Eastern reflector, 23 February 1900

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The Reflector
Book Store
Pens, Pencils.
All Magazines.
give us a call.
The A
was once to have
as the shadows of life
the British This too
when the British Lion mum mighty
in his lair when the British
navy was master of the seas.
It was not regarded as ominous
but was dimply the outburst of a
man who was near the sunset of
life, though he was considered
a strong, brave, pure his
were weighed with
those of Gladstone Indeed these
words were received with force
until the obstinate Boers had
caused the Britons to recoil the
hot shot of their cannon and mus
in the Transvaal. Today
the words of the dying
are upon the lips of the nations of
the world, today we see the
Secretary of the war
office of England the
of the world 1-y for
six hundred soldiers to
lie equipped for the British army.
Is this the the end
of the greatest power on earth
The words of the German States-
man will ring down the ages if so it
It is evident that
feels the force of the words of the
great Statesman, the
of Secretary Ilium show
that a great
crisis I he history of
and the closing scenes of the nine-
century will witness a great
change in the status
of the world. Truly the las
of the century, is justly styled
the iron age. even the despot
may feel the heel of the oppressed.
One year ago America was the
object of the gaze of the world.
Today Hie scenes are changed, and
the British lion who has so long
been the monarch of nations is
pouting blood from his hungry
mouth and gnashing his teeth with
rage that been unseen for a
half century. This is no simple
twist of the tail. It is becoming a
moaning wail.
V Card
Full Sheet Poster,
The Eastern Reflector
a year and con
news every week,
Ts only
information to the
tanners, especially grow-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than the
subscription price.
Hundred Thousand Dollar Cot-
ton Mill.
On last Thursday night a
of business men others
met in the of Scotland
bank co take subscriptions for a
mill here.
The were taken
with the understanding that the
amount for the mill must lie at
least hundred
and that as much of that
amount be rated as possible
to lie supplemented with capital
raised elsewhere.
pledged was more
than forty thousand a com-
was appointed to canvass
for oilier subscriptions. The coin-
think that within a few
the amount will be at
least here, which it
is thought will be met by capital-
There is amongst the
promoters of the enterprise, and it
is believed that soon tin-announce
meal can lie made that sufficient
stock has been taken to assure the
This is a line opportunity for
good investment by those who have
or smaller to Invent.
Cotton paying better
than any other kind of
in Neck Com-
By virtue of the made September
of Superior Court In the
of J. T. Bruce Harry Skin-
executor and surviving partner
therein as
will expose to public before
the Court in to the
on the 6th
o March the
One halt in
land tin of
and others containing
five acres or leas, tying on Indian
Well Swamp and known as the lands for-
to an . Julia
and fully in a recorded In Book
One situate town-
ship adjoin the of Silas
and others,
acres more or lees, fully described
a fr-mi and Joshua Cherry
P page
tract known as the
laud township, adjoining
of Y M. Jame, John Mason
one hundred acres
or fully described in a deed
J. O. to Skinner Book
C -I
One other tract bi
know m th Burton James and
containing one hundred acres wore or
One known its the lam.
In. n adjoining the
lauds of Daniel, George James
and others, o three
acre more
The tract,
acres more or leas, and known
as the Burton James , the
James and the
ottered as follows.
The of cutting removing
all timber or trees above inches
when cut. within the period of years,
on named tracts.
Umber will of-
offend as ft whole, timber land, with
privilege to accept those bids that appear lo
money. There is one
and bait of standing timber on
these tracts.
adjoining S. It. J. I.
K. A. Cherry, Fleming,
Carolina township, known as the
Sam v land, acres
more or toss timber
One known as the laud,
situate in lying on
Creek, adjoining the lands
J. w, H. and
acres more or
less, describe in from J. A.
Harry Skinner In Book
adjoining the of the
late John mi rig. Jordan Daniel
lite forks of the Bond where
G. W. Daniels mill was formerly located
inn deed J, J b
Harry Skinner containing acres.
One tract of land
township beginning at two large
and runs North West to a pine
Wot ; i poles to the road up said
road North Weal to another
road i front of the dwelling house of the
late Jerry and runs with said
road S. poles thence S. and K.
poles line then with his
line to the act's.
One tract of laud situate in Content-
ti adjoining the lands of A.
Hardy Johnson, the Turnage
land and others, containing acres
in a deed from John
in Book page A
One tract town-
ship, adjoining the lauds of Hardy Johnson
Jr., Bout, and others
acres more or less, fully
in Book U page and A
One tract of land situate id
t the lands of the bate
Moses Teel, Porter's place, J. A.
Wiley Bullock others, containing
live and seventy-five acres
more or less.
I Ail No in West Greenville
as follows. at the N. W.
corner of Latham I thence
North street feel to the line
of let No. thence with the line of lot No
fret to the corner r lot No
feet W Ward street then cast with
Ward feet to the
lit No. in West
Beginning at the S. II.
ct of Third and Jarvis thence
with Jarvis street feet to the
line of kit No. thence with the line of
toll No. 18,19 and then with the tine of
lot No north H to Third street,
with Third street west feet to
the beginning.
lot in the town of Greenville on
the corner of Front streets
described In a deed from J W. J. House lo
Harry Skinner in . pages
The terms of sale hut
era pay one third cash can for
Titos. J. ,. i
To those
i districts Pills
a u
. stem in perfect order and are
an absolute cure
sick headache,
torpid liver,
tarn and all bilious diseases.
Liver Pills
Cry for Men.
London, Feb. the House
Of Commons to-day
State for War, that
men are to be raised with
all expedition, bringing up the
country's total armed laud forces
to he added,
the number we'd nearer
a a.
Lt Mount
i Hi a
t V
o m
t as
Ar Mount
The new military he
said, were to place the Mount
home defense on a satisfactory
But, he said, the Government
had even considered the
of service which
was entirely unnecessary view
of the activity of recruiting for the
auxiliary forces. Since the war
recruits had
he pointed out, if Improved
were offend he anticipated
that the voluntary auxiliary forces
if their wax increased,
would easily suffice for passive de-
The Government proposed to put
the pay of the militia on the same
scale as the regulars and embody
the whole militia. During the
summer the volunteer
artillery would be re-armed and
higher capitation grant would be
given the volunteers, coupled with
the demand higher efficiency.
A mounted infantry volunteer
corpse would be formed and the
Yeomanry would be treated on the
same broad principles. The
army service corpse and
engineers necessary for two
army corpse, would raised
thirty-six field
batteries seven horse
The speaker also said it had
to raise twelve additional
Si at th
ll ll
am r
am m in
tO II It
it at
i Tit
to o it u
A Woman Bright Idea
j i i -u. i at
Lexington, Ky, February
Mrs. Amelia Lt. who keeps
a house in Frank fort
she was in the Stale
OUt yard when
and saw a walking some dis-
behind him shoot him with a
She saw the man run
to the State house enter the build
go to the wounded man.
She-has described the man to Gov-
will tell more
about the shooting when Taylor
gives permission. She thinks
was and that I
he merely intended to
Mrs says
she believes was dead two
days before this was made
public was sworn in an govern-
or when he was a
Hy virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County the
case of J. C. Addie E.
Brooks, Alice M. Spier, Pat
rick, Joel G. Patrick and Joel Pat
rick, guardian, partition
to sell In id for division. The
Commissioner will sell
breath i the Court House
door the
5th March the follow-
piece or parcel of
land in the
west by J. C. lot
on i by E. Lang's lot on
tit i Alice M. lot and
I acres more or less.
9th 1900.
F. O.
S. M.
1.000 pounds
boxes Sweet Florida
Coca Nuts,
pounds Mixed
Seeded Currants, Citron,
Figs, Dates,
i r
Come to see me.
and it a of Grove's
Chill Tonic. It is simply
Iron quinine in a tasteless form.
