk
Forbes against Henry and
Nellie Jenkins, his wife.
The Henry
Nellie will Isle notice that n
Proceeding, as shore
in Curt of a-
Put the tat the sate service sermon every
of real and morning and
will take notice that they . , , ,.,. ,,. .
etc to appear at the office of th. prayer
for M., and A
of Phi, .-n the f., I. A. Minister
an answer or to the , i, n ,,.
in said or
plaintiff will apply for every Sun-
relief in said and 1.111- and evening. Pray-
M,.,;,. evening.
H. Booth, pastor.
, superintendent.
i every Sun-
day, morning and evening.
of Pitt County made, on the , Wednesday evening. Rev.
January in a certain Special N M
eliding W. O. I , , ,, . vi- V. .;.,
and Jacob M. P- W
and numbered as caw .
d. r t. the highest bidder for Sunday, evening.
. ash, certain piece or parcel cf land situ- J. B. Morion, pastor.
ale township Pitt I a. m. E. B.
wit No. . the division or the I . . ,. .
l.,.,. Mary E. and,
woodpile. .
may the best
teacher, but the tuition c-t.- a
of a of
I timber Hill In- at-
S The whole body of mill lot
whole, and land, . .,. ,,,. .,.,.
In Is that to
bring the mast money. one ml- in writ log paper re-
. s. gym j. I advise you to plead guilty
Fleming, the council for the
,,,, .
Ban land, be hanged if I do
r less timber m
retorted the prisoner.
When mystery is unraveled
there's apt to be a pretty long yam
It's worm that gels it in
One the land,
Creek, adjoining the
J. Sh It. ad s
more or neck,
Ins deed J A Dupree, I
Harry Skinner Book-----
s One tract adjoining the lands Ike
lat, Fleming. Jordan Daniel The Carolina
the I. of where
G. mill was formerly located has voted a
Iron, J. Nobles to
Hair. IV
One tract of laud situate
township beginning at two large pines nominated I. B. of
and West to a pine . ,. . .,.
polos to real up said h ., for I
Tor a street-car
1.1 Tl poles lo another
r in of house of ,.;,.
,, ,. run. with Kansas City, Mo.,
and K. IN Albert II-skins was sentenced to
K Hue then with his
Which was allotted to Carl M.-Cotter by
and j
4th comer Lot No. c,
on Ion load, South W.
poles oil creak, 3rd corner
No. ; creek to a black
E. lo n stake
road p -t South of its
be road
he mots or
, doing Bel's.
Urn- tract of laid in
1.1 Hit-
Van yesterday
I a -cat in New York
n. A. Me i.,,,,,,,
Hardy Johnson,
bud and acres fully Stale I change the
; at that price.
By virtue of a decree of Hie
Court of C.
i-a.-e of C. H.
Brooke, Alice M. Spier, Pat-
rick, Joel ti. Patrick and Joel Pat-
rick, pa
sell land for division. 1111-
Commissioner will sell
cash before the Court House
door in on Monday
Mb day of March the follow-
described piece or pan-el of
land in the town of bound-
ed on west by J. lot
on the north by B. Lang's lot on
it- by Alice M. lot and
on the South St eel, con-
t acres more or less.
This It
Having Ibis the
I Superior Court of
a. Allen
hereby given all
claims said -slate ti.
t . with the term
prior to
sad A s
ion of this Provided, peg. its. Pi been arrested to n for payment, duly an-
be shall have roistered in accord ht
step-son In
The Eastern Reflector
if Ins section
prior to December The
Assembly shall provide for
a permanent record all persons
who register under thin section
Is in i,
till i .-
year c n
If I
get child's allotment
loon of .-. hilly order I
in Book huge sad Ai , , ,. ,
Ml Indian lands.
land situate 1.1 Al an informal
or before November I. and Wiley sod It decided to pi the name
all persona shall be entitled sore. of for
to all TOWN
by the people in this Male, unless ; ,, g w inn near
. r. , I as follows, at N. n. ,,.,,. , , ., , .,
section of of end Ward t hence week. it 1-
such at reel to the line ho had a stroke of paralysis
, , ., , ,, N. lie with line of 1.4 No ,,., t. .
shall have paid their poll lax as re M feet the corner or lot No II and fell in water. II was only
quired by law.