No pay. Price
Whichard. N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
prices as low at the
Highest market prices
aid for country produce.
i v i i
p m,
leaves p m,
ford p ii. Returning leaves San ford
p m. arrive p m
p m, arrives
a in, Rod
a m, Hope Mills a m,
p m, Hope Hills p n
Bet Spring p m, H p r
at with train
at Maxton with the Carolina Central
at Red with the Red
Springs at Sanford
with the Seaboard Air Line and
Railway at with Ibo and
Train on
leave s u m, Halifax p m,
Neck at p m,
m, T pm.
a at, Ml am, arriving
at am, Weldon n am, dour
on Branch leave
a m and S w p m, arrive
a and ,.
a in pa,, arrive an
and SOp Sunday
Train Tarboro
at SO p m, p m.
pm, leave
dally, except a m and San
dare no am, arrives
Train on Midland N c
daily, except Sunday, T OS a
n o t, m, returning
a m, arrives at H a m.
Train on leave
Mount at am. p m,
Train on Clinton for
Clinton dally, m ii i
Sin. Clinton at am
Train close Wei
don for all all met
H. M.
Pass. Agent
J. B. KENLY, Manager.
T. M. Traffic Manager.
a. m.
divine service and sermon every
Sunday morning and evening. Et-
M. and Litany Fridays at A,
M., Rev. I. A. Minister
In Charge.
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Bey.
J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D.
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W P. Harding,
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. E. B. an-
regular services
A. P. A A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M. J. M. Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
B. G. E. E Griffin,
K. of Lodge,
meets every Friday
B. M. C. C; T. M. Hooker,
K. and
B. Vance Council,
1690, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. B. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. P. B. White, Conn-
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilton
Smith Bey.
The One Day Cold Our.
Cold In head and sore throat cored by Ker-
Chocolate Laxative As to
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesday, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk; Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N.
J. J.
N. C.
j. a.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I now be found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. B.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
a Warning or Star I
Way I. lie.
Is Mo.,
In her to correct mistakes, which mistakes ha
living-, or It may be from ancestors, shoots out
t on the as a that I
la ran
hare come from
blotches and
g that troubles
ore to follow Ii
correct the
. painful sad many an early death has been avoided
other in, . . .
hp tumors, or
you heed the warning
, painful i many an
simply because these notes of have been
pure bi
pure by a right use of SARSAPARILLA.
of Marshall, Mich., write-
was cured of bod humor after with It
ml .- at i .
the blood kept
for i
. . modal, or
for and
It N- Alt, P
whole l perfectly raw It. What I
suffered during those Are year. Ii no use telling. Nobody believe me II
L . t was to our. It. money
enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON H highly
an I triad a bottle of It. I began to improve right and when
the thud I completely cured. I have never a touch of it
d me tried
I advise all who are suffering from humor,
or of any kind to try It at once. I had also a good of stomach.
and was run down and but SARSAPARILLA
The blood is your life If yon keep and strong
disease face contagion
Calla. It Is for all c
s is t or face contagion
It Is for sale by all In full bottles at one dollar
can positively
The East
Ed. H.
From the State
though prominent lo-
cal of strong party
the there is no stronger aH-
cote of it John
then of
Colonel's in the lobby of
began to applaud the
the speaker to chime all sorts
of nice words of j
their There is not room ,
this letter to print them, I
would be to
them any way, mm
might accuse of showing par
I'm not; only re
the gist o. these interviews
us a matter of political news and
development, in which our readers
arc all interested at this particular
There is probably point in
this argument that should be ed
You must remember said the
speaker that fully
who had voted with the
and came to
our res, In 1898 and again
the ticket.
we must retain
all hazards. Subtract those
. be
offer you the beat n
General Merchandise
, I. any store
sell you ii with u well
us and tie following
, February Most of those of all classes from
Judging from th
every Democrat-1 . ,
visitor to last week on g and
the of the visit Of , with the earnestness
Bryan, fr news his fit-
especially with regard to the avail- they
ability success of they his
several candidates for the position.
of Governor other State
feel that there It o
which I could write this week that pursuits were
would prove more
your readers us a whole. that their man
I took to interview M
politicians and available candidate
from the various counties , of them
herewith without submitting any ,,,, and is what
opinion of my own, incorporate P
the views and is a practical farmer and
the arguments by tan all round business
friends of Can-1 m y business and
Justice and with
and especially the availability and He it
strength of those several b, nearly every
men. j farmer and working man, as well
ex-Pope, from our less
majority, and have a small
tor comfort.
Place them the other side and
our selves in the minority
again by over Sow which
candidate governor is most
likely to retain that vote, all law-
ran but To ask the f
is to answer it. Col.
would the votes
hearty support of every one
these men and thousands Other.
yet returned to their
old party. Sot that Cunningham
is anything a Pop. don
like to accuse him of it, for In all.
Dry Goods and Notions,
and Shoes
Blankets and Dusters.
Head Is
Meat, Sugar,
and Plow Fixtures, Sails and Rope.
X, all know about the
men keep their Hi
in the
Washington ant
they send
forth and
to hare it i
laugh ii as i
little n
worth correcting.
in another
grown to
. 1.4-1 now
arc making
the country is.
the use
in the coming .-
arc to form the b of the
and i
arc to edit.
argument, l
of lac pi
long ago
to i
This in turn has
u.-h abuses as the in-
of. other speeches,
even the alleged
of all of which
must be printed in the Congress-
Record, regardless of ex-
. E I
J to
. .
, f
, till Write
. which ought
. .-; y
. . free,
The Raleigh say that ex
Ransom has bales of
his still on hand
an Hi in price las week
; .-- He sold his
and made
at , it-
; . mm I Pi pullet
the Constitutional amendment are
running m against snags at every
turn and at sonic very unexpected
The of the rot
is headed Governor D. L. Bat-
sell. Then tonic
Instruction C. H.
there is not a more
Democrat or stronger j-p j,
party but that, withal, he is , , J I O .
Russell, Geo.
Boggs, of Haywood, ex
date for Congress, A. O. Green of
member of the
committee, J.
J. Green,
editor of a leading
paper. And it is even
hinted the Progressive Far-
i .
the men said. by of
That one of these friends, OUt
. . . n of
nominated is practically a
which one
,, the biggest
portion of the State, and every
body who knows him loves him, I
-U- 5-
nearly all from stronger with I
a conservative man a man
the people, there you have
is a of the
There were few visitors west of
Greensboro, to which section
the strength of Messrs. lice and
Davidson is principally confined.
Kind words of both gentlemen
were lacking, however, and it
is evident that both fill receive a
flattering vote on the first
Headquarters for Furniture and u. that tat.
We buy for Cash, but sell for Either
Is Honesty, Merit
keeps up, it
a general
twin. J ,
will of course receive a huge
vote in the 1st, 2nd, ad Pr
of 4th districts. W e grant
that will exhibit con
strength IO some of the
northeastern counties, will get
votes In the Mil congressional dis-
as well as the 0th probably
-and his friends chum that he has
the his borne
solid behind him. But
claim Aycock will lead on first
lot, if he is not nominated that
ballot. ,
splendid ability as a law-
and as. in his strong
party fealty, are the claims which
identical with theirs, and is
sure to look after these interests.
The fact that he is not a lawyer
is his favor, because
we think it unjust and
there is still a deep seated
dice large
en In every county
in North Carolina, a prejudice In
which he you nor I approve of
but that docs not alter the fact
His ability is
He is speaker, B red hot
campaigner and would make a
brilliant and canvass.
He and his friends have not been
doing as much talking as
II of above, but ts assessed , ,,
Democrat from another included.
In week, de- Among candidates
I tared that Mr. already during Mr. Bryan visit am
I , ; l following, especially A. M. Weddell, Bx-GoV-J-f
farmers. , Hon. Gen
he is the President of the S. Carr could not be bore us
on business
tobacco to on the he
is probable that their friends in-
tend to Slick to them as long as
there is a chance of winning the
I said a prominent
I western that
he wise to nominate a western man
Governor this year,
standing that the candidate at the
last election was
tern man. It is advisable to have
who is close to I he people
the west, us the enemies of ll.
Amendment are making their big-
in our section. ,,
agrees will, us, then of the
or Davidson is the one to Mr, H one the best .
We all know their ability and will
Sterling many supporter. In the eon-
I detailed J--S
and were given paragraph
j roe have had a talk with several
tending eastern Democrats who as
Then ii is an official document,
and will ii
limited all the
States for nothing. In
I, very campaign the political com
I out under the Hank of
members, not only carloads but
of these pamphlets.
Tim government pays is about come out
and to sort and dis it. if this
tribute these millions of packages j will noon amount t
throughout the Enterprise.
never been any estimate of
what this costs the government
presidential years, but the sum
must be prodigious it is con-
Of course It wrong,
parties, In conducting a
o Ii could easily be
of a bill
lilt I
ft mean
a shilling this great expense
from the United Treasury to
fund-, and Ibis in
turn would mean heavier
on of
.,.,,. Perish
for the tobacco to receive
big- i , Mr price for their crop, makes heartily In favor
Specially strong with that -primary plan and he
be add.-d. the best to settle
we present In his favor, but wan, y
. bet an.
roil light
with his past reputation along these
lines during his term as
U H District Attorney Mr.
Cleveland's last term, bis good
work on the stump during
popularity. are counting on
winning Ibis
was noticeable that those
prominent as politicians iron, the
extreme east, woe nearly ml
from that section generally being
Don't you bet any of good
money on not
nominated for Governor April n
unless you want to Iota It.
The Congressional H I
here with its votes
solid for he is going
to get a vole in the 6th
Mid 7th districts, and sonic
the third tat he's B com-
man, we believe. His
will add thousands
the carrying the Amend
lobe way -till
matter most
people. is known
plan, and has all
and it It stated that Mr. Sim
is also willing to such
, So II appears alto-
Z probable that
but Wad
r-. are
excellent and deserving Democrat,
me that U was by no means
Mason of Northampton might yet
, be brought by hi friends for
the summary, made
flattering vote at the .
become inch that I n i ,,,,.,,,
will be oolitic and advisable to up .
My I but what a
r. generally
campaign he would make I
about stump speaker, loin
Mason's superior is not to be
in North
year the total
showing an
very nearly eighteen million
Ian during the last year, which is
much larger than ever before re
i heard about
as yet, as
ill not elected In Angina.
it is now the
by the Orange o
The lo
not in It.
The drunken carpenter never
carries level.
p, els on Hi.- walk of life.
I, ever frown could be coined
ml,,,,,.,, ever body would be
man who weighs
his words Is the man whose words
most weight
The broker is n
man when he takes n
pledge It.
II i-
Clark Is a novel which
there will be no women. This in
will lie novelty.
II the
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any ease of Catarrh
can not If cured by Hall
Catarrh Cure.
p. Co.; Props.,
Toledo, O.
undersigned, have known
p for the last
and him perfectly
I Humble all business trauma-
; ,, , and able to carry
any obligations made by their
wholesale Toledo, O.
fall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
upon the
blood mid mucous the
system. per bottle.
b all Druggists,
Hall's Pills
s ;,,. ha. win largely the
What a
I,,,,,,, in census sow
ported in the given time.
. II.
f stack.
So far only two ate
obvious and good reasons.
I i , ., v- .
pretty girls
. . .,.
i we were a eon
Fleming store.

i I
the Vim at
. as
to the
than i r, of Orange,
Va . just dosing ii 1.0
year. all
then is no
healthier or happier journalistic
youngster, now Manhood,
than the we be-
Perhaps there are no more
there arc other
but they have a way pp
thereof making their wants known
than is in vogue elsewhere.
the Landmark are quite a
of cards
elves as candidates for nomination
This is not a bad plan.
Another office on the State
which the not hereto-
fore filled at the polls, is
of Printing, Mr.
II. I. editor I
ton Dispatch, will be a candidate
for that office before the Democrat-
stale Convention. Besides be-
a popular and Influential
tor, Mr. Varner i a
Democrat and an active
worker. He is of the ex-
committee of bis counts
Somebody with more month than
brain has said look the
On the Democratic
side several have been
mentioned while
on the side there
not icon one around named for
Thai is dead
easy .; There are
enough good in the Democrat-
party to the offices several
time over and it
to right down a man for
each In fore them
Hon Is. Hut the Republican
ranks then is an little lit
to Allan office that it la difficult to
And enough logo around
Capture of
February 1900.
bat aw and o'clock, A. If
J. J. of Pitt coin
Bu t j . t . . A. i
Cit. t
have .
r made
i r Mr.
X. was held up robin I the
about seven mile from the House.
X. on the principal public nu I in bis annual
Bounty, The bar a- that he favored free trade shortly before o'clock and
by four for Woo, and when the re-la good round sum of money was
him as follows in the talked i not taken is no fault of the house
he it hull
office a I ill- Kraal
entered by last
The leader was feat
height, build,
about a duty o Ki
can products, he even M flu
SI to intimate to democrats be met
that he would if they
help defeat the proposed duty.
and near enough like the bus tinned a complete
to lie his This one somersault, and announced, ad
pounds, clean shave . Mack.
very erect and intelligent looking.
The second about the same
Lad slight
The third was a round face
about f inches in
weigh pounds, clean
color same as those above
i scribed.
The foil ill was a ginger cake
color, clean
big mouth, thick rolling
lips, very vicious face.
value of its passage, that he would
sign the bill Imposing I per
cent. duly. wonder
cans Congress laugh when Mr.
is spoken of as their
The bill providing a territorial
form of government for Hawaii
now before the Senate, which
Hawaii will ultimately become
all appeared to be a Slate, naturally raises the
the ages of and of why the Hawaiian should
The money of
three or lour dollar bills, re-
ill dollar bills
be so much treated ban the been depleted of the amount
Surely no one out-
side of the clique a is shaping
also a check on Norfolk be republican policy can see any
bank and a watch, open faced,
gold tilled, joint ease, white
dial, stein ,
winder, engraved case, Ho.
private mark 1728, move
meat, jeweled,
with name J. Laugh ;
reason for making Hawaiian
American citizens and the
Colonial subjects.
Representative John Allen, of
can deal with fact.- as
will lie showed while
the House was discussing the re
scratched inside of outer ,,,,.
lid with pen knife. When taken of inefficient clerks
bad a thick glass Oil it. on the government pay roll- in
The capture of these will Washington. Mr. Allen
be n warded by a cash payment
got up to speak, those who can sec
breakers, who gave every evidence
that they exports in the
having made two well
efforts to get into the office
before having been in
the third attempt.
Fortunately an amount of
probably U.-s was
from the cash drawer silver
though Ticket Agent D. Edwards
to the oilier a short while
after the robbery, was unable last
night to minutely cheek up bis
ticket sales determine upon
exact amount stolen The cash
drawer at window, which
is kept an of change for
the usual day's business was plied
Open and torn to pieces after
therein, as staled
cannot yet be accurately arrived
at. A number of tides of value
the room were apparently
and the were
evidently out for
The Iron safe, in which was also
locked a larger amount of money,
was left intact to all outward
The robbery was first discovered
about by night
man Jesse who found
Has the Largest Sale of
Pay as You Go.
The on Duty.
The rs do more to
shape public sentiment than all
other and
ties combined. A free, enlighten-
ed, faithful press can deal
If you want to scatter sunshine
around your path, adopt the
rule of paying your debts cheer-
fully and promptly. It lubricates
the wheels of trade, breaks up par
ice. gives tone to the social sys- a measure popular and
tern liberates goad-will.
as you go. Especially pay
in making a measure detestable or
j him only the humorist,
something they did
get it. Although inclined to
many humorously. Mr.