Sec. All elections by
be b ballot, and all
to Ward street then cast with twelve inches
.-In. beginning,
it I. So I- hi West
Beginning at the B. it
. W--f M all up leave daily a,
line. I with the line of him when his balloon won t come P. M. Washington.
bar their recovery. All persons
to Slid estate Will make pay-
to This March 2nd logo.
of K, Allen.
leave Washing
ion daily A. M. for Green.
A. V. H A. M. Greenville
No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. M. See
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
II. L. G. E. K
K. of River Vt
meets every Friday
B. M. Move, C. T. ft Hooker,
B. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
Jr. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
F. hall. J. B. While,
A. O. Council,
No. t, meets every flirt and third
Thursday in Fellows
null. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Smith, See
I. O, H. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
shall be Viva
Sec iii cry Voter
IS land then the line of
Third street,
wot feet In
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays A. If.
leave Tuition, for
iii. 1.1 and vows
Bee, before entering upon ., ,,.,., w ., m. freight only.
duties of the be shall lake H to Book L s make over the man is Washington
subscribe the following her Unmet.,. for Norfolk,
iii North
Carolina, a In
shall be eligible to of on
Many a says Ma
I ill
main constitution laws
of the eon I
and laws of North Caro
Una not and
that I will faithfully
of my
So help
f. The following .-hisses
.- 1-.
iii.- I.
K. v .
persons shall lie i
nay now, or I shall I
, s TO
1.1 levy, ray once and
save cost. MOORING, ;
Sheriff of Pitt
New York
ton, for all points for the West
Cold In Hood. Norfolk
. . F t.
lake and quick to cure in head and sore Shippers should order freight by
, Old Dominions, ti. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from
i and Line from
Washington, N.
J. J.
. C.
. ML
Also a nice Line of
I now lie f until in
brick stoic
by J.
or ; g-X
Eastern Reflector.
. H.
Ed. H.
All Trusts.
Wheeling, W. Va, L
A of iron steel in-
with cap
ital will be completed within six
mouths from April It will in-
Tinplate Com-
Nat Steel Sheet Com-
now forming, and another .
which is already in existence, and , ,
of Unknown
Frankfort, Unknown
stripped the state
building of emblems of mourning
with which the front of the build
was draped memory of Gov-
v court of inquiry
which is as large or larger than
any of the named.
name of this latter concern
is withheld for reasons
till some minor complications con-
capitalization are over-
come. information was i , , ,
. ., ., . submitted, would
out today by a stockholder in all
but one of the- and
who with W. I . and
an j
The following .-lip-
pi are from the
. North Carolina Journal.
i the price of firm lauds is from SI
to and farming
pays in of high values.
Switzerland ha- no pauper class
no slums cities and no
tramps. The roads arc almost
perfect, the streets are clean, and
there is little need police or sol
is a of
and the
in any city or town is the
house. Effect and cause.
The Landmark
that if Mr. Mebane is nominated
by ill n. ob-
upon Members of that par
to vole for him, be not being a
democrat, and is well
en. which been
tilled so Mi. Mebane
is to continue lo considered a
of spoils, would be
bad politics for party to
other than a straight democrat
but if is desired lo lift one
partisan some
must set the Initiative and
why should not be
Durham Herald.
CHOICE Vegetable
We an- forefront of the
We otter you tin- best selected line of
General Merchandise
London, March win always find a ready
Din.-.-ha- received following only that farmer
dispatch from General ., . . a
. , , , can them who has studied
Mai .
morn i Dim great secret how to ob-
quality and quantity
a . ,. .-
. . by the use of well-
last J
between me is balanced s. No
reported clear . I am for Vegetables can produce
moving on , v, , .
., . . i a large yield unless it contains
became s
l i. at least Z Potash. Send for
known literally went wed our books, which furnish full
after your throughout England
seem-.- hate
in memories of
The Lord Mayor of Lou-
don immediately his
con . ho Generals White
the re-
news Windsor,
i II- in tower of
I. U-found in Pitt Well bought
selections, creations of beet manufacturers America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring,
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad
Ii la our pleasure to you what you want and to
sell you if we can. We offer you Hi.- best service, polite The Mayor showed
attention, and the most liberal with a well r window out of which
business built up on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
ii do not our immense stuck before elsewhere.