Allen is one of t be hardest working
if Mr. Taylor if the Appropriation
the more recent robbery of Mr. J. He bean his speech
both of them by say that there was sufficient
assaulted for the purpose of to get rid of clerks become
tabling money received at th sale inefficient from age or other causes
Them Justice
I lie
and the department officials
of tobacco, clearly brings 11- lo
an important crisis in history I should not be allowed to saddle the
and the necessity of careful blame for their retention upon
watch on suspicious He said he bad made
ate hanging around where to Ian investigation and had official
the door of the hallway leading no add to bitterness of h
the waiting rooms at the rear by rudeness.
people who work by the day and
toil with their hand-. A dollar
means much to the man who
your the
man by making him ask for his
dollar, dive to him immediate
the work is done, and if he did
well tell so.
When woman who crouches
over a sewing machine for you all
day long brings the home
pay her all you owe. and do not
add to her troubles by exercising
tin- prerogative of the one who is
paying over money to Haunt out
either insulting remarks or insult-
If you don't like
her work you needn't employ her
again, but treat her civilly, and do
Has Cash Value,
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance th
works automatically,
Will be re instated
three years after lapse if M
in good health.
After Second Year
No Restrictions,
Dividends are payable at the be-
J. L.
. .
the ticket office unlocked and
lightly ajar, He went into the
hallway, the left wall of which is
in common north wall of
The gentlemen true
his treatment social in-
and all the damning sin.-
the withholding of money due a
the tick.- found that at working man is the worst. Lei us
a short nice from the door pay as And the cheerful
is-old, murder of
Taylor the of Laugh
must have been
by parties who in touch
figures to show that the average
age of eleven bundled of the clerk's
reinstated by the present
exceeded years, and be
with the stiles of tobacco in Green naturally thought
Knew these gentlemen
hail -M large of the
other conclusion we examine
the that surround
the of each crime.
Mr, had been
disposed of his tobacco, audit was
money home him.
The same is true of Mr. Laughing-
Then there i-
of these crimes and is, the
is fast advancing in the
grade of crime be commits is
IS real is
raj ; half u million.
now in or near
I men.
sen home, and more are lo lie
raised, and powerful, it
ought in be uneasy matter to rube
and t m
Bat great w is its
now-in Africa it lo now. he has to commit,
these reinstate-
explained s large part
Complaints about clerk-
being kept ill office.
fame, is ore of the two hundred
citizens of Wisconsin who are
whooping up Milwaukee, as His
Democratic National
city. lie everybody nils
good will we give nut with
our money will be given
out by those it to. as
you go. Exchange.
aperture had been made in the
wall probably two and a half
square by boring with a three
inch augur around the sides of
in such a instance apart
as would Deadly admit of bis re-
moving pieces of ceiling noiseless-
with his hinds. rough
it was an task for to damages arc Instituted
robber to crawl into the ticket
and. as there is no light, he binary. Units
carried on bis work railroads and other
In making from w damages ere
thirty cents in silver was reason
the hallway on the outside.
An investigation by Mr.
wards and a number of other rail-
road men and Captain of Police
after the robbery, led to
the discovery that prior lo at-
tempt, two others had been made,
which were unsuccessful. A win.
low the we.-l side
him Milwaukee will that opening into the wailing room
the hustling
up until
is going lo be kept
National Committee
the rear of the place and therefore
easily accessible from the hall way
Decides where the Convention is been bored into several times
up to . I .
after mouths or more of iv.
been unable up the Dutch-
men. hungry for
be bus not been able yet to eat
dinner due last list mas, in
The d ,, 1- no
yet. it List into the summer
Unless intervene-.
The cm ; urn i-
Inn who
is now . es in ,,
City, and who is raid I have u .
home as folio
of i-t-l i. be
being used for n
s, bile
lowed out for newer pips, in.
taken off whole null
on the cud nice tent
for the children lo play in.
sounds queer hi hear the fee I
tell driver lo take n dozen
grain.- of horse feed over to Jack-
son's livery stable. were not
for soil, deep soil here I
how they would the c in
as the stalks would grow up in the
air m church
However when the ears
get heavy nil bi presses
stalk av-
of ninety-two feel; Ibis
I he car near enough to the
ground to be chopped oil with an
ax. J
for more d
crimes, com in of
murder for gain n rob-
. Tl y en ago lie v
ion such crime- by the
c ever beard of,
ii i- a common on
brings 11- face to face a
an and be
with mailed hand of
the should be
high lo bring these par-
111- lo justice.
-1 Messenger.
of the Boss Han-
had threatened to take the Re
publican National Contention away
from if money
promised the committee
that city Republican
National not
sin b a threat was made.
And as a result. BOBS
received a cheek for ac-
turned over before the eon
vein ion meets.
This is A San
dispatch of 13th lo
I Detroit Journal in-
f sane ix were to day sent from
I here
-1 of newspapers a
mill u -0 apparent as
the day.
are using I beat greater es
than before. Within the
few n- that
appeared In the
has begun appeal in bu
pi. also, while I he trend events
en be toward the
latter in advertising no
of pretentious
I probable about more will go
cast during week, liming the
lust mouths nearly de-
soldiers have been sent
the continent, and is
than two bundled more
will soon arrive here from Manila.
nearly all cases the men are i i
I c New Yolk PreSS I
year ale
or about
co fol man,
hill in the greater it . that is
over one a day for each week day.
The Humane Society
land captured a bear which
I'm P Mar has been support
person by its earnings. The
animal belonged to a band of
gypsies, and drew a week by
but having discovered that the
same bad been nailed up with Croat
he soon gave up the task and
i another place further toward
tin-hallway, but 1.1 this be was
checked by ticket which
the wall
from the inside.
is to the
robber or
It will baa long lime before Ken-
outgrows the result of
recent experiences Frankfort.
The State suffered not only moral-
and financially, from a ma-
stand point. The Courier
Journal, recounting the vandalism
of the troops the Slate
say.- that been opened
and records
An files have been
and many vouchers
dealt the law library been
id, tin- historian mus-
I he fol-
has been damaged be
repair, of Kentucky
in I els fur a cent have been
mill id ml other damage done
Which is i to repair.
.- a whole,
nil election of 1800
a costly one.
id doing at a
Upon this sum the entire
Miss Ida shot and wound
ad state Senator B. L. Bradley at
Jackson, Miss., accusing of
breach promise.
the Ingrained prejudice against
are so
to excite comment, lint the
mania has grown until
everything under the sun can be
twisted by shrewd lawyers into a
cause for an action for damages baa
been brought into play, so that
new heretofore unheard of
for actions, for damages are
constantly brought forward.
noted recently that a fellow
sued Durham water
d images for dive ling lbs
water of use of the
company so that, as he alleged, not
enough water was left to run his
be damages. In
Superior Court lust week
f r damages against the
u water works company
Was lit. I. was brought
I by a Mi-. who alleged
that the water company failed to
I keep on baud a sufficient
of to produce a certain
of pressure, so that when
her property took fire toe pressure
was not to a
of water to extinguish
the lire.
damages from Ike company for
negligence or to comply
with I heir contrail with the city,
mid I lie jury awarded her
the lull asked.
We not passing on the merit
of There are
which corporations should
be for negligence, lint
every common sense and unbiased
who has observed these
know that many of
are limply attempt to take ml
vantage prejudices of the
people lo ex I oil money the
There is
in Landmark.
William twice
of and two years
past chairman of the State Hoard
has resigned and retired
from polities.
well appreciated. It can in a
sense kill make alive.
There are over Democratic of the second and of
newspapers in year, provided the
We do know number for current year be pall
It may reach Let these j They may be used
unite heartily To reduce Premiums,
for any cause, for redress of a, To Increase the
wrong, rm any measure of relief, as To Make Policy
as is proposed suffrage amend j during the Lifetime
and lb-y can do more Insured
reach the mind and arouse the in-
and stir up a patriotic ardor,
than any instrumentality.
Public speaking is very
because there is particularly
power in the human
and deep emotion, and because
many voters who do not read can j
bear the fads and arguments I
anted In a forcible and clear way.
But the press is mighty and has
great interests at stake a most
important duty to perform. It,
must be very urgent latent
from now until the victory is won
for good government, it must
and defend,
soothing sound of Mela's harp lull ,
it- hundred eyes to It
will do its duty. II will Bagging and Ties
persuade, advise. It will stand
sentinels upon the very watch oil n
and will Watch the,
. , goods kept an
at every turn whether be i- .
, , prod
light or resort to old. A trial will e.
tactics a campaign of
lies, slanders. Misrepresentations
and deceptions. Tue enemy is
wily, cunning, full
pan for wrong, and aided by
the 1110-1 artful of leaders
Two New to Be Elected
There are two new to be
tilled by the people this year. The
last Legislature enacted a law pro
for Ilia election of
of Agriculture and railroad
commissioners. They will be
If so. tiling tin m to me.
irate, i
wife of Judge John
Gray of died
mated by the hi ale ti.
. , . . ,, Judge bas many
and elected August. office ,,.; , , ., . .
. ,. ,. fronds Pitt who with
of the Commissioner of Agriculture .,,. ,, .
, .,. . him bis bereavement,
salary a year.
commissioner has Isaac
gels a year, will
at a of WOO. This Mm building.
is one of most desirable ,, , . ,
Oil the State and there i k
will no doubt be plenty of assault Mrs. C. L.
rants the Democratic State con-1 Weeks, a white woman, Will Hurts
Courier. was lynched at Mills, S. U
u ii
a r.
a w
I , Sow
lie. a BOOK
v Rook In
HI lib
, j,
I I I.
in I hi . . . ,
i -11.
,. I
Alt II
ill. I
. lit,. I
I. .
n Ml j I I V.,. I. N Oil
. a Cow. Hub or
. I o
O I Tb
l r
I- the
I A I.
1.111 u ant by mall
I Ml
Spent . in.
to m
Special Price
. . . , I.
It. r ;, an his u t -i
Mi- i. 1-
i- hi abut. Mr- Mar
Mi-.- Margie i- i
In Hi Mi-. i-
Mr.-. at
Good Suits
If there MARK
in the margin of tins paper
so to remind yon that you owe
subscription and we request
you to as early as pan-
We need YOU
owe us and you will not
keep us waiting for it.
Tins notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Basil and at
Book Store.
good. Mullet
cents a pairs M.
Choice New Crop to be
closed out at Wets
You can get Copy Books for
at Book Store.
i- and I.,
this morning for Hal-
h to attend Supreme Court.
; of Baltimore, has
been spending a tern days here ii
sister. Mrs. A.
and looking litter bis
Joseph Bawls left Ibis morning
for a trip up the road.
Miss Bertie Tyson left this morn-
to visit in Baltimore.
A. Bishop
came in Monday evening
laud, is visiting Miss Bertha Pal
Miss Mary James returned
day evening from a visit lo Wish
i. morning for
advertising is the life of Clinton, where Mrs. lute i.- ill
tor the who does not ad-
long compete Stewart returned Monday
the mail will Advertising , evening from a to relatives
a continues it. en-
larges it and it. I
alert business thinks dis- I
Mr. J. calls
loan error by our
lent in say ill f that bis
Tanked Hall bad
bees rented Car this season. He
says it has not been rented yet. but
is for rent.
The Lite Competition
I f competition be t be I
i . .
I. -i ab
I i. I it
o i e.
II. White and till e,
i were in town Monday
you wait.
We work.
Will keep yon wailing much
Hi I. ;
Bail id tin . i
and ii lief i
for a few
with aid.
Other Town
surging ahead in
c. Joyner. of Baltimore, who
us day- here.
Miss Mamie m
who bas he. ii visiting Mi
lied home today.
are surging ahead in the
industrial progress. A knit-
ling factory, with a capacity of
dozen pain of hose per day, to A. White.
give employment to over
is under to be
Mrs. I Mi-
Annie Noell Warsaw, arrived
evening to visit Mrs. II.
We are adding lo our stock of
school books Book
On the Senate
ad the appointment of J. J. Per-
biases at
New line Spring Samples for
Suits. Fit
Snowing and stars at the
Kline time was spectacle wit-
early Saturday
Wat goes along wit
the We are now send-
papers to Hawaii Puerto
Mr. J. J. Perkins bas been
Mr. B. King whose term bas
by the first of duly, ii i-
it v. ill be the largest knit
ling factory In the
Dr. M. Move, of who
i very prominent cir-
down Monday evening
to visit I.
in conferring the Boy a I Arch
Agent J- B.
-d iv evening
Moore returned
from Baltimore
The other day two run away
from Washington, taking the I Miss Harris wen to
steamer father-den Tuesday evening to vi.-it
of one of the telephoned Chief friends.
I I go J
Free and Dixie t
the bill.
Bryant, from mi
In to . in inform
hi- ii Sends he in
pared In them any kind
either to or Win
age ii also that of any
and all men parsing
through this place.
i; ii and , I I bat
pair f cart wheels before the
pair is sold so you can gel back
band and saddle free. Have
just added three hands I
tonne in order to the
orders coming in. I have an
old i hi re
pans. w lo
or if you sec lit to replace with a
new . . ii will suit that much
lien r. M
Mb Mary .
of year- of a . died b
M n I morning. She lived with
ii- r Me-. Ab i
. Appropriate set
were conducted a the church
Tuesday o'clock by
and large crowd at-
tended be n In lo t lie grave a I
the old
i riling
. ;
Ha-, in; i. . ,
I I hat
i i not i to
but In- who acre
as well.
I be to
can a photograph
sell or so dead r of said
I .
of each ill lie
the of i
I shall be glad to hear i
el v. to . lea . f i;. .
.- .
. i
the re
.--. . .
. ;,
is Complete
At prices that will suit you.
. y- .
i . .
To See Us.
; .
. Is
At store,
Points, where we have
; a new and fresh
of James to look for them.
The Officer met the boat at the
wharf and took hand.
They were a frightened pair
and agreed to return the
steamer if allowed to do so. And
back they went.
After March Term.
County Commissioner O W.
Harrington, who is on the
to have the necessary repairs
The Book Store has i lo bridge across
been appointed in of the de-
for furnishing school
books. We have just received a
large shipment of as are
used the public and private
schools of this county, are
ready to till orders. you
want anything the way of books
school supplies come to the
Book Store.
Not a Cat.
The town shows a great improve
in deportment the past
devilment seem
for the time being to have
moved beyond the corporate limits.
Mayor had court at all
this morning, and never bad a
to report for the previous week.
in it In Kinston.
St. Episcopal church
building, Kinston, was destroy-
ed by lire Sunday morning. The
lire caught from the stove line
through the ceiling while the nun n
service was in progress. Most
of the furniture was saved but
building, a frame structure, was
burned to the ground. There was
sonic insurance, but nothing to
compare with the loss.
Tar liver, tells
the bridge will not be lorn up
for until after March court.
The will then have the
work ready to push so as to have it
completed before April court be-
gins. This is a good arrangement
and will give people less
by lining the bridge
while one of the courts h in
i think that business men
ally do not pay enough attention
to holding the customers they
have already secured. Their en
are devoted to getting new
people into the store all the time,
and when that is accomplished
they consider
foil Well ended. is just as
lo advertise to a customer
lb it la to a prospective customer.
As is in life insurance, SO ill
business generally. are
a great drain on
ware Reporter.
How to Start n
When wise merchant has
stocked his stoic he s not lake
it for granted that I hereafter be
Mrs. J. II. of Kin-Ion.
to vi-it Mrs.
Mrs. this
looming for lo see her sis
Mrs. W. M. Bus.-, who i- very
Miss Battle Boas, of
who has been visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Henrietta
ed borne today.