Remember and following lines of general merchandise.
information. We send them
free of charge.
a, .- . i St, New York.
Dry Goods and Notions,
attorney general, tiled a mo-
demanding that court ice
him. Republicans
general Pratt The
court declined to pass on the
lion at once in order
of the contents over minor
caucus of
Judge Moore, of Chicago, planned I , . , , .
b . . , ., the legislature met tonight and
the American Tinplate Company a , ,.,,,.,.
and the National Steel .
of idea. If ,.
original plan laid out Mug
this coterie of men was to before The
single Trust of all the interests in . j
the country. This Win. abandoned , n
because they that
people who owned the stock in in- j
and the to
would be scared by of j m m , lake
the enterprise.
It was then decided to first form
Trusts of the various branches of
On Tuesday morning, Mr. Ed-
Cypress Creek town-
ship, ate a hearty bleak and
with his s hi, went lo his tobacco
pack after some
co. Went bank to the dwelling
house, and after a short time
returned to the pack house, when
to bis astonishment he found his I
lying-near the door of
pa.-k house, dead. Th.- deceased
had complained times
heart no doubt ;
caused his death. Mr,
Sykes wan bis .
burg Times,
Hals and Satins, Die Trimmings
Jackets and I t Mailings and Oil I
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.
Harness, Horse Blankets Dusters.
out of the of the slate go.
the details of
congressional and presidential
the trades, and after had j j.
launched lo combine
thorn till into one.
Several republican
interests and . . r
,. , . ,, , of both houses, were
by the Stan- ., . . , u
, ,., . present tonight. National Commit-
lard Oil Company did not prove I, . .
i e.-i John Yerkes made
Oil Company did not pr,
and efforts to get them
speech. He declared that the
iii . . i laws in the state
The will elect .
. practically amounted to dis-
officers, with A. , ,. . .,
, r. . . , , J the
the of
W. T. of the Tinplate
Trust, as temporary president, lo
bold till the final
It Is said by promoters lb it
story will be and
ruled, but that it will lie fully
Revenues Working; Against the
Flour. Meal, Sugar. Coffee, Laid. Scad Is.
Castings mid Plow Nail-and Hope.
in Each.
baker is tor
friend in
The i-i man who ob-
Lent laster,
i i;,,. .,. , u lucky fellow who fall
in Ion- hurting himself,
people are willing to keep
everything that comes their way,
except Lout.
doctor never
never has charge of bis own funeral.
grass widow doesn't
feather will soon be
i Hocking on the Easter bonnets.
Actors lire proverbially super-
II.-.- but hem object lo
gave their walking on Friday.
. The ordered to keep
ii schools. The .
great bell Paul's was rung i dear, the moat
this evening. the
times so far forgot itself as lo ills
the yelled
Staid magnates flaring
posters from newsboys bran-
the roaring throng. All I
business was forgotten.
could done iii the
exchange lo
and cheer.
on fur
cargoes closed at I o'clock. N.
one Mauled lo on a like
No how run down ii
to Raleigh
Four hundred operative in a
mill lied from build-
to escape vaccination. The
operatives were expecting the
corps, so when Haw-
and Strong and several police-
men arrived the operatives lied
doors j
windows, which had been left
slightly open. Chief of Police Orel
had stationed an at each
door before entering but the opera-
rushed over the police in
their haste to escape. Only thirty
persons remained the mil to be
vaccinated. the matter
promises to be nettled amicably.
to ill.- Foreign Office
Crowds blocked
for Furniture everything line. struggling lo
buy for Cash, bin for Either Cash or on Approved
Our is Honesty, Merit Dealing.
Your Friend.-,
i play
A cabinet meeting Hie clock never takes a day
j held and a- It Is better in the
to stand on
i. I die young must
b. a lived people the
Profitable Cotton and South-
I ii Sums of In Col-
ton Manufacturing;.
and cheered tin- British
in South Africa lo the
Outside House,
residence of
hales, n large crowd
is grindstone
sharpens ii man's w
The internal revenue business
in this section is run, it appears,
campaign organization against
the amendment and in favor of
rule. It is noticeable the
. distillers in this section who are
not outspoken against the amend-
are with
worth a. butter every m
The rule distillers
Denmark almost third the
size of North Carolina, with
soil severe climate, exports
North Carolina, its
rich lands and genial climate,
butter. Denmark bus
public, high
for sous of far
men are found at a rate which
would put two or mire in every
in North while
industrial technical schools,
public, u-s clubs
liberally supported and attends
ed. Denmark knows on which
side her brood how
to butter it. We have not yet
learned we will
or later.