MiSS Flossie ibis
morning for New Haven. Conn.
She expect.-to spend some mouths
v. relative in North.
At Mas.-., William
g local print
rand publisher, killed
Five handled miners
Coal ; Coke
mines, Tenn.,
yesterday for an increase of III per
Happenings In North Carolina
Fire ill Southern Fines Sunday
night destroyed a hotel, bank,
opera house and The
loss was
It. I. county
dent of eel neat ion in Mecklenburg,
baa announced be will be it
candidate for the nomination I
State Superintendent of u
re the Slate
closed a two
week- meeting in
There were three
conversions Ibo closing nervier-,
Hon. C. B. opened
Stale campaign lilt u great p
at Charlotte,
live eases of email pox ills
covered among the inmates of
county e .
Jo Patrick an I J.
Monday K
Miss Julia
home Thursday via fro
where she bu
W. returned to Sea Bern
Monday after a few days in
returned lo Kin
ton Friday
Services at Disciple church
next Sunday pastor, Mr.
Harper. All arc invited to
Mis; Laura of New
lie-ill, returned Monday.
Dr. and J. B.
went to Sunday.
W. J. Kilt cell Went to Kin
lid Smith
Thursday night it
II colored.
Matthew Harvey,
of . of this
I .-. died . lie III a
stroke of day,
while coming Iron
which was the cause of hi- death.
Co. Inf.
II X. ;. w
. Emil.
It's fill i .
of i in i d life are t
i-. .
ii a ; in the
place a
. . .
grip dot
m his i .
i Heavy and Fancy Groceries,
ii .
. . . .
. ii.
, .;. love I.
, ., . i duet
Country Produce,
either in cask or in barter.
of Meats. Flour.
Caused flood,
i -.-.
Fruits, iii fact everything
in up lo date
pay highest market
i. kind- of
I he-
r lei
learn is lo I I .
. I
When lb . . ., talk p ;. .
I I lame i for I j-
i .
. ; he i . .
lot i
ii m i- in. core in it.
N ii v
it in lit . .
tub ii b . ,.,.
every i
Tin ems i
kin .
I Hog kit In
i .
b i .
ii--.- who in s i
i Ho g
i., tali .
light, l. ; ,. . ;
ill- dark.
i milder on I
I .
gait m
on the .
It's it lo in i
r i.- never low -pit.;
sell or when you
lob to see us.
I who i or us with their
promise entire sat-
at Five s
. v, eek a good deal
in i.- about
. i of
that were being landed
in I. the
ten of tile lunate
I .
-ii ; . rains
Nil. Maude i
takes ii i . lull
H ., . . It .
i of ward heel r. it . , .
that mutter, is prison
It's the fast inn wit
nil g. . killed
b. a train near Durham, He win
Walking mi the
j Durham
i titling against other as.
The million dollar for West n small
has been Incorporated.
Light prisoners escaped from
jail Will, is I. mi
contrary, u,,,,,,,.,,, ,,, bold up At
will have nothing lo do but sell All bill one Were captured.
and restock.
knows hi
for t
The i-
d to have
The Stale the
I VI v. I
Wt,., .,;. ;
s. ,.
moved I do so by. . ,,,,,,,,
II II ,, .
ha.- for sale-what
I rack.
Tenn., Jim Tuft, of Clo-
the people to purchase. ,.,,,,,, of O., appointed
Then and not till then, does Culling will, a Is de
able kill fr ,,
. , .
i II,
i . lace mil .
the . .
, . i,
his season for i
lb- thin unmet
In natural i . . . I
steel, jet
one of the
I in pit
vi i lint j ire .
purl of
. i,
i it
l . -en II I'll I
I nil i i i,
j i f
; , in is .
. i
all of which
and us
through here
going to a Northern hospital.
i In j were In of an
night, between Atlanta
i of them opened
the win low of bi berth in the
sleeping cur and jumped out. He
mis el for .-nine lime and
up to late hour last night had not
. . . la-en heard from. The train was
rate of or
.-. ; id mile nu hour most of the way. so
for. ill man is dead.
. , who passed through bore
in n cheerful condition. It
I by the
lei that such oases of mad-
when taken to a
climate. The heat of the
drive-weak men
to slop crazy. Observer.
and if . . line In
, paying i.
I . . -nil II
. . ., i ,
11- . . I in .
lib , ,
,. r
in pie 1.1
;, . en
Tl i
In . . . ,
range, cut inn
II v
J . t
up to
She hid
lien or
t th rem-
I the
rm can come from
. . relieve com-
. . ID
i J I .-
IF. The u
, t ,
. .
. , ,,,
, ,
the way
from a unit
card a
The Reflector.

. c
The Reflector
Book Store
i being Almighty
j w-
The following is amendment persons who shall have
article G of the Slate confessed their
I lion, adopted by the As indictment pending, and
mi submit
tad to the voters for ratification
August i t mi .- v crime fur
persons shall I disqualified for TO AND
office First, all persons shall j; ASP ATLANTIC COAST
or not.
judgment T
or felony, or any crime
1- That article V the the may In-
of Carolina be the penitentiary.
the same is hereby abrogated becoming citizens of the
in lien thereof shall l-e or corruption and
the following article of said act ice in office, unless such
shall be restored to the
rights of citizenship in a
prescribed by law.
Sec. . This act shall force
from and after its ratification.
Section i. Every
in th; States,
every male person who has
naturalized, twenty one years
age. possessing the
set out this article, shall
to vote at election
people the State, except
las herein otherwise
I Sec. lie shall have resided in
the State f North Carolina for two
years, in the comity months,
and the precinct, warn or other
election district in which he offers
to vote, four months next
the election ; Provided. That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other district
in th
Dazing I lire which the
Hotel, at O., to
the extent of
Le Chain, a descend
ed from a high on a rope
made of
they keep the
stem in perfect order are .
an absolute cure
r sick headache. ;. --lion.
torpid liver, c
t and all bilious diseases.
Liver Pi Us
S. M. Schultz,
pounds Candy,
M barrels Apples.
Sweet Florida Oranges
Coca Nuts,
pounds Mixed Nuts,
. K VIS-
L I . AT
am r r
n w s
It t M
i. fl
. . J
T a m
r .
Episcopal Sunday school
a. m.
service and every
morning and evening. Ev-
M., and Litany Friday at A
M. Rev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
morning and evening. Pray-
in is Thursday evening. Rev.
J Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D. Rountree,
Si St
Lt Goldsboro
Seeded Raisins, Currants. Citron, Ar M
Figs, Dates,
Lt Mont
in the
of T. Bruce Harry
named therein
to pub
i the-in
day lac
land ad .- inc buds
county, shall not ope- .-,.
every Sun-
pm morning and evening. Prayer
is meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M.
a M a a p. m. W F. en-
i-j. s n n i. Rev.
S e II ,
Dolls, w v r i i.
Come to see me.
saw m.
give us a call.
elector M
Full Sheet Poster.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year and con
news every week,
and information to
th grow-
tobacco, that, is worth
many times more than the
subscription price.
rate to deprive person of the
to the precinct, ward
or oilier election district from
which he has removed, until tour
mouth.- after such removal. No
who has been convicted, or
who has confessed his
court of any crime
I the punishment of which K or may
hereafter imprisonment the
Mate prison, shall permitted to
vote, unless the said person shall
restored to ii
the manner prescribed law.
Sec. . Every person
vote shall be at the time legally
registered voter as herein
ed and manner
provided by law, and the General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
into effect the provisions of
Ibis article.
Every person
himself for registration shall be
able to read and write any section
of the constitution in the English
I language; and, before he shall i-
entitled to vote, have paid on or
before the March of the
year in which be proposes to vote,
his poll tax as prescribed by law,
for the previous year. Poll taxes
shall be a lien on assessed
property, and no process Shall issue
to enforce collection of the same
except against properly.
Bee. 5- No male person who was.