Springs water aft cents per
run run any way they please, make
false entries or anything else, but
they are not molested. The whole
revenue system has degenerated
lo apolitical machine as with
us hades itself. Rut
despite that the white people will
curry the and rule their
Ii i reported, believed
army circles, that has
escaped and is in Japan or China.
If Governor General ought
to able to the island
with troops and preserve
gallon Drug Store. tat,
The present year is destined to
go down history as year of
the great oats crop failure. Al
ready coming In from
far and near the are of so
small account that only
to do is to plow them
Cotton prices continue to ad-
bare already reached
the highest that has been
touched since The crop is
at least bales smaller
that last but Europe-
an spinners were -low to believe in
the deficiency in the yield, and de-
buying until the fact of u
crop shortage could be no One of these mills will be built
longer ignored, European -locks Durham and ill coal about
North Carolina promise lo
in cotton mill
building. Las week I hero were
developments which attracted at
to three new mills among by the Spanish force
soon lo be
which about four live million
dollars will be Invested, and near
all of it North Carolina money,
are In those lien. Julian S. tan-
period last who has done so much to build
plant cotton. The man who pops year. Much of the supply hi- Industrially,
up every year hi- reduced have been sold, and is and is I he
acreage prediction is not going transportation but exporters stockholder, and other
be heard from thin season, or eager buyers In the South, j ham are interested, but
heard from, will not be listened to. markets, is this belated I some him wild in N,
Cotton is going to crowd things n demand from Europe, coupled with York, I bear.
Southern terms. support from speculators, mill, In
chicken coops will be moved out has given the upward I corporal ed last week, built at
the back yards to secure additional I to prices. latter are Messrs. George A
col Ion ground, while onion beds cents per Higher than The
and cabbage patches will have year ago. The big advance
allowing all. hoe stimulate col.
log COtton, the South is going but increased
wonders Ibis season. will insure a
observer. Increase in production
I weather conditions shall prove
An Idaho who was in-
on a railroad train while
stealing a ride has brought sail
for damages, alleging his
mishap was due to the negligence
of the company's He
says although knew
where he wits, and be ought
to lie off, they did not pill him
of this com i- -i.
in in.
Tile third will b or
composed of North Can,
and is said tWO Or line.
million- will be Invested in ibis
Carolina already
has more mills slate in
the union, and mare looms and
an II Slate.
profitable returns
for planting hare bad a good
effect upon general business of
South, and the of that
Motion the need which
has woman with n
out for Improved past who her presents back,
of It doesn't take for ti newly
to a large-share of darted In the
Washington, March The
President follow
message lo i
Senate House Rep
since evacuation of
of October, IMPS, the
I nil id Stales h i- on pro-
duels from Island lo
the of Slates the
duties lived iii.- net
to and
w ill in said
law until Congress shall otherwise
V It hough I II 11.- and
having iii mind I- -1 Interests
of people of island, ii
lo duties oil pi,,
duel- i Into Clio Hi.-,. I
did bale i I or
I. hi j,,.,.
the i
I I v ill press
for immediate
inn- in
I lie there, and
. public and
I ii .,. leg
in I
House i.-.
In that legislation
to the Immediate as
well a- lo future, I
recommend that sol
and sinus co
under existing shall
waiting furl he
of general nos pend
I for
Signed --W ii Mi
One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
can not be cured by II
Cm my Props.,
Toledo, o.
Wet he undersigned, have known
I. for the last fifteen
and him perfectly
honorable in all business
and financially able to cam
any obligations made by their
wholesale drug-
gists, Toledo, o.
Kiwis et
m Toledo, O.
I Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
acting directly upon I he
blood mucous the
system. Price per bottle.
all Druggists.
Hail's Pills are the bait
Dr. D.
N .
u hue
i ;

Eastern reflector, 6 March 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 06, 1900
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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