January WOT, or at anytime
prior thereto, entitled to vote
the laws of any State in the
States wherein he then re-
sided, no lineal of
. such person, shall denied
the to register and vote at
any election this State person
of his failure to possess the
qualifications prescribed in
action i this a i Provided,
lie shall have registered in accord-
with the terms of this sec-ion
prior to December l.
General Assembly shall provide for
a permanent record all persons I
William-and others containing
tens aw or ha.
a the ha W-1
I- to Elia.- an I Julia
sad m a in Book i
situate In
the lauds of Silas
W. and
more or lea
Barry Book V
known as the Council
I.,. i, , in township, adjoining
tie of V. M. John
other., one
. and in a deed
to Harry l
One Had in
. one or
One tract land,
units of
The tracts, alto-
acres more or leas, sad known
as . the
Junes land and the land
offered as follows.
all limber or inches la
when cat, within period ten
on all
o timber of.
laNd separately.
The i three tracts ill K-
as a whole, timber and land, with
the most money. There is one nil-
of OS
Direct Line to all Points.
OS p m,
leaves p m, arrives an-
ford m. leaves
p m. p leave
S pm, Wilmington
p m
a m, a m,
D in. Hope Mills a
rive Returning leaves
p m, Hope Mills p c
Springs p m. H p r.
Fayetteville with St
at with the Carolina
at Bed Springs with the
Air and
at Gulf with, the Durham and
Tram on In. Seek MS
at .
pm. ; Una.
at It is am. am.
S m J SO p m. s
m p m.
and p m.
Train learn Tarboro except
M p m. pm. arrive
pm. leaves
. . .-r ,
J. pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. K.
W. M. J. M. Sec
I. O. O.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
K. G. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
B. M. C. C; T. M Hooker.
K. of B. andS.
B. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, B. M. B.
Lang, Sec.
Jr. O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at O.
pin. pm. leaves . d
t. hall. J. B-
lion and halt
these traits.
One adjoining S. J.
E. A- Fleming,
Carolina township, known as the
Sam laud, acres
more or timber
One tract knows the
In township,
Creek, adjoining
J . It. and others
containing 1791 or
ii- J A
Trustee, to Skinner la
adjoining the
Into John Filming. Jordan Daniel and
in the the where
U was
Hi acres.
One tract of laud situate in
township beginning two large pine
runs Weal H to a then
West ; pules to the road then up said
North M West poles to another
load of the dwelling house the
and runs with
road v K. v-m
line then with Ida
line to lbs containing seres.
in Obi of land in
ii the lands of A. Me
Johnson, Um
acres lolly
Cuba and
,, on N on all through and L
Ins Cars on all Night Trains; Fast
an I
Apply to Ticket Agents Time
Tables, Bates and General
or address,
B. I. T. P. A.,
Charlotte X. O.
Asheville, N. C.
No trouble to answer
W. A. lark
D. C.
am. arrive, am. am.
Train on Midland N C
Sunday. a m,
m. leaves
a a m.
Train on tear
at am ft p w.
m o. r, ,. ,,. . Hops It Si; am
a . arrive at
Mount II a m. p m.
Train on Clinton lot
Clinton dally, except Sunday. a m s
at am
Train Wei
all points all via Rich
J. B. KENLY, Manager.
T. M. Traffic Manager.
A. O. Council,
No. meets first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. B. Gardner
Chief; L. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith
ins deed from Jens
who register under this section , n page and a o
, before November I.
such persons shall be entitled
In vote at all elections
by the people In this Hate, unless
disqualified under of this
Provided, such persons
shall have paid their poll tax
by law.
Bee. ah elections by
shall be ballot, and all
elect ions by the General Assembly
shall be viva
Pee Every voter North
Carolina, except as in this article
disqualified, be eligible to of-
but before entering upon the
of the office he shall lake
subscribe the following
I will support and
maintain the constitution and laws I beginning.
b ; M R
H One tract situate in
the lands of Hardy Johnson
Jr and others containing
i acres more or lean,
Described Is Dot A
l- One of land IS
township, adjoining lauds of the late
Mi J. A. T
Wiley and others,
and seres
more or
IS in West
I at the N. W.
cruel of and Ward steeds,
feet to the hue
of I a with the line of lot
to tbs corner or lot No
1421 to Ward street east with
Ward feel the
, No. In West Greenville
.- the B.
and Jarvis struts,
vis street feet to the
line l 1.1 N., IS, thence with line Of
l- No I ., mid HI. then the line or
No IS n 1421 St
weal feel to
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every Xe
and prices as low as the
Highest market prices
aid for country produce.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. II, for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily
M. for Washington.
Steamer Edgecombe leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A-. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C
Also a nice
I can now be found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. B.
Notice In
Book -Hot. I
E S.
Johnston's Sarsaparilla
of United Slates, and the con-
and laws of North
not inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
duties of my office as
So help me,
Sec. The following class- of
lot in the town of Greenville on
corner of front and and
described la attend from J W J
Hurry Skinner in Book 1.1
The onus of sale are cash, hut
pay one for
Th. On. Day Cold Our.
Cold in and
a Chocolates As
lake candy. cry lot them.
too or
tn a
Nature. In her to correct mistaken. have come
m pimples,
warning more serious troubles
or pulmonary
III I.- CO, Ta.-a s-
It may be from
other imperfect ion on the
a .
la heed the warning correct me
Many a painful and
because of and the Wool k
are to
et heed tho warning and c
a lingering, painful
simply notes of
pure by a right use of JOHNSTON'S
P Marshall, Mich
I was cured a bad humor after with It for fire years. .
doctor, and my said It was salt It out on my head as.
then on my whole body. I was perfectly raw with
offered during those Be. year. I. no use telling. Nobody would
I did. I was k. I
to buy a I heard JOHNSTON S
praised. I a bottle of I began to improve right sway, and when I
finished the third bottle I was completely cured. a
I nets got any thing to do me the least good till I tried
I would heartily advise all who are
or akin of any kind to try t at once. I
trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON S
The la your If you keep It pure and strong
M fearlessly.
It is for sale by all druggists, In full quart bottle, at only one
Sensible Chat
is accurate. They recently held
j found it to be a fact that the raw
Agricultural materials which the manufacturer at the foil-win-
has to buy have a from other resolutions
proportionately as the price
will always find a ready
market-but only that farmer
district u bin I the
While we arc known to op
th I embodies , amend
the results of Mr.
This son,
BOCK has are
2.50 the of
MEAL, 5.50; materials for ingredients out
6.50; gilt- which to in- These
of Ammonia. in price as
Blood, other of
and Observer. Ms, nested the facto-
time, in this other e State to
States, the farmers have been pro-
testing that a his put up
duly price of fertilizers, and
some counties active steps have
been taken to organize to light
its prices fertilizer
to enable
depart to answer the Inquiries
which come to it as to where and
advance prices. With a view
. arc to lie had.
Mat, in view of its race
discrimination, as shown in the
yet we advise
that we. at B race so our-
out of it as to excite no animus
bitter prejudices, which
would redound
We must seek to allay feelings
passions avoid reckless Statements
which can result BO good and mi
exercising the franchise which is
still guaranteed to us so exercise it
so as lo worthy of
its being perpetuated to us.
Character building is a great 88-
We must
TO u i i
We are still the race after patronage
We you Hie selected line of
General Merchandise
t facts in In fix the of the character of
the Agricultural department about
fair and reasonable values on If this-
three weeks ago I we neglect the moat important and
Slate to prices by ten Mend duly now enjoined upon us.
gate as to in the price I together with the prices character no attain to j
of fertilizers of the raw quoted one year ago, and the ad-. the heights which have made
rials from which fertilizers are and not worthy,
made. Numerous letters over those la January, 1899, If this spirit be
bees both front fertilizer beloW- The quotations the hearts and minds all the
manufacturers from brokers based for
the raw materials, and these have
been compared with the statements
to be found In any store in County. Well bought
selections, creations of of America
and Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It Is our pleasure lo show what you t-.
sell you if can. We ofTer you I lie service, polite
and the most liberal term, with ti well
established business up strictly mi own merits.
hen you come to market you ill not do yourself justice
you do ml see our immense stock before buying elsewhere
and the following lines of general merchandise.
of trade journals and the
prices of a year ago. Mr.
has the work with much care
patience, he and Commie-
n North Carolina there
lots of live or less, free on I lie prosperity and peace
board the Ban at the factories. j among them.
quoted prices of Fertilizer
materials by fertilizer factories for They Say
last year and this year arc as fol-
Hal. mid Cups. Silks Satins, Hits-Trimmings
Jackets Capes, Carpets, Mailings Oil Cloths.
When a woman really cries she
The men ought to gel up n
Dry Goods and Notions,
Men's, Women's and Children's
Harness. Horse Blankets and Dusters.
As.; Phosphate, per
per cent
of Potash, per cent
Sulphate of Potash, per
Cotton Seed Meal, per
Dried Blood, per cent
9-10 per cent
Scrap, per
Nitrate of Soda, lit per
Sulphate of Ammonia, per rent
. . . ,. ,. . ,,,,,, i whether he really is to or
prices show advances on liable quotations of wholesale deal- .
n . r , . , until it is late,
all materials entering into en in raw March . ,, .
i a minister t always
lake it sign of approval when
pants Short.
No man gets good treatment from
I bis wife be almost breaks
her heart out once every three i
When a girl thinks a man looks
like he wants lo kiss her she
j up her eyes so she can't see
Molasses, Scud l
MM, April, has made with
The question is, have the those for January,
manufacturers of fertilizers ad- for January February,
prices beyond what is were not accessible,
j list by the increase in price quoted prices of fertilizer
raw products To get idea of Materials by broker and wholesale
this a comparison of the most re- dealers arc as
he aces
s of his
Phosphate rock at mine
Cotton Heed Meal
Dried per
Fish Scrap
Nitrate of Soda, per
Sulphate of Ammonia, per cent
These prices also show advances, all comes from Germany in what is
rather more, fact, those j known salts, as
the same materials as shown in the of potash, sulphate of
In- Per
crease In-
Per Ton
I 3.80
I ain't in-
i want a
It's bum too wet
I'll- mm than
ever to
Until I nail my titles lo in
I want the worry on the
to the what for.
Flour, toll
Plows. Castings Plow Fixtures. Nails
. affairs last
week in which plead for
i, ; i hi Croat
I schools. u the course .
refreshing way the evidences I hat
this i- a posterity of the
R under t .--v
bile i- pr i.
the blood of
. Bi child I i
j i lie bite child
i- ii ii In A , mi. ii.,.
veins . ii, .
The . . arc
lie fore I lie war
near r in i
i in which
eyes were i. be seen which
were no where
This while ii ins
s of the Indian had
and other ts
claimed white
mothers mid come from
I driven across ,
river I., bail Indian . They bore
a feeling for
said sprung from
I while people . i- mid talk from
a of
names of the I IT people of th
and while are to be found
; in this .
Mr. Bell set hardly t., en-
; u that these ins
arc descendant-
Dare and r lo
are ex-
plain away these -j. mild reasons
. for in ii. ii .;
raise them who has studied
the great secret how to ob-
both quality and quantity
by tho judicious use of well-
balanced fertilizers. No
for Vegetables can produce
a large yield unless it contains
at least Send for
our books, which furnish full
information. We send them
free of charge.
St, New York.
Headquarters for Furniture everything Hue.
buy for Cash, bill sell for or on Approver
Our motto is Honesty, Square Healing.
fertilizer factories.
It might lie well to state that
there are three of material
potash. The prices of have
not increased tor this season's sup-
ply, as contracts are made a year
entering into Those for these materials, though
furnishing phosphoric freights have advanced con-
Those supplying I and if they bad lo be
Those more
phosphate Is the main The supply of ammonia
of approximately
half of the acid phosphate is
rock w i- in South
Carolina, Florida,
The of this has
about per Ion at the mines.
The other half of acid phosphate
comes from sulphuric acid. The
from seed meal, is
product of oil mills;
dried blond and which are
of the slaughter pack
establishments of the north
west; scrap, which from
and packing establishments,
nitrate of soda, which is mine.
materials used in making South America; sulphate
acid, pyrites, ammonia, the supply of which
have also advanced. comes from both this for
The supply of potash practically countries.
Has lost ninny a dollar for business men. If a man is
judged by coat he wears, he is judged by the
letterhead he use. An artistic, nicely printed letter-
head may be looked on as a good
The Reflector Office.
. in
lit lake I In
In me I
I've give It out hi to p r
.-t Can't inn a citizen ain't
lo run I
In Each.
The average pugilist is sluggish
in bis movements.
Is a lucky musician who can
play the horn of plenty.
s a wise woman who never
trusts her letters In the male.
The fellow who boasts that he
baa money to burn isn't always a
warm proposition.
It's thing in world
a has man who hits never made
any to call a rich man a
heap notoriety sometimes costs
a lot.
culture never makes a
girl strong-minded.
I he musician and the chronic
lower are both men of note.
No. dear, incubator
bears no resemblance to a hatcher.
Few can drive a tack, but
in- -l e in nail n lie.
Some men
Hint they can only entertain
idea a lime.
it maybe more blessed to
limn to receive, but you save u lot
loft- doing neither.
When there is mi epidemic o
. in u jail the prisoners
he blamed for breaking out.
Maude, dear, the old clothes
doesn't sing in rag lime.
How- i mis
We oiler One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Catarrh
be cured by Hall's
J. Co. Props.
Toledo, O.
.-undersigned, have known
I . for the last
their taxes; lo keep . him
of the court i; to cease . i i ruble all business
on in public places, i and able lo carry
land to prepare well to do the work obligations made by their
i T i- Hie
i lie If this
has been doubted heretofore, can
no lunger lie doubled h, those who
report i he
conference held ye.- b rd ;.; s
I.-.- The ere
land I hey were ad vise. I ;., lay
too much upon the
of their
white people are their
on ore. if
. i
.; i . place
. i . white I .
III i low nil
; t ice lax
which the cm
re will
what you
it will be
nil Unit I'm
Is night,
day I
ft n ., chilled
before buying.
received n
Single Double horse.
e also early ti I
Call see
dent mil
cease l. I -i. in
ever lo solve.- I -i
j wholesale
to tin Stairs.
A physician who declares
Headquarters Per
but people know bow to
walk up stairs properly, gives these
Usually a person
w tread on the ball but loot in
taking each step. This is very
tiresome and wearing on the
as throws entire .
pended weight of the body on the
muscles of the legs and feet. In,
walking upstairs your feet
lie placed down on the,
step, heel and all, and then the PaintS, Pumps. Nails Si
work should be performed slowly
and deliberately. In this way
there is no strain upon any
muscle, but each one is doing
its duly in a natural manner.
man who goes up stairs with a
spring you may lie sine is no
or, at least, his reasoning
has um been directed lo sub-
Help out ti town and by
i. yourself. Spend your
money home so far n . are
able. coin-
in.-ii . .- bill it i . las
i . I be in it
semi is gone of
lion a-, fur as yon ale
but Mm here is sure to I
help in I
will help you s or late.
Help j
Plow Gear,
Toll dO, O.
I wholesale Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
i acting directly upon the
nail mucous surfaces of the
per bottle.
Hall's arc the.
Ml xi
No. n,
. a. R,
p thin .
And bill mil . i
your home paper, u hit h aids
ii- an In i one i In
he II. .
reel . u-s in II
i for -n-
The other day a man naked a con-
him on with his
While the obliging
I his
i . i. rill Hie pas i u
I gel. i
Dr. n.

Eastern reflector, 23 February 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 23, 1900
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